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Friday, May 10, 2019 Vol. 134 | No. 76 Rack–50¢/Delivery–39¢ Memphis Mojo Festival to honor musician Omar Higgins

JARED BOYD launch a festival in October in on Wednesday morning. reggae ensemble Chinese Con- some connection to Memphis. Courtesy of The Daily Memphian his memory. “Everything he was doing on nection Dub Embassy and the David Higgins said the idea was Following the memorial ser- “This is part of our grieving, an underground level, we’re try- punk band Negro Terror, died at brought to him, Omar and their vices for Memphis musician this is part of our healing, and ing to make it as big and as broad 37 in April of complications from brother Joseph a year ago by en- Omar Higgins, many in the Mem- ultimately keeping Omar’s leg- as possible. He loved different a stroke and staph infection. tertainment promoter Darrin phis music community said they acy going,” Higgins’ brother Da- subcultures and subgenres, all The Memphis Mojo Festi- Hillis. Higgins said it was one of wanted to make sure his legacy vid Higgins said during the an- different types of music.” val will showcase musicians, lives on. Now one group plans to nouncement at Clayborn Temple Higgins, who fronted the artisans and creatives, all with HIGGINS CONTINUED ON P2

Since 2017, the group has bailed 30 people out of jail in Memphis in its ongoing effort to end ‘Mama’s Day Bail Out’ frees women cash bail. “We see $100 bonds a lot,” Perry said. “It is frustrating and a waste of time for every- one. Why not just release them on their own from jail in time for Mother’s Day recognizance?” Perry and Shahida Jones, both with the Of- ficial Black Lives Matter Memphis chapter, said this week the group plans to bail six women out as part of a national “Mama’s Day Bail Out” cam- paign. In several cities across the country, orga- nizations working through the National Bail Out Collective are working to free mothers in time for Mother’s Day. “No mother or caregiver belongs in a cage,” Perry said. “Some of the women have to choose be- tween medicine, food or getting out of jail. That is not right. We will continue our effort to end cash money bail and keeping people charged with mis- demeanors in jail because they don’t have the abil- ity to pay bail.” As of Wednesday, Shelby County jail records showed 260 women at Jail East. According to the Prison Policy Initiative, as of October 2017, 219,000 women were locked up in prisons and jails across the country. About 96,000 of that total were in local jails, and 58,000 of them had not been con- victed of a crime. Chandler was the first mother Perry bonded out of jail. It took Perry less than 30 minutes to pay Chandler’s $100 bond. Perry said the process, through a partnership with the Mid-South Peace and Justice System, has gotten easier. This was the first bailout event this year for Perry, but she said the organization is planning another event June 19 – – when both men and women will be bailed out if their bond is Erica Perry, a lawyer with the Memphis branch of Black Lives Matter, passes out what amounts to a get-out-of-jail card as she $10,000 or less. canvases general sessions court on May 8, 2019 looking for mothers in need of bail money. (Jim Weber/Courtesy of The Daily Memphian) The organization also is planning a “homecom- ing” celebration May 18 for the women bailed out YOLANDA JONES fight, and her bond was set at $100. grateful for Perry’s offer to pay. for Mother’s Day. Courtesy of The Daily Memphian Erica Perry, an organizer with Of- This is the third year the local chap- Funding for the bonds is coming from dona- Natalie Chandler sat in the court- ficial Black Lives Matter in Memphis, ter of Official Black Lives Matter has tions and fundraisers, Perry said. room at 201 Poplar Wednesday after approached Chandler’s attorney to bailed mothers out of jail so they can be To donate, visit or spending the night in jail. The 35-year- ask about the group paying her bond. home with their children and families contact the group at blacklivesmattermem- old was charged with assault after a She then talked to Chandler, who was before Mother’s Day. [email protected].

INSIDE Columns ���������������������������� 3 Public Records ���������������� 4 ©2019 The Daily News Publishing Company A division of The Daily News Publishing Company Memphis, The standard for premium real estate Established 1886 • 134th year information since 1968 Public Notices ��������������� 12 Call 901.523.1561 to subscribe Call 901.458.6419 for more information Page 2 Friday, May 10, 2019 The Tipping Point AutoZone’s cheer-worthy company culture

Memphis stands at the threshold of want to identify how it’s mutually ben- incredible possibility. In this series, we eficial. That said, we have a lot to offer.” introduce innovative Memphians who are The company’s Business Resource driving our city forward and forging its Groups cater to specific interests, offering future success. employees a way to help shape the future of company culture. One group is focused on those who have served, or are serving, ANNA COX THOMPSON in the military. Courtesy of The Daily Memphian “We have such a great story to tell. For Any organization looking to be an example, 10 to 11 percent of our workforce “employer of choice” understands that comes through [the] military,” explains company culture plays a vital role in at- Pierce. “We work well together because tracting – and retaining – talent. of the symmetry in beliefs of hard work AutoZone wants to be sure that every and discipline.” employee, or AutoZoner, knows the rea- Another pillar of AutoZone culture is son they do what they do for the customer. its willingness to partner with community One way employees express the company’s organizations and encourage employee distinctive culture is with a cheer at the philanthropic giving and engagement. beginning of each gathering. As a major contributor to the St. Jude “In all (that we do) we’re trying to po- Thanks and Giving campaign, AutoZone sition AutoZone as an employer of choice has donated more than $30 million to the College students learn more about job opportunities at the Launch Session hosted by and differentiate what we have to of- hospital over the years. And the company AutoZone last fall. (Submitted) fer,” says Vince Pierce, director of talent is one of the largest local contributors to acquisition. the Salvation Army Angel Tree every year. “There are more choices today than “AutoZone exemplifies a culture of giv- mix with coworkers, including executives New Memphis partners with AutoZone ever before,” Pierce said, and he wants to ing,” says Pierce. “Memphis is known for such as CEO Bill Rhodes. for professional development through each be “disciplined and intentional” about being a leader in charitable donations, and AutoZone may tip the scale for a po- of their leadership programs. AutoZone is helping employees answer the question, AutoZone embodies that type of spirit.” tential employee with its philanthropic also a partner in the New Memphis col- “Why AutoZone?” AutoZone also cultivates ways employ- efforts, or its on-site gym at Front Street legiate work, Launch: Campus to Career. “Just because we’re local doesn’t mean ees can engage with one another, such as headquarters. The company is committed To learn more about these programs, visit we’re the right choice (for everyone); we food truck Fridays, when AutoZoners can to being an employer of choice.

Hosted by ERIC BARNES of the Daily Memphian and publisher of The Memphis Daily News. Each week Barnes delves into major stories in Memphis and the region with local journalists, business executives, community leaders, and politicians, as well as journalists analyzing the major stories from the Memphis area.

Guests on past shows have included Mayor Jim Strickland, Mandy Lemons of Low Society performs during a press conference announcing the inaugural Mayor Lee Harris, members of the Memphis City Council, the Shelby Memphis Mojo Festival in honor of Omar Higgins. (Patrick Lantrip/Courtesy of The Daily Memphian) County Commission and local school boards, as well as executives from major Memphis companies and leaders from organizations HIGGINS CONTINUED FROM P1 style of music. Beale Street will host blues and rock, The Edge will have rockabilly such as MIFA, EDGE, the Urban Land Institute, and many more. Omar’s dying wishes that he and Joseph and country music, Soulsville will feature see Mojo Fest through. soul and hip-hop acts, and the area around Organizers said they plan to put on Graceland will feature Elvis-inspired mu- an entertainment and arts industry expo sic and other oldies acts. on Oct. 2-4, with concerts taking place Festival promotional materials list the Oct. 5 to 6. Halloran Centre, Visible Music College, Friday at 7:00pm WKNO Channel 10 Proposed venues include four zones, The Consortium, Stax Museum, Royal Friday at 7:30pm WKNO2 called “villages” by festival organizers. Studios, LeMoyne Owen College and The Sunday at 8:30am WKNO Each village is in a neighborhood that has Guest House at Graceland as sites for in- been designated to feature a particular dustry expo events. Friday, May 10, 2019 Page 3 Memphis International Airport chief joins industry task force on drone incursions

WAYNE RISHER Courtesy of The Daily Memphian Memphis International Airport chief Scott Brockman has been named to an industry task force looking at unauthor- ized incursions of drones into restricted airspace. It is quite apparent that Brockman will bring the perspective of unmanned aerial systems will chief executive officer at America’s busi- be an important part of the est cargo airport to the newly formed Blue Ribbon Task Force on Unmanned Aircraft future of aviation”

System (UAS) Mitigation at Airports. –Scott Brockman, Memphis International Airport chief Brockman’s airport also happens to be on the cutting edge of national efforts to develop rules for safe operation of drones in a variety of commercial applications. “ The airport is one of 10 lead agencies airport and its drone program partners nationally in the Federal Aviation Admin- have introduced drone flights to the Mem- 901 Drones, FedEx, Memphis Fire Department and Memphis Police Department teamed up istration’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems phis airfield on a limited basis. for drone tests during the 2019 Beale Street Music Festival. Memphis International Airport Integration Pilot Program, announced a Memphis received authorization to be- is on the cutting edge of national efforts to develop rules for safe operation of drones in a year ago. Its partners include FedEx, the gin testing drones for aircraft inspection variety of commercial applications. (Submitted) airport’s anchor tenant, drone operators starting April 15. The airport is allowed to and technology companies. test between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Mon- The new task force’s formation was days, contingent on weather conditions, announced by the Association for Un- airport spokesman Glen Thomas said. manned Vehicle Systems International Airport partners 901 Drones, FedEx, and Airports Council International-North the Memphis Police Department and America during a recent XPONENTIAL Memphis Fire Department also performed drone industry conference in Chicago. drone test flights on the riverfront at It’s an industry-led response to drone Tom Lee Park during Beale Street Music incursions that shut down Newark Inter- Festival Sunday. More testing is planned national Airport for more than an hour in from 2-4 p.m. May 16 at Memphis in May’s January and London’s Gatwick airport for World Championship Barbecue Cooking 17 hours in December. Contest. Brockman said the Current rules allow appointment gives the drone operations un- airport a greater voice der restrictions such as in shaping national during daylight hours, drone policy. not over people and “It is quite apparent within visual line of The FAA drone project is part of an effort to develop new rules to guide expanded use of that unmanned aerial sight of operators, un- drones for tasks ranging from deliveries to infrastructure inspection to public safety. On systems will be an im- less the operator ob- Sunday, May 5, 2019, Memphis International Airport partners performed drone test flights portant part of the fu- tains an exception. on the riverfront at Tom Lee Park during Beale Street Music Festival. (Submitted) ture of aviation,” Brock- The FAA drone proj- man said. ect is part of an effort within the sprawling FedEx Express deter incursions and deal with emerging “Being able to sit at to develop new rules to world hub. technologies. the table of both discus- guide expanded use of Members of the new industry task “UAS interfering with manned avia- sions — the develop- drones for tasks rang- force include former FAA and Transpor- tion is a serious issue, and it requires seri- ment of a safe, secure, ing from deliveries to tation Security Administration chiefs and ous solutions. That is why we are bringing interjection of legal, au- SCOTT BROCKMAN infrastructure inspec- the National Football League’s senior vice together the best and brightest minds to thorized UAS into com- tion to public safety. president of security. One of the group’s recommend a plan to keep our skies safe mercial airspace, along Memphis is one of aims is to guide policies to protect na- for the flying public,” Brian Wynne, the with discussions to protect that same air- only two airports that are lead agencies in tional landmarks, stadiums, prisons and drone association’s president and CEO, space from the unauthorized intrusion of the FAA drone program, and it’s the only military bases from unauthorized drone said in announcing the task force. UAS causing disruptions to commercial airport with Class B airspace, the most incursions. “While UAS hold tremendous societal operations — is critical,” Brockman said. heavily restricted type of airspace. The drone association said the task and economic benefits, occasional bad “Both pieces need to be considered in The tests in Memphis are expected to force will make recommendations on actors threaten to undermine the great the discussion so that the result will be involve the use of drones to inspect the procedures for airports, law enforcement progress we have made and even put re- well thought-out and effective,” he said. airfield and aircraft and perimeter fenc- and other stakeholders to respond to sponsible, legal UAS operations in a nega- Brockman’s appointment comes as the ing security, as well as for parts deliveries drone incidents. It also will study how to tive light,” Wynne said.

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CRAIGHEAD CROCKETT Law & GovernmentLAUDERDALE HAYWOOD Coverage Area – Public Records Def Atty(s): Mitchell D Moskovitz, Ashley Austin Martin, Justin K Kara Richards, Pltf Atty(s): Daniel A Seward, Def(s): Shelby County 10:00 AM POINSETT Thomas, Motion Calendar, CH-15-0200 Health Care Corp, Def Atty(s): N/A, Miscellaneous, 5/8/2019, Glenya Cole-Jackson VS Costco Wholesale Corp, Pltf(s): MADISON CT-2051-19 Stone Gallery, LLC V First TN Bank NationalDECATUR Assoc, Glenya Cole-Jackson, Shawn Jackson, Pltf Atty(s): Duncan E Rags- TIPTON Pltf(s): Stone Gallery, LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Dan T Bing, Def(s): First Kimberly Redmond VS Linda Cottrell, Pltf(s): Kimberly dale, Def(s): Costco Wholesale Corporation, Def Atty(s): Jerry O TennesseeHARDEMAN Bank National Association,CHESTER Def Atty(s): Mary Wu, Motion Redmond, Pltf Atty(s): Elijah Noel, Def(s): Linda L Cottrell, Carliss Potter, Karen Schlesinger Koplon, Personal Injury, CT-000201-17 Williams, Mid South Food Bank, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, Memphis Calendar, CH-15-0931 Tony Parks VS Neika Parks, Pltf(s): Tony Jaroun Parks, Pltf CROSS 5/8/2019, CT-2034-19 Elaine Jeffries V Clayton Davis Et Al, Pltf(s): Elaine Jef- Atty(s): Urura W Mayers, Def(s): Neika Jondrea Parks, Def Atty(s): SHELBY MCNAIRY Phyllis E Carter VS Deidra L Grandberry, Pltf(s): Phyllis CRITTENDEN fries, Pltf Atty(s): Robert A Wampler, Def(s): Clayton Davis, Davis Carter, Randall Carter, Pltf Atty(s): Duncan E Ragsdale, Def(s): Misty D Becker, Divorce With Children, CT-004565-18 FAYETTE Management LLC, October 16th Productions LLC, Def Atty(s): Edwin Deidra Grandberry, Jeanettee Washington Saulsberry, Women's Navient Credit Finance Corp VS Matt Kisner, Pltf(s): Navi- HARDIN WAYNE C Lenow, Motion Calendar, CH-18-0797 Physician Group, MP LLC, Sanjeev Kumar, Baptist Memorial Hospital ent Credit Finance Corp, Pltf Atty(s): Steven Glaser, Def(s): Matt M ST. FRANCIS Regions Bank V Joyce M Woodard, Et Al, Pltf(s): Regions For Women, Baptist Memorial Medical Group, Inc, Def Atty(s): N/A, Kisner, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-004667-17 Bank, Pltf Atty(s): Nicholas H Adler, Def(s): Joyce M Woodard, Malpractice, 5/8/2019, CT-2060-19 Erika Schwab VS Theo Vanlandingham III, Pltf(s): Erika Trustmark National Bank, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion Calendar,LAUDERDALE Ronnie Bradfield VS Memphis Area Transit Authority, Lynnette Schwab, Pltf Atty(s): Megan Rhea House, Def(s): Theo DESOTO CH-19-0230 Pltf(s): Ronnie Bradfield, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Memphis Area BENTON ALCORN Grover Vanlandingham, Def Atty(s): Leigh Taylor White, Taylor R Hogwild V Legendary Field Exhibitions, Et Al, Pltf(s): Transit Authorities, Gary Rosenfeld, Jane Doe Bus Driver, MATA Oyaas, Divorce, CT-0995-19 Hogwild-RealTIPPAH Memphis Barbeque, Pltf Atty(s): Joseph T Getz, Brian Employees Jane/John Does 1-7, Def Atty(s): N/A, Personal Injury, TISHOMINGO Div 2 LEE Shelby CountyMARSHALL L Yoakum, Regan Sherwood, Def(s): Legendary Field Exhibitions, 5/8/2019, CT-2041-19 LLC, Ebersol Sports Media Group, Inc, Def Atty(s): N/A, Motion 9:00 AM TATE Chancery Court Calendar, CH-19-0577 COLBERT Divorces Jamie Alvine VS Brad Alvine, Pltf(s): Jamie Hatfield Alvine, PRENTISS Pltf Atty(s): Jason R Ridenour, Leslie Gattas, Def(s): Brad Michael TUNICA Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Alvine, Def Atty(s): Daniel Loyd Taylor, Divorce, CT-000318-18 Chancellors LAFAYETTE Chancery Court's Current Calendar can be Attorneys, Filing Date, and Docket Number. Jacqueline Majors VS Timothy Majors, Pltf(s): Jacqueline PHILLIPS UNIONviewed on Chancery Court's website at - James McMurry VS Molly Rolen, Pltf(s): James Alvin Anne Majors, Pltf Atty(s): George Nick Rice, Kirkland Bible, Mitchell WalterPANOLA L. Evans, Part 1 D Moskovitz, Def(s): Timothy Roy Majors, Def Atty(s): Melinda P McMurry, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Molly Kathleen Rolen, Def Jim Kyle, Part 2 PONTOTOC LEE Atty(s): N/A, 5/8/2019, CT-2042-19 Jewell, Rebecca M Grove, Divorce With Children, CT-000673-15 COAHOMA indexDC.xhtml JoeDae L Jenkins, Part 3 Jamie Stevens VS Kevin Stevens, Pltf(s): Jamie La Rissa Reedy and Company LLC VS Travis Hall, Pltf(s): Reedy MARION Stevens, Pltf Atty(s): Kerry Avens Krauch, Def(s): Kevin Andrea and Company LLC, Pltf Atty(s): David Darnell, F Michael Bursi, Donna L. Russell Stevens, Def Atty(s): N/A, 5/8/2019, CT-2044-19 Joe McIlvain, Tracy A Overstreet, Def(s): Travis Hall, Def Atty(s): QUITMAN Shelby County Clerk & Master Kenneth Smith VS Regina Smith, Pltf(s): Kenneth Eugene Daniel Paulson, Drayton D Berkley, Heather Howell Wright, Breach YALOBUSHA Smith, Pltf Atty(s): Kerry Avens Krauch, Def(s): Regina Smith, Of Contract, CT-000917-18 TALLAHATCHIE Tel: 222-3900 CALHOUN Circuit CourtMONROE Def Atty(s): N/A, 5/8/2019, CT-2045-19 Billy Green VS Carmax, Pltf(s): Billy J Green, Pltf Atty(s): Daniel 140 Adams, Room 308 Maria Gallo VS Alejandro Paier, Pltf(s): Maria Christina O Lofton, Def(s): Carmax, Def Atty(s): Roger A Stone, Breach Of Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m. Gallo, Pltf Atty(s): Brittany Leigh Bane, Def(s): Alejandro Valder- Contract, CT-001298-16 Judges ruten Paier, Def Atty(s): N/A, 5/8/2019, CT-2047-19 Lynn Grantland VS Bluecross Blueshield, Pltf(s): Kimberly Complaints & Petitions Mona Perry VS James Perry, Pltf(s): Mona Bell Perry, Pltf Felicia Corbin-Johnson, Div. 1 Atty(s): Brittany Leigh Bane, Def(s): James Michael Perry, Def Grantland, Lynn Grant, Pltf Atty(s): John B Bartels, Def(s): Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Def Atty(s): Andrew H Owens, Breach Of Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their James F. Russell, Div. 2 Atty(s): N/A, 5/8/2019, CT-2046-19 Ranieka Johnson VS Henry Conner, Pltf(s): Ranieka Contract, CT-004661-12 Attorneys, Case Type, Filing Date, and Docket Number. Valerie L. Smith, Div. 3 Flonette Johnson, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Henry Mandell Shirley Harris VS Charlene Ennis, Pltf(s): Shirley Sykes Financial Pacific V One Tun Trucking, Et Al,Pltf(s): Financial Gina C. Higgins, Div. 4 Conner, Def Atty(s): N/A, 5/8/2019, CT-2043-19 Harris, Pltf Atty(s): Stephen F Libby, Def(s): Charlene C Ennis, Def Pacific Leasing, Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Scott A Frick, Def(s): One Tun Rhynette Hurd, Div. 5 Raymond Tilton VS Teresa Tilton, Pltf(s): Raymond Russell Atty(s): Hal S (Hank) Spragins, Auto Accident, CT-0143-19 Trucking LLC, Chester Jerome Tunstall, Def Atty(s): N/A, Verified Jerry Stokes, Div. 6 Tilton, Pltf Atty(s): Sam Blaiss, Def(s): Teresa Carol Tilton, Def Memphis Housing Authority VS Jordan Woodard, Complaint, 5/8/2019, CH-19-0675 Mary Wagner, Div. 7 Atty(s): N/A, 5/7/2019, CT-2028-19 Pltf(s): Memphis Housing Authority, Pltf Atty(s): Barbara Deans, Def(s): Jordan Woodard, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, Robert S. Weiss, Div. 8 Divorces Calendar CT-1096-19 Yolanda R. Kight, Div. 9 10:00 AM Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their May 10, 2019 Kimberly Hennessy VS Leo Hennessy, Pltf(s): Kimberly Attorneys, Filing Date, and Docket Number. Temiika Gipson Anne Hennessy, Pltf Atty(s): G Hite McLean, Valorie H Smith, Clerk Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Demetria Hibbler V Walter Hibbler, Pltf(s): Demetria Lashun Attorneys, Case Type, and Docket Number. Def(s): Leo Vincent Hennessy, Def Atty(s): Elizabeth Wafula, James Hibbler, Pltf Atty(s): Iclem Jaber, Def(s): Walter Hibbler, Def Atty(s): Tel: 222-3800 B Fisher, Rachel L Lambert, Divorce With Children, CT-003420-11 N/A, 5/8/2019, CH-19-0676 140 Adams, Room 324 Div 1 Rachel Duke VS Daniel Huck, Pltf(s): Rachel Katherine Duke, Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m. 9:00 AM Pltf Atty(s): Erin Odea, Larry Rice, Def(s): Daniel Thomas Huck, Def Calendar Carnell Lewis VS John Lee, Pltf(s): Carnell Lewis, Pltf Atty(s): Atty(s): Mitzi C Johnson, Miscellaneous, CT-004555-18 Complaints & Petitions Juan T Williams, Roland Eugene Cowden, Wilson Newell, Def(s): 2:00 PM May 10, 2019 John P Lee, Def Atty(s): Craig J Lazarov, Hal S (Hank) Spragins, Anika Yarbrough VS Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare, Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Auto Accident, CT-000782-17 Pltf(s): Anika Yarbrough, Estate Of Cheryl Renee Wright, Pltf Shown here: Plaintiffs and their Attorneys, Defendants and their Attorneys, Case Type, Filing Date, and Docket Number. Attorneys, Case Type, and Docket Number. Lori Hale VS Michael Hanniford, Pltf(s): Lori Ann Hale, Pltf Atty(s): Jason J Yasinsky, Mark N Geller, Russell D Marlin, Def(s): Antron Jackson VS Tamara King, Pltf(s): Antron Jackson, Atty(s): Abigail Jones Webb, Def(s): Michael Hanniford, Walda Jose Jaime Ford Hernandez, Methodist LeBonheur Healthcare, Def 9:00 AM Jerrod Thomas, Pltf Atty(s): Murray B Wells, Def(s): Tamara King, Hanniford, Def Atty(s): Brian Chadwick Rickman, Jennifer Sutch, Atty(s): Joseph L Reese, Kevin Baskette, Ronald Larry Fantroy Jr, Laura Allison Brents V Jesse Wayne Brents, Pltf(s): Memphis Light, Gas and Water, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, Personal Injury, CT-002323-16 Malpractice, CT-000175-14 Laura-Allison Brents, Pltf Atty(s): Gail R Sevier, Susan A Hinsley, 5/8/2019, CT-2062-19 Beatrice Lewis VS Last Minute Cuts, Pltf(s): Beatrice Lewis, Div 3 Margaret A Reid, Elizabeth W Fyke, Def(s): Jesse Wayne Brents, Bertha Boyce VS City Of Memphis TN, Pltf(s): Bertha D Pltf Atty(s): Bradford J Spicer, Def(s): Harris & Harris, Inc, Last 9:00 AM Boyce, Pltf Atty(s): Glenn K Vines, Def(s): City Of Memphis, Ten- Minute Cuts School Of Barbering & Cosmetology, Def Atty(s): nessee, Memphis Center City Development Corporation, Memphis Bradley J Cordts, Wilson Newell, Personal Injury, CT-002828-18 Navy Federal Credit Union VS Ann Sebastian, Pltf(s): Center City Revenue Finance Corporation, Downtown Memphis Navy Federal Credit Union, Pltf Atty(s): Brie D Wallace, Def(s): James Jordan Sr VS Hunter Betts, Pltf(s): JJ, James S Commission, Center City Development Corporation, Beale Street Ann Sebastian, Def Atty(s): John R Johnson, Breach Of Contract, Jordan, Pltf Atty(s): Glenn K Vines, Robert Deniger Cobb, Def(s): Management, Inc, Beale Street Merchandising Inc, Def Atty(s): CT-000013-18 Hunter A Betts, Tracie L Betts, Def Atty(s): Alex C Elder, James B N/A, Personal Injury, 5/8/2019, CT-2057-19 McClain III, Auto Accident, CT-005068-18 Amelia Johnson VS Seaborn Johnson III, Pltf(s): Amelia Cordia Hunter-Smith VS Terrance Smith, Pltf(s): Cordia Joan Johnson, Pltf Atty(s): Chelsea Knox, George Nick Rice, Cedrick Roden VS Wanda Richardson-Roden, Pltf(s): Hunter-Smith, Pltf Atty(s): Jonathan Collins, Def(s): Terrance L Def(s): Seaborn Macey Johnson, Def Atty(s): Jerry Schatz, Cedrick Tyrone Roden, Pltf Atty(s): Michael Don Harrell, Def(s): Smith, Def Atty(s): Michael A Flexsenhar, Transfer From Shelby Divorce, CT-002132-18 Co, 5/8/2019, CT-2040-19 Wanda Faye Richardson-Roden, Def Atty(s): Alicia A Howard, Jonathan Carter VS Elizabeth Browne, Pltf(s): Jonathan Desi Williams VS John Baity Jr, Pltf(s): Desi A Williams, Pltf Divorce, CT-005229-16 DEADLINE FOR SHELBY George Carter, Pltf Atty(s): Bryan Meredith, Robert LJ Spence, Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): John J Baity, Def Atty(s): N/A, Miscellaneous, Kimberly Thomas VS Callie Services LLC, Pltf(s): Kimberly Def(s): Elizabeth Jo Browne, Def Atty(s): Caren B Nichol, Divorce, COUNTY, TN COURT FILED 5/8/2019, CT-2058-19 Thomas, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Callie Services, Robert L Smith, CT-002251-15 Easley Contractors Inc VS Angela Heffner, Pltf(s): Easley Con- Def Atty(s): Forrest R Jenkins, Auto Accident, CT-005572-18 NOTICES Patricia Cleary VS Elvis Presley Enterprises Inc, Pltf(s): tractors, Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Nicholas J Owens, Def(s): Angela Heffner, Oliver Britton VS Arcbest II Inc, Pltf(s): Oliver Britton, Pltf Elvira Santiago, Gerald Cleary, Jose Santiago, Patricia Cleary, Pltf Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, 5/8/2019, CT-2061-19 Atty(s): Timothy Joel Williams, Def(s): ABF Freight Systems Inc, Atty(s): J Mark Benfield, Madison C Patey, Def(s): Davey Tree First Heritage Credit VS Stacey Griffin, Pltf(s): First Heri- Arcbest II Inc, Signey Jay Ferguson, Def Atty(s): Henry Talbot, The deadline for publication of Expert Company, Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc, Graceland Hold- tage Credit LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Michael A Flexsenhar, Def(s): Stacey Robert F Miller, Auto Accident, CT-0236-19 Chancery, Circuit and Probate Court Griffin, Def Atty(s): N/A, Pet To Enforce For Jdgmnt, 5/8/2019, ings, LLC, Def Atty(s): Alexander Jeffrey Hall, Michael G Derrick, CT-2056-19 Shuwana Potts VS Artesian Schools Inc, Pltf(s): Antoinette Richard Sorin, Personal Injury, CT-003587-17 Porterfield, Shuwana Potts, Pltf Atty(s): Steven Marshall, Def(s): notices is 3 business days prior to Flowers Properties LLC VS Michelle Stewart, Pltf(s): Justin Hamilton VS Commons At Brentwood LLC, Pltf(s): Artesian Schools, Inc, Def Atty(s): Cheryl Rumage Estes, Personal Flowers Properties, LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Derek E Whitlock, Def(s): Justin Hamilton, Pltf Atty(s): Brittany Neal, Eric J Lewellyn, Henry publication. Injury, CT-0299-19 Michelle Stewart, Def Atty(s): N/A, Pet To Enforce For Jdgmnt, E Reaves, Philip Oliphant, Steven Marshall, Def(s): Commons At For example, if the notice is filed 5/8/2019, CT-2035-19 Steven Seward VS Robert Brewer, Pltf(s): Steven D Brentwood, LLC, Def Atty(s): Carl Wyatt, Todd B Murrah, Tort, Flowers Properties LLC VS Miranda Morton, Pltf(s): Flow- Seward, Pltf Atty(s): Andrew M Horvath, Robert LJ Spence, CT-003760-17 on a Friday, it can begin publication Def(s): Robert Earl Brewer, Def Atty(s): Forrest R Jenkins, Auto ers Properties, LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Derek E Whitlock, Def(s): Miranda Anthony Janet VS Madison Auto Care LLC, Pltf(s): Anthony Accident, CT-0500-19 Wednesday; if the notice is filed Morton, Def Atty(s): N/A, Pet To Enforce For Jdgmnt, 5/8/2019, Janet, Pltf Atty(s): Austin Louis Alders, Eric J Lewellyn, Henry CT-2038-19 LKQ Corporation VS GSCP Holdings AZ LLC, Pltf(s): E Reaves, Def(s): Madison Auto Care LLC, Def Atty(s): Kevin D on a Monday, publication can begin Flowers Properties LLC VS Phyllis Mabry, Pltf(s): Flowers LKQ Corporation Of Keystone Automotive Industries, Pltf Atty(s): Bernstein, Personal Injury, CT-004060-17 Properties, LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Derek E Whitlock, Def(s): Phyllis Paul I Mendelson, Def(s): GSCP Holdings AZ, LLC DBA MAACO Jane Finney VS Gabriella Collins, Pltf(s): Jane Finney, Wil- Thursday. Mabry, Def Atty(s): N/A, Pet To Enforce For Jdgmnt, 5/8/2019, Collision Repair and Auto, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, liam Finney, Pltf Atty(s): Mark Lambert, Def(s): Gabriella Collins, **PLEASE INCLUDE CONTACT CT-2037-19 CT-0984-19 Flowers Properties LLC VS Randy Hunt, Pltf(s): Flowers Prop- Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto Accident, CT-005339-18 Lourdes Mendez Mendez VS Miguel Camacho, Pltf(s): erties LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Derek E Whitlock, Def(s): Randy Hunt, Def Mandi Hart VS Carlos Hart Sr, Pltf(s): Mandi Marie Hart, INFORMATION ON YOUR Lourdes Leticia Mendez Mendez, Pltf Atty(s): Laurie W Hall, Atty(s): N/A, Pet To Enforce For Jdgmnt, 5/8/2019, CT-2036-19 Pltf Atty(s): Michael Don Harrell, Def(s): Carlos Artez Hart, Def Def(s): Miguel Ortiz Camacho, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With NOTICE, telephone number or Flowers Properties LLC VS Shalletuh Hudson, Pltf(s): Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-0238-19 Children, CT-1211-19 Flowers Properties, LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Derek E Whitlock, Def(s): Joyce McKillion VS Sidney Joiner, Pltf(s): Joyce McKillion, email. This information will NOT be Pamela Moses VS State Of Tenn, Pltf(s): Pamela J Moses, Shalletuh Hudson, Def Atty(s): N/A, Pet To Enforce For Jdgmnt, Pltf Atty(s): James E Blount IV, John Michael Bailey, Def(s): Sidney Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): State Of Tennessee, Def Atty(s): Amy published.** 5/8/2019, CT-2039-19 C Joiner, The City Of Memphis, Def Atty(s): William M Larsha, Auto Kara Richards VS Shelby Co Health Care Corp, Pltf(s): Weirich, G Kirby May, Restoration Of Citizenship, CT-1579-19

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Accident, CT-0409-19 Buchanan, GEICO Casualty Insurance Company, Pltf Atty(s): Mark Philip Newman, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, Kathleen A. Ford 10:00 AM Kathleen Solares, Def(s): Jerome N Chism, Def Atty(s): N/A, Auto CT-002856-18 Clerk of Court Accident, CT-005209-18 D and W Auto Inc VS Jos Car Shack Inc, Pltf(s): D&W Auto Monica Phillips VS Joseph Phillips, Pltf(s): Monica Corine Tel. 328-3500 Inc, Dahn Nguyen, Pltf Atty(s): Charles M Weirich Jr, Def(s): Jo's Antonio Poplar VS Cullen Lack, Pltf(s): Antonio Poplar, Pltf Phillips, Pltf Atty(s): Dennis J Sossaman, Def(s): Joseph D Phillips, Car Shack Inc, Jogendra S Chhabra, Def Atty(s): John B Philip, Atty(s): Brandon S Leslie, Def(s): Cullen Lack, Willease Lack, Def Def Atty(s): Krista Holder-Williams, Divorce, CT-003422-17 Bankruptcy Petitions Breach Of Contract, CT-003157-15 Atty(s): Dawn Carson, Dylan J Gillespie, Hal S (Hank) Spragins, Adam Elnaggar VS April Elnaggar, Pltf(s): Adam Christopher Auto Accident, CT-0316-19 Brad Hunt VS Claire Hunt, Pltf(s): Brad Hunt, Pltf Atty(s): Elnaggar, Pltf Atty(s): Molly Glover, Def(s): April Schwartz Elnaggar, Shown here: Petitioner (Ptr), Address, Petitioner's Attorney, Patricia A Woods, William W Jones IV, Def(s): Claire Hunt, Def Nery Rodriguez VS Ruben Sanchez, Pltf(s): Nery Vidal Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-004333-17 Docket Number. Multiple petitioners noted with a number. Sorted Atty(s): Sabrina D Ball, Divorce With Children, CT-004517-17 Rodriguez, Pltf Atty(s): Kerry Avens Krauch, Def(s): Ruben San- Daniel Smith VS Christina Smith, Pltf(s): Daniel Smith, Pltf by Filing City, Type, then Docket Number. chez Sanchez, Def Atty(s): Wendy Nicole Villafana, Divorce With Div 4 Atty(s): G Hite McLean, Def(s): Christina Lynch Smith, Def Atty(s): Children, CT-0365-19 James F Schaeffer, Divorce With Children, CT-0577-19 Bankruptcy Definitions 9:00 AM • Chapter 7 - Liquidation (Bankruptcy trustee sells non-exempt assets and Crestcore Realty LLC VS Jeremy Doss, Pltf(s): Crestcore Stephanie Johnson VS Edward Johnson, Pltf(s): Stephanie Darrell Bonner VS Amisub Inc, Pltf(s): Darrell Lee Bonner, Realty, LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Derek E Whitlock, Jason Michael Goldstein, in return individual debtors receive discharges from certain debts.) Rene Johnson, Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Def(s): Edward Whitfield • Chapter 9 - Adjustment of Debts of a Municipality Eddie Lee Bonner, Pltf Atty(s): N/A, Def(s): Amisub Inc, Def Def(s): Jeremy Doss, Mardell D Cathey, Tralyn Cathey, Def Atty(s): Johnson, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-1441-19 • Chapter 11 - Reorganization Atty(s): Jonathan T Martin, Joshua A Hillis, Michael F Rafferty, N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-1534-19 Div 9 • Chapter 12 - Adjustment of Debts of a Family Farmer with Regular Malpractice, CT-003013-16 Premier Property Mgmt Grp VS Kennishia Pratts, Annual Income Tammy Moraga VS Robert Massengill, Pltf(s): Tammy R Pltf(s): Premier Property Management Group LLC, Pltf Atty(s): 9:00 AM • Chapter 13 - Adjustment of Debts of an Individual with Regular Income Moraga, Pltf Atty(s): Justin Reynolds, Lewis L Cobb, Def(s): Robert Craig M Beard, Russell W Savory, Def(s): Kennishia Pratts, Def Felicia Jones VS David Jones, Pltf(s): Felicia Marie Jackson (A so-called "wage earner case") E Massengill, Def Atty(s): Patrick G Walker, Richard D Underwood, Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-1700-19 Jones, Pltf Atty(s): Tim J Thompson, Def(s): David Deneal Jones, Wrongful Death, CT-004329-18 10:00 AM Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-005151-17 Memphis Hannah Bleavins VS City Of Memphis, Tennessee, Terrell Bracewell VS Roxanne Bracewell, Pltf(s): Terrell Absolute Recovery Serv LLC VS Willie Lofton, Pltf(s): Chapter 7 Pltf(s): Baromiano Perez Hernandez, Hannah Bleavins, Pltf Atty(s): Raheem Bracewell, Pltf Atty(s): Theresa Childress, Def(s): Roxanne Absolute Recovery Services LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Derek E Whitlock, Aaron Neglia, Murray B Wells, Def(s): City Of Memphis, John Uranda Bracewell, Def Atty(s): Nakeshia Walls, Pet To Enforce For Def(s): Gail Lofton, Willie Lofton, Def Atty(s): N/A, Breach Of Ptr(1): Bruce G Gholson, 6158 Asbury Place, 38654, Atty: Jimmy Doe 1-20, Michael W Rallings, Def Atty(s): Florence M Johnson, Jdgmnt, CT-002799-18 Contract, CT-0567-19 E McElroy, 019-23671 Wrongful Death, CT-004665-18 Ptr(1): Anna M Campbell, 5125 Thompson, 38053, Atty: Laura Genevieve Williams VS Gerald Williams, Pltf(s): Genevieve L Sanford, 019-23686 Sysco Memphis LLC VS Faheem Saleem, Pltf(s): Sysco Williams, Pltf Atty(s): Kirk Stewart, Def(s): Gerald R Williams, Memphis LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Brie D Wallace, Def(s): Borderline Circuit Court's Current Calendar can be viewed Ptr(1): Lisa A Clark, 3506 Amesbury St, 38135, Atty: Herbert Def Atty(s): Jocelyn V Henderson, Mitzi C Johnson, Divorce, on Circuit Court's website at - Benham III, 019-23687 Enterprises Inc, Faheem Saleem, I-40 Kwik Stop, Def Atty(s): CT-006136-10 N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-004979-18 Chapter 13 Div 6 Richard Granger VS Jamie Adams, Pltf(s): Richard J Grang- 9:00 AM indexDC.xhtml Ptr(1): Teresa L Ibarra, 4670 Owen Ave, 38122, Atty: Herbert D er, Pltf Atty(s): Michael A Flexsenhar, Def(s): Jamie Adams, Def Hurst, 019-23656 Atty(s): Tracey P Malone, Divorce With Children, CT-005438-10 Larry Johnson Jr VS Kera Moore, Pltf(s): Larry Johnson, Ptr(1): Kathryn S Gatti, 1841 Wilcrest Dr #2, 38134, Atty: Herbert Kornthearrie Carothers VS Randy Carothers, Pltf(s): Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Def(s): Kera Alane Moore, Def Atty(s): Shelby County D Hurst, 019-23657 Kornthearrie Carothers, Pltf Atty(s): Ryan D Rich, Def(s): Randy Beth Brooks, Divorce With Children, CT-002486-18 Ptr(1): Sharicka L Madkins, 3063 Saint Cloud Pl, 38127, Atty: Carothers, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-1065-19 Corner Street Properties VS Kenneth Pollard, Pltf(s): Probate Court Herbert D Hurst, 019-23658 10:00 AM Corner Street Properties LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Louis Jay Miller, Def(s): Ptr(1): Seatrice L Cole, 6393 Fawn Hollow Cir N, 38141, Atty: Kenneth Pollard, Mug Shots Sports Bar and Grill LLC, Def Atty(s): Brian M Glass, 019-23659 William Webb VS Elizabeth Webb, Pltf(s): William Lyle N/A, Breach Of Contract, CT-002532-18 Ptr(1): Shirley A Norman, 1587 Buntyn Street, 38114, Atty: Jimmy Webb, Pltf Atty(s): Margaret M Chesney, Def(s): Elizabeth Ann Judges E McElroy, 019-23660 Douglas Webb, Def Atty(s): Karen B Hall, Divorce With Children, Mary Jones VS John Doe, Pltf(s): Mary L Jones, Pltf Atty(s): Ptr(1): James D Stansberry Jr, 24 East Bellehaven Rd, 38109, CT-001824-17 Andre B Mathis, Def(s): John Doe, Def Atty(s): Kathleen Solares, Kathleen N. Gomes, Judge, 222-3761 Auto Accident, CT-003026-18 Atty: Holly W Schumpert, 019-23661 2:00 PM Karen D. Webster, Judge, 222-3767 Ptr(1): Alisha L Martin, 1422 Reata Pass, 38109, Atty: Earnest E Totally Amazing Properties VS Southern Comfort Air, Fiveash Jr, 019-23662 Stanley Jones VS Brett Dawson, Pltf(s): Anna Louise Pltf(s): Totally Amazing Properties LLC, Pltf Atty(s): Michael G Ptr(1): Jeffrey M Somerville, 427 Peete Street, 38019, Atty: Jones, Stanley Jones, Pltf Atty(s): David S Mays, Def(s): Brett Floyd, Def(s): Southern Comfort Air Heating and Plumbing LLC, Bill Morrison, Clerk Marcelle Z Nia, 019-23664 W Dawson, Leaann M Dawson, William H Dawson, Def Atty(s): Steve Matlock, Western Surety Company, Def Atty(s): Amy Enix, Tel. 222-3768 Ptr(1): Earl Hunt, 240 Rosser Dr, 38066, Atty: Arthur Byrd, 019- Brandon W Reedy, Jennifer Valor Ivy, Keely N Wilson, Personal Justin D Wear, Philip L Robertson, Stephen R Leffler, Breach Of 140 Adams, Room 124 Injury, CT-001955-15 23665 Contract, CT-003046-17 Hours: M-F, 8 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m. 2:30 PM Ptr(1): Lesia D Rayner, 10127 Cameron Ridge Trails, 38016, Atty: Rocshaune Fain VS Trineka Christopher, Pltf(s): Roc- Herbert D Hurst, 019-23666 Linda Cullum VS Aurora Cares LLC, Pltf(s): Linda Cullum, shaune L Fain, Pltf Atty(s): Brian Chadwick Rickman, Def(s): Administrations Ptr(1): Richard Motes Jr, 4157 Time Street, 38128, Atty: Jimmy Mary Zumbro, Pltf Atty(s): J Mark Benfield, Madison C Patey, Trineka A Christopher, Def Atty(s): Craig B Flood, Auto Accident, E McElroy, Ptr(2): Traci L Motes, 4157 Time Street, 38128, Atty: Def(s): Aurora Cares, LLC, Baptist Memorial Hospital, Quince CT-004317-16 Shown here: Subject and Docket Number. Jimmy E McElroy, 019-23667 Nursing and Rehabilitation Center LLC, Def Atty(s): Craig C Poplar Ridge Farms Assoc VS Michael Fair, Pltf(s): Poplar Administrator was appointed for the estate of Walter Randolph Ptr(1): Jaylon Baker, 2457 Durham Ave, 38127, Atty: James A Conley, Hugh Francis IV, Jeffrey L Griffin, Ormonde B Deallaume, Ridge Farms Neighborhood Association, Pltf Atty(s): Brandon F Cohen, 019-23668 Malpractice, CT-001668-14 with bond, D0013279 McNary, Def(s): Kassandra Fair, Michael Fair, Def Atty(s): N/A, Administrator was appointed for the estate of Charles David Ellis Ptr(1): Gloria A Saulsberry, 3901 Stuart Road Apt 11, 38111, Atty: Div 5 Breach Of Contract, CT-004530-18 with bond, PR013968 Jimmy E McElroy, 019-23669 9:00 AM William Barnes VS Erica Barnes, Pltf(s): William E Barnes, Administrator was appointed for the estate of Jason E Byrd with Ptr(1): Lora L Hightower, 1397 Semmes, 38114, Atty: Jimmy E McElroy, 019-23670 Angelica Burks-Henley VS Mansa Henley, Pltf(s): Pltf Atty(s): Stuart B Breakstone, Def(s): Erica Dontati Barnes, Def bond, PR013969 Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-004843-18 Ptr(1): Dionne Brown, 6007 Hickory Cove, 38141, Atty: Jimmy E Angelica Shantelle Burks-Henley, Pltf Atty(s): Precious Moore, McElroy, 019-23672 Def(s): Mansa Kankan Mussa Henley, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, Russell Furr VS Kevin Green, Pltf(s): Russell D Furr, Pltf Conservatorships Ptr(1): William R Blake, 3570 Troy Hobbs Cove, 38135, Atty: Dar- CT-000129-18 Atty(s): Sam R Marney III, Def(s): Kevin Joseph Green, Def rell L Castle, 019-23673 Laura Hanson VS Rosalind Withers, Pltf(s): Laura Hanson, Atty(s): Dawn Carson, Dylan J Gillespie, Hal S (Hank) Spragins, Shown here: Subject, Attorney, and Docket Number. Ptr(1): John L Walker Jr, 2189 Long Street Drive, 38114, Atty: Auto Accident, CT-0225-19 Pltf Atty(s): Henry Talbot, Kevin Hudson, Richard D Bennett, Def(s): Julian Dejaun Wade, Atty: Johnson, Kathy Kirk, PR013974 Michael J Baloga, 019-23674 Rosalind Withers, Def Atty(s): JB Smiley, Julian T Bolton, Pet To Danny Former VS Pamela Former, Pltf(s): Danny Former, Pltf Ptr(1): Armondo C Franklin, 2601 Belt Line Cove, 38111, Atty: Atty(s): Brittany Leigh Bane, Def(s): Pamela Former, Def Atty(s): Earnest E Fiveash Jr, 019-23676 Enforce For Jdgmnt, CT-000416-14 Guardianships (Minor) Taurus McCoy VS Jamie Sharp, Pltf(s): Taurus McCoy, Pltf N/A, Divorce, CT-0970-19 Ptr(1): Lateshia T McNeil, 8007 Trinity Mills #5, 38016, Atty: Ben G Sissman, 019-23677 Atty(s): Austin Louis Alders, Eric J Lewellyn, Henry E Reaves, Jen- Tracey Stevenson VS Rickey Stevenson, Pltf(s): Tracey Shown here: Subject, Attorney and Docket Number. Sorted by Denise Stevenson, Pltf Atty(s): Juliet Akines, Def(s): Rickey Ronell Ptr(1): Cynthia A Love, 5594 Bayshore Dr, 38115, Atty: Jimmy E nifer H Collins, Philip Oliphant, Def(s): Jamie Sharp, Kevin Davis Name. Trucking, Def Atty(s): Andre B Mathis, John I Houseal, Shanell Stevenson, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-1200-19 McElroy, Ptr(2): Danny E Love, 5594 Bayshore Dr, 38115, Atty: Jimmy E McElroy, 019-23679 Tyler, Auto Accident, CT-001015-18 10:00 AM Jackson Ray Byrd, Atty: Atkinson, James Shea, PR013970 Shelby Marie Byrd, Atty: Atkinson, James Shea, PR013971 Ptr(1): Lashella L Hightower, 1363 Ridgeway, 38106, Atty: Earnest Bridgefield Cas Ins Co Inc VS MLGW, Pltf(s): Bridgefield Kathy Rhodes VS Leon De Armond II, Pltf(s): Kathy Fay E Fiveash Jr, 019-23680 Casualty Insurance Company Inc, Pltf Atty(s): Melisa Moore, Luis Fernando Bautista Merin, Atty: Spickard, Ryan J, Rhodes, Pltf Atty(s): Joseph S Ozment, Def(s): Leon Vessier De PR013982 Ptr(1): Shaylon A Williams, 3909 E Christine Gardens, 38118, Melissa A Maravich, Ryan Saharovich, Def(s): Ashworth Engineer- Armond, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-002378-17 Atty: Jimmy E McElroy, 019-23681 ing PLLC, Guy Payne, John W Ashworth, Kurt Rowe, Memphis Cladeth Anthonella Allas-Diaz, Atty: Spickard, Ryan J, Div 7 PR013983 Ptr(1): Jarrica K Brandly, 7629 Kiowa Street Apt 2, 38053, Atty: Light, Gas and Water, Venture Electric Company, Def Atty(s): J S J Garrett, 019-23682 Russ Bryant, James B Summers, Julie D Byrd Ashworth, Megan 9:00 AM Ptr(1): Vandora M Norris, 3888 South Advantage Way, 38128, J Smith, Richard Sorin, Ryan A Strain, Scott McCullough, William Melvin Morris VS Alphonse Ngili, Pltf(s): Beatrice Mor- Wills Atty: Marcelle Z Nia, 019-23683 C Sessions, Personal Injury, CT-001120-16 ris, Melvin Morris, Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Def(s): Alphonse Ptr(1): Candice N Gardner, 4424 Deerland, 38109, Atty: SJ Calvin Peppers VS Anita Peppers, Pltf(s): Calvin Peppers, Ngili, Minesh Patel, Def Atty(s): Forrest R Jenkins, Auto Accident, Shown here: Estate Name, Attorney, and Docket Number. Garrett, 019-23684 Pltf Atty(s): Larry E Fitzgerald, Def(s): Anita Taylor Peppers, Def CT-002878-17 Petition filed for the will ofCharles Stanley Cook III to Probate. Ptr(1): Richard Smith Jr, 2610 Peres Ave, 38108, Atty: Earnest Atty(s): N/A, Divorce With Children, CT-001203-18 Martha Dungy VS Joseph Jones, Pltf(s): Martha Dungy, Pltf Atty: Kelley, Christopher Lawrence, PR013972 E Fiveash Jr, 019-23685 Petition filed for the will ofJean Beard to Probate. Atty: Stratton, Kerry Davis VS Garrettson Ellis, Pltf(s): Kerry Davis, Sylvia Atty(s): Brett A Hughes, Def(s): Joseph D Jones, Kumar Transpor- Jackson Davis, Pltf Atty(s): Gary K Smith, Phillip M Campbell, Def(s): tation Inc, Def Atty(s): Dawn Carson, Dylan J Gillespie, Hal S (Hank) Irma Merrill, PR013967 Garrettson Smith Ellis, Mid-South Pulmonary Specialists, PC, Def Spragins, Joseph B Baker, Auto Accident, CT-003104-18 Chapter 7 Atty(s): Albert G McLean, Buckner Wellford, Danielle Russell, Monica Phillips VS Joseph Phillips, Pltf(s): Monica Corine Ptr(1): Dorothy Buck, 4422 Foundry Hill Road, 38251, Atty: CJ David M Cook, Heather Cubine Colturi, Jennifer S Harrison, Lauren US District Court Phillips, Pltf Atty(s): Dennis J Sossaman, Def(s): Joseph D Phillips, Teel Jr, 019-11027 Dunavin Callins, Wrongful Death, CT-002190-12 Def Atty(s): Krista Holder-Williams, Divorce, CT-003422-17 Ptr(1): Charles Beard, PO Box 323, 38358, Atty: CJ Teel Jr, Kacy Davis VS Richard Davis, Pltf(s): Kacy Renee Davis, Pltf Patricia Vargas VS Kamia Phillips, Pltf(s): Diego Jacobo, Judges & Magistrates 019-11028 Atty(s): Carrie Eaker Kerley, Jana Davis Lamanna, Stevan L Black, Georgina Vargas, JV, Patricia Vargas, VV, Pltf Atty(s): Andrew W Ptr(1): David L Williams, 11014 Crooked Creek Rd, 37097, Atty: Vickie Hardy Jones, Def(s): Richard E Davis, Def Atty(s): Lara E TV Smith, 019-11032 McClelland Jr, Joseph B Baker, Def(s): Kamia Phillips, Def Atty(s): S. Thomas Anderson, Chief Judge Butler, Divorce With Children, CT-002506-13 Joseph B Baker, Auto Accident, CT-003814-18 John T. Fowlkes, Jr., District Judge Chapter 13 Mary Lowrance VS Baptist Memorial Hospital, Pltf(s): William Scull VS Leigh Scull, Pltf(s): William Trent Scull, David Lowrance, Mary Lowrance, Pltf Atty(s): Thomas R Greer, Pltf Atty(s): Stevan L Black, Def(s): Leigh Scull, Def Atty(s): Sheryl H. Lipman, District Judge Ptr(1): Betty M Hunt, 124 N Magnolia Street, 38310, Atty: Ken Def(s): Baptist Memorial Hospital, Clifford Posman, DHP Of Ten- Kirkland Bible, Mitchell D Moskovitz, Divorce With Children, Thomas L. Parker, District Judge Walker, Ptr(2): James C Hunt, 124 N Magnolia Street, 38310, nessee PC, Jim Hudson, Kera L Bergeron, Def Atty(s): Barrett CT-003865-18 Mark S. Norris, District Judge Atty: Ken Walker, 019-11024 Frederick, Emily L Huseth, James T McColgan III, Jeffrey L Griffin, Ptr(1): Peggy Albea, 4053 Stinson Street, 38358, Atty: CJ Teel Joseph Stuart Miller, Kevin Baskette, Malpractice, CT-002950-18 Judy Wortham VS VJ Dunavant, Pltf(s): Judy Wortham, Pltf James D. Todd, Senior District Judge Jr, Ptr(2): Wilvin D Albea, 4053 Stinson Street, 38358, Atty: Atty(s): David S Mays, Def(s): VJ Dunavant, Def Atty(s): Kathleen Jon P. McCalla, Senior District Judge CJ Teel Jr, 019-11025 Tammy Perry VS Javits Perry, Pltf(s): Tammy Terell Perry, Solares, Paul L Burson, Auto Accident, CT-004235-17 Pltf Atty(s): Princess Woodard, Def(s): Javits Miguel Perry, Def Samuel H. Mays, Jr., Senior District Judge Ptr(1): Donnell Bunch, 105 Oak Circle, 38012, Atty: Gayra Hall, Tamara Liles VS Phinie Redditt, Pltf(s): Tamara Liles, Pltf Atty(s): Eiko Harris, Divorce, CT-003039-18 J. Daniel Breen, Senior District Judge 019-11026 Atty(s): Randall J Fishman, Def(s): Albert P Redding Living Trust, Ptr(1): Michael E Sexton, 350 Elwood Drive, 38201, Atty: Ken Carol Mayall VS Larry Mayall, Pltf(s): Carol Mayall, Pltf City Of Memphis, Tennessee, Phinie L Redditt, Phinie L Redditt Diane K. Vescovo, Chief U.S. Magistrate Judge Walker, 019-11029 Atty(s): Linda L Holmes, Def(s): Larry Don Mayall, Def Atty(s): Living Trust, Shelby County, Tennessee, Def Atty(s): Carlissa Shaw, Tu M. Pham, U.S. Magistrate Judge Ptr(1): James H Martin Jr, 146 Walton Circle, 38242, Atty: TV Marti L Kaufman, Divorce, CT-003169-17 Mozella Ross, Nicholas J Owens, Personal Injury, CT-005198-17 Charmiane G. Claxton, U.S. Magistrate Judge Smith, 019-11030 Jacqueline Israel VS Rozelle Smith, Pltf(s): Jacqueline Dianne Hamilton VS Methodist Healthcare Memphis, Jon A. York, U.S. Magistrate Judge Ptr(1): Rhonda J Watkins, 5508 Ben Smith Road, 38201, Atty: Ann Israel, Pltf Atty(s): Terrell L Tooten, Def(s): Rozelle Smith, Pltf(s): Cassie McGill, Dianne Hamilton, Pltf Atty(s): Andrew M Hor- Richard H Walker, 019-11031 Def Atty(s): Randall J Fishman, Yosef E Horowitz, Miscellaneous, Ptr(1): Craig D Moore, 9055 Highway 69 South, 38256, Atty: Ken vath, Regina Guy, Robert LJ Spence, Def(s): Methodist Healthcare Thomas M. Gould, Clerk CT-003655-18 Memphis Hospitals, Def Atty(s): N/A, Malpractice, CT-0531-19 Walker, Ptr(2): Mary K Moore, 9055 Highway 69 South, 38256, Tel. 495-1200 Atty: Ken Walker, 019-11033 Chimney Hill Condominium Association VS Kim Chow, Daumonique Lenhardt VS Veronica Lenhardt, Pltf(s): Ptr(1): Betty R Taylor, 1227 Dogwood St, 38012, Atty: Ken Walker, Pltf(s): Chimney Hill Condominium Association, Pltf Atty(s): Chris Daumonique Lacole Lenhardt, Pltf Atty(s): Jeffrey Jones, Def(s): 019-11034 Coleman, Def(s): King Chow, Def Atty(s): Dan T Bing, Gregory Veronica Marie Barnes Lenhardt, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, Bankruptcy Court Judges Gallagher, Breach Of Contract, CT-004471-16 CT-0778-19 David S. Kennedy, Chief Judge Robert Hill VS Harbor View Nursing, Pltf(s): Robert Hill, Michael Craig VS Darlene Craig, Pltf(s): Michael Wayne Pltf Atty(s): Austin C Gardner, Cameron C Jehl, Carey L Acerra, Craig, Pltf Atty(s): Michael Don Harrell, Def(s): Darlene Benton Jennie D. Latta, Judge Deena K Arnold, Def(s): American Health Companies, Inc, Harbor Craig, Def Atty(s): N/A, Divorce, CT-0854-19 George W. Emerson Jr., Judge View Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Inc, Tennessee Health The Daily News Management, Inc, Def Atty(s): Howard B Hayden, R Kent Francis, 10:00 AM Paulette J. Delk, Judge Wrongful Death, CT-004987-17 Meghan Newman VS Mark Newman, Pltf(s): Meghan Marie Jimmy L. Croom, Judge Call 523-1561 GEICO Casualty Ins VS Jerome Chism, Pltf(s): Frank Newman, Pltf Atty(s): Mitchell D Moskovitz, Olivia S Garber, Def(s): NEW MADRID RANDOLPH CLAY LAKE OBION


Page 6 DYER The Daily News, Memphis Friday, May 10, 2019


CRAIGHEAD CROCKETT Real EstateLAUDERDALE & Development HAYWOOD Coverage Area – Public Records POINSETT Real Estate Transactions MADISON DECATUR TIPTON Shelandra Ford, County Register Warranty Deeds, Trust Deeds, and other special deeds are compiled daily from the records of the Shelby County Register’s office. HARDEMAN CHESTER Warranty Deeds usually convey title to real estate from the seller to the buyer. Memphis Tel. 222-8100 Trust Deeds, in effect, convey a lien on the real estate from a borrower, guarantor, person or firm putting up the real estate as collateral or CROSS security for some purpose, to a lender, person or firm receiving collateral or security for some purpose. A lender is usually designated by its SHELBY Copyright © 2019, The Daily NewsMCNAIRY Publishing Company, Memphis, CRITTENDEN TN 38103. All rights to reproduction and/or republication to materials trustee. In many instances, the borrower is at the same time a buyer of the real estate, and is executing a purchase money mortgage. FAYETTE herein are reserved by the publisher. When that occurs, the Warranty Deed and Trust Deed will usually have consecutive, or nearly consecutive, instrument numbers. HARDIN WAYNEOther special deeds also transfer an interest in the real estate from the grantor to the grantee. ST. FRANCIS

LAUDERDALE DESOTO Warranty Deeds BENTONZip/Price Address ALCORN Buyer/Borrower(s) Seller/Lender Property Description No. 38002 TIPPAH $430,000 4152 White Cedar Cv TISHOMINGOMerrill R Holt, Tara C Holt Valentine, Jason P Lot 147, Lakeland Estates 1st Addn Sub 19044959 LEE Building PermitsMARSHALL $368,731 6453 Rutherford Cir Andre L Tolliver, Pamela D Tolliver Keith and David Grant Homes LLC Lot 92, Wilson Crossing PD Ph IV Sub 19042945 TATE $349,896 12571 George Selby Dr Joel A Stark Jr, ChanlerCOLBERT Stark Keith and David Grant Homes LLC Lot 43, Villages At White Oak PD Ph 1B 19044121 Permits filed with the County Construction Code Enforcement $329,000 4777 Oak Rd PRENTISS Pamela Valerio Carson, Ross E Lot 1, St Laurent Sub 19044711 $275,000 7266 Old Brownsville Rd Adam B Coss, Jessica Coss Cox, Bramlett K Tr Lot 8, SF Williford Sub 19044606 Office.TUNICA Shown here: Construction Value, Address, Contractor, $230,000 3153 Sea Ray Ln Frances P Cargile Longfield, Robert A Lot 16, Sterling Place PUD Ph 1 Sub 19044669 Property Owner, and Description. Sorted by Zip, thenLAFAYETTE Value. PHILLIPS $230,000 6675 Raner Creek Dr Zachary Smith, Amanda J Smith Ratliff, Bradford A Lot 16, Rockyford Sec A 1st Addn Sub 19042825 UNION$220,000 12155 Hidden Trail Courtney Cordo Tchouros, Ryan P Lot 87, Trails Of Arlington PD Ph 3 19042733 PANOLADerrick Mink, $210,000 4705 Shadow Field Ln ITAWAMBAErvin H Foster Spencer, Thomas H Lot 156, Shadowlawn Place Sec C 1 Sub 19045048 Construction Code Enforcement PONTOTOC$188,000 3296 GlenhillLEE Ln Matthew L Long, Lindsey K Long Schillinger, Katherine L Lot 3, Stonebridge Sec A Sub 19043542 COAHOMA Tel. 385-5073 $173,000 10060 Woodland Grove Dr Dietrich Paul G Menke Farmer, Courtney P Lot 115, Woodland Park PRD Sec B Sub 19042823 $153,500 8232 White Wing Ln Robin Spain, BonnieMARION Spain Bank Of New York Mellon Tr Lot 277, Wolfchase Farms Of Bartlett Ph 19044182 38002 $0 12557 Magnolia Bend Dr Van L Watkins Jr, Kristin J Watkins Regency Homebuilders LLC Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19044155 $13,000, QUITMAN4295 Country Bridge Rd, Allen Nabon, Construct Bay 38016 Window YALOBUSHA $5,742,000 10005 Houston Birch Dr Progress Residential Borrower 8 LLC Progress Residential Borrower 7 LLC Various Lots, Houston Levee Trails PD Ph 1 19044891 $9,500, 5234TALLAHATCHIE Evergreen Rd, Lucius Complete Home Inc (B000),CALHOUN $200,000 2013 Rochelle Ln MONROE Rahsan L Graham Hodges, John M Jr Lot 3, Gardens Of Grays Creek PD Ph 1 19044748 Lucius Complete Home, Finish Bonus Room Above Garage $190,000 2095 Kingsrow Parkway Ronnie E Raney, Linda P Raney Zinser, Robert J Lot 79, Countrywood South Sec B 3 Sub 19042765 38016 $189,000 9266 Windy Meadow Ln Juan C Nunez, Rosanny N Baez Anderson, Anna R Tr Lot 201, Fountain Brook PD Ph II Sub 19044109 $8,000, 8484 Dulwich Dr, Bill Meck, Remodel Kitchen, Living $184,500 2799 Rock Creek Parkway Logan R McCormack, Kayla A McCormack Mason, Joshua A Lot 14, Countrywood Sec H 1 Sub 19043567 Room $170,000 1975 Myron Cv North Glenda Stinson Jackson, Mary W Lot 24, Summerfields Of Berryhill Sec 19042966 38053 $140,000 8998 Fletcher Park Cir Djergovic Enterprise LLC Green Street Residential Partners LLC Lot 28, Berryhill PD Ph 3 Sub 19044902 $385,000, 7680 US Highway 72, Pebb Enterprises, Interior $125,000 8998 Fletcher Park Cir Green Street Residential Partners LLC Norman, Wendell Lot 28, Berryhill PD Ph 3 Sub 19044901 Renovation 38017 38104 $700,000 1549 Painted Horse Pass Bradley T Cross, Elizabeth S Cross Brown Companies Inc Lot 98, Stables Ph 3 Sub 19045117 $130,000, 2044 Felix Ave, Kevin Cerrilo, Add Master Bathroom, $645,515 10701 Magnolia Park Cir South Eric J Tiner Magnolia Homes Inc Lot 6, Magnolia Preserve PD Ph I Sub 19044936 Full Bath, Bedroom $505,000 1821 Campden Dr Kevin E Johnson James, Stephanie Lot 494, Wellington Farms Ph 10 1st Addn 19044667 $72,000, 1993 Cowden Ave, Dr Jennifer Kamen Md, Add Upstairs $486,865 174 Fruited Plain Dr Reginald D Adair, Barbara A Adair Regency Homebuilders LLC Lot 139, Rolling Meadows Ph 3B Sub 19044912 Bedroom, Bath, Closet In Existing Attic Space $425,000 566 Green Oaks Ln Joseph D Schrum Mauriello, Nicholas S Lot 152, Oakmont PD Ph 2 Sub 19044698 38108 $412,250 10181 Wynmanor Dr Tracy M Duggan, Jeffery B Duggan Ellis, Jeffery Lot 25, Wyncreek PD Ph 1 Sub 19045085 $12,989, 1558 Carpenter St, Windows USA, Inc (Bhi0), Tarry Or $367,500 1293 Purple Mountain Cv Dinesh Patha, Swetha E Kurhti Allers, Leah L Lot 53, Rolling Meadows PD Ph I Sub 19044960 Theresa Fluker, Job #156099 Pocket Replacement Windows $324,900 799 Lark Hill Cv Bobby A Johnson Jr, Andrea Johnson Goodwin, Jeremiah R Lot 65, Planters Ridge PD Sec I Sub 19044986 $12,489, 1419 Tunica St, Windows USA, Inc (Bhi0), Veronica Or $304,900 704 Fletcher Rd Ellen Wilbanks Nickelson, Tommy L Lot 2, Beckett Ridge Sub 19044671 Kenneth Johnson, Job #156161 Pocket Replacement Windows $265,000 332 East Powell Rd Gokhan C Korlu Key, Charles L Lot 44, Daffodil Hill Sec A Sub 19044914 38109 $235,000 774 Dogwood Cv Derek A Smith, Cristina A Smith Rosekelly, John A Lot 92, Quail Crest Sec C Sub 19042921 $150,000, 752 Birthstone Ave, Home Depot USA, Inc (B000), Home $228,500 324 Ashley Dr John Trent, Casey Trent Murphy, Erin Lot 183, Plantation Estates PUD Sec 2C 19044706 Depot USA, Inc (B000), SFR W/Garage $180,000 779 Dogwood Cv Blake Cox Merrill, John M Lot 94, Quail Crest Sec C Sub 19045105 38111 $0 191 Mills St Brian S Clement, Ruth A Landers Clement, Brian S Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19042844 $19,489, 3268 N Waynoka Cr, Windows USA, Inc (Bhi0), Fred Or 38018 Ernestine Dorse, Job #156427 Pocket Replacement Windows $315,000 9146 Ivy League Ln Henri L Smith, Kristen C Smith Howard, Clayton Lot 71, Walnut Gardens PD Ph I Sec A 19042874 38115 $254,350 9720 Woodland Wind Cv Tiana M Sanders Regency Homebuilders LLC Lot 123, Woodland Hills PD Ph 29 Sub 19042940 $11,591, 3299 Emerald St, Windows USA, Inc (Bhi0), Willie Or Bon- $230,000 8862 Maythorn Cv Jeremy Thomas, Angela Thomas Niemiec, Richard E Lot 120, Woodside At Walnut Grove Sec B 19042878 nie Washington, Job #156164 Pocket Replacement Windows $192,000 9466 Darren Cir South Jodie L Bond Afton Homes LLC Lot 381, Afton Grove PD Ph IV Sub 19043563 38116 $170,000 1277 Bridgewater Rd Raymond L Connley Pizarro, Nicolas E Lot 90, Sam W McCleskeys Bridgewater 19042777 $11,900, 4011 Mary Lee Dr, Terrrell Murchson, Remove Wall $141,500 8106 Timber Knoll Ln Mary Merriweather, Bobbie Merriweather Talley, Amos Lot 20, Timber Creek Sub 19044697 Between Kitchen & Living Room, Wall Between Master Bedroom, 38053 Second Bdroom, Extend Master Bath $140,000 6916 US Highway 51 North Stephanie Fitzgerald Golden, Glensie T Lot 35, JN Harshs Highland Sub 19044601 38118 $127,000 7213 Juana Dr Ramon Diaz Hudman, Uletha Lot 175, Millington View 5th Addn Sub 19042697 $1,362,296, 4995 Citation Dr, A and B Construction Company Inc $80,000 7716 Shamrock Rd Shelby Stroud Federal National Mortgage Association Lot 2, Pinehaven Inc Project No 1 Sub 19044787 (B000), Barret Distribution Centers, Install Pallet Racking $61,050 6033 North Highway 51 Donald J Prichett Courtney, Allen J Lot 2, Joe Forglones Town Sub 19042740 $193,423, 3056 Sprankel Ave, Smith Doyle Contractors, Inc $55,000 8477 Austin Peay Highway Sherry Buckley Dent, Dorothy Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19045246 (B000), Federal Express Corporation, Construct Pre-Manufactured $2,970 3842 Wortham Rd Jodie L Chamber, Sherry V Chamber Courtney, Allen J Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19045172 Kiosks 38103 $2,650,000 400 South Main St 400 South Main LLC King, Kenneth W Lot 4, Plan Of South Memphis Blk 33 19045091 $193,423, 3058 Sprankel Ave, Smith Doyle Contractors, Inc (B000), $2,500,000 404 Beale Union Row LB LLC KNM Development Group LLC Lot 13, AB Shaw Sub 19042753 Federal Express Corp, Construct 2 Pre-Manufactured Kiosks $1,050,000 255 Union Ave Union Row LB LLC Coles, Therese E Lot 492, N/A Sub 19044955 38119 $560,000 158 Harbor Town Blvd Irene P Alveraz, Pedro A Pajares De Tena Kesserwan, Chimene Lot 128, Harbor Town PD Ph 1 Sub 19044773 $13,921, 6759 Stornaway Dr, Native Roofing, LLC (B000), Derick $315,000 505 Tennessee St Unit 420 Kathryn N Doelling Thob LLC Various Lots, Lofts At South Bluffs Condominiums 19043545 Boothes, Remove/Replace Roof, Drywall Patch, Paint, Master $225,000 655 South Riverside Dr Unit 90 John K Eshun, Rosa M Aguero Miles, Heather Lot 906B, River Town At South Bluffs 19042783 Bedroom Ceiling, Remove/Replace Carpet $4,000 505 Tennessee St Storage Unit Gloria P Murchison Tr, Et Al Thob LLC Lot 6 TS, Lofts At South Bluffs Condominiums 19044785 $3,500, 6819 Satinwood Cove, Annie Morris Stewart, Shed $3,400 505 Tennessee St Unit 6TS5 Shelley C Fragale Thob LLC Lot 6 TS, Lofts At South Bluffs Condominiums 19044791 38120 38104 $169,029, 5744 The Forest Gate Rd, Serenity Hardscapes, LLC $356,000 1753 Vinton Ave Michael J Gravois, Stephen N Hancock Pongrass, Christopher Lot 71, Harbert Place Sub 19044988 (B000), Lester Ferninand, Install Inground Gunite Swimming $185,000 1745 Eastmoreland Ave Meriel C Jenkins Wiswall, Tracy L Lot 7, Graves and LeMaster Sub 19044123 Pool $169,000 1882 Central Ave Zachary Corr, Angela Corr Creative Development Inc Lot 9, Roynon Sub 19042736 38125 $58,275 1072 South Cox St Roy R Crossman Tr, Andrea L Whitfield Tr Torkelson, Carla F Various Lots, Mount Arlington Blk H Sub 19044737 $25,000, 8676 Classic Dr, Richey Home Construction, LLC (B000), $0 2018 Courtland Ave Ryan C Savage, Katherine B Savage Savage, Ryan C Lot 35, Union Park Place Sub 19044665 Regan, Detached Patio $0 2018 Courtland Ave Ryan C Savage Tr, Katherine B Savage Tr Savage, Ryan C Lot 35, Union Park Place Sub 19044666 38127 38105 $53,126, 2609 Fite Rd, Delta Materials Handling Inc, (B000), $14,000 314 North Manassas St SMC Investment Properties LLC PM Management LLC Lot 1, Berry and Cordes Sub 19042925 Plaskoute, Install Pallet Rack System 38106 38128 $22,500 1766 South Lauderdale St Mid South Homebuyers GP Drake, Laverne Lot 12, South Land Companys Longview 19042891 $13,989, 4503 Mayo, Windows USA, Inc (Bhi0), Curtis Or Cynthia 38107 Buford, Job #156402 Pocket Replacement Windows $178,500 725 Maury St Madison P Jones Mehta, Tara Lot 11, University Park Blk 19 Sub 19044823 $13,940, 4051 Longhollow Dr, Windows USA, Inc (Bhi0), Charlotte $171,000 765 North Belvedere Blvd Janina Cosby, Josh Cosby Laier, Clark Lot 13, University Park Blk 6 Sub 19042809 Thomas, Job #156683 Pocket Replacement Windows $38,000 906 Randle St Mrs GP Divine Development LLC Various Lots, EE Meachams North Olympic 19042917 N/A, 4051 Longhollow Dr, Windows USA, Inc (Bhi0), Charlotte 38108 Thomas, Job #156683 Pocket Replacement Windows $57,500 1441 Weymouth St Claudia P Lira, Juan G Barajas Whitaker, Jack Lot 68, Kingsbury View Sub 19044944 38134 $55,000 4400 Daytona Rd Anna Misiun Marshall, Mary L Lot 182, Lynnwood Park 2nd Addn Sub 19042952 $30,000, 6658 Windflower Ln, Concise Solutions Incorporated $26,000 1420 Gherald St Newton Property Trust Veterans Affairs Lot 84, Gaylord Heights Sub 19042920 (B000), Concise Solutions Incorporated (B000), Fire Damage $26,000 3756 Grey Rd Paul Moya, Troy Miller Aplicano, Jiury V Various Lots, National Place Sub 19044129 38138 $18,000 1765 Eldridge Ave Massab Abbas, Sara Abbas Hughes, Titus P Tr Various Lots, Union Land and Improvement 19045063 $107,000, 7606 Southern Ave, Dolphin Construction Inc (B000), $17,016 1688 Wells Station Rd Tyler Tapley Ditech Financial LLC Lot 7, Thrifthaven Sub 19044941 New Bethel Missionary, Remodel Baths, Kitchen, Exterior $0 1765 Eldridge Ave Titus P Hughes Tr, Titus P Hughes Rev Liv Boshwit Brothers Mortgage Corp Various Lots, Union Land and Improvment 19044893 $25,000, 7685 Farmington Blvd, Grinder & Haizlip Construction, 38109 Inc (B000), Cyclebar Germantown, Tenant Finish, No Plumbing, $78,500 4434 Deerland St James L Alexander Davis, Alma J Lot 30, Westwood Downs Sec E Sub 19044717 HVAC Work $73,000 4462 Whiteside St Mark Spinosa Williams Realty and Investments Lot 138, Kenrick Sec D Sub 19044850 38139 $55,000 1317 North Dr Flenard Toliver, Sandra F Toliver Williams, Charles T Lot 188, Coro Lake 3rd Addn Sub 19045060 $10,000, 3056 Foster Grove Rd, Mcwaters Construction (B000), $39,500 496 Western Park Dr Hughes Holdings LLC Byler, Daniel Lot 23, Westwood Heights Sec A 1st Addn 19044963 Todd Glidewell, Install Outdoor Kitchen/Grilling Area $19,789 4628 Aldridge Dr Williams Realty and Investments LLC Driskill, Jason A Lot 63, Park Hills 2nd Addn Sub 19045253 N/A, 8395 Briar Creek Dr, Michael Gunn, N/A $17,500 752 Birthstone Ave Memphis Investment Properties II LLC Anderson, Nathan Lot 59, Gemstone PD Ph 4 Sub 19043555

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Real Estate & Development

38111 Electrical Permits $220,000 65 South Larchmont Collins Rainey 655 Larchmont Revocable Trust Lot 15, Hummes Heights Sub 19044078 $220,000 473 South Holmes St Jimmy D Armstrong, Joel K Houston Morgan, Dianne D Lot 152, Country Club Place Sub 19044939 Permits filed with the County Construction Code Enforcement $185,000 580 South Holmes St Danae Pacileo Gruber, Mary J Lot 138, Country Club Place Sub 19045244 Office. Shown here: Address, Contractor, Property Owner, and $181,000 408 Holmes Cir Mary R Ivy Cowles, Erin G Lot 15, Holmes Circle Sub 19044695 Description. Sorted by Zip, then Address. $71,900 3113 Ruby Ln Nkechinyere Anyadike Laine Real Estate LLC Lot 100, Eastern Hills Sub 19044622 $70,000 811 Ellsworth St Will Thomas Zaidi, Syed A Lot 17, WM Bell Sub 19042804 Derrick Mink, $67,000 4346 Barr Goldstar Homes LLC Walker, Eddie Lot 56, Willowdale Sec G Sub 19044169 Construction Code Enforcement $43,000 3540 Fawn Cv Aline Santos Housing and Urban Development Lot 72, Barron Manor Sec 3 1st Addn 19044184 $36,250 1590 Echles St Alfredo Santes Le, Oai B Lot 43, EL Rogers East Memphis Park 19042751 Tel. 385-5073 $27,500 3190 Choctaw Ave New Vision Trust Custodian FBO Et Al Pulliam Family LP Lot 26, Messick School Place Sub 19045002 38002 $0 4073 Robinwood Cv Ryan C Savage Tr, Katherine B Savage Tr Savage, Ryan C Lot 3, Irwindale Sub 19044664 11500 Memphis Arlington Rd, Network Communication 38112 Systems (E000), N/A $121,150 293 North Willett St Thomas R Smith, Molly M Smith Cook, Dana K Lot 11, Henry Lake Sub 19044784 5190 Summer Meadows Ln, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), $82,000 2508 Harvard Ave Stephen W Haley, Sylvia D Bell Caritas Community Inc Lot 14, Binghampton Blk 13 Sub 19042855 N/A $19,500 2645 Whitman Ave Ponziprops LLC Parker, Luther Various Lots, Cordes North Binghampton Blk F 19044973 38114 5331 Shetland Tl, Mid-South Electric Contrs, Inc (E000), Install $70,000 2299 Boyle Ave Cedric M Brown Crenshaw, Rodney Lot 27, Mason Subdivision Of Julia 19045064 Lights, Receptacles In New Sunroom $58,000 2992 Southwall St Clinton E Peterson Mid South Homebuyers GP Lot 395, Fairlawn Sec C Sub 19042881 3916 Herons Landing Ln, Alfa Electric LLC (E000), Wire 38115 Inground Swimming Pool Equipment $105,000 4002 Birch Glen Dr Sohail Hemani, Akbar Panjwani Bailey Walton, Lorraine Lot 83, Birch Run Village 2nd Addn Sub 19043553 3994 Lighthouse Cove, Best Care Home Services, LLC $75,000 6381 Thistlebrook Dr Memphis Investment Properties II LLC Cunningham, Darren D Lot 1424, Ridgeway Estates Sec I Sub 19045012 (M000), Install Condenser $74,000 5837 Scottsdale Ave Memphis Investment Properties II LLC Russell, Laura B Lot 29, Fox Hollow Sec A Sub 19042991 4562 Mitchwood Oak Dr, Best Care Home Services, LLC $60,707 5641 Maple Tree Dr John L Anderson CSMA SFR Holdings II LSE LLC Lot 87, Pathways Sub 19044946 (M000), Install Condenser 38116 38016 $117,000 1974 Lydgate Cv Erald F Ruppenstein, David L Davis Jr Ivy, Samuel E Lot 118, Graceland Farms 1st Addn Sub 19042837 9335 Barrow Dr, B&L Heating & Air (M000), Condenser $82,000 902 Bluebird Rd Robert Hill Tr, Frank Smith Tr Hope Federal Credit Union Lot 24, Dogwood Hills 2nd Addn Sub 19042715 10328 Cottage Oaks Dr, Greenway Home Services LLC $43,510 1028 Marlin Rd Harris Realty Inc Igloo Series III REO LLC Lot 27, Mosbys Whitehaven Sub 19044106 (M000), Install Condenser $13,000 874 Hale Rd Edita M Depienne West Wood Communities Inc Lot 1, Halaub Sub 19044911 38018 $0 1394 Bonnie Dr Scott R Smith Tr, 1394 Bonnie Drive Trust Peyer, Jonathan Lot 485, Graceland Sec B Sub 19045019 7397 Brentridge Dr, B&L Heating & Air (M000), Condenser $0 1397 Timothy Dr Scott R Smith Tr, 1397 Timothy Drive Trust Peyer, Jonathan D Lot 241, Graceland Sec B Sub 19045027 301 Spruce Glen Cove, B&L Heating & Air (M000), Con- $0 1217 Timothy Dr Steven R Bixler Tr, Margaret J Bixler Tr Bixler, Steven R Lot 16, John B Goodwins Graceland Sec 19044219 denser 38117 10350 Daeva Cove, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $530,000 4027 Dumaine Way Jerry V Crook, Sandra W Crook AW Gordon Marital Trust Lot 58, Woodlands Community Plan Revise 19045229 Install Condenser $219,000 1316 Cherry Rd Ryan Gauvin, Mandy Martin Walls, Bryan Lot 35, Cherry Meadows Revised Correct 19042918 38053 $149,900 1647 South White Station Rd Samantha N Thornton, Curtis Shannon Goldline Properties LLC Lot 1029, Country Club Estates Sec K Sub 19044687 4252 Water Briar Rd, Automatic Air Conditioning & Htg, LLC $137,000 5083 Quince Rd Jenna M Gillespie, John H Gillespie Nichols, Edmund J Lot 928, Country Club Estates Sec K Sub 19044771 (M000), Condenser Replacement 309 L $135,000 736 Hedgegrove Dr No 3 Dawn E Walker Schuhlein, Marissa P Lot 4601, Audubon Square Condominiums 19044982 5849 Us Highway 72, Service Experts Of Memphis LLC (M000), $75,000 1431 Flamingo Rd Mohamed A Tamraz Nationwide Legacy LLC Lot 532, Parkside Manor 2nd Addn Sub 19042962 Roof Top Unit Mp47 $75,000 4559 Boyce Rd Mohamed A Tamraz Nationwide Legacy LLC Lot 31, Colonial Meadows Sub 19042950 38103 $66,000 1431 Flamingo Rd Nationwide Legacy LLC Mattix, Keith R Lot 532, Parkside Manor 2nd Addn Sub 19042961 1020 Island Dr, Precision Air Conditioning and Heating, LLC $66,000 4559 Boyce Rd Nationwide Legacy LLC Mattix, Brenda Lot 31, Colonial Meadows Sub 19042949 (M000), Replace Condensing Unit 38118 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $175,000 4132 South Prescott Rd Adsit Holdings LLC D and D Properties LLC Various Lots, Victory Heights Sub 19043547 Low Voltage In 5 Apts $90,000 5057 Bryndale Ave Rolando A Nunez Nguyen, Robert Lot 856, Parkway Village Sec E Sub 19042725 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $60,000 3553 Marconi Cv REI Nation LLC Towd Point Mortgage Trust 2017 2 Lot 528, Tamble Terrace Sec D Sub 19044694 Low Voltage In 7 Apts $48,500 4831 Cottonwood Rd REI Nation LLC Dallas J Robinson Revocable Trust Lot 242, Parkway Village Sec B 1 Sub 19044951 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $44,502 3129 Edgeware Rd South Anderson and Ryan LLC Tamayo, Peter Lot 67, Kensington Gardens Sec A Sub 19042835 Low Voltage In 6 Apts $0 3440 Starsdale St Housing and Urban Development Bank Of New York Mellon Trust Co National Assoc Lot 49, Wooddale Sub 19044082 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, 38119 Low Voltage In 3 Apts $335,000 2099 Black Oak Dr B Taylor Gray, Adrienne H Gray Esquivel, Maria C Lot 575, Greentrees Sec C Sub 19044703 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $190,000 1446 Estate Dr Timothy M Doyle Memphis Investment Rental Properties LLC Lot 19, Hayne Oaks Sub 19042904 Low Voltage In 5 Apts $173,000 5349 Murff Ave Kim Krauss Memphis Investment Rental Properties LLC Lot 237, Glen Park Sec E 4 6th Addn Sub 19044792 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $153,000 3192 Garrison Park Cir Rory J Leonard, Tonya Leonard Owen, Willita Lot 9, Garrison Park PD Ph 1 Sec A 19042869 Low Voltage In 10 Apts $100,000 2961 Millers Pond Dr Allison McCabe JDC Properties LLC Lot 120, Meadow Village In Millers Pond 19045017 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $77,300 5688 Quince Rd Michael P Davis Randolph, Jennifer Lot 44, Yorkshire Gardens Condominium 19044983 Low Voltage In 8 Apts 38120 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $760,000 1031 Humphrey Oaks Cir Ralph E Franceschini, Bolivar M Villalobos Underwood, Joseph R Various Lots, Village Of River Oaks Ph XI 19045088 Low Voltage In 5 Apts $625,000 385 Shady Grove Rd South Hitesh S Sandhu, Preet K Sandhu Hoit, Daniel A Lot 7, River Oaks Sub 19042763 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $386,250 919 West Riverwalk Dr Ira G White, Maddux White Kremer, Marjean G Lot 12, Ashley Gardens Of River Oaks 19042839 Low Voltage In 5 Apts $123,750 863 South Yates Rd Apt 2 Paula Miller Adams, Alan W Lot 2, Yates Road Of Yates Village To 19044852 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $0 5250 Keatswood Cv Mary D McCullough McCullough, Tim P Lot 34, Keatswood 1st Addn Sub 19044810

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Real Estate & Development

Electrical Permits Warranty Deeds Continued from page 7 Continued from page 7

Low Voltage In 10 Apts 38122 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $127,000 4567 Perkins Grove Cv S and J Property Holdings LLC Sattler, Jillian Lot 6, Perkins Grove PD Sub 19044727 Low Voltage In 8 Apts $82,500 4637 Given Ave Kevin D Woloszyk, Christie J Gallo West Bankhead Properties Inc Lot 46, Berclair Vista Sub 19045069 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, 38125 Low Voltage In 5 Apts $275,000 7479 Punkin Dr Ahla T Oates, Zakiya Oates BK Headley Investing LLC Lot 105, Harvest Knoll Ph II 2nd Addn 19045218 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $153,000 7117 Queens Crown Ct Michael D Kennedy Boyd, Stephani F Lot 96, Kings Pointe PD Ph 3 Sub 19045205 Low Voltage In 5 Apts $149,000 7381 Peppermill Ln Yamasa Co Ltd Noel, Clara Lot 53, Yorktown Village Sec D Sub 19042860 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $140,000 7380 Royce Cv Yamasa Co Ltd Vanward Securities LLC Lot 39, Brentwood Station Sec A Sub 19044827 Low Voltage In 10 Apts 38126 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $32,700 595 EH Crump Blvd South Memphis Renewal Comm Dev Corp Talarico, Thomas Various Lots, John Harbert Sub 19043565 Low Voltage In 8 Apts 38127 420 Monroe Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Electrical Wiring, $70,000 1352 Haywood Ave William A Memmer, Linda J Memmer Mid South Homebuyers GP Lot 65, Ridgecrest 4th Addn Sub 19044854 Low Voltage In 5 Apts $63,000 5056 Carterville Pl Stephen R Alley Jr, Yvette M Alley Mid South Homebuyers GP Various Lots, Cedarwood Sec A Sub 19042894 38104 $25,000 1554 Jay Cv Worldwide Property Hub LLC Amer Estate and Trust FBO Drew E Urbassik IRA Lot 1, Alta Vista 3rd Addn Sub 19042819 2128 Lee Pl, Riverside Electrical Contractors, Inc (E000), $18,000 3149 Corner St First Premier Properties LLC Seymore, Shaneika Lot 77, North Alta Vista Sub 19042849 Total Rewire $15,000 2080 Belover Dr Mid South Homebuyers GP Nebeker, William H Lot 5, Belover Woods 4th Addn Sub 19044834 56 Belleair Dr, Greenway Home Services LLC (M000), Install $9,400 3635 Donna Dr Mid South Homebuyers GP Arya Holdings LLC Lot 84, Frayser Grove 1st Addn Sub 19042888 Condenser $0 1511 Delano Ave Maury Upton Bailey Vaughn Co Inc Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19044734 1583 Vance Ave, Precision Air Conditioning and Heating, LLC 38128 (M000), Replace Condenser Unit $152,000 3247 Velmagi St Latoya A Avant Jackson, Carolyn Lot 18, Raleigh Bartlett Meadows Sec F 19044753 38106 $110,000 4559 Cedar Leaf Cv Keith Kwong Buy Memphis Now GP Lot 93, Cedar Ridge Plantation Sec D 19044112 2009 Belmar St, Mike Dorsey Electric (E000), Replace $105,000 2981 Falkirk Rd Kristina M Gaymon McVay, Carlton Lot 506, Scenic Hills Sec N Sub 19045004 Service Riser $65,000 2535 Thackery Dr Jack A Whitaker Jr Allen, Woody D Lot 137, Raleigh Park Sec B Sub 19042975 1378 E Mallory Ave, Victory Electric (E000), N/A $28,000 4120 Hobson Rd Memphis Turnkey Properties GP Gipson, Glenn R Lot 323, Nam-Ni Estates Sec A 4 Sub 19045007 1575 S Wellington St, Victory Electric (E000), N/A $22,500 3744 Wolf Trail Dr RNT LLC Omega Business Transformation Inc Lot 122, Timberlake Revised Sub 19042742 38133 38107 $338,000 3450 Ballard Dr Raymond Williams Feliciano, Jonel F Lot 40, Windsor Park Sec A Sub 19045056 1808 Tutwiler Ave, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), 400 Amp TMC $335,000 8279 Windersville Dr Ashok K Patel, Nayana A Patel Gammons, Anthony J Lot 134, Bartlett Pointe PD Ph 2 Sub 19042872 38108 $309,900 8479 Butterfly View Ln Stacie Bryant, Keith Bryant Southern Home Crafters LLC Lot 85, Richland Valley PD Sub 19044602 1547 Ozan St, Extreme Electrical Contr (E000), Replace $269,700 7889 Country Lake Dr Joel R Fontanilla, Anne K Fontanilla Andrews White Oak Joint Venture Lot 52, Country Meadows North PD Ph 2 19044673 Service $128,000 2550 Appling Crest Dr Richard F Landrey Sep IRA Speakman, Sharon D Lot 70, Bellevue Hills West Sec B Sub 19044670 2307 Marble Ave, Riverside Electrical Contractors, Inc 38134 (E000), MPB $210,000 5726 North Lake Oaks Dr Sean K Greene Mama LLC Lot 3, Lakewood Of Bartlett Sub 19042721 3764 Longfellow Rd, Arlington Electric, LLC (E000), Panel $200,000 3029 Milkyway Dr Nabeela Sadiq Thompson, Tommy C Lot 232, Bartlett Ridge Sec D Sub 19042748 Upgrade, MPB $142,000 5300 Canewood Ave Cesar A Ramos Ruezgas Jameau, Yolanda Lot 162, Bartlett Meadows Sec A 1st Addn 19042915 38109 $125,000 6301 Star Valley Dr Suleman Sohani Chalk, Daniel C Jr Lot 108, East Hampton Sec C Sub 19045047 3686 Masterson Cove, Arlington Electric, LLC (E000), MPB $81,000 1335 Sonnet Cv Xiaoguang Wang McRae, Joanne Lot 23, Greenbrook 2nd Addn Sub 19044949 1900 Swift St, The Wiring Service, LLC, N/A $0 2460 Elmore Park Rd Steve Payne Estate Of George L Payne Jr Various Lots, Elmore Park Sub 19044190 38111 38135 3529 Clayphil Ave, Sierra Builders (E000), MPB $240,000 6395 Grassy Knoll Cv Rachel Sidle, Jeremy Sidle Crawford, Allen Lot 14, Oak Forest Hills Sec A Sub 19042685 1861 S Goodlett St, Phelps Electric, Inc (E000), N/A $0 6613 West Thriveaway Cv Michael Mathias Tr, Michael Mathias Rev Tr Mathias, Michael D Lot 81, Prosperity Point Ph 2 Sub 19044083 3920 Park Ave, The Wiring Service, LLC, Circuit For Sign $0 7625 Memphis Arlington None None Lot 3, Resubdivision Of Lot 2 Nancy 19044783 4060 Philsdale Ave, Extreme Electrical Contr (E000), Replace 38138 Pipe On Meter Box $380,000 7198 Plantation Cir Hong Wu, Ping He Kchouk, Chekib Lot 42, Neshoba Plantation PUD Sub 19042718 2729 Higbee Ave, Precision Air Conditioning and Heating, $252,400 2221 Burfordi Ln Heather N Osborn Stehle, Rene W Lot 9, Hill Sec A Sub 19042906 LLC (M000), Replace Condensing Unit $158,000 7833 Sophie Ln Richard C Jeu, Eva L Jeu Regency Homebuilders LLC Lot 1, Somerset Sub 19044910 38112 38139 327 N Avalon St, Splice-Right Electric Company (E000), $767,500 9250 Enclave Green Ln East Burke Herron, Stephanie Herron Anas, Kamaal Lot 99, Enclave Estates PD Ph 2 Sub 19042737 Increase Service Size $272,500 8645 Wilderness Dr Andrew D Hendrick Equity Homes LLC Lot 106, Dogwood Trails Sec B Sub 19042831 38114 $269,000 1925 Wicklow Way Robin Wilcox Scott, Tommy Lot 25, Wicklow Cluster Homes Ph 3 Sub 19044709 1562 Hamilton St, Thomco Electric (E000), Replace Tree $269,000 8738 Pierpoint Cv REI Nation LLC Brewer, Marilyn R Lot 48, Dogwood Downs Sec A Sub 19044689 Damaged Service $260,000 2355 Stratfield Dr Charles T Keefer Leathers, William J Lot 78, Farmington East Sec A Sub 19044916 1591 Fleetwood Ave, Jeff's Heating Cooling and Maintenance $260,000 1915 Rye Rd Megan Schubert Chen, Xiaoping Lot 30, Galway Green Sub 19042847 (M000), Package Unit $245,000 8442 Farrah Ln Alyssa Washofer Jones, Martha V Lot 33, Allenby Meadows Sub 19044896 2421 Cantor Ave, Extreme Electrical Contr (E000), Wire $0 9676 Frank Rd Darrell W Douglas Tr, Carol J Douglas Tr Douglas, Darrell W Lot 22, Houston Levee Trace Resubdivision 19042729 Entire House 38141 1526 Marianna St, Master Tech Electric Company (E000), $137,000 4661 Shaker Cv Darrick A Howard II Byrum, Victoria Lot 163, Quail Ridge PD Ph I Sub 19042970 Repair Service, MPB $94,500 6780 Burlingame Dr Melaf TN LLC Wells, Bradley Lot 36, Bennington Sec F 2 Sub 19042712 1703 Euclid Ave, Riverside Electrical Contractors, Inc (E000), $85,690 6515 Copper Valley Dr South Victor A Cruz, Patricia V Sanches Dennie, Seth E Lot 19, Whispering Meadows Ph 1 Sub 19044999 Service, Panel, 1-5 Circuits $62,500 5768 French Market Cir North Memphis Investment Properties II LLC Knox, William Lot 28, Ridgeway Estates Sec D 1st Addn 19042994 38115 N/A 5507 Winchester Rd, Reliable Electrical Services, Inc (E000), $165,000 N/A Uhlhorn Brothers Construction Stockley LLC Lot 4, Stockley PD Sub 19045078 Add 3 Electrical Circuits $115,000 N/A Magnolia Homes Inc Crews Development LLC Lot 22, Oak Hill Ph 1 Sub 19042953 3330 Ridgeway Rd, All Tenn Electrical(E000), Total Rewire, $0 N/A Melissa A Victory, Catina D Victory Hughes, Charles H Tr Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19044997 Temp Power 5405 Knight Arnold Rd, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Repair Trust Deeds Per Safety Inspection Zip/Price Address Buyer/Borrower(s) Seller/Lender Property Description No. 6357 Bent Oak Ln, B&L Heating & Air (M000), Condenser 2785 S Mendenhall Rd, Time Out Systems, Inc (E029), Commercial Install CCTV System 38016 38116 $0 8423 Palm Springs Dr Bridge Capital Asset Funding, Et Al Evolve Bank and Trust Various Lots, Dexter Ridge PD Sub 19045191 701 E Raines Rd, Custom Electrical Solutions LLC (E000), 38017 Replace With New Meter Socket, Ct Meter Socket $150,000 582 Catamount St Eliot R Faris Tr, Judith A Faris Tr Iberiabank Lot 437, Wolf River Ranch PD Ph V1 19042590 3175 Coughlin Dr, Smith & Nephew (E020), N/A 38103 3623 Airways Blvd, Southern Computer Systems, Inc DBA $700,000 311 South Main St 311 S Main Sharestates Investments Dacl LLC Lot N/A, Plan Of South Memphis Blk 27 19045240 Cyber Technology Security (E029), Install Network Cable 38107 3623 Airways Blvd, Southern Computer Systems, Inc DBA $75,000 915 North Barksdale St Matthew C Bonner Tr, Doretta F Bonner Tr Chevron Federal Credit Union Lot 60, Colonial Gardens Sub 19042926 Cyber Technology Security (E029), Install Network Cable 38115 1324 Dove Flight Ln, Extreme Electrical Contr (E000), N/A $105,000 5837 Scottsdale Ave Memphis Investment Properties II LLC Bridge Capital Thrift and Loan LLC Lot 29, Fox Hollow Sec A Sub 19042992 5280 Villa Del Rey St, Greenway Home Services LLC (M000), $80,000 6381 Thistlebrook Dr Memphis Investment Properties II LLC Paragon Bank Lot 1424, Ridgeway Estates Sec I Sub 19045013 Install Condenser 38119 $560,000 N/A Uhlhorn Brothers Construction GP Paragon Bank Lot 4, Stockley PD Sub 19045079 38117 38120 4732 All Spice Dr, Automatic Air Conditioning & Htg, LLC $0 1715 Aaron Brenner Dr FCA Fund Memphis I LLC Trste II Inc Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19044814 (M000), Replace Condensing Unit 38122 4184 Gwynne Rd, Precision Air Conditioning and Heating, LLC $98,400 4567 Perkins Grove Cv S and J Property Holdings LLC First Security Bank Lot 6, Perkins Grove PD Sub 19044728 (M000), Replace Condenser Unit 38125 451 Jack Kramer Dr, G&R Building Maintenance, LLC (M000), $224,000 N/A Cummings LLC Southern Bancorp Bank Lot 538, Buckingham Farms PD Ph 15 Sub 19042620 Replace Condenser $212,000 N/A Cummings LLC Southern Bancorp Bank Lot 557, Buckingham Farms PD Ph 15 Sub 19042618 5192 Shady Grove Rd, WA Soefker & Son, Inc (M000), $212,000 N/A Cummings LLC Southern Bancorp Bank Lot 541, Buckingham Farms PD Ph 15 Sub 19042619 Replace 125 Ton York With Lennox Gas Pack 38127 4967 Wilburn Ave, Victory Electric (E000), N/A $38,500 3136 Gattling St Major Investments LLC REI Capital LLC Lot 215, Oak Grove Park Sec D Sub 19044053 4613 Boyce Ave, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $38,500 3487 Overton Crossing St Major Investments LLC REI Capital LLC Lot 2, Pueblo Park Sub 19044055 Install Condenser $0 2080 Belover Dr Mid South Homebuyers GP BankTennessee Lot 5, Belover Woods 4th Addn Sub 19044835 1160 W Perkins Rd, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), 38128 Install Condenser $45,000 4120 Hobson Rd Memphis Turnkey Properties Forty Love Holdings LLC Lot 323, Nam-Ni Estates Sec A 4 Sub 19045008 38118 38131 4655 E Shelby Dr, Sammarco Electric Co, Inc (E000), In- $215,000 3120 Directors Row LAS Properties LLC Hudson, Bryan D Various Lots, Executive Park 1st Addn Sub 19042649 crease Service 38134 3118 Dothan St, Jeff's Heating Cooling and Maintenance $54,400 6310 Brightwood Dr REI Nation LLC Southern Bancorp Bank Lot 237, Williford Estates Sec C 1 Sub 19044679 38141 (M000), Condenser $90,000 5768 French Market Cir North Memphis Investment Properties II LLC Bridge Capital Thrift and Loan LLC Lot 28, Ridgeway Estates Sec D 1st Addn 19042995 3825 E Shelby Dr, Two L Electric Co (E000), New Conduit, Wire $54,666 6368 Stone Park Cv REI Nation LLC Southern Bancorp Bank Lot 227, Green Grove Sec C Sub 19045249 To Existing Fuel Dispensers, Misc N/A 38119 $2,000,000 N/A 64 Investments Partnership First National Bank and Trust Various Lots, River Village Sub 19042570 1981 Abergeldie Dr, Arlington Electric, LLC (E000), Relocate Wiring, Rcpts, Switches Residential 6860 Quince Rd, Torry Low Voltage Communications, LLC 38002 (E029), Install Security System, CAT5 Cabling $649,050 4219 Loch Meade Dr David E Loschinskey, Jenifer L Loschinskey Pinnacle Bank Lot 4, East Shores Ph 1 Sub 19044994 38120 $335,310 4777 Oak Rd Pamela Valerio Navy Federal Credit Union Lot 1, St Laurent Sub 19044712 1130 Huntsman Ln, G&R Building Maintenance, LLC (M000), $335,000 11113 Pleasant Ridge Rd Stephen Lamb, Cameron Lamb Quicken Loans Inc Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19044782 Replace Condenser $331,857 6453 Rutherford Cir Andre L Tolliver, Pamela D Tolliver Navy Federal Credit Union Lot 92, Wilson Crossing PD Ph IV Sub 19042946 1234 Cherbourg Ln, Engineered Comfort, Inc (M000), $261,250 7266 Old Brownsville Rd Adam B Coss, Jessica N Coss Community Mortgage Corp Lot 8, SF Williford Sub 19044607 Replace 2 HVAC Systems $200,000 4859 Esty Rd Mohammed A Al Naqel, Dawla M Hussein Financial Planning Group Of Memphis Lot 86, Gailyn Manor PD Ph II Sub 19042596 5468 Sycamore Grove Ln, Lyons Electric Inc (E000), Re- $199,500 4705 Shadow Field Ln Ervin H Foster Community Mortgage Corp Lot 156, Shadowlawn Place Sec C 1 Sub 19045049 locate Service, Add Livingroom, Bedroom, LV Security Cams, $182,132 8272 Stonebrier Ln Ronnie A Scruggs, Arnell Scruggs Federal Savings Bank Lot 227, Wolfchase Farms Of Bartlett Ph 19045103 Speakers, Cable $150,100 10366 Twisting Pine Ln Laura A Blizzard Iberiabank Lot 83, Evergreen Hills PD Ph 2 Sub 19044964 55 Humphreys Center Dr, Curtis Electric (E000), Move 6 $35,500 9507 Trotter Rd Kevin Booze, Angela Booze Regions Bank Lot 30, Salem Road Ranches Sec A Sub 19044018 120 Volt Outlets 38016 5924 Brierfield Ave, Crowe Heating and Air, LLC (M000), $259,000 1303 Graystone Ln Sam Lewis, Bernice Lewis Prime Choice Funding Inc Lot 431, Cordova Club PD Ph X Sec C 19042956 Replace Condenser $206,600 2013 Rochelle Ln Rahsan L Graham, Myra Graham Austin Capital Bank SSB Lot 3, Gardens Of Grays Creek PD Ph 1 19044749 6630 N Quail Pointe Cr, C&K Air and Heating Of The Mid- $163,348 1975 Myron Cv North Glenda Stinson PrimeLending Lot 24, Summerfields Of Berryhill Sec 19042967 South, Inc (M000), Replace 5 Ton Condenser Coil, Furnace $156,000 1836 Pheasant Acre Ln East Charles P Nelson, Stacey P Nelson BancorpSouth Bank Lot 14, Pheasant Acres PD Sec A Sub 19044038 38122 $31,500 8961 Hertford Place East Oscan Higareda, Odilia Higareda Underwood, Richard Lot 777, Countrywood Sec D Sub 19042653 $30,000 8683 Beckenham Dr Patricia W Simpson Renasant Bank Lot 104, Countrywood South Sec E 4 Sub 19044043 Friday, May 10, 2019 Th e Daily News, Memphis Page 9

Real Estate & Development

3339 Rosamond Ave, Victory Electric (E000), N/A $15,000 1975 Myron Cv North Glenda Stinson Tennessee Housing Development Agency Lot 24, Summerfi elds Of Berryhill Sec 19042968 4427 Powell Ave, Arlington Electric, LLC (E000), Replace 38017 House Meter $638,000 10701 Magnolia Park Cir South Eric J Tiner, Fallyn T Davenport SunTrust Bank Lot 6, Magnolia Preserve PD Ph I Sub 19044937 4441 Powell Ave, Arlington Electric, LLC (E000), Replace $487,576 174 Fruited Plain Dr Reginald D Adair, Barbara A Adair Bartlett Mortgage Inc Lot 139, Rolling Meadows Ph 3B Sub 19044913 Panel, Socket $479,750 1821 Campden Dr Kevin E Johnson Patriot Bank Lot 494, Wellington Farms Ph 10 1st Addn 19044668 4447 Powell Ave, Arlington Electric, LLC (E000), Replace Panel, $409,806 566 Green Oaks Ln Joseph D Schrum Iberiabank Lot 152, Oakmont PD Ph 2 Sub 19044699 Socket, Wire For Elec Heat, Stove, Water Heater $371,025 10181 Wynmanor Dr Tracy M Duggan, Jeffery B Duggan Patriot Bank Lot 25, Wyncreek PD Ph 1 Sub 19045086 4447 Powell Ave, Arlington Electric, LLC (E000), Replace Panel, $327,357 742 North Tree Dr William E Parker, Ashley A Parker Navy Federal Credit Union Lot 4, Woods Sec A Sub 19042600 Socket, Wire For Elec Heat, Stove, Water Heater $315,000 1549 Painted Horse Pass Bradley T Cross, Elizabeth S Cross Financial Federal Bank Lot 98, Stables Ph 3 Sub 19045118 4417 Powell Ave, Arlington Electric, LLC (E000), Replace $308,655 799 Lark Hill Cv Bobby A Johnson Jr, Andrea Johnson Bank Of Fayette County Lot 65, Planters Ridge PD Sec I Sub 19044987 House Meter $294,000 1293 Purple Mountain Cv Dinesh Patha, Swetha Elakurthi Bank Of America National Association Lot 53, Rolling Meadows PD Ph I Sub 19044961 38125 $260,200 332 East Powell Rd Gokhan C Korlu Bank Of England Lot 44, Daffodil Hill Sec A Sub 19044915 7168 Snyder Rd, The Wiring Service, LLC, N/A $259,165 704 Fletcher Rd Ellen Wilbanks Patriot Bank Lot 2, Beckett Ridge Sub 19044672 7381 Peppermill Ln, B&L Heating & Air (M000), Condenser $230,051 324 Ashley Dr John Trent, Casey Trent Trent, Kathleen Lot 183, Plantation Estates PUD Sec 2C 19044707 5155 Stone Shadows Dr, Mid-South Electric Contrs, Inc $227,950 774 Dogwood Cv Derek A Smith, Cristina A Smith Quicken Loans Inc Lot 92, Quail Crest Sec C Sub 19042922 (E000), Install Lights, Receptacles $223,700 146 East Graycrest Ave Michael D Feathers Bank Of Fayette County Lot 53, Peterson Lake Gardens Sec B 19044657 7639 S Mineral Crest Cr, Mid-South Electric Contrs, Inc $194,000 1639 Grafton Cv Margaret L Arnold, Christopher Arnold Quicken Loans Inc Lot 119, Wellington Farms Ph III Sub 19044027 (E000), Install Lights, Receptacles $175,000 195 East Lawnwood Dr Donald B Swindoll, Carla R Swindoll Bank Of Fayette County Lot 13, Peterson Lake Gardens Sub 19044857 4556 Meadow Cliff Dr, Greenway Home Services LLC $133,700 561 Silverman Dr James E Rawson Pinnacle Bank Lot 18, Oak Village Sec C Sub 19044965 (E000), N/A $130,000 536 Winoka Cv West Michael T White, Stasia A White Discover Bank Lot 307, Estanaula Trails Ph IV Sub 19044828 4205 Hacks Cross Rd, Pyramid Sign & Awning Co, Inc $125,000 1053 Courtfi eld Cv Karen L Wild Finance Of America Mortgage LLC Lot 240, Wellington Farms Ph 5B 1st Addn 19044752 (E000), N/A $70,000 172 Hope St Donald B Swindoll II Bank Of Fayette County Lot 13, Sycamore Sub 19044900 38127 $60,000 1851 Liles Ln Milton L Roberts II, Darin S Gerlach BancorpSouth Bank Lot 188, Almadale Farms PD Ph 6 Sub 19044684 2515 Rammesses Ave, Greenway Home Services LLC (M000), $0 950 Fair Oaks Dr Mahalia J Roby, Curtis Roby Eagle Mortgage and Funding Inc Lot 40, Woods Sec A Sub 19042624 Install Condenser 38018 38128 $302,706 9624 Gray Park Cv JB Blocker IV, Ashley Blocker Mr Cooper Lot 95, Gardens Of Grays Hollow PD Sub 19042974 2114 Covington Pike, Complete Electrical Services (E000), $237,710 9625 Grays Park Cv Samuel A Moore, Theadora L Moore Quicken Loans Inc Lot 98, Gardens Of Grays Hollow PD Sub 19044908 N/A $207,040 9720 Woodland Wind Cv Tiana M Sanders PrimeLending Lot 123, Woodland Hills PD Ph 29 Sub 19042941 3238 Velmagi St, Greenway Home Services LLC (E000), N/A $153,000 608 Rocky Pt Rd Randy L Harris Newrez LLC Lot 8, Rocky Woods Sub 19045011 3515 Felton Rd, Master Tech Electric Company (E000), Fire $120,000 1254 Carlton Ridge Dr Marcus M Jones, Tomica Jones PHH Mortgage Corp Lot 80, Cordova Ridge PD Ph 7 Sub 19044942 Ruling $55,000 7898 Autumn Creek Dr Mary Spain Pinnacle Bank Lot 105, Gardens Of Autumn Creek Sub 19044950 3368 Northmoor Rd, Metro Air Conditioning & Heating $50,000 8455 Loften Cv David J Roth, Adrienne V Roth Third Federal Savings and Loan Lot 294, Walnut Grove Lake Sec F 1 Sub 19042983 (M053), Change Out Furnace Coil, AC $30,800 7 Summer Grove Rd South Ann Jarvis, Clyde Jarvis Renasant Bank Lot 58, Grove Of Riveredge Ph 11 Sub 19042650 38028 38133 $169,000 12500 Seward Rd John J Buchanan Loandepot Com LLC Lot 1, Dixon Sub 19044812 2646 Harlingen Dr, Freedom Electrical Services (E000), 38053 N/A $83,838 7716 Shamrock Rd Shelby Stroud, Chad Stroud American Mortgage Services Inc Lot 2, Pinehaven Inc Project No 1 Sub 19044788 38134 38103 2069 Thomas Rd, Hardco, Inc (E000), Wire Building $560,000 158 Harbor Town Blvd Irene P Alvarez, Pedro A Pajares De Tena Renasant Bank Lot 128, Harbor Town PD Ph 1 Sub 19044774 6439 Summer Ave, Masters Electric Co, Inc (E020), Repair 38104 Defects $732,000 1554 Peabody Tyson L Bridge, Karen S Bridge First Capital Bank Lot 25, AB Carr Tract Sub 19045194 38135 $199,000 2073 Peabody Ave Andressa N Santos Southern Security Federal Credit Union Various Lots, Lenox Highlands Sub 19042593 4026 Gouverneur, B&L Heating & Air (M000), Condenser $143,700 1449 Harbert Ave Jeffrey J Kurdilla, Christina F Kurdilla Renasant Bank Lot 12, Plan Of PP Williams Sub 19045052 38138 $33,938 1780 Carr Ave Mary K Flippo Regions Bank Lot 25, Harbert Place Sub 19044761 2203 Knoll Ln, Service Experts Of Memphis LLC (M000), $0 729 East St Beauty Macklin Housing and Urban Development Lot 53, Ragland Sub 19042903 Condenser, Coil, Furnace 38107 7011 Stillbrook Dr, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $152,500 1608 Tutwiler Ave Leslie Blakeburn, Robert Blakeburn Meridian Home Mortgage Corp Lot 10, University Park Blk 9 Sub 19045221 Replace Condenser $138,060 725 Maury St Madison P Jones BancorpSouth Bank Lot 11, University Park Blk 19 Sub 19044824 7161 Riverwood St, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $0 725 Maury St Madison P Jones Tennessee Housing Development Agency Lot 11, University Park Blk 19 Sub 19044825 Install Condenser 38108 8420 Sandy Berry Cove, Best Care Home Services, LLC $48,500 1441 Weymouth St Claudia P Lira, Juan G Barajas Whitaker, Jack Lot 68, Kingsbury View Sub 19044945 (M000), Install Condenser 38109 7254 Mont Blanc Dr, Best Care Home Services, LLC (M000), $78,500 4434 Deerland St James L Alexander BancorpSouth Bank Lot 30, Westwood Downs Sec E Sub 19044718

Continued on page 10 Continued on page 10 Page 10 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, May 10, 2019

Real Estate & Development

Plumbing Permits Trust Deeds Continued from page 9 Continued from page 9

Install Condenser $58,400 4462 Whiteside St Mark Spinosa Crosscountry Mortgage Inc Lot 138, Kenrick Sec D Sub 19044851 2310 Cornwall St, Gilles Electric (E000), N/A 38111 7278 Pittsfield Cove, Richard & Carla Smith, Integrity Electric $209,000 473 South Holmes St Jimmy D Armstrong, Joel K Houston Eagle Bank and Trust Co Lot 152, Country Club Place Sub 19044940 (E000), Install Lights, Receptacles $175,750 580 South Holmes St Danae Pacileo Community Mortgage Corp Lot 138, Country Club Place Sub 19045245 7025 S Allelon Cr, Guy, Darrell Electric (E000), Install Service, $144,800 408 Holmes Cir Mary R Ivy Financial Federal Bank Lot 15, Holmes Circle Sub 19044696 Wire Gate Opener $86,600 2791 Central Ave Jonathan Summers Pinnacle Bank Various Lots, Ben P Dlugachs Central Avenue 19045075 2130 Exeter Rd, Network Communication Systems (E000), $52,500 3113 Ruby Ln Nkechinyere Anyadike Highlands Residential Mortgage Ltd Lot 100, Eastern Hills Sub 19044623 N/A 38114 7997 Farmingdale Rd, AC Electric Co Inc (E000), Replace $68,732 2299 Boyle Ave Cedric M Brown BancorpSouth Bank Lot 27, Mason Subdivision Of Julia 19045065 200 Amp Panel $0 2299 Boyle Ave Cedric M Brown Tennessee Housing Development Agency Lot 27, Mason Subdivision Of Julia 19045066 1461 Wolf Bend Rd, C&K Air and Heating Of The Mid-South, 38115 Inc(M000), Replace 2 Condensers, Coils, Furnaces $45,530 5641 Maple Tree Dr John L Anderson US Bank National Association Lot 87, Pathways Sub 19044947 38116 6958 Danbury Cove, Greenway Home Services LLC (M000), $86,600 3610 McCorkle Rd Rosanna Smith Regions Bank Lot 123, HH Higbees South Haven Heights 19044017 Greenway Home Services LLC (E000), Install Condenser $53,600 5431 Haleville Rd Leroy Jordan, Venessa Jordan Regions Bank Lot 172, Eason Hills Sec C Sub 19042958 38139 $0 1334 Laudeen Dr Dennis C Broadie Housing and Urban Development Lot 48, John B Goodwins Graceland Sec 19045235 8793 Johannesburg Dr, Greenway Home Services LLC 38117 (E000), N/A $359,000 4138 Long Leaf Dr Derek M Clenin, Kristen M Clenin Financial Federal Bank Lot 58, Wood Grove Park Sub 19044975 8865 Bonavis Ln, Freedom Electrical Services (E000), 15 $324,878 60 Robert Dell Cv Nathan Molica, Joyce Molica Community Mortgage Corp Lot 14, Pughs Robertdell Sub 19042563 Ckts $314,100 4283 Chickasaw Rd James McIntyre Community Mortgage Corp Lot 94, Magnolia Park 2nd Addn Sub 19042657 9346 Dogwood Rd, Smith Mechanical, LLC (M000), Replace $208,050 1316 Cherry Rd Ryan Gauvin, Mandy Martin Quicken Loans Inc Lot 35, Cherry Meadows Revised Correct 19042919 Condenser $142,405 1647 South White Station Rd Samantha N Thornton, Curtis L Shannon Jr Community Mortgage Corp Lot 1029, Country Club Estates Sec K Sub 19044688 1710 Ludlow Cove, Greenway Home Services LLC (M000), $132,890 5083 Quince Rd Jenna M Gillespie, John H Gillespie Paragon Bank Lot 928, Country Club Estates Sec K Sub 19044772 Install Condenser $105,552 4796 Quince Rd Mark Creasey Everett Financial Inc Lot 36, Colonial Quince Sec C Sub 19044029 38141 $99,500 4880 Lake Dr Joe Dunlap Guaranty Bank and Trust Co Lot 9, Norfleet Estate Sub 19044732 4776 Seville Ln, Freedom Electrical Services (E000), N/A $78,500 1431 Flamingo Rd Mohamed A Tamraz Finance Of America Commercial LLC Lot 532, Parkside Manor 2nd Addn Sub 19042963 4717 Lynngate Dr, KS Electrical Contractor (E000), N/A $78,410 4559 Boyce Rd Mohamed A Tamraz Finance Of America Commercial LLC Lot 31, Colonial Meadows Sub 19042951 4407 Misty Morning Dr, Best Care Home Services, LLC $30,000 365 Sequoia Cv Richard L III and Suzanne M Desaussure Regions Bank Lot 3, Alice Duke Sub 19042960 (M000), Install Condenser $0 4796 Quince Rd Mark Creasey Tennessee Housing Development Agency Lot 36, Colonial Quince Sec C Sub 19044030 5934 Hickory Branch Cove, Precision Electric Co (E020), 38119 Fire Ruling $318,250 2099 Black Oak Dr B Taylor Gray, Adrienne H Gray American Financing Corp Lot 575, Greentrees Sec C Sub 19044704 5934 Hickory Branch Cove, Precision Electric Co (E020), $181,575 6906 Petworth Rd Elizabeth D Thompson, Robin R Calhoun Quicken Loans Inc Various Lots, Germantown Village Townhomes 19044049 Rewire Fire Damage $152,000 1446 Estate Dr Timothy Doyle Independent Bank Lot 19, Hayne Oaks Sub 19042905 Zip Code N/A $128,000 5676 Chapman Ave Joseph H Lakey Jr, Claudia E Lakey Iberiabank Lot 38, Yorkshire View Sec D Sub 19045073 61 Saint Albans Fw, Engineered Comfort, Inc (M000), Engi- $120,000 2256 Thornwood Ln Karen Walen, Robert Walen FedEx Employees Credit Association Lot 541, Greentrees Sec C Sub 19044061 neered Comfort, Inc (M000), Replace Existing HVAC System $98,595 2354 Eastover Dr Theresa A Werne Loandepot Com LLC Lot 11, Yorkshire View Sec D Sub 19044060 $90,000 5954 Grosvenor Ave Howard L Ajax, Dorothy J Ajax First Tennessee Bank National Association Lot 124, Marlboro Estates Sec C Sub 19042625 Plumbing Permits $80,000 2961 Millers Pond Dr Allison K McCabe Austin Capital Bank SSB Lot 120, Meadow Village In Millers Pond 19045018 $75,000 6240 Forest Grove Dr Keshia V Riggins SunTrust Bank Lot 246, Revised Balmoral Estates Sec C 19044952 $73,435 5688 Quince Rd Michael P Davis Financial Federal Bank Lot 44, Yorkshire Gardens Condominium 19044984 Permits filed with the County Construction Code Enforcement $35,000 2759 Kingham Dr Juanita M Castellanos Bank Of America National Association Lot 44, Keswick Sec H Sub 19044036 Office. Shown here: Address, Contractor, Property Owner, and $20,000 5409 Murff Ave Michael B Howell, Stephanie Howell Regions Bank Lot 304, Glen Park Sec E 4 6th Addn Sub 19044880 Description. Sorted by Zip, then Address. 38120 $344,000 5250 Keatswood Cv Mary D McCullough, Tim P McCullough Regions Bank Lot 34, Keatswood 1st Addn Sub 19044811 Derrick Mink, $111,375 863 South Yates Rd Apt 2 Paula Miller Pinnacle Bank Lot 2, Yates Road Of Yates Village To 19044853 Construction Code Enforcement $60,000 863 South Yates Rd No 3 Jonathan P Williams Regions Bank Lot 3, Yates Village Condominiums Sub 19042957 Tel. 385-5073 38122 $68,500 854 Homer St Henrietta S Jones Ditech Financial LLC Lot 62, Tutwiler Terrace Sec A Sub 19044044 38002 $61,875 4637 Given Ave Kevin D Woloszyk, Christie J Gallo Crosscountry Mortgage Inc Lot 46, Berclair Vista Sub 19045071 6225 Quintard St, Mid America Plumbing (P060), N/A 38125 12669 Pinckley Dr, All About Plumbing LLC, New Home $270,019 7479 Punkin Park Ln Ahla Taki S Oates, Zakiya Oates Guild Mortgage Co Lot 105, Harvest Knoll Ph II 2nd Addn 19045219 38016 $150,228 7117 Queens Crown Ct Michael Kennedy Southwest Funding LP Lot 96, Kings Pointe PD Ph 3 Sub 19045206 9001 Fulton Ln, Goodwin's Plumbing Service (P000), N/A $3,500 7117 Queens Crown Ct Michael D Kennedy County Of Shelby Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19045207 2200 N Germantown Pw, Kizer Services (M000), N/A 38127 8154 Valley Ridge Tl, Goodwin's Plumbing Service (P000), $54,400 1352 Haywood Ave William A Memmer, Linda J Memmer Chemical Bank Lot 65, Ridgecrest 4th Addn Sub 19044855 Replace Plumbing Fixtures $43,128 3434 Randolph St Isaias Cabrera Northpointe Bank Lot 65, Patricia Heights Sec E Blk 15 19042558 38128 38017 $152,000 3295 Woodhaven Rd Lama D Russell Austin Capital Bank SSB Lot 106, Lakewood Hills 3rd Addn Sub 19045067 916 Billy Bryant Rd, Truflo Services and Consulting, LLC $145,482 3247 Velmagi St Latoya Avant BancorpSouth Bank Lot 18, Raleigh Bartlett Meadows Sec F 19044754 (P064), N/A $96,900 2728 Battle Creek Dr Tuyen Giang Pinnacle Bank Lot 18, Hidden Woods PD Ph 8 Sub 19042594 38018 $96,660 2981 Falkirk Rd Kristina M Gaymon Pinnacle Bank Lot 506, Scenic Hills Sec N Sub 19045005 7730 Trinity Rd, Miles Plumbing Company (P000), Plumbing $52,000 2535 Thackery Dr Jack A Whitaker Jr Paragon Bank Lot 137, Raleigh Park Sec B Sub 19042976 38053 $0 2981 Falkirk Rd Kristina M Gaymon Tennessee Housing Development Agency Lot 506, Scenic Hills Sec N Sub 19045006 7836 N US Highway 51, Kizer Services (M000), Top Out, 38133 Fixtures $338,000 3450 Ballard Dr Raymond Williams, Charlotte J Williams Navy Federal Credit Union Lot 40, Windsor Park Sec A Sub 19045057 38103 $304,286 8479 Butterfly View Ln Stacie Bryant, Keith Bryant Austin Capital Bank SSB Lot 85, Richland Valley PD Sub 19044603 400 Union Ave, Environmental Technical Services (P000), $256,215 7889 Country Lake Dr Joel R Fontanilla, Anne K Fontanilla Bartlett Mortgage Inc Lot 52, Country Meadows North PD Ph 2 19044674 Replace Backflow $112,917 2517 Country Trail Dr Jessica L Soto BancorpSouth Bank Lot 92, Countryside Ph 2 1st Addn Sub 19045062 38104 $51,300 8474 Windolyn Cir North James C Casabella, Janice C Casabella Navy Federal Credit Union Lot 17, Windolyn Estates Sec B Sub 19044757 108 N Auburndale St, Mid-South Plumbing Solutions, N/A $0 2723 Sage Meadow Dr Angela Carlson, Rodney Carlson Housing and Urban Development Lot 59, Deerfield Northwest Sub 19045181 1759 Union Ave, Mid America Plumbing (P060), Small Store 38134 Remodel $142,000 5300 Canewood Ave Cesar A Ramos Ruezgas Pinnacle Bank Lot 162, Bartlett Meadows Sec A 1st Addn 19042916 1796 Poplar Ave, Service Pros, Inc (P000), N/A $113,000 2109 Hampton Hill Dr James C Lippy, Joanne K Lippy Regions Bank Lot 101, Blue Ridge Park Sec B Sub 19042959 1800 Poplar Ave, Service Pros, Inc (P000), N/A $26,200 6155 Mary Elizabeth Cv Twoine Sesley Navy Federal Credit Union Lot 200, Bartlett Hills Sec A Sub 19042623 1800 Poplar Ave, Service Pros, Inc (P000), N/A $19,800 6002 Hickory Grove Ln Jordan G Moore, Laura A Moore BancorpSouth Bank Lot 43, Surry Oaks Sub 19044972 1959 Walker Ave, Draingo LLC (M000), Sewer, Water 38135 38105 $205,000 6602 Brickmont Rd Leslie H Hester, Laura K Hester Quicken Loans Inc Lot 326, Daybreak Sec C 4 Sub 19044020 229 N Dunlap St, Tankersley Plumbing Co (P060), Burn Out, $154,085 3571 Greenleaf Rd Fred Stricklin Quicken Loans Inc Lot 52, Betty Jean 1st Addn Sub 19045104 Fire Job $150,000 6387 Piney River Rd Emmett C Jones, Ann M Jones Community Bank Of Mississippi Lot 147, Rivercrest PD Sec B Sub 19045087 229 N Dunlap St, Tankersley Plumbing Co (P060), Burn Out, $105,512 4498 Covington Pike Tonya M Eubanks Carrington Mortgage Services LLC Lot 1, Springwood Villas Sub 19042912 Fire Job $50,000 6252 Daybreak Dr Rene L Savage, Patrick L Savage BancorpSouth Bank Lot 606, Daybreak Sec M Sub 19044686 229 N Dunlap St, Tankersley Plumbing Co (P060), N/A $42,000 6153 Forest Oasis Cv Bryan L Malone, Natasha C Malone SunTrust Bank Lot 215, Bluffs Of Winding Oaks Ph 6 19044721 38106 $39,069 6736 Oakmoor Cir South Van A Potts, Gena M Potts BancorpSouth Bank Lot 45, Kirby Ridge Sub 19042644 926 E McLemore Ave, K&K Plumbing, LLC (P000), N/A $30,500 6344 Ferncrest Dr Justin Mullen, Amy C Mullen BancorpSouth Bank Lot 6, Ferndale Estates Sub 19044743 38107 38138 708 N Idlewild St, Better Backflow Testing Inc (E000), N/A $624,800 8998 Jenna Rd Wendy Chester, John G Chester Quicken Loans Inc Lot 5, Forest Hill Manor Sub 19044058 38109 $304,735 8234 Pine Creek Cv East Kenneth L Jones Ditech Financial LLC Lot 28, Kimbrough Ridge Sec F Sub 19044064 3601 Paul R Lowry Rd, Hill Services, Incorporated, Install $295,200 1820 Malabar Dr Myron C Pelkey, Lindsay T Pelkey Pennymac Loan Services LLC Lot 380, Farmington Sec E Sub 19042626 Customer Provided Wilkins $244,828 2221 Burfordi Ln Heather N Osborn, Matthew Osborn FedEx Employees Credit Assoc Federal Credit Lot 9, Hill Sec A Sub 19042907 4822 Neely Rd, Landmark Construction General Contractor, Inc $241,500 7505 Apple Valley Rd Helen P Ray, William B Ray Regions Bank Lot 11, Miller Farms Sec A Sub 19044702 (P000), Burnout On Half Bath W/Kitchen, Washing Machine $98,261 7916 Elm Leaf Dr Mark H Ford, Kristin B Ford Pinnacle Bank Lot 140, Germantown Park Sec A 4 Sub 19045215 4811 Tulane Rd, Structures Construction (M000), Replace 38139 Fixtures $800,000 3168 Chapel Woods Cv Robert Mignosi, Moses J Mignosi Wells Fargo Bank National Association Lot 14, Chapel Cove Ph 1 Sub 19042659 4821 Tulane Rd, Structures Construction (M000), Replace $255,550 1925 Wicklow Way Robin Wilcox First Tennessee Bank National Association Lot 25, Wicklow Cluster Homes Ph 3 Sub 19044710 Fixtures $240,000 1940 Glenbuck St Xianbin Dai, Yunna Jiang United Premier Funding LLC Lot 4, Duntreath Equus Park Sec C Sub 19044662 4829 Tulane Rd, Structures Construction (M000), Replace $196,000 8442 Farrah Ln Alyssa Washofer Triumph Mortgage Lot 33, Allenby Meadows Sub 19044897 Fixtures $185,000 9528 Dogwood Estates Dr Jim McMahon, Denice P McMahon Bank Of America National Association Lot 712, Dogwood Grove Sec H Sub 19042948 4843 Tulane Rd, Structures Construction (M000), Replace $108,500 2355 Stratfield Dr Charles T Keefer Mortgage Investors Group Lot 78, Farmington East Sec A Sub 19044917 Fixtures 38141 175 E Fernwood Ave, Howard, Derek DBA Kenmarc Mechani- $131,747 4661 Shaker Cv Darrick A Howard II Community Mortgage Corp Lot 163, Quail Ridge PD Ph I Sub 19042971 cal Contractors (M000), N/A $15,000 4661 Shaker Cv Darrick A Howard II Tennessee Housing Development Agency Lot 163, Quail Ridge PD Ph I Sub 19042972 38111 N/A 3139 Poplar Ave, Miles Plumbing Co (M052), N/A $25,000 N/A Terry Peete River City Capital Investment Corp Various Lots, Fowler Stovall and Austin Sub 19045046 38114 Quit Claim Deeds 1982 Manila Ave, Automatic Air Conditioning & Htg, LLC (M000), N/A Zip/Price Address Buyer/Borrower(s) Seller/Lender Property Description No. 38115 38002 4088 Ross Rd, Giles Fire Protection Co Inc (M000), Add $0 9714 Kiwi Cv Larry D Burchett Sr Dorothy A Burchett Lot 41, Morning Sun Planned Development 19045003 Sprinkler System 38016 3960 Lucerne Dr, Goodwin's Plumbing Service (P000), Replace $1 8856 River Hollow Dr Sajini J Thomas Tr Sajini J Thomas Lot 51, Riverwood Farms Ph 2 5th Addn 19045077 Plumbing Fixtures $0 8805 Cherry Springs Dr Kristin A Cowan Tr Francis J Welsh Lot 83, Carrollwood Lakes Sec F 1 Sub 19045081 38017 38116 $10 1165 Oak Timber Cir Kevin M Reed Michael W Reed Lot 42, Oaks At Schilling Farms Condominium 19044985 1030 Craft Rd, K&K Plumbing, LLC (P000), N/A $10 988 Greencliff Rd Scottie R Guess Jennifer P Guess Lot 113, Green Hill Sec B Sub 19044660 4304 Hudgins Rd, Curtis Givens Plumbing (P060), N/A $10 1053 Courtfield Cv Karen L Wild James L Wild Lot 240, Wellington Farms Ph 5B 1st Addn 19044751 38117 $0 195 East Lawnwood Dr Donald B Swindoll David S Rutledge Tr Lot 13, Peterson Lake Gardens Sub 19044856 66 Wychewood Dr, Better Backflow Testing Inc (E000), $0 172 Hope Donald B Swindoll II David S Rutledge Tr Lot 13, Sycamore Sub 19044899 N/A 38103 4942 Dee Rd, Draingo LLC (M000), Sewer, Water $10 400 South Main St 400 South Main LLC Kenneth W King Lot 4, Plan Of South Memphis Blk 33 19045090 760 E Brookhaven Cr, Terhune, Glenn Plumbing Co, Inc $0 255 Union Ave Union Row LB LLC Therese E Coles Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19044956 (P000), N/A 38106 4246 Long Leaf Dr, Gray, Phyllis M DBA Custom Plumbing $10 1424 Leflore Place William A Freeman Annessia Warr Lot 36, Young McConnel Sub 19045138 (P060), Tie Onto Existing Drains, Water Underneath House $0 941 Nefler Ave George Stewart George Stewart Lot 96, Realty Investment Companys 19045054 38118 $0 1708 Netherwood Ave Lyndon Douglas Frances V Gibson Various Lots, Roush and Hobbs Sub 19044756 Friday, May 10, 2019 Th e Daily News, Memphis Page 11

Real Estate & Development

2841 Farrisview Blvd, Cobb Plumbing Company, Inc (P060), 38108 Replace Existing Floor Mount Drinking Fountain, Existing 6 Gallon $7,879 869 Meagher Ave Gregory Jones Murilo Peres Various Lots, East Jackson Avenue Sub 19044723 Electric Water Heater 38111 3148 Golden Oaks Cove, Better Backfl ow Testing Inc (E000), $10 538 Belt Line St Ladder Partners LLC Jacobs Ladder Community Development Corp Lot 36, Stratton and Gilchrists Belt Line 19045050 N/A $10 2593 Midland Ave Ladder Partners LLC Jacobs Ladder Community Development Corp Lot 21, America Sub 19045051 3287 Sarabee Ln, Landers Plumbing (P060), Top Out, Final 38114 38119 $10 3108 Beaumont Ave Essie P Moore Elmer Moore III Lot 48, Cherry Park Condominiums Sub 19045055 2311 Glencliff St, K&K Plumbing, LLC (P000), Install Backfl ow 38115 $10 3902 Ross Rd Blue Moon Realty LLC Vadim Kizhnerman Various Lots, Rosswood Village Sec D Sub 19044998 5343 Knollwood Dr, Arlington Plumbing Inc (P000), Install 38125 Plumbing In New House $10 1221 Willett St Willett Property LLC Henton Management Group LLC Lot 2, Dan Turleys South Willett Street 19045213 38120 38127 5965 River Oaks Rd, Environmental Technical Services (P000), $0 1436 Delano Eleven Twelve Property LLC ACF Investments Of Tennessee LLC Lot 78, Alta Vista 2nd Addn Sub 19044762 Replace Backfl ow 38128 38125 $10 0 James Rd Praise God Blessed Trinity LLC PGBT LLC Lot 3, Carter Hill Sub 19045053 3818 Selfridge Cove, Goodwin's Plumbing Service (P000), 38133 Replace Plumbing Fixtures $115,000 2517 Country Trail Dr Jessica L Alforo Soto Raymond W Pelletier II Lot 54, Northwood Hills Sec A Sub 19045061 7324 Palgrave Ln, Goodwin's Plumbing Service (P000), Replace 38135 Plumbing Fixtures $157,000 3571 Greenleaf Rd Fred Stricklin Jerrel E Reasons Jr Lot 52, Betty Jean 1st Addn Sub 19044685 38128 $0 5869 Bedford Carolyn Willis Craig Littles Lot 16, Eagle Ridge Village Sub 19044713 4530 Cedar Leaf Cove, Goodwin's Plumbing Service (P000), 38138 N/A $10 6984 Country Rd Angeline F Kern Angeline F Kern Lot 30, Riverdale Farms Condominiums 19045204 3390 Covington Pike, Goodwin's Plumbing Service (P000), $0 8552 Deerfi eld Ln Janice M Ragsdale Janice M Ragsdale Tr Lot 4, Sweet Oaks Sub 19045248 Replace Plumbing Fixtures 38139 3081 Kettle Creek Dr, Roy, Fred D DBA 901 Services (P060), $10 1940 Glenbuck St Xianbin Dai Yunna Jiang Lot 4, Duntreath Equus Park Sec C Sub 19044661 N/A $0 9500 Grove Trail Ln Jayrup Vachaspati Tr Jayrup Vachaspati Lot 66, Grove Park Ph II 1st Addn Sub 19044836 38141 38134 $1 6609 Silver Oak Cv Steven P Warner Steven P Warner Lot 89, Oak Ridge Village Sec B Sub 19045001 6439 Summer Ave, American Tech, Restaurant N/A 2790 E Battle Creek Cove, Hiller Plumbing Htg, Clg & Electri- $34,000 N/A Charles G Hamilton Calvin C Nichols Lot 5, Schoolfi eld St Elmo Sec C Sub 19044844 cal (P000), N/A $0 N/A Tina N Cavataio S Tr Jesse A Hardy Jr S Tr Lot N/A, N/A Sub 19044909 38135 3849 Walden Meadow Dr, Goodwin's Plumbing Service (P000), Replace Plumbing Fixtures Trustee Deeds 38138 Zip/Price Address Buyer/Borrower(s) Seller/Lender Property Description No. 2400 Lennox Dr, Terhune, Glenn Plumbing Co, Inc (P000), Remodel Kitchen 38018 $138,000 7081 Naples Dr CRJ Properties LLC Rubin Lublin TN PLLC S Tr Lot 553, Country Walk Ph VII Sub 19045257 38139 38122 8505 Hundred Oaks Dr, Martys Heating A/C & Plbg (P060), $87,955 3731 Charleston Square Bank United National Association S Tr Shapiro and Ingle LLP Tr Lot 15, Charleston Square Group Apt 19044890 Renovate Zip Code N/A 9683 Woodland Wind Cove, Arlington Plumbing Inc (P000), Arlington Plumbing Inc (P000), N/A 11850 Stable View Dr, Plumbing Contractors, Inc (P060), Plumbing Contractors, Inc (P060), Install Plumbing $3,000, 1349 Pidgeon Perch Ln, S&N Maintenance Co (M000) $500, 3412 Joslyn St, Better Backfl ow Testing Inc (E000) 38141 4720 Lakeland Tc, Traditional Plumbing Company, Inc (P000), $3,000, 1353 Pidgeon Perch Ln, S&N Maintenance Co (M000) 38135 $5,000, 6755 Cleary Dr, B&L Heating & Air (M000) Traditional Plumbing Company, Inc (P000), Install Plumbing $3,000, 1328 Labrador Ln, S&N Maintenance Co (M000) $5,000, 4026 Gouverneur, B&L Heating & Air (M000) $4,600, 4554 N Summer Creek, Pruitt, Oscar DBA Opach's 12574 Noble Oak Dr, Arlington Plumbing Inc (P000), Arlington $3,000, 1326 Labrador Ln, S&N Maintenance Co (M000) $5,000, 5649 Dedo Cr, B&L Heating & Air (M000) (M000) Plumbing Inc (P000), N/A $3,000, 1334 Labrador Ln, S&N Maintenance Co (M000) 38138 $400, 6000 Bishop Dale Cove, B&L Heating & Air (M000) 61 Saint Albans Fw, Terhune, Glenn Plumbing Co, Inc (P000), $3,000, 1336 Labrador Ln, S&N Maintenance Co (M000) $18,488, 2203 Knoll Ln, Service Experts Of Memphis LLC (M000) $400, 6600 Bluebill Cove, B&L Heating & Air (M000) B:8.125” Terhune, Glenn Plumbing Co, Inc (P000), Install Plumbing For $3,000, 1340 Labrador Ln, S&N Maintenance Co (M000) 38139 Zip Code N/A Pool House $3,000, 1342 Labrador Ln, S&N Maintenance Co (M000) $1,620, 2619 Brachton Ave, Yates Services (M000) T:7.875” $7,000, 586 Stable Creek Cove, Butcher & Lawson Air Condition- 2054 Clifton Rd, 9-Lives Plumbing & Drains LLC, 9-Lives $2,200, 1332 Labrador Ln, S&N Maintenance Co (M000) S:6.875” ing Inc (M000) Plumbing & Drains LLC, Top Out $300, 5282 Millbranch Rd, H&S Heating and Cool- ing (M000) 38117 Mechanical Permits $14,000, 55 Waring Rd, Landrum Heating and Air LLC (M000) Permits fi led with the Coun ty Con struc tion Code En force ment $12,153, 4840 Poplar Ave, Service Experts Of Mem- Offi ce. Shown here: Con struc tion Value, Address, and Con trac tor. phis LLC (M000) Sorted by Zip, then Value. $5,100, 1681 S White Station Rd, Service Experts Of Memphis LLC (M000) Derrick Mink, $4,900, 247 S Perkins Rd, Service Experts Of Memphis Con struc tion Code En force ment LLC (M000) $4,000, 4138 Grandview Ave, Expert Heating & A/C Tel. 385-5073 Repair (M000) 38002 $4,000, 4819 Parkside Ave, Landers Plumbing LLC $5,383, 3030 Gainsborough Cove, Choate's Air Conditioning & (M053) Heating $4,000, 5160 Barry Rd, Payne Services (M053) $5,000, 11184 Carston Cove, Trinity Refrigeration Co (M000) $1,500, 4246 Long Leaf Dr, Gray, Phyllis M (M053) $3,500, 12258 Calvin Creek Dr, B&L Heating & Air (M000) $1,000, 1160 W Perkins Rd, Best Care Home Services, $850, 4183 Loch Meade Dr, Jeremy Baker DBA Baker Plumbing LLC (M000) and HVAC (M000) 38118 38016 $3,900, 3118 Dothan St, Jeff's Heating Cooling and $6,000, 2609 Wood Sage Cove, B&L Heating & Air (M000) Maintenance (M000) $4,000, 10076 Sutton Ridge Ln, B&L Heating & Air (M000) $2,000, 4192 Cottonwood Rd, Best Care Home $4,000, 9001 Fulton Ln, Pruitt, Oscar DBA Opach's (M000) Services, LLC (M000) $2,800, 8244 Red Creek Dr, Pruitt, Oscar DBA Opach's (M000) $1,400, 4079 Forest View Dr, Collins Mechanical 38018 Services (M041) $10,000, 7397 Brentridge Dr, B&L Heating & Air (M000) $1,400, 4077 Forest View Dr, Collins Mechanical $8,868, 172 Ericson Rd, Service Experts Of Memphis LLC (M000) Services (M053) $4,000, 9213 Afton Grove Rd, Best Care Home Services, LLC $1,200, 3237 Winchester Rd, Draingo LLC (M000) (M000) 38119 $1,200, 370 S Forest Hill-Irene Rd, Concise Solutions Incorpo- $4,000, 1981 Abergeldie Dr, Landers Plumbing LLC rated (M000) (M053) $1,000, 99 Shelley Renee Ln, Best Care Home Services, LLC 38120 (M000) $200, 5420 N Clover Dr, Travis & Associates LLC 38103 (M000) $9,557,169, 874 Union Ave, Martin & White Mechanical Contrac- 38122

$500, 3526 Rockwood Ave, Better Backfl ow Testing B:10.75” S:9.75”

tors, Inc (M000) T:10.5” $7,500, 8 S Main, Better Backfl ow Testing Inc (E000) Inc (E000) 38104 $400, 830 Stratford Rd, Choate's Air Conditioning $7,000, 2073 Linden Ave, Jeff's Heating Cooling and Maintenance & Heating (M000) 38125 $1,350, 1208 Dorothy Pl, Imac Construction Inc (M000) $10,000, 7381 Peppermill Ln, B&L Heating & Air 38106 (M000) $725, 1197 Elliston Rd, The Wiring Service, LLC $5,000, 4893 Noel Mission Dr, B&L Heating & Air 38107 (M000) $2,000, 278 Keel Ave, M&M Heating & A/C (M053) $5,000, 4378 Bunker Hill Dr, B&L Heating & Air $200, 1040 E Cabana Cr, Dean/Nelson LLC (M000) (M000) 38109 $4,400, 7324 Palgrave Ln, Pruitt, Oscar DBA Opach's $7,812, 3057 Redbud Rd, Caldwell Heat & Air (M000) (M000) $6,300, 431 Lillian Dr, E Squared Mechanical (M000) $4,000, 7332 Isherwood Rd, Best Care Home Ser- $500, 346 W Dison Ave, Better Backfl ow Testing Inc (E000) vices, LLC (M000) $450, 3141 New Horn Lake Rd, Environmental Technical Services $1,000, 8706 Classic Dr, Best Care Home Services, (P000) LLC (M000) $280, 104 E Dempster Ave, Crossover HVAC, LLC (M000) 38126 38111 $1,600, 660 Jennette Pl, Dean/Nelson LLC (M000) $10,700, 3601 Highland Park Pl, Landrum Heating and Air LLC $1,050, 877 Polk Ave, Concise Solutions Incorporated (M000) (M000) $5,500, 3899 Central Ave, Joe Davis Heating & Air Conditioning $300, 877 Polk Ave, Concise Solutions Incorporated LLC (M000) $2,500, 282 S Greer St, Collins Mechanical Services (M041) 38127 $1,200, 4144 Barr Ave, Unique Plumbing Service (M000) $9,443, 4226 Argonne St, Service Experts Of Memphis 38114 LLC (M000) $435,780, 2369 Spottswood Ave, Burch Corporation (M000) $2,900, 3211 W Shirley Cr, S&N Maintenance Co $4,000, 1591 Fleetwood Ave, Jeff's Heating Cooling and Mainte- (M000) nance (M000) $1,100, 604 Semple Ave, Century Plumbing Co $3,504, 1518 S Cooper St, Service Experts Of Memphis LLC (P060) (M000) $950, 1680 Martha Dr, The Wiring Service, LLC There are thousands of siblings in foster care $2,300, 1549 Hamilton St, Citylight Commercial Services, LLC 38128 who will take you just as you are. (M000) $12,082, 3628 Dorado Ave, Service Experts Of 38115 Memphis LLC (M000) $6,000, 3727 S Mendenhall Rd, Better Backflow Testing Inc $3,000, 3093 Castlebay Rd, HVAC Firm Of Memphis (E000) (M000) 888. 200. 4005 38116 $1,100, 3939 Plymouth Ave, Concise Solutions Incor- $3,800, 4037 Mary Lee Cove, S&N Maintenance Co (M000) porated (M000)

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CLIENT Ad Council Filename ADVE14KB0029 BulbMag_5.indd Job Mgr.# None Last Date 2-9-2015 12:44 PM Fonts Doc. Path Description Light Bulb Print Mag Prod. Mgr. Kevin Kinner x4509 Helvetica (Bold, Medium), BMW Type Global Pro (Bold), Clarendon (Roman), StudioMechanicals2:Volumes:Stu- Bleed 8.125” x 10.75” Art Director Nigel Gross x6567 Trade Gothic (Bold), Verlag (Black) dioMechanicals2:Ad Council:FINAL MECHANICALS:ADVE14KB0029 Trim 7.875” x 10.5” Acct. Mgr. Gabriella Benitez Light Bulb...DFs_Pubs:02:09:15 CFO+IDML+PDF>KBSDrop> AdCoun- Live 6.875” x 9.75” Copy Writer Ben Cascella x4797 cil:ADVE14KB0029 BulbMag_5_f:AD- Gutter (Folds: None) Studio Oper. Peter Frumkin Placed Graphics Inks signoff.eps Cyan Scale None Prev. Oper. Oswaldo Hernandez ADVE14KB0027_Light Bulb Ad_BUS_07.tif (1728 ppi) LINE.psd (507 ppi) Magenta Colors 4C /DVW0RGLÀHG 2-9-2015 12:44 PM Yellow Ln. Screen None Proof # 5 FINAL pf 2/9/15 Black Deadline 2/9/15 CFO w/IDML+PDF preview > .zip via KBS dropbox Studio1: ID=studio1 Pub List PW=Stud101! / To DL w/Firefox (NOT Safari): ID= studio1 PW=Stud101! > StudioTransfer1 > AdCouncil2015 Page 12 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, May 10, 2019

Public Notices

Foreclosure Notices place certain without further publication, Current Owner(s) of Property: Linda 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, upon announcement at the time and K. Newell Charlotte, NC 28216 and the rights of Thelma Cole, and those Shelby County place for the sale set forth above. If you The street address of the above Phone: (704) 333-8107 claiming through him/her/it/them. purchase a property at the foreclosure described property is believed to be Fax: (704) 333-8156 Any right of equity of redemption, sale, the entire purchase price is due 3655 Kipling Ave, Memphis, Tennessee statutory and otherwise, and homestead SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE and payable at the conclusion of the 38128, but such address is not part File No. 19-117713 are waived in accord with the terms of Sale at public auction will be on May auction in the form of a certified/bank of the legal description of the property Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Fod68783 said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- 23, 2019 at 12:00PM local time, at the check made payable to or endorsed sold herein and in the event of any dis- lieved to be good, but the undersigned southwest door, Shelby County Court- to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal crepancy, the legal description herein SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE will sell and convey only as Substitute house, 140 Adams Avenue, Memphis, checks will be accepted. To this end, shall control. Sale at public auction will be on Trustee. Tennessee pursuant to Deed of Trust you must bring sufficient funds to out- This sale is subject to, without limita- May 23, 2019 at 12:00PM local The right is reserved to adjourn the executed by Seatrice Cole, to Arnold bid the lender and any other bidders. tion, all matters shown on any applicable time, at the southwest door, Shelby day of the sale to another day, time, and M Weiss, Esq., Trustee, as trustee Insufficient funds will not be accepted. recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any County Courthouse, 140 Adams Av- place certain without further publication, for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. on July 25, Amounts received in excess of the restrictive covenants, easements, or enue, Memphis, Tennessee pursuant upon announcement at the time and 2012 at Instrument No. 12086330; winning bid will be refunded to the setback lines that may be applicable; to Deed of Trust executed by Thelma place for the sale set forth above. If you conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, successful purchaser at the time the any statutory right of redemption of any Cole, to Summit Title and Escrow, LLC, purchase a property at the foreclosure having been appointed Substitute or foreclosure deed is delivered. governmental agency, state or federal; Trustee, as trustee for Chase Bank USA, sale, the entire purchase price is due Successor Trustee, all of record in the This property is being sold with the any prior liens or encumbrances includ- N.A. on June 28, 2007 at Instrument and payable at the conclusion of the Shelby County Register’s Office. Default express reservation that the sale is ing those created by a fixture filing or any No. 07110496; conducted by Shapiro auction in the form of a certified/bank has occurred in the performance of subject to confirmation by the lender or applicable homeowners’ association & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed check made payable to or endorsed the covenants, terms, and conditions trustee. This sale may be rescinded only dues or assessments; all claims or other Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal of said Deed of Trust and the entire by the Substitute Trustee at any time. matters, whether of record or not, which record in the Shelby County Register’s checks will be accepted. To this end, indebtedness has been declared due If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the may encumber the purchaser’s title and Office. Default has occurred in the you must bring sufficient funds to out- and payable. sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled any matter that an accurate survey of performance of the covenants, terms, bid the lender and any other bidders. Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: to a return of any money paid towards the premises might disclose. and conditions of said Deed of Trust Insufficient funds will not be accepted. U.S. Bank National Association, not in its the purchase price and shall have no The following parties may claim an and the entire indebtedness has been Amounts received in excess of the individual capacity but solely as trustee other recourse. Once the purchaser interest in the above-referenced property declared due and payable. winning bid will be refunded to the for the RMAC Trust, Series 2018 G-CTT, tenders the purchase price, the Substi- to be affected by the foreclosure: any Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: successful purchaser at the time the its successors and assigns. tute Trustee may deem the sale final in judgment creditor or lien holder with JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Asso- foreclosure deed is delivered. The following real estate located in which case the purchaser shall have no an interest subordinate to the said ciation, its successors and assigns. This property is being sold with the Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold remedy. The real property will be sold Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, The following real estate located in express reservation that the sale is to the highest call bidder: AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or through, or under any of the foregoing. Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold subject to confirmation by the lender or Described property located at Shelby representations of any kind, express or Such parties known to the Substitute to the highest call bidder: trustee. This sale may be rescinded only County, Tennessee, to wit: implied, including without limitation, Trustee may include: WMC Mortgage Described property located at Shelby by the Substitute Trustee at any time. Lot 52, Section A, Holly Ridge Subdivi- warranties regarding condition of the Corp.; Mortgage Electronic Registration County, Tennessee, to wit: If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the sion as shown on plat of record in Plat property or marketability of title. Systems, Inc.. Land situated in Shelby County, Ten- sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled Book 87 , Page 43 in the Register’s This office may be a debt collector. Terms of Sale will be public auction, nessee to wit: to a return of any money paid towards Office of Shelby County, Tennessee to This may be an attempt to collect a debt for cash, free and clear of rights of home- Lot 6, Section A, Easthaven Subdivi- the purchase price and shall have no which plat reference is hereby made and any information obtained may be stead, redemption and dower to the sion, as shown on plat of record in Plat other recourse. Once the purchaser for a more particular description of used for that purpose. extent disclaimed or inapplicable, and Book 44, Page 30, re-platted in Plat tenders the purchase price, the Substi- said property. Shapiro & Ingle, LLP the rights of Linda K. Newell, and those Book 50, Page 30, in the Register’s tute Trustee may deem the sale final in Street Address: 6393 Fawn Hollow Cir Substitute Trustee claiming through him/her/it/them. Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, which case the purchaser shall have no North, Memphis, Tennessee 38141 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Any right of equity of redemption, to which plat reference is hereby made remedy. The real property will be sold Parcel Number: 093725 B00052 Charlotte, NC 28216 statutory and otherwise, and homestead for a more particular description of AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or Current Owner(s) of Property: Sea- Phone: (704) 333-8107 are waived in accord with the terms of said property. representations of any kind, express or trice Cole Fax: (704) 333-8156 said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- Being the same property conveyed to implied, including without limitation, The street address of the above lieved to be good, but the undersigned grantor, Thelma Cole, herein by Quit warranties regarding condition of the described property is believed to be File No. 18-115007 will sell and convey only as Substitute Claim Deed of record at Instrument No. property or marketability of title. 6393 Fawn Hollow Cir North, Memphis, Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Fod68782 Trustee. 05049114, from Mary Watkins, Jose- This office may be a debt collector. Tennessee 38141, but such address is The right is reserved to adjourn the phine Edwards and Cleveland Jackson, This may be an attempt to collect a debt not part of the legal description of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE day of the sale to another day, time, and dated March 25, 2005, filed March and any information obtained may be property sold herein and in the event of Sale at public auction will be on place certain without further publication, 30, 2005, in the Register’s Office of used for that purpose. any discrepancy, the legal description May 20, 2019 at 12:00PM local time, upon announcement at the time and Shelby County, Tennessee. Shapiro & Ingle, LLP herein shall control. at the southwest door, Shelby County place for the sale set forth above. If you Street Address: 4992 Holly Ridge Dr, Substitute Trustee This sale is subject to, without limita- Courthouse, 140 Adams Avenue, Mem- purchase a property at the foreclosure Memphis, Tennessee 38118 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 tion, all matters shown on any applicable phis, Tennessee pursuant to Deed of sale, the entire purchase price is due Parcel Number: 094401 A00029 Charlotte, NC 28216 recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any Trust executed by Linda K. Newell, to and payable at the conclusion of the Current Owner(s) of Property: Rodrick Phone: (704) 333-8107 restrictive covenants, easements, or Arnold M. Weiss, Attorney, Trustee, as auction in the form of a certified/bank Johnson Fax: (704) 333-8156 setback lines that may be applicable; trustee for Mortgage Electronic Regis- check made payable to or endorsed The street address of the above any statutory right of redemption of any tration Systems, Inc. as nominee for to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal described property is believed to be File No. 19-118148 governmental agency, state or federal; WMC Mortgage Corp. on March 31, checks will be accepted. To this end, 4992 Holly Ridge Dr, Memphis, Ten- Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Fod68784 any prior liens or encumbrances includ- 2006 at Instrument No. 06077350; you must bring sufficient funds to out- nessee 38118, but such address is ing those created by a fixture filing or any conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, bid the lender and any other bidders. not part of the legal description of the NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE applicable homeowners’ association having been appointed Substitute or Insufficient funds will not be accepted. property sold herein and in the event of Default having been made in the pay- dues or assessments; all claims or other Successor Trustee, all of record in the Amounts received in excess of the any discrepancy, the legal description ment of assessments, dues, interest, matters, whether of record or not, which Shelby County Register’s Office. Default winning bid will be refunded to the herein shall control. debts, and obligations owing FOUNTAIN may encumber the purchaser’s title and has occurred in the performance of successful purchaser at the time the This sale is subject to, without limita- SQUARE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA- any matter that an accurate survey of the covenants, terms, and conditions foreclosure deed is delivered. tion, all matters shown on any applicable TION, by RUTH ELLEN GAITHER, owner the premises might disclose. of said Deed of Trust and the entire This property is being sold with the recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any of Unit 1896-1, Fountain Square Condo- The following parties may claim an indebtedness has been declared due express reservation that the sale is restrictive covenants, easements, or minium, municipally known as 1896 E. interest in the above-referenced property and payable. subject to confirmation by the lender or setback lines that may be applicable; Poplar Woods Circle, Unit #1; German- to be affected by the foreclosure: any Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: trustee. This sale may be rescinded only any statutory right of redemption of any town, Tennessee 38138, as established judgment creditor or lien holder with U.S. Bank N.A., as trustee, on behalf of by the Substitute Trustee at any time. governmental agency, state or federal; by that certain Master Deed for Fountain an interest subordinate to the said the holders of the J.P. Morgan Mortgage If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the any prior liens or encumbrances includ- Square Condominium, dated August 14, Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, Acquisition Trust 2006-WMC2 Asset sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled ing those created by a fixture filing or any 1980, as recorded as Instrument No. through, or under any of the foregoing. Backed Pass-Through Certificates, to a return of any money paid towards applicable homeowners’ association R6 6475, re-recorded as Instrument No. Such parties known to the Substitute Series 2006-WMC2, its successors the purchase price and shall have no dues or assessments; all claims or other R7 8390, all in the Register’s Office of Trustee may include: None. and assigns. other recourse. Once the purchaser matters, whether of record or not, which Shelby County, Tennessee, to be paid Terms of Sale will be public auction, The following real estate located in tenders the purchase price, the Substi- may encumber the purchaser’s title and under the Master Deed, and the under- for cash, free and clear of rights of home- Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold tute Trustee may deem the sale final in any matter that an accurate survey of signed: (i) having been appointed as the stead, redemption and dower to the to the highest call bidder: which case the purchaser shall have no the premises might disclose. Substitute Trustee of the Association extent disclaimed or inapplicable, and Described property located at Shelby remedy. The real property will be sold The following parties may claim an by the Board of Directors of Fountain the rights of Seatrice Cole, and those County, Tennessee, to wit: AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or interest in the above-referenced property Square Homeowners Association, as claiming through him/her/it/them. Lot 464, SECTION A-5, NAM-NI ES- representations of any kind, express or to be affected by the foreclosure: any evidenced by that certain Appointment Any right of equity of redemption, TATES SUBDIVISION as shown in plat implied, including without limitation, judgment creditor or lien holder with an of Substitute Trustee recorded in the statutory and otherwise, and homestead of record in Plat Book 33, Page 34 in warranties regarding condition of the interest subordinate to the said Deed of aforementioned Register’s Office as In- are waived in accord with the terms of the Register’s Office of SHELBY Coun- property or marketability of title. Trust or any party claiming by, through, or strument No. 15100398, and (ii) having said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- ty, TENNESSEE to which plat reference This office may be a debt collector. under any of the foregoing. Such parties been directed to advertise and sell the lieved to be good, but the undersigned is hereby made for a more particular This may be an attempt to collect a debt known to the Substitute Trustee may property described below for unpaid ho- will sell and convey only as Substitute description of said property. and any information obtained may be include: LVNV Funding LLC. meowner’s association assessments, Trustee. Street Address: 3655 Kipling Ave, used for that purpose. Terms of Sale will be public auction, said indebtedness remaining unpaid, as The right is reserved to adjourn the Memphis, Tennessee 38128 Shapiro & Ingle, LLP for cash, free and clear of rights of well as other indebtedness due under day of the sale to another day, time, and Parcel Number: 090055 00012 Substitute Trustee homestead, redemption and dower to the aforementioned Master Deed, and

RELATED INFO Public Records Online About Public Notices Foreclosures – Tenn. requires foreclosure notices Beer Permits – Memphis requires requests for beer Court Filings...... 4 to run 3 times, in 3 consecutive weeks. Foreclosure permits to run once at least 1 day prior to the meeting Bankruptcies...... 5 sales are conducted by a Trustee, usually an officer or at which the permit is considered. Go to The Daily News online to search more Building Permits...... 6 employee of the lender. Often, the Trustee is replaced Notice to Creditors – Tenn. requires 2 consecutive than 15 million names & addresses: with a Substitute Trustee or Successor Trustee – an Real Estate Transactions...... 6 weekly notices announcing the estate’s representative - Foreclosure Notices - Tax Liens attorney or other party who is hired to conduct the to run within 30 days of the appointment of an executor. foreclosure sale. - Bid Notices - Corporate Charters Self-Storage Lien Sales – Tenn. requires notices of Bid Notices & Request for Proposals – Tenn. self-storage facility sales to run 1 time. - Court Notices - Bankruptcies requires county bid notices to run at least once 5 or more days prior to the bid deadline. City of Memphis bid Other – Other public notices run according to state or - Money Judgments - UCC Filings notices run 2 consecutive days at least one week before local requirements. the bid deadline. Friday, May 10, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 13

Public Notices the power of sale being granted under Square Condominium, dated August 14, Square Homeowners Association NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE AC- Jackson, TN 38301 Section 10(b) of the aforementioned 1980, as recorded as Instrument No. DINKELSPIEL, RASMUSSEN CEPTED. TO THIS END, YOU MUST (731) 423-2414 Master Deed. R6 6475, re-recorded as Instrument No. & MINK, PLLC BRING SUFFICIENT FUNDS TO OUTBID Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Fod68865 THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that the R7 8390, all in the Register’s Office of Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Fod68835 THE LENDER AND ANY OTHER BIDDERS. undersigned will, on Shelby County, Tennessee, to be paid INSUFFICIENT FUNDS WILL NOT BE NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Friday, May 31, 2019. under the Master Deed, and the under- NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE ACCEPTED. AMOUNTS RECEIVED IN WHEREAS, default has occurred commencing at 12:00 noon at the signed: (i) having been appointed as the SALE EXCESS OF THE WINNING BID WILL in the performance of the covenants, southwest corner of the Courthouse, Substitute Trustee of the Association Default having been made in the BE REFUNDED TO THE SUCCESSFUL terms, and conditions of a Deed of Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, by the Board of Directors of Fountain terms, conditions, and payments pro- PURCHASER AT THE TIME THE FORE- Trust Note dated April 15, 2015, and and at the Adams Avenue entrance Square Homeowners Association, as vided in a certain Deed of Trust dated CLOSURE DEED IS DELIVERED. the Deed of Trust of even date secur- thereof, proceed to sell at public out- evidenced by that certain Appointment August 29, 2007, executed by JUANITA OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: Juanita ing the same, recorded April 16, 2015, cry to the highest and best bidder for of Substitute Trustee recorded in the L. HILL, an unmarried person, to Tim L. Hill, United Housing, Inc., Unifund Document No. 15034903, and modi- cash, the following described property, aforementioned Register’s Office as In- Bolding as Trustee, for the benefit of CCR Partners CitiFinancial fied on July 13, 2018, Document No. to wit: strument No. 15100398, and (ii) having Bank of America, N.A., of record at Instru- THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT 18069967 in Office of the Register of Unit 1896-1, FOUNTAIN SQUARE been directed to advertise and sell the ment No. 07135930 in the Register’s AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL Deeds for Shelby County, Tennessee, CONDOMINIUM, as created by Master property described below for unpaid ho- Office for SHELBY County, Tennessee, BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. executed by Thomas N Adams and Ma- Deed of record at Instrument No. R6 meowner’s association assessments, conveying certain real property therein This day, April 22, 2019. rie Adams, conveying certain property 6475 as re-recorded at Instrument No. said indebtedness remaining unpaid, as described, and EDWARD D. RUSSELL Edward D. Russell, therein described to Southern Trust R7 8390, modified by Instrument No. well as other indebtedness due under of THE SR LAW GROUP, having been Substitute Trustee Title Company as Trustee for Mortgage 15100398, in the Register’s Office of the aforementioned Master Deed, and appointed as Substitute Trustee at The SR Law Group Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Shelby County, Tennessee, to which the power of sale being granted under Instrument No. 19033119 of record in PO Box 128 as nominee for American Mortgage reference is hereby made for a more Section 10(b) of the aforementioned the Register’s Office for SHELBY County, Mt. Juliet, TN 37121 Service Company, its successors and particular description thereof; together Master Deed. Tennessee; (615) 559-3190 assigns; and the undersigned, Wilson with an 0.352% undivided interest THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that the WHEREAS, the said Deed of Trust was [email protected] & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been in the general and limited common undersigned will, on last assigned to U.S. BANK TRUST NA- Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Fod68852 appointed Successor Trustee by Wells elements declared and described in Friday, May 31, 2019. TIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE OF Fargo Bank, N.A. said Master Deed to be appurtenant commencing at 12:00 noon at the THE SCIG SERIES III TRUST (“Holder”), NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby to such unit. southwest corner of the Courthouse, c/o SN Servicing Corporation, its at- WHEREAS, by Deed of Trust dated Octo- given that the entire indebtedness has Property Address: 1896 E. Poplar Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, torney in fact, the entire indebtedness ber 26, 2007, recorded in the Register’s been declared due and payable; and Woods Circle, Unit #1, Germantown, and at the Adams Avenue entrance having been declared due and payable Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, that an agent of Wilson & Associates, Tennessee 38138 thereof, proceed to sell at public out- to Holder, Holder has requested fore- in Instrument No. 07173558 (“Trust P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue Owner(s) of Property: Ruth Ellen cry to the highest and best bidder for closure proceedings to be instituted; Deed”), Eddie B. Hampton conveyed to of the power, duty, and authority vested Gaither cash, the following described property, and as provided in said Deed of Trust, Crislip, Phillip & Associates, Trustee, the in and imposed upon said Successor Other Interested Parties: R. Conner to wit: EDWARD D. RUSSELL of THE SR LAW real estate therein described, to secure Trustee, by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., will, McAllister, Trustee; First Commer- Unit 1896-2, FOUNTAIN SQUARE GROUP, will by virtue of the power and the payment of certain indebtedness on June 14, 2019 on or about 11:00 cial Mortgage Company; OneMain CONDOMINIUM, as created by Master authority vested as Substitute Trustee, therein described; and AM, at the Shelby County Courthouse, Financial Services, Inc., successor Deed of record at Instrument No. R6 on WEDNESDAY, May 22, 2019 AT WHEREAS, default has been made in the Memphis, Tennessee, offer for sale by merger with Springleaf Financial 6475 as re-recorded at Instrument No. 10:00 A.M., at the Southwest Corner payment of the indebtedness secured by certain property hereinafter described to Services, Inc.; and Tenants in pos- R7 8390, modified by Instrument No. of the Shelby County Courthouse, the Trust Deed, and FirstBank, formerly the highest bidder FOR certified funds session (if any) 15100398, in the Register’s Office of Memphis, Tennessee,, sell to the Oakland Deposit Bank, the lawful holder paid at the conclusion of the sale, or Parcel Number: G0219D-B00054 Shelby County, Tennessee, to which highest bidder for cash, free from the of the indebtedness, has declared the credit bid from a bank or other lending This sale is expressly subject to the reference is hereby made for a more equity of redemption, homestead, and entire balance due and payable; and entity pre-approved by the successor lien of any real estate taxes assessed particular description thereof; together dower, and all other exemptions which WHEREAS, Adam C. Crider was ap- trustee. The sale is free from all exemp- against the Unit due and owing; prior with an 0.352% undivided interest are expressly waived, and subject to pointed Successor Trustee by instru- tions, which are expressly waived in liens; encumbrances; easements; any in the general and limited common any unpaid taxes, if any, the following ment appearing of record in Instrument the Deed of Trust, said property being other instruments of record; matters elements declared and described in described property in SHELBY County, No. 19032141 in the Register’s Office real estate situated in Shelby County, which would be disclosed by an accurate said Master Deed to be appurtenant Tennessee, to wit: of Shelby County, Tennessee. Tennessee, and being more particularly survey; that certain Deed of Trust of to such unit. Lot 33, Block 1, Jefferson Park Subdivi- NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby described as follows: record as Instrument No. W9 4645, as Property Address: 1896 E. Poplar sion as shown in Plat Book 9, Page 88, given that on Wednesday at May 22, Lot 82, 9th Addition, Riverwood assigned by Instrument Nos. EY 8090 Woods Circle, Unit #2, Germantown, in the Register’s Office of Shelby County, 2019 at 2:00 p.m., at the Southwest Farms Subdivision, as recorded in and GC 3338; that certain judgment of Tennessee 38138 Tennessee, to which reference is hereby Corner, Adams Avenue Entrance of the plat of record in Plat Book 152, record as Instrument No. 13002332; Owner(s) of Property: Ruth Ellen made for a more particular description Courthouse in Memphis, Shelby County, Page 73, in the Register’s Office of the contents of that certain Master Gaither of said property. Tennessee, I will sell to the last, highest Shelby County, Tennessee, to which Deed for Fountain Square Condominium Other Interested Parties: Melody Parcel ID: 069014 00029 and best bidder for cash and free from plat reference is hereby made for a recorded as Instrument R6 6475, re- Peeler, Executrix; Joel Ozment; Being the same property conveyed to equity of redemption, statutory right of more particular description of said recorded as Instrument No. R7 8390, OneMain Financial Services, Inc., the Grantors by deed being recorded redemption, homestead, dower, elec- property. as modified to appoint a substitute successor by merger with Springleaf simultaneously herewith. tive or distributive share and all other ALSO KNOWN AS: 1594 Wayside trustee at Instrument No. 15100398; Financial Services, Inc.; and Tenants Common Property Address: 3140 Sin- exemptions of every kind, all of which Cove, Cordova, TN 38016 the contents of those certain easements in possession (if any) clair St., Memphis, TN 38127 were expressly waived in the Trust Deed, This sale is subject to all matters of record in Book 3479, Page 195; and Parcel Number: G0219D-B00055 THE SALE OF THE SUBJECT PROP- the following real estate, lying and being shown on any applicable recorded Instrument Nos. E9 3770, J4 9031, This sale is expressly subject to the ERTY IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY in Shelby County, Tennessee, and more plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive and 13112182; the Charter of Fountain lien of any real estate taxes assessed KIND, AND IS FURTHER SUBJECT TO THE particularly described as follows: covenants, easements, or setback lines Square Homeowners Association, Inc., against the Unit due and owing; prior RIGHT OF ANY TENANT(S) OR OTHER Lot 167, Sky Lake Subdivision, Section that may be applicable; any statutory of record as Instrument No. R6 6477; liens; encumbrances; easements; any PARTIES OR ENTITIES IN POSSESSION D, as shown on plat of record in Plat rights of redemption of any governmental the right of the railroad to increase its other instruments of record; matters OF THE PROPERTY. ANY REPRESENTA- Book 21, Page 56, in the Register’s agency, state or federal; any prior liens right of way to the full extent of its full which would be disclosed by an ac- TION CONCERNING ANY ASPECT OF THE Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, or encumbrances as well as any priority charter right; the rights of tenants in curate survey; that certain judgment of SUBJECT PROPERTY BY A THIRD PARTY to which plat reference is hereby made created by a fixture filing; and to any possession under unrecorded leases record as Instrument No. 13002332; IS NOT THE REPRESENTATION/RESPON- for a more particular description of matter that an accurate survey of the (if any); any and all rights of the debtor the contents of that certain Master SIBILITY OF TRUSTEE(S)/ SUBSTITUTE said property. premises might disclose. In addition, the (if any) under the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Deed for Fountain Square Condominium TRUSTEE(S) OR THEIR OFFICE. Being the same property conveyed following parties may claim an interest Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 501, recorded as Instrument R6 6475, re- THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO ANY to Eddie Hampton by deed dated Oc- in the above- referenced property: et seq., as such may be amended from recorded as Instrument No. R7 8390, UNPAID TAXES, IF ANY, ANY PRIOR tober 26, 2007, appearing of record THOMAS N ADAMS time to time; and tenants in possession as modified to appoint a substitute LIENS OR ENCUMBRANCES, LEASES, in Instrument No. 07173557, in the MARIE ADAMS under unrecorded leases (if any). trustee at Instrument No. 15100398; EASEMENTS AND ALL OTHER MAT- Register’s Office of Shelby County, RIVERWOOD FARMS ASSOCIATION, All right and equity of redemption, the contents of those certain easements TERS WHICH TAKE PRIORITY OVER THE Tennessee. INC. homestead, and dower, and all other of record in Book 3479, Page 195; and DEED OF TRUST UNDER WHICH THIS Description taken from Instrument No. ADVANCED MEDICAL CARE, LLC exemptions waived in said Master Deed Instrument Nos. E9 3770, J4 9031, FORECLOSURE SALE IS CONDUCTED, 07173558. No opinion is rendered by The sale held pursuant to this Notice and the title is believed to be good, but and 13112182; the Charter of Fountain INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE the Successor Trustee as to the ac- may be rescinded at the Successor the undersigned will sell and convey only Square Homeowners Association, Inc., PRIORITY OF ANY FIXTURE FILING. IF curacy of the legal description. Trustee’s option at any time. The right as the substitute trustee of the Fountain of record as Instrument No. R6 6477; THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE TREA- The street address of the property is is reserved to adjourn the day of the Square Homeowners Association, a the right of the railroad to increase its SURY/INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, 2941 Birchfield Drive, Memphis, Ten- sale to another day, time, and place Tennessee non-profit corporation, and right of way to the full extent of its full THE STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPART- nessee. certain without further publication, not further or otherwise. charter right; the rights of tenants in MENT OF REVENUE, OR THE STATE OF Said property will be sold by me as upon announcement at the time and If the highest bidder cannot pay the possession under unrecorded leases TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Successor Trustee only and subject to place for the sale set forth above. In the bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the (if any); any and all rights of the debtor AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ARE any unpaid taxes and assessments and event of inclement weather, the trustee sale, the next highest bidder, at their (if any) under the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ LISTED AS INTERESTED PARTIES IN THE all valid restrictions, covenants or ease- hereby announces that the sale will be highest bid, will be deemed the suc- Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 501, ADVERTISEMENT, THEN THE NOTICE OF ments, if any, of record on said property, postponed for a period of two weeks. In cessful bidder. et seq., as such may be amended from THIS FORECLOSURE IS BEING GIVEN TO and subject to any and all other liens such situations, notices will be mailed THIS OFFICE IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. time to time; and tenants in possession THEM, AND THE SALE WILL BE SUBJECT having priority over the Trust Deed. The to interested parties of record. W&A THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT under unrecorded leases (if any). TO THE APPLICABLE GOVERNMENTAL Successor Trustee reserves the right to No. 313586 A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION All right and equity of redemption, ENTITIES RIGHT TO REDEEM THE make oral announcements at the time of DATED April 24, 2019 OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT homestead, and dower, and all other PROPERTY, ALL AS REQUIRED BY 26 the public sale which shall apply to the WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., PURPOSE. exemptions waived in said Master Deed U.S.C. 7425 AND T.C.A. 67-1-1433. terms of the sale. The Successor Trustee Successor Trustee M. Wayne Mink, Jr. and the title is believed to be good, but THE NOTICE REQUIREMENTS OF T.C.A. may postpone any sale hereunder to Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Fod68911 Substitute Trustee for the Fountain the undersigned will sell and convey only 35-5-101 ET SEQ. HAVE BEEN MET. another time or place by so announcing Square Homeowners Association as the substitute trustee of the Fountain THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO AD- to all present at the time and place of NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE DINKELSPIEL, RASMUSSEN Square Homeowners Association, a JOURN THE DAY OF THE SALE TO the sale scheduled herein, without the WHEREAS, default has occurred & MINK, PLLC Tennessee non-profit corporation, and ANOTHER DAY, TIME AND PLACE CER- necessity of any further notice whatso- in the performance of the covenants, Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Fod68834 not further or otherwise. TAIN WITHOUT FURTHER PUBLICATION, ever. The Successor Trustee reserves terms, and conditions of a Deed of If the highest bidder cannot pay the UPON ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE TIME the right to sell the tracts together or in Trust Note dated December 15, 2000, NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the AND PLACE FOR THE SALE SET FORTH separate parcels and in such manner and the Deed of Trust of even date Default having been made in the pay- sale, the next highest bidder, at their ABOVE. THE TRUSTEE/SUBSTITUTE or order deemed appropriate by the securing the same, recorded Decem- ment of assessments, dues, interest, highest bid, will be deemed the suc- TRUSTEE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO Successor Trustee. ber 27, 2000, Document No. KT4613, debts, and obligations owing FOUNTAIN cessful bidder. RESCIND THE SALE. Interested Parties: Eddie Hampton, in Office of the Register of Deeds for SQUARE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA- THIS OFFICE IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. IF YOU PURCHASE A PROPERTY AT Tennessee Investment Properties, Sky Shelby County, Tennessee, executed by TION, by RUTH ELLEN GAITHER, owner THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT THE FORECLOSURE SALE, THE ENTIRE Lake Homeowners Association Chandra Garrison and Vern Dorian Gar- of Unit 1896-1, Fountain Square Condo- A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION PURCHASE PRICE IS DUE AND PAYABLE This is an attempt to collect a debt, and rison, conveying certain property therein minium, municipally known as 1896 E. OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE AUC- all information obtained will be used for described to George White III as Trustee Poplar Woods Circle, Unit #2; German- PURPOSE. TION IN THE FORM OF A CERTIFIED/ that purpose. for Associates Home Equity Loan Cor- town, Tennessee 38138, as established M. Wayne Mink, Jr. BANK CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO OR ADAM C. CRIDER, Successor Trustee by that certain Master Deed for Fountain Substitute Trustee for the Fountain ENDORSED TO THE SR LAW GROUP. 105 S. Highland Avenue Continued on Page 16 Page 14 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, May 10, 2019

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Public Notices

Foreclosure Notices hereinafter described to the highest bidder any statutory right of redemption of any County, Tennessee, to wit: Charlotte, NC 28216 Continued from Page 13 FOR certified fundspaid at the conclusion governmental agency, state or federal; Lot 6, Block 4, Mignon Terrace Subdi- Phone: (704) 333-8107 of the sale, or credit bid from a bank or any prior liens or encumbrances includ- vision, as shown on plat of record in Fax: (704) 333-8156 poration; and the undersigned, Wilson other lending entity pre-approved by the ing those created by a fixture filing or any Plat Book 10, Page 3, in the Register’s & Associates, P.L.L.C., having been successor trustee. The sale is free from all applicable homeowners’ association Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, to File No. 16-105132 appointed Successor Trustee by J.P. exemptions, which are expressly waived dues or assessments; all claims or other which plat reference is hereby made May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Fod68935 Morgan Mortgage Acquisition Corp. in the Deed of Trust, said property being matters, whether of record or not, which for a more particular description of NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby real estate situated in Shelby County, may encumber the purchaser’s title and said property. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE given that the entire indebtedness has Tennessee, and being more particularly any matter that an accurate survey of Being the same property conveyed Sale at public auction will be on been declared due and payable; and described as follows: the premises might disclose. to Elizabeth Lenora Mathis by Deed June 3, 2019 at 12:00PM local time, that an agent of Wilson & Associates, The following described real estate, The following parties may claim an from Beatrice R. Thompson, dated at the southwest door, Shelby County P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue situated and being in the County of interest in the above-referenced property 12/12/91, recorded 12/18/91, in Courthouse, 140 Adams Avenue, Mem- of the power, duty, and authority vested Shelby, state of Tennessee: Lot 6, to be affected by the foreclosure: any Book CN, Page 8777, in the Register’s phis, Tennessee pursuant to Deed of in and imposed upon said Successor Section H-1 Stonebridge Subdivision, judgment creditor or lien holder with Office of Shelby County, Tennessee. Trust executed by Michael A. Spacek Trustee, by J.P. Morgan Mortgage Ac- as shown on plat of record at Plat an interest subordinate to the said Street Address: 751 Hawthorne St, and Teresa M. Spacek, to Wesley D. quisition Corp., will, on May 17, 2019 Book 82, Page 49, in the Register’s Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, Memphis, Tennessee 38107 Turner, Trustee, as trustee for Long on or about 11:00 AM, at the Shelby Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, through, or under any of the foregoing. Parcel Number: 036053 00007 Beach Mortgage Company on December County Courthouse, Memphis, Ten- to which plat reference is hereby Such parties known to the Substitute Current Owner(s) of Property: Elizabeth 27, 2005 at Instrument No. 06000601; nessee, offer for sale certain property made for a more particular descrip- Trustee may include: None. Lenora Mathis conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, hereinafter described to the highest tion of said property. Terms of Sale will be public auction, The street address of the above having been appointed Substitute or bidder FOR certified funds paid at the ALSO KNOWN AS: 9320 Glen Birnie for cash, free and clear of rights of described property is believed to be Successor Trustee, all of record in the conclusion of the sale, or credit bid Lane, Lakeland, TN 38002 homestead, redemption and dower to 751 Hawthorne St, Memphis, Ten- Shelby County Register’s Office. Default from a bank or other lending entity pre- This sale is subject to all matters the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, nessee 38107, but such address is has occurred in the performance of approved by the successor trustee. The shown on any applicable recorded and the rights of Antonio Briggs and not part of the legal description of the the covenants, terms, and conditions sale is free from all exemptions, which plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive Shevonda L. Briggs, and those claiming property sold herein and in the event of of said Deed of Trust and the entire are expressly waived in the Deed of covenants, easements, or setback lines through him/her/it/them. any discrepancy, the legal description indebtedness has been declared due Trust, said property being real estate that may be applicable; any statutory Any right of equity of redemption, herein shall control. and payable. situated in Shelby County, Tennessee, rights of redemption of any governmental statutory and otherwise, and homestead This sale is subject to, without limita- Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: and being more particularly described agency, state or federal; any prior liens are waived in accord with the terms of tion, all matters shown on any applicable Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as follows: or encumbrances as well as any priority said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any as Trustee, in trust for registered Hold- Lot 12, Revised Final Plan, Shelby created by a fixture filing; and to any lieved to be good, but the undersigned restrictive covenants, easements, or ers of Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust Crossing Subdivision, as shown on matter that an accurate survey of the will sell and convey only as Substitute setback lines that may be applicable; 2006-2, Asset-Backed Certificates, plat of record in Plat Book 131, premises might disclose. In addition, the Trustee. any statutory right of redemption of any Series 2006-2, its successors and Page 15, the Register’s Office of following parties may claim an interest The right is reserved to adjourn the governmental agency, state or federal; assigns. Shelby County, Tennessee, to which in the above- referenced property: day of the sale to another day, time, and any prior liens or encumbrances includ- The following real estate located in plat reference is hereby made for a HELMI BRAHAM place certain without further publication, ing those created by a fixture filing or any Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold more particular description of said JENNIFER BRAHAM upon announcement at the time and applicable homeowners’ association to the highest call bidder: property. HEIR(S) OF JENNIFER BRAHAM place for the sale set forth above. If you dues or assessments; all claims or other Described property located at Shelby ALSO KNOWN AS: 7650 Shelby Forest ESTATE OF JENNIFER BRAHAM purchase a property at the foreclosure matters, whether of record or not, which County, Tennessee, to wit: Cove, Memphis, TN 38125 BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. sale, the entire purchase price is due may encumber the purchaser’s title and Lot 43, Section B-1, Countrywide This sale is subject to all matters The sale held pursuant to this Notice and payable at the conclusion of the any matter that an accurate survey of Subdivision, as shown on plat of shown on any applicable recorded may be rescinded at the Successor auction in the form of a certified/bank the premises might disclose. record in Plat Book 83, Page 37, in plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive Trustee’s option at any time. The right check made payable to or endorsed The following parties may claim an the Register’s Office of Shelby County, covenants, easements, or setback lines is reserved to adjourn the day of the to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal interest in the above-referenced property Tennessee, to which plat reference that may be applicable; any statutory sale to another day, time, and place checks will be accepted. To this end, to be affected by the foreclosure: any is hereby made for a more particular rights of redemption of any governmental certain without further publication, you must bring sufficient funds to out- judgment creditor or lien holder with description of said property. agency, state or federal; any prior liens upon announcement at the time and bid the lender and any other bidders. an interest subordinate to the said This being the same property con- or encumbrances as well as any priority place for the sale set forth above. In the Insufficient funds will not be accepted. Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, veyed to David W. Wynne, Jr., a single created by a fixture filing; and to any event of inclement weather, the trustee Amounts received in excess of the through, or under any of the foregoing. person, from James G. Terrett and matter that an accurate survey of the hereby announces that the sale will be winning bid will be refunded to the Such parties known to the Substitute Michelle K. Terrett, husband and wife, premises might disclose. In addition, the postponed for a period of two weeks. In successful purchaser at the time the Trustee may include: JPMorgan Chase by deed dated 06/04/98, recorded following parties may claim an interest such situations, notices will be mailed foreclosure deed is delivered. Bank, NA. 06/08/98, in Instrument No, HL in the above- referenced property: to interested parties of record. W&A This property is being sold with the Terms of Sale will be public auction, 6172, in the Register’s Office of Shelby CHANDRA GARRISON No. 331926 express reservation that the sale is for cash, free and clear of rights of County, Tennessee and subsequently VERN DORIAN GARRISON DATED April 24, 2019 subject to confirmation by the lender or homestead, redemption and dower to conveyed to Michael A. Spacek and ESTATE OF VERN GARRISION WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., trustee. This sale may be rescinded only the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, wife, Teresa M. Spacek, by deed dated HEIR(S) OF VERN GARRISION, IF ANY Successor Trustee by the Substitute Trustee at any time. and the rights of Elizabeth L. Mathis, 12/27/05 and recorded simultane- DANNY WEISS DDS PC Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Fod68913 If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the and those claiming through him/her/ ously herewith. READY MORTGAGE CORPORATION, sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled it/them. Street Address: 2580 Sunny Glade Cv, ASSIGNEE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE to a return of any money paid towards Any right of equity of redemption, Memphis, Tennessee 38133 OF UMTH LENDING COMPANY, LP Sale at public auction will be on May the purchase price and shall have no statutory and otherwise, and homestead Parcel Number: 095101 E00043 BRANDON GARRISON 30, 2019 at 10:00AM local time, at other recourse. Once the purchaser are waived in accord with the terms of Current Owner(s) of Property: Teresa TIANICA GARRISON the Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 N. Front tenders the purchase price, the Substi- said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- M. Spacek VERN DORIAN GARRISON, JR Street, Memphis, TN 38103 pursuant tute Trustee may deem the sale final in lieved to be good, but the undersigned The street address of the above The sale held pursuant to this Notice to Deed of Trust executed by Antonio which case the purchaser shall have no will sell and convey only as Substitute described property is believed to be may be rescinded at the Successor Briggs and Shevonda L. Briggs, to Arnold remedy. The real property will be sold Trustee. 2580 Sunny Glade Cv, Memphis, Ten- Trustee’s option at any time. The right M. Weiss, Esq., Trustee, as trustee AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or The right is reserved to adjourn the nessee 38133, but such address is is reserved to adjourn the day of the for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. on July 3, representations of any kind, express or day of the sale to another day, time, and not part of the legal description of the sale to another day, time, and place 2013 at Instrument No. 13083783; implied, including without limitation, place certain without further publication, property sold herein and in the event of certain without further publication, conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, warranties regarding condition of the upon announcement at the time and any discrepancy, the legal description upon announcement at the time and having been appointed Substitute or property or marketability of title. place for the sale set forth above. If you herein shall control. place for the sale set forth above. In the Successor Trustee, all of record in the This office may be a debt collector. purchase a property at the foreclosure This sale is subject to, without limita- event of inclement weather, the trustee Shelby County Register’s Office. Default This may be an attempt to collect a debt sale, the entire purchase price is due tion, all matters shown on any applicable hereby announces that the sale will be has occurred in the performance of and any information obtained may be and payable at the conclusion of the recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any postponed for a period of two weeks. In the covenants, terms, and conditions used for that purpose. auction in the form of a certified/bank restrictive covenants, easements, or such situations, notices will be mailed of said Deed of Trust and the entire Shapiro & Ingle, LLP check made payable to or endorsed setback lines that may be applicable; to interested parties of record. W&A indebtedness has been declared due Substitute Trustee to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal any statutory right of redemption of any No. 325972 and payable. 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 checks will be accepted. To this end, governmental agency, state or federal; DATED April 24, 2019 Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: Charlotte, NC 28216 you must bring sufficient funds to out- any prior liens or encumbrances includ- WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors Phone: (704) 333-8107 bid the lender and any other bidders. ing those created by a fixture filing or any Successor Trustee and assigns. Fax: (704) 333-8156 Insufficient funds will not be accepted. applicable homeowners’ association Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Fod68912 The following real estate located in Amounts received in excess of the dues or assessments; all claims or other Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold File No. 18-116065 winning bid will be refunded to the matters, whether of record or not, which NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE to the highest call bidder: May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Fod68934 successful purchaser at the time the may encumber the purchaser’s title and WHEREAS, default has occurred Described property located at Shelby foreclosure deed is delivered. any matter that an accurate survey of in the performance of the covenants, County, Tennessee, to wit: SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE This property is being sold with the the premises might disclose. terms, and conditions of a Deed of Lot 27, Foxcroft Subdivision, as shown Sale at public auction will be on express reservation that the sale is The following parties may claim an Trust Note dated October 2, 2009, and on plat of record in Plat Book 16, May 30, 2019 at 10:00AM local time, subject to confirmation by the lender or interest in the above-referenced property the Deed of Trust of even date securing Page 40, in the Register’s Office of at the Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 trustee. This sale may be rescinded only to be affected by the foreclosure: any the same, recorded October 14, 2009, Shelby County, Tennessee, to which N. Front Street, Memphis, TN 38103 by the Substitute Trustee at any time. judgment creditor or lien holder with Document No. 09119418, in Office of plat reference is hereby made for a pursuant to Deed of Trust executed by If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the an interest subordinate to the said the Register of Deeds for Shelby County, more particular description of said Elizabeth L. Mathis, to Arnold M. Weiss, sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, Tennessee, executed by Helmi Braham property. Esq., Trustee, as trustee for Wells to a return of any money paid towards through, or under any of the foregoing. and Jennifer Braham, conveying certain Street Address: 3370 Reynard Rd, Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc. on June 17, the purchase price and shall have no Such parties known to the Substitute property therein described to PRLAP, Inc. Memphis, Tennessee 38128 2002 at Instrument No. 02106764; other recourse. Once the purchaser Trustee may include: Countryside Lake as Trustee for Bank of America, N.A.; Parcel Number: 084005 00017 conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, tenders the purchase price, the Substi- Homeowners’ Association c/o Dinkel- and the undersigned, Wilson & Associ- Current Owner(s) of Property: Antonio having been appointed Substitute or tute Trustee may deem the sale final in spiel, Rasmussen & Mink, PLLC. ates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed Briggs and Shevonda L. Briggs Successor Trustee, all of record in the which case the purchaser shall have no Terms of Sale will be public auction, Successor Trustee by New Residential The street address of the above Shelby County Register’s Office. Default remedy. The real property will be sold for cash, free and clear of rights of Mortgage LLC. described property is believed to be has occurred in the performance of AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or homestead, redemption and dower to NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby 3370 Reynard Rd, Memphis, Tennessee the covenants, terms, and conditions representations of any kind, express or the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, given that the entire indebtedness has 38128, but such address is not part of said Deed of Trust and the entire implied, including without limitation, and the rights of Michael A. Spacek and been declared due and payable; and that of the legal description of the property indebtedness has been declared due warranties regarding condition of the Teresa M. Spacek, and those claiming an agent of Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., sold herein and in the event of any dis- and payable. property or marketability of title. through him/her/it/them. as Successor Trustee, by virtue of the crepancy, the legal description herein Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: This office may be a debt collector. Any right of equity of redemption, power, duty, and authority vested in and shall control. Specialized Loan Servicing LLC, its suc- This may be an attempt to collect a debt statutory and otherwise, and homestead imposed upon said Successor Trustee, This sale is subject to, without limita- cessors and assigns. and any information obtained may be are waived in accord with the terms of by New Residential Mortgage LLC, will, on tion, all matters shown on any applicable The following real estate located in used for that purpose. said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- June 13, 2019 on or about 10:00 AM, recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold Shapiro & Ingle, LLP lieved to be good, but the undersigned at the Comfort Inn Downtown, Memphis, restrictive covenants, easements, or to the highest call bidder: Substitute Trustee will sell and convey only as Substitute Tennessee, offer for sale certain property setback lines that may be applicable; Described property located at Shelby 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Trustee. Friday, May 10, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 17

Public Notices

The right is reserved to adjourn the any statutory right of redemption of any The following real estate located in the purchase price and shall have no the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, day of the sale to another day, time, and governmental agency, state or federal; Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold other recourse. Once the purchaser and the rights of Candice Hill, and those place certain without further publication, any prior liens or encumbrances includ- to the highest call bidder: tenders the purchase price, the Substi- claiming through him/her/it/them. upon announcement at the time and ing those created by a fixture filing or any Described property located at Shelby tute Trustee may deem the sale final in Any right of equity of redemption, place for the sale set forth above. If you applicable homeowners’ association County, Tennessee, to wit: which case the purchaser shall have no statutory and otherwise, and homestead purchase a property at the foreclosure dues or assessments; all claims or other Lot 16, Berclair Terrace Subdivision, remedy. The real property will be sold are waived in accord with the terms of sale, the entire purchase price is due matters, whether of record or not, which as shown on plat of record in Plat AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- and payable at the conclusion of the may encumber the purchaser’s title and Book 16, Page 65, in the Register’s representations of any kind, express or lieved to be good, but the undersigned auction in the form of a certified/bank any matter that an accurate survey of Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, implied, including without limitation, will sell and convey only as Substitute check made payable to or endorsed the premises might disclose. to which plat reference is hereby made warranties regarding condition of the Trustee. to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal The following parties may claim an for a more particular description of property or marketability of title. The right is reserved to adjourn the checks will be accepted. To this end, interest in the above-referenced property said property. This office may be a debt collector. day of the sale to another day, time, and you must bring sufficient funds to out- to be affected by the foreclosure: any Being the same property conveyed This may be an attempt to collect a debt place certain without further publication, bid the lender and any other bidders. judgment creditor or lien holder with herein by Warranty Deed recorded and any information obtained may be upon announcement at the time and Insufficient funds will not be accepted. an interest subordinate to the said simultaneously herewith in the Regis- used for that purpose. place for the sale set forth above. If you Amounts received in excess of the Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, ter’s Office of Shelby County, TN. Shapiro & Ingle, LLP purchase a property at the foreclosure winning bid will be refunded to the through, or under any of the foregoing. Tax Parcel ID: 063-029-00028 Substitute Trustee sale, the entire purchase price is due successful purchaser at the time the Such parties known to the Substitute Property known as: 4734 Lynn 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 and payable at the conclusion of the foreclosure deed is delivered. Trustee may include: None. Avenue Charlotte, NC 28216 auction in the form of a certified/bank This property is being sold with the Terms of Sale will be public auction, Memphis, Tennessee 38122 Phone: (704) 333-8107 check made payable to or endorsed express reservation that the sale is for cash, free and clear of rights of Street Address: 4734 Lynn Rd, Mem- Fax: (704) 333-8156 to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal subject to confirmation by the lender or homestead, redemption and dower to phis, Tennessee 38122 checks will be accepted. To this end, trustee. This sale may be rescinded only the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, Parcel Number: 063029 00028 File No. 18-117260 you must bring sufficient funds to out- by the Substitute Trustee at any time. and the rights of Jesse Sandlin and Ada Current Owner(s) of Property: Yahya May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Fod68938 bid the lender and any other bidders. If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the L. Sandlin, and those claiming through Ali Almaqaleh, unmarried Insufficient funds will not be accepted. sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled him/her/it/them. The street address of the above SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE Amounts received in excess of the to a return of any money paid towards Any right of equity of redemption, described property is believed to be Sale at public auction will be on June winning bid will be refunded to the the purchase price and shall have no statutory and otherwise, and homestead 4734 Lynn Rd, Memphis, Tennessee 3, 2019 at 12:00PM local time, at the successful purchaser at the time the other recourse. Once the purchaser are waived in accord with the terms of 38122, but such address is not part southwest door, Shelby County Court- foreclosure deed is delivered. tenders the purchase price, the Substi- said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- of the legal description of the property house, 140 Adams Avenue, Memphis, This property is being sold with the tute Trustee may deem the sale final in lieved to be good, but the undersigned sold herein and in the event of any dis- Tennessee pursuant to Deed of Trust express reservation that the sale is which case the purchaser shall have no will sell and convey only as Substitute crepancy, the legal description herein executed by Candice Hill, to Equity Title subject to confirmation by the lender or remedy. The real property will be sold Trustee. shall control. and Escrow, Trustee, as trustee for First trustee. This sale may be rescinded only AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or The right is reserved to adjourn the This sale is subject to, without limita- Franklin a Division of Nat. City Bank of by the Substitute Trustee at any time. representations of any kind, express or day of the sale to another day, time, and tion, all matters shown on any applicable IN on October 17, 2005 at Instrument If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the implied, including without limitation, place certain without further publication, recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any No. 05184715; conducted by Shapiro sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled warranties regarding condition of the upon announcement at the time and restrictive covenants, easements, or & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed to a return of any money paid towards property or marketability of title. place for the sale set forth above. If you setback lines that may be applicable; Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of the purchase price and shall have no This office may be a debt collector. purchase a property at the foreclosure any statutory right of redemption of any record in the Shelby County Register’s other recourse. Once the purchaser This may be an attempt to collect a debt sale, the entire purchase price is due governmental agency, state or federal; Office. Default has occurred in the tenders the purchase price, the Substi- and any information obtained may be and payable at the conclusion of the any prior liens or encumbrances includ- performance of the covenants, terms, tute Trustee may deem the sale final in used for that purpose. auction in the form of a certified/bank ing those created by a fixture filing or any and conditions of said Deed of Trust which case the purchaser shall have no Shapiro & Ingle, LLP check made payable to or endorsed applicable homeowners’ association and the entire indebtedness has been remedy. The real property will be sold Substitute Trustee to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal dues or assessments; all claims or other declared due and payable. AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 checks will be accepted. To this end, matters, whether of record or not, which Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: representations of any kind, express or Charlotte, NC 28216 you must bring sufficient funds to out- may encumber the purchaser’s title and Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, implied, including without limitation, Phone: (704) 333-8107 bid the lender and any other bidders. any matter that an accurate survey of as Trustee, on behalf of the registered warranties regarding condition of the Fax: (704) 333-8156 Insufficient funds will not be accepted. the premises might disclose. holders of First Franklin Mortgage Loan property or marketability of title. Amounts received in excess of the The following parties may claim an Trust 2006-FF1, Mortgage Pass-Through This office may be a debt collector. File No. 18-117315 winning bid will be refunded to the interest in the above-referenced property Certificates, Series 2006-FF1, its suc- This may be an attempt to collect a debt May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Fod68936 successful purchaser at the time the to be affected by the foreclosure: any cessors and assigns. and any information obtained may be foreclosure deed is delivered. judgment creditor or lien holder with The following real estate located in used for that purpose. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE This property is being sold with the an interest subordinate to the said Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold Shapiro & Ingle, LLP Sale at public auction will be on June express reservation that the sale is Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, to the highest call bidder: Substitute Trustee 3, 2019 at 12:00PM local time, at the subject to confirmation by the lender or through, or under any of the foregoing. Described property located at Shelby 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 southwest door, Shelby County Court- trustee. This sale may be rescinded only Such parties known to the Substitute County, Tennessee, to wit: Charlotte, NC 28216 house, 140 Adams Avenue, Memphis, by the Substitute Trustee at any time. Trustee may include: TN Department Land situated in Shelby County, Ten- Phone: (704) 333-8107 Tennessee pursuant to Deed of Trust If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the of Revenue. nessee to wit: Fax: (704) 333-8156 executed by Jesse Sandlin and Ada L. sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled The State of Tennessee Depart- Lot 53, Section A, Buckingham Farms Sandlin, to Transcontinental Title Com- to a return of any money paid towards ment of Revenue has filed notice(s) of P.D., as shown on plat of record in Plat File No. 19-118149 pany, Trustee, as trustee for Mortgage the purchase price and shall have no lien at: State Tax Lien at Instrument Book 155, Page 34, in the Register’s May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Fod68939 Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as other recourse. Once the purchaser # 18051772 Shelby County Registry. Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, to nominee for America’s Choice Mortgage, tenders the purchase price, the Substi- Notice required by § 67-1-1433(b)(1) of which plat reference is hereby made NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Inc. on January 14, 2004 at Instrument tute Trustee may deem the sale final in the Tennessee Code to be given to the for a more particular description of WHEREAS, default has occurred No. 04017029; conducted by Shapiro which case the purchaser shall have no Tennessee Commissioner of Revenue said property. in the performance of the covenants, & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed remedy. The real property will be sold has been timely given. The sale of the Being the same property conveyed terms, and conditions of a Deed of Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or land described above will be subject to to grantor, Candice Hill, by Warranty Trust Note dated August 4, 2006, and record in the Shelby County Register’s representations of any kind, express or the right of the State of Tennessee to Deed being recorded simultaneously the Deed of Trust of even date securing Office. Default has occurred in the implied, including without limitation, redeem the land as provided for in § 67- herewith. the same, recorded August 18, 2006, performance of the covenants, terms, warranties regarding condition of the 1-1433(c)(1) of the Tennessee Code. Street Address: 4304 Valley Glynn Dr, Document No. 06134661, in Office of and conditions of said Deed of Trust property or marketability of title. Terms of Sale will be public auction, Memphis, Tennessee 38125 the Register of Deeds for Shelby County, and the entire indebtedness has been This office may be a debt collector. for cash, free and clear of rights of Parcel Number: D0242D B00053 Tennessee, executed by Connie Williams declared due and payable. This may be an attempt to collect a debt homestead, redemption and dower to Current Owner(s) of Property: Can- and Nathan T Williams, conveying certain Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: and any information obtained may be the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, dice Hill property therein described to Tracey P. CitiMortgage, Inc, its successors and used for that purpose. and the rights of Yahya Almaqaleh, The street address of the above Malone as Trustee for Administrator of assigns. Shapiro & Ingle, LLP and those claiming through him/her/ described property is believed to be the U.S. Small Business Administration; The following real estate located in Substitute Trustee it/them. 4304 Valley Glynn Dr, Memphis, Ten- and the undersigned, Wilson & Associ- Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Any right of equity of redemption, nessee 38125, but such address is ates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed to the highest call bidder: Charlotte, NC 28216 statutory and otherwise, and homestead not part of the legal description of the Successor Trustee by U.S. Small Busi- Described property located at Shelby Phone: (704) 333-8107 are waived in accord with the terms of property sold herein and in the event of ness Administration, an Agency of the County, Tennessee, to wit: Fax: (704) 333-8156 said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- any discrepancy, the legal description Government. THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL lieved to be good, but the undersigned herein shall control. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby ESTATE, SITUATED AND BEING IN File No. 15-103216 will sell and convey only as Substitute This sale is subject to, without limita- given that the entire indebtedness has THE CITY OF MEMPHIS, COUNTY OF May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Fod68937 Trustee. tion, all matters shown on any applicable been declared due and payable; and SHELBY, STATE OF TENNESSEE: The right is reserved to adjourn the recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any that an agent of Wilson & Associates, LOT 50, SECTION “B”, AUBURN RIDGE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE day of the sale to another day, time, and restrictive covenants, easements, or P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF Sale at public auction will be on place certain without further publication, setback lines that may be applicable; virtue of the power, duty, and authority RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 165, PAGE 2, June 3, 2019 at 12:00AM local time, upon announcement at the time and any statutory right of redemption of any vested in and imposed upon said Suc- IN THE REGISTERS OFFICE OF SHELBY at the southwest door, Shelby County place for the sale set forth above. If you governmental agency, state or federal; cessor Trustee, by U.S. Small Business COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TO WHICH Courthouse, 140 Adams Avenue, Mem- purchase a property at the foreclosure any prior liens or encumbrances includ- Administration, an Agency of the United PLAT REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE phis, Tennessee pursuant to Deed of sale, the entire purchase price is due ing those created by a fixture filing or any States Government, will, on May 31, FOR A MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIP- Trust executed by Yahya Almaqaleh, and payable at the conclusion of the applicable homeowners’ association 2019 on or about 11:00 AM, at the TION OF SAID PROPERTY. to Bill Rosenberg, Trustee, as trustee auction in the form of a certified/bank dues or assessments; all claims or other Shelby County Courthouse, Memphis, Street Address: 4743 Kassell Cv, for Mortgage Electronic Registration check made payable to or endorsed matters, whether of record or not, which Tennessee, offer for sale certain Memphis, Tennessee 38116 Systems, Inc. as nominee for ABN to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal may encumber the purchaser’s title and property hereinafter described to the Parcel Number: 077063 B00027 Amro Mortgage Group, Inc. on July 26, checks will be accepted. To this end, any matter that an accurate survey of highest bidder FOR certified fundspaid Current Owner(s) of Property: Jesse 2007 at Instrument No. 07116767; you must bring sufficient funds to out- the premises might disclose. at the conclusion of the sale, or credit Sandlin and Ada L. Sandlin conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, bid the lender and any other bidders. The following parties may claim an bid from a bank or other lending entity The street address of the above having been appointed Substitute or Insufficient funds will not be accepted. interest in the above-referenced property pre-approved by the successor trustee. described property is believed to be Successor Trustee, all of record in the Amounts received in excess of the to be affected by the foreclosure: any The sale is free from all exemptions, 4743 Kassell Cv, Memphis, Tennessee Shelby County Register’s Office. Default winning bid will be refunded to the judgment creditor or lien holder with which are expressly waived in the Deed 38116, but such address is not part has occurred in the performance of successful purchaser at the time the an interest subordinate to the said of Trust, said property being real estate of the legal description of the property the covenants, terms, and conditions foreclosure deed is delivered. Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, situated in Shelby County, Tennessee, sold herein and in the event of any dis- of said Deed of Trust and the entire This property is being sold with the through, or under any of the foregoing. and being more particularly described crepancy, the legal description herein indebtedness has been declared due express reservation that the sale is Such parties known to the Substitute as follows: shall control. and payable. subject to confirmation by the lender or Trustee may include: United Mortgage Lot 77, Concord Estates Subdivision, This sale is subject to, without limita- Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: trustee. This sale may be rescinded only Resolution Fund I, LLC; First Franklin a Section B, As Shown On Plat Of Re- tion, all matters shown on any applicable Towd Point Mortgage Trust Asset- by the Substitute Trustee at any time. Division of Nat. City Bank of IN. cord In Plat Book 219, Page 44, In recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any Backed Securities, Series 2016-2, U.S. If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the Terms of Sale will be public auction, The Register’s Office, Shelby County, restrictive covenants, easements, or Bank National Association as Indenture sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled for cash, free and clear of rights of setback lines that may be applicable; Trustee, its successors and assigns. to a return of any money paid towards homestead, redemption and dower to Continued on Page 18 Page 18 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, May 10, 2019

Public Notices

Foreclosure Notices ing certain property therein described THE CITY OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, sale, or credit bid from a bank or other dated February 28, 2008, and the Deed Continued from Page 17 to Kathyrn L. Harris as Trustee for ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE DIVI- lending entity pre-approved by the suc- of Trust of even date securing the same, Mortgage Electronic Registration Sys- SION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY cessor trustee. The sale is free from all recorded March 5, 2008, Document Tennessee, To Which Plat Reference tems, Inc., as nominee for Community DEVELOPMENT exemptions, which are expressly waived No. 08030551, and modified on July Is Hereby Made For A More Particular Mortgage Corporation, its successors The sale held pursuant to this Notice in the Deed of Trust, said property being 18, 2014, Document No. 14074046 Description Of Said Property. and assigns; and the undersigned, may be rescinded at the Successor real estate situated in Shelby County, in Office of the Register of Deeds for ALSO KNOWN AS: 4960 Gertrude Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having Trustee’s option at any time. The right Tennessee, and being more particularly Shelby County, Tennessee, executed Drive, Memphis, TN 38125 been appointed Successor Trustee by is reserved to adjourn the day of the described as follows: by Magnolia Leland and Lawrence E This sale is subject to all matters Freedom Mortgage Corporation. sale to another day, time, and place Lot 112, Jackson Heights Subdivision, Leland, conveying certain property shown on any applicable recorded NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby certain without further publication, as shown on Plat of record in Plat therein described to TRSTE II, Inc. as plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive given that the entire indebtedness has upon announcement at the time and Book 8, Page 214, in the Register’s Trustee for Wachovia Mortgage, FSB; covenants, easements, or setback lines been declared due and payable; and place for the sale set forth above. In the Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, and the undersigned, Wilson & Associ- that may be applicable; any statutory that an agent of Wilson & Associates, event of inclement weather, the trustee to which Plan reference is hereby ates, P.L.L.C., having been appointed rights of redemption of any governmental P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by hereby announces that the sale will be made for a more particular description Successor Trustee by JPMorgan Chase agency, state or federal; any prior liens virtue of the power, duty, and authority postponed for a period of two weeks. In of said land. Bank, National Association. or encumbrances as well as any priority vested in and imposed upon said Suc- such situations, notices will be mailed ALSO KNOWN AS: 864 Maury Street, NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby created by a fixture filing; and to any cessor Trustee, by Freedom Mortgage to interested parties of record. W&A Memphis, TN 38107 given that the entire indebtedness has matter that an accurate survey of the Corporation, will, on June 27, 2019 on No. 338783 This sale is subject to all matters been declared due and payable; and premises might disclose. In addition, the or about 10:00 AM, at the Comfort DATED May 1, 2019 shown on any applicable recorded plat; that an agent of Wilson & Associates, following parties may claim an interest Inn Downtown, Memphis, Tennessee, WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., any unpaid taxes; any restrictive cov- P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue in the above- referenced property: offer for sale certain property hereinafter Successor Trustee enants, easements, or setback lines of the power, duty, and authority vested CONNIE WILLIAMS described to the highest bidder FOR cer- May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Fod69054 that may be applicable; any statutory in and imposed upon said Successor NATHAN T WILLIAMS tified fundspaid at the conclusion of the rights of redemption of any governmental Trustee, by JPMorgan Chase Bank, Na- CONCORD ESTATES HOMEOWNERS sale, or credit bid from a bank or other NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE agency, state or federal; any prior liens tional Association, will, on July 11, 2019 ASSOCIATION, INC. lending entity pre-approved by the suc- WHEREAS, default has occurred or encumbrances as well as any prior- on or about 10:00 AM, at the Comfort S&F FINANCIAL, LLC cessor trustee. The sale is free from all in the performance of the covenants, ity created by a fixture filing; and to any Inn Downtown, Memphis, Tennessee, The sale held pursuant to this Notice exemptions, which are expressly waived terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust matter that an accurate survey of the offer for sale certain property hereinafter may be rescinded at the Successor in the Deed of Trust, said property being Note dated October 21, 2016, and the premises might disclose. In addition, the described to the highest bidder FOR Trustee’s option at any time. The right real estate situated in Shelby County, Deed of Trust of even date securing following parties may claim an interest in certified funds paid at the conclusion is reserved to adjourn the day of the Tennessee, and being more particularly the same, recorded October 27, 2016, the above- referenced property: of the sale, or credit bid from a bank sale to another day, time, and place described as follows: Document No. 16110302, in Office of DAVID G WELLS or other lending entity pre-approved certain without further publication, Lot 107, Rialto Square Subdivision, the Register of Deeds for Shelby County, CITY OF MEMPHIS, DIVISION OF HOUS- by the successor trustee. The sale is upon announcement at the time and as shown on Plat of record in Plat Tennessee, executed by David G Wells, ING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT free from all exemptions, which are place for the sale set forth above. In the Book 231, Page 39, in the Register’s conveying certain property therein de- The sale held pursuant to this Notice expressly waived in the Deed of Trust, event of inclement weather, the trustee Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, scribed to Kathryn L. Harris as Trustee may be rescinded at the Successor said property being real estate situated hereby announces that the sale will be to which Plat reference is hereby for Mortgage Electronic Registration Sys- Trustee’s option at any time. The right in Shelby County, Tennessee, and being postponed for a period of two weeks. In made for a more particular descrip- tems, Inc., as nominee for Community is reserved to adjourn the day of the more particularly described as follows: such situations, notices will be mailed tion of said property. APN#: 091019 Mortgage Corporation, its successors sale to another day, time, and place Lot 2, Rainbow Subdivision, as shown to interested parties of record. W&A A00107 and assigns; and the undersigned, certain without further publication, on plat of record in plat book 23, Page No. 337909 ALSO KNOWN AS: 1092 East Cortona Wilson & Associates, P.L.L.C., having upon announcement at the time and 7, in the Register’s Office of Shelby DATED May 1, 2019 Circle, Cordova, TN 38018 been appointed Successor Trustee by place for the sale set forth above. In the County, Tennessee, to which plat ref- WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., This sale is subject to all matters Freedom Mortgage Corporation. event of inclement weather, the trustee erence is hereby made for particular Successor Trustee shown on any applicable recorded NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby hereby announces that the sale will be description of said property. May 3, 10, 17, 24, 2019 Fod69053 plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive given that the entire indebtedness has postponed for a period of two weeks. In ALSO KNOWN AS: 685 Dellrose Drive, covenants, easements, or setback lines been declared due and payable; and such situations, notices will be mailed Memphis, TN 38116 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE that may be applicable; any statutory that an agent of Wilson & Associates, to interested parties of record. W&A This sale is subject to all matters WHEREAS, default has occurred rights of redemption of any governmental P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by No. 338808 shown on any applicable recorded plat; in the performance of the covenants, agency, state or federal; any prior liens virtue of the power, duty, and authority DATED May 1, 2019 any unpaid taxes; any restrictive cov- terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust or encumbrances as well as any priority vested in and imposed upon said Suc- WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., enants, easements, or setback lines Note dated December 9, 2016, and the created by a fixture filing; and to any cessor Trustee, by Freedom Mortgage Successor Trustee that may be applicable; any statutory Deed of Trust of even date securing the matter that an accurate survey of the Corporation, will, on June 27, 2019 on May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Fod69055 rights of redemption of any governmental same, recorded December 12, 2016, premises might disclose. In addition, the or about 10:00 AM, at the Comfort agency, state or federal; any prior liens Document No. 16162198, in Office of following parties may claim an interest Inn Downtown, Memphis, Tennessee, NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE or encumbrances as well as any prior- the Register of Deeds for Shelby County, in the above- referenced property: offer for sale certain property hereinafter WHEREAS, default has occurred in the ity created by a fixture filing; and to any Tennessee, executed by Anthony Jerome ANTHONY JEROME MERKERSON described to the highest bidder FOR cer- performance of the covenants, terms, matter that an accurate survey of the Merkerson and Amber Minter, convey- AMBER MINTER tified fundspaid at the conclusion of the and conditions of a Deed of Trust Note premises might disclose. In addition, the following parties may claim an interest in the above-referenced property: Magnolia Leland Lawrence E Leland Gwendolyn D House Department of Housing and Urban Development The sale held pursuant to this Notice may be rescinded at the Successor Trustee’s option at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the day of the sale to another day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth above. In the EVEN TEXTERS event of inclement weather, the trustee hereby announces that the sale will be postponed for a period of two weeks. In such situations, notices will be mailed to interested parties of record. W&A No. 216821 DATED May 2, 2019 AND DRIVERS WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., Successor Trustee May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Fod69056

NOTICE OF JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE SALE Default having been made in the HATE TEXTERS payment of assessments, dues, inter- est, debts, and obligations owing RIV- ERWOOD FARMS ASSOCIATION, Inc., a Tennessee non-profit corporation, by KENMAERA INVESTMENTS LLC, a Ten- nessee limited liability company, owner of Lot 78, 8th Addition, Riverwood Farms AND DRIVERS. Subdivision, municipally known as 8690 Rivermill Cove; Cordova, Tennessee 38016, as established by that certain Riverwood Farms Section A Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restric- tions, dated September 16, 1986 (as STOPTEXTSSTOPWRECKS.ORG amended, the “Declaration”), of record in the Register’s Office of Shelby County, Tennessee (the “Register’s Office”), as Instrument No. Y4 7215, as amended by those certain instruments of record as Instrument Nos. Y4 8933, Z1 1873, Z6 4671, BB 0984, BH 5703, CM 4259, and DV 8981, to be paid under the Declaration, and the undersigned having been authorized by the Board of Directors of Riverwood Farms Asso- ciation, Inc., to advertise and sell the property described below for unpaid Friday, May 10, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 19

Public Notices homeowner’s association dues and agreement recorded November 8, 2018 which case the purchaser shall have no place for the sale set forth above. If you The street address of the above assessments in accordance with such Instrument 18115418; conducted by remedy. The real property will be sold purchase a property at the foreclosure described property is believed to be authority provided to the aforementioned Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, having been ap- AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or sale, the entire purchase price is due 3889 Innsbrook Dr, Memphis, Ten- association in that Order of Final Judg- pointed Substitute or Successor Trust- representations of any kind, express or and payable at the conclusion of the nessee 38115, but such address is ment (Case No. CH 18-1721) (the “Or- ee, all of record in the Shelby County implied, including without limitation, auction in the form of a certified/bank not part of the legal description of the der”), entered March 19, 2019, a copy Register’s Office. Default has occurred warranties regarding condition of the check made payable to or endorsed property sold herein and in the event of of which is recorded in the Register’s in the performance of the covenants, property or marketability of title. to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal any discrepancy, the legal description Office as Instrument No. 19029676, terms, and conditions of said Deed of This office may be a debt collector. checks will be accepted. To this end, herein shall control. said indebtedness remaining unpaid, as Trust and the entire indebtedness has This may be an attempt to collect a debt you must bring sufficient funds to out- This sale is subject to, without limita- well as other indebtedness due under been declared due and payable. and any information obtained may be bid the lender and any other bidders. tion, all matters shown on any applicable the aforementioned Declaration. Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: used for that purpose. Insufficient funds will not be accepted. recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that the JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A, its succes- Shapiro & Ingle, LLP Amounts received in excess of the restrictive covenants, easements, or undersigned will, on sors and assigns. Substitute Trustee winning bid will be refunded to the setback lines that may be applicable; Friday, June 14, 2019. The following real estate located in 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 successful purchaser at the time the any statutory right of redemption of any commencing at 12:00 noon at the Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold Charlotte, NC 28216 foreclosure deed is delivered. governmental agency, state or federal; southwest corner of the Courthouse, to the highest call bidder: Phone: (704) 333-8107 This property is being sold with the any prior liens or encumbrances includ- Memphis, Shelby County, Tennessee, Described property located at Shelby Fax: (704) 333-8156 express reservation that the sale is ing those created by a fixture filing or any and at the Adams Avenue entrance County, Tennessee, to wit: subject to confirmation by the lender or applicable homeowners’ association thereof, proceed to sell at public out- Lot 114, Section E-2, Countrywood File No. 13-047731 trustee. This sale may be rescinded only dues or assessments; all claims or other cry to the highest and best bidder for South Subdivision, as shown on plat May 10, 17, 24, 2019 Fod69109 by the Substitute Trustee at any time. matters, whether of record or not, which cash, the following described property, of record in Plat Book 104, Page 25, in If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the may encumber the purchaser’s title and to wit: the Register’s Office of Shelby County, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled any matter that an accurate survey of Lot 78, 8th Addition, Riverwood Farms Tennessee, to which plat reference Sale at public auction will be on June to a return of any money paid towards the premises might disclose. Subdivision, as shown on that cer- is hereby made for a more particular 13, 2019 at 10:00AM local time, at the purchase price and shall have no The following parties may claim an tain plat of record in Plat Book 148, description of said lot. the Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 N. Front other recourse. Once the purchaser interest in the above-referenced property Page 27, in the Register’s Office of Street Address: 2010 Mount Badon Street, Memphis, TN 38103 pursuant tenders the purchase price, the Substi- to be affected by the foreclosure: any Shelby County, Tennessee, to which Lane, Cordova, Tennessee 38016 to Deed of Trust executed by Raymond tute Trustee may deem the sale final in judgment creditor or lien holder with plat reference is hereby made for a Parcel Number: 096512 G00004 Patterson and Natascha File-Patterson, which case the purchaser shall have no an interest subordinate to the said more particular description of said Current Owner(s) of Property: David to Arnold M. Weiss, Trustee, as trustee remedy. The real property will be sold Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, property. Crenshaw aka David Wayne Crenshaw for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. on April 20, AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or through, or under any of the foregoing. Property Address: 8690 Rivermill and Kimberly M. Crenshaw 2015 at Instrument No. 15039910; representations of any kind, express or Such parties known to the Substitute Cove The street address of the above conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, implied, including without limitation, Trustee may include: None. Cordova, Tennessee 38016 described property is believed to be having been appointed Substitute or warranties regarding condition of the Terms of Sale will be public auction, Owner(s) of Property: Kenmaera In- 2010 Mount Badon Lane, Cordova, Successor Trustee, all of record in the property or marketability of title. for cash, free and clear of rights of vestments, LLC Tennessee 38016, but such address is Shelby County Register’s Office. Default This office may be a debt collector. homestead, redemption and dower to Other Interested Parties: Tenants in not part of the legal description of the has occurred in the performance of This may be an attempt to collect a debt the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, Possession Under Unrecorded Leases property sold herein and in the event of the covenants, terms, and conditions and any information obtained may be and the rights of Rickie E. Green and (if any). any discrepancy, the legal description of said Deed of Trust and the entire used for that purpose. Glenda J. Green, and those claiming Parcel Number 96506-E00036 herein shall control. indebtedness has been declared due Shapiro & Ingle, LLP through him/her/it/them. This sale is expressly subject to the This sale is subject to, without limita- and payable. Substitute Trustee Any right of equity of redemption, lien of any real estate taxes assessed tion, all matters shown on any applicable Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 statutory and otherwise, and homestead against the Lot due and owing; prior recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors Charlotte, NC 28216 are waived in accord with the terms of liens; encumbrances; easements; any restrictive covenants, easements, or and assigns. Phone: (704) 333-8107 said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- other instruments of record; matters setback lines that may be applicable; The following real estate located in Fax: (704) 333-8156 lieved to be good, but the undersigned which would be disclosed by an accurate any statutory right of redemption of any Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold will sell and convey only as Substitute survey; subject to the provisions of the governmental agency, state or federal; to the highest call bidder: File No. 19-118301 Trustee. Declaration of record as Instrument No. any prior liens or encumbrances includ- Described property located at Shelby May 10, 17, 24, 2019 Fod69110 The right is reserved to adjourn the Y4 7215, as amended and modified by ing those created by a fixture filing or any County, Tennessee, to wit: day of the sale to another day, time, and Instrument Nos. Y4 8933, Z1 1873, Z6 applicable homeowners’ association Lot 1, Epperson Mill Estates Subdivi- SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE place certain without further publication, 4671, BB 0984, BH 5703, CM 4259, dues or assessments; all claims or other sion, as shown on plat of record in Plat Sale at public auction will be on June upon announcement at the time and and DV 8981; the provisions of that matters, whether of record or not, which Book 180, Page 6, in the Register’s 6, 2019 at 12:00PM local time, at the place for the sale set forth above. If you certain Declaration of Covenants, Condi- may encumber the purchaser’s title and Office of Shelby County, Tennessee, southwest door, Shelby County Court- purchase a property at the foreclosure tions and Restrictions Riverwood Farms, any matter that an accurate survey of to which plat reference is hereby made house, 140 Adams Avenue, Memphis, sale, the entire purchase price is due Eighth Addition of record as Instrument the premises might disclose. for a more particular description of Tennessee pursuant to Deed of Trust and payable at the conclusion of the No. ES 9325; the contents of the Charter The following parties may claim an said property. executed by Rickie E. Green and Glenda auction in the form of a certified/bank of Riverwood Farms Association, Inc., interest in the above-referenced property Street Address: 3670 Epperson Wood J. Green, to Trace Robbins, Trustee, as check made payable to or endorsed of record as Instrument No. Y6 4524; to be affected by the foreclosure: any Dr, Millington, Tennessee 38053 trustee for Household Financial Center to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal that certain easement and agreements judgment creditor or lien holder with Parcel Number: D0114V A00001 Inc on June 6, 2006 at Instrument checks will be accepted. To this end, of record as Instrument No. EK 1376; an interest subordinate to the said Current Owner(s) of Property: Raymond No. 06100020; conducted by Shapiro you must bring sufficient funds to out- subdivision restrictions, building lines, Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, Patterson and Natascha File-Patterson & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed bid the lender and any other bidders. and easements of record in Plat Book through, or under any of the foregoing. and The Periwinkle Cat Trust (barn) Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of Insufficient funds will not be accepted. 148, Page 27; the rights of tenants in Such parties known to the Substitute The street address of the above record in the Shelby County Register’s Amounts received in excess of the possession under unrecorded leases (if Trustee may include: Troy Capital, LLC, described property is believed to be Office. Default has occurred in the winning bid will be refunded to the any); and any and all rights of the debtor Successor to First Tennessee Bank c/o 3670 Epperson Wood Dr, Millington, performance of the covenants, terms, successful purchaser at the time the (if any) under the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ John r. Cheadle, Jr., Attorney; Tennessee Tennessee 38053, but such address is and conditions of said Deed of Trust foreclosure deed is delivered. Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 501, Housing Development Agency. not part of the legal description of the and the entire indebtedness has been This property is being sold with the et seq., as such may be amended from Terms of Sale will be public auction, property sold herein and in the event of declared due and payable. express reservation that the sale is time to time. for cash, free and clear of rights of any discrepancy, the legal description Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: subject to confirmation by the lender or All right and equity of redemption, homestead, redemption and dower to herein shall control. U.S. Bank National Association, as trustee. This sale may be rescinded only homestead and dower, and all other the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, This sale is subject to, without limita- Indenture Trustee, for the CIM Trust by the Substitute Trustee at any time. exemptions are expressly waived in and the rights of David Wayne Crenshaw tion, all matters shown on any applicable 2016-3, Mortgage-Backed Notes, Series If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the the Order and the title is believed to be and Kimberly M. Crenshaw, and those recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any 2016-3, its successors and assigns. sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled good, but the undersigned will sell and claiming through him/her/it/them. restrictive covenants, easements, or The following real estate located in to a return of any money paid towards convey only as the designated agent Any right of equity of redemption, setback lines that may be applicable; Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold the purchase price and shall have no of the Board of Directors of Riverwood statutory and otherwise, and homestead any statutory right of redemption of any to the highest call bidder: other recourse. Once the purchaser Farms Association, Inc., a Tennessee are waived in accord with the terms of governmental agency, state or federal; Described property located at Shelby tenders the purchase price, the Substi- non-profit corporation, pursuant to the said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- any prior liens or encumbrances includ- County, Tennessee, to wit: tute Trustee may deem the sale final in terms and provisions of the Order and lieved to be good, but the undersigned ing those created by a fixture filing or any THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL which case the purchaser shall have no not further or otherwise. will sell and convey only as Substitute applicable homeowners’ association ESTATE, SITUATED AND BEING IN remedy. The real property will be sold If the highest bidder cannot pay the Trustee. dues or assessments; all claims or other THE COUNTY OF SHELBY, STATE OF AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or bid within twenty-four (24) hours of the The right is reserved to adjourn the matters, whether of record or not, which TENNESSEE: representations of any kind, express or sale, the next highest bidder, at their day of the sale to another day, time, and may encumber the purchaser’s title and LOT 247, SECTION G, ROSSWOOD implied, including without limitation, highest bid, will be deemed the suc- place certain without further publication, any matter that an accurate survey of VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN warranties regarding condition of the cessful bidder. upon announcement at the time and the premises might disclose. ON PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK property or marketability of title. THIS OFFICE IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. place for the sale set forth above. If you The following parties may claim an 85, PAGE 59, IN THE SHELBY COUNTY This office may be a debt collector. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT purchase a property at the foreclosure interest in the above-referenced property REGISTERS OFFICE, TO WHICH PLAT This may be an attempt to collect a debt A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION sale, the entire purchase price is due to be affected by the foreclosure: any REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A and any information obtained may be OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT and payable at the conclusion of the judgment creditor or lien holder with MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION OF used for that purpose. PURPOSE. auction in the form of a certified/bank an interest subordinate to the said SAID PROPERTY. Shapiro & Ingle, LLP M. Wayne Mink, Jr. check made payable to or endorsed Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE SUBJECT Substitute Trustee Designated Agent for Riverwood to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal through, or under any of the foregoing. TO SUBDIVISION RESTRICTIONS, 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 Farms Association, Inc. checks will be accepted. To this end, Such parties known to the Substitute BUILDINGS AND EASEMENTS OF Charlotte, NC 28216 DINKELSPIEL, RASMUSSEN & you must bring sufficient funds to out- Trustee may include: None. RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 85, PAGE 59; Phone: (704) 333-8107 MINK, PLLC bid the lender and any other bidders. Terms of Sale will be public auction, ALL IN THE AFORESAID REGISTERS Fax: (704) 333-8156 May 10, 17, 24, 2019 Fod69051 Insufficient funds will not be accepted. for cash, free and clear of rights of OFFICE. Amounts received in excess of the homestead, redemption and dower to BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CON- File No. 18-115662 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE winning bid will be refunded to the the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, VEYED FROM THOMAS BRAY, TEN- May 10, 17, 24, 2019 Fod69118 Sale at public auction will be on June successful purchaser at the time the and the rights of Raymond Patterson ANCY NOT STATED, TO RICKIE E. 10, 2019 at 12:00PM local time, at the foreclosure deed is delivered. and Natascha File-Patterson, and those GREEN AND GLENDA J. GREEN, BY SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE southwest door, Shelby County Court- This property is being sold with the claiming through him/her/it/them. DEED RECORDED 8/8/01, IN INST. Sale at public auction will be on house, 140 Adams Avenue, Memphis, express reservation that the sale is Any right of equity of redemption, NO. LF-1685, IN THE REGISTER’S June 10, 2019 at 12:00PM local time, Tennessee pursuant to Deed of Trust subject to confirmation by the lender or statutory and otherwise, and homestead OFFICE OF SHELBY COUNTY, TEN- at the southwest door, Shelby County executed by David Wayne Crenshaw trustee. This sale may be rescinded only are waived in accord with the terms of NESSEE. Courthouse, 140 Adams Avenue, Mem- and Kimberly M. Crenshaw, to Robert L. by the Substitute Trustee at any time. said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- TAX MAP OR PARCEL ID NO.: 093- phis, Tennessee pursuant to Deed of Crawford, Trustee, as trustee for Mort- If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the lieved to be good, but the undersigned 513-D-00001 ,TAX MAP OR PARCEL Trust executed by James Dunlap aka gage Electronic Registration Systems, sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled will sell and convey only as Substitute ID NO.: 093-513-D-00001 James C. Dunlap, to Walter H. Neilsen, Inc. as nominee for Evolve Bank & Trust to a return of any money paid towards Trustee. Street Address: 3889 Innsbrook Dr, Trustee, as trustee for Mortgage Elec- on April 5, 2012 at Instrument No. the purchase price and shall have no The right is reserved to adjourn the Memphis, Tennessee 38115 tronic Registration Systems, Inc. as 12041757; and modified by agreement other recourse. Once the purchaser day of the sale to another day, time, and Parcel Number: 093513 D00001 nominee for Encore Credit Corp. on July recorded July 7, 2017 at Instrument tenders the purchase price, the Substi- place certain without further publication, Current Owner(s) of Property: Rickie # 17068450 and further modified by tute Trustee may deem the sale final in upon announcement at the time and E. Green and Glenda J. Green Continued on Page 20 Page 20 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, May 10, 2019

Public Notices

Foreclosure Notices bid the lender and any other bidders. Trustee may include: Midland Funding waived in the Deed of Trust, said prop- Lot 187, WHITTEN FOREST PD, PHASE Continued from Page 19 Insufficient funds will not be accepted. LLC c/o Finkelstein, Kern and Steinberg, erty being real estate situated in Shelby III, PART OF PARCEL 1 AND 2, Planned Amounts received in excess of the Attorneys; Capital One Bank c/o Nathan County, Tennessee, and being more Development, as shown on plat of 24, 2006 at Instrument No. 06126107; winning bid will be refunded to the & Nathan PC; Cavalry SPV I LLC c/o particularly described as follows: record in Plat Book 194, Page 53, in conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, successful purchaser at the time the David L. Mendelson. Lot 51, Section A, Meadowlake the Register’s Office, Shelby County, having been appointed Substitute or foreclosure deed is delivered. Terms of Sale will be public auction, Subdivision, as shown on plat of re- Tennessee, to which plat reference Successor Trustee, all of record in the This property is being sold with the for cash, free and clear of rights of cord in Plat Book 31, Page 7, in the is hereby made for a more particular Shelby County Register’s Office. Default express reservation that the sale is homestead, redemption and dower to Register’s Office of Shelby County, description of said property. has occurred in the performance of subject to confirmation by the lender or the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, Tennessee, to which plat reference Being part of the same property convey the covenants, terms, and conditions trustee. This sale may be rescinded only and the rights of Kimberly Nunn, a single is hereby made for a more particular by deed recorded in Instrument No. of said Deed of Trust and the entire by the Substitute Trustee at any time. woman, and those claiming through description of said property. 03035929. indebtedness has been declared due If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the him/her/it/them. ALSO KNOWN AS: 2834 Emerald Don Brunetta, Joins in the execution and payable. sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled Any right of equity of redemption, Street, Memphis, TN 38115 of this Instrument for the sole purpose Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: to a return of any money paid towards statutory and otherwise, and homestead This sale is subject to all matters of relinguishing any right, title, or in- U.S. Bank National Association, as the purchase price and shall have no are waived in accord with the terms of shown on any applicable recorded terest he/she may have in the above trustee, on behalf of the holders of the other recourse. Once the purchaser said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive captioned property by virtue of his/her Home Equity Asset Trust 2006-7 Home tenders the purchase price, the Substi- lieved to be good, but the undersigned covenants, easements, or setback lines marriage to Henry E. Jackson. Equity Pass Through Certificates, Series tute Trustee may deem the sale final in will sell and convey only as Substitute that may be applicable; any statutory Street Address: 1183 Lemasa Dr, 2006-7, its successors and assigns. which case the purchaser shall have no Trustee. rights of redemption of any governmental Cordova, Tennessee 38018 The following real estate located in remedy. The real property will be sold The right is reserved to adjourn the agency, state or federal; any prior liens Parcel Number: D0213W A00046 Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or day of the sale to another day, time, and or encumbrances as well as any priority Current Owner(s) of Property: The Heirs to the highest call bidder: representations of any kind, express or place certain without further publication, created by a fixture filing; and to any of Henry Edward Jackson, Jr. Described property located at Shelby implied, including without limitation, upon announcement at the time and matter that an accurate survey of the The street address of the above County, Tennessee, to wit: warranties regarding condition of the place for the sale set forth above. If you premises might disclose. In addition, the described property is believed to be Lots 323, Section D, Winchester Gar- property or marketability of title. purchase a property at the foreclosure following parties may claim an interest 1183 Lemasa Dr, Cordova, Tennessee dens Subdivision, as shown on plat This office may be a debt collector. sale, the entire purchase price is due in the above-referenced property: 38018, but such address is not part of record in Plat Book 30, Page 55, in This may be an attempt to collect a debt and payable at the conclusion of the Derrick D Bryant of the legal description of the property the Register’s Office of Shelby County, and any information obtained may be auction in the form of a certified/bank Derrick Dewayne Bryant sold herein and in the event of any dis- Tennessee, to which plat reference used for that purpose. check made payable to or endorsed Republic Finance crepancy, the legal description herein is hereby made for a more particular Shapiro & Ingle, LLP to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE shall control. description of said property. Substitute Trustee checks will be accepted. To this end, Attention: Wendy Smoot This sale is subject to, without limita- Being the same property conveyed 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 you must bring sufficient funds to out- On or about April 24, 2018, the United tion, all matters shown on any applicable to A.W. Pope and wife, Lillie M. Pope Charlotte, NC 28216 bid the lender and any other bidders. States of America, Internal Revenue recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any by Warranty Deed from Richard M. Phone: (704) 333-8107 Insufficient funds will not be accepted. Service, filed a federal tax lien against restrictive covenants, easements, or Benz and wife, Sherry A. Benz, dated Fax: (704) 333-8156 Amounts received in excess of the the Defendant, Derrick Bryant, recorded setback lines that may be applicable; 02/26/1992 of record as Instrument winning bid will be refunded to the in the Register’s Office of Shelby County, any statutory right of redemption of any Number CS 5859 Register’s Office for File No. 15-100146 successful purchaser at the time the Tennessee, Instrument 18109223. Any governmental agency, state or federal; Shelby County, Tennessee. May 10, 17, 24, 2019 Fod69143 foreclosure deed is delivered. interest in the property held by the United any prior liens or encumbrances includ- Being the same property conveyed to This property is being sold with the States of America, Internal Revenue ing those created by a fixture filing or any James Dunlap aka James C. Dunlap, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE express reservation that the sale is Service, by virtue of the aforementioned applicable homeowners’ association a unmarried person, from A.W. Pope Sale at public auction will be on subject to confirmation by the lender or federal tax lien is both junior and inferior dues or assessments; all claims or other and wife Lillie M. Pope, by Warranty June 13, 2019 at 10:00AM local time, trustee. This sale may be rescinded only to the interests held by BOKF, N.A., A matters, whether of record or not, which Deed dated 6/24/06, being recorded at the Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 by the Substitute Trustee at any time. National Banking Association D/B/A may encumber the purchaser’s title and simultaneously herewith in Instrument N. Front Street, Memphis, TN 38103 If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the HomeDirect Mortgage. Provided, how- any matter that an accurate survey of No. 06126106, in the Register’s Office pursuant to Deed of Trust executed sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled ever, that the United States of America, the premises might disclose. of Shelby County, Tennessee. by Kimberly Nunn, a single woman, to a return of any money paid towards Internal Revenue Service, pursuant to 26 The following parties may claim an Street Address: 3199 Dothan St, to Ryan E. Byrne, Trustee, as trustee the purchase price and shall have no U.S.C. §7425 and 28 U.S.C. §2410(c), interest in the above-referenced property Memphis, Tennessee 38118 for Mortgage Electronic Registration other recourse. Once the purchaser shall have one hundred and twenty (120) to be affected by the foreclosure: any Parcel Number: 074037 00094 Systems, Inc. as nominee for Mortgage tenders the purchase price, the Substi- days from the date of the sale within judgment creditor or lien holder with Current Owner(s) of Property: James Lending Consultants Inc on August 25, tute Trustee may deem the sale final in which to redeem the property by virtue an interest subordinate to the said Dunlap, a single man 2008 at Instrument No. 08115338; which case the purchaser shall have no of its tax lien(s) herein by payment of the Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, The street address of the above conducted by Shapiro & Ingle, LLP, remedy. The real property will be sold actual amount paid by the purchaser at through, or under any of the foregoing. described property is believed to be having been appointed Substitute or AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or the foreclosure sale, plus any amount Such parties known to the Substitute 3199 Dothan St, Memphis, Tennessee Successor Trustee, all of record in the representations of any kind, express or in excess of the expenses necessarily Trustee may include: Capital One 38118, but such address is not part Shelby County Register’s Office. Default implied, including without limitation, incurred in connection with such prop- Finance, Inc.; Main Street Acquisition of the legal description of the property has occurred in the performance of warranties regarding condition of the erty, less the income from such property, Corp. c/o Paul Mendelson, Attorney; sold herein and in the event of any dis- the covenants, terms, and conditions property or marketability of title. plus a reasonable rental value of such Country Park Homeowners Association crepancy, the legal description herein of said Deed of Trust and the entire This office may be a debt property. As required by 26 U.S.C. Inc.; Country Park Homeowners Associa- shall control. indebtedness has been declared due collector. This may be an attempt to §7425(b), the United States of America, tion, Inc. c/o Dinkelspiel, Rasmussen This sale is subject to, without limita- and payable. collect a debt and any information Internal Revenue Service has been given & Mink, PLLC. tion, all matters shown on any applicable Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: obtained may be used for that timely notice of this action. Terms of Sale will be public auction, recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors purpose. The sale held pursuant to this Notice for cash, free and clear of rights of restrictive covenants, easements, or and assigns. Shapiro & Ingle, LLP may be rescinded at the Successor homestead, redemption and dower to setback lines that may be applicable; The following real estate located in Substitute Trustee Trustee’s option at any time. The right the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, any statutory right of redemption of any Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 is reserved to adjourn the day of the and the rights of Henry E. Jackson and governmental agency, state or federal; to the highest call bidder: Charlotte, NC 28216 sale to another day, time, and place Don Brunetta Jackson, and those claim- any prior liens or encumbrances includ- Described property located at Shelby Phone: (704) 333-8107 certain without further publication, ing through him/her/it/them. ing those created by a fixture filing or any County, Tennessee, to wit: Fax: (704) 333-8156 upon announcement at the time and Any right of equity of redemption, applicable homeowners’ association Lot 17, Section A, BROWNSVILLE place for the sale set forth above. In the statutory and otherwise, and homestead dues or assessments; all claims or other PARK Subdivision, as shown on plat of File No. 18-115202 event of inclement weather, the trustee are waived in accord with the terms of matters, whether of record or not, which record in Plat Book 168, Page 77, in May 10, 17, 24, 2019 Fod69144 hereby announces that the sale will be said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- may encumber the purchaser’s title and the Register’s Office of Shelby County, postponed for a period of two weeks. In lieved to be good, but the undersigned any matter that an accurate survey of Tennessee, to which plat reference NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE such situations, notices will be mailed will sell and convey only as Substitute the premises might disclose. is hereby made for a more particular WHEREAS, default has occurred in the to interested parties of record. W&A Trustee. The following parties may claim an description of said property. performance of the covenants, terms, No. 330899 The right is reserved to adjourn the interest in the above-referenced property Street Address: 3780 Walden Meadow and conditions of a Deed of Trust Note DATED May 8, 2019 day of the sale to another day, time, and to be affected by the foreclosure: any Drive, Memphis, Tennessee 38135 dated December 29, 2015, and the WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., place certain without further publication, judgment creditor or lien holder with an Parcel Number: D0147A D00017 Deed of Trust of even date securing Successor Trustee upon announcement at the time and interest subordinate to the said Deed of Current Owner(s) of Property: Kristin the same, recorded January 5, 2016, May 10, 17, 24, 2019 Fod69150 place for the sale set forth above. If you Trust or any party claiming by, through, or Foster Document No. 16000382, in Office of purchase a property at the foreclosure under any of the foregoing. Such parties The street address of the above the Register of Deeds for Shelby County, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S SALE sale, the entire purchase price is due known to the Substitute Trustee may described property is believed to be Tennessee, executed by Derrick D Bry- Sale at public auction will be on June and payable at the conclusion of the include: A Pope; LVNV Funding, LLC 3780 Walden Meadow Drive, Memphis, ant, conveying certain property therein 13, 2019 at 11:00 am local time, at auction in the form of a certified/bank assignee of Citibank; Lillie Pope. Tennessee 38135, but such address is described to Charles M. Ennis as Trustee the Comfort Inn Downtown, 100 N. Front check made payable to or endorsed Terms of Sale will be public auction, not part of the legal description of the for Mortgage Electronic Registration Street, Memphis, TN 38103 pursuant to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal for cash, free and clear of rights of property sold herein and in the event of Systems, Inc., as nominee for Patriot to Deed of Trust executed by Henry E. checks will be accepted. To this end, homestead, redemption and dower to any discrepancy, the legal description Bank, its successors and assigns; and Jackson and Don Brunetta Jackson, to you must bring sufficient funds to out- the extent disclaimed or inapplicable, herein shall control. the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, Kathryn L. Harris, Trustee, as trustee bid the lender and any other bidders. and the rights of James Dunlap aka This sale is subject to, without limita- P.L.L.C., having been appointed Succes- for Mortgage Electronic Registration Insufficient funds will not be accepted. James C. Dunlap, and those claiming tion, all matters shown on any applicable sor Trustee by BOKF, N.A., A National Systems, Inc. as nominee for Commu- Amounts received in excess of the through him/her/it/them. recorded plat; any unpaid taxes; any Banking Association D/B/A HomeDirect nity Mortgage Corporation on July 19, winning bid will be refunded to the Any right of equity of redemption, restrictive covenants, easements, or Mortgage. 2004 at Instrument No. 04125010; successful purchaser at the time the statutory and otherwise, and homestead setback lines that may be applicable; NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby and modified by agreement recorded foreclosure deed is delivered. are waived in accord with the terms of any statutory right of redemption of any given that the entire indebtedness has September 17, 2018 at Instrument This property is being sold with the said Deed of Trust, and the title is be- governmental agency, state or federal; been declared due and payable; and No. 18094572; conducted by Shapiro express reservation that the sale is lieved to be good, but the undersigned any prior liens or encumbrances includ- that an agent of Wilson & Associates, & Ingle, LLP, having been appointed subject to confirmation by the lender or will sell and convey only as Substitute ing those created by a fixture filing or any P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by virtue Substitute or Successor Trustee, all of trustee. This sale may be rescinded only Trustee. applicable homeowners’ association of the power, duty, and authority vested record in the Shelby County Register’s by the Substitute Trustee at any time. The right is reserved to adjourn the dues or assessments; all claims or other in and imposed upon said Successor Office. Default has occurred in the If the Substitute Trustee rescinds the day of the sale to another day, time, and matters, whether of record or not, which Trustee, by BOKF, N.A., A National performance of the covenants, terms, sale, the purchaser shall only be entitled place certain without further publication, may encumber the purchaser’s title and Banking Association D/B/A HomeDirect and conditions of said Deed of Trust to a return of any money paid towards upon announcement at the time and any matter that an accurate survey of Mortgage, will, on June 4, 2019 on or and the entire indebtedness has been the purchase price and shall have no place for the sale set forth above. If you the premises might disclose. about 12:00 PM, at the Shelby County declared due and payable. other recourse. Once the purchaser purchase a property at the foreclosure The following parties may claim an Courthouse, Memphis, Tennessee, of- Party Entitled to Enforce the Debt: tenders the purchase price, the Substi- sale, the entire purchase price is due interest in the above-referenced property fer for sale certain property hereinafter Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors tute Trustee may deem the sale final in and payable at the conclusion of the to be affected by the foreclosure: any described to the highest bidder FOR and assigns. which case the purchaser shall have no auction in the form of a certified/bank judgment creditor or lien holder with certified funds paid at the conclusion The following real estate located in remedy. The real property will be sold check made payable to or endorsed an interest subordinate to the said of the sale, or credit bid from a bank Shelby County, Tennessee, will be sold AS IS, WHERE IS, with no warranties or to Shapiro & Ingle, LLP. No personal Deed of Trust or any party claiming by, or other lending entity pre-approved by to the highest call bidder: representations of any kind, express or checks will be accepted. To this end, through, or under any of the foregoing. the successor trustee. The sale is free Described property located at Shelby implied, including without limitation, you must bring sufficient funds to out- Such parties known to the Substitute from all exemptions, which are expressly County, Tennessee, to wit: warranties regarding condition of the Friday, May 10, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 21

Public Notices property or marketability of title. OF LABOR AND WORK FORCE DEVEL- Drive, Memphis, TN 38109 Plaintiff’s Claim: $396.15 Time: 10:00 A.M. This office may be a debt OPMENT ARE LISTED AS INTERESTED This sale is subject to all matters Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 In this cause a summons and/or an collector. This may be an attempt to PARTIES IN THE ADVERTISEMENT, THEN shown on any applicable recorded Time: 10:00 A.M. attachment has been issued out under collect a debt and any information THE NOTICE OF THIS FORECLOSURE IS plat; any unpaid taxes; any restrictive In this cause a summons and/or an T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having obtained may be used for that BEING GIVEN TO THEM, AND THE SALE covenants, easements, or setback lines attachment has been issued out under been made that defendant(s) is justly purpose. WILL BE SUBJECT TO ALL APPLICABLE that may be applicable; any statutory T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount Shapiro & Ingle, LLP GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES RIGHT rights of redemption of any governmental been made that defendant(s) is justly shown above, and no summons having Substitute Trustee TO REDEEM THE PROPERTY, ALL AS agency, state or federal; any prior liens indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount been executed on the defendant(s), and 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 REQUIRED BY 26 U.S.C. 7425, T.C.A. or encumbrances as well as any priority shown above, and no summons having the attachment having been returned Charlotte, NC 28216 67-1-1433, AND 28 U.S.C. 2410 (C). created by a fixture filing; and to any been executed on the defendant(s), and levied upon the personal property of the Phone: (704) 333-8107 THE NOTICE REQUIREMENTS OF T.C.A. matter that an accurate survey of the the attachment having been returned defendant(s), to wit sums due from: Kelly Fax: (704) 333-8156 35-5-101 ET SEQ. HAVE BEEN MET. premises might disclose. In addition, the levied upon the personal property of Services Inc., Attn: Payroll, 999 West THE RIGHT IS RESERVED TO ADJOURN following parties may claim an interest the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: Big Beaver Rd., Troy, MI 48084. File No. 19-118332 THE DAY OF THE SALE TO ANOTHER in the above- referenced property: FedEx Express Attn: Payroll, 3955 E. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the May 10, 17, 24, 2019 Fod69159 DAY, TIME AND PLACE CERTAIN WITH- MARILYN M MALONE Shelby Dr., Module E, Memphis, TN defendant(s) make a personal appear- OUT FURTHER PUBLICATION, UPON ESTATE OF MARILYN M MALONE 38118. ance before the Shelby County Court of SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE TIME AND HEIRS OF MARILYN M MALONE IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the General Sessions in the Shelby County FORECLOSURE SALE PLACE FOR THE SALE SET FORTH CAVALRY SPV I, LLC defendant(s) make a personal appear- Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on Default having been made in the ABOVE. THE TRUSTEE/SUBSTITUTE The sale held pursuant to this Notice ance before the Shelby County Court of the day, date, and time set out above, terms, conditions, and payments TRUSTEE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO may be rescinded at the Successor General Sessions in the Shelby County and defend said suit within the time provided in a certain Deed of Trust RESCIND THE SALE Trustee’s option at any time. The right Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on prescribed by law, or the same may dated OCTOBER 28, 2004, executed IF YOU PURCHASE A PROPERTY AT is reserved to adjourn the day of the the day, date, and time set out above, be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS by KEITH CLEMONS, UNMARRIED, to THE FORECLOSURE SALE, THE ENTIRE sale to another day, time, and place and defend said suit within the time FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this JOHN W BYRD, CORPORATION 2860 PURCHASE PRICE IS DUE AND PAYABLE certain without further publication, prescribed by law, or the same may order be published once a week for four STAGE VILLAGE COVE, BARTLETT, TN AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE AUCTION upon announcement at the time and be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, 38134, Trustee, of record in INSTRU- IN THE FORM OF A CERTIFIED/BANK place for the sale set forth above. In the FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Tennessee. This order is hereby entered MENT NO. 04190151 AS MODIFIED CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO OR EN- event of inclement weather, the trustee order be published once a week for four in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. IN INSTRUMENT NO. 16026707, for DORSED TO LAW OFFICE OF J. PHILLIP hereby announces that the sale will be weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- the benefit of BARTLETT MORTGAGE, JONES. NO PERSONAL CHECKS WILL BE postponed for a period of two weeks. In Tennessee. This order is hereby entered nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. INC., CORPORATION, EXISTING UNDER ACCEPTED. TO THIS END, YOU MUST such situations, notices will be mailed in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. A True Copy-Attest: THE LAWS OF TENNESSEE, 2860 BRING SUFFICIENT FUNDS TO OUTBID to interested parties of record. W&A Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- EDWARD L. STANTON JR. STAGE VILLAGE COVE, BARTLETT, THE LENDER AND ANY OTHER BIDDERS. No. 105116 nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. General Sessions Court Clerk TN 38134, in the Register’s Office for INSUFFICIENT FUNDS WILL NOT BE DATED May 8, 2019 A True Copy-Attest: By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. SHELBY County, Tennessee and to ACCEPTED. AMOUNTS RECEIVED IN WILSON & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C., EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Attorney for Plaintiff J. PHILLIP JONES AND/OR JESSICA EXCESS OF THE WINNING BID WILL Successor Trustee General Sessions Court Clerk Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & D. BINKLEY, either of whom may act, BE REFUNDED TO THE SUCCESSFUL May 10, 17, 24, 2019 Fod69161 By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Wright appointed as Substitute Trustee in an PURCHASER AT THE TIME THE FORE- Attorney for Plaintiff Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68588 instrument of record in the Register’s CLOSURE DEED IS DELIVERED. Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & Office forSHELBY County, Tennessee, OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: NONE Wright IN THE COURT OF GENERAL to secure the indebtedness described; OF RECORD Court Notices Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68586 SESSIONS WHEREAS, the said Deed of Trust was THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE last assigned to TENNESSEE HOUSING AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL Shelby County IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, the entire BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. SESSIONS Appear And For Publication In Lieu indebtedness having been declared due This is improved property known as SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Of Personal Service On A Summons and payable by TENNESSEE HOUSING 4123 RONNIE AVENUE, MEMPHIS, TN IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To And/Or An Attachment DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, being the 38128. SESSIONS Appear And For Publication In Lieu Case ID: 1745492 present owner/holder or authorized J. PHILLIP JONES/JESSICA D. BINKLEY, SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Of Personal Service On A Summons Royal Furniture Company agent, designee or servicer of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To And/Or An Attachment Plaintiff(s) holder/owner of said indebtedness, has 1800 HAYES STREET Appear And For Publication In Lieu Case ID: 1724937 VS. requested foreclosure proceedings to be NASHVILLE, TN 37203 Of Personal Service On A Summons Royal Furniture Company Raven Macon instituted; and as provided in said Deed (615) 254-4430 And/Or An Attachment Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) of Trust, I, J. PHILLIP JONES/JESSICA Case ID: 1627161 VS. Plaintiff’s Claim: $931.58 D. BINKLEY, will by virtue of the power F19-0046 Royal Furniture Company Kelunda Robinson Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 and authority vested in me as Substi- May 10, 17, 24, 2019 Fod69162 Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. tute Trustee, on THURSDAY, JUNE 13, VS. Plaintiff’s Claim: $1545.67 In this cause a summons and/or an 2019 AT 12:00 P.M. (NOON), LOCAL NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Letrell Pettis Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 attachment has been issued out under TIME AT THE SOUTHWEST ADAMS WHEREAS, default has occurred Defendant(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having AVENUE ENTRANCE TO THE SHELBY in the performance of the covenants, Plaintiff’s Claim: $470.13 In this cause a summons and/or an been made that defendant(s) is justly COUNTY COURTHOUSE, IN MEMPHIS, terms, and conditions of a Deed of Trust Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 attachment has been issued out under indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE, sell to Note dated January 16, 1998, and the Time: 10:00 A.M. T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having shown above, and no summons having the highest bidder for cash, free from the Deed of Trust of even date securing In this cause a summons and/or an been made that defendant(s) is justly been executed on the defendant(s), and equity of redemption, homestead, and the same, recorded January 26, 1998, attachment has been issued out under indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the attachment having been returned dower, and all other exemptions which Document No. HC 8193, in Office of the T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having shown above, and no summons having levied upon the personal property of are expressly waived, and subject to Register of Deeds for Shelby County, been made that defendant(s) is justly been executed on the defendant(s), and the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: any unpaid taxes, if any, the following Tennessee, executed by Marilyn M Ma- indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the attachment having been returned FedEx, Attn: Payroll, 1000 FedEx Dr., described property in SHELBY County, lone, conveying certain property therein shown above, and no summons having levied upon the personal property of Coraopolis, PA 15108. Tennessee, to wit: described to Benjamin E. Streusand as been executed on the defendant(s), and the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the PROPERTY LOCATED IN CITY OF MEM- Trustee for Home Loan Corporation; and the attachment having been returned Metropolitan Lighthouse Charter School defendant(s) make a personal appear- PHIS, SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE: the undersigned, Wilson & Associates, levied upon the personal property of Attn: Payroll, 180 W 165th St., Bronx, ance before the Shelby County Court of LOT 110, JACKSON BOULEVARD P.L.L.C., having been appointed Suc- the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: NY 10452. General Sessions in the Shelby County SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF cessor Trustee by GSMPS MORTGAGE Express Employment Professionals Attn: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGE 11, LOAN TRUST 2006-RP1, MORTGAGE Garnishment Department, 9701 Board- defendant(s) make a personal appear- the day, date, and time set out above, IN THE REGISTER’S OFFICE OF SHELBY PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES walk Blvd., Oklahoma, OK 73162. ance before the Shelby County Court of and defend said suit within the time COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TO WHICH PLAT 2006-RP1, U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS- IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the General Sessions in the Shelby County prescribed by law, or the same may REFERENCE IS HEREBY MADE FOR A SOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE. defendant(s) make a personal appear- Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION OF NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby ance before the Shelby County Court of the day, date, and time set out above, FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this SAID PROPERTY. given that the entire indebtedness has General Sessions in the Shelby County and defend said suit within the time order be published once a week for four BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CONVEYED been declared due and payable; and Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on prescribed by law, or the same may weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, TO KEITH CLEMONS, A SINGLE PERSON, that an agent of Wilson & Associates, the day, date, and time set out above, be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Tennessee. This order is hereby entered BY WARRANTY DEED DATED OCTOBER P.L.L.C., as Successor Trustee, by and defend said suit within the time FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. 28, 2004 OF RECORD IN INSTRUMENT virtue of the power, duty, and authority prescribed by law, or the same may order be published once a week for four Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- NO. 04190150, REGISTER’S OFFICE vested in and imposed upon said Suc- be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. FOR SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE. cessor Trustee, by GSMPS MORTGAGE FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Tennessee. This order is hereby entered A True Copy-Attest: THIS IS IMPROVED PROPERTY KNOWN LOAN TRUST 2006-RP1, MORTGAGE order be published once a week for four in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. EDWARD L. STANTON JR. AS 4123 RONNIE AVENUE, MEMPHIS, PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SE- weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- General Sessions Court Clerk TN 38128. RIES 2006-RP1, U.S. BANK NATIONAL Tennessee. This order is hereby entered nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. PARCEL ID: 062033 00016 ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, will, on in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. A True Copy-Attest: Attorney for Plaintiff THE SALE OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY July 11, 2019 on or about 10:00 AM, Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, at the Comfort Inn Downtown, Mem- nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. General Sessions Court Clerk Wright AND IS FURTHER SUBJECT TO THE phis, Tennessee, offer for sale certain A True Copy-Attest: By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68589 RIGHT OF ANY TENANT(S) OR OTHER property hereinafter described to the EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Attorney for Plaintiff PARTIES OR ENTITIES IN POSSESSION highest bidder FOR certified fundspaid General Sessions Court Clerk Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & IN THE COURT OF GENERAL OF THE PROPERTY. ANY REPRESENTA- at the conclusion of the sale, or credit By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Wright SESSIONS TION CONCERNING ANY ASPECT OF THE bid from a bank or other lending entity Attorney for Plaintiff Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68587 SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE SUBJECT PROPERTY BY A THIRD PARTY pre- approved by the successor trustee. Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To IS NOT THE REPRESENTATION/RESPON- The sale is free from all exemptions, Wright IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Appear And For Publication In Lieu SIBILITY OF TRUSTEE(S)/ SUBSTITUTE which are expressly waived in the Deed Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68585 SESSIONS Of Personal Service On A Summons TRUSTEE(S) OR THEIR OFFICE. of Trust, said property being real estate SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE And/Or An Attachment THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO ANY UNPAID situated in Shelby County, Tennessee, IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Case ID: 1754690 TAXES, IF ANY, ANY PRIOR LIENS OR and being more particularly described SESSIONS Appear And For Publication In Lieu Royal Furniture Company ENCUMBRANCES LEASES, EASEMENTS as follows: SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Of Personal Service On A Summons Plaintiff(s) AND ALL OTHER MATTERS WHICH TAKE LOT TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To And/Or An Attachment VS. PRIORITY OVER THE DEED OF TRUST UN- (237), THIRD ADDITION TO OTISDALE Appear And For Publication In Lieu Case ID: 1739691 Karmit Brown DER WHICH THIS FORECLOSURE SALE SUBDIVISION, AS SHOWN ON PLAT Of Personal Service On A Summons Royal Furniture Company Defendant(s) IS CONDUCTED, INCLUDING BUT NOT OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 23, PAGE And/Or An Attachment Plaintiff(s) Plaintiff’s Claim: $148.60 LIMITED TO THE PRIORITY OF ANY FIX- 60, IN THE REGISTER’S OFFICE OF Case ID: 1676772 VS. Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 TURE FILING. IF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE, TO Royal Furniture Company Wilbert Atkins Time: 10:00 A.M. OF THE TREASURY/ INTERNAL REVENUE WHICH PLAT REFERENCE IS HEREBY Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) In this cause a summons and/or an SERVICE, THE STATE OF TENNESSEE MADE FOR A MORE PARTICULAR VS. Plaintiff’s Claim: $81.86 attachment has been issued out under DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, OR THE DESCRIPTION OF SAID PROPERTY. Sharika Cole Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT ALSO KNOWN AS: 617 Parkdale Defendant(s) Continued on Page 22 Page 22 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, May 10, 2019

Public Notices

Court Notices T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having shown above, and no summons having levied upon the personal property of Memphis, TN 38141. Continued from Page 21 been made that defendant(s) is justly been executed on the defendant(s), and the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the attachment having been returned Sedona Group, Attn: Payroll, 612 Valley defendant(s) make a personal appear- T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having shown above, and no summons having levied upon the personal property of View Dr., Moline, IL 61265. ance before the Shelby County Court of been made that defendant(s) is justly been executed on the defendant(s), and the defendant(s), to wit sums due IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the General Sessions in the Shelby County indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the attachment having been returned from: Federal Express, Attn: Legal, defendant(s) make a personal appear- Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on shown above, and no summons having levied upon the personal property of 3620 Hacks Cross Bldg. B, 3rd Floor, ance before the Shelby County Court of the day, date, and time set out above, been executed on the defendant(s), and the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: Memphis, TN 38125. General Sessions in the Shelby County and defend said suit within the time the attachment having been returned FedEx Express, Attn: Payroll, 3975 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on prescribed by law, or the same may levied upon the personal property of Airways Blvd., Module E, Memphis, defendant(s) make a personal appear- the day, date, and time set out above, be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: TN 38116. ance before the Shelby County Court of and defend said suit within the time FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Last Call Operating Co., Attn: Payroll, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the General Sessions in the Shelby County prescribed by law, or the same may order be published once a week for four 19111 Dallas Pkwy., Ste. 370, Dallas, defendant(s) make a personal appear- Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, TX 75287. ance before the Shelby County Court of the day, date, and time set out above, FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Tennessee. This order is hereby entered IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the General Sessions in the Shelby County and defend said suit within the time order be published once a week for four in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. defendant(s) make a personal appear- Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on prescribed by law, or the same may weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- ance before the Shelby County Court of the day, date, and time set out above, be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Tennessee. This order is hereby entered nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. General Sessions in the Shelby County and defend said suit within the time FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. A True Copy-Attest: Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on prescribed by law, or the same may order be published once a week for four Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- EDWARD L. STANTON JR. the day, date, and time set out above, be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. General Sessions Court Clerk and defend said suit within the time FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Tennessee. This order is hereby entered A True Copy-Attest: By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. prescribed by law, or the same may order be published once a week for four in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Attorney for Plaintiff be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- General Sessions Court Clerk Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Tennessee. This order is hereby entered nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Wright order be published once a week for four in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. A True Copy-Attest: Attorney for Plaintiff Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68598 weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & Tennessee. This order is hereby entered nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. General Sessions Court Clerk Wright IN THE COURT OF GENERAL in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. A True Copy-Attest: By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68596 SESSIONS Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Attorney for Plaintiff SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. General Sessions Court Clerk Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To A True Copy-Attest: By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Wright SESSIONS Appear And For Publication In Lieu EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Attorney for Plaintiff Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68594 SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Of Personal Service On A Summons General Sessions Court Clerk Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To And/Or An Attachment By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Wright IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Appear And For Publication In Lieu Case ID: 1921523 Attorney for Plaintiff Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68592 SESSIONS Of Personal Service On A Summons Royal Furniture Company Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE And/Or An Attachment Plaintiff(s) Wright IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Case ID: 1881422 VS. Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68590 SESSIONS Appear And For Publication In Lieu Royal Furniture Company Eric Bradley SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Of Personal Service On A Summons Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To And/Or An Attachment VS. Plaintiff’s Claim: $1319.45 SESSIONS Appear And For Publication In Lieu Case ID: 1865361 Robert Duff Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Of Personal Service On A Summons Royal Furniture Company Defendant(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To And/Or An Attachment Plaintiff(s) Plaintiff’s Claim: $318.40 In this cause a summons and/or Appear And For Publication In Lieu Case ID: 1807918 VS. Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 an attachment has been issued out Of Personal Service On A Summons Royal Furniture Company Anderson Mitchell Time: 10:00 A.M. under T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit And/Or An Attachment Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) In this cause a summons and/or an having been made that defendant(s) Case ID: 1757530 VS. Plaintiff’s Claim: $1432.27 attachment has been issued out under is justly indebted to the plaintiff(s) Royal Furniture Company Milton Ward Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having in the amount shown above, and no Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. been made that defendant(s) is justly summons having been executed on VS. Plaintiff’s Claim: $368.06 In this cause a summons and/or an indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the defendant(s), and the attachment Gerald Spencer Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 attachment has been issued out under shown above, and no summons having having been returned levied upon the Defendant(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having been executed on the defendant(s), and personal property of the defendant(s), Plaintiff’s Claim: $1541.93 In this cause a summons and/or an been made that defendant(s) is justly the attachment having been returned to wit sums due from: Adecco Employ- Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 attachment has been issued out under indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount levied upon the personal property of ment, Attn: Payroll, 175 Broad Hollow Time: 10:00 A.M. T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having shown above, and no summons having the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: Rd., Melville, NY 11747. In this cause a summons and/or an been made that defendant(s) is justly been executed on the defendant(s), and Randstad, Attn: Payroll, One Overton IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the attachment has been issued out under indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the attachment having been returned Park, 3625 Cumberland Blvd., Ste. 600, defendant(s) make a personal appear- T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having shown above, and no summons having levied upon the personal property of Atlanta, GA 30339. ance before the Shelby County Court of been made that defendant(s) is justly been executed on the defendant(s), and the defendant(s), to wit sums due IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the General Sessions in the Shelby County indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the attachment having been returned from: Randstad, Attn: Payroll, 3625 defendant(s) make a personal appear- Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on shown above, and no summons having levied upon the personal property of Cumberland Blvd., Ste. 600, Atlanta, ance before the Shelby County Court of the day, date, and time set out above, been executed on the defendant(s), and the defendant(s), to wit sums due GA 30339. General Sessions in the Shelby County and defend said suit within the time the attachment having been returned from: Maines Paper & Food Services, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on prescribed by law, or the same may levied upon the personal property of Attn: Payroll, 101 Broome Corp. Pkwy., defendant(s) make a personal appear- the day, date, and time set out above, be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS the defendant(s), to wit sums due Conklin, NY 13748. ance before the Shelby County Court of and defend said suit within the time FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this from: Amerigas Propane Attn: Payroll, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the General Sessions in the Shelby County prescribed by law, or the same may order be published once a week for four 460 North Gulph Rd., King of Prissia, defendant(s) make a personal appear- Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, PA 19406. ance before the Shelby County Court of the day, date, and time set out above, FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Tennessee. This order is hereby entered IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the General Sessions in the Shelby County and defend said suit within the time order be published once a week for four in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. defendant(s) make a personal appear- Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on prescribed by law, or the same may weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- ance before the Shelby County Court of the day, date, and time set out above, be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Tennessee. This order is hereby entered nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. General Sessions in the Shelby County and defend said suit within the time FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. A True Copy-Attest: Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on prescribed by law, or the same may order be published once a week for four Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- EDWARD L. STANTON JR. the day, date, and time set out above, be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. General Sessions Court Clerk and defend said suit within the time FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Tennessee. This order is hereby entered A True Copy-Attest: By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. prescribed by law, or the same may order be published once a week for four in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Attorney for Plaintiff be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- General Sessions Court Clerk Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Tennessee. This order is hereby entered nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Wright order be published once a week for four in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. A True Copy-Attest: Attorney for Plaintiff Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68599 weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & Tennessee. This order is hereby entered nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. General Sessions Court Clerk Wright IN THE COURT OF GENERAL in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. A True Copy-Attest: By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68597 SESSIONS Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Attorney for Plaintiff SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. General Sessions Court Clerk Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To A True Copy-Attest: By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Wright SESSIONS Appear And For Publication In Lieu EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Attorney for Plaintiff Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68595 SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Of Personal Service On A Summons General Sessions Court Clerk Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To And/Or An Attachment By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Wright IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Appear And For Publication In Lieu Case ID: 1929167 Attorney for Plaintiff Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68593 SESSIONS Of Personal Service On A Summons Royal Furniture Company Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE And/Or An Attachment Plaintiff(s) Wright IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Case ID: 1887571 VS. Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68591 SESSIONS Appear And For Publication In Lieu Royal Furniture Company Raphael Thornton SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Of Personal Service On A Summons Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To And/Or An Attachment VS. Plaintiff’s Claim: $898.90 SESSIONS Appear And For Publication In Lieu Case ID: 1871506 Richard Wade Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Of Personal Service On A Summons Royal Furniture Company Defendant(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To And/Or An Attachment Plaintiff(s) Plaintiff’s Claim: $1050.85 In this cause a summons and/or an Appear And For Publication In Lieu Case ID: 1865343 VS. Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 attachment has been issued out under Of Personal Service On A Summons Royal Furniture Company Kellis Porter Time: 10:00 A.M. T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having And/Or An Attachment Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) In this cause a summons and/or an been made that defendant(s) is justly Case ID: 1792434 VS. Plaintiff’s Claim: $1431.18 attachment has been issued out under indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount Royal Furniture Company Christopher Anderson Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having shown above, and no summons having Plaintiff(s) Defendant(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. been made that defendant(s) is justly been executed on the defendant(s), and VS. Plaintiff’s Claim: $562.07 In this cause a summons and/or an indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the attachment having been returned Melissa A. Jones Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 attachment has been issued out under shown above, and no summons having levied upon the personal property of Defendant(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having been executed on the defendant(s), and the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: Plaintiff’s Claim: $1030.86 In this cause a summons and/or an been made that defendant(s) is justly the attachment having been returned Dollar Tree Stores Inc., Attn: Payroll/ Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 attachment has been issued out under indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount levied upon the personal property of Garnishment, 500 Volvo Pkwy., Chesa- Time: 10:00 A.M. T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having shown above, and no summons having the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: peake, VA 23320. In this cause a summons and/or an been made that defendant(s) is justly been executed on the defendant(s), and Pemko Manufacturing Company Inc., IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the attachment has been issued out under indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the attachment having been returned Attn: Payroll, 5535 Distribution Dr., defendant(s) make a personal appear- Friday, May 10, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 23

Public Notices ance before the Shelby County Court of prescribed by law, or the same may weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, A True Copy-Attest: Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68635 General Sessions in the Shelby County be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Tennessee. This order is hereby entered EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. General Sessions Court Clerk IN THE COURT OF GENERAL the day, date, and time set out above, order be published once a week for four Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- By: Delia Crumpton, PCC SESSIONS and defend said suit within the time weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. Robert Uhlmann SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE prescribed by law, or the same may Tennessee. This order is hereby entered A True Copy-Attest: Attorney for Plaintiff Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68633 Appear And For Publication In Lieu FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- General Sessions Court Clerk Of Personal Service On A Summons order be published once a week for four nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. IN THE COURT OF GENERAL And/Or An Attachment weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, A True Copy-Attest: Attorney for Plaintiff SESSIONS Case ID: 1805975 Tennessee. This order is hereby entered EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Royal Furniture in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. General Sessions Court Clerk Wright Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Plaintiff(s) Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68604 Appear And For Publication In Lieu VS. nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. Attorney for Plaintiff Of Personal Service On A Summons Timothy Brown A True Copy-Attest: Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & IN THE COURT OF GENERAL And/Or An Attachment Defendant(s) EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Wright SESSIONS Case ID: 1673612 Plaintiff’s Claim: $3708.86 General Sessions Court Clerk Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68602 SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Royal Furniture Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Plaintiff(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. Attorney for Plaintiff IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Appear And For Publication In Lieu VS. In this cause a summons and/or an Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & SESSIONS Of Personal Service On A Summons Ronnie Buggs II attachment has been issued out under Wright SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE And/Or An Attachment Defendant(s) T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68600 Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Case ID: 1539915 Plaintiff’s Claim: $1741.39 been made that defendant(s) is justly Appear And For Publication In Lieu Royal Furniture Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Of Personal Service On A Summons Plaintiff(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. shown above, and no summons having SESSIONS And/Or An Attachment VS. In this cause a summons and/or an been executed on the defendant(s), and SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Case ID: 1934689 Charles Ratliff attachment has been issued out under the attachment having been returned Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Royal Furniture Company Defendant(s) T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having levied upon the personal property of Appear And For Publication In Lieu Plaintiff(s) Plaintiff’s Claim: $2252.74 been made that defendant(s) is justly the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: Of Personal Service On A Summons VS. Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount General Motors LLC, 300 Renaissance And/Or An Attachment Brandon A. Ward Time: 10:00 A.M. shown above, and no summons having Dr., Detroit, MI 48243. Case ID: 1930115 Defendant(s) In this cause a summons and/or an been executed on the defendant(s), and IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the Royal Furniture Company Plaintiff’s Claim: $2236.42 attachment has been issued out under the attachment having been returned defendant(s) make a personal appear- Plaintiff(s) Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having levied upon the personal property of ance before the Shelby County Court of VS. Time: 10:00 A.M. been made that defendant(s) is justly the defendant(s), to wit sums due General Sessions in the Shelby County Danielle Anderson In this cause a summons and/or an indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount from: SCI Texas Funeral Services c/o Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on Defendant(s) attachment has been issued out under shown above, and no summons having Payroll, 1929 Allen Pkwy, Houston, TX the day, date, and time set out above, Plaintiff’s Claim: $1130.25 T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having been executed on the defendant(s), and 77019. and defend said suit within the time Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 been made that defendant(s) is justly the attachment having been returned IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the prescribed by law, or the same may Time: 10:00 A.M. indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount levied upon the personal property of defendant(s) make a personal appear- be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS In this cause a summons and/or an shown above, and no summons having the defendant(s), to wit sums due ance before the Shelby County Court of FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this attachment has been issued out under been executed on the defendant(s), and from: UTC Climate Controls c/o Payroll, General Sessions in the Shelby County order be published once a week for four T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having the attachment having been returned 9 Farm Springs Rd. Mailstop 541-48, Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, been made that defendant(s) is justly levied upon the personal property of Farmington, CT 06032. the day, date, and time set out above, Tennessee. This order is hereby entered indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the and defend said suit within the time in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. shown above, and no summons having American Lebanese, 501 St. Jude Place, defendant(s) make a personal appear- prescribed by law, or the same may Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- been executed on the defendant(s), and Memphis, TN 38105. ance before the Shelby County Court of be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. the attachment having been returned IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the General Sessions in the Shelby County FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this A True Copy-Attest: levied upon the personal property of defendant(s) make a personal appear- Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on order be published once a week for four EDWARD L. STANTON JR. the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: ance before the Shelby County Court of the day, date, and time set out above, weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, General Sessions Court Clerk Express Scripts, 1 Express Way, St. General Sessions in the Shelby County and defend said suit within the time Tennessee. This order is hereby entered By: Delia Crumpton, PCC Louis, MO 63121. Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on prescribed by law, or the same may in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. Robert Uhlmann IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the the day, date, and time set out above, be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- Attorney for Plaintiff defendant(s) make a personal appear- and defend said suit within the time FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68636 ance before the Shelby County Court of prescribed by law, or the same may order be published once a week for four A True Copy-Attest: General Sessions in the Shelby County be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, EDWARD L. STANTON JR. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Tennessee. This order is hereby entered General Sessions Court Clerk Docket: PR013912 the day, date, and time set out above, order be published once a week for four in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. By: Delia Crumpton, PCC In Re the Matter of: Jeff Adams Crow and defend said suit within the time weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- Robert Uhlmann Jr. prescribed by law, or the same may Tennessee. This order is hereby entered nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. Attorney for Plaintiff Notice is hereby given that on the 30th be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. A True Copy-Attest: Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68634 day of Apr., 2019, Letters Testamentary FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- EDWARD L. STANTON JR. in respect of Jeff Adams Crow Jr., who order be published once a week for four nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. General Sessions Court Clerk IN THE COURT OF GENERAL died Feb. 28, 2019, were issued to weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, A True Copy-Attest: By: Delia Crumpton, PCC SESSIONS the undersigned by the Probate Court Tennessee. This order is hereby entered EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Robert Uhlmann SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE of Shelby County, Tennessee. in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. General Sessions Court Clerk Attorney for Plaintiff Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To All persons, resident and non-resident, Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68632 Appear And For Publication In Lieu having claims, matured or unmatured, nessee on this date: April 3, 2019. Attorney for Plaintiff Of Personal Service On A Summons against the estate are required to file A True Copy-Attest: Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & IN THE COURT OF GENERAL And/Or An Attachment the same with the Clerk of the above EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Wright SESSIONS Case ID: 1690175 named Court on or before the earlier General Sessions Court Clerk Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68603 SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Royal Furniture of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Plaintiff(s) otherwise their claims will be forever Attorney for Plaintiff IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Appear And For Publication In Lieu VS. barred. Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & SESSIONS Of Personal Service On A Summons Latisha Gaskin (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date Wright SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE And/Or An Attachment Defendant(s) of the first publication (or posting, as Apr. 19, 26, May 3, 10, 2019 Cod68601 Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Case ID: 1662614 Plaintiff’s Claim: $2671.71 the case may be) of this notice if the Appear And For Publication In Lieu Royal Furniture Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 creditor received an actual copy of IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Of Personal Service On A Summons Plaintiff(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. this Notice to Creditors at least sixty SESSIONS And/Or An Attachment VS. In this cause a summons and/or an (60) days before the date that is four SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Case ID: 1938863 Cameron Burton attachment has been issued out under (4) months from the date of the first Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Royal Furniture Company Defendant(s) T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having publication (or posting); or Appear And For Publication In Lieu Plaintiff(s) Plaintiff’s Claim: $1138.46 been made that defendant(s) is justly (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the Of Personal Service On A Summons VS. Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount creditor received an actual copy of And/Or An Attachment Coretta A. McGlothin Time: 10:00 A.M. shown above, and no summons having the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor Case ID: 1933511 Defendant(s) In this cause a summons and/or an been executed on the defendant(s), and received the copy of the notice less Royal Furniture Company Plaintiff’s Claim: $1784.51 attachment has been issued out under the attachment having been returned than sixty (60) days prior to the date Plaintiff(s) Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having levied upon the personal property of that is four (4) months from the date VS. Time: 10:00 A.M. been made that defendant(s) is justly the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: of first publication (or posting) as Fannie Foster In this cause a summons and/or an indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount Owens Corning Co. Payroll, 1 Owens described in (1)(A); or Defendant(s) attachment has been issued out under shown above, and no summons having Corning Pkwy, Toledo, OH 43659. (2) Twelve (12) months from the Plaintiff’s Claim: $2800.44 T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having been executed on the defendant(s), and IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the decedent’s date of death. Hearing Date: May 17, 2019 been made that defendant(s) is justly the attachment having been returned defendant(s) make a personal appear- This 30th day of Apr., 2019. Time: 10:00 A.M. indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount levied upon the personal property of ance before the Shelby County Court of James A. Boone In this cause a summons and/or an shown above, and no summons having the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: General Sessions in the Shelby County Paula Wolford Crow Executor attachment has been issued out under been executed on the defendant(s), and Allegis Group c/o Payroll, 7312 Parkway Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on Attorney for the Estate: T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having the attachment having been returned Dr., Hanover, MD 21076. the day, date, and time set out above, Blanchard E. Tual been made that defendant(s) is justly levied upon the personal property of IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the and defend said suit within the time May 3, 10, 2019 Cod69024 indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: defendant(s) make a personal appear- prescribed by law, or the same may shown above, and no summons having CT Corporation System/FedEx Supply ance before the Shelby County Court of be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS IN THE COURT OF GENERAL been executed on the defendant(s), and Chain, 208 South Lasalle ST., Ste. 814, General Sessions in the Shelby County FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this SESSIONS the attachment having been returned 17th Floor, Chicago, IL 60604. Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on order be published once a week for four SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE levied upon the personal property of IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the the day, date, and time set out above, weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: defendant(s) make a personal appear- and defend said suit within the time Tennessee. This order is hereby entered Appear And For Publication In Lieu Trezevant Manor, Attn: Payroll, 177 N. ance before the Shelby County Court of prescribed by law, or the same may in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. Of Personal Service On A Summons Highland St., Memphis, TN 38111. General Sessions in the Shelby County be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- And/Or An Attachment IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. Case ID: 1815698 defendant(s) make a personal appear- the day, date, and time set out above, order be published once a week for four A True Copy-Attest: Royal Furniture ance before the Shelby County Court of and defend said suit within the time weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Plaintiff(s) General Sessions in the Shelby County prescribed by law, or the same may Tennessee. This order is hereby entered General Sessions Court Clerk VS. Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. By: Delia Crumpton, PCC Donna Cummings the day, date, and time set out above, FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- Robert Uhlmann and defend said suit within the time order be published once a week for four nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. Attorney for Plaintiff Continued on Page 24 Page 24 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, May 10, 2019

Public Notices

Court Notices Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount c/o Payroll, 2700 E 4th, Hutchinson, the day, date, and time set out above, Continued from Page 23 Time: 10:00 A.M. shown above, and no summons having KS 67501. and defend said suit within the time In this cause a summons and/or an been executed on the defendant(s), and IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the prescribed by law, or the same may Defendant(s) attachment has been issued out under the attachment having been returned defendant(s) make a personal appear- be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Plaintiff’s Claim: $1465.07 T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having levied upon the personal property of ance before the Shelby County Court of FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 been made that defendant(s) is justly the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: General Sessions in the Shelby County order be published once a week for four Time: 10:00 A.M. indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount T Star c/o Payroll, 5560 Raines Rd., Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, In this cause a summons and/or an shown above, and no summons having Memphis, TN 38115. the day, date, and time set out above, Tennessee. This order is hereby entered attachment has been issued out under been executed on the defendant(s), and IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the and defend said suit within the time in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having the attachment having been returned defendant(s) make a personal appear- prescribed by law, or the same may Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- been made that defendant(s) is justly levied upon the personal property of ance before the Shelby County Court of be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: General Sessions in the Shelby County FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this A True Copy-Attest: shown above, and no summons having Bluesky Corporation c/o Payroll, 1830 Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on order be published once a week for four EDWARD L. STANTON JR. been executed on the defendant(s), and Commerce St., Grenada, MS 38901. the day, date, and time set out above, weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, General Sessions Court Clerk the attachment having been returned IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the and defend said suit within the time Tennessee. This order is hereby entered By: Delia Crumpton, PCC levied upon the personal property of defendant(s) make a personal appear- prescribed by law, or the same may in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. Robert Uhlmann the defendant(s), to wit sums due ance before the Shelby County Court of be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- Attorney for Plaintiff from: Chime Solutions c/o Payroll, General Sessions in the Shelby County FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68645 1000 Southlake Mall #201, Morrow, Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on order be published once a week for four A True Copy-Attest: GA 30260. the day, date, and time set out above, weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, EDWARD L. STANTON JR. ORDER OF PUBLICATION IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the and defend said suit within the time Tennessee. This order is hereby entered General Sessions Court Clerk Case ID: CT-1730-19 defendant(s) make a personal appear- prescribed by law, or the same may in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. By: Delia Crumpton, PCC Gerald Lynn Jackson ance before the Shelby County Court of be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- Robert Uhlmann VS. General Sessions in the Shelby County FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. Attorney for Plaintiff Dorthea Spearman Jackson Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on order be published once a week for four A True Copy-Attest: Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68643 It appearing from the sworn petition the day, date, and time set out above, weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, EDWARD L. STANTON JR. filed in this case that the residence of the and defend said suit within the time Tennessee. This order is hereby entered General Sessions Court Clerk IN THE COURT OF GENERAL defendant, Dorthea Spearman Jackson prescribed by law, or the same may in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. By: Delia Crumpton, PCC SESSIONS is unknown and cannot be ascertained be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- Robert Uhlmann SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE upon diligent search and inquiry. FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. Attorney for Plaintiff Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the order be published once a week for four A True Copy-Attest: Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68641 Appear And For Publication In Lieu defendant appear in Circuit Court in the weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Of Personal Service On A Summons Shelby County Courthouse, Memphis, Tennessee. This order is hereby entered General Sessions Court Clerk IN THE COURT OF GENERAL And/Or An Attachment Tennessee within 30 days of the last in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. By: Delia Crumpton, PCC SESSIONS Case ID: 1942185 date of this publication, and, plead, Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- Robert Uhlmann SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Royal Furniture answer or demur to complainant’s bill nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. Attorney for Plaintiff Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Plaintiff(s) for divorce, or the same will be taken A True Copy-Attest: Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68639 Appear And For Publication In Lieu VS. for confessed as to the defendant and EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Of Personal Service On A Summons Lawanda Christopher this cause proceeded with ex parte, and General Sessions Court Clerk IN THE COURT OF GENERAL And/Or An Attachment Defendant(s) that a copy of this order be published By: Delia Crumpton, PCC SESSIONS Case ID: 1915032 Plaintiff’s Claim: $1150.98 once a week for four consecutive weeks Robert Uhlmann SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Royal Furniture Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 in The Daily News. Attorney for Plaintiff Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Plaintiff(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. This 22nd day of April, 2019. Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68637 Appear And For Publication In Lieu VS. In this cause a summons and/or an Temiika Gipson, Circuit Court Clerk Of Personal Service On A Summons Marilyn Taylor attachment has been issued out under Sharon Smith, Deputy Clerk IN THE COURT OF GENERAL And/Or An Attachment Defendant(s) T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having Princess M. Woodard SESSIONS Case ID: 1871502 Plaintiff’s Claim: $1021.14 been made that defendant(s) is justly Attorney for Complainant SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Royal Furniture Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68867 Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Plaintiff(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. shown above, and no summons having Appear And For Publication In Lieu VS. In this cause a summons and/or an been executed on the defendant(s), and ORDER OF PUBLICATION Of Personal Service On A Summons Cheryl Baker attachment has been issued out under the attachment having been returned In the Chancery Court of Shelby And/Or An Attachment Defendant(s) T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having levied upon the personal property of County, Tennessee. Case ID: 1834068 Plaintiff’s Claim: $1813.35 been made that defendant(s) is justly the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: No. CH-19-0519 Royal Furniture Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount Aldi US, 1200 North Kirk Rd., Batavia, Sharekia L. Garrett Plaintiff(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. shown above, and no summons having IL 60510. Plaintiff VS. In this cause a summons and/or an been executed on the defendant(s), and IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the vs Isakeia Taylor attachment has been issued out under the attachment having been returned defendant(s) make a personal appear- Jonathan A. Anderson Defendant(s) T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having levied upon the personal property of the ance before the Shelby County Court of Defendant Plaintiff’s Claim: $1320.42 been made that defendant(s) is justly defendant(s), to wit sums due from: Xcel General Sessions in the Shelby County It appearing from the sworn com- Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount c/o Payroll, 7361 Calhoun Pl. #600, Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on plaint that the defendant, Jonathan A. Time: 10:00 A.M. shown above, and no summons having Rockville, MS 20855. the day, date, and time set out above, Anderson, is unknown and cannot be In this cause a summons and/or an been executed on the defendant(s), and IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the and defend said suit within the time ascertained upon diligent inquiry. attachment has been issued out under the attachment having been returned defendant(s) make a personal appear- prescribed by law, or the same may It is therefore ordered that he make T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having levied upon the personal property of ance before the Shelby County Court of be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS his appearance herein at the Court been made that defendant(s) is justly the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: General Sessions in the Shelby County FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this House of Shelby County, Tennessee, in indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount Staffmark Investments c/o Payroll, Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on order be published once a week for four Memphis on June 21, 2019, and answer shown above, and no summons having 201 East 4th Ste. 800, Cincinnati, the day, date, and time set out above, weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, plaintiff’s Complaint for Divorce, or the been executed on the defendant(s), and OH 45202. and defend said suit within the time Tennessee. This order is hereby entered same will be taken for confessed as to the attachment having been returned IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the prescribed by law, or the same may in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. defendant and set for hearing ex parte, levied upon the personal property of defendant(s) make a personal appear- be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- and that a copy of this order be published the defendant(s), to wit sums due ance before the Shelby County Court of FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. once a week for four consecutive weeks from: Unidine Corporation c/o Payroll, General Sessions in the Shelby County order be published once a week for four A True Copy-Attest: in The Daily News. 1000 Washington Ste. 510, Roxbury, Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, EDWARD L. STANTON JR. This 23rd day of April, 2019. MA 02118. the day, date, and time set out above, Tennessee. This order is hereby entered General Sessions Court Clerk A True Copy—Attest: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the and defend said suit within the time in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. By: Delia Crumpton, PCC Donna L. Russell, Clerk & Master defendant(s) make a personal appear- prescribed by law, or the same may Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- Robert Uhlmann By Carnethia Frye, D.C.&M. ance before the Shelby County Court of be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. Attorney for Plaintiff Princess Woodard General Sessions in the Shelby County FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this A True Copy-Attest: Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68644 Attorney for Plaintiff Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on order be published once a week for four EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68866 the day, date, and time set out above, weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, General Sessions Court Clerk IN THE COURT OF GENERAL and defend said suit within the time Tennessee. This order is hereby entered By: Delia Crumpton, PCC SESSIONS IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF prescribed by law, or the same may in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. Robert Uhlmann SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE MEMPHIS AND SHELBY COUNTY, be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- Attorney for Plaintiff Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To TENNESSEE FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68642 Appear And For Publication In Lieu STATE OF TENNESSEE order be published once a week for four A True Copy-Attest: Of Personal Service On A Summons DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN’S SER- weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, EDWARD L. STANTON JR. IN THE COURT OF GENERAL And/Or An Attachment VICES Tennessee. This order is hereby entered General Sessions Court Clerk SESSIONS Case ID: 1944234 Petitioner, in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. By: Delia Crumpton, PCC SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Royal Furniture v. Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- Robert Uhlmann Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Plaintiff(s) UNKNOWN MOTHER AND UNKNOWN nessee on this date: April 19, 2019. Attorney for Plaintiff Appear And For Publication In Lieu VS. FATHER, A True Copy-Attest: Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68640 Of Personal Service On A Summons Jessica Faulkner Respondents. EDWARD L. STANTON JR. And/Or An Attachment Defendant(s) IN THE MATTER OF: General Sessions Court Clerk IN THE COURT OF GENERAL Case ID: 1938748 Plaintiff’s Claim: $1066.68 Madison Marie Shelby, DOB: By: Delia Crumpton, PCC SESSIONS Royal Furniture Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 04/20/2019 Robert Uhlmann SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Plaintiff(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. A CHILD UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN Attorney for Plaintiff Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To VS. In this cause a summons and/or an (18) YEARS Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68638 Appear And For Publication In Lieu Laquiter Bobo attachment has been issued out under ORDER OF PUBLICATION ON SAFE Of Personal Service On A Summons Defendant(s) T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having HAVEN BABY IN THE COURT OF GENERAL And/Or An Attachment Plaintiff’s Claim: $665.26 been made that defendant(s) is justly The State of Tennessee, Department of SESSIONS Case ID: 1900727 Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount Children’s Services, has in its custody SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE Royal Furniture Time: 10:00 A.M. shown above, and no summons having Madison Marie Shelby, a female infant Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To Plaintiff(s) In this cause a summons and/or an been executed on the defendant(s), and voluntarily relinquished by said child’s Appear And For Publication In Lieu VS. attachment has been issued out under the attachment having been returned mother to Baptist Women’s Hospital on Of Personal Service On A Summons Felicia Reed T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having levied upon the personal property of the 20th day of April 2019, pursuant And/Or An Attachment Defendant(s) been made that defendant(s) is justly the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: to the Tennessee Safe Haven statute, Case ID: 1846784 Plaintiff’s Claim: $1305.17 indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount Federal Express, 3975 Airways Blvd, Tennessee Code Annotated § 68-11- Royal Furniture Hearing Date: May 24, 2019 shown above, and no summons having Module E, Memphis, TN 38116. 255. The Department named the infant Plaintiff(s) Time: 10:00 A.M. been executed on the defendant(s), and IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the as no name was given to her prior to VS. In this cause a summons and/or an the attachment having been returned defendant(s) make a personal appear- her abandonment. The child was born Courtney Blackman attachment has been issued out under levied upon the personal property of ance before the Shelby County Court of at Baptist Women’s Hospital on April Defendant(s) T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: General Sessions in the Shelby County 20, 2019 at 10:01 a.m. The child was Plaintiff’s Claim: $504.53 been made that defendant(s) is justly Kroger Accounting Services Hutchinson Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on born pursuant to a vaginal delivery to an Friday, May 10, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 25

Public Notices

African American birth mother. Madison (4) months from the date of the first in the Complaint to Quiet Title. answer or demur to complainant’s bill Time: 10:00 A.M. weighed 7 pounds and .5 ounces and publication (or posting); or It is therefore ordered that EVEL for divorce, or the same will be taken In this cause a summons and/or an was 19.25 inches long at birth. Unknown (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the POWELL, JERRY POWELL AND ANY for confessed as to the defendant and attachment has been issued out under mother and father, you may follow up by creditor received an actual copy of UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING AN this cause proceeded with ex parte, and T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having contacting Beulah Davis, Case Manager, the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor INTEREST IN 759 ROSEBANKS ROAD, that a copy of this order be published been made that defendant(s) is justly for the Department, at (901) 483-0568. received the copy of the notice less MEMPHIS, SHELBY COUNTY, TENNES- once a week for four consecutive weeks indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount This notice will be published for four con- than sixty (60) days prior to the date SEE make their appearance herein at in The Daily News. shown above, and no summons having secutive weeks. Failure to seek contact that is four (4) months from the date the Court House of Shelby County, in This 7th day of May, 2019. been executed on the defendant(s), and with this infant through the Department of first publication (or posting) as the city of Memphis, Shelby County, Temiika Gipson, Circuit Court the attachment having been returned or to revoke the voluntary delivery of this described in (1)(A); or TN on June 28, 2019, and answer Clerk levied upon the personal property of child within thirty (30) days of the date (2) Twelve (12) months from the plaintiffs’ complaint for QUIET TITLE or Kat Minton, Deputy Clerk the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: of the last publication of notice shall decedent’s date of death. the same will be taken for confessed Juliet Hill-Akines Express Employment Professional, constitute abandonment of the infant This 30th day of Apr., 2019. as to defendant{s), and set for hearing Attorney for Complainant Attn: Payroll, 9701 Boardwalk Blvd., and of the mother’s interest in this child, Joyce Lynette Fair Administrator(s) ex parte, and that a copy of this order May 10, 17, 24, 31, 2019 Cod69133 Oklahoma City, OK 73162. and the Department will file a petition Attorney for the Estate: be published once a week for four suc- IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the to terminate your parental rights. Any Richard W. Pierotti cessive weeks in the Daily News. NOTICE TO CREDITORS defendant(s) make a personal appear- father of such infant who fails to claim May 3, 10, 2019 Cod69025 This 30th day of April, 2019. Docket: PR013963 ance before the Shelby County Court of paternity by contacting the department A True Copy-Attest In Re the Matter of: Marilyn I. McKeon General Sessions in the Shelby County or registering with the putative father ORDER OF PUBLICATION Donna L. Russell, Clerk & Master Notice is hereby given that on the 7th Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on registry pursuant to §36-2-318 within In the Chancery Court of Shelby By: Sam Ginsberg, D.C. & M. day of May, 2019, Letters of Adminis- the day, date, and time set out above, thirty (30) days of the last publication County, Tennessee Attorney for Petitioner tration in respect of Marilyn I. McKeon, and defend said suit within the time shall be barred from thereafter bringing No. CH-19-0628 James Crislip who died Aug. 31, 2018, were issued prescribed by law, or the same may or maintaining any action to establish Stevon Hammond May 3, 10, 17, 24, 2019 Cod69041 to the undersigned by the Probate Court be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS paternity of the infant. Such failure Plaintiff of Shelby County, Tennessee. FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this shall constitute abandonment of any vs NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons, resident and non-resident, order be published once a week for four right to notice of, or to a hearing in, any Alithia Gilliam, Brenda Reed, Akeeria Docket: PR013921 having claims, matured or unmatured, weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, judicial proceeding for the adoption of Jackson, Cortriel Cannon In Re the Matter of: Paul R. Taylor against the estate are required to file the Tennessee. This order is hereby entered such infant and that consent of such Defendant Notice is hereby given that on the 1st same with the Clerk of the above named in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. putative father shall not be required for It appearing from the sworn com- day of May, 2019, Letters Testamentary Court on or before the earlier of the dates Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- adoption of the infant. plaint that the defendant, Akeeria in respect of Paul R. Taylor, who died prescribed in (1) or (2), otherwise their nessee on this date: April 26, 2019. Attn: Kirk Stewart, Attorney at Law Jackson and Cortriel Cannon, is un- Mar. 15, 2019, were issued to the claims will be forever barred. A True Copy-Attest: Apr. 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2019 Cod68902 known and cannot be ascertained upon undersigned by the Probate Court of (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date of EDWARD L. STANTON JR. diligent inquiry. Shelby County, Tennessee. the first publication (or posting, as the General Sessions Court Clerk IN THE COURT OF GENERAL It is therefore ordered that Akeeria All persons, resident and non-resident, case may be) of this notice if the creditor By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. SESSIONS Jackson and Cortriel Cannon make having claims, matured or unmatured, received an actual copy of this Notice Cochran, Uhlmann, Abney, Duck & SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE their appearance herein at the Court against the estate are required to file to Creditors at least sixty (60) days Wright Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To House of Shelby County, Tennessee, the same with the Clerk of the above before the date that is four (4) months Attorney for Plaintiff Appear And For Publication In Lieu in Memphis, on: June 28, 2019 and named Court on or before the earlier from the date of the first publication May 10, 17, 24, 31, 2019 Cod68994 Of Personal Service On A Summons answer plaintiff’s Petition to Quiet Title of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), (or posting); or And/Or An Attachment and Confirm Tax Sale or the same will otherwise their claims will be forever (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the NOTICE TO CREDITORS Case ID: 1951206 be taken for confessed as to defendant barred. creditor received an actual copy of Docket: PR013968 Masterbilt Roofing and set for hearing ex parte, and that (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor In Re the Matter of: Charles David Plaintiff(s) a copy of this order be published once of the first publication (or posting, as received the copy of the notice less than Ellis VS. a week for four consecutive weeks in the case may be) of this notice if the sixty (60) days prior to the date that is Notice is hereby given that on the 8th Michael Brasher The Daily News. creditor received an actual copy of four (4) months from the date of first day of May, 2018, Letters of Administra- Defendant(s) This 30th day of April, 2019. this Notice to Creditors at least sixty publication (or posting) as described tion in respect of Charles David Ellis, Plaintiff’s Claim: $11,537.76 A True Copy - Attest: (60) days before the date that is four in (1)(A); or who died May 2, 2019, were issued to Hearing Date: May 31, 2019 Donna L. Russell, Clerk & Master (4) months from the date of the first (2) Twelve (12) months from the dece- the undersigned by the Probate Court Time: 10:00 A.M. By Carnethia Frye, D.C.&M. publication (or posting); or dent’s date of death. of Shelby County, Tennessee. In this cause a summons and/or an Andrew T. Hartsfield (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the This 7th day of May, 2019. All persons, resident and non-resident, attachment has been issued out under Attorney for Plaintiff creditor received an actual copy of Joseph McKeon Administrator(s) having claims, matured or unmatured, T.C.A. 29-6-101, and affidavit having May 3, 10, 17, 24, 2019 Cod69037 the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor Attorney for the Estate: against the estate are required to file the been made that defendant(s) is justly received the copy of the notice less Daniel K. Hamilton same with the Clerk of the above named indebted to the plaintiff(s) in the amount ORDER OF PUBLICATION than sixty (60) days prior to the date May 10, 17, 2019 Cod69134 Court on or before the earlier of the dates shown above, and no summons having Case ID: CT-005193-18 that is four (4) months from the date prescribed in (1) or (2), otherwise their been executed on the defendant(s), and Darcy Paige Bobo of first publication (or posting) as NOTICE TO CREDITORS claims will be forever barred. the attachment having been returned VS. described in (1)(A); or Docket: PR013898 (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date of levied upon the personal property of the Jeffery Alander Bobo (2) Twelve (12) months from the In Re the Matter of: Anthony Wayne the first publication (or posting, as the defendant(s), to wit sums due from: First It appearing from the sworn petition decedent’s date of death. Bakken, Jr. case may be) of this notice if the creditor Tennessee Bank, 165 Madison Avenue filed in this case that the residence of This 1st day of May, 2019. Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day received an actual copy of this Notice All Checking & Saving Except SS & Dis- the defendant, Jeffery Alander Bobo is Phyllis Grant Phillips Taylor Executor of May, 2019, Letters of Administration to Creditors at least sixty (60) days ability, Memphis, TN 38103. unknown and cannot be ascertained Attorney for the Estate: in respect of Anthony Wayne Bakken, before the date that is four (4) months IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT the upon diligent search and inquiry. Cynthia J. Tobin Jr., who died Apr. 5, 2019, were issued from the date of the first publication defendant(s) make a personal appear- IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the May 3, 10, 2019 Cod69043 to the undersigned by the Probate Court (or posting); or ance before the Shelby County Court of defendant appear in Circuit Court in the of Shelby County, Tennessee. (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the General Sessions in the Shelby County Shelby County Courthouse, Memphis, ORDER OF PUBLICATION All persons, resident and non-resident, creditor received an actual copy of Courthouse at Memphis, Tennessee on Tennessee within 30 days of the last Case ID: CT-2010-19 having claims, matured or unmatured, the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor the day, date, and time set out above, date of this publication, and, plead, Lashondra Alexis Davis against the estate are required to file the received the copy of the notice less than and defend said suit within the time answer or demur to complainant’s bill VS. same with the Clerk of the above named sixty (60) days prior to the date that is prescribed by law, or the same may for divorce, or the same will be taken Rodney Lee Bland Jr. Court on or before the earlier of the dates four (4) months from the date of first be proceeded with ex parte; and IT IS for confessed as to the defendant and It appearing from the petition filed prescribed in (1) or (2), otherwise their publication (or posting) as described FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this this cause proceeded with ex parte, and in this case that the residence of the claims will be forever barred. in (1)(A); or order be published once a week for four that a copy of this order be published defendant, Rodney Lee Bland Jr. is (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date of (2) Twelve (12) months from the dece- weeks, in The Daily News of Memphis, once a week for four consecutive weeks unknown and cannot be ascertained the first publication (or posting, as the dent’s date of death. Tennessee. This order is hereby entered in The Daily News. upon diligent search and inquiry. case may be) of this notice if the creditor This 8th day of May, 2019. in accordance with T.C.A. 29-6-142. This 30th day of April, 2019. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the received an actual copy of this Notice Julie Anne Vaughn, Administrator(s) Issued at Memphis, Shelby County, Ten- Temiika Gipson, Circuit Court Clerk defendant appear in Circuit Court in the to Creditors at least sixty (60) days Attorney for the Estate: nessee on this date: April 16, 2019. Sharon Smith, Deputy Clerk Shelby County Courthouse, Memphis, before the date that is four (4) months Tracey P. Malone A True Copy-Attest: Michael Don Harrell Tennessee within 30 days of the last from the date of the first publication May 10, 17, 2019 Cod69153 EDWARD L. STANTON JR. Attorney for Complainant date of this publication, and, plead, (or posting); or General Sessions Court Clerk May 3, 10, 17, 24, 2019 Cod69044 answer or demur to complainant’s bill (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the NOTICE TO CREDITORS By: Tavia Tate, C.P.C.C. for divorce, or the same will be taken creditor received an actual copy of Docket: PR013969 Joseph D. Barton ORDER OF PUBLICATION for confessed as to the defendant and the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor In Re the Matter of: Jason E. Byrd Attorney for Plaintiff In the CHANCERY COURT of Shelby this cause proceeded with ex parte, and received the copy of the notice less than Notice is hereby given that on the 8th May 3, 10, 17, 24, 2019 Cod68775 County, Tennessee that a copy of this order be published sixty (60) days prior to the date that is day of May, 2018, Letters of Adminis- No. CH-19-0099 once a week for four consecutive weeks four (4) months from the date of first tration in respect of Jason E. Byrd, who NOTICE TO CREDITORS Blue REO SC 1, LLC in The Daily News. publication (or posting) as described died Feb. 18, 2019, were issued to the Docket: PR013911 Plaintiff(s), This 6th day of May, 2019. in (1)(A); or undersigned by the Probate Court of In Re the Matter of: Myron Nigel Fair VS. Temiika Gipson, Circuit Court (2) Twelve (12) months from the dece- Shelby County, Tennessee. Sr. EVEL DEMETRIUS POWELL, Clerk dent’s date of death. All persons, resident and non-resident, Notice is hereby given that on the FABAYO POWELL, JERRY POWELL, Jasmine R. McCreight, Deputy This 7th day of May, 2019. having claims, matured or unmatured, 30th day of Apr., 2019, Letters of CASSANDRA A. POWELL, FIRST Clerk Larry A. Weissman Administrator(s) against the estate are required to file the Administration in respect of Myron TENNESSEE BANK, N.A. AND ANY Lashondra Alexis Davis Attorney for the Estate: same with the Clerk of the above named Nigel Fair Sr., who died Mar. 21, 2019, UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING AN Complainant Larry A. Weissman Court on or before the earlier of the dates were issued to the undersigned by INTEREST IN 759 ROSEBANKS May 10, 17, 24, 31, 2019 Cod69132 May 10, 17, 2019 Cod69135 prescribed in (1) or (2), otherwise their the Probate Court of Shelby County, ROAD, MEMPHIS, SHELBY COUNTY, claims will be forever barred. Tennessee. TENNESSEE, ORDER OF PUBLICATION IN THE COURT OF GENERAL (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date of All persons, resident and non-resident, Defendant(s). Case ID: CT-2026-19 SESSIONS the first publication (or posting, as the having claims, matured or unmatured, It appearing from the complaint in Spehen Daniel Spencer SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE case may be) of this notice if the creditor against the estate are required to file this cause which is sworn to that pur- VS. Order Requiring The Defendant(s) To received an actual copy of this Notice the same with the Clerk of the above suant to Tennessee Code Annotated Francis Janice Spencer Appear And For Publication In Lieu to Creditors at least sixty (60) days named Court on or before the earlier 21-1-203(a)(4 and 5) and Rule 4.08 of It appearing from the petition filed Of Personal Service On A Summons before the date that is four (4) months of the dates prescribed in (1) or (2), the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure, in this case that the residence of the And/Or An Attachment from the date of the first publication otherwise their claims will be forever the Defendants, EVEL POWELL, JERRY defendant, Francis Janice Spencer is Case ID: 1934731 (or posting); or barred. POWELL AND ANY UNKNOWN PAR- unknown and cannot be ascertained Royal Furniture Company (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date TIES CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN 759 upon diligent search and inquiry. Plaintiff(s) creditor received an actual copy of of the first publication (or posting, as ROSEBANKS ROAD, MEMPHIS, SHELBY IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the VS. the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor the case may be) of this notice if the COUNTY, TENNESSEE, shall be served defendant appear in Circuit Court in the Phylicia Jones received the copy of the notice less than creditor received an actual copy of via publication in a newspaper of general Shelby County Courthouse, Memphis, Defendant(s) sixty (60) days prior to the date that is this Notice to Creditors at least sixty circulation in Shelby County, Tennessee Tennessee within 30 days of the last Plaintiff’s Claim: $2,394.95 (60) days before the date that is four for the purposes of pursuing in rem relief date of this publication, and, plead, Hearing Date: June 7, 2019 Continued on Page 26 Page 26 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, May 10, 2019

Public Notices

Court Notices GLYCOL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM – • Go to “Vendors” block at top At the top of the home City of Memphis, Tennessee, meeting in Continued from Page 25 DEICE FACILITY AIRSIDE CONSTRUC- • Click “Register Now” box page, click on the dropdown box under session in the Council Chambers, First TION • Click on “Mercury Commerce “Business”, click on “Purchasing” and Floor, City Hall, 125 North Main Street, four (4) months from the date of first Bid Date: 5/31/2019, 2PM CDT Vendor Registration” line “Formal Bids” to locate the name of the Memphis, Tennessee, 38103, on May publication (or posting) as described QUOTES DUE: 5/28/19 @ 5:00PM • Complete Vendor Registration above described bid. 21, 2019 at 3:30 p.m., in the matter in (1)(A); or CDT process of granting an application for a planned (2) Twelve (12) months from the dece- Submit Bids to: Kiewit Infrastructure • Submit DUE, TUESDAY MAY 28, 2019 AT development pursuant to Chapter 9.6 of dent’s date of death. South Co. 105 Continental Place, Suite 2:30 PM CST the Unified Development Code adopted This 8th day of May, 2019. 150 Brentwood, TN 37027 If you have any questions about the by the Shelby County Board of Com- Jamie G. Byrd, Administrator(s) Contact: Brianne Wilson (385) 535- registration process, contact ESM SEALED BID #SB-I000567 “NEW missioners on August 9, 2010, and Attorney for the Estate: 1909 or [email protected] Solutions at (877) 969-7246. If you & UNUSED MINIMUM 110 HORSE- the City Council of the City of Memphis James Shea Atkinson Specific Crafts, Trades and Materi- have any questions about information POWER TRACTOR WITH 22’ BOOM on August 10, 2010, applying to all May 10, 17, 2019 Cod69154 als include but are not limited to: contained in the bid documents, contact MOWER” land within the corporate limits of the Aggregates, Asphalt, Concrete, Demo the Purchasing Department at (901) City of Memphis, Tennessee, by which NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sub, Drainage, Drainage Structures 222-2250 and ask to speak to the Buyer Shelby County is an equal opportunity it is sought to approve the following Docket: PR013972 (Precast), Earth Work (Clear & Grub), listed for the bid. affirmative action employer, drug-free PLANNED DEVELOPMENT: In Re the Matter of: Charles Stanley Electrical, Erosion Control, Fencing, with policies of non-discrimination on CASE NO.: P.D. 19-05 Cook, III Landscaping, Mechanical Piping, SEALED BID DUE FRIDAY, MAY the basis of race, sex, religion, color, CASE NAME: Quince & Lynnfield Notice is hereby given that on the 8th Potholing, QC, Ready Mix, Signs, Strip- 24TH, 2019 AT 2:30 PM (CST) national or ethnic origin, age, disability Planned Development day of May, 2018, Letters Testamentary ing, Security, Surveying, Traffic Control, or military service. LOCATION: Southwest corner of Quince in respect of Charles Stanley Cook, III, Underdrain Piping, Misc. Utility “PURCHASE OF PROCESS OF- Road and Lynnfield Road who died Feb. 14, 2019, were issued Bonding may be required. KISC intends FICER UNIFORM APPAREL FOR THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND OWNER OF RECORD/APPLICANT: to the undersigned by the Probate Court to negotiate with qualified DBE firms THE JUVENILE COURT CLERK’S ALL BIDS IS RESERVED Liberty Trading Company, LLC/TVT I, of Shelby County, Tennessee. and will, at its sole discretion, assist OFFICE” By order of LLC (dba Tower Ventures) All persons, resident and non-resident, in obtaining bonds, lines of credit and LEE HARRIS, SHELBY COUNTY PROPERTY SIZE: 0.20 Acres having claims, matured or unmatured, insurance. (SB-I000565) (MC# 591) MAYOR EXISTING ZONING: Residential Single against the estate are required to file the KISC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative SHELBY COUNTY Family-10(R-10) same with the Clerk of the above named Action Employer. All qualified applicants By order of GOVERNMENT REQUEST: A Planned Development to Court on or before the earlier of the dates will receive considerations for employ- LEE HARRIS, MAYOR May 9, 10, 2019 Bod69137 establish a lot and allow the installation prescribed in (1) or (2), otherwise their ment without regard to race, color, SHELBY COUNTY of a 160’ tall cellular communications claims will be forever barred. religion, sex, or national origin. GOVERNMENT NOTICE TO BIDDER(S) tower with equipment compound (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date of May 3, 10, 2019 Bod69040 May 9, 10, 2019 Bod69119 RECOMMENDATIONS: the first publication (or posting, as the Shelby County Government has issued Memphis and Shelby County Office of case may be) of this notice if the creditor ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS LEGAL NOTICE Sealed Bid number I000566 Shelby Planning and Development: received an actual copy of this Notice The Town of Arlington is requesting Sealed bids or proposals will be County Roads and Bridges for the pur- Approval with Conditions to Creditors at least sixty (60) days separate sealed bids for: received, from participants by Mem- chase of a New & Unused Limb-Brush Memphis and Shelby County Land Use before the date that is four (4) months FIRE STATION NO.72: SITE GRADING phis Light, Gas and Water Division Chipper. The Seal Bid is located on Control Board: from the date of the first publication AND UTILITIES (MLGW) prior to 4:00 PM CDT/CST the County’s website at www.shelby- Approval with Conditions (or posting); or This bid requires a licensed and bonded Tuesday, May 14, 2019 via MLGW’S At the top of the home NOW, THEREFORE, you will take no- (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the General Contractor as required by the iSupplier Portal. If you choose to bring page, click on the dropdown box under tice that on May 21, 2019, at 3:30 P.M. creditor received an actual copy of Contractor’s Licensing Act of 1994 of additional supporting documentation “Business”, click on “Purchasing” and the City Council of the City of Memphis, the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor the General Assembly of the State of to MLGW, please allow 30 minutes “Formal Bids” to locate the name of the Tennessee, will be in session at the received the copy of the notice less than Tennessee, and qualified for the type prior to 4:00 PM CDT/CST for MLGW above described bid. City Hall, Council Chambers, 125 North sixty (60) days prior to the date that is of construction being bid upon. security clearance and delivery of the Main Street, Memphis, Tennessee, to four (4) months from the date of first Sealed bids will be received by the Town supporting documents to the office of DUE, MONDAY MAY 27, 2019 AT hear remonstrances or protests against publication (or posting) as described of Arlington at the office of The Town the Supervisor of Purchasing, 220 South 2:30 PM CST the making of such changes; such in (1)(A); or Recorder, Town Hall, 5854 Airline Road, Main Street, Room 316, Memphis, Ten- remonstrances or protests must be by (2) Twelve (12) months from the dece- Arlington, TN 38002 until 2:00 P.M. nessee 38103, P.O. Box 430, Memphis, SEALED BID #SB-I000566 “NEW & personal appearances, or by attorneys, dent’s date of death. Local Time, Thursday, May 30, 2019 TN 38101-0430. Bidders must perform UNUSED LIMB-BRUSH CHIPPER” or by petition, and then and there you will This 8th day of May, 2019. and then at said office publicly opened a commercially useful function in the be present if you wish to remonstrate Natasha Copeland, Executor and read aloud. performance of the agreement. Bids Shelby County is an equal opportunity or protest against the same. Attorney for the Estate: The Instructions to Bidders, Form of Bid, (RFQ’s) will be publicly opened and read affirmative action employer, drug-free Kemp Conrad Christopher Lawrence Kelley Form of Contract, Plans, Specifications at 2:00 PM CDT/CST Wednesday, May with policies of non-discrimination on CHAIRMAN OF COUNCIL May 10, 17, 2019 Cod69156 and Forms of Bid Bond, Performance 15, 2019 for furnishing MLGW with: the basis of race, sex, religion, color, ATTEST: and Payment Bond, and other contract Regeneration gas heater in accordance national or ethnic origin, age, disability CANDI BURTON NOTICE TO CREDITORS documents may be examined at the with the description listed on RFQ No. or military service. CITY COMPTROLLER Docket: PR013967 following location: 140387; May 10, 2019 Mod68900 In Re the Matter of: Jean Beard Arlington Town Hall, 5854 Airline Sealed Bid (RFQ) (or proposal) sup- THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day Road, Arlington, TN 38002 porting documentation to be marked ALL BIDS IS RESERVED NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE of May, 2018, Letters Testamentary in The Town reserves the right to waive “SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION By order of The following Simply Self Storage respect of Jean Beard, who died Oct. 21, any informalities or to reject any or FOR BID (RFQ) ON GAS HEATER” LEE HARRIS, SHELBY COUNTY facilities will sell the contents of the 2018, were issued to the undersigned all bids. 24 – Month contract for furnishing MAYOR following units to satisfy the owner’s by the Probate Court of Shelby County, The Town of Arlington hereby notifies Meter Sockets in accordance to SHELBY COUNTY lien at public sale by competitive bid- Tennessee. all bidders that it will affirmatively in- MLGW Designation sheets dated GOVERNMENT ding on All persons, resident and non-resident, sure that in any contract entered into August 7, 2018 and bidding blank May 9, 10, 2019 Bod69138 under the provisions of the Tennessee having claims, matured or unmatured, pursuant to this advertisement, disad- via iSupplier Portal; Self-Storage Facility Act. The contents, against the estate are required to file the vantaged business enterprises will be Sealed Bid (RFQ) (or proposal) support- NOTICE TO BIDDERS generally described as household same with the Clerk of the above named afforded full opportunity to submit bids in ing documentation to be marked “SUP- goods, will be sold, for cash, to the Court on or before the earlier of the dates response to this invitation, and will not PORTING DOCUMENTATION FOR BID Shelby County Government has is- highest bidder, between May 15, 2019 prescribed in (1) or (2), otherwise their be discriminated against on the grounds (RFQ) ON METER SOCKETS” sued Sealed Bid number I000568, at 10 am and May 20, 2019 at 3pm. All claims will be forever barred. of age, race, color, religion, national MLGW has implemented an iSupplier for Automatic External Defibrillator. vehicles are sold as is, for parts only. All (1)(A) Four (4) months from the date of origin, sex or disability in consideration Portal system in an effort to be more ac- Information regarding this Bid is located sales are final, cash only. Management the first publication (or posting, as the for an award. The Town of Arlington is cessible to MLGW’s suppliers. You may on the County’s website at www.shelby- reserves the right to withdraw units case may be) of this notice if the creditor an equal opportunity affirmative action access the system via MLGW’s website, . At the top of the home from sale and refuse any bid. received an actual copy of this Notice employer, drug-free with policies of non- or at page, click on the dropdown box under Simply Self Storage to Creditors at least sixty (60) days discrimination on the basis of race, sex, bids. In order to easily access the loca- “Business”, Click on “Purchasing” and 314 S Mount Pleasant Rd before the date that is four (4) months religion, color, national or ethnic origin, tion, please bookmark the URL. You may “Bids” to locate the name of the above Collierville, TN 38017 from the date of the first publication age disability or military service. Bidding contact the Purchasing Department at described Sealed Bid. Mary Walker C48 (or posting); or documents may be obtained from the (901) 528-4701 for assistance. Suppli- Simply Self Storage (B) Sixty (60) days from the date the Town of Arlington, 5854 Airline Road, ers MUST be registered on the iSupplier SEALED BID I000568 DUE DATE 6714 Winchester Pointe Cove creditor received an actual copy of Arlington, Tennessee 38002 during Portal to submit a bid (RFQ). To register MAY 24TH, 2019 AT 2:30 PM CST Memphis, TN 38115 the Notice to Creditors, if the creditor regular business hours upon receipt of in the iSupplier Portal, click the following Roy Williams F30 received the copy of the notice less than a non-refundable payment in the amount and complete the information listed: (SB-I000568) AUTOMATIC EXTER- Roy Williams J02 sixty (60) days prior to the date that is of $50.00 for each set. For any ques- MLGW iSupplier Portal (New Suppliers) NAL DEFIBRILLATOR Rebecca Dickerson RV29 four (4) months from the date of first tions, contact Mr. Steve Hill at Powers or call MLGW Purchasing Department Renaldo Braden D16 publication (or posting) as described Hill Design, LLC, 901-543-8000, Ext. 2, for assistance. To respond to an open Shelby County is an equal opportunity Andreka Ramsey G30 in (1)(A); or or at [email protected]. RFQ, send an email to the corresponding affirmative action employer, drug-free Jermandalon Nash G23 (2) Twelve (12) months from the dece- No bidder may withdraw his bid within Procurement Specialist and request an with policies of non-discrimination on Simply Self Storage dent’s date of death. 60 days after the actual date of the invite. MLGW will continue to utilize the the basis of race, sex, religion, color, 6504 E Raines Rd This 8th day of May, 2019. opening thereof. Online Bid Notification System for public national or ethnic origin, age, disability Memphis, TN 38115 Gary A. Beard, Executor Mayor Mike Wissman advertising. Suppliers may continue or military service. Tavari Zeringue I012 Attorney for the Estate: Town of Arlington to view available bid openings on the Keenan Bond M010 Irma Merrill Stratton May 10, 2019 Bod69149 Online Bid Notification System but must By order of Chevon Adams H005 May 10, 17, 2019 Cod69155 submit quotes via iSupplier Portal. For LEE HARRIS, MAYOR Kamesha Smith I014 NOTICE TO BIDDERS questions, please email isuppliersup- SHELBY COUNTY Barbara Buford J004 [email protected]. GOVERNMENT Susanne Owens B12B11 In order to participate in the bid listed be- MEMPHIS LIGHT, GAS AND WATER May 9, 10, 2019 Bod69145 Susanne Owens H006 Bid Notices low for Shelby County Government, you DIVISION Lester Graves I023 must be registered with our electronic PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Tareq Snipe M007 Shelby County bidding system with Mercury Commerce. (901) 528-4701 Javair Anderson M024 County bids are not available by mail or May 9, 10, 14, 2019 Bod69120 Kalicia Perkins C009 downloaded directly from the County Misc. Notices Kimberly Jones S011 website, unless otherwise indicated in NOTICE TO BIDDER(S) Simply Self Storage the solicitation invitation. All vendors Shelby County 3969 N Watkins St who wish to bid are required to register Shelby County Government has issued Memphis, TN 38127 NOTICE with Mercury Commerce Solutions in Sealed Bid number I000567 Shelby Marisa Knox 441 Kiewit Infrastructure South Co. (KISC) order to be notified of on-line bids. There County Roads and Bridges for the pur- NOTICE TO INTERESTED OWNERS Acie Smith 366 is soliciting bids from certified DBE is no charge for registration, and it is chase of a New & Unused Minimum OF PROPERTY Rachel Williams 304 Subcontractors and Suppliers for the easy to use. To register: 110 Horsepower Tractor with 22’ Boom (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) Katiffanie Wilson 237 following project: Mower. The Seal Bid is located on You will take notice that a public hear- Emanuel Quinn 212 MSCAA PROJECT NO. 08-1260-03 • Go to the County’s website at www.shelby- ing will be held by the City Council of the Gloria Mickens 298 Friday, May 10, 2019 The Daily News, Memphis Page 27

Public Notices

Devon Self Storage: AUCTION NOTICE Marvel Walker 473 on Monday, May 13, 2019, 6 PM, at Notice is hereby given that a series of Public Auctions will be held at the facilities listed below, managed by Devon Carrie McKinney 506 City Hall, 7930 Nelson Road. The hear- Self Storage Holdings (US) LLC. Marvin Boome 175 ings are to receive public comments on The Public Auctions are scheduled for May 21, 2019 and will begin at 10:00am at the facility located at 2700 Gwen Wilson 742 the following ordinances which will be Poplar Avenue, in Memphis, TN, identified in this Auction Notice as Public Sale No. 1. Once Public Sale No. 1 has Randall Mongeon 178 available for review at City Hall during been completed, the auctioneer will move in sequential order to conduct individual public sales at each of the Devon Novella Phillips 285 regular business hours: Self Storage facilities identified below; approximate auction times have been provided next to each location. Danielle Tipton 414 • Ordinance 2019-10 Amending Property contained in these units will be sold to the highest bidder to satisfy the Owner’s lien for rent under the Simply Self Storage Title 8, Alcoholic Beverages, of Tennessee Self Storage Facility Act. Auction is With Reserve. Devon Self Storage reserves the right to set minimum 3545 Hickory Hill Rd the Millington Municipal Code, by bids and to refuse bids. CASH ONLY. Memphis, TN 38115 the Amendment, Deletion, and Public Sale No. 1: Commencing at 10:00am on May 21, 2019 Howard Smith 009 Addition of Certain Sections of 2700 Poplar Ave Memphis, TN 38112 Ashley Boyland 015 Title 8, Chapter 2 Unit No. Tenant Name Description of Personal Property to be Auctioned Akier Martin 025 • Ordinance 2019-5 Amending A62 Susan Hopper Furniture & Boxes Jonny Nelson 026 and Replacing Chapter, 23, Old 427 Beatriz Rivera-Oliva Boxes, household items, Furniture Torrance Echlos 036 Town Provisions of the City of A38 Deonte Turnage Furniture, household, boxes Michelle Shanntori Moore 063 Millington, Tennessee Zoning 33 Amber Webber Household Items, boxes, other, furniture Lashawn Marcus Ivy 070 Ordinance 21 David Sheridan Furniture, Boxes Ann Tacara Luellen 087 • Ordinance 2019-11 Adding Public Sale No. 2: Commencing at 10:30am on May 21, 2019 Shar Avril Corn 152 Chapter 4 “Fireworks” to Title 3040 Austin Peay Hwy Memphis, TN 38128 Delcenia Love 157 7 of the City of Millington Mu- Unit No. Tenant Name Description of Personal Property to be Auctioned Lavell Antonio Hassell 246 nicipal Code and Deleting Part A29 Jerry Nelson Household, Clothing, Furniture Lucille Leslie Thomas 314 of Chapter 3 G13 Anthony Fleming Household, Furniture, Clothing John Eads 478 • Ordinance 2019-12 Adopting and 201 Doristine Bland Wilks Artwares, Chairs, Tables Whitney Fields 524 Adding Chapter 27, Fireworks 314 Karen Williford Furniture, Boxes, Clothing,Household Teresa Angela Bautista 565 Sales Overlay District to the Mil- C48 Bernita Dawson Concrete Blocks,Boxes of clothing, Kitchen items, Pots and pans Jamila Ray 626 lington Zoning Ordinance 133 Chastity Brooks Electronics, Bedding, Cloths Sharen Taylor 628 • Ordinance 2019-13 Adopting and 339 Desari Errickson Household, Furniture, Boxes Simply Self Storage Adding Chapter 26, Entertain- 139 Danielle Williams Furniture 3891 Thomas St ment Recreation District to the 371 Derrick White Furniture and Boxes Memphis, TN 38127 Millington Zoning Ordinance E14 Thomas Moore Household and Furniture Donisha Alston H014 • Ordinance 2019-6 Adopting the D8 Christian Mosley Furniture, Household and Clothing Wendy Blanchard H010 Proposed Zoning Plan as the Public Sale No. 3: Commencing at 11:00am on May 21, 2019 Tywana Lawson E004 Official Zoning Map for the City 9275 Macon Rd. Cordova, TN 38016 Bryan Lively C019 of Millington, Tennessee Unit No. Tenant Name Description of Personal Property to be Auctioned Sherrian Lurry F013 • Ordinance 2019-7 Amending and 4019 Natreia Wren Furniture , Boxes Ashley Mathis F040 Replacing Chart One, Permit- 3055 Travis Stanley Household, Clothing, Furniture Tracy Reyes E02728 ted Uses and Chart 2, District 5099 Tiffany Porter Furniture, Boxes Kendra Rodgers i013 Bulk Regulations, of the City of 3056 Herman Shaw Furniture, Boxes Brighelle Scurlock E036 Millington, Tennessee Zoning Public Sale No. 4: Commencing at 11:30am on May 21, 2019 Alexander Smith E006 Ordinance 7777 Moriarty Rd. Cordova, TN 38018 Tamieka Stephens H043 May 10, 2019 Mod69152 Unit No. Tenant Name Description of Personal Property to be Auctioned Simply Self Storage 82 Lasherica Boone Household 4720 Getwell Rd NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC 197 Ciaira Anderson Household, clothing and furniture Memphis, TN 38118 The following person(s) has asked 239 James Marotti Other/ Purchased auction unit Martavia Randolph 3009 the City of Memphis Alcohol Commis- Public Sale No. 5: Commencing at 12:00pm on May 21, 2019 Ravien Bullard 4011 sion for permission to sell beer for OFF 3686 South Germantown Rd. Memphis, TN 38125 Earnest Cage 5023 premise consumption. Unit No. Tenant Name Description of Personal Property to be Auctioned Michael Graham 5124 APPLICANT: Padma Enterprises, 2019 Corey Giffen Household goods, furniture Michael Harris 2019 Inc. 2020 Mark Jones Office, commercial Felecia Robinson 1007 DBA: King Food Mart 3031 Richard Hunter Clothing, boxes, furniture Gleen Carter 3042 LOCATION: 2067 Frayser Boule- 3050 Nakaii Rogers Household goods, clothing, furniture Simply Self Storage vard 4024 Andrea Simelton Commerical 651 S. Rowlett St Anyone desiring to circulate a peti- 4097 Lasandra Smith Household goods, clothing, furniture Collierville, TN 38017 tion FOR or AGAINST said establishment 5247 Nakaii Rogers Furniture, boxes Allen Pittman 578 selling beer at this location must secure 5295 Sonia Greve Miscellaneous items Gerald Keith Johnson 239 the petition blanks from the undersigned 5349 Walter Jenkins Household goods, furniture Pam Grant 133 Commission at 2714 Union Ave. Ex- Public Sale No. 6: Commencing at 12:30pm on May 21, 2019 May 10, 2019 Mod69027 tended, 1st Floor. 6140 East Shelby Drive Memphis, TN 38141 Must be filed no later than Tuesday, Unit No. Tenant Name Description of Personal Property to be Auctioned SECURLOCK DISPOSAL SALE June 4, 2019. 7009 Marjorie R. Lawson Household, furniture, clothing Notice is hereby given that Securlock Jared Johnson, Chairman 5050 Brittany N. Bell Household, Furniture Storage at 1570 Bonnie Ln. Cordova, TN Anna Vergos Blair, Member 8025 Jessica Bowman Household, furniture, clothing, boxes 38016, will be offering for sale by way Barry Chase, Member 7015 Jennifer Davis Clothing, toys, Misc. of online public auction, the contents Erma Hayslett, Member 5046 Lyndon Garthrite Clothing of occupant’s leased space to be sold Thomas O’Malley, Member 2005 Tracie Gordon Household to satisfy owner’s lien: Renee Poe, Member 3028 Jawone Grice Household, furniture, clothing Rodney Gayden 188 Billy Post, Member 7045 Vanity Harris Boxes, Furniture Goods to be sold are described as Steven Reid, Member 6022 Donvelric Moore Household, furniture, clothing personal items and are awarded to the Johnsie Wallace-Gault, Member 4008 Beverly Barnes Household, furniture, clothing highest bidder. Payment at facility is Joy Touliatos, Public Sale No. 7: Commencing at 1:00pm on May 21, 2019 cash only. Securlock reserves the right Executive Secretary, 3577 New Getwell Rd. Memphis, TN 38118 to refuse any bids. City of Memphis Alcohol Commission Unit No. Tenant Name Description of Personal Property to be Auctioned The online auction will be conducted May 10, 2019 Mod69157 201 Eshia Taylor furniture,boxes on website 242 Michael L Matlock household,clothing,furniture and it will conclude on May 23, 2019 Notice of Public Sale: 265 Jacqueline Hall household,furniture at 10:30AM. Move It Storage 2700 Getwell Rd Mem- 281 Diane Nix furniture,boxes May 10, 2019 Mod69142 phis TN will conduct an online sale pursu- 386 Stacy H Revels household ant to Tenn. Code Ann. § 66-31-105(G) 386 Stacy Revels household NOTICE OF MILLINGTON BEER to satisfy a landlord’s lien on or about 388 Stacy H Revels household PERMIT APPLICATIONS May 18, 2019 at approx. 1pm at www. 388 Stacy Revels household Pursuant to the requirements of the of the following 619 Jalen L Dowdy household,furniture Millington Municipal Code, the follow- units: 4306 Johnny Hammond: Table, 619 Ja’len Dowdy household,furniture ing information is made known to all Lamp, Totes, T.V’s, Couches; 7102 Public Sale No. 8: Commencing at 1:30pm on May 21, 2019 interested persons: Andrea Savage: Mattress, Clothes, 5141 American Way, Memphis, TN 38115 Dolgencorp, LLC (dba Dollar General Refrigerator, 1309 Latasha S. Ingram: Unit No. Tenant Name Description of Personal Property to be Auctioned Store #2698) has applied for an “OFF Tables, Washer, Dryer, Couches, Home D008 Ebony Franklin Household, Clothing, Furniture PREMISE” permit to sell beer at 7995 US Decoration, Refrigerator, Mattresses, B037 Avery Finley Household, Furniture Highway 51 N, Millington, TN 38053. Cabinets, Lawn Equipment, Cooler, B002 Bobbie Hardy Furniture Anna Tetreault and Teresa G. Hatchel Ladder, Toys, Kitchen Utensils, Chairs; H019 Oscar Ramirez Household, Furniture (dba Lit Café & Billiard) have applied for 1433 Latasha S. Ingram: Chess, Paint- H006 Kamisha Ransom Household, Clothing, Furniture an “ON PREMISE” permit to sell beer ings, Bags, Books, Crates, Suitcase, Public Sale No. 9: Commencing at 2:00pm on May 21, 2019 at 7772 US Highway 51 N, Millington, Hats, Kid’s Toys; 4203 Laquita Toney: 4705 Winchester Road Memphis, TN 38118 TN 38053. Couches, Stove, Microwave, Clothes, Unit No. Tenant Name Description of Personal Property to be Auctioned Andre Meyers (dba A & J’s Catfish Pillows, Suitcase, Jewelry, Rug, Bags; 257 Shantelle Bonner boxes and holiday décor Station, LLC) has applied for an “ON 4026 Jasmin Gaston: Couches, Table, 31 Aeric Clemons 3 beds, sofa, and TV stand PREMISE” permit to sell beer at 7838 Clothes, Mattress, Backpack, Bed 388 Letita Crutchfield Sofa, love seat, table, chairs, and two bedroom sets Church Street, Millington, TN 38053. Frame; 4709 Donnell C. Townsend: 92 Rita Davis Household belongings and furniture The Millington Beer Board will meet on Table, Washer, Dryer, Bed Rails, 148 Vickie Douglas Furniture, household goods, and clothes Monday, May 13, 2019 at 6:00 pm at Boxes, Kitchen Pots; 5112 Kayla Brown: 243 Jerry Gardner lawn equipment Millington City Hall, 7930 Nelson Road, Totes, Bags. Bike, Toys, Baby Crib; 361 Katherine Gwin Furniture and boxes to consider the above application after 5722 Samuel Gwin Jr: Wood, Cooler, 225 Carl Hill Furniture and clothes the Public Hearings. Washer, Painting Equipment, Music 352 Summer Martin Bed and boxes Any citizen who may wish to appear Equipment, Bed, Couch, Cabinet, Table; 105 Antoine Matthews bedroom set, washer, dryer, and mattress and testify either for or against these 1223 Gracie Davis: Burgundy Chevro- 469 Sharon Porter Furniture and clothing applications will be heard. let. Cash only. Units sold “as is” and 84 Jasmine Ruff Bed and sectional May 10, 2019 Mod69151 must be removed by 5pm TWO days 151 David Smith Bedroom set after sale. Sales tax collected unless 173 MEDClean Solutions Medical supplies NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS buyer provides Proof of Resale Permit. Public Sale No. 10: Commencing at 2:30pm on May 21, 2019 Notice is hereby given of Public Hearings Sale may be cancelled for any reason. 6390 Winchester Way, Memphis, TN 38115 to be held by the Board of Mayor and May 10, 2019 Mod69158 Unit No. Tenant Name Description of Personal Property to be Auctioned Aldermen of the City of Millington, TN May 10, 2019 Mod69160 Page 28 The Daily News, Memphis Friday, May 10, 2019

Public Notices The Daily News Online

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