Historical and Genealogical based articles This book is writen by and for Florida Scoiety, Sons of the American Revolution Conpatriots. It contains Genealogical Case studies, interesting historical information on our flags, Revolitionary War battles, habits and other facts. Learning about The Past First published as a Florida Society e-book in 2012. Copywrite © 2012 by the Florida Society, Sons of the American Revolution. All Rights reserved. This e-book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including all illus- trations, in any form (beyond that cpying permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. copywrite Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publishers, the Florida Society, Sons of the American Revolution Articles published in this book are the exploits and experiences of Compa- triot members of the Florida Society, Sons of the American Revolution. Ar- ticles will be accepted for publication from our society members. Submis- sions will be reviewed for acceptability by the Editor of The Florida Patriot and the Editorial Staff established for this e-book. The article should be de- scribing a single exploit or experience or a summary of the compatriot’s war time experiences. Acceptable language should always be used. Efforts will be made to maintain within reason the style, punctuation, and language of the compatriot. Submit articles to: The Florida Patriot Editor, Steven Williams, at
[email protected] Dedicated to All Florida compatriots who have worked to bring historical