Ttsinfss Bimtom. BUSINESS
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k •MON flUKH1 he (Elinton AN VOLUME 8. ST. JOHNS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1863. NUMBER 21. ®be Clinton $rpuMican AUGUST, 1863. ion, the minutes slipped so rapidly away, Fred/was such a blundering fellow; at all iicve t)iRt w oman was ever warm iu lier life* that he camo within a second of being late events he could not think of casting away She ought to live in the Torrid Zone, where- HEW AND KAVUHITK at his place in bank —a thing that had never hi« idol for one unlucky discovery; so, with ever that is.” PabUthed Kvery Prl4av< al Hi* Johns, € Ii 11(011 Passenxcr & Express EroiRlit Liue, happened before, in all his prompt, method thoughts roaming in a beautiful future, Wes Every one said it w*as a delightful pic-nic, County, Michigan, by Equinoctial* 1^41 SB TW The sun of Life has orossed the line: ical business life. Partly from nature, and ton fell asleep. and every one 8aid Lucy Taylor never look* HILTON & SMITH. The summer-shine of lengthened light partly from years of training in a business “I ain Sorry, ” said ’Squire Taylor at tlie ed prettier in her life than she did in her 7955 Faded snd failed,—till, where I stand, TERMS.—To Office and Moll Subscriber*, § 1,00 DETROIT & MILWAUKEE 'TIs equal Day and equal Night. that required the utmost thoroughness and breakfast table next morning, “ that 1 find dresd of delicate blue, and tho fewr white per annum, strictly In AI>V A fcCSi* In oonnctlon with the precision, Henry Weston’s leading charac myself obliged to send Fred, away on busi flowers in hair. Weston, too, looked ad ADV r KTISKMKNTH inserted at theae rates : One after one. as < windling hours, teristic was a careful attention to tho smal ness to day; but I dare say Lucy will do miringly upon her; but ho w alked and danc One square, one or thiee Insertion*,. -$1,09 NEW AND POWERFUL UPPER CABIN Youth’s glowing hopes have dropped away, One square, four Insertions,-—•-••• •••• ........1,60 STEAMSHIPS And soon may barely leave the gkam lest details of whatever came under his hand what she can to entertain you till he conus ed with her in constant terror, lest, by somo That coldly scores a winter’s day. One square, three months,.... ..•••••• •• ........3,00 “Detroit,” and 44Mllwaukec.'* to do. Ilia employers trusted him entirely, back. ” unlucky step, lie might bring to light tho One square, one year and paper, ........ ..............0.00 44 Delightful!” thought Weston to himself One quarter column, three months,.... • .......... 9.00 I am not yonng, I am not old; knowing that no item entrusted to his over secrets concealed by the sash about her One quarter column, six months,....... .. .... .. .#.. 10,00 iUIIINU THIS MONTH TRAINS WILL The flush of morn, the sunset calm, sight would be neglected, or let slip for want “a whole day without dragging upanddown slender w aist, and lie found himself glancing One quarter column, one year and paper,....... ...16,00 leave ST* JOHN4! as follows : Paling, and deepening, each to each. of care or prompt attention. It was a char those everlasting trout brook 8, or tramping nervously at her collar, lest it might by Hal f col 11 ron, alx months,.... ......«... .... .... »«1 8,00 Meet midway with a solemn charm. Half column,one year..... ..................................... 26,00 fJoliii? IVeat. acter worth possessing, and tho sagacious through the brush after imaginary patridgea some chance become unfastened. One oelunsn, six mooths.......... .... ...... .... .Ja.OO NIGHTKXPUKSS—At 12:40 A M . for Milwaukco One side I see the summer fields ones were not far wrong when they prophesi- ind rabbits, that never were there1 l&d neHf MIXED—At 610 A. M., for Grand Haven, Not yet disrobed of all their green; 4* What if she were my wife?” ho said to One column, one year,............. ............ ..60,00 ed that he would take a higher place in the j will be. ” K7" Bu llies# cards, not over 4 lines. $3 per year. MAIL—At 12-40 P, M., for Milwaukee; While westerly, along the hills. himself; 44 she would keep mo in a atate of Flame the first tints of frosty sheen. K7* Transient advertisements payable in all cases, OoiiiM Fust. bank before many years. Certainly, he was So, with many assurances that there was continual martyrdom.* ” In advance. NIGHT EXPRt* 88 —At 2 30 A.M., C for Detroit. earning promotion. not the least danger of his having a dull The next day Weaton astonished the Tay WdT The privilege of yearly advertisers will ho MIXED—At 7.00 A M. } »» Ah. middle-point, whero clond and storm tiino, lie watched Fred, ride away gaily on eontined strictly to their regular business, and all ad M AIL— At 2 20 P. M., ( »» Make battiw ground of this my lift ! Vacation days slipped around, and Mr. lors by announcing the necessity of his im vertisement* not pertaining to their business will bo Refreshnuuits at Detroit. Ownsso and Grand Ha Where, even matched, the Night and Day Ilenery Weston made his arrival in Ardloy, his black pony, snapj»ed bis fingers as he mediate return to the city, as his presence charged extra. ven,and upon the Co.’s Kerry Steamer “Windsor,” Wage rouul me their September strife! having been duly heralded a week before by closed the gate, ami went back to the house was needed at the bank. Fred, remonstrat KP" Yearly advertising payable quarterly. on Detroit River. HT Legal advertisements at the statute prices. I how me to the threatening gale: the 44 hired girl,” so that there wsro plenty to propose to Lucy a ride to the romantic ed vigorously —tlie ’Squire politely urged Comfortable llotelabove Depot at Grand Haven, 1 know, when that is overpast, Among the peaceful harvest days, of curious eyes regarding the great lumber little lake they had told him so much about. his further hospitalities, and Lucy was sec Trains le< ve termini dally, Sundays excepted. ing hack as it drew up in front of ’Squire Lucy w*as good enough to say ©lie should be THE TELEGRAPH LINE is opon for PUBLIC An Indian summer come* at last! retly disappointed; but, in spite of all, the ttsinfss Bimtom. BUSINESS. —Atlantic Monthly for October . Taylor ’s house. There was the homestead, delighted to go, but sundry household mat portmanteau wm packed, ami the lumber HT SLEEPING CAR8 0N ALL-NIGHT TRAINS just as he had pictured it—large and breezy, ters would detain her half an hour or so. In ing hack directed to call in season for the Three H ordit of Ntrcugltu Can nect ions* with its graceful shadowing elms ; there was the meantime her cavalier brought tlie car evening train. O. E. CO KB IN, HI. D, There are three lessons I would write— riage to the door, looked with habitual cau la mow uermsaenlly located In M. Jotins- AT DETROIT- GREAT WESTKRN Rail Three words ns with a burning pen, ’Squire Taylor, dignified and portly ; bis deli 441 dare not trust myself another day, ” flavlng had somewhat more than six years experi way for all points East—M ICIIIG A N CENTRAL, In tracings of eternal light, cate, lady-like wife, who must have been tion after every strap and buckle of the har said Weston, mentally, 4*for I should forget ence In the treatment of diseases Inci lent to this cli M1CI1IOAN SOUTHERN, and GRAND TRUNK Upon the hearts of men. ness, and then went up to his room, jrith a mate, he hopes by diligent attention to all the require Railroads. once just what Lucy was now; there was everything, and make myself and Lucy mis ments of his profession, to merit a reasonableshare of AT MILWAUKEE—With the MISSISSIPPI, Have Hope. Though clouds environ now, Fred., with his rough, hearty greeting; and masculine idea that a woman's half hour erable for life.” public patronage. LA CROSSE. RACINE, CHICAGO, WATER- And gladness hid«’s her face In scorn, timid, fluttering Lucy, looking fairer, fresher, w as a very indefinite period indeed. So Henry Weston came no more to Ard- N. B. That portion of a Physician’s time usually TOWN and IIORICON Railroads for sll points Put thou the shadow from thy brow— Now the room directly under his w as oc spent In the study and practice of Surgery. I)r Cor West and North-West. No night but hath its morn. more enchanting than ever, in her pretty ley, and the village gossips looked and wait bln has, for then**' six years, devoted to the study home dress of delicate lawn. cupied by an ancient spinster, a distant rc- ed in vain for tokens of an approaching wed and practice of DENTISTRY With the patronage Passengers fot Great Western Railway, go on the Have Faith. Where'er thy bark Is driven — That very evening, as they all sat togeth j lative of the family, called, by way of court ding at ’Squire Taylor ’s. After a while they of the community, he proposes to oontlnue to occu Railway Kerry Steamer, at D A M.R. Dock,leaving The cairn's disport, the tempest s mirth — py his time as heretofore All dental work warrant Dock at 7:00 A M.and 7:00 P. M. Know this: God rules the hosts of heaven. er in tlie queer old family Fitting-room, and esy. Cousin Barbara. This Cousin Barbara, settled down in the conviction that tho ed. Charges moderate. I he Company’s Time Tables can l* bad at any of having one of thoso shivery natures that the Stations W.