VOL. XX.~ C INC INN a T I, SAT U R D a Y~ AUG U S T 23; 1851
AND"IN NECESSARIIS UNITADVOCATE AS, IN D;WBIIS UBERTAS, IN OMNIBUS CARITAS." • TERMS: \ ~ -- ,.--. ----~. -~ REV. P. PUBLISHER. EDWARD PURCELL, EDITOR. $2 50 PIMl> ANNUM-I.N ADVA,NCE. ~ JOHN WALSH, VOL. XX.~ C INC INN A T I, SAT U R D A y~ AUG U S T 23; 1851. tNO.34. CA'rn:OLIC INTELLIGENCE. shipping beneath. Hence, in Haly Scripture tian each anq all who. have barne a part in this and lazenge-shaped divisians af green, lilac, . Gad always speaks as if He were jealaus af "the gaad wark.. And as Jacab did nat fear then blue, and gald ; the clivi, ions enclasinO' flalV- . ENGLAND. places which He has chasen to. put His name and there at Beth-el to' enter into. solemn cam- ers. the sacred managram. &.c; · 'Phe" fin )!ORELAKE.--TIIE LAYING OF THE LIRS'r sTaNE aF there." This·was tlie belief af the Jew in farm- pact with God, so. may yau naw hencefarth ask madel af the Haly Sepulchre, \"lflich is gilt, 'rHE CHURCH aF S·E. MARY MAGDALEN. er cays: whellever there wf1.~ a pl'iest and an af Him what yau will, and He will grant it, if. with red sparingly intraduced, rests upan an Tnesday July 22, being the Feast af S. Mary altar to. be seen, thel:e wa:; Gad's House ;. and it seem gaad to. Him.. altar camposed af white marble. pannalled with. Magdalen, was fixed as the day an which his what was tpue then is no. less true naw in the His Eminence then cancluded with allttding gJ'een and· ather shades af the same stane .
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