Student’s Name:

Parent Signature: (REQUIRED)

Confirmation - Year I 2020-2021 St. Mary of Vernon Parish Catholic Faith Homework Packet Due: February 7, 2021

Candidates complete and submit the packet to the PREP office before or by the above due. If a candidate scores less than 85% on their responses, the packet will be returned to the candidate. The parents will be notified by email and a new due date will be given at that time. Students are expected to make all the necessary corrections within that time period and return the corrected packet to the PREP office.

Parents are asked to review their teen’s answers and check that the packet is done neatly before submitting the packet to the PREP office. A parent signature is required in the designated space on the cover of the packet. Please note that unsigned packets will not be accepted by the PREP office.

The following resources will be of great assistance in completing the packet: • Finding God series by Loyola Press, the textbook being used in the PREP ministry. • The 6th grade textbook section, Prayers and Practices of Our Faith section in the back of the book, is especially helpful. • Break‐Through Catholic Youth Bible

Use ONLY a Catholic Bible to answer all Scripture questions in the packet.

Parish Sunday Bulletin Our parish Sunday Bulletin is helpful when answering questions pertaining to parish staff and ministries.

Internet Parents should be vigilant as to which websites their teens are accessing for their personal safety, as some material can be inappropriate for minor children.

PREP Homework Packet Study Hall Study Halls are offered by the PREP office to assist both Year I and Year II candidates in completing all assignments and requirements. Dates are yet to be determined. Parents will be notified via text message with the schedule.

STUDENTS MUST RSVP TO THE PREP OFFICE TO ATTEND A STUDY HALL SESSION WITHIN 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED DATE. THIS WILL ASSURE WE HAVE ADEQUATE ADULT SUPERVISION. Students need to bring the following items to the Study Hall: · Finding God Textbook(s) · Break‐Through Catholic Youth Bible · A healthy snack and drink

Parent Assistance during the Study Hall • Parent assistance is needed to offer the Study Halls option to our candidates. • Parish staff is required to adhere to the standards and guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese of Chicago through the Protecting God’s Children program. • This means that a minimum of two adults always need to be present. Parents are not required to assist the candidates in completing the assignments. • If we do not have adequate parental assistance scheduled for the Study Hall, it will be canceled. Parents should not simply drop off their teen to the Study Hall. Please come inside to make sure we are adequately staffed. If a volunteer fails to show up for the session, it too will be canceled. You will need to come back to the Parish Center to pick up your teen. The Church-The People of God Fill in the blanks below

1. The name of our parish: ______

2. Our ’s name is: ______

3. Who is our Pastoral Associate? ______

4. Name our : (Write Full Names)



5. Who serves as the Director of Religious Education? ______

6. Who serves as Youth Minister? ______

7. Who serves as the Director of Music? ______

8. What is the weekend schedule at our parish? ______

9. What day and time is the sacrament of Reconciliation regularly offered at our parish? ______

10. We live in what Archdiocese? ______

11. What is the name of our Cardinal? ______

12. What is the name of our Pope? ______

13. It is the official residence of the Pope and is the smallest country in the world? ______

14. Who was the first Pope? ______

15. What is the name of the official teaching office of the Church? ______

Catholic Signs & Symbols Use the words listed in the key to fill in the blanks below

Sanctuary Ambo Tabernacle Ashes Ambry

Lamp Book of the Gospels Baptismal Font Incense Presider’s Chair Sanctuary

1. The lectern from which the Word of God is proclaimed. ______

2. A safe, secure cabinet where the consecrated bread or is kept. The is reserved so it can be distributed to the sick and dying. ______


3. This is the large white symbol that is lit at the Easter Vigil. It is a symbol of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, who dispels the darkness of the world. ______

4. The cup used during Mass that holds the wine before the Consecration and the after the Consecration. It represents the cup used at the and is a symbol of Jesus’ sacrifice and eternal life. ______

5. The light that burns near the tabernacle to indicate the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. The light serves as a reminder that Christ, the light, is with us. ______

6. From burnt palms, this symbol reminds us of our sins and our need for God. ______

7. This is representative of Jesus’ dead body. ______

8. This cabinet holds the Holy Oils used when the sacraments are given. It is in the column by the Baptismal font at St. Mary of Vernon Parish. ______

9. This fragrant smoke rises when this is burned and is a symbol of prayers rising to God. ______

10. This is the central focal point in a church and a symbol of Christ. It is the place where the sacrifice of the is made present and truly encountered. It is also the table of the Lord to which the People of God are called to celebrate Mass. ______

11. A large pool of water used for Baptism. ______

12. What small side table holds the vessels used in Mass? ______

13. What do we call the chair set aside for the leader of our worship? ______

14. What do we call the area of the church that contains the altar, ambo, and presider’s chair? ______

15. What is the decorated book containing the readings about the life of Jesus? ______

Mary Use the words below to fill in the blanks

Joseph Sorrowful Assumption Nazareth in Galilee Ten Joyful Five Glorious

Anne Magnificat Gabriel Luminous Jesus Joachim Immaculate Conception

1. What is the name of Mary’s mother? ______

2. What is the name of Mary’s father? ______

3. What is the name of Mary’s husband and the stepfather of Jesus? ______

4. What is the name of the angel who announced to Mary that she was to be the Mother of Jesus? ______


5. What town was Mary from? ______

6. What is the name of Mary’s song of praise in Luke’s ? ______

7. Signifies Mary’s passing into eternal life? ______

8. This mystery of the rosary helps us to remember the sadness that Mary felt and pain that Jesus suffered to save us. ______

9. This mystery reminds us of the happy times that Jesus and Mary shared together? ______

10. Mary was conceived without original sin? ______

11. This mystery shows us the great things in the lives of Mary and Jesus because they followed God’s word? ______

12. How may beads are there in a decade of the rosary? ______

13. How many decades are there in the rosary? ______

14. This mystery helps us to see and understand the public life of Jesus? ______

15. Mary is the mother of? ______

Virtues Use the words listed in the key to fill in the blanks below

Justice Faith Prudence Charity Temperance Hope Fortitude

Theological Virtues:


Cardinal Virtues:


Gifts of the Holy Spirit Circle the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit list below

Eucharist Forgiveness Eternal Life Piety Counsel Hope

Fortitude Fear of the Lord Adoration Wisdom Understanding Knowledge


Holy Days of Obligation Circle the six Holy Days of Obligation in the United States

Ascension Immaculate Conception St. Patrick’s Day Assumption Easter All Saints Day

Ash Wednesday Mary, Mother of God Valentine’s Day Nativity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ

The Great Commandment Write the words of the Great Commandment below: ______



Prayer Use the words listed in the key to fill in the blanks below

Petition Thanksgiving Praise Intercession Blessing & Adoration

1. When we show love or adoration for God. ______

2. We ask God for something for ourselves. ______

3. When we offer prayers for others. ______

4. We thank God in prayer. ______

5. Prayer that praises God. ______

Sacraments Use the words listed in the key to fill in the blanks below.

Marriage Ritual Immersion in Water Laying on of Hands Holy Orders Baptism Sacramental Grace

Eucharist Confirmation Fire Consecrating with Oil Anointing of the Sick Reconciliation

1. Name the three sacraments of Initiation: a. ______b. ______c. ______

2. Name the two sacraments of Healing: a. ______b. ______

3. Name the two sacraments at the Service of : a. ______b. ______

4. This is the free and undeserved gift of God’s loving and active presence in our lives. ______


5. This is an established form of words and actions for a ceremony that is often repeated. ______

6. This special blessing with Chrism symbolizes our being chosen by God for a special role. ______

7. When this cleansing action takes place, it symbolizes the turning away from sin, dying and rising. ______

8. It symbolized receiving the Holy Spirit and being designated for “hands” on service. ______

9. Sacred signs (ex: or Crucifix) that bears some resemblance to the sacraments, but do not carry the Guarantee of God’s grace associated with the sacraments. ______

10. This burning symbol represents action, passion and transformation. ______

The Use the words listed in the key to fill in the blanks below.

Mardi Gras Arrival Pentecost Sunset on Thursday Christmas Ash Book of Acts Wednesday

Violet Time Red Good Friday Green Fifty

1. What is the liturgical color of ? ______

2. What is the name of the day before Lent begins? ______

3. What is the last day of the Easter season? ______

4. What special celebration do we prepare for during the Advent season? ______

5. What is the first day of our Lenten journey? ______

6. What does the word Advent mean? ______

7. What is the liturgical color for Pentecost? ______

8. On which day do we remember how Jesus died for us? ______

9. What season begins the fourth Sunday before Christmas? ______

10. What is the liturgical color for the season of Advent? ______

11. How many days do we celebrate Easter? ______

12. In which book of the Bible do we find the story of the Pentecost? ______

13. When does Lent end? ______

14. What is the longest season in the Church year? ______

15. What do we call the forty days during which we prepare for Easter? ______


Confirmation Use the words listed in the key to fill in the blanks below

Zucchetto Ring Dove Crosier Chrism Laying on of Hands

Miter Sponsor

1. The tall pointed headdress/hat that is worn by the Bishop during liturgical celebrations to symbolize his authority. ______

2. A symbol of the Holy Spirit. All four Gospels describe the Holy Spirit coming upon Jesus in this form. ______

3. A small, round, red-colored skull cap worn on the top of the head to show that the Lord is the Bishop’s inheritance. ______

4. This is a symbol of the Bishop’s authority and marriage to the diocese. ______

5. The Bishop wears this over his breast as a sign for his love of the Gospel and the Cross. ______

6. A shepherd’s staff: it shows the Bishop as the chief shepherd of his diocese. ______

7. He is the chief shepherd of a Diocese; he has a distinctive garb and insignia of office. ______

8. The physical sign of the sacrament is anointing with this perfumed oil consecrated by the bishop. ______

9. The essential rite of the sacrament is the anointing with oil and then it is followed up by this action. ______

10. This person formally presents you to the Bishop at Confirmation. ______

Scripture Use the “Breakthrough” Bible to answer the questions below.

1. What are the two major divisions of the Bible? ______

2. How many Historical Books are there in the ? ______

3. How many books of Wisdom are there in the Old Testament? ______

4. How many books of the Prophets are there in the Old Testament? ______

5. What is the total count of the books in the Old Testament? ______

6. Who was the first man and first woman? ______

7. We are created in the image and likeness of? ______

8. He built the Ark. ______


9. Who was Jacob’s brother? ______

10. He wore the “Coat of Many Colors.” ______

11. How many plagues came upon the Egyptians because their hearts were hard? ______

12. Name the Four Gospels: ______

13. How many Apostles were there? ______

14. What book in the New Testament is the story of the early Church? ______

15. Who is the first martyr of the Church? ______

16. How many total books are there in a Catholic Bible? ______

17. Who baptized Jesus? ______

18. What is the name of the apostle who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver? ______

19. Who was the governor at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus? ______

20. Which apostle denied Jesus three times? ______

Mass Use the words listed in the key to fill in the blanks below

Eucharist Assembly Mark Luke 1st Reading

Matthew 2nd Reading Profession of Faith Eucharistic Prayer Penitential Rite

Gospel 1st Sunday of Advent Communion Rite Prayers of the Faithful Gloria

Greeting Sign of Peace Amen Psalm Presentation of Gifts

1. This word comes from the Greek word meaning “thanksgiving.” ______

2. There are three cycles of readings taken from this book on Sundays. ______

3. This word means “Good News.” ______

4. The name of the group of people gathered as the Body of Christ. ______

5. This begins the liturgical year for the Church. ______

6. Which Gospel is proclaimed on Sundays in Cycle A? ______

7. This comes from one of the New Testament . ______


8. We say the word of the , which begins, “We believe in one God.” ______

9. Which Gospel is proclaimed on Sundays in Cycle B? ______

10. This is taken from the Old Testament, Acts, or Revelation. ______

11. Before we listen to the Word of God, we make a prayer to confess our sins and ask the Lord’s mercy. ______

12. After the Gospel reading, the or gives a teaching about the Scriptures and encouragement to the people to put God’s word into practice. ______

13. Which Gospel is proclaimed on Sundays in Cycle C? ______

14. The transformation of the bread and wine into Jesus’ Body and Blood. ______

15. This prayer of thanksgiving is the center and high point of the entire celebration of the Mass. ______

16. We pray for our needs and the needs of others. ______

17. We bring gifts of bread and wine to the altar. ______

18. We go in peace, glorifying the Lord in our lives. ______

19. Preparing to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. ______

20. We respond to God’s Word in song. ______

21. We affirm the words and actions of the Eucharistic Prayer. ______

22. We offer one another Christ’s peace. ______

23. We pray for forgiveness, mercy, and peace. ______

24. We praise God in song. ______

25. We pray the . The priest welcomes us. ______