NA T Annual Report 1994




The National Academy of Science and Technology, the recognition and advisory body on science and tech­ nology, presents this annual report on the Academy's programs and activities for Calendar Year 1994.


NAST Recognition Functions National Scientist Awards Newly -Elected Academician Benefits of Academicians 1994 Outstanding Young Scientists 3 1994 NAST-TWAS Science Prize Awardee 7 1994 Outstanding Published Paper Award (OPPA) 7 1994 Outstanding Publications 9 Mobilization of the OYS Awardees 10 Media Exposure 11 On Advisory Activities 13 Guidelines for Researchers on Ethics and Procedures 13 16th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Academy (ASM) 13 Bioprospecting 21 Speakers Bureau 22 Science Heritage Center 22 Advice 22 International Linkages 27 Administrative Matters 32 Officers 32 Secretariat 32 NAST Budget 33 Sidelights 34 Appendix A 46 Appendix B 51 NAST 1994 Annual Report


The Academy presents its accomplishments for the calendar year 1994 in pursuit of its mandated functions of recognition, advisory, and establishment of international linkages.


1.1 National Scientist Awards

President Fidel V. Ramos conferred the rank and title of National Scientist, the highest recognition given to a man of science in the country, to Academicians Clara Y. Lim-Sylianco and Pedro B. Escuro.

Academician Lim-Sylianco is one of the foremost Filipino scientists and ac­ claimed teachers in the field of biochemistry. Her numerous discoveries of environ­ mental mutagens culminated in the designation of her laboratory at the University of the Philippines as an international training center for the detection of chemical mutagens by the Council of Research Planning in Biological Sciences, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. in 1986 and her appointment as a member of the International Advisory Committee on Antimutagens in 1989.

Academician Escuro is an internationally recognized plant breeder, geneticist, scholar, and teacher. His researches led to the development of superior rice varieties, like the classic C4-63, which are high yielding; resistant to many diseases and insect pests, superior in eating quality, and which have become the standard for high quality rice in the Philippines as well as in many other Asian countries.

1.2 Newly-Elected Academician

The Academy elected Dr. Perla D. Santos-Ocampo, pediatrician and chancellor of UP Manila. This brings the membership of the Academy to 47.

Academician Santos-Ocampo is being recognized for her outstanding works and accomplishments in the twin scourges of diarrhea and malnutrition. Her work in diarrheal diseases contributed to the elucidation of etiologic factors and planning of control measures that merited international recommendation for implementation in oral rehydration and nutritional management.

1.3 Benefits of Academicians

a. The National Academy of Science and Technology supported ten Academicians as research fellows. NAST 1994 Annual Report


His Excellency Fidel V. Ramos conferred the rank and title "National Scientist" to Doctor Pedro B. Escuro and Doctor Clara Y. Lim -Sylianco. Witnessing the awarding are Secretary W. G. Padolina, Acd. C. S. Dayrit, Mr. Sylianco, Mrs. Escuro, and Miss Samarita.

2 NAST 1994 Annual Report

TABLE 1. 1994 Research Fellows and Their Projects


Clare R. Baltazar Volume Ill of Inventory of Philippine May l. 1993 to April 30. 1994 Insects (Order Hymenoptera)

Luz Oliveros-Belardo Study of the Volatile Oil of April l. 1993 to March 31. 1994 Nothopanox frutlcosum CL.) Mlq.

Carmen C. Velasquez Index Catalogue of Parasites July l. 1993 to June 30, 1994 Reported from Philippine Vertebrates

Bienvenido C. Juliano Cereal Chemistry July l. 1993 to June 30, 1994

Filomena F. Campos National Sustainable Geosphere June l. 1993 to May 31. 1994 Biosphere Project (NSGBP)

Clara Y. Um-Sylianco Biochemical Catalysis July l. 1993 to June 30. 1994

Melecio S. Magno Science Policy in the Philippines Nov. l. 1993 to Oct. 31, 1994

Jose Encarnacion Jr. On Two Long-Run Models: June l. 1994 to May 31. 1995 A Research Proposal

Dolores A. Ramirez and The Makapuno Mutant Coconut Sept. l. 1994 to Aug. 31, 1995 Evelyn Mae T. Mendoza

b. NAST gave travel assistance to Acd. Filomena F. Campos to (a) attend the 81 st Session of the Indian Science Congress Association on January 3 - 8, 1994 at New Delhi, India and (b) participate in the International Forum on Biodiversity on September 5 · 9, 1994 in Paris.

c. In honor of the late National Scientist Dioscoro L. Umali, the Academy held the Second Lecture of the Umali Lecture Series on September 26, 1994 at UP Dillman. The distinguished speaker was Professor Yoichiro Murakami of the Tokyo University.

d. The Academy coordinated the necrological services and state funeral of the late National Scientist Carmen C. Velasquez. She passed away on October 16, 1994 due to a heart ailment, thus bringing the NAST membership to 46.

1.4 1994 Outstanding Young Scientists

The Academy gave the 1994 Outstanding Young Scientist awards to ten promising scientists. The awardees were: Teresita H. Borromeo, M.S. Plant Genetics Resources Conservation and Management; Sergio S. Cao, Ph.D. Mathematics; Elda B. Esguerra, Ph.D. Postharvest Horticulture; Desiree I. Menancio-Hautea, Ph.D. Plant Genetics and Breeding; Gil S. Jacinto, Ph.D. Oceanography; Terencio D. Lacuesta,

3 NAST 1994 Annual Report

Ph.D. Physics; Manuel L. Logrono, Ph.D. Plant Breeding and Genetics; Marie Antonette Juinio-Menez, Ph.D. Marine Biology; Cherrie L. Bunag-Pascual, Ph .D. Analytical Chemistry; and Cecilia P. Reyes, Ph.D. Entomology.

Acd. C. S. Dayrit (NAST Pres.) assisted by Acd. D. R. Ramirez (NAST Vice-Pres.) in placing Acd. P. D. Santos-Ocampo's hood.


The Outstanding Young Scientist Awardees: (L-R) G. S. Jacinto, S. S. Cao, D. I. Menancio­ Hautea, C. L. Bunag-Pascual, C. P. Reyes, E. B. Esguerra, T H. Borromeo, M. A. Juinio-MefJez, T. D. Lacuesta, M. L. Logrono, and NAST-TWAS Science Prize Awardee in Biology - Helen T. Yap.



CHERRIE L. BUNAG-PASCUAL Ph. D. Analytical Institute of Chemistry Pioneering works on the trace metal Chemistry UP Diliman, Quezon City speciation of Laguna Lake. UP Diliman Tel. No. 995071 Joe. 6410

TERENCIO D. LACUESTA Ph. D. Physics Institute of Mathematical Significant researches fundamental Murdoch University Sciences and Physics to the development of new tech­ Murdoch, Western College of Arts and Sciences nology utilizable in the fabrication Australia UP Los Banos, Laguna of electronic devices.

SERGIO S. CAO Ph. D. Mathematics Office of the University Resistrar Outstanding achievement in the field UP Diliman UP Diliman, Quezon City of integration in Mathematics spe­ Tel. No. 986084 fically the development of the theory of the "Henstock integral for Banach-valued Functions"

MARIEANTONETTEJUNIO-MENEZ Ph.D. Marine Biology MarineSciencelnstitute Significant multidisciplinary University of Rhode UP Dilim<:m, Quezon City researches on the feeding and the Island, Kingston. RI Tel. No. 974355 reproductive and larval ecology of marine invertebrates ... CECILIA P. REYES Ph. D. Entomology Graduate School Outstanding contributions in ento­ co co University of Alberta Emilio Aguinaldo College mology, particularly on the syste­ .p. Edmonton. Canada 918 Gonzalez Street matics of thrips (Thysanoptera), of ,. Ermita, Manila which she is a leading authority :I in the Philippines. :I c: !!. DESIREE I. MENANCIO-HAUTEA Ph. D Plant Genetics Institute of Plant Breeding Outstanding contributions towards and Breeding UP Los Banos. Laguna the development of the first genetic University of Illinois at Tel. No. 2298, 2339, 3304 maps of mungbean and cowpea Urbana-Champaign, USA using DNA markers. species Table 2 Cont.

relationships in wild soybeans, and Cercospora leaf spot disease resistance in mungbean. co.,.

MANUEL L. LOGRONO Ph. D. Plant Breeding Institute of Plant Breeding Significant contributions to corn l:' :I and Genetics UP Los Banos, Laguna breeding research that led to the c University of Hawaii Tel. No. 2298, 2512 development of high-yielding !. Manoa. Honolulu. yellow corn hybrids. now part of :II the Grains Production Enhancement "Cl• Program of the Department of 0 Agriculture and development of :l the first double endosperm mutant variety approved for release by the Philippine Seed Board.

ELDA B. ESGUERRA Ph. D. Postharvest Postharvest Horticulture Significant contributions to post- Horticulture Training and Research Center harvest physiology and handling Ehime United Graduate UP Los Banos. Laguna of mango. tomatoes, and onions School of Agricultural Tel. No. 3259. 244 resulting in economic benefits Sciences, Kagawa University, Japan

TERESITA H. BORROMEO M. S. Plant Genetics Department of Agronomy Significant contributions to the Resources Conservation UP Los Banos. Laguna solution of the problems of loss of and Management Tel. No. 2466, 2468 traditional and wild rice and to the UP Graduate School increase of public awareness of College. Laguna the importance of germplasm conservation

GIL S. JACINTO Ph. D. Oceanography Marine Science Institute Pioneering work in chemical University of Liverpool UP Diliman. Quezon City oceanography. particularly on England Tel. No. 974355 nutrients and trace elements in seawater and marine sediments NAST 1994 Annual Report

1.5 1994 NAST-TWAS Science Prize Awardee

Maria Helena T. Yap, Ph.D., marine biologist and professor at UP Diliman is the 1994 NAST · TWAS Science Prize awardee. This is in recognition of her work in the field of marine ecosystem energy dynamics and ecology of coral reefs and sediment communities contributing to the identification of inter-regional marine environmental problems and cooperation of scientists in this field in Asia.

1.6 1994 Outstanding Published Paper Award (OPPA)

To encourage scientists to publish their research results in Philippine scientific journals as well as to give local journals a chance to flourish and improve in quality, the Outstanding Publication (OP) and the Outstanding Published Paper (OPPA) awards were given.



Higher Order Correlation Manuela Fe H. Tarroja NRCP Research In this paper. other properties such as Functions and Correlation Victor Arnie Sicam Journal the phase plots. return maps correlation Dimensions of Chaotic 1(1): 50 - 70 (1992) dimensions. and correlation functions Systems without Noise are used to identify signatures of and Chaotic Systems chaos. A period-doubling route to with Noise chaos in a xenon laser has been con firmed by a calculation of the correlation dimension. The effect of smoothing on the dynamical properties of the chaotic signal has also been examined. The results suggest that at least for the type of noise associated with the detection process. smoothing can unravel fine features of chaoes that are usually smeared by the presence of noise. Finally. signatures of chaos have been identified using higher­ order correlation functions.

Facilitated Leaching of Roy Roberto L Gerona Philippine Journal of This paper deals with pyrite solubilization Pyrite from a Refractory Ernesto J. del Rosario Biotechnology from a refractory gold ore by the Gold Ore by Thiobacillus 2(1): 43 - 59 1991 sulfur bacterium Thiobaci//us lerrooxidans. ferrooxidans A bacterial concentration of 10 cells'/ ml was effective in bioleaching: this was enhanced by aeration and CO supple­ mentation. The results show the feasi­ bility of microbial leaching for enhancing gold recovery from refractory ores.

Electrochemical Synthesis Florentino C. Sumera Kimiko 9: 43-51 This paper reports the feasibility of of Electronic arrd Ionic. Naoya Ogata (1993) constructing a bilayer of functional Conductive Polymer polymers. one acting as an electronic Composite Polyaniiine I conducting surface. while the other. as PEO Network an ion'1c conducting matrix. This bilayer NAST 1994 Annual Report

Table 3 cont.

TITLE OF PUBLISHED AUTHOR/S PUBLICATION SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTION PAPER TO SCIENCE can be useful in the fabrication of light. thin film and rechargeable p·astic batteries where the polyaniline layer serves as redox surface as well as con· ductor plate: the PEO ne·work serves as a solid electrolyte ·11hen soaked in salt solution and then '.lr.ed. A 3.0 V initial potential was obtained when one of the electrodes is a sheet of lithium metal wh'ile the system behaved as a re­ chargeable battery. One of tr.e future uses of this k1"d of batterv could be in conjuction with solar energy photovol­ taic cells for solar energy shortage purposes.

Protoplast Formation. Asuncion K. Raymundo Journal of The paper is the first report on Regeneration. and Fusion Virginia G. Cadiz-Padre Fermentation and protoplast formation. regeCJerat1on. and in Bacillus polymyxa Susana F. de los Santos Bioengineering fusion in Bacillus polymyxo. an industrially 71(1220): 430-432 important microorganism that produces (1991) the antibiotic polymyxin which is effec­ tive against gram-negative d1sease­ causing bacteria. The genetic studies, particularly protoplast fusion. reported in the paper. are important in programs aimed at improving strains of B polymyxa and increasing antibiotic yields. The results showed that protoplast fusion is possible in This organi'm and that con­ sequently strain improvement can be accomplished.

Molluscicidal Activity of Prem Naath Maini The Philippine This paper demonstrated the toxi~ Derris e/liplica Belen Morallo-Rejesus Journal of Science action and effectiveness of extracts (Fam. Leguminosae) 122(1): 61-75 (1993) from Oerris roots for controlling golden snail. a major pest of rice in the Philippines. For the first time, the mollus­ cicidal rotenoid principles were isolated. A rotenone - free Oerris water extract which is non-toxic to fish but toxic lo golden snail was obtained by heating with or without soap. This extract is an environment-friendly and economical control agent for golden snail which can be prepared easily by the farmers

Commercial Honey in the Ma. Aurora D. Tilde The Philippine The research work generated the data Philippines I. Pollen Grain Pacifico C. Payawal Agriculturist 75 needed to promote bee keeping in the Analysis. II. Physical and (I & 2) 81-87 & Philippines. Bee keeping is a potentially Chemical Properties 89-91 (1992) profitable income-generating project in a tropical country like the Philippines with its rich tropical vegetation of flo­ wering plants. Furthermore. honey bees are efficient polinoting agents of crop plants that can boost productivity. But in spite of these realities. bee keeping inthe country has not progressed much even though apiculture was introduced as early as the l 930's. This is oecause of two major reasons, namely:

8 NAST 1994 Annual Report

Table 3 cont.


(1) The local pollen grains and nectar sources of honey bees have not been identified - information vital to honey bee management, and (2) The absence of baseline information for the formula­ tion of national standards for honey products - control measures necessary to prevent honey adulteration and the sale of fake honey products.

Solving the Philippine Sr. Julita S. Ruelo Universitv Journal­ This study aims to develop effective and Meloidogvne Problem Gina Tancinco Universitv of San economical control measures against Carlos Graduate this nematode parasite recognized as School 10(1): 60-77 a limiting factor in food and crcp pro­ (1993) duction reducing yield and quality of products in order to help the small farmers who do not have the time. space. and funds to solve the Meloidogyne problem in their fields.

Utilization of Goat's Milk in Clara L. Davide The Philippine This paper reports the gross composition the Local Production of C. P. Reforma Agriculturist 73(1): of local goat's milk and its technolo­ Blue- and Camembert-Type I. G. Sarmago 11-18 (1990) gical suitability in Blue and Camem­ Cheeses L. E. Sarmago bert cheese production. The local technologies for making these mold­ ripened cheeses and evaluating cheese yield. quality, and consumers acceptability are described.



In the Shadow of the Ma. Cynthia Rose Quezon City: This book provides an overview of the Lingering Mt. Pinatubo Banzon. ed. College of Social effects of ihe eruption of Mt Pinatubo Disaster Sciences and on the physical. social. economic. and Philosophy. University political landscape ot Central Luzon. of the Philippines Focusing on the experience of Concep­ Dillman and Center cion. Tarlac. it highlights the dynamics. for Asian Studies opportunities. and problems which exist Amsterdam, 1993 in similarly afflicted municipalities The book embodies a seldom achieved in­ terdisciplinary cooperation among phy­ sical and soc·1al scientists as well as the rapport established between the scien­ tists as well as the rapport established between the scientists an one hand. and the communit'1es ot risk. on the other

Fishers, Traders. Farmers Jeanne Frances I. lllo Quezon City: Institute This volume reflects the experiences of Wives: The Life Stories of Jaime B. Polo of Philippine Culture, a group of women and their families Ten Women in a Fishing Ateneo de Manila w'1th a changing environment embodied Village University. 1990 in a shifting coastal resource base. tluctua­ tior,s in market demand for fishery pro­ ducts. and developments in fishing tech­ nologies. These changes. and the effects

9 NAST 1994 Annual Report

Table 4 cont.


they had on women and on their re­ lationship with men, were mrrored in the women's life stories. resulting in layers of stories and in the interweaving of the macro with the micro, as seen and articulated by women. By demonstrating the dynamic relationship between tech­ nology and its users. the research points to on alternative not only of assessing technologies but also of understanding women's and men's realities into which technology or other forces interject themselves.

1.7 MobiUzation of the OYS Awardees

The Academy in coordination with DOST started the project called "OYS on the Go" where OYS awardees were given financial assistance to do research work.



Chemistry of Selected Plants Dr. Alicia M. Aguinaldo Ongoing with PCHRD as the monitoring P 111,000.00 with Antituberculasis Potentials agency. Pll 1,00100 was given to PCHRD to fund the project last April 1994.

Across-Arc Variation in the Dr. Graciano P. Yumul, Jr.Ongoing with PCIERD as the monitoring P i 00,000.00 Pinatubo-Araya! Trc.msect: Source agency. Pl00,000.00 was given to PCIERD Region Characteristics: Partial to fund the project last July 1994. Meeting Signatures or Distinct Tectonic Blocks

Enhancement of the Growth Dr. Marie Antonette MOA tor signature of Dr. Rafael D. P 176,828.00 and Survivorship of Loborarory- Juinio-Menez Guerrero Ill. Dr. Conrado S. Dayrit. and Cultured Sea Urchin Tripneusfes Secretary William G. Padolina. grotilla Requestea amount to fund the project is Pl 76,828.00

Agronomic and Biochemical Dr. Manuel L. Logrono MOA for signature of Dr. William D. Dar. Dr. Pl00,000 00 Evaluations of "Nutrisweet" Conrado S. Dayrit, and Secretory William G. Padolina. Requested amount to fu~d the project is Pl00.000 00

10 NAST 1994 Annual Report

Tables Cont.


Postharvest Behavior of Dr Elda B. Esguerra MOA being revised by UPLB for signature P 99 ,633 .00 Promising Banana Cultivars of Dr. Ruben L. Villareal (UPLB Chancellor), with Export Potential Dr. William D. Dar. Dr. Conrado S. Dayrit, and Secretary William G. Padolino. Re- quested amount to tund the project is P 99 ,633 .00

A General Theory ot Dr Sergio S. Cao MOA was transmitted to PCARRD tor P 100.000.00 Banach-valued Henstock signature of Dr. William D. Dar. Dr. Integration Conrado S. Daynt. and Secretary William G. Padol1na. Requested amount to fund the project is P 100,000.00

TOTAL p 687 ,461 .00

Fees for Evaluators p 8.100 00

p 695,561.00



Surface Photovoltage Study Dr. Terencio D. Revised copy of proposal based on P 107.400.00 of Device Type Silicon and 111-V Lacuesta comments received was transmitted to Compound Semiconductors PCASTRD for final evaluation last 11-29-94.

Eledroanalysis of Selected Dr. Cherrie Bunag- Awaiting PCARRD's Evaluation. Referral P 100.000.00 Organo phosphorus Pesticides Pascual letter sent in the Aquatic Environment

Thrips (Hap/othrips gangibaueri Dr. Cecilia P. Reyes Awaiting PCARRD's evaluation. Referral P 178.000.00 Schmutz, as Biological Control letter sent Agent of Rice Stemborers

Synthesis of Novel Macro­ Dr. Gerardo C. Janairo Awaiting PCASTRD's evaluation. Referral P\52.000.00 cycl es Containing the letter sent Tetrathiafulvalene and sugar units

TOTAL p 53 7 .400.00

1.8 Media Exposure

NAST members and awardees were interviewed in radio and television stations.

11 NAST 1994 Annual Report



February 15, 1994 Acd. Alfredo V. Lagmay Ms. Julie Fernando National Scientist DZEM, 11 :00 - 12:00 Noon NAST, TAPI Building DOST Cpd., Bicutan, Taguig, M. M.

August 5, 1994 Ms. Luningning E. Samarita Ms. Mely Tenorio Executive Director DZRB, 10:00 - 10:30 A.M. NAST, TAPI Building DOST Cpd., Bicutan, Taguig, M. M

August 8, 1994 Ms. Luningning E. Samarita Ms. Susan Layos Executive Director DZRM, 11 :00 - 12:00 Noon NAST, TAPI Building DOST Cpd., Bicutan, Taguig, M. M.

September 16, 1994 Dr. Clara V. Lim-Sylianco Ms. Betty Mendez National Scientist DWAN, 11 :00 - 12:00 Noon NAST, TAPI Building DOST Cpd., Bicutan, Taguig, M. M.

October 14, 1994 Mr. Redocindo L. Santillan Ms. Betty Mendez Information Officer V DWAN, 11:00 - 12:00 Noon NAST, TAPI Building DOST Cpd., Bicutan, Taguig, M. M.

October 28, 1994 Prof. Teresita P. Acevedo Mr. Francis Flores Member, Steering Committee DZNN (Radio Veritas) International Conference on Food 8:00 - 9:00 A.M. Preservation and Security

October 31, 1994 Dr. Cecilia P. Reyes Ms. Susan layos Outstanding Young Scientist ·94 DZRM, 11:00 - 12:00 Noon Graduate School Emilio Aguinaldo College, Manila

November 7, 1994 Dr. Conrado S. Dayrit Mr. Bobby Guanzon President DZBB, 8:00 - 9:00 A.M. NAST, TAPI Building & DOST Cpd., Bicutan, Ms. Jessica Soho Taguig, M.M. Kape at Balita, 8:00 - 9:00 A.M. & Channel 7 Hon, William G. Padolina (Simulcast In radio Secretary and TV stations) Department of Science and Tech. Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila

12 NAST 1994 Annual Report


2.1 Guidelines for Researchers on Ethics and Procedures

Acd. Magno and the Committee on Ethics finalized, after several consultations, the first edition of the guidelines. It was printed and disseminated to research institutions.

2.2 16th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Academy (ASM)

The 16th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Academy with the theme "Visions for Philippines 2000" was held on 13-14 July 1994 at the Philippine International Convention Center, Manila. The keynote speaker was Dr. Cielito F. Habito, Director­ General, National Economic and Development Authority. Six plenary papers were presented.


Name Position ======Acd. Jose 0. Juliano Chair Acd. Dolores A. Ramirez Member Acd. Gelia T. Castillo Member Acd. Mercedes B. Concepcion Member Acd. Teodulo M. Topacio, Jr. Member Acd. Melecio S. Magno Member Acd. Magdalena C. Cantoria Member Acd. Edgardo D. Gomez Member Acd. Ernesto 0. Domingo Member Acd. Ramon F. Abarquez, Jr. Member ======



Dr. Ernesto 0. Domingo Academician Issues on Population: Nutrition. Liver Study Group Children. Public Health. and UP-PGH Taft Avenue, Manila Healthcare Financing

Dr. Ponciano S. lntal, Jr. President The Challenge of Econom'1c Philippine Institute for Restructuring Toward NICdom: Development Slud•es Issues for the Economics and NEDA sa Makoti Building Statistics Research Sector Amorsolo SI., Makoti, Metro Manila

13 NAST 1994 Annual Report


Dr. Ruben L. Villareal Academician; Chancellor Filipino Plant Scientists' Answer University of the Philippines Los Banos to STANC 2000 College, Laguna

Dr. Cecilio R. Arboleda Dean State of the Art in A.nimal College of Agriculture Sciences University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Mr. Maximo T. Kalaw, Jr President Issues en Environmental Science Haribon Foundation. Inc. and Sustainable Development liberty Building, Pasay, Metro Manila

Dr. Francisco l. Viray President Energy Needs in Industry National Power Corporation Quezon City

Some 80 poster papers in different fields were presented.


Mathematical. Physical, and Leonorina G. Cada Side Chain Liquid Crystal Polymers as Engineering Sciences Institute of Chemistry Binders in PDLC hims College of Science. University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City

Raoul E. Cawagas Foundations of PseudogroJp Theory SCITECH R & D Center Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa. Manila

Raoul E. Cawagos and A Z. Rosol AXIOMS - An Algorirnm for the SCITECH R & D Center Analysis of Finite Algebraic Structures Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa, Manila

Samuel S. Franco, R. C. Castro. Passive Solar Energy System for Crop C. S. Samba, and H. L. Layaoen and food Dryir,g National Tobacco Administration Batac, llocos Norte

Chay B. Pham and N.C G Liwag Development of New Process for BIOTECH. Universi'y of the Philippines Coconut 011 Extraction Los Barios College. Laguna

Samuel S. Franco, RV Dejeto, cmd Lahar and Sand Dunes as Row D.C. Pondoc Materials in the Manufacture o! National Tobacco Administration Structural Clay Products Batoc. llocos Norte

Nena V. Rodriguez and O.S. Wolfbe1s Design of Highly Stable Optical pH Research Center for the Natural for Bio-Reactor Monitoring Sciences. University of Sto. Tomas Espana, Manila

14 NAST 1994 Annual Report



Fortunato B. Sevilla Ill Piezoelectric Quartz Resonator as a Research Center for the Natural Biosensing Device for Odorant Sciences. University of Santo Tomas Molecules Espana. Manila

Biological Sciences Cecillia B. Amoroso Morpho-Anatomical Studies of In Vitro Department of Biology Cultured Node Explants of Dioscorea Central Mindanao University a/ala L. Musuan. Bukidnon Victor B. Amoroso Studies of Some Useful Ferns in Central Mindanao University Mindanao Musuan. Bukidnon

Adoracion T. Aranez and Homozygosity and Field Performance M. B. I. Bacano of Spineless Ricinus communis L Natural Sciences Research Institute College of Science. University of the Philippines Diliman. Quezon City

Evelyn Battad-Bernardo. S. Negoro. Screening and Characterization of and I. Urabe Microorganisms for Coal Natural Sciences Research Institute Biosolubilization College of Science University of the Philippines Diliman Quezon City

Nellie C. Lopez Metazoan Parasites from Three Institute of Biology. College of Science Species of Philippine Groupers University of the Philippines Diliman Quezon City

Glorina N. Pocsidio and E.S. Catap Glycine in fish Central Nervous Institute of Biology, College of Science System After Exposure to Manganese University of tne Philippines D1liman Quezon City

Prima C. Ragudo-Franco Cloning al the Red Pigment Genes and K. H Nealson of Xenorhobdus /uminescens HMlo Mariano Marcos State University Batac. llocos Norte

Asuncion K. Raymundo Utilization of Polymerase Choin Institute of Biological Sciences Reaction in Cloning and Sequencing University ot the Philippines Los Banos of Genes: Xanthomonas oryzae pv. College. Laguna oryzico/a

Agricultural Sciences Elizabeth B. Alupias and B.T. Gayao Impact of Sweetpotato Based Benguet State University Household and School Gardening La Trinidad. Benguet Project

Zosimo M. Battad Growth Performance of Goats Fed and G. M. R Reeta with Napier. Supplemented with Des­ Mariano Marcos State University manthus at Two Rates ond Feeding Baine. llocos Norte Intervals

Ricardo C. Braza Stem Borers Attacking Gme/rna Paper Industries Corporation of arborea the Philippines Tabon. Bislig, Surigao del Sur

15 NAST 1994 Annual Report



Agricultural Sciences (Cont.) Nenita D. Cacayorin. M. D. Beneficial Arthropods Regulating Dame. A.D. Solsoloy. and Population of Major Insect Pests on T. S. Solsoloy Cotton Cotton Research and Development Institute. Batac. llocos Norte

Rogelio R. Caluya and Effects of Calcium and Phosphorus C. C. Sevilla Supplemtation on Some Production Mariano Marcos State University and Reproduction Parameters ;n Batac, !locos Norte Growing Philippine Indigenous Sheep

Rogelio R. Caluya and Calcium and Phosphorus C. C. Sevilla Requirements of Growing Mariano Marcos State University Philippine Indigenous Sheep Batac, llocos Norte

Reynaldo C. Castro, S. C. Agrupis Development of Other Uses of J. R. Garcia. J. L. Lorenzo, and Tobacco M. L. M. Palacio, National Tobacco Administration. Ba tac, !locos Norte

Luciana T. Cruz. F. P. Julian, El. Pertormance and Constraints to V. Santiago, and G. A. Rosario Adoption of Cotton Production Cotton Research and Development Technologies Institute, Batac, llocos Norte

Bayani M. Espiritu, J. E. Microbial Inoculation for Quality Remoquillo, L. B. Willauer. Organic fertilizers from farm Wastes and C. Coroza BIOTECH, University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Zenaida N. Ganga, E. 0. Badal. Participatory on-Farm Sweetpotato BA Anselmo, M. C. T. Posa, and Varietal Evaluation Selection in the C. C. Sagudan Philippine Highlands Benguet State University La Trinidad, Benguet

Dominador G. Gonzal, L. U Performance of Gmelina arborea dela Cruz, and D P Garrity with Varn Inoculation in Acid Soil Department of Forestry Visayas State College of Agriculture Baybay. Leyte

Betty T. Gayao, E. B. Alupias, Sweetpotato Household Gardening J. M. Sim, H. L. Quindara, I. C. Development Gonzales. and E. 0. Badal Benguet State University La Trinidad, Benguet

Manuel L. Logrono. A. B. Development of Double Endosperm Burgonio, F. M. Rodriguez, and Mutant Varieties in Maize E. P. Gibas Institute of Plant Breeding College of Agriculture University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Job M. Matias Body Temperature. Respiralory Dairy Training & Research Institute Frequency, and Heart Rate Patterns

16 NAST 1994 Annual Report

Table 9 Cont.


Agricultural Sciences (Cont.) University of the Philippines under Thermoneutral and Short-Term Los Banos Thermal Stress in Goats College. Laguna

Teodoro C. Mendoza Challenges and Prospects of Department of Agronomy Sustaining Sugarcane Productivity University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Mariano B. de Ramos Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Institute of Mathematical Sciences Estimators for INsect Damage on Rice and Phys'1cs. University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Violeta B. Soldo Postharvest Loss Ass<>ssrnent in Benguet State University Yambean and Ginger ot Various La Trinidad, Benguet Handling Points

A;da D. Solsoloy and B. M. Rejesus Hormonal Effect of Jatropha curcos Cotton Research and Development L. Oil on He/icoverpa armigera Institute, Batac. llocos Norte (HUBN.)

Leonila M. Tolentino. E. A. Alcala, Comprehensive Rubber Technology A. G. Bautista, R. S. Callano, R. 0 Transfer Program (CRTTPJ Sarmiento, A. C. Bandoy, and E. Z. Lim University of Southern Mindanao Kabacan, Cotabato

Gina Villegas-Pangga, A. J. Agrotechnology Suitability Evaluation Alcantara, C. Basilio. D. D. Manalo, System (ASES): Development and and C. Mejorado Improvements Farming Systems and Soil Resources Institute, University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Alfinetta B. Zamora and S. Sm. Gruezo in Vitro Propagation of Buho Bamboo Institute of Plant Breeding (Schizostachyum lumampao) University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Alfinetta B. Zamora. C. S. Ramos, Isolation of Plantlets Freed of Banana and T. M. Espino Bract Mosaic Virus from Infected CV Institute of Planr Breeding Senorita University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Nonnatus S. Bautista, R. R. Yumol, Development of Near-lsogenic R. E. Tabien, R. Ikeda, and T. lmbe Lines with Resistance or Tolerance International Rice Research Center Genes to Tungro Disease in Rice Los Banos , Laguna

Victoria PC, Lapitan Callus Induction and Maintenance Institute of Plant Breeding in Chinese Cabbage University of the Philippines Los Banos (8rassica Pekmens1s L J cv. Corazon College, Laguna

Gerard B. Magpantay, N. S. Anatomical Differences Between Bautista, J. R. Bongon, S. V. Siar, a New CMS Source and its J. M. Vi11areal, and T. L. Rosario Maintainer Line in Rice

17 NAST 1994 Annual Report

Table9 Cont.


Agricultural Sciences (Cont.) lnlc'ratiooal Rice Researr:h Institute Les Bones. Lagccna

B. de'os !SOZV'"DDS Reye3 =-:: N. Huang cse ::;P,rv~s l",ter'l::;· '.::i'YJ! Research nstitute in

RL ... m =:' 1 cro", :<. Jalrr,oc10. F,ci:es, Ger1e Trarsfer fo• Resistance to Bru,11;1 J. ~- Brcr & G. S. Khu~h Planthcpper Forn Oryza minu:a ar,d Rice Research lnstit·...;te Gccter1ol Blignt from 0 orachyanthc: Los Boros, l::suno ;,~,to .Rice (C sat/Va L l

Jessicu P A. /\. 3orr on, ::Jvercorr:ing 1ncompat1bi!ity in a Cross R. tllcrcr and G. S, Khus'"'. of Oryz:J 30!/v·o L. and Pcrteresia lr,ternotioncl Rce 1~esearw Inst lute ::oorctata (Tateoka. Roxb.) Los Boiios. Laguna

Helen G~::ice S. Centeno, 'lice Poten:ia! Production in the ,A J. Balbcrez, N. (..; Fobellar, Philipr:; nes Using Crop Growt'­ T. Hcrie. und 1'/, J Kropff Model 'lterna·i::Jnol !

lmeloo Rizolina S. Soriano Cow:ol of Hirschrnonnie/la oryzoe D. lvl. Matias. end J C. hJI Usi;--.g Sesban1a r-::istroio arid its lnterrationul Rice Researc~. lnst1:ute Residual Effecls 1·1 a Ccnti~.ucus Los Banos, Lag'Jno Ric:c. Cropping

El'zabe+h A. Conocono, J A Shoot SoluOle Carbchyarate C:or,Jer17 Egciar,e, and T. I. Setter As a Measure of Doily C-AssiMilation lnterriationai ~i'ce Research lns•ituTe" 'n 1~ice Los Banos, LaJuna

James ;\. Egdone, E. ,\ Ne-,.v Pant Tvpes +er r~,cp, ::=>::noconc. ariU :. L Ser+er Puriicle for !n•e-1at'o"al Rice l

1V nor._, Vo11ouc": c·~J J. K eis'NC3 Process of Seedling [s:ub!ishment lnterr.oticnul Rice Resecrch !rstiLte :JS :nf!um1ccHj t:v 01·g::inic Mctt8r Los 5onos, Lagt,,r.a Applicatic" tc Flcoded Seil

Daniel C 01><, E B 3el eza. Chern:cai Chwac+orizatic:in of ~No and K. G. Cassman Organic Marter Fruc~,ons in lnternat'onal Rice Research Institute Irrigated Lowland Rice Soils Los Banos, Laguna

Serafin T. Amarante. W ,!\, T. Herrera, Relationship Between N. P and C. Vejpas, D.P. Garrity, and L.J. Wade Uptake and Yield in Rrnnfed International Rice Research institute Lowlond Rice Los Banos, Laguna

Marianne I. Samson, C A. Pedulla, Functional Equilibrium of the Rice J P Descalsoto, and KG. Cossma1 Root System !nterno:ionol Rice Research Institute Los Baiios, Laguna

Jovita A Marquez. T. P Tuong, Compor.er1ts of Percolation Losses 1n and M. C S. Wopereis Irrigated Puddled Rice Fields International Rice Research Institute Los Banos, Laguna

18 NAST 1994 Annual Report

Table 9 Cont.


Agricultural Sciences (Cont.) Maximina A. Lantican. R M. Increasing Rainfed Farmers· Income Lampayan. and S. I. Bhuiyan 1hrough An Appropriate Postharvest International Rice Research Institute 1echnique Los Banos. Laguna

Simeona V. Siar, J R. Bongon. Cytogenet1c Studies of Irradiated N. S. Bautista. J. M. Villareal. G. B. Bittergourd (Momordica charanla L.) Magpantay. and T. L. Rosario and the F BC and F. Progenies University ol the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Violeta N. Villegas, F. B. Aurigue, Preliminary Evaluation of a Promising and R. B. Pimentel Papaya (Carico papaya l.) Hybrid Institute of Plant Breeding University of the Philippines Los Banos College Laguna

Lilian F. Patena. R. C. Sotto, Lilak. A Banana (Musa spp) R A. Avenido. J. G. Dimaculangan. Selection from 1issue Culture and R. C. Barba Institute of Plant Breeding University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Lilian F. Patena. M. E. Beltran­ Growth of Tissue-Cultured Shallot Miranda. and V. P. Chavez-Lapitan (Al/um cepa Var Group aggregatum) Institute of Plant Breeding and Garlic (Allum sativum L.) Under University of the Philippines Los Banos Greenhouse Condition College. Laguna

Julita G. Dimaculangan. L. F. Pateria. Cytological investigation of Endosperm R. A. Avenido. and R. C. Barba Explant and Long-Term Maintenance Institute of Plant Breeding of Endosperm-Derived Calli of University of the Philippines Los Banos Calamansi (X Citro fortune/la milis J. College. Laguna Ingram and H. Moore)

Cynthia N. Paet. A. B. Zamora. Production of Seed Tubers of ASN 69.1 and E. C. Aitoveros from Rooted Stem Cuttings. Microtubers, Institute of Plant Breeding and from Their First Generation Tubers Univesity of the Philippines Los Banos College. Laguna

Cecillia B Pascual. A. D. Raymundo. H1Spathological Events During M. Hyakumachi. and M. L. Logrono Rhizocfonia soloni Infection in Resistant Institute of Plant Breeding and Susceptible Corn Plants University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Lolita M. Dolores and C. Pissawan Detection of Leaf Curl Virus in Pepper Institute of Plant Breeding by Using Non-Radioactive DNA Probe University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Desiree Menanio-Hautea. N. D. Young, fowards An Integrated Linkage Map L. Kumar. D.H. Kim. and RA Hautea of Mungbeon (Vigna radiafa L. Institute of Plant Breeding Wilczek): Progress and Prospects University of the Philippines Los Banos · College. Laguna

Amy Emiliano N. Bernardo lsozymes for Genetic Mapping and D. Menancio-Hautea in Mungbean: Optimization of Institute of Plant Breeding Conditions For Gel Electrophoresis

19 NAST 1994 Annual Report

Table9 Cont.


Agricultural Sciences (Cont.) University of the Philippines Los Banos and Identification of Polymorph,sCT",s College, Laguna

Roberta N, Garcia. A M. de la Kinetic Properties and Activity Levels Rosa, M. T. Mendoza, and of Ammonia and Carbon Assimilation D. Menancio·Hautea Enzymes in Two Vigna Species Institute of Plant Breeding University ot the Philippines Los Banos College. Laguna

Violeta N, Villegas. A A Alfonso, Cytology, Morphology, and Polleci and T. H, Borromeo Fertility of lnte1specific Hybrids Bet•Neen Institute of Plant Breeding Oryza sotiva and 0. cffici.naiis University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Violeta N, Villegas, M. T. B. Peralta. Agronomic Evaluation of Doubled C. C. Balo and S Oblen Haploids Derived from Rice Antner Institute of Plant Breeding Culture University ot the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Violeta N. Villegas and M T.B. Peralta Anther Culturobility of Some Philippine Institute of Plant Breeding Traditional Rice Varieties University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Leodegario A. Ebron, R. Ikeda, Inheritance of Resistance to Rice T. lmbe, R. R. Yumol, N S. Bautista Tungro Spherical Virus in Rice and M. J. T. Yanoria International Rice Research Institute Los Banos, Laguna

Mo Leonora M. Yambao, Z. M. Flores, Association of p 12 Protein of Rice f, C. Sta. Cruz and H. Koganezawa Tungro Bacilliform Virus to Virions International Rice Research Institute Los Banos, Laguna

Gilda J, Miranda and H. Koganezawa Direct Tissue Blotting For Detection of International Rice Research Institute Rice Viruses Los Banos, Laguna

Janet F. Barroga and T W Mew Red Stripe: A New Rice Disease in lnternarional Rice Research Institute the Philippines Los Banos, Laguna

Avelino D Raymundo and Concentrating Genes for Downy B. J, Calilung, Jr. Mildew Resistance and Desirob,e Plant Pathology Division Agronomic Traits in Corn University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Q. Dai, A, Q, Chavez, and S, Peng Preliminary Study of Absc1s1c Acid-Rice International Rice Research Institute Plant Exposed to Elevated UVB Los Banos, Laguna Radiation

V. P. Migo Decolorization of Alcohol Effluents International Rice Research Institute by Chemical and Microbiological Los Banos, Laguna Methods

Evelyn B. Gergon Nitrogen Lessens Growth and Yield

20 NAST 1994 Annual Report


Agricultural Sciences (Cont.) 'international Rice Research Institute Reductions in Rice Caused by Los Banos. Laguna Meloidogyne graminicola

Julieta U. SaJise. E, C, Bugante, Production of Vincristine-like W. G. Podolina, and E. C. Marfori Alkaloid in Callus Culture of University of the Philippines Los Barios Cafharanfhus roseus BCR -- l College, Laguna

Health Sciences Jose David F. Marin. Jr. Corneal Endothelial Cell Culture E A. Abendanio, R. L. AleJo­ in Wound Healing , Growth. and Ramirez. and S. R. Salceda Viability Studies Using Locally Institute of Opthalmology Available Chemicals UP - PGH, Taft Avenue, Manila

Rita P. Laude, R. M. Dinulos, Distribution of Certain Genes and R. N. Tandang Among Filipinos in Laguna C. Institute of Biological Sciences Diabetes mellitus College of Arts and Sciences University of the Philippines Los Banos College, Laguna

Fabian M. Dayrit and L, T. Lagurin Phytochemical Studies on the School of Arts and Sciences Pharmacologically-Active Deportment of Chemistry Compounds of Vitex negundo L. Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Heights. Quezon City

The recognition ceremony for the new NAST member, the 1994 Oustanding Young Scientists, the NAST - TWAS Science Prize awardee, Outstanding Published Paper awardees and the Outstanding Publication awardees capped the 16th ASM.

2.3 Bioprospecting

The draft Executive Order on "Prescnbing Guidelines and Establishing a Regu­ latory Framework for the Prospecting of Biological and Genetic Resources, Their By-Products and Derivatives, for Scientific and Commercial Purposes; and for Other Purposes" was presented at and approved by the Science and Technology Co­ ordinating Council on September 21, 1994.

Six department secretaries will sign the transmittal letter to Malacanang. They are the secretaries of concerned implementing agencies such as the Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Environment and Natural Resouces, the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, and the Department of Finance.

The main features of the EO are:

a. Policy of the State b. Consent of Indigenous Cultural and Local Communities c. When Research Agreement is Necessary d. Application for Academic Research Agreement and Commercial Agreement

21 NAST 1994 Annual Report

e. Minimum Terms of the Commercial Research Agreement and Academic Reseach Agreement f. Composition and Functions of the Inter-Agency Committee on Biological and Genetic Resources g. Powers and Functions of the Inter-Agency Committee h. Monitoring Implementation of the Research Agreement i. Appeals j. Sanctions and Penalties k. Existing Researches, Contracts, and Agreements I. Official Depository m. Funding n. Effectivity o. Implementing rules and regulations

2.4 Speakers Bureau

Only Academician Melecio S. Magno served in the Speakers Bureau this year. He went to Tiaong, Quezon as a speaker in a science teachers' convocation re Earth Care.

Meantime, the Speakers Bureau listing is being updated and processed by the Secretariat.

2.5 Science Heritage Center

NAST initiated steps to acquire a site for the Science Heritage Center which will also become the NAST building.

2.6 Advice

Acd. Dayrit coursed through the Office of Secretary Ricardo T. Gloria advice on "How to start solving our science education lack". His suggestion is to use as an effective method of instruction the educational video cassettes projected to large groups of students.

The Academy reviewed and gave advice on: a. oil spill in Manila Bay b. formalin use on vegetables and fish c. GA TT and AFT A d. locust infestation of lahar areas e. red tide f. cholera g. coconut industry NAST and NRCP submitted a joint position paper on strategic industries.

22 Table 10. MATRIX OF INTERNATIONATIONAL AGREEMENTS I ACTIVITIES TO BE UNDERTAKEN IN 1995 Title of Agreement Agency Objectives Date of Implementation Funding Requirement

1. Collaboration between DFG 1. Scientific contacts Continuing /as P25.000.00 Average NAST and the German 2. Exchange visits and needed amount for transportation Research Society (DFG) information and per diem per person. The host agency pays for local accommodation and internal travel of scientists on 1-3 -week visits. The funds are not only for Acodemi- cions but also for scientists who ore not members of NAST but endorsed by it.

2. Agreement of Scientific Chinese Academy 1. Exchange visits of Continuing / as Same as above. more or Cooperation between of Sciences post-doctoral requested less NAST and the Chinese scientists Academy of Sciences 2. Joint symposia/ conferences 3. Exchange of scientific z information. books, ,. seeds. seedlings ~ 4. Encourage discussions. ... direct liaison. and co co scientific cooperation .p. between universities ,. and scientific institutions. :I :I e.c 3. Arrangement on Colla- Indian Natiorial 1. Scientific contacts Continuing / as Same as above ::D boration between NAST Science Academy 2. Exchange visits requested CD and The Indian Natio- 3. Joint projects as "Cl 0 N nal Science Academy approved by both ;::i. w governments N z .,,. Table 10 Cont . ,. ~ Funding Requirement ... Title of Agreement Agency Objectives Date of Implementation co co ~ Scientific contacts Continuing I as Same as above ,. 4. Arrangement on Royal Society l. :J Collaboration between of London 2. Exchange visits resquested :J c the Royal Society 3. Attendance at meetings !!. of London and NAST on mutual agreement Joint projects :a 4. GI "O 0 above ;:i. 5. Federation of Asian Member countries - l. Scientific contacts and Continuing I as Some OS Scientific Academies Afghanistan. Chino. networking requested and Societies - Mutual Bangladesh, India~ 2. Exchange visits of Assistance (FASAS) Republic of Korea, member countries Malaysia, Nepal. scientists Pakistan. Sri Lanka 3. Mutual assistance Thailand

OS above 6. Third World Academy Member countries - l. Give recognition to Continuing/ as Some of Sciences CTWAS) developing scientists of developing requested countries countries 2. Facilitate contacts among scientists in third world countries and strengthen scientific work 3. To identify men of out- standing talent in deve- loping countries

Some OS above 7. Third World Network Members ore Recognition of scienti- Continuinw I as Indio. Indonesia fie talents requested Malaysia. Bangladesh Mutual Assistance Jordon. Chino. Korea Nepal. Thailand NAST 1994 Annual Report

The Academicians at the start of the investiture ceremonies


(L-R) Acd. J. 0. Juliano, Usec. A. C. Ancog, Sec. C. F. Habito, Acd. C. S, Dayrit. Acd. D. R. Ramirez, and Fr. B. F. Nebres during the opening ceremonies.

25 NAST 1994 Annual Report

Mrs. Milagros Dayrit cuts the ribbon opening the poster session. (L-R) Acd. Dayrit, Mrs. M. Dayrit, Acd. C. lntengan, Acd. Santos-Ocampo, and Acd. Ramirez.

Guests and participants viewing posters.

26 NAST 1994 Annual Report


3.1 The Academy continues its linkages with the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Federation of Asian Scientific Academies and Societies (FASAS), International Network of Scientific Organizations (INSO), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Indian National Science Academy (INSA), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Royal Society of London (RSL) , and the American Association for the Ad­ vancement of Science (AAAS). 3.2 A German delegation visited the Philippines to strengthen the link with our country. It was headed by the Secretary-General of DFG, Mr. Burkhart Muller and his wife, Mrs. Doris Muller-Peters, Dr. Werner Goehl, Director of the Institute of International Cooperation, Technical University of Aachen, and Mr. Jost-Gert Glombitza,

Members of the German delegation during their visit to Lahar-affected areasinPampanga. (L-R)Sec. Gen. of OFG, Mr. B. Muller, Mr. J. G. G!ombitza, Dr. W. Gocht, and Mrs. Muller-Peters.

DFG Sec.-Gen. Muller witl Acd. Dayrit and Or. Sonid( during their meeting with th. NRCP Officers. NAST 1994 Annual Report


DR. AMIR MUHAMMED President Agricultural Development and Pakistan Academy of Sciences Food Security Islamabad. Pakistan

DR. GEORGE GIDDiNGS Joint Div1s1on FAO - IAEA Food Irradiation Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture Vienna. Austria

DR. GREGORY GIBBONS Project Adviser Food Biotechnology ASEAN - Australian Biotech Project Melbourne. Victoria 3004 Australia



JAMES EMERSON The Coca Cola Co. Food Safety and Risk Assessment l Coca Cola Plaza. Atlanta, Georgia

REYNALDO C. MABESA Director. Institute of Food Science Microbiological Control of College of Agriculture Asiatoxigenic Fungi in Peanuts, UP Los Banos. Laguna Rice. and Corn

VIRGINIA L. BARRAQUIO Dairy Training and Research Detection of Food Pathogens in Institute Kesong Puti (fresh soft cheese) UP Los Banos, Laguna Pastillas de Leche from Los Banos and Bav. Laguna

TERESITA J. RAMIREZ BIOTECH Simu:taneous Bioconversion of Car­ UP Los Banos. Laguna bohydrates and Biodegradation of Cyanide in Cassava Meal to Increase Nutritive Value

JOSE P. PERALTA Institute of Fish Processing Natural Convection UP Visayas, Miag-ao. lloilo Drying of Fish Models

ROSITA P. EBRON Sugar Regulatory Administration Productior1 of Dietary Fibers from North Ave .. Dillman, Quezon City Bagasse

MORIHIKO SAKAGUCHI Department of Fisheries Freshness Assessment of Fish Meat Kyoto University, Japan Using the Torrymeter, Impedance Analyzer. and K Value

GERALD MOY World Health Organization Public Health Aspects of Food CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland lrradiatior'

MANUEL M. GARCIA Animal Diseases Research Development of Rapid Detection Institute Tests for Foodborne Pathogens Nepean. Ontario, Canada in HACCP Programmes

AGNES TORRES Merck, Inc Analytical Tools tor the Evaluation Makoti. Metro Manila of Food Composition and Toxicity

SAMUEL S. FRANCO National Tobacco Administration Passive Solar Energy System Batac. !locos Norte for Crop and Food Drying

28 NAST 1994 Annual Report

Table 12 Cont.


VIRGINIA TD. Pf-CABA Bureau of Plant Industry Fruit and Vegetable Processing Department of Agriculture Technologies for Village-Type San Andres. Manila Processing Plants

LEMUEL M. DIAMANTE Visayas State College of Agriculture Drying Characteristics of Coco­ (VISCA). Baybay. Leyte Crisps

LYDIA M. MARERO Food and Nutirlion Research The Establishment of Communal Institute (FNRI) Food Processing Centers in the DOST. Bicutan, Taguig, M. M. Regions

ANTONIO L. ACEDO Department of Horticulture Evaporative Cooling Storage of Visayas State College of Tomato and Sweet Pepper Fruits Agriculture (VISCA) Harvested at Different Stages of Baybay, Leyte Ripeness

ROSEMARIE S. GUMERA Sugar Regulatory Administration Processing of Sugarcane North Ave , Dilimdn, Quezon City Fruit Juice Mix

ZENAIDA M. DE GUZMAN Philippine Nuclear Research Gamma Irradiation of Selected Institute (PNRI) Spices Commonwealth Ave .. Diliman, Q. C,

MA. CONCEPCION LIZADA Postharvest Horticulture Research Prospects of Food Irradiation in the and Training Institute (PHTRC) Handling of Horticultural Perishables: UP Los Banos The Role of Postharvest Techno­ College. Laguna logy in Reducing Losses in Horticul­ tural Perishables

ALICIA 0. LUSTRE Food Technology Center Food Irradiation in a Developing National Food Authority Country FTI Complex, Taguig, Metro Manila

SILVESTRE C. AN DALES NAPHIRE. Dept. of Agriculture (DA) Food Handling, Storage, and Elliptical Road, Quezon City Distribution

LOURDES S. RIVERA Bureau of Animal Industry Comparative Profitability of Two Dept. of Agriculture Methods of Cutting Carcasses of San Andres, Manila Cattle and Swine

PRIMA RAGUDO-FRANCO Department of Biology Luminous Bacterial Product: Mariano Marcos State University A Potential Alternative Food Dye CMMSU) Batac, !locos Norte and Preservative

JOSE P. PERALTA Institute of Fish Processing NatU1al Convection Fish Dying UP Visayas, Miag-ao. lloilo

ADORACION A. CENIZA Bureau of Animal Industry Postharvest Handling and Packa­ Dept. of Agriculture ging of the Three Varieties of San Andres, Manila of Annatto

AGNES G. COLLADO Sugar Regulatory Administration Sugar Quality Specifications, Hand­ North Ave .. Diliman. Quezon City ling, Storage, and Distribution

CHAY B. PHAM BIO TECH Development of a New Process of UP Los Banos Coconut Oil Extraction College, Laguna

LUTGARDA S. PALOMAR Visayas State College of Agriculture Utilization of Fresh Cocomilk in the (VISCA) Baybay, Leyte Development of Coco-S Candy

29 NAST 1994 Annual Report

Table 12 Cont.


ANTHONY BLAKE firmenich (Zuellig) flavour Encapsulation in Buendia Ave. Ext. Makoti. M. M. Carbohydrate Matrices

QUINTIN L. KINTANAR Director, Bureau of food and Drugs Need for Safety and Quality in DOH, Muntinlupa, Alabang food Security

RODOLFO f. FLORENTINO Director. food and Nutrition Nutrition Consideration in food Research Institute (FNRI) Security DOST Cpd., Bicutan, Taguig, M. M.

LAURA J. PHAt-1 BIOTECH Production of lactic Acid Bacteria UP Los Banos for food lnoculants & Preservation College. Laguna

LEE LAI SEE Manager, Technical Marketing Service food Grade Sucrose Acetate Eastman Chemical Ltd. lsobutyrate Special Grade for Singapore Beverage Applications

Head, Asia Division of International Relations Department. They stayed here from February 26, 1994 to March 1, 1994.

3.3 The International Conference on Food Preservation and Security (ICFPS) with the theme "Food Security through Food Preservation" was held on November 8-11, 1994 at EDSA Plaza Shangri-la Hotel, Mandaluyong, Metro Manila. The keynote speaker was Honorable Edgardo J. Angara, Senate President. Three plenary papers and thirty-four technical papers were presented. The ICFPS was organized with the financial assistance of the following: TWAS, DOST, MERCK Inc., International Life Sciences Institute, Coca-Cola Export Cor­ poration, Food Ingredients Specialties, Australian International Development Assis­ tance Bureau, Jollibee Foods Corporation, and Union Ajinomoto

3.4 The Academy co-sponsored with the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development the lecture of Dr. Clay Smith from the Duke University Medical Center, North Carolina. The lecture entitled Recent Aspects of Retroviral Vector-Mediated Gene Therapy was held on October 28, 1994.

3.5 NAST continues the exchange of scientific materials with libraries here and abroad. NAST Specialist Library has a total of 300 exchange addresses, of which 50 are foreign. On the average, the library receives 100 publications every year.

3.6 NAST participated in the 5th DOST Annual Technology Fair held on July 9-16, 1994 at the Philippine Trade and Training Center. NAST showcased the significant accomplishments of its members.

30 NAST 1994 Annual Report

{Inset) Guest Speaker, Senate President Edgardo J Angara delivering his speech to the listening participants during the Opening Cereri1onies of the International Conference on Food Preservation and Security.

Acd, Dayrit delivering his welcome address in the Opening Ceremonies of the Conference, Sitting (L-R) are the Prof T Acevedo, Sec. W. Padolina, Sen. E. Angara, and Dr. R. Mabesa.

31 NAST 1994 Annual Report

4. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS 4.1 Officers The officers of the Academy are: Acd. Conrado S. Dayrit - President Acd. Dolores A. Ramirez - Vice President Acd. Jose 0. Juliano - Secretary Acd. Filomena F. Campos - Member Acd. Jose Encarnacion - Member Acd. Alfredo V. Lagmay - Member Acd. Faustino T. Orillo - Member

4.2 Secretariat Miss Luningnig E. Samarita - Executive Director Administrative Services Division Technical Services Division Administrative Officer Information Officer V Miss Rosemarie S. Espino Mr. Redocindo L. Santillan Accountant Ill Information Officer Ill Vacant Mrs. Rowena V. Briones Cashier Ill Information Officer II Miss Chona C. Sollestre Vacant Utilityman Stenographer Mr. Eliseo Raganit Miss Regina T. Gonzales Casual: Mr. Roberto N. Medina 4.2 Seminars Attended:

Mrs. Briones attended and participated in the (1) Benigno and Human Rights and People Empowerment Program (BCA HR - PEP) Leadership and Advocacy Course No. 94-03 on March 14, 1994 at the Commission on Human Rights Conference Room, Pasig, Metro Manila; (2) Information Management Using FileMaker Pro held on March 21-25, 1994 at I/ACT Greenhills; (3) Seminar-Workshop on Communication Project Evaluation conducted by the Institute of Development Communication on June 2-3, 1994 at DA-ATI National Training Center, UP Los Banos and (4) Seminar on Gender-Responsive Development Planning on December 5-7, 1994 at the DOST Executive Lounge.

Miss Espino participated in the JETSTREAM on May 30 to June 17, 1994 at the Civil Service Commision.

Miss Sollestre attended the Cash Management and Control Seminar on May 16-27, 1994 at the Commission on Audit Central Office.

32 NAST 1994 Annual Report

4.4 NAST Budget (CY 1994) NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BALANCE SHEET For the Year Ended December 31, 1994 General Fund


Current Assets Cash 1,780,628.57 Inventories 10,095.33 Total Current Assets 1, 790, 723.90 Contingent Assets 54,501.21 Fixed Assets Building and Structures 1,430,583.50 Furniture, Fixtures, Equipment, Work Animals, and Books 1,523,981.62 Total Fixed Assets 2,954,565.12

TOTAL ASSETS 4,799,790.23


Current Liabilities Payables 1.839,446.14 Trust Liabilities 1,774,569.57 Depository Liabilities 2,780.00 Deferred Credits - Supplies and Materials Charged to Appropriations 10,095.33 TOTAL LIABILITIES 3,626,891.04


Cunulative Results of Operations Per Statement of Operations 40,000.00 National Clearing Account (1,876, 167.14) Total Cumulative Results of Operations (1,836,167.14) Invested Capital 2,954,565. 12 Contingent Capital 54,501.21 TOTAL RESIDUAL EQUITY 1,172,899.19


33 4.5 Side Lights: Activities of Academicians 1994 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ... ACADEMICIAN RESEARCHES PUBLISHED PAPERS/ SEMINARS/CONFERENCES HONORS RECEIVED/ co BOOKS ATTENDED POSITIONS co .p. /\BARQUEZ. Ramon F .. Jr. a) Digitals reduces Ml and a). Lecturer. PICOM CEBU a). Chair. Drug Treatment of LHV among uncomplicated Chapter, Cebu City. Topic: Hypertension, April 29, 1994 ~ hypertensive industry based Hypertension. Jan 22. 1994 ::::J cohort in a long term compli­ b). Provider's Survey Report on b). Chair. International Sympo­ c cated study. Hypertension. Philippine Soci­ sium on Vastarel. Bang~ok, Thai­ e. The San Miguel Cor­ ety of Hypertension. EDSA land. June 27. 1994 :a poration Experience. Shangri-La Hotel. March 6. 1994 CD b). Medical Management c). Speaker, Lucena Scien­ "C on cumulative survival in an tific Meeting - Quezon Medi­ 0 industry-based acute cal Society, Topic Atheroscle­ ;:i. myocaridol infarction echo.rt rosis Multifactor1al Events - without thrombolytic agenls. Adalat Gitz Multi-Center The San Miguel Cor­ Study Lucena City Quezon. poration Experience. March 22. 1994 c). The role of Trimetazidine d). Attended, Philippine in the short term evolution of Society of Invasive Cardiology acute myocardial infarction. EDSA Plaza. March 18, 1994 A double blind placebo con­ e). Speaker. \11SMIN - SMC trolled randomized study. Meeting - Cebu City d) Effect of El-Carnitine in f). Symposium on Stress. Coca the limitation of infarct size in Cola U. S Company - Hyatt one month post Ml cases. Regency Hotel May 5, 1994 g). Speaker. Reconciliation Forum. Topic: Hypertension. Mandarin Oriental, Metro Manila. 28-May-94 h) Vision Mission Sympo­ sium - San Miguel Corporation. EDSA Plaza Hotel. August 15-17. 1994 i). Roundtabie Discussion of Completed Papers - Trime­ tazidine in Acute Myocardiai Infarction Le Servi er Laboratory. Paris, France. Sep­ tember 9. 1994 j). Attended the XII World Congress of Cardiology and XVI [uropean Congress of Carciology - Berlin. Germany. September 10-14, 1994 k). Reactor. Philippine Lipid Scciety Workshop - Cebu City ACADEMICIAN RESEARCHES PUBLISHED PAPERS/ SEMINARS/CONFERENCES HONORS RECEIVED/ BOOKS ATIENDED POSITIONS

ABARQUEZ, Ramon F,, Jr 1 B-Nov,-94 (continuation) I), Speaker, 2nd Annual Meeting of the Philippine Society of Critical Care. MEDICINE, PSSCCM EDSA Sho'lgri-La Hotel lopic: lschemic Burder1 and Oxy­ gen Radicals Nove'llber 29, 1994 m). Speaker, Davao Medical Society, Topic. Dysregulat1on in Hypertension. Insular Hotel Davao City n) Judge, International rv1edia Residence Reseorct~, Forum, UP-PGH December 9, 1994 o). Speaker, Roundtable Discussion. Bacolod Chapter, Philippine College of Phy­ sician. jnc 5th Report. El Fisher Hotel Bocolod City, Decem ber 10, 1994 p), Speaker, Rour,dtable Dis­ cussion, Negros Occidental Medico: Society, JNC 5th Report, Hotel El Orienta, Dumaguete City, 11-Dec-9~ q), Speaker, Roundtable z Discussion. JNC 5th 1?eport, > Negros Oriental Medical Society San Carlos City. ~ December 11, 1994

CAMPOS, F1lome~a F a) Asia ?acific Network for a). Choir. Southeast Asian Re­ Global l

CAMPOS, Filomena F. Meeting, March 18-20, 1994. .... (continuation) Bonn, Germany co d). Speaker. BIOTA. April 7-8, co 1994. Central Mindanao Univ. .p. Musuan. Bukidnon e). WOTRO Planning Mee­ >~ ting. May 9-1 l. l 994. Jakarta ~ f). Global Chango and c Terrestial Ecosystem (GCTE) !!. Planning Workshop, May :a 23-27, 1994, Woodshole Mas­ CD sachusetts "Cl g). Southeast Asian Regional 0 Committee for Global ::i. Change (SARCS) Executive Committee Meeting, August l 0-12. l 994. Singapore h) BIODIVERSITY Planning Mee1'1ng. September 5-9, 1994. Paris i). Asia Pacific Network (APN) Group I Workshop, October 17-19. 1994, ,Jakarta j). UIGBP (Philippines) I st Consultative Meeting and Planning Workshop. October 6-7, 1994, La Trinidad. Benguet k). Third World Organization for Women in Science (Pre­ Conference for Beijing Forum on Women). October 22-26, 1994, New York

o). Lecture Series on Plant a). Professor Emeritus of Phar­ CANTORIA, Magdalena C. Selected Topics in Pharmacognosy. National Medicines - The Biological macy. College of Pharmacy. Uni­ Academy of Science and Testing of Plant Materials. UST versity of the Philippines. Manila Technology, Bicutan, Taguig, Graduate School Audio-Visual Metro Manila, xxi + 484 pp .. Room, 21 to 29 March 1994 b). Elected Member. Board of Directors. 1994 95. Philippine 1994 b) NAST Representative, ASEAN Workshop on Intellec­ Association for Laboratory Animal tual Property Rights. Manila Science, May 27, 1994 Pavilion Hotel. Manila, Octo­ ber 20-2 l, l 994 c). Elected Chair. Biological c) Lecture. Search for Drugs Sciences Division. NAST. 1993-96 ·1n the Tropical Rainforests, Conference Hall. University of d). Elected Chair. Division of ACADEMICIAN RESEARCHES PUBLISHED PAPERS/ SEMINARS/CONFERENCES HONORS RECEIVED/ BOOKS ATTENDED POSITIONS

CANTORIA. Magdalena C. Santo Tomas. Manila, Febru­ Pharmaceutical Sciences. NRCP, (continuation) ary 4, 1994 1994-95, March 12, 1994 d). NRCP-SCOPE Symposium on Environmental Problems: e). E!ected Member, Board of Impacts and Solutions of Lahar Trustees. and Corporate Sec­ in Central Luzon and Ma­ retory, NRCP Research Founda­ nagement of Industrial Waters. tion. Inc. 29 April 1994 UP Diliman. Quezon City, March 3. 1994 f). Appointed Asst. Corporate e). 6 lst Annual Meeting of Secretary,.NRCP. for 1994-95. by the NRCP on the Theme "Save Dr. Danilo M. Vanga, President, 25 the Earth: Environmental Re­ Mar-94 generation" Bicutan. Taguig, Metro Manila. March 12, 1994 g). Appointed Member. NRCP f). Symposium. "Towards NIC: Personnel Committee. Publica­ issues and Problems 1n Govern­ tions Committee. and Committee ment. Education, and Inter­ on Policy Advice. by Dr. Danilo national Relations and M. Yanga, 22 April 1994 Policies". Phil. Normal Univer­ sity, Tait Avenue, Manila, April 28. 1994 g). 6th Annual Scientific Convention and General Assembly of the Philippine Association for Laboratory Animal Science. on the theme -Quality Laboratory Animals for Quality Research", RITM. Alabang. May 27, 1994 h). Lecturer. Physiolog•: of Medicinal Plants", and Re­ source Person, NRCP Regional Outreach Program on Estab­ lishing NRCP Presence in Re­ gion IV, Aborlan, Palawan, May 6, 1994 i). Lecturer. "The Preparation of Simple Household Reme­ dies from Local Medicinal Plants", and Resource Person. NRCP Training Workshop on Medicinal Plants and Agroforestry. Mayon, Lamul, lfugao. May 17-19, 1994 w HONORS RECEIVED/ co ACADEMICIAN RESEARCHES PUBLISHED PAPERS/ SEMINARS/CONFERENCES BOOKS ATTENDED POSITIONS

a). Philippine Carabao Cen­ CASTILLO. Leopoldo S. ... ter Consultative Workshop on c.o Water Buffalo to draw the c.o National Carabao R & D Pro­ .p. gram. UPLB. Laguna, April 20. 1994 ~ b). 16th Annual Scientific ~ Meeting of NAST on the theme: c "Visions for Philippines 2000". !!. PICC. July 13-14. 1994 :a c). NRCP Symposium on "Re­ CD search in Support of ST AND "D Philippines 2000. July 18. 1994. 0 UPLB College of Fore>try Au­ ;::i. ditorium d). NAST co-sponsored by the PAWB the "Notional Consul­ tative Workshop on Regula­ tory Framework for Research. Collection, and Utilization of Biological and Genetic Res­ ources". Marine Science Insti­ tute. UP Diliman. Quezon City. August 26. 1994 e). The 2nd Consultative Workshop on Regulatory Framework for Research. Collection and Utilization of Biological and Genetic Resources. STTC Audio-visual Room. UP diliman. Quezon City. September 20. 1994 f). Symposium in honor of Dr. Gelia T. Castillo sponsored by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies and the International Development Research Center Testimonial given by Pres. E. Q. Javier on behalf of the University of the Philippines. PSSC. September 27-28. 1994 g). Seminar on "Recent As­ pects of Retriviral Vector­ Mediated Gene Therapy" by ACADEMICIAN RESEARCHES PUBLISHED PAPERS/ SEMINARS/CONFERENCES HONORS RECEIVED/ BOOKS ATTENDED POSITIONS

CASTILLO. Leopoldo S. Dr. Clay Smith. Sponsored by (continuation) NAST and the Phil. Council for Health Research and Development,' DOST Exec. Lounge. October 28. 1994 h). Guest Speaker and also inducted the Officers of the Phil. Society of Animal Nutri­ tionist during its 7th Annual Convention with the theme: "The Animal Nutritionists: Working Towards a Productive and Health Nation". Hotel Nikko Manila Garden. Makati. November 21. 1994 GUERRERO Ill. Rafael D. a), Effects of different a). Guerrero ..R.D. Ill.. 1994. Ti­ a). Presidential LINGKOD BAYAN stocking densities of the lapia farming in the Philip­ a). Presented paper. "An Award. Civil Service Commission African night crawler, pines - a success story. APAARI assessment of the impact of 23-Sep-94 Eudrilus euginae, on the Publication: 1994/2. Asia-Pa­ introduced silurids on Philippine production of vermi­ cific Association of Agricultural aquaculture~ International compost and earth­ Research Institutions FAQ Re­ Workshop on the Biology and worm biomass gional Office for Asia and the Aquaculture of Siluriformes, Pacific. Bangkok. Thailand Montpellier. France. May 24- b). Use of the natural 15 pp. 27. 1994 male hormone. l lp b). Presented paper. "Evalu­ -hydroxy-androstene­ b). Guerrero. R.D. Ill and L. A. ation of homemade feeds used dione, for sex reversal of Guerrero. 1994. Technologies for commercial tilapia produc­ Niletilapia (Oreochromis for Commercial production of tion in the Philippines". The 7th niloticus) sex-reversed tilapia in Asia, pp. Biennial International Confer­ 618-627, In: S. A. Al-Thobaiti ence of the International In­ et al, (eds.) Proceeding of the stitute of Fisheries Economics Rrst International Symposium and Trade. Taipei. Taiwan. July on aquaculture Technology 18-21. 1994 and Investment Opportunities. c). Presented paper on "An Ministry of Agriculture and assessment of the monitoring Water, Saudi Arabia. 627 pp. and warning systems for red tide in the Philippines and policy implications". Confer­ ence on ASEAN Criteria and Monitoring: Advances in Mo­ rine Environmental Manage_ ment and Human Health

Protection, Singapore.1 October 24-28, 1994


GUERRERO Ill, Rafael D. nology transfer strategies for (continuation) tilapia farming in the Philip­ pines" AADCP-ASEAN Work­ shop on Technology Transfer for Aquaculture, Puerto Azul, Cavite, November 14-18, 1994 e), Presented paper, "Im­ pacts of tilapia introductions on the endemic fishes of some Philippine lakes and reservoirs". International Workshop on Lacustrine F=ish Communities in Southeast Asia and Africa, Wageningen, The Nether­ ORILLO, Faustino T. lands, December 5-9, 1994 a). Professor Emeritus of Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture UPLB, Laguna

b). Member, NAST Executive Council and Chair, Agricultural Sciences Division

c). Member, Board of Trustees, NAST Foundation, Inc.

d), Member-at-Large, Govern­ ing Board, NRCP

e). Member, Special Technical Committee on Agricultural Sci­ ences. Scientific Career Council. Scientitic Career System, DOST

f). Member, National Commit­ tee on Biosafety of the Philip­ pines, DOST

g). Ex-Officio Member, Board of Directors, UPLB College of Agricul­ ture Alumni Association

h), Member, Board of Directors, Asian Development and Ma­ nagement (Philippines), Inc. CA consulting firm) ACADEMICIAN RESEARCHES PUBLISHED PAPERS/ SEMINARS/CONFERENCES HONORS RECENED/ BOOKS ATTENDED POSITIONS ORILLO, Faustino T. i). Recipient, Luminary Award (continuation) in Science and Technology; given by the Upsilon Sigma Phi Alumni Association. Inc. February 26, 1994 TOPACIO. Teodulo M., Jr. o). The instutionalization of a). Chair, Subcommittee on the Philippine Animal Health Veterinary Drugs, National Drug Center. Read on December Committee, DOH 16, 1994 during the 7th An­ niversary of the Center bJ. The Philippine Animal Health Center: Towards the Goal of Achieving Interna­ tional Recognition Read De­ cember 29. 1994 during the turnover ceremonies of the Center. c). The Federation of Asian Veterinary Association (FAVA): Brief historical beginning. progress and performance. To be published as "FAVA Profile" in the Proceedings of the World Veterinary Con­ gress held September 3-9, 1995, Yokohama, Japan d). The Philippine National Veterinary Drug Formulary. 1st Ed., Vol. I. Prepared by the Subcommittee on Veterinary Drugs. National Drug Commit­ tee. DOH. e). The Generics Law: Impact on Veterinary Practice. Pub­ lished in the Veterinary Drug Quarterly, 1994

VERGARA, Benito S. a). Member, Second Padi Technical Review Committee. October 9-15, 1994. Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ACADEMICIAN RESEARCHES PUBLISHED PAPERS/ SEMINARS/CONFERENCES HONORS RECEIVED/ BOOKS ATTENDED POSITIONS

KINTANAR. Quintin L. a). Monitoring Prices a) CODEX Committee on a). Consultant and Adviser to: and Availability of Essen­ Food Additives Meeting National Consumer Affairs tial Drugs wherein Philippine Carrag­ Council b). Estimating Drug eenan from Seaweed was dis­ National Price Coordinating Consumption and Re­ cussed at The Hague. Nether­ Council qui rement at DOH lands on March 4-12. 1994. Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority Health Centers b). WHO - Essential Drug Ac­ Board c). Drug Evaluation tion Program Seminar - Work­ National Commiftee on 810- and Information Ex­ shop on eight-country interna­ SAFETY of the Philippines change: Perspective for tional research project on WHO Expert Advisory Committee technical ccoperation impact Assessment of National on National Drug Policy and among developing Drug Policies using common in­ Management countries dicators and political mapping FAO I IAEA I WHO I ASEAN Expert d). Impact Assessment technique, at Geneva. Swit­ Committee on Food Irradiation of National Drug Policy zerland on Oct. 4-10, 1994 Programs c). Meeting of the ASEAN Technical Working Group on Pharmaceuticals at Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia on Dec 11- 14. 1994. d). WHO Bi-Regional TCDC Meeting on Essential Drugs.

OLIVEROS-BELARDO. Luz a). Research on the leaf volatile oil of Nothopanax fruticosum CL.) Miq. was completed. Corresponding manu­ script was accepted for publication in the Phi/­ ippineJournaJ ofSdence for the 1995 issue.

CASTILLO. Gelia T. a). G. T. Castillo. Interactive a). Presented a paper en­ interdependence: A new titled "A World Coming To­ a). Part-time Consultant. Office paradigm for development re­ gether: Global Issues Writ Small". of the Director General, Interna­ search cooperation. in Devel­ during the Conference on Social tional Rice Research Institute from opment Related Research Security and Poverty as Global June 1994 to February 1995 Collaboration: A Second Look Issues on March 4-5. 1994 at the b) Senior Research Adviser, at the Role of the Netherlands. Netherlands (UPWARD) program of the Inter­ C. Schweigman and I. A. van b). Annual Meeting of the national Potato Center and the der Wert. eds .. Royal Tropical Scientific and Technical Advi­ Dutch Government Inst. Amsterdam. 1994. pp. 124- sory Committee (STAC). Tropi­ c). Honorary Doctor of Science 134. cal Disease Research Program. Degree (Honoris Causa) from b). G. T. Castillo. A World WHO in Geneva. March 7-11. Ateneo de Manila University. Coming Together: Global Is- 1994. ACADEMICIAN RESEARCHES PUBLISHED PAPERS/ SEMINARS/CONFERENCES HONORS RECEIVED/ BOOKS ATIENDED POSITIONS

CASTILLO, Gelia T. sues Writ Small in Poverty and c). Meeting of the Ad hoc (continuation) Development: Analysis and Committee on Health Re­ Policy, M. T. Meereboer, ad., search Relating to Future Inter­ The Hague, July 1994 pp. 97- vention Options. 103 d). BoardofTrustees Meeting, c). G,T, Castillo, Science: A International Plant Genetic Bridge to our Common Future, Resources Institute, IPGRJ, in IFS Vllth General Assembly, Rome, Italy, March 21-25, Antananarivo, Madagascar. 1994. 1 7-21 November, 1993 pub- e), Speaker, "Has the User's 1ished by the International Perspective Made a Diffe­ Foundation for Science. rence to Agricultural R & D Stockholm, April 1994, pp. 109- Results?" in the Planning Work­ 11 7. shop, April 5-8, 1994, Tagaytay d). G.T, Castillo, NARS-CGIAR: City Research Partnership or Co­ f) Resource Person, Philip­ Ownarship of the System? pine Carabao Center Con­ Paper contributed to the on­ sultation and Workshop on going discussions on the NARS­ Water Buffalo to draw up the CGIAR partnership, Septem­ National Carabao R & D Pro­ ber, 1994. gram. Continuing Education e). G. T. Castillo, Science Center UPLB, April 20, 1994. with a Human Purpose: The g). Participant, conference SAPPRAD Net-work for Potato on: Indicators of Sustainability, and Sweet Potato on its 13th Washington D. C. August 1-5, Year (Review Report) Octo­ 1994. ber, 1994. h). Board of Trustees Mee­ f). G.T. Castillo, Toward a ting, International Plant Ge­ Board Culture in the Service netic Resources Institute, Rome. z of IPGRI (The Board of the In­ Italy, September 12-16, 1994 > ternational Plant Genetic Re­ i) Participant, Conference en sources Institute has adopted on Management of Socia'I -I the paper as part of the Board Transformation sponsored by ... Handbook) September, 1994. the UNESCO Program on Social CD Sciences, held in Bangkok, Thai­ CD land, November 21-24, 1994. ~

ESCURO, Pedro B. a) 16th Annual Scientific a). Conferred the Rank and > Meeting at PICC, Manila on Title National Scientist by His = July 13-14, 1994. Excellency President Fidel V. =c b). Consultative Workshop on Ramos at Malacanang Palace, !!. the Regulatory Framework for on September 29, 1994 for :II Research Collection, Utilization achievements and guidance of CD of Biological and Genetic Re­ his staff and students in rice 'a sources, at the Marine Science varietal improvement 0 Institute on August 26, 1994 ::::. HONORS RECEIVED/ ACADEMICIAN RESEARCHES PUBLISHED PAPERS/ SEMINARS/CONFERENCES BOOKS ATTENDED POSITIONS

MENDOZA, Evelyn Mae T, a). Determination and a). Mendoza, EMT, AC a). Visitin;:i Professor, Kyoto Characterization of Re­ Laureano, FM Rodriguez, JL University, Research Institute for s'1stan ce Factors ln Samonte, LB Mabesa, and I Food Science, Oct. 1993 to Mungbean (Vigna ra­ Uritani. 1992. Polyphenols in April 1994 diata) and rice bean cooking banana - Changes b). 1994 Achievemebt Award (Vigna urnbellata) during ripening and cooking in Chemical Research, Philip­ Against Bruchid; Project and relation to astringency. pine Federation of Chemistry Leader. Philipp J. Crop Sci. 1 7: In press Societies b). Lignificat1on and b). Samonte JL, EMT Stem-Strength in Oryza Mendoza, and DA Ram'1rez, saliva: Project Leader 1993. Physicochemical c). Biochemical and changes in the endosperm and Molecular Mechanisms haustorium of germinating of Tomato (Lycope­ coconut, Phil Agne. 76:435-4'12. rsicon esculentum) Re­ c). Mendoza EMT, 1994 Bio­ sistance Agrnnsf Bacte­ chemical basis for the abnor­ rial Wilt caused by mal edosperm phenotype of Pseudomonas sofa the makapuno mutant coco­ nacearurr1: Project nut Bui!. Rs Inst. Food Sci. Kyoto Leader. Universitv: In press d). Baci!Jis thunngiensis d). Laurena AC, MJR Revi­ Endotoxin Gene Trans­ lleza, and EMT Mendoza. 1994. fer to Com. Pechoy, and Pdyphcmols. phytate, cyano­ Chinese Cobbuge; genic glycosides. and trypsin Project Leader inhibitor activity of several e). Enhancement of Philippine indigenous food le­ Crop Salt; Project Leader gumes J. Food Composition and Analysis. 7 · In press. e). Mendozu ~MT. T. Osawa. T. Nakayan1a, AC Laurena, and S. Kav.-akishi. 1994. Search for nm1•.' notura1' cnt1ox1dants ir1 selected tropical plant food materials. In· Postharvest 810- chemistrv of Plant Food Ma­ terials ir, the Tropics (I Uritani, VV Garcia. and EMT Mendoza. eds.) Japan Scierit1fic Soc. Press Tokyo pp. 177-191. f). Nakayama L f Osawa, EMT Mendoza, AC Laurena, and S Kowakishi. 1994. Com­ parative study of anti oxidative assay·s of plant materials. !n: Postharvest Biochemistry of Plant Food Materials 1n the ACADEMICIAN RESEARCHES PUBLISHED PAPERS/ SEMINARS/CONFERENCES HONORS RECEIVED/ BOOKS ATTENDED POSITIONS

MENDOZA, Evelyn Mae T, Tropics Cl Uritani. W Garcia, (continuation) and EMT Mendoza, eds.) Ja­ pan Scientific Soc. Press. Tokyo, pp. 25-33. h). Matsuda T,, H. Kato, S Takeuchi, R Nakamura, FM Rodriguez, and EMT Mendoza, 1994. Isolation and properties of concanavalin-A-like lectin in sword bean (Canavalia gladiola), In: Posthorvest Bio­ chemistry of Plant Food Mate­ rials in the Tropics (I Uritani, VV Garcia. and EMT Mendoza. eds.) Japan Scientific Soc Press. Tokyo. pp. 17-24 i). Matsuda T .. MaR Almario. EMT Mendoza, VV Garcia. and R Nakamura. 1994, Major Proteins in seeds of several tropical legumes In: Postharvest Biochemistry of Plant Food Ma­ terials in the Tropics (I Uritani. VV Garcia, and EMT Mendoza, eds.) Japan Soc. Press. Tokyo, 9: 25-33. j). Mendoza, EMT, and FM Rodriguez, 1994 Biochemical analysis of sweetpotato va~ rieties. In Sweetpotato Variety Evaluation. Vol I. Training Manual. (ET Rasco Jr.. and VaR Amante, eds) SAPPRAD, NAST 1994 Annual Report

Appendix A


Situation analysis. Most oil spills are human induced due to accidents or negligence. There have been other oil spills besides those reported in the paper. The government has mechanisms in place, such as the Coast Guard for surveillance and DENR for inspecting power plants. There is also the International Law of the Sea which should be followed.


1. Enforce existing regulatory measures is necessarv, not institute more measures.

2. Increase penalty for disobedience of the laws

3. Enforce provision that all vessels must be seaworthy and should follow the law of the sea and Coast Guard Regulations

4. Study the impact of oil spills on the ecosystem and ways to deal with it.


Situation analysis. Acd. Kintanar, Undersecretary of the DOli o.nd Administrator of the Bureau of Food and Drugs presented the following:

1. In most countries including the Philippines, formalin is a prohibited food additive at any level, hence its use is illegal.

2. Dipping vegetables in formalin to keep their freshness appears to be practiced in some places. Hence the doubtful wholesomeness of vegetables sold in Manila markets led to a slump in the sale of vegetables.

3. The investigation by the DOH Field Epidemiology Training Unit of the Bukidnon "poisoning" of 300 students, could not confirm that formalin (although present in the food and vegetables (implicated) was the cause of the poisoning. In fact the signs and symptoms and incubination period were those of acute food poisoning from microorganisms e.g. Salmonella, Shigella, C/ostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus or pathogenic E coli.

4. Formaldehyde (formalin) is naturally present in many foods and vegetables at low levels of 3.3 mg/kg (ppm) in spinach to 60 mg/kg (ppm) in pears. Levels as high as 200 mg per day in the diet of man for 13 weeks can be tolerated without any signs of toxicity . This is equivalent to eating 1 kg of vegetables laced with 200 ppm formalin daily for three months.

46 NAST 1994 Annual Report


1. While formaldehyde is a prohibited food additive at any level and its use on vegetables, fish, or any other food product is illegal, there is no danger and no cause for alarm. The vegetables sold in markets are not poisonous.

2. The public is still advised to clean and wash their vegetables and cook them thoroughly.

3. There is need for more research on postharvest technologies to maintain the freshness and extend the shelf life of vegetables and other perishable agricultural products.


Situation analysis. The National Red Tide R & D Program was packaged by the DOST through PCAMRD.

Red tide is a worldwide problem and is seasonal. There are beneficial organisms in the sea which can contribute to its control. Pollution of the sea by organic wastes tends to worsen the red tide infection.


1. Recommend continued support for the National Red Tide R & D Program.

2. Develop rapid and efficient methods for recognition of red tide infection.

3. Conduct a massive and updated information campaign to allay the fears of the public.

4. Teach fishermen in affected areas alternative sources of income during the red tide season.

5. Recommend strengthening programs concerning the cleaning of water systems and maintenance of the ecosystem.


Situation analysis. The cholera vibrio exists in aquatic environments. The organism is dormant in its aquatic reservoir during the greater part of the year. During the rainy months of June to September, outbreaks of cholera occur. Aside from this major seasonal occurrence, DOH has also documented some cases at other times of the year with some clustering during January and February.

DOH epidemic investigations have provided some evidence for both water and food trans­ mission of cholera. Water-borne cholera has been traced to contaminated shallow wells as well as to the use of contaminated water hoses. Under poor sanitary conditions, flooding of contaminated

47 NAST 1994 Annual Report

communal water sources occurs during the rainy season. Transmission has been traced to street food vendors, flies, and other insects.

The former policy of DOH not to report cholera was lifted only in 1992, thus adequate comparison of this year's cholera data with that of previous years is not valid.

The President has issued an Executive Order enjoining all local government officials to enforce the Sanitation Code. A Water Summit has been called for this December.


1. Use the prevention and control approaches advised by DOH such as: (a) improvement of disposal of human feces, {b) construction of potable communal water supplies, and (c) implementation of the program on the control of diarrheal diseases.

2. Promote effective methods of disinfection of drinking water at the household level. There should be efficient containers to keep drinking water safe in houses.

3. Regulate more strictly the sale of street foods.


Situation analysis. There are numerous problems affecting the coconut industry. They include: (1) insufficient planting materials for the replanting program, (2) massive cutting of coconut trees, (3) slow adoption of new technologies by coconut farmers resulting in low productivity of coconut farms, and (4) dependence on the export market and on limited number of products due to inadequate development of higher value products; and (5) the vicious propaganda about coconut oil being dangerous to health.

l First issue. Coconut plantations in the country having mostly senescent and lbw-yielding trees have to be replanted with high-yielding cultivars or hybrids. UPLB has already identified the following to be recommedable for planting or replanting materials: PCA 15-1, PCA 15-2, PCA 15-3, and selected local tails - "Baybay", "San Ramos", "Tagnanan", "Laguna", etc. The production of these selections is better than or comparable with the imported MAWA.

Second issue. Senescent trees or those about 60 years old and beyond should be cut since nut production generally decline at this stage of coconut.

Third issue. The rapid technological changes in urban and industrial sectors and the slow changes in the coconut farming sector isolate the "coconut people" from the mainstream of technological change and generally from the equitable share of the fruits of progress brought about by advances in science and technology.

Fourth issue. The export market depends on the limited coconut product lines (coconut oil and copra meal) demanded by the importing countries. Coconut has many potential products for the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and other industries. The technologies for these are already developed and only need commercialization.

48 NAST 1994 Annual Report

Recommendations. Create an interim body headed by DA Undersecretary, and including representatives of the Bureau of Plant Industry, the Sugar Regulatory Agency, provincial and municipal agricultural offices, and state colleges and universities and tasked to suppress locusts in Central Luzon within a 60-day period. Formulate a master plan to deal with the explosive pest species populations which threaten to break out. Coordinate with NAMRIA to provide assistance in identification of locust breeding grounds, location, and flight path of locust swarms from the air. Continuous research on development of locust control techniques.


Situation analysis. AFTA calls for zero tariff rates among ASEAN countries by the year 2000. At present there is relatively very little intra-ASEAN trade. There is no immediate need for a decision right now so discussion on AFTA can be deferred.

GATI will be replaced by the World Trade organization in January 1995. The decision problem for the Phi1ippines calls for a yes or no to the whole package that resulted from the Uruguay Round of GATT. The U.S., European Union, Japan, and expectedly many developing countries will go for ratification. If the Philippines does not ratify before the end of 1994, any trade with countries that ratify will probably be displaced in favor of other countries that ratify. Ratification on our part will make our producers more efficient and our consumers will have a wider choice. Although some producers, especially in the agricultural sector, might be affected adversely by ratification, overall employment in the agricultural sector is expected to increase as a result of increased exports.

Adversely - affected workers could therefore move to the expanding parts of the agricultural sector. As a "safety net", measures could be undertaken to facilitate such a move. The question of which industries will have a competitive advantage is something which the private sector will work out for themselves.

Improved efficiency of production and quality of goods must be attended to as never before. Coconut oil production must perhaps now shift away from copra to the superior wet method. Similar type strategies must be worked out for sugar, com, and other agricultural products to lower production cost and improve quality.

Recommendation: Ratify both treaties.

50 NAST 1994 Annual Report

Appendix B


The problem that was identified was that although there is plenty of research output I know­ ledge I information already available there are no takers from Industry. Why is this so? How can Industry be induced to utilize these findings?

Should we:

1. Directly identify the consumers of technologies and urge them to use these technologies/ products?

DOST is already doing this with little success.

2. Push the entrepreneurs to convert the information into businesses by giving {a) incentives and {b) venture capital?

DOST is also trying this but has not enough budget to start a business venture.

Of the 15 leading edges, the following were identified as primary targets:

1. Coconut: particularly oil, for development into industrial chemicals and high-value products.

increase harvest of coconut by replanting using high-yielding coconut varieties and fertilizers

2. Sugar: develop by-products, e.g. organic acids

3. Pharmaceuticals: herbal medicines


1. Decrease production cost of sugar and coconut oil. Coconut oil processing should shift to the wet method and slow down the copra method

2. Propose to DOST an Integrated Coconut Processing Regional Center {proposal cl o Dr. Ibarra E. Cruz)

3. Propose an increase in the DOST Budget to enable DOST to develop processes into actual products available for commercialization in the same way that PCHRD was able to sell the herbal pilot plants and products to a private concern.