The University of the Philippines Gt-\ZETTE
PIS. RETURN '1'0 ost Rtc:OBDS The University of the Philippines ;~(~~~:;~:_~:::~l~~~~r t-\ ZETTE: 1 G~ ISSN No. 0115·7450 Dr. Jose V. Abueva Dr. Ernesto G. Tabu}ara The benefit of their judgement and experience as ~~ademic administrators P~~l PETUP.~ T2 as,y i :..g,." , . - ~ - -- . CONTENTS . DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS l028th BOR Meeting, 25 January 1990 Appointments, renewal of appointments, etc. .. 5 Transfer to permanent status . 6 'Establishment.of professorial chairs .........•.... 6 Proposal for the establishment and operation of the electron I microscope service laboratory at BIOTECH ... 6 Holding of the UP Vargas Museum Summer • Program on Philippine Society. Culture and the Arts ....• 6 Proposed establishment of the Philippine Science High School in the Visayas.•.•."' ....•.••. ~6 Creation of a,committee to mvestiqate the case involving Elizabeth Diaz , .• '. """. 6 Increase in tuition in the Master of Business Administration Program. : ••.•.... '. 6 Amendment of the guidelines on the computation of overload teaching honoraria ',.,.,,.,, •..••. ' 6 Reprogramming of CY 1987 and 1988 savings from accounts PElyable in the total amount of PS,0l1,744, 6 Reprogramming of savings from CY 1986, CY 1987, and CY 1988 accounts payable in .the total amount of Pl1 ,263P05 . 6 • Programming of the amount of P4.625;796 representing the unappropriated income of UPLB f~r CY"1989"l ... 6 ReprOgramming of unexpended balances in the total amount of P4,580,498 : . ·6 Memorandum of Agreement between the UPLB Institute o{Plant Breeding and the National Agricultural and Fishery Council .. , .••.•.. ,,,.,, ..•. 7 . Memorandum of Agreement between the UPLB National Institutes of Biotechnology and Applied , Microbiology and thePhtlippine Council.
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