Form 1 for Environmental. Clearance of the Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-,

Submitted By

M/s. Meridian Construction (India) Limited


ASCENSO ENVIRO PVT. LTD Formerly known as Ascenso Management & Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi

A QCI ACCREDIATED ENVIRONMENTAL ORGANIZATION Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

APPENDIX -I (See Paragraph – 6) FORM-1 (I) Basic Information S. No. Item Details 1. Name of the project Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No.-49, 54, 55, 56 & 57, Khata No.-84, 90 & 94, Tauzi No.-5519, Thana No.-22 Mauza- Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur Patna Bihar. 2. S. No. in the Schedule 8 (a) 3. Proposed capacity/area/length/tonnage Total Plot Area: 14,980.00 m2 2 to be handled/command area/lease area/ Total Built up Area: 71,214.00 m number of wells to be drilled. 4. New/Expansion/Modernization New 5. Existing Capacity/Area etc. Not Applicable 6. Category of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ B

7. Does it Attract the general condition? If No yes, please specify. 8. Does it attract the specific condition? If No yes, please specify. 9. Location Plot/Survey/Khasra No Plot No.-49, 54, 55, 56 & 57 Khata No.-84, 90 & 94 Tauzi No.-5519 Thana no.-22

Village Mauza-Jalalpur Tehsil Danapur District Patna State Bihar 10. Nearest railway station/airport along Nearest railway station is Patliputra Railway with distance in kms. Station at an aerial distance of 2 km towards NE Nearest Airport is Jai Prakash Narayan International Airport at an aerial distance of 4.5 km towards SE.

11. Nearest Town, , District Nearest City: Patna Headquarters along with distance in District Headquarters: Approx. 9 Km from kms. Project Site 12. Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, Danapur Municipality Municipal Corporation, Local body Chitrakut Nagar, (Complete postal addresses with Danapur Nizamat, Patna,

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

telephone nos. to be given) Bihar- 800012 13. Name of the applicant M/s. Meridian Construction (India ) Limited. 14. Registered Address 305, Sukriti Apartment, S. P.Verma Road, PS Kotwali, Town and District -Patna 15. Address for correspondence: M/s. Meridian Construction (India ) Limited.

Name Mr.Abu Dojana Designation(Owner/Partner/CEO) C.M.D 305, Sukriti Apartment, S. P.Verma Road, PS Address Kotwali, Town and District –Patna,Bihar

Pin Code 800012 E-mail [email protected] Telephone No. 9334125937 Fax No. -- 16. Details of Alternative Sites Examined, if Meridian Construction (India) Limited is going to any, Location of these sites should be develop a Proposed Delight mall at Danapur, shown on a topo-sheet. Patna, Bihar on the total land area measuring 14, 980.00 sq. m. The Collaboration Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement") is executed at Patna on this 5th day of May, 2016, between M/s. Delight Marketing Company Pvt. Ltd. and M/s. Meridian Construction (India) Limited.

Copy of Development Agreement attached as Annexure-I. Copy of farad/Jamabandi is attached as Annexure-II. So, there is no requirement to examine the alternative site. 17. Interlinked Projects Not Applicable

18. Whether separate application of Not Applicable interlinked project has been submitted? 19. If yes, date of submission Not Applicable

20. If no, reason Not Applicable

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

21. Whether the proposal involves approval/clearance under: If yes, detail of the same and their status to be given (a) The Forests (Conservation) Act, a.) Since no land protected under The Forests 1980? (Conservation) Act, 1980 is involved in the project. (b) The Wild Life (Protection) Act, b.) No protected area under Wild Life 1972? (Protection) Act, 1972 is available within 15 Km Radius, hence not applicable. (c) The C.R.Z. Notification, 1990? c.) The C.R.Z. Notification, 1990 is not applicable as no coastal zone is coming within 10 km of the project site.

22. Whether there is any Government Not Applicable order/policy relevant/relating to the site? 23. Forests Land Involved (Hectares) No Forest Land is involved and but project site have 6 number of trees, obnoxious weeds and few saplings, but we will retain trees as green belt and no cutting of trees will be involved, so no tree cutting permission required. 24. Whether there is any litigation pending No litigation is pending against the project and/or against the project and/or land in which land in which the project is proposed. the project is proposed to be setup? (a) Name of the Court Not Applicable. (b) Case NO. (c) Orders/ directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project.

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

(II) Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) S. No. Information/Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary change No The project is coming under the in land use, land cover or commercial zone as per the Patna Master topography including increase in Plan 2031 and the development is to be intensity of land use (with done in accordance with Patna Master respect to local land use plan) Plan 2031. Considering the above; the existing land use is not expected to get altered due to construction of proposed project. The land cover of project site is a fallow plain land and depicts plain topography (relative relief is less than 5m) the construction activities of the project will be per the Bihar building bye laws and will help in increasing the aesthetic beauty. Project site have 6 numbers of trees, Clearance of existing land, obnoxious weeds and few saplings, but we 1.2 No vegetation and building? will retain trees as green belt. Weeds and bushes has been removed. The project is coming under the commercial zone as per the Patna Master Plan 2031 and the development is to be done in accordance with Patna Master 1.3 Creation of new land uses? No Plan 2031. Considering the above; the existing land use is not expected to get altered due to construction of proposed project. 1.4 Pre-construction investigations Yes Geo-Technical investigation has been e.g. bore houses, soil testing? done at the project site and copy of Sub- soil investigation report is attached as Annexure-IX. 1.5 Construction Work? Yes The construction in the proposed project involves the construction of mall having the built up area of 71,214.00 m2.Project involves the construction of basements, hotel rooms, offices, shops & restaurant.

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

Presently, excavation is carried and construction of retaining walls are in progress to cease the encroachment of outsiders and to prevent the sliding of soil from nearby structures. 1.6 Demolition works? No Not required

1.7 Temporary sites used for Yes Site office and labour sheds along with construction works or housing of basic needs will be provided to construction workers? construction labour during construction phase. All the construction activities including storage of raw materials will be confined to the project site only. 1.8 Above ground building, Yes Excavation has been carried out. During structures or earthwork including the construction phase, excavated earth linear structures, cut and fill or from foundation of the project will be reused for backfilling purposes. The excavations. excavated soil will be properly stacked within the site under tarpaulin cover. The top-soil will be preserved separately to be used for landscaping purposes only. 1.9 Underground works including No As this is the proposed commercial mining or tunnelling? project, No mining or tunnelling would be required. 1.10 Reclamation works? No No reclamation work required. 1.11 Dredging? No No dredging required. 1.12 Offshore structures? No No offshore structures required. 1.13 Production and manufacturing No As this is the proposed commercial processes? Project, so these activities are not associated with the project. 1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or Yes During construction stage, the following materials? raw material handling methods are being adopted:  Cement will separately store under cover in bales  Sand & aggregates will be stacked neatly under tarpaulin cover  Bricks and steel will be laid in open  Finishing materials like tiles, sanitary fixtures, etc. are will stored in closed rooms. Material storage yard will be developed

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

for storage of construction materials. 1.15 Facilities for treatment or Yes 1.) Details regarding the Disposal and disposal of solid waste or liquid treatment of Solid waste: effluents? i) Solid Waste generated during construction phase: Details of Construction waste is given below: 1. Soil, Sand and Gravel 2. Brick and Masonry 3. Concrete 4. Metal 5. Bitumen 6. Wood 7. Other (Glass, Plastic material, paper etc.) Reuse: The construction waste will be used in back filling, road making and pavement. Metals, tin cans, glass are being sold to local recyclers/kabadiwalas. ii) Solid Waste generated during operational phase: It is estimated that maximum solid waste generation would be about 1,615.35 kg / day. The municipal solid waste will comprise of biodegradable fraction, non- biodegradable fraction and inert fraction. Disposal: The biodegradable waste will be collected in green coloured bins/containers and will be subjected to Organic waste converter. Non bio degradable waste will be collected properly and will be segregated in collection chambers and sold to kabadiwala or govt. approved agency or recycling industry. Inert waste will be separately collected and stored in black containers and will be handed over to municipal authority. Biodegradable waste will be subjected to composting by Organic waste converter and compost will be used as manure. Sludge will be used for horticulture

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

purposes. Segregation, Collection at site and disposal will be done as per Solid Waste Management Rule,2016. 2.)Details regarding the Disposal and treatment of Liquid Effluent: i) During the construction phase, approx. 4-5 KLD sewage is being generated and it is being disposed through Soak pit / septic tank. ii) During the operational phase, total waste generated will be 431 KLD and it will be treated in the STP installed of 520 KLD capacity of MBBR technology. The treated water will be recycled and reused for cooling, cleaning/ floor mopping, flushing and horticulture purposes. 1.16 Facilities for long term housing There will be no facility for long term No of operational workers? housing for operational workers. 1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic Bailey road/NH-30 adjacent to project site during construction or will be used in construction stage at the operation? site for construction work and transport of No construction materials. During operational phase, traffic will increase to some extent. But there will be no new rail or sea traffic. 1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne or Nearest railway station is Patliputra other transport infrastructure Railway Station at an aerial distance of 2 including new or altered routes km towards NE No and stations, ports, airports etc? Nearest Airport is Jai Prakash Narayan International Airport at an aerial distance of 4.5 km towards SE. 1.19 Closure or diversion of existing No The project is not affecting the existing transport routes or infrastructure traffic status during the construction phase leading to changes in traffic and the same will continue during the movements? operational phase. 1.20 New or diverted transmission No No new or diversion of transmission lines lines or pipelines? or pipelines will be done. 1.21 Impoundment, damming, No No impoundment, damming, culverting, culverting, realignment or other realignment or other changes to the changes to the hydrology of hydrology of surface watercourses is watercourses or aquifers? proposed.

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

1.22 Stream crossings? No No stream is crossing in the project site.

1.23 Abstraction or transfers of water No No ground water is being abstracted for from ground or surface waters? any purpose during the construction phase water supply is being met through private water tankers and Water requirement during the operational phase will be met through Municipal supply or Bore wells (Ground water) after the approval from CGWA/CGWB. 1.24 Changes in water bodies or the No The waste water generated will be treated land surface affecting drainage in the STP and the treated water will be or run-off? used for HVAC cooling, flushing, cleaning/ floor mopping and landscaping. Hence, it is expected that drainage or run off will not be affected and change in water body or the land surface will not occur. 1.25 Transport of Personnel or Yes There is transport of construction materials for construction, materials by trucks or trolleys etc. operation or decommissioning? Precautions will be taken to reduce the impact of the vehicular movement by trying to avoid the vehicular trips during peak hours. 1.26 Long-term dismantling or No Not Applicable decommissioning or restoration works? 1.27 Ongoing activity during No Not Applicable decommissioning which could have an impact on the environment? 1.28 Influx of people to an area in Yes Construction phase: either temporarily or Workers from nearby area have been permanently? hired in the construction phase. (Temporarily). Operation Phase: staff and visitors 1.29 Introduction of alien species? No Native/Local species will be planted. Loss of native species or genetic 1.30 No No diversity? 1.31 Any other actions? No No

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply): S. No. Information/ Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate confirmation quantities /rates, wherever possible with source of information data) 2.1. Land especially Yes The project is coming under the undeveloped/agricultural commercial zone as per the Patna Master Plan 2031 and the development is to be done in accordance with Patna Master Plan 2031. Considering the above; the existing land use is not expected to get altered due to construction of proposed project. The land cover of project site is a fallow plain land and depicts plain topography (relative relief is less than 5m) the construction activities of the project will be per the Bihar building bye laws and will help in increasing the aesthetic beauty. 2.2. Water (expected source & Yes The total water requirement for the competing users) Unit: KLD proposed project has been estimated to be 812 KLD. Fresh Water Supply: 339+5 KLD Flushing: 160 KLD Horticulture: 25 KLD DG Sets: 95 KLD HVAC Cooling: 180 KLD Cleaning/ Floor mopping: 6 KLD Fire Fighting: 8 KLD Fountain-5 KLD Water requirement during the operational phase will be met through Municipal supply or Bore wells (Ground water) after the approval from CGWA/CGWB. 2.3. Minerals (MT) No Not Applicable

2.4. Construction material – stone, Yes List of building materials being used at aggregates, sand/soil ( expected site: source – MT) 1. Coarse sand 2. Fine sand 3. Stone aggregate 4. Stone for masonry work

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

5. Cement 6. Reinforcement steel 7. Plywood & steel shuttering 8. Pipe scaffolding (cup lock system) 9. Bricks 10. Marble 11. P.V.C. conduit 12. MCBs/DBs 13. PVC overhead water tanks 14. Pave tiles 15. GI pipe 16. Wastewater lines 17. S.W. sewer line up to main sewer 18. PVC rain water down take 19. Stainless steel sink in kitchen 20. Insulated glass on external facade with ACP 21. Joinery hardware 2.5. Forests and timber (source – Yes Minimum wood will be used in the MT) project, mainly would be used for doors in the project. Aluminium frames will be used at most of the places. 2.6. Energy including electricity and Yes 1. Electricity Source: fuels (source, competing users) The Total power demand is around 7, 500 Unit: fuel (MT), energy (MW) KVA. The source of power will be supplied by North Bihar Power Distribution Corporation Limited. 2. Backup power source: There will be provision of power back up through DG sets. DG sets of total capacity of 7,500 KVA (1 x 2000 + 3 x 1500 + 2 x 500 KVA) will be provided as power back-up for the essential load. 2.1. Any other natural resources (use No Not Applicable appropriate standard units)

3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health.

S. Information/Checklist Yes/No Details there of (with approximate No. Confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data

3.1 Use of substances or materials, No There will be no use of the substances or

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

which are hazardous (as per material which is hazardous to MSIHC rules) to human health or surroundings. the environment (flora, fauna, and water supplies) Only spent oil/used oil from DG sets will be generated and it will be disposed as per the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016. 3.2 Changes in occurrence of disease of No The solid waste generated both during disease or affect disease vectors construction phase will be properly (e.g. insect or water borne diseases) managed and disposed off during the construction phase and the same will be followed during the operation phase. The sewage generated from the project will be treated in a STP. The cleanliness of the project shall be maintained. Hence, it is expected that there shall be reduction in vectors as well as vector borne diseases. 3.3 Affect the welfare of people e.g. by Yes Due to the proposed project Socio- changing living conditions? Economic condition due to increased employment opportunities provided by the project and aesthetic beauty of the area will improve due to the development of the landscape. The project shall not have any adverse effect on the living condition of the people. 3.4 Vulnerable groups of people who No The project shall not affect any vulnerable could be affected by the project e.g. groups of people in the vicinity. hospital patients, children, the elderly etc., 3.5 Any other causes No Not Applicable

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or operation or decommissioning (MT/month)

S. No. Information/Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (With approximate confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine wastes No As this is the proposed commercial project, so no mine spoil and overburden waste will be generated 4.2 Municipal wastes (domestic and or Yes Total waste generated from the project commercial wastes) will be 1,615.35 kg / day.

4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per Yes Used oil from the DG Sets as per the Hazardous Waste Management Category 5.1, of Schedule-1 of the Rules) Hazardous and Other Wastes

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

(Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016. There will be no storage of hazardous chemicals (as per MSIHC rules) will be done, apart from spent oil(categorized as category 5.1).Suitable management practice will be adopted for the same. It will be stored in HDPE drums and kept in covered rooms, under lock and key and will be sold to SPCB authorized vendor’s only. Specialized care will be taken to prevent leaks and/or spills

4.4 Other industrial process wastes No Not Applicable 4.5 Surplus product No Not Applicable 4.6 Sewage sludge or other sludge Yes Total waste water generated is 431 KLD. from effluent treatment Sewage generated will be treated in the STP of capacity higher than the wastewater generated i.e. 520 KLD. The recyclable water available is 471 KLD (@ of 80% wastewater treated in STP and it will be recycled and re-used for flushing, cleaning/ floor mopping, HVAC cooling purposes, Fire fighting and landscaping. 4.7 Construction or demolition wastes Yes Details of Construction waste is given below: 1. Soil, Sand and Gravel 2.Brick and Masonry 3. Concrete 4. Metal 5. Bitumen 6.Wood 7. Other (Glass, Plastic material, paper etc.) Construction waste shall be used for back filling, road making and pavements. No demolition activities will be required. 4.8 Redundant machinery or equipment No Not Applicable 4.9 Contaminated soils or other No Not Applicable materials 4.10 Agricultural wastes No Negligible waste will be generated from landscape, which will be the bio- degradable waste. 4.11 Other solid wastes No Not applicable

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

5. Release of pollutant or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (kg/hr) S. Information/Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate No. confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 5.1 Emissions from combustion of Yes The operation of proposed project does fossil fuels from stationary or not envisage any major air pollutant mobile sources generating sources. 5.2 Emissions from production No As this is the proposed commercial project processes hence not applicable. 5.3 Emissions from materials handling Yes Fugitive emissions are envisaged only including storage or transport from material handling and transporting areas, loading/unloading the construction material, transportation and earthwork (levelling etc.) during the construction period. Regular sprinkling of water in the construction area is being done. 5.4 Emissions from construction Yes As most of the construction equipment are activities including construction mobile, the emissions are fugitive in materials, sewage and waste nature. The dust generated is also fugitive in nature, which is being controlled by suitable mitigation measures like sprinkling of water. Sewage generated from labours shed and it is being disposed off by Soak pit /septic tank. The impacts are localized in nature and the areas outside the project boundary are not having any adverse impact with respect to ambient air quality. 5.5 Dust of odours from handling of Yes Dust will be generated during the materials including construction construction phase, water sprinkling and materials, sewage and waste tarpaulin is being provided over stored raw material to reduce dust emission. 5.6 Emissions from incineration of No Not Applicable waste 5.7 Emissions from burning of waste in No Burning of waste will not be done and the open air (e.g. slash materials, waste generated shall be managed as per construction debris) the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016. Construction debris will be used in internal road construction. 5.8 Emissions from any other sources No Not Applicable

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat: S. No Information/Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data

6.1 From operation of equipment e.g. Yes During construction the machinery engines, ventilation plant, crushers used for construction will be of highest standard of reputed make and are adhering to international standard. These standards itself take care of noise pollution control/ vibration control and air emission control. Hence insignificant impacts due to construction machinery are envisaged. Apart for this the construction activities will be restricted to day time only. Moderate noise will be generated from Construction Machineries such as Concrete mixer with hopper, JCB/Pockline, Road roller. To avoid this, ear muffs have been provided to the construction worker 6.2 From industrial or similar No Not Applicable processes 6.3 From construction or demolition Yes Moderate noise during construction 6.4 From blasting or piling No No blasting or mechanized piling is being done in the construction phase. 6.5 From construction or operational Yes Noise generated due to traffic traffic movement will be further minimized by plantation on the sides of internal roads, on the open spaces inside the and around the periphery. Informatory signboards shall be provided to encourage vehicle owners to maintain their vehicle, not to blow horns. 6.6 From lighting or cooling systems No Not Applicable 6.7 From Any other sources No Not Applicable 7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea:

S. No. Information/Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data. 7.1 From handling, storage, use or Yes The used oil from DG sets will be

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

spillage of hazardous materials carefully stored in HDPE drums at isolated storage, and periodically sold to authorized recyclers. All precautions will be taken to avoid spillage from storage as per The Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016.

7.2 From discharge of sewage or other No Treated water from STP will be reused effluents to water or the land for HVAC cooling, flushing and (expected mode and place of landscaping there will be zero water discharge) discharge in non-monsoon season. 7.3 By deposition of pollutants No Not Applicable emitted to air into the land or into water 7.4 From any other sources No Not Applicable

7.5 Is there a risk of long term build No There is no such risk. up of pollutants in the environment form these sources?

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment S.No. Information/Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 8.1 From explosions, spillages, fires etc No This is basically a construction project from storage, handling, use or and does not involve major hazardous production of hazardous substances construction activity. Hence, chances of explosions, spillages, fires are minimal.

During construction, all the labourers will be provided with suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) as required under the health and safety norms. Training and awareness about the safety norms will be provided to all supervisors and labourers involved in construction activity.

An agreement will be signed with the contractor, which will clearly deal with the safety aspects during construction.

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

No major hazardous waste shall be stored within the project site. No chemical industry or process activity is involved in this project, hence no chemical hazard and accidents due to the envisaged. 8.2 From any other causes No Not Applicable. 8.3 Could the project be affected by Yes The project falls under seismic active natural disasters causing Zone IV indicating High damage risk environmental damage (e.g. floods, zone, according to the Indian Standard earthquakes, landslides, cloudburst Seismic Zoning Map. There are chances etc)? of floods and soil erosion.

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality

S. No. Information/Checklist Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 9.1 Lead to development of Yes Appropriate infrastructure like roads, supporting facilities, ancillary power supply, waste management and development or development waste water treatment will be developed stimulated by the project which within the project site. Development of could have impact on the the area will be as per the Bihar building environment e.g.: bye laws. There will be a cumulative  Supporting infrastructure positive impact on the environment in (roads, power supply, waste or terms of better infrastructure. waste water treatment, etc.)  Housing development No Not Applicable  Extractive industries No Not Applicable  Supply industries No Not Applicable  Other No Not Applicable 9.2 Lead to after-use of the site, No Not Applicable which could have an impact on the environment 9.3 Set a precedent for later Yes Commercial and financial development development of area. Socio Economic condition will improve. 9.4 Have cumulative effects due to No As it is planned development by the proximity to other existing or authorities, hence no adverse impacts are planned projects with similar envisaged; however cumulative effects effects will be more health security to society.

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

(III) Environment Sensitivity Aerial distance (within S. No. Area Name/ Identity 15km) Proposed project location boundary 1. Areas protected under Son river Approx. 3 km towards international conventions, North national or local legislation for Ganga River Approx. 7 Km towards NE. their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value 2. Areas which are important or Son river Approx. 3 km towards sensitive for ecological reasons North –Wetlands, watercourses or Ganga River Approx. 7 Km towards NE. other water bodies, coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, forests 3. Area used by protected, Son river Approx. 3 km towards important or sensitive species of North flora or fauna for breeding, Ganga River Approx. 7 Km towards NE nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration 4. Inland, coastal, marine or Ground Water Depth The ground water table underground waters ranges from 6.05 (mbgl). 5. State, National boundaries None No state and International boundaries are coming within 15 km radius of the project site. 6. Routers or facilities used by the Bailey Road/NH-30 Approx. 30 meter towards public for access to recreation East or other tourist, pilgrim areas 7. Defence installations None No defence installation is coming within 15 km radius of project site

8. Densely populated or built-up  Kaliket Nagar 560 meter towards West area  Ramjaipal Nagar 770 meter towards East  Daroga Rai Colony 430 meter towards South

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Proposed Commercial Project “Delight Mall FO” at Plot No. 49,54,55,56 & 57, Mauza: Jalalpur, Thana-Danapur, District:-Patna

9. Areas occupied by sensitive List of Schools: man-made land uses (hospitals,  RPS Mahila College 400 meter towards SW schools, places of worship,  Reena ITI university 600 meter towards NNW community facilities)  Gyan niketan school 800 meter towards NNW  Bihar college of 400 meter towards West Pharmacy, Danapur  Dono Poly school 800 meter towards NNW List of Hospitals:  Bimal hospital 1.5 Km towards NW 520 meter towards SE  B R ambedkar Dental

Hospital 400 meter towards SE  Atlantis super specialty


 List of Temples:  Hanuman ji ka mandir 100 meter towards NNE  Gayatri Mandir 1 Km towards E 10. Areas containing important, Ground Water Depth The ground water table high quality or scarce resources ranges from 6.05 (mbgl). (ground water resources, surface resources, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals) 11. Areas already subjected to No area subjected to pollution or environmental pollution or environmental damage. (those where existing None damage is coming within 15 legal environmental standards are exceeded) Km radius of project site. 12. Areas susceptible to natural Yes Area is susceptible to hazard which could cause the Earthquake. Project area project to present environmental falls in Zone-IV as High problems (earthquakes, Damage Risk Zone. subsidence, landslides, erosion, flooding or extreme or adverse climatic conditions)

(IV) Proposed Terms of Reference for EIA studies – Not Applicable

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