Official Information request reference: 2021-005

23 March 2021



Thank you for your Official Information Act request, received on 17 March 2021 for the following:

“all correspondence between Jan 11 and today between the Climate Change Commission and members of the media who were given embargoed materials on the draft report prior to February 1 at 1pm; any correspondence between any Commission staff, members of the Prime Minister’s office, School Strike for Climate, and reporters who asked to receive embargoed materials but were denied over the same period; any advice, documents or correspondence detailing why certain reporters and activists were given special treatment and why some should not receive earlier embargoed material”.

Thank you for your patience with our need to extend the deadline for responding to your request out to 23 March 2021.

We have interpreted your request to include the following material:

• Discussions (emails) with journalists on the release of the Commission’s draft report (Attachment 1). • Correspondence with the Prime Minister’s Office on the draft report and its release on 31 January 2021 (Attachment 2). • Correspondence with journalists who were not given embargoed copies (Attachment 3). • Communications plans (including Board papers) relating to the release of the Commission’s draft (Attachment 4). • Internal emails on release planning (Attachment 5).

Please note that Attachment 1 includes papers approved by the Board. The minutes of Board meetings (which will relate to some of these papers) are publicly available and can be accessed on our website: https://www.climatecommission.govt.nz/who-we-are/corporate-publications/commission-board-minutes/. The minutes of the January Board meeting have yet to be publicly released but the attached papers were approved by the Board.

In relation to your request on communication with School Strike for Climate on the release of the embargoed materials, I can inform you that there is no material. As you may be aware, the Commission was working with School Strike for Climate on a webinar but none of this information relates to the release of the embargoed material for 31 January 2021.

Some information contained in the attachments has been withheld under the following section of the Act: • section 9(2)(a) – to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of deceased natural persons.

You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information about how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802 602.


We have received several different requests for information on the media strategy and release planning for the launch of the Commission’s draft advice on 31 January 2021. You may also be interested in information from the other requests which is, or will shortly be, available on the Commission website at: https://www.climatecommission.govt.nz/who-we-are/corporate-publications/official-information-act-requests/

Considerable thought was put into how and when the draft advice would be provided to media. This recognised the public interest in the advice, and the importance of the media’s role in providing accurate and balanced information. It also recognised the significance of the advice and the risk of material being shared before the release date.

In preparing to release the draft advice report to media, we looked at a number of factors:

• The breadth of the advice report. We wanted to give reporters enough time to understand the detail before the report was released to the public. • The complexity of the report. We wanted to ensure accurate coverage that gave the public the detail they needed to understand the advice and consultation details. • The market implications of the emissions budgets. We wanted to follow best practice to ensure market sensitive information was not shared. • The risk of the report being leaked prior to its public release. Because of interest in the advice we worked to reduce this risk.

To help stakeholders, the public and media understand the role of the Commission, the issues we were considering, and the approach we took in developing our advice (including our modelling, analytical approach and work with te ao Māori), we ran a comprehensive pre-consultation engagement programme. Media were invited to attend sessions to build their understanding of the Commission, the process, and the approach. They were also offered individual briefings in the months after the Commission’s establishment in December 2019.

We developed an approach to releasing the advice that considered the above. This was to provide a redacted, embargoed copy of the advice to a named group of reporters that represented a cross-section of media in advance, and to then make it available from 26 January to all media by working with the Science Media Centre.

Through discussions on this approach, the Chair of the Commission felt that enabling embargoed access to such a large number of people represented an unacceptable level of risk. The plan to release this information was subsequently amended, and the final release process was as follows:

• the Chair requested to see and approve a list of named reporters that met the following criteria: used to working under an embargo, have existing relationship with the Commission (reporter or outlet), have an understanding of climate change science. • the redacted embargoed advice was available to the named reporters from Tuesday 26 January 2021. • to receive it, the reporters were required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. • the redacted, embargoed copy was provided as a downloadable copy to some reporters, others received a hardcopy. • the embargo ended on Sunday 31 January 2021 at 2pm. The draft advice report was published on the Commission’s website. A media release was issued earlier that day with a spreadsheet of emissions budget numbers.

The decisions on the release or amendment to the planning for release of the embargoed material were made by the Commission’s Chair. This is reflected in the minutes for the Board meeting held on 19 January 2021. We intend to release all board minutes on a quarterly basis on the Commission’s website. This means that the minutes in questions will be available around April 2021.

I trust that the information provided fulfils your information request.

Please note that the Commission has a policy to proactively release OIA responses to help others have access to more information. Consequently, this letter will be published on our website with your name and contact details redacted to protect your privacy.


Kind regards

Jo Hendy Chief Executive Climate Change Commission


From: To: Cc: Subject: Re: [UNCLASSIFIED] Approval of journalists to receive redacted copies of the draft advice report under embargo Date: Tuesday, 26 January 2021 4:48:19 pm Attachments: image003.jpg


Rod Carr

On 26/01/2021, at 3:46 PM, Astrid Nunns < wrote:


Hi Rod

In terms of the journalists who are due to receive redacted copies of the report under embargo, four of them were included in the Board paper that was approved. There are two changes. Can you please approve these names?

Already approved via Board paper: – Eloise Gibson and team (Olivia Wannan and Charlie Mitchell) Radio NZ – Kathryn Ryan and Clare Sziranyl Newsroom – Marc Daadler NZ Herald – Simon Wilson, Jamie Morton

Additional names to be approved: Spinoff – Justin Giovanetti (this name was listed as TBC in the Board paper) Business Desk – Gavin Evans/ Patrick Smellie (as above)

Thank you Astrid

Astrid Nunns Released underGeneral the Manager Official – Strategy, Information Planning and EngagementAct M W climatecommission.govt.nz


From: To: Subject: access to redacted CCC reports that Gavin Evans Date: Friday, 29 January 2021 9:25:00 am Attachments: image001.png

Hi ,

I’m working with Gavin Evans at BusinessDesk on coverage of the CCC draft carbon budget material, scheduled for Sunday release.

Gav tells me that you have been negotiating access for me on the same basis as he has. I have had no capacity to focus on this before now, but am anxious now to have access, please.

Can you advise please where things stand?


Pattrick Smellie Editor BusinessDesk

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Released under the Official Information Act From: To: Subject: Fwd: [UNCLASSIFIED] FW: request for information: TVNZ breakfast IV with John Campbell Date: Wednesday, 17 February 2021 11:32:51 am Attachments: image002.png

From: Rod Carr Sent: Friday, January 29, 2021 10:01 AM To: Cc: Astrid Nunns; ; Rod Carr Subject: Re: [UNCLASSIFIED] FW: request for information: TVNZ breakfast IV with John Campbell

Approve release of redacted executive summary under embargo to a named support person at TVNZ who should sign the declaration. Rod

From: Sent: Friday, January 29, 2021 8:58 AM To: Cc: Astrid Nunns; ; Rod Carr Subject: [UNCLASSIFIED] FW: request for information: TVNZ breakfast IV with John Campbell


Hi , Are you able to do the below for Rod? I am in meetings all morning. Thanks!

Released under [UNCLASSIFIED]the Official Inf ation Act From: Rod Carr Sent: Friday, 29 January 2021 8:12 am To: ;

Cc: Astrid Nunns ; Jo Hendy

Subject: Re: request for information: TVNZ breakfast IV with John Campbell

Can you please send me the redacted executive summary you suggest we give them.


From: Sent: Friday, January 29, 2021 7:30:53 AM To: Rod Carr ;

Cc: Astrid Nunns ; Jo Hendy ; Rod Carr Subject: Re: request for information: TVNZ breakfast IV with John Campbell

Hi Rod,

I have just heard back from the Breakfast team that they now want to do the interview on Monday morning in Wellington 7am - 7.30am.

Because it is a live interview it would help to give John a small lead in if we could provide the exec summary - and help you because you will be facing informed questions.

Let us know what you think.


From: Rod Carr Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2021 11:16:07 PM l formation Act To: Cc: Astrid Nunns ; Jo Hendy ; ; Rod Carr

Subject: Re: request for information: TVNZ breakfast IV with John Campbell

I understand this interview is Tuesday morning in Auckland. That will give them all Monday to prep. There will also have been a Monday news cycle for them to pick up on.

Interested in views on how to manage the risk of giving them redacted exec summary v. risk of them being alienatedReleased by us holding und back?


From: Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2021 9:45 PM To: Rod Carr Cc: Astrid Nunns; Jo Hendy; Subject: request for information: TVNZ breakfast IV with John Campbell

Hi Rod,

In advance of your interview with John Campbell on TVNZ Breakfast they have asked for an embargoed copy of the advice. Acknowledging our agreed strategy, I see two reasonable options:

From: To: Subject: Re: [UNCLASSIFIED] CCC exec summary - under embargo Date: Friday, 29 January 2021 5:54:50 pm Attachments: image001.png

Thanks so much, . I really appreciate this. You have my word that no-one other than me will see this.

Have a great weekend,


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From: Sent: Friday, January 29, 2021 3:59:28 PM To: John Campbell Subject: [UNCLASSIFIED] CCC exec summary - under embargo

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of TVNZ. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.


Hello John, Here is the exec summary for the CCC’s advice. Note its embargo until Sunday 31 Jan 2pm. The full report without redactions will be available from then on our website. I am sure you are very aware, but please don’t share this with anyone else. We have given it to very few people and are trying to manage that closely. Rod is looking forward to talking to you Monday. Ngā mihi

Released under the | OfficialPrincipal Advisor Information Act Engagement and Communications

[UNCLASSIFIED] From: To: Subject: Fwd: [UNCLASSIFIED] NDA form to sign and send Date: Sunday, 31 January 2021 9:17:12 am Attachments: image001.png image002.png

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From: Pattrick Smellie Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2021 9:15:43 AM To: Subject: RE: [UNCLASSIFIED] NDA form to sign and send

Signed NDA, as requested.

I am placing on record my deep dissatisfaction with the process the commission has undertaken in deciding who should receive this material, the extent of redaction that makes it very difficult to interpret or use the material, and to express a concern that the commission has both antagonised and made considerably more difficult the task of journalists sincerely seeking to accurately interpret and report this important material.

It is, in my view, a lost opportunity.

I presume that this was not the advice of the commission’s communications team as communications professionals would never have countenanced as poor a process as this.

I would be grateful if this view could be passed to the commissioners. As a journalist of more than 30 years’ experience, also with extensive listed company and political communications experience, I would be glad to share this feedback in greater depth in the interests of a more constructive future approach, should that be useful.

Pattrick Smellie Released under the Official Information Act Editor BusinessDesk

Subscribe for just $24 a month.


From: To: Subject: RE: Comms nightmare - interview request Date: Monday, 1 February 2021 10:27:52 am Attachments: image002.png image003.png

I’d argue that wasn’t obvious enough. I couldn’t find it till Gavin rang and got your advice on where it lives. I was hunting for it either as a highlighted front page item or in News.

Richard Harman still hadn’t found it mid-morning today.


From: Sent: Monday, 1 February 2021 9:27 AM To: Pattrick Smellie Subject: Re: Comms nightmare - interview request

Hi Pattrick,

Thanks. I’ll get back to you with a time. On the run right now and need to look at Rod’s schedule.

Just FYI - our report is on the front page of our website under a heading saying ‘our advice and evidence’. It’s not hidden at all.

It lives on a different page which is the link we sent yesterday while we waited for the page to update. It was there not long after 2pm. So while your commentary on our media process has some merit, this isn’t accurate.



Released under the Official Information Act

There is sufficient noise on this issue now to make it newsworthy in its own right. Accordingly, I am requesting an interview TODAY with Rod Carr to allow him to explain exactly what the processes were that led to the decisions that were made regarding release to news media and others.

Please also treat this email as an Official Information Act request for all internal communications and advice relating to the media and other release planning relating to the advice published yesterday.

Pattrick Smellie Editor BusinessDesk

Subscribe for just $24 a month.

Released under the Official Information Act * EA to CE Climate Change Commission

s9(2)(a) EA to Chief of From: Le Roy Taylor Staff, Prime Minister's To: s9(2)(a) * Office ^Parliament: Deb Thornton; ^Parliament: Adrienne Frew; ^Parliament: Elaine Wi; ^Parliament: Elena Scheule;s9(2)(a) PS (Executive Support), Minister Woods Office Cc: Astrid Nunns; Engagement - Climate Commission Subject: RE: Briefing from the Climate Change Commission on the initial phase of work on emissions budgets and an emissions reductions plan Date: Friday, 22 January 2021 9:31:36 am Attachments: image001.png

Good morning s9(2)(a) * , all,

Yes, the Prime Minister can attend a zoom briefing at 2.00pm on Thursday 28th. At this stage our Deputy Chief of Staff, Holly Donald, will attend as well.

Look forward to receiving the zoom link in due course.


Le Roy Taylor | Senior Private Secretary Office of the Prime Minister

DDI s9(2)(a) | Email s9(2)(a)

Authorised by Rt. Hon MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington

From: s9(2)(a) EA to CE Climate Change Commission Sent: Thursday, 21 January 2021 7:13 PM To: s9(2)(a) EA to Chief of Staff, Prime Minister's Office Le Roy Taylor s9(2)(a) Deb Thornton s9(2)(a) Adrienne Frew s9(2)(a) ; Elaine Wi s9(2)(a) Elena Scheule s9(2)(a) s9(2)(a) PS (Executive Support), Minister Wood's Office Cc: Astrid Nunns s9(2)(a) ; Engagement - Climate Commission Subject: Briefing from the Climate Change Commission on the initial phase of work on emissions budgets and an emissions reductions plan

Kia ora koutou

The Climate Change Commission is running a formal consultation on our draft advice to Government from 1 February to 14 March 2021 and would like an opportunity to brief the Prime Minister and Ministers next week on Thursday, 28 January 2021.

This meeting provides an opportunity to meet with our Chair, Dr Rod Carr, and our Chief Executive, Jo Hendy and raise questions prior to our formal consultation period.

Would it be possible for the Prime Minister and Ministers and/or delegated staff to be available for this briefing at 2.00pm? The briefing can either be done in person or through Zoom.

s9(2)(a) EA to CE Climate Change Commission From: To: ^Parliament: Shayne Misselbrook; ^Parliament: Leroy Taylor Cc: Astrid Nunns Subject: RE: Delivery of our Advice to the Minister"s Office Date: Tuesday, 26 January 2021 5:11:47 pm Attachments: image001.png

Many thanks Shayne.

Ngā mihi s9(2)(a) EA to CE Climate Change Commission

Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive and Climate Change Commission Board T s9(2)(a) M s9(2)(a) E s9(2)(a) W climatecommission.govt.nz

From: Shayne Misselbrook s9(2)(a) Sent: Tuesday, 26 January 2021 5:07 pm To: s9(2)(a) EA to CE Climate Change Commission Le Roy Taylor s9(2)(a) Cc: Astrid Nunns Subject: RE: Delivery of our Advice to the Minister's Office

That’s perfect, thanks!

From: s9(2)(a) EA to CE Climate Change Commission Sent: Tuesday, 26 January 2021 5:02 PM To: Le Roy Taylor s9(2)(a) ; Shayne Misselbrook s9(2)(a) Cc: Astrid Nunns s9(2)(a) Subject: RE: Delivery of our Advice to the Minister's Office

Kia ora Shayne,

We are unable to get a copy to you within half an hour. Is an hour okay?

Ngā mihi s9(2)(a) EA to CE Climate Change Commission

Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive and Climate Change Commission Board


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Rod will also be hosting an open Zoom session that evening to go over the advice. This will be public.

Would you like to make time on the Monday to talk to Rod? I can set aside some for you. We will also have other Commissioners available.

James mentioned today that you had asked him to draft an op-ed for you? Is that right?

Thank you,

From: Veronika Meduna < > Sent: Wednesday, 20 January 2021 11:52 am To: > Subject: Embargo request for consultation document

Kia ora

I'm the science editor for the Conversation and am preparing to cover the Climate Change Commission's upcoming consultation document. Could you please let me know if/when it will be available under embargoReleased and if the commissionunder the isO planning to ormation brief journalists Act before it is released?

Many thanks, nga mihi maioha


Veronika Meduna

New Zealand Editor: Science, Health & Environment The Conversation Australia & I work a four-day week, Monday to Thursday.

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Released under the Official Information Act From: To: Subject: Fwd: [UNCLASSIFIED] RE: media inquiry - urgent Date: Wednesday, 27 January 2021 4:19:01 pm

From: Media - Climate Commission Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 4:18:32 PM To: > Subject: Fwd: [UNCLASSIFIED] RE: media inquiry - urgent

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From: Adelia Hallett < > Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 2:00:26 PM To: Media - Climate Commission Subject: Re: [UNCLASSIFIED] RE: media inquiry - urgent

This is a bit of a problem for us. We will have to do a special edition on Sunday, in what is a holiday weekend in Auckland. Can we please have an embargoed copy? We are a long- established organisation with an excellent record for respecting embargoes, and are the major organisation covering carbon markets in depth.

On Wed, 27 Jan 2021, 1:20 PM Media - Climate Commission, wrote: [UNCLASSIFIED]

Hi Adelia,

Released under the Official Information Act We will release this full draft package of advice this Sunday 31 January at 2pm,.

Because of the nature of our advice, we must consider potential market impacts. This means we need to release our advice when financial markets are closed.

31 January 2021:

Full package available on www.climatecommission.govt.nz

This will include the draft advice package in full along with a supporting evidence report.

The Commission will be providing interviews to media on the content of the advice from 2pm. Please contact the media team on [email protected] to arrange.

At 7pm, the Commission will hold a public webinar to introduce the advice. This will be hosted by Commission Chair Rod Carr.

1 February 2021:

Public consultation on the advice will open at 9am. Details on how people can make a submission or hear more from the Commission will also be published at this time.

14 March 2021

Consultation closes.

I hope this helps!

Thank you,

From: Adelia Hallett < > Sent: Wednesday, 27 January 2021 8:54 am To: Media - Climate Commission media inquiry - urgent Subject: Releas under the Official Information Act


Can you clarify please what day the draft recommendations are coming out? Consultation opens on Monday Feb 1 but BusinessDesk is reporting that the report comes out on Sunday. Needed for this morning's edition, thanks.

Adelia Adelia Hallett


Carbon News www.carbonnews.co.nz


Released under the Official Information Act

Advisory: Details of Climate Change Commission advice release

Source: Climate Change Commission


He Pou a Rangi the Climate Change Commission will release its full draft package of advice this Sunday 31 January.

Because of the nature of our advice we must consider potential market impacts. This means we need to release our advice when financial markets are closed.

For this reason we will release our full draft advice report with its supporting evidence at 2pm Sunday 31 January on www.climatecommission.govt.nz

Key points to note:

31 January 2021:

- Full package available on www.climatecommission.govt.nz

- This will include the draft advice package in full along with a supporting evidence report.

- The Commission will be providing interviews to media on the content of the advice from 2pm. Please contact the media team on [email protected] to arrange.

- At 7pm the Commission will hold a public webinar to introduce the advice. This will be hosted by Commission Chair Rod Carr.

1 February 2021:

- Public consultation on the advice will open at 9am. Details on how people can make a submission or hear more from the Commission will also be published at this time.

14 March 2021:

- Consultation closes.


For moreReleased information contact:under the Official Information Act

Communications and Engagement, Climate Change Commission

Email: [email protected]

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[UNCLASSIFIED] From: Media - Climate Commission To: Subject: RE: [UNCLASSIFIED] RE: Question re Climate Commission Report Date: Friday, 29 January 2021 1:29:00 pm Attachments: image003.png image005.jpg image006.jpg


Hi Lillian, I am really sorry – we are fielding upteen requests for the report and it would have been our preference to release under embargo but we are really constrained by market rules and have to be very tight with any early release. I can ask one of our team to give you a briefing at 2pm (or close to that if you would like time to read) to take you through the top line points and answer any questions ahead of an interview – if you would like one. There will also be a short executive summary at the front which should really help. Cheers,

[UNCLASSIFIED] From: Lillian Hanly < > Sent: Friday, 29 January 2021 11:39 am To: Media - Climate Commission Subject: RE: [UNCLASSIFIED] RE: Question re Climate Commission Report

Hi again, I was just wondering – is there any way to access an embargoed copy of this report before Sunday? It will be quite difficult to get a full picture between the release in the afternoon and the news bulletin at 6pm on the same day.

Even if it was a summarised version so we are able to communicate it better for the . Thanks so much forReleased all your help! Weunder just recognise the Official this is a Informationsignificant release Act and want to make sure we are across it.

Kind regards, From: Media - Climate Commission Sent: Thursday, 28 January 2021 7:31 PM To: Lillian Hanly < > Cc: Media - Climate Commission Subject: RE: [UNCLASSIFIED] RE: Question re Climate Commission Report

Hi Lillian,

Yes, that’s correct – Rod will be in Wellington.

Cheers, Communications and Engagement E [email protected] W climatecommission.govt.nz

From: Lillian Hanly Sent: Thursday, 28 January 2021 5:25 pm To: Media - Climate Commission Subject: RE: [UNCLASSIFIED] RE: Question re Climate Commission Report

One last question sorry! If we were to arrange an interview, would these be taking place in Wellington?

From: Media - Climate Commission Sent: Thursday, 28 January 2021 3:08 PM To: Lillian Hanly < >; Media - Climate Commission Subject: RE: [UNCLASSIFIED] RE: Question re Climate Commission Report


Kia ora Lillian, This is the first time this work has been done. In terms of the future, this is our Statement of Intent which includes an outline of our work for the foreseeable future (pg.10-11). As you’ll see, our work requirements vary on a yearly basis/as requested by the Minister. Hope this helps! Released under the Official Information Act

[UNCLASSIFIED] From: Lillian Hanly < > Sent: Thursday, 28 January 2021 2:47 pm To: Media - Climate Commission Subject: RE: [UNCLASSIFIED] RE: Question re Climate Commission Report

Thanks so much for that detail! Can I just get some further clarification, are these reports released yearly?

From: Media - Climate Commission Sent: Thursday, 28 January 2021 1:19 PM To: Lillian Hanly < > Cc: > Subject: [UNCLASSIFIED] RE: Question re Climate Commission Report


Kia ora Lillian,

This detail is probably a little more accurate:

The Commission’s package of draft advice includes:

The proposed first three emissions budgets for . Recommendations on the direction of the country’s first emissions reduction plan, which provides policy guidance to Government on how the emissions budgets could be met. A review on the country’s first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. A consideration of what potential reductions in biogenic methane might be needed in the future.

Details on the release are:

31 January 2021: Advice available on www.climatecommission.govt nz

This will include the draft advice package in full along with a supporting evidence report.

The Commission will be providing interviews to media on the content of the advice from 2pm. Please contact the media team on [email protected] to arrange. These interviews are not subject to embargo.

At 7pm, the Commission will hold a public webinar to introduce the advice. This will be hosted by Commission Chair Rod Carr. Media are welcome to attend. To register go here. 1 February 2021: Public consultation on the advice will open at 9am. Details on how people can make a submission orReleased hear more from under the Commission the Official will also Information be published at Act this time. 14 March 2021: Consultation closes.


[UNCLASSIFIED] From: Lillian Hanly < > Sent: Thursday, 28 January 2021 10:54 am To: Media - Climate Commission From: Media - Climate Commission To: Subject: RE: media request Date: Sunday, 31 January 2021 8:18:52 pm Attachments: image002.png

Hi Alison,

Thanks for taking the time to send this through. I can understand your frustration around our advice release, and I just want to reassure you that it certainly wasn’t our intention.

Would like to chat further about it? Otherwise, please take this as an assurance from me that we will feed the points you have raised in your email below into our review of lessons learnt.


Manager | Communications and Engagement

W climatecommission.govt.nz

From: Alison Harley Sent: Sunday, 31 January 2021 7:41 pm To: Media - Climate Commission Subject: media request

Thanks for your release today .

Could we please ask that media are given an embargoed copy of such an important report well ahead of the "release" so they can adequately prepare for coverage.

This was a substantial and important report, released late on a weekend. Released under t fficial Inform n Act It would be usual practice to supply an embargoed copy, several hours, or sometimes several days in advance, to registered reputable media.

We are professionals who want to give the public clear, full and accurate information, and that isn't possible when we get the report less than 30 minutes before its release.

While there may be concerns about how to ensure security with a wide release, media are happy to agree to the embargo terms, to ensure they have time to adequately understand the issues. This is common practice.

It was very disappointing to find that some lobby groups had seen the report and sent us reaction responses, when we hadn't been able to read the report, despite requesting access.

Could we chat about a better option in the future?

For your files, we have several email addresses which ensure our newsroom gets access to material

They are news@.co.nz or the assignment editors emails ( we cover 7 days )

regards and thanks




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Released under the Official Information Act

Cover Page for Board Paper

Board Meeting 16 December 2020 Agenda Item: TBC Pages: 9

Author(s): Team: Māori Focus Workstream , Programme Peer Reviewer: T2 sign off: Astrid Nunns, General Manager Manger


Consultation Plan to ensure iwi/Māori are adequately consulted Title of Paper:

• Māori Engagement Strategy (9 June 2020 Board meeting) Previous paper: • Advice 2021: Approach to consultation (25 November 2020 Board meeting) Agenda item 7.2 Māori Engagement Strategy Referenced Papers Link: Advice 21: Approach to consultation

Purpose 1. This paper is to provide you with the iwi/Māori Consultation Plan to support the Communications and Engagement Advice 21: Approach to consultation, which was tabled at the 25 November Board governance meeting. 2. This paper provides an overview of our consultation approach that draws on Atawhai Tibble’s ‘5 Wai’s of Māori Engagement’ model. Tibble is a respected Māori thought leader, with extensive experience in translation and enabling partnership between Māori and the Crown.

3. Appendix A presents how we have applied this approach to the activities and/or events from late January through to 14 March that are specific to the Māori Focus Workstream consultation phase.

4. Appendix A also shows which events or hui require the attendance or participation of our Deputy Chairperson Lisa Tumahai, likewise the events or hui that Chairperson Rod Carr is scheduled to attend.

5. This paper does not include events and activities requiring Board Members arranged by the Engagement and Communications team, apart from their attendance at the Iwi Chairs Forum over the Waitangi Week, and Waitangi celebrations.

6. At this meeting, we seekReleased your approval under of the the Consultation Official Plan Information to ensure iwi/Māori Act are adequately consulted for the Advice 21 package. Background 7. The Commission is preparing to publicly test its first draft package of advice in February, in advance of submitting its final advice to Government by 31 May 2021. 8. When the Commission was established by the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Act 2019 (the Zero Carbon Act), we were given clear direction to engage meaningfully with New Zealanders. In regard to our responsibilities as Treaty partners, Sections 5N, 5ZA and 5ZH of the Zero Carbon Act sets out our obligations for Consultation. In particular, Part 1, 3A (ad) and (ae) states we are required to: a. “include in an emissions reduction plan a strategy to recognise and mitigate the impacts on iwi and Māori of reducing emissions and must ensure that iwi and Māori have been adequately consulted on the plan”, and



b. “in preparing a plan, take into account the economic, social, health, environmental, ecological, and cultural effects of climate change on iwi and Māori” 9. This tranche of our work focuses on the emissions budget and mitigations work, as per point a) above. Point b) refers to the National Adaption Plan, however, this initial round of consultation will help to set up the foundations for further work regarding the National Adaptation Plan. 10. Shortly after the Zero Carbon Act came into effect, the Minister for Climate Change (the Minister) set out expectations that the Commission should build relationships with a wide range of groups and develop and implement a strategy for ongoing and transparent engagement with stakeholders and iwi, which includes adequate time and opportunity for submissions on our advice to be received, heard and considered.

How we developed the iwi/Māori Consultation Plan 11. Our approach has been consistent with the engagement principles set out in the Māori Engagement Strategy that was agreed at the 9 June Board meeting, and also follows tikanga i.e. working with the appropriate representatives or going through the entities mandating process. 12. We are also building on the insights gathered from early engagement undertaken by the Interim Climate Change Committee and the Commission. 13. Our approach focuses on: i. relationships established throughout the engagement process through kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) hui, online hui, and TRG sessions ii. reconnecting with the same participants from the case studies and marae surveys iii. providing opportunities for broader consultation with iwi/Māori who we have not yet engaged with through the Communications and Engagement arranged webinars iv. arranging targeted kanohi ki te kanohi or online hui with Māori organisations, entities, thought leaders, marae and Māori-collectives we have not had the opportunity or capacity to develop relationships with yet. 14. The Minister’s expectation underpins our engagement and consultation process, which gives effect to tikanga while ensuring iwi/Māori are adequately consulted, consistent with the Treaty principles of partnership, protection and participation. 15. We are mindful that successful engagement and consultation requires a two-way relationship, therefore respectful and enduring relationships with iwi/Māori are critical. 16. To achieve this, we draw on Atawhai Tibble’s 5 Wai’s of Māori Engagement in our engagement and relationship approach,Released while applying under He Ara the Waiora Official framework Information throughout ourAct mahi. These approaches provide Commission staff tools to ensure the appropriate Māori decision makers are identified and involved in the process at every stage. 17. Tibble’s 5 Wai’s of Māori Engagement provides a basic yet comprehensive tikanga approach when engaging and/or consulting with iwi/hapū/Māori. The framework for this model outlines five key themes Commission staff should be thinking about when approaching iwi/hapū/Māori for consultation.

1) Nā Wai: Nā wai te hui i karanga? Clarify who from the Commission is connecting, and why connecting with iwi/Māori is important. 2) Ko Wai: Ko wai ngā Māori nei? Who are we connecting or collaborating with? Who do we need to be connecting or collaborating with? What is the background of who are we are consulting/engaging with? 3) Mō Wai: Mō wai tēnei hui? What is the benefit to/for Māori from meeting with us? What will they get out of the relationship? Understand who you are meeting with. 4) He Wai: He wai? What are we doing to authentically to connect culturally? 2


5) Ma Wai: Mā wai tatou e korero? Or Ma wai tatou e arahi? ‘Ma wai’ is about the person or people leading you, making sure you have right team and skill sets, and most of all, making sure you have a cultural navigator. 18. We have reflected these values by emphasising consultation (led by the Māori Focus Workstream) with mandated/authorised representatives of iwi/Māori organisations/Māori-Collectives (refer to Chapter 6 of the Evidence Report). The reason for this approach is to ensure our engagement and consultation with iwi/Māori is mana enhancing i.e., acknowledging Māori-collectives and cultural constructs as recognised by iwi/Māori. 19. In addition to the Treaty principles and the requirements of the Act, we are mindful that successful engagement and consultation requires a two-way relationship therefore respectful and enduring relationships with iwi/Māori are critical. To achieve this approach, where possible, we will prioritise: I. Information – having a clear understanding of who we want to connect with and why, as well as providing Māori organisations with relevant/targeted information to enable effective, constructive, and equitable participation. i. Time – recognising that Māori organisations have competing priorities. It is important that we engage with the appropriate decision makers and representatives, but also allow sufficient time for Māori decision makers and representatives to engage and participate as partners. ii. Goodwill – it is not enough to seek information and perspectives from Māori without demonstrating the following: the process we will undertake to protect their views from misappropriation or misuse; how Māori perspectives will be incorporated in to our work programme; and identifying the opportunities to peer review, feedback, or co-create. Our consultation approach for iwi/ Māori 20. As we enter the Commission’s public submissions consultation phase, the Māori Focus Workstream consultation plan moves into: i. strengthening established relationships, ii. re-connecting with iwi/Māori who were involved throughout the evidence phase, iii. establishing new relationships with targeted Māori-collectives, Māori organisations and Māori thought leaders, and iv. connecting with iwi/Māori who connect with us. 21. This consultation plan includes an open public webinar set for 26 January 2021. This will be led by our Deputy Chair Lisa Tumahai and Rod Carr, with support from (Director, Te Ao Māori Strategy and Performance,Released The Treasury) under. the Official Information Act 22. Akin to the Commission’s other public webinars, this event is open to the public. However, for this event targeted invitations will be sent to potential Māori invitees that have not had an opportunity to participate in the development of the mahi to date, or who have had a light touch involvement (refer to appendix A). 23. We are aware from our insights to date that during consultation itself our Treaty Partners will be interested in the following: i. understanding our engagement process ii. the approach we took to gather insights iii. our key findings which inform our evidence and advice, and iv. how the insights and findings have been incorporated into the Commission’s recommendations to the Government.



24. Going forward we can explore broadening our approach/medium. However, due to resource constraints our focus for this consultation period is to fulfil our obligations to the legislation and the Treaty Partnership.

25. The submissions process will be consistent with the Commission’s broader approach to consultation. Consultation outcomes sought 26. Meet our legislative requirements: ensure the Crown upholds the Treaty partnership by giving effect to the Treaty principles of partnership, participation and protection. Ensure iwi and Māori are adequately consulted. 27. To build meaningful and enduring relationships with iwi/Māori: ensure the process enables iwi/Māori to be heard, understood, and see their feedback incorporated into the final product, in doing so reinforcing our desire to develop genuine and meaningful relationships with iwi/Māori. 28. To inform: socialise the Commission’s evidence, proposed advice and recommendations more broadly amongst iwi/Māori beyond our established relationships. 29. To test: testing what we heard through engagement and ensuring we have understood the critical aspects of the insights and information captured, and appropriately reflected these issues/findings in our work. 30. To collaborate: ensuring a process that enables iwi/Māori to participate and includes opportunities to co-design where applicable.

Released under the Official Information Act



Attachments We have attached the following: • Appendix A: Consultation Plan to ensure iwi/Māori are adequately consulted for period: Late -January 2021 to 14 March 2021

Date action Action sought required by It is recommended that you: At the 1. Note that you have previously endorsed the Advice 21 meeting Consultation Strategy, but that the iwi/Māori component was not yet included in that strategy.

2. Approve the Consultation Plan to ensure iwi/Māori are adequately consulted and the detailed plan attached to this paper

Released under the Official Information Act



National Māori organisations to include but Lisa Tumahai, Rod Carr and Māori Focus Established relationships by Lisa Tumahai Re-engage early January • Participants can see how • Email invitations not limited to: Team connecting through mandated 2021 to: tikanga and mātauranga sent to each to representatives. 1. inform them of the Māori is foundational in our invite them to the 1. Why consultation stage and process for developing January webinar • To maintain existing relationships. process advice that will lead into 2. • Online hui 2. arrange hui as • To demonstrate how their involvement climate change policies. appropriate has informed and been integrated into • Demonstrates how their the Commission’s evidence, advice, and concerns insights have been recommendations. captured, and ongoing • To create opportunities to increase opportunities to inform uptake of climate positive action due to government policy and their connections/work with Māori measure progress. freehold land owners. • Allows us to test policy proposals and responses to identify key areas of interest and concern for Māori.

Released under the Official Information Act



Opportunity to build a partnership with appropriate and if they • Demonstrate authenticity representatives of iwi who are members are interested and cultural connection in of the Association • Kanohi ki te kanohi our process and our use of • Online 1:1 He Ara Waiora. Lisa Tumahai, Rod Carr (TBC) and Māori To test policy proposals and Authenticity and cultural Māori Focus Workstream Initial introductory Arrange hui within first Focus Team responses to identify key areas connection demonstrated in email to connect – mid three weeks of consultation of interest and concern for our process and our use of He January and arrange hui stage, with follow up Why Mandated Iwi Organisations. Ara Waiora. as appropriate and if session/s to be arranged as Opportunity to build a partnership with they are interested required or requested. representatives who work to advance Various Hui Māori interests in the marine • Kanohi ki te kanohi environment, including customary • Online 1:1 fisheries, commercial fisheries and aquaculture as well as providing policy and fisheries management advice to iwi and the wider Māori community.

Crown Entities and Crown Research Māori Focus Team To test policy proposals and Authenticity and cultural Māori Focus Workstream Initial introductory Arrange hui within first Institutes (CRI) including but not limited to: responses to identify key areas connection demonstrated in email to connect – mid three weeks of consultation Why of interest and concern for our process and our use of He January and arrange hui stage, with follow up 1. NIWA Opportunity to provide information to Māori. Ara Waiora. as appropriate and if session/s to be arranged as 2. GNS better enable CRIs to prepare for changes they are interested required or requested. 3. Plant & Food that could affect their business/projects 4. EPA Various Hui and relationships with iwi/Māori 5. Manaaki Whenua • Kanohi ki te kanohi organisations. 6. Callaghan Innovation • Various 1:1 online Note: a relationship with Te Tumu Paeroa is already in progress.

Any other interested parties that reach out Māori Focus Team, Communications and Interested parties are able to: Authenticity and cultural Māori Focus Workstream and wish to engage with us Engagement Team connection demonstrated in – dependant of the 1. connect, be informed our process and our use of He parties reaching out to us Why and/or familiarised with our Ara Waiora. Māori are not homogeneous – interests work to date; and backgrounds vary from iwi to iwi, 2. ask specific questions region to region and from land block to pertaining to iwi/Māori as land block. When consulting or meeting Aotearoa transitions to a with Māori it is critical to understand low-emissions future. their place in space and time will determine what the results of their concerns, needs, future impacts and solutions will be.

Released under the Official Information Act



Board Paper Board Meeting Date: 19/20 January Agenda Item:

Author Sector: All

Peer Reviewer: Tier 2 sign off: Astrid Nunns

Title of Paper: Draft advice release action plan and consultation calendar


1. This paper provides the detail for how the Commission will manage the release of our draft advice for consultation, including ensuring we observe correct protocol around releasing our reports that contain market sensitive information.

2. It also provides an overview of the engagement activities the Commission will be undertaking throughout the consultation period. Separate Commissioner engagement itineraries are being collated to help Commissioners understand the likely demands on their time.


1. Because of the nature of our advice, we need to be careful to ensure we are releasing it in line with protocols for releasing market sensitive information. The release plan attached as Appendix 1 stepsReleased out the actions under we thewill take, Official when andInformation with who as wel Actl as assigning responsibility with the Commission for each of these.

2. Please note that we have a new time and date for releasing our draft reports. These will be publicly available at 2pm on Sunday 31 January. Factors incorporated into this have been protocols for releasing market sensitive information; access to media coverage as we open consultation; minimising the risk of elements of our advice being leaked before it’s publicly available; and Commissioner availability over 1 and 2 February. Our dedicated consultation website (where submissions will be made) will go live at 9am on 1 February.

3. Once we have completed the activities in the release report, we move into the formal consultation period. The activities for this period are outlined in the consultation calendar attached as Appendix 2.


Release plan

4. The release plan for our draft advice has been deliberately phased to ensure that we are able to brief people who require advance notice of the contents, without breaching protocols around releasing market sensitive information.

5. We also recognise the level of interest in our advice, and the release plan includes the media management that will happen alongside release.

6. This release plan has been developed in consultation with the Board Chair, Commission Senior Leadership and the Communications and Engagement Manager. It is also informed by legal advice, best practice advice around the ETS from MfE, and by advice from the NZX on making market sensitive announcements.

7. It follows the strategy and objectives set out in the Commission’s consultation strategy of respecting the space we are stepping into, being interested in what people have to say and being confident in our approach and our process. It also respects the relationships we have built over the past 12 months and adheres to the Commission’s goal of being an independent, evidence-based organisation.

Consultation calendar – ensuring we engage widely

8. Our consultation calendar picks up where the release plan ends. It follows the same approach as outlined above and in our consultation strategy. We have also built on successful approaches from our pre-consultation strategy, particularly providing a broad audience access to our experts through the open Zoom sessions and being open and responsive during our engagements

9. The consultation calendar deliberately focuses on the first four weeks of consultation – 1 – 28 February.

10. The final weeks of consultation – 1-14 March – have been deliberately left relatively free to allow people time to finalise their submissions, and also to enable the Commission to book in any follow up actions that become necessary.

11. This calendarReleased covers the activities under that the the Official Board Chair, Information Commissioners, Act and Commission Chief Executive and Team Leads will be attending during consultation.

12. This calendar does not cover specific iwi/Māori engagement activities being organised as part of the Māori focus workstream.

13. There are a number of in person and online events where the details are still being finalised, and these are marked as still to be confirmed.

14. Please note that this calendar does not cover any specific 1:1 or small group meetings that Commission staff organise directly with their stakeholders for during the consultation period.

15. In addition to the consultation calendar which provides an overview of all consultation activities, individual Commissioner consultation itineraries are also being collated. These


reflect the availability information that Commissioners provided late last year.

16. In general, these calendars are proposed engagement itineraries for Commissioner agreement. Engagements that involve travel have, on the most part, been already discussed with Commissioners.

17. There are some limitations to how many engagement activities we can run in the consultation period. The Chair will be primary point of contact for media, and is also required to present at a number of events that were agreed to prior to the consultation period being set.

18. Team leads and some workstream leads are required for the majority of our consultation events, which places a limit on how many activities we can fit into the first four weeks of consultation.

19. Consultation activities outside of wellington have largely been built around a series of workshops we have agreed to do in collaboration with Business NZ, as part of tapping into their broad national workshop. These workshops have been finalised, and tickets have been made available.

20. As an indication of interest, the 100 tickets available to the Auckland workshop were allocated within three working days of being made available.

21. Communications and Engagement staff are now in the process of working with Team Leads to organise key stakeholder meetings in Auckland, Wellington, , and Invercargill as part of a wider itinerary alongside these events.

Youth engagement

22. While there is some provision in the engagement calendar for youth engagement, the Communications and Engagement team have partnered with a specialist youth engagement programme called The Hive. The Hive is being run by the Ministry of Youth Development, in partnership with Creative agency Curative, following a successful pilot programme in 2020.

23. This will grow the reach of our youth engagement beyond what the Commission alone is resourced toReleased support and will under ensure the we areOfficial reaching Information young people in ActAotearoa through appropriate channels, with genuine and well placed messaging.

Resources to support further engagement

24. Commission staff will be on hand to assist with the in person and online engagement sessions proposed in the consultation calendar.

25. As part of this, key messages, FAQs and presentation materials will be prepped to support Commissioners and Commission staff in their engagement.

26. Any additional engagement activities that Commissioners or staff suggest for during the consultation period, and requests for further assistance, can be sent to the Communications and Engagement team through [email protected] to help them


triage requests and determine available resource.

27. Please note that due to the volume of engagement events, Communications and Engagement staff will have limited capacity for preparing tailored presentation material beyond what is being developed to support sharing the Commission’s advice through consultation. Appendix I: Communications and advice release action plan Appendix II: Consultation event calendar

Action sought Date action required by

It is recommended that you:

Note the attached release plan By 20 January 2021

Note the attached consultation calendar

Released under the Official Information Act



Heads up discussion with Key stakeholders Phone call / email Team leads / leadership key stakeholders to discuss release process

Pre-consultation Zoom All Zoom, recordings then Comms team, team sessions available on website leads - Get to know our sectors (18 Jan) - What climate action means to Aotearoa (26 Jan)

Science paper (NDC) All Website Grant Blackwell, published on website comms team

Key materials developed N/A Commission staff. and signed off - Key messages Leadership team and - FAQ for website Board input. - Back pocket FAQ / hot topics - Press release - Presentation - Stakeholder lists for management, board and team leads. - EmailsReleased to under the Official Information Act stakeholders - Preparation of redacted copy




officials capped) [details TBC]

NO redacted advice report provided

1400 onward Briefings to three Opposition leaders and In person briefing Rod Carr, Jo Hendy opposition leaders and officials officials (official numbers capped)

NO redacted advice report provided

1400 – 1700 Briefing to TRGs and Partner Govt Agencies Meeting + presentation Astrid Nunns, Grant partner Govt. Agency TRGs Blackwell, team leads, staff comms team

NO redacted advice report provided

Fri 29 Jan 0900 – 1700 Briefings to key Key stakeholders (lists to Verbal briefings (phone Leadership, team leads, stakeholders be approved by Rod) or in-person) other staff where appropriate NO redacted advice provided Released under the Official Information Act Media advisory giving Media Email , comms details of release and team consultation




Additional information Objectives for consultation Through consultation the Commission’s objectives are:

1. We maintain our social license to act and drive change 2. Our commitment to transparency and collaboration is understood and acknowledged 3. People support our process even if they don’t support our conclusions 4. Anyone who wants to have their say can contribute 5. Our process ensure we can incorporate feedback into our final advice

Pillars of our approach: We have developed three pillars to guide our work and provide the ‘why’ for where we focus our energy and the audiences we target. These are: • We respect the space we are stepping into: we approach consultation with a recognition of other people’s knowledge, passion and points of view. Our tactics focus on giving people that are highly engaged with our work an opportunity to be heard.

• We are interested in what other people have to say: we ask considered questions and are open to all people’s views. We make sure we provide avenues for submissions that recognise the different levels of input people want to provide. We are genuinely seeking feedback on our work and want to hear what other people think.

• We are confident in our approach and our process: we back ourselves and the work we have done, but we are not afraid to be challenged, and we will make changes based on what we hear. We are brave throughout consultation and don’t shy away from tough questions. We show our expertise by involving our board. Released under the Official Information Act Audiences Because of the breadth and importance of our work, the Commission’s stakeholder lists are very large. Different stakeholder groups were identified and analysed in the consultation strategy, and each team holds a stakeholder matrix. In this plan, there are some key groups that will be referred to. These are: Stakeholder group

Business Media Priority stakeholders



Partner government agencies Minister for Climate Change and other key Government ministers Opposition MPs Public Internal – Commission board and staff

Key media for embargoed release Given the sensitivity of the advice, we have identified trusted media to receive and embargoed, redacted copy early. This will help them create quality coverage. Outlet Name Rationale

Stuff Eloise Gibson, Olivia These three reporters make up Stuff’s climate Carville, Charlie change team. They have consistently and Mitchell thoroughly covered the Commission’s work. They are all senior reporters that are used to working under embargo. Our relationship is important to their ongoing work and access to our experts. RNZ Kathryn Ryan, Clare Kathryn has reported on the Commission Sziranyi consistently since its establishment. She has a strong relationship with the chair. Clare is her producer and researcher and will arrange all interviews with experts and choose angles. Both are very senior and have operated under embargo. Our relationship is important to their ongoing work and access to our experts Newsroom Mark Daadler Mark has already published multiple articles on the advice and has come in for a study session. He has a good relationship with the team. He is a senior reporter who is used to operating under embargo. Our relationship is important to his ongoing work and access to our experts Released under the Official Information Act NZ Herald Simon Wilson, Jamie Simon has recently been in touch and is Morton interested in writing in-depth coverage on climate change. He is one of New Zealand’s most respected and thoughtful journalists. He often operates under embargo. Jamie has reported extensively about the Commission and is the NZ Herald’s climate change reporter. He is a senior reporter who often operates under embargo. Our relationship is important to their ongoing work and access to our experts



Spinoff (TBC) Justin Giovannetti, The Spinoff has produced quality coverage on the Alex Brae Commission and the broader issue of climate change over the last few months. We have not had much contact with them but initial meeting with Alex was a success and Justin is keen to meet us.

Priority communications risk and mitigation Communications and engagement risk Communications and engagement mitigation

People who want to hear from us miss We have worked over the past few months to out develop the reach of our channels and build comprehensive stakeholder lists for each team. We will also work with our stakeholders to use their channels as appropriate and with the media to reach wider groups. Owner: team leads / comms team Our material is leaked before it is We have a detailed release plan so we can keep track released of who has the report and when. We will provide several comprehensive verbal briefings to key stakeholders to lessen the risk. However, we have prepared materials, spokespeople and stakeholders so we can manage an early risk. Owner: Astrid Nunns Because of the length and detail of our We have developed a process that means releasing report and limited time journalists have an embargoed and redacted copy of our report to key to engage with it, media coverage is media that we have a good relationship with. These negative, inaccurate or misinformed. reporters represent different publications and will be able to become a source of knowledge for their peers. Their reporting will also balance others. The Commission team has the knowledge required to Released under thecontact Official reporters Information and correct inaccuracies. Act Owner: communications team Releasing early means we inadvertently We will not release the report ourselves without break market sensitivity rules following protocol. We have developed a plan that ensure we follow market rules. Owner: Astrid Nunns We are criticised for not having We will answer honestly and seek to understand adequately or meaningfully engaged where people are coming from. We have left two with specific groups, for example weeks at the end of consultation that will be left free disability, community, social sector, for reactive or new consultation engagements and Pasifika. meetings. Owner: communications team/ team leads



Our process is criticised during We have an engagement strategy that has been consultation implemented over the past few months that outlines three pillars that will help us navigate criticism. These

have been successful and give us a good grounding. Owner: communications team/ leadership team Key stakeholders, including the minister, Our detailed release plan allows for time to brief key do not have time to digest the report commenters. We will also provide them with high before being asked to comment level summaries that help them make their comments.

Owner: communications team/ leadership team

Released under the Official Information Act



From: To: Cc: Subject: FW: [UNCLASSIFIED] Considerations around sharing our analysis Date: Monday, 30 November 2020 4:50:57 pm Attachments: image002.jpg


Kia ora Commissioners

To keep you in the loop, this email was provided to staff today to reinforce messaging around sensitive information.

Ngā mihi Astrid

[UNCLASSIFIED] From: Astrid Nunns Sent: Monday, 30 November 2020 4:42 pm To: All Staff Subject: [UNCLASSIFIED] Considerations around sharing our analysis

Kia ora koutou

As we get to the final stages of developing our advice, we are starting to share and test our analysis with others, both government officials and wider stakeholders. We’ve been talking a lot over the past couple of months about how we can share as much as possible to best set others up to contribute to consultation, and our pre consultation activities have focused around achieving this.

However, for some parts of our analysis,nd particularly h budget ial numbers,Information scenario Act results, and modelled emissions prices it is important that we don’t share these either verbally or in writing outside the Commission before consultation starts.

In the case of budget numbers, an important reason why we do not want these shared outside the Commission is that this could affect perceptions about the Commission’s independence if we are sharing these with government officials before we finalise them. For the same reasons, we should avoid sharing the our scenario results, because the ranges these show are relatively small, which means it is possible to make an informed guess about where our advice will end up.

Furthermore, in the case of all of these elements - budget numbers, scenario results, and modelled emissions prices - we need to respect that this information could have a material impact the NZU price in the ETS market. Therefore we must avoid sharing this information in a way that could provide an advantage to some participants but not others – it needs to be treated as market sensitive and with the same level of care as we would treat information that could risk insider trading or market manipulation in financial markets.

What can we share? We should be open about sharing and testing those parts of our evidence and analysis which have used inputs from others (i.e. the mitigations chapters, and the current policy reference case).

From: To: Cc: Subject: [UNCLASSIFIED] FW: For Chair review: draft advice release plan Date: Friday, 8 January 2021 9:52:27 am Attachments: Draft advice release plan Jan-Feb 21.xlsx image002.jpg Importance: High



Rod has approved the approach and timing for the release plan as attached, noting that he would like to verbally brief the Minister mid Jan – I’ll follow this action up. Can you please add the info relating to the release into the comms plan? Also note Rod’s direction that he will approve the redacted version and list of advance release parties (i.e. named individuals). Can you please task one of your team to prep that list?

Thanks A

[UNCLASSIFIED] From: Astrid Nunns Sent: Thursday, 7 January 2021 9:02 am To: Rod Carr Cc: Jo Hendy ;

Subject: For Chair review: draft advice release plan Importance: High nd h ial Information Act [UNCLASSIFIED]

Hi Rod

Here is the proposed plan for the release of our draft advice – and the advance briefings. This proposes a release date of 6pm, Sunday 31 January. The timing takes into account: Market sensitive information protocols; Waitangi and related activities from 3 February; Maximising preparation time for staff; and Minimising opportunities for information to leak in advance of general release.

There is some further context below, and attached is a breakdown of activities each day. Jo, and I have worked this through and I’m keen for your input and sign off so we can lock this into our consultation plan.

Thanks Astrid

Additional context The proposed plan allows us to: Create a testing space in advance of general release (for our key messages, and our ability to deliver them well) Support considered responses from third party spokespersons and commentators Have informed media coverage

Co-benefits of approach: Demonstrate our independence (e.g. by briefing opposition parties as well as the government ministers) Deepen relationships (e.g. by briefing our TRGs, agencies and impacted/affected stakeholders) Extend our consultation period (i.e. for the early testing)

We sought to avoid: Breaching protocols for relating market sensitive information Lose control of the narrative around the release A breakdown of trust Perception of lack of independence

Astrid Nunns General Manager – Strategy, Planning and Engagement

W climatecommission.govt nz


nd h ial Information Act [UNCLASSIFIED]

Mid January Mon 25 Jan Tue 26 Jan Wed 27 Jan Thu 28 Jan Fri 29 Jan Sat 30 Jan Sun 31 Jan Mon 1 Feb

7:00am - 8 00am Embaroged and redacted Wellington Anniversary Science media centre Auckland Anniversary Day 8:00am - 9 00am release to media where Day - Commission staff release on their password pre-brief for Ministers meeting they are used to not working protected platform under Activities as per 9:00am - 10 00am operating in an embargo embargo, and with Opposition MPs briefing environment, where there redactions (or earlier) Key stakeholders consultation plan : (Jo & Rod) 10 00am - 11 00am is an established (Astrid, Grant & Beginning with Rod/RNZ Minister Shaw and MfE officials relationship with the Comms) interview briefing (Rod and Jo) Iwi Leaders briefing (Rod + 11 00am 12 00pm Commission, and where they need to prep for Lisa) 12 00pm - 1:00pm more indepth coverage. This includes pre-release to Science Media Centre 1:00pm - 2:00pm team. Government Ministers with senior Agencies and TRGS joint agency staff (Rod and Jo) 2:00pm - 3:00pm 2pm: Release embargoed, redacted copies briefing (Rod to open, Key stakeholders (Jo, and cover letters to Ministers and then TL with Comms) Astrid & Comms) 3:00pm - 4:00pm Advance notice to agencies, plus DPMC. Brief agency comms registered NZU holders people on contents of the report, and high 4:00pm - 5:00pm via EPA level messages.

5:00pm - 6:00pm

Release draft reports online 6:00pm - 7:00pm - embargo lifts

[UNCLASSIFIED] From: To: Cc: Subject: RE: Next steps Climate Change Commission (meeting Friday?) Date: Thursday, 14 January 2021 1:47:00 pm Attachments: image001.png

Hello again, I have just sent a meeting invite for Friday. Our diaries are filling up so I thought it might be good to put a holding time in and start the process. I hope that works for you. Thank you,

From: Sent: Wednesday, 13 January 2021 1:35 pm To: Cc: Subject: Next steps Climate Change Commission (meeting Friday?)

Kia ora,

I hope you have had a great new year.

We are very keen to pick up our discussion from last year on how we can work together on the release of the Commission’s draft advice to Government.

It would probably be worth us sitting down again and going over the logistics. Our timeframes are very tight (as I am sure we made very clear last year!) – could this Friday work for you? and I are relatively free at the moment because it is a day we are usually at home. You could come in here if that would work or we could do it over Zoom. nd h ial Information Act

Let me know – I’m very excited about kicking this off and working with the fabled SMC.


| Principal Advisor Engagement and Communications

W climatecommission.govt.nz

From: To: Cc: Subject: Re: [UNCLASSIFIED] Revised draft advice release plan - for approval Date: Friday, 15 January 2021 10:58:33 am Attachments: image001.jpg

No issues from me if we bring it forward to 2pm. I can come to Wellington earlier in the day.

On Tuesday 2nd I can do media from 6-7.30am, 12-1pm and 5.30-


From: Astrid Nunns Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2021 7:11 PM To: Rod Carr Cc: Jo Hendy; Subject: RE: [UNCLASSIFIED] Revised draft advice release plan - for approval


Hi Rod

Following our discussion today, below is our agreed plan for the release.

One new question to consider: we have reflected that it may be more useful for the public release to be 2pm rather than 6pm (we’ll test the exact time & confirm this for you). Two reasons for this: 1. We could set up media interviews for the Sunday afternoon once you have arrived in Wellington; and 2. Allows time before the 6pm print media deadline. Do you see any issues around that change?nd h ial Information Act

Thanks Astrid


Schedule: Tue 26 January 0900 – Hard copy, embargoed redacted advice provided to Minister Shaw From 0900 - Selected media receive a hard copy of redacted advice under embargo (we’ll provide you this list by COP Friday to approve) 1200 – 1315 Pre consultation webinar on the Māori workstream 1415 – 1500 Presentation to Māori MPs at Parliament (in progress, but still to be confirmed)

Wed 27 January Preparing Rod & Jo for briefings (TBC)

Thu 28 January 0900-1030 Rod & Jo brief Minister Shaw with MfE officials – provide a hard copy of redacted advice under embargo [meeting confirmed] 1100 – 1200 Rod & Jo brief Minister Robertson (likely with Treasury officials) – provide a hard copy of redacted advice under embargo [meeting not yet confirmed] 1230 – 1330 Rod & Jo brief other relevant Ministers in a round table format (with capped number of officials) – verbal briefing with presentation; do not receive embargoed advice [meeting not yet confirmed] From 1400 – Rod & Jo brief three opposition parts (with capped number of officials) – verbal briefing with presentation; do not receive embargoed advice [meeting not yet confirmed] 1400 – 1700 – Astrid leads team to brief TRGs & agency staff – verbal briefing with presentation; do not receive embargoed advice

Fri 29 January Stakeholder pre briefs – verbal briefing only; do not receive embargoed advice (Rod to approve list in advance)

Sun 31 January Rod media interviews Draft advice with supporting evidence report released online (2pm or 6pm – TBC)

Mon 1 Feb First media interview – Rod with Katherine Ryan Open webinar with Rod – “Intro to our draft advice” Media interviews for the rest of the day

Tue 2 Feb Rod in ASB Board meeting – we will need to agree a spokesperson for media enquiries

nd[UNCLASSIFIED] h ial Information Act From: Rod Carr Sent: Thursday, 14 January 2021 2:43 pm To: Astrid Nunns Cc: Jo Hendy ; ; Rod Carr Subject: Re: [UNCLASSIFIED] Revised draft advice release plan - for approval

I am worried about the length of time the embargoed copy is in the hands of even trusted media. I do not think they should have it before the Minister so on Wednesday 27 January I would give redacted, embargoes copies of the draft advice to the small trusted media and to the Minister. You are right I am driving from Waihi Beach to Wellington on 27th January.

It is very unfortunate I cannot be present to meet the Maori MPs in person. Has this meeting date been confirmed?

The Friday prebriefs looks like a significant risk depending on who and how many people are to be included and the extent of the briefing...who gets embargoed, redacted copies?

You have to assume that once redacted copies are in play, there will be a breach of the embargo.

I could be available to do media on Tuesday 2nd Feb morning between 6.00am and 7.30am and between 12 and 1 pm and after 5.30 pm on Tuesday. I can also do 6.00am to 7.30am on Wednesday morning. These could be pre booked.

May need to discuss further.

We will also need:

A draft press release to cover the release A draft press release in the event the embargo is breached


From: Astrid Nunns Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2021 1:01:02 PM To: Rod Carr Cc: Jo Hendy ;

Subject: [UNCLASSIFIED] Revised draft advice release plan - for approval


Hi Rod

Below is the proposed plan for release of our draft advice. I have comms ready to go to agencies to give them a heads up so can you please let me know if you’re ok with the plan? We’ve tried to condense all the briefings into one day so if someone was to break the embargo at least all the key govt players have the advice at the samend time. h The downside ial Information of only giving the Act agencies the advice on the afternoon of 28/01 is that they will have very little/no time to prepare briefings for their Ministers in advance of our release, but it should at least give agency comms time to prepare.

Thanks Astrid

Fri 22 January Selected media provided redacted embargoed copy of advice (we’ll provide you this list by COP Friday to approve)

Tue 26 January 1200 – 1315 Pre consultation webinar on the Māori workstream 1415 – 1500 Presentation to Māori MPs at Parliament

Wed 27 January Preparing Rod & Jo for briefings - but I understand that you might be travelling that day?

Thu 28 January 0900-1030 Rod & Jo brief Minister Shaw with MfE officials – provide redacted, embargoed copy [meeting confirmed] 1100 – 1200 Rod & Jo brief Minister Robertson (likely with Treasury officials) – provide redacted, embargoed copy [meeting not yet confirmed] 1230 – 1330 Rod & Jo brief other relevant Ministers in a round table format (likely with officials) – provide redacted, embargoed copy [meeting not yet confirmed] From 1400 – Rod & Jo brief opposition parties (likely with advisors) – provide redacted, embargoed copy [meetings not yet confirmed] 1400 – 1700 – Astrid leads team to brief TRGs & agency staff Science Media Centre release of redacted embargoed advice ( meeting next week to confirm protocols; Rod to approve)

Fri 29 January Stakeholder pre briefs Agency policy & comms staff are able to prepare for the Sunday release

Sun 31 January Draft advice with supporting evidence report released online at 6pm

Mon 1 Feb First media interview – Rod with Katherine Ryan Open webinar with Rod – “Intro to our draft advice” Media interviews for the rest of the day

Tue 2 Feb Rod in ASB Board meeting – we will need to agree a spokesperson for media enquiries

Astrid Nunns G neral Manager – Strategy, Planning and Engagement

W climatecommission.govt.nz nd h ial Information Act

[UNCLASSIFIED] From: To: Cc: Subject: Re: CCC X Science Media Centre Date: Wednesday, 20 January 2021 10:28:40 am

Kia ora , Thank you for getting back to us. We are currently working to a very tight deadline for the beginning of consultation for our first piece of advice to government. We are also juggling some issues around market sensitivity and detail of our advice that makes releasing embargoed copies complicated. Because of this we aren’t able to use the SMC for this piece of work. We are very keen to work together in the future so we will be in touch once this has all died down and we have a clear idea of our future work programme. Ngā mihi

From: Science Media Centre Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2021 5:53:59 PM To: Cc: ; Astrid Nunns >; Subject: Re: CCC X Science Media Centre

Kia ora koutou,

First of all, Happy New Year on behalf of the SMC team. I hope everyone got a well-deserved break over the summer after such a challenging year.

Second, I want to sincerely apologise for the unintended delay on our end. Last week, we hit the ground running after returning to the office, so thank you for your patience as we get up to speed with 2021. :)

While will be away for the rest of the week, I'd like to pick up the conversation you had last year about future projects you had in mind. I'm relatively free this week for a meetup or phone conversation at your convenience, or am happy to schedule something next week again.

Again, thank you for your patience here and I really look forward to speaking with you soon. Released under the Official In ation Act Ngā mihi nui,

Science Media Centre www.sciencemediacentre.co.nz |

On Thu, 14 Jan 2021 at 13:44, > wrote:

To discuss process of releasing Climate Change Commission advice


Microsoft Teams meeting

From: To: Cc: Subject: Re: Minister and PM to do stand up tomorrow - 3pm Date: Saturday, 30 January 2021 10:30:39 pm Attachments: image001.png

Good management. Well done. Rod

From: Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2021 5:31:00 PM To: Rod Carr ; Jo Hendy

Cc: Astrid Nunns ;

Subject: Minister and PM to do stand up tomorrow - 3pm

Hi Rod and Jo,

We have been advised by Minister Shaw’s office that he is planning to do a stand up endorsing our advice tomorrow, and that he will be joined by the Prime Minister. This will take place in Auckland.

spoke to Danny as the original plan was to do this at 2pm tomorrow, but negotiated with him to move it to 3pm to give our release a little air time.

We anticipate this will give the story additional weight in evening news coverage, so we have prioritised TVNZ and Newshub 6pm reporters in the media schedule (2:30 – 3:05pm) to make sure they also have coverage from you as they put their stories together. nd h ial Information Act Any questions, let me know.


Manager | Communications and Engagement

W climatecommission.govt.nz

From: To: Subject: Fwd: Embargoed PR - TV media; IVs with James; additional zoom Date: Sunday, 31 January 2021 9:40:22 am Attachments: image002.png

Hi team - I’m assuming that you’ve already done as much as you can here? Cheers jo

Get Outlook for iOS

From: Jo Hendy Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2021 9:17 AM To: Rod Carr; Cc: ; Rod Carr Subject: Re: Embargoed PR - TV media; IVs with James; additional zoom

Hi Rod,

I’ll have a talk with the team about what might be feasible so we don’t run into our limits, also noting the importance of maintaining security (we don’t want to be hacked halfway through) and requirements of maintaining a quality multi-way connection rather than one- way streaming.

See you in a few hours.

Cheers, Jo.

Get Outlook for iOS nd h ial Information Act From: Rod Carr Sent: Saturday, January 30, 2021 10:41 PM To: Cc: Jo Hendy; ; Rod Carr Subject: Re: Embargoed PR - TV media; IVs with James; additional zoom

Happy for the press release to go out under embargo. Can you email me the final version please.

I am not certain about the answer re the second slot going to another. I expect they may want it to follow up, confirm things from the first interview and there is a risk 0f different interpretations. What I call the “Rod said...”. Consistent and coherent messaging in one news cycle is important or the story is X v. Y

Happy to do an extra zoom on Monday but also want you to do all we can not to limit 7pm Sunday. I think we are going to look silly if there are easily available streaming technologies available and we either do not choose to use them or don’t seem to know about them. If a kid playing a computer game in his bedroom can have ten thousand on line concurrent watchers, what is our excuse?
