The Trinity Times

The Newsletter of Trinity Presbyterian May, 2013 From Our a teaching team for 2013-14 or serve as a Dear Friends, substitute, please be in touch with Melissa Custer.

May brings such wonderful energy! Spring has more On the topic of Christian education, I share with than announced itself, and the natural world is full of you session’s recent exciting action: to approve a the power of new creation. Newness and endings job description for a part-time Director of Christian are commingled as school years draw to a close, Education and the search and interview process and the oft refrain, “My, how much you have learned to be undertaken by a sub-committee of the and grown this year!” is echoed by teachers and Personnel Committee. The 2012 Strategic Plan parents alike as with awe and delight we behold the affirms the desire to grow our ministries of changes in our children and youth. Christian education and spiritual formation for all ages at Trinity, with a particular focus on children Our church Sunday School year is likewise drawing and youth and their families, and young adults. We to a close in May and the rhythms of summer are are very grateful for the Capital Campaign II monies soon to be upon us. There are multiple ways that for strategic growth in personnel which will fund we will be rejoicing and reflecting at Trinity on growth this position. Please help us pass the word and in and life this May, as well as looking ahead. network to find the person whom is calling to Please be aware of these significant upcoming serve here in the ministries of Christian education. events: “Christian education,” wrote George A. Coe, “is to Sunday, May 12, 11:00 a.m. – Confirmation Sunday be thought of, through and through, as the (Joyously receiving and celebrating this year’s Christian religion in operation.” Christian education, confirmands will be our focus, along with delving into along with , is thus at the center of our life the upcoming new Presbyterian Hymnal and our together as a community of faith. Having nurturing musical heritage -in the service and in the 9:30 a.m. and engaging opportunities for learning and growth Combined Adult Class in the chapel.) through Sunday School for children and youth and through adult classes is part of our fundamental Sunday, May 19, 11:00 a.m. – Children and Youth mission as a church. Christian faith, Christian Sunday (Our amazing children and youth will lead education, and Christian community are inevitable this service; our graduates will share senior companions. Will our children have faith? Will reflections and be celebrated during Fellowship Time; we have faith? John Westerhoff, a noted Christian and our Sunday School teachers will be thanked.) educator, answers this way: Our children will have faith if we have faith Also, on Sunday, May 19, 9:30 a.m. – Adult and are faithful. Education Reflection and Ideas for Next Year in Both we and our children will have the Parlor (All are invited and needed to reflect on Christian faith if we join the offerings of this past year in the Explorations – with others in a worshiping, learning, topical – Class and in the Koinonia – study – witnessing Christian community Class, and to share ideas to plan for next year.) of faith. To evolve this sort of community where persons strive to be May, too, is a time for thanksgiving and recruitment: Christian together is the challenge of *We are grateful for the ministry of Douglas Christian education in the years Clark, Vanderbilt Divinity School Intern, over 2012- ahead. (Westerhoff, Will Our Children 13, and give thanks that his ministry will be continuing Have Faith?, 126) among us over the 2013-14 school year. *We celebrate the establishment of our Let us claim this challenge with zest! It is worthy beautiful nursery this year, and continue recruitment of our best efforts, and the full engagement of our of volunteers to serve each Sunday in the nursery minds and hearts. and with child care. (Please let Chad Custer know if you can serve.) In the hope and love of Christ, *We are thankful for the loving teaching of our Sunday School teachers (Cindy Turner, Melissa Heidi Custer, Marci Hicks, Douglas Clark); if you could join Trinity Presbyterian Church SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE 3201 Hillsboro Road Nashville, TN 37215 9:20 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. - Childcare available (Nursery and pre-schoolers) Phone: (615) 297-6513 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Sunday School Fax: (615) 292-6133 classes for All Ages (weekly) E-mail: [email protected] 10:30 a.m. - Chancel Choir rehearsal (weekly) 11:00 a.m. Worship (Sunday School for Pre- Schoolers follows Time with the The Trinity Times is published monthly. We welcome Children) news items and other contributions from members and After Worship - Fellowship Time friends of Trinity. Bring your articles to the church or e- mail them to the editor, Judy Schomber ([email protected]), by the 20th of the month for Regular Office Hours: the following month’s newsletter. Mondays: 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Trinity Presbyterian Church Staff Heidi Hudnut-Beumler, Pastor Tuesdays through Fridays: Janet Salyer, Gene TeSelle, James Hudnut-Beumler, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Associates Valerie Oyen, Music Director Douglas Brown Clark, Vanderbilt Divinity School Intern Linda Rogers, Office Manager Charlie Bundy, Facilities Manager CONFIRMANDS TO BE

Session Members PRESENTED TO Jaci Cochran (2015) Guy Hicks (2015) Jimbo Cook (2013) Adam Hudnut-Beumler (2015) CONGREGATION AT Alec Custer (2013) Dale Johnson (2014) Melissa Custer (2014) Jeanne Lyles (2013) MAY 12 WORSHIP Dick Duvall (2015) Pam Reese (2015) David Erwin (2013) Judy Schomber (2013) The Spring 2013 class of confirmands will Rachel Hayes (2014) Chaochen You (2014) be presented to the congregation during MAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE morning worship on May 12. The three -- Diego Enríquez, Marshall Maxwell, and AND LECTIONARY Anna Snodgrass -- will be examined and confirmed by the Session at a called meeting on READINGS May 8 at the home of Melissa and Chad Custer.

May 5 Sixth Sunday of Easter/Celebration of the Lord’s Supper/Trevecca Madrigalians/One Great Weekend of TREVECCA Service Acts 16:9-15; Psalm 67; Rev. 21:10, MADRIGALIANS TO 21:22--22:5; John 14:23-29 or John5:1-9 PROVIDE MUSIC FOR MAY May 12 Seventh Sunday of Easter 5 WORSHIP Acts 16:16-34; Psalm 97; Rev. 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21; John 17:20-26 The Trevecca Madrigalians will join us in worship on May 5, with musical performances before they May 19 Day of Pentecost/Children and Youth begin their 2013 tour. Be sure to be present for Worship Service their enrichment of our worship. Acts 2:1-21 or Genesis 11:1-9; 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:14-17 or Acts 2:1-21; John 14:8-17 (25-27)

May 26 Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31; Psalm 8 Romans 5:1-5; John 16:12-15

2 REV. MEG FLANNAGAN MUSIC COMES TO TRINITY NOTES MAY 12 The Presbyterian Church (USA)’s new hymnal, The Trevecca Madrigalians, an a capella choir from Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal, will be Trevecca Nazarene University, will be our guests published in the fall of 2013. Church bodies and provide musical enrichment to our service on have often produced new hymnals every May 5. May also brings the end of the spring choral generation or so, in part to take account of new season, as the Chancel Choir will rehearse only until cultural and worship situations, and in part to the end of this month before the summer break. be able to use many of the new hymns written Hopefully, some special music will be offered on since the last publication. The idea for a new Children’s and Youth Sunday, and interested young hymnal in our denomination began in 2004, in people should be in contact with me to discuss this conversations between the Office of possibility. and Worship and the Presbyterian Association of Musicians. A committee, formed in 2008, Thanks to Jocelyn Sprouse, guest violinist from the studied previous Presbyterian and other LWS, for her gorgeous worship music offered on denominations’ hymnals, contemporary praise April 6. Much appreciation is still felt for our and worship trends, and global music. The final professional jazz musicians—Jim Ferguson product will contain some 850 hymns, psalms, (bassist), Todd London (percussionist), Matt and spiritual songs covering all major historical Murdock (trumpeter) and Frank Kirchner and contemporary sacred genres. About 50% (saxophonist)— for joining me and the choir of the selections will be from the 1990 hymnal, members to make the Creation Celebration Jazz with the rest from a great variety of sources. Service a real swinging hit! The global dimension includes music from six continents, including twenty songs from the Anyone who wishes to share their vocal or Taizé community. We are told that the hymnal, instrumental talent during the summer months is despite the large number of hymns, as well as encouraged to communicate with me about the liturgical resources that will be included scheduling a time for a solo or duet. We will also in it, will be approximately the same size as include Summer Sunday Singers during at least part our current hymnal and will thus fit in our pew of the summer season, in lieu of the formal Chancel racks. Choir.

Trinity’s session has ordered 200 copies of this Valerie hymnal and invites your participation in this 931/216.6625 purchase by contributing to the cost of one or [email protected] more of them, either directly or “in memory” or “in honor” of loved ones. The cost for a single copy is $15. We are offering this possibility in the month of May because the adult education topic for three weeks beginning April 28th will be “music in the church,” with the adult class and worship service on May 12th featuring the Rev. Meg Flannagan, the Hymnal Advocacy and Relations Coordinator for the hymnal project. An accomplished musician and worship leader, Rev. Flannagan has traveled widely to present material from the hymnal in workshops and conferences. We are thrilled that she will be able to come to Trinity to share her knowledge and enthusiasm for the new book, and we urge your participation in these events on May 12. 3 OPPORTUNITIES IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION IN MAY FOR ALL AGES

Nursery: Adult Classes: In our Nursery the babies and toddlers of Both the Explorations class and the Koinonia the church are very well loved. We continue class will combine for the remaining three to rotate one volunteer each week paired Sundays of the Christian Education year -- with our paid workers, so if you are May 5, May 12, and May 19. interested in serving in the nursery, please contact Chad or Melissa Custer to be added On May 5 and 12, the classes will continue to the email list. with parts 2 and 3 of the Music and the Church series, as follows: Young Children: The Young Children continue their Wee May 5 - Music and the Church: Part 2 - Believe curriculum, (a PC[USA] publication), Panel members Lonny and Mary Virginia as they continue to meet in the Sunflower room. Cindy Turner leads this class, and Bond, Valerie Oyen, Sara Crigger, and we would love to have your children between Frank Kirchner will discuss the role and 3 years old and Kindergarten join us here. focus of music in the life of Trinity.

Children’s and Youth Classes: May 12 – Music and the Church: Part 3 – On May 5 and 12, children and youth will New Presbyterian Hymnal: Why do we sing prepare for Children and Youth Recognition what we sing? Is there a “right” way to sing Sunday on May 19 in their respective in worship? Why did they pick THAT?! Join classes. us as we explore the contents and process of our new Presbyterian Hymnal, Glory to God, The Christian Education year will end on May 19, as children and youth go through through lecture, conversation, and song. This final rehearsal during the Sunday School class will be held in the chapel and will be hour for leading the congregation in worship led by Rev. Meg Flannagan, Hymnal Advocacy on Children and Youth Recognition Sunday. and Relations Coordinator for the Recognition of High School Graduates will PC(U.S.A.). also be part of the service. On May 19, the final session of Adult Classes will be a brainstorming and planning session for the Christian Education year beginning with Launch Day in August. Be sure to add your ideas and suggestions for both format and programs for the Explorations and Koinonia classes for 2013-14!

4 YOUTH GROUP NEWS A YEAR OF RE-THINKING Sunday, May 5, 12-1:45pm PRISONS, MAY 3-5 “A Year of Rethinking Prisons” will be held at Youth Group: One Great Weekend of Service Vanderbilt University in Buttrick Hall, May 3 - As a part of Trinity’s “One Great Weekend of 5. There will be a host of presenters from across Service,” the youth will put together School Kits the country. Representing Tennessee for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Lunch will be Consultation on Criminal Justice, David provided, and youth will also have some time for Phillipy will present “Reducing Recidivism in outdoor recreation. Tennessee” on Sunday, May 5 from 2 - 3:30 p.m. along with two other panelists. In advance of this activity, youth are invited to bring the following items as donations to be One of the panelists in that time frame is Rob- included in the School Kits: ert Chase from SUNY Stonybrook, NY. Robert will be speaking on “’Rioting Peacefully’ in -blunt scissors (rounded tip) Carceral States: Rethinking Sunbelt Prison Re- -70-count spiral notebooks or notebooks (total bellions after Attica, 1970-1985”. Robert and 200-210 pages/no loose-leaf or filler paper) David collaborated on the documentary work -30-centimeter (12") rulers which David did at Tennessee State Peniten- -hand-held pencil sharpeners tiary and he may incorporate some of the ma- -new pencils with erasers terial on Tennessee riots in 1975. At the end of -large erasers this presentation, David may show the 7-minute -boxes of 24 crayons short documentary, Nigga on the Walk, which he helped produce. Sunday, May 19 Trinity members are encouraged to attend and invite others. For a complete schedule of Children and Youth Recognition Sunday, with conference events and more information about Recognition of High School Graduates. Children the conference which is free and open to the and youth will help plan for and lead the public: congregation in worship. Preparation for this service will take place in children’s/youth Sunday rethinking-prisons-2013-conference. School on Sundays May 5 and 12.

ONE GREAT WEEKEND OF SERVICE MAY 4-5 Congregational volunteers will participate in the annual One Great Weekend of Service on Sat- urday, May 4, and Sunday, May 5. Sign-up sheets were distributed on April 21 and 28 and assign- ments will go out by Thursday, May 2.

The Saturday projects are work at the Glencliff Presbyterian Church, at the Nashville Zoo, and at the Habitat Store. Sunday projects are preparing Hygiene Kits for Presbyterian Disaster Assis- tance, writing notes of cheer to the homebound and out of state friends of Trinity, and singing at area Assisted Living facilities.

Volunteers at Glencliff Presbyterian will do some mulching and painting for our sister church, which is small in numbers and has few able hands to help maintain the building and grounds. At the Zoo, there will be a project relating to Bird Awareness and another one cleaning information displays. The Habitat store puts volunteers to work sorting, stacking, and placing for sale the home donations they receive.

An additional project for children and the Youth Group on Sunday will be preparing School Kits for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Sunday projects will be proceded by the traditional brown bag lunch for all partipants in OGWS. 5 A Minute More LITURGICAL , STOLES, AND PONCHOS by Hank Schomber The is a full-length black or scarlet gown The oldest type of liturgical is the (from the Latin albus, for “white”), a long white worn with a . This garment began garment traced to the Roman tunic, common as a simple overcoat that was used for warmth by until the 5th century. Christians received people in the Middle Ages. It was lengthened and a bright, new alb at the time of their baptism as a died black for the modesty of the clergy. In the symbol of their spiritual washing. The alb came West it was everyday wear for Roman Catholic to represent equality in ministry. clergy until the second half of the 20th century. Today many wear the alb when leading Since the cassock was the traditional street clothing a service in order to emphasize identity with the of the clergy, it is not a liturgical garment in the baptized. For some the white of the alb simply strictest sense, but it was such a symbol of the brings a more uplifting vision (especially when ministry, it became a common preaching garment. used with a colorful ) than black gowns. or tabs — upside-down V-shaped collars Among the reformers, Zwingli precluded clergy — are magisterial insignia sometimes worn with from wearing any form of vestment; Luther the Geneva gown. Rarely seen in the U.S. on accepted traditional Roman church practices; and anyone other than a , they are common Calvin strove for a distinguished appearance in the United Kingdom and Canada on barristers different from the traditional Roman look. and academics. The bands are generally six inches long and splay out at approximately a 30º angle. Calvin’s worship downplayed the mass in favor of a service centered on a scholarly . In Geneva the black v-neck gown worn by university faculty was commonly seen in public on those with academic credentials. The Geneva Gown symbolized the values and strengths of the scholarly training and learned preaching, Calvin emphasized.

The stole was originally a kind of shawl or scarf that covered the shoulders and fell down in front of the body. Its practical origin was a neck scarf used to wipe the face and chase away insects and Presbyterian bands or tabs was prominently used in Catholic churches. The poncho-like (Scott Baker, our Some say the stole was an adaptation of the former Ministry Associate often wore one) had its Jewish prayer shawl. Others link it to the napkin origins as a warm raincoat. In the middle ages, used by washing the feet of his disciples. the chasuble came to be associated with Still another theory connects the stole, to scarves administering the . Worn over the alb, it of office worn by imperial officials in the Roman was elaborately and colorfully embroidered and Empire. As members of the clergy became represented the yoke of Christ. Some Protestants members of the Roman administration, they were feel the chasuble conveys priestly pomp and granted certain honors including wearing stoles privilege while others believe it is more appropriate as a designator of rank within the imperial (and for liturgical use than a Geneva gown promoting ecclesiastical) hierarchy. academic rank. Today the stole is a long, narrow band of cloth. As with many liturgical questions, in the PC(USA), Calvin and Luther did not wear them, but in the choice of is a matter left up to recent decades, increasing numbers of Reformed individual pastors to decide. ministers have begun to wear stoles coordinated to the liturgical colors of the Church seasons, whether over a Geneva gown or an alb. 6 A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A YAV by Janna Kenney I’m sure many of you have been wondering what exactly I’ve been doing all year. Well, fear not, I am about to tell you.

I work at the Martha O’Bryan Center in East Nashville. My day is sectioned out into multiple jobs and places. When I arrive at 8 a.m., (or as close to 8 a.m. as I can manage) I go straight to our Adult Education classroom. This classroom houses three group of students, all trying to obtain their GED. At 8:45, I teach basic math skills to a group of four to five adults. Right now, we are working on writing really basic equations, for example, N + 2 = 7. This is actually a huge accomplishment as I started out the year helping my students memorize their multiplication tables. This is the first time that this group has ever had one-on-one attention every day. They not only love it, they thrive with it. (Granted this is not a testament to my teaching ability, only to the fact that Judy Rye had the wonderful idea of giving the students someone to spend time with them one-on-one). Once a month, I teach a science lesson to all three groups. While they won’t really need a high level of science to pass the GED, it helps to learn about situations and terms that may be on the test because being familiar with scientific terms is a confidence booster. I actually really enjoy teaching, which came as a surprise because I’ve never taught before. I love helping my students work through problems and learn something new.

At 9:45 a.m. I head down the hill to the CWA Cayce Learning Center. I spend four hours of my day (10 a.m. -2 p.m.) here. I sit at the front desk and greet people as they walk in. We have a computer lab upstairs for the community to use, as well as a fax/copy machine that is available for use. I am there to help with whatever people in the community need. Sometimes I help fill out job applications, write résumés, create e-mail accounts and even help people find resources that Martha O’Bryan may not provide. We also have English classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. While I don’t really help with the class, I will occasionally tutor someone. Most recently I was able to help someone study and prepare for his citizenship test, which I really enjoyed.

At 2 p.m. I go back to Martha O’Bryan and work in Adult Education until 4 p.m.. The afternoon is spent filing, grading tests, lesson planning and whatever else needs be done that day.

I hope you enjoyed reading about a typical day in the life of a YAV. I am planning a few events for the end of the year at Martha O’Bryan; so stay tuned for more updates!

Peace, Janna 7 PRAYER AND SPECIAL GROUP SPIRITUAL GROWTH ACTIVITY MEETINGS GROUP ON MAY 3 YOU’RE INVITED TO Our prayer and spiritual growth group meets every other Friday. In our time together we have JOIN ONE OR MORE! brief sharing, study and meditation, offer prayers for ourselves, the Trinity community and the ***The Men’s Breakfast Group meets on Thurs- world, and then we eat lunch. We are meeting at day mornings at 7 a.m. Lonny Bond is the group’s Green Hills Health and Rehab Center, 3939 facilitator. Provocative articles on faith and life provoke lively discussion. Bring a brown bag Hillsboro Circle from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. For breakfast. Newcomers to the group are always more information, contact Peggy Min at welcome! [email protected]. Bring your lunch - ***The Trekker’s Group meets on occasional all are welcome! Saturday mornings or on Sunday afternoons. Booth Chapman is the intrepid leader of this group. The remamining May dates for the Prayer and ***You are invited to join the Changing Gears Spiritual Growth Group are Friday, May 17, and group for lunch and fellowship at Westminster Friday, May 31. Presbyterian on Wednesday, May 22 at 11 a.m.The guest speaker will be the Westminster music director, John Semingson and Friends. UPDATED CHURCH Reservations for lunch are required by noon on Friday, May 17 and there is a $10 charge for lunch. DIRECTORIES There will also be a May Mystery Trip on May 15. Call Jill at the Westminster church office (292- AVAILABLE 5526) for reservations or if you’d like more infor- Trinity Church Directories for 2013 are now mation. available. Trinity members and friends, please ***Dancing on the Edge Woman’s Book Group pick up your copy in the East Hall. If extra normally meets the second and fourth Monday copies are needed, please contact the church evenings at 7 p.m. in the Trinity parlor for fellow- office (297-6513). ship, discussion, and tea. Generally the most de- tailed discussion of the book takes place the sec- ond meeting of the month. Because Memorial Day falls on the fourth Monday in May and several MAY BIRTHDAYS people know they will be away, we will have only one meeting for the month, May 13. The book will John Tower – 1 be Hello Goodbye Hello by Craig Brown, 101 daisy- Lonny Bond - 4 chained encounters between the great, the good, the bad and the somewhere-in-between. This col- Linda Rogers - 4 lection of true tales is strange, interesting, and witty. All Trinity women and friends are cordially invited Molly Parker - 14 to be with us for fellowship, discussion and tea. Clee Lee – 15 Daxton McNeely - 16 Julia Hudnut-Beumler – 18 Jaci Cochran - 19 Chao You - 19 Rebecca McNeely – 20 Emma Patterson - 20

Our apologies if we have missed your birthday or if it is incorrect. If we have missed or muffed your special day please call the church office at 297-6513 and let us know. 8 MAY 2013 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Wed 1 7 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal – Thurs 16 7:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast – Parlor Chapel 7:00 p.m. Session Meeting – Chapel

Thurs 2 Presbytery Meeting in Nashville – Fri 17 12-1:30 p.m. Prayer Group Meeting – Westminster Presbyterian Green Hills Health & 7 a.m. Men’s Breakfast – Parlor Rehab Center

Fri 3 12-1:30 p.m. Prayer Group Meeting – Sun 19 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Classes for Green Hills Health & Rehab Center All Ages 10:30 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal Sat 4 ONE GREAT WEEKEND OF SERVICE! 11:00 a.m. Worship Service – Children and Youth Sunday Sun 5 ONE GREAT WEEKEND OF SERVICE After worship:Fellowship Time continues after worship Worship Committee 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Classes for Meeting – Parlor All Ages 9:30 a.m. Confirmation Class Wed 22 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal – 10:30 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal Chapel 11:00 a.m. Worship Service with Communion and Trevecca Thurs 23 7:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast – Parlor Madrigalians After worship: First Sunday Fellowship Sun 26 No Sunday School Classes Time 10:30 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal One Great Weekend of 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Service Brown Bag Lunch & After worship Fellowship Time Projects! 12-1:45 p.m. Youth Group Mon 27 Church Office Closed in Observance of Memorial Day Tues 7 5:30 p.m. Personnel Committee – Parlor Thurs 30 7:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast – Parlor

Wed 8 7:00 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal – Fri 31 12-1:30 p.m Prayer Group Meeting – Chapel Green Hills Health & Rehab Center Called Session meeting

Thurs 9 7:00 a.m. Men’s Breakfast – Parlor

Sun 12 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Classes for All Ages 9:30 a.m. Confirmation Class 10:30 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal 11:00 a.m. Worship Service with Confirmands Joining the church After worship: Fellowship Time

Mon 13 7:00 p.m. Dancing on the Edge Women’s Book Group – Parlor 7:00 p.m. Administration & Finance Committee – Chapel

Tues 14 4:00 p.m. Community Ministries Committee – Parlor

Wed 15 7:00 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal – Chapel 9 SESSION HIGHLIGHTS April 18, 2013 Heidi Hudnut-Beumler, Moderator *Session approved a motion to eliminate senior discounts *The Session approved funds for the down payment on for fellowship meals and to have the Fellowship Committee the housing for Eric Butler, who was released from prison and Administration and Finance committees confer on fees on April 23. to be charged for such meals. *David Carlton will serve as Trinity’s captain for the Martha *Kudos to Pam Reese and Fran Ziglar for the new office O’ Bryan Ice Cream Crankin’on June 9. furniture and renovation. *The job description for the Christian Educator position *Ashley McFaul, who will be returning to Nashville in late was finalized and the position will now be advertised. July or early August, has received a full scholarship to *Linden Waldorf School has agreed to pay one half the Vanderbilt Divinity School. costs of all capital replacement projects. *Window replacements will begin July 1 and then replace- *The Session will pursue a response to Linden Waldorf’s ment lighting will be studied and completed. request to purchase property through a structured and *The latest revision of the By-Laws was approved by the deliberate process, utilizing an expanded and broadened Session and will be sent to the congregation prior to set- Linden Waldorf Relations Committee. ting a date for voting on them. *There will be a called meeting of Session on May 8 at the The next stated meeting of the Session will be May 16, Custers’ for the purpose of examining and approving the 2013. confirmands for membership. PRESBYTERY SPONSORS MISSION TRIP TO GUATEMALA

The Presbytery of Middle Tennessee is organizing a mission trip to Guatemala on July 2-9, 2013. There are still places for volunteers to fill out the mission team. Deadline to register is May 30.

The total cost is approximately $1600 (airfare, food, lodging). This will be a “work” trip and the project most likely will be to build a much-needed manse for the Presbyterian church in the village of Chinatal.

Proposed itinerary: Fly to Flores, Guatemala. Spend the night. Three days working in Chinatal (hotel in La Libertad). Two days in Guatemala City (meet with officials at Guatemalan national Presbyterian Church) and worship with Presbyterian congregation. Free day in Antigua. Fly home.

For more information, contact David Carlton ([email protected]). Registration is limited to 9 people and is due by May 30.

10 OFFICE PARNASSAS SUPPORTS NOTES MARTHA O’BRYAN Springtime Office Blessings! LIBRARY by Georgeanne Chapman Dear Trinity Family, I am shamelessly advertising for the benefit of There have been wonderful renovation projects Martha O’Bryan Center Library for young around Trinity in recent years, and I was pleasantly children and their families. On Tuesday, May 14 surprised a few months ago when Pam Reese and I will be sharing my love of children’s books at Fran Ziglar popped into the office and began Parnassas’ TALKING ABOUT BOOKS with brainstorming about renovating the office. If you Donna Nicely. Parnassas will support the library haven’t had an opportunity to stop by the office and encourage the purchase of board books for since Easter, take a peek at the beautiful new the youngest children. The program begins at furnishings. Summertime plans are underway to 1:30 and lasts about an hour. work on the counter and mailbox area, but stage 1 with the furniture is a dramatic improvement. A word on the new library at Martha O’Bryan Center: Over the years books have been gathered Along with office renovation, I had many and shared with teachers and children by Trinity opportunities for thanksgiving during April: Judy members and those from other churches. Schomber covered the office while I served as Attempts have been made in the past to build a coordinator and attended the Mid-South Regional library but now at last there is a room dedicated Administrative Personnel Association (APA) to a library to serve the families with young Conference for PC(USA). We had 12 participants children in the Early Learning Center and all of from 4 states and were blessed with outstanding the families in the Cayce Community. The Frist instructors for our 5 classes which were held at family generously provided funding to Donelson Presbyterian Church. I am deeply restructure an area at the center and decorate it thankful to the Trinity community’s support - beautifully. Beth Harrington (a member at especially to Heidi who has encouraged me all along Second) and I have been working to the in joining and pursuing APA certification, Janet books, accession and shelve them. It will officially Salyer for teaching Pastoral Care for Self and open in mid May and the children and their Others, Guy Hicks for teaching Legal Matters, and parents are very excited. For the first time, they Rosanna Anderson for teaching Book of will have a real library in easy walking distance Confessions. The host for the regional conference and it will launch their children firmly into rotates through states in the Mid-South, so it will reading. I hope you will come to the Center and be 4 years before this occurs again in Tennessee. see the great things that are happening to improve the lives of these families Blessings abound for me, and I’m so grateful for all my Trinity family!


11 Save the Date! Miss Martha’s Ice Cream Crankin’

Sunday, June 9 3-5 P.M. First Presbyterian Church

Benefitting the Martha O’Bryan Center – On a foundation of Christian faith, the Martha O’Bryan Center empowers children, youth, and adults in poverty to transform their lives through work, education, employment and fellowship.

711 South 7th Street . Nashville . TN . 37206

Now in its 28th year, the Ice Cream Crankin’ brings together volunteer ice cream creators and thousands of enthusiastic ice cream eaters to raise money for the Martha O’Bryan Center and to increase awareness of the Center’s important mission in the James A. Cayce Homes in East Nashville. Church members can participate by making or eating ice cream, buying and wearing an official Ice Cream Crankin’ T-shirt, and telling all your friends about the event.

To find out more, contact Trinity’s Ice Cream Crankin’ Captain,David Carlton ([email protected]) , or e-mail Burkley Allen at [email protected] or Noni Nielsen at [email protected], Church Captain co-ordinators.

12 SUPPORT CLAUDE SPENCER Claude Spencer 482995 West Tennessee Penitentiary Unit 7, 7805 7B-13 P. O. Box 1150 Henning, TN 38041

David Phillipy continues to track the parole revocation hearing date for Spence. It will probably be at West Tennessee Penitentiary. Heidi, David Phillipy, and Spence’s legal counsel (either Phil Elbert or another attorney conversant with criminal law) will be present to represent Spence.

You can help Spence further by writing a letter of personal support to Charles M. Traughber, Chairman of the Tennessee Board of Probation and Parole (see full address below). You should write as a member (or Pastor or ) of Trinity stating your personal and/or Trinity’s support of Spence and encourage the Board to restore Spence back to the community. Your letter may be mailed to:

Charles M. Traughber, Chairman Tennessee Board of Probation and Parole 404 James Robertson Parkway, Suite 1300 Nashville, TN 37243-0850

Since this is a fluid situation, David Phillipy will keep us apprised of further developments. David was able to speak with Spence by phone and Spence sent word that he loves and misses us all. Let’s show our love for Spence with an outpouring of letters on his behalf, prayers, and notes to him. We may also help him financially with essential needs by sending him stamps, or financial support via JPay, either:

Online at JPay’s website,, with a credit or debit card

By Toll-free Phone (800) 574-5729, using a credit or debit card

13 Trinity Presbyterian Church 3201 Hillsboro Road Nashville, TN 37215

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FEATURED IN THIS ISSUE: *One Great Weekend of Service, May 4-5 *Trevecca Madrigalians, May 5 *Visit of Rev. Meg Flannagan, May 12 - NEW HYMNALS COMING! *Presentation of Confirmands, May 12 *Children and Youth Recognition Service, May 19 *A Day in the Life of a YAV

Save the date: Martha O’ Bryan Ice Cream Crankin’, June 9