T~~E Evolution of Psychotherapy. a Conference
T~~E EvoluTioN of PsycHOTHERApy. SM A CoNfERENCE. Sponsored by The Milton H. Erickson Foundation Cosponsored by University of California, Irvine-Department of Psychiatry & Human Behavior California State University, Fullerton-Department of Psychology December 12-16, 1990 Anaheim, California FEATURING: Beck, Bugental, Ellis, Glasser, M. Goulding, Haley, Hillman, Kaplan, Lazarus, Lowen, Madanes, Marmor, Masterson, May, Meichenbaum, Minuchin, Palazzoli, E. Polster, M. Polster, Rossi, Szasz, Watzlawick, Whitaker, Wolpe and Zeig. KEYNOTE ADDRESSES Viktor Frankl Betty Friedan PsycheScapes= Positions & Projections Featuring: Aaron Beck, M.D. James Bugental, Ph.D. Albert Ellis, Ph.D. William Glasser, M.D. Mary Goulding, M.S.W. Jay Haley, M.A. James Hillman, Ph.D. Helen Singer Kaplan, M.D., Ph.D. Arnold Lazarus, Ph.D. Alexander Lowen, M.D. Cloe Madanes, Lie. Psychol. Judd Marmor, M.D., Ph.D. James Masterson, M.D. Rollo May, Ph.D. Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D. Salvador Minuchin, M.D. Mara Selvini Palazzoli, M.D. Erving Polster, Ph.D. Miriam Polster, Ph.D. Ernest Rossi, Ph.D. Thomas Szasz, M.D. Paul Watzlawick, Ph.D. Carl Whitaker, M.D. Joseph Wolpe, M.D. Jeffrey Zeig, Ph.D. This second Evolution of Psychotherapy Conference, PsycheScapes: Positions and Projections, is dedicated to those presenters from the 1985 Conference who cannot be with us here, but who will always be with us in spirit. Their wisdom and contributions have added to the well-being of humankind. Bruno Bettelheim Murray Bowen Ronald D. Laing Carl Rogers Virginia Satir Lewis Walberg And to Robert Goulding who could not attend the Conference due to ill health. THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL FRED HUNTER, Mayor IRV PICKLER, Mayor Pro Tern MIRIAM KAYWOOD, Councilwoman WILLIAM D.
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