Professional programme of the Festival of 3 Continents



Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 1 Development Fund for Art,Technique and Film Industry – Algeria (Algérie) Fictions & Documentaries

The Algerian Government has long taken an interest in the film industry, with the creation in 1968 of the "Fonds de Développement de l’Art, de la Technique et de l’Industrie Cinématographique" (FDATIC). This Fund is designed to support the production and distribution of Algerian films, to develop video archives and to organise film events. Since its establishment in 1992, the National Reading Committee has reviewed 165 themes or scripts and selected 49 beneficiaries of partial funding from the FDATIC.

Who can apply? Only corporate bodies working in television or film production and of ALGERIAN NATIONALITY can receive financial support from the FDATIC. Foreign citizens residing officially in Algeria and who have been working in the film or television field for more than 5 years can be assimilated to Algerian citizens and thus benefit from this support. CO-PRODUCTIONS ARE ALSO ACCEPTED.

Conditions and obligations Every applicant to FDATIC financial support must register at the "Conseil national de la cinématographie et de l’aide aux projets audiovisuels" (part of the Ministry of Communication and Culture), at least three months prior to the planned shooting date.

Type and amount of support Currently, the basic amount of FDATIC grants allocated is ten million DA (slightly under 100,000 euros) for features films and three million DA (slightly less than 30,000 euros) for short films. The support may be given as a loan or a grant. The conditions and details of each loan are determined by agreement between the "Conseil national de l’audiovisuel" (National Audiovisual Council) and the legal representative of the producer making the request. In the case of grants, once the approval is received, the payment is made in three parts: 40% upon signature of the agreement, to help the beneficiary start producing his/her film, 30% when shooting starts and 30% at the end of shooting.

CONTACT Fonds de Développement de l’Art, de la Technique et de l’Industrie Cinématographique (FDATIC) Palais de la Culture Plateau des Annassers BP 100 – Alger Algeria Tel: +213 0 21 29 10 10 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 2 BUENOS AIRES LAB (BAFICI) – (Argentine) Fictions & Documentaries

The BAL aims at supporting the development and production of Latin American cinema. It coordinates activities targeted at filmmakers of the region to foster the bond between professionals and the search for funding. The activities include the participation of professionals of the international industry (producers, sellers, distributors, TV networks, and funds) who are interested in Latin American cinematography. The activities aim at the contact and exchange between both spheres.

BAL was a pioneer of its kind: ten years ago, when its journey in BAFICI began, the BAL was the first lab and co- production market in . And today, it is still a forerunner: it is the first market of its kind that seeks to make a radical transformation.

CONTACT Bafici Av. Roque Saenz Peña 832 – piso 6º C1035AAQ - Ciudad de Buenos Aires T 0800-333-7848 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 3 EP2C Postproduction Workshop – Belgium (Belgique) Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation EP2C (European Post Production Connection) is a post-production management course for producers and professionals involved in post-production. The objective of this one-week workshop is to show how to get the best out of the post- production stage when working on an international coproduction. During the workshop, participants are introduced to the main artistic, technical and financial challenges entailed in post- production. EP2C puts at disposal in depth knowledge of image and sound workflows, post-production management methods as well as connections with financers and industry partners of regions hosting the workshop. It acts as a platform where European professionals can share their experience in their own countries with international experts.

Who can apply ? EP2C workshop is mainly designed for producers with experience in their own countries and who desire to expand their horizons to co-produce at the European level. 22 places are avalaibles (14 producers and 8 post-production supervisors). Non European participants are also welcome with a maximum of 6 participants. Note that participants coming from the below stated countries have priority over the other candidates : , Slovenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Estonia, Poland, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Malta, Croatie, as well as if participants come from countries with no support mechanisms.

Modalities and counterparts Participation Fees: - European participants: 850 € This amount covers all costs related to the training course, including accommodation and food costs and the online follow-up. Grants covering participation fees, including accommodation, food costs, are available for European participants. - Non-European participants: Automatic complete scholarship Since 2011, thanks to the support of Media MUNDUS, we have the opportunity to welcome 6 non-European participants to the workshop with an automatic full scholarship including participation fees (training course, accommodation and food costs) and half of the travel costs. The language of seminar is the English.

Type and amount of assistance The EP2C workshop lasts one week and provides practical financial & technical information and management tips in the main areas of post-production supervision - Image workflow (traditional vs digital), and special effects: impact of choices on planning and budget - Sound workflow: impact of choices on schedule and budget - Financing your post-production - Monitoring schedule and resources - Legal issues related to the post-production stage - Promotion and deliveries These main focuses are completed by visits to post-production facilities in the region hosting our workshop, meetings with local professionals, one-on-one meetings with decision makers as well as the setting up of a collaborative Internet platform.

CONTACT EP2C Training Programme 28, rue de l’Amblève, 1160 Auderghem – Brussels, Belgium T +32 (0) 2 736 48 13 / F +32 (0) 2 732 33 83 [email protected] EP2C Programme Management : Michi Noro M: +32 475 73 66 16 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 4 Film Selection Commission – Belgium (Belgique-Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles) Fictions & Documentaries

The support is granted by the Film Selection Commission, in cooperation with the Ministry of the French Community of Belgium and the Centre of Cinema & Audiovisual. It is specifically dedicated to foreign countries.

Who can apply? The project must be submitted by an independent producer with a registered head office or a permanent agency LOCATED IN BELGIUM.

Conditions and obligations Requests for production support to a fiction, documentary or animation feature film may in some cases require the previously confirmed financing of 30% of the total project budget. The confirmed funding commitment will be verified when reviewing the application. The aid granted by the French Community Ministry is a presale loan refundable from the initial proceeds from the film exhibition. The applicant must provide proof that 100% of the aid granted will be spent in Belgium or for the benefit of physical or legal entities fiscally domiciled in Belgium.

Type and amount of support The contribution from the French Community Ministry is calculated proportionately to its share in the overall film costs. The loan repayment amounts to 200% of the French Community’s initial contribution, according to the following terms: - 50% of the French Community’s share until 100% of its contribution is repaid, - Beyond 100%: 25% of the share up to a ceiling of 200%. The support granted is capped at €150,000.

CONTACTS Ministère de la Communauté française Service général de l’Audiovisuel et des Multimédias Boulevard Léopold II, 44 B - 1080 Bruxelles Belgique Tél : +32 2 413 35 02 Fax : 32 2 413 20 68 - 32 2 413 30 50 [email protected]

Secretariat of Film Selection Commission Véronique Pacco Tel : +32 2 413 33 42 [email protected]

Feature films Adeline Wautelet [email protected]

Short films Eve-Laure Avigdor

Documentaries Stéphanie Leempoels

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 5 Flanders Audiovisual Fund – Belgium (Belgique) Fictions & Documentaries

The Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF) supports audiovisual production in, as well as international co-productions with Flanders. The Fund was set up by the Flanders government in 2002 and is headquartered in Brussels. The aims of the Flanders Audiovisual Fund are threefold: to develop a sustainable audiovisual industry, to encourage and support upcoming audiovisual talent and to promote a vibrant audiovisual culture in Flanders. VAF accomplishes four main tasks. It provides financial support for audiovisual productions and promotes these in Flanders as well as abroad. The Fund also grants scholarships, finances professional training and supports/organizes workshops as well as carries out surveys on the audiovisual field.

1.Production The Flanders Audiovisual Fund annually receives a €12.5 million grant of the Flanders government. A minimum of 78% of the annual budget goes to production support. Filmmakers can apply for support to fiction, documentary, animation and experimental media production. VAF distinguishes four types of support: scriptwriting support, development support, production support and support towards promotion. All funding applications are examined by reading committees, the members of which have critical skills and a thorough knowledge of the audiovisual field. These committees give their recommendations to the Board of Directors, which has the final decision.

2.Promotion Flanders Image is a division of the Flanders Audiovisual Fund, taking care of the promotion of Flanders audiovisual productions in Belgium as well as abroad. By combining the three key elements of filmmaking – development, production and promotion – VAF is able to execute a coherent audiovisual policy and back Flanders audiovisual productions with solid promotion. Flanders Image attends a large number of festivals and markets, such as Rotterdam, Berlin, Cannes and MIP and organizes and/or participates in film events abroad that are aimed at supporting Flanders audiovisual productions.

3.Training A considerable part of the Fund’s annual budget (€1 million) is reserved for professional training. The Flanders Audiovisual Fund grants scholarships, finances professional training and supports/organizes workshops. It allows young filmmakers to gain experience and confidence in filmmaking and gives audiovisual professionals the opportunity to specialise.

4.Research The Flanders Audiovisual Fund also reserves a modest budget for research related to the audiovisual field. Its focus is on practical surveys.

CONTACT Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds vzw De heer Pierre Drouot, directeur-intendant Huis van de Vlaamse Film Bischoffsheimlaan 38 1000 Brussel tel: 02/226.06.30 fax: 02/219.19.36 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 6 Production Aid of The Development Cooperation Directorate – Belgium (Belgique) Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation The DGD’s audio-visual policy consists in intervening - in the form of grants, participation or coproduction - in audiovisual productions likely to contribute to a better comprehension of North-South relations by the Belgian public opinion, and of the realities and challenges of international cooperation. The DGD can participate in the financing of production and post- production of fiction or documentary works for distribution in theatres or TV broadcasting.

Who can apply? Any production company, private or public, regardless of the director’s nationality, provided that at least half of the members of its Board of directors are Belgian nationals. Films directed by a filmmaker from a southern country can therefore be eligible provided they fulfill this requirement.

Conditions and obligations The topics of the film must address: international cooperation; development co-operation initiated by Belgium and/or North-South exchanges and relations, in the economic, social and cultural domains. Preference will be afforded to projects designed to best respond to the need for combined information and awareness- raising. The producer commits to mention explicitly the DGD co-funding in any advertising, promotional or informative material (including press kits and releases), regardless of the geographic distribution areas and format (print, electronic…). The DGD co-funding must also be mentioned in the credits (beginning and/or end) of the film. The required credits should read as follows: “Produced with support from Belgian Development Cooperation Directorate - SPF Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade & Development Cooperation”.

Type and amount of support Amounts are defined according to the available budget and the number of eligible requests. Grant may not exceed 25% of the total cost of film.

CONTACTS Service public fédéral Affaires étrangères, Commerce extérieur et Coopération au développement Direction générale de la Coopération au développement (DGD) Direction des Programmes de sensibilisation – D5 Rue des Petits Carmes 15 1000 Bruxelles Belgique [email protected] Tél. : +32 02/501.48.81

Gestionnaires de dossier : (NL) Nora De Baets – [email protected] Tél. : +32 02/501.43.62 (FR) Thomas Reynders – [email protected] Tél. : +32 02/501.48.73

Chef de service : (FR) Thérèse Loncke – [email protected] Tél. : +32 02/501.45.47

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 7 Alter-Ciné Foundation – Canada Documentaries

The Alter-Ciné Foundation was created in the memory of Canadian filmmaker, Yvan Patry, who passed away on October 14, 1999. Patry was a co-founder of the production company Alter Ciné and directed numerous documentaries and current affairs programs in , Latin America and : "… documentaries should go against the tide," he said, "they should bear witness and spur us to action.”

This year, the Foundation will award a grant of 10,000 Canadian dollars to a video or filmmaker to assist in the production of a documentary project.

Who can apply? The grant is aimed at YOUNG VIDEO AND FILMMAKERS BORN AND LIVING IN AFRICA, ASIA OR LATIN AMERICA who want to direct a film in the language of their choice that respects the aims of the Foundation, as explained above.

Only applications received before August 15 of each year will be accepted. Candidates will be advised of the decisions of the Selection Committee before December 31 of each year.

CONTACT Alter-Ciné Foundation 5371 avenue de l’Esplanade Montréal (Québec) H2T 2Z8 CANADA Telephone : 1 (514) 273-7136 E-mail : [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 8 Chilean Audiovisual Development Fund – (Chili) Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation The audiovisual activity growth and development of emerging Chilean film industry is one of the major successes of the cultural policy of the state. Since 2005, the National Council for Culture and the Arts has set up a fund to finance Audiovisual production and post-production of films, scriptwriting, providing items of equipment, training, the As research and spread of new creative trends and technological innovations.

Beneficiaries Audiovisual creators and artists, as well as academics, researchers, schools, institutions, audiovisual associations, municipalities, cultural centers, distributors and agencies responsible for the audiovisual heritage. This Fund may use any person Chilean national, resident or not in the country or foreigners permanently residing in Chile. In the case of legal persons, companies or organizations must be Chilean private or public laws that meet the legal conditions required.

Types of aid and counterparts For the production subsidy feature film co-productions are also accepted with the countries that have signed co- production agreements with Chile (Argentina, , Canada, and ). The film must have duration of at least 60 minutes. The Fund defines as a medium-length works in that last 30 to 50 minutes. The Fund defines as the production phase of the project development, filming, post-production and transfer to a 35mm film. Chilean The CNCA supervises the correct development of the project and the appropriate use of the funds distributed.

Type and amount of subsidy For vocational training: a total of $ 270 million (just over 400,000 euros, of which about 180,000 euros for the metropolitan region). For research: a total of $ 130.5 million (194,000 euros). For the script: a total of $ 82 million (122,000 euros). For the production of short films and new works: a total of 310 million U.S. dollars (461,000 euros) to be distributed as follows: $ 240 million (357,000 euros) for short (180,000 euros to 180,000 euros fiction and films animation) and $ 70 million (€ 104,000) for the first film of a director. For the production of medium-length films and documentaries: a total of 1.545 billion U.S. dollars (2.3 million euros) to be distributed as follows: $ 1.215 billion (EUR 1.8 million) for feature films and 330 million U.S. dollars (490,000 euros) for medium length.

CONTACT National Council for Culture and the Arts Plaza Sotomayor 233. Valparaiso. Chile Tel: +32 2326400

262 Friar Camilo Henríquez. Santiago. Chile Tel: +32 5897824

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 9 Co-FPC (Co-production Film Pitch and Catch) – (Chine) Fictions & Documentaries

Co-FPC calls for co-production projects worldwide. It also invites investors, producers, distributors and the capital from abroad to smooth the channels of international co-productions and to absorb industrial recourses into Chinese market. Each year, the committee selects around 25 Co-FPC projects that are considered suitable for co-production and attractive to market. A face-to-face discussion, which lasts one whole day, will be held to provide financing opportunities for selected projects. The discussion will be joined by projects from CFPC, as well. Besides, SIFF organizes individual meetings for projects from both sections. They are encouraged to take opportunity to reach possible cooperation by meeting with investors, producer or distributors from all over the world. In the end, determined by buyers' evaluation, a "Most Promising Project to Invest" prize will be presented with award of producing fund. In 2012, 483 meetings were held for all projects from Co-FPC and CFPC with 712 buyers. All of them found their co- production partners successfully. More and more projects start to gain profit from this platform. "Sweetheart Chocolate", a Co-FPC project of 2011, plans to be released in 2013. "Resurrection" by Leste CHEN and "When A Wolf Falls in Love With A Sheep" by Chi-Jan, HOU, Co-FPC projects of 2010, had been screened in public cinemas with a high reputation

Co-FPC is open for film projects: • FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD • with artistic and/or commercial qualities • in all stages of production, from script to rough cut • about globalized themes • suitable for co-production and looking for co-producers • with Chinese or Asian elements, or planning to be produced in China • having at least one Chinese partner throughout the production process • with high release potential Projects with secured 20% of the total budget are favored.

Selection Criteria of Co-FPC: • cooperation between Chinese film projects and global capital • cooperation between foreign film projects and Chinese capital • diversified creation • projects with detailed marketing plan

Why come to Co-FPC? Co-FPC focuses on international communications. It is a multilayered firm market that accelerates the development of world film industry healthily. Co-FPC stresses transnational cooperation between directors, producers, investors who are seeking for opportunities to enhance their reputation around the world or to explore international film market with professional services assisted. For foreign capital and movies, China film market is extremely attractive. In China, there are more than 6000 screens. Besides, co-production films share the domestic screening market. Investing in China film market is reliable due to stable rewarding. As the only international festival in China, shanghai International Film Festival presents a globalized platform where the capital and film contents from both home and abroad are emerged together, smoothing up project communications and collaborations with high efficiency.

CONTACT Shanghai International Film Festival 11/F,B,STV Mansion,298 Weihai Road,Shanghai 200041,P.R.China Dan ZHU, Manager CFPC, Co-FPC and Mobile SIFF Tel: 8621-62566365 / [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 10 Copenhague Film Festival Forum (CPH : Forum) – Denmark (Danemark) Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation CPH:FORUM is CPH:DOX international financing and co-production event, dedicated to supporting creative, visual and auteur-driven films. It is a three-day international event bringing together key European and international financiers, industry professionals and producers intent on discovering the latest independent and innovative works in development from documentary filmmakers, fiction filmmakers and visual artists.

Who can apply ? An exclusive maximum of 30 projects will be selected for presentation in CPH:FORUM. With CPH:DOX being the biggest documentary event in Scandinavia, the Forum has a natural emphasis on the Nordic and European scene, but strongly encourages producers and filmmakers worldwide to submit upcoming films for consideration.

Modalities and counterparts CPH:FORUM accepts projects in development and early production. With early stage projects, applicants must have started filming and be able to cut a trailer by August to be eligible. The submissions open in June. Projects that have not been presented at any other major international market will be given priority. The producer and/or director of selected projects must attend CPH:FORUM to present the project. Failure to do so may result in your project being withdrawn. A maximum of two projects may be submitted for consideration per production company. These have to be uploaded as two individual submissions. An administration fee applies of 20 DKK (nearly 3 euros) per project.

Type and amount of assistance CPH:FORUM explores new, untested ways of breaking down conventional notions of genre. By inviting and connecting professionals from the worlds of non-fiction, fiction and visual art, CPH:FORUM wants to initiate new dialogues, open up new windows and enable new production and financing models. The Forum has 3 main focus areas : FICTIONONFICTION : challenging works in the ever-growing hybrid landscape between fiction and non-fiction CINEMA : high end theatrical feature length documentaries with international distribution potential ART : film projects conceptualized to be screened both within the institution of cinema and that of visual arts.

CONTACT Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival Tagensvej 85F DK-2200 Copenhagen N Denmark Phone: (+45) 33 93 07 34 Fax: (+45) 33 12 75 05 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 11 DocAndino Workshop – Ecuador (Equateur) Documentaries

Presentation Doc Andino is a writing, re-writing script and "pitch" workshop organized by the National Film Board Ecuadorian dedicated to feature-length documentaries for cinema and television. The workshop takes place every year in Quito in Ecuador.

Beneficiaries The workshop is open to projects from the following countries: Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Venezuela. Colombian candidates can also participate through a preselection during the workshop Documentary Festival Cartagena.

Modalities and counterparts It must appear on applications the following information: Doc Andino and the project name. The duration of projects for cinema must be greater than 52 minutes. Projects for television should last 52 minutes. Television series projects are accepted.

Selection 14 projects will be selected (six from Ecuador, two from Venezuela, two from Colombia, two from Bolivia and two from Peru).

CONTACT Jan Vandierendonck jpp.vandierendonck@gmail Marcelo Céspedes [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 12 ACP Culture+ - (Union Européenne) Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation The ACP Cultures+ Programme is the 3rd support programme for the ACP culture sectors. With a total budget of 30 million Euros, the programme is implemented by the Secretariat of the ACP Group of States and financed under the 10th European Development Fund of the European Union. The overall objective of the current call for proposals aims to contribute to the fight against poverty through the development and consolidation of viable and sustainable cultural industries in ACP countries by reinforcing their contribution to social and economic development, as well as the preservation of cultural diversity. The specific objectives of the current call for proposals are: 1. Reinforcing the creation and production of cultural services and goods in the ACP States through an approach integrated with distribution networks. 2. Supporting an increased access to local, regional, intra-ACP, European and international markets for the cultural goods and services of the ACP States. 3. Building the capacities of culture sector professionals in ACP States. 4. Improving the regulatory environment of the culture sector in ACP countries.

Who can apply? The funding mechanisms supported by the ACP Culture+ Programme are open to FILMMAKERS FROM AFRICAN, CARIBBEAN AND PACIFIC COUNTRIES.

Type and amount of support Any grant requested under this Call for Proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts: Minimum amount: EUR 50 000 Maximum amount: EUR 500 000 Any grant requested under this Call for Proposals must fall between the following minimum and maximum percentages of the total eligible costs of the action: Minimum 20 % of the total eligible costs of the action Maximum 40 % of the total eligible costs of the action

CONTACT ACP Culture+ Avenue du Tyras, 75 1120 Bruxelles Belgium Tel: +32 0 2 230 54 59 / +32 0 2 514 37 86 Fax: +32 2 266 49 69 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 13 Babylon Programs – European Union (Union Européenne) Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation BABYLON is an audiovisual development programme assisting filmmakers of migrant and diaspora origin to break through into the international mainstream. Frequently unrecognized, the stories that emerge from these undiscovered talents of "dual culture" provide the richest untapped source of storytelling across the world. BABYLON provides a space in which diaspora filmmakers can speak to each other and to the widest international audience, providing access and inclusion. The Babylon Institute is supported by the Media Mundus programme.

Who can apply? All participants should be qualified professionals of proven talent with at least two years’ experience in their local industry. Both African and European participants, whether producers, directors or screenwriters will have some established or proposed interest in working inter-continentally to ensure a higher quality of product capable of reaching the international market. All should have a substantial track record, with at least one film behind them and a viable project which they wish to develop within our programme.

Conditions and obligations Applicants must be able to demonstrate: First draft script or detailed, full-length treatment of the project, plus 1-2 page story outline; Storyboard, trailer or rushes of the proposed project may be submitted as supporting materials if available; Working knowledge of English or French; English/French translations of underlying documentation. For each participants there is a fee of only 300€ for the whole programme. 50% of the travel expenses will be covered by the programme, 50% should be covered by the participants.

Type and amount of support The programme includes: a 5-day intensive development workshop for 15 selected projects in Berlin, ; with script consultancy, screenings, case studies -and networking forums; individual mentoring from Babylon experts during the script rewrite and preparation phase from May to September; a 7 to 9-day production lab based at the Nigerian Film Institute in Abuja, which consolidates the script development of each project and gives filmmaking teams the opportunity to workshop scenes from their films or produce promotional short films based on their feature-film material; five selected projects will be presented to distributors, sales agents and co-producers at the Berlin International Film Festival.

CONTACTS Scenario Films Ltd 52 Avenue Gardens London W3 8HB, UK Tel: +44 (0) 20 8992 6332 / Fax: +44 (0) 20 8752 1926 / [email protected]

Script House GmbH & Co KG Chausseestr. 5 10115 BerlinGermany Tel: + 49 30 28 39 02 46 / Fax: + 49 30 28 39 02 47 / [email protected]

Ciné Sud Promotion 130 rue de Turenne 75003 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 44 54 54 77 / Fax: +33 1 44 54 05 02 / [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 14 ACE MUNDUS – France/EU (Union Européenne) Fictions & Documentaries

ACE (Ateliers du Cinéma Européen) is a centre for training and development geared towards helping independent European producers created in 1993. Since 2009, ACE has opened its doors to non-EU feature film producers* through a dedicated training session, the ACE MUNDUS Programme.

ACE MUNDUS is a One-Week Workshop in Europe, late March-early April: - 2 days in Paris: presentation of the European film industry (financing, legal aspects, tax incentives, international sales, distribution…). - 5 days in another European city: individual meetings with script doctors, financing and production experts, giving you an opportunity to have an in-depth analysis of your feature film, a Co-production Forum with industry professionals from the host country and informal meetings with some 40 European ACE Members at the ACE Producers’ Annual Reunion (film screenings followed by case studies, marketplace presentations, ACE Interview with a renowned producer, etc.)

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: - being an experienced independent producer and having produced, as main producer, at least one fiction feature film theatrically released in your country - having a fiction feature film project in the early stages of development at the time of application, suitable for a co- production (and/or international distribution deal) with an EU country.

CONTACT Ateliers du Cinéma Européen 8, rue Mayran, 75009 Paris France T : +33 1 53 25 00 01 / F : +33 1 53 32 76 94 Financial Director & Head of Training : Isabelle SAVARY [email protected] Assistant : Noëmi HAIRE-SIEVERS [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 15 Amiens International Film Festival – France Fictions & Documentaries


The support for the script development of the Amiens International Film Festival: financing the writing development of the best feature length script projects from the South and analysing the pitch to optimise the results. Applications The applications are analyzed by a pre-selection committee composed by the persons in charge of the support fund, some members of the artistic committee of the Amiens International Film Festival and professional readers. Around 15 to 20 projects are selected. Their authors/directors, and eventually their producer(s), pitch the story in front of an international professional jury – with high knowledge of co-producing with Southern countries – and an audience of professionals essentially composed of producers, distributors, financing organisms … The five awarded screenplays are announced by the jury after the presentation of all the projects. After pitching, in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the script project, meetings are proposed between the authors and the professionals attending the Amiens International Film Festival – among with the members of the Jury of the fund. Individual meetings with jury members Following the announcement of the awarded, the Amiens Film Festival can organize on request individual meetings with members of the jury or attending professionals to identify strengths and weaknesses of the presented project. The international jury Professionals specialised in screenplay and co-productions with the south compose the screenplay development fund’s jury.


This programme, organised by the International Film Festival with the Amiens (France) and Fribourg (Switzerland) international festivals, seeks to facilitate the completion of the films presented and exclusively comprises feature films at the end of their filming or at the post-production. This rendezvous is open to filmmakers from the Maghreb, developing Arab countries: Iraq, Jordan, , Palestine and Syria, and from all countries on the African continent in general. The directors and/or producers of the selected films will be given the opportunity to defend their projects in front of professionals from all sectors accredited at the International Film Festival Industry Club. Different kinds of aid will be granted within the framework of Cinema in Motion, among which: - Mactari mixing auditorium: €15,000 in services. - CNC (Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée): 10.000 € in aid towards the post-production in France. - Dubai International Film Festival: €5,000 towards post-production costs of an Arab film. Cinema in Motion 8 took place on Monday, 24th September 2012 at the 60th International Film Festival in San Sebastian. The deadline for registering and receiving material was 30th June 2012.

CONTACTS SCREENPLAY DEVELOPMENT FUND CINÉ-SUD PROMOTION - Thierry LENOUVEL 5 rue de Charonne – 75011 Paris, France Tél. : + 33 1 44 54 54 77 / Fax : + 33 1 44 54 05 02 [email protected]

CINEMA IN MOTION Festival de San Sebastián [email protected] / Festival International du Film d’Amiens [email protected] / Festival International de Films de Fribourg [email protected] /

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 16 ARC 1950 Coproduction Village – France Fictions & Documentaries

The Arc 1950 Co-production Village (December 15-18) is a great meeting place for film producers with co-producers, regional funds, distributors and sales agents. This event takes place on the occasion of the Les Arcs European Film Festival (from December 15th to 22nd, 2012)

This 3-day long event is open to every professional interested in a financial or a production participation in one of the 22 projects selected by the team of Les Arcs festival. A selection of 22 film projects (European co productions) 200 participants (potential coproducers, distributors, sales agents, régional funds, specialists of tax crédit systems, banks…) One-to-one meetings Professional conferences, with this year a special focus on the trans and cross-media. Debates and case studies about production and distribution issues in Europe. This year, a focus on Italian funding.

You are a EUROPEAN PRODUCER and you are producing a feature film (fiction, animation or documentary) in development or in post-production initiated in Europe (minimum lenght: 75 minutes). the director is European and has already directed films (feature films or awarded / distinguished short films) 25% of financing is already secured your are looking for European coproducers you are looking for presales, sales agent, or other financing sources in Europe (Tax Credit, Tax Shelter, European Regional Funds) producer(s) must be looking for additionnal sources of financing and/or coproducer(s) An already confirmed support (in development or in production) from a European regional fund will be a plus.


Arc 1950 Coproduction Village managers Jérémy Zelnik & Pierre-Emmanuel Fleurantin [email protected] / + 33 (0)1 82 28 50 10

General Organisation Les Arcs European Film Festival [email protected] / + 33 (0)1 82 28 50 10

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 17 Bourse de la Fondation Lagardère – France Fictions & Documentaries

Awarded by juries since 1989 awards support young designers from the world of culture and media under thirty years. Much more than financial aid, awards are a veritable springboard for their careers.

Who can apply ? The applicant must be aged under 30 years old.

In 2012, the Fondation Jean-Luc Lagardère wants to reward a young film producer by the award of a scholarship in the amount of € 50 000. This scholarship may, where appropriate, be attributed to a production project.

The application must be written in French.

Obligations The Applicant undertakes in case of obtaining the scholarship to be included in the credits of the film the statement « Lauréat(s) de la Fondation Jean-Luc Lagardère » and to keep the Fondation Jean-Luc Lagardère informed of project progress and results presented.

CONTACT FONDATION JEAN-LUC LAGARDÈRE BOURSE PRODUCTEUR CINÉMA Immeuble Monceau – 42 rue Washington 75 408 Paris cedex 08

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 18 Bourse d’un Rêve (SCAM) – France Fictions & Documentaries

Since 1992, the SCAM has granted scriptwriting scholarships to authors planning documentary creation projects, whether stand-alone or for television and/or cinema (short, short feature or feature films). These grants are awarded by juries of professional screenwriters, appointed by the Directorate and renewed every year. This support intends to broaden the creative scope of screenwriters, whether they are members of SCAM or not, while giving them access to other broadcasting structures.

Who can apply ? The “Brouillon d’un rêve” scholarship is open to screenwriters planning a documentary or essay creation project (series or collections are not accepted).

Conditions and obligations The winners of “Brouillon d’un rêve” scholarships who successfully direct their film commit to the following: include the caption “With support from the SCAM, Société civile des auteurs multimedia” or “This film was granted the SCAM "Brouillon d’un rêve" scholarship” in the credits of their final versions; ensure that their film exhibition partners include the same caption when broadcasting the film; register a copy of the supported film at the SCAM, for professional consultation.

Type and amount of support The maximum amount of this scholarship is 6,000 Euros. Since January 2010, the rule preventing the " (previous screenwriting support of the CNC) has been lifted. The SCAM scholarship can now be awarded concurrently with the CNC support.

CONTACT SCAM 5 avenue Vélasquez | 75008 Paris Tel : (+33) 1 56 69 58 58 Jean-Pierre Mast [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 19 Cannes Film Festival - France Fictions & Documentaries


Producer's Network is not a workshop but a very efficient network.

Launched in 2004, the Producers Network hosts 550 producers from around the world in a series of meetings and events. Created to stimulate international coproduction and project financing, this event is specially designed for producers. Every day an individually tailored program will give you the opportunity to meet the various partners your projects require, be it a co-producer, distributor, sales agent or financier.

A Dedicated Program Breakfasts: a series of Breakfast Meetings take place for seven days, gathering some 200 industry professionals and producers for roundtable discussions. Each breakfast table will feature a different VIP guest who will share their own unique experiences in production, distribution and international financing. Speed-Dating Sessions: offers the opportunity to easily meet other producers and present projects. And in a true Cannes’ tradition, the daily Producers Network Happy Hour is the place to be when you want to carry on conversation over a drink in a lively atmosphere…


Launched in 2011, the PRODUCERS WORKSHOP is a program designed for producers who have little or no prior experience with the Marché du Film and the Festival de Cannes or on the international scene. The program is limited to 300 participants.

Seminars : During the first three days of the Festival the Workshop provides a series of two daily sessions conducted by esteemed specialists on various subjects, including International co-production, International sales, pitching skills, and more. The specific aim is in helping producers achieve their goals within the International market and get the most out of their participation at the Marché du Film and Festival de Cannes.

Social Network: The Producers Workshop Group on includes all 300 participants where you can present your company and project, and connect with fellow producers from around the world.


Each year, L'Atelier selects about fifteen feature length projects from around the world, and invites their directors to the Festival de Cannes in order to put them in contact with film professionals. The filmmakers are selected according to the quality of their project and that of their previous films, as well as on the state of progress of their finance plan. The programme will enable them to gain access to international financing and speed up the production process.

In order to help the selected filmmakers, L'Atelier undertakes to: - publish a Livre des Projets (Project Brochure) to promote the film projects and present the directors and their producers to film professionals and the media. - organise appointments with producers, distributors and grant distribution managers in the L'Atelier pavilion, situated in the Village international-Pantiero, in order to meet any shortfall with other already agreed financing. The filmmakers' previous films and screenplays will be made available for consultation.

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 20 - associate the selected filmmakers with the daily life of the Festival by providing them with access to the programme of daily Festival screenings, meetings and events.

Selection of projects The selection of the Atelier is open to all countries and projects respecting the international mission of the Festival de Cannes. The decision shall take into account the artistic quality of the project, the works already made, and the producer's commitment to the project's making. The selection of the Atelier shall be announced on the website of the Cinéfondation ( and on ( by the end of March at the latest.


The Résidence du Festival welcomes every year a dozen young directors who work there on their first or second fictional feature film project, in two sessions lasting four and a half months (from October 1st to mid February, and from the end of February to mid July).

Since its creation in 2000, the Résidence has welcomed more than seventy filmmakers from more than forty different countries. It makes available to them a place of residence in the heart of Paris, a personalised programme accompanying the writing of their scripts, and a collective programme of forums with film industry professionals.

Nearly fifty filmmakers emerging from the great halls of this "Villa Médicis" of cinema have seen their films selected by international festivals and distributed in theatres. The residents equally benefit from a 800-euro grant per month; free access to a large number Paris cinemas; French lessons (optional); the possibility of attending festivals during their stay.

The selection of the residents by a jury, presided by a director or a motion-picture celebrity, is based on the quality of their already made shorts - or first feature film, as well as on the interest of the feature film project in the course of being written, and on the candidates' motivation.

CONTACTS Festival de Cannes 3, rue Amélie - 75007 Paris - France Tel: 33 (0) 1 53 59 61 26 Fax: 33 (0) 1 53 59 61 24

L’Atelier [email protected]

La Résidence [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 21 Cinemed Montpellier Development Aid Fund – France Fictions

Since 1991, the Montpellier Mediterranean Film Festival has been awarding the Development Aid Grant for feature films projects thanks to the “Centre national de la cinématographie”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the International Organization of French-speaking Communities, the Région Languedoc-Roussillon, the Association Beaumarchais, Kodak and Laboratoires Éclair.

Who can apply ? Confirmed directors, having already made at least one fiction short, and who are from a MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRY OR FROM PORTUGAL, THE BLACK SEA AND ARMENIA, and/or whose project is in a Mediterranean setting or expresses cultural features of the Mediterranean area may submit their project/s. Candidates may enter several projects. However, only one at most can be selected for consideration for the Development Grant.

How it works ? 15 to 20 projects are selected and then presented to a jury of cinema professionals. The files of the selected projects will be submitted to the jury one month before the discussions. The representatives of these projects will be called upon to support their dossier during the Film Festival in Montpellier (October). It is understood that the Festival will cover the stay in Montpellier of one person per project for its presentation and support. The jury will subsequently award a grant to one or more of the projects. The winning projects will receive a Development Grant of up to €7,000. This will be awarded to the representative of the project

Obligations of awarded projects For all grant-winning projects the directors and producers undertake to include the following in the credits of the finished film as well as in all advertising documents (posters, press packages etc.) : 'This film has been awarded the Development Grant of the Montpellier International Festival of Mediterranean Film' and the corresponding logo/s, together with the logo of the Montpellier International Festival of Mediterranean Film. They also guarantee that the avant-première screening of the film in France will be in Montpellier.

CONTACT 34e Festival international du cinéma méditerranéen de Montpellier 78, av. du Pirée - 34000 Montpellier - France Tel. +33 (0) 499 13 73 73 Fax +33 (0) 499 13 73 74 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 22 DOCmed – France/Lebanon/Tunisia (France/Liban/Tunisie) Documentaries

This program is an initiative of Beirut DC (Lebanon), Eurodoc (France) and Doc à Tunis (Tunisia). It is co-financed by Euromed Audiovisual, in association with Arte (France), and has the support of Dubai International Film Festival (DIFF) and the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC).

DOCmed is a three-year training program, designed for Arab professionals producers working in the creative documentary field and who have a project that qualifies for international coproduction. Ten professionals are selected each year from nine Arab countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, the occupied Palestinian territories and Tunisia) to take part in three training sessions. These sessions are dedicated for analyzing the projects and aim at their development, production and distribution in the countries of the South and in European countries.

In parallel with the sessions that take place in Arab countries , young producers and/or directors/producers with a documentary project will also have the opportunity to develop their ideas and benefit from the expertise of the Arab and European producers.

Session 1 Development, 7 days Analysis of the participants’ projects in terms of writing and development; Individual meetings around script development.. Session 2 Coproduction, 7 days Budget preparation and the production mode; Creative, technical, legal and financial aspects; Coproduction; Funding Session 3 Meetings with distributors; presenting the developed projects to the decision makers

Criterias Eligible are the producers and/or directors/producers of the following countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, the Palestinian occupied territories, Syria and Tunisia. DOCmed will privilege the applications from producers, but may as well select directors who take in charge the production of their projects by themselves. Applicants must submit a complete application form (synopsis, treatment, production strategy, budget, CV of the director and producer, company profile, DVD of previous works, letter of motivation).

CONTACTS Lebanon Beirut DC Furn El-Chebback, Selim El-Khoury Street, Akiki bldg., ground floor P.O. Box: 116 – 5118, Beirut, Lebanon T/F: + 961 1 293 212 Mobile: + 961 3 370 972 Program manager [email protected] Program coordinator [email protected] Assistant coordinator [email protected]

France Program manager [email protected] Assistant coordinator [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 23 Fabrique des Cinémas du Monde – France Fictions & Documentaries


La Fabrique des Cinémas du Monde is composed of talented young filmmakers who are working on their first or second feature film. A delegation of selected directors and their producers will be invited to take part in this programme, which has been organised by the Cinémas du Monde Pavilion during the Festival de Cannes to support talented new filmmakers. With their shared desire to support cultural dialogue and diversity, the Pavilion’s partners will contribute resources and expertise to create a unique workspace and networking area with exceptional media coverage. La Fabrique des Cinémas du Monde has worked closely with the Festival de Cannes and the Marché du Film to develop a comprehensive work programme. The aim is to create concrete opportunities for project development or film distribution, by providing access to different activities (including the Producers Network, Producers Workshop and Cannes Court Métrage – Short Film Corner). With a bigger team, the active and generous participation of the Pavilion’s patrons and the development of a partner network (which includes professional organisations and parallel selections), the Fabrique des Cinémas du Monde gives personalised support to each project. This includes organising one-to-one and group meetings with key players in the film industry. Its excellent workshops and abundant professional contacts have already helped several films and projects find co-production and international distribution opportunities.

Expenses Covered

The Institut Français, with support from French embassy services, will cover the producer’s and the director’s travel, accommodation, meal and accreditation costs over several days during the Cannes Film Festival. Outside of these dates, the director must organise and pay for his/her own trip.

CONTACTS PAVILLON “Les Cinémas du Monde” Pavillon n°113 Tél. : + 33 (0)4 92 59 02 50 Tél. : + 33 (0)4 92 59 02 53

COORDINATION INSTITUT FRANÇAIS 8-14, rue du Capitaine Scott 75007 Paris Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 69 33 00

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 24 Festival of 3 Continents – France Fictions


PRODUIRE AU SUD is a workshop focusing on the outline and structure of film co-production within the industry. The workshops aim to familiarize young producers based in the south: Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Near and Middle East and Central and Eastern Europe with a variety of important tools. The PRODUIRE AU SUD workshop was created in 2000 in Nantes, in order to support the creation of a network of young producers from ASIA, AFRICA AND LATIN AMERICA and lay the foundations for lasting cooperation between European film professionals and emerging professionals from the South.

Produire au Sud is a 8-day training workshops that proposes: a production workshop: a 3 days master class with European professionals: introduction to co-production, co- production contracts, fundraising, international sales, specific case studies ; a marketing workshop: pitch training and a public presentation of scripts and projects to potential producers; a scriptwriting workshop: 2 days of individual analysis and appreciation by scriptwriters and producers familiar with co-productions and international sales issues. International professionals run the workshops: producers, legal experts, distributors, sales managers, specialized TV channel staff members, and European scriptwriters.

Without any doubt PRODUIRE AU SUD workshop is now one of the places in the world where a large contribution to tomorrow's best cinema is taking place. While the Nantes workshop has become, over the years, a key rendezvous, PRODUIRE AU SUD workshop, in partnership with international film festivals, is also present abroad (PRODUIRE AU SUD Buenos Aires, Bangkok, Salvador de Bahia, Beirut, Durban...). Each year the hundreds of applications demonstrate the success of the PRODUIRE AU SUD workshop.

LES 3 CONTINENTS has created a quality label and established a group of selected professionals whose common ground is their love for the cinema, commitment to a high standard in film production, and an enthusiasm for creating new synergies in the field.

CONTACT Festival des 3 Continents 7 Rue de l’Héronnière, 44000 Nantes - FRANCE Head of Produire au Sud Workshop Guillaume Mainguet [email protected] / [email protected] +33 (0)2 40 69 90 38

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 25 FID (Festival International du Documentaire) Marseille – France Documentaries


FIDlab offers a meeting place for discussing film projects selected from all over the world, in order to offer film-makers an opportunity to make useful contacts and network with producers, distributors, international sales agents, sponsors, and broadcasters. Each year 10 international projects are selected, chosen with no specific format requirements regarding format, length, or subject matter, and including both fiction and documentary films whether they are at the writing stage, in production, or post-production. FIDLab lasts for two days - visual and oral presentations are followed by one-to-one meetings. Different from a market or a platform purely for promotion, FIDLab offers the professional audience a chance to see not only images (locations, rushes, first edits) but also artistic and film influences that may increase our understanding of the work in progress. In a diverse, international context, FIDLab aims to reinforce projects chosen not only for their artistic and creative qualities, which coincide with the FIDMarseille’s editorial ethos, but also for their international potential and market accessibility.

Eligible projects - Any fiction film or documentary project - Projects coming from all over the world - At every stage of production: writing, making, post-production - Of any length, any format - The project must be brought in by a producer (film-makers can turn into producers)

Prizes PANAVISION, the laureate will receive an asset of 10 000 euros on the camera hiring estimate of their next shooting. Beyond this endow, Panavision commits itself to support and accompany at the best of its abilities all the presented projects, regardless of their original country and the format the shooting may take.

AIR FRANCE : In addition to the Panavision’s endow, Air France wish to participate to the FIDLab in the continuation of the support already given to the FIDMarseille by offering two long distance plane tickets to the laureate.

The post-production society, LA PLANETE ROUGE, will offer to a project produced or co-produced by a french production company: 3 days of color grading and conform with color grading technician; 4 days of sound mix 5.1 with a sound engeneer; Master Print in HDCAM.

The subtitling company SUBLIMAGE will subtitle the prize-winning project selected by FIDLab free of charge. (Translation / adaptation into one of these 3 languages: English, French, Spanish and subtitling localization).

CONTACT FIDLab FIDMarseille Fabienne Moris 14, allée Léon Gambetta 13001 Marseille France

Tél : +33 (0)4 95 04 44 90 / Fax : +33 (0)4 95 04 44 91 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 26 Paris Cinema Film Festival – France Fictions & Documentaries


Co-production and development platform of Paris Cinema IFF, Paris Projects invites the foreign filmmakers and producers of the 15 selected projects to spend 3 days in Paris during beginning of July. Personalized appointments and meetings are organized with French and European professionals who are likely to be interested in those selected projects and to bring them financial support through co-production or presales.

The ambition of Paris Projects is to bring together key players in the French film industry, around international production projects that are not yet finalized. What makes Paris Projects so special is that it aims at encouraging French professionals to get involved in foreign projects and films in development in order to promote financial arrangements, co- productions and networking with potential French and European partners. Submission deadline for the 2013 session is not yet online.

CONTACT Paris Cinema IFF / Paris Project Vanja Kaludjercic / Ronan Thomas/ Céline Lanfranco 155 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris, France tel: 33 (0)1 55 25 55 34 fax: 33 (0)1 43 67 09 50 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 27 Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie - France Fictions & Documentaries


Presentation Established in 1988, this fund currently has 1, 3 million per year (divided equally between cinema and television). Projects submitted must be movies or television programs: - written and directed by one or more mandatory country nationals speaking South - elements comprising predominantly South (themes, script, locations) - using mostly technicians and / or artists from the South - shot in French or subtitled in French if the language in the language of French-speaking countries concerned , They may be presented: - either by a production company with a capital and is headquartered in a francophone country (it must be a Southern countries must, in the case of television, but not necessarily for the movie) - a television channel francophone countries of the South, terrestrial broadcasting legally in the territory, with its own autonomous and skilled production

Eligibility The fund French audiovisual production South aims to offer a couple of films a year, chosen on the basis their artistic potential and their universal nature, the possibility of entering the national and international markets and to broadenand their audience. Are eligible film projects (fiction or documentary) aimed primarily a theatrical release: short, medium and feature films, animation films. Projects must focus on films: - directed by nationals of French-speaking countries of the South (required) - Elements comprising predominantly South (themes, script, locations) - Using mostly technicians and / or artists from the South They must be presented by a production company of a member country of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, legally constituted and with capital. One director may submit only one project per session. Same production company can not submit more than two projects per session. The same dossier can be submitted twice under the production aid and once under the aid to finish. NB: a producer who is not current on its obligations to the Fund (cinema or television) within a production previously supported, may not contain any new project.

Type and amount of aid Feature films : 100 000 € Short and medium film : 20 000 € Finishinf aid dedicated to feature film (postproduction, dubbing, subtitles) : 15 000 €

CONTACT Direction de la langue française et de la diversité culturelle et linguistique, Organisation internationale de la francophonie 13 quai André Citroën,75015 Paris, France

Mme Souad Houssein : Head of the Cinema sector [email protected] / Tél. : +33 1 44 37 33 20

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 28 World Cinema Support (Fonds Cinemas du Monde Ex. Fond Sud Cinema) - France Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation The World Cinema Support ("Aide aux cinémas du monde") is a new fund dedicated to international co-productions. Jointly created by the Ministry for Culture and Communication and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, it is managed by the Centre National du Cinéma et de l'Image Animée (CNC) and the Institut français. This is a selective fund, and is granted as a subsidy either before or after completion of a project. It is granted to foreign feature-length film projects that are seeking support from French co-producers.

Eligibility The film must be a co-production between a PRODUCTION COMPANY ESTABLISHED IN FRANCE AND ONE THAT IS NOT, it must be DIRECTED BY A NON-FRENCH (or exceptionally French) director, and must be shot abroad. The language in which it is filmed may be the official or commonly-used language(s) of the foreign country of which the director is a national; it may also be the language(s) of the territory where the film is shot. Pre-filming subsidies must be applied for before the start of any filming. Post-filming subsidies must be applied for by the French production company and are only applicable to projects rejected by the plenary committee meeting on pre-filming subsidies.

Amount of aid There is a ceiling of € 250,000 for pre-filming subsidy and of € 50,000 for post-filming subsidy. The amount awarded may not exceed 50% of the funding provided by the French co-producer; however, this limit is raised to 80% in the event that a project is a director’s first or second feature-length film, for films with a budget lower than € 1,250,000, or for those co-produced with low-income countries

CONTACTS CNC Ms. Jacqueline Ada +33 1 44 34 38 17 [email protected]

Institut français Ms. Nathalie Streiff +33 1 53 69 39 79 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 29 Bavarian Film and Television Fund (FFF) – Germany (Allemagne) Fictions & Documentaries (Cinema and TV)

The Bavarian Film and Television Fund (FFF) annual made available a total of approx. 28 Million € for screenplay, production, distribution and sales, games as well as theatre funding. Financial support can be requested at each stage of the production process starting with script funding to packaging, production of theatrical and TV-movies as well as exhibition of same.

Conditions At least 150% of the production support must be spent in Bavaria, and feature films can be supported with up to 1,6 million Euro as long as the PRODUCER OR CO-PRODUCER IS BASED IN GERMANY. Foreign producers can only access FFF funding by submitting an application through a local partner.

Screenplay For theatrical feature-length films, FFF Bayern supports screenplay development and preparation. Applications for support may be submitted by the screenwriter. The normal support sum is EUR 20,000 for one author, or EUR 30,000 for two or more authors.

Project development Prior to the actual production phase, producers can apply for funding for the project development of feature and television films. The support is granted as a conditionally repayable; interest free loan. Up to 70% of the calculated production costs may be applied for, however this sum may not exceed EUR 100,000 per project. The amount of the subsidy should be spent as much as possible in Bavaria. If the project is also granted production funding, the project development loan will offset this amount.

Movie Production More than half of the FFF's support funds are allocated to the production of theatrical films. The production can be supported with up to 30% of the bona fide production costs. The maximum subsidy sum is EUR 1.6 million. The support is awarded as a conditionally repayable loan and is disbursed in installments.

Distribution and sales In addition to the production of German feature-films, FilmFernsehFonds Bayern also supports the utilization of such films and their Bavarian distribution and sales companies. Distribution support is made available in the form of a conditionally repayable loan. This loan can be applied for for up to 50% of the verified distribution (i.e. production of prints, advertising and marketing) or sales costs. The maximum sum available is EUR 205,000.

CONTACTS FilmFernsehFonds Bayern GmbH Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Medien in Bayern Sonnenstraße 21 80331 München Tel. ++49-(0)89- 544 60 2-0 Fax ++49-(0)89- 544 60 2-21 [email protected]

Michaela HABERLANDER [email protected] Nikolaus PREDIGER [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 30 Berlin International Film Festival – Germany (Allemagne) Fictions & Documentaries


The Berlinale Co-Production Market is a two-and-a-half-day event for about 450 international producers, sales agents, distributors as well as broadcasting and funding representatives active in the field of co-production. The tenth Berlinale Co-Production Market will take place from Sunday to Tuesday, February 10-12, 2013, during the 63rd Berlin International Film Festival. Experienced producers from all over the world are invited to submit their new projects for selection.

Project requirements: Feature-length fiction project with international market potential (for theatrical release) Suitable for international co-production and open for co-producers Full script available Budget between ca. 1.5 and 20 million euros (min. 1 million euros for projects from countries in transition) A minimum of 30% of the financing, or at least the local production support, must already be secured The company must have completed at least one international co-production.

Tailormade Programme Further to the one-on-one meetings, participants can find the latest hands-on information and make new contacts through the many networking opportunities during the market. Case Studies on Berlinale films elaborate on current trends in co- production and financing opportunities and in Theme Talks participants can exchange experiences with experts and colleagues on selected topics. Country Tables and Speed Matching sessions round out the programme. At Country Tables, experts provide information about production conditions and co-production opportunities in a particular country during an informal round table discussion. During a Speed Matching session, participating producers can make new contacts during successive, informal 10-minute meetings.

First launched in 2006, Books at Berlinale is the world’s first market for literary adaptations linked to an A film festival. At “Breakfast & Books”, around ten selected books with a high potential for screen adaptation are presented to interested producers by international publishers and literary agents.


The Berlinale Talent Campus is a creative academy and networking platform for 300 up-and-coming filmmakers from all over the world. The Berlinale Talent Campus brings emerging talent and seasoned film professionals together and offers them a platform to refresh their views, discover new horizons, find fellow filmmaking collaborators and discuss new trends and developments in contemporary cinema and media. The Berlinale Talent Campus lasts for six days and offers a huge variety of different programme elements for ACTORS • DIRECTORS • CINEMATOGRAPHERS • DISTRIBUTORS • EDITORS • FILM CRITICS • PRODUCERS • PRODUCTION DESIGNERS • SCREENWRITERS • SOUND DESIGNERS and COMPOSERS

Make connections with a global filmmaking community and get inspired. A six-day programme will touch on the essential issues of filmmaking: the latest technical developments, creative tools, stylistic trends, new markets and philosophical perspectives. Or apply for the Working Campus and enjoy exciting opportunities to show your skills in several special programmes running parallel to the Campus programme. This concept has been extended to create International Talent Campus in Guadalajara, Buenos Aires, Durban, Sarajevo and Tokyo.

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 31 WORLD CINEMA FUND (WCF)

The purpose of the World Cinema Fund (WCF) is to support films from regions whose film cultures are endangered by political and or economic crises. The World Cinema Fund is intended to help provide a higher profile and increased accessibility for these films in Germany and to enable their presentation to an international audience. Projects eligible for funding should deal with the cultural identity of their regions and should contribute to the development of the local film industry. The main criterion for selection is the quality of the projects. Special consideration will be given to projects which have good chances to succeed internationally and which promise to energize the local film industry as well as projects which are of particular cultural importance. The World Cinema Fund has an annual budget of approximately 400,000 EUR and supports exclusively the production and distribution of feature films and feature-length documentaries. The support is focused on the following regions: Latin America, Central America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and the Caucasus.

Production support: Up to 100,000 € per project. The projects' budget should range between 200,000 and 1,000,000 €. The funds should be spent in the country in which the film is to be produced.

Distribution support: Up to 15,000 € per project. Only German distributors may apply Support is provided for the distribution of films from Latin America, Central America, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and the Caucasus

Deadlines Production funding (twice a year): Feb 28, 2013 Applications for distribution funding support can be submitted continually.

You must have a German co-producer to get the money.

CONTACTS Berlin International Film Festival Potsdamer Strasse 5 D-10785 Berlin +49 30 259 20 515 (tel) +49 30 259 20 519 (fax°

CO-PRODUCTION MARKET Head : Sonja Heinen [email protected]


WORLD CINEMA FUND [email protected] [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 32 Cologne Conference – Germany (Allemagne) Fictions


Main goal of the writer’s factory is the development of a feature film script based on the participant’s own material. Over ten weekends’ twelve participants develop their idea from an expose to a professional treatment that is ready to sell. Renowned lecturers accompany this creative process and help their students to develop each story and its characters to its maximum potential. The course also gives practical information and guidance that a scriptwriter needs to survive in the modern media merket. The course teaches the arts and crafts of scriptwriting including how to build a screenplay, how to create emotions in the audience and why human relations are at the core of a script. In addition to scriptwriting the participants learn about processes and commissioning principles to be prepared for with commissioning editors and producers. They learn about filmfunding, financing strategies and marketappraisal. The writer’s factory closes with the pitching event of the Cologne Conference where every participant has the opportunity to present his/her story to a professional audience.

In cooperation with Filmhaus Cologne

CONTACT Cologne Conference GmbH Am Hof 28 50667 Cologne Tel.: +49 221 788 785 10 Fax: +49 221 788 785 19 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 33 EED & EZEF’s Film Grants Programme – Germany Fictions & Documentaries

EED and the Protestant Centre for Development Educational Film Work (EZEF) support films about the cultures and living conditions in developing countries. Both, EED and EZEF support the production of documentaries, features and children’s films.

EED decides on which films will be supported co-finances the production of films licenses films for the non-commercial sector to be distributed by EZEF or different media centres

EZEF advises directors who would like to receive film grants together with EED evaluates grants applications serves as a general consultant for film makers distributes films that were co-financed by the EED in the non-commercial sector is the non-commercial licensee and distributor on behalf of EED

EED funds film makers from Germany, Europe and developing countries. They report on the consequences of globalisation, state about society and living conditions and aim for a better understanding of other countries and cultures. Sponsorship of Film Productions

CONTACTS Sonja Wassermann Processing Film Applications (Treatments and Screenplays) within EED Ulrich-von-Hassell-Strasse 76 • D-53123 Bonn Fon: +49 0228 8101 -2314 [email protected]

Bernd Wolpert Kniebisstrasse 29 • D-70188 Stuttgart Fon: +49 0711 2847-243 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 34 Mannheim-Heidelberg International Film Festival – Germany (Allemagne) Fictions


From 13th to 16th November 2012 the 3rd MANNHEIM MEETING PLACE took place for film professionals from all over the world as an integral part of the International Film Festival MANNHEIM-HEIDELBERG (8th to 18th November 2012).

The MMP 2012 spreads over 3 days with a 10-week period of preparation. Though the accent remains on enabling co- productions for first and second feature majority producers, MMP also looks for distributors and especially sales agents for pick-up of world rights for titles from the IFF MANNHEIM-HEIDELBERG Festival Line-up and ongoing MMP projects.

MMP is open to national distributors, TV buyers, VOD, film services and post-production, sales agents, producers and other film professionals – all with some form of commitment to art house cinema.

All professionals involved in the acquisition, or all forms of distribution of, first or second features of artistic merit (and VOD thereof in particular), are also welcome to seek accreditation for MMP 2013 (over 50% of MMP participants work in acquisitions in all major sectors.)

Submissions for MMP 2013 co-production are especially encouraged over the summer period, but should arrive no later than September 1st 2013. Projects are welcome for world-wide matching – whether from Columbia to , Germany to S. Korea, Uruguay to S.Africa or Bulgaria to Bosnia...

MMP continues with the format established in 2010 – emphasis is on first or second feature majority producers matching with more experienced minority producers – stretching in 2012 over a projected co-production landscape of more than 30 territories.

CONTACT Julek Kedzierski, Coordinator MANNHEIM MEETING PLACE 2011 +49(0)621-10 29 43 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 35 Medien und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg – Germany (Allemagne) Fictions & Documentaries

The MFG film fund programme supports development, production and distribution of film and television productions with circulation or broadcasting potential in film theatres, on television, for sales distribution, at festivals or other events. In addition, new media applications are supported in cooperation with Media Funding programme. Its main objectives are to develop, sustain and promote film culture, to accordingly develop and advance the industry in Baden-Württemberg and to present the film production services and oportunities in Baden-Württemberg both nationally and internationally. The following will have funding priority: culturally significant films of diverse genres film productions that significantly contribute to advancing the film industry in Baden-Württemberg high quality television productions

In order to advance the film industry in Baden-Württemberg, at least 120% of the total financial support awarded annually should be spent in Baden-Württemberg.

The following areas are eligible for support: script development project development and pre-production production of feature films and television productions postproduction distribution and sales screenings and presentations new media applications other relatives initiatives

CONTACT Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg Breitscheidstr. 4 (Bosch- Areal) 70174 Stuttgart Germany Gabriele Röthemeyer? CEO Phone: +49.711.90715-410 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 36 Nipkow Program – Germany (Allemagne) Fictions & Documentaries

The NIPKOW PROGRAMM is a programme designed to assist film and television professionals in expanding their knowledge, experience and contacts by providing grant-financed training through internships with film and media institutions, practical professional counselingand courses. Not only has the NIPKOW PROGRAMM established an extensive and flourishing network of film and media professionals throughout Western and Eastern Europe over the years, it has brought many European co-productions to the screen and forged the way for future European co-productions and partnerships. Since its inception, the programme has been involved in the realisation of countless feature films, documentary films, shorts, and animation productions, be they digital or celluloid. Most of them have been international award-winners.

Application in which media professionals (directors, producers, writers, distributers, sales agents, cross-media professionals, DOP's, sound designers, composers) submit an individual project which they want to develop with the aid of the NIPKOW PROGRAMM (through discussions, research facilities, meetings with script consultants, potential producers/co-producers, commissioning editors, etc.)

Applicants must be professionals (no students) from European countries that are members of MEDIA: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, , France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, , Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, , Slovenia, , Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom Filmmakers who have already made a feature length film project: fiction, documentary or cross media. Exception: First feature film directors/producers are eligible if their former (short) film was awarded by a renowned International Film Festival A first draft of the project has to be in place.

CONTACT Nipkow Programm Kurfürstendamm 225 D-10719 Berlin - Germany Tel.:+49 (0) 30 614 28 38 Fax: +49 (0) 30 614 28 26 email: nipkow-programm

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 37 HK Co-production Market – Hong Kong Fictions & Documentaries

A core event of the Entertainment Expo Hong Kong, the HAF is Asia's premier project market designed to connect Asian filmmakers with upcoming film projects with internationally prominent film financiers, producers, bankers, distributors, buyers, and funders for co-production ventures. The HAF is the ideal venue for discovering and investing in emerging Asian talent, and for first-look opportunities of their latest projects. HAF 2013 will take place from 18 to 20 March, 2013 in Hong Kong and is now open for submissions in three categories for cash awards. The submissions are now closed.

HAF 2013 Project Entry

Around 25 to 30 projects are selected annually to participate in HAF. One Producer and one Director will be invited to Hong Kong to present their projects during the three-day event. HAF is also accepting non-fiction and documentary projects. Up to HK$350,000 in cash awards will be made. The following cash awards will be made at the conclusion of HAF 2013:

HAF Award (Hong Kong Project) HK$150,000 (approximately US$20,000) supported by the Hong Kong Film Development Fund. Winner selected by the HAF Reading Committee based on the project’s originality and creativity.

HAF Award (non-Hong Kong Project) HK$150,000 (approximately US$20,000) supported by the Hong Kong Film Development Fund. Winner selected by the HAF Reading Committee based on the project’s originality and creativity.

Wouter Barendrecht Award HK$50,000 (approximately US$6,500) supported by the Wouter Barendrecht Film Foundation and the Hong Kong Film Development Fund. Given to a project by a director under the age of 35, who has not directed more than three feature films. The winner will be selected by representatives of the Wouter Barendrecht Film Foundation.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria 1. Full length fiction/non-fiction project with a director, producer and a production company attached (ONE project only from each director). 2. With a proposed budget and financial plan; 3. Display a high market potential for Asian and/or international market; 4. Exhibit both artistic and commercial qualities; 5. At any stage of production; and 6. Projects NOT presented in other project markets.

CONTACT Hong Kong – Asia Film Financing Forum (HAF) Hong Kong International Film Festival Society 21/F, Millennium City 3 370 Kwun Tong Road Kowloon, Hong Kong T +852 2970 3300 F +852 2970 3011 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 38 Film Bazaar – Goa, (Inde) Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation An evolving trade market for film industry professionals, Film Bazaar is committed to discover and support significantly compelling talent from South Asia and address key concerns of the world film community in the dynamic domain of film development, production, and distribution. From 2007 onwards FB is a converging point for buyers and sellers of film rights and is aimed at facilitating sales of world cinema in the South Asian region and the promotion of Indian Cinema in the international domain. Organised annually alongside the International Film Festival of India (IFFI) at the Goa Marriott Resort, the market is a gamut of activity where delegates buy, sell, exhibit and pitch their content. The sixth Film Bazaar will take place November 21-24, 2012.

Who can apply? Filmmakers from anywhere around the world who have a project based on a South Asian theme are eligible to apply. Applicants must have a complete project script (min. duration of 70 mins.) at the time of application for Film Bazaar. The projects must be new and recent with a potential international market and have a producer attached to it. The projects must also have 25% of their finance in place to be eligible to apply. Application deadline for the Co-Production Market at Film Bazaar 2012 is now closed.

Criteria Selection The most important criteria for selection are quality and viability of the plan along with demonstrable talent of director and producer. The projects can be at any stage of production as long as it is recent.

CONTACT Mumbai - Head Office 6th Floor, Discovery of India Building, Nehru Centre, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018, Maharashtra Tel: +91 22662 88288 Fax: +91 22249 52262 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 39 Production Assistance From The National Film & Development – India (Inde) Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation The National Film Development Corporation, who took over from the Film Finance Corporation, was established to support the production of low budget films and first films. Theoretically, the institute also manages a programme of capped-interest loans for theatre building.

Beneficiaries All Indian filmmakers, producers or production companies wishing to produce a first fiction or documentary feature or short film. Applications for co-production support are also eligible.

Conditions and obligations Once the support has been granted, the National Film Development Corporation owns all rights to the supported film. Film shooting must start within six months after the selection of the project. The application cost is 5,000 rupees (around €82) for short films, and 10,000 rupees (around €163) for feature films.

Type and amount of support NFDC provides the necessary infrastructure for production and post-production: shooting equipment (cameras, 16mm and 35mm...), linear and non-linear editing tables, video copy equipment, Betacam handling equipment, recording equipment, laser etched subtitling. The Calcutta Film Centre also supports production and post-production with the above equipment, in addition to the latest 16mm and 35mm screening technologies. The Madras Video Centre provides equipment for the creation and duplication of masters in U-Matic, Betacam, 16mm and 35mm formats.

CONTACT NATIONAL FILM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprise) Discovery of India Bldg. Nehru Centre, Dr. A. B. Road, Worli, Mumbai 400018, India [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 40 Greenhouse – Documentaries

Greenhouse is an advanced contemporary development program for documentary films aimed at Mediterranean Cinema School Graduates & Emerging Filmmakers from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria &Tunisia. Greenhouse is a yearly program hosting 10-12 projects each round. The selected filmmakers are invited to participate in three seminars in which they will develop a full international production package and a professional trailer which will be presented in a pitching forum in front of international commissioning editors, film funds directors, producers and distributors from the documentary international market. Greenhouse is supported and funded by the European Union in the framework of EUROMED AUDIOVISUAL III program and managed by the New Foundation for Cinema and TV – Israel, ESAV Marrakech - the Marrakech School of Visual Arts– Morocco, The Ankara Cinema Association – , Zebra Productions – Spain APPEL & HONIGMANN – Holland and CFI, France. In its 6 years of activity, Greenhouse has achieved exceptional success and has become a leading organization for documentary filmmaking internationally. Greenhouse is working with leading forces from the international audiovisual sector, commissioning editors, film funds directors, producers, distributors, TV stations and film festivals from all over the world– The Sundance Institute, Jan Vrijman Fund (IDFA), ARTE/ZDF, ITVS, Channel 4, BBC Worldwide, World Cinema Fund, P.O.V, MDR Germany to name a few. In its six years of activity14 films were completed and won prestigious awards in international film festival; 77 projects and 100 filmmakers participated from 9 Southern Mediterranean countries.

Eligibility - The participants must be citizens of one of the Southern Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia. - The seminars, workshops and tutorial sessions will be held in English, so the participants must have basic knowledge in this language. - Each team (director and producer) will have to participate in a full series of three seminars within a year. - The project submitted may be in any stage of development, including initial footage. - Applicant may act as a director-producer of a project. - Eligible are filmmakers who made at list one film but not more than two films or a feature length documentary.

CONTACT 112, Hayarkon Street Tel Aviv 61030, Israel Tel: +972-3-5224457 Fax: +972-3-5224459 [email protected] Sigal Yehuda [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 41 The Israel Film Fund – Israel Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation The Israel Film Fund created in 1979 is a publicly funded non-profit organisation. It is intended to support the domestic film production and to create opportunities for young talented Israeli filmmakers, by taking their vision and creativity to the screen. The Israel Film Fund supports the development of screenplays, the production of Israeli films and the promotion of international co-productions. It is also involved in the distribution and exhibition of Israeli films. Each year, 12 to 14 films are supported by the Israeli Film Fund, some thirty screenplays receive development support and 12 to 15 Israeli films receive distribution support. Over the past three decades, the Fund has contributed to a total of 380 feature films now belonging to the country’s cultural heritage.

Beneficiaries Any professional producer, filmmaker or screenwriter is eligible for support from the Fund. Beneficiaries must be Israeli nationals or permanent residents of Israel. Co-productions are eligible and even encouraged.

Conditions and obligations Support is granted only to fiction feature films longer than 80 minutes and planned for theatre exhibition. The filmmaker and screenwriter must be Israeli citizens or permanent residents in Israel, including for co-productions. In the case of co-productions, the following requirements also apply: no less than 50% of the budget must be spent on Israeli soil OR no less than 70% of the amount granted for salaries must be allocated to Israeli members of the technical staff and cast.

Type and amount of support The Fund has a total budget of around six million US dollars (around €4,350,000). The support granted ranges from $50,000 (€36,000) to $600,000 (€435,000), but cannot exceed 70% of the film’s total budget. The grant is allocated as an investment, with a policy of compensation and profit-sharing attractive for investors.

CONTACT The Israel Film Council 12 Yehudit Blvd. Tel Aviv 67016 ISRAEL Tel. 972-3-5628180 Fax. 972-3-5625992 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 42 New Fund for Cinema and Television (NFCT) – Israel Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation The Israeli New Foundation for Cinema and Television was created in 1993 by the Ministry of Arts for the purpose of encouraging and promoting the creation of documentary, experimental, feature and short films in Israel. Films are promoted both in Israel and abroad via numerous international seminars. Since its inception, the Foundation has supported the production of nearly 250 original films, largely documentaries.

Beneficiaries Any Israeli filmmaker wishing to show on screen their vision of a story of significance for them or their country is eligible for support from the Foundation.

Conditions and obligations Experimental projects and TV films are given priority. The films must however be shot in a personal style and not formatted for TV only. Support may also be granted for cinema works and educational films

Type and amount of support The Foundation has an annual budget of 2 million US dollars for support to production.

Contents of application file Applications may be submitted all year round to the Foundation’s office. They must be written exclusively in Hebrew. All aesthetic choices must be duly justified when presenting the film project.

Selection of applicants Preference is afforded to films of a bold nature. Originality of the topic, artistic quality and potential of the film to address societal issues are among the selection criteria.

CONTACT The New Israeli Foundation for Cinema & TV 5 Yaknem Tel Aviv Israel 67443 Tel. 972 3 5220909 Fax. 972 3 5230909 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 43 Apulia International Film Fund – Italy (Italie) Fictions (Cinema and TV)

Apulia International Film Fund is the new fund of Apulia Film Commission, enacted by AFC’s board on 14th March 2012. The Fund is directet to financial support in the form of a free grant to cover the costs of production for European and non- European audiovisual, film and TV production companies presenting projects for full-length fiction films, TV films and TV series.


The total endowment of the new fund for 2012 is €500,000 and each applying film project may receive a maximum grant of €200,000. The amount of allowable grant, also when added to other forms of funding (including tax credit and tax shelter), may not exceed 50% of total production costs. The Apulia International Film Fund will reimburse 15% of the production costs incurred in Apulia, thus allowing non-Italian producers to obtain a further 25% tax credit provided for by Italian law. In addition, production companies will enjoy a VAT-free status following international legislation which excludes VAT for agreements between Italian executive producers and foreign producers. As a result, a total saving of 61% is available for non-Italian production companies filming in Apulia. Projects are accepted from companies in possession of a distribution contract (full length films) and / or broadcasting contract (TV films and series) from the country of origin of the majority production company.

Who can apply ? Funding is available for European and non-European production companies with - an executive Italian production company - a minority Italian co-production company Presenting projects in the following categories: - feature-length fiction films; - TV movies; - TV series.

CONTACT Fondazione Apulia Film Commission Cineporti di Puglia/Bari c/o Fiera del Levante Lungomare Starita, 1 70132 Bari, Italy Tel: + 39 080 975 29 00 Fax: +39 080 914 74 64 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 44 New Cinema Network – Italy (Italie) Fictions & Documentaries

New Cinema Network (NCN) is a project of the International Rome Film Festival dedicated to supporting new independent filmmaking: a co-production market where the filmmakers - selected from among the world's most interesting talents on the independent film scene - find the ideal platform for presenting their new feature film projects and connecting with the most important players in the European film industry.

About 50% of the NCN selected projects over the past editions have completed financing and are either completed films or are currently in pre, prod or postproduction. Great results have been achieved by the completed films in terms of co- production ventures and success.

With NCN, the Festival proudly joins the international network of festivals, stretching from Rotterdam, Berlin and Cannes to Hong Kong and Busan, that side with those filmmakers and producers who are striving to make new films. Since its very first edition, NCN has become an important link in this virtual chain, working in synergy with the other international and European events (Cannes Cinéfondation - Atelier du Festival and Film London Production Finance Market; Berlinale Co-Production Market) while making a strong original contribution to the international film industry: an effective co- production forum for the circulation of capital, ideas and information in a relaxing and creative stimulating atmosphere.

In 2012, NCN attracted roughly 280 industry professionals – including 140 international producers and 20 filmmakers from over 30 countries – and organised over 900 meetings over three days for the 20 projects selected.

NCN 2012 provided a platform divided into two categories: 1- NCN/FOCUS EUROPE Devoted to new European cinema and aimed at supporting and promoting emerging European directors and focusing on the development of their sophomore (second) film project. Eligibility: Eligible projects are sophomore (second) full-length films (feature or documentary) by any European filmmaker whose debut feature has been publicly screened after January 2005. The project must be either in development or with basic funding already granted but not yet completely funded, and also filming must not have started before the 2012 Rome Film Festival. Any film over 60 minutes long is considered a full-length film.

2- NCN/CIRCUIT Devoted to international projects at a more advanced stage of development and aimed at networking with other European and international platforms. Producers and directors will be able to take advantage of NCN and also further opportunities to support their projects at various stages of development and financing. Eligibility: The projects must have participated in Sundance Institute Feature Film Program Labs 2011 and 2012 (including Screenwriters Lab, Directors Lab and Producers Lab), 2012 Cinéfondation L’Atelier du Festival, 2012 Film London Production Finance Market, 2012 Rotterdam Cinemart, 2012 Sarajevo Cinelink and 2012 Screen Institute Beirut; must be projects for a long-length film (feature or documentary), and be accompanied by a provisional budget, a full script in an advanced stage of development, as well as the provision of the possible shooting dates. The submitted projects must be in development and with basic funding already granted but not yet completely funded, and also filming must not have started before the 2012 Rome Film Festival. Any film over 60 minutes long is considered a full-length film.

CONTACT Fondazione Cinema per Roma Viale Pietro De Coubertin, 10 00196 Roma Ph. +39 06 40401900 / Fax + 39 06 40 401 700 Lucia Milazzotto New Cinema Network coordinator [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 45 Torino Film LAB – Italy (Italie) Fictions & Documentaries

The Torino Film Lab offers 6 different programmes of development:

Script&Pitch Advanced scriptwriting training for international writers and story editors working on fiction feature films. Workshop 11-17 March 2013 (Cracow, Poland) Online session April-June 2013 Workshop 16-22 June 2013 (Brignogan, France) Online session July-October 2013 Workshop and Meeting Event 22-28 November 2013 (Turin, Italy) AdaptLab Training course for European writers wishing to develop an adaptation from preselected novels. Workshop 3-9 June 2013 (Lyon, France) Online session July-August 2013 Workshop 18-24 August 2013 (Gentofte, Denmark) Online session September-October 2013 Workshop and Meeting Event 22-28 November 2013 (Turin, Italy) Audience Design Training for European film professionals interested in the creation of film audience pre-awareness through transmedia ideas. Workshop 16-22 June 2013 (Brignogan, France) Online session July-October 2013 Workshop and Meeting Event 22-28 November 2013 (Turin, Italy) FrameWork Workshops dedicated to teams of writer and producer working on the pre-production aspects of first or second fiction feature films. Workshop 23-28 April 2013 (Saint Petersburg, Russia) Workshop and Meeting Event 22-28 November 2013 (Turin, Italy) Writer’s Room Training programme dedicated to film professionals interested in developing a pre-selected transmedia project in a team. Workshop 11-17 March 2013 (Cracow, Poland) Online session April-June 2013 Workshop 10-16 June 2013 (Vaasa, Finland) Online session July-October 2013 Workshop and Meeting Event 22-28 November 2013 (Turin, Italy) Interchange Programme for teams of writer and producer from Europe or the Arab world working at their fiction feature films. Workshop 27 June - 2 July 2013 (Turin, Italy) First online session up to 30 August 2013 Second online session up to 30 October 2013 Workshop and Final Pitching 5-11 December 2013 (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

CONTACT Torino Film Lab Office Mercedes Fernandez Alonso via Cagliari 42 10153 Torino - Italy T +39 011 2379221 / F +39 011 2379299 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 46 Venice Biennale - Italy (Italie) Fictions & Documentaries


The first edition of the FINAL CUT IN VENICE workshop will take place on August 31, 2013 during the Venice Film Market of the 70th Venice International Film Festival (Lido di Venezia, August 28 – September 7, 2013).The Festival’s purpose is to provide concrete assistance in the completion of African films and to offer producers an opportunity to present films still in the production phase to international film professionals and distributors in order to facilitate post- production and promote co-production partnerships and market access.

The workshop consists in one day of activities, in which the working copies of a maximum of four selected African films (see articles 5 and 6) are presented to producers, buyers, distributors and film festival programmers. Networking, encounters and meetings will allow directors and producers to interact directly with the workshop participants. The workshop also includes screenings of material of the selected films in the presence of the directors and producers. Only accredited sector professionals will be allowed to attend the screenings: producers, distributors, operators, buyers, festival programmers, representatives of the institutions and others invited in advance by the Festival management.

Selection Criteria All films presented must be in post-production and made exclusively by African directors or directors of African origin. Only feature fiction or feature art-house documentary films (minimum length of each film: 60 minutes) will be considered. It is preferable if a complete working copy of the film is sent. Should the film still be in an initial editing stage, a series of edited sequences will be accepted (totaling at least one-third of the overall anticipated length of the film), accompanied by the director’s statement of intent and a film treatment.

Awards The workshop will conclude with the awarding of prizes, in kind or in cash, for the financial support of the films in their post-production phase: - up to € 16,800 offered by Cinemage/Groupe Image (Paris) for digital color correction, corresponding to 7 work days (56 hours, including technician) - a discount of € 15,000 offered by Mactari Mixing Auditorium (Paris) for the sound mix; - € 10,000 toward post-production costs in France, offered by CNC - Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée (Paris) - the printing of a 35mm copy (without subtitles) or participation in the cost of making a DCP, offered by the Festival International de Film d’Amiens; - the printing of a 35mm copy (without subtitles) or participation in the cost of making a DCP, offered by the Festival International de Film de Fribourg; - up to € 6,000 to make a master DCP and French subtitles, offered by Titra TVS (Paris).

CONTACT La Biennale di Venezia – Film Sector Final Cut in Venice 70. MOSTRA INTERNAZIONALE D’ARTE CINEMATOGRAFICA Palazzo del Cinema, Lungomare Marconi 30126 Lido di Venezia Italy Tel. +39 041 2726501 / Fax +39 041 2726520 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 47 TIFFCOM Project Market (ex Tokyo Project Gathering) – (Japon) Fictions

Presentation of TIFFCOM TIFFCOM is the affiliated market of Tokyo International Film Festival (TIFF) held annually at GRAND PACIFIC LE DAIBA in Tokyo, Japan. The international content business market, TIFFCOM gets you access to wide variety of business opportunities. TIFFCOM aims to encourage global entertainment business by providing the efficient marketplace in Asia for all content holders and buyers in the world. The beginning or the conclusion of many discussions available in the world is found here. Our marketplace is all-in-one; you can do business, build networks, get closer insights of the industry, and seek new possibilities at one stop.

TIFFCOM2011 Project Market was the first year for the event in a revamped format from TPG (Tokyo Project Gathering) of the previous years. We are pleased to report that, out of fourteen projects that took part, two have already gone into production. TIFFCOM2012 Project Market took place October 23-25 and attempted to solidify and strengthen the co-production project market by having ACE(Ateliers du cinéma européen) as well as KOFIC be our partners in inviting viable projects. Foreign producers seeking co-production with Japan have had a chance to pitch their projects and hold business meetings with Japanese producers and film companies. There was also be a series of European co-production-themed seminars and a program for Japanese producers with potential co-production projects with Europe in a workshop entitled "ACE Co-Production Lab in Japan."

Eligible submissions > Live-action films, TV programs, movies based on novels and comics, animated films, computer graphics, etc., that have strong potential for international co-production. > Eligible works at any stage of production, from pre-script development to just prior to completion.

Terms and conditions of participation > While we consider both Japanese and international submissions, we expect selected projects not to have been introduced in other project markets. > Project exhibitors are expected to participate in the Project Market Networking Reception and individual meetings.

CONTACT UNIJAPAN - TIFFCOM2012 Project Market Organizer's Office Phone: +81-(0)3-3553-4781/ Fax: +81-(0)3-3553-4786 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 48 Mediterranean Film Factory (Med Film Factory) – Jordan (Jordanie) Fictions

Initiated by the Royal Film Commission - Jordan, Sud Ecriture, Tunisia and the Huston School of Film & Digital Media, Ireland and co-financed by the Euromed Audiovisual Programme of the European Union, Med Film Factory is an annual programme in three interrelated stages; a Producers' Coaching Program, a Directors' Workshop and an Independent Film Assembly. Med Film Factory is aimed at teams of Arab film Directors and Producers (eight to ten selected teams per year) working on their first or second feature narrative project to help them advance their creative and professional skills as well as support them in the realisation of their projects. It also anticipates contributing to the creation of collective connections within the Arab regional film industry, in particular to encourage the regional support; involvement and finance of independent creative voices and films through all the stages of filmmaking that will help sustain the overall Mediterranean film industry.

Producers’ Coaching Programme For six days, producers will be guided by professionals through an advanced coaching programme tackling various aspects of producing: creative producing, marketing, funding, legalities and pitching, with emphasis on regional co- production, exhibition and distribution. Directors’ Workshop Guided by reputable regional and international film tutors and experts, selected directors will join group, one-on-one sessions and hands-on exercises throughout the eight-day specialized training programme. Experts will work with directors on their scripts, directing techniques, camera, sound and editing with the aim of helping them develop their visual languages as directors. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to direct a scene from their projects, supervised by tutors and experts. Local crew and cast will work with them through all stages of production. Independent Film Assembly Selected teams of producer/ director will participate in multiple activities, during the two-day Assembly along with regional and international professional guests: decision-makers, financiers, exhibitors, TV Broadcasters, distributors and potential co-producers.

Med Film Factory teams, tutors and mentors will provide directors and producers with an ongoing support between sessions and after the program has ended to strengthen their projects and develop them further.

Criterias Med Film Factory is focused on strengthening the film industry in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa), namely Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Tunis, Algeria and Morocco. Hence, applicants must hold a MENA nationality. Applications must be submitted by a TEAM of director and producer only, single applicants are not eligible. It is not eligible to apply as a director/producer. Applicants must be working on their first or second feature narrative film project. Teams must submit a COMPLETE FEATURE NARRATIVE SCREENPLAY in English. Arabic or French scripts will be considered for initial application, but an English translation should be provided by the applicant when requested by Med Film Factory. Directors may be screenwriters/directors or involved in writing the project. Clearances for all script rights are a prerequisite.

CONTACT The Royal Film Commission Jordan Building no. 5, Omar Bin Al-Khatab Street 1st Circle, Amman-Jordan. P.O. Box 811 991 Amman 11181 Jordan Tel: +962 6 461 3835, Fax: +962 6 461 1379. [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 49 Arab Fund for Artists and Culture (AFAC) – Lebanon (Liban) Fictions & Documentaries

The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture is an independent Arab initiative established in 2007. AFAC funds individuals and organizations in the fields of cinema, performing arts, literature, music and visual arts, while facilitating cultural exchange and cooperation across the Arab world and globally. For Cinema, AFAC offers funding for the development/scripting, production and post-production of animation, documentary, experimental and narrative films in short and feature lengths.


1. About AFAC’s Grants • AFAC provides grants amounting up to fifty thousand U.S. dollars each. • If the grant from AFAC exceeds ten thousand dollars, but only covers part of the project’s overall budget, the grantee must raise 70% of the remaining budget in order to be awarded the grant. • In the event that the grantee is unable to procure 70% of the project budget within 90 days of receiving the grant, the latter will be canceled. • In the event that the grantee does not sign the grant contract within 60 days upon receipt thereof, the grant will be canceled. • No grantee will be awarded more than two deadline extensions during the grant period; such extensions should be justified and approved by AFAC.

2. Eligible Candidates The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture invites all parties working in the cultural and artistic spheres, whose projects target THE ARAB REGION, to send their project proposals regardless of age, years of experience, nationality, country of residence (Arab world and abroad), ethnicity, religion or any other factor. This includes: • Individuals • NGOs • Cultural/educational institutions and centers • Organizations, institutions, governmental and non-governmental bodies concerned with culture and the arts

3. Ineligible Applicants AFAC will not consider applications submitted by: • Members of the Board of Trustees, their business partners or family members • AFAC staff members, their business partners or family members • Members of the jury, their business partners or family members

4. Eligible Expenses • AFAC only covers project-related expenses, and not running operating costs. Example: AFAC will cover the rent of a temporary location to be used by a theater troupe for rehearsals and performances as well as the crew members’ salaries throughout the production period, but will not cover operational expenses, such as the rent of the troupe’s permanent premises or permanent employees’ salaries.

5. Place and Duration • AFAC will not provide support retroactively, i.e. to projects already implemented • Projects may be implemented anywhere as long as they mainly target an Arab audience • The project’s timeframe should not be less than one month nor exceed 24 months

6. Eligible Applications • An applicant may submit two grant requests for two projects in two different categories (for example, performing arts and cinema). Requests for two projects within the same category will not be accepted. • Previous grantees may not apply for a new grant unless the previous grant expired before the application submission deadline for this year. • Grantees who have received two grants may only apply for a third grant two years after the end of the awarded projects.

7. How to Apply

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 50 • Only applications that are filled in online on our website will be processed and evaluated. Applications submitted via regular mail or e-mail will not be accepted. • All required documents can be uploaded into the application. Links to work samples on sites such as YouTube, Vimeo or Dropbox can also be uploaded directly into the application. Only supporting files/samples of previous work exceeding 2 MB should be sent by physical mail to AFAC’s office in Beirut. Please do not mail duplicates of work uploaded into the application. • If sending materials by physical mail for AFAC’s general grant application, please send 5 copies of all accompanying work to AFAC’s Beirut office, postmarked by the relevant deadline and marked with the project title and application number. • If sending materials by physical mail for the Arab Documentary Film Program application, please send 7 copies of all accompanying materials, postmarked by the relevant deadline and marked with the project title and application number. AFAC does not return application materials. • Samples should be mailed through a major courier; it is recommended that applicants submit tracking numbers in their applications. Incomplete applications or applications missing supporting documents will not be reviewed. • You will receive email confirmation once the online application has been received. You are advised to follow up on receipt for mailed material, as we will not contact you if any part of your application is incomplete.

8. Evaluation and Selection Process Following the submission deadline, AFAC will conduct an administrative check to ensure that applications are complete and adhere to the guidelines. Only applications that pass the administrative check will be processed. A selection committee will then assess the received proposals and select the winners. Please see ‘Evaluation Process’ for more details. The grant winners’ names will be published on our website.

9. Grant Contracts AFAC will draft a contract to be signed by the winners. The contract will include contract start and end dates, grant amount, financial requirements, payment schedule, general provisions, implementation and amendments, required reports, and project results.

10. Payment Schedule If AFAC awards a grantee US $10,000 or less, he or she will receive 80% of the grant total amount as a first payment. Once the project is complete and the winner has submitted the deliverables, narrative and financial reports, the remaining 20% will be transferred. For grants exceeding US $10,000, grantees will receive 50% of the grant total amount as the first payment. Once 80% of the first payment has been spent, the grantee must submit an interim narrative and financial report to AFAC. Once approved, grantees will receive 25% of the grant total amount as a second payment. With submission of the final deliverables, the final 25% payment will be made and the grant will be closed.

CONTACT Racha Salah Grants Manager [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 51 Fondation Liban Cinema – Lebanon (Liban) Fictions & Documentaries

FLC is a non-profit private association whose objective is to participate in the development of cinema industry in Lebanon, through the support of creation, production and promotion of films, on the local and international level

Mission The main objectives of Fondation Liban Cinema are: - Participating in Regional and International Festivals and Film Markets in order to promote the Lebanese film production (Cannes-Dubai-Cairo...) - Preservation of Lebanese cinema heritage through the restoration and digital transfer of old features films and the archives of Télé-Liban. - Continuous training of filmmakers by organizing several workshops & seminars. - Development of film production by organizing pitching sessions, by offering prizes and grants, and by creating opportunities of support to the financing of films. - Promoting Lebanon as a filming destination and a potential regional center of production and postproduction in order to develop cinema industry in Lebanon. - Working on the creation of a fund for the support of development, production and promotion of films. - Preparing a database on the Lebanese audiovisual landscape in Lebanon and the Lebanese professionals in the Diaspora.

Description Since its creation, FLC is present in several areas, and via its activities it plays a federating role in the Lebanese audiovisual sector. The Board of Administration is formed of cinema professionals, financial experts and management executives.

CONTACT Fondation Liban Cinéma Berytech Technology & Health 4th floor Rue de Damas P.O.Box 11 7503 Riad El Solh Beyrouth, Lebanon Tel. +96 1 1 612500 extensions: 124 & 125 Fax: +96 1 1 611005 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 52 Screen Institute of Beirut – Lebanon (Liban) Documentaries

The Film Fund offers documentary production grants to emerging and proven talents in the region. Applicants are encouraged to produce films based on stories that relate to their own realities. Priority will be given to creative teams (directors, producers, cinematographers, editors, sound recordists & designers etc.) working together on realising their artistic visions and thereby contribute to strengthen independent filmmaking in the region. The documentary grants enable low-budget films to be produced, finalised and distributed by offering crucial financial support, access to professional equipment, mentoring and professional advice.

Financial support will be granted on the basis of a budget that reflects realistic, low-budget costs in the country of production. Projects will have to secure additional finance from other sources.

For each successful project, the Film Fund set up specific demands and milestones that the applicants have to meet. The grants will be released in predetermined installments and contingent on the project having met the agreed goals. The final installment will only be released when the film is completely finished and account have been submitted and approved.

How to apply ? The application form must be duly filled in English. It must contain all relevant information about the applicants and the project. It is the responsibility of the applicants to submit the requested information. The application form constitutes the initial basis for processing the request for support. Short-listing of applications will depend entirely upon the information given. Additional material that may be annexed to the application will only be considered provided it is deemed relevant after the initial evaluation of the application. The Application Form and any additional written material must be e-mailed to the screen institute office. Hand written applications and materials will not be considered.

CONTACT Screen Institute Beirut - The Film Fund Monot Street 97 • 5th • Nahkle Building • Saifi • Beirut – Lebanon Telephone +961 1 202491 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 53 Guadalajara Film Festival- (Mexique) Fictions & Documentaries


Presentation In order to facilitate the completion of Latin-America feature films, which once filmed find difficulties during their post- production stage and later on being while trying to guarantee theatrical release, the Guadalajara International Film Festival promoted since 2007 an Industry initiative called Guadalajara Construye, where a program consisting of six works in progress is presented to professionals accredited to the Festival -producers, distributors, sales agents, service companies, funds and festivals- with the possibility of supporting the completion of projects and their subsequent exhibition.

Who can apply ? All latin-american producer or director of a project in phase of production or about to be completed, can apply for Guadalajara Construye.

Modalities and counterparts The presentation of the films will be in video, with English subtitles and will be held in the seat of the Festival, where Industry activities are concentrated.

Type and amount of assistance The following prizes and supports, sponsored by several companies, will be distributed among the selected film projects:

Astro LX Audio re-recording in DOLBY DIGITAL 5.1 for one of the participating projects, with the following deliveries: PRINT MASTER DOLBY 5.1 LT and Dolby RT LT, HDTV and DVD. The processes will be done in the MS2 room, in lago Xochimilco, Mexico City.

Boogieman Media Design work and marketing advice providing the key art design for the film, oriented towards it´s promotion and launching.

Chemystry Cine The equivalent to USD$20,000 in color correction in the BASELIGHT room (and services related to these processes) in HD or 2K resolution.

Estudios Churubusco Data to film process. Includes data transfer to 35mm negative, negative development and the printing of the first positive print.

Filmadora Nacional USD$3,000 in cash to support the post-production of one of the participant projects and a plane ticket to supervise the process at a foreign country (non applicable for Africa, Asia, or Oceania).

Fix Comunicación An off-line creative film of a commercial trailer 2 minutes long (editing, sound design and motion graphics), Edit Decision List (EDL), Stems 5.1, sequences of graphic frames and audio and video file reference, ready to process on-line and film.

Kodak 10,000 ft of negative Vision3 500T film; 10,000 ft of sound recording film and 10,000 ft of positive Vision2383 film.

Latinofusion International Distribution Contract offer for USD$10,000 or its equivalent in national currency, to the production company of one of the participant projects.

Titra California Subtitles for a 35mm copy and a video copy of one of the participant projects and the creation of 500 DVDs with subtitles for screeners. [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 54 GUADALAJARA FILM MARKET

Guadalajara Film Market will gather, from March 2nd to 8th, 2013, outstanding film industry producers and buyers from around the world in an ideal setting for negotiations and sharing ideas.

By gathering producers, distributors and programmers from the audiovisual industry for business purposes, we have managed to position ourselves in the international stage as one of the most important strategic events for the movie exhibition and programming sectors and has become one of the most important in the region as it represents a far- reaching showcase for cinematographic productions in search for distribution or the possibility of a sale. Once again the Market encompasses our interest in providing full support to films from Mexico and the rest of Latin America.

The Guadalajara Film Market & Producers Network is presented once more in its seventh edition, in the framework of the 11th Guadalajara Film Market. This partnership with the Producers Network -Marché du Film, Cannes Film Festival- and the Guadalajara International Film Festival, has led to fruitful work meetings and cooperation to strengthen ties between producers from different countries and encourage co-production. During two days, more than 100 registered producers will be able to share experiences and approach leading distribution, production, financing and sales companies. We appreciate the valuable support of special guests and presenters who agreed to take part in these breakfast meetings and who will address relevant topics such as advertising, distribution, production, exhibition, sales and festivals. The wide range of activities at the 11th Guadalajara Film Market has been thought to provide rewarding and fruitful days that help expand the networks of all of those who every year come together in this unique forum in the region.

CONTACTS Festival Internacional de Cine en Guadalajara At’n Guadalajara Construye 6 Calle de Nebulosa #2916, Jardines del Bosque, Guadalajara, Jalisco, C.P. 44520, México Tels. (52-33) 3121 68 60 / 3121 7461 / 3122 7827 Fax: 3121 7426

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 55 Guanajuato Film Festival – Mexico (Mexique) Fictions & Documentaries


Created in 2010, INCUBATOR is a project focused on nurturing and developing the next generation of Mexican and International filmmakers and producers attending the festival. Participants in INCUBATOR receive one-on-one advising sessions from industry professionals on the subjects of script evaluation, film financing, international coproduction, distribution, online film distribution, pitching, packaging and promoting their projects at film festival and markets. The Guanajuato International Film Festival proudly presents our 2013 Incubators: International advisors 2013: Cinéfondation Festival de Cannes (Francia), Sundance Film Institute (USA), Torino FilmLab (Italy), Produire au Sud (France), Cinema en Construcción (France/Spain), SORFOND (Norway), Vancouver Film School (Canada), Cinemart (Netherlands), EAVE (Luxembourg), Slated (USA), Paris Projects (France), Medienboard (Germany), Aides au Cinemas du Monde (France), Under the Milky Way (USA), Dynamo (Colombia) among others. National advisors 2013: Canana, Comisión Mexicana de Filmaciones, Chemistry, Aatomo, Cinecolor, Scratch, Encoresound, Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (IMCINE), Labodigital, among others.

During the festival over 100 young filmmakers will receive one-on-one sessions. Participants in INCUBATOR will be chosen based upon their professional career thus far (short film, feature film, television drama, video or commercial) and the theme, synopsis, script or material in development they have prepared for their next feature film or project. Sessions are private and will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes. INCUBATOR extends an invitation to the Cinéfondation Residence Laureates participating in MexiCannes, as well as all Mexican and international filmmakers selected for competition in GIFF 2013, to partake in one-on-one advising sessions, during which they will meet personally with industry delegates and receive advice on their own specific projects in development. [email protected]


The International Pitching Market annually unites international producers, investors and diverse film financing institutions from all around the world (including Argentina, Brazil, Chili, France, Germany, Norway, Spain, The Netherlands, The Republic of Korea, Hong Kong, India, USA & UK) together with Mexican productions and “Cross-over” co-productions currently in development, as well as projects from the latest sessions of the Cinéfondation La Residence, and a selection of Torino FilmLab (Italy), Paris Projects (France) and Cinemart (The Netherlands) projects. These meetings aim to boost co-production between Mexico and countries abroad while taking advantage of the unique laws, fiscal incentives and film financing funds that each country has to offer. [email protected]

CONTACT Festival Internacional de Cine Guanajuato Fabrica La Aurora, Local 5-B, Col. Aurora San Miguel de Allende, Gto. México C.P. 37700 Tel. +52 (415) 152 72 64 Tel. & Fax. +52 (415) 152 88 99

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 56 Riviera Maya Film Festival – Mexico (Mexique) Fictions & Documentaries


RivieraLab, development platform of the Riviera Maya Film Festival, organizes a coproduction forum intended to support the different stages of project development. The selected projects will be presented to representatives of international aid funds and producers interested in co-productions. The producers and directors of the selected projects will be invited to present and defend their ideas in front of an international committee. They can also get personal appointments with international actors in the film industry.

Beneficiairies Any director and producer (fiction or documentaries) who’s interested by a coproduction.

Modalities and counterparts The presented projects must have a producer. They should not exceed 60 minutes. Winning projects should explain how the assistance was beneficial et must include the festival logo and the words : “RiveraLAB/foro de coproduccion”.

Type and amount of aid In addition to a potential partnership between successful projects and industry actors cinema, the festival Riviera Maya award aid to 3 projects worth 200,000 pesos (about 12,000 euros) each.


Presentation RivieraLab is a development platform from the Festival Riviera Maya offers a workshop "Work in Progress" for help finalizing projects in post-production. Directors and producers will be invited to present an overview of their projects before an audience and a panel of international actors in the cinema industry.

Beneficiairies This workshop is for directors and producers Mexican and international feature-length fiction and documentary seeking financial support to complete their works and distribute.

Modalities and counterparts A first aditing must be visible and projects should be long between 60 and 130 minutes. Selected projects should include in their generic and in all promotional materials Riviera Lab logo and the words "RivieraLab / Work in Progress Award."

Type and amount of aid In addition to a potential partnership between selected projects and industry players cinema, the festival will award a Riviera Maya with 200,000 pesos (about 12,000 euros) for the best project among those selected.

CONTACT Riviera Maya Film Festival Alvaro Obregon 161 Colonia Roma Norte C.P. 06700, Mexico D.F. Mexico Tel :+52 (55) 5242 0170 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 57 Moroccan Production Support Fund – Morocco (Maroc) Fictions

Presentation The creation of the “Fonds d’aide à la production cinématographique” (Film Production Support Fund) in 1980 was the most important step among initiatives to encourage the Moroccan domestic film production. Significant progress has been noted since the establishment of this Fund in terms of domestic film production between 1980 and 1987, with 35 feature films and 30 short films supported over that period. As of 2004, the Fund now grants only presale loans to selected projects and films, but no longer any non-refundable subsidies.

Beneficiaries Pre- and post-production presale loans are awarded to film production companies, previously granted a business authorisat . For a short film project to be eligible to apply for a presale loan, the filmmaker must be a Moroccan citizen, and hold a professional ID card as director, first assistant director, director of photography or film editor. Animated short films are also eligible to apply for the presale loan provided that the production is supervised by a Moroccan director as technical and artistic advisor.

Conditions and obligations Based on the available budget, the Fund Commission may also decide to grant the following support: quality allowances to completed films granted presale loans, assistance to re-writing of film screenplays applying for a presale loan, assistance to scriptwriting. Feature films must be at least 80-minute long, and short films at least 5 minutes, except for animated short films which must be at least 3-minute long.

Support may be granted for all film production phases, in the following forms: Presale loan for feature and short films for pre- and post-production projects submitted by Moroccan film producers Financial contribution to script writing and re-writing for feature and short films. Quality allowance to completed feature and short films granted a pre-production presale loans.

CONTACT Centre Cinématographique Marocain Quartier Industriel - Avenue El Majd - BP : 421 Rabat Morocco Tel: +212 5 37 28 92 00 Fax : +212 5 37 79 81 05 / 08 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 58 Binger Film Lab – Netherlands (Pays-Bas) Fictions & Documentaries

Binger Filmlab is an Amsterdam based international feature-film and documentary development centre. Writers, directors and producers bring their projects to an inspiring environment of fellow filmmakers. They are coached and supported by internationally acclaimed advisors. Binger Filmlab welcomes the best and brightest filmmakers who have already dedicated their time and talent to a career in film, and now seek to go even further. To support them, Binger provides an intensive series of Labs, A la Carte workshops and Events, each developed to push filmmakers to their creative limits. Binger challenges participants both personally and professionally, building characters as well as film ideas. Binger is a lab in the truest sense: we don't set out to tell filmmakers what they should do but rather challenge them to look at the many choices available. Our process focuses on recognizing the wide array of possibilities that are inherent in every story.

Different LABS proposed: - Directors Lab : Every year in March / 4 months - Writers Lab : Every year in October / 4 months - Creative Producers Lab : Every year in Oktober / 4 months - Docu Coach: Heddy Honigmann : Started in February 2010 / individual coaching - Company! : April 2010 - June 2011 / 12 months, 11 x three days workshops - Doc Lab : Started in June 2010 / 18 months, workshops and individual coaching

CONTACT Binger FilmLab Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 4-10 1012 RZ Amsterdam Tel: +31 20 530 9630 Fax: +31 20 530 9631 E-mail: [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 59 International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam – Netherlands (Pays-Bas) Documentaries


The FORUM is IDFA's international co-financing market for documentaries and Europe's largest gathering of filmmakers, television commissioning editors, and independent documentary producers.

Who can apply ? Independent production companies should be registered in MEDIA PROGRAM MEMBER COUNTRIES. Please note that a restricted number of projects from non-MEDIA Program member countries is also permitted, though the final selection may not exceed 15%.

You can submit your project in various stages of financing, development and production. Apart from traditional linear documentaries, the FORUM also provides a platform for documentary series and cross media projects.

In the Round Table category, we program according to genre with a special focus on (but not limited to) arts & culture projects and cross media projects.

All projects will undergo a selection process. Only projects that have been submitted according to the FORUM regulations will be considered (see the below project regulations). There is no fee for project submissions, but incomplete applications without sufficient documentation will not be considered for selection.

The selection will be made by an international committee consisting of professionals who work in various areas of the documentary industry. The committee will decide which projects will appear in which category. Providing visual material is strongly advised.

IDFA BERTHA FUND (Ex Jan Vrijman Fund)

Presentation The IDFA Bertha Fund (formerly known as the Jan Vrijman Fund) is the only fund in the world dedicated solely to stimulating and empowering the creative documentary sector in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe. By supporting both documentary filmmakers and organizations that promote documentaries, the IDFA Fund enables documentary practitioners in these developing countries to find their own unique voice. The Fund not only provides financial support to realize this endeavor, but plays a crucial advisory role as well. In short, the IDFA Fund supports documentaries that make a difference. Documentaries are not only a creative form of artistic expression, but also an expression of a world-view and a lifestyle.

Who can apply? ANY PRODUCER OR DIRECTOR FROM AFRICA, ASIA, LATIN AMERICA, THE MIDDLE EAST AND PARTS OF EASTERN EUROPE, who introduce a project; however projects without producer will be also accepted. The producer and the director must answer the criteria below.

Conditions to respect by the film producers: The director must be native of a developing country and currently live and work in a developing country. The Funds gives a support to the novice directors as well to those who are experimented.

The conditions to be respected by the producer / organizer: The producer (candidate) must be established in a developing country. If a producer is native of a country not appearing on the list of countries CAD (Committee of Development aid of the OECD), it is necessary that a native producer of a country CAD joins the project, (in that case the agreement of coproduction is necessary). The application must be carried- out by this last one. In the category "Other activities" the requests of the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico will not be accepted any more.

Modalities and counterparts

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 60 The refused projects for a contribution to the production can make another request for a contribution to the post- production, only when the request is accompanied by a DVD with the first 20 minutes edition. If the project benefits from a contribution, the allotted contribution must be applied in a demonstrable way in one or more developing countries and all the rights of distribution for the Benelux countries will be reserved to the Funds. A project can be presented only once in the Script category and Development of Project and once in the Production category and Post-production. In the category Other Activities, the project should not be occurred during the three months after the deadline.


IDFA Frederiksplein 52 1017 XN Amsterdam, the Netherlands Phone: +31 20 6273329 / Fax: +31 20 6385388

The FORUM Head of Industry Office: Adriek van Nieuwenhuyzen Coordinator the FORUM: Yorinde Segal [email protected]

IDFA Fund Director: Ally Derks Fund Manager: Isabel Arrate Fernandez Fund Producer: Mélanie de Vocht [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 61 Rotterdam International Film Festival – Netherlands (Pays-Bas) Fictions & Documentaries


The first co-production market of its kind, CineMart offers filmmakers the opportunity to launch their ideas to the international film industry and to find the right connections to get their projects financed. Launching about 35 new projects in need of additional financing each year, CineMart also heralds an important start of the 'film year'. CineMart was the first platform of its kind to offer filmmakers the opportunity to launch their ideas to the international film industry and to find the right connections to get their projects financed. Launching about 35 new projects in need of additional financing, CineMart also heralds an important start of the 'film year'.

Selection Criteria: - The main criteria for selection are the viability and quality of the plans and the demonstrable talent of the directors and/or producers. - The projects can be in all phases of production, but they have to be new or recent and not have explored all possible avenues of financing. - A project should not have been presented at any other market or festival, except when linked to one of CineMart's partnering organisations. - Applications should be in English.

The CineMart is open for film projects: - That are feature films with theatrical potential (minimum length of 70 minutes) - FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD - In all stages of production, from script to rough cut - For which a complete screenplay will be available during CineMart - Which are new or recent and have not yet made the round of all financiers and other festivals & markets - For which there is a potential international market - With artistic and other special qualities by demonstrable talented film makers - Which have a producer and a director attached, preferably producers or directors who are deemed capable of getting films off the ground

CineMart Awards In addition to the awards attached to the main IFFR programme, the following prizes are given to distinguished CineMart projects: Eurimages Co-Production Development Award (one prize of € 30,000) Arte France Cinéma Award (one prize of € 10,000)

Past Between 2001 and 2010 the Prins Claus Fund Film Grant (one prize of € 15,000) was awarded to the filmmaker of the best CineMart Project from Africa, Asia, Latin America or the Caribbean.

Deadline to apply for a project: 1st October each year.


The Hubert Bals Fund (HBF) is an initiative of International Film Festival Rotterdam that provides grants to remarkable cinema projects in various stages of completion. Please follow the links below to find out more about the HBF. The Hubert Bals Fund is designed to bring remarkable or urgent feature films by innovative and talented filmmakers from developing countries closer to completion. The HBF provides grants that often turn out to play a crucial role in enabling these filmmakers to realize their projects

Although the Fund looks closely at the financial aspects of a project, the decisive factors remain its content and artistic value. Since the Fund started in 1988, close to 900 projects from independent filmmakers in Asia, the Middle East,

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 62 Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America have received support. Approximately 80% of these projects have been realised or are currently in production. Every year, the IFFR screens completed films supported by the Fund.

Grants and selection rounds Annually, the Hubert Bals Fund has close to €1.2 million at its disposal and is able to make individual grants of up to €10,000 for script and project development, €20,000 for digital production, €30,000 for post-production, €10,000 for workshops or €15,000 towards distribution costs in the country of origin. Selection rounds take place twice a year, with application deadlines on March 1 and August 1.

Hubert Bals Fund Plus Additionally, in order to offer Dutch producers the possibility to get involved more often in international productions, and to support the ‘Hubert Bals Fund projects’ in the stage of actual production, the Hubert Bals Fund Plus has been set up by the Dutch Film Fund and the Hubert Bals Fund of the International Film Festival Rotterdam. Since 2006 the Dutch Film Fund has annually made € 200.000 available for the Hubert Bals Fund Plus. Applications can be granted with a maximum of € 50.000.

Training, workshops, the Hubert Bals Fund Award The Fund can support training initiatives for filmmakers all over the world. Workshops have been supported in for instance Ethiopia, Vietnam and Costa Rica. In Armenia, India and the Philippines, the Hubert Bals Fund has participated in co- production meetings. On these occasions, Hubert Bals Fund Awards are granted to the most promising film projects.

Hubert Bals Fund supported films at major international film festivals. Over the years, the interest for HBF supported films steadily increased. Many international film festivals keep a close eye on completed HBF supported films and select them for their programmes. Each year, HBF supported films are screened at, among others, the Cannes, Venice, Locarno, Toronto and Busan film festivals.

CONTACTS International Film Festival Rotterdam P.O. Box 21696 3001 AR Rotterdam The Netherlands T : (+31) 10 890.90.90 F : (+31) 10 890.90.91 E: [email protected]

CINEMART Marit van den Elshout Jacobine van der Vloed [email protected]

HUBERT BALS FUND Iwana Chronis Janneke Langelaan [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 63 SØRFOND, Norwegian South Film Fund – Norway (Norvège) Fictions & Documentaries

The new Norwegian film fund SØRFOND, financed by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by the Norwegian Film Institute, will contribute to the completion of films from Southern countries. Following a large and positive interest among international filmmakers, SØRFOND has, in its first ever funding-round, awarded NOK 4 million (around € 530,000) to seven different projects.

Strengthening freedom of expression Following an initiative by the Films from the South Foundation, SØRFOND was established in 2010. The fund aims to support film production in countries where such production is limited by political, economic or social causes. The fund will help to strengthen film as a mean for cultural expression, promote diversity and artistic integrity on the international film stage. A unique feature of SØRFOND – in comparison with other similar European funds – is that it focuses in priority on freedom of expression while assessing the applications.

International networking The first round of applications confirmed that there is great interest from Norwegian producers and film professionals to create contacts outside Europe and North America. The hope is that new international contacts can contribute to an increased internationalization of Norwegian producers, and provide inspiration for new ways to tell local stories.

Guidelines The guidelines apply to grants for the production of films with a main producer based in a country on the OECD's current list of countries and territories eligible to receive assistance (DAC-list), and a minority producer established in Norway. The application has to concern a film with the main producer established in a country on the DAC-list. In addition, the director must have citizenship from, or be resident in, a country on the DAC-list. The film must, for the most part, be shot in a country on the DAC-list. In exceptional cases, derogations may be made regarding the establishment of the main producer in a country on the DAC-list, if, due to political reasons, the film cannot be produced in such a country.

CONTACT Lasse Skagen, Artistic Director Films From the South: Tel: +47 22 82 24 80 / Cell: +47 95 81 42 73 / Email: [email protected] Ivar Køhn, Head of Production Dept. Norwegian Filminstitute: Tel +47 22 47 45 00 / Cell: +47 41 40 20 96 / Email: [email protected] [email protected] Heidi Palmer Sandberg, Managing Director Phone: +47 22 82 24 81/ Cell: +47 482 173 73/ E-mail: [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 64 CentEast Warsaw-Moscow – Poland/Russia (Pologne/Russie) Fictions & Documentaries

The CentEast Warsaw-Moscow was launched in 2009 and teamed the Warsaw Film Foundation and Moscow based TVINDIE Film Production. The CentEast system is based on a package of up to 10 annually selected works-in-progress from both EU and non-EU countries: Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. The films are presented to a wide range of film professionals, attending two industry events, which are important for the region of Eastern Europe and Russia: CentEast Warsaw Market, which is held during the Warsaw Film Festival in Poland, CentEast Moscow, organised in the framework of Red Square Screenings in Russia.

CentEast Warsaw-Moscow aims to give Eastern European films exposure to the international market and provide them with distribution possibilities.

The eligible projects (full length features and documentaries) should come from: Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia or Ukraine, and be works-in-progress or recently completed films, but before world premiere and not presented at any other film market.

The programme of 2012 market included: 1. CentEast Warsaw-Moscow - the fourth presentation of Eastern European works-in-progress. This year is the first time that the selected yet-to-be-finished films are being shown in Moscow first - on 16 October - at the Red Square Screenings. After that - on 19 October - they will be screened at the CentEast Market in Warsaw. 2. The Warsaw Screenings, which are closed industry screenings of selected new Polish films with English subtitles. 3. A presentation of the China-Europe Film Promotion Project (CEFPP), which aims to facilitate the distribution of European films on the Chinese market on the one hand while promoting Chinese cinema in Europe on the other.

CentEast is supported by MEDIA Mundus of the European Community and by the Polish Film Institute.

CONTACT CentEast Market Warsaw Warsaw Film Festival P.O. Box 816 00-950 Warsaw Phone:+48 226 214 647 Fax:+48 226 216 268

For projects from Europe: Magdalena Banasik, Warsaw Film Foundation, [email protected] For projects from Russia: Ekaterina Gershenzon, TVINDIE, [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 65 Doha Film Institute – Qatar Fictions & Documentaries

DFI is an independent cultural organization established to bring Qatar’s film initiatives under one banner. With film funding, education, production, and the annual Doha Tribeca Film Festival, DFI aims to build a robust and sustainable film industry in Qatar. Launched in May 2010, the Doha Film Institute’s film financing initiatives aim to support filmmakers in their storytelling, foster the exchange of knowledge, and enable filmmakers from the Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries to fund and produce their own stories. Since 2013, eligibility for DFI Grants has been extended to films from all nations. From July 2013, the primary goal of the DFI Grants initiative is to identify new talents worldwide and focus its support on first- and second-time filmmakers. DFI Grants retains its emphasis on supporting filmmakers from the MENAregion, while its expansion fosters creative and cultural exchange among filmmakers on the world stage.

Objectives Create a credible and sustainable film financing model Develop training opportunities to strengthen the film industry work force Foster networking opportunities between talent from the MENA countries and the international film community Annually, DFI will hold two grant submission cycles (Spring and Fall Grants) to support Arab projects across all genres for film and television. In addition, DFI will accept co-production proposals on a rolling basis for larger scale MENA and international projects.

Who can apply ? Applications are considered from three regions: the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee list of countries (DAC) and the rest of the world (ROW). Different eligibility criteria apply for each region. Regional criteria apply according to the nationality of the director* attached to the project. For MENA grants, the director must be a national or first-generation descendant of a national of one of the listed countries. For DAC grants, the director must be a national of one of the listed countries. Submissions for ROW grants are by invitation only.

- Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Development, production and post-production funding is available for feature-length films (70 minutes or longer). Short films* (5 to 30 minutes) are eligible for production and post-production funding only. Narrative, documentary, experimental and essay projects are all eligible. There are no restrictions on budget or genre. The MENA region includes: Algeria, Bahrain, the Comoros Islands, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, , Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

- OECD’s Development Assistance Committee list of countries / DAC Production and post-production funding is available for feature-length narrative films (70 minutes or longer). Documentary projects are eligible by invitation only. There are no restrictions on budget or genre. Short films are not eligible for funding. Development funding is not available. The OECD’s DAC list countries comprises some 94 nations.

- Rest of the World / ROW All projects are eligible by invitation only. Production and post-production funding is available for feature-length films (70 minutes or longer). There are no restrictions on budget or genre. Short films are not eligible for funding. Development funding is not available. The ROW region includes all countries outside the MENA and DAC lists.

CONTACT Doha Film Institute, Attn: Film Financing Department Cultural Village, Building 25, West Bay Doha, Qatar, P.O. Box 23473 Phone: +974.6683.6294

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 66 The National Film & Video Foundation (NFVF) – South Africa (Afrique du Sud) Fictions & Documentaries

The National Film & Video Foundation (NFVF) is a statutory body mandated by parliament to spearhead the development of the South African film and video industry. The National Film & Video Foundation provides film and video-related funding in four broad categories: Education and Training, Development Funding, Production Funding, Marketing and Distribution.

What form does funding take? Funding may take the form of a grant, investment or loan depending on the type of application and project. In addition to financial assistance, other forms of support will be made available once the NFVF has established appropriate support mechanisms. Funding allocation to selected projects will vary according to the specific cash flow needs of the project.

Development Funding Foundation will consider contributing development funding to projects in the following categories: Feature-length and short films, Documentaries, Animation and Multimedia. The Foundation considers development funding as an investment and will set in place mechanisms to recoup all of its development expenditure with interest on principal photography when the project enters the production phase. If a project fails to be realised, the Foundation reserves the right to be reimbursed.

Who can apply ? Independent production companies or writers may apply to the NFVF for development funding. In the case of writers, the NFVF may assist the writer to find a producer. Companies that apply for development funding must hold exclusive rights or options for at least 24 months.

Production Funding The NFVF considers production funding primarily as an investment and as such will recoup its expenditure at the time of delivery of the finished product through traditional commercial distribution and exhibition channels. The following genres will be considered for production funding: Documentaries, Features, Short and specialised film and video productions, Animation, Multimedia projects that have an audiovisual component

Who can apply ? South African-owned production companies that have reasonable experience may apply for production funding in any of the above-mentioned genres. New and emerging film-makers that would not otherwise have the opportunity to actively participate in the local film industry, may apply for production funding in only two genres: short films and documentaries. However, in order to qualify, the filmmakers or writers should have a production company attached.

CONTACT 87 Central Street Houghton 2198 Johannesburg Tel +27 11 483 0880 Fax +27 11 483 0881 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 67 Busan International Film Festival - (Corée du Sud)

ASIAN CINEMA FUND Fictions & Documentaries

Asian Cinema Fund (ACF) has been an essential partner for Asian cinema with its three supporting categories: Script Development Fund, Post-production Fund and Asian Network of Documentary (AND) Fund. ACF is committed to help activate more independent film productions and to set up a stable production environment. New Asian cinema discovered by ACF gets to complete into a film through comprehensive support from A to Z and to explore various opportunities through Busan's family programs such as Asian Film Market and Asian Project Market (APM).

ACF projects have been presented at many international film festivals and received great response both from audience and critics. Now, ACF helps Asian feature films and documentaries to establish their identities and to position themselves as important parts of the film industry. During the Busan International Film Festival, ACF provides a forum for Asian filmmakers to share their knowledge, leading to a pan-Asian network. Also, in cooperation with other international film festivals, ACF broadens opportunities to present high quality Asian films and documentaries around the world.

ACF is turning over a new leaf to help Asian filmmakers realizing their visions and to take Asian cinema to the next level.

Eligible Project - should be a fiction feature of which the final script has not yet been completed. - should be an original script. - Adaptation work of any source material will not be accepted. - Previously disqualified projects cannot be resubmitted.

Eligible Applicant - be an Asian National, or be either of Asian heritage or a non-Asian residing in an Asian country. - must be a writer-director, or a team consisting of writer and director.(You can apply even though a producer is not yet attached to the project.) - must have directed at least one short or feature-length film. In both cases, however, your project should contain Asian elements such as Asian stories, characters, themes and setting, etc.

Award: To each selected project for ACF Script Development Fund, cash award of 10,000,000 KRW (Approx. 10,000 USD) will be granted. To each selected project for ACF Post Production Fund 2010, it will be provided the actual post-production process including Digital Intermediate (DI), Final Mixing, Dupe (original) Negative, A-B print and optical recording through the ACF sponsor companies in Korea. To each selected project for Documentary (AND) Fund, cash award of 5,000,000 KRW (Approx. 5,000 USD) or 10,000,000 KRW (Approx. 10,000 USD) will be granted based on its supporting fund.


The Asian Project Market (AMP) is a pre-market connected to the Busan International Film Festival in Korea where promising filmmakers and producers can meet with potential co-producers and financiers and, in turn, investors and co- producers can find a diverse selection of the latest Asian projects of top quality. The 2012 Asian Project Market (APM), one of the most representative project markets in Asia, sets off on a wonderful journey with 30 fascinating official projects this year. The APM has been blessed with bountiful harvest year after year. Especially the year 2012, numerous APM-nurtured projects have made remarkable achievements resonating with festival and box office.

Eligibility A feature-length fiction film project in any stage of production(Scenario stage, Pre-production, Production stage, Post-production stage)

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 68 The project completed before the APM 2012 is not eligible. Only those projects not fully financed are eligible

Benefit of Selected Projects 1. Representative (director & producer) of the project will be officially invited to APM. 2. Selected projects will be provided one-on-one meetings with film industry professionals. 3. Selected projects will automatically be nominated for APM awards.

Obligations of Selected Projects 1. At least 1 representative of the project is required to attend the APM. 2. Project representatives are obliged to attend for the minimum period of 3 days during APM and handle the arranged meetings by APM Team. 3. Once a project wins any of the APM awards, the project should put the logos of Busan IFF and APM.

Awards Busan Award (USD 20,000) Kodak Award (KRW 20,000,000) CJ Entertainment Award (USD 10,000) Lotte Award (KRW 10,000,000) PanStar Cruise Award (KRW 10,000,000) KOCCA Award (KRW 10,000,000) Technicolor Asia Award (USD 25,000) International Relations ARTE Prize (EUR 6,000)

CONTACTS Busan International Film Festival 3rd Floor, BIFF HILL, Busan Cinema Center, 1467 Woo-Dong, Haeundae-Gu,Busan 612-020, Korea Tel : + 82 1688 3010/Fax : + 82 51 709 2299

Asian Cinema Fund (ACF) [email protected] (Fiction Feature) [email protected] (Documentary)

Asian Project Market (APM) Team [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 69 Access to Markets in the Digital Era – Spain (Espagne) Fictions & Documentaries

ACCESS is a project based training initiative for film and documentary producers and company executives of the Mediterranean ENPI Countries: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Jordan and the Palestine Occupied Territories. The programme covers issues including; development strategies production financing, co-financing and coproduction; marketing and distribution; and digital media. ACCESS is a nine month programme and is comprised of two residential workshops and online tutorials throughout the period. ACCESS is tailored to producers and company executives who wish to: Improve their understanding of the key principles required to effectively develop, finance, coproduce, sell, market and distribute their film or documentary projects; Acquire skills in the use of digital and social media to market, promote and distribute their projects.

Access is a project based professional training programme. Access consists of two 5 day workshops and a 10 day period of online tutorials which take place over a 9 month period. Each residential workshop includes plenary sessions, tutorials, one-to-one meetings, case studies and networking activities.

1st module: Project development techniques; financing, co-financing and coproduction, legal affairs, deal terms and negotiation skills. This first training module will give participants the know-how and tools to: 2nd module: work (online) with their tutors/mentors to develop and conclude versions of financing plans; conclude their coproduction strategy; develop a web presence for projects and companies (podcast , audiocast, digital hand-outs and discussion forum); implement use of social marketing tools (podcast, audiocast, digital hand-outs and discussion forum) to promote their project 3rd module: Marketing, Distribution and Digital Media

Access is intended for independent producers and company executives who fulfill the following requirements Be an active independent producer or company executive working on feature films, television drama or documentaries Be based in one of the ENPI South countries of the Mediterranean: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, Israel, Syria, Jordan and the Occupied Territories of Palestine Have a minimum 2 years work experience (if company executive) or a track record of production (if a producer) Have permanent access to Internet in their office / work place Have a feature-film or documentary project at an early stage of development Be fluent (written and oral) in French and/or English Supply a reference

CONTACT Fundación Cultural Media c/ Antonio Acuña, 19-Esc.Drcha.-1º Izda. 28009 Madrid, Spain Tel+ 34 91 575 95 83/Fax+34 91 431 33 03 [email protected] Isabel Calle [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 70 Africa Produce Film co-production forum – Spain (Espagne) Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation Africa Produce is a forum between Sub-Saharan African filmmakers and producers, and programming and co-production managers from Spanish and international television channels. The objective of this Forum is to introduce African fiction feature film and documentary projects to the Spanish co-production market. The Africa Produce Forum takes place in the framework of the African Film Festival of Tarifa and is supported by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development, the Department of Andalusian Culture and the Ministry of Culture. No grant is given to the screenwriters/directors at the end of this Forum. However, a €15,000 grant is awarded to the Spanish producer who decides to co-produce one of the projects presented during the Forum.

Who can apply? Any filmmaker from Sub-Saharan Africa or production companies who fulfil the following requirements before the deadline can apply: Filmmakers (screenwriters, producers, directors): must hold a passport issued by a Sub-Saharan African country, must be over 18 years old; Production companies: any cinematographic production company legally created in an African country, as well as production companies from the European Union or companies (owners or transferees) supporting a Sub-Saharan African film project in progress. All participants must prove that they are owners or assignees of the rights to the film they present during the Forum.

Conditions and obligations The length of documentary films must be at least 52 minutes. The authors of the selected projects commit to mention their participation in Africa Produce and in the African Film Festival of Tarifa in all subsequent circulation of their project. They must also include the names of Africa Produce, the African Film Festival of Tarifa, the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development (AECID), the Department of Andalusian Culture and the Ministry of Culture in the opening and end credits of the film.

Type and amount of support Al Tarab supports the following costs for the selected projects: Spanish translation of the project (a copy of the translated project will be given to the author, who can use it as he/she wishes once the Africa Produce Forum is over); a round-trip plane ticket to take part personally in the Forum and transportation from Tarifa to the airport; accommodations in Tarifa during the Africa Produce Forum; handling fees based on Festival criteria during the Africa Produce Forum; publications in the Festival catalogue, on the website, in newsletters and other promotional material relating to the Forum; a certificate of selection and participation. A €15,000 grant is also awarded to Spanish producers who sign a co-production agreement.

CONTACT Festival de Cine Africano de Tarifa Calle Monte Carmelo, 5 bajo 41011 Sevilla Spain Tel: +34 954 272 800 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 71 Ibermedia Programme – Spain (Espagne) Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation This fund, created in 1997 during the summit meeting of heads of state and governments of Latin America, is for filmmaking of the 18 member countries and provides various support for project development, co-production, distribution and promotion, Like training. This support program is part of the "Conference of Audiovisual and Cinematographic Authorities of Latin America" (CAACI).The objective of this fund is to support the development of Latin American visual space. During 2012 the programme Ibermedia performs the following modifications: There will be one annual call instead of two; The deadline for applications is February 3 to May 31, 2012; Discard distribution patterns, and Delivery Exhibition; Redrafting Co mode.

Beneficiaries The program is intended for citizens of one of 18 member countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, , Chile, Ecuador, Spain, , Mexico, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela. Subsidy is granted this independent production companies that are not essentially as companies engaged in television production.

Types of aid and counterparts A contract between the legal representative of the distributor / producer and the Executive Secretariat CAACI in Ibermedia name, lay down the conditions under which the grant is awarded. Requests should be submitted to the Technical Unit IBERMEDIA on the date stipulated, for review at the next meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee. The analysis of the applications submitted after the deadline will be held in the next meeting. The Technical Unit reserves the right to request additional information from applicants to submit proposals to the IGC, which makes the final decision on granting the aid. No applications will be accepted emailed. It should be noted this helps in any advertising element. The repayment of the loan will be 100% and will begin the first day of shooting. If the beneficiary leaves the project, you should promptly return 25% of the amount paid by the Program. The aid will be granted and will be charged in U.S. dollars or euros. In Co-production mode changes are: Projects may start shooting within the filing period, provided that the project has already been registered in the ICU; (Ibermedia Technical Unit) or the corresponding film institution with ALL documentation requested on the bases; Each country will choose the two projects that will be entitled automatically, taking into account the assessment and the report of the ICU; All projects are analyzed by the ICU.

Type and amount of subsidy The aid is a loan that must be repaid. The amount awarded will not exceed 50% of the total budget of the project presented. The applicant must ensure the rest of the funding. As for co-productions, the amount awarded depends on the financial contribution of each producer.

CONTACT Ibermedia Program Ferraz, No. 10. 1. ° Left. CP 28008 Madrid / Spain Tel: +34 91 758 April 60 Fax.: +34 91 541 37 84 Elena Vilardell evilardell @

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 72 Latin American Film Festival of Huelva – Spain (Espagne) Fictions & Documentaries


The Co-production Forum is held under the Latin American Film Festival of Huelva. It is a first class professional meeting that aims to connect producers, directors and distributors of audiovisual landscape foremost interested in promoting Latin American cinema business in co-production of film projects or Portuguese-speaking. Coproduction Forum will has established itself as an event that, besides boost ties between filmmakers from both sides of the Atlantic, encourages the development of audiovisual projects that can be made in co-production between Europe and Latin America.

CONTACT Tel.: +34 959 210 170 Fax: +34 959 210 173 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 73 San Sebastian Film Festival – Spain (Espagne) Fictions & Documentaries


In 2012, the San Sebastian Festival launched the Europe-Latin America Co-production Forum. Its priority objectives are to foster the development of audiovisual projects, encourage collaboration between professionals and promote an opening out towards new international markets. The responsible for projects will have the opportunity to present their works to industry members at pitching sessions and they will receive a personal agenda of appointments with professionals interested in participating in their projects.

The Forum also includes initiatives to prompt informal meetings between participants and activities to encourage the exchange of experiences and knowledge of key matters related to the audiovisual industry past and present. As an extension to the San Sebastian Forum, and as a result of the "Forging Alliances" collaboration agreement signed with the Producers Network of the Marché du Film (Festival de Cannes) and Argentina’s INCAA (Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales), a number of these projects will be able to continue their international trajectory thanks to participation in the Ventana Sur market and in the coming edition of the Cannes Producers Network. This initiative will lend a decisive boost to their international promotion.

Who can apply ? The Co-production Forum is open to LATIN AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN projects at the development stage. European projects must have a specific connection with Latin America: the involvement of a Latin American producer, filming locations or another similar formula.

Criterias Minimum duration of 60 minutes and transmedia, crossmedia and multiplatform projects taking cinematographic film as one of their main platforms. Journalistic or informative audiovisual reports will not be considered as non- fiction projects. European projects must have a direct link with Latin America: involvement of a Latin American producer, filming locations, or another similar formula. The projects must present a budget and financing plan with at least 20% of funding already assured.

Award The Festival will present an Award carrying EUR 10,000 for the producer of one of the selected projects.

FILMS IN PROGRESS (in partnership with Cinelatino, Rencontres de Toulouse)

Created in 2002 thanks to collaboration between the San Sebastian Festival and the Cinélatino, Rencontres de Toulouse, the Films in Progress section was born with the intention to back Latin American film production with aid to the completion of films at the post-production stage. A series of titles from Latin American countries selected by both festivals are presented to a group exclusively made up of industry professionals. Ever since its first edition, Films in Progress has permitted the completion of outstanding Latin American films which have subsequently been presented and often won awards at major international festivals. Some of today’s most highly reputed Latin American filmmakers have participated in the section: Ana Katz, Celina Murga, Tristán Bauer, Federico Veiroj, Julio Hernández Cordón, Rigoberto Perezcano, Jorge Durán, Ciro Guerra and Sebastián Silva, among many others.

This professional initiative celebrates two calls each year: Toulouse in March and San Sebastian in September. The films, rigorously selected by the selection committees of both festivals, are presented to an international group of professionals capable of contributing to their completion.

In both calls the films are jointly selected by the selection committees of the San Sebastian Festival and of the Cinélatino, Rencontres de Toulouse. A final selection of 6 films for each call will be chosen from the candidates submitted. The organisation reserves the right to increase this number where it deems appropriate. A film can be selected for a maximum of two Films in Progress calls.

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 74

Furthermore: - EP2C Postproduction training program will advise for international coordination of post-production the responsible for the post production of the film. In addition, EP2C will offer a scholarship as a support dor the travel of one of the producers of one of the films selected wishing to participate in post-production Workshop and whose bid is successful. - Le Marché du Film (Festival de Cannes) offers market accreditations to producers of films selected in Toulouse Cinema Under Construction

The Cinéma under Construction films will have access to international screening throughout the worldwide network of the Instituto Cervantes. La Région Midi-Pyrénées supports Films in Progress by contributing towards the presence of film directors and producers (whose films have been selected) as well as cinema professionals (co-production and post-production) who participate in those help facilities.

Registrate the film on line on this direction:

CONTACT Industry Club Saioa Riba (Head of Industry) Esperanza Luffiego (Head of Industry) Egoitz Sánchez Marina Urbistondo Tel: +34 943 48 12 17 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 75 Locarno Film Festival – Switzerland (Suisse) Fictions & Documentaries


With support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, for the last eight years the Open Doors section has worked to highlight filmmakers and films from countries whose cinema is still developing, and is committed to enabling them to find coproduction partners for their new projects. This initiative, focusing on a different region every year, operates in two modes. Open Doors co-production lab brings professionals from the chosen region together with potential partners, mostly from Europe, to foster support for projects that would otherwise be difficult to make. Every year, following a call for submissions, the Festival selects a dozen new projects from the chosen region. At the end of the workshop, the winning projects receive either development or production support. For the public audience, the Open Doors Screenings present a selection of key films from the national cinemas of the chosen region.

Since its inception, Open Doors has showcased projects from Cuba and Argentina, countries in the Mekong, the Maghreb, South-East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand), the Near and Middle East (Mashrek), Latin America, Greater China, central Asia and India. The 2013 edition focuses on the South Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Entry Conditions - Either the production or the director of the project submitted for the selection must be from the chosen country. - Projects participating in the selection, features, documentaries and animations must be presented in form of treatment or script, with dossier or production plan. Dossiers must be either in English or in French.

Official Prizes and Jury At the end of the three day workshop, a production grant worth 50,000 CHF (about 45,000 Euros), funded from the Open Doors initiative, will be allocated by a jury composed of representatives of the Festival and "visions sud est", a Swiss production support fund. Continuing its collaboration with Open Doors, the CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée, France) also offers a grant of 7,000 Euros to support a film in development. The 2010 edition marked the inauguration of the new International Relations ARTE Prize, worth 6,000 Euros, a collaboration that will continue in 2012.

CONTACT Festival internazionale del film di Locarno via Ciseri 23-CH-6600 Locarno [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 76 Office Fédéral de la Culture (OFC) – Switzerland (Suisse) Fictions & Documentaries

The selective cinema support aims to encourage projects contributing to the film diversity in Switzerland (including coproductions). The support covers scriptwriting and the production of features, documentaries or animation films.

Eligibility - You have to be swiss resident OR - Your company has its headquarters in Switzerland and its own and foreign funds are possessed bu swiss residents.

Type and amount of support The financial aid will be invested in Switzerland, unless there are international opposite agreements. The beneficiaries and their crew have to be professional directors, to be trained and to have experience in the activity for which they ask a financial support. Cinema projects can pretend to an encouragement if it is designed to theater exhibition first.

The maximum amounts are annulay published by the The selective cinema supports usually match 50 of the eligible spending. In case of a coproduction with foreign producers and directors, the maximum support is 300 000 CHF (about 250 000 euro).

CONTACT Office fédéral de la culture Section du cinéma Olivier Müller Hallwylstrasse 15 3003 Berne Suisse T +41 (0)31 322 92 72 F +41 (0)31 322 57 71 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 77 Visions Sud Est – Swizerland (Suisse) Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation The Swiss fund Visions Sud Est was initiated by the Foundation trigon-film Baden and the Fribourg Film Festival, with the collaboration of Nyon’s Visions du Reel and the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. It supports film productions from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe, aims at making them visible worldwide and guarantees their distribution in Switzerland.

Who can apply ? All the projects for which financial support is requested must be proposed exclusively by a company based in a country from the South (Africa, Latin America and Asia) or from Eastern Europe (excluding EU members) and regularly producing films by filmmakers in these countries. Therefore, the main part of the project must be shot in these countries and - except in special circumstances - in the local or regional language.

Modalities and counterparts Visions sud est is a partner of the Open Doors Factory programme of Locarno International Film Festival. Applicants may submit their projects to visions sud est as well as to Open Doors. Support by one of these organisations, however, excludes support from the other one. A project application cannot be considered a second time in the same application category if it has been unsuccessful in a previous application round. Furthermore, a project can only obtain a support by visions sud est once. This means that if it has already been granted production support by visions sud est, an application for post-production support for the same project will not be considered. On all material of promotion and among the opening and closing credits of the film the following must appear : The logo of the fund, followed by the text "with the support of the SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation)" as well as references to (and logos of) public or private institutions which have contributed to the co-financing of the work. They must be mentioned as financial partners of the project.

Type of assistance There are two types of financial support: - Support of the production of fictional films on the basis of documents attesting to the feasibility of the project. - Support of the finishing (post-production) of fictional and documentary films on the basis of a first cut and a finishing concept. A fictional film project will be supported with a maximum of 50’000 Swiss francs for production or a maximum of 20’000 Swiss francs for post-production. A documentary will be supported with a maximum of 15’000 Swiss francs for post- production. This support entails the global distribution rights for Switzerland. The amount granted by the visions sud est fund for one single project may not exceed 10% of the fund’s means.

CONTACT Visions Sud Est Limmatauweg 9 CH-5408 Ennetbaden Suisse [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 78 Filmmakers’ Immersion – Trinidad & Tobago Fictions

The Trinidad and Tobago film festival (ttff), in association with RBC Royal Bank and the Commonwealth Foundation, invites applications for Focus: Filmmakers’ Immersion and a subsequent pitch session and competition, with an ultimate prize of TT$20,000. Focus: Filmmakers’ Immersion will be an intensive three-day development programme that provides ten selected Caribbean filmmakers with the opportunity to learn from professional film artists.

Who can apply ? Focus is open to Caribbean filmmakers (citizens of Caribbean countries living and working in the Caribbean); filmmakers of the diaspora (persons of Caribbean descent resident outside of the Caribbean who intend to shoot at least part of their prospective project in the region); and international filmmakers living and working in the Caribbean. Applicants must have completed at least one narrative film (short or feature-length), but no more than two narrative features.

Modalities and counterparts Focus will include group discussions on a range of topics concentrating on the artistic side of dramatic filmmaking, sharpening the skills and abilities of participants. There will be a particular emphasis on enhancing the filmmakers’ creative voice. Each filmmaker will enter Focus with a concept for a feature-length dramatic film, from which they will be expected to develop a detailed treatment (not a shooting script).

Type and amount of assistance Two professionals of the cinematographic industry will assist the participants. They are two experienced, award-winning, international film-industry professionals and they will lead participants through various creative exercises, and will bring a sensitivity to the context in which Caribbean filmmakers are creating work. At the end of Focus, they will choose their top five participants. These five participants will be given an opportunity during the ttff/11 to pitch their project to the film festival’s five-member awards jury at a public event. The participant with the best project and pitch, as determined by the jury, will win a cash prize of TT$20,000.

CONTACT Emilie Upczak Creative Director Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival 199 Belmont Circular Road Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 79 Carthage Film Festival (Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage) – Tunisia (Tunisie)


Presentation Since 1992, the Project Workshop of the Carthage Film Festival offers African and Arab screenwriters the possibility to develop their scriptwriting skills thanks to development grants awarded by international institutions.

Who can apply? Only PRODUCERS AND DIRECTORS FROM AFRICAN OR ARAB STATES are entitled to submit their project(s).

Conditions and obligations The Project Workshop is open to two projects only per country. One author cannot take part in two projects. Projects that have benefited from any type of production subsidy or grant, or screenwriting or development grants from any of the institutions taking part in the Project Workshop or from the Tunisian Ministry of Culture are not eligible for the Project Workshop.

Type and amount of support The winners will be announced at the Awards ceremony of the Carthage Film Festival. The winning projects will receive a grant for development that will be awarded to the author. The recipients of the grants awarded by the Projects Workshop will pledge that the following text will appear in the credits of the finished film and on any promotional material: “This film has benefited from the Help of the Carthage Projects Workshop, (or CFF) in 2012”.

Selection of applicants The Project Workshop organizers will appoint an international jury composed of well- known cinema and audiovisual personalities as well as a number of professionals known for their actions in favor of the development of African and Arab art-house films. Selected projects will be presented to the international jury one month before debates, and will be reviewed and discussed during the festival. Authors or Directors of the projects will be expected to defend their project in front of the jury. The Festival will provide accommodation and travel expenses for one person per project to present and defend it. On conclusion of these consultations, the jury will select 3 or 4 projects. The names of the winners will be announced and the grants awarded during the awards ceremony of the Carthage Film Festival.

PRODUCER’S NETWORK Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation The Carthage Film festival steering committee is setting up a producer’s network with the objectives of supporting and promoting Arab and African film makers and producers with long feature fiction or documentary projects in the development stages. For two days, the Producer’s Network will present Arab and African long feature projects in one-to-one, 30 minutes meetings to international partners (producers, distributors, broadcasters …) in order to involve them in projects financing.

Who can apply? This call is open to filmmakers and producers citizens of Arab and African countries or of Arab and African origins.

Conditions and obligations A film maker can only apply for one project and a producer can apply for a maximum of two projects.

Selection of applicants To review projects, CFF will convene a selection committee of recognized personalities from the audiovisual field. These personalities are renowned for their action in favor of art-house cinema as well as African and Arab cinemas.

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 80 Candidates, whose projects are selected, will be notified one month before the dates of the Producer’s Network. The film maker or the producer of each selected project will be invited to the Producer’s Network next November in Tunis.

CONTACTS Journées cinématographiques de Carthage Carthage Film Festival JCC 2012 BP N°46 1008 Tunis Bab Menara Tunisie Tel: +216 71 570 280 / + 216 71 572 947 Fax: +216 71 567 323 [email protected]

Project’s Workshop [email protected]

Producer’s Network [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 81 Sud Ecriture – Tunisia (Tunisie) Fictions

Presentation Sud Écriture workshops were created in 1997 with the support of the National Center for Cinema (CNC) in France and the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF). Since its creation, Sud Écriture organizes rewriting assistance seminars for authors of the first or the second full length fiction feature native of sub-Saharan Africa, Maghreb or Middle East. Two sessions of a week animated by a scriptwriter of international fame allow 5 or 6 candidates to work in depth on their script with the active participation of all the participants. Between the 2 sessions, the authors have 10 weeks for the rewriting.

Who can apply? Screenwriters from Sub-Saharan Africa, Maghreb, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Syria can submit their projects. Only fiction feature and short films are eligible.

Conditions and obligations The "Sud Ecriture" planning committee reserves the right to take any decision regarding issues not included in the following regulations. In the case of serious matters the importance of which will be evaluated by the committee alone, the planning committee can in particular cancel, postpone, shorten or interrupt the workshop, without any possible recourse. The authors of the projects selected for the workshop commit to mention the following caption in the credits of the completed film and in all promotional documents: "This film was supported by the "Sud Ecriture workshop", and to deliver a video copy (VHS or DVD) to "Sud Ecriture" (not to be used for any commercial exhibition).

Type and amount of support Following the selection, the screenwriters of the considered projects will receive a detailed reading chart in order to rework their screenplay for the workshop. Each workshop is taught and supervised by a renowned screenwriter-consultant. The sessions take place in two week- long modules. Collective discussions on each screenplay are followed with an individual work session with the screenwriter-consultant, to study the best way to rework each project. In the light of the instructions given during the first session, the authors will then work 2 to 3 months at home on rewriting their screenplays.

CONTACT Sud Ecriture 11, rue Mami - 2070 La Marsa - Tunisie Tél. : +216 71 748 255 – +216 71 749 080 Fax : +216 71 748 255 – +216 71 749 077 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 82 Dubai Film Festival – Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Emirats Arabes Unis) Fictions & Documentaries


The Dubai Film Connection (DFC) is the co-production market of DIFF. Launched in 2007, the DFC aims to raise the visibility of Arab filmmakers and stimulate the growth of film production originating from the Arab world. The selected project teams are invited to attend the Dubai Film Connection and their flights and accommodation are covered by the Festival. The DFC focuses on bridging cultures by bringing international and Arab film professionals together to collaborate on the realisation of approximately 15 selected projects each year. Since its launch in 2007 the DFC has showcased a total of 46 films in development (fiction and documentary) and 6 Works-in-Progress.

An annual guest list of more than 80 international film industry professionals from over 20 countries are invited to attend the DFC each year. In addition, the combined value of the DFC awards now stands at more than $100,000.

General Eligibility The Team All applications must have a director and a producer attached. DIRECTORS MUST BE OF ARAB NATIONALITY OR ORIGIN - Arab nationality or Origin shall mean people from one or more of the following countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Directors must have previous directing experience – short films, features, tv dramas etc. THE PRODUCER CAN BE OF ANY NATIONALITY. Producers should have a track record in production. International co- production experience is an advantage but not mandatory. The Project The project must be either fiction or documentary: Fiction projects must be feature length films intended for theatrical distribution. Documentary projects must be “creative documentaries”. Creative in this instance shall mean that the documentary expresses the personal vision of the director.

The Event The Festival invites the selected director and the lead producer to attend the DFC and provides flight, hotel accommodation and meals for the duration of the event. Once the selection is made, the Dubai Film Market Project Dossier is created, including information on each of the projects and is circulated to the industry guests attending the DFC. The industry professionals select the project teams they wish to meet with during the one-to-one meetings. The DFC team creates a personalized schedule for both the project teams and the professionals attending the meetings. The DFC officially opens in the evening of the 10th of December with Welcome Drinks. It is followed on the second day by an early morning breakfast meeting between the DFC project teams and the DFC team of consultants. This is an informal gathering to introduce everyone to each other and discuss the schedule. The following three days are devoted to individual 30 minute meetings with interested international industry professionals In addition to the intensive one-to-one meetings, participants can also attend the workshops, case studies and panel discussions organized during the Festival At the end of the third day, having met with all the participating project teams, the jury awards the prizes.

Awards: - ARTE France supports productions from the Middle East with an award of €6000: The International Relations ARTE Prize. This award is presented to a filmmaker for exceptional originality, writing style and motivation. - The Dubai International Film Festival presents 3 awards of US$25,000 to projects at an advanced stage of development which are ready to be presented to potential industry partners. One of these prizes will be dedicated to a documentary film project. - Film Clinic DIFF Debut Feature Award for $10,000. Film Clinic’s philosophy is to blend the creative fresh ideas of the new generation with the expertise of cinema professionals to present strong movies to the audiences who want to see fresh creative films on the big screen.

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 83 - The Producers Network awards registration to 5 producers coming from the Arab World to attend the prestigious Producers Network meetings at the Cannes Film Festival. The producers are selected by the International DFC jury in collaboration with the DFC team of industry consultants. - The International Organisation of the Francophonie presents €5,000 to a film that is produced and directed in an Arab country that is part of La Francophonie (Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Tunisia).


What is Enjaaz ? Enjaaz is DIFF's post-production support programme. The fund awards up to USD100,000 per film, to help filmmakers working on fiction features and documentaries. Enjaaz currently aims to support up to 15 projects annually.

How does Enjaaz work? An international committee reviews feature and documentary projects seeking post-production support. There are two cycles every year, with deadlines on February 1 and August 1.

Who is eligible for Enjaaz support? Filmmakers of Arab origin, who are working on a film with content about the Arab world, Arab history or Arab culture are eligible for Enjaaz funding. Projects must be in production, demonstrate the quality of their work and present full details of their project and financial requirements The Enjaaz program has expanded its mandate by additionally providing funding for the production of short films for Gulf filmmakers. The program aims to support a maximum of five (5) short films, successful applicants will be eligible to receive funding up to a maximum of fifty thousand United States dollars ($50,000).

Eligibility Projects must: Either be a fiction feature film (Minimum length: sixty (60) minutes) intended for theatrical distribution Or a documentary feature (Minimum Length: fifty (50) minutes) Be directed by a filmmaker of Arab nationality or origin as defined hereunder Be centered on the Arab world, Arab history and/or Arab culture Be nearing completion and can provide a minimum of thirty (30) minutes (for fiction feature films) or twenty five (25) minutes (for feature documentaries) of edited material Arab Nationality or Origin shall mean people from one or more of the following countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. Applicants must: Be the right holders/ owners of the project Have proven production experience

CONTACTS Dubai Film Festival PO Box 502600 Dubai, UAE Telephone: +971 4 363 FILM (3456) Fax: +971 4 367 2892

ENJAAZ Tel: +971 4 391 3378 Fax: +971 4 367 2892 [email protected]

DUBAI FILM CONNECTION Telephone: +971 4 3676710

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 84 Britdoc Foundation – United Kingdom (Royaume-Uni) Fictions & Documentaries

The Britdoc Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization which befriends great filmmakers, supports great films, brokers new partnerships, builds new business models, shares new knowledge and develops new audiences globally. It aims to lead by example – innovate, share and be copied and innovate again.

The Britdoc Fundation has many funds for documentary projects:

- The PUMA.Creative Catalyst Award is an international documentary development fund with twenty awards in 2012 offering up to 5,000 euros per recipient. This is a rapid response fund, providing resources in the early stages of documentary projects, to shoot and edit a film trailer. The fund is open to filmmakers of any nationality.

- The new Bertha BRITDOC Fund for Journalism is an international film fund dedicated to supporting long form feature documentaries of a journalistic nature. We are looking for films that break the important stories of our time, expose injustice, and bring attention to unreported issues and cameras into regions previously unseen.

- The Bertha BRITDOC Connect Fund is the first European-based outreach and engagement fund, and is open to filmmakers FROM AROUND THE WORLD. Films have inspired people to engage and to act. They have led to changes in law, policy and practice. They have led viewers to question the status quo and to care more about their communities and the world around them. They have affected the way people give and/or invest money.

CONTACT The BRITDOC Foundation 50 Frith Street London, W1D 4SQ Tél : +44(0)207 734 6558 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 85 MeetMarket (Sheffield) – United Kingdom (Royaume Uni) Documentaries

MeetMarket is the pitching initiative at Sheffield Doc/Fest designed to match documentary makers’ most innovative project ideas with UK and international decision makers. MeetMarket takes place in June.

Decision makers view one-minute pitch teasers of innovative documentary ideas, along with short synopses, biographical information and headline budget figures in advance of Doc/Fest. From this they select which projects they would like to discuss in one-to-one meetings at MeetMarket. Projects can also be in any genre of documentary/factual, from factual entertainment through to art/installation documentaries. We also welcome cross-platform/interactive projects and those projects looking to raise finance and distribute/exhibit their projects through alternative strategies including via crowd funding and third sector. Once again in 2013, MeetMarket will feature experts in these areas for you to meet, alongside broadcasters, film funds, sales agents and distributors.

Who can apply ? MeetMarket is open to all documentary makers, from any country. No prior credits are necessary.

Eligibility criteria Your project can be at any stage of development, production, or post-production. - Interactive factual/documentary; broadband, web-based, mobile phone/mobile device content, cross-platform and convergent media projects are also eligible and indeed highly encouraged, with specialized commissioners, funders and advisers present. - Your projects must have international appeal and take an innovative/fresh approach to either the content, the execution of the idea or both. - Your project may take any form or specialist focus, e.g. feature documentaries, television, series or specialized genres. Natural history, science and arts projects are very welcome. - We also welcome projects looking to raise finance and distribute/exhibit their projects through alternative strategies including via crowd funding, self/hybrid distribution and 3rd Sector support, as well as those with innovative outreach strategies. - Projects do not need to have financing already in place.

CONTACT Sheffield Doc/Fest The Workstation 15 Paternoster Row Sheffield, S1 2BX UK T: +44 (0)114 276 5141 F: +44 (0)114 272 1849 E: info@

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 86 Cinereach – USA (Etats-Unis) Fictions & Documentaries

Cinereach supports feature-length nonfiction and fiction films that are at the intersection of engaging storytelling, visual artistry, and vital subject matter. Grant amounts can range from $5,000 – $50,000 per project and can be awarded to support any stage of production, including development, production and post-production. Within each cycle, between five and fifteen projects are typically selected to receive support.

Funding Priorities Through cinematic artistry and storytelling, Cinereach-supported films: Favor story over message, character over agenda, and complexity over duality Explore emergent topics, themes or ideas Possess an independent spirit Depict underrepresented perspectives Resonate across international boundaries Spark dialogue Challenge preconception and bias Champion humanity and hope

Philosophy In addition to making grants, Cinereach seeks to form lasting and meaningful relationships with the talented, dedicated, and creative people we support. We invite a continuing dialogue, maintain an open-door policy, and help to rally a community in which our grantee films and filmmakers can flourish.

Eligibility Restrictions Cinereach is not currently accepting applications that seek funding for: Distribution, outreach or engagement activities Transmedia or web-based storytelling Films under 70 minutes in length Organizational support or multi-year grants Cinereach does not grant to capital or endowment campaigns or provide individual scholarships for study or travel.

CONTACT Cinereach Grants c/o Cinereach 126 Fifth Avenue, 5th Floor New York, NY 10011 212.727.3224 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 87 Global Film Initiative – USA (Etats-Unis) Fictions

Feature-film Production Grants The Global Film Initiative was created to promote cross-cultural understanding through the medium of cinema. Global Film Initiative gives support at all stage of the process and is also a non commercial distribution organization in United States. Not available for documentary or short films

The Global Film Initiative's Granting Program awards fifteen to twenty grants per year, of up to $10,000 each, to filmmakers whose work exhibits artistic excellence, authentic self-representation and accomplished storytelling. Funds received from grants are used to support completion of film production and to subsidize post-production costs such as laboratory and sound mixing fees, and access to advanced editing systems.

In its continuing effort to promote original storytelling by individuals from around the world, the Global Film Initiative is pleased to announce a Call for Applications for the Winter 2013 cycle of its narrative feature film production grants program. Applications are accepted for feature-length, narrative film projects in all stages of production by directors from eligible nations of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central & Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Oceania.

CONTACT The Global Film Initiative 145 Ninth Street, #105 San Francisco, CA 94103 Phone: 415-934-9500 Fax: 415-934-9501 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 88 No Borders International Co-production Market / IFP’s Independent Film Week USA (Etats Unis) Fictions

No Borders is the oldest and most prominent co-production market in the U.S. for narrative projects. It is the section which focuses on the discovery of 45 new projects in development represented by established producers. The program is open to established American and International Producers who have scripts with 20% financing in place. Participants are selected on artistic merit and marketplace exposure.

The No Borders Partners International producers can only apply through one of IFP’s No Borders Partners. Program partners include established funding bodies (TelefilmCanada, Germany’s Filmstiftung NRW, Australia’s FilmVictoria and NSW Film and Television Office, the New Zealand Film Commission, and the National Film and Video Foundation in South Africa, Israeli Film Fund, and Latin American Training Council) and support organizations (CineMart, ACE, Power to the Pixel, and the Sundance Institute).

Once selected, IFP provides producers with professional pitching and industry consultation prior to participation. Throughout Film Week, participants will take part in one-to-one meetings with top industry leaders including financiers, distributors, U.S. and international sales agents, and top festival programmers.

Who can apply? U.S. based producers with partial financing on a new, feature-length script eeking funders, partners, sales agents, and additional financiers to go into production. Internationally-based producers can only apply through the No Borders International Partners.

Submission criteria No Borders at IFP’s Independent Film Week Project Forum presents U.S. and international scripts seeking financing. No Borders is a producer forum; the track record of the producer is a chief consideration in the selection of the project. It is the only section of the Project Forum open to international producers, who are submitted exclusively via the No Borders partner organizations.

All participants will have access to: - Roundtable discussions, workshops and master classes with industry experts. - Networking opportunities, including invitations to “Sneak Preview” Screenings - Independent Filmmaker Conference programming, including workshops, case studies and conversations with cutting- edge leaders in independent film and media.

Contacts Agnes Hahn Development & Programming Coordinator [email protected]

68 Jay Street Room 425 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Tel: (212) 465-8200 Fax: (212) 465-8525

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 89 Sundance Institute – USA (Etats-Unis) Fictions & Documentaries


In addition to the Lab, Sundance and Mahindra have partnered to create the Sundance Institute | Mahindra Global Filmmaking Award, which recognizes and supports emerging independent filmmakers from four different regions annually. Winning filmmakers each receive a cash award of $10,000 and attendance at the Sundance Film Festival for a specially curated five-day program, which includes targeted creative and industry meetings, screenings and panels. Following the festival, Feature Film Program staff and creative advisors provide ongoing creative and strategic support, which may also include the opportunity to participate in one of the Sundance Institute Creative Labs in Screenwriting, Directing, Composing, and Producing.


The Sundance Institute/NHK Award was established in 1996 by Sundance Institute in partnership with NHK to celebrate 100 years of cinema, and to honor and support emerging independent filmmakers whose originality, talent, and vision contributes significantly to the future of world cinema.

One international filmmaker is selected each year from our FFP Labs as the winner of the award, which includes a $10,000 cash prize, attendance at the Sundance Film Festival for creative and strategic meetings with established filmmakers and guidance by FFP staff throughout the life of the project. [email protected]


The Lab is a five-day writer's workshop that gives independent screenwriters the opportunity to work intensively on their feature film scripts with the support of established writers in an environment that encourages innovation and creative risk- taking. Each year, we select five to six international filmmakers to participate in our Screenwriters Labs held in Utah.Our international outreach for the Screenwriters Lab focuses on select regions, usually developing regions that we feel will benefit the most from our support. The current areas of focus include the Middle East, Turkey, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Through one-on-one story sessions with Creative Advisors, Fellows engage in an artistically rigorous process that offers indispensable lessons in craft, as well as a deep exploration of their material.

The January Screenwriters Lab is held in January, just before the Sundance Film Festival. The 2013 January Screenwriters Lab will take place January 11-16, 2013. The June Screenwriters Lab is by invitation only and is held near the end of June, following the annual Directors Lab. The 2012 June Screenwriters Lab will take place June 23-28, 2012.

Beyond our Lab settings, also provide Grants and Fellowships to international filmmakers. These have included the Sundance/NHK International Filmmakers Award.

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 90 RAWI MIDDLE EAST SCREENWRITERS LAB

An initiative of the Royal Film Commission of Jordan, The Rawi Middle East Screenwriters Lab is part of Sundance Institute's Feature Film Program, which supports emerging filmmakers on the development of their first or second features. Launched in 2005 and modeled on the Institute's January Screenwriters Lab, the Middle East Screenwriters Lab provides an opportunity for screenwriters from the region to work intensively on their feature film screenplays under the guidance of established writers. The Lab is held annually in Wadi Feynan, Southern Jordan, and has supported filmmakers from Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, , Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Morocco.


In 2011, Sundance Institute launched a multi-faceted partnership with the Mahindra Group, one of India’s largest and most respected companies. One of the centerpiece initiatives of this collaboration is the Mumbai Mantra | Sundance Institute Screenwriters Lab, which is designed to support new independent voices in Indian cinema. Creative advisors (who have included Guillermo Arriaga and Shekhar Kapur in the first year) work intensively over the course of five days with eight Indian screenwriters on their feature-length scripts.

6 - 8 projects shall be selected for the Screenwriters Lab. All Indian nationals as well as Indians living overseas, people of Indian origin and mixed Indian parentage are eligible to apply. Only those who are working on their first or second feature film project shall be eligible. However, they may have worked on documentaries, shorts, advertising films in the past. The screenplay can be for a film in any Indian language including English. However, the application must be in English, as it is the medium of communication at the Lab.

The submission deadline for the March 2013 Mumbai Mantra | Sundance Institute Screenwriters Lab was July 2012.

CONTACT Utah Office Sundance Institute 1825 Three Kings Dr. Park City, UT 84060 Tel: 435-658-3456 Fax: 435-658-3457 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 91 Tribeca Film Institute – USA (Etats-Unis) Fictions & Documentaries

The Tribeca Film Institute® is an organization founded by Robert De Niro, Jane Rosenthal, and Craig Hatkoff in the wake of September 11, 2001. TFI empowers filmmakers through grants and professional development, and is a resource for and supporter of individual artists in the field.

TFI Sloan Filmmaker Fund The TFI Sloan Filmmaker Fund provides grants and professional guidance in support of innovative and compelling narrative features that offer a fresh take on scientific, mathematic and technological themes. Project Status: For films in any stage Region: For filmmakers based anywhere Funding: Grants range from $25,000-$50,000 Three to six filmmakers will each receive a grant of $25,000 - $50,000 to use towards the development, production or post-production of their film. Grantees will participate in panels, workshops, and one-on-one meetings with industry executives during the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival. Consideration will be given not only to the creative merit of each project, but to the accuracy of the script’s scientific content, and the team’s ability to see the project through to completion.

The Gucci Tribeca Documentarty Fund The Gucci Tribeca Documentary Fund provides finishing funds to feature-length documentaries which highlight and humanize issues of social importance from around the world. Funded films are driven by thoughtful and in-depth storytelling, bolstered by a compelling visual approach. In 2012, the Gucci Tribeca Documentary Fund, through the Tribeca Film Institute, offered grants totaling $150,000. Eight projects from a record 697 submissions from 56 countries were selected. In addition to funding, grantees will each receive year-round support from TFI, including one-on-one guidance and consultation, helping each film to reach completion and enter the marketplace in the best possible position. The Gucci Tribeca Documentary Fund seeks feature-length documentaries that are in production or post-production with the intended premiere exhibition in late 2013 or 2014. Eligible films highlight the most critical, important stories affecting the world we live in today told in a humanizing, illuminating way. We are looking for films which challenge the status quo not just as it pertains to subject matter but also in form. Films should be able to exist on multiple distribution platforms and should resonate with a wide audience.

TFI Latin America Media Arts Fund The TFI Latin America Media Arts Fund provides grants, professional guidance and an entrance into the US industry to documentary, animation, or hybrid feature-length films from innovative film and video artists living and working in the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America. Extensions of the Latin Fund include the Heineken VOCES Grant, for narrative and documentary works-in-progress helmed by Latino American filmmakers that live and work in the United States, and the TFI/WorldView Partnership, which awards development grants to documentary filmmakers based in Latin America and the Caribbean.

CONTACTS Tribeca Film Institute 32 Avenue of the Americas, 27th floor New York, ny 10013 General Information Phone: (212) 274-8080 - Email: [email protected] Feature Programs Email: [email protected] Documentary Programs Email: [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 92 Women in Film – USA (Etats-Unis) Fictions & Documentaries


Presentation Women In Film (WIF) is a non-profit organization for women in the entertainment industry. Through its Foundation (WIFF), the Film Finishing Fund grant program was created to support independent film and video creators who would benefit from financial support in order to finish projects that are consistent with the organization’s goals, which are: to increase employment and promote equal opportunities for women in the entertainment industry to encourage individual creative projects by women and further their professional development to enhance the media image of women to influence prevailing attitudes and practices regarding and on behalf of women

Who can apply ? There are no geographic limitations for the FFF. Applications from filmmakers worldwide are accepted. quality projects in all genres are eligible: narrative, documentary, educational, animated, and experimental. Projects of any length are accepted. Submitted films cannot be fully completed (to final video master or answer print) and must be in a state of post production that allows for the filmmaker to comply with the finishing fund credit requirements.

Modalities and counterparts At least 90% of narrative feature length films must be complete. The rough cut should include placeholders for any missing scenes/footage. For other genres including short narratives, animation, educational, documentaries, experimental: only filmmakers who have completed principal photography and can submit a complete rough cut of the edited film are eligible to apply. There are two calls for application a year. At the time the grant is awarded, the Film must not at any point have been in distribution. Applicants do not need to be members of Women In Film, although they are encouraged to join. The applications fees are the following : Early Deadline: April 30, 2012 Application Fee (non-members): $75.00 Application Fee (WIF members): $50.00

Type and amount of assistance Cash Awards: Cash grants from one thousand dollars ($1000) up to Fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) per project. In-Kinds Awards: On-line editing, post sound and other post-production services may be offered subject to availability. (Grants of post services are subject to availability and if available would generally only be provided in New York, Los Angeles or Washington, DC). Consultations with appropriate Women In Film and/or Women In Film Foundation board members may be provided for specific mentoring purposes.

CONTACT Film Finishing Fund Coordinator Women In Film Foundation 6100 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 710 Los Angeles, CA 90048 Tel: 323-935-2211 Fax: 323-935-2212 [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 93 Development Assistance Fund of the Film ICAU – Uruguay Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation This assistance fund launched by ICAU in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Culture, takes place every year, and aims to stimulate film and audiovisual production in Uruguay.

Beneficiaries Eligible Film Development Fund of the major ICAU people of Uruguayan nationality or foreigners residing in Uruguay for more than five years and the register of film and audiovisual ICAU. Co-productions are also eligible for assistance.

Aid modalities and counterparties Two methods are proposed aid: aid assistance available on a call for applications and grants available on a competitive basis and are awarded following a decision of the selection committee, the works have already received aid on competition. Mention Fund development assistance ICAU the film must be in the credits of the film as well as on all promotional materials. Feature films must be longer than 70 minutes. The assistance in the production of feature films is refundable.

Type and amount of aid Aid available on the contest: - production aid for a maximum amount of $ 15,657,500 (approximately 24,000 euros); - development assistance to a maximum of $ 955 500 (about 1500 euros); - training aid for a maximum amount of $ 700,000 (about 1000 euros); - assistance for participation in festivals to a maximum of $ 1.8 million (about 2700 euros) Grants available to help: - helped launch and distribution in the amount of U.S. $ 170,000; - helps promote internationally for a maximum of $ 2.1 million (about 3150 euros).

CONTACTS ICAU - Instituto del Cine y Audiovisual del Uruguay Juan Carlos Gomez 1276 CP 11000 Montevideo, Uruguay Tel: +59 82 915 74 69 ICAU @

Development Fund Managers Inés Peñagaricano inesicau @ Sabrina Silva sabrina.icau @ Carlos Pereyra cgpereyra @

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 94 Promotion Fund Film Production – Venezuela Fictions & Documentaries

Presentation The National Autonomous Cinematography Center (CNAC) is the main institution for promoting Venezuelan film. Each year awards grants to support project development, production and national distribution. In addition, the Fund administers FONPROCINE, created in 2006, according to the National Film Act.

Beneficiaries The assistance is intended to CNAC any producer or production company Venezuelan. Also accepted works for television and international co-productions. The CNAC supports short and feature films and animation, as well as documentaries. Also provided assistance to the early films and script development.

Types of aid and counterparts For co-productions, Venezuela's participation can be 10% to 30%. The length of the shorts must not exceed 30 minutes. 75% of the subsidy granted by the CNAC must be used in Venezuelan territory. CNAC The executive committee may appoint an executive producer on the projects that receive the subsidy. Once the project has been selected for a grant, applicants have 60 days maximum to sign a "contract of stimulation" with CNAC.After the first payment, the applicant has 90 days to start shooting and, once you've finished shooting, has 115 days to get a first copy to project room. In the case of aid to develop the script, the candidate has two possibilities: the regime or the regime tutored individually. The system of staking an allowance that serves in part to pay the fees of a tutor that helps the smooth running of the project. For its part, the individual regimen granted a subsidy provided to the candidate who has previously written the screenplays for two films already released in room or plays, or even a feature film that was presented at a festival recognized by the CNAC.

Type and amount of subsidy The grant amount awarded depends on the amount requested by the applicant and the financial resources of CNAC. If granted, the first payment of CNAC, which represents 40% of the total amount granted, occurs 10 days after signing Pacing the contract. The second payment is specified at the beginning of the shoot and is equivalent to 20% of the total amount of the grant awarded. Another 20% will be paid half of the shoot and the remaining 20% during post-production. Regarding the grant to develop the script, the sum will be paid in two installments: 50% upon signing the contract and 50 % when I finish writing the script, record it in a society of intellectual property and obtain the certificate screenplay.

CONTACT National Autonomous Cinematography - CNAC Diego Cisneros Avenue, Monaca Center Building South Wing, 2nd Floor, Room 2-B, Urb Los Ruices, 1071. Caracas Venezuela Tel: +58 212 238.16.22 / 15.64

Senior Manager Lanz Carolina [email protected]

Produire au Sud workshop – G. Mainguet, C. Lajoumard, P. Avril - 26/06/13 – p. 95