w " : X DiAlUr CBBOCIATION fite Ik* Moalfc s i auy. tSM I te 0. S. W« 5,475 • i IlM A od lt preoeM by showers this aftersoe* M d pteoibb^ tei Ike OMat tetegfeti Thmsiiqr fter M d eeohr. i Adverttetef Fage U.) M A N C H E S T E R , C O N N ., W E D N E S D A Y , J U N E 8, 1934. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS New Yorkers iilee Prom Heat Waves To Sea W^ves ROCKVILLE M A N ,H i, I MARKET CONTROL BILL HEARS OF WINNING i***':-. SIGNED BY PRESIDENT $46,750 SWEEPSTAKE Measore Regulates ShxA ChriMN.$qiiirei, A<iiitoit|NORE AM ERICANS Europe Stands Solid-^ ExchaDges — ■ Ends Maiy Bdrk CaiMer, Hdd M -j AS PRIZE WDINERS Against U. S. on Debts MoBtks of ControYersjf^ ft 00 Easton in Derby— By ASSOCIATED rasSS. ♦bedfellow to default and a logical IVoTwoBs Meait to Re* leader in moves for setUement, Dodges Pnblicity.. j The capitals of E u n ^ were lined, Drawing Condnnes in the turned to Its task ot borrowing up solidly against iyucrica on the nearly 5200,000,000 to pay for a mil­ vive tke Flow of Capital war debts que.itlon the first time itary preparedness program, ^ (Speetel to The Herald) Irish Sweepstakes; Those today. / Italy, it was indicated, would fol­ Throiglioflt tke Nation. Itoekville, June 8.—Charles N. “It's up to Wsshington" was tae low in London's footsteps. Squires, holder of a Dublin Sweep­ Who'Won $500 Today. consensus. The development-encouraged'Ger­ A* cheers rang out—almost every­ many to ho^ Its foreign creditors stake* ticket on Easton, disclosed to­ Washington, June 6 — (A P )' — where exceptMn the United States— would now be more ienient. , day that on the eve of the Epsom for Great Britain's decision to de­ Newspaper comment generally President Roosevelt today signafi Dublin. Iriah Free State. June 8,- Downs race he decided to play safe fault, the 8e*itlment was general said world recovery and interaation- Into law the 'legislation to tighten — (A P )—Fortune smiled on ,a''fa- that the/CompIleated Issue had been and aold half of the ticket to an a) amity would be greatly forward If Federal regulation of stock - ex- English syndicate for 58,000, which vored few. Including /Wtoericans, brouglff to a head. an end to the question should be A conference for a 'fu ll and final ebanges jind to relax somewhat th* will bring his vritmlngs to exactly (rora among the n^iims of ticket- reached. $46,750. ^ setyement of the issu; was Eng­ The House of Commons and the requirements of the Securities Act. holders to tlie, final drawing today Squires refused an offer of 516,000 land’s goal. English public gave enthusiastic en­ Product of months o f controversy, o f 5500 cpnaolatlon prizes in the Prance, happy to find Britain a dorsement of the government’s step. the measure, opposed vigorotuly 1^ I*teh Hoipltals’ Swe^ttakes. officials of the New York Stock ex­ ^JVmle the Derby was being run change, was signed by Hie President at Epsom Downs. 600 consolation In the presence of Congressional winners in the swee'pstake purse of leaders who handled the legisIaUen. 59,019,875 were determined. A new commission Is to be form­ American winners were: FIVE PERSONS INJURED ed to regulate the exchanges and D. Sparky, Dunkirk street, St. the thermometer never He. So when the mercury soars and when Mr. Photographer takes his annual picture of sweltering New Yorkers packing Coney Island's sands, you may well k n ^ that administer the Securities Act. Albins, Long Island; "Hot Shot," Advocates of the legislation hoped 122nd «treet, CoUege Point, N. Y .; Nryork"rVil.rt a f^'d!i^ the famous It would deter bad practices on th* Joan Leslie, Kenneth Nerrell Pol­ IN MIDDLETOWN STRIKE exchanges and that the liberalixa- lard, Mt. Auburn street. Water- tion of the Securities Regulation town, Mass. Act would revive the flow of capiteL .Charles Murphy, Graveland ave­ Two Women Among Victims | nue. Buffalo. N. Y .; Ethel Wilson, PREDia FLETCHE MOBS IN GERMANY HIOHUOHTS OF BOX. Cheltenham Drive, Buffalo, N. Y.; PUBLISHER RAPS LABOR Washington, June 6.—(AP)'— Patrick Dobz^pski. Bedford avenue, Here are the major provlsiona o t th* Garden City Park, New Hyde Park, -State Trooper, CaBed / '1 If| STORE A H A C K S Pletcher-Raybum Stock Maslnt N. y.; "Chicking," Broadway, TO BE NEW CHIEF control law which went onto th* Nashville, Tenn.; Arne Ellis Bounce FOR FOSTERING STRIKES as 400 Start Throwing Adams street. Wlnterhlll, Mass.; statute books today with Pruident/ Roosevelt’s signature: / Clarence Clark, 54th street, Brook­ lyn. N. Y. Rocks Near Plant. Windows Smashed at Wool- A new. commission o f five mem­ Harmony Roles Session of "Bobko,” Newfleld avenue. Declares Business and P u b -'M A IN E S U F F E R IN G bers to be appointed by th* Preal- Bridgeport, Conn.; "Prosperity.” dent and confirmed by the S m at* worth’s Establishment in W est 70th Place. Chicago. HI.; G. 0. P. Leaders at Chica Middletown, Conn., June 6.— (A P ) will regulate the exchanges and ad­ “John Jinx,” Bo.x 618, Southington, — Five persons, two of them women, minister the Securities Act of 1933. fic Wi« N. l..ger Toler-'pROM DROUGHT NOW Members of the commission, to b* Conn.; William Dunn, noth street, were Injured today ez a crowd of Kassel by Angry CrowcL Richmond Hill, Long Island; "Two go; Haliakan Withdraws. known as the securiUes and ex­ Obaklea N. 8qnl-aa ate Labor Troubles Aimed ___ strikers threw rocHs and battled change commission, will aerv* for Fools,” Kings County Hospital, ' Brooklyn, N. Y. State police at the Remington Noise­ 510,(100 a year. for the entire ticket but aold tbs' less Typewriter factory here. Berlin, June 6.— (A P ) — Angry half share. He and the syndicate Max Cob6n, Walnut street, M al­ at Recovery Plans. ConditioD$ Better in tke Mid­ Chicago. June 6.— (A P ) —'The se­ All sMurities *xcbangei must The trouble began when two mobs demonstrated in three cities also divided a special prize of 52J100, den, Maas.; John Cronin, c-o Katz lection of Henry pi Fletcher register''with the commission and Bridgeport women drove up to (l<e given for drawing the horse, l^ d e s today against store* of the F. W. subject themselves to its regula­ (Oonttoued od Page 81^) of Pennsylvania as chairman o f the plant entrance with Uieir brother, a splitting the 575,000 prize whlcH re­ Chiesgo, June 6 — (A P ) — M al­ dle West as Rains FaD — Woolworth (Company, follbw’ing re­ tion, unless exempted because o f Republican Party was predicted to­ resident of Middletown, and tried to the limited business transacted on sulted when Easton placed secqad colm Muir, president of the Mc­ obtain a job for him, police said. to the Derby. ports the American firm bad joined them. day aa harmony apparently ruled Apparently mistaking the appli­ Graw-Hill Publishing Company, In In Other Areas.* an 4ntl-German boycott. Regulations to govern tbs exten­ Mr. Squires beard hit good fortune the deliberations of the party’s Na­ cants for workers, 75 of whom re­ an address prepared for delivery to­ sion of credit for margins will b* while confined to bis home by Utoess. llSKS FEDERAL AID turned to work this morning, men Windows of the store at Kassel tions] committee after two days of laid down by the Federal Resery* He is assistant cashier of the Rock­ day before the Chicago As^lation, and women strikers, estimated at were smashed, streaks of paint were (By Associated Preoa) controversy. Board. The law sets a standard, ville National bank. O f a retiring declared, that “ business and the pub­ between 4(H) and 600, surrounded daubed on the company's store at which the board does not need to nature, he preferred not to dl*cua.-i lic at large cannot tolerate the type The drought reached Into Maine Fletcher’s chief opponent, W alter the car and began hurling rocks. Bonn, and a chorus o f excited voices his winnings. ‘'I’ll find plenty o f use FOR N.E. FARMERS follow, limiting credit to 55 per of labor leadership that' fosters Irday aa rains pul to an end to It In S. Hallanan, announced hts with­ State Troopers Colled shouted "do not buy from this anti fo r the money," he remarked, out cent of the current: market price »f strikes at a time when every public drawal, and bis support o f the The fighting continued for more German firm” at Ludwigshafen. declined to state speciflcally what tho ■ Middlewest throughout the a security, or 100 per cent of Its agency is struggling to get people Pennsylvanian. than an hour and 14 State troopers These attacks on the American he would do with it. lowest price for the preceding three back to work. wheat and com belts. Factional differences between were called from Hartford and ths firm were inaugurated yesterday at years, provided It is not more than After graduation from Rockville Bay State Congressman Says "Labor leaders,” he said, "must Agriculturists said the rains were supporters of former President barracks at Beacon Falls and St.al- Kassel. High school he entered the employ 75 per cent of current market price. fee' made to realize that they will too late to save the wheat crop in Hoover, and those demanding new ford Springs.
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