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Morris Celebrated . ~ 1 -,f -~,den Wedding: Natives of County --~·1 . ~-- and Mrs. Charles Morris, ton November 11, 1887. Mr. Mor­ aHves of Columbia county, cel­ ris was farming at the time of ~brfl.ted their golden wedding an­ their marriage and they contin­ iversary, Su nday, with an open ued to farm until 16 years ago ·otse i n the p arlors of the Con­ when they moved into Dayton. gregational church. The affair The last 11 years he h as been was sponsored by their grand­ employed by the Col umbia Rural :flaughter, Mrs. Ellsworth Con­ Electric association. ;0~er of Waitsburg, and their Decorations at the reception da'tlghter-in-law, Mrs . Lloyd featured golden tapers, daffodils :¾~~ris of Walla Walla. and greenery. Serving the wed­ iMany beautiful g ifts were re­ ding cake, a rtfully decora ted, cei'yed, as were cards, a long dis­ were Mrs. Harold Easley of Kiana J!ince telephone call from a and Mrs. Fred Patton. Mrs. Dew­ nephew, ·Garrett Titus of Burns, ey Fletch er and Mrs . Roy Daggett 0regon, whom the Morrises rais­ poured, and Mrs. Forrest Conover a, and expressions of congratu­ of Waitsburg and Mrs. Hubert Harris served punch. la,I, - on. •o: ... unique gift was a gilded Assisting with the serving were !iiiature tree "bearing" 50 sil­ Mrs. Gene Turner, Mrs. Kennard , '{.er dollars. Fellow workers of Literal, Mrs. Fern McKinley, Mrs. ,j~Mc;>rris at the REA were re- Earl Moxley and Mrs . Newt Fry. 1!9nsible for a n "easy" rocking Mrs. C. 0. Johnson of Walla . '~ir. Another gift was a read­ Walla and Mrs. Vernice Bowman b\_g.' lamp which fits nicely with were in charge of t he guest book. e',rocker. Helping in the kitchen were Mrs. Morris and the former Alida Poulsen and Mrs. Robert ~He Abrah am, daughter of Jones. Looking after the gifts ~Wi• were married by the late were Mrs. Ellsworth Conover of dge Holman at his home in Waitsburg and Mrs. Lloyd Morris Yton, March 24, 1906. Both of Walla Walla. ~re n atives of the county Mr. For the occasion Mrs. Mbrris, Jtris being born on Willow the honoree, · wore a grey suit -nek December 25, 1886, and w ith a corsage ·of varigated roses. M~ . ~forris being born in Day- Mr. Morris wore a varigated rose as a boutonniere. - - ~.;·., .;:Mr."1 and ··Mrs. P. ·a. Morris, .pictured .above, wi!l. celebrate· their fiftieth dwedding anniversary this Sunila.'y 'with a. famlly reilnlon at the· city park and an -open house from 3 .to 5 p, m. at the family home, 315 South Fourth. ' · - The couple .were married on June. 25, 1899, but a.re. postwnlnr the celebration until Sunday so that more of the family and friends may join them. Sunday is also .the wedding' anniversary of their son, James, so the day· will be of double impoi,lance to the plonee·r couple: Married at the fabn of Mrs. Mor- • ris's father,'Martiri B. Jon~s, which The Morris's boast of their 21 was close to Turner, the couple have grandchildren and are waiting for farmed in ,this area ·ever since. Mr. their . first great-grandchild. Their I • I Morris was born in ' Missouri on children include Mrs. Harold (Syl-,1 June 23, 1877, and Mrs. Morris was vi_;1) Easley of Prosser; 1fys. Luke born in• Walla Walla on DecembE\r (Beulah) Elliott ot Portland; Mrs. 12, 1882. ~ . I Mary Dudley, Dayton; Eugene Mor- 1 ris who was killed in 1942 while serving in the army Irr Texas; Mrs. Walter (Lucille) Davidson, Day­ ton; Paul G. Morris, Dayton; and Harol~ A. Morris, Spokane. It is hoped that all of these surviving children will join their parents on ' Sunday. Mr. Morris spins vivid tales of his journ·ey from Missouri to this coun­ try back in the "good old days." He· cal"!le west to Orp.aha by cov­ ered wagon, shipped by immigrant train to Ogden and then completed the trip h ere by wagon. The las~ phase of the journey took over three weeks to complete. Although Mr. and Mrs. Morris h ave been married for fifty years, they have lost none of their youth­ :ful appearance an·d their friendly hospitality. Smiles play across their lips -w'hen they talk about the mem­ bers of their family and friends. They both sincerely want to live an­ other fifty years so that they can sta!'.' t counting their great-grand­ children. 1¢~/?5 ~ . EarJy .. Da·y Resident : Of. Dayton Returns Dr. Byron Morris. early-day. resi­ dent of Dayton. was here the first of . the week looking after proper.ty interests. He has extensive farm holdings in · Columbia county, ,whi~h i have . been under the management I of .Troy Lindley for __ a number ·of j years. •. I Dr.. Morris came here in 1884 and practiced dentistry until about 30 years· ago, when he retired and · moved to Portland; which has since been his home. He still thinks this a wonderful ·country. and says ff he were. a young man today with his way . to make, he would acquire Columbia county wheat land. Dr. Morris feels very much en­ couraged over the prospects of a return of prosperity through the program of the NRA. which he sees as a great step in the right direction .. 1 1He declares the ~resent depression has no more serious aspects fn some · ways than that of '93, · which he : clearlY remembers. and sayS that · tliJs · ·country can pull out of this one fully as well as it has OU~ of former_ ~ of business depression. ,••ii/~/?&:::, I I I I i Dl::CENDEN'rS Ql:' MELISSA ANN MARTIN ~) 2nd Child of Samuel Grandville Martin co.' MO. I MO. Dayton, WA. l Infant :Daughter, Died at birth. 2. Phineas 'Phinney' Granville Morris, B. 23Jun1877, Knox Co., MO. D. 7Decl957 , . Dayton, WA. M. Hattie May Jones, 25Junf899, Dayton, WA. B. 12Decl882, Walla Walla, WA., D. 8Sep.l950, Dayton, WA. Eight Children .. 2.2.l. Sylvia A\~en Morris, B. 21Febl901, Turner, WA! M. Harrold Easley, 4Janl931, Long Beach, CA.
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