




A component analysis is a systematic assessment of 2 or more independent variables or components that comprise a treatment . Component analyses are important for the analysis of behavior; however, previous research provides only cursory descriptions of the topic. Therefore, in this review the definition of component analysis is discussed, and a notation system for evaluating the experimental designs of component analyses is described. Thirty articles that included a component analysis were identified via a literature search. The majority of the studies successfully identified a necessary component; however, most of these studies did not evaluate the sufficiency of the necessary component. The notation system may be helpful in developing experimental designs that best suit the purpose of studies aimed at conducting component analyses of treatment packages. Key words: behavior analysis, behavior modification, component analysis, experimental design ______

A component analysis is a systematic analysis of unnecessary. This in turn may lead to better two or more independent variables (compo- generalization and maintenance of the program if nents) that comprise a treatment package (Baer, parents, teachers, or staff have to be trained on Wolf, & Risley, 1968; J. O. Cooper, Heron, & only the key elements of the intervention. Heward, 2007). Researchers and clinicians Finally, conducting a component analysis is a conduct component analyses to identify the skill required of Board Certified Behavior active components of treatment packages that are Analysts (‘‘Behavior Analyst Task List,’’ 2005), responsible for behavior change. For behavioral suggesting that it is a necessary and important treatments to be analytic, researchers must feature of applied behavior analysis. identify specific components of a treatment Despite the importance of component anal- package that produce behavior change (Baer et yses, several authoritative sources on single- al.). Component analyses also may enhance the subject experimental designs do not refer to efficiency and social validity (Wolf, 1978) of component analyses at all (Johnston & Penny- behavioral treatments by eliminating ineffective packer, 1993; Kazdin, 1982; Sidman, 1960; and perhaps effortful components and by Sulzer-Azaroff & Meyer, 1972), or if they do, it evaluating the necessity of more restrictive is to provide cursory definitions and limited components (e.g., punishment procedures) or descriptions of the process (Baer et al., 1968; those components of the intervention that are Barlow & Hersen, 1984; J. O. Cooper et al., 2007; Kennedy, 2005). Currently, there is no We thank Laura Seiverling, Robert Lanson, Alicia review of methods for performing component Alvero, Bruce Brown, Jeff Sigafoos, and the anonymous analyses in the research literature. Therefore, the reviewers for their feedback on earlier versions of this purposes of this paper were (a) to review the manuscript and Laura Seiverling for assistance with data collection. definition of component analysis, (b) to Address correspondence to John Ward-Horner, Psy- introduce a notation system for evaluating the chology Department, Queens College, 65-30 Kissena experimental designs of component analyses, (c) Blvd., Flushing, New York 11367 (e-mail: wardhornerj@ yahoo.com). to discuss experimental procedures for perform- doi: 10.1901/jaba.2010.43-685 ing component analyses, and (d) to review

685 686 JOHN WARD-HORNER and PETER STURMEY previous studies that have conducted compo- A Notation for Component Analyses nent analyses. Before reviewing the methods for conducting component analyses and previous studies that Component Analysis Defined have conducted component analyses, it will be J. O. Cooper et al. (2007) defined compo- beneficial first to describe a notation system that nent analysis as ‘‘any experiment designed to may be used to illustrate examples of component identify the active elements of a treatment analyses. The letters X, Y, and Z indicate the condition, the relative contributions of different individual components of a three-component variables in a treatment package, and/or the treatment package. Additional letters from the necessary and sufficient components of an end of the alphabet can be used for treatments intervention’’ (p. 692). Component analyses packages with more components. For example, an are different than experiments that compare two ABC design comprised of baseline, treatment, and or more distinct treatments. Kennedy (2005) follow-up can be notated as [BSL]_[XYZ]_[FU]. made this distinction by using the term BSL indicates the baseline phase, FU indicates the comparative analysis to refer to the comparison follow-up phase, and the brackets surrounding the of two or more distinct treatments and letters indicate an experimental phase. For component analysis to refer to the evaluation of alternating treatments designs, the components the necessary parts of an intervention. Accord- that the researcher alternates within a phase are ingly, the present paper will use the term separated by a hyphen. For example, [BSL]_[XY- component to refer to variables that comprise a Z]_[FU] indicates that the researcher presented treatment package and treatment package to Components X and Y simultaneously and refer to the application of an intervention with compared them to Component Z alone. Multiple all of its components. Readers should also note baseline designs may be notated using the letter P that sometimes a treatment package consists of followed by a numeral to refer to the different components that are themselves independent participants and using the letter L followed by a treatments, such as a package of relaxation numeral to indicate each leg of the design. For training, differential reinforcement, and extinc- instance, the notation P1_L1_[X]_[Y]_[YZ], tion. For the purpose of this review, the P1_L2_[X]_[Y]_[YZ], P1_L3_[X]_[Y]_[YZ] in- components of such treatment packages will dicates a multiple baseline design across responses, also be referred to as components. Other studies whereas P1_L1_[X]_[Y]_[YZ], P2_L2_[X]_[Y]_ that directly compare interventions that are [YZ], P3_L3_[X]_[Y]_[YZ] indicates a multiple independent treatments that are never presented baseline design across participants. Finally, re- together as a treatment package would consti- searchers may include numerals following each tute a comparative analysis (Kennedy). component to represent the application of It is also important to distinguish component different treatments to different responses within analyses from parametric analyses. A parametric a single phase of an experiment. For instance, the analysis is a comparison of different levels of one notation [Y1-Z2] indicates that Component Y independent variable (Baer et al., 1968; J. O. was applied to Response 1 and that treatment Z Cooper et al., 2007; Kennedy, 2005). Thus, a was applied to Response 2. Table 1 provides comparison of low rates and high rates of examples of how researchers may use this noncontingent reinforcement is more appropri- notation system to evaluate a variety of experi- ately termed a parametric analysis rather than a mental designs. component analysis. This example compares two values of a single variable (rate of noncontingent Evaluating the Outcomes of Component Analyses reinforcement) rather than a comparison of When conducting component analyses, re- components of a treatment package. searchers often determine that only one or a few COMPONENT ANALYSES 687 components of a treatment package produce establish relations among the components that behavior change (e.g., Miltenberger, Fuqua, & influence subsequent evaluations of the com- McKinley, 1985); however, it is critical that the ponents). For instance, Outcome 5 illustrates a conclusions derived from the analysis are situation in which it is possible that Component consistent with the experimental design. Ac- Y is effective only because of its prior cordingly, researchers should consider (a) the presentation with Component Z. Thus, when additive effects of components, (b) the multi- Component Y (praise) is presented with plicative or interactive relations among compo- Component Z (primary reinforcer) in a treat- nents, (c) the necessity and sufficiency of each ment package, Component Y may become a component, (d) behavioral effects related to conditioned reinforcer that is sufficient at combining different components, and (e) maintaining behavior. Sequence effects refer to sequence effects. Additive effects refer to the the possibility that the effects of one condition possibility that the effects of individual compo- may carry over and influence behavior in nents of the treatment package are independent subsequent conditions; for example, Compo- of each other. For example, Outcome 1 in nent Y may be effective only when preceded by Figure 1 illustrates an additive effect because Component Z, but Component Y may be Component Y is effective at changing behavior ineffective when it precedes Component Z. whether or not Z is present, thereby indicating Although sequence effects are a concern in any that Component Y is necessary and sufficient. experiment in which one condition is presented Providing that ceiling effects are not a concern, before other conditions, sequence effects may be Outcome 2 in Figure 1 is also suggestive of an mitigated by reversing treatment effects or by additive effect because the sum of the compo- employing counterbalancing. nents produced changes similar to the treatment package. Multiplicative effects refer to the Methods of Conducting Component Analyses possibility that the effects of one component There are two methods of conducting might depend on the presence of another; for component analyses using single-subject exper- instance, Outcome 3 in Figure 1 illustrates a imental designs: dropout and add-in analyses. multiplicative effect because neither Compo- In a dropout analysis, the researcher presents the nent Y nor Component Z is effective at treatment package and then systematically changing behavior, but the combination of removes components. The logic of the dropout these components produces substantial behavior method is that when a component is removed change. The term necessity refers to whether a and the treatment is no longer effective, the component is needed for the treatment package researcher has identified the necessary compo- to be effective, and the term sufficiency refers to nent. The main advantage of this approach is when a component is as effective as the that the target behavior will improve immedi- treatment package. For instance, Outcome 4 ately, within the first or second experimental indicates that Components Y and Z are phase, and that the subsequent removal of sufficient but neither component is necessary, components may provide information on the whereas Outcomes 2 and 3 indicate that neither components necessary to maintain treatment Component Y nor Component Z is sufficient goals (L. J. Cooper et al., 1995). One but both are necessary. Outcome 5 is challeng- disadvantage is that the behavioral effects of ing to interpret because of the behavioral effects combining components might mask the effec- related to treatment combinations (i.e., the tiveness of individual components, which makes possibility that the components that are pre- it difficult to determine the necessity and sented together during the same phase might sufficiency of components. For instance, if the 688 JOHN WARD-HORNER and PETER STURMEY

Table 1 Review of the Add-In and Dropout Component Analyses

Reference Target responses Package elements Component analysis, experimental design Medland and Disruptive behavior X 5 game contingency [BSL]_[XYZ]_[BSL]_[Y]_[YZ]_[XYZ] Stachnik Y 5 rules for game ABACDB reversal design (1972) Z 5 lights correlated with contingency Sanders (1983) Pain intensity, W 5 functional pain-behavioral analysis P1_L1_[X]_[XY]_[XYZ]_[WXYZ] medication training P2_L2_[Y]_[YZ]_[XYZ]_[WXYZ] intake, up time X 5 progressive relaxation training P3_L3_[Z]_[WZ]_[WXZ]_[WXYZ] Y 5 assertion training P4_L4_[W]_[WX]_[WXY]_[WXYZ] Z 5 social reinforcement of increased Nonconcurrent multiple baseline design across participants Odom et al. Frequency of Y 5 token reinforcers P1_L1_[BSL]_[YZ]_[Z]_[Z*]_[Z] (1985) positive and Z 5 verbal prompts for confederate to P1_L2_[BSL]_[YZ]_[Z]_[Z*]_[Z] negative social initiate social interaction P1_L3_[BSL]_[YZ]_[Z]_[Z*]_[Z] interactions Z* 5 less frequent teacher prompts P2_L1_[BSL]_[YZ]_[Z]_[Z*]_[Z] P2_L2_[BSL]_[YZ]_[Z]_[Z*]_[Z] P2_L3_[BSL]_[YZ]_[Z]_[Z*]_[Z] P3_L1_[BSL]_[YZ]_[Z]_[Z*]_[Z] P3_L2_[BSL]_[YZ]_[Z]_[Z*]_[Z] P3_L3_[BSL]_[YZ]_[Z]_[Z*]_[Z] multiple baseline design across settings with a reversal design Fisher et al. Maladaptive X 5 extinction Art: (1993) behavior Y 5 punishment Setting 1: P1_L1_[X]_[Y]_[X]_[YZ]_[Z]_[YZ] Z 5 functional communication P1_L2_[BSL]_[Y]_[BSL]_[YZ]_[Z]_[YZ] Demand fading was incorporated into P1_L3_[BSL]_[Y]_[BSL]_[YZ]_[Z]_[YZ] Art’s treatment, but it is not specified multiple baseline design across responses with a in the component analysis column. reversal design Setting 2: [XZ]_[YZ]_[XZ]_[YZ] ABAB reversal design L. J. Cooper Bites or sips S 5 choice of food or drink Karen: et al. (1995) accepted, fingers T 5 contingent attention [BSL]_[STVZ]_[STVZ-TVZ]_[TVZ- not placed in V 5 escape extinction TV]_[TV-T]_[TV]_[FU] mouth to wipe W 5 contingent toys multielement design out food Z 5 warm-up (toys at table prior to feeding) Woods et al. Percentage of W 5 awareness training P1_L1_[BSL]_[W]_[WX]_[WXY]_[WYZ] (1996) intervals with X 5 self-monitoring P1_L2_[BSL]_[WYZ] tics Y 5 social support P2_L1_[BSL]_[W]_[WX]_[WYZ] Z 5 competing response P2_L2_[BSL] P3_L1_[BSL]_[W] P4_L1_[BSL]_[W]_[WX] Mixed multiple baseline across participants and responses design Green, Gardner, Happiness and X 5 stimuli presented from preference [BSL]_[XYZ]_[XZ-YZ-BSL] and Reid unhappiness assessment Alternating treatments design (1997) of clients as Y 5 stimuli presented based on staff opinion determined by Z 5 stimuli presented or terminated based facial expressions on clients’ facial expression Moore and Percentage of correct BSL 5 instructions P1_L1_[BSL]_[X1-Y3-Z2]_[X2-Y3]_[X3] Fisher responses in X 5 complete video model P2_L2_[BSL]_[X3-Y1-Z2]_[X2-Y1]_[X1] (2007) conducting Y 5 partial video model P3_L3_[BSL]_[X2-Y1-Z3]_[X3-Y1] functional Z 5 lecture (1, 2, and 3 refer to the play, attention, and demand analyses conditions, respectively) multiple baseline design across participants with a multielement design Note. This table provides a detailed review of the add-in and dropout component analyses discussed in the text, and it provides examples of the ways that researchers may use the notation system to evaluate component analyses using a variety of experimental designs. a Dash indicates that the necessary component was not identified. COMPONENT ANALYSES 689

Table 1 effective component is dropped following the (Extended) presentation of the treatment package (e.g., [YZ]_[Y], where Z is the effective component), Sufficiency of All components All components Necessary necessary behavior might not change due to the correlation independently and combinations components component or pairing of the effective component with the evaluated? evaluated? identified? assessed? other components during the previous phase. a no no no — The lack of differential responding between phases makes it difficult to draw conclusions yes no no — about the effectiveness of the components. A second method for conducting a compo- nent analysis is to systematically assess compo- nents individually or in combination before yes no no — presenting the treatment package. When the components are presented individually before the treatment package, researchers assess the sufficiency of the components. When research- no no no — ers present component combinations before the treatment package and the component combi- nations produce responding similar to the no no no — treatment package, researchers may conclude yes no no — that the components that have not yet been assessed are not necessary, although they cannot conclude that these components are not

no no no no sufficient. The main advantage of the add-in method is that researchers can avoid the behavioral effects related to combining different no no yes no components, thereby allowing an evaluation of the sufficiency of the components. The major disadvantage is that sequence and floor or no no no — ceiling effects may make it impossible to detect the effects of components that are evaluated toward the end of the analysis. For instance, in a three-component treatment [XYZ], X might not have any impact on behavior, but Y might no no yes no increase performance to 80%. Because perfor- mance can only increase by another 20%, the addition of Z will produce a limited increase in no no yes no performance. Although Z may be as or more effective than Y, the presentation of Y before Z prevents researchers from obtaining an accurate assessment of Z, which may lead to the erroneous conclusion that either Z is less effective than Y or that Z is ineffective. Researchers have used multiple baseline, reversal, and alternating treatments designs or 690 JOHN WARD-HORNER and PETER STURMEY

Figure 1. The potential outcomes of component analyses for a two-component treatment package using reversal designs. design combinations to conduct component alternating treatments designs, researchers could analyses (see Table 2). Add-in reversal or alter- use counterbalancing techniques to reduce the nating treatments designs provide the most likelihood of sequence effects. powerful and complete analysis of the active Although reversal and alternating treatments components of a treatment package because they designs provide a more powerful and complete reduce potential confounding from the behavior- analysis of the active components of a treatment al effects of component combinations. Although package, multiple baseline designs may be useful sequence effects are not eliminated in reversal and for evaluating treatment components when the COMPONENT ANALYSES 691 target response is not easily reversible. Accord- this paper) visually inspected each figure in each ingly, researchers should perform add-in compo- article to evaluate the reliability of the ratings. nent analyses when using multiple baseline Interrater agreement was calculated separately designs, because it is impossible to eliminate the for each question presented in Table 2 by confounding effect related to treatment combi- dividing agreements by agreements plus dis- nations when the dropout method is employed agreements and converting the ratio to a (e.g., [BSL]_[XYZ]_[XY]_[X]). percentage. Agreements for the questions of whether the researchers (a) evaluated all com- METHOD ponents independently, (b) evaluated all com- ponent combinations, (c) identified the neces- The authors conducted searches using Psyc- sary components, and (d) assessed the INFO, PubMed, and the Journal of Applied sufficiency of the necessary components were Behavior Analysis (abstract search). The terms 97% (range, 0% to 100%), 93% (range, 0% to entered into the PsycINFO search included 100%), 80% (range, 0% to 100%), and 77% component analysis and behavior analysis (22 hits), (range, 0% to 100%), respectively. Agreement component analysis and behavior modification (63 was lower for the questions of whether the hits), component analysis and Journal of Applied necessary component was identified and wheth- Behavior Analysis’’ (16 hits), component analysis er the sufficiency of the necessary component and Journal of the Experimental Analysis of was assessed because there was 0% agreement Behavior (two hits), component analysis and for these categories for the following articles: developmental disabilities (23 hits), and component Freeman (2006), Millard et al. (1993), Pace, analysis and mental retardation (57 hits). The Iwata, Cowdery, Andree, and McIntyre (1993), search terms component analysis and behavior and Tiger and Hanley (2004). When these four modification were used to search PubMed and the articles are excluded from the calculation, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (abstract agreement for the remaining 26 studies was search). In addition, we performed a reference 88% (range, 50% to 100%) and 87% (range, search through the articles obtained from the 43% to 100%) for the questions of whether the database search. We excluded research articles study identified the necessary component and that employed group designs or that did not meet whether the study assessed the sufficiency of the the definition of component analysis. necessary component, respectively. In the case The outcome of the search yielded 30 of disagreements, the first and second authors articles. The first author (primary rater) visually discussed each disagreement to draw conclu- inspected the figures to determine whether the sions regarding the evaluation of components. researchers had identified the necessary and Furthermore, any disagreements between the sufficient components of the treatment package. raters were changed in accordance with the In determining whether researchers identified conclusions reached by the authors’ discussion; the necessary components of a package, the first however, there was only one article (Millard et author recorded ‘‘no’’ when potential con- al.) for which the discussion of disagreements founding effects were possible (e.g., behavioral reversed the first author’s scoring. effects related to component combinations), the experimental design did not permit statements RESULTS regarding functional relations (e.g., AB designs or multiple baseline designs with only two legs), Dropout Component Analyses or the trends or overlap in data did not allow Ten articles performed dropout component one to draw firm conclusions. A second analyses (Table 2); none independently evalu- independent rater (who was not an author on ated all components, and only three evaluated 692 JOHN WARD-HORNER and PETER STURMEY

Table 2 Articles Identified As Having Conducted an Add-In or Dropout Component Analysis

Method of conducting component References analysis, design Target responses Components of treatment package Medland and dropout, reversal Disruptive behavior X 5 game contingency Stachnik Y 5 rules for game (1972) Z 5 lights correlated with contingency Rogers-Warren add-in, MBD R1 5 percentage of group V 5 experimenter models sharing behavior et al. (1977) reporting sharing W 5 experimenter reports sharing and report is R25 percentage of group reinforced sharing X 5 participant reports sharing R3 5 mean number of Y 5 participant’s true/untrue sharing reports are sharing responses reinforced Z 5 participant’s true reports of sharing are reinforced Sanders (1983) add-in, MBD with Pain intensity, medication W 5 functional pain-behavior analysis training counterbalancing intake, time spent X 5 progressive relaxation training standing or walking Y 5 assertion training Z 5 social reinforcement of increased activity Sisson and add-in, ATD Mean number of sentence Y 5 present vocal stimuli and require vocal response Barrett parts Z 5 present sign stimuli and require signed response (1984) Odom et al. dropout, reversal Frequency of positive and Y 5 token reinforcers (1985) negative social Z 5 verbal prompts for confederate to initiate social interactions interaction Z* 5 less frequent teacher prompts Feldman et al. add-in, MBD Imitation of child’s Y 5 verbal instruction (1989) vocalization, affection, Z 5 modeling, practice, feedback praise for child behavior Jones and Baker add-in, ATD Stereotypy Y 5 prompting (1989) Z 5 reinforcement Wacker et al. dropout, reversal Aggression, self- injury, W 5 prompts for communicative response (1990) stereotypy, functional X 5 functional communication training communication training Y 5 extinction, timeout, or graduated guidance (depending on participant) Z* 5 DRO to control for rate of reinforcement; not a component of the treatment package Fisher et al. add-in, reversal Maladaptive behavior, X 5 extinction (1993)b functional Y 5 punishment communication training Z 5 functional communication training

Millard et al. dropout, reversal Appropriate child behavior V 5 specific directions (1993) W 5 DRA X 5 preferred activities Y 5 general directions Z 5 ignoring all behavior Pace et al. (1993) add-in, ABC design Percentage of intervals of Y 5 extinction self-injurious behavior Z 5 fading instructions L. J. Cooper dropout, reversal R1 5 Bites or sips accepted S 5 choice of food or drink et al. for Jack, Andy, R2 5 fingers not placed T 5 contingent attention (1995) Carl dropout, in mouth to wipe U 5 preferred food or drinks ATD for Karen out food V 5 escape extinction W 5 contingent toys X 5 noncontingent toys or social attention Y 5 DRA Z 5 warm-up (toys at table prior to feeding) Kern et al. add-in, MBD Appropriate and X 5 rewards (1995) inappropriate peer Y 5 discussion interaction Z 5 self-evaluation COMPONENT ANALYSES 693

Table 2 (Extended)

All components All components Necessary Sufficiency of Participants, group, independently and combinations components necessary component number of components evaluated? evaluated? identified? assessed? Group 1 (3) no no no Group 2 (3) no no no

Group: (5) no no no —a R1 no no yes no R2 no no yes no R3

for all participants and responses (4) yes no no —

Eli (2) no yes yes no Mick (2) no yes yes no Tyco (2) no yes no — for all participants and responses (2) no yes no —

for all participants and responses (2) no yes no no

Andrew (2) no Yes yes no

Bobby (3) no no yes yes Barb (3) no no no — Jim (3) no no yes yes

Art: Setting 1 (3) yes no no — Art: Setting 2 (3) no no no — Jan: Setting 1 (2) no yes no — Jan: Setting 2 (3) no no no — Bob (2) no yes no — Abe (3) no no no — for all participants (4) no no no —

Lynn (2) no yes no —

Jack (4) no no yes no Andy (3) no no yes no Karen (4) no no yes no Carl (3) no no yes no R1 no no no — R2 for all participants (3) no no yes no 694 JOHN WARD-HORNER and PETER STURMEY

Table 2 (Continued)

Method of conducting component References analysis, design Target responses Components of treatment package Cameron et al. dropout, reversal Inappropriate vocalizations X 5 two non-contingent snacks (1996) Y 5 visual occlusion helmet Y1 5 translucent helmet screen Y2 5 chin strap and translucent screen removed from helmet Y3 5 helmet shell removed and replaced by headband Z 5 removal of demands Woods et al. add-in, MBD Percentage of intervals W 5 awareness training (1996) with tics X 5 self-monitoring Y 5 social support Z 5 competing response Green et al. dropout, ATD Happiness and unhappiness X 5 stimuli presented from preference assessment (1997) ofclientsasdetermined Y 5 stimuli presented based on staff opinion by facial expressions Z 5 stimuli presented or terminated based on clients’ facial expression Richman et al. add-in, reversal R1 5 appropriate social W 5 DRO (1997) interactions X 5 time-out R2 5 aggression Y 5 nonpreferred task to perform during timeout Z 5 DRA and prompts Shirley et al. add-in, MBD and Rate of self-injury, signing Y 5 functional communication training (1997) reversal Z 5 extinction Hagopian, Fisher, ATD, reversal, MBD Maladaptive behavior, X 5 functional communication training Sullivan, Acquisto, appropriate Y 5 extinction and Le Blanc (1998)c communication Z 5 punishment Hanley et al. add-in, MBD or Stereotypy; X 5 prompt (2000)d reversal (depending appropriate object Y5 blocking on participant) manipulation Z 5 DRA Hoch et al. (2001) add-in, reversal for R1 5acceptance of food W 5 positive reinforcement for acceptance Michael and Kevin R2 5 expulsion X 5 continued presentation of food dropout, reversal R3 5 mouth clean Y 5 representation of food following expulsion for Brian and R4 5 negative vocalizations Z 5 positive reinforcement following clean mouth Norman R5 5 grams consumed

Hagopian et al. add-in, reversal for Verbal aggression; property X 5 noncontingent attention, access to preferred items, (2002) Kristi; add-in, destruction; physical DRA for appropriate requesting ATD for Lori aggression Y 5 nonexclusionary time-out Z 5 exclusionary time-out Tiger and Hanley add-in, reversal Number of mands for BSL 5 mixed schedule (FR 1 and extinction); (2004) teacher X 5 multiple schedule (FR 1, extinction) stimuli correlated with contingency Y 5 multiple schedule plus rules describing contingency Z 5 multiple schedule, rules, varied discriminative stimulus Buckley et al. (2005) add-in, reversal Number of intervals of Y 5 differential reinforcement and response cost packing Z 5 simultaneous presentation Freeman (2006) add-in, reversal Frequency of bedtime Y 5 pass resistance Z 5 extinction Roscoe et al. (2006) add-in, ATD Percentage of correct X 5 written instructions responses for stimulus Y 5 feedback preference assessments Z 5 contingent money Moore and Fisher add-in, ATD Percentage of correct BSL 5 instructions (2007) responses in conducting X 5 complete video model functional analyses Y 5 partial video model Z 5 lecture DeLeon et al. add-in, reversal Duration of independent X 5 noncontingent reinforcement (2008) glasses wearing Y 5 5-s response blocking Z 5 response cost COMPONENT ANALYSES 695

Table 2 (Continued) (Extended)

All components All components Necessary Sufficiency of Participants, group, independently and combinations components necessary component number of components evaluated? evaluated? identified? assessed? Frieda (6) no yes yes yes

Keith (4) no no no — Chip (4) no no no — Jack (1) na na no — Brandi (2) no yes no — Carl (3) no no yes no Ron (3) no no yes no Fran (3) no no no —

Matt (4) no no yes no R1 no no no — R2 for all participants (2) no yes yes no depended on participant — — — —

Jane (2) no yes yes no Rick (2) no yes yes no Jake (3) no no yes no Michael (4) no no no — Kevin (3) no no no — Brian (4) no no yes — R1-4 no no no — R5 no no no — Norman (4) Kristi (2) no yes no — Lori (3) no no yes no for all participants (2) no yes yes no

Maria (2) no yes yes no

Greg (2) no yes no — for all participants (3) no no yes no for all participants (3) no no yes no

for all participants (3) no no no — 696 JOHN WARD-HORNER and PETER STURMEY all component combinations (Cameron, Luiselli, Following the treatment package, the authors Littleton, & Ferrelli, 1996; Odom, Hoyson, withdrew the tokens and reduced the frequency Jamieson, & Strain, 1985; Sisson & Barrett, of teacher prompts (Z*) and then returned to 1984). The component analyses by Medland and the original frequency of teacher prompts (Z; Stachnik (1972) and Odom et al. (1985) could see Table 1). The removal of tokens had no not be evaluated, because the experimental impact on social initiations, whereas the designs did not adequately control for sequence reduction in teacher prompts decreased social effects and the behavioral effects of component initiations. combinations. The remaining six articles suc- Odom et al. (1985) concluded that the cessfully identified the necessary components for prompts were a necessary component of the at least one participant, and only Wacker et al. treatment; however, the experimental design did (1990) and Cameron et al. (1996) evaluated not adequately control for the behavioral effects whether the necessary components were also of component combinations. For instance, it is sufficient to produce behavior change. possible that prompts were effective only One concern for dropout component analy- because of their prior correlation with tokens. ses is that combinations of components, before This challenges the necessity of prompts on the the analysis of individual components, may grounds that tokens may have been necessary to make it difficult to determine the necessity and make the prompts effective, at least initially. A sufficiency of each component. This is especial- demonstration of the necessity of prompts ly challenging when a systematic removal of would have required that the experiment components or a systematic reintroduction of include tokens during the last three phases of components follows the presentation of the the experiment. For instance, if the analysis of treatment package (Medland & Stachnik, 1972; prompts consisted of [YZ]_[Y]_[YZ] instead of Odom et al., 1985). For instance, Odom et al. [Z]_[Z*]_[Z], and if the tokens (Y) were not investigated the effects of training confederates sufficient to maintain positive social interac- to initiate social interactions with their peers tions, then conclusions about the necessity of with developmental disabilities. The treatment prompts would have been possible. package consisted of reinforcing the confeder- Medland and Stachnik’s (1972) component ates’ appropriate social interactions with tokens analysis of the good-behavior game faces similar (Y) and providing verbal prompts when the challenges. They used the good-behavior game confederate failed to initiate an interaction after to decrease off-task responses of two groups of a specified period of time (Z). The treatment fifth graders. The game consisted of giving the package (YZ) increased positive social interac- students rules to follow during reading class (Y), tions and decreased negative social interactions. implementing and describing punishment and r Note. If more than one response was measured, and if the components had differential effects on the responses, conclusions are reported for each response. MBD 5 multiple-baseline design; ATD 5 alternating treatments design. a Dash indicates that the necessary component was not identified. b The treatment package for Fisher et al. (1993) consisted of either XZ or YZ, depending on child. Further, demand fading and helmet fading were incorporated into Art’s and Abe’s treatment, respectively, but they are not specified in the component analysis column. c Visual inspection of Hagopian et al.’s (1998) data was not possible because figures were not provided for the majority of the 21 participants. d The treatment package for Hanley et al. (2000) consisted of XY for Jane and Rick and XYZ for Jake. The treatment package for L. J. Cooper et al. (1995) consisted of components STUV for Jack, VXY for Andy, STVZ for Karen, and TVW for Carl. COMPONENT ANALYSES 697 reinforcement contingencies for following rules component analyses, the majority of the articles (X), and operating lights to signal when that used a dropout component analysis students behaved appropriately and inappropri- determined that at least one component was ately (Z). The experimenters recorded the necessary. L. J. Cooper et al. (1995) provided number of disruptive responses emitted by each an example of how to identify the necessary group. The authors used an ABACDB design in component using a dropout analysis. They which A was the baseline, B was the treatment investigated the effects of a treatment to increase package [XYZ], C included rules only [Y], and food acceptance and consumption for four D included rules and lights only [YZ] (see individuals with developmental disabilities. Table 1). Medland and Stachnik reported that For one of the children, the treatment package the mean number of disruptive responses consisted of a choice of food (S), contingent decreased during Y, and YZ suppressed disrup- attention when the child accepted food (T), tive responding further. When the authors continued presentation of food when the child reintroduced the game contingency (X) after refused it (escape extinction; V), and a warm-up YZ, responding decreased even further. Med- in which the therapist provided toys to the child land and Stachnik concluded that the rules and for sitting in the high chair prior to mealtime lights components effectively reduced behavior (Z; Table 1). Following a baseline phase with following their presentation with the games low food acceptance, the authors implemented contingency and that all components were the treatment package (STVZ), which increased required for optimal control over behavior. food acceptance and the amount of food These data are compatible with the conclu- consumed. To evaluate the necessity of the sion that there was an additive effect of the choice component (S), the authors conducted a components and that all components were third phase in which the treatment package necessary; however, researchers should interpret (STVZ) alternated with Components TVZ. such conclusions cautiously. Medland and Because there was no difference in food Stachnik (1972) acknowledged that simulta- acceptance between these alternating condi- neous presentation of such components might tions, the authors eliminated the choice com- have masked the amount of control exerted by ponent (S). To evaluate the warm-up compo- the individual components. For example, the nent (Z), the authors conducted a fourth phase rules and lights might have developed discrim- in which TVZ alternated with TV. The warm- inative control by virtue of their correlation up component did not have any appreciable with the game’s contingency in the previous effect on food acceptance. To evaluate the experimental phase. Further, the combination contribution of escape extinction (V), the of lights and rules might have decreased authors conducted a fifth phase comparing disruptive behavior more than rules alone TV to T. There was greater food acceptance because the lights could have acquired a when escape extinction (V) was present than stronger discriminative function, perhaps due when it was absent, and the amount of food to stimulus salience (Reynolds, 1961). Alterna- accepted and consumed was equal to that of the tively, the authors might have established the treatment package (STVZ) in the presence of compound of the light and rules as the TV. Thus, the authors concluded that escape discriminative stimulus, and so responding in extinction (V) was the necessary component the presence of the light or rules alone may be that produced the increase in food acceptance. attributed to stimulus generalization. There are two reasons why L. J. Cooper et Although the behavioral effects of compo- al.’s (1995) component analysis is notable. First, nent combinations are a threat to dropout these authors systematically evaluated the ne- 698 JOHN WARD-HORNER and PETER STURMEY cessity of most of the components of a rather remaining two legs, respectively, using an large treatment package. The systematic remov- ACAEDE design. The different sequence of al of components across phases in the context of phases allowed the independent assessment of an alternating treatments design is an efficient extinction (X) and punishment (Y). The authors alternative to the potentially more time-con- also conducted a reversal design in a different suming reversal design, which would have environment for disruptive behavior, and the required many more sessions and experimental sequence of phases consisted of FEFE. The phases. In addition to the elegance of its design, multiple baseline design in the first setting this study also provides a nice example of how revealed that problem behavior was reduced in experimenters can conduct a component anal- the punishment (C), FCT (D), and the FCT ysis while minimally affecting treatment gains. plus punishment phases (E). For the reversal In contrast to a reversal design that requires the design in the second setting, problem behavior removal of active components for several was not reduced in the first phase (F), but it was sessions, L. J. Cooper et al. identified the reduced in all of the remaining three phases. necessity of escape extinction within a single Fisher et al.’s (1993) component analysis is experimental phase. notable because they evaluated all components independently. Nevertheless, the data during Add-In Component Analyses the third leg’s baseline overlap considerably Eighteen articles performed add-in compo- with the data during the punishment phase, so nent analyses (Table 2). Thirteen studies iden- it is difficult to draw firm conclusions about the tified the necessary component; however, only effects of punishment. Further, the authors lost Fisher et al. (1993) and Sanders (1983) experimental control when behavior failed to independently evaluated all components for at reverse after they implemented punishment least one participant. Although Fisher et al. and alone in the first setting and when they Sanders independently evaluated all compo- implemented FCT in both settings. Therefore, nents, we cannot report whether they assessed conclusions about the necessity and sufficiency the sufficiency of the necessary components of the components are difficult to make because because the experimental designs did not permit of data overlap between baseline and punish- one to draw firm conclusions. ment phases and because of the nondifferential Fisher et al. (1993) independently evaluated responding across phases. all components of a treatment package for Sanders (1983) used a nonconcurrent multi- reducing the problem behavior of five individ- ple baseline design across participants to uals with developmental disabilities. The treat- conduct a component analysis of a treatment ment package consisted of extinction (X) or package for reducing lower back pain and pain- punishment (Y) and functional communication medication intake and increasing time standing training (FCT; Z). For one participant (Art), or walking for three individuals. The treatment the component analysis was a reversal design package consisted of four components: func- embedded in a multiple baseline design across tional pain–behavior analysis training (e.g., self- disruption, aggression, and self-injury. There monitoring of pain and the conditions that were six phases: baseline (A), extinction (B), precede and follow pain; W), progressive punishment (C), FCT (D), FCT plus punish- relaxation training (X), assertion training (Y), ment (E), and FCT plus extinction (F). The and social reinforcement of increased activity authors targeted disruptive behavior in the first (Z). Sanders presented each component once in leg, using a BCBEDE design. The authors then isolation by counterbalancing the order of targeted aggression and self-injury in the components across participants. Progressive COMPONENT ANALYSES 699 relaxation training (X) decreased pain ratings man, Case, Rincover, Towns, & Betel, 1989; and pain medication, and social reinforcement Kern, Wacker, Mace, Dunlap, & Kromrey, of activity (Z) increased the amount of time 1995; Pace et al., 1993; Rogers-Warren, standing and walking. The effect of assertion Warren, & Baer, 1977; Woods, Miltenberger, training (Y) was too small to draw any firm & Lumley, 1996). The remaining seven articles conclusion. Functional pain–behavior analysis used reversal designs, alternating treatments training (W) had no appreciable effect on pain- designs, or combination designs (e.g., multiple related behavior. Therefore, Sanders concluded baseline design with a reversal; Buckley & that both relaxation training and activity Newchok, 2005; DeLeon et al., 2008; Freeman, reinforcement were necessary components. 2006; Hagopian et al., 2002; Hanley, Iwata, Sanders’s (1983) experimental design is Thompson, & Lindberg, 2000; Jones & Baker, interesting in that it permitted the independent 1989; Moore & Fisher, 2007; Shirley, Iwata, evaluation of four components within a multi- Kahng, Mazaleski, & Lerman, 1997; Tiger & ple baseline design; however, the design is Hanley, 2004), which are more amenable to the troublesome because experimental control was independent evaluation of the necessary com- lost as a result of the participants experiencing a ponents; however, despite the use of reversal different sequence of conditions, making it designs, none determined if the necessary difficult to identify the design as a multiple component was also sufficient. baseline. An assumption of the multiple baseline design is that, when treatment is Other Single-Subject Component Analyses implemented for the first leg, other legs serve Another class of single-subject component as controls (Kazdin, 1982). The problem with analyses compares groups of single-subject data different legs having different sequences of in which the component of interest is included conditions is that the control leg constantly in the treatment package for one group but not changes, which makes it difficult to obtain the other. Differential responding between stability in the control conditions. For instance, groups may indicate the necessity of the during the third phase for Participant 1, activity component of interest, whereas nondifferential reinforcement had already been implemented responding may indicate the sufficiency of the for Participant 2, and it was serving as the component. Two articles used multiple baseline control condition for Participant 1. Thus, designs in which groups of participants received experimental control of activity reinforcement a different sequence of conditions (Krumhus & was lost because there was not a comparison Malott, 1980; Miltenberger et al., 1985). For condition in the second leg. Further, pain- example, Miltenberger et al. evaluated the related behavior was increasing for Participant 2 competing response component of habit rever- when activity reinforcement was implemented sal for muscle tics. One group received for Participant 1. Therefore, experimental awareness training, relaxation training, the use control was lost as a result of the lack of a of a competing response, social support, and a consistent control condition. review of situations that evoked the habit and the The remaining add-in articles did not habit’s inconvenience. The second group received independently evaluate the component identi- only awareness training and competing response fied as being necessary, so it is unclear whether training. Motor tics in the second group the necessary component was also sufficient. decreased to the same level as the first group. Five articles used multiple baseline designs, such The authors concluded that awareness and that components were sequentially added to competing response training were the effective components tested in the previous phase (Feld- components of the habit reversal package. 700 JOHN WARD-HORNER and PETER STURMEY

There are three concerns that arise when ponent analysis should be based on an analysis evaluating different groups of experimental data. of the cost and benefits and social validity of a First, there might be an interaction between the treatment package. Accordingly, a component treatment and participant variables, especially if analysis may be useful for treatment packages the design does not include appropriate exper- that have many components or are expensive, imental control procedures. Second, variability time consuming, and difficult to implement. A across participants might restrict conclusions component analysis may also have great clinical about the active components of the treatment utility in treatment packages that include a package; if some participants in each group restrictive or aversive component, so that improve and others do not, then identification clinicians can evaluate whether that component of the active component by visual inspection will is necessary for behavior change. For instance, be difficult or must be participant specific. The Cameron et al. (1996) conducted a component final concern relates to the logical error of analysis of a treatment package for reducing accepting null findings. For instance, if a inappropriate screaming, which included a researcher finds that two groups (WX vs. visual occlusion helmet and noncontingent WXYZ) perform similarly, the researcher might snacks. Following a demonstration of the conclude that the components (WX) are as necessity of the helmet, the authors conducted effective as the entire treatment package a component analysis of the various physical parts (WXYZ). The absence of behavior change of the helmet. They found that the pressure from between groups may indicate a lack of experi- the helmet shell was effective at reducing mental control or insensitive dependent variables screaming, and they were able to successfully of measurement systems, rather than a lack of replace the helmet shell with a hair band. any differences between the groups. Cameron et al.’s study provides a good example of when a component analysis is appropriate from DISCUSSION a clinical perspective because (a) the authors This paper presented a description of demonstrated the least restrictive treatment component analyses and reviewed 30 compo- needed for behavior change and (b) staff ratings nent analyses. Conducting a component anal- of attitude towards treatment implementation ysis is a complex and labor-intensive endeavor, improved with the discontinuation of the helmet; especially with multicomponent treatment thus, the component analysis enhanced the social packages. To perform a complete component validity of the intervention. analysis, researchers must evaluate the indepen- Component analyses are appropriate to dent effects of each component and the effects answer questions regarding the active compo- of all component combinations. Such an nents needed for behavior change. For instance, analysis would require several phases and clear Wacker et al. (1990) conducted a component differential responding between them to miti- analysis of FCT because previous research had gate potential confounding from sequence demonstrated the effectiveness of FCT, but the effects or the behavioral effects related to mechanisms that produced behavior change component combinations. Given the complex- were still unknown. Thus, a component analysis ity and labor-intensive nature of component is also appropriate when studies have demon- analyses, it is important to consider when strated the robust efficacy of a treatment component analyses are justified. package but the components that produce There are two conditions that warrant a behavior change are unknown. component analysis: clinical goals and analytic As described by L. J. Cooper et al. (1995), importance. From a clinical standpoint, com- researchers and practitioners should consider the COMPONENT ANALYSES 701 study’s goal when selecting a method for challenging situation arises, however, when conducting a component analysis. If the re- neither component is effective independently. searchers conduct a study to examine the This case is particularly difficult because exper- effective components of a treatment package imental control is compromised due to a lack of that previous research has already shown to be behavior change between conditions or phases effective, then they should use the add-in method (i.e., [BSL]_[Y]_[BSL]_[Z]_[BSL]_[YZ]). One using reversal or multielement designs. In this option is to replicate the initial add-in analysis way, conducting an add-in component analysis with a counterbalanced order of conditions, will allow evaluation of the independent effects because it is possible that the second component of components prior to their combination. By was ineffective only because it was preceded by contrast, if researchers conduct a study for its another component. The second option is to clinical importance, they should adopt the conduct a dropout component analysis such that dropout method using a reversal or multielement the treatment package is inserted between design. In this strategy, there is a greater assessments of the independent components likelihood that there will be substantial and (e.g., [YZ]_[Y]_[YZ]_[Z]_[YZ]). The dropout immediate improvements in behavior, given that component analysis might establish experimental all treatment components are presented first. control by producing differential responding Finally, although it is ideal to match the between phases, providing that the behavioral procedures for conducting a component analysis effects of the component combination do not to the purpose of the study, this may not be influence the subsequent analysis of the indepen- possible when the behavior is not reversible. In dent components. such cases, researchers would need to conduct an Regardless of the purpose for conducting a add-in multiple baseline or an equivalent design component analysis, the outcome of the analysis that does not require a reversal of behavior to may have implications for social validity. In demonstrate experimental control. some cases, the identification and removal of If the add-in method is the most appropriate the unnecessary components may improve the strategy, researchers should consider conducting efficiency and acceptability of the treatment further analyses with other participants to package (Cameron et al., 1996). In other cases, demonstrate the robustness of their initial it is possible that the active components that findings. Depending on the outcome of the improve behavior may be different than the initial analysis, there are two main options for components that make the treatment socially subsequent analyses: counterbalance the order of acceptable. For instance, in a treatment package components for different participants or conduct that consists of punishment and differential a dropout analysis. For instance, with a two- reinforcement, punishment may be the only component treatment package, if both compo- active component; however, research has indi- nents are equally effective or partially effective, or cated that less restrictive procedures (reinforce- if one component is effective and the other is ment) tend to be rated more favorably ineffective, researchers should replicate the initial (Miltenberger, Lennox, & Erfanian, 1989). outcome with different participants using a Therefore, researchers should attempt to evalu- counterbalanced sequence of conditions (i.e., ate the acceptability of each component or [Y]_[Z] and [Z]_[Y]). In such cases, the component combinations of a treatment pack- counterbalanced sequence, when combined with age, which in turn may affect long-term the preliminary findings, provides a more implementation of the intervention. convincing demonstration of the active compo- In our review of the literature, we identified nents than the initial analysis alone. A more 30 articles that conducted component analyses 702 JOHN WARD-HORNER and PETER STURMEY using single-subject experiments. Only two authors’ categorizations was to provide reports studies independently evaluated all treatment that are consistent with the experimental design components, suggesting that research has fo- and purpose of the study. cused on determining the necessity, but not A third limitation is that our evaluation of sufficiency, of components. Only 13 articles the studies in Table 2 did not take into account evaluated all component combinations, and the the purpose of the study. The purpose of a majority of them evaluated treatment packages study might have been to evaluate the suffi- with only two components. Based on this ciency of a particular component without sample of articles, it appears that there have regard to the necessity and sufficiency of the been few complete component analyses; this is other components or vice versa. Further, for not surprising given the difficulties in perform- some of the studies (e.g., Sisson & Barrett, ing component analyses described above. 1984), it may not have been logical to assess a There are several limitations of our review of component independently to determine its the literature that need clarification. First, sufficiency. Therefore, although it is true that definitive conclusions about the number of the sample of studies described in this paper complete component analyses on the basis of rarely conducted a complete component anal- this review are unwarranted; it is difficult to ysis, the aim of the study might not have identify all studies that conducted component required a detailed analysis. analyses because the literature does not ade- In addition to performing a hand search to quately define the term and uses it inconsis- provide a comprehensive and systematic review of tently. Thus, identification of all the possible component analyses, future researchers should studies was challenging. Future research might begin to explore systematic methods for evaluat- address this by supplementing online searches ing treatment packages that are so large that it with hand searches of journals. may not be feasible to use traditional methods to A second limitation was the way studies identify active components. For instance, one identified the components of the treatment strategy might include dividing the components package. We represented the components in the of a treatment package into groups of compo- way that authors had categorized them; howev- nents (e.g., UVW and XYZ) and conducting er, there were several instances in which one component analyses of each group of compo- component could be subdivided into two or nents. This strategy might help to identify the three independent components (Feldman et al., necessary components of large treatment packag- 1989; Richman et al., 1997; Roscoe, Fisher, es, although it precludes the evaluation of the Glover, & Volkert, 2006). For instance, Feld- relation between all components. 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