Welcome to Rosignano! Our municipality is an essential part of the "Core zone” of the Unesco site "IL MONFERRATO DEGLI INFERNOT". A recent research has allowed a census of well 69 Infernot, in Rosignano and in different hamlets and locations, dug over the past centuries by our ancestors. Some of these Infernot can be visited, while others will be shortly. The Infernot, together with other artistic, scenic, environmental marvels and the excellence of the gastronomic tradition of Rosignano, constitute B&Bs and RESTAURANTS something unique and unmissable. Enjoy your visit! IL MONFERRATO DEGLI INFERNOT "A CASA DI BABETTE" - Restaurant "CASCINA MANU" - Bed&Breakfast Via Isola, 2 - Valle Ghenza Cascina Varacca Alta 84 The area is characterized by the presence of an Tel. 0142.488885 - 347.7130521 Tel. 344.2253071 What is a UNESCO world heritage? unusual type of architectural work, the Infernot.
[email protected] [email protected] The Infernot are dug in a peculiar geological CA' DAL BERTU - Bed&Breakfast “CASTELLO MELLANA” Bed&Breakfast UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific formation found only in the Basso Monferrato, Cascina Belgioino, 7 - Strada Rinera the so-called Pietra da Cantoni stone. Tel. 349.5669700 - 347.3748483 di Brescianini Rita a n d C u l t u r a l O r g a n i z a t i o n ) p r o m o t e s Via Roma 2, 6, 8 The Infernot are used for home bottle storage and
[email protected] cooperation among the countries of the world www.cadalbertu.com cell. 329.2111321 through education, science and culture channels.