Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City University of New York May 24, 2021
Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York May 24, 2021 The Board of Trustees of The City University of New York (CUNY) met on May 24, 2021 via Zoom videoconference, pursuant to a Notice sent by the Office of the Secretary of the Board on May 10, 2021. Trustees Present: Chairperson William C. Thompson, Jr., Michael Arvanites, Henry T. Berger, Lorraine A. Cortés-Vázquez, Fernando Ferrer, Kevin D. Kim, Mayra Linares-Garcia, Robert F. Mujica, Jr., Brian D. Obergfell, Jill O’Donnell-Tormey, Charles A. Shorter, Ken Sunshine, Sandra Wilkin, and Martin Burke, ex officio (non- voting) Others present: Chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodriguez, EVC&UP José L. Cruz, EVC&COO Hector Batista, SAC and Board Secretary Gayle M. Horwitz, General Counsel and SVC Derek Davis, SVC and Special Counsel Glenda G. Grace, SVC&CFO Matthew Sapienza, SVC Pamela S. Silverblatt, VC&CIO Brian Cohen, Vice Chancellor Doriane K. Gloria, Vice Chancellor Maite Junco, Vice Chancellor Richard R. White, Interim Vice Chancellor Denise Maybank, and Interim Vice Chancellor Andrea Shapiro Davis Absent and Excused: Trustees Una S. T-Clarke and Juvanie Piquant, ex officio CONVENING OF PUBLIC MEETING Chairperson William C. Thompson, Jr. called the Public Meeting to order at 4:32 p.m., and he immediately moved to go into Executive Session. The motion was seconded by Trustee Michael Arvanites. CONVENING OF EXECUTIVE SESSION Chairperson Thompson, Jr. called for an Executive Session pursuant to Section 105, Article 7, of the Public Officers Law, to discuss matters pertaining to investigations, personnel, and litigation.
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