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--~·1 . ~-- and Mrs. Charles Morris, ton November 11, 1887. Mr. Mor­ aHves of Columbia county, cel­ ris was farming at the time of ~brfl.ted their golden wedding an­ their marriage and they contin­ iversary, Su nday, with an open ued to farm until 16 years ago ·otse i n the p arlors of the Con­ when they moved into Dayton. gregational church. The affair The last 11 years he h as been was sponsored by their grand­ employed by the Col umbia Rural :flaughter, Mrs. Ellsworth Con­ Electric association. ;0~er of Waitsburg, and their Decorations at the reception da'tlghter-in-law, Mrs . Lloyd featured golden tapers, daffodils :¾~~ris of Walla Walla. and greenery. Serving the wed­ iMany beautiful g ifts were re­ ding cake, a rtfully decora ted, cei'yed, as were cards, a long dis­ were Mrs. Harold Easley of Kiana J!ince telephone call from a and Mrs. Fred Patton. Mrs. Dew­ nephew, ·Garrett Titus of Burns, ey Fletch er and Mrs . Roy Daggett 0regon, whom the Morrises rais­ poured, and Mrs. Forrest Conover a, and expressions of congratu­ of Waitsburg and Mrs. Hubert Harris served punch. la,I, - on. •o: ... unique gift was a gilded Assisting with the serving were !iiiature tree "bearing" 50 sil­ Mrs. Gene Turner, Mrs. Kennard , '{.er dollars. Fellow workers of Literal, Mrs. Fern McKinley, Mrs. ,j~Mc;>rris at the REA were re- Earl Moxley and Mrs . Newt Fry. 1!9nsible for a n "easy" rocking Mrs. C. 0. Johnson of Walla . '~ir. Another gift was a read­ Walla and Mrs. Vernice Bowman b\_g.' lamp which fits nicely with were in charge of t he guest book. e',rocker. Helping in the kitchen were Mrs. . Morris and the former Alida Poulsen and Mrs. Robert ~He Abrah am, daughter of Jones. Looking after the gifts ~Wi• were married by the late were Mrs. Ellsworth Conover of dge Holman at his home in Waitsburg and Mrs. Lloyd Morris Yton, March 24, 1906. Both of Walla Walla. ~re n atives of the county Mr. For the occasion Mrs. Mbrris, Jtris being born on Willow the honoree, · wore a grey suit -nek December 25, 1886, and w ith a corsage ·of varigated roses. M~ . ~forris being born in Day- Mr. Morris wore a varigated rose as a boutonniere. - - ~.;·., .;:Mr."1 and ··Mrs. P. ·a. Morris, .pictured .above, wi!l. celebrate· their fiftieth dwedding anniversary this Sunila.'y 'with a. famlly reilnlon at the· city park and an -open house from 3 .to 5 p, m. at the family home, 315 South Fourth. ' · - The couple .were married on June. 25, 1899, but a.re. postwnlnr the celebration until Sunday so that more of the family and friends may join them. Sunday is also .the wedding' anniversary of their son, James, so the day· will be of double impoi,lance to the plonee·r couple: Married at the fabn of Mrs. Mor- • ris's father,'Martiri B. Jon~s, which The Morris's boast of their 21 was close to Turner, the couple have grandchildren and are waiting for farmed in ,this area ·ever since. Mr. their . first great-grandchild. Their I • I Morris was born in ' Missouri on children include Mrs. Harold (Syl-,1 June 23, 1877, and Mrs. Morris was vi_;1) Easley of Prosser; 1fys. Luke born in• Walla Walla on DecembE\r (Beulah) Elliott ot Portland; Mrs. 12, 1882. ~ . I Mary Dudley, Dayton; Eugene Mor- 1 ris who was killed in 1942 while serving in the army Irr Texas; Mrs. Walter (Lucille) Davidson, Day­ ton; Paul G. Morris, Dayton; and Harol~ A. Morris, Spokane. It is hoped that all of these surviving children will join their parents on ' Sunday. Mr. Morris spins vivid tales of his journ·ey from Missouri to this coun­ try back in the "good old days." He· cal"!le west to Orp.aha by cov­ ered wagon, shipped by immigrant train to Ogden and then completed the trip h ere by wagon. The las~ phase of the journey took over three weeks to complete. Although Mr. and Mrs. Morris h ave been married for fifty years, they have lost none of their youth­ :ful appearance an·d their friendly hospitality. Smiles play across their lips -w'hen they talk about the mem­ bers of their family and friends. They both sincerely want to live an­ other fifty years so that they can sta!'.' t counting their great-grand­ children. 1¢~/?5 ~ . EarJy.. Da·y Resident : Of. Dayton Returns Dr. Byron Morris. early-day. resi­ dent of Dayton. was here the first of . the week looking after proper.ty interests. He has extensive farm holdings in · Columbia county, ,whi~h i have . been under the management I of .Troy Lindley for __ a number ·of j years. •. I Dr.. Morris came here in 1884 and practiced dentistry until about 30 years· ago, when he retired and · moved to Portland; which has since been his home. . He still thinks this a wonderful ·country. and says ff he were. a young man today with his way . to make, he would acquire Columbia county wheat land. Dr. Morris feels very much en­ couraged over the prospects of a return of prosperity through the program of the NRA. which he sees as a great step in the right direction .. 1 1He declares the ~resent depression has no more serious aspects fn some · ways than that of '93, · which he : clearlY remembers. and sayS that · tliJs · ·country can pull out of this one fully as well as it has OU~ of former_ ~ of business depression. ,••ii/~/?&:::, I I I I i Dl::CENDEN'rS Ql:' MELISSA ANN MARTIN ~) 2nd Child of Samuel Grandville Martin

co.' MO.

I MO. Dayton, WA.

l Infant :Daughter, Died at birth. 2. Phineas 'Phinney' Granville Morris, B. 23Jun1877, Knox Co., MO. D. 7Decl957 , . Dayton, WA. M. Hattie May Jones, 25Junf899, Dayton, WA. B. 12Decl882, Walla Walla, WA., D. 8Sep.l950, Dayton, WA. Eight Children .. . 2.2.l. Sylvia A\~en Morris, B. 21Febl901, Turner, WA! M. Harrold Easley, 4Janl931, Long Beach, CA. B. D. 7Novl961 One <.,"11ild 2.2.1.l. Marylin Easley, B. 18Marl932 M. William Pearson, 17Aprl955 ',_,._,.. Two Children , David Nilliam Pearson, B. 31Augl958 2.2.J..l.2. Wayne Richard Pearson, B. 20Mayl960 2.2.2. James Alexander Morris, B.· 21Janl903, Turner, WA. M. Edith Siefke, 26Junl924 B. 2Aprl902 · Four Chi,ldren Thelma Morris, B. 17Febl928 M. David Distler, 8Marl950 Two Children Dianne E. Distler, B. 21Jull951 M. Tom Flynn Linda Distler., B. 1957. . ,.., r.'/.,--, . ,• :, Shirley Ruth Morris, B. 11Marl931 'l • l ,.; I - ., , _;. I ~::., ( .... 1 ' M. Kenneth G. GolJ.iher, 17Decl949 ~ ~: ....•\•:1 .-,,~;- ~~ '-· -: · Two Children .·r,;- ,\ .,. ·· I .,• Shelly Lynn Galliher, B. 15Mayl951 M. James Roma, 29Junl974 I . Michael Gene Golliher, B. 4Augl953 M. Yvonne Wood, 26Junl976 l 1 • 2.·2.2.3. Roger Morris, B. 18Aprl933 M. Eddie Clair Neal Four Children 2.2.2 • .3.1. Rodger Wayne Morris, B. 16Aprl955 Melodie Marie Morris, B. 26Aprl958 2.2~2.3.3. Gregory Edward Morris, · B. 2Augl96l Kimberlee Shawn Morris, B-. 26Janl964 Dorothy Morris, B. 270ct.1934 · ' .. M. Gerald Magill Three Children Ronald Magill, B. M. Sherrie Koschmeder One Child · ·Ronald Scott Magill, B. 10Aprl973 Ben Magill, B. Dan Magill, B. M. Valerie Norton One Child

•-• • • •• I • • • • -• - - • -•• •• . • ------·· - --'-----'---==--'---·---~ -" c. (continued) .... , Bab¥-'3irl, B. 1977 2.2.3. Beulah Esther Morris, n. 24Marl905, Turner, WA. M. Luke Elliott, 1Marl925 O. 21Augl961 Three Children ' 2.2.3.l. Wayne Elliott, B. 12Febl928 M. Suzanne Lawler, l4Janl950 One Child . I Name? Maxine Elliott, B. 22Febl930. M; James E. Harriss, 28Augl949, Divorced I Three Children M(2) Jo Stockdale D. . . Stephen Scott Sto·ckdale, B. 1Augl953 2.2 .. 3.2.2. Kirk Matthew Stockdale, B •. 8Aprl955 2.2 .. 3.2.3. Daughter Stockdale·, a .. M(l) M(2) Joanna Elliott, B. 20Mayl934 M Two Children 2.2.4. Melissa Amanda 'Mary• Morris, B. 15Mayl908 M. Raymond ~ugene Dudley Turner, WA. 25Decl930. Divorced 11Marl953 . Six Children ~, tl-f Ii 1io>f Ill.> "J)r..1/."' '-IA. 'I 13,21 , M(2) William Newton Fry, 28Aprl~55 2. 2. 4 •.t. Hazel Jean Dudley, B. 16AugJ.931 M. Richard Roger Jones, 5Augl951 B. 9Decl93O Two Children · 2.2.4.l.l. Valerie Dawn Jones, B. 7Junl955 . Larry Jones., B. 1Junl959 Donna Rae Dudley, a. 21Novl932 M. Raymond Elder, ·2SMarl951 B. lOMar· Three Children 1 Gerald Blaine Elder, B •. 14Mayl954 Jeffry Donald Elder, B. 9Apr~956 2. 2 .4. 2. 3. Heidi Elder, B. · 31Janl962 Eugene A. Dudley, B. 11Janl935 M. Rita Rae Rogers, 16Junl957 B. l5Novl935 Three Children Scott Eugene Dudley, a. 10Mayl961 Bruce James Dudley, B. 6Aprl963 Dianna Lynn Dudley, B •. 20Mayl966 ';

_.-J.,...______- · -_.. _ .. -•·--·-·---~ ·- ·.. !.~.ii, 1J:~r1r1,yrw.~.;,.,..~1~iu..,:,~,.~:• · ·. • ,.• ' - .-· .. .•. a.;:. . 2.2.4. (continued) •. John Granville Dudley, B. 23P.prl936 M. Rita Marlene Ott, 9Junl957 B. 17AugJ.934 Five Chilciren Dean David Dudley, B. 28Mayl958 Lynnae Marie Dudley, B. 6Mayl960 Cynthia Rita Dudley, B. 1Febl962 Shanna Jeanne Dudley, B. 16Decl964 Yvonne. Rae Dudley, B. 19Augl966 2.2.~.s. Estella May Dudley, B. 3Jull937 M. Donald Hirsch, 14Junl959, Divorced 1970 Two Children M(2) Charles Lenhart, 1M.ayl973, B. 23Jan1930 Six step Children . Chandlqr Britton Hirsch, B. 7Novl960 Chester Lee Hirsch, B. 20Sepl963 Lee Verne Dudley, B. 90ctl940 M. Ann Nilsson, 16Junel963, B. 1Sepl943 . Two Children Eric Newton Dudley, B. 22Febl968 Michae l Edward Dudley, B. 27Sepl969 2.2.5. Eugene Lawrence Morris, B. 3Marl911, Turner, WA. D. 14Febl943, Military Accident M. Ada Carlson, 2Junl934, B. 22Sepl916 No Children 2.2.6. Lucille Althea Morris, B. 24Marl913, Turner, WA. M. Walter Ray Davidson, 6Decl931, B. 4Junl909' Five Children Aurel Denise Davidson, B . 5Mayl934 M. Leo Startin Five Children Jimmy Le~oy Startin, B 2Janl954 11. 29Novl975 Cynthia Lee Startin, B. 3Junl956 Becky Startin Susan Startin Trina Startin Vernon Davidson , B. 22Junl936, D. Wesley Allen Davidson, B. 14Novl941 M Three Children Brian All en Davidson, B Augl965, Adpt. Decl9 · 2 . . Davidson girl Davidson

- - --·----·------:· .,

Malissa Ann Martin, Cont'd / Sharon torine Davtdaon, B 8Ap~l943 Y. • .Tames Aldred fh•af r Jr., 70c t Three Childr•en ·.;_242 .. 6,4-~1 •. Shannon Elaine:.. :Jra.ff, 'B 5Hovl962 · 2·. Rober·t ,Tames· Grarr, B l Aprl965 . Deborah Elai~e nraff, a l6Au~l373, Shirley Davidson, B 26Aprl944 :-~. Gerald Eken One Child :v!ichael Benard Eken, B Decl976, Adt 3Y.a-l 2.2.7. Paul Gareth Morris, B 16Febl916 M. Marybelle McCauley, 19Augl939, B 28Janl917 One Child Margaret Elaine Morris, E 22Novl944 · · ;•,!. Gerald ~40Kin11ey ,· 21Decl963 Two Children 2.2.7.l.l. Brian acKinney, B Decl967, Kathrine McKinney 2. 2. ~J. Harold Ad Albert :vior1"i·s, a 230c tl 920, Washtucna·~ ;·in. n. 24Sepl950., Airplane .. Accident· • - M. J·1an1 ta I N 1 ta I Marie Klaf r enbach, 19Jul1942 B. 12Yiar .•i{..ic I 'l -13 Two Children 2.2.a.1. David Harold iorris, B 28Marl944 M. 'l'wo Children 2.2.a.1.1. 2.2.s.1.2. Terry Gene Morris, B 2,Tanl947 M. Susan Lee Colier, 11Decl971 One Child . . 2.2.a.2.1. 2.3. Jesse Philo 1 JP 1 ~orris, B 29Junl882, Knox Co., ~o. D. 28Marl974, The Dalles, Or. M. Mtu•y TwQ Children 2.3.1. ~eli2sa Morris, a j,I, James Swett 2.3.2. Georgia Morris M. __ Swett, Div. Two Ghildren 2,3.2.lo, 2.4. Charles War1•en Morris, .9 25Decl886, Dayton, Wn. ,· D. 2:3Janl973 M. My1"tle Ah!--aha.m., 25Marl~06, B 11Novl896, D. 30Novl9,./3 Two Children · 2,4.1. Leo Morris, B. D. Infant

2. 4·. 2. Llc)yd Morris, B 15,Tanl 909 1 Turn.er, Col. Co. , Wn. D. 2,htll972,- ~Nallg -'!i"alla, 'Nn. 1. !ar~orie Porter, Biv •. Jne .~hlld . 1 ·~""'• 4...... " l • Sheryl• . ··•• 0-ris... J .Ju ~. Ellsworth Conover T:u•e ,~ Chi ld I"e n . ~1(2) 2.4.2,1. f. 2.4.2,2. '\.,- -•';> 4 •w•-JJ•') 't. ...)'\ ~---· .,. - .. • • o 1• • • ·••, ••-l•o • ,•· '°••• ,... ,# ) ); ) 0ctJ .B Tu~

- ~e {:t.~en



SECTION TOWNSHIP RANGE ACRES T.11 N.R.39E. T.11 N.R.40E. DATE NAME I Sl2 Tl IN R39E 160A 1913 C. 0. JOHNSON Sl3 TIIN R39E 240A 1913 C. 0. JOHNSON I Sl4 Tl IN R39E 320A 1900 Mary A. TURNER 10 11 12 7 8 1913 James TURNER S24 Tl IN R39E 240A 1900 J. S. MORRIS 1913 C.W.&Mclissa MORRIS 15 16 15 14 S24 T l IN R39E 160A 1900 1913 B. M. TURNER S25 Tl IN R39E 40A 1888 Jos. A TURNER I 320A 1900 1913 C. A. MARTIN r 22 S26 Tl IN R39E 160A 1900 C.A. MARTIN 21 22 23 S34 Tl IN R39E 160A 1900 Henry MARTIN 280A 1913 J. M. MARTIN S36 Tl IN R39E 423A 1900 PRYOR Bros. 27 28 27 26 1913 W. A. & C. W. PRYOR Sl4 Tl IN R40E 80A 1913 J. A. ANDERSON Sl9 Tl IN R40E 80A 1885 James P. TURNER 640A 1900 1913 B. M. TURNER 33 34 35 S20 Tl IN R40E 320A 1900 1913 B. M. TURNER S22 Tl IN R40E 240A 1900 J. A. ANDERSON 400A 1913 O.V. ANDERSON lessee S23 Tl IN R40E 80A 1913 J. A. ANDERSON 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 S27 Tl IN R40E 120A 1900 1913 J. A. ANDERSON S30 Tl IN R40E 240A 1900 1913 B. M. TURNER

S30 Tl IN R40E 1913 Jos. TURNER 'I I 10 11 12 7 8 S31 TIIN R40E 80A I 900 1913 C. W.PRYOR I S31 TllN R40E 80A 1900 W.A. PRYOR t I 1913 C. W. PRYOR S 3 TI0N R39E 164A 1896 John D. MARTIN 13 18 17 1900 John TURNER S 3 TI0N R39E 161A 1896 1900 John TURNER !!.. S i2 TI0N R39E 320A 1913 F. M. WEATHERFORD T.10N.R.39E. T.10N.R.40E. S22 TI0N R39E 160A 1913 E. L. LINDLEY S27 T I0N R39E 80A 1913 E. L. LINDLEY COLUMBIA COUNTY WASHINGTON S 4 TI0N R40E 200A 1900 1913 F. M. WEATHERFORD Land that was owned by members of the TURNER family. S 5 TI0N R40E 360A 1900 J. A. TURNER 1913 Alexander PRICE Est. Sources: S 6 TI0N R40E 80A 1900 19 13 C. W. PRYOR Homestead Act of June 3, 1878, National Archives, Ml622, Film S 7 TI0N R40E 240A 1913 F. M. WEATHERFORD #36. S 8 TI0N R40E 400A 1900 1913 F. M. WEATHERFORD Ward Rinehart, Covello: A Pioneer Remembers (College Place, S 9 TI0N R40E 160A 1900 19 13 F. M. WEATHERFORD WA: 1975), "Land owners map 1900," between pp. 87 & 88. Sl5 TI0N R40E 280A 1913 C.A. MARTIN George A. Ogle, S tandard Atlas of Columbia County, Washing­ Sl6 TI0NR40E 78A 1913 C. A. MARTIN ton, (Chicago, IL: George A. Ogle, 19 13) Sl8 TI0N R40E 160A 19 13 F. M. WEATHERFORD


ren MARTIN, 1932, in MO. maindcr to go to my Wife Margaret and my children and by her the 31 112 iv. Josiah Mason MARTIN. Born, 2 8 Mar 1857, in number is three and I further bequeth to my wife Margaret as long , MO. Died, 5 May 1919, in Dayton, Co­ as she remaines my Wider and my four youngest children here I lumbia, WA, age 61. He came to Dayton in 1880. name them Mary Francis Martin, Delphy An Martin, Shearman He married Celia STEELE, 7 Nov 1896, in Day­ Martin, the infant not named and if my wife Margaret should ton, Columbia, WA. Born, Oct 1876, Coshocton, marry, the Real es tat to remain to my four children here above OH. Died, 19 Apr 1951, age 74. Both were buried named to use them until they arise to the age of fifteen my Real at the Dayton Cemetery. Estate'. Malissa An Moris, Josiah Mason Martin, Henry Martin, I 13 v. Henry T . MARTIN. Born, 27 May 1860, in Scot- John Davis Martin, Mary Francis Martin, Delphy An Martin, land, MO. Died, 22 May 1880, in Knox, MO, age Shearman Martin, the infant not named. The eight children here 20. Buried, Mt. Tabor Cemetery. above named to have Forty Dolars and one hundred lb of corn more 114 vi. Charles Alexander MARTIN. Born, 21 Oct 1862, tha the remainder of my children and I further bequeath to my wife in Scotland, MO. Died, 3 Jul 1934, in Dayton, Margaret when the youngest child arrives at the age of fifteen only Columbia, WA, age 71 . He married Christine Isa ­ to have forty acres it being SE NE Section IO township one Range belle TETER, 21 Oc t 1883, in Scotland, MO. thirtee n to have her life time or as long as she remains my wider Born, 21 Dec 1864, Scotland, MO. Died 19 Nov and at the expiration of her time to be equally divided between my 1952, Dayton, WA, age 87. children. The remainder of My Real estate at the expiration of the 115 vii. John David MARTIN. Born, 11 Mar 1865, in fifteen years to be divided equally between my children. I Samuel Knox, MO. Died, 11 Dec 1931, in Dayton, Co­ G. Martin do make and apoint James K. Henry my exutor to carry I lumbia, WA, age 66. He married Anna Olive out my last wil and testament this January 20 twentieth in the year MORRIS, daughter of Samuel MORRIS and Jane of our lord Eighteen hundred and seventy nine. Catherine BROWN, 6 Jun I 90 I, in Covello, Co­ Witness his lumbia, WA. Born, 29 Dec 1874, Springfield, MO. Hugh F. Henry Samuel X Martin (Seal) I Died, 11 Jun 1924, Dayton, WA, age 49. Both John Pinkston mark" ~ buried at Dayton Cemetery. u 116 v111. Harriet E. MARTIN. Born, 11 Mar 1865, in Knox, l,, MO. Died of diphtheria, 11 Jun . 1872, in Knox, AHNENTAFEL CHART FOR SAMUEL GRANDVILLE MARTIN 11 MO, age 7 . Buried at the Mt. Tabor Cemetery. 117 ix. Mary Frances MARTIN. Born, 14 Jul 1868, in I Samuel Grandville MARTIN, b. 9 Sep 1825 in VA, d. 3 Feb 1879 in Knox, Knox, MO. Died of pneumonia, 14 Feb 1898, in MO, ma. circa 1849 in Licking, OH, Kitty Ann TURNER. Dayton, Columbia, WA, age 29. She married Wil­ liam B. ABEL, 1889, in Dayton, Columbia, WA. PARENTS Died, 19 Aug 193 I. Dayton, Columbia, WA. 2 William MARTIN, b. 1792 in VA, d. 1863 in Parke, IN, ma. 26 Sep 1814 in Fauquier, VA. He married, second, (Mrs.) Margaret PATTEN, circa 1871, 3 Elizabeth W. BROWN(9), b. 1796 in Fauquier, VA, d. 1870 in Parke, IN. in Knox, MO. Born, 3 Jul 1833, in OH. Died, 9 Dec 1909, in Knox, GRANDPARENTS MO, age 76. Buried at Mt. Tabor Cemetery. They had three chil­ 6 Willis BROWN, d. before 1806 in Fauquier, VA, ma. I Oct 1791 in Fauquier, dren: Delphia Ann MARTIN, born 13 Mar 1872; Sherman VA. MARTIN, born 15 Jun 1874; Elmer S. MARTIN, born 29 Dec 7 Elizabeth TURNER(3), b. 1771 in Fauquier, VA, d. 5 Oct 1839 in Licking, 1878, all Knox, MO . OH. ------Samuel MARTIN made out a will 20 Jan 1879 and died two GREAT GRANDPARENTS weeks later. The will in the courthouse is a copy, not the original. 39 14 John Meridy TURNER(!), b. before 1747 in Prince William, YA, d. Jun " I Samuel G. Martin Being of sound mind do make this my 1815 in Fauquier, VA, ma. circa 1770 in Fauquier, YA. last (copy) will and Testament. first my funeral expenses paid, sec­ 15 Elizabeth [UNKNOWN], d. 1828 in Fauquier, VA. ond to sci all of my personal property to pay my debts and the re - 52 fHE DESCENDANTS OF JOHN MERIDY TURNER (1747-1815) OF FAUQUIER COUNTY, VIRGINIA 53 relatives in and around Waitsburg, is now with her sons, C. W. and 31 Samuel G. MARTIN migrated in 1851 to Scotland, MO from W . A. PRYOR." She was on the 1900 census with Wm. A. Licking, OH with his brother William Willis MARTIN and other PRYOR. members of the TURNER family. Samuel MARTIN purchased 40 acres from John and Mary TURNER in 1853. 35 He lived there until "Charles PRYOR and his younger brother Will came from 1864 when he moved to Knox County where he farmed until his Missouri in 1889. Charles bought a farm I½ miles from Covello death in 1879.36 but kept it only a short time before selling it and buying another on the road to Dayton where the family of four children grew up. They "The MARTINS came from Missouri [to Washington State] were Eldon, William, Dwelly and Nellie. Will worked for his in 1889 and settled at Whetstone. The parents originated in Vir­ brother until he bought a farm just east of Whetstone. They also ginia where they were neighbors of the TURNERS. Mason acquired additional land as PRYOR Bros. The Will PRYORS had a 32 MARTIN'S mother was a sister of Ben TURNER'S father. A son of son, Forrest. " Children: Mace, Dewey and his wife Alferetta live in Dayton where their son Dorsey operates the Dorsey Inn and Cafe. Charley MARTIN was 4 103 i. Dudley F. PRYOR. Born, 7 Jan 1852, in Scot- the principal farmer in the MARTIN family. He sold his farm of land, MO. Died, 31 May 19 I 7, Luray, Clark, MO, 520 acres to Bill CARL TON about 1905 and retired. Dave age 65. He married Mary L. EVANS, 22 Jan 1874, MARTIN, father of Ruth BACON ran a livery stable in Dayton."37 in Scotland, MO. Born 1850, in KY. Children: 104 11. W . L. PRYOR. Born in Scotland, MO. 33 105 111. Amos F. PRYOR. Born, 16 Aug 1854, in Scotland, 109 i. Joseph Warren5 .MARTIN. Born, 24 Nov 1850, in MO. Died, 28 Jun 1917, age 62 yrs, 10 m, 12 d, in Muskingum, OH. Died, 11 Dec 1929, in Knox, Scotland, MO. He married Bertha J. TEETER, 24 MO, age 79. He married, first, Louisa Jane ROSS, Oct 1878, in Scotland, MO. Born, I Dee 1859, in 24 Dec 1871, in Knox, MO. Born, 12 Jun 1853. MO. Died 2 Aug 1945. Died, 16 Jul 1893, age 50. Both were buried at 106 1v . Charles Walter PRYOR. Born, Aug 1857, in Mt. Tabor Cemetery. He married, second, Amanda Scotland, MO. Died, 12 Jul 1927, in Dayton, Co­ E. [UNKNOWN], after 1893, in Knox, MO. Born, lumbia, WA, age 69. He married Sadie H . CAMP, 1867. before 1894. Born, Mar 1870, KS. Died, 7 Nov 110 ii. Melissa Ann MART IN. Born, 10 Jan 1852, in 1939, Dayton, Columbia, WA, age 69. Both were Scotland, MO. Died, 31 Oct 1932, in Dufur, 34 buried in the Dayton Cemetery. Wasco, OR, age 80. She married John Steele 107 v. Emma PRYOR. Born, 1863, in Scotland, MO. MORRIS, 11 Sep 1873, in Knox, MO. Born, 14 108 v1. William A. PRYOR. Born, 16 Mar 1866, in Scot- Aug 1840, Wayne, KY. Died, 17 Oct 1903, Day­ land, MO . Died, 16 Mar 1916, in Dayton, Colum­ ton, Columbia, WA, age 60. Both were buried at bia, WA, age 50. He married Katie L. the Dayton Cemetery. ALBRIGHT, 14 Mar 1888. Born, Feb 1867, IA. 111 111. William M. MARTIN. Born, 11 Apr 1855, in Scotland, MO. Died, 21 Feb 1936, in Knox, MO, 113 age 80. He married, first, Sarah MUSGROVE 37. Hannah Louise "Kitty Ann TURNER (John Meredith, OLIVER, daughter of William MUSGROVE a nd 7). Born, 6 Aug 1830, in Fauquier, VA . Died, 16 Mar 1870, in Mermelia MCLAUGHLIN, 26 Mar 1876, in Knox, Knox, MO, age 39. MO. Born, 30 Jun 1836, Spencer, KY. Died, 3 Oct 1912, age 76. Both were buried at Mt. Tabor She married Samuel Grandville MARTIN, son of William Cemetery. He married, second, Virginia TURNER MARTIN and Elizabeth W. BROWN(9), circa 1849, in Licking, SHEARER, daughter of Silas TURNER and Lou OH. Born, 9 Sep 1825, in VA. Died, 3 Feb 1879, in Knox, MO, age ST ACY and widow of Henry SHEARER, 14 Mar 53. Both were buried at Mt. Tabor Cemetery, nea r Hurdland. 1914, in Knox, MO. Born, 29 Jan 1859, Hannibal, MO. Died, 1931, age 72. He ma rried, third, Amanda E. [UNKNOWN], widow· of Joseph War- ··------____ .1.IL .. ~~f,),.,. -- '!!!>-

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i1i~ ~J l-o ~ ~ ·C' ' <3' ~ ...... ' ' ""' ~ .:ty;~h~-D ~ 'JlH- 19 a 2.. Mrs. M. A. Morres Dies·~ l.ocaf PiiiJ :_ ~-:- . -. . ·::~'t·--son's abme JnJ;rei ,·. ·_:'·. '.:: ~j~., ..~·-_,·.;, . . ' . Alberta Morris : •: • •---,- •. ,._,I•• i. I, •, Killed AlbertaFaeDonnelly Morris passed . . . • j • '--~aa·n~~y ·-·· ·· -·· ·· Funeral services for .Mrs. : M. A; (Ed. note: 'Pt(fol_lowing ar!icle away June 19, 1993attheageof67in Morris,· old time resident o{ Colµmbla Vacaville, California. · county, who d!~d at the home of her is taken from··-:a :$P°-~a~e· ~p~pet. son, Jesse ... M.:~rrfs of Dufur,• Oregon, It is believed that Lt/Morris was She was a graduateofDayton High Monday, October 31 at 5:5_0 p. Jn. one of the jet ·pilots '_seen ~~ying School in the Class of 1943. When were. held · train the United Breth~n · over Dayton· Saturday_·afterrioon. church" of this city Wednesday, after­ His mother, :)!drs. ·.P. :.'G.- .:-Morris. her aunt, Mrs. Lucy Donnelly and her noor{ at :two· .o'clock with the_ Rev.; , died h~!~.,~~pt.,.$.)):~-•.:-~: .,.:·"c .: •.·.··••· . children moved to Waitsburg in 1942, ·s. M. Mathes' officiating. Interment, was -'made in the· family plot 'of _the : , '!A!f-afr':naliorial_ guardsman pil­ Alberta stayed in Dayton with the Dayton -cem'etery. · · · _ · :- , t. , I ot ·was kme.d ':S~riday -when. !)_is Edward Nichols' family to compiete Mellisa Ann_ Martin was 1J9ni • ~ ! F.84 jet .fJght~f/i>lf11~__ · £~r!_·.~n.e.d her education in Dayton. ·· · Scotland county,: Mfsso~ri, J~nll!lg. 10 : 1852. She was \married . tQ · John 1 ~=:~~1,-,11 She is survived by her husban~ S, .'Morrls· In. 1875,-: and ~ .18~~;.,th¢ .officials .. ,.. •_ .... :-· ( - :·· .-. •--: :· > Robert "Bob", a nephew, James P. -:ra~y· calrte west. They: ·se~tl~d :tzi. the --_ Capt.· Robert }4urray of .tJ!e J.16 Turner ·district and. lived there_ ~tu air hatioriar-guard unit in _Spo­ Morris, who they raised, two half­ .the· death of · Mr-. · Morris ~-. JS,03. kane· identified the deiid ·man as brothers, one being Kenneth E. Several members of .the_ f amlly :- ,~µ1 1 1st Lt. ~Harold A •. ·Morris~· 29, ;N1804 Donnelly who married Janeice 'have their homes. in ~h~t yic_pi~ty, !:>U~ Washington.· , . . .. · , ...... _ . · · . for theJast.· two years• ¥r.s,:;~~~ts Flannagan of Dayton, and six half had been living in Oregon. She· F.~ The•:, accident: was believed .to a· . devoted? mother .. arid' a" : ~lri~ly have occurred·· about 4:.40 ·p~. m. sisters in addition to the remaining l}elglto!,. ,· and .: -~1\· t who.: )cne'Y ; . h~~ while members of the ·air unit cousins she was raised with. revered· _ahd loved·- her.. She. was a were on regular Sunday training member:.-:· of the t · South •. Methodist maneuvers. Cause of . the.. crash 'church .• ·, ', · .. , ... _.c.:. ·.:; • /. could not immediately be -de·­ Paul was born , - · · Mrs. Morris leaves ·three' ·sons; P. · o.­ termined. . ···. :·~· ! • korris, - Dayton ,;: Jesse. P. Morr~s, -. Wreckage · of the :pla_ne : ,was 1916 at Turner, Wash. His par- ; Dufur, 9rego~. an~ Charles. ~~rrl:S, i widely· scattered, officials said.:· · ents were Phinehis and Hattie: Turner,• eleven·': . grandchildre~ . ,,a,l)d ., Morris, who was born ·October Jo~es Morris. He attended· lo- ) se:ven. J!'eat-grari_d~hl14ren: ... Sh~ ..~_is_. 0 I leaves ··a brother, c. A.• Mar:thi • of 23, 1920, in WasJit~~.r,.a, ·gr,au.~t~d cal schools, graduating from ; Dayton, . a; bait • brother, ~~rml!-n :from high . school_, here.: a'.nd ···at~ Martin· of this · county, a half · sls~r; · tended ousiriess _;college·· 'in ~Spo­ Daytori High School with the , Mrs. Pinkertpn,' of, ~Iiox county, ~~ ; kane. He work~d ;for -a.'"Spo~ane ciass of 1936. · sourt,· and a brotheri•-Willi~m Martin, •firm before entering ·the· ·-service He served during WWII as an ,. also of• Knox· co,unty._ A. -~~~.--11,~~-· in World War II. He was married Joh?) McConne~l, .r:~lde~ h~r_e../ :~/') -~ ... in Texas 'while ·1n ,the service on Army medic in the European : ;./_ J+/-JrS-0 July 19, 1942:·, · theatre. Following the war he Morris, who was a rural mail returned to Dayton and worked · carrier, is survived by his widow, :MRS.-. ·p. ')G·. ,MOR~I.S_ :~~:, .. Juanita M., and two sons, all at for Green Giant Co. for37 years-· 1 PASSES .:A:WAY- ·.).((~·:. ·- . : the home; his father, Phineas as a farm mechanic. He was a .• : Fti~erat··-~~~c~s' :_ wJt{'·:held Morris of Dayton; two brothers, recipient of the Green Giant : Tuesday . at·. 2:30 ·p. ,.·n{'Atl the James A.. Morris and Paul M. 11 Morris, both of Dayton; four sis~ "GoodNeighborAward. Here-. Rogg-Watson· c~~P.~~ :.~9( ..1!a!tie ters, Mrs. Morris Easley, Prosser, tired in 1979. He married , •May .Morr~s, wpo ._ d~e~ ~-~ _,rm1ng !Memorial hospital :-S~pt~mber 8 Mrs. Mary A. Dudley, Mrs. Lu­ Marybelle McCauley in Walla . I after a two-weeks illness. Rev. cille Davidson, both of Dayton, and Mrs. Beulah Elliott, Portland. Walla on August 19, 1939. 'Wil_liam Sie~ke '_of Etig~#e, 'Ore_-' He was ·a member of the gon, officiated.,-.:., · , :· .. {·. .. Funeral services will be held Friday at 4:30 p. m. at the Hazen­ American Legion Post #42, : She was born · Sept~m~er ·12, Jaeger funeral home in. Spokane. •1882 in· waua· Walla, ·/apd · lJ.as . -~------Eagles, Elks and served the Co­ lived in this vicinity ..aJf iu~r lije~ lumbia County Ambulance as a She _was married . on /N~e ·2_5, 1899, to her sur~iving ·;nu~b!in4, driver and board member for 17 . P. G. Morris,· · oti )1er '.father's years. He was also a Red Cross (Martin B. Jones) farm nea~. Tur­ First Aid instructor and a sup­ ner. T~e ,couple celebrated·_ ~-~heir porter of campfire and fifti~th _'Wedding aJ?,niversarr last year.:·.·-·... ···.. . . . , boyscouts.

Survivors include':her husband, I He is survived by his wife at P. G. ·Moqls .at4J?ie :fanu_ti,~oine: home, a daughter and son-in­ in ··Dayton; 'seveµ ·cltU4~ep.~ Mrs. Paul Morris Sylvia .Ea~ley/o(:Prpsser; Jailles law, Elaine and Jerry McKinney Mo);ris ·o~ I>ayt~n.·~rs.:~~ulah El- Paul G. Morris, age 81, of of Walla Walla; a sister, Lucille liot ·of Portland, Mrs. ~ay Dudley!1 Daytpn, died October 3, 1997 at Davidson of Myrtlecreek, Ore.; of Dayton, Mrs. Luc~lle _D,avid~on i the Booker Rest Home. Funeral of Dayton, Paul_ Morris· of pay- 2 grandchildren, Brian 1 services were held Tuesday,. Oc­ ton, and Harriet Morris. pr Spo- I Mc:l{inney of Marysville, WA kane; ~2 grand~piJdre11:, •: sev~~; tober 7, with Rev. David Bruce and Kathy Lamber of Orting, brot}lers. ancl,sister~, wa1~e.r}ones' officiating. Inurnment was in WA; and 1 great grandson. He of Dayton Oren_ Jop.es of Califor­ the family plot in the Dayton nia, Rob~rt Jones, -,Mrs ...Grover was preceded in death by 3 McNeal and Mrs: Clyde·Webb, all •City Cemetery. brothers, James, Eugene, and of Dayton · Mrs.·i Berry Haddock Those who wish may contrib­ Harold Morris; and 3 sisters, of Medford, Oregon, -and Birdie ute to the Columbia County Sylvia Easley, Beulah Elliott Jones of Spokane. Ambulance fund. and Mary Fry. /fp.d, 194 3 ~I~ !'I rl"° Mary Fry ff fkv /C,9 G, Obillllary James A. Morris lyfary A. _Fry, _age 88,. of. :B~J~er Annex, died there December 11 ~ SGT. EUGENE L. MORRIS James A. "Jim" Morris, 83, died on KILLED IN ACCIDENT May 14, 1986, at Dayton General Sgt. Eugene L. Morris of the Hospital. · 1996. Funeral services ~ere Friday, United States army was killed in an accident Saturday near his post December 13, 1996: Interment was. Funeral services were held Satur­ at Fort Bliss, Texas. :r,lo, details are day, "May at the Hubbard-Rogg in th~ family plot in the Dayton City yet available, but according to a let­ 17 ter that· reached his parents, Mr. . Chapel with the . Reverend David ~~metery. Those who wish may con­ and Mrs. P. G. Morris, after they 'Bruce officiating. tiibut~ to the Booker· Annex Memo­ had been notified of his sudden Borri on January 21, 1903, at Turner, ·' ri~ Fund. death, it was learned that he had been driving an · enormous truck Jim was the son of Phinney ·and Hattie Mary was born May 15, 1908 at over roads that were little better Jones Morris. He graduated from Turner, Washin~ton. Her parents than trails and that his duties were Washtucna High School in 1921 and were Phinehas and Hatti Jones Mor­ very .hazardous. · married Edit}l Siefke in Vancouver on The OO'iy is being brought here Ju.ne 24, 1924. ris: She graduated from High Schooi under military escort and is expect­ in The D~les, 0~. She married Ray ed to arrive in Walla Walla Friday. i-ie worked as a custom butcher at the •Dayton Creamery from 1930-1953. ~e Dudley December 25, 1930 .in Funeral arrangements have not been on made pending the arrival of · his also worked for Siifeway and owned his payton. They were later· divorced brother in service and his sisters own shop in Chelan, retiring in 1968. an~ on April 8, 1955 she married W. who live at distant points. Full military rites wUl be accorded. A member of the Christian Church, Newton Fry in Dayton and they made Eugene Morris· was born in this he enjoyed ·hunting and fishing. their home'on a farm on the South county March 3, 1911 and grew up Jim is survived by his wife Edith; a Touchet. Mr. Fry died in 1977. · with three brothers and ·four sis­ son, Roger Morris of Dayton; thr~e ters. At the age of 18 he first en­ daughters, Thelma Disler of Spokane, ~ht; worked as a book.keeper for listed in the U. S. army. and after Shirley Gollier of Albuquerque, New seve(~businesses in Dayton in the· the required three years he received his discharge. He returned here Mexico, Dorothy Magill of Dayton; · l 920's and from the late 1940's on, and engaged in farming and was as­ one brother, Paul Morris of Dayton; most notably the Grange and Pool's sociated for some time with Paul Talbott. As war ,came closer to this three sisters, Beulah Elliot, Dufur, Truck and Implement. . She was a country he took guard duty at an Oregon, Lucille Davidson, Myrtle member of the Daughters of the Pio­ ammunition dump, and on July 20, Creek, Oregon, and Mary Fry, 1942 he re-enlisted in the army for Dayton; 11 grandchildren, and 17 neers, Dayton Business Women and the duration .of the war. Because the Congregational Church. She was· of natural ability and previous ex­ greatgrandchildren. He was preceded in death by a sister, a volunteer for the local .election perience he was advancing rapidly in the field of radio work, and had Sylvia Easley, and two brothers, board and assisted with the blood attained the rating of sergeant some Eugene and Harold Morris. donations. · little time ago. Beside his parents, Mr. and Mr~. Contributions may be made to the She enjoyed gardening, quilting P. G. Morris, he leaves his widow, Columbia County Ambulance Fund, and.crocheting. She made a·quilt for~ Mrs. Mary Carlson Morris formerly of Salt Lake. She had been with cardio fund or the charity of choice. her each of her 18 grandchildren and him at Fort Bliss until a week or so crocheted many afghans for her new­ ago, :and with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carlson of Salt Lake, born great-grandchildren. came to Dayton as soon as word of She is survived by three sons and her husband's death w.as received. Other survivors include three bro­ Morris farmed the family daughters-in-law; Eugene and Rita thers, James and Paul Morris of Dudley of Richland; John and Rita Dayton and Aviation Cadet Harold homestead in d,e area for several years. · Dudley of Montreal, Canada; and Lee Morris of Foster Field, Texas who has ob~ined leave to return home · He had resided in The Vern~ and Ann Dudley of Fremont, for the funeral services; and four Dalles area for the past 55 Cal.; three daughters and s·ons-in­ sisters, Mrs. Harold (Sylvia) Eas­ years. Morris was preceded in ley, Long Beach, Cal., Mrs.. Luke death by .))if wife, Mary, in law; Hazel and Dick Jones of Eugene, (Beulah) Elliott, Portland, Mrs. Ray OR; ·Donna and Ray Elder of Para­ (Mary) Dudley, Spokane, and Mrs. April, 1973;· He is •. survived by two dise Valley. AZ;. and Estella and Walter (Lucile) Davidson, Dayton. All his brothers and sisters with daughters, Mrs. Jim (Melissa) · Chuck Lenhart of Kennewick. WA; the exception. of Mrs. Easley, who Swett and Mrs. Ralph (Geor­ a sister, Lucille Da:vidson of Myrtle has been ill, will be .here by tomor- gia) Odell, b9th of The Dalles; Creek, OR; and a brother Paul row. two grandchildrer.. Mrs. Morrison of Dayton; 18 grandchil­ Richard Leslie of Oregon City, Ore., and William R. Swett of dren, 28 great-grandchildren, and JESSE P. MORRIS the V,S. Navy and several numerous nieces and nephe~s. · Jesse P. Morris, 91,· a greai grandchildren. former Dayton area resident, Funeral services were held passed away at The Dalles, ·in the Spencer and Libby Ore., Thursday, March 28. J _Fun~ral Home in The Dalles, Morris came t9. Dayton by April 1. wagon train from Missouri at Mr .. and Mrs .. D~wey a very early age with his Fletcher of Dayton, cousins of parents, John and Melissa the deceased, attended the Morris, and members of the services. :Turner family. The couple ·~~- - --~~---- ~ettled near Turner where ,cJ..~ l?s? 6~/')72...­ ~ }..uhr 1? ~-3 P. G. Morris Lloyd Morris Service·~--T Funeral· Ri-te · oday Funeral Today For Geo. Morris . Fu~eral service for Lloyd E. Held Tuesday Funeral services .wil~ be l?,eld Morns, 63, Walla WaIJa resi­ .Phinehas Granville Morris, 80, this afternoon at 2:30 ~t the H1;1b­ dent since 1932 and native son former Columbia county farmer bard-Rogg chapel for <;;eorge_· C. of Dayton, will be conducted at and storekeeper, .di-ed Saturday,. Morris. ·who died s~ddenly near 11. a.m. today, July 6, from the December 7, at a Spokane nurs­ Kennewick, July_ 6. , . . Herring Funeral Home chapel ing home where he had been a Mr. Morris, son ·of_ A,exand~r in Walla Walla. patient. g; · and . Catheri~e Jane Moms, Interment will follow at Day­ Funeral services. were con­ was born ·october 5,--1~, at Sher­ ton City Cemetery. The Rev. ducted Tuesday afternoon, De­ man, -Texas. While __ st.ill a .s~all Lawrence H. Mitchelmore of cember 10 from the Hubbard­ child the family_ returned. to t_p.eir Walla Walla will officiate. Rogg chapel1 with the Rev. M. E. former ho.me _.ne,~. -.~pr1_ngf-1~ld, Mr. Morris passed away Sun­ day evening, July 2, at a hos­ Jordan, minister of the Meth­ Missouri. · ·' •· ~ "• · . • . odist church, officiating. Inter­ At the ~ge·:~of. ~5,- -~ftl:r ·,the pital in Walla Walla. ment was in the family plot' at death of ·his .parents, :he.:cam~ to Born January 15, 1909, in Day­ Dayton. City Cemetery.· Dayton· with "11i~ .sister_ A~lie, _the ton, he moved to Walla Walla in Mr. Morris was born June 23, late .Mrs._--P~ve:: Martin,.· with 1932 and was employed for 25 ,1877, near Hurdland, Missouri, whom·he arid his youngest sister, years in the shoe department and at the age of six came west Deaella (Mrs.· Lewis .. _p,- Gates) of Gardners. He retired in 1957 with his parents in 1883. They made their home. . · •· , and was employed part time for settled on a farm near Turner. He attended s~hool i~: Dayton Wilton's and Hart's shoe stores He was married to the former and later spent a yeai: at . bus­ for the past ten years. In 1942 Hattie May Jones· on June· 29, iness college in Spokan~. · . he and the former Florence 1899, and continued farming He was engaged Jn tar.i:n work Huddleston were married in until 1910, when· he bought the and farming in.~olµmbia _county Walla Walla. Later in 1942 he store at Turner, which he op­ ·until .25 years ago when he ~ov­ was drafted into the U. S. Navy erated until 19~7. . · · ed to Kennewi~k, where he con-_ and was stationed at San Diego. Moved to Washtucna tinued his farming interests. He He was a member of the First He went · back to farming at passed away at his home tner~ Presbyterian Church of Walla ·Washtucna in 1919. After sell­ Monday,• July 6th, ~t th~ ag~ of Walla. ing the farm at Wasthtucna,· he iss. -·. · . -·· . · ·. Family members include his bought a small acre.age at Wal­ \ Survivors includeq a number of wife, Florence, at the family la Walla, which he operated for Dayton nephews ai:id niec;es and hon(', 12•·:J i.:~tit.iry Road; his about two years before moving among them are Miss Pe_arl Mar­ parents, Mr. and Mr::;. Charles to The Dalles, Oregon. ·He mov­ tin, Mrs. J. w. Maxwell and Mrs. W. Morris of Dayton; a daugh­ ed back . ·to Dayton in 1926, E A Bacon• others are Fred Mar­ ter, Mrs. Ellsworth (Sharril) where he took a ·position with ti~ · Seattie·· Mrs. _Clarabelle Conover of Waitsburg; two step­ Edward Hindle ed., later work.. Th~mpson, Mrs. Anna~ell~ Titus sons, Richard Huddleston of ing for · Green Giant Company and Mrs. Cathe~yn · Block,_ Taco­ Wrinut Creek, Calif., and Don­ until his _retirement in 1947. , ma, and George Martin, W.ayne, ald of Lake Tahoe, Nevada; a . GQlden Wedding '. Michigan; three . half-brothe_rs, stepdaughter, Mr~. Cias. Lidd­ He and .his wife celebrated ington of Richland; nine grand­ their Golden Wedding anniver­ Jack Morris, ~laude and Lonnie chPdre"'; tr:o great grand­ sary on June 25,· 1949, when all McQuary, and a· half-sis~er, Mrs. chi1dren, and numero::s -nieces the family were· reunited, with _L. P. Gates. and nephews. , the. exception 9f Qne ·son, Eu-. gene L. Morris,· who·, was killed Jji~/?~2-­ · in the :arme.d service on Febru- ary 14,: 1943:' · · ·, · ' ' · · After losing ·his wife on Sep-· temb~r 8, 1950,: and his· young­ Sylvia Easley est son, · Harold A. , Morris, on · September 24, 1950, Mr. Morris Sylvi~ A. (Morris) Easley. 81. the Hors<.· Hcavc:n Communiry maintained his home in Day­ of Star Route. Prosser. died . Club. ton for only a short . time. He Monday. March JS. 1982 in the Survivor~ i1h:!u~c.• hc.•r dau_ghl­ made his home with his child­ Prosser Memorial Nursing er. Mrs. Wilham (M'.mlynJ re~ ~nd recently. was a nursing· ·Home. P,earsC:m: ·sistc:r~ Bl·ulah · Elliot. home patient. Six Children She was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dufur. Ore.: Mar~· Fry. Dayton: He is survived -by four daugh­ P. G. Morris, in Turner Wash- Lucille Davidson, Myrtle Creek. ters, Mrs. Sylvia Easley of Pros­ ington, February 21. 1901. She · Ore.: brothers James Morris,' ser, Mrs. Beulah Elliott of Port­ graduated from Dayton High Chelan, Wash.: Paul Morris. land, Oregon, Mrs. Mary ·Fry of School in 1919. Dayton: and two grandsons. · Dayton, and Mrs. Lucille Dav­ idson of Myrtle· Creek, Oregon;~ She married Harold Easley in David and Wayne Pearson. . two. sons, James A. Morris• of Long Beach, California in 1931. and numerous nciccs and nep­ Chelan, and Paul G. ~orris of. They moved to the Prosser area hews. She was preceded in Dayton; two brothers, Jesse P .. in 1945. where she and her ·death by two brothers, Eugene Mori:is .of The I;>alles, Oregon, · husband were engaged in farm-· Morris and Harold Morris. and 'Charles W. Morris of Day­ Graveside services were held .ton; 22 grandchildren , and 16' ing. greatgrandchildren. She was a member of the. East at 11 a.m. Thursday. March 18 Side Christian Church of Long in the East Prosser Cemetery. Beach. Horse Heaven Grange, Memorials may_t,~ made to the Horse Heaven Women·s Club, Washington State· Hearl Asso­ a11d was a charter member of ciation. oto~ 19?.3 6&../;78 C. W. Morris, MYRTLE MAY MORRIS Myrtle May Morris, 86, died Cq.·;~ty Native, Friday, November 30 in a hos-· pita) here. She was born Nov. 11, ·1887 F'-'n_~~al Frid~y in Whitman County near · 'Charles ·.w. Morris, 86, native Hooper and attended rural son_C)f Columbia county, passed schools at New Hope. Har­ away early Tuesday, January 23, at his home, 405 E. Spring. mony and Star. He had been in ill health for She met and married the .-past year. Charles Morris h~re March 24, Funeral will be 11 a.m. Fri­ 1906. He died Jan. 23. 1973. day, January' 26, at Hubbard­ The couple made their home in Rogg Ch~pel with the Rev.· Hal this area all of their lives. Watkins, pastor of the First Membership included the Christian Church, officiating. · Schuyler Rebekah Lodge and Interment will follow at the famity plot in Dayton City Ce-_ the Dayton Grange. metery. · Mrs.. Morris is survived by ·Mr. Morris was born Decem­ one nephew. Garret M. Titus ber 25, 1886, in the Willow Creek of Burns, Ore.; one . sister of district of the county, son of Castro Valley, Calif.; one pioneer parents, John and Me­ brother, Claude Abraham of lissa Morris. Educated in coun­ Portland; one grandchild and ty schools,. he attended Har­ mony and New Hope Schools three great grandchildren. and Dayton High School. After Two sons, Leo. and Lloyd schools, he was associated in Morris, preceded her in death. farming with his parents. Funeral services were held On March 24, 1906, he and _at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Decem­ the · former Myrtle Abraham ber· 4 at · the Hubbard-Rogg were married in a ceremony Chapel with the Rev. Hal held at the residence of the late Judge Holman. In 1972 the cou­ Watkins officiating. ple celebrated their 66th wed- Interment was in the Day­ ding anniversary. · ton City Cemetery. Mr. Morris was a life-long Columbia county farmer until 1944 when he became employed by Columbia Rural Electric As­ sociation, Inc. He retired in 1964 from the electric cooperative. He was a member of Colum- · bia County Farm Bureau; A1ki­ Patit Lodge No. 10, IOOF, and past noble grand, and Dayton Grange. Members of the family in­ clude his wife at the home 'in Dayton; a nephew, Garrett Ti­ tus, of Portland, Oregon, who was reared in the Morris home as a foster son; and a grand­ daughter, Mrs. Ellsworth (Sher­ ril) Conover, of Waitsburg. Mr. Morris was preceded in death by an infant son and a second son, Lloyd Morris, who passed away in July, 1972. Other family members in­ clude a brother, J. T. Morris, of The Dalles, Oregon; and three great grandchildren. Cfl.fl.oN, Services will be held at the Vernie Morris ~-a.•oO Vernie Baxton Morris, of Starbuck Community Church­ . 10.._19-l'lc;'I on Monday, Jan\lary 31 at Starbuck, Washington, died , .11 . Joe IvIorr1s January 25, 2000 at. Dayton a.m., with Pastor Michael Close.- General Hospital. . officiating, The eulogy will b~ Final· Rite Born to Willie Wesley Morris presented by Michael Bowhay.· Today and Louise Ritter Morris atAva, Songs will be performed by Ani­ Set ber Bowhay. Pall bearers are Joseph W. Morris, 91, resident Missouri, on July 20, 1911. of Dayton for 30 years, passed He was the youngest of five Stacey Grende, Calvin Thomp­ away Monday, Octob~r 26, ~t children, four brothers and one son, Vernon Thompson, Eric Pleasant Valley Rest Home m sister, Floyd, Orie, Ernest and Thompson, Brent Todero and Dayton. Tom Ross. Funeral service will be con­ Vergil Morris, and Carrie (Mor-· ducted at 2 p.m. today, October ris) Hileman. '· · Burial will follow the service at 29 from the Christian church Starbuck City· Cemetery. Th~ wi'th the Rev. James M. Farrell Vernie married Ruth Alice officiating. Interment will follow Parrish,April 21931. He was 19 family requests that memorials at Dayton City Cemetery. Hub­ and she was 17. They said ·their be given to Starbuck Grange No. bard-Rogg is in charge of ar­ 1032, PO Box 216, Starbuck, rangements. vows at Warrensburg, Missouri. Mr. Morris was born October They were blessed with 6 chil­ .Washington 99359. 19, 1873, at Marshfield, Mis­ dren, Margery May Thompson, souri. He farmed for a number of years and in later years serv­ of Starbuck; Mildred Louise ed as custodian of Dayton Public Knapp (d,ed January 24, 1997); Library. He was preceded in Elsie Verna Teninty of Crabtree, death by· his wife, Alice, in 1959. · Oregon; Emma Katherine He was a member of the JAMES MORRIS Christian church. · Smith (died February 15, 1988); Jaine~ Morris, former .Dayton boy, Members of the family include Rose Mary Lindor, of Crooked two daughters, Mrs. E. F. died at a Walla Walla hospital Tues­ (Doretta) Kurth of Dayton and River Ranch, Oregon; and Rich­ day morning after an illness_ of two Mrs. Aaron Quinn of Corbett, ard Wayne Morris (died May 7, months' duration. · A surgical opera­ Oregon; three ~ons, Leonard 1990). tion was performed about a. month Morris of Spearfish, South Da­ kota Marlin Morris of Meadow, Vernie and the family moved · ago and he seemed to be ma.king ·sat­ South Dakota and Martin Morris to Idaho in the 40's, where he isfactory . progress until a· da.y . ~r of Los Angeles; 11 grandchil­ rlrPn ::inn 1?. Preat pr::1nrlc-hil- made a living cutting and sell­ so· before · his death. ing wood, then after an accident Morris was born in Walla Walla at work, he decided to go into May 22, ·1909, a.nd came here· in early auto mechanics. childhood with his parent.,, Mr.· and Margie Lou Morris . . · Mrs.· G .. E.· ·Morris, who.~lived. for. a. . 1'191. Vernie and his family relocated time on Fifth and Hanan Sts. His· Former Dayton resident, Margie to Crecent City, California in father was a farmer a.nd · teamster Lou Morris, 51, died in Colorado 1952, where Vernie became a here for several: 'years after: which·· he returned .to' Walla Walla~. where his Springs, Colorado, July 31 at a local Hyster operator· for the children completed· high school. hospital. .. McN amera and Peepe Lumber Morris attended· Wliltma.n college, Memorial services were held Sat­ Company. He retired in Califor­ was a reporter for Walla Walla news­ urday, August 3, at the Evergreen nia. They remained in Crecent papers and later became night edi- · tor for the Walla Walla ·un1on-Btil­ Funeral Home. Pastor Paul Tatter City for 45 years. After he suf­ letin, which position he held at the officiated. Memorial contributions fered a stroke they moved to time of his death. , Starbuck, Washington. He leaves his wife, _Helen .. Kelly may be made to the American Heart _1 Morris, a · young son, and · his par­ Association. Vernie was preceded in death ent.,, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Morris, all by his beloved wife, Ruth, who of Walla Walla; a sister, Miss Muriel Margie was born August 22, died onApril 30, 1998. He is sur­ Mons, Seattle; .; and iwo brothers, 1939, to John L. and Ruth L. vived by 3 daughters, 28 grand­ Boyd Morris of Bremerton, and Ivan (Hawxby) Lumsden in Lineal~, children, 38 great grandchil­ Morris of Sacramento. Nebraska. She attended · Kansas dren, and 5 great great grand­ State University .. children. Vernie, Dad, Grandpa, On , 1965,- she Great Grandpa and Great Great married R. Craig Morris in Albe­ Grandpa, will be missed by all querque, New Mexico. She was a • who loved him! homemeaker and a member of the Presbyterian Church. In 1989, she and her husband moved from Dayton, WA, to Colorado Springs! She is survived by her husband, Craig, at home; a son, David, of Salt. Lake City, Utah; her mother, Ruth, of West Palm Beach, Florida; :a brother, Joh Lumsden of Greenville, North_ carolina; and four grandchil­ dren. 1t[rs. America Jfnghcs. Mrs. America Hughes, wife of C. C. Hughes, of this city, passed away at 1 the family home Saturday, March 30, i aged 81 years, one month and 14 days. · The funeral was held from the Chris- tian church at 2 o'clock p. m. Sunday, Rev. F, T. Porter officiating. The deceased was a native of Ken­ tucky, but lived in Missouri for a num­ ber of years after her marriage to Mr. Hughes. The family crossed the plains In 1852 and have resided in Dayton for about thirty years. The deceased Is survived' by her husband, C. C. Hughes, two sons, . T. N. Hughes and w. J. Hughes of Day­ ton, and a daughter, Mrs. J. G. Ma­ lone, of Portland. Notice of Appointment . as Guardian ,ind Notice to Creditors. · In the Superior Court of the Stats ·of Washington~ for Coiumbia County. In the matter of the guardianship of l · tb.e per·sons_ and estates of A. G.: . Moultpn, an insane person, and of Dorris Moulton,• Ruth. Moulton . and Madge Moulton, Minors. .' _• Notice is hereby given by the unClu--;-/l!I h/

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------"Under the SJ>rcadlng chestnut tree, the village smithy stands" ... Longfellow wrote about such men as Walter Burchett, shown at work before his retirement this week after 40 years in the blacksmith bus­ iness In Dayton. Burchett was born In Atcheson, J{ansas, in 1881, and came here with his parents 63 years ago. The Burchetts settled on top of Eckler Mt. After working for Sherman Gosney in his yow1gcr days, Burchett af­ terward joined with W. C. Woodward, ,~Ith whom he stayed until 1932, when he built his own shop cast of Dayton which he 0111~rntcd unm his retirement. He married the former Anna Moton in Dayton 47 yra~" ago and the couple have a daughter, Mrs. Oscar McCauley, Jiving m Dayton. They have lived in their present home for the past 25 years: Things In Dayton were different when Burchett arrived as a boy. "We came west in an lmntlgrant train from Kansas and buildings on Main street were a great deal different," Burchett recalled. When asked by the reporter as to his future plans, Mr. Burchett stated he was just going to sit In his favorite chair by his garage .and watch the birds for a while. "I've got a lot of work to do around the house and I guess I'll just dig ln and get It done," he explained. Denny Roschmcdcr of Waitsburg ls now running the shop and plans to do the same type of work that Burchett has done for so many years. - Pix by i:>_at. DESPONDENT, AGED I i C:J:,"\.- n ?.> ,._. Former Resident Passes Hl•: rt'I' l\10'1'0.\' De r t Moto11 , ill fo r many MAN l AKES LI fE Away at Bonners Ferry, month!!. passecl nway al the fam­ ! ily hn111 e 111 Pome roy early lllon­ Robert Jllolon, 82, Feared De Would F'Uneral services for Mrs. Mary E. 1 clay mornl11~. J1111 e 8. l~nnPral ne Victim of Paralysis. Moton. who died nt Bonners Ferry l 1wrvkoH we rn hr-Id :tl tho He rl Tuesdny, August 9, were held from , ltlchanlHon fnnc ral homo Wecl­ t he Hul,lbnrd-Rogg ch npel or thts ne~

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Phlllp Mulkey [II f)' Edit person's Info John Mulkey Jonathan Mulkey ~ Bookmark this Person Born: 14 Jan 1773 Ann Ellis [II Spartenburg, Falrforest, South Contact Ancestry members Carolina, USA Obediah Howard [II Interested In this person Died: 13 Dec 1844 Nancy Howard Pnscilla A Breed Tompkinsville, Monroe, Kentucky, USA [II -f Start a new tree with John Mulkey 9' Edit person's info ~ Find Famous Relatives 8 E " ~led by OneWor1dTft.e

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Children Sex Birth HISTORICAL RECORDS Mary Mulkey F 11 Feb 1779 In [city], Barren, Kentucky, USA / Edit • 58 User-submitted trees Jonathan Howard Mulkey M Sep 1795 In [city], Washington, Tennessee, USA / Edit More info» Sarah Mulkey 1797 In [city'., [county], Tennessee, USA / Edit

Sally Mulkey 1797 / Edit

Joseph Mulkey M 1800 In MIii Creek, [county], Kentucky, USA / Edit

~' Philip Mulkey M 17 Oct 1802 In MIii Creek, Barren, Kentucky, USA / Edit Isaac Mulkey M 1804 In Mill Creek, [county], Kentucky, USA / Edit

\ John Newton Mulkey M 11 Feb 1806 In Tompkinsville, Barren, Kentucky, USA / Edit

Betsy Mulkey F 8 Feb 1811 / Edit

Elizabeth Mulkey F 8 Feb 1811 In MIii Creek, [county], Kentucky, USA / Edit

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Jonathan Mulkey ~ Edit person's Info Philip Mulkey John Mulkey Born: 17 Oct 1802 Nancy Howard j.-f Bookmark this Person MIii Creek, Barren, Kentucky, USA .Iii. Contact Ancestry members Died: 3 Dec 1893 6 Hays Interested In this person Eugene, Lane, Oregon, USA Elizabeth Hays Elizabeth Harlan -f Start a new tree w,th Philip ~ Edit person's Info Mulkey

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John Thomas Mulkey M 6 Apr 1825 In [city], Monroe, Kent ucky, USA ,' Edit HI STORICAL RECORDS , 1/ Mary Ann Mulkey F 4 Jul 1827 In [city], [county], Kentucky, USA ,' Edit • 12 User- submitted trees More info » Welcome Hays Mulkey M 1831 In [city], [county], Kentucky, USA / Edit

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John Mulkey / Edit person's info John Thomas Mulkey Philip Mulkey Born: 6 Apr 1825 Elizabeth Hays A Bookmark this Person [ c,ty], Monroe, Kentucky, USA .Ii, Contact Ancestry members Died: Welcome Martin Interested In this person Martha H Martin C:, Mary Trimble "f Start a new tree with John / Edit person's Info Thomas Mulkey

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Hannah Mulkey 22 Oec 1848 In [city], [county], Missouri, USA / Edit HISTORICAL RECORDS

Benjamin Mulkey M 1849 In [City], [county], Missouri, USA / Edit • 3 User-submitted trees More info » Mary l Mulkey 6 Mar 1857 In Eugene, [county], Oregon, USA / Edit

/ Sarah Mulkey 24 Aug 1857 In [city], lane, Oregon, USA / Edit

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Singleton w Mulkey M 13 Jan 1867 In Eugene, [county], Oregon, USA / Edit

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John Mulkey / Edit person's Info John Thomas Mulkey Philip Mulkey ,... Bookmark this Person Born: 6 Apr 1825 Elizabeth Hays (city), Monroe, Kentucky, USA .Ii, Contact Ancestry members Died: Welcome Martin Interested In this person Martha H Martin 6 Mary Trimble '"f Start a new tree with John / Edit person's info Thomas Mulkey

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• Contact people who submitted Children Sex Birth this information Phdip Mulkey M 23 Aug 1848 In [city), [county], Missouri, USA / Edit HISTORICAL RECORDS Hannah Mulkey F 22 Dec 1848 In [city], [county], Missouri, USA / Edit

Benjamin Mulkey M 1849 In [City], [county], Missouri, USA / Edit • 3 User-submitted trees More info » Mary L Mulkey F 6 Mar 1857 In Eugene, [county], Oregon, USA / Edit

Sarah Mulkey F 24 Aug 1857 In [city], Lane, Oregon, USA / Edit

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Singleton W Mulkey M 13 Jan 1867 In Eugene, [county], Oregon, USA / Edit

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John Mulkey [fl 7)f Edit person's Info Martha Mulkey John Newton Mulkey ::.. Bookmark this Person Born: 6 Feb 1846 Elizabeth Hays [fl .Ii, Contact Ancestry members Died: Jacob Levi Lough [fl Interested In this person Nancy Lough Nancy Jane Warner [fl -f Start a new tree with Martha 7)f Edit person's info Mulkey

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Entries: 3990 Updated: Thu Sep 28 Contact: Michael McGrath •a u . ~·. --- --, Michael McGrath Genealogy

Index I Individual I Pedigree I Download

Ahnentafel, Generation No. 1

1. Martha MULKEY was born 6 FEB 1846. She was the daughter of 2. John Newton MULKEY and 3. Nancy LOUGH. She married Lawson CYRUS, son of James CYRUS and Margaret CYRUS. He died in of Covello,,Washington.

Ahnentafel, Generation No. 2

2. John Newton MULKE_Y was born 11 FEB 1806 in Tonkinsville,Ky, and died 26 SEP 1882 in Glasgow,Monroe,Ky. He was the son of 4. John MULKEY and 5. Elizabeth HA YES.

3. Nancy LOUGH was born 20 MAR 1806 in Nr Tompkinsville,Monroe Co.,Ky., and died 2 OCT 1876. She was buried in Kentucky. She was the daughter of 6. Jacob LOUGH and 7. Nancy WARNER.

Children of Nancy LOUGH and John Newton MULKEY are: i. Elizabeth Jane MULKEY was born 29 DEC 1826. She married Tolbert WELCH. ii. Jacob_Lough MULKEY was born 1 SEP 1827. He married June MACDONALD. He married Harriet PALMER. iii. Nancy Albina MULKEY was born 8 SEP 1829. She married William TAYLOR. iv. Telitha Emma MULKEY was born 6 FEB 1832. She married Thomas MEANS. v. Infant MULKEY was born 6 FEB 1832, and died 6 FEB 1832. vi. John MULKEY was born 3 FEB 1834 in Warren,Monroe,Ky. He married Helen AD~MS. vii. Barton Stone MULKEY was born 16 AUG 1852. viii. Sarah C. MULKEY was born 23 NOV 1839. ix. Elijah F. MULKEY was born 16 DEC 1841. He married Mary_QLIVER. x. Elisha T. MULKEY was born 16 DEC 1841, and died 1842. xi. Edith Mercer MULKEY was born 28 NOV 1843. She married Cyrus D. MEANS. 1. xii. Martha MULKEY was born 6 FEB 1846. She married Lawson CYRUS, son of James CYRUS and Margaret CYRUS. He died in of Covello,,Washington. xiii. Isaac N.H. MULKEY was born 20 MAR 1847, and died 1864. http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op= AHN&db=mcgrathm&id=I616 8/17/2005 Ancestry World Tree Project: McGrath/Dungan/Henderson/Mulkey Lines Page 2 of7

xiv. Zerelda L. MULKEY was born 25 APR 1849, and died 5 JUN 1908. xv. Lydia A. MULKEY was born 25 DEC 1837. She married Richard LISENBY. xvi. Mary MULKEY was born 1836, and died 29 DEC 1861. She married Hugh MACDONALD.

Ahnentafel, Generation No. 3

4. John MULKEY was born 14 JAN 1773 in Fair Forest,Spartanburg,Sc. He was the son of 8. Jonathon MULKEY and 9. Nancy Ann HOW ARD.

5. Elizabeth HAYES was born ABT 1773 in ,,Kentucky.

Children of Elizabeth HAYES and John MULKEY are: i. Jonathon Howard MULKEY was born DEC 1795 in Tennessee, and died FEB 1860 in Williamson,Il. He married Talitha HARDIN 10 OCT 1816 in ,,Ky. She was born 6 OCT 1800 in Near Gallatin,Tn, and died 7 MAR 1891 in Rocky Ford,Otero,Co. ii. Sally MULKEY was born 1797. She married BAYLISS. She married MARS. iii. Polly MULKEY was born 1799. iv. Joseph MULKEY was born 1800. v. Phillip MULKEY was born 1802 in ,,Kentucky, and died AFT 1870 in Eugene,Lane,Oregon. He married Phebe MULKEY. She was born 1813 in ,,Kentucky, and died AFT 1870 in Probably Eugene,Lane,Oregon. vi. James Harlan MULKEY was born 15 JAN 1804. He married Sarah A. MARTIN BEF 1829. She was born 1802/1803 in ,,North Carolina. 2. vii. John Newton MULKEY was born 11 FEB 1806 in Tonkinsville,Ky, and died 26 SEP 1882 in Glasgow,Monroe,Ky. He married Nancy EVANS. He married Nancy LOUGH 7 OCT 1824 in ,,Kentucky, daughter of Jacob LOUGH and Nancy WARNER. She was born 20 MAR 1806 in Nr Tompkinsville,Monroe Co.,Ky., and died 2 OCT 1876. viii. Betsy MULKEY was born 8 FEB 1811 . ix. Nancy MULKEY was born 5 FEB 1814.

6. Jaco_b__LOUGH was born 9 SEP 1760 in Harnburg,Germany, and died 6 OCT 1833 in Cass Co.,Mich .. He was buried OCT 1833 in Cass Co.,Mich.. He was the son of 12. Nicholas LOCH and 13. Barbara LOCH.

7. Nancy WARNER was born 13 OCT 1765 in Barclay Co.,Maryland, and died 1853. She was the daughter of 14. WARNER

Children ofNancy WARNER and Jacob LOUGH are: i. Thomas Warner LOUGH was born 12 MAR 1788 in Virginia, and died 13 APR 1863 in Waveland,Montgomery Co.,Ind .. ii. John Warner LOUGH was born 10 APR 1786 in Virginia, and died 29 JUL 1875 in http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=AHN&db=mcgrathm&id=l616 8/17/2005 Ancestry World Tree Project: McGrath/Dungan/Henderson/Mulkey Lines Page 3 of7

Indiana. iii. Allie LOUGH was born 15 APR 1790 in ,,Virginia. iv. Samuel LOUGH was born 11 JAN 1793 in <,,Tn>, and died 1882. v. Daniel LOUGH was born 26 MAR 1795 in <,,Tn>. vi. Solomon W. LOUGH was born 26 NOV 1800 in <,,Tn>, and died 1864. vii. David LOUGH was born 3 DEC 1802 in ,,Tenn., and died 6 MAR 1889 in ,Fulton Co.,Ind. . 3. viii. Nancy LOUGH was born 20 MAR 1806 in Nr Tompkinsville,Monroe Co.,Ky., and died 2 OCT 1876. She married John Newton_MULKEY 7 OCT 1824 in ,,Kentucky, son of John MULKEY and Elizabeth HAYES. He was born 11 FEB 1806 in Tonkinsville,Ky, and died 26 SEP 1882 in Glasgow,Monroe,Ky. ix. Georg~ Washington LOUGH was born 27 AUG 1808 in ,Cumberland Co,Kentucky, and died 7 JUN 1859 in ,Parke Co,Kentucky. x. Jane LOUGH was born 29 MAY 1813 in ,Cumberland Co.,Kentucky, and died 30 MAR 1886 in ,Parke Co.,lndiana. xi. Jacob Wesley LOUGH was born 5 NOV 1798 in Bristol,,Tennessee, and died 18 JAN 1885 in Osborne Co.,Kansas.

Ahnentafel, Generation No. 4

8. Jonathon MULKEY was born 16 OCT 1752 in Halifax,Edgecomb,Nc, and died 5 SEP 1826 in ,Washington County,Tn. He was the son of 16. Philip MULKEY and 17. Ann ELLIS.

9. ~lancy Ann HO_WARD was born 16 OCT 1754 in Broad River,Union Co.,South Carolina, and died 1817 in ,Washington County,Tn. She was buried in ,Washington County,Tn. She was the daughter of 18. Obediah HOWARD and 19. Priscell~BREED.

Children of Nancy Ann HOWARD and Jonathon MULKEY are: 4. i. John MULKEY was born 14 JAN 1773 in Fair Forest,Spartanburg,Sc. He married Elizabeth HAYES . She was born ABT 1773 in ,,Kentucky. ii. Isaac_MULKEY was born 17 MAY 1774 in Buffalo Ridge,Washington,Tn, and died 1849. iii. Ellis MULKEY was born 1775 in ,Washington Co.,Ky. iv. Philip MULKEY was born 3 APR 1776 in ,Fairforest,,South Carolina, and died 27 JAN 1844 in ,Mulkeytown,Franklin,Illinois. He married Ruth O'DELL OLLIE 1795 in ,Buffalo Ridge,,Tennessee. She was born 23 MAY 1773 in <,Buffalo Ridge,,Tennessee>, and died 18 OCT 1840 in Mulkeytown,Franklin,Illinois. v. Salix MULKEY was born ABT 1776 in <,Fairforest,,South Carolina>. vi. Mary MULKEY was born 177711778 in ,,N c, and died in ,,Mo. She married Thomas MEANS. He was born 1770, and died 1845. vii. Elizabeth MULKEY was born 1779 in ,Halifax County,Va. She married John MURRAY. viii. Jonathon MULKEY was born 178 1 in <,Halifax County,Va>. ix. Nancy Howard MULKEY was born 9 MAR 1783 in <,Halifax County,Va>, and died 1857. She married Samuel BILLINGSLEY. http://a wt .ancestry .corn/cgi-bin/igm.cgi ?op= AHN&db =mcgrathm&id=I616 8/17/2005 •.'i:."J(j ;ifr•"! ~:;Ji -~'~·-~r\,,_/.I ;· .1i~~·~·f;~:· -~·.i t)I::.: ·:.-·:·1...:·• .. i·~ .. }.''~

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x. Sarah MULKEY was born 1785 in <,Halifax County,Va>, and died 1840. xi. Rebecca MULKEY was born 17 MAY 1788 in ,Washington,Tn. She married William SLAUGHTER. He was born 1781 in ,,Va, and died AFT 1850 in Probably Monroe Co.,Ky.

12. Nichola_S_LOCH was born 1731 in Germany, and died 1814 in Preble Co.,Ohio. He was the son of 24. JacQb LOCH and 25. Sibilla.

13. Barbara LOCH was born ABT 1735 in ,,Germany, and died 1810.

Children of Barbara LOCH and Nicholas LOCH are: 6. i. Jacob LOUGH was born 9 SEP 1760 in Hamburg,Germany, and died 6 OCT 1833 in Cass Co.,Mich .. He married Nancy WARNER 1784, daughter of WARNER She was born 13 OCT 1765 in Barclay Co.,Maryland, and died 1853. ii. John LOCH was born ABT 1764 in Penn.. iii. David LOCH was born ABT 1762 in Penn.. iv. Elizabeth LOCH was born 30 DEC 1766 in Penn., and died in Preble Co.,Ohio. v. Catherine LOCH was born 25 NOV 1768 in ,,Penn.. vi. Susanna LOCH was born 1774 in Penn.. vii. Barbara LOCH was born ABT 1776 in ,,Pennsylvania. viii. Sally LOCH was born ABT 1778 in . ix. William LOCH was born 5 AUG 1781 in Woodstock,Shennandoah Co.,Va., and died 3 MAY 1845 in Parke Co.,Indiana.

14. WARNER was born ABT 1739 in .

Child of WARNER is: 7. i. Nancy WARNER was born 13 OCT 1765 in Barclay Co.,Maryland, and died 1853. She married Jacob LOUGH 1784, son of Nicholas LOCH and Barbara LOCH. He was born 9 SEP 1760 in Hamburg,Germany, and died 6 OCT 1833 in Cass Co.,Mich..

Ahnentafel, Generation No. 5

16. ~hilip MULKEY was born 14 MAY 1732 in Halifax,Edgecomb,Nc, and died 15 JAN 1800 in Tennessee. He was the son of 32. Philip MULKEY and 33. Sarah Ann 8-CARBOROUGH.

17. Ann ELLIS. She was the daughter of 34. Robert ELLIS.

Children of Ann ELLIS and Philip MULKEY are: i. David MULKEY was born ABT 1751 . He married WHITE. 8. ii. Jonathon MULKEY was born 16 OCT 1752 in Halifax,Edgecomb,Nc, and died 5 SEP http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi ?op= AHN&db=mcgrathm&id=l616 8/17/2005 Ancestry World Tree Project: McGrath/Dungan/Henderson/Mulkey Lines Page 5 of7

1826 in ,Washington County,Tn. He married Nancy Ann HOW ARD, daughter of Obediah HOWARD and Priscella BREED. She was born 16 OCT 1754 in Broad River,Union Co.,South Carolina, and died 1817 in ,Washington County,Tn. iii. Sarah MULKEY was born 1754. iv. Phillip MULKEY was born 1756. v. Pa_tty MULKEY was born 1756.

18. Obediah HOWARD was born 3 MAR 1741 in Onslow Co,Nc, and died 4 OCT 1804 in Tompkinsville,Monroe Co.,Kentucky. He was buried in Old Mulkey Ch Ce,Tompkinsville,Monroe Co,Ky. He was the son of 36. Stephen HOWARD and 37. Sarah SANDERS.

19. Priscella BREED was born 4 OCT 1742 in Groton,New London,Connecticutt, and died 1808 in Tompkinsville,Monroe Co.,Kentucky. She was buried in Old Mulkey Ch Ce,Tompkinsville,Monroe Co,Ky. She was the daughter of 38. Joseph BREED and 39. Priscilla AVERY.

Children of Priscella BREED and Obediah HOWARD are: 9. i. Nancy Ann HOWARD was born 16 OCT 1754 in Broad River,Union Co.,South Carolina, and died 1817 in ,Wa shington County,Tn . She married Jonathon MULKEY, son of Philip MULKEY and Ann ELLIS. He was born 16 OCT 1752 in Halifax,Edgecomb,Nc, and died 5 SEP 1826 in ,Washington County,Tn. ii. William HOWARD was born 4 MAR 1772 in Craven Co,Dist 96,Sc, and died 8 OCT 1848 in Barren Co,Ky. iii. Joseph HOWARD was born 1759 in Orange Co.,North Carolina, and died 21 APR 1821 in Union Co,Sc. iv. Mary HOWARD was born 1760 in . v. Stephen Breed HOWARD was born 14 OCT 1764 in Craven Co,(Now Union Co),Sc, and died 1835 in Moniteau Co,(Cooper Co ),Mo. vi. Avery HOWARD was born 4 MAR 1772 in Fairforest Crk,Union Co.,South Carolina, and died 1808 in Union Co,Sc. vii. Hannah (Twin) HOWARD was born 7 APR 1769 in Fairforest Crk,Union Co.,South Carolina, and died 20 MAR 1859 in Gamaliel,Barron Co.,Kentucky . viii. Christopher HOWARD was born 1774 in Fairforest Crk,Union Co.,South Carolina, and died 1848 in Barren Co,Ky. ix. Sarah HOWARD was born 25 SEP 1776 in Fairforest Crk,Union Co.,South Carolina, and died 8 NOV 1830 in ,Union Co.,South Carolina. x. Priscilla HOWARD was born 25 OCT 1783 in Fairforest Crk,Union Co.,South Carolina, and died ABT 1860 in Versailles,Morgan Co.,Missouri. xi. Anna HOW ARD was born 1785 in Fairforest Crk,Union Co.,South Carolina. xii. Jesse (Twin) HOWARD was born 1770 in Fairforest Crk,Union Co.,South Carolina, and died 1803 in Union Co,Sc.

24. Jacob LOCH was born 1704 in Germany, and died 9 OCT 1761 in Penn .. http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=AHN&db=mcgrathm&id=l616 8/17/2005 Ancestry World Tree Project: McGrath/Dungan/Henderson/Mulkey Lines Page 7 of7

Co,Sc. He was buried in Union Co,Sc. He was the son of 76. John Breed or BREAD and 77. Mary (Mercy) PALMER.

39. Priscilla A VERY was born 29 APR 1715 in Gloucester,Essex.,Ma, and died MAY I 792 in Union Co,Sc. She was buried in ,Washington,Ga. She was the daughter of 78. Christopher AVERY and 79. Prudence PAYSON.

Children of Priscilla A VERY and Joseph BREED are: i. Nathan BREEDE was born 1744 in Groton,,Connecticutt, and died 1815 in ,Barren Co.,Kentucky. ii. Prudence BREED was born 14 OCT 1744 in Stonington,,Connecticutt. iii. Sarah BREED was born ABT 1757 in ,Union Co.,South Carolina, and died 1 NOV 1831. iv. Anna BREED was born ABT 1759 in ,Union Co.,South Carolina, and died 1814. v. Avery BREED was born 30 NOV 1739 in Groton,,Connecticutt, and died 1801 in ,Monroe,Ky. vi. Phebe BREED was born 11 AUG 1746 in Stonington,,Connecticutt. 19. vii. Priscella BREED was born 4 OCT 1742 in Groton,New London,Connecticutt, and died 1808 in Tompkinsville,Monroe Co.,Kentucky. She married Obediah HOWARD 1755/1759 in ,Orange Co.,North Carolina, son of Stephen HOWARD and Sarah SANDERS. He was born 3 MAR 1741 in Onslow Co,Nc, and died 4 OCT 1804 in Tompkinsville,Monroe Co.,Kentucky . viii. Hannah BREED was born 1755 in ,Frederick Co.,Virginia, and died 14 DEC 1815 in ,,Barren,Kentucky. ix. Joseph BREED was born 8 APR 1738 in Groton,,Connecticutt, and died 1808 in ,Warren Co.,Georgia.

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http://awt.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=AHN&db=mcgrathm&id=I6 l 6 8/17/2005 /l#U4ttn (t4Mt Name of Compiler______Person No. 1 on this chart is the same Chart No. __ Address ______person as No. __on chart No.---• City, State ______

~ Date ______

b. Date of Birth p.b. Place of Birth m. Date of Marriage d. Date ol Death p.d. Place of Death

2 _ ...... 2,:...... u,,t,.A-..::d_,._A...,;.,.a.._J___.~-+r~. (Mother of No. 11 • b. Cont. on chart No. ___ 1 d. ~ ha:rruel!e 72z,,dd!~ IM38' d. b. , p.d. 24,--______p.b.~l)~ b. (Father of No. 12, m. Cont. on chart No. __ 12

b. 25..______p.b. (Mother or No. 12, b. Cont. on chart No. __ m. d. d. p.d 26.~---'------p.b. b. (Father of No. 13, m. Cont. on chart No. -- 13 '----J:..:Z..:r..a~~r£.J.~M-=------lm. d. other of No. 6) d. p.d b. 27, ______p.b. (Mother or No. 13, b. Cont. on chart No. -- d. d. b. /6'/'t:, p.d. 28..--______

~J (Father of No. 14. p.b. tl~ ✓ q~Jd~:P.ff Cont. on chart No. ___ d. -2 a ~~ 17 J

p.b. p.d 30~------,----b. (Father of No. 15, Cont. on chart No. ______; d. 15,______~m. p.d. (Mother of No. 7) d • .dbkrt~ b. 31, ______(Spouse of No. 1) (Mother of No. 15, p.b. b. Cont, on chart No. __) b. d. m11 d. d. p.b. p.d. p.d. cljo /l,u:e4to,,, (?fut Name of Compiler______Person No. 1 on this chart is the same .Chart No. __ Address ______person as No. __on chart No.---• .d+a«e£ fu HZ City, State ______

~ Date ______b. p.b. b. 41_.,;...q.,U,4,.;&a...-UJ~~::J::a.----_Jm. d. d. b. 17&> 5 p.d p.b. 18.:------(Father of No. 9, b. Date of Birth Cont. on chart No. ___ p.b. Place of Birth 9 m. m. Date of Marriage ------,,(M...-oth"""e_r_of.,..N-o-.-1-)-----ld. d. Date of Death :.;'1..%~~ ~tbA p.d. Place of Death p.d 19.______b. (Mother of No. 9, p.b. b. Cont. on chart No. __ 2. Jl

His Father ClJ, ~. "J-,. ---- -~. Mother's Malden Name '7'L - - - ~ &--· _ r.- .J u .., Wife's Full Maiden Name Wllo:'s Oat.a Day Month Ye1r Ctty, Town or Pllco County or f:irovinc:e, etc. Stare or Country Add. Wo. on Wll• Birth - _, q Chr'nd V Death • I Burial Places of Residence Occupation if other than Housewife

Mother's Malden Name J .. _ - 1 ~ - • ,a c:•.! ,._) Children•• Namea 1n Full Chlldrffl'• V V (Arnnge In order d birth) O•ra Day Month Year C1ty0 TOWD or Place County or Provi.llce, u~ Stare or CounCTy .Add. Wo. on Cbllt Birth Mar. Cl Death 1<;, - -~ - l'H'II \ 'RurlAl - Birth Mar. Pull Name cl Sj,ou1c'" 1kath lJ~1 \ Ou rial Birth \far. Full N1me ol Spou'lc• /""" Ot.?ath 171 ,/_/) ___ ) \ Hurial 4 Birth ,, , ~tor. ✓ ' - Full Narne 81 Spouse• ~)~alh /Vt '71/"n,.. _,,:,. ,. \ Bi:rial ·------t------4------­ 5 -·--·-·-Bir·th ------1·------1~------:\!Jr. Full Name ol Spouse• irkath /t;~°_p-.J ,,,~ \ 1urial 6 ~.!_rth_ ------1 >/-:.~ ___o. /J _ -'~ .,, "'?J/..L \·tar. ~ fl Full Narne of Spouse• p:._:_a_tJ1__ ,..___ ~------+--- \ ~-urial 7 Birth \Tar. nc.•ath \ i3u1·ial 8 ~!_h·----··----!1------1------..:ar. Death \ nurial 9 fil..rt.:..:h,=-•------+------4------I~ :\Tar. Full Harne or Spo... 1c• J1:atlL \ 8urial 10 Birth \tar. Full Name cl Spousa• Death \ Burial •JI rn.arrtN mor~ U•:in nr.. r t,;o. caC"h mar, (I) (2) de. a~ 11st In 'A&i. 1nro. en c:halJrcn• colulNI. U•e revorae aide for addlUonel children. ocher D«cs. references or tntormatlcn. FAMILY GROUP No. Husband's Full Name .,),,. -~-o~~. 'nl... _,,~·· ThJs Inf ormatlon Obtained From: ~~fabcnd'• Dey Month Yur C'1ty. Town or Place County or Province, etc. • State or Country Add. Wo. en Hu, Bir:"th Chr'nd a Ma[", Death J8- 5- /~// (3u["JB1 PlaC'cs of Residence ------~~~~~~~~------Occupation

Mother's Malden Name /_}_; : _ .·rJ .J~,. ~ - ,,,,,. ) ' (J Wife's Full Maiden Name Day Month Year City, To-,m or Plaeo County or 9>rov1nce, etc. Sure or CoWltey Add. Wo. a, WU, Birth Ch["'nd Death 1911 Burial Places of Residence ------1------Occupation if other than Housewife

ier Father Mother's Malden Name Sa Children•• Names 1n Full (Arnnge In order cl blnb) Day Month Year CUy, Towu or Place County or ProviDce, ec~ State or Countey Add. Info. a, Chll~ 1 8i["Ch . /o,.n --- ...... Mar. PuJJme cl Spou•~ /4 ____ /)_ Peath \ IR11r.lal flirth 2 17:31 , r-.t.tr. Death \ Ourlal ' 3 Birth 17.~4 Mar. Full Name of Spouse• \ n_c__•a_t_h,-t-·------+------+------/11 7//Jn ___,.:.. /J ~ \ Hurbl 4 t3irth /7.!JS~ Jl'JJ) ;_1L.• J :-.tar. FuU Name ol Spouse• Dc-ath _____ -----t------+------/YJ /b~ \ B,:rial 5 l)irth ______/,£7.5~,ow------~(....,6~~--!::!!·~-~,,.~/hJ_____ ..J_oQ./~~_j__.lta_AJ:.P'J!.J)tJ.~"~-'~··~~,._,.t,_,I.J i\tar. Full Name of Sj)ou3e• ' c.•ath / _ 7 - ..L.2!i...t.1~ ______--,,~.,J'7'-.1T~~o~~::,______.£.f..~'/4a,L-.1-+----- ~ ~ _J :~ . .J nJ \ ,ul·ial " 6 tl_!rch ____ _j2.JM______4-,-,.J....."')!.6/1_1Jfd,,:rll!!!J~,~~,.::::!!:.-1.11_j __,!...._..:LJ~r;;pau=i;:d,az..,=,J~------, ~-~r_._ ------·------ll------Full~Spou11e• \i~c._:_a_tJt__ ------• ------1------'f/~4/)M - '---4 nurial 7 Birth -·---· ___ LJll._. ~tor. Fuil ·Name cl Spouse• Oc.•ath /.!1 ~J}.,._ \ )3 urial §.!£!_h_~-----'-lt::.7Sc~~~.....d~Q.~·:::::z~CdT:;.,______~~~A~~~~::!!::! "·~----- ~-for. Fo/1 Nam~ of u0 Death (J m ';_ L ;r" J ~ \ :nurlal 9 fil..rt.:.:h:=--1------.L./..._7~=0~------+-----­ ~ CltULL i\tar. ~•me of Spo11sc• ),.:atlL l.!:1 f.l. --- .. ~ \ 8urial 10 Birth Mar. Full Name ol Sroueo• Death \ Burial •If m.arned mor~ ch:an nrr "No. c• t'h mar, (I) (2) de. and 11st In "Add. info. en c:hdJren• colum:i.. U1e rcvone side for additional children,, cxher DOCe•• reference, or llllorma•lcn. FAMILY GROUP No._-r.-:~H:=-u.::.;s::..:b~an~d~'s:.,__;;;;_F1u.::.:ll:....N:.;__;._a:_m_e~L~~·~~~•,..:...,....,t;"-wµ,.M-···=z~d:o,.dii.. IP-----.~--- This Information Obtained From: ~~:_.band·• o.y MOCllh Yur C'lty. Town or Place./ Ccunty or Province, et!. Slate or Country Add. Wo. en Hu: Birth /71, "?i Chr'nd Mar. Death Burial Plac-cs of Residence ------~=~~~~~--~------Occupation Other wtvu. U any. No. (I) (l) "c• Make septrare shed for eacb mar. His Father~• ..,/)_ .~ ·-A. Mother• s Malden Name - Wife's Full Maiden Name ~ c-21~ ------twu11•, 'm.. ... Oat.a Day Month Year Clry, Town or Place Srare or Country Add. Into. en Wile Birth

Death Burial Places of Residence ------+------Occuoation if other than Housewife

ier Father Mother's Malden Name Sex Children•• Name• ln Full ChlJdrm'a (Arrange In order cl birth) Dara Day Month Year City, TOW11 or Place County or Proviace, ec.;. Slate or Cowit-cy .Add. Wo. en Chile!

1 ' Birth 17 f'!l-

7' 3irth ~l;:ir. 0 Fuil Name of Spou11c• )1.'ath ~-:~ \ l3ul·ial ~!,_h·-+------+------+------\~ar. Full Name of Spouae• )cath ;: ~ I.. ·o. -d :J2. ,:-: ,. \ nurial V f 9 :iLrt--'h"-1----...... L.J/J~'f.!.....:...?--l-______-1,...a..'1:L..IJdl:.n•:2!::::!-6.J~_ ~ {!)~ vdth~ 1-:\_ta_r__ • -+-/._.9_-...:;?_-~~.J.------1------Full Name of Spoi..11c• J1.·atlL ~ ~~n- \ ~urial lcr' Birth Ma~r_;.•~------+------+------Full Name of Srouso• Oeath \ Burial

•If married more- ch:in n,,. r No. ~arh mar. (I) (2) rec. and 11st In •Add. ,nfo. en t:h1JJren• colurnA. U• c rcvorae • Ide for •ddlUonal children. ocher DCtca 0 rcfen,nce, or lnlorma•lon. FAMILY GROUP No. ---r:---:~!!H:.:::u.::.s b=-an==:=d=-'-=s...:F:..,=ul=.:l:....:N:..:..=a:.:.:m:.:.e::__'71~-~.,,"'~•!4•~·.e.."/)t:.i:,~a,d,.,.,~~--!==!·:~ 1~,/J1'~--·~~:.:t::i'J•,,L_~--• Thls Information Obtained From: ~~f.11anct•• Day Month Year C'tty, Town or Place Ccunty or Provlnee, cic. &ate or counth, Add. Info. en Hu, Birth /?RS- Chr'nd a 0 Mar. ,J.g - ~ _ Iiirovtnce, etc. Sure or Country Add. Info. on W!l, Birth Chr'nd Death Burial Places of Residence ------t------0ccupatfon if other than Housewife

ier Father Mother's Malden Name ~ Chlldren'• Name• ln Full Chlldren'1 (Arrange ln order cl birth) Dara Day Month Year City, Towu or Place COYnt)' or Prov1lice, cc~ State or Countty .Add. Wo. on Cblld

airch J/ _ /- /Y/4 '?w '7 ... A • - )'_k~ (,, A4.~ A ' -J Mar. a • :Oeath (} _ -~ - /1155 "7:17..- .. -"- ~ \ IR11rlAl . ~ Birth o13 - 4 _ n1e,- 7-...... ~ y~ --·-· .. .9 ~ 0 r ~for. 9 - / ._. 191'-o /q '1" !l~ath "l~ - ~- /ygJ ~--..) \ 0urlal , 3 ._,a... . a J.-~---~-tv~ Birth _1!1__ ~- /Rl'l (J I- ~.e Vu«&?

/11 6 " .A ~lrth_ .L.S....=.2.- /!?.:i.&::. Q,8-~ -J:>,. ~. _,. /L..1. ·- J .'.-r~.. ,. . ~~~ ... .1_=-.L_-_LS'..6:.~ =·======~=~======~=====::::~==~======~-- Fu11 Name of Spouse• a \ \~t:,a_tJ,l__ ------+------+------F .A..-,.~ ,.,,..Z..~ ~ _·,,, ~ Hu rial 7 ../ Hirth ------__J,L.:J.8 __ !\Tor. .d.-::J. -=-.i48__ ------1----- )\.'ath \ Ou rial q 8 filE~h \:ar. ~ u, &dh d; ,,. ; e,,) II Name of Spouse• Death /l..o.·~ II - ~• . .h,._. D __,) \ nu rial fil.rt~h!!...... 1-----.....L/.a.'11~!3..:1.=+ ______:if214-~-111,J~.-i:.lt!l·"'~,J----.id7-"~~:a::..._J.:..L-J..J- ______~tar. '"J,.:atlL \ fiurial Birth :\tar. Full Name of Srouso• Death -v)l~I)~ \ Burial /.' m.rne-ct mo,C' tl•:al\ r,r,,. r 1'0. ,tarh mar. (J) (2) ~c. and list In •Add. uifo. c;r, c:h,JJren• columD. UH revoroc aide for eddltlonal chlldren. OC~r DCCu, references or lllfonna•lcn. ft) I•~ FAMILY GROUP No. Husband's Full Name ~ fl __ ) '-Jnl,.._...- ...... This Information Obtained From: ~~:~nd'• Day Month Year C'lty. Town or Place County or Province, etc. State or Country Add. Info. en Huibcr Birth ,7)/12. Chr'nd t1 f Mar. Death I/ - 4 - lf"J? Burial Places of Residence II ------t------=--=------Occupation

His Father n~-n ---· •'°J /!. m_,,,. ~-- • Mother's Malden Name~ /J. ~ ~,.~Al 71.., _~D • ~J Wife's Full Maiden Name Wll,:"s oa~ Day Month Year C1ty0 Town or Place County or Province, etc. &arc or Country Add. Info. on Wile:

Birth C~il '"' ) Chr'nd Death /5~~ ...... ?! . _-r:,,.,_J R. w Burial u Places of Residence ------+--'--.;;;....;"-,..;;..;.....;~------Occupation if either than Housewife

ier Father Mother's Malden Name Sa Children"• Name• ln FuU Children's C1ty TOWD or Place (Arnnae In order o/ birth) I D1t1 0 Stare or Countt')' .Add. Info. on Cblldrer 1 Birth I/-_ 4 .. lx4.~ ~- .. -. Mar. (I Death (I \ A11rfAl

FulNl1me o/ Spouse• •

4 ' nl' ~,,;_ ~ O.,,_,~ _-;;,..} ~1ar. //) - /I -- IK1o II Y,,l-4A • (J~).,..l),f,.. Pull Name o/ Spouse• m A~-~ .. " o.. 5 a _}irch ---c!a.- /2. __ /9:<.-i '#- _u_ - :~JJ.) ½>A ~: • T _. 1 "13r. " 4 Full Name ol Spou,e• 1 lfkath __j1~ ~~1,, ...... o_ ~ _ /l--- _:..,_ .m.. P-f- Hurial :&.d:.£.?.-,,~~d.t.a.....~fl!::Z.ll::!~~,~=::.:.._------i------~ P. ~ L,,~~> ~ \ 6 ~lrth______\·tar. -t·------1------Full Name of Spouse• \1-~;-.;-.:-}a-,\-+--~-~~-~~~-----_-_-_--_-_·-t~~-----:_-_-~_-_-_-_-_~~----:_-_-:_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-~_-_-_-_....:._:-:_-_-::_-:_-_-_-_-~_

7 Bir,c~ .-----· ··------· ------·------+------~1.i r. )1.'ath \ l3urial 8 ~-~th~-f----·----+------+------\1ar. Full Name of Spouse• )cath \ nu rial !i!..rt.... h____ .,______--1------.J------i\lar. Full Name of Spouse• 01.·ath \ Ru rial 10 Birth Mar. Full Name ol Srouso• Death \ Burial •u marrted mof't- tl111n "'" r No.. eac-h mar. (I) (2) et:J A- ~ - ·• .,__/ f Mar. G-:_,A t1J~,, . .-' Death Burial Places of Residence Occupation -- ftlher Wives, U No. (I) c~) c.tc. - ake aeoarare shatilt et for eac mar.

P. _ 1 '?J?,, _,.,.., -.1 ~. ~) A 6 .J A _..I His Father ;! ~ .. · Mother's Malden Name 4,,., ~ Wife's Full Maiden Name a .. "·-..) ~- /1,,1 ·~ Wile's q Oa&.a Day Month Year City, Town or Place e'ouniy or ProVfnce, etc. Slare or Country Add. Info. on Wife J J.#14/JA I U,)tl,,,J,} x4~ Burial /d, - 4 .-J9!J:J /J,.,.r__ • II~-- /4~ .• I .... J ~./A~~ V~C, u Places of Re,sidence - 0ccuoatlon if other than Housewife .. ~~: t~f~•,~~l,l'~Mtetuc: . 1er Father Q a~~~~~ Mother's Malden Name '-»- ., __ ., ~ . _,) A ... .. --- . I Children•• Names ln Full u - Sex 'ChlJdren'• (Arnnge In order d birth) Dara Day Month Year Cuy. Town or Place County or Prov1:ice, cce. Stare or Country .Add. Info. en Cblldrct 1 Bir-th au- J<". .. d - 6 Birth_ ---- \·tar. Full Name of Spouse• ---·------·--·)t.>ath .. \ ~urial 7 Hirth ------· ··------· ~far. Full .Name cl Spouac• D1.'ath \ Burial 8 3irth '.~ar. Full Nam~ of Spouse• )eath \ Du rial 9 !i!_rth Mar. ~ Full Name of Spouse• )1.·atlL \ 8urial 10 Bi.th Mar. Full Name ol Srouso• Death \ Burial .Jt married mor-c· th:in nr,. • t.:o. ~a,h mar. (l) (2) ecc. and 11st In .Add. info. en c.:h1hJren... c:olum=.. U• c rcvorae •Ide for addlllonal c:blldren. other DOCea. rcfcr-cnces or lnforma•I~ FAMILY GROUP No._~=-=~H~u~s~ban~d~·~s...::F:.iurl:::,l..::.N~a~m~e-'~~~-AA~·ia::--~)=--~a-'.~~- ..~-~---~-'l=I:,______This Information Obtained From: ~~:~nd·• Day Month Year C'lty. Town or Place County or Province• etc. sc:ce or Country Add. Wa.. en Hu1bu Birth ~-/.. /~

His Father~ A,..'__ ) ~- -•... Mother's Malden Name A~- -~. ;J~. -i -~ _}

Wife's Full Maiden Name a~.. ~I •• A. wuc:•a 01u Day Month Ye1r City, Town or P.lace County or Prov1nce, etc.

Birth /t) - J!f/.A Chr'nd Death Burial _ ------+P;_,;l;;.;.a;.;.c..;;.e.:;..s...;:o;;.f..;;.R.;..;~;::;;s~id~e;;.;.n.;..;c;..;;e______Occuoation if other than Housewife

-fer Father Mother's Malden Name Su ChJldren•• Namea In Full Children•• (Arnnge In order ol blnh) Data Day Mondi Year City, TO'MI or Place County or Prov1Dce, ec~ Stare or Country .Add. Wo. an Cblldrer Birth 1 ' A,,:.J 6/, /14 .~,.-- . Mar. Pull N1me ol 5pou1.,e Death ~~- ~A.._ J lV441.../ I .111.,,1

/J_,,.-;7) •• ~. A \ A.11rlal /IL --r .. A--- ,u.. ·"·- J ·tV~ {74~/>. ( 2 Birth l"1a.o ,~~/ ~SI•• ~~:- 'A.,_ -" ) \1ar. In-)~ Pull Name ol Spouse- lr)eath \ Ou rial Birth Q_ J9~d. A~- ./J.~) 7JJ_ ./J_. Mar. ,.!L 9-/ - /9<) 'i ~L ~~--) »J~ Full Name o/ Spouae• Death \ Hudal 4(.,/ Birth ..S. ~ - HJ - /!f!jL (')__.. 4 .,1..~J ,:,J,. "· ~tar. Pull Name cl Spouse• Death A. .. ~-· t2 \ Burial fl ._) 5 2_i_E!)!._ 1~ 3-/S9'9 I IJ. ~ ~ Y,, '- -~- :\1:ir. Full Name o/ Spouse• il. 1.•ath ~• .. T1). \ IHurial 0 \·tar. Full Name of Spouae• \i-~--~-.~-}-:--1-l-·~-~:-~:~------,--.------1-'---• -_·_--_-_-_ -_ -_ -_-_ -_ - __- -,_-_:_ -_-_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_:_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ ~4 -_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_ -__ J_- A,-~.:.. i! 7 Hirth -----···------· ------"------:'\tar. Full .Name cl Spoua,e• D1..'ath \ l3ut·ial 8 fil£.~th..:.-1f------+------J.------'-1ar. Full Namt- of Spouse• Death \ Durlal 9 !il_rt..:.;h~=--1------1------.....,______i\tar. Full Name ol Spouoe• 1-----11------·+------+------')1..•atlL ------'-~------'-~------\ Ru rial 10 9i.th Mar. Full Name of S,rousa• beath \ Burial •Jf rnar-rted more- th11n 11r,. • No. eac-h mar. (I) (2) e-tc. and list In •11dd. ,nfo. c:11 ch1lt.lnn• column. Uae revor1e •Ide for addlUonal children,. ocher DCJCea. rcferenc:e, or ldorma•lon. FAMILY GROUP No. Husband's Full Name A . -. a~.. -~.~ Day Month Year C"lty, Town or Place cJ°ty or Prov!nce etc. This Infonnation Obtained From: ~~•band·•ata 1 Stat't: or Country Add. Wo. en Huabcr Birth ill - I/J • li49 ~- ... TT. -~ /M,J .. /1,/o,_J,,;. ~ ... - T.. . ) /2I~ Chr'nd t1 a Mar. IA - H- J<.>?S' ~.i..~~-. >;J,.~.o. ~ }V~ du4 '4LJ9?'1 .I ••_) Death J_Jf. ,t;o.5 A/ ~J- - ~., S-.:t,,~ ,¢_.J9.t>3 /)_/ . ~ -_ Burial o .... :r.~ ~ .. AJ... _LJ i ?M-/J. Places of Residence (J Occupation -- fttbcr wtves, U No. (I) e~) c.cc. - ake 11eD1race ahanl. ec for eac mar. His Father Mother's Malden Name

Wife's Full Maiden Name ~ ~-~-) r2... ~ ... -T.~) Wile's Data Day Month Year City, Town or Placo County or ProVfnce, ~c. &are or Country Add. Info. on Wile Birth (,., ,,~-s ~ Chr'nd Ni-11- /'i15' ~A~J'.... , '); ),-,dsf,. ~ >JJ~ Death Surial Places of Residence - Occupation if other than Housewife ~ - ~~: :~~~,/~1,f:.Mtm.ccc. .AJ A 'ier Father \.. K. C 1r'... ·• H, - :t:.. l Mother's Malden Name ,.M'. £ .J ...... ~4..1 . Children•• Namea In Full ChJldren'a .. fl Sex (Arnnge In order fl blnh) Data Day Month Year City, TOWD or Place C

1 Birth l

ELIAS MUNCY :--Nath,\llicl :'-lunry wa, of !-cutch dc,c•ent, and 111, 11ife, Eli,ahcth \'ickrc,, of Eng-li, h. T heir so 11 Elia!-i. wn.s l,nrr, in ;\lnntg-omcry c:nun ty, \"ir;!inia. ~lnr :?2, 1S1S. Fi\·c: r\·ar:-: lalcr the family 1110\·ctl to Tcnncs"icc, where 1 Elin, wt1r .;cd ,,n ilu.:f:11111 and :1.tkndt·d !-.ch111 ,I until ht;;lniv1·1I al 1lw a~c 11(di,1·rl'l i111t. J uly 1(,1 1X1.;1 he 111:ll'ri,·tl J\nnn \ 'crnnn (1f l 'ikcdllc, IH1..·tbnc c,>1111ty, T c1uu.: ... ~cc. In Octolwr 11( th:11 r1·:11 Ill' L·11tigrnkd tc.• \\':1,hi11g:1,,11 ,·011u1y, ,\rl,an:--a~, :111tl p11r­ ch:iscrl n small farm, where he li ved until 1S52. 1\ t that place IIL'l'c IHJl'll Ii\',· "11ildrcn--l. /\. ~111111:y, ,\ pril 1(,, 18.1,1; \\'ill i:tm, January 30, 18-16; ~lary. Januarr 13. 18.1S ; (:cor;:.-, Oct11lh:r 10. 1/:.19 ; 1-:li,.,,lwth J .. I l,•c,·mber .;o, 1851. I le st,1rtcd ,,\'Cr• l:in,1 in 1852, nnd Eli,ahcth died " " the plains, and .\Ir, ..ll11111· y , 111 the U111atill:i ri,·cr, IIL':tr the llluc m(11111tain,, With hi, .... 111:dl d1ildn.!11 ,\I r . .\l111wy scl l lcd 1u·:1 r S:,lc.•111, ()rq:1111 . :111d IIH: 11\'\I p.11 \\1'111 111 l lo11 gla~ 1•1111111)', \\hrn.· h1• t'll!.!:1~:c.·d in f:1n11i11g a1u l n:nri11g hi:-. familr, I 11 187 J tu: C':\11le 1,, hi... prc.::,,1.:111 n·"i, lv1H'L' , ,11 tl1c ·1·. ,rn·hl·I, i11 < ·,,f11111l1ia 1·1111111 y. \\'. ·1·., " 11,·1,• he i:-. qui,·tly n·:--iding- in th,· l't1j11prn.. ·11t nf lht: fruit- of hi, lire Hf ttiil. .\ \'il'\\ of Iii ... h-.111...: j.., gi,·,·n in 1Jii.; work. .\fr. ~1111 11'}' hn. ... 300 :'\ll· :llh·nliun to line lion,l·s. I lei."':\ l{,·1111hlic:1.11 i11 politir,, and hdnng., tot he llop1i,t clrnrch. 1 lis children a re all marri,·d, ;t>1.J sc1t b l m•ar 1hc houw, 1i·:11I. I. :S . .\hm cy, the oldest still,

1 ,,a"' 111:lnit·d in Polk c ,u11ly, Orc)_'_on, In J11li:l l)ycr. \Villi:ttn marri,:d l .11rrl'lL1 l'c rkin,, qf \':-.mhill rountr, Orl'g1u1 1 :,nd l:llcr ,\11110 \\'.,11rlrnlf, nf Darton, W. T . (:corgc married lldila l{ai11wa1 cr, .,r I lay1 .. 11, \\'. T. .\ln,y '"" ma rried in l,1>,cl111r:,:. On•g.,n, to John \\'. 1Jixnn, and a sccnnd time to E. llirrl, li"iu~: "nth~ T<011clwt. ½ .,:i 3___ _ _

I SAAC N . MUNCY: lives in Dayton; is a farmer; owns 235 acres of land; was born in Fayetteville, \Vashington Co., Arkansas, A pril 16, 1844; came to Douglas Co., Oregon, in 1852, and to this county in 1880. WASHINGTON PIONEERS



Pioneer: William Henry MUNCEY William Henry MUNCEY b. 9 April 1843 Brazil, Clay, IN, s/o William MUNCEY & Mary HARP; d. 15 Feb 1928 Walla Walla, WA; m. 8 Feb 1866 Brazil, Clay, IN to Mary Ann McCULLOUGH (b. 8 Sept 1849 Clay Co, IN). Children: 1. Li~ly M. b. 7 Nov 1866 Harrison Co, MO; m. Alfred RANDOLPH 2. Ahce b. 7 June 1870 Clay Co, IN; m. William CORBETT 3. Laura b. 24 Nov 1872 Whitman Co, W.T.; m. Ernest HOUSEHOLD­ ER 4. William L. b. 8 Jan 1876 Whitman Co, W.T.; m. Mary BRYSON 5. MinnieA.b.6Jan 1878WhitmanCo, W.T.;m/1 Orlando BRYSON· m/2 George M. SEE + ' 6. ArmildaJ. b. 11 April 1881 Whitman Co, W.T.; mil Lincoln RUS­ SELL; m/2 Carl EDDY 7. Willis$. b. 29 Mar 1883 Whitman Co, W.T.; m. Edith BLACKWAY 8. Effie M. b. 29 April 188S Whitman Co, W.T.; m/1 Jack CLARK· m/2 Arthur LEONARD ' 9. Freddie S. b. 11 April 1887 Whitman Co, W.T. 10. Rose E. b. 25 May 1889 Whitman Co, W.T.; m/1 Harold BOWMAN· m/2 Edwin PARKER ' · I I. Joseph H. b. 12 Nov 1891 Whitman Co, WA

Minnie A. MUNCEY b. 6 Jan 1878 Whitman Co, W.T.; d. 4 Mar 1962 Tacoma, WA; m/1 20 Jan 1898 Garfield, WA to Orlando M. BRYSON (b. 30 Mar 1870 Marion, OR); m/2 George M. SEE. Child: Leona Ellen BRYSON b. 16 Mar 1902 Garfield WA· m. John A. DOERSAM . ' ' Child: Mary Leona DOERSAM b. 3 Oct 1922 Tacoma, WA; mil LeRoy DEYO; m/2 Donald GARRISON Child: Richard Lee Deyo GARRISON b. 6 Oct 1941 Tacoma WA· m. Joanna M. MOE • ' Children: (All b. Tacoma, WA) 1. Deborah Ann GARRISON b. 15 Oct 1964 2. Michael John GARRISON b. 26 Aug 1966 3. Sandra Marie GARRISON b. 9 Oct 1968 ~~ Muncey, William H. ---~rd Garrison, 8046 S Bell, Tacoma, WA 98~0_!_ N .,,. W -<- ;' ..·\ ,(-• 9!, @(

s.i (• i:r c:i:o...,,, ,. ,, ... ~ TOWNSHIP 10 N., RANGE 38 E.(I)~---~,-- - . --·------··--·····- -·---····---- - •-•·-· •·--···-··-·-··· _, - . - -~- OF THE WILLAMETTE-MERIDIAN ··Rp, - - '"pi"·,, --~--Z_;r--;~ •i~'• Sc:ilo l¼ iochM to l milo lq (:)

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