By : Muhammad Apriliansyah

Thesis Advisor : Rifka Pratama

English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University

Jl. Profesor Soedharto, Tembalang 50269 Semarang, Jawa Tengah


America is known as the Immigrant country, because most Americans are immigrants. They come from various countries with various cultures and differences. Sometimes these differences lead to conflicts. That conflict raises a wide range of and . This issue became the reason why the writer makes this thesis. This thesis aims to analyze the discriminations and prejudices toward Moslem in the film Mooz-Lum using sociological approach to analyzes the intrinsict and extrinsict aspects in the movie. Moreover, the writer use the cinematography theory to analyze the intrinsict aspects because this thesis using movie as the medium of material study. The writer uses the theory of discrimination and prejudices to analyze the extrinsict aspects in the movie. The writer found that according to the movie, the Moslem in America experience various types of discrimination and prejudices especially after the 9/11 attacks. Where these discriminations and prejudices have an effect on their lives.

Keyword: Moslem, America, Moslem in America, Discrimination, Prejudice

1 A. Background of the Study discrimination. Allport stated on his

Mooz-lum is a movie book The Nature of Prejudice, that produced and directed in 2011 by “prejudice can be defined using a

Qasim “Q” Basir. This movie is a unipolar (negative) component, as in controversial one because it shows “thinking ill of others without some sensitive issues regarding the sufficient warrant,” or incorporating

American moslem’s life aftermath a bipolar (negative and positive)

9/11 tragedy. The movie is component, as in “a feeling, categorized as a drama movie. It favorable or unfavorable, toward a comes with a story of struggling, person or thing, prior to, or not based believing, sadness and hope that mix- on actual experience” (1979:6) up with beautiful scenes that contain a lot of meaning about what happen B. Purpose of the Study to Moslem in America. 1. To analyze the intrinsict and extrinsict aspects on the movie The meaningful story of this “Mooz-lum” movie encourages the writer to 2. To describe the discrimination and prejudice toward moslem on choose this movie as the object of the this movie study and also because the writer 3. To explain the discrimination and intends to tell people about prejudice toward moslem in America after the 9/11 attack misjudgement and misinterpretation towards Moslem. In doing the research the writer use the theory of prejudice and theory of

2 C. Method of the Study lives. There are several evidences that will prove the prejudice and In this thesis, the writer uses two discrimination toward moslem are approaches to analyze the intrinsic real. Verbal harrasment, negative aspect and extrinsic aspect. The images, labelling, physical attacks, and antilocution throws to moslem sociological approach to analyze the when the fire of lit back as problem on the movie. The writer the 9/11 attack occurs. While before chooses sociological approach the 9/11 attack occurs the prejudice and discrimination toward moslem in because sociological approach is the America is already there, given the best suited method to analyze and facts that the main character recieve describe the problem on this movie some of them in his childhood. and also because this thesis will be E. The Prejudice and Discrimination Toward focus on sociological aspects. Other Moslem in America in Mooz- approach used on the thesis are the lum Movie prejudice and discrimination According to the theories of theories. discrimination by S.Dale

Mclemor, “Discrimination may

D. Finding of the Study occur because they get prejudice

From the movie, the writer finds first, but some people said that that, the Moslem in America discrimination may not occur experience various types of because the prejudice. discrimination and prejudices especially after the 9/11 attacks. Discrimination may not occur Where these discriminations and when prejudice is present, and it prejudices have an effect on their may occur when prejudice is

3 absent. In either case, a serious forming an opinion before becoming

objection is raised to the aware of te relevant facts of a case”

presumption that prejudice is the while this also prove as Antilocution

cause of discrimination.” ,one of five class of prejudice theory

(1983:127) by Allport, which someone or group

giving negative images to others. The movie represent it clearly While in Tariq’s college life, on of because on the first place Tariq his friends Hamza is being attacks become the target of discrimination by unknown people who does not while he receives a prejudice first seem to be happy about the tragedy because he is a moslem, just as the of 9/11. People on his college thinks statement above that discrimination that it is Moslem fault because the may occurs because they get terrorist are Moslem and they prejudice first. His friends thinks that generalized all Moslems are terrorist Moslem is terrorrist, it is a prejudice and begin to spread their hatred into that almost everyone in his class or revenge. The attacks on Hamza even on his society thinks about that. proves the theory of Allport which is In Tariq’s childhood there is a girl prejudice can lead to physical attack. who un-intentionally giving Allport divided prejudice into five prejudice toward Tariq because her classes which are: father says that moslem are dangerous. It prove the statement of 1. Discrimination : Someone or

Dovidio and Gaertner which they group discriminate to others stated “Prejudice is pre-judgment or

4 2. Avoidance : Someone or A Human-Induces Catastrophes group avoid others always set off a hunt for those who

responsible for devastation. The 3. Antilocution : Someone or victim of the catastrophe searching group gives negative images to for someone or scapegoating who others they think responsible for destruction 4. Physical Attack : Vandalism, and loss of life. destroyed property or someone Almost immmediately after the 5. Extermination : attacks on World Trade Center 11 Extermination of other groups September, the U.S government

F. Prejudice and Discrimination announce that the attackers were all

Toward Moslem In America Moslem from Arab nations and at After 9/11 Attack In Real Life that very moment the media spread On the movie there are some the words that the attacks were prejudice and acts of discrimination carried out all in the name of Islam, and here in the real life there are also leading the people to misjudges the many discrimination and prejudice conception of Jihad in Islam. That’s toward moslem in America after become Moslem vulnerable into 9/11. Lory Peek stated on his book being scapegoating based on their “Behind The Backlash Muslim religious affiliation. For 9/11 attack American” that 9/11 attack was a Moslem become the scapegoat of the Human-Induces Catastrophes, wich generalization thought just because are a disaster that caused by human. the terrorist are all Moslem.

5 Stereotype and Prejudice among the hatred toward moslem, if we want to talk fairly the victim of 9/11 attacks citizen of America toward Moslem have the right to hate the terrorist but rise high, just as Abram said that the some of them misjudged them and stereotype may be linked to a fear labeled all moslem are terrorist. Second, the media contributes to the that other groups may pose a threat. prejudice that lead to discrimination The citizen of America with the help toward moslem in America by using of media spread the prejudice among the misconception of Jihad in Islam and spread the news that 9/11 attacks others that all Moslem is behind the is all in the name of Islam. Third, 9/11 attack. there are no knowledge about What, Who or How the Islam and Moslem Also according to Lory Peek is, the absence of Islam lead other book, there are some factors that lead people to misjudge the belief. Last, the people into hate Moslem after the population of Moslem that 9/11 attacks the following: (1) an always growing in America can lead actual global increase in terrorist to a fear that they become a threat for violence perpetrated in the name of American people. Islam, (2) persistently negative Western media representations of the If we talks about discrimination Islamic faith and its followers, (3) a or prejudice we have to trace back to general lack of familiarity with the source of them and how they Moslems and Islamic beliefs among the American populace, and (4) the spread. On this context we already heightened visibility of the growing knows that the spreading is delivers Moslem population in the United by media and forwards from one to States. another just as Mclemore said on his The first factor become the mainly problem above others book that discrimination can be because it is the time bomb full of transmitted continuously from one

6 into another, from parents into their populace depicts very clear in the Mooz-lum movie as well as in real children, from families into groups, life. On the movie Tariq friend’s do and from groups into society. not have any knowledgment about Meanwhile, the source of prejudice what Islam is, so when the 9/11 attacks occurs they blaming Moslem and discrimination toward Moslem in for the cause. While in real life there fact comes from the Moslem it self. are no different when 9/11 attacks According to the 4 factors stated occurs the media spread the news and so the prejudice and above all of that are coming from the discrimination toward Moslem begin. Moslem itself or to be fairly someone or groups claim to be Moslem. Such stupidity like that lead others think that Islam teach all Moslem doing like that, well in fact it is not. To be fairly, other people except Moslem on this context must also have a sense of knowledgment before they judge something else or before they judge what Moslem are despite any individual who claim to be Moslem but not following the right teachings.

What must be underline is the factor number 3, a general lack of familiarity with Moslems and Islamic beliefs among the American

7 G. CONCLUSION and antilocution throw to moslem

Mooz-lum is a movie about the when the fire of hatred lit back as struggle of Tariq, a young man who the 9/11 attack occurs. The writer experiences prejudice and believe not all people hates Moslem discrimination, in his childhood. The so much they intend to kill them, but movie represent the prejudice and in fact there are also some people discrimination clearly. In this movie, who still do not understand Islam and the tragedy of 9/11 or the attack on made a conclusion by just looking it

World Trade Center becomes the on the surface. If we trace back the spark that lit the fire of hatred among main issue that makes people around people of America to Moslem on that the world think moslem are terrorist day or to be specific people on the is because many attacks and main character’s college. terrorisms are claims by a group that declare themself as Moslem but in There are several evidences that fact they are not the part of the core will prove the prejudice and Islamic teaching. Islam is a religion discrimination toward moslem are where violance are forbidden, so real. Verbal harrasment, negative terorrism is a contradictive act images, labelling, physical attacks, against Islamic teaching.


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