Market Control Bill Signed by President
w " : X DiAlUr CBBOCIATION fite Ik* Moalfc s i auy. tSM I te 0. S. W« 5,475 • i IlM A od lt preoeM by showers this aftersoe* M d pteoibb^ tei Ike OMat tetegfeti Thmsiiqr fter M d eeohr. i Adverttetef Fage U.) M A N C H E S T E R , C O N N ., W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 8, 1934. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS New Yorkers iilee Prom Heat Waves To Sea W^ves ROCKVILLE M A N ,H i, I MARKET CONTROL BILL HEARS OF WINNING i***':-. SIGNED BY PRESIDENT $46,750 SWEEPSTAKE Measore Regulates ShxA ChriMN.$qiiirei, A<iiitoit|NORE AM ERICANS Europe Stands Solid-^ ExchaDges — ■ Ends Maiy Bdrk CaiMer, Hdd M -j AS PRIZE WDINERS Against U. S. on Debts MoBtks of ControYersjf^ ft 00 Easton in Derby— By ASSOCIATED rasSS. ♦bedfellow to default and a logical IVoTwoBs Meait to Re* leader in moves for setUement, Dodges Pnblicity.. j The capitals of E u n ^ were lined, Drawing Condnnes in the turned to Its task ot borrowing up solidly against iyucrica on the nearly 5200,000,000 to pay for a mil vive tke Flow of Capital war debts que.itlon the first time itary preparedness program, ^ (Speetel to The Herald) Irish Sweepstakes; Those today. / Italy, it was indicated, would fol Throiglioflt tke Nation. Itoekville, June 8.—Charles N. “It's up to Wsshington" was tae low in London's footsteps. Squires, holder of a Dublin Sweep Who'Won $500 Today. consensus. The development-encouraged'Ger A* cheers rang out—almost every many to ho^ Its foreign creditors stake* ticket on Easton, disclosed to Washington, June 6 — (A P )' — where exceptMn the United States— would now be more ienient.
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