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DiAlUr CBBOCIATION fite Ik* Moalfc s i auy. tSM

I te 0. S. W«

5,475 • i IlM A od lt preoeM by showers this aftersoe* M d pteoibb^ tei Ike OMat tetegfeti Thmsiiqr fter M d eeohr.

i Adverttetef Fage U.) M A N C H E S T E R , C O N N ., W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 8, 1934. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS

New Yorkers iilee Prom Heat Waves To Sea W^ves




Measore Regulates ShxA

ChriMN.$qiiirei, A

Bdrk CaiMer, Hdd M -j AS PRIZE WDINERS Against U. S. on Debts MoBtks of ControYersjf^ ft 00 Easton in Derby—

By ASSOCIATED rasSS. ♦bedfellow to default and a logical IVoTwoBs Meait to Re* leader in moves for setUement, Dodges Pnblicity.. j The capitals of E u n ^ were lined, Drawing Condnnes in the turned to Its task ot borrowing up solidly against iyucrica on the nearly 5200,000,000 to pay for a mil­ vive tke Flow of Capital war debts que.itlon the first time itary preparedness program, ^ (Speetel to The Herald) Irish Sweepstakes; Those today. / Italy, it was indicated, would fol­ Throiglioflt tke Nation. Itoekville, June 8.—Charles N. “It's up to Wsshington" was tae low in London's footsteps.

Squires, holder of a Dublin Sweep­ Who'Won $500 Today. consensus. The development-encouraged'Ger­ A* cheers rang out—almost every­ many to ho^ Its foreign creditors stake* ticket on Easton, disclosed to­ Washington, June 6 — (A P )' — where exceptMn the United States— would now be more ienient. . , day that on the eve of the Epsom for Great Britain's decision to de­ Newspaper comment generally President Roosevelt today signafi Dublin. Iriah Free State. June 8,- Downs race he decided to play safe fault, the 8e*itlment was general said world recovery and interaation- Into law the 'legislation to tighten — (A P )—Fortune smiled on ,a''fa- that the/CompIleated Issue had been and aold half of the ticket to an a) amity would be greatly forward If Federal regulation of stock - ex- English syndicate for 58,000, which vored few. Including /Wtoericans, brouglff to a head. an end to the question should be A conference for a 'fu ll and final reached. ebanges jind to relax somewhat th* will bring his vritmlngs to exactly (rora among the n^iims of ticket- $46,750. . ^ setyement of the issu; was Eng­ The House of Commons and the requirements of the Securities Act. holders to tlie, final drawing today Squires refused an offer of 516,000 land’s goal. English public gave enthusiastic en­ Product of months o f controversy, o f 5500 cpnaolatlon prizes in the Prance, happy to find Britain a dorsement of the government’s step. the measure, opposed vigorotuly 1^ I*teh Hoipltals’ Swe^ttakes. officials of the New York Stock ex­ ^JVmle the Derby was being run change, was signed by Hie President at Epsom Downs. 600 consolation In the presence of Congressional winners in the swee'pstake purse of leaders who handled the legisIaUen. 59,019,875 were determined. A new commission Is to be form­ American winners were: FIVE PERSONS INJURED ed to regulate the exchanges and D. Sparky, Dunkirk street, St. the thermometer never He. So when the mercury soars and when Mr. Photographer takes his annual picture of sweltering New Yorkers packing Coney Island's sands, you may well k n ^ that administer the Securities Act. Albins, Long Island; "Hot Shot," Advocates of the legislation hoped 122nd «treet, CoUege Point, N. Y .; Nryork"rVil.rt a f^'d!i^ the famous It would deter bad practices on th* Joan Leslie, Kenneth Nerrell Pol­ IN MIDDLETOWN STRIKE exchanges and that the liberalixa- lard, Mt. Auburn street. Water- tion of the Securities Regulation town, Mass. Act would revive the flow of capiteL .Charles Murphy, Graveland ave­ Two Women Among Victims | nue. Buffalo. N. Y .; Ethel Wilson, PREDia FLETCHE MOBS IN GERMANY HIOHUOHTS OF BOX. Cheltenham Drive, Buffalo, N. Y.; PUBLISHER RAPS LABOR Washington, June 6.—(AP)'— Patrick Dobz^pski. Bedford avenue, Here are the major provlsiona o t th* Garden City Park, New Hyde Park, -State Trooper, CaBed / '1 If| STORE A H A C K S Pletcher-Raybum Stock Maslnt N. y.; "Chicking," Broadway, TO BE NEW CHIEF control law which went onto th* Nashville, Tenn.; Arne Ellis Bounce FOR FOSTERING STRIKES as 400 Start Throwing Adams street. Wlnterhlll, Mass.; statute books today with Pruident/ Roosevelt’s signature: / Clarence Clark, 54th street, Brook­ Rocks Near Plant. lyn. N. Y. Harmony Roles Session of Windows Smashed at Wool- A new. commission o f five mem­ "Bobko,” Newfleld avenue. Declares Business and P u b -'M A IN E S U F F E R IN G bers to be appointed by th* Preal- Bridgeport, Conn.; "Prosperity.” dent and confirmed by the S m at* worth’s Establishment in W est 70th Place. Chicago. HI.; G. 0. P. Leaders at Chica Middletown, Conn., June 6.— (A P ) will regulate the exchanges and ad­

“John Jinx,” Bo.x 618, Southington, — Five persons, two of them women, minister the Securities Act of 1933. fic Wi« N. l..ger Toler-'pROM DROUGHT NOW Members of the commission, to b* Conn.; William Dunn, noth street, were Injured today ez a crowd of Kassel by Angry CrowcL Richmond Hill, Long Island; "Two go; Haliakan Withdraws. known as the securiUes and ex­ Obaklea N. 8qnl-aa ate Labor Troubles Aimed ___ strikers threw rocHs and battled change commission, will aerv* for Fools,” Kings County Hospital, ' Brooklyn, N. Y. State police at the Remington Noise­ 510,(100 a year. for the entire ticket but aold tbs' less Typewriter factory here. Berlin, June 6.— (A P ) — Angry half share. He and the syndicate Max Cob6n, Walnut street, M al­ at Recovery Plans. ConditioD$ Better in tke Mid­ Chicago. June 6.— (A P ) —'The se­ All sMurities *xcbangei must den, Maas.; John Cronin, c-o Katz The trouble began when two mobs demonstrated in three cities register''with the commission and also divided a special prize of 52J100, lection of Henry pi Fletcher Bridgeport women drove up to (l

'-•-tiF ’ '<■1. i l ? VANUHM ih k UvilMihti HERAX2I, MANCHE8TBK, OONN, WEDNESDAY, JUNVi; 1IM«

o f bar 100,400 aoaiag Amwlea first. MANGBEnER EVENING HSSALD. UAN0HE8TER. OONNk WEDNTODAT, JUNE 9, lO M itU iO B k Latar, 'sba1myn, sba la g o b ^ to Eu­ A Jovial John D. Returns From South rope. Also aha la going to buy SEND TARIFF BILL Confer With President on “Must” Bills soma now elothas. FATHER THINKS boulfitr, baaitaff ■ ■oUa num cm May I n x d tha atomiaat,words: *COOL COOKERr PROVES waa qa Wiadaor, Lad. ICaa May low located oa Haoiy TO THEjn^IDENT address by Gov. nr a m A W V L mcmoey ALLIED VETERANS NEVHAMPSHIRE Dawaon, of Qulacy, MaH„ had a Rohart O. Denton. Tha: tlckst OB "Colombo" which ran waa aada'thiongh tha Arthur ' • fO m t ) s u m INSANE of thoaa man o f Covontry wbo gave NAN WHO COLLECIS tbamaalTaa unrsaarvadly la tha hour WORTHWHILE FOR WOMEN third. Donald Gtordon, o f 28 Cantnl Knofla Raal Ertata Acaaor. .«ha sanu n g m er has raatad a f i v a - r ^ li iMtada Charlw O. CoBgress Completes Actioii ot tboir oouBtry*a aaad. COUNCIL TO MEET MEN WIN $3S ,0 0 0 atreat, Lgna. Maaa., draw m tlokat « f MMr Tfltk aad 3. Httuy Utilities E iecotife Visits Coventry Un tling Anong them waa NATHAN oa " ^ s t o n ” which came la oaooad. flat for WUUam fi. Hyda oa final* MATCH BOX TOPS oitr ztroot to Chrla Waraa* o f k' of OoBBMUeut HALXl. AH might hava aoboad hla Deaionttrxtidn ■$ W a tl^ Mlaa Dawaoa aad Mrs. Oordoa also On One of Most fanportaot Immortal worda, "I only ragrat that win collect haadaomaly oa tboir Hartford. ■at hbBMif ■ BMniMr on Brfitkeni Attracts Many tka NotloMl oeoamtaa, Ium FINDS TUB HANDY S Who Killed Mother r la Um address eC Oevar-: old men Who In their youtb I hava but ona Ufa to loss for my V eterm d ForaigB Wart tlcketa. The Atasy A Navy fiwaap- — ------r hoM fei tfea oiCTlea itaoi taken part In the drill and tba c-juntry.” Manchfisttr Homewivm. Dearho^ ud Dodfe” of ztakaa has no coanection with the Measures Tins Sesskm. > Wllbar Li Croaa at tha Irish Hozpital Sweepitakes. A t tha first totaraatioaal ole- lln * n t jm n ot tb# Matnrjr. in Now York—(AP)—A Ufa-work of games o f trmtnlag day. On this historic miltUry training plana raoaa held to Chicago to 1912, Mare W. Haaa, a Naw York otock indBrodier. ■t a houUsr aad tablet oa ground men aosembled to tha Ooloq- Pott ApproTot Fire Dele* tlM IM bMUM ibtnlater to C3ill«; ■ J ■ala Ax Alfilata - -n. fieoraa o t Monebeater housewlvas Woodstifle H m Hckot „fHr~-----^—— S t Croix Johnston, flylag a BIarto( Mnlac Um World War ba m a am< broktr, waa almoat nilnad bacauaa Washiagtba, June 0—(AP)—Con­ tralalag-fleid at Oovaatry lal Wars, War 5f the American- Nathan Hols waa an athlctd. TBara obaarvad Mlaa Betty Appel, bead of X I Croat-Channal nonoplaat, died boaodor to MUdeo, ba waa than hia wifa complained o f floating gress today completed action on tha Thaaa ars otNMioaMIfiHS for a Ravolutloa, War of 1813 and Ovll Loa Anfiplaa, Jqaa A — (A R )— IS a record o f two of- hla favorite aletatSettkm. MAN of a heart attack whila la fltgat BaiHMcrataiy ot >tata for two wood in’’tba bath tub. admlttlatfatlon's reciprocal tariff Oovaraor of Ooanertiei& Waek after War. the heme economlea department of •nWndsorUd. Lbula Ruda Rpyaa, H-yoarwol4 eon- fexta. Ha "vrould put his hand on a The plana landed In Lake Mlchifaa yaara aad . waa Boat ambaaaador to Haaa sines ha was alx yaars old -- hlU with House acceptance of weak ba la eofiftttiwd with praaaing This memorial U eractad by pa­ the Norge Refrigerator corporation, fes^ alayer of hit amther aad fanos high as his head and Jump without being damaged. M ftam . Ba lewweatad tba Unlt- ond ha now is old enough to remam- Senate amandmanta. It now goaa problaau, atMer^ifllcult of aolutlon, triotic ciUzena and friends o f Coven­ brother, was catiad as a wttaaaa ovar It.” A t other times he "would give a remarkable demonatration of m s BUNGALOW HERE odjRataa la Room from 1*34 to ber aaveral ware—haa coUactad to tha Prealdent. as thay ajfirinon complex, than tha try aided by tha SodeUas of tba Five dalagataa to the propooad Montreal, P. Q., Juno 8— (Spec­ today at a eofoaer'a taquost lato jump up from tho bottom of ana uMag the Norge refrigerator exclu­ m t . aad woo imwiBtad chairman mateh box tops. The vota„waS 104 to DS. " ^ rw war. They ara aconomio ConneoUcut Daughtara of the Alliad Vataraaa Council arera ap­ Tba Senate amendments limit to their deaths. bogahead up aad down Into’a aecond sively to make fudge candy. Ice ial) — "Dearborn, and Dodge," of oetba Utttod BtatM Tariff Com* Match box topa, or rather the lavolvlag also, tha moral American Revolution and the Con­ proved at the ragjilar meeting of ■ a t an b f Praaldaat HoOTfT in pretty Ubela, bold a faadnatioa for tbrea yaara the Uma in which the Whether L)Ouie* fatbar. Ludua F. aad from the second up aad down necticut Soni bf the American Revo­ cream, pies and yarioua kinds of Woodzvllle, N. H„ today won 885,- Henry Siireet Hoase Sold for! SeU P IIIITRTIfiM President may negotiate reciprocal Payne, former pubUe utUlOas axara- o f tha people of tha State. the Vbterana of Foreign. Wars held salad at Watkins' Brothers’ store Bctema Itching, daadmff scales, d iy i m . the broker, and when ba gate a big j this period of dlatren I have Into a third like a oat." Thaae ara lution. , 000 to the Army A Navy Sweep- R. 0. Denton by the Arthur OolHna, la bla fortiaa, waa for- trad# agreements aad provide tor. tivG who eomfortod tho srouth upm itoriea teM by an old man wbo aa a to the state armory last night. The yesterdsy afternoon. ' aats, reltevcd and adoa ixipravad by cbllactlon ha puta tham idl In the Ms arrival here yasterdajr from fit faund relief la coatamplatiag Coa- The cannon waa presented by tba stakes of Montreal when Windsor A. Knofla Agency. awitjr oa tba nuaola OoBiaicrce bath tub to aoak off tha Imbala be­ notice to Industries to contemplated toy attended his school In New Lon­ Government of the United Stataa, ialectlon of tha belegataa wHl be While fire was used In the prep­ negotiation of tariff pacta to perinit Louis, would be callad to tsatlfy w u naptlcut’a glorious paat. Taro yaara by the executive coibmittee. aration of some 'o f the salads, the tisd won the English Derby at Ep­ fore rarOnging them in his catalog. ago 1 aras ovar here oa tbs hlUa bf don. Quick aad unexpected Jumps 1938, during the administration o f bearings. n ot disclpsed by the eoronor'a offlea. explain why Halo bad "wonderful A meeting of the ebuncll Will be held finished products were accomplish­ som Downs. A ticket held under Edward Thprsell of .W ethe^fleldl HelpfnI Swedes After a two-hour vlalt with bla ooo " Covaatry whan you ware celahratiag Calvin OooUdga., . o. a r. ffi,ATroBM. Mrs. Haaa never did Uke to-find They place no limit, however, on control” ovar boys who ooifiatlmes to the Army and Navy club at 8 ed only with the Norge. The wom­ the listing of "Dearborn and Dodfie” has purchased the five room bunga­ I Chicago, JuM 6<—(AP)— The Re- the length of the trade pacta. at the West lief tq emotional qlqquem-e_ of patriotism,, ter Pipe Band will head the local er the governor waa buried yester­ Marie to proceed full; speed...... day Theodore Roche, an atfornei^:| four Americans held tickets on him third. win their Independence. Though be moving them to admiration of his Capt. A. Kristiansen of the Mari­ p oil In fine on June 16. By a vote W a..... as each ticket on the second horse He finally sold the ticket to a was then too old to take the field, "noble demeanor." One sentence of of the post the band will be engaged read his will preparatory to flling-lt . MURDER MYSTERY posa sent out the SOS, and urged in probate court., I - : HEARS OF WINNING pays £15,000, British syndicate at a reported ho was active as a member of a com­ that speech hSs survived. It is: "Let all possible haste, fearing a fresh­ If possible. It was voted to recom­ SpeHaHzc The American holders of tlcksts price of $51,000, after a day of mittee for raising supplies and us march immediately and never lay mend that delegates to the Perman­ "His estate will be negligible. If ened wind. The freighter, carrying anything," Roche said. on Easton are: thinking it over. If he had held the (Continued from Page One) clothing for the soldiers throughout down our arms until we obtain our a light cargo, was bound for Port ent Memorial Day committee be' In­ Collapse of his shipping business, A. O. Kussell, 1935 Ryder avenuo, ticket he would have won about tha War of Independence. Inaependence.” You know the .rest. Arthur. It Is owned and operated structed^ to vote for reduction In A. S. BECK SHOES sAacHsnoae, $46,750 SWEEPSTAKE unit membership In the committee at tbe close of the war resulted in a Brooklyn, N. Y. $60,400. to revive hlm^nd when I found 11 Nathan’s mother, Ellzatlhth Strong He enlisted as a Volunteer. He was by the Buckeye Steamship com­ CorractloB from seven members to one com­ heavy drain on hia fortune, arid' 847 Main Street Bubinow Bldg. Charles N. Squires, Rockville, The other American, Mrs. Alla couldn't went home to bed. | belonged to a Puritan family some­ soon commissioned as lieutenant and pany. ' (Oonitnned from Page One) Conn. V(jn Bargen, New York waitress, "I couldn't sleep. At daylight I i mander and two delegates. The final forced him In debt. Under the will, ' what higher in the social scale. Her afterwards made a captain. In 1776 meeting of the Memorial Day com­ the debta still remaining, will be i F. Rotovinlk, 807 Elast 6th street, who held a ticket on Colombo and went out and picked up the body I grandfather.. Justice Joseph Strong, he was attached to Washington's Norton’s First Quality Hosiery. Ib e tickets on Windsor Lad held New York. decldea to gamble on the possible mittee will be held Friday evening paid from life insurance, reported '• and carried it to a rocky place and ! Sale yras a leading citizen of Coventry. army on the Hudson. His last words In the Municipal building. Pure Thread Silk— Full Fashion. Pair . by Americans wera issued to: to total more than $700,000. 1 0: T. McCarter, M West 108th chance . of winning $152,000—or put It In a crevice.” __ —__...-.J He held. In turn nearly every office to be recorded ace: ~!‘X only regret 5 9 c "A. 0*E. O-M. C-D. C,” 16 street, New York. possibly only the original $2,570 for State police said the statements! Manchester AgUman strest, Nashua, (sUte not «kf tha town. In those days there that I have but one'life to lose for ■Colombo, who came In third, was drawing a horse— plans to use part apparently cleared Blake. were—God save toe mark!—two ses­ my country.” When he uttered those sions of the General Assembly every Immortal words. Hole was at the be­ Date Book year, besides extra sessions.'During ginning of bis twenty-second year. > '• t .a .> his lifetime. Justice Strong repre­ By bis death were canonized not This Week sented his town In sixty-five ses­ only the -exalted spirit of young June 9, 3 to 5 p. m.—Oriental Gar­ Special sions. And yet lie managed to live America but equally the fire, devo­ den Party at home of F. E. Wat­ Special^ DIAMOND SHOE STORES kins, 202 South Main street. Center for ninety years. What 5” constitu­ tion, and patriotism of the heroes of Values In Values In tion! What indurance! He earned- sneient Greece . and Rome, who as CHiurch Women. Every everlasting rest in Paradise. His be read of them .to bis books, were Coming Events Every non, O ptain Jooeph Strong, Eliza- the dally companions of his imagina- June 14. — Strawberry festival MARLOW’C beth'a father, was also a lesuling t'.on. Nath.m Hale spoke for them South Methodist church. Department Starting Thursday, June 7at 9a .m ^ Department citizen of the town, though his ex­ all. Of Hale, one wbo knew him June 19, 20 and 21.—Lawn festi­ ^ * FOR VALUES perience In the General Assembly yiTote: "On the whole—I then val of St. Bridget's church, was restricted to nine sessions. Of thought him (and his tremendous June 20.—Graduation exercises of the daughter Elizabeth who married fate has not weakened the impres­ local State Trade school at 8 p. m. Richard Rale, it Is Written: "Mrs. June 21.—Memorial Hosjiltal lawn sion) one of the most perfect human fete, Mrs. C. R. Burr's garden. Join the June Parade IlsJe was a lady o f high moral worth characters ' recorded in history or where they grow June 22.—High .ichool graduation GREAT CLEARANCE SALE ana of strong Puritan faith and feel­ exemplified in any age or nation.” exerclse.s at State Theater in morn­ ings and devoted to the right reli­ In honor of this gallant son ot ing. gious culture of her children." She Coventry, and o f her other sons who June 27.—Dinner meeting of East Of Thrifty Shopyers 4)ore her husband nine sons and were trained here for the battle-, S T A R T S THURSDAY, JUNE 7 Hartford, Glastonbury, Rockville three daughters. Those were heroic fields of the Republic, we nave un- and local Chamber of Commerce at tobacco., in most places Chesterfield ^At this great monkey-saving store. Values after values piled on tables, priced for quick Mies. Compare Diamond Values days for women as well as men. Of veRed this bronze tablet on a native Country Club. and see their sparkling price appeal and outstanding quality. the nine sons three were sent to col­ THE STORE INCLUDED IN THIS lege and bix of them enlisted in the ____SALE« Here Are Just A Few Of The Items army. It was a familj^ in which right conduct was cultivated and in which ■ SPEQALt SNEAKERS patriotism was a tense emotion. ' is the largest-selling cigarette ^ ^ Women s Wash Dresses Women’s Pajamas For Slen and Bay* I have Just seen the house of the ■ Women’s Rayon Undies Quality PIuii Rev. Joseph Huntington, a minister ^’■oile.s - Piqpe.s ■ Broadcloths Broiidcloth-Crepes-Gingham-Voiles of this parish, where Nathan Hale 1 Pantiea and Step-ins. Guaranteed Fast Colors Sizes: Medium (w All Styles was prepared for college under the ■ « In All .Styles. Q TT and Special Instruction of an excellent maat«r. 1 and Small ...... 1 ^ C • -...... O / C up pr. Thence he proceeded to Yalq. In school and in college were built on a background of fine physjque and 1 Women’s Pure Silk Hosiery Sutrite Hosiery sterling character that culture and Ladies’ Pure Silk Slips ‘J - 1 Sen-ice and Chiffon. Special .Special WHITE SHOES tnose amenities p t temper and man­ ■ Full Fashioned, a f\ SANDALS For Women ners which made of Rathan Hale a 1 Special, pair ...... 4 SyC For Children most delightful perabnality. Every­ HOOD SNEAKERS Pumpa, Strap* and body who knmy blih liked him. Men Cannon Trojan Pillow Casea with Hygeen tnaoles. Pra- White, Smokod and boys liked him. Children liked — it takes good things to make they grow tobacco folks know 1 Cannon Trojan Sheets Pillow Case^ ^■ant ajcceaalve pertpira- Elk and Brown. Hea In new appeaUn:; $ 1 . 9 8 Llm. When he Was teaching a school si«i.i2g,, / Good Quality. 42x36. m a ttoa odor. Waahabla—no All alz«* to %. f e pr. for boys In R4w London, be conduct­ good things. that mild ripe tobaccos arc 1 ^lX99a M ■tylea. Pair Special...... 1<&C mbber amell. New. vent! ed special -Classes for young ladles 1 Special...... < from five' to seven o'clock in the —the mild ripe tobaccos we bought for Chesterfield. lated upper*. 89Pair morning. Those New London girls buy for Chesterfield mean milder 1 Cannon Turkish Tow’els Cottag:e Sets Children’s Bloomers Who.itiet their handsome teacher And became Chesterfields are 1 24x44. . p- Special, q under the morning stars, before better taste. made o f the right kinds o f to^ 53 c pair...... O C ^ akfast and before family prayers SPORT OXFORDS must have passed beyond the stage —the way they are made hacco, it is a milder cigarette, For Men c f merely liking him. Boys’ Golf Hoae Boys’ Sun Suits Field Near Church means Chesterfields bum right a cigarette that tastes better. 1 Anklets White, and Black and And now we are assembled on the 1 Special, , Q , , ; / 1 4 , . Special OQ « and White Comblnationo. Illltary Training Field overlooking and smoke cool. There is no substitute for mild, 1 Pfilr...... O O C up be lake, where fOr the first time two mlUtsuy companies met in 172S THURSDAY, JUNE 7 —-it means th«t down where tobacco. SPORT OXFORDS for drill under Samuel Parker and Men’s Athletic Shirts Men’s Shorts !, For Women 1 Boys’ Dress Shirts / .Special X^hildren’s White Straps John Blssell, their commanders. Spe.1.1 2 3 ^ , W h 11 a* Snaoked Within a stone’s throw was the At 2 P. M. Elk, White and White Strapa for Flfst Church o f Christ. There Dea­ Tlie Fourteenth 1 * ' ^ : 4 3 c X con Richard Hale, his wife and chil­ Black, and Brown $ 1 . 9 8 f raduatlonra c and Men’s Balbriggan Shirts and White. All at $ •9Mpr. dren, worshipped.and listened to the - ^ In Our Series of Cooking Demonsttations Men’s one low prle»— Fair sermons of the Rev. Joseph Hunting- Using the Electric Range - 1 „ Men’s Hose 'and Draw’ers ton, who watched the family grow 1 S p ^ . Special, . Overalls and Dungarees; ‘ and grow until one pew could not "" Under the Direction of Pfilr:.;:...... , 1 ...... 1 U c ' each ...... Graduation - 'im/d them all.. You may wonder why 4 0 C 8 8 c Pair the training field was so near the church. But church and state were MRS. MARION ROWE 1 You w m F in d P k not then separate institutions in nty Of Big Specials In Our %asetfient Men’fi New White PUMPS Connecticut. The union waa not Home Economist of the Manchester Electric Company formally dissolved until the adoption In the Store In the Odd Fellows Block 1 “Two-m-One” Shoe Shin j Buckskin Oxfords e! the present Constitution In 1818. v /e m e /t f Whistling T " Blue Willow Women’s Beach Sandals You may wonder also why military At the Center 1 Kit»—Complete Copper Tea Kettles and Sport Shoes &T1ES training was necessary at a time Cups and Saucers v/hen no war was Imminent. In 1728 Formerly Occupied By the Southern New England Complet*. m A it was not necessary 'th Coventry, Telephone Company L I S r. AO tha beat aom- For atreat and dmia| Special mar atylaa. wfilch waa far removed from the In­ ...... lUC •2-»s wear for ■nmmer. For (Mrla. Big As-, Pair iCpr."^ sortnoent of Stylea. >98 pn dian frontier. Still, fear survived . M E N U ; [ ||, Card Tables Cldihes Lines among the first settlers who had fled & Special Rag Rugs southward with their catUe from In­ TEACAKES 100 Feet—Good Quality. 'v < , -i ira i? 18x36. . m dian massacres in Northampton and and Special...... 35 c Special...... 1 1 C Deerfield, where men, women and f children not long before had been FROZEN desserts ae ax Base Mats Toilet Silk Tissue scalped or carried eway Into captivi­ ItoSi. « Safety Matches’ ty And though fear had abated, the X. ywM--...... ;... 1 1 * l,000.Sheet Rolls. m Spaeial, • ------gv 8pedal-S Rbll...... T T T B ^ C 2 paekagaa f o r ...... C war, in GSoventry and in other towns 1013 MAIN STREET through the eighteentit century and 'f'p)!'' MANCHESTER In some places stUl tater, for mlll- m ta>y drill enlivened with amateur l e c t r i c C o . sports and the eloquence of local 773 Main Street Phfifie 51hl T fS' ■tii- ■*' ’ • - -a’''.. orators. IB AX boyhood, I Ustenad to M ANCHM lH IVttnNO HBRATD, IMJNOBIVnni, 008flf. WEDN^TOAT, JUNE 6 ,19B4. HERAUi, kANCHESTBR, CONK., WEDNESDAY. JUNE 8,1888. IM — V ------■M M aiiiptir' mpR ' -rm - n — :-ia Haitfonl Bae ...... 81H UH T"', ond cost, Arthur Bargaroa. vs. WU- at .tbs ssrvtca' renderad at the avenue. It is pianhsd to start the School tor N ursM ^asday afternoon starU d ^ ^ te rd a y moroiB|r ahd It riosad. T. Sunukar: fourth caaa, Anna Osotgo C. Sehaato, who ta lu oven er wU; be amroximately 1,000 feet Miss Smith grhduated with high thejjob. Msmtfaetwiag Stodm ' AttomsYaad Mrs. WaD bava been Cavar ys. Joomh LoransatU and arer ta oaa of thalr plaata. Mayov with the etaHing point at the in- honors in a etess of 88 nurses. She The members of the RoekvtVe A ten a Exp Am Hardware ...... 18 20 BYTORNIHGONGAS Uving in Anaonla for tha past iaonth HURT IN CRASH othara; Anna (Avar, admUiiatrator, SchMta itatad later in the after-> taraeetion of 'Vernon avenue and is a graduate of St Bernard’s Emblem club are e a jiw ^ a aoclol Am Hosiery ...... — 38 .astata of John (Avar, va. Joseph noon that ha enjoyed the visit of Grand avenue. Two ehifu will be Hava wa M t oR a m tetRfffY Air Rodue « • •• •'• •••»••« OFFICIAL SOUGHT cr mors. parochial school and toe Rockville thla afteinoon at the Elka Homo. . not OM God created R s ttn ^ 80) Arrow H and H, com. 12H 14^ Lorensatti and others; ,Pasquale the'new owners and called them employed, and it ia hoped to com­ High school with the class.of 1929. A locial will be held thia evening AJaaka Jug do., pfd 90 — John J. Wan, Fomor Corpor­ 3 FORECLOSURE ACnONS Bcrima va. Joseph Lorenaettl deal treackwousty orenr New Haven, June 8.—(AP)—* A "very ebcerful gentleman.” plete the work within a month. At FoTMters!^ Install by the Friendly claos of the Union sgateat Ua brether, by AMagbsBy Bluings and Bpenosr.. — i ation Connsol of Sholton Dr. Tha court'Cases ware aasignied in Abbot Stevena visited the office the praoent time the allotment to A Joint installation of tbe newly (AngregaUonal church and all mem­ Nifitidiir'llfw \ k k r Brlotol Brass ...... 28 28 verdict of suicide was given today- Hurry Rediich It Also the follottring order: flnrt .'tasa, the. covenant ot ear fatbsrsT— Allied C bcm ...... Secoid SdectaBtii Otto Found Daad in Bod. by (kroner James M. Ckwrtgaa, in PASSED UPON BY COURT of the Rockville Water and Acque- the town of Vernon from the FERA elected officers of General Kitchener bers are invited, to attend. BUIaeM, 2:18. do., pfd ...... 00 — Laura E. Green vs, (Slfford Lotins- dudt company in the Bank building board is $1,053, which Is a reduc­ Lodge, No. 431, df Rockville, and The final orgaXlaation meeting of Am Can Case, Loekwood and B — 800 tha death of John Wall. Anaonla bury; second case, WUIlam E. Or- J f if Betweai Fnict m i ikwycr,.who sras found daad in hia CMmissioMr of Elec- which concern was included In the tion of SO per cent. Earl Roberta Lodge, No.. 544, of toe Daughtere /of Isabella will be Am Ooml A lco...... ColUns Co...... 40 — Ansonia, June 0— (AP>—Attor­ cutt vs. Charles B. (Ale, et al; third Bale of the Hockanum Mills {g>m- It ia time to fear when tyrants Am For Poar BocUioIz Disipiieored gaa Bled homo. ThompaonviUe Woman Granted Tax Rate 10 Mllh Manchester, will be- held this eve­ held this evenhw-at 8 o’clock. seem to kiss.—Rhakespears. ' Colt’s F irearm s...... 21 23. ney John J. Won, former corpora­ cose, Otto Klndersberger vs. psny. ning at Foresters hall. The in­ Victory AsMmbly, (Atholie La­ HMeKi G ererm eit Am Rad St 8 ...... I Eagle Lock ...... 27 80 The coroner said Wan had bsen tiMM ■ Esset CuBty. Divorce and Custody of Son Anthony Hansen; fourth case, Nor­ The tax Tate of the city of Rock- Am S m a lt...... tion oOimsal of aiMlton was fotmd (leepondent chiefly over 8na»ir|i| . P. T. A. Electa ville was reduced two mills a t the stalling officer will be District Dcpi;- dies of (Alumims, vriU -hold a meet­ i Fafnir Bearings, . . . . . 50 60 May 27 After Resigninf^ dead la bad a t bis horns at 49 Jaek- by Former Marriage. man WUson vs. Norman Warner; tty William Sharp of Manchester. ing this evenly at 8 o’clock. Am Tel and Tol . . . . . ^ Fuller Brush, Class A. 7 — fain. fifth case, Charles A. Ivea va. Otis The Longview Parent Teachers meeting of the Board of (Am'mou Ab Tob B ...... aco stTMt this ntondag. Tbs room asaoctatlon at a meeting Monday (Auncil Tuesday evening. Tbe new An interesting program'will be en­ The faculty of the Rockville High G«nm. JuM «.-^(AP)—Ncfotia- Gray Tal Pay SUtion. 14 H 16V was sued with gaa that caoM from (Spaetel te The HeraM). H ums foreclosure actions were S. Fairbanks; sixth case, Alfred joyed after the Installation. school enjoyed the annual outing, Am Wat W k s ...... Hart and Cooley . . . . . — 12s heard Yijr Judge AUyn L. Brown,' of Dreher vs. Sam Schneider, Inc. evening at th~ Longview school tax rate is ten mills whereat, it w u CASH LOANS tlaM IWTt begun betirMn IVu m Anaconda ...... Danbury, Cbnn., June 8—(AP) — an open Jet in the room and when R o c k ^ e , June 8.—Dr. Harry house, elected the following offi­ Receives High Honors yesterday uternoon and last eve­ ^ Hartmann Tob, com... —- 5 WHAT CAUSES EPIUBP8T Y Norwich, at the June term of the criminal Cases Postponed twelve intlls a year ago. H If reunasdiBoiMf topsr bOatasta H «od - ObnBMqr towmrd bringing Armotir HI A ‘...... State poUce were aaked today by Attorney Wall was fotmd a t 9 Itediach of Newark. N. J., a denttat. cers; President, Mrs. (Arlton Buck- With the grand list of the city ot Miss Nan Flaherty, daughter of ning at Portland. An interesting ■ *tc„ 7M can batnnr it from ns la 24 ■ do., pfd ...... 15 — o'clock by a member of the house­ IS THERE A CURST Tolland County Superior Court Dr. and Mre. John B. Flaherty of program lyas enjoyed. % Cknnerilor RiUer** goranunMit bnck Atchiaon ...... Int Silver ...... 38 29 Mrs. Otto Buchholx, to broadcast an A booklet containing the opinions sad Commlsoioner'Of Etectlona of Tueoday morning. A divorce waa With three casea on the criminal mister; vice president, Mrs. Henry Rockville at $8,404,803, the ten mill g iKKin... sod npnr moolhlr scaort- a Aviation Corp ...... alarm for her husband, second hold life was iixtlncL list for the June term of the Tol­ Seifert; secretary, Mrs. Leroy tax will bring in approximate'y Elm'street, was one of the six stu­ g instorearincaoM... ItoJSaoalht. g ■Into tlie dIannnnaMBt eoofermc*. do., p f d ...... 85 89 of famous doctors on this Intersstlng Eoaex (flinty. New Jersey, which alao granted in addition to the as- dents at the (Allege of New Bolt and Ohio ...... selectman of the. Town of Danbury, Thsrs was but oar gas jet la the subject wUl.be sent FREE, srhlla land (Aunty Superior (Aurt, no Wanegar; treasurer, Walter Rau. $80,000, allowing the five per cent g O ir Charon nr* flfnnd onhr so tha b I 0UU Bnrtbou, lYaneb foreign Landers, Frary A Clk. 31Vi‘ S8V( room and this, was turned on. Attor­ liidudas 21 municlpaliUea oa well as aignment of court and jury cases to Rochelle, N. Y., to receive depart­ _ unpaid balaues e( th« Iona—and snlr * miniater, alluded to tbeae negotia^ Bendlx ...... New Bri. Mch., com.. 6 7 who baa been miming from this city they last, to any reader writing to be beard at the present term of the trials resulted yesterday and in The new staff of offioeril were in­ discount for paying the taxes wlUdn Beth Steel ...... since he left here Sunday. Mayi 27, ney Wall, it U suted. went to his Nowark, auffared a fracture of the fact none of the defendants was put stalled by Mrs. James Quinn, Jr„ the required time limit. The nut mental honors In EAgllsh at toe R^reation Center H (or thn exact a o ib e r M dare ran onn ■ tiona today in a apaach before tbe do, pfd ...... -i 45 the Educational Division, D ept 827. left arm above the wrist in a head- court. to plea commencement exercises Monday. ■ that aBwant. R atcerlng committee of the confer­ Borden ...... Mann A Bow, Class A. 3 7 supposedly to Udee a brief vacation. nvim at 11:45 o’clock last night 845 Fifth Ave, New York, N. Y.— The court opened at 10 o'clock county president, after which a so­ receipts after deducting tbe fiye When ' be did not reappear this on automobile colllaion at Leonard’s Miss Flaherty was one of the out­ ■ Cmmmht— WHta— r'Fktmm .■ ence wben be revealed tbat a reaolu- Can Pac ...... - - do.. Class B ...... 1 . —. ' A letter received by First Select­ AdvL with prayer by Rev. Charles S. The flrst case scheduled to be da! hour Was enjoyed and a straw­ tier'cent discount will be $79,846. Items of Interest Caoe (J. X ) ...... man Albert P. Walsh, Thursday, Comer at 11:30 o'clock Tuesday heard was that of State vs. EArl T. berry festival held. The finances of the city of Rock­ standing students during her col­ tioe be introduced auggeatinc that North and Judd ...... 15 17 morning. ' Johnson of the Rockville Methodist lege career and attained high hon­ ■ PtRSONi^, F in a n c k cjb. ■ natloea abould kaep up wltb their Cam De Pasco ...... Niles, Bern P o n d ...... o 19 Mav 31. contained the restg^nation' church after which the assignments Trotter, charged with reckless op­ Annual Banquet ville are in a remarkable condltlun Cbes and Ohlor ...... Dr. Redlsch'a car was headed to- eration of a motor vehicle and vio­ at the present time and the city ors in her work. , A hublic set-back party will be ■ H ao n a, tiata Tkeater Bnlld- ■ “private negotlationa'* toward die- Peck, Stow and Wilcox of Mr. Buchholx as a member of the -yrard Rockville and collided with a were taken up followed by the short Tbe 38th annual banquet of the Funeral of Edward Huelinsr held /at the West Side Rec on Cedar ■ ln«. TS3 Main atroet, Mon- ■ Chrysler ...... Ruseell Mfg ...... Board of Selectmen. The resigna­ calendar. Then the criminal busi­ lation of rules Of tbe road. The case Ladles Auxiliary of the Ancient Or­ officials anticipate no deficit this clieat»T>reMrii««c S4M. Tk« m armament had a bearing on "Conver- Com! Solv ...... machine driven by Theodore Hoff- The funeral of Edward Huebner, street. Play .will start at 8 o’clock eatlohs my government may wish to Scovill ...... tion, came as a complete surprise to ness was heard, although no trials was withdrawn. The second case der of Hibernians will be held' at year. The only indebtedness in toe nelr cliai«« to ThrM * Cona Gaa acker of Juniper Ledge, Briar Cliff listed was that of State vs. N. H. way of bonds to pay this year is toe 66. who died at the Hartford hos­ nnty prizes will be awarded the win^ Pff M«nifc 8»ii tJa>ato B undertake —quite frankly, that Stanley Works ...... the other members of the board, was ^ H ^ o r , N. Y., and owned by. tbs resulted. A jury pamel was drawn the Rockville House Thursday eve­ pital Saturday evening following a nei li Aido«»4 of Lm o ■ Cons O il...... Standard Screw ...,. Ijeld several days before id was ENTERTAINMENT and PI at the close of the session. Rides, charged with reckless oper­ ning. A very Interesting program $2,000 due on the filtration plant. incaaa Germany." Com Prod ...... ^^^^e-ell Brewery, Which was coming ation of a motor vehicle and viola­ long Illness, was held from his late he weekly women's tennis tour­ « do, pfd, guar.' ,... made public, as it was hoped Mr. In .the case of The Savings Bank has been arranged Tor this occasion Spraying Trees Barthou add^: Dei L and W n ...... (tA 99 ^ ^ ^ ■ b e opposite direcUdh. tion of the rules of the road. The home at 41 Elizabeth street Monday nament will be held a t' the Nathan “Trance muet not attach any con- Smythe Mfg C o ...... 27 '8 2 Buchholx would return hnd with­ :^^MHoffacker was on the wrong side of Totfasui against Sadie Lavitt of including a talk by Rev. George T. The work of spraying the trees afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev K. Otto ale tennis courts at 6 o'clock. Du Pont ...... Taylor and Fenn ,... draw It, or at least make an ex­ Ellington, Judgment in foreclosure appeal waa vacated as the court Sinnott, pastor and Rev. Francis C. about Rockvl^a-Was started yester­ ditiona to Germany'e^.return (to the Eastnum K odak...... planation of. his action, ‘Crazy To Reduce _ of the road, according to reports, opened. The remaining case, being Klette, Jtaator of the First Luther in The regular women’s swimming dirarmament conferie'nce) and Ger­ Torrlngton ...... and was taken into custody by was granted in the amount of $5,- Htnchey, assistant pastor, of St. day in anqffdrt to save them. Two church,! officiated. 'Burial W-aa m lasses will be omitted this week ,'n Eleo and M u a ...... Underwood Mfg Co .. North Methodist Church 518.40 and tbe law day waa set as that of Nicholas Sklarsky, charged Bernard’s church. Numerous toasts modem-'5praylng outfits Were usc'J many must not attach any condi­ Elec Auto Lite ...... "Plastic S’eam” Is a new <|iary State Policeman Kenneth W. .Stev­ with non-support of his wife and the family plot in Grove Hill ceme­ Thur.sday at the East Side Center tions." Union Mfg <3o ...... ens of the Stafford State Police bar­ December 3, 1934. Gi| Bridgeport. June 6,—(APi — As r Mrs, Ruth Goodman and Mra. and left the state of Connecticut ment of prudence." Loew’s ...... ■ State Liquor Control Commls- kids in "Out Our Way^. He hJ[| m unce^y m eX Emil Sebober was granted Judg­ without . permission and without 1110 BarUou resolution provided Lorlllard ...... , 17T4 — ‘ Emma HIman, who were in. the ment of $4,890,78'in the foreclosure P«3dng the fine. He was returned it IS. Monsanto Chem ...... Sion turned over The 'nainer'of‘‘‘30 drawings havc’a°bVgerTudlence"than any^eV em ^ Redlsch car, also suffered injurteX that the disarmament conversations . 43'. package store owners to State’s At- cmAitry. Williams is the nigged westwS t?Se action against Walter P. Martley to Tolland county Jail until hia case- continue “without prejudice to any Mont • Ward ...... 26 Mra. Goodman had both legs bruised and others 4Vith the law day as the is to be heard. private negotiation.^ into which the Nat Blsc ...... 36'a toraey William H. Comley today, atlnctlvely. A cow-puncher for years—b u t ^ r n I’n Scotia o f V a ' Headline— and suffered injuries to her shoulder. second Saturday of June, 1934. Nat Cash Reg ...... other faring stock His pe..st is rich and vigorous . . h,"s been f raiRoad fltS' Mrs. Helman suffered severe Jury Panel Drawn government.^ may wish to enter In . IB'S package store owners throughout' majr, served a hitch in the rezular cavalrv "T«' Default waa also entered in this The following jury panel was order to promote Anal success." Nat Dairy ...... 17Vi bruises to her body and was shaken case against hon-appearlng witness. Nat Distillers ...... the state for violations of hour and h ^ n o w s people and local cohw. Youthful cartoonists mav'titks*”o^mfnrr up by the forces’ of the Impgct. drawn for the trial of the cases 2,5 H quantity rules In liquor sales, motethe r«et ihn» a . “ ks comfort Edward Kellner of Rockville placed Tuesday, June 19: N Y Central ...... 28S than 150 members of the- ConnecUi “Estimated That Sailors and Officers JViri Spend State Policeman Stevens spent the value of the Martley property NY NH and H ...... of Hfi “*'’** °“ • '■'‘" ‘■h <“ Arixona—thinks It’s the only kind | considerable time investigating the aa $6,000. This action was of a Coventry, Charles Heckler and liSVi cut Package Store Association pft- of life.life, H es still a good enough'horseman to perform oceasionitily at] William L. Crosby: Ellington, Noranda ...... 43 pared to meet here tonight. / ■ rodeos. $2,225,000 In New York While The Fleet Is In.** accident and Hoffacker was charged technical nature and brought to MORE AMERICANS North Am •...... nv4 with violations of the rules of the clear the title. Thomas Little and Charles Presa- Attorney Thomas J. S p e ll^ , of _ Of courA' you won’t want to miss "Out Our Way”, a single dav ler; Stafford, Leo Zelz and H. A. Packard ...... 4 • Hartford, coun.sel-...... for ClJCythe.,'^Maocia- road. Dr. Radlsch had hla sedan Divorce Granted Penn ...... , hauled to tha Rockville garage Mrs. M w lda Jaycox Patterson. Glazier; Somers, Henry Chapin and AS PRIZE WINNERS 30H tion, who obtained the tep^orary in­ Sailors are good spenders. They deserve a good time when they get Oliver C. Pease; Tolland, Grover Phil Pete ...... 19 Vi junction under which tjrb alleged 11- where temporary repairs were made 38, of Tbompsonville, was granted Pub Serv N J, .... ___ ao that he cohld proceed to his home a divorce from Frank Patterson on Maine and Joseph R. Usher; Wil- .35% ^ a l sales, wore made. Is expected lington, Tennant' C. Bugbee and ™ ftonttimed from Page Onel Rkdlo ...... , 7'4 to addre.ss the as.MoCiatlon and to shore leave jn a metropolis like New York- But if yon conln look behind In Newark, N. J„ iate in the after: the grbundST'^qf cruelty and was also Rem Rand ...... noon. The party with Dr. Redlsch g r ^ e d the Custody of her children Allen C Bennett: Vernon, John L. DOWN take up the quesUdn of financing an Fitzgerald, Charles L. Carpenter, Meyer, East 10th street. New York; Rcy Tob B ...... 44'a appeal to the Supreme Court. TWO YALE STUDENTS SET FOREIGN EXCHANGE the scenes you will find that thousands of these men are SAVING a very were at Boston Monday attending ;h an allowance of $5 weekly to Bryai, McNulty, CAiamber street, Sears Roeb ...... the graduation of Leonard Helman fupport them. Parley B. Leonard, Robert H. Rue- 40% Z, ger. Boston, Mass.; "Ras," University Socony Vac ...... 16VI, reasonable share of (heir income for all sorts of future purposes when their from the Massachusetts State Coy Mra. Patterson testified to being avenue. Bronx, N. Y.; “B. M. T.,“ South Pac ...... OFF ON LONG BIKE TRIP lege of Optometry Monday evening. married at Madison April 14, 1923, Likes Rockville 23% New York. June 6.—(AP)—For­ Ralph avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y.; Sou P RIc 8 ...... 31% PUBLisSKRtfmBOR enlistments are done. LMnard Helman, a brother of^Xlra. Ro Frank Patterson. She testified Nathaniel Stevens, president, and “Beauty," Bound Brook. New Jer- South Rwy ...... 25% eign exchange firm; Great Britain Ruth Goodman and the son oY Mrs. also that her husband beat her so Abbot Stevens, treasurer, of the M,. eey. St Brands ...... 20 Vj, FOR FOSTERING STRIKES Wasrer Friends The.v Will Com­ li^oilars. others in cents. Emma Helman, returned home with severely that she left him in Febru­ T. Stevens -and Sons Company of "We‘ Need the Do," Montgomery St Oil Cal ...... 3V4 plete 400 Mile Journey With­ Great Britain demand, 5.05%: ca- the party. / ary, 1932. ^ North Andover, Mass., new owners street, Brooklyn, N. Y.; M. Casey, St Oil N J ...... 44 (Continued from Page One) blea, 5.05%; 60 day bills, 5.04 Vi; Sentenced to Jgil. Mrs. Patterson was previously of the former Hockanum Mills 30th street, Mt. Rainier, Mo.; Augcl Tex Corp ...... 25 in 60 Hours. France demand, 6.60Vi; cables, 8.- Joseph Lyman of ^ rth Havard married and divorced in the H art­ company of Rockville, visited Fomex, Apt 5. Central Park West Tim Rol Bear ...... ate much of the good will labor now ARE street, Allston, Mass;; driver of the ford County Superior Court, and , 28 U enjoys. 60'4; Italy demand, 8.66, cables, Rockville Tuesday. A general in­ New York; "Thank iPiou,” Coral Trans A m erica...... New Haven, Conn., June 8—(AP) 8 .66. Willjrs-Knlght sedan which collided has since been living in Thompson- spection was made of their holdings atreet, Worcester. Mass.: "6 h, St. Union Carbide ...... "Neither NRA or any other public Demands; — with the Oldsmqblle sedan owned ville. She admitting having one in Rockville and a tour of the com­ Francesco." l^th avenue. Brooklyn, TJiUon Pad ...... measurea for recot cry were created —Two Yale sophomores left. New Belgium, 23.38; Germany, 37.62; and driven by Samuej^- Robinson of child by the first marriage, it was munity was also enjoyed. New York; Mrs. Watt, West 49th Unit Aircraft ...... to foster special iatcreats, whether Haven today for Charlestqn, W. Va.. Holland. 67.82; Norway, 25.43; Roxbury, Meuis., Saturday evening also admitted by Mrs. Patterson Nathaniel Stevens and Abbot street. New York. Unit Corp ...... they be those of individuals. labor on a tandem bicycle In a ■ race Sweden, 26.09; Denmark, 22.60; at Leonard’s Comer, was brought that she was divorced from her first Stevens enjoyed dinner at the Red Lodlst," Harrison. N. J.; or management. Gains of any one Unit Gas Imp against time. The students, R. J. Finland. 2.26; Switxerlapd, 3?A7: before the Tolland Justice Court husband within two years after her Rockville House at which time In \" Isadore Unger, East 2Sth atreet, U 8 Rubber faction, at expense or distress of M. Altlzer, of Charlestown, and Bud Spain, 13.69; Portugal 4.60; Tuesday morning. marriage on the grounds of cruelty. an interview they stated they were When You Buy on the Meter-Ator Plan Brooklyn, N. Y.; Frank Hanover, U 8 Smelt ...... the country at large, cannot and Cashman, of Charleavllle. Va., start­ THE SAVINGS BANK Lyamn, who has been held at the Mrs. Patterson testified to her hus­ will not be tolerated. . Cxecho-SIovakia, 4.17: Jugo-Slavia, well-pleased with their holdings m West Main atreet. Wtlllmantic. U S Steel ...... y ...... 4014 ed their 400 mile journey after mak­ 2.28; Austria, 18.05N; Hungary, Tolland county jail since Sunday in band, Frank Patterson, making Im­ Rockville and the community in ■Conn;. “Lonesome Chestnut”, Vick Chem .... , Z ...... , m t: In the United States today we ing a wager with frienda that they 29.75N; Rumania, 1.01; Argentine, OF MANCHESTER default of a $50 bond, was charged proper advances to her small child general. They expresse.d themselves Roselle Park. N- J-: "Simon Irish, Western Unloir , ’ ’ “ eau are enjoying, the most enlightened, could reach their destination on a 33.60N; Brazil. 8.55N; Tokyo. 80,^- with reckless driving by State Po­ and as a result he was committed to as appreciating the kindly spirit Folger street. Buffalo, N. Y. West El and/M fg...... i.” " 34^ relationship between employers and bicycle in 60 hours.. (^assmates A Matijal Savings Bank liceman Donald A. Crossman of the jail for a period of 30 days. employes as a whole that the world I*%: Shanghai, 33.08; Hongkong, in which they were received by t'le Whiskers, Robert avenue. Brook­ woolworth/. vathcred. near the campus to give 35,50; Mexico C5ty (sliver peso), Stafford State Police barracks. The Ilia Thiesse, of Somers, a sister- Rockville residents. They als6 com­ lyn, N. Y.; "Lucky Strike,!' Box 78, has ever seen, and we shaU be able tbe boys a rousing, sendoff. The in-law, testified for Mrs. Patterson, ONLY Boyi and Share (Curb). 14^ 28^00; Montreal in New York, 100.- . case was brought to trial before plimented Mrs. Ellen Chapdclaine SUtlon B. Brooklyn, N. Y. "Three to continue them and -enjoy them, travellers -were clad in bright blue 46%, New York in Montreal, 99.- Justice of Peace Clayton Reed in stating that Frank Patterson called in One’.’, Madison - avenue. New ^ b o r Itseil will jdai permit mis­ and white jerseys and running 5SV4. Tolland at 10 o’clock. Lyman was his wife vile names in the presence York; E. E. Anderson Jenifer street, directed zeal on the part of Its lead­ pants. N—Nominal. found guilty as charged and a sen­ of the children. She also testified Madison. Wise.; ’’Free Ould lie- ers to threaten Its future welfare tence of three days In jail and costs to the father making improper ad­ land,” West loath street. New Buslnesads affected directly bv of $16.20 were imposed. His rela­ vances to a child and waa "always PILE TORTURE York; “Jerseyite”, care of United these Considerations. Let It become at the cider or wine barrel.” Artists. / even more articulate in its view­ tives'endeavored to. raise the costs point." so that he would not have to remain Roland Jaycox, 13, a son of Mrs. Quickly Comforted Ell Marocos, WIdo street. n W in jail longer than Friday. Patterson by the first marriage, York; Y. Klsblmoto, Box 38,, San fl of my MAINE SUFFERING vorce waa granted after Judge walk or even lie down comfortably, Dreams", 8th avenue, Brooklyn, N. 1 P. M, Stock GILEAD Brown questioned ’Mrs. Patterson relieve them with the old reliable T.; Catherine BancnM. Apt 142, at length. PETERSON’S OINTMENT — one Riverside Drive, New York: Tberess Stoeka FROM DROUGHT NOW Mr. and Mrs." John Cheney of Amlgnments June 19 trial proves all claims. Used on Creem. Ocean avenui, Brooklyn, N. _ Bid Asked (OontinaMI from Pag* On«) Hadlyme, were recent visitors at Assignment of both court and blind, bleeding, itching or protrud­ ^p,N 4t Bank A Trust 18 20 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pinney'a. jury cases were made for Tuesday; ing piles, it stops itching immedi­ "Rub NuU.”‘ ila st I8tb street. Cofla. R iv er...... ago fcra-Coiiigreaa by Prealdent Roose- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Foote motored June 19 at which time a short cal­ ately— soothes : soreness — eases Brc»klyn, N. Y-; J. CarrasgulUo, JTth Htfd. Cora. Trust .... 53 57 v(sU who recommended a 1525,000.- to Amherst, Mass., Saturday and endar .session will also be held. The p a in —brings you comforting relief. avenue. New York;-"Joanle,:! i 8th Hartford National ... 17 19 000 drought relief program. spent the day with their son, Arnold jury cases will be followed by the Thousands say it is unequaled. Why street, S j^yslde. L. I.: George Wise Phoenix St. B and T .. 186 Other more forunate sectlona alao C. Foote and his family. Mr. Foote six court cases at this time. The pay high prices wben time-tested Harden,/8t. Louis stirMt. Edwards- West Hartford Trust.. 95 le p ^ e d relief efforta. Arkanaaa, PLYMOUTH also called on bis cousin Miss Mary jurji cases were assigned in the PETERSON’S OINTMENT costs viUe. ni;: Huge de'XitelAlteria, Broad- - Insuranco Stocks reclplaot of relief frpm South Dako­ Wales at her home in Amherst. following order; only 35c. Also In handy tube with way Newlew Yoi*?^ Aetna Casualty ...... egu 60'i ta In the dlaaatroua drought which, Miss Doria Hutchinson of Man­ First case, A. J. Orme, trustee, sanitary applicator— 60c. All drug- A- B. Taylor. Eaet 48th street, Aetna Fire ag'i 40'a ravaged the Soulhern Stale in 1930 chester was a visitor Sunday at vs. Olive F. Stengel and wife; aec- giats— money back If not delighted. ^ew York; "Lucky Belt Men.’. rare Aetna Life 18% 20'a Mrs. Lavina Hutchinson and at Mr. Automobile ...... <.ffcrc(l (o rejuiy a part of ita debt bv of^Othdlin and Kaplan, W'eat 37th 20 . 22 and Mrs. J. B. Jones’. Conn. General . . . . .snlppiri't three Ciirloads of rtce, with , j-eet. New York: John Drago Garj-, 29 31 Southern reelpc.a, to the Northern Mra. Ruby Gibson has returned Dartmouth street. Watertown. Hartford F ire ...... 52% 54 <4 •Slate. from Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller's Mass.; Edward Gates, 8th street. Hartford Steam Boiler 52 54 In Milford after passing a week National Fire ...... Farmerr (n Northeastern Minne­ there. South Boston, Mass.; "Will Win." 54 58 sota offered to throw open thonaanda Grove street. FYreport, L. I. Phoenix Fire 61 . .83 Mias Dora Pinney of Hartford Travelers ...... o. cares nf pa.stnre lands, under re- spent the week-end with her par­ Robert Le\ian, Utopia Parkwiiv 430 440 Mrtctions, to le.ss fortiuiate nelgh- * »>bUc Ctiilties stwks PRICES ents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pinney. Hustog, N. Y.; "Try Again;' 'X. Conn. Elec. Serv .. .. 39. tora in other parts of the state, Ned Burt of. Stamford visited hla HavUand avenue. New York- Rcm- 43 "hey said it was. "worth the ri.sk" F EVER there was a time to “lopk at All Three”. . . men Heldars Uengord, Brooklyn, N Conn. Power ... ’ 37 39 uncle, Charles F. Burt Saturday. Greenaich. \V*G, pfd.' to repay people who "aided us dur­ If' Mrs.. A. H. Post and Mrs. Cha’rles ■ Is What It Costa To Own A Model “V” 85 ing the 1918 forest flres.'^-,. this is it. Effective today, without change in Heights, New York. I Fish were visitors Monday after­ Kelvinator On the Meter-Ator Plan. product, PIjrmouth announces very substantial price noon at Mr. -and Mrs. Myron Post’s aarence Miller. - william .-treet reductions printed in the box at ^ a right. TODAV...PRICES SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED In East Hartford. SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY Just Think—Only Three Nickels A Day. Tonawanda, N. Y.; Three Pals’■ Mr, and Mrs. Harold House of A M ^rdam avenue. New York- West Hartford were visitors Sunday BORIC ACID, WomM Downey, E. 4flth street', Study those figures carefully. Compare them with 75c FITCH’S A A STANDARD PLYMOUTH Nmw Friem O ld F rim S m i n t Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish. 2-oz. siz e ...... SHAMPOO .. . f l f l C N w Ywk; Joseph Klrscbner and the prices of Plymouth’s two competitors. 4 Mr. and Mra. Charles Pinney, 5c others. Bast 42nd street, New York: Choose That Gift For Business Coupe $485 $530 $45 lisa Dora Pinney and Cliarlcs F. $1.00 MANGE CURE ...... 8'Jo SUNTAN OH, ..... ,S4c and d9c Start Enjoying Your Angle in care of Stewart Smith Co, You will see that today you lean buy a big, luxuri­ Surt motored to Webster. Mass., Broad street, Newark, N. J. 2-Door Sedan• 510 545 35 ous Pljrmouth with all these advantages... Sunday, where they were guests at 50c Ungfuehtine MODEL V ^Blah Waahtenaw, Ann Arbor, PLYMOUTH SIX ■ V the home of Mrs. Charles Avery. YEASTFOAM Mich.. George Petrie. Oates avenue. The Graduate NOW HYDRAULIC BRAKES • SAFETY-STEEL BODY i J. B. Jones attended a meeting of Skin Cream ... 29c New 1934 f* Y.; George Otto, 88th 4-Door Sedan 600 610 10 the Executive committee of the- Best for Sunburn. TABS ...... 36c nreet. New York; M. B. and F. D WTiile There Is A Good Selection PATENTED FLOATING POWER Hartford and Tolland county v ' ?■ Htjspitai. Lyons.' 2-Door Sedan 560 570 10 Health officers at the Hotel Bond in 25e Citrate of Magneste ...,l5 c 25c MERCUR(XlIROME___»c N. J.: Chub^,' East 42nd s ^ t To Pick From ... at’ a price virtually identical with the very lowest- Business Coupe 540 Hartford Monday. New York; Irving Oiop. Falrmount 560 20 Som^hing Now! priced car on the market. Rumble Seat Coupe Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carpenter of 35c 50c 2 “ *’ N. Y.: Samuel, Ridge Combination of Belt Buckle, CoUat _ ’’’’x' 570 570 00 Wlllimantic visited their grand­ MUM Blvd. Brooklyn, N. Y.; J. B. T a ^ Pin nnd Tie Clasp, parents, Mr. and, Mrs. BenjamlB' 24c EX-LAX 34 l(sr. StlLAvanua, New York. in natural gold finish For three years now, Plymouth has set the pace DE LUXE PLYMOUTH Lyman Sunday afternoon. c in the low-price field. Year after year Plymouth Mr. and Mra. E. E. Foote attend­ LiyEBUOY 8HAV. C R E .^ 24e OOTt PERFUME, H dram 25c 4-Door Sedan 660 695 35 ed the funeral of Mrs. A. E. Frink KELVINATOR ...... $19.00 and op has made sensational gains. It is the only low- 2-Door Sedan 610 640 30 of Andover at Avery and Van 25c Palmolive HOSPITAL NOTES Xaneft’a Chapel In Wlllimantic, Mon­ Talcum Powder priced car that is^ selling more today than ever be­ Town Sedan 695 730 5 Tomorrow On Tho STANDARD PLUMBING COMPANY’S EAST PLAN fore in the history of the company. 35 day afternoon. 1 IScll^^r’"’.’. :l c| Here Is All You Have To Do! You now can have all the toe you want, plus tha ilaeat and OMOt haalthfid Business Coupe 595 620 25 g u a r a n t e e d POISON IVY CURE...... bottle 50c • Just pick out your KelvUator. refrigeration for Just IS cents a day.. .and furthermore, the 18 eents a day la Ab m Oordnor et Varaen and ■ $25.00 and up WARMER AT SOUTH POLE. No down payment is necesaary. - Mra. EUaabatb Oeoka of 25 RuoatU What’e tha reason for this tremendous gro%vth? Rumble Seat Coupe 630 660 3d • Higher priced models may be had im the Meter-Ator Plan at slightly P*yldlt Tor your refri^rator Instead of vanishing as completely as the lee K for­ Mraet 'wara admlttod and Gordon It’s simply this. The challenger must be better to Convertible Coupe 685 . 705 20 Little America, Antarctica, Jnne l' b a t h in g SUPPLIES higher rates. merly bonght. . - Vonnvd of IS Oriawold atraat, Wal- ntlir-^ T d* '5;**^'’/® ■ **-’5 to *50.00 forge so quickly fhead... Plymouth is America’s best .8—.(Via Mackay Radio)—(AP) — ' iwim-Kspa — Shoes — Ear Plugs — Sun Glasses • Entirely automatic In operation. Juot deposit the money. itSf •tract Above ore list pricu at factory, Detroit. Duplata Safety Plato Sleeping bags have been laid aside Sunburn Cream — Mosquito Cream — Thermos Bottles. Etc. Kelvinator Refrigeration will not only provide a household neeeosity, but it will Thalma Jackaoa of 1848 p1 « i Pendant S ets $2.00 to $15.00 for blankets by some members of g Once each month we collect the deposit and credit the amount to your engineered low-priced car. Clou throughout at low oxtra cost. Convenient timopaymonta. ______^ Assortment Before Buying Elsewhere. acoopunt. also help pay for the refrigerator, plus untold dividends In health preaervatioa Turnpika ware dlachargad Aek for the Official Chrysler Motors Commercial Grodit Plan. the Byrd Antarctic Expedition as a Mra. Iron# Palohaw ^ See it today... at my.Dooiga, De Soto or Chrysler "hot speli" shows no signs of relent­ • $$ costs no more to purchase on the Meter-Ator PInn Mim any other time for your family in years to come. A*wla atraat Waa adnlttad today. Pen and PencB S e ts...... *295 and up ing. Instant sales plan. dealer. Don’t buy any IqW-prieM car until you do. "The temperature ■ yestet^y Bost Tooth • When Kelvinator la paid for, we remove the meter, which Incidentally caa Phone 8804—we iriU giadly send a representative to present this pise to yao. Combination Pen and Pencil .. $2 95 reached 25 degrees above xero^ about RoHof be concealed Inside the oompartmenL b a o b CORNS Kehinator Meter-Ator Plan Is on sale only at The Standard Plumbing Cempaiiy. - ooBMunf OUT o r 10 degrees higher than the maxi- Don’t eat fsar esnis sod _mum recorded by. any. previous ex­ risk blood-poisoning Dts Paste - _Wang»tuek, J udo «e-(AP)«»AV. plorers of the Antarctic. Dr. ScboITs aneepnds for Boy a tube today and Martin E. CMcmiay, Demo- l(»»atorra«antrriitl W. C, Haines, meteorologist of Leesan sad fsmoTo ooras bring your teeth bock " ncw —— dldata . for Ooograoa J„ in tha ^ J J O N N E L L Y the expedition, said the warm wrin- taSdsya Haal M r s toss to their natural pearly JEWELER PLYMOUTH MOTOR CORPORATION possibly fias a bearing On un- •rorufght. Got a box whitenesa. «U Mate Street STANDARD PLUMBING COMPANY not soak dRanebeeter uBual weather conditions prevailing , iodsy—eoat bat atriflo. 50e SIZE 0 0 SALES AND SERVICE this year in other parts of the FREE ADVICE ON FOOT TROUBLES ON SALE AT . o Z C 901 MAIN STREET • DETROIT, MICHIGAN world. MANCHESTER PHONE 8304 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. W E D N ^ A t. JUNE 6.1984 MANCHESTER EVENING HERAID, MANCHBSTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. JCfNE 6, 198i J lm rlif] duaea te main a Bvtng, « guaraii* te fiMMHBfilt With quaufyiag Bsant years of bad ttvtng and those Evening rrM er,” which yrna vary toe against Industrial and flaonetal term. But they likely toxlna must be largely eliminated beautiful. hBas Oladye C Cranston except that they sound lose tuiay —Nearly ieemplete unofficial returns before the patient/feels, much bet Democmtle nomtoatlon to a walka­ bod almost three tiraea the eombtoed nmo^ ^ iSp«m£ .eoaugh be censiderably was ptanlst and Mra. Elton W. Hat- end are tuned accurately. The FORMER IOWA GOVERNOR today showed that former Governor way, for tba flubamatortal seat at to ona over bis two Demeeratto te r .' SonMumeafienMtlmsa tthOoe poieona hava la ^ y waa most exproet-ve one, a baea toetra- ToU Of bU two rivela OBd ta d Rep. C C. the ' Bret Mma la tbe history if they were to get awi^f from It :------in sueb a targa quan In New YORKj Dan M. Turner had won the Repub­ tbe fenerol electloiie tbia foU. rivals to the Third District, while eon, led A. O. Kauge by < ment about a foot long, coate $10. DAILY RADIO PRO0KAM ’Four Oongressmen were Oppoeed _ _ Suadey lican noutoatiott for goveraor. hie party eoUetgue Otha D. Weorte 'df^the^'dOUlqr the maeeea are eoo- together. There Is a large and that n change toward a more Aa a matter of fact, the har­ WINS G .O .P . NOMINATION Turner won after a eloee- battle, for renomtoatloti. were ee’r t ^ of 4,000 Totee. „ of girls are plaianiiig to Turner win contest with Got. iffi the field to the Seventh. ao n d e eU y /B ^ politically iplndod. r^dly Inereaeiag number of peo­ iiSMM diet producee what has monica'Is not even a mualcal in­ WKONfifiOAV, JUNE 6 (Central and Eastsra EUndard Time) beating out Ralph W. Colflesb. Her-, Njtoe* OB the ballot Rep. a C ■MMIH MW. OMB. ~ Bare and bound chase, with -Dee Motees. lewa, June (AP) a y d t U H trrtog, who won tba ring’s path was much caster oa be ■Rep. B. m:. Jacobsen, also a Demo­ vaoiua rahotnoa ^ o t e aedomM ^^Hmlght bo «Ud ple in this country arbo are begda- baen ttn o M “A DleUUe CrioU” Ao. destlaetltia at L«vl T, D ew ^ a By J>AUL MAIUUSON so west backstage strument, according to the Must- Wetsi All tAvariuns tekar aad bade ehalns or group* tbereaf naleas laed- WUIford had a motgin of nearly two . Ikiglend pubUsbee U ,SQ ^ ~ 1 Haaacar tba blood MinBee more dM: vMat te coast (s te el esslgnstien Includes au aTaUabla staUeaa crat, woe well out o h e ^ to the Sec- books onnuelly. , t "^at they haewnoi^tQ-tradsrst^d alng to think with considerabie ' grounds, where they will on- and waited for Mine- ejMS Union of Americsu -The U. S- Freerame subjsst te ebante. F. M.' fOoSNeM Ttms One Bern tutsrj. dlsM>lves n w i^ ^ the viriilsnrtox New York, June 6 — Herbert '.to finish his act. She drew CiistoM recognizee It as such, .^OMoMt I. IMl that real polities and eoodotalee are favor of many of the advoeadsa'of ina which have been social and refreahments next Hoover plays the harau NBO-WEAF NfiTWORK Cant, float. PabliBkW Bsmpt lursdey afteriwon and oveniag, into a secluded comer, however, when It eom' — until tbe ellmlMtlve or- chester. ,rv a b q e e ^ tMkIng to Borrab to _ my _____ second childhood because I which he bad begun -as a young­ SOOTH — wrm wptt wwae wis wjax win and retain the confidence'of the After ^x^rbat are these . euch as the kidneys, lungs, ■ ^ buUt a for- like this thing, I ,just had to come ster to Boston. * wfla-wbea wtod wsa wrae wsb wapt Ivor end skin, have removed them Mrs. Wolverton. mother of Mrs: people is the doe which holds out for somebody Wing fiodolistk hut AdvanMfi^b- from tbe blood stream. Tbeia dla- Qeorge A. Palmer, underwent a I— * S T ? * “ * *®*tltote of Amer- who’d appreciate It" MOUNTAIN—boa kdyl s .i - t:l » - 7)11—gaav ____ W M raa a a m o c ia t b o the moat logical and eonvlaelng minor operation last Fridv after- Craofatag the Femes FAOIFIC COAST—kzo tl kzw keiiio urala--JMxla: Herman erais? Wouldn’t thbjrjH m a bat­ agreaable symptoms are rSally modemlitlc offices In —___ kbe kfsd .ktsr kgu kpn ^ <>rMa M nBlMlTtlr promise of ecoaomie aeeurity to the ter chance of btanaiig an import­ favorable Indicationa and will dlsap- Boota. She Is improving Bieaiy. "^e Impreesario. now 82. has •M M M U tk* «M ter repeblleetloa paar oe soon ae the poieona have The Mitzte school boMball team - '**■ ^gned a PreeMeat had some pretty gratlMng trtr , Cent. Bast. M an M«a aiepetelte- ereaitea le II multitude. '' ant force unfier'that or soma simi­ of Hartford, a young amateur mouth1?“.^ organ. »«■*« of « ' During the prevloue admin- umpbE in hit care«r. *rbera SfiS— 4:10—Frank M srrlw dt — basla «M ethenrla* ereaiieP la Ult been sufficiently eliminated. Drlnk- letratlon HerbOri Hoover a t­ Feshlns. Skeleh-west rtpeat iilf MP aaP alee tb» leeal aeve pab^ In only one way has the Demo lar ^ Ing plenty of water will ssslet in teem, played the South Windsor the time he gathered up some tele­ 4;4S—Arm ebalr Malt Q uartet '~1 bareis. cratlc party gained large advantage process. Bulldogs a t the Union school field tended a oorrespondente’ dinner graph mesaengers. shoeshtoors §100—OInirar Cenbert—also eat ,.. M,-fluaaeu • m . . ^ Oraheatra—«MOi— r— riabu et rapablloatloa Jt leal Sunday. and astonished everybody by stay­ aiid newsboys for an audJUon for -Jliio—Y. Oavldeffi natt—bade; •iie —J5>lJ“ lfr*ia-lladl# Naum F aK ii i -4 I aiaeeiebM harala sri a l^ re- through appmU to this new polltlco'^ Mtoevitch U the one-time '. Merrheell—wfbr, wre. wum rpl OLD TIMER Sun Bathing The newly organised Boy Scout ing 46 mlnutea past hie usual > 11 Flo Zlegfeld. ’Ihey rehearsed'-their Si4b—Martha M e a ^ Centralte SSSfclSl^SRSKn ■'•5;!S5L®SS3S economic aspiration of the^jiatioa. Boston boy who organised a o’clock. It turned out that , he e:00—Bateball—wear * othats QuesUon: Miss Oloria C. writes troop, which le eponsored by the lo­ band nr barmonica-playioa kids numbers on the aldewelk ' before s u e - e ei4*-10 rail aerelaa ai aUaat at M ■ a Sar Wall, if here Isn’t our old friend was hanging uround to have a going into the theater^x Zlegfeld ■ _____ ---‘"i?«Snb®~5»iro!SJ:s; «lp^ tea. It has tried new things,'iiW ways, '7 am Interested in getting a nice cal post of tbe Anlerieen Ls^on, and led them into vaudevUle and : lOiOO-likXk-Rad NIehela Orahaatrs— Scott McBride, once more on the even tan this summer but I want has accepted fourteen membera. quiet word with tbe-mouth-organ hired them . . . There; was the time ■ he Ooldbargs,^ Serial Aet baale: Carl H intsInia Oreh.—midwast~ new measures. ACsny qf them su^uant fame. He gets about maestro. Asked him several ques­ An AudiencA stood up and eUK>-r TrtlO^aek FSarl’a Show—to 10:10—11 mo-oaa. HalFa K O rab.-« te a ebliMr>a Bepreaeautteei The wires. Since repeal, aieeerdlng to to avoid eunbum. -Could you help These boys Joined at their flret Tito—Wayne Klne’t Otebestra IliOO-ll.-OO-Oantaa Hour—wabaB wtat • Itelbawa apeela) Apaaer—New have proven td'-be bungling, Inept me?" a hundred letters a day now from tions about "tongulng” the toatru- when Mlnevttch and his emO—Fred Allen’s Hour, Ravua tbe good doctor, Qdngs have become meeting laet Saturday evening,. at other youngsters who want to join NflC-WJg NETWORK p Oblaaaat Pairelt aaP Beatoa. mistaken.'' ‘The beat of tbem| have Answer: I know that you will Wolcott chapel, which is also tba meat, and seemed especially inter­ eteni played "Deep River"'In Hie . 0:00— t:0O-Ceb Flpa Club—eat to oat slmi>ly terrible. ”So Increasingly hie troupe of RasCale. And fi lot ested to how to play aceompaai- 0:10— e : n —Other Amarleas, Traval s r bqiicao been timidly handled, the. worst of berieflt from securing the ultra­ American Legion headquarters. more letters from grown men— Manhattan Opera I^ouse. Tlie fiOI^IOKIO—Angela Ferdinanda Oreh, BASIC — Seat: wjs wha-wbaa wbai tragic are the resulte,’' he eaye, violet rays of the sunlight through Any other, boys between the ages mmte. Mtoevltcb couldn’t find band couldn't give an encore be- I l l s —10:11—Knrie Madrlguera Orehea- Tjr wlw wayr wmal! them with foolhardy recklessness, bankers and merebante, doctors out what Mr. • Hoover wanted to cause it didn’t kniow any other —bade: Otne A Olen—watt rpl Jlldw sat: weky k y w . wear wla kwk ■araM jPrtatlaa ^bampaaF, laZI "that the l^oble control experiment •unhatblng. I will send you some of 13 and 16, who wish to Join may Md college professors—praielng accompany. ^ 1:10—lOtoL-Oanaa Muala Orehaatri kwer koll wren wmaq kto wkbf in a thousand Specific tnstaneea It la dlrectlona if you will send a large, file appIleatloB with the Scoutmas­ nelectlone , .. . Aitoi the Ume •i4*—10:45—Fraaa-Badio Newt Farits NORTHWEST A CANADIAN - wtm] aaaaM ae Qaaaelal raapoaalbilitp le tottering towrard collapse.” “ ylbf plelnUvely late Otto Kahn bit ,he late i 1:50—lOiMk—Oanea Muals Orchestra »•*>• wday kfyr eret efef almost shamefully easy to show self-addressed, stamped envelope ter, and tbey wUt be admitted in that tbe harmonica le their only 10:00—11 rfX>—Frankla Maatars Orchts. •O.UTM - w n a w ptf wwnc w|a w)az j . X that the party la not equipped to Ws don’t know exactly what that and ask for the article on Sun the order received. Elliott Elmore, —But Ie,lt Mueict Ham Morris $1000 that han 10:10—11:10—Clyde Luces A Qrohsstrs "''■•Fsun wlod warn wme wab wapi expreeelon. There Is very little written I cas would be booed roll the i wjdx wamb kvoo wWy wfaa wbap kpre achieve Its own purpose's. But It meene but will try to be properly Bathing. Theodore Lasbury and John Jor­ end win he please tell them where CB8-WABC NETWORK •osl ktba kttaa wioo wave gensen were elected patrol leaders. data OB harmonicas, end all : Of the Metropolitan. Mr, SASIC—aasti. wabe wade woke wean 5^Pi'.^lT^'^•-koa kdyl k ir kgbl WH)N»!DAT, JT7NE 6. Impreeeed end ebiver ae we should. t h ^ can get further toetrucUon. Ibst. . 4'-', has tried new things. A plan waa submitted and accepted the New York PubUc Library -has waab wnae wgr wkbw wkre whk cklw Ti— •'Fw kerne ”Ths rscent train wrrecks and fires,” lawyers to about them le a theala Mtoevlteh wdre wcau win wjas wean wfbl wapd khe kfsd ktar kpe -. f • THE BRITISH NOTE That i^uld seem to be a rather whereby the American Legion and called Mtae- t ^ a a : Midwest: wbbm wfbm CenL aasL , w||dls this votes from the past, the Boy Scoute could co-operate In once wrote to make up a credit y kmox wowe wbas slender thread on whibb to bang a wKiM. •* ■ . "'•dnlght and ‘ asked to a college English course, which '—wpg whp wlbw when wlbs wfsa 1:10—. 4:10—The Slngina ‘ —‘y-'fan O at "of tbe moat ludd. candid ‘were caused by drinking.” Now raising funds. Old nswspapers and which aperture to blow on to get On his flight into the stratotphere srleo efrb okac Annie—aaetA n n la-at i t enly great party's claim to the continued he bad flunked. It waa a blessing, ‘to— 5:00—^e n Bigalow'a.Orehtttra „. " awoBmnlcatlona tbat ever paaaed why didn’t the brave old prohibi­ There were severaj people from magazlnea are to be collected. Tjie a blue note, Heifetz couldn’t fig- to June, Capt. Albert W. Stevsiis 1 support of the people, it Is. But Wapping. who motored to tbe Ki- boye are to canvasa tbe town and really, becauie the piece was put will carry with him several eor- !jr* to play sharps and flats. Into pamphlet form' and netted, I —wgst waft wbre wqsm wdod J i l t S » h '.‘"T*i!S; W atK .*^- jj M mmb two govemmanU la the in the present temper of tbs nation tionist rsmsmbtr tUs Western Ungton Congregational church lost the Legion It to fumiah trucks to Mcoormaack plays ordinary ballade talners In which he will take e*m - wrae wise wdsu wtoo krld wrr Britiah note informing the United drought, the eeventeen year locusts Sunday evonlng, where they attend­ collect expertly, and now la interested in him some 14000 In royalties. Her- plea of the air at Various altitudes .ktrb ktsa waeo koma 4:4ii'V:4W wdbo wodx wbt i;V'^i;S!.«2f'-**JKl It Is not to be cut by tbe dull blade monlcae, he says, haven’t been Im- cab wglwoea wmt wblg wrabd wtar wlan wdb] wWva wmbg Statea that It will make no payment and the sinking of Nantucket ed the musical which was given by There were fifteen preaent at the developing blues variations. Once Ina fiteM ______: for chetoilcal ahalyaii by the U. d. w ibw kfh b wkbn weee wabt kaej of a school of criticism that amounts the Northern Choral Group of the picnic lunch and meeting the wnaz M fc? MoNamaa, Frog. *• the war ‘ debt Inatalment due UgbtshlpT MOUNTAIN—k kit koh kal 5 S'*" Hollywoed to nothing but advocacy of a return East Central Pomona Gmige No United Workers held at the home M A S T — IrtJ kolii kfro kol kfpy kvi 6:45—Taxi, Max Baer Sktteh June 16 and will attempt no further to the same old things of yesterday. 3. The singers, about thlrty-slx of o, Mrs. Ralph M. Grant of East n b k km] kwg k«nM‘ Hla Cuekooa la turning to new personalities and musical vesper service, which was ' Chleige Organ Meld — west siSn •!».'''••• Drama-toe uatlon. If a t amy point the docu- Health aind Diet Germany was our best aistomer •t41^ lid^T hs Funnyboitars — east; }-«P4* and Rtvua liew groups for lU national leader­ greatly appreciated by all who at­ In February in the matter of aerj- . ChlMgp’a Three Flata-^A Dlxla RIohman, Orehea., pi maot departa from complete can- tended. The singers had as their SiflO— B:w>—S uck Regsra ln\1400— ship—and why It must listen with nautical products, buying al-crsft only: Billy Scott, Barit^c—w ••to— Flokins Siatert — eaat J dot It la where it aaya His Majes- A d v ice leader and conductor, Earl S. a .,?***?-•■ .Amea Andy—weet repeat more receptive ear than ever be­ valued at flSO.OOO, engines valued 4ri^— 5:15—Bobby Senoon—c u t mty *”KriF®0d'*y Tenor— By Or. Prank'McCoy Spaulding of Suffleld. Mr. Spauld­ at J184.943, and accessories wjrth , Skipny—repast for mldwcat: ' r ,^ '' government "have no intention fore to' the' Young Republican - _ ward Wurtoebach Orehcctra- ^ to A eeaat ing also sang a solo entitled. "An $138,058. •>*0—Charlie Davis Oreh.—ba> aiJSZJSiJtlS*" Cchean-a of repudiating their obligatlona." Aa League and all those other Republi­ •loj,. Wurtzebsoh Oreh. — weet; sJHJ—15>4J—Preei.Radl® Nede FerM • matter of fact It la quite Impossi­ WHY TCBERCirtOSIH Jack Armetreiig—midwest rapeat 3? JJ'SJ-RmJI Coleman Orehaatra cans, young and middle aged and DEVELOPS •>45—The Beale Street Boye 10.»>T-11tlO—Jack Berger’s Orahaatra ble to read into the British presen­ old. who would rejoice to see the tation of the' case anything but re­ government of their country In the Tuberculoelc eeems to be a dis­ pudiation, at least of a major part 8:16—^rka Bethany Oirla. hands of a sanely liberalised Re­ ease In which the toxins are no.t at 8:80—^Ttae Wednesday Evening Re- of that country’s war debt to ua. publican party than in those of a first very virulent, and as a result, ▼U6. \ But repudiation need not neceaeari- the disease la of sub-acute character WBZ-WBZA 0:00—^Nino M i^ ^ ; Asdre Ko«U- Democratic party so tangled In the ly be dishonorable. If a debtor and may last over a period of lanetz’ Ormestm and Chbhu meshes of an over-complicated pat­ years. The tubercles consist of an Sprtegfleld — Bottoa 9:80—Guy Lombardq’s Ofetaestm; teUa his creditor, "I would pay If I tern of reform that It Is getting all accumulation of cells around the. Bums and Alien. oould but I cannot without doing its brand new threads Into a vast bacIlIL The collectlan of very WedneodaY, June 6. 10:00—Dramatic Guild. ,\ Irreparable injury to my own family and hopeless snarl. small tubercles is called miliary 10:80—Albert' Spalding, violtoiet; and to ethers and ae 1 anj not going tubereuloels, from a supposed re­ F. M. ' Conrad Thibault, bErltone; semblance to millet eeeds. Soon 4:00—Betty and Boh. Don Vorhee’s OrchestrS.: to pay” that la repudiation—byt WHATS IN A NAME? after the tuberclea are formed, they 4:15—Alice Joy, the Dream Girt. - 11:00—Special Performance of It is honest and may even be com­ begU) degenerating In the center. 4:80—"Animals in the Newg,"'Dr. “The Drunkard." mendable. There are many people who - be­ The process of the disease varies Wealey A. Young of Animal Res­ 11:80—Johnny Johnson’s Orchestm. lieve that the economic and social according to the resistance of the cue League. 11:45—Frank Dailey’s Orchestra. It should have been utterly ob- Individual and to other secondary 4:46—Morin Statefw. ----- vloup. many years ago. that neither machinery of the nation cannot infecUons which may be present. 6;00—Agricultural Marketx. Britain nor the other war debtors function efficiently until ws have When the resiztence is very low, the 6:15—News. eeuld pay—or ever would pay. public ownership of all natural mo­ tubercles may form Into abeesaez, . 6:30—Singing Lady. sometimes penetrating the blood 6:45—Little Orphan Annie. That part of tbe money we put Into nopolies including transportation, stream and leading to a very rapid 6:00—^Irene Beasley, songs. WTiC the World War which was beyond communication, power and mineral spread of the dlsea.se through the 6:15—Goodrich Baseball Resumei- Hertford, 8Tftflnfl- the ability of the debtors to repay depoalU, federal banking and a cur­ body. If the reslstence Is strong, Blll lYllllams. 50,00 W. 1040 m. C. 282fi M. rency wholly controlled by the na­ an Inflammatory area forms around 6:30—Time. ' " Travelers BroadcAotlAg Service which they could not pay without the tubercle, causing a fibrous tis­ tional government, but who do not' 6:81—NBC Program Highlights. ------— ------Imposing on their populations de­ sue and usually the deposit of cal­ in a 6:88—Old Farmer’s Almanac. conceive, (he., functions of produc­ Wednesday, June 8 privations beyond reason— was gone cium preventing the disease from 6:36—Temperature. P. M. . the minute we lent It . Whafe tion and distribution, unless, they spreading Into surrounding areas. 6:39—Famous Sayings, From my own experience In ex­ 4:00—"Pop" Concert — Chriatian mere, We knew that when we made become privately monopolized, to be WATKINS GLIDER by Troy 6:42—Weather. amining and diagnosing thousands 6:45—Lowell Thomas. Kriens, director; . WiUlara essential or even proper matters of Burbank, baritone. thoae loans but we deliberately de­ of cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. It’s ^ e e r e.xtravagaace to pay less for a Glider, for 7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy. luded ourselves about it later on. public control. Such thinkers have I feel sure that this disease would 4:30—Art Tatem, pianist. long aftei cheap gliders arc worn snd nhahby you'll still 7:15—Literary Digest Roolevelt 4:45—Charles Rex. baritone. found no political home for them­ never become serious If enervation Poll—Sports High Spots — Gra­ It wmuld have been worth tw^ce the were not allowed to develop. Ener­ comfort, the amartnesa and color of a 5:00—’’Education in the Newa." amount of those loans if, the day selves In either the Republican or -Just think., .these smarter, ham McNamee. 6:15—Ted Black’s Orchestra. vation la always brought on by bad • gliders cost only a few penhlc!; more . .. 7:80—Irene Rich. after the Armistice, we had made a Democratic partlee and hava, In habits that waste energy. These A13.75 -up 7:'45—’Taxi”—Max Baer. 6:30—Frank Merriwell’s Adven­ grand geeture and called the whole many Instances, affiliated or eym- may be either bad physical habite 8:00—Eno Crime. tures. or bad mental ones. Physical ex- $47$0 "'"del In colorful pcttc’-r.ed duck is 8:30—Maple City Four (male quar­ 5:45—Melodies of Romance. thing off—worth twice in actual pathleed with the Socialist Party. cesaee of all klnda tend to lower the 6:00—Wrightvllle Clarion. dollars and Cents through rapid Another group deenu the private tet). phyalcal resistance and waste valu­ 9:00—Raymond Knight and hla 6:30—Musical Appetizers. wrorid reheblUtatlon, world peace ownership of tbe nieans of produc­ able energy. Among these‘may be Cuckoos. 6:45—Martha Mears, contralto. and world trade. tion and distribution, ' even while Included late hours, dancing moat of 0:30—Love Story Program, 7:00—Men of Song—Leonard J. the night, cooling off too quickly Patricelll, director. But we couldn't be quite that big. diverse and accompanied by the 10:00—'Vincent Lopez and hla or­ • • after' exercising, swimming In cold chestra. 7:16—WTIC Sports Review. we And the debts have been a aore eleitient of competition, to be eco­ water for too long, playing too 10:30—Sandy MacFarlane. 7:3(^Program from NBC. it costs no morel spot and a center of infection ever nomically wrong. This group is many sate of tennis, etc. The mis­ 11:00—Time, temperature. 7:46-^Smooth Rhythms — Norman take la often made of spending too 11:03—Weather Bureau. Cloutier, director. atnee. Let it be hoped that the really Marxian and the only Import­ nuwy hours at bralnwork or study 8:00—The Baron. frank and unequivocal British note ant dlffersnca between It and tbe at MANCHESTER, CONK 11:05—Studio Organ James ,T. “I've got to make my pay do doubife duty these^'^ys. But eveii if electricity did cost a little more and using up the energy for mental O'Hara. 8 :30-^3eymour Simon's Orchestra- wdll put an end to any expectation professed Communlete haa bean that proceeaes which la needed In the 11:15—Caacades Orchestra. 9:00—Fred Alien’s Hour of Smiles. 1 we would never give up our electric range^ They would alrhost have to give us the fuel to make us go that the de^te will over be paid by Ite members In moat tnetancea en­ physical body to digest and assimil­ 10:00—Com Cob Pipe Oub. ate food, or needed for taken the 11:27—Weather, 10:30—The Travelers Hour— C hris-' back to an old-fashioned stove. - anyone. Once we get that con­ tertained the hope of bringing about neeesaary phyalcal exercises to as 11:30—Three Blue Notes. tlaan Kriens, director, with viction firmly in our minds we shoJl the elimination of all profit.and com­ sure strong muscles. 11:45—Press-Radio News. “The missus says that meats shnnk much less. ThRt saves us money, too. And I’ve noticed that 11:50‘—Casino de Paree Orchestra. Dave Rlngles’ Gronadlers all be infinitely better off. mon ownership of the machinery of Even though tuberculosis Is very and Sally Ayers. easily cured In the early stages It 12:00—Hotel Plaza Orchestra. 11 >00—Enrlo Madrlguera’s Orches- roasts are juicier and taste ^.lotbetter. The kitchen never gets hot and stuffy and I’ve noticed we have civilization through peaceable polit­ m aj gaU a serious foothold In the 12:30 a. m.—Hotel Astor Orchestra tra. less redecorating to dcu” ^ G. O. P. OPPORTUNITY ical action, while the 'Communlete body before It becomes notic.ed, and 11:30—Reggie Child’s Orchestra. • frankly advocate violent ravolutlon after It does become diagnosed ona ll:45-:^Press-Radlo Newa. -----We know UtUe about the actual to bring about substahtlaHy~the may waste much valuable time in 11:60—Reggie (Thlld’a Orchestra. , nuraertcel strength of the Young using the wrong kind of treatment. 12:00—Silent same ends. These more radical Republican League,, which yesterday Among the mistakes which are us* SENSATIONAL'.V,it but not actually ‘ revoluttonary ually made to the treatment of tii- HEAT BY ^RE sought through a delegation to Im- thinkers likewise have found their berculoele is having the patient rest press its . views on the Republican too much. This is a niistake, be­ FAMOUS LEGIONNAIRE I. No charge for use of trial Electric Range fwr ' —brings the freshness of the only political refuge In the Soclallat cause one can only use a ' limited National Committee et Chicago rel­ party. Wednesday, June 6. ative to the future of the G. O, r„ amoimt of rest at one time. After Tonight marks the inauguration ■ one full year. mountains to your kitchen. The alms of the two groups are an ordinary night’s sleep. , the DIES IN PHILADELPHIAj B with what success remains to he of a new schedule for a popular ra­ far from being reconellable. Ilie strength which you feci In the dio program, over WDRC. Hartford. seen, but It Is beyond question that niomlng would only become weak­ Since the 9 oiclock bell Monday m orn­ 3 . Wiring deposit credited after reasonable trial moderate Socialists propose to bring Heretofore he'ard on Mondays, the Lieut, Frank Schobl«, Jr.,;,Wa»i| the foment .among the voters more ness If you remained In bed for days about changes which w-ould leave by and days. Weakness Irom staying ing the Drapery Shop has been a bee­ "Monday Evening Revue” program Former Vice Commari^er of! period. HEAT BIT WIRE or less represented by that group changes- to the “Wednesday Eve­ far the greater part of our present In bed too long must be avoided if Veteran Organization. cannot and must not be tghorisi in hive of activity. We promised you sucfi ning Revue” and ia to Ije heard be- economic structure Intact. The the patient intends to gain strength. gtnnlag tonight, regularly on Wed­ —(the fire in tJie powerhouse) is the shaping of Republican party The victim has beenweak for a long am apngly low prices on fine drapery Philadelphia, June 6._(AP) _' 3 . No obligation to buy. radical Socialists would ao. revolu­ time before the disease was con nesdays, 8:30 to 9:00 p. m. Talent policies. fabrics that you would quickly clear our In this revue-type, program Includes War injuries that blinded Lieutenant ■ really the modei^n form of homy tionize that structure that almost tracted, and It Is Important that several groups and Individual enter­ Frank Schohle, Jr., in the Argonne i 4 . Equal opportunities on immediate purchases It is not by adopting a formula of nothing of the present system the strength and vitality be In­ six days before the Armistice six-1 service. creased. shelves, w A good many of you came, tainers heard over the HasWord sta­ ' fieweralized protest and condemna- would remain and the lives of the tion. Austin Scrivener is the di­ teen years ago have brought death ' plus special terms and discounts. N d u » the Among the causes, of tuberculosis and proved to yourselves that this is an­ to the former national vice com-1 Uoo of the program of the Rooee- entire population would have to be rector of the show/ His Whlsper.- may be listed a jloor breathing ca - Ing Banjos carry the body of the mander of the American Legion. I time to buy if you have already deetdea to velt admlhlstreUon that the Repub­ readjusted to a new, untried and paclty, constipation', , prolapsus of other sensational Watkins Clearance Schoble, whose personal sacrifice lican party can r^ a ln ite command- program while ' diversification is HEAT BY WIRE ' . strange existence. the abdomlnel organs, eating too had through the singing of Jean on the battlefield wpn praise from own an Electric Range. tag . poaltion, but through criticism much food, or sating wrong foods. Sale. 1,685 yards is a lot of material. Cieneral John J. Pershing, and the Listen In On Our % That they have been allied in the Talcott with Harold B. Smith at the Program Every given force by its construcUvenese. These things may be considered the It takes a good many windows and slip late Marshal Ferdinand Foch, died ^w ill emancipate you from a hef^ same political party la one of the most Important in the development piano; the Viking Male Quartet un­ Tuesday Morning der the direction of Howard Spargo; last night in a hospital after a nine 5 . Aet now/ Be prepared for the many hot days That Ite leadership must be in keep­ queer contradictions so common in of tuberculosis, and the Infection covers to use that many yards... so you months’ illness resulting from his At 8 A. M. Over stuffy kitchen'this summer. ing with the .conatructive policy from the germs Is of secondary im­ and Isabelle Eagon with Bea Rohan w nc. political history. Now, after the aa accompanlsL war wounda. He was 47. ' that w ill soon he w ith us. . goes wrlthout aaying. portance. ___ Beyond the gas mains use a will still find an excellent stock to select A naUve of Philadelphia, ^hoble capture of the Detroit convention P. M. • The peUtlcal situation in this II you are Ihterested In same - from,. . at each of the low prices, - left studies at the Univeriity of of.'the Socialist party by the Left general .instniotlone relating to 4:00—Manhattan Moods. '.. I Pennsylvania to enter the tmnehes eountry la a pecuUar ona. Deepite • 4:80^Educational Feature. wing, which succeeded in-commit­ the treatment'' of tuberculDsts, I ' with American and British forces, • ^ e e e ladlcatloiia there has net suggeri that you write io me in ‘^orence’-made GARDNM This sale, you remember, is planned $:45—The Inatrumentalists. and returned to ' school, sightless! Now Is The Time To Change To Electric Cooking If You Have Not Dohe So ting the party to a dediStlon w uiia 5:00—Jack Brookea and Eddie been a time within the memory, of care of this newspaper,, following after the war to complete bis course which amounte to nothing lees than I th e. dlrecUons to clear from our shelves eveiy bolt of (Mpeland’s Orchestra, men when party lines. In the for questions and Quick, efficient heat that you can focus right under veur after learning Braille. revoluttonary Communism, the In- E“clo«« In stamps and utensil^ ..no wicks to clean. In fact thf o ^ w u . * ■, material. Nothing has been reserved. 5:15—Skippy. In 1923 he w>as chosen to make Place Your Order With Us Or Any Authorized Dealer. artln ary , eenze, were so loosely i «c i 6:80—Jack Armstrong — .All compatibility of the divergent ele-1 ’ * T“‘>««:uloels, copy of the femous Florence Oil, Stove, only to a'^lower the Memorial Day address to AT- * a w n among the people ae they After this sale we will install new, im­ American Boy. llngton cemetery, at the grave of ments becomes suddenly and glar-1 without mantel, $16.50. Other ■1:45—Cordon, Dave and Bunny. o n right BOW. It Is only the un- QI’ESTIONS a n d ANSWERS Reliance, Gardner and Florence Models. $5.75 to $m i5. The Unknown Soldier. In 1927 he Ingly inanifest. An abrupt and! proved methods of displaying the ever- 6:00—Frank Bradbury- and bis attended the Legion convention at who Imagine that the Dem- complete break In the Socialist par-i A Dietetic Criste changing styles in smart drapery fab­ Crescent Serenaders, with Paris, and wma received by Kings ***Mc party has a tight grip on Question; D. D. wrrltea: 'T have 11 Florence-Mads ’ Reliance” OU Glendine Groene. The Manchester Electric Company ty appears inevitable—and a break and Queens of England. Beljgium and tfra maa in the street. Neither Men sick off and on . for ten years M ^O flifyC TS m. Stoves. Two-bumer models from $.1.75 rics. 6:15—Bobby Benson and .Sunny Italy and given a special benediction as permanent as It is complete. to d0-15i Jim. th a t man aor his wife, in most lu­ witn headaches and conatlpatlon. 1 1 In an audience by the Pope. TTSMainSt Phone 5181 In tbe event of such a separation toied to change my diet to the bet-1 , 6:30—Beq Pollack’s Orchestra. 6:45—VerajVan. mp ebout^ a party Into two distinct bodies. It would ter, but noticed I get qo dizzy and BLAST KILLS 150. ■Nnhat absorbs the people 7:00—Mlscba Raginsky Ensemble. seem that the moderates would be I. *“ “y mouth. Why 7;15—Beauty Talk. •fi the Ifrated States right now u a la UileT I also had a breaking out OITN m unoA T AND SAIUltDAT fVtNINCS UNTIl 9 O 'C I-'-if Hong Kong, June 6— (AP)— One the group that must find a new par­ I:26-^Jack Fisher and Steuben fiatocarinatloB to bring about, if ** seems to me hundred and fifty persons perished AUTHORIZED DEALERS: ty ifiime. They will probably be too tole came from the orange Orchestra. today when the steam launch Yuli BfiaMhiq, atcurtty frvm unemploy- ” :30—Music on the Air and Guest exploded near Canton. atlff Becked to abandon the word Star. — Watkins Bros. — sad napayablo debt, an assured ...... ■ Answer: -IT i It**• is well ™to ramemner remember I at MANCHESTER. CONK WATKINS BROTHERS Sixty bodies were recovered and Socialist altogether and will seek that most sick people------are laden '■ 7:45—George Snelllng— The Mod­ presented a gruesome sight laid out h' ■ ______at MANCHESTER. CONN. ~ em Minstrel. down with diaea^ toxtoa from] on Canton Bund, where frenzied (This Offer Limited To The Lines Of The Manchester Electric Co.) ' 8:00—Emery Deiitsch and' his lelatlves searched among the man­ gled remains for their loved ones. I MAlTOHEaTBH BVEOTKG HERALD, KAHCHEHnni, CRJim,. WEDREBDAT. JUICE S, 1M4.

iTwt$i$ MANCHESTER EVENING ] >. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY. JUNE €, 1064. 9jm\ V News lU D iE S’ NIGHT PROGRAM B tm a hla d O th_____ T he STONETO NATHAN ABOUT TOWN -Biflramy. Charged To Youth of 18 INFOMULTESTHOMIAl m h o k wm he ftw iL ' WATKINS TO SING open at T:80 p. m, ' Viri. L , N o . ftS. WedRCflday, June 9 , 1934. Compiled by Studertb of Mbadwfltor High hool AT EMANUEL CHURCH Mrs. Thomaa Veitch of Loa .Uembara lliMrtiit hU — Rom M Rlc^ Angeles is spending an extended va- FWVntPLANCKPLiUiNED for to* annleewaiT M iw Hdea Eatas, gtciiRy AdviMfr HALE DEDICATED . {qipod thrat niekatt CBtloa with har mother, Mra. Elisa­ OVER RADIO HERE F. A. Varptaadi attF'U-^ t trtaphooa and didn’t avan cdt win Be HeM by Church Broth* beth Vslteh of M Church street- by eaUtaif t s n y N o n ie , . (l. M g number for bU monay. Ha VERMONT YOOni CLASS IN FRENCH erhood Friday ETonlnf; To Mra. Thomas Vaitch, who before her Superintendent of the Local John I C e L o u i^ , ( n W ) ; eat tba 'pbona and was . taken marrlaga.wu Mlaa HatUe Rogers, Literary Columns Snappy Pen Sketches Brops TaUet U a T o le d m Serre RofroflluBOiita. Schools Has Been a Mason On Sunday, June 2i7^-JB|. ^ Uaclstrata Jamas Medway, ENGLISH O ASSES formany lived in Maneheeter. It la pay. ths MancbMtar Lodge ^ Program WiD Be Ghren From for 40 Years. told tka dru fvi*t about the LIKES IT HERE GEORGE ARU8S bths director signals to ths photog­ Mrs. Veltch’s first visit to Mancbea- M a ^ wui_att*nd dhrlne a e r ^ a oickMa, the bot booth and no ‘l-adies’ Night” wU he ohssrv ter la 90 yaara. fter home ia locat­ rapher who begins taking ths pic GIVES TWO PLAYS Of Pupils Are Given Saitl CoT€Bh7 Widi (lOT* by the Brotherboofl of tbs Emanuel' S t M ary's Fpiaoopa) ehureh. ^'Mntoa, and bs said be wasn t inter Georgs Arliss in House of tures. DISCUSS WHALING ed In toe Hollywood auburh of Loa Stage,of State Theater lodge wUI open at 10 e’doek i b W led," Riccardi explained. Lutheran churob at its regular meet­ At the regular commuaicatioa of Rothschild" represents on Industry Each picture is a j separate or dis­ - J* I d. *. t., and meihberB win n * ™ r - ing Friday evaBlag at 8 o’elock and Manchester Lodge, No. 78, A. F. “Neitbar am I," said the Uacis* which is linM than half a century — BIto Dwyor. Tersctly. Ha hi dalibermta- from Maaonle Tempi* to th* ehurek. ^ ^tnta. "tHscbarfed.” Keonedi Cowles Says Many tinct photograph, tAken In ieries. honMt, all memhsrs and woman of tl fldaadia Lodge, No. 98, Order df Tomorrow. •oil A. M.,'-Tue*day evening, June old. Before the year 1900, no one The film is dsveloped Just as is cn Pans Win Be Part of Ester- She cloaea a door precisely, does and paiMtsirinr in most church ars bvrltefl to attsad. Th* Klttaninr, - ^ —Great gorgn had ever dreamed of the m ov'jg w------m •— *Mwwe, o f HIT 'Vaast will hold It* regular meeting 12, an Informal testimonial to Fred Germany new I* preduetag i ordinary filni, used in a Kodak he^ work neatly, e ^ her papers atudloo, oven though his efforts are PwB “IW Mificr Marher” program wlU he ia charge of Carl gj^Pad on tba AUegbany river banks pictures Today, about fifteen mil­ (M Orange Hall tomorrow night at A. yerpisjnek. who tola .year ob- from wood. Kinds of Arnnsement Moving cartoon pictures’are Inter come back with charaetertatically not alwaye rewarded. A , serious; South OoMBtry, Conn., June 8.— W. Noren had his benevolence group tba severe winter are witbstand- lion persons attend the movie thea­ tainmentat High Schoot 8 o’elock. A ll membdra are re­ C. Elmore Watkins, treasurer of esUng but require a great deal of high marks. She has a penchant toher visag# hides hie really Jovial and many surprise features ar* i mg the beat wave. ters weekly In' the United States. . YAP)—A brooM tablet to mark the quested to make returns on the an­ work In the making. About three for accuracy. Honesty, InUDlgence Personality, which bloeaoma forth bisfiORCqhtoiNif promised. Watkins Brothers, Inc., will be the Otlsens flocked to the ice fleld Available m Town. Tbe first pictures were very and sympathy are flashed from hu­ patrlotUm of mea of Oovratry, Ib - niversary Uckets at this meeting. or four thousand separate drawlnge Thsrsday. oeeaaionany. Be is intereeted in all Following th* program, refraeh- featured artist on toe half hour ; Tiatarday, d lgfln s chunks out of crude and many people became dis­ morous eyes. X inouth riither etudlBc Nathan Hale, lUvoIutlon- must be made for a thousand toot matters concerning science end avi­ ments wlU be served by a commit­ ; the Jam. Tbe gorge was'left on the gusted with the "movies.’' 0>ndl- DM Inhiitry.— A meeting of to* delegates to the broadcast to he given from the stage o f film— tb i usual length for euch latge with thin lips * continually ation. His chief bobby ia in the ary war hero, was. unveiled today tee headed by'Clarence O. Anderson. bonks of tbe river near Templeton Kenneth Cowles of Townaendi tlons Improved and many excellei.t Allied Veterans Council will b* held of toe State theater tomorrow A- picturea. The makers of films go parted (h a ‘‘hello-friend’’ emiie. She buUdlng o f model airplanes which OB th* hlstorlo. nU ltary training A large turn-out o f members and •a d fla r ^ Furnace. pictures appeared on the screen. France which th M 'i often been has black hair inclined to he in toe A rm y and N avy club at 6 morning from 8 to 8:30 o’clock with Vermont, Is a visitor to Manchester, to great expenee and trouble T. C. Young Mri. faUed to appear at tbe criminal ses­ 'A crowd that filled parking tad- sicietlet sense of the word, modem— was Bristol who.came out the vic­ one can participate in the reading er of making a funny situation alertneas, eyea that sparkle in glad­ and who anticliwte attending toe aervice man flunked English. The teacher, tor. \ ly fallen from the precipice; R. ness and take an almost m'etallic The whale is next cut up into period o f distress, I have found re­ ToseUl Serenade, Ktia Me Again, F. L. plnney pTMared clama in Mv­ sion o f Superior Court in Hartford standing places on North- Main bmreii . that is to say. of a type of it for only three cents. I f it doubly humorous, but when a seri­ In Boston may contact James Me- in discussing it with him, said, ”i Carpenter. Armand; J. Pollsle, M glint in anger, full lips, a mouth piece* and toe blubber boUed ia lief in contemplating Connecticut’s and U Faclo. She waa accompanied eral otter ways^ tor *!>• hearty Cullough, Eldridge street for trans­ yesterday. ■ Purnell was charged street. Depot Square, and along toe Which waa never even attempted. In don’t know who feels more grieved were in another form, everyone could ous occasion presents Itself, can be­ large cauldron* upon deck. This fa t LUNCH ' This meet way/one of the most Perrichon; M. Kelley. Mme. Perri- tending to sag at the enda, a firm glorious past.” on tbe piano by Miss Irene Pola. The noonday meal. Brioge waa played wdtb indecent ’assault platform of to* New York, New tbia country, before the present era.' not enjoy it because of lack of come thoughtfulness Itself. Her portation and other details. — about that mark, yOu or I.” closely conte.sted events that has chon; A. Bailey, Henriette; C.-Don­ is stored in barrels and placed in the ' The spiraker reviewed toe life of members were entoualastte in toelr In toe afternoon with Mrs. Arthur Haven and Hartford railroad sta­ money. In this way even our par­ goings and coming are' invariably determined chin, t lithe body, that hull o f toe vessel. Such booha are hard-boiled almost The student answered, "Getting been seen in these parts in a dual ahue, Daniel; A. Fiedler, innkeeper- Nathan Hale, saying he was an applause for toe singer. Nichols winning the first itrize and tion gathered last night to hear toe ents can easily And out w-hat is go­ announced by the, steady thumping of an athlete, dextrous, capable Candidates o f St. M ary’s Gtrle’ Special For Thursday t^the point of hruUIlty. They are a ,D doesn’t hurt; It's what 1 know track meet for a long time. Man­ and J. Guthrie, guide. ,W. Waldron Many toinketa are found In toe athlete and he had “wonderful con­ Charles Robbins then entertained Mrs. Collins, mother of Mra., A r­ Rev. Watson Voodruft, pastor of first o f the s ^ e s o f summer hand ing on in school. o f hard heels.. She rejects no pos­ hands, the bturdy, capering legs of Friendly eoclety will hold a food sale outspoken in a way that would have that counts and I ’ve learned a lot chester had a 'two point margin will read a Joke about Frencli his­ possession o f families o f the coastal trol” over boys who sometimes with several numbers accompanied toe Center Congregational church, concert*, at toe north end. The Secondly; it reports all the news, a runner, an erect walk, gentle thur Woodbridge, the consolhtjnn on Satui^y afternoon at 2 o’clock bicused ail the Com.itocks a decade that can’t be expressed In marks." tory and D. Clulow and F. Beat will sibility pf making herself a center towns of New England, these trin­ "locked a schoolmaster out of at toe plaiio by Mrs. Robbins. Miss waa one of toe speakers at a meet- crowd waa estimated at well over when the la.st event was run but in not only of the pupils of the school mannered and kindly— a fine chap. trophy. in Hate’s store basement. Rui.h the Javelin Bristol swept ail three present French puns. of attraction, and tbe method em­ kets being carved out o f whole bone floors.’ Irene Pola also favored with several N^ng of toe General Association of 750 personay MEATBALLS at present but also of those already ployed is either a voluminous flow — H. Guenin. Hunt chairman, will be assisted by , with the inarticulate* Think this Is far fetched from places to put them In the lead and by. the sailors and brought home by songs In her usual gracious maiuer. G (^ ecticu t, composed of Ckmgre- The stand waa erected in the graduated. -^B. Harvey, '35. of words, or a well-directed witti­ Tbe final indoor meeting o f toe a group o f candidates. f ^ who never even got Into novels anything connected’ with sports? be the victors. them to toelr wive*, famillea and She waa given a great deal of ap­ gatk^allst ministers In tola state, west plot of the park at Depot T'hlrdly, it publishes the coming cism. Her features are rather Dorcas society of Emanuel Lutheran AND SPAGHETTI ia the old days, and. for all their Well, perhaps, but here's what I’m eweethearts, aa memoirs, of their plause. yestefd^y in Hartford. * Square and tooae who ,-attended aports and events of the school and pointed, accentuating her oft-times voyege. church will hie held at toe home of sting ^dn eas. they arc; at bottom, very trying to show. Manchester was Every man on the team should fa's After toe dinner and entertain­ came not only from toe north end, later the outcome of them. RUNNERS SEE C R M pointed remarks. She always seems HIGN SCHOOL GOLFERS STOCKS ARE DULL toe ‘ Caaperson alatcra on Vnilage rial Lodge K. of P. will be held In tm der with them, beaten by . Bristol in sporU this given the highest praise. Each one The long trips were trying to the ment toe gathering enjoyed dancing District beputy Wlinam Sharp, of but also from surrounding terri­ Fourthly, it suggests methods .jf to be going somewhere in a great street this evening. Mrs. Conrad toe Balch and Brown hall this eve­ ^Rnd In my humble .opinion they year, in everything except football was in there flghtiqg to win the relatives of the sailors, who were to the strains of music by toe Lo- Manchester, will be toe Installing tory. The concert was well given improvement-In and outside of the hurry, an impression which is ac­ Cosperaon of Spring street will as­ ning. Try A 12-Ounce Glass of Wehle’s a H the mo3t valuable kind of novel and then they were tied, but is It meet but It just wasn’t in the stars CROSS eW NTRY MAN EASILY BEAT MERIDEN anxious for the approach of any aldo Orchestra whfl* some played officer at a Joint tnstaUation of and received. The bandmaster play­ school building. centuated by an abundance of hair sist. tm t wo are producing today. the score that counts? Does anyone for a M. H. a. triumph. vesiei Because o f this porche's ON MART TODAY bocci on toe courts outMde toe General Kitchener I0<^e, Sons of St. ed euphonium all evening while ever think of how hard the boys out Fifth. It reveals the talents wf the which flows straight back.. were built on the tops of the houses, Among tbe guest* Mule Head Ale Or Lager On Draught if Round T rip ", tells about a Balti­ M. H. ,S.'s golfing team won the clubhouse. Tbe president o f the The price religious drama "St. George, and Earl Ro&cts lodge at at Hotel Un- the deputy bandmaster led toe band there in uniform light? Does anyone students In school, not only in-ilt- Crowe, Matchett and Danna ■ —-Fred Johansson and were called "widow's walk,” coin are Mra. James Watson and more ney/spaper photographer—a Although Manchester went down C- C. I. L. championship When they club, Enrico Pol*;'w as congratulated Claudia" which jvUl b* presented Foresters’ haU In RockvUle this during toe entire program. The ever think of the mental torture in defeat. It went down with its erary works but In editorials and her See Paul F. Mundy where toe temporary widows could on toe auccess o f to e affair iand it evening. Officers of Rockville Miss Agnes Watson, of 67 Spruce gh kid from a tough home, who other forms of originality.' in defeated Meriden's crack golf team at South Methodist church, Thurs­ band was welcomed by Karl Keller 8 drunk, scorns the niceties of that the boys go under when they share o f the glories. Three of the ' "Blimp" Rowe watth sight of any returning vea- was hoped that toe club would have lodge assures those who attenfi-from street . on behalf of toe North End Im­ Choice Win«§ ... i5c a glass Sixth and last, it helps us to be­ Action at Norwich. fur the second time on .the Meriden Traders Waiting for Farther day evening at 8 o’clock, is called a life, and becomes one of those coliht-realise that, in spite of the fact that Manchester aces broke aa many field With a carefree - walk, never in ael. I f f. vessel was sighted the more such affairs. ‘ Natale Garrone, Manchester that an enjoyable sobiol come better acquainted with the golf course, Friday.'^une 1, to the "visual sermon” o f unusual beauty. provement association. Next week’s a they have given their best and more, records, one of them being a new’ any great hurty, he shuffles ponder­ crier about by toe town chairman o f toe dinnqr . committee, will be given after toe InsUllatlofi , Troop 5, Boy Scouts, will meet at Ic^M ty youngsters who drift along James Crowe of Buckland, train­ tune of 13«i to 4 'i. M. H. B. golf The story is woven around toe inci­ program will be more diversified they still go down to (Icfeat ? Some record for the schixil. ‘ . school itaeif. its activities and tlie ously along. With one' large fool 840 Main Street 2 Doors From Montgomery Ward wttn thf tide on' the cd|fo of roWdy- er. for .the High school croas-coun- team members may Well be proud ^firm ation of Past Few and hla aasietanta, Mrs. Ermenta dents In toe last week of toe life o f ceremonies. the Emanuel Lutheran church to- with one or more solos and quar- spectators do perlmpsT, but most of students within it. toed in, taking the world for grant­ _____ 1^ aimless sensualists without a — ‘v tary teem; John Matchett. M. H. .S to state that they are the only golf­ *’’‘P ' “‘ered toe harbor Marano, Mrs./Luigl Pola, Mrs. Zan- Christ. One of toe stirring scenes no>*pw evening at 7:15 o’clock. teU. them Just say, "the t.oam is. rotten.” George I.<>ary. who has been cop­ — Martha Roth, ’3.1. ed. He is rather short and very with lU f.sg at half mast the await- bnd almost x^thout a code.' '33, and Tommy Dannaher, !35, saw ers to defeat Meriden this season. lungo, Mrs. MonsigUo, Mias A^k is the one.where toe wife of Pilate, Soothing salve for the bova’ rankled ping all the Individual honors rthls chunky with a patch of brown hair crowd was distressed since the Days RaDies. Alice Elarle Hyde, state conserva­ . '«_***' toK^ shutter-expert Paul F. Mundy, slim, bespectacled A ll of the players, o f M. H. S. Paganl and Mrs. E. Pola were con­ Claudia, makes her impassionod' hearts! season, again swashed Into the itrne- GLEE CLUB CONTEST. hanging to one side of his forehead. the captain had tion chairman for Connecticut, has ^ in love With p girl * iio works track star from the Melrose A. A. were under 80. The dual match gratulated for their part as was P. plea in behalf of tbe Nazarene.- The light with a victory oVer his most He is easily made to ! smile-. He died dnrirfr the Journey and was issued an appeal through the prusa Mr bis paper, and he marries her One of the most important school detain Ms nation.i on waa very close as most of the Indi- D. ComOlo who acted as toastmas­ play should interest all,students of This isn’t written for the purpose | dangerous foe In' record-breaking speaks in a tired-sounding voice as Durtftci fit hea N ew York, June 8 —* (A P ) ' — ter. in behalf of toe New England Wild . ^ a life beroraes an utterly dlifer- events recently was the Glee Club ^ title at Norwich on Memnri ? n ‘ ■vidual matches ended on either the the Bible and those-Interested In ' . attracting.. iJivmnaiKi, »i,_ 1 time. George' broke the old field contest In Hartford. i m , ‘ if it was a great effort. When Miss Wortn ended by comparing Flower Preservation society, to abt-proposition for him. of attractlng-^ympatlxv for the i seventeenth or eighteenth hole. Cap­ Stocks were dull and moderately Ir­ religious dramatic^ work. No ad­ lurkless b a s ^ ll team or tlie track record lant on hear a groan at sympathy arise ■ many thrilling races at the meet. friends. defeating Windham golfers -when toe Congressional bloc would . be 29c from the stands? No.air! The air The first lap started with Pankratz, thor by wide reading o f biograpb Buccessful in pushing through Olcott street last night, and police Sirimn IN TENNIS TOURNAMENT I OVER RADIO —Joseph DlSimone they visit our course on Thursdavi are today conducting an Investiga­ VERY NICE SUGAR CURED CORNED BEEF News Is filled with a'hahhle o f voices that Bristol ace,-taking an early lead as June 7. . , ami the authorjp works. E a c b -^ amendments to the silver bill. strictly Fresh L o ^ C ft" and ^ Leary laid back In fourth place dent lectures to the claMr^fius giv­ Bon'd* were listless and foreign cur­ tion of possible Infanticide. O N SALE ft is decidedly tinged with the msz- ) Mlsa E. Marian Dorward, former Frank Heajy The day following this match the j berry odor. A t the basketball games with Uoburn a step In. front of him. ing practice In theisell^e require­ rency .changM generally were in­ A t 10:45 o'clock yesterday morn­ Lean Ribs ...... 7c lb. EGGS! Porterhouse ■♦rovidence, R, I.— Narragansett i director of music in Manchester re­ Short stocky build—a heavily team is competing in a state meet ing Antonio Petricca ' of 362 Hart­ last winter, the chccr-icador would On the last lap Coburn pulled Into The preliminaries of the. Girls' Ih- ment for note taking. The follow­ consequential. Asaociatlon rereiveit the cently presented a radio broadcast tanned face attained by many hours In which they have a good chance ford Road, an attendant at toe ^ Fancy Boneiese Brisket Corned Beef ...... 23c ib. hor»« racing permit in Rhode stand in front of the packed stand.a second place but laiary and Pan- terscolastic tennis tournament ing authoi>-are among those select­ 'The .oil share group. Including Dozen over Station WLBZ, consisting of a of^^work in the bot sun— bard, tough of coming through. Captain Harold plant, saw what looked Uke a rubber Nice Lean Chuck Pieces to Slice i^ld ; ...... 23c Ih. .iH U d the newly organised and signal for a cheer. \\"hat was ! kratz fiashod by him, bn the last which were postponed from Satur­ ing . students: poets, Kipling, Standards of New Jersey, Amerada,. FRESH GROUND ^ SHOCLDEB concert program from the music hands, neatly combed, dark brown Civiellq has high hopes o f winning doll come over toe wall Into toe 25c 2 « n g chmmiaslon. It will conduct the result? A faint cheer Inter­ turn I.eary and Pankratz staged a day, May 26. were held last Friday ” °"S'nnn, Brooks. Masefield. Seaboard and Texas Corp., advanc­ Fancy Veal Chops, cut from prime milk-fed veal, on sale VEAL Foft STEW department of the Washington State hair, brown eyes with tong dark eye- the. individual prize' to add to beds during toe regular flushing of ■ • t o at the Pawtucket track Au- mingled’ gencrolisly w-lthiijthe loud terrific dual, running neck and neck morning at the Colt's - Park Courts, hJS"TNoyes, W. H. Davies, Keats; play- ed fractionally to moye than a point a t ...... 23c lb. HAMBURG PORK CHOPS Normal School. Machlas, Maine, to lashea, a short pug-nose, a con­ many other trophies. the tanks. A t 7:30 o'clock last 1 to September 3 and October vibrant sounds of a "toofer" that till within Jlfty yards of the tape Hartford. w’rites. Barrie, Shaw; novelists, oii word that refining opcrationif had Finest Veal C'utlets ...... 35c lb. Fancy California which Mlsa Dorward went from tagious smile that shows a row of - — Dan CivieUor'"35. night, after the tank fluids had been 1 to November 3.. sells for a nickel apiece. The only when Leary unleashed that power­ Manchester High school sent four Manchester;' in announcing the Conrad, Bentley^ Woolf, Kaye-Smith been sharply curtailed. The alcohols 1 3 Ib*. 2 $ c 4 Ib*. 2 5 « games in which the basketbah ful drive of his that carried him pure white teeth, very easy going, and May Sinclair. Improved. Schenley getting up a filtered out. the body was found In Nice Veal f ir Stewing, solid meat ...... 18c Ih. IaEMONS! 2 lb*. 2 5 « j Agawam . M ass.-Tbc oldest gin entrants: Edith Brown, Anna Lerch, broadcaat. a local paper adds this rarejy-getting mad, very great dis­ P L A $ L F lGfCNIC teams had the support of the across the line three yards In front Elsie Kletn, and Marion Behrend. One of the outstanding reports point ' fotlowlBg its satisfactory toe sediment at the bottom of toe 2 ^ ® ' ' ' America— the old Aga- note concerning Miss Dorward’s like of schoolwork, but not minding tanks. for gathering were the Bristol aiid New f it his rival. They made the trip by trolley from was given by William Grey. His quarterly earnings statement. AT OUR VEGETABLE' DEPARTM ENT^- WttJ Gin Mill; which started opera- work at the normal school. manual labor. When writing, he has Mr.^artwell Is planning to take 1 CHOICE TENDER BOirELESS 1 Britain games. Manchester didn’t the High achool, arriving at the lecture was on toe three "cycles ot American Telephone, Bethlehem PoUoe Notified ” •*•*** .1780 and continued until "The record' of accomplishment of a habit of screwing up hia mouth ^ s^!*re8hmen English class. Division Finest Native Spinach ...... 9c, peck 4 '"10 c win, but did you notice the fight The 440 waa also a treat to watch park about 9:30. myth and legends which make up Steel. DuPont, American Sugar Re­ Robert J. McAllister of 58 West SIRLOIN STEAK to# 18ui Amendment became law the .lepartment of music has beirt into different shapes as if for: One, on a picnic to Colambla Lake, Fresh Green Peas ...... 3 qts. 25c CUBE STEAKS OVEN ROAST IJMpens they put up. Some might say, ’’they with Cude sprinting out for an early In the first round,- Anna Lerch the folk lore of Ireland. "A little fining and Eastman Kodak firmed, street, another attendant, was with T unusual this year ohd exceptional the v...-.evves tetters uche la wrltlng^::ia'1ikable« June 9. . . Fancy Large Ripe were lucky: they played away over lead and Shedd pulling for second and Elsie Klein drew byes, while known fact." he said, "is that during but U. S. Steel, General Motors, Petricca at the time and notified Golden Wax Beans ...... 2 qts, 15c 3Unox, Maas Marie Anne Kcr- amount of interest has been aroused' ana friendly fellow, A committee has been- elected to | . 2 1 e 2 1 e their heads." If the torni "baldncy" place. Coming down the lAst leg, Edith Brown lost to Louise Barnes Germanic Invasions by the Romans, Chrysler, Celanese, National Dairy, Robert McLaughlin, superintendent Fresh Green String Beans...... 3 q ti for 13c n e a p p l e s i Ib. - lb. 2 1 c Ib. 1 ' .unable to speak a word in the student body not onlv in the —John Farr. carry out the plans of the class and H niay bo used, it is the correct CiKie increased Ms lead and Shedd by a decided score, and Marion scholars from all over Europe came Case, Deere, U: S. Smelting, N. Y. of the plant, who in turn notified toe OsL'Jtoghsh when she came to ’thi« — •' " ■” me c regular courses of music but .espec­ to make suggeations. The persons Nice Solid Ripe Tomatoes for Slicing ...... 2 lbs. 19c - ...... emark. The put up a nice battle wUh ShelskI Behrend walked away with the long to Ireland, thus making it . toe cen­ Central and Westinghouse ^ were police. .•MIBtry from France live years ’''" w '* ially in the extra-curriculum activi­ ^ iftichael Haberen elected include: chairman, Teddy Fancy Dark Table Cherries------'...... 25c Ib. 1 CENTER CUT LOIN* whole-hearted support, given .them but coiildn’t match the latter’.v fin­ end of a 6-2, 6-3 score from West-’ ties of the department.’’ ter of learning." An InteresUng somewhat low:er. \ Sergeant John McGUhh accom­ • In senior class is real name is^Mlcbael Haberen Bantley; committee members, Dbro- 10c LEGS OF VEAL 1 0* p e Lenox High school. by the spectators urging thejn on. ishing sprint. fort, o f Meriden. In the second personal note waa "BiH’s’’ statement Considerable importance 'was at­ panied Dr. William Tinker, medical Finest Grant’s Potatoes...... 29c peck 1imt because of h is. favorite saying PORK CHOPS VEAL CHOPS cncQuraging them to light and fight round Elsie Klein lost to her team­ U.y Bennett, Thomas Brennan, Elea­ that one of the mounds, supposed to tached to toe special - meeting here examiner, to toe plant. The body Nice Solid Iceberg Lettuce...... TOc head U1N8 SCHOLARSHIP.' he ia practically always called DeUclous Sweet harder was what helped them to This Saturday M, H. S, travels to mate, Marion Behrend, 6-2. 7-5, nor Thresher, and Francis O’Leary. contain the dead body of an ancient today of directors of-the-American waa decomposed b «t Dr. Tinker said "Mike the Boch." "Ach der lelber” It waa that of a boy.' Fancy Large California Plums . , ...... 15c dozen 1 2 c lb. I throw such a scare into the opno.s- Middletown to compete In the tenth while Betty Terry downed Anna Miss Helen Page^Macher of Eng­ Mr. Thresher has kindly offered to Irish, hero, is near his childhood Iron A Steel Institute to -discuss PLUMS! ; 1 9 e lb. . 1 9 e lb. Ing teams. annual C.C.l.L. contest. Lerch 6-1 . 7-5. j Is his favorite line. He used this furnish the means o f transportation. home. administrative proposals for settle­ lish and c oa ^ ,o f'S ock and Buskm familiar exclamation at least ten The third round found only ,Tlie committee has suggested that Members of toe t\yo non-college ment of toe threatened ateel strike. AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMEW ruotoffons— w * ‘r touno omy I recently jvoh a summer scholarshin times In th « course (ff one hour. Dozen SHOLXDER Here’s an example: XAte last win- Last year Bristol* upset the dope Marlon ^hrend in- the running for front-NorthwjaJem Unlversltv lo- the class start at ns near one o’clock divisions whiclj are studying "Ham­ Commission house commentators SHOULDBB L E A N 1 by snatching the meet from Man­ When he slowly walks down Main NAVY nREMAN HOME Home Made^’otato Salad ...... 15c lb. • ♦w.,- i V Yale tournament, Bristol Mancheater. ..Tired after four setajiatec on the shores of Lake Mlc’d- ss possible. Everyone wlU bring or let,” have selected topiew for self were cautious in their forecasts, al­ 7c chester. This year M.H.S. will street,. It reinincls one of a Mack VEAL ROAST men who . sit | 1“ mldsl of a chaotic strug- M arlonlost the Iqst two sets.^afW r^an 'n Evanston. Ohio. »ea mlic.s purchase his own lunch. The class education in which they h ive dona though they agreed JhaL_. for the Home Made Vegetable Salad ...... ;____ 19c Ih,^ VEAL CHOPS (JORNEDBEEP again be favored to win In aplte of truck traveling in low gear and York week aft^r i p 7 «rith Central High for the slate having taken the-first w it^^parent i from Chicago. expects to amuse themselves by intensive study. Subjects selected moment^ there ser«is to be a total Stuffed and Baked Conn. River Shad, ready, for the Fancy Wax or Green L .^ .® ° L B 0lng to give In on ! championship Bristol the defeat at -the handa of their alightly o ff its usual couraer-He is boating, swimming, and vario'us out- absence of any constructive leader-' AFTER LONG CRUISE " l O c 7 arch rivals. big, and strong, and aquarely built. have included Jouraallsm, drama, , T a b le ...... 25c each lb. ' l O c lb, 1 2 c lb. 1 ling to the professional labor was losing ground slowly. It was d ^ r games. psychology, folk lore, architecture, ship of Importanee marketwise. BEANS! ^ getting harder and harder to match Y. W...C. A . ^ ^ ^rls'tcml? in L'pr^uclng. play | His black, curly hair dangles from Chartists were much encouraged by — B CaHoon. '37. ■ geography, Joumaltem. Quarts ■ M. Oirdler, toeel executive, the apparently tireless spurts of the Reasons for supposing that Man­ the fact that the stock averages George L. Jacquemin Stationed 10-I*ound Sack of Granulated Sugar .48c GUARANTEED p o ^ q ^ e ' ^ - a n d Mtur^ed home i tlon debate aSd'^ibHc Speakfng l-or I doubt if it ever has bMn really — B. Irwin, '35. CORNED P L A T E 1 CentrM team. What happened? chester will triumph over Bristol l a j e ^ the evening. The final, of the summer session o? K vM k / CIVICS BOOKLETS puUed back from their recent low next Saturday Is the fat- that Brt combed, with anything but a towiel,ajel. on Aircraft Carrier Lexing­ 13c feller Center? oh. yes, It ririsiol s mayor, who was watching '“ t ! Miss Page is one S twenty High CLASS MOTTO levels notwithstanding toe slimness D IA L 5111 EGGS PIGS’ HOCKS CORNED BEEP tol has no pole vault and Manefies- Saturday at New Britain. In size he ia Camera’s Chios ' o f trading valumes.' ton Now in Atlantic Waters. 11 have heard about the place the game from the stands went j school teachers from all parts of Miss MacLean’a civics class ia di­ Hard Ripe Slicing ik } ohall get a guide and go down to the sidelines and led a Bris­ ter has. a fact that proyed-'fiisaater- —E. Schieldge, '35. rival. Hia large framework Ups vided by groups who will report on oua last week. Itw H la la o be re­ , the United States to have been scales at well over two-.bundred ’Per Augusta ad auguata” 2 d o z . 2 3 c 5 e Ib. 7 c lb. 1 Mt myself. . tol Cheer. Bristol spurted in the chosen for this scholarship. toe nine fields o f occupations, in­ (through difficulties to things George L. Jacquemin, son o f Mr. TOMATOES! membered thaLtest year Manchea- •MOZ’ZEK PKESIDK.VT pounds. He haa a very likable per­ -^ohn O. Rockefeller, Jr. WMing momenu of the game and ! — Dorothy Denton, '34. cluded in toe -1930 census. The worthy o f honor) has been selected and Mrs. A. J, Jacquemin of 45 ^ Yhe mayor didn’t ter awamjied"Bristol in a dual meet sonality and, although be ia quite students arc making booklets de­ CURB QUOTATIONS Pounds but w-a# afterward defeated by that mischievous, he is never mean or as the class motto for toe class of Middle Turnpike Beat, and a first has never been respect-' wwm uje game. I ’ll grant vou that,that aeieaiei Raymond Mozzer waa elected scribing their occupation, a histori­ GOING TO CALIFORNIA stubborn, and always reapMta hla 1934 In preference to "E>se quan class fireman attached to toe air­ PULL LINE OF FRESH FISH ■la this country, and it should but the w force . and * wholehearted»Ti»uic-iu?i»rtea *'hoo' In the C.C.l.L. This prHident of the class of 1936X cal sketch, life story of some per­ 25c Mr. Perry, M. H. S. faculty mem­ sureriora. Once or twiM 1 have verderl" (to be rather than to seem) craft carrier of toe Lexington of * ttop«ctable unless it is . well support behind that cheer inatiii«/i K f® ''. ^ *® reverse— Man­ Monday morning during the 3th pe­ son, community—value, and out­ Assd Gas and Elec .. chester was the underdog In the ber. is planning a trip to Cailfomla actually seen him serious, or at and "Veatlgla nulla retrorsum" (no toe Atlantic fleet, is spending a 30- Fancy Florida ISisiu . that' final riod. Ray Is the captain of next line for preparation. - Am er Sup P o w ...... FRESH STEAK STEAK dual encounter. So draw your ou*n He plana to leave soon after schorv. bMt dressed boys in our High CHOICE i swimming, and to play golf. Quentin Durward hurt?" A bright Please noUfy Miss McGuire of United Founders .... admitting toe ship's crew worked schuoi and rightly so. His dress ia United G a s ...... ICE CREAM! student answered: "A t Sword’s Franklin building if you knpw to hard during the spring maneuvers SHAD FLOUNDERS HAUBUT r-OoB CivieUo, 36. vezx BMt BBd carries taimMU UtU Pow and L t . . . . RICHARD G. RICH / ‘■'I'- P o in f* whom.the hat belongs. o ff Cuba. Canadian Marconi ... Quart He enjoys service in the navy. Tinker Buildjjig Mavis BotUIng ..... Sonth- Manchester ,0c lb. 8e Ib. Jacquemin enlisted in August, 1982. — - ? 25c lb*. WAiremsiEssvswiwuin!iiam.MMreiiiqwaa^CHlLbREN BM utifnl W ife of Prapiflraiida Minister “Hns By 0 »v » Roberts Baioon Daily Health Ear and Confidence** of Hitler Service Is Winner^ of the English t)et good haalth. C l^ r e n bafor* entering school Taka a aidb sunrajr o f your b t . d b . m d e r i b r a u n o o N h n « a batter posture than tboae child soma -^m* whan h* la .un- Jowoia M tha Amertoaa w h a h a y * bean Ir sefliool for two d^wasad. A r * his Shoulders hunch­ MeBoai Aaaeetotlee, Md of Hy- three ysare. . BBODT HBUD TODAT o r ed fierward? I* his chaat hollow^ Oto HaMtk Magutaw. w a n t A OABUnOU ebcw \ Boya aa a rule us* their bodiaa M . H . TilffEASiON i^ECOND f •tiA dost hla neck slant forward JNwr occupaUm, yroo M iddletoum Tops S. in Wild M k «FPU tk« traiMi better than glrla, but do iiet hoJd from th* Atlas vertebra arlth should ba aura to treat avtty, ciit, themaelvea as !• iRjm A T » piMM her iMurtaer, dilekea slant? If so, I can tell scratch, or abrasion sneieiri^^ in MADBLIMK 8n)DAL« Dommm Thin children have a poorer what th* jTMt o f hla body Is your work with aultabla aaUaaptics kcme t* NcoB posture than fatter ones. doing. His abdomen ta inches too •u rt aa lodltaa, to prevent infacUon. A ^ t 80 par eont o t school AND COLOMBO 31 far out la front, and you could w orkers who handle hides and FINAL SCORE 17 TO 16 Local Sport S e w tte ? * cblWran have imparfeet poatura •at a teacup in tha deap curve of aalmal hair Are-constantly axpixwd PHILLIES SHOW MUCH POWER, in yatyliig dafraea. |#M|W t t op , cvtm wtaTKOX StD^ hla back. Tha buttoekfi will pro- to infection with anthrax, ECAIs coti*ln( aaka iu r to CMldran tntned in correct at- jact too fa r also, thus giving tha who aro expoawl to X-raya, aa those Chapter Winner Quoted at lOQ t ii| ,! » v n r Wm. AMOS 8IDDAL. Ms4l»- Utud* and given |«yaleai training allnouette a figure "S " appear- in wratch factories, and to ultra­ IN FANTASTIC CONTEST GREEN IS HUMBLED matfa (nadtetber frho owtM Improve in about thrae-fourtlia of anoa. violet or Infra-red rays, also, ara BEAT D0D(XRS IN TWIN BILL tu r n , M bUnd. MRS. FlAMTEBr all case*. Quit# a Bolster efv local aocoar Now back him up against a wall llr tle to diseases peculiai^ to their twee attendaotha State Cup match W at an Ootnler in £ •iMewkeepenllseherged by Donee, M Posture improve* somawbat as with hla calves, abouldara and jobs. >5 BY 10 TO 7 SCORE bet m nny.' chtidran gat older unlaaa thar* la FEATURED BY MISPLAYS batwaan Rmlnflald and tha Bridga- b ^ touching. Than take a look- ^ ^ a x begina aa a malignant port Oataan Sports Club racantly Doane aad BUI 'are married. tome pbysleaJ weakness, lllnasa •ca. What a dUfaranca. The pel puatule, an inflamed pimple or a Betting ^ — Crowd A it or defect. in which Plalnflald lost tha titla INeBBwMIe MadeUae haa niairied vie bones (the broad, flat plates purple center and a deep red Jimmy Fclxx Certain He ’ll Nutrition and posture ar* In- a scoralaSs tie with Ite op> (;ARDS KNOCK CUBS ICON DAVID, drena «n itw i trala> spreading Ilka saueaTa from each around It. Graduaity tola breaka L f ^ s Charged With Ten Tha Manchaotar enthusi* KoKiBXsko Scoots of Rock- 250,000 Indoding lie ar, and takea part la tte «ntnMi act. terdependable. Th* poorly-nourlah- aide o f toe aplne) arill be . thrown down and discharges a thick, bloody ed child wlU not b* Ukaly to BOX 5 C O R E ~ ) were virtually unanimous in Snap Rath’s Homer. Record ' Amaa SIddal haa a atroka. uiiil U>«n forward. This draws'the loose ab- material and eventually may even .■ belief that Plainfield got a INTO THIRD PLACE le New Orteaaa MadeUae goea la­ have correct configuration, but on demiaal muaclea in. The breast become gangrenous. Errors WhOe Visitors > ^ e Trim Locals, Who King and Qneen W itnni Hhod’ fjfitr m . u iKb a th* ether hand tbs child who deal In the offidating and de­ ta .the cage with the B en gri.Sger bone will be forward and high. The lymph glands in tha neigh­ served to win tha contest. bed la killed. Ooa la dlacharged. ttitiUumq, Ql iHjQ stands badly will- very likely not I- not, tall him to lift It up and borhood awell and ■©!* valna bace: BY HARRY 0RAYSON ^hitting home nin hammerer of all I'naMe to get work, be decide* to t o make the meat of hli food. i keep It up. The chin won't be tUt- Inflamed. Associated with thl Have Nine; DiNatali Is Stackcrwlcz, aa ..fi (NBA Sporta Editor) ' time Is confident that toe left-hand­ WITH63 ViaORY Make Seven Errors. Turf Classic — The Only kioek lD(w tiU ' Here la an luicount o f the game to the S id ^ tone. | Scholarship and deportment Im­ •d, either forward or backward, there may be general' weakness, MasaelU, If ..,...,8 James Emory Foxx la positive he ed Ruth’s maximum will pot stand, which appeared~m ■ ' Prom the nearby town he aenda cv^ - CiiiAk prove aa good posture and physi­ but will take Its place naturally 'eluding chillinaaa, loss of*appetlte, BhekoM, XX, ef ..6 the Norwich” Bul­ wlU wreck Babe Ruth's home run he agrees with those who do not' be­ cal training get in thalr work. Reached for 12 Hits, letin: ‘^ e Plainfield soccer team record of 80. American Horse m Race e aoto to Donna and d ie agree* to Ceilari «*i Cd W. above the breast. It may even vom iting and a high fever. Spljm'ey; l b ...... 4 j lievelleve toe Bambino'sBambino’s fattest contract T..L.. DL- 1 *» a Manchester Green dipped a twi­ • • • lost the chance to' win the state soc­ meet him the next afternoon. Mra. have a drawn-in look at first, but Bravakua, 2b ....5 “All other marks go, so why ! —foir $80,000 in 1930—ever wtU be : U la O lS I I H I I o r& y C S . l 0 ”4 , llA ltfe JhliW Ok)iA- cer cup today when they played a light game of seven inning to toe n e a ter leani* o f thl* and write* an Difficult to abrt out of tablas this will disappear. Anthrax ia a dangerous dlseaaa' Pomfret, c ...... 4 shouldn't that one? I f I don't]lon'tj approached .again. | ’ of flguras, but to* above stote- Fans 12, Walks 10; Hah- Daly, 3b ...... S scoreless tie with the German Koscluzsko Scouts of Rockville last Is Unplaced. MM^mona letter to BUI. A v i m the Slump and workers with hidM must do y * *5® M ^ i o t the Foxx reads like raant* may, roughly Speaking, be everything possible to prevent in­ Di Natali, p .....5 Sports Club of Bridgeport. The evening'at Jarvla Grove by'a score NOW GO ON WITH THE STORT Encourage every child out of the next real good one I enjoy, he ; * scenario. A champion home run to Hold Bace; Yanks Bow taken aa fact*. fection. Foreign skins or hair Cahill, rt ...... 3 game, played on (Community Field, ' , of 10 to 7. Failure of some of tbe 8 i A i ^ 'ta 'VtlokR^ school to hold htmaelf right. In eren and May Hit Freely. wa* witnessed by toe largest crowd “ 2 ^ . ‘ . ___ ! hitter discovered a champion home Epaom Downs, J:me 8.— (A P ) ■— CHAPTER XXXVI There la a difference In chil­ school he may slump but, anyway should never be carried on the un­ Parmaloe, x ...... i „ T h * F o ik ran, hom^^ run* home tun hitter, for It was. J. Franklin ever to attend a game on the local Green's regulara to appear la time Windsor Lad,:an onteldar lathel^iC- dren, naturally, - and betldaa aoma you won't oe there to m . Don’t protected shoulder. A ll hidks and OT timei in 1932. major; Baker, who recommended hie huskv to Red Sox SIS 9tker Clnbs ^Th* Adams baby haa diphtherlA’' field. t» start toe game at toe scheduled tiDg today won to* lS8to running pf have compenaatlons that other* nag forever, but ahow him how anifiial hair should be ttaorouxhly 44 17 14 27 8 8 lUnnl* announced aa she took the N o possible stretch o f the imagl' ‘**^51?* <8 laat year. | young neighbor down there ta Mary hour forced Manager Hub'lard to the EtagUsh Derby. temalns of yesterday's roast turkey ladk. For instance, a child who Bptendid ha l(x>ks when he la sterilized. Mancheater It would;^ well for someone to i land to his old mentor. Mack, nation could conceive the wild, fan­ "Both teams played even ' ball Split Doable Tilts. open up with several second-string Easton,, second choice in to n Horn the oven and placed U on a gets plenty of air, food, sun and •traight. Workers ahotUd wash their b«T.d« , A B R H P O top Ruth a toW Seething like Baker earned toe sobriquet, throughout and In toe closing min­ players in toe line-up, and though wagering, waa second and Colombo, latter. "Ma says that last night, exerejae, even If ‘he has a poor No use trying to get a half-sick frequently in antiseptic *(>lutlOna, tastic encounter that went 1 C. Smith, as . . . .5 toot Is j^ u ir^ to bring out the Home Run, on the strength of nine ‘RdWi am utes o f play a riot was narrowly the Creen led )i>y three tellies at the favorite, third. / . Its, Adams sent ifc|r Doc Laamon. posture, may be stronger physical­ child to stand straight. Yet If he and those who sort hair ah(nil(^ wear baaebal! gam* at Mt. Nebo yester­ Comber, If 6 trade. / I t Is toe long-range hitters in 19H and two more against the £ ly than bla atralghter cousin who averted when Fenton was called off­ By HUGH 8, F U LLE R TO N toe opening, of toe sec(>nd, toe Windsor Lad, quoted a t lOO^to 9. He was there for more'n an hour and will do so. It will probably help breathing devices to prevent inhala­ day Afternoon, when Middletown Cobb, c f 4 1 1 0 1 who keep toe fans on the edge of'Giants In the world series that fail. HERE'S loti ol room to m*ke those sweeiitng swings on the links has none of these advantages. tion.. side, a fter scoring a perfect goal. Associated Pros* Sports Writer Scouts by (rirtue o f some heavy X* had to do aomethlng to the baby’s him (Mnaiderably. Posture won't R. Smith, rf, lb ..6 1 2 - 2 0 1 H’f"'seats. . . He led toe junior loop procession carried toe ailka of ton> MUiaraJa in this sleavelsss sport* frock. Mnen. gingham or tub silk are Poature and Health ' High nosed out Manchester High According to toe referee's (James hitting, and a flock of errors on the throat." T do all, but It" will do much. I find ■ Am ong the moat serious, o f to* Hutchinson, 3b ...8 1 2 1 3 4 "Interest In baaebaU hasn’t less- with...... toe ataggertag aggregate of c f Rajpipla while Easton repraeenb- the materials. The designs come In sires * to 1«, sire 14 requiring But the truth Is Ujat a straight ocupatlonal diseases recently de­ by the slender margin of 17 to 18 in Brown of Hartford) atatemeht, he ■ ened. The game obtained a flying One of the best of tola year's part of toe Hublarditea, forged into ed LoN Woolavlngton. ^ "1 hope the lltue thing will live,’’, V6^-8 yards of 35 Inch fshric. * . t^ t cod-liver oU children have a J. May. lb, p -----4 1 1 11 2 0 said that when the goal waa mad* 12 ta 1913, long before they stuffed backbone, chest held up and out, veloped are those associated with a contest that waa a nightmare of start in-toe matter of attendance crop of baseball yam* concerns the the lead in this frame and stuck Colombo, unbeatw in alne, p ne Conna answered. "Is anyone wlth^ better stance than those of a geil^ F. Healy, e ...... 6 0 0 4 0 1 be blew hia whistle because th* toe sphere with cork and rubber. '^l^^securs a rAtTEBN and STEP-BY.STEP SEWING IN- with room fop- th* vital organa to the use of radium, the X-ray, and • errors from start to flnlsh. I t waa tola spring in alb ciUes except St. there to tbe end of toe contest, de­ vlous races carried sllka of liotjt Mrs. Adams?" eratlon ago who never tasted It G. May, 2 b ...... 4 1 1 5 1 1 crowd was on toe field and not for "The ball certainly must, have fan who watched- toe Phllllea as iJTBl'CTIQNS. All out the coupon below, being Snre to MENTION various radio-active eubstonce*. the Red and White's fifth stra'ght Louis and Washington. But some spite on eleventh-hour rally by the Glanely, Haberera, p ...... 3 2 1 0 4 0 offside. He then consulted both been dead then, for Frank could they lost tbelr seventh consecutive ; "Yea, her sister's there." THE K A ^ OF THIS NEWSPAPER. E x^ su re to X-ray and to tha defeat and its seventh in 13 starts, o f ue will have to do toe unusual Green ta the last Inning, when ItaatM R M eatly Said Fraher, r f ...... 0 1 0 0 0 0 linesmen and James Watt of Hart­ smack one aa bard as anybody I _ "Diphtheria Is a terrible disease," tie* to set herself right with the Fran Magda Goebbela emanations from radium may pro- tumbling the locals into a tie for if we an to keep toe customers game at toe start o f toe aeason and Coach Dwyer's -nen managed to get Colombo, i^ e h best Easton by B Suitor. Va., who caoaed aeiua een- ford, who handled one Une because ever saw," beams his protege. iMnna said. " I remember once when man, ahe bad married, but she had dues serious bums and irritatloh of fourth place with West , Hartfonl coming. They simply haven't got toward to* end loudly addressed a couple of runners across to* plate. JULIA BOtlV^lOl PARK AVENUE. NEW YORK •tomailon in Washington na s fed­ — ------— 48 16 12 27 IT 10 James Hallos, of BalUo, failed to length in tM two toouaand yilntfii. n 'child in the circus had i)t— " Her lot all of them .slip by. (Cowardice By MILTON BRONNER the skin which result in cancer. with no chance at lUl of improving toe money, and won’t turn out for It. was rather clearly demOnZtrated want to toe post toe choice at 8 ta Enclosed Is IS rents Ifr^otn for eral Jobholder who was actnally try- ,1 tha "Fuehrer." all aerva to coun- Score by innlhga: appear, said he thought Fenton was Followed Dad’s Footeteika. Manager Jimmy Wilson: W ee trailed off aa - If a sudden had made her do It. Donna knew They also affect the blood and .Its position In the least. anything ordlnaiy.” last evening, that In order to play 4 of th ^row d of 250,000, including lag to renlgn. but iwuMn't get any­ Middletown ...... 100 400 525— 17 offside .although -toe Bridgeport "You asked for it Jimmy, now thought had struck her. 'The Adams Pattern No...... ------g tis ...... that now. Cowardice and toe ter­ Berlin. -She. who haa the i ter-balance whatever' -car()s Ooe: the blood-forming organs seriously, Thera was a difference of $15,000 The Foxx. who harnessed -six seven innings' during sunlight, a one to aoiwpt his realgnatlon, will Evdn the recent Trade-High M anch ester...... 300 008 304— 18 goalie admitted toe goal was good. you’re getUng It.” the K ing and Quean. Easton -waa fam ily were the Slddals' nearest rible fear that she might lose BUI’a so that deficiencies o f both the r*d between toe Foxx and Connie Mack horse teams on his father’s farm at game must be under w ay by 6:15. Name , A-d^ress have his wish. games which resulted ta acores of X—Batted for Cahill in 9th. The play was stopped for some time Sweep Twin Bill *oI(Uafter to* two toouaand gulnaaa Rdghbora. While Donna scarcely I(>ve. Oh, If she could only have and white blood cells are exceeding­ when they opened negotiations in to* age o f 9, grew up in a baseball Kolter performed on toe mound His postoffloe lii at the site of unuiapute.^tate understood before! Each step In toe ly common. d le’ to yesterday's clash. I t had February, and the Athletics’ big atmosphere. His dad. Deli Foxx, for toe Scouts, and except fo r toe a lomber plant. The lumber toe aame token toe most pow erful; *3iacuss men and polltlca in front Two base hits, Bhekoski, Spinney, eree and Jack King, who had to re­ begina to appear toe Phillies aren’t phis to Lord Wpolavlngton for i75,» •toBces she would have offered her Name of this newspaper Employees in watch factories who everything to make fans and play­ first baseman merits more than the was a catcher, and father and sdn first frame, kept toe Green pretty- 000. " > *k «a f«i angle of subterfuge bad led to company has moved away. ‘The Job woman in the Third Reich. ; her while at table. Comber; three base hits, Btaeko- ceive police protection. As both quite aa bad as they’ve been paint m istan ce at once. another. Each step made it harder prepare the luminous dials have ers alike gnash their teeth in dis­ $17,500 be obtained in a compro- were teammates in many gafoes. much where he wanted them, s c ^ never did pay more than flO or $12 Now very few women are ever ' . latest exploit haa not tailed wicz 2; hits, off Haberera 9 in 7 1-3, linesmen ruled offside, Mr. Brown *d. The Phils showed plenty of Tiburiua, running fo r S ir Aha ^ e child’s Illness seemed an an- to turn around and face the tnith. a month aad now. handling but two ------are ever sustained generalized radium pol- • gust and despair, Evan to call the mtae. The Foxx was a remarkable all- taring what hits he ^d permit Over mentioned In connection with Hit­ te increase her popula^^lty. She J. M ay 6 in 2/2-3, Dl NataU 12 ta 9; could do nothing but rule It likewise, powM yesterday as they trimmed Bailey, was fourth to finish toa on* ^ r to her prayer. What could be And now the very things she had or three letters a day and rapidly soning with disastrous results. game lousy, an adJecUve which There are several players whose around athlete in high school, where toe six ensuing innings, anil pulling ler, the confirmed bachelor, wedded has Just presented her husoand stolen bases, Shekoski X Pomfret, although every fan near toe goal the Brooklyn Dodgers in both ends end ona-half mile journey, white more natural than to tell Bill that done to save her love might take 1* ■Parting, Breeding also- wranta to Workers must leam to protect there is none wblcher, would be salaries exceed that of toe Foxx. be twice ran toe century under 10 out o f several tight bplea, when that mate with the fellow who boards to his work and steadfast In his with another baby. It Is true It Di Natali, (?obb 3, R. Snfith. Hutch­ stated that the goal waa ^(x>d. of a doublebeader. Wliliam Woodward’s But of the three-way virtual tie for Maguda, lb . No— Ifa the other way around. Isn’t • Don’t.'stay long," he aald, kissing (pared both Bill and .herself the seml-rellgloua fervor. Hitler Is a less married man. The new Gbeb- heading the list with four and Maharaja a colt proved toe gantef anded the fact that ahe knew some, Some highway officials figured be caused to the eye by Ultra-violet WINGS ture on what would have been the the lead. The New Y ork. GlanU Suchecki) 2b It? If. she doesn't want talk, she her. ‘You aren’t a crack driver at c".Untless hours of agony. devotee of Wagner music. This bels baby Is. therefore, an impor­ Ctaucky Smith as runner-up with as be held command ta a drivtnar ttopg about diphtheria and remem- they weren't required to spend a rays. result had Rautenberg been with kept their place six polnte behliid k lo te ., p .... finish. ^ sbouldnt lay heraelf open tou t by the best And In the snow— " (To Be Continned) has brought them together. So tant asset. It shows 'at least m e two. Only toe spectacular fielding YESTERDAY'S RESULTS . hered how they had treated a little nickel on rural roads, and some The infra-red rays are essential­ of Jackie May at first saved the the team. Rautenberg, who desert­ the Cardinals by mak'lQg effective Kow’akt, 3b . her acUoDs. It's too bad. Freeman is "Mother hen!" she laughed. much so that It ■ used to be pre- Nazi leader practices what he S. Key. If .. The official odda quoted Wlndaor •»ltl in the clroua who waa aufferimr counties never saw any of the ly heat rays, and.can causa all the ed the High School In tevor of the use o f 16 hits, including three home a fine fellow. I reckon he's heard She turned at tha bend In the money. ^ t e d that they were to be mar­ preaches. total from, being higher. May mak­ Northeastern League Lad at 100 to 9, Easton at 15 t o £, from it. * things.” damage that heat of intensity ap­ Bluefields, was third ta the batting ntna to beat Boston. 13 to 4 The Tenh, c f . . , road to wave to him. He was still ried. But nothing happened and ing eleven putouta in fine style. Hartford 8, Manchester 1. and GoIomb(< at the short price o t BEHIND THE SCENES IN Congressman Thomas A. Jenkins plied to the human body can cause order and his presence in the Itn*- CHAMPION A SYNTHETIC Pittabuigb-Cincinnatl game wa.i Gesaay, rf 11 to 8. In viewot Colombo's dom- , ■"U you don't think-Grandfather Middletown wan charged with eight Worcester 6, Springfield 2. " I suppose," 6onna said tensely, standing on the porch looking after o f Ohio had a battle with his gov­ now nobody believes that It ever in other ways. rained out, '* ■ « me here I think I'll drive over "If there were smoke around me will. errora In all, of which number'Bra- New Bedford 12. Lowell 9. up would certainly have been a vital taance in the betting there waa . * her, the wind whipping his dark ernor and state highway commis­ wTorkers, around ultraTViolet or help. Bed Sox-Down Yanks . 39 -10 13 21 5 2 ** Adamses'' this afternoon," aha you’d look for the flrC?" vukus at second had five. National League special pool in which Windsor Lad l-alr and making It stand on end. sioner on the issue. Which leave the case of Frau Infra-red rays may protect them­ The Red SoX made toe real for­ MancliMt^r GKen « d . "Maybe there’a something Ninth, the W'orst New York 13. Boston 4. was held at 13 to 8. "Sure would—but you take care Something In his posture, as though Jenkins didn't win his fight In Magda Gdcbbels, wife of Dr. Joseph FIGHTER SAYS DEMPSEY ward step III the American League AB R.H PO A E Bbttld do to help." selves by wearing goggles, helmets, The ninth Inning was probably Incidentally, Ckiaeh James Foley Windsor Lad, although owned by there’s no staoke! Boy, look at that he had bidden her farewell and was Ohio, but he won It in Washing­ Ooebbels, Minister of Propaganda BATTING St. Louis 6, Chicago 3. ByelmUky, o shields and masks equipped with the worst of all but it gives a fair of the Bluefields is partly blamed by • . ■"" ' ' when they turned back the pace- 2 1 1 8 0 0 an Indian potentate, was bred in enow. If., you're going to the takings last, yearning look at her, ton, Against opposition from the an, one of Hitler’s chief and most Philadelphia 11-5, Brooklyn 10-4. setUng Xanks 8 to 3 while all the B, Lovett, 2b , 4 2 2 4 1 /Bin, who was naturally friendly colored lenses especially designed sample of what happened in the many for allowing Rautenberg and r ’ lU M J T D 1 toe September night ta 1 Ireland; Aa S two-year old he waa Adamses, you'd better get started." (aught at Donha’s- heart■ and al­ Chew of Tobacco blamed for Thorp bureau, he brought up an amend­ trusted lieutenants. When she to exclude dangerous, rays. Pittsburgh-Clnclnnatl (rain). Captain Eddie Raguskus of the other clubs divided double bill*. Jarvis, if, rf . 4 1 2 0 1 1 told had often worried a little over "Yes.. I suppose so." nrevious frames. The score was rirpO ll2S 1t12u 6, 100| DQI 1023, when I bumped into him at able to win only one of hi* .*tert% most stifled her breathing. Ouster . . . Ixising Hla Job Is ment providing that "not less than married Goebbels some five years Ataeripan League Trade School to play with the Blue­ The Detroit Tigers barely failed Zapatka, as . 4 1 1 0 1 1 m * bride’s reserve and dyalcally mcredlble. He pos- though close' up in toe early ategaa we're in for a real blltzard." (Counsel. Germany that was coming. The Leslie, Dodgers, .373. Runs Trade School's leading players will ■ in8ul6r Out of Rinsf* Baer nits and a 20 to 2 victory but Fiedler, p . /. 3 0 1 0 0 0 L Ptokon she's about worried sick, as s punishment for all the things a victory for rural unemployment and a single scored tw(> tallies, a iiia u ic i U H l Ul m u g , u a c i , gagged plenty Of fire and aggreseive-v of toe race he wab nayer in froaL "I'd rather go and get it over Nazis made a feata o f It. Hitler Vaughan, Pirates, 45. Runs batted THE STANDING be with the High School next sea­ lost-out In the nightcap when BUI Spillane, lb . 1 0 0 0 0 r k n o w the little codger. Just the I've done, should tear him away relief. i wild pitch added another and an - n • at I 1 0 ' *-o<^ some measure Of ring'Aptl 0 Jockey Johnstone had to * Colt wltb^ with.” from me!” B.v ROD.VEY DITCHER . himself, silk-top-hatted, attended aa In—Klein, Cubs and Suhr, Pirates, son. namely, Kelsh, Laahlnske and Knickerbocker's triple in toe ninth Borello, cf ... 3 0 0 0 0 1 In Striking distance ‘of tha laadets- wBrt of kid I hope wo’ll have some error brought home the fifth. tud*. "W ell, you're, the .doctor." He left Herald Washington Correspondent one of the guests of honor. 40. Hite—Moore. Giants. 67. Dou­ Northeastern/ League Raguskus, a formidable trio both Being Natural Scrapper, brought a 5-4 decision fo r the In­ Hewitt, c t . . . 1 0 0 0 0 1 but be could not Jtend toe pace. If you like. latter with the basea loaded. I'lftveland ...... 2 2 17 .584 /This was what Donna had feared Inson. another "brain truster,” lob­ took pains Indignantly to denv a!! Side Oval tonight at 6 •p.jOi. Baer took to fighting as a kid, llmlnari^educaUoh for toe Wild That gave the vlaltors a 5 to 3 St. Louis . i?"...... 21 20 .812 (Chicago—Jim Londons, St. Loiils, bied valiantly in Thorp's behalf. these stories az' political lies. Just as your youngster will take to Bull. Perhaps It was lucky for* me threw Jagot Singh, India. Highland Park will pipy to* Pfii^ edge that held until toe laat of the Washington ...... 23 23 .500 Before .long. Chairman Hubert I In the meantime, the good-look­ A > boxing, tennis, track, baseball, foot­ that the renowned' promoter did MEET STATE STARS Biddeford, Maine—*Henri Deglane, cess Knighte tonight at Highland rSli Grandfather sixth when Manchester unleaehed Boston . ; ...... 21 28. .477 w W be all right, but Juat the same Stephens of the committee was in g Frau Goebbels took a consid­ ball or golf—and make good at it. not spend toe Uma developing.Firpo Montreal, defeated Stanley Stickos- Park. A good gams ia axpacMd aa y I < m '. . , Its spree for a total of six runs, Philadelphia ...... 18 25 .419 A one^of us should be' within found to be Intensely bitter against GLORIFVIN6 erable part In the Nazi actlvffi.»s CATHOUC CLUB FACES Camera took to fighting because it that Caraera'z - managers speDt on kl, Philadelphia, straight falla. both teams ara pappad up for tele CVJ/* garnered on a double, two singles, Chicago ...... 1 8 26 Dldklns()n, though not against of the women folk. . When the .381 offered a good way to capitalize his toe Italian. 'For Flrpo was plenty New York—Han(|^ Steinke, Ger­ game. Chapman or Cargo ivUl Thorp. When Stephens finally Nazi* got the power in Germanv three errors and a walk. Manches­ - “ Maybe you're right.” ter's bold on the lead was short­ size and strength. tough, even though I knocked him Seeded Aces Meet Stiff 0{h many. threw Frank Bronowicz, Po­ twirl for the Knights with Nalsoft maneuvered Thorp out of the pic­ and her husband, was named Min­ TODAY’S GAMES CLERKS AT ROCKVIUE raagailne ^ O U R S E L F lived. however, as Middletown tai: Carnera first came to this country out. ta the second round. land. behind toe plate. Tbe inftald w U ture, he exulted over Dickinson ister of Propaganda, she hersei: “ Ok over and Bill sprawled on lied five UmM in the seventh on tivo f^ k ly a physical freak. Ha had But it waa plain that while Luis consist of Doyle at third, Laoota U rather than over Thorp. was made head of an organization Nortoeastora League position in New England to* couch In the living room for AiidaHart^ ^ singles, two' walks, two errors and been with ciftuses, had attracted Angel was large, while be was short, E. Harburte at sacendi iad U N tfO M This is what happened; knowm aa the "German Fashion Manchester at Worcester.' The Catoolle Club will journey to LUTHEBAN8. PRAOnCB tome time after finishing his meal. wild pitch,' tbe attention of toe little French- strong, whll* be could h it — be was Loveland at first. Bvarybody la la* Dickinson called at Stephens' o f­ Department.” Its declared object a New Bedford at Lowell. Rockville tomorrow night to play Now and then Donna looked appre- RKtViO . ______Tie Boore In 8th man, Leon See, and had sprouted a syntheUc fighter. vltad to attend to* gam*. fice to talk about Thorp. Stephens _ s o v ie t was to develop fashions for Gar-. i n c v e x i ^ National League to* fast cn^rks o f that city. The ' Net Tonmey Today, Th* German L u to a ra ^ baaaball Panrively at the Clock, watching toe h i APtWMlrfr ID M uAPOLIS The score stood 10-9 In Middle- out aa a fighter. offered a cigar. Dickinson accepted. man women. But she did not hold Boston at New York. Catholic club has added several To be a great fighter, a man must team will practice Thursday evening ^ < 3 * spin around with what seem- ASACESU.TGFWtft3lSM OS- I^ s tlc k Is the one cosmetic that town’s favor aa Manchester came I want to pay a.,tribute to Car­ On April 1, 1934, thar* war* R*(fO OW3« U.S.S.OR*(i3»a Then the Misissippl senator pulled on to .It long. I Last August she Brooklyn at Phlledelp.'ila. pYayera to Its roster and ought to be able to give it, take it and pos- Instead of Wednaaday. Tha practice of no girl should do without She can to bat m the seventh and combined nera. The giant haa dene a remark­ N 0«WS5 WiTEQS^ IN IQQO out- some chewing tobacco for resigned. Her friends said it was Pittsburgh at Cincinnati (2). give the a*rks a great battle. Jack stss a fighting ./eart, Hartford, June 8.— ( A F ) — WU- wUl be at toa Bluaflalda lot at 8:00 deepened with every moment himself. - -s, . go unrouged if shFs trjin g to affect a single, three errora, a w alk,a able Job. Anybody who saw bla left because of thejncreaslng demands Chicago at St Louis. Hewitt o r Jack Godeck will pitch When Firpo clubbed me over -toe; mer AUlaon, of Austin, Texas, o'clock. Be there for -a_. complete *0 w ill "Senator." said the aaslsta^ aec- that .pale and intereatlng" ' look. Hotal LaxinQtoB iww offan gio a iot U)iw . InatalledJo Your Aerial la A Jlffr. Potato Niteg ccxjnujv 'b eo N G 'W T WiS BOSS him. A n y ^ y , from that Uma on. Prince to HiUer'a Emperor, moiTiia, SfUkiissoTOsa Dea Moines— Freddy Thompklna, and tb lf should rebound to tha *d- But fighting limply did not 1 ^ lauglMd and reached out hli don’t get a pale pink llpatick. But, wi;h the home team ovarwhelmlng- aaoq <31te, Iowa, drew with Jimmy homers while Ponvi.its and Thuraer first o f tha mah'a aaadad stars to 139.95 And Up. AlpTJtUTDmE 1:9*0 ID ASK h SAOv'C* Stephens seemed determined to In this by-play behind scenes, 48TH STREET AT LEXINGTON AVEN'UE • NEW YORX vantav* of Baer. aoma naturally u> toa W ild Bull of "Tou ’p* not a'gooalp, ar* you, If you're blonde and rather fragile- ly lavorad to repeat its 14 to 2 tri- :Jeo nailad toe ball, Th* Orioles will ba allminatad In toa ebampionshipa AMtaCAN m o v e s . a n d -WEN OO hViE "get" Thorp. Frau (Soebbels la an important Legrons, Des Moines, 8. Camera's defense of toe title the Pampas. Hurt, ba did not have Authorised Member Radio Manofactorar'a S«rrie> ' X beard In town the other day ■ OOP\oSiTE. looking, tha paler shades will ba uppph galnad bare. Portlaind, Oregon— O c ll Ps}me, yaatarday. Ha aueciumbad to toe factor. Her social graces, toe CRAfllZa E. aOCBESTEB, Maaeaer play to* Thunderbolta tonight and against Baer reminds me of toe bat­ fighting instinct upon which to fall ! U s w tf* la just a Uttlg t most flattering. Avoid orange- LoulsvtUe, K y „ stopped Eli brilliant gam* displayad by Bam _ Hard Tline Leetag Job good table she keeps, the at.-noa- Ernie Ca> tha Shanahan Drug team from Hart­ tle in which I rlskad toe same b u k . tones until you’ve acquired a aun- Ovmuoii^NmiomI Hai.1 Meiu«uwai Co., lae, lelpb HJn, riMidwt Georgia figures its annual poultry veil!, Walla Walla, Wash., S. Hayas, o f Holyoka, Maaa., 6-2, 6-3, FMtmaator B. J. Bnedtag ad pbere of home ’’gemuethllciikelf' ■ lia-Carbee, ford June 17 in Goqdwin Park. To cro-wn, and,', oa It turned out, my t*a- MUmm Cut, Bool-Ctediltoc, OetraU, Nukerliiul FUu, Vm producUon at $40,000,000, Hveatock In a first round mateb. Murray waa •he and her huahandht^^MUd provlda for O r a ,D q r^ Houston, Texas—(Seorga Balva- date toe Orioles have. won 28 neck aa well, against Lula Angel BENSON RADIO SERVICE^ N E X T ) Dampoay •aedad sumbar 7. • t ' dore, Houston stopped Midget Mex- straight games- Including eighteen Firpo. [ico, E l Paao, 4. Willard and otoer genta ef the hem­ Play In, an divisions waa to con- JohnaoD Block laat year. if. Tha WUd'BuU of toa Pampas was pen aqnara. Unua throu;]li Saturday.- ^ am p i ^ i i i u . P«!«iiJ^i . w. ' R ^ B S D A Y , j u n b e , 1 9 M . iMiita ^■i^ “T m ••n’t M l » gnjr BBM ky ita wiw OR otHioiwiim> nia calfir.** tfA «ONN»ATAV<* > VOU EUm obea^t thingi ora oftcA the dear- CW#aMCE ON TH)« fU tlE - _____ e«—It Um’t naceaeary for a mar- APE A PKT&H Ev e n w y t h t w P k e v -* A p«UiUd ((uttUM tor thOBs whfi Haa i w t6! know bla mind—Dabtera TH'ONfc MtXJ «AOT LOST AND FOUND , T H I /I^OTORCTCLKS— APARTMENTS—FLATS— wub to be rugged indivldutUsU: uauMly haaa batter mtmorlaa Utah F i v e f A c M E T w e m s f tVhfit U your fieinition of tbe word J------U f t t------LOOK-- . PEEUSETJ fiAEA^7S I jOR—WHITE ESKIMO Spits, an BICYCLES 11 TENEMENTS ft! credltora—Most people die bafofa THAT LOKie> WCTcm' •rugged"T reaching the age of dlscreUon— A tSX ‘‘BhA-"*4-OOWt I VjOtoN,ONcl*^m9VM . nran to nam* of Xarsan. Finder J ^ R SALE—1627 InaajT" Scoot HNDS.INSDRANCE caU John T. Hayai. TeL 7200. ^ FOR RE!NT—4 ROOM tenement, all That Brother Battery roan Isn t necessarily a fisherman IS ONE t PUT ON motorcycle. Ucensed. In good con' modem improvements, near mlUa *’rt*M-~Is It Irjia your son hod to Just beiUluaa ha lo-a Mar—AH man WITH LUM EAftOl WHEN I PSTUPN,wrTH dltion. Call 4 to 10 evenings, 25 CONGRESS TO DECIDE THREE VBAWS toSO, L0ST-^^n!Wn!N.Man t h o u s a n d s FROm IW North Coventry, eum Winter Itreet. Telephone 771S. stre e t Phone 5090. oar treuM6f in the baobalor cioaa—a girt aiwayi WHEN I PUN OVER A •WECE# W MOT «OLt) M ^t-aePANK ^ der please return 1 eeuldfl't MUd it any baa a good time at a party tt aha •RJkPE IN lofig«r. EMEWHePI Reward. FLORISTS—NURSERIES 16 FOR RENT—F I Vie ROOM S a t also ON ADJOURNMENT DATE YAf on a new draaa tbe man wto •DWVEWAV, CAPTIN' six room tenement with all im doesn’t aoquifa wisdom oa he growa ■Bcrm.6 X STURDY TRANSPLANTED plants, provementa U qulra a t 147 Blast Donliam Pays Tribote to Tt tiMra wMwirt’rungt miaung older bunkoaa • filmself—Genuine A W AiV A U9A.1& O E HEh- J^UtOMOOlLES tLSMto, pepper, CAuliliower, cab- Canter street from tlM Uddsr of nueetas uiybedy bappineaa is able to stand n lot at EMPTIES, F 0 R S A L « 5 PYesideiit Ptats It Up to Leg­ n i n e t y aT HlKwa m could «aa(ly reaoh t^. bege. Prices are very reasonable FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM ten»;> ^ JEdneal Coodoct of Agents ^ knoeka—A looai ablak daolaraa mmiN' ,w?i 1080 FOICD± i CbUPE, 1830 Pontiac St Odermsn't, 504 Parker atreet. ment, modem improvements, iU' BOW! MAN. THAFS ^ MpaUck Wife—Wbgt here j« u dene with dliuataful—Ipinaeb Is a lunury tor TROHismoN! 5 cabriolet, 1029 Eisklne, sedan, 1929 eluding furnace, '8 Ridgewood S t ators to Pass Adnnis- SOBIB PITORINOl th a t book, "Mow U ve e K uadrej Whippet sedan, 10^9 Oakland Inquire 148 BIsaetl stre e t Desire Bosiness Hardship those who Ilka It aad a tonle tor r - a MOVING—TRUCKING— ^ c o g o , June “ —Matt Rup- T ears T" thooa Who don’t—When savttf far sedan, 1927 Buick lijb t coupe, 1927 Husband—te u don’t think I'm go- r r S t Poptlae coach. Cole Motors. - STORAGEj 20 b e a u t i f u l 4 (K)OM renU, mod tratioii Bflls and Then champion your old age don't forget to lap up a em , 2nd and Srd floor, 8 Walnut Graeowlcb, June 6.—A t the axmual •oft ball pitcher, was in rare ina to leave that lying about With few pleasant thoughts—Any woman ymlr mother in the house, do you? W MOVINO—TRUCKING and Ught s tre e t near Cheney mlUa 812-118 ireetlng of the Connecticut Asaocia may be os old as she looks, but none hauling. Ashes removed weekly. E Inquire on premtera. TxUor Shop. ^sellession. p S ******* ** Otmnt cf thenj Is aa young aa aba beta— Manchester D. Morin, telephone 6153. Uon of Insurance Agents, held here He stepiiedout on the hlU and. Cneeia’ - Ynu’U never get ahead Of a parson FOR RENT—4 ROOM^ and bath, today, Howard P. Dunham, state In­ thrown 90 some boys cuss an awful lot when as long as you keep trying to get Evening Herald YOUR FURNITURE IS Valuable. large atOc, garage, poultry bouse surance Commissioner, declared In Washington, June, fl,—(a P)__ straight strikes, dnd his 4««n« , they-get mad, they do, even with him—Ws attribute all our In moving we use only furniture F. ly. Hill, 10 Oleott atreet, Man 'lux addreee that despite the tempta- Resident Roosevelt is leaving to won, 1-0. for Its SOdlh straight Ibey say some words that's gwful bad tuck to others, but our lueetssas ’, / CLASSIFIED pads, not quUts, or blankets. For Chester. ' , ^*NP°"XWllty for tbe iB the last two 'fftisnns. mad till the air Is kinds blue; we credit to ourselves. ^ ADVEimSFMENTS that better moving dial 6260. Aus­ Uon to unethical pwtices arising ^mlnlstraUon’s legislative pro- Ruppert won hit own ^Bnie [ But I don't do Uke that, why i don't tin Chambers. Local and long dis­ FOK RENT-rTWO, THREE .-sno from the depression '-very few decl- gnm and the adjournment date. wtth a homer in the Unth. bauavaiu right, no sit. Cosai MS sysrsa* wurOs u s Has. tance moving and trucking. four room fumlsnefl or unfur&sheo plinary measures had been neceial’ Nearsighted Lady iln grocery)—Is lattlals. snnibsre asS abbrevtsUoas T I ^ w m made known today at When I get mod I clinch my fist and that the headcheese .over there ?. ’ aaeb eosat as a vote aad compoaBS apartments Majchester Uonstrue- Isted, He regarded the circum­ the Presldent’a semi-weekly press . say—Geewhilaker! . words as two. words mnlmnn soot la PERRETT A OLENNEY INC. local Uon Co. Tel. 4181 or 4359 stance as a tribute to the character Qrsen Clerk—No, ma'am, 'that's and long distance movli)g. Dally conference. one Of hl8 assistants. r srioo »t thro# llBoa of the persona engaged In the Insur­ foi-bulldlng the St. Lawrence wa­ Some day if I should'-boss a gang I'd U bo rates per dap let iraaaiaas express to Hattford. Ovamlgbt FOR RENT-FOSTER 8TREE1 It also was said the President ada ance businesa In this state. Mr. Dun terway and Is expected to carry on treat 'em mighty rough, service CO and from New'York. Tei oear East Center street south tens- bam said m part: Market roS Hubby—I think it must hi time to roup TVPES ■Macttve MayaS tT, isat 3063, 8860 or 8864. dtacussions with Canadian offletale ' And If they'd lasa me, why I'd turn g et up. . tFc CMb Cbarea msnt newly renovated, all im "Much has been said about unethi­ and the cor- and members of the Senate to ad­ d Coaaeeauyo Ospr . . | 1 stsi t eta provementa. Dial 3082. porau bankruptcy bin-at noon to- a ^ show ’em I bad stuff; Wife—What makes you think so, OP PLAT TIPE© I CoBoeoatlTs Oapr . . ( pUi 11 sts cal practices on the part of agenUi morrow. just dtffteultlfs which have p i ^ TBut tf-pd want to scare ’em like to In recent years and undoubtedly vented the Senate from dear? 1 Oar ...... I u fts| II e u PUBLIC PASSENGER ra tlf^ iig take off Ml their fur, Hubby— Baby's fallen asleep. ' AU orderB for Irrsealai IssonioBO abuses have been wldri-spread os the Mr. Roosevelt also emphasized the present treaty. I'd just fold up my arms and scowl will be eharaed at tbe obs Uboo rata. SERVICE 20A BUSINESS LOCATIONS depression deepened and some- of a famine apeotal rates for load tens everr FOR RENT 64 from the drought. He prepared a As_for the legislative program, and say—Gecwhllaksr! dar adrertlsiBs slyer., opoa reeoaeL necessary to resort to ^»«velt has sent to Congreos ' 6-6 Adi ordered, tor tbree ei ets daps l-N ADDITION TO Silver Lane Bus twlrting, rebating and other shady aad stopped before Ue tbtrd or flftli Line, De Luxe Bus for lodgs, party FOR RENT—IN RUBINOW build­ SSWfo*? r^2f*“ Ws bllle and he is Isaving It up to Whensver a man ik disposed to fAjgay SAYS: ing, 2 connecting offices, with pri­ methods io order to survive. But I complaUt because he Isn't getting all UStt. dar win be eharaed oBlp ter the. as* or team trips, we also offer 7 pas want to take this opportunity to say ■PProprtaUon be- todo*^****^ to decide what Is W tual ouraber of tiDiee the ..d appear­ 'oenger si^an livery. Phone 3063. vate lavatory, suitable for doctor’s yond the budget program, Mr. that's coming to him, it is generally ed, ebaralBS at the rate earBed, bat office or aijy other profession or that although the ConnocUcut In­ true that what he really ought to do so aUowaBOs or rsfuBde^daa be made 8860. 886i surance Department has been very ^sevelt said he regarded the “ ^ * ’*te bankruptcy bill Is OB sts time ada stopped after tbe business, dealring central locaUon. drought as in the nature of a intended to enable corporations In Is to congratulats himself. dftb dap. Apply W. Rublnow. vigilant and has encouraged the fil­ Jor disaster. distross to obtain reductions in In- SCORCHY SMITH No **tlll (orblde") diaplap llBaa Bet ing fit complaints Involving un­ Farewells By John C. Terry selA HELP WANTED— People In the most affected areas ^btedness through adjustments Some men arc such confirmed FOR RENT—STORE—OFFICE— ethical conduct, it has found It with creditors. . swindlers that they oven cheat HtADllfiHtS GtCAM - A CAR A MECHfiMiC starts the MOTbR-AS IT 1 Tbe Herald witJ oot be rsapuBSlble f e m a l e 3» one, two and tbree room apart* necessary to cancel surpri-ringly few are' unable to do any work even if for more thaa obe iBcorraet iBseriloB rMn should come because it Is too themselves. / DRIVES’ UP-THREE FlSUREE EMER&E WARMS UP, F inal FAReiveus are saiP.\ ef aap advertisement ordered for ments. See Jenaen. Johnson Block ■Icenses. Mr. Roosevelt regards It as im- NEAT. EXPERIENCED woman, late for crops this year. It imrtMt that the very minute of the -Eo»,B0Nny ^HDTHEN SCORCMY- ^ mere thaa oae time Phone 6U7.0 or 4040. BuslneM DlllicultiM was They don't come deader thatT poor ''.The taadverieal omieeiuo oi laser- general housswork, plain cooking' said.- signing of the bill be announced eo TAKE 6 0 0 0 , f«at BBblleatlos e< adverUalae will he l! »lgnlllcant. tesU- Must Provide Aid William Friskltta, ^ reeOMl ealp bp oaaoellatleB ef tbe 3 adulU, Bolton. Call Tburfday ro RENT—OFFICES at 865 Mai3rRnRtle ■•••••aasB ti "I have been associated with the Girls * Friendly Camp Cross,. Nlantlc, which will ^NOW, CUE GOT eu'RYTHING FlYLED, ) t MASS PIE F£R Mg'! SirSfi.'®” W“ ‘®«-r®iBoi; ; u W rite Jane B. Wilcox Miss Juliette Desjardins Will BEHS SURE HAUe BEEN PO&iHl to ing. A conference for associates; Then Jack's kind wife said, "I CRACK a t it , will V A ? I SAM, AH' ALL VA GOTTA DO IS G O

A party at tha maabara iBaaantali and Bhiaiag Light ctr- Mary's Woman's 1 - A prenatal cUale wiU ba bald to- else of Klng*s-Dauthtors will meat Ite . Lawia Rose of Hartford, Due te the inahfllty of Chalrmaa GARDENS ABODTTDWN aa outing Friday at I morrow at 9 o'clock at tha Health well known lecturer on current Mlsc NaUa t, aoBa, «iaiig«,^, f ^ this avaning at Cantar church Center 'on Haynes atraat ( Aaron OMka to attend tha ragniar in Woodbury, from houaa. ^ wenta and foreign affalra, who has monthly masting od the B o A of 2?” Antonio L sM sT tf Iflfl Mrs. Hardsy Bonny and daufbtcr, BaakM luachas will I frequently addrecaed local audi- Birch atraat, and JoamA Duhanoskl. Patricia Ann, hava returned to tbair Salsctman. origihauy schaduM tor HIGHLAND PARK WUllam Parrett at iRuasaU kraat CBcas, will sail for England on Frl- * » of and Mrs. lUehaM D u bt^ Itomejbi Putnam aftar spandlnc a Dr. John V. Grejfan of 306 Center Jana IS, tha meeting was advanead o ^ o f JManchaetar, wia ba married i M i s a H a l e n of Mam has left for Wondarland Oi^p, tha dgy and win motor through . chat to raday. June IS. in. the Balaob-’ weak with Ura. Bonny'a brother and street has 1( street was alactad vice preaidant of country and Russia with friends, to S t Jamas’a church at t o'clock to A e Pobbc ^ a visit with Mrs. Salvation Army camp at Bbaroa, the NaUonal Society of Nature- mans rooms. A r a p ^ of the sister-in-law, 9fr, and Mrs. Clarence Jeaiis of-Montclair, •fterward going to Turkey and oth- t ^ r r o w moralng. Aftar tha wad. N. J.. Maaa., wbera ha la' accustomsd to epathe at the convention held in eqnallntion board aril] ba given the Custer of ChUKb street. formi ' Manchester. er Bklken eountrief, returning te ^ a raeapticn wffl ba bdd In the spend hia nimmars. New Haven this Week. Selectmen at this masting and rou- SoM of Italy elubbouaa on Keeney ;kue 7 ,3 to 5 p. m. c this country early in October. tine fasislBeas will ba conducted. ACVERTUEMENT— straaC. _ _ — . lAm vM * W. OMe, Mrs. A. L. ^$M»WHin. Mn. J. N. VIot. Tm at Headquarters for fresh Xlonnoetl- p l|MW' aarden. Bencdt PnbUe cut River shad 10c lb. We deUvar. Hale’s For-Storage Win Protect Your Fun—(Dial 4123). Ohuth Norslnf Asaodattoa. The Manchester Public Market Dial TIctots St Oardtoa 14c. Sill.

PlNEHURST DIAL 4151 Keeney is bringing la beautiful h. SSc Ground Beef, and to 30c, according to marlcrt S Grbea Peppers, price. BOTH FOR .... . 2 5 c Shop For These TH U R SD AY f Vegetable Leader W e have a good “ buy” on Shank Helves of Small 1 H e a d L e t t u c e 1 Bunch Radishes Habu at 22c. lb. Lots of SPECIALS at Hale’s - center slicing in these 1 G r e e n P e p p e t - ‘S t a r t s T h u r s d a y - ^ huns. 2 Ripe Tomatoes , • . ■ - a • • ■ ^ , 1 C u c u m b e r 'trJ Manager's Saggeotion The Annual Summer Event That ' v X 1 L b . P o t a t o Sal ad, 24c 4 Lb. Cold , >1 A ^ Manchester Housewives Look ForwardTo Each June! BoUed Ham. w ...... 44C or Beet Greens, 7c lb. A Group of 4 Freshly Ground, .■

Bacon Wrapped «> r j Ripe Bananas, 4 lbs. 2.5c. Lamb Pattim .'1.... s b O C Ripe Pineapples. NELLY DON Eckhardt’s Frankfurts Baldwin Apples, 3 lbs, 2oe. Cervelat, 29c lb. Vine-ripened Melons. Canadian Bacon, 45c ib. Lemons - Limes • Oranges. get oft Chicken Roll, 28c V, lb. Grapefruit • Ginger Ale. Cotton Frocks

Cole Slaw . Grape Juice. 15c lb.

Regular 82,98

aad 13.98 Gradea $9. 59

Where 4 Out of 5 Featuring “Cannon’s” Soft absorbent

This IS news that win interest vou’^'' W . h .v. _____ Manchester

Housewives Buy "Lulls’and^^SueVdVemtor®'?^^^^^ ONLY! ^ eleevelea. end short «Te«ve sty ™ ' double-thread tnrkish towels!

IT P A Y S Their Foods—

TO W A IT ON iPlaJd ginghams Hale*s V^trlped sateens

)Dotted piques # Floral prints 18x36-in. Heavy, Fluffy YOURSELF **Self-Serve ** )PIald broadcloths ^Dotted sateens

Grocery and At HALE'S Cotton Frocks—Second Floor. “C A N N O N ” TOWELS, for est Health Market

Gold Medal — - ' ►Exclusive At Hale’s— Thursday’s Soft, thirsty Turkish towels c f extra fine For A Delicious quality threads; well cocatnicted. Handy

Salad Luncheon! Flour The “ Bryn MaWr” every day slz;e, 18x38 inches. Color-fast bor-

Miracle WTilp iH- ders in blue, fyid. green, pink, efrehid. Drug

S lbs. 3 1 e fc’/ I Salad la 'handy fl-pound

Slips Specials

Dressing Oeaiaery fashioned of PURE 25c Bluc-Jay Cora Plaster

/ Bilk crepe •...... l7o

50c Barbaaol Shaving Cream Butter 22x44-in. “ Cannon” ...... : ____ J4c 20x40-iu;-“ Cannon”

Absorbent Cotton, lb. . . . 25c

2 1b«e5lc Epsom Salta, 5 Iba...... 23c $0.98 11.00 Ironized Yeast TableU Bath Towels,' . 2 Bath Towels, each ...... 6VC

25c Feen-a-mint ...' i ___ i fo A tasty, dolt- n«d Greedily absorbent, fluffy, Mul-a-gar Mlueial ,OU .. .5iic / / fextrg fine quality,towels,Jn a dousi punt sal- Legion Razor B lades...... 8c double thread towels. Neat bor- new plkidAtype dobby border. ad dntfising Guaranteed: .. (Double edge razor. 6 ii< craatod bv Salmon ders In wnalcd paa'.cls. Red, blue. ^ Id . green, orchid Mal- MNot to sag or stretch. package). Kraft. borders. Bayer Aspirin Tablets (24 a) ^Seams reinforced to give ta ll can ...... 19c utmost in wear. TUNA FISH, ifanttar brand. Bayer Aspirin Tableta. (lOO’r) ...... ,59- 1 cans ...... ^A n exclusive patented design of P* and Q. alternating bils sections. Gem Razor B lad es...... ' ,Z3^ F

A Sunbeam product! p Straight and V tops. Lac- Ever-ready Razor Blades, 3J although

trimmed. Soap t adjust 600! Cleansing Hand Size Silk Slips—Main Floor, rear. Octagou Scouring \ Tissues, pkg. 4 Cakes 1 5 « 29c Cleanser. .Scans 13c Makea dotbea white aa snow l Economical package o: ^‘ G A N N O N ” T O W E L S , for You Can’t Go 500 sheets. White, colo'-. , First l*rise ■t' *

.Special Domonstration! Main Floor, right. -You'll find them the grandest towels for Extract . . . 2 for 25c Wrojig- In A good long service; They’re heavy, husky, M d An flavors. 4-ounce slie bet- Felber Pennant Mea. extra absorbent. Handy size with plaid cen-

Crackers " ters and colored borders of blue, gold, green,

A TOW line of crackers of Beraiiey’s Chocolate f pink, lavender. Just 800— no more when

r "woked wheat, and ofb-r White these are gone! Kisses ... ./.lb.25c WPnIor kinds. Come In and

With a package!

All for ^ 29 Coat lowing a . Wax

19c “ Betsy Ross” This Spedal ComMnaUon Tia Juana Pattern Sale for THURSDAY ONT.Y'! 2qts. 13c this Summer! eresh and crisp. New WONDERSOFT

3 Seedle.ss Grapefruit for Freeh Face Cloths, 2 for 6 Sunkist Oranges ‘GannotfTowels, 2 Kotex Carrots . , 2 bun. 11c' What bafiutiefi! In a lovely Try halt orange and h.vlf Heavy, absorbent face cloths $1 A.95 pastel pattern with Checked Juice mornings. Sunklst . It's great: by 'Cannon! Matelnsse border 3 "'‘oi 50c peifder. 22x44-lucl towels. Face of stars. Tub-fast colors. New' WONDERSOFT sani- Lemons , . .3 for 8c "cloths. 124e. Hand towels, 2 tary napkins , in new styls Large size. for 50c. / box. 12 In each package Flattened end->. It s about the most indlspanssbls Afain Floor, left. ■ At HALE'S Domestics—Main Floor, left. ^ rm e n t in your summer wardrbbe. HALES .Smart with any fro c k .. cottons for

morning... prints for nft«iraobn... chiffons at- night. Clasual swaggers White

fashioned by leading"'coat manufac- HEALTH MARKET Sun Your^lf In One Of These Comfr turers who have g feputotlon for qual- ity and tailoring. A ' smart assort- Shoe Polish

ment In novelty woolens. Sizes 16 to in Thursday’s Savings A t H a le’s 20. 25c

Choice of One-White, Or*f-

Pee-chee, Shu-MUk, Popular Health Market doats—Main Floer, rear. Whitt .for linen, buck, elk

Wd, calf shoes.

Fresh, Lean


•with canopy

Visible Ink Supply •foot res^ V

arm m t

2 lbs. 25c Vacuum kidney straps

Nothing but. the best of

prime be«d qi,ed in Hale's Fountain Pens Hamburg jStifCk. iThe best

bet for a tasty meat loaf!

Enjoy yourseif outdoors th

0 H o Id s 80 drops o f Ink, 4 times comfy deck chairs For reolin-

as much as the ordinary pen. Ing in the sun. .for reading out- Xsef Stew 2 lbs. 25c Each doors, there’s nothing like a ^ T h e pen points arc Durium

Chromium 23 Karat gold plated deck chalt. Sturdy bul't

Lean, Tender chairs with gayly striped duck ^ C h oice of eight pearl colors.

covering. The ierdney strap.s ^ Beautifully boxed for gradua- IDeck Chair. m-j make theso^ chairs so much tion g ift g iv in g ... business folks Yeal Stew I : without canopy aod foot resL _ ^ _ j| ^ U U 2 lbs. 15e ...... *bouJd„ taka advantage of this - m o r n c o m f o r t a b l e .

•alt, too!

lOeck Chair, At RAl-E'S StaUeatry Department— Front Entrance. with a m and foot rests. A t H A LE 'S Housefurnishings,—_
