St. Andrew's, New Brunswick on Passamaquoddy Bay Reached By
Reached by "INTERNATIONAL" STEAMERS from BOSTON or PORTLAND r6 s=s '; .*°rxs #^. v-W" f 5 #"-h »>-- -.^W frocd THE ALGONQUIN, st. Andrews, jib. - CAN BK SKF.N Seventy-five Miles of Landscape, and Mountain, River, Bay and Island Scenery, Village of St. Andrews . 150 feet below. Chamcook Mountain 3 miles. Joe's Point 1 mile. Robbinston, Me 3 Navy Island 1 " Perry, Me 6 Minister's Island r " Poin r l'i 1 \.n 1. vs Me g " Hardwood Island — Passamaquodd Bay 4 and entire coast of Maine bordering on the Bay and River. " Hospital Island 3% Point Midjic — mouth of Magaguadavic River, 8 Deer Island The — 6'A Ovens head of Passamaquoddy Bay . 8 Pendleton's Island " lYz Campobello — Bay of Fundy 11 M< Master's Island " " 6 " The Wolves 17 " " Big Letete Passage 6 " Orand Maxan 22 Little Letete Passage " 5 Outline oe Nova Scotia 75 No '*•• — Distance's given are by air lines. New OTEL Modern and Elegant Throughout, 'he largest Summer Resort across the border. Opens July i, 1889 . St. ooooooooooooooooo . Beautifully located on the highest point overlooking Andrews, N.B. AMPLE AND EXTENSIVE GROUNDS SURROUND THE HOTEL, WHILE IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY isii . i EXCELLENT ROADS, GOOD TROUT and SALMON FISHING, SAFE BOATING AND YACHTING, AND GOOD BATHING ARE OFFERED SIBB^ OOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOO It is intended that the leading characteristics of the house shall be unsurpassed comfort and service, with polite attention. Address, until July 1st, For plans of rooms and full description FRED. A. JONES, Lessee, see pages 39—40, this book. HOTEL DUFFERIN, ST.
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