VOL. XX.~ C INC INN A T I, SAT U R D A y~ AUG U S T 23; 1851. tNO.34.

CA'rn:OLIC INTELLIGENCE. shipping beneath. Hence, in Haly Scripture tian each anq all who. have barne a part in this and lazenge-shaped divisians af green, lilac, . Gad always speaks as if He were jealaus af "the gaad wark.. And as Jacab did nat fear then blue, and gald ; the clivi, ions enclasinO' flalV- . ENGLAND. places which He has chasen to. put His name and there at Beth-el to' enter into. solemn cam- ers. the sacred managram. &.c; · 'Phe" fin )!ORELAKE.--TIIE LAYING OF THE LIRS'r sTaNE aF there." This·was tlie belief af the Jew in farm- pact with God, so. may yau naw hencefarth ask madel af the Haly Sepulchre, \"lflich is gilt, 'rHE CHURCH aF S·E. MARY MAGDALEN. er cays: whellever there wf1.~ a pl'iest and an af Him what yau will, and He will grant it, if. with red sparingly intraduced, rests upan an Tnesday July 22, being the Feast af S. Mary to. be seen, thel:e wa:; Gad's House ;. and it seem gaad to. Him.. altar camposed af white marble. pannalled with. Magdalen, was fixed as the day an which his what was tpue then is no. less true naw in the His Eminence then cancluded with allttding gJ'een and· ather shades af the same stane .. Eminence the Cardinal Archbis110p of West- belief af Ch!'istians. As w·e have a priesthaad to. the bl!:Jssings which Gad wauld nat fail to be- Alang the faat of the Sepulchre is the inscrip­ minster intended to. lay the first stane af the and a sacrifi mO', so. we Christians have -our , staw an the fam il y to whase self-denial and zeal tian, "Cara mea vere est ei~us;" Oil- the entabla­ new in · that plaee. The day and have had them fram tbe tinle the early the Cathalics af Martlake awe the beginning af ture, "J esu nastri misere," &c.; while the ' was lovely, and the,gathering af Catholics, bath, Christians worshipp~d God in the depths af the th is gaad wark; and we are sure that many balcany is surmaunted by gilt figures af angels .. rich and paar, was numeraus, though se\'eral af Catacombs 0.1' amang. the splendars af Pagan fervent prayers were an that day affered an The columns which sup part the raof of the ' the Cathalie nability were prevented tl'om at- Rame. Taught by the Patl:iarchs, and cany- behalf af Lady Mostyn and hel' fami ly. apse, 0.1' recess behind the altar, . are painted tending by the arnmgements af Miss Talbot'S. ing an thraugh all time an identity of feeling The usual ceremanies were afterwards gone green, with a flaral device in flesh calaur'oal:­ marriaO'e with Lord E. Mawar.d, which taak and R"actice, we from the very have had thraugh accarding. to. the Roman ritual, the ried araund spirally. This is, to. aur mind, the ' o place in Lundan an. the same marning.. Haw- aur lwly places, and· called them the Hauses af stane being- sprinliled with . and least satisfactary part af the dec'aratian: the ' ever, amang those present we abseI~ed MI'. and Gad. signed with the crass,. by the hands af the Car- ta~ .stl'angly cantrasted calaurs af the pillars , Lady Teresa Dease', Mr. Dease. Lady @e raI'd, Haw then is this sanctity attached, to. partic-. dinal, befare it was lawered into. its place .. The Ullltlllg somewhat harshly 'w ith the rest af the Lady Mastyn. the Han: Miss·Frazer, Mrs. and ular snats and places? It is nat mer.ely that we sum af £,30 was callected after the ; picture. With that exceptian, the decaratians · :Miss Blaant, Mrs. Lyne Stellhens, the Revs. believe Gad laoks down upan them. with a spe-' and the salemnities were cancluded by a , af the e~stern end', cambi·ne into. a very rich, Father KnalC, and Father Gordon af the Orata- cial pleasure and favar-this was nat at least said at the newly cansecra~ed' altar by the Rev .. saft whale. The'wall upan eaeh· side af the l'y; Rev. J. G. Wenham [in w hase hands th e the idea af J acab-it is because \ve' know that -- Blauntl The chair fram tIle Oratal'Y altar presents a full-length figure. On tlie sautli nliso;ian is j, Mr.. and Mrs. J el\llingham. and tho. lIel'e is. a real cammunicatian between the spir- aLtended . . A lar!?,'e plfrty' afterwards sat dawn~ side, is the Virgin 'Mary, in an attitude af pray­ Misses Jerningharn, as well as Messrs,. Caffin, its abave and men belaw-angels coming daw,n to. a splendid dejeuner, p,llavided by Lady Mastyn. er, altired in a blne rabe. with the ' crescent Pattersan. Neville ... Case, and.Walfard, Qa~vert with messages af camfart to. men--angels gaing. in her graunds adjaining the ne,v church, a mi- maan beneath her feet. The figure is a capy' Anglican Clergymen. up with glad tidings to. the an- litary band enliveniJfg the scene with their fram Raphael. The expre>1sian of the caunte- Saan after 11, a:clack, A. M., a processian af gel wh o. appeared to Zacharias in the Temple music. In the event&g woe naticed that the bells nance is gentle, etherialised, and pleasing; and j {lharisters and clergy came farth the when he was affering sacrifice at< the altar. af th~ pat·ish chu rch ~ ~vere - rung merrily; why, the calours are nieely grauped. Beneath this · 's hause adjaining the church, Sur,h is and ever has been the firm . belief af the we knaW' nat; but w.e are half inclined to. think figme the wall is diapered wIth a design in the l'salm cxxi .• and leading his Eminence, attired Church; and hence S. Paul te lls. us that we tha~ it have b~en . t a , da · hanar to ,the day. medirel'al style; golden tleurs-cle-Iis, u·p,on a in fuU castume aA.ld weal:ing his mitre, to. · the Christians "are ali'.(Jady. come to. tl1e Maunt af The new church, wben finished. will pres- blue ·graund. The narthern p:>'l'tion·of. the wall l:'eat which, had: been prepared far him. an the Sian. and to. the City of the livinq- Go~l. and! to. ent a veJ':y' strikin~ appearance; it is, 0.1' at bem's"a figure (also. af full-lengtb) a~ St. F.1':ancis Narth side af tlie future altar. His Eminence the campany of many th(}ousands af angels " . .. least will i be, situjued Bear Mortlake statian, Xavier, the tutelar Saint af the Church, atlil'­ tJhen preached a mast admirable se rlUon, taking and to the spirit af tbe ju t made P' I-fect" (.Iteb. l:Jetween the rail \Vay and the PratestaniCburch, cd in· white Priestly vestmellt~, with hands liis text fram . Gen. xxviii. 17, 19·: xii. 22,. Ancl if we firmly believe the cammu- It is desig.ned in the H IDecorated" 0.1"" Secand clasped in prayer. This figure. is altogether " ·T.his is no other' but the house of God, .and the nian of angels and spiritB to. be a real thing. Paintecl" style of Gathic Architecture, and will braught aut with, great pawel'f. alld 'l the f;;:ce' Gate of. Neaven," &'c;. think haw mnch more perfect it must be when cansist of. a nave ~nd aisles, wi th , a, shallaw full af character: . . rannd and. beneath are We· are fbdunate!.y: able to. gj){e aur readers the great 'and blaody Sacrifice is afiered!an. the chancel. It is to. have a tawel' and sptl'e; and Byzantine decarabi0TiS. an autline of his-discourse, which was listened altai" and theSaviaul' gaes up before the '[lIu'ane adjaining,the will be in the caurse The altar having been privately re-cansecrat- to. w:ith thrilling, inter;6st b.)' a large mixed au- af'Gbd's Majesty-the ane Sacrifice daily affer- 0.1' time the pri61st's hause and Catholic Schaals, ed an the previa us evening. the service 0.1' the - dience af Pratestants as well as Cathalics. ed by His an earth blending. as it. were, The architect, is· Mr. Gilbert Blount. day af reopening cansisted af a " Missa caram He began. by mentianing the occasian. an with that which the San af Gad-far ever presents As we passed tbraugh the ProtestantChurch- Episcap,o/' the Prelate presen t on this acc?-· which these wards were spaken by the Ralri- and pleads befare His Father's Throne in,He,a- yard, we laaked up at tl{e old tawer, and cauld sian being the. Right Hev. Bishap Brawn. af arch Jacab, ~ when, after the visian which he ven-the Church militant J9 ining\in the d{) ings scarcely forbear naticing, with feeli ngs of pain Newport. The prie&ts afficiating were the tol - · saw when s1eeping in the midst af his desolatc .af· the Cburch triumphant,. and the gate af and shame, the inscriptiallupan it, ... Vivat Rex lawing..:-Bishap's Chaplains, Rev. W. Scatt,. ~ja urn ey, he· Il()se and cansecl'Hted to. God the heaven melting aw.ay into. heaven. itself. Henric'lts VIllI, 1548 ;" and we could nat help Rev. J, Rulling; Celebrant Priest, Re,,_ ' J J. stane wherean he had rested his head. and Naw, c-Iearly, an this headHlie Cathalii: idea haping that same mare warthy name may be Etheridge; Deacan, Rev. J . Neary ;.Suh--D'ea- ehanged the·name af the place fram " ·Luza" to. .is .the same with that af the Patriarch. But was found to. adam the walls of the Cathalic Church can, Rev. \V. Waterwarth ; Master af. the Ce-' " Bethel," the Hause af GadL What had he no. autward act an his part reqpired in arder te; af Sl. Mary Magdalen, at Marelake. remanies. Dr. Banani, 0.1' Priarpark•. seen since he lay dawn to. sleep'? He had seen make the·place sacred to. Gad? Nat so.. H e REaPENING OFi 'l'HE ROMAN•• 0 CAT-HaLIC CHURCH OF The Episcopal thrane, cavere,lwiuh crimsan the hasts af God ascendinoO' and :. descendin2: all I t k tl I t "t I clath, was erected an the nG!,th sid:e the. ~ rase- le' 0.0. )e stane--Ie se I up-Ie an- SAIN'!' F.RANCIS XAVIER, HEREFaRn. of to. I·t · a'! ., SanGtuilry." a ladder which J'ained,earth heaven, and at al'n ted wI'tll I t a' b e a memana . I e.,0.1' eVE'r I The farmal reapenmg af the Chnrch af Saint dIe tap af w.hich staad the Lal,d God Himself. befare God, which shauld never again be pro.. lrancis Xavie~, in Braadstreet'in this city, art~r At the canclusian of the·' Mass, the, Rigllt Fram that dny to. this the name af Beth-el. fan ed. And thus, iil ,]ilter times, the Israelites 'its entire cleaning and l'edecol'atill)llo, taak pl ace Rev. Prelate having been Pilrtially disrabed, L and haying exchanged his m·itre far the OJ'din­ Gad's· Hause. was deal" to. the Christian as well set ap~,,1' t eae II sacre d ~ spo t --an d t!Jus·tl IP. CT". lUrc II an ThursdaYl 24th. 'fhere was ··&f1 umeraus ar.ld as to. · the Jew; ancl so.; under the Gaspel as af Go d has done far i 800 years. And' these respectable cOBgregatian . . .Ns we briefiy inti- ary black cap, was condueted fram the thrane to. the . His Lardship's $erman was an . well as und·Elr· the law, had sacred edifices been sacred pI aces s t'llI remam. un tIdouc Ie ,a s t and' m g mated during_ the pragress af the wark, (he ably-argued defence af., the "Sacrifice of. the tlver.· raised, bearing the self-same name as this praalaf the reality af the Church's belief~r the the rich style af gold and • Mass," and the" Real, Presence," his text be­ their. prataty,pe--" Houses af Gad." same thraugh every age. Tbe sanctity af the co laurs l,nBwn as "Byzantine," fram having ing Hebrews xiii .., 10--" Far we have an alt'J!' But whence came thi$ name r. The place altar· seems-to be imparted to. the very grallnd either ariginated, or been carried to. its great­ af which thpy have nGl right to. eab who. scne which Jacab.made sacred to. Gad was but a by the act of anainting. And this llf what est perfeotian, at the metrapolis-of the eastern th e tabernacle."" t:ype af the tent, as that again was a type af the we~do now;· we paul' the llOly ail upan it:. and empire during the age af Canstantine and his Temple; the Temple aguin, in its turn fOFesha­ the rest arthe edifice--nay, and the very ground successars; a sty Ie ill wh ich the eastern luxuri­ (We r<~gret that OI!!F space w1 11 nat ~ lI a l v u;; ' dawed the Christian CbUfCh,jllSt as the Church itself--thence becames haly. Here then we are ance and depth af colaur are superimluced upan to. furnish an analysis af th e serman, but the on earth is. but a faint ~hadaw af the abiding ta-day. doing tIle selfsame act which Jacob did; the lines alild devices of the la-leI' Raman style. rallowing sentence;) will an idea 0.1' the .. city, the Ohurch triumphant in I:eaven,-that find who. daes nat see in this a praaf that aur The walls·of the edifice are paiFlteciJin dead green cancluding argurr>-'lnts and af the peron~ " olernal cily ' whase builder


\ he other holy men, whose ashes lie there, their ' surrounded-- as only r ecently ~ of a most Rev. Mother (Ursuline) and her r eligious Sist­ its conclusion congratulated the two on . culptured effigies wearing the grab and the dangerous tendency, and subversive of their ers of Mercy in March last, to the great joy of the ratification of their titles. The prelates I-y mbols which the Catholic Ohurch alone uses hlith, were circulated in that house." rrheRev all their former acquaintances there, particular­ who officiated dined in the evening with Cardi­ -let the and decoraLions upon the al- Mr. Hardiman entertained his lordship and a ly of their spiritual sisters, whom tl:ey found all nal Wisell1an.-Morning Cl~rol1icle . tar of that cathedral, and of the parish churches great number of the clergy at dinner the same well. Dr. Siorra, (coadjutor) Bishop of Pertb, IJ:::TThe office of this paper has heen removed to> bear witness! Let tlle holy St. Francis Xavier, evening. Next day (Friday) the solemn and has been a most kind and affectionate father. FOURTH STREET, (between Main and iVatnllt slrbels). whose figare they SeW, before them--who, in interesting ceremony of the reception of a Sister His lordship la~ e ly built a house of mercy, and South side. eh(; strength deril'ed from that bolY· sacrament, of Mercy took place ill the Oonvent of Mercy at an orphan house is in progress of building ad­ vcnt forth and preached to ti~e heathen,convert- Ballinrobe. The lady was Miss Geraghty, joining th e convent in Perth. HllIv graLifying in!; hundrerlsofthousands ofthem to thl' Oatho- daughter of Mr. John Geraghty, of Westport. to hear of the progress of Oathollcity, through ic Faith; let that holy man, whose character is I Tbe Most Rev. Dr. MacHale was present on the humble and zealous ex"rtions of the Sisters SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23,1851.

11Ono red by Protestants of every persuasion, 11 th e occasion. This is the first instance on rec- of Me1·cy, in that far distant land, at a time bear witness! h was the idea that sacrifice ord of a similar ceremony in that part of the when the right hand of royalty is employed in The Most Rev. Arch-Bishop arrived at New wa!'! necessary which had induced the Bishops . country.-Ma~·o Teleg·l'aplt. signing a bill of pains and penalties against Lile York last Saturday, and will most probably and baro.ns of old to devote thei~· substance to,! The Rei'. Eugene Ooyne, P. P. of Ballyhau­ unoffending Oatholics of Ireland and at home. officiate in the Oathedral to-morrow. the erectlOn of temples surroundmg the altar 01 ' nis, succeeds the late Rev. P. O'Grady, P. P., CA THOLIC UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND. God. They gave to him that which was deal' Aughall1ore. CONSECRA1'ION OF CATHOLIO BISIlO"PS A'r MANCHES- Our readers lmow all about the origin of this to them, in order that the sacrifice of Ohrist 'I.'he Rev. Henry "Marshall, late of Oxford, TER. Instit~ltion . . It is in opposition to what a Pro­ might be oflered as an atonement for their sins, has kindly consented to preach at the consecra­ Yesterday (Friday) was great in the annals testant has called "tl1f~ Godless OoHeges." as an acknowledgement of God's power,and as tion of the Catholic churr-h, Portrush, near Col­ of the Roman Oatholic church, being the day The people of Ireland have subscribed most a snpplicfttion for the needful daily blessings. eraine, on the 17th August. cho~en--on the :Feast of St. James the Apost l ~ It is with the view of rekindling this devotion, --for the consecration of the two new Oatholic liberally, cOllsidering their impoverished: ccndi­ The Rev. Mr. Oakeley, head of St. John's that the Oatholic Church is striving . to adorn Bishops of Salford and Plymouth. The names tion. All the Prelates of Ireland as we1l as the Catholic church, Islington, has written a letter its altars, and to offer the sacrifice with fitting of the two fortunate candidates selected to take Pope, and. the chief lay· Oatl101ics of the British denying that the schoolmaster who was brought pomp." these new titl«s--were as printed on the cards Isles, are pushing forward the great work wFth up at the Clerkenwell Police Oourt a day or two all their strength. To enable the committee to The musical portions of the service were per­ of admission to the ce]'emony.:..··the "Right R ev. ago, charged with cruelty to a child, is a priest establish the university on a sure foundation , fo rmed with taste and neatness of effect. The Dr. Turner, Bishop elect of Salford," and the or ecclesif,stic of any kind. collectors have been appointed to solicit the as­ " K yric" was No. 12, Mozart; the "Gloria" "Right Rev. Dr. Erringtfin, Bishop elect of The Sovereign Pontiff, not satisfied with hav­ sistance of the faithful in the leading Oatholic No.3, Haydn; the" Oredo" No. 12, Mozart; Plymouth." The plRCC appointed for the cere· ing approved of the decrees of the Synod of Nations, and also in the United States where it the" Sanctlls" ditto; the "Agnlls," No.3, mony was the handsome new church of St.Jolin Thurles, which gave a death blow to theQlleen's is thought that their appeal will be l:e~ponded to Haydn; finale, the" Laudate." the Evangelist, in Salford, and the time appoint­ colleges, has de~ired the sacred Oongregation with great liberality. The fot·egoing report is taken fron:: the He'e ­ ed half-past nine o'clock in the morning. The of the P ropaganda [0 subscribe in favor of the We wish well to the University--we hope it fu)'cl Times. A correspondent h as hindly admission was by tickets. 'I.'he congregation Catholic University of Ireland. The desire of may snccE'ed, but the Oatholics of this country furnished us with the folbwir.g additional de­ included many of the leading B.oman Ofltholics Pope Pius IX. has not been slow in being real­ and particularly those of Irish birth or origin, cails :-- of tbe neighhorhood, including part "f the fami ­ ised, and the venerableArcb Bishop of Armngb may be allowed to aBk a few questions before The decorations in the Ohurch of St. Francis ly of Sir Tbomas Joseph de Trafford, Mr. 11.os­ has recei\"ed the funds destin ed by the Sove­ they contribu te money for tbe erection and snp­ Xavier arc in the style of art wllieh was adop­ son, magistrate of Ormsi-irk, Mr. Leeming and reign Pontiff for the establishment of the Irish port of this new Institution. ted by the Roman and Italian Ohurches gene­ family, Mr. Dnniel L ee, Mr. James O'Ferral Ulliversity.-- Unive1 ·s. Is it to be a Hoyalist Establishment? Are rally during the earliest period of Ohristianit y. [brother to th e M. P.] was also present. NEW CATHOLIC CHURCH TN DERBY.-The ce- its trustees to be continually plastering the pub­ '1'he spacious chancel of the church, which is Although the most powerful contrasts of col­ lic ear with professions of devotion to Queen remonial of laying the foundation of this Ilew well adapted fo], the display of ceremony like o nr are used, the whole is so nicely balanced Victoria and Prince Albert and "the rest of the edifice was performed by tlle Roman Catholic this, being at a considerable above the a nd harmonised as to produce the most perfect Royal F>lmily"? Her Majesty bas just signed bishop 011 last Saturday. There was an im· floor of the nave and transepts and ascended by idea of repose. The east end being the imme­ the Penal Bill! W hen she visited Ireland she mense concourse of people present. On Sunday three steps, had been specially fitted Ui} for the diate seat of the Holy Mysteries, is more gor­ was enthu~iastically visited by her "hereditary last the Very Hev. Dr. CalliIl preached in St. occasion. By the rubric of the Roman Oatholic geo·lsly decomted th'1.u the other parts of the bondsmen." They would have kissed the Oolumb's Oathedral, LOllg Tower, in behalf of church it is provided that separate chapels shall ~ acred edifice. On the high altar, which is of curb-stones had she told them so. Oh! how the building fund, when the very hllndsome be prepared for the conse crating bishop and the choice marble and gilt bronze, is e rected a she loved her Irish People! She cO'Jld scarcely collection of £223 was taken up. This ;um bishops elect-the chapel for the former furnish­ magnificent tabernacle-the fin est, we beliel·e ." tear LJ erself away"· from Dublin-she stood includes some liberal donations from Protes t­ ed with an altar, , and four lights, .and in all England--of carved Ivood. made from on the wheel-house of tbe yacht, as the papers ant.s. The Rev. Dr. has delivered lec;tUl·es on those for eacll of tbe bishops elect with altars, Jesigns by J. J. Scoles, Esq., ·of London-the the evenings of Monday and 'l'uesd1Iy. His took care to relate, gazing through the mist to , and two candle~ each. It is requir­ whole of which is richly gilt, the deeper parts catch a last glimp: e of the shore ! It was the style, flu ency, and !Dode: of reasoning, nre at ed that each of the two bishops elect shall have b r, illg slightly r elieved with colour. once novd and for cible, and he handles all the gene.ral impression in the green island, she was two ot.her bishops to assist him. The consecraL T he wails of the sanctuary are painted and topics on which he touches; in a manner which so " all-fired fond", as the Yankees say, of the ing bishop on the present occasion was Cardin­ ~i lt somewhat in the manne!" of a.ncient mosaics, People, that she would throw her arms around sbows he is a lion in controversy; and there is al Wiseman, and the assititant bi shops were, with beautiflll scroll borders. The large-pillars the first Irishman she met in London and kiss nothing personal or offe nsive in his remarks.­ Dr. Oullen, Primate of Ireland; Dr. Briggs, are painted fl dark colour, and twisted with him in ihe name of his country. Well, she Dm·1Y Journal. "Bishop" of. Beverley; Dr. UllAtborne, "Bi­ hands of vine. A similar design is cllnied round has n't done so yet j her affections have not run MOORFIELDS CHURCH.-- We understand that shop" of Birmingham; and Dr. Wareing. "Bi­ the chmch in the pilastres. Thc walls, cornice, in that Irish channel, but she has just put her the Arch Bishop of Westminster has selected SllOp" of Northampton. Several other pre­ (;eiling, and dome, are all decorated in an equal name to 1I Billet-doux informing her beloved this as his own church, and that Dr. Whitty, lates were also present. style of excellence. Ol·er each of -the side Jhe p ro- vicar-general, will officiate as adminis­ subjects in Ireland, thaL if they dared to serve CONSECRATION OF THE CATHOLIC BISHOPS OF ,·dtars are painLings (life-size) of exceedingly trator. Tbe Rev. George Rolfe, brother of the, God without lJer consent and approbation she CLIFTON AND BHREWSDURL line design and execution-the one representing late lamented of Moorfields, and who hn.s would fine and imprison th em! And she furth­ Ollr Blessed Lady; the other the patron Saint, Sunday" morning the Catbolic church in St. been, we believe, thirty years on the mission, er declared, that any rascRI who thought prop·' S"in t Frallcis Xavier, from thtl pencil of H. T. George's Fields was I.he scene of a ceremony was generally expected to be the successor of er to act the part of an informer, would be at Bulmer, Esq., of Sheffield, the artist who which has not been performed in this metropoiis his deceased brother, and his remol'al is much liberty to prosecute any Bishop or Priest of the designed llnd superintended the works. for more than 300 years, viz., the consecmtion regretted in the di trict.~ Catholic StandCl1·d. old Roman Oatholic Oburch who would dare to' of two Roman Catholic prelates with English call himself by kis own name! 'rhis is the way The Hon. Gilbert .Talbot was last week re­ territorial titles. [l~HOM LATE ENGLISH PAPERS.] she shews her love. ceived into the Oatholic church in x.,ondon. ~mmediat"ly after the conclusion of "ten Now we should like to know whether the. Mad'lIe Meyerbeer, d"ughter of the celebrat­ o'clocli mass" the church began to fill, und by University of Ireland is to require of her stud­ On rl'uesday the Right Rev. Dr. Walsh, Oa­ ed composer, has become a con\'ert to the Oa­ the time that the service commenced-a few ~nts, professors, dignita ries, &c., to shout at tl lolic Bishop of Ossory, administered the holy tholic fait h. minntes after eleven o'clock-tbere was scarce- ~'lcram ellt of confirmat.ion to 100 male and 130 public dinners in token of their profound l'especG Sir Vere de Vere, and Lady. de Vere, of Our- ly standing or breathing' room. [or this royal family? Is a slavish respect for l~rnale children prepared 'to receive it on pre· ragh Chase, in this county, have embraced the Soon after the arrival of Oardinal Wiseman, their persecutors to be manifested on all occa­ • ~e nting themselves at St. Oanice's Oatholic Oatholic rellgion.--Limerick Ghl.onicle. the consecrating bishop, a procession emerged sions public and private? That they sllOuld be r· hurch. After the performance of the sacred from the sacristy, and, passing between a · 1 d 1 . 1 d d 1 On SllIl(lay the 20th inst., Mr. Bealy, of West ~ subjects to the powers that be is all rig)lt,but is <: ~ r emo ny h IS or Slip preac Je a eep y mOI'- double row of acolvtes in white and . d .. I· Skull, parish of Kilmoe, became converted to J this subjection to be of that crouching character, Ing an ImpressIve sermon Oil tIe occaSlOn.-- with lighLed tnpers, stood, before tl'Je high altar, '·lh Ji. l the orthodox dOI:trine and faith of Ohrist by ~ of which we have had too·many specimens of /1.1 cenny ow·no. which was decorated with wax li i.!hts and flow- aband'ming Protestantism, which his ancestors ~ late? On Sumhty last the Most Rev. Dr. Oullen e;-s. The two bishops elect were robed in the had for many generations· professed. Mr. Bea- We will rejoice to benr of the success of the preached an· eloquent and impressiv e sermon in .. simp~e sacerdotal, vestments-Dr. BUI"!!"ess, the lyhacl kept up for some·tlme prevlOus epistolary ~ the Oatholic Oathedral of Armagh. .. . . h "bishoi" elect" of Shrewsbury, and Dr. Brown effort to establish this Institution of learning for as also verbal commulllcallons Wit tbe Rev. • t2e youth of Ireland, but in the name of honor On Wednesday last, the Right Rev. Dr.Der- Mr. O'Oonnell, R.O.O" respecting his intended the "bishop elect" of Clifton, being each sup- and manhood, let it not be a new engine for ry administered the sacrament of confirmation conv.ersion.- G01.k Examiner. ported by two bishops. These right reverend the inculcation of that cowardly subsel·viency to in the parish chapel of Loughrea, to over lODe gentlemen were in their pontifical robes, each British tyrants, which has heretofore been con­ persuns. H e was asslste. d by a large number MORE OONVERTs.-vVe are this week inform· wearing the mitre. 0 ard· 111<1 I W·Iseman a 1so o r the clergy of the neighboring parishe~. 'l'he ed that the rccent accessions to the O'Hholic was attired in his pontilical robes. Several of spicuous. principal recipients of the huly sacrament were church in this city are Miss Holmes, daughter the leading members of the Oatlwlic priesthood The Ar;;h Bishop of New York has yery' palJ.pers from the workhouse, about 800, with of Mr. 1\:£arcus Holmes, danghter of "Mr. Stob, were also present,besides ten of the newly-creat­ earnestly recommended the faithful under his who f-I;l religious instruction his lordship express- jun., and ---Marshall, Esq., eldes~ son of ed bidlOpS. jurisdic tion to respond to the appeal made t(} (.<1 himself highly gratItied.-J.;imel'ir.k E.1:wmin- Lhe Itev ..J ames Marshall, Ohrist church, Clifton. The accustomed ceremonies were tben per- them in aid of the University, and we doubt not fil', The ceremony of admission tuok place this week. formed. that every Prelate in the Union will be equally generous in his efforts to secure dJe object il1 On 'l'llllrsdav the Nth in stant, his Grace the -Bl·istol.MiT1"Ol". . After the Pater Noster, and previous to the "iew. It will be of immense benefit to the Peo­ Most ReL Dr. -MacHale administered the sacra- I ALTAR-PIECE FOR CAILDINAL VViSEMAN .--Two "Ite missa est," or signal for the co~gregat ion ple of Ireland, and the Ohurch owes too much Illt'llt of confirmaLion in the parish chapel of Icases containing a large picture and frame, the to depart, the bishops were presenteu with their l-lallinrobe to about one ,thousand two hundred Iformer measuring nearly one hundred feet,have mitres and gloves, and receiving tho Oardinal's in this country to the Irish People, not to ma­ 11l'rSOllS, some of whom were inmates of the Iarrived. by the s tea~ e r S~~o, from An~lVerp,for , and acknowledging his authority nifest her gratitude now by a liberal contribu­ tion to the funds of tlle University. \\"01'1. house. His Grace delivered an eloquent ; hiS Emlllence Oardlllal W Iseman, and llltended by three , and then walked twice

. (MISCELLA.N~;OUS EXTRACTS.) THE PRESERVATION OF PROVISIONs.-Tbe A WITNESS OF THE OTHER SIDE .. GONSISTENCY . FOLLOW YOUR NOBLElR IMPuLsEs.-Hardly a science of preserving meat, lard, butter, cheese, There may be some of our readers who re- 'fhe Chu1'c!mwn cautions its readers against day 01' an bour passes, in our free intel'course and other animal as well as vegetable substan- member that about three or four months ago pnrticipating in the service of any other sect with the world, and in the diversified details of ces, used as food for man, ha~ received very an itenerant preacher, styling himself tee Revd. than their own, when absent from home during business, wl.en we are not called upon to mak~ little attention in this country. 'fhis neglect Mr. Pilatte, visited Charleston, and as usual so me decision im·olving to a greater degree the causes a loss of many millions every year. To imposed on his Protestant hearers by a long what the Editor calls the "rustication" season. .lee lings and interests of follow-men. Tbe cir- say nothino' Qf the bad taste of eating so much ill-concocted story, which could scarcely be It is amusing to read the folluwing' illustration cumstances in which we make these decisions frowy al1d~'ancid butter at home, full one-half expected to take with allV one, were it not for of the habitual forgetfulness of the historical may be more or less trying to_ our virtue and of all that is sent to England and other foreign the proverbially credulous nature of Protestant facts cunnected with the origin of the Anglican generosity. Cases not unfrequently occm! in countries is sold at half the .price of b.ut- . audiences. Among his oth€t' bold assertions, sw~et heresy, and of the society to which it gave rise, every man's life when the temptation is strong tel', by reason of the defectlvc manner III whICh , he stated that the Catholic Religion was dead to pel'form some mean act, under the influence it is manufdctured and put up for market. in France, alJd in proof alleged the fact that which IS cha,racterisic of the sect: of envy and jealousy, or wounded pride, at the American farmers have great advantages for the Churches of Paris we-re deserted, thflt "Sometimes many church families are as· ~a me tim.e that there is a voice within whisper- the economical producti?n o~ beef and pork, scarcely a few-old womfln COuld be found to sembled togetl,er if no clergyman can be procu­ Illg that It would be better to take another mutton and' wool, and It Will render them fI , attend service there. About two months aft€r red, let one of their own number be appomted course-to stand upon higher ground. And. valuable service to obtain from Europe conect the Revd. DGetor Alexander, an Evangelicfll to conduct the services of the Prayer Book. If yet th~ heart is exceedingly apt to yield itself information of all discoveries and improv emen~s m inisler and oQrrespondent of the P1'esbytel'ian, a layman must officiate in some way 01' other, it to the sugge.3tion of the meaner motive. There either in the growing and feeding of domestIC writincr fi'om Paris o'ives the lie indi1'ect to the had better be one in the church than out of it; ,i s a strange delusion which often creeps over animals, 01' in tlB curing of. provisions. . tale of the Rev. iten~l'f\nt. We do not ask our one wh'