
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 12/13 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 335 - Dezember 2013 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, erlebnis jedoch nicht schmälern!” liebe Filmfreunde! Das IMAX-Kino in Bradford ist noch Man gönnt sich ja sonst nichts. Das eines der wenigen in Europa, das tat- war vermutlich der Leitspruch unseres sächlich noch mit horizontal laufendem -Bloggers Wolfram, als sich 70mm-Film arbeitet. Viele andere spontan dazu entschloss, den zweiten IMAX-Kinos wurden inzwischen be- Teil der HUNGER GAMES Saga im fer- reits digitalisiert. Dort wird mit einer 2K nen England anzuschauen. “Das war Doppelprojektion gearbeitet, die eine mein ganz persönliches Kino-Highlight Leinwand mit einem Bildseiten- 2013!” kam er freudestrahlend von sei- verhältnis von etwa 1:1.78 füllt. Das nem Kurztrip zurück. Wolfram hatte Seherlebnis in den digitalen IMAX- sich natürlich nicht irgendein beliebi- Kinos ist daher leider nicht derart ges Kino ausgesucht, um den Film an- spektakulär wie bei analoger zuschauen, sondern gleich das beste. Projektionstechnik. Seit zwei Wochen Die Rede ist vom IMAX-Kino in hat auch Karlsruhe ein solches digita- Bradford, das dort schon seit über 20 les IMAX-Kino. Es befindet sich im Jahren fester Bestandteil des National Filmpalast am ZKM und war Ziel eines Media Museums ist. “Regisseur kleinen Betriebsausflugs der Laser Francis Lawrence setzte in CATCHING Hotline. Der Saal fasst etwa 300 Zu- FIRE ganz bewusst auf das IMAX- schauer, die Leinwand misst 300 Qua- Format”, erklärt unser Film-Blogger. dratmeter. Wenn auch das Bilderlebnis “Bis zu jener Stelle, an der Katniss ali- dort nicht so eindrucksvoll wie in ei- as Jennifer Lawrence in den Fahrstuhl nem analogen IMAX-Kino ist, so wa- steigt, der sie in die Arena bringt, hat ren wir doch vom Sound mehr als be- das Bild ein Seitenverhältnis von geistert. Endlich einmal die volle Dyna- 1:2.35, also normales CinemaScope. mik des unkomprimierten PCM-Tons in Dadurch sind auf der riesigen IMAX- der jeweils richtigen Lautstärke! Wenn Leinwand im oberen und unteren Be- Drache Smaug im neuen HOBBIT reich schwarze Balken zu sehen. Sobald brüllt, dann bebt der ganze Kinosaal! jedoch Katniss in die Arena hinauf- Wer einen kleinen Eindruck vom Karls- steigt, ändert sich das Bildformat zum ruher IMAX haben möchte, der ist Standard-IMAX-Format, welches dann herzlich gerne auf unseren Youtube- mit einem Bildseitenverhältnis von 4:3 Kanal eingeladen. Dort gibt es ein 8- die gesamte Bildwand erfüllt. Ab hier minütiges Video, das wir anlässlich der gibt es dann also auch keine schwarzen Eröffnung erstellt haben und in dem Balken mehr, dafür aber das Gefühl, auch Giovanni Dolci, seines Zeichens mitten im Film zu sein. Die gesamte Vizepräsident der IMAX Corporation, Arena-Sequenz wurde zu diesem Zweck zu Wort kommt. Übrigens: als besonde- mit 65mm IMAX-Kameras aufgenom- res Schmankerl wird der Karlsruher men. So ergibt sich dann auch eine IMAX-Saal in 2 bis 3 Jahren mit einem Steigerung der Bildqualität in dieser der ersten Laserprojektoren ausgestat- etwa 60minütigen Sequenz. Das über- tet. Man darf gespannt sein. wältigende Bild in Kombination mit dem absolut brillanten 5.1-Sound hat Und mit diesem Ausblick auf gute mir durchweg Gänsehaut bereitet!” Vor Kinoqualität verabschieden wir uns in Ort in Bradford konnte der Film- unseren Winterschlaf, aus dem wir spezialist sogar noch ein Tonproblem dann pünktlich zum 13. Januar 2014 ausmachen. “Der rechte Frontkanal war wieder erwachen werden. Bis dahin immer aus dem rechten Surroundkanal wünschen wir allen unseren Freunden, zu hören! Ich habe das gleich nach der Bekannten und Kunden frohe Festtage Vorführung mit den Technikern dort und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! besprochen und der Chefvorführer veranlasste sofort einen Sound-Check. Ihr Laser Hotline Team Das Ergebnis: offensichtlich bestand dieses Tonproblem bereits in der Mi- Bilder von oben nach unten: schung. Eine finale Bestätigung durch IMAX steht noch aus. Die Kanal- IMAX-Eröffnung in Karlsruhe vertauschung konnte mein Kino- Filmaufnahmen in Karlsruhe IMAX-Besuch in Bradford

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013

Dragons and Magic and Elves, Oh My!

Es ist eine neue Ära im Hause Annas angebro- Meine Eltern sind Akademiker, Historiker, mit Vor- chen. Das Zeitalter von ist ge- liebe Sachbuchleser. Zeit mit Drachen zu ver- kommen. schwenden kommt ihnen eigentlich nicht in den Sinn, besonders wenn man momentan an die Diese Serie, basierend auf der Buchreihe von Hobbit-Filme denkt. Was also hat sie zu Fans von George R. R. Martin, hat Anfang dieses Jahres Game of Thrones werden lassen? mein Herz erobert. Nach meinem Umzug nach München wollte ich die Serie auch meinen Eltern Bei Game of Thrones trennt sich im Bereich näher bringen, doch die stellten auf stur: Hexen, die Spreu vom Weizen. Bei Tolkien und Drachen, Magie – klingt alles nach Fantasy-Firle- Jackson ist die Welt nur schwarz und weiß. Die fanz in bester Tolkien-Manier. Nein, beteuerte ich, Guten sind extra gut, die Bösen extra böse. Grau- die Grundsubstanz ist eine völlig andere. In Game zonen gibt es nicht. Ab und zu wird mal ein Guter of Thrones dominieren die Charaktere und die In- vom Bösen in Versuchung geführt, kommt aber trigen, das Politische, nicht das Magische. Ich dann super-duper-luxus-gut aus der Prüfung sei- kam nicht weiter, also nahm ich mir an Cersei ner Willenskraft wieder heraus. Fällt ein Engel Lannister ein Beispiel und ging die Sache anders doch mal, so wie bei Gollum, ist es ja nicht seine an. Eine kurze Abwesenheit meines Vaters nut- Schuld und er erregt eher Mitleid als Abscheu. zend, überzeugte ich meine Mutter, sich zumin- dest die erste Folge mit mir anzusehen. Sie wur- Dazu kommt ein Plot, wie er einfacher nicht sein de sofort süchtig. Als mein Vater zurück war, könnte, oftmals sogar von groben Plot-Holes überredete sie ihn, es ihr gleich zu tun. Und siehe durchlöchert. Wenn Gandalf mal ein bisschen da: Nun sind wir am Ende der zweiten Season an- konzentrierter nachdenken würde, dann hätte er gekommen! seine Riesenvögel gleich gerufen, Hobbit außer Gefahr gebracht oder den Ring einfach mal

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 schnell nach Mordor rübergeflogen und abgewor- die Globalisierung und die Vernetzung der Welt fen. durch das Internet auf dem Vormarsch waren. J. Sowohl Game of Thrones als auch Lord of the R. R. Tolkien verfasste Lord of the Rings, als die Rings leben davon, dass ihre Autoren ein eigenes Engländer seiner sozialen Klasse von Hitler noch Universum kreieren. Ein Universum mit eigenen ziemlich angetan waren, Faschismus durchaus Regeln, Völkern, Rassen, eigener Geographie, Qualitäten zu haben schien und die Welt ein Sprache und Politik. Das ist es, was die Leser in Stückchen einfacher war, aber auch grausamer. den Bann zieht und zu Fans werden lässt. Aber es Das faschistische Gedankengut mit den adrett gibt intelligente Universen und … naja. Game of marschierenden Armeen, physisch wunderschö- Thrones ist Fantasy für mündige Erwachsene, nen Guten – die holde, eisblonde Galadriel, der nicht für leichtgläubige Kinder. Westeros hält un- blauäugige Frodo – und den hässlichen Bösen – serer eigenen Welt den Spiegel vor. Das, was die verunstalteten Orcs, ganz anti-semitisch mit man dort erspähen kann, ist gleichermaßen er- karikaturalen Riesenohren- und Nasen – war Teil schreckend, faszinierend und vor allem reali- der Atmosphäre, in der Tolkien atmete. Und so stisch. Die Intrigen und politischen Machtkämpfe schlug es sich wohl in seinen Büchern nieder. in den Sieben Königreichen leben nämlich nicht Dennoch: Wirkliche Intelligenz und Tiefgang sind von Magie und Drachen, sondern werden lediglich zu jeder Zeit möglich und vielleicht hätte Tolkien ein wenig durch sie angereichert. In Westeros etwas weniger Zeit mit dem Ersinnen zahlloser trifft unsere Vergangenheit auf unsere Gegenwart. elbischer Dialekte verbringen sollen und etwas Die absoluten Herrscher, die höfischen Verschwö- mehr mit dem Stopfen von Plot-Holes und der Dif- rungen, die Gender-Grenzen, Homosexualität, der ferenzierung seiner Charaktere. Irrsinn des Zölibats, ja sogar der israelisch-palä- stinensische Konflikt finden sich dort wieder. Reli- Erfolg haben letztendlich beide Welten: Westeros giöse Problematiken weniger. All dies formt die und Middle Earth lassen die Kassen klingeln, das Figuren, ihre Motive, ihre Lieben und Leiden. In lässt sich nicht leugnen. Vielleicht lässt sich die- Game of Thrones ist selten jemand nur gut oder ses Paradox dennoch erklären. Die einen hätten nur böse, auch wenn es den einen oder anderen wohl eine übersichtliche Welt gerne, in der die Po- wahren Psychopathen gibt, wie z.B. Joffrey. Die sitionen klar sind und dadurch die eigene Stellung Game of Thrones Materie beschäftigt sich mit den leicht zu beziehen ist. Die anderen haben sich mit Problemen einer globalen Gesellschaft, die ex- der oft furchterregenden Komplexität der Welt ab- trem vielfältig geworden ist und in denen die gefunden, versuchen aber, den Zauber in ihr zu Schwierigkeiten sowohl vernetzt als auch komplex finden. In beiden Fällen läuft es letztendlich auf sind. Zupft man an einem seidenen Faden, vibriert Eskapismus hinaus. Und man könnte sagen, ganz das ganze Spinnennetz. Die Konflikte ignorieren, nach der Filmkritikerin Pauline Kael, dass dessen nur weil sie weit weg erscheinen, funktioniert auch Gewährleistung und die Unterhaltungsfunktion an nicht. Der Wall mag groß, mächtig und gefährlich sich schon gültige Werte sind. Denn eines ist si- sein, aber das war die Berliner Mauer auch und cher: Aus unserer Welt sollte man ab und zu die Mauer in Israel wird wohl eines Tages auch flüchten dürfen, egal ob nach Middle Earth oder noch ihr blaues Wunder erleben. Insofern mag es Westeros. Anna Rudschies mildernde Umstände für Tolkiens Werk geben, denn man ist immer auch ein Produkt seiner Zeit. George R. R. Martin schrieb seine Werke kurz Anna freut sich über Feedback! nach dem Kalten Krieg, in einer Zeit, in der AIDS, [email protected]

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013

Die nächsten beiden „Cinerama“-Filme sind als DVD+BD-Combos an den Start gegangen. Und alles natürlich im bewährten „Smilebox“- Verfahren und mit jeder Menge Bonusmaterial. Sowohl DVD als auch BD können auf allen DVD- und BD-Playern abgespielt werden. Beste Demo-Qualität und ein MUSS für Projektorenbesitzer!

Jetzt auf Lager


LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 18. November 2013 warten ist. Für Langeweile jedenfalls und ein Racheplan, der sich über Jahre Die Hungerspiele gehen weiter ist in diesem Film keine Zeit. Dafür sor- erstreckt – der von Mikkel Nørgaard Eine sehr dünne Pressewoche begann gen ein paar Überraschungen, auf die nach einem Roman von Jussi Adler- heute mit einem lang erwarteten hier nicht weiter eingegangen werden Olsen inszenierte Krimi hat sämtliche Blockbuster soll. Fazit: grandioses Popcorn-Kino Ingredienzien, auf die Schwedenkrimi- mit Anspruch, das mit einem Fans abfahren. Und möglicherweise hat DIE TRIBUTE VON PANEM - Cliffhanger gleich Appetit auf Teil 3 er viel zuviele davon. Nicht etwa, dass CATCHING FIRE (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1 macht. Kleiner Tipp: wer den Film so der Film unspannend wäre. Doch seine + Atmos) erleben möchte, wie er von seinen Story und die Zutaten sind ziemlich OT: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Schöpfern konzipiert wurde, der sollte abgedroschen. Wenn dann noch das Verleih: Studiocanal ihn in einem richtigen IMAX-Kino an- ZDF als Mitproduzent genannt wird, Land/Jahr: USA 2013 schauen. Denn der größte Teil der Are- schließt sich der Kreis: bei ERBAR- Regie: Francis Lawrence na-Sequenzen wurde mit einer 65mm- MEN dürfte es sich um den Pilotfilm zur Darsteller: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh IMAX-Kamera aufgenommen, die dafür neuen Sonntagabend-Serie handeln. Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody sorgt, dass bei den entsprechenden Immerhin: die Konstellation der beiden Harrelson, Elizabeth Banks, Lenny Sequenzen die gesamte IMAX-Bild- Ermittler hat durchaus ihren Reiz – ein Kravitz, Philip Seymour Hoffman, wand mit Bild in bester Qualität ausge- Griesgram von einem Polizisten und Jeffrey Whright, Stanley Tucci, Donald füllt wird. sein Kollege mit Migrations- Sutherland hintergrund. Nørgaards Film arbeitet Kinostart: 21.11.2013 Donnerstag, 21. November 2013 mit zwei Zeitebenen. Während die bei- Der Polizist, der nie lächelt den Helden in der Gegenwart ermitteln, Kaum haben Katniss und Peeta die 74. Wird immer wieder gern genommen: ein läuft das eigentliche Verbrechen immer Hungerspiele von Panem gewonnen, Schwedenkrimi aus Dänemark wieder im Rückblick weiter ab. So bleibt beginnt der Ärger für beide von Neu- zumindest die Spannung aufrecht er- em. Präsident Snow will verhindern, ERBARMEN (1:2.35, 5.1) halten, wenn auch eingefleischte Krimi- dass ihr glorreicher Sieg zu Aufständen OT: Kvinden I Buret fans sich schon bald mit teilweise in den Außenbezirken führt und Verleih: NFP (Warner) Hanebüchenem konfrontiert sehen. Katniss zur Leitfigur wird. Also be- Land/Jahr: Dänemark, Deutschland, Fazit: was für den Fernsehzuschauer schließt er kurzerhand, dass die 75. Schweden 2013 vielleicht schon etwas zu heftig ist, Hungerspiele mit altbekannten Teilneh- Regie: Mikkel Nørgaard könnte für den Kinogänger fast schon mern durchgeführt werden. Katniss Darsteller: Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Fares ärgerlich sein. und Peeta werden dazu verdammt mit- Fares, Sonja Richter zumachen – oder ihre Angehörigen Kinostart: 23.01.2014 RAM-LEELA (1:2.35, DD 5.1) müssen leiden. In einer vollkommen OT: Ram-Leela neuen Arena sollen die Spiele ausge- Carl Mørk war Ermittler im Mord- Verleih: Rapid Eye Movies tragen werden. Um zu überleben müs- dezernat, bis er eines Tages in eine Land/Jahr: Indien 2013 sen Katniss und Peeta Allianzen mit Falle tappte, bei der ein Kollege getötet Regie: Sanjay Leela Bhansali den Gegnern eingehen. Doch wem kön- und ein weiterer zum Krüppel wurde. Darsteller: Ranveer Singh, Deepika nen sie trauen? - Das Warten hat ein Jetzt soll nach er dem Willen seines Padukone, Priyanka Chopra Ende: Katniss ist zurück! Und sie hält Vorgesetzten das Dezernat Q überneh- Kinostart: 21.11.2013 was sie verspricht. Denn wie schon der men. Das jedoch ist alles andere als erste Teil der TRIBUTE VON PANEM erfreulich, handelt es sich doch um das Damit hat keiner gerechnet: ausgerech- Reihe setzt auch der Fortsetzungsfilm Sichten und Auswerten von längst zu net Ram verliebt sich in Leela und auf eine gute Mischung zwischen Ac- den Akten gelegten Fällen. Assad, ein Leela verliebt sich in Ram. Dabei gehö- tion und Spannung ohne dabei auf Ge- Kollege mit Migrationshintergrund und ren die beiden unterschiedlichen Klans fühle zu verzichten. Der grandios bebil- ein Büro im fensterlosen Keller spor- an, die sich schon seit Jahrhunderten derte Film liefert dem Zuschauer auch nen Carl nicht gerade an. Zumal er spinnefeind sind. Die Liebenden müs- wieder starke Identifikationsfiguren: auch im Privaten nicht klar kommt: sei- sen ihre Liebe daher erst einmal ge- Katniss, die um das Wohl ihrer Familie ne Partnerin gab ihm den Laufpass. In heimhalten. Da passiert etwas Tragi- kämpft und zwischen zwei Männern seinem unendlichen Frust nimmt er sich sches: in Notwehr erschießt Ram Lee- hin- und hergerissen wird, und Peeta, des Falles der verschollenen Merete las Bruder. Wird die Liebe der Beiden der in Katniss verliebt ist und alles für an, die angeblich Selbstmord begangen daran zerbrechen? - Dass man den gu- sie tun würde. Als neues Gesicht im haben soll. Doch je mehr sich Carl und ten alten Shakespeare auch im fernen Ensemble taucht Philip Seymour Assad mit dem Fall beschäftigen, umso Indien als guten Lieferanten für film- Hoffman auf, der den neuen Spielleiter mehr Zweifel kommen auf... Ein gefalle- reife Stoffe erkannt hat, beweist RAM- mimt und von dem in den weiteren ner Polizist, ein Kollege, der sich nicht LEELA. Denn der neue Blockbuster Fortsetzungsfilmen noch mehr zu er- entmutigen lässt, ein ungelöster Fall aus dem Orient ist nichts anderes als

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog ein Upgrade des altbekannten “Romeo hier wieder die Rolle, die er am besten wohl in dieser Situation machen”, & Julia”-Stoffes. Und Regisseur Sanjay ausfüllen kann: die eines Sugar- denkt man sich unweigerlich, wenn Leela Bhansali übertrifft sich selbst mit Daddys. Mit seiner wohltuend sonoren “Our Man” (wie Redfords Rolle im Ab- seiner Inszenierung! RAM-LEELA ist Stimme verleiht er allen seinen Szenen spann betitelt wird) sein angeschlage- ein Bilder- und Farbenrausch allererster diesen warmen, kuscheligen Charakter. nes Boot durch einen schweren Sturm Güte, der nicht an wunderbar Man kann gar nicht anders als ihn zu manövrieren muss. In teilweise gran- choreografierten Song & Dance Num- mögen – sogar seine Fehler und Marot- diosen Bildern fängt Kameramann mern mit fetziger Musik spart. Hier ten, die er als Albert an den Tag legen Frank G. DeMarco den Kampf des Men- birst die Leinwand vor Erotik und es darf. Wie beispielsweise das Flüstern, schen mit den Naturgewalten ein, die gibt echte (!) Kussszenen. Die Darstel- das er überhaupt nicht beherrscht. Was ebenso schön wie unheimlich sein kön- ler sind allesamt eine Augenweide, al- für Gandolfini gilt, das gilt aber auch nen. Eine äußerst präzise Tonspur, die len voran Ranveer Singh als Ram und für den Rest des Ensembles. Alle füllen vollkommen ohne Gimmicks auskommt, Deepika Padukone als Leela. Ein weite- ihre Rollen hervorragend aus. Nicole vermittelt Redfords Überlebenskampf rer Star im Film ist das Set-Design, das Holofcener hat einen kleinen und über- sehr authentisch. Aber Kritik muss bombastischer nicht sein könnte. Wer aus witzigen Film mit liebenswerten auch sein: die Lesebrille, die unser indisches Kino mag, der sollte diesen Charakteren inszeniert, der nie übertrie- Held noch zum Lesen eines Buches Film nicht verpassen. Und wer noch nie ben wirkt, nie eskaliert, und dennoch braucht, verschwindet irgendwann aus indisches Kino erlebt hat, dem bietet vorzüglich unterhält. dem Blickfeld des Drehbuchs. Und den- sich hier die optimale Gelegenheit, das noch kann “Our Man” problemlos Kar- endlich nachzuholen. Montag, 25. November 2013 ten lesen oder den Sextanten bedienen. Der alte Mann und das Meer Freitag, 22. November 2013 Mit einem Ein-Personen-Stück begann Dienstag, 26. November 2013 “For Jim” heute die neue, spärlich ausgestattete Hilfe, holt mich hier raus! Die Pressewoche endete mit dem Ab- Pressewoche Als Filmkritiker bleibt einem manchmal schied von einem großartigen Schau- wirklich nichts erspart. spieler. ALL IS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) OT: All Is Lost STREETDANCE KIDS – GEMEINSAM GENUG GESAGT (1:1.85, DD 5.1) Verleih: SquareOne (Universum Film) SIND WIR STARS (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1) OT: Enough Said Land/Jahr: USA 2013 OT: All Stars Verleih: Fox Regie: J.C. Chandor Verleih: Universum Film (SquareOne) Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Darsteller: Robert Redford Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2013 Regie: Nicole Holofcener Kinostart: 09.01.2014 Regie: Ben Gregor Darsteller: Julia Louis-Dreyfus, James Darsteller: Akai Osei-Mansfield, Theo Gandolfini, Catherine Keener Ausgerechnet ein herrenlos im Indi- Stevenson, Ashley Jensen Kinostart: 19.12.2013 schen Ozean herumtreibender Contai- Kinostart: 02.01.2014 ner voller Schuhe wird einem Segler Eva und Albert teilen dasselbe Schick- zum Verhängnis. Denn der stählerne Weil ihr Jugendclub “The Garage” ei- sal: beide sind von ihren Partnern ge- Koloss reisst beim Aufprall auf die nem Parkplatz weichen soll, schließen schieden und haben jeweils eine Toch- Segelyacht ein großes Loch in deren sich ein paar Jugendliche zusammen, ter. Als sie sich zufällig auf einer Party Seitenwand. Aufgrund des daraus re- um mittels eines “Dance Battle” das für kennenlernen, funkt es zwischen Eva sultierenden Wassereinbruchs funktio- eine Renovierung benötigte Geld zu und Albert und sie beginnen eine Lie- niert das elektronische Navigations- sammeln. Dabei müssen sich die sehr besaffäre. Während ihrer Arbeit als system nicht mehr. Der Segler, ein Ame- unterschiedlichen Charaktere natürlich mobile Masseurin entwickelt sich zwi- rikaner, der auf der Flucht vor dem Le- erst einmal zusammenraufen und das schen Eva und ihrer neuen Kundin Ma- ben zu sein scheint, kann das Loch nur Tanzen lernen... Es ist schon irgendwie rianne, die ebenfalls geschieden ist, notdürftig stopfen. Schon rückt ein seltsam, dass ein Film, dessen Hand- eine richtige Freundschaft. Als Marian- Sturm heran... J.C. Chandors ALL IS lung in angesiedelt ist, fast ne ständig über ihren Ex abzulästern LOST bewegt sich irgendwo zwischen komplett ohne die Wahrzeichen dieser beginnt, muss Eva bald erkennen, dass dem Klassiker DER ALTE MANN UND Stadt auskommt. Fast so, als wolle man der niemand anderer ist als der gutmü- DAS MEER und dem neuzeitlichen verhindern, dass der Zuschauer be- tige Albert. Fortan betrachtet sie ihren LIFE OF PI – SCHIFFBRUCH MIT TI- merkt, dass es “nur” London ist und neuen Liebhaber nur noch mit den Au- GER. Der Stoff scheint damit eigentlich nicht etwa das hippe New York. Aber gen der Freundin. Das kann ja nicht schon recht gut abgedeckt zu sein. sei es darum – das hätte den Film auch gut gehen... Zum letzten Mal gibt es Dennoch gelingt es Chandor und sei- nicht mehr gerettet. Die Geschichte in einer Paraderolle zu nem Hauptdarsteller Robert Redford, in von ein paar Jugendlichen, die ihr sehen. Der erst kürzlich viel zu früh vielen Sequenzen eine beachtliche Clubhaus retten wollen, dient hier nur verstorbene Schauspieler mimt auch Spannung aufzubauen. “Was würde ich als Aufhänger für Tanzdarbietungen

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog jeglicher Art. Und die sind meist derart durchläuft in ihm einen Reifeprozess. buchautor damit der abgedroschenen uninteressant, dass man sich fast Ihre ursprünglich aus rein eigennützi- “vollkommen abgehobener, stinkreicher schon den schnellstmöglichen Abriss ger Motivation begonnene Reise endet Typ findet durch die Begegnung mit des Jugendhauses herbeisehnt! Die schließlich damit, dass sich die junge einer alleinerziehenden Krankenschwe- unterirdisch schlechte deutsche Syn- Frau mit ihrer eigenen Familien- ster die große Liebe und damit wieder chronisation, die zusätzlich an schlech- geschichte auseinandersetzt. “You zurück ins Leben”-Geschichte etwas ter Technik leidet, gibt diesem engli- can’t start from zero” heisst es im Film Pfiff verleihen. Der Versuch jedenfalls schen Ghetto-Film den Rest. Mögen die und Hanna muss erkennen, dass die scheitert. Auch die immer wieder impo- Rollen der Jugendlichen noch einiger- persönliche Geschichtsschreibung sant in Szene gesetzten Action-Szenen maßen akzeptabel erscheinen, so sind durch das Schweigen innerhalb der passen nicht so recht in den oft rührse- es die der Erwachsenen keinesfalls. Familie zwar abgerissen ist, die Grund- ligen Film. Zweifelsfrei versteht Micha- Hier verfällt das Drehbuch in abgedro- ströme der Geschichte jedoch im Ver- el Bully Herbig etwas vom Filmemachen schene Stereotypen und ergeht sich in borgenen weiter gewirkt haben. Dies in technischer Hinsicht – die gute Überzeichnungen. Die Zielgruppe der wird durch ihre Begegnung mit der al- Kameraarbeit, der Schnitt sowie der Teens hat weitaus Besseres verdient ten Gertraud einerseits und mit den Einsatz von Filmmusik zeugen von ho- und ist mit Sicherheit auch Besseres Annäherungsversuchen des Israelis her Handwerkskunst. Da ist es dann gewohnt. Atay andererseits überzeugend darge- umso ärgerlicher, dass das Drehbuch stellt. Auch wenn sich der Film stellen- weit weniger gelungen ist. Meine Pro- Donnerstag, 28. November 2013 weise ein wenig holprig in der Inszenie- gnose: Millionen von Kinodeutschen Bully macht den Buddy rung gibt, verliert man nie die Lust dar- wird das nicht stören und sie werden in Die finale Show in dieser recht dünnen an ihn zu schauen. Belohnt wird man die Plexe strömen, um endlich das zu Pressewoche machte ein deutsches am Ende dann sogar noch mit einer sehen zu bekommen, um was es in Doppel sehr gelungenen Montage, die Stadt- Bullys groß angelegter Werbekampa- bilder aus Berlin und gegen- gne zum Film (betitelt “Bully macht den HANNAS REISE (1:2.35, 5.1) einander stellt. Buddy”, zu sehen im Privat-TV) eigent- Verleih: Zorro (Filmagentinnen) lich geht. Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Israel 2013 BUDDY (1:2.35, 5.1) Regie: Julia von Heinz Verleih: Warner Montag, 02. Dezember 2013 Darsteller: Karoline Schuch, Doron Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Schwarz gegen Weiss Amit, Lore Richter, Suzanne von Regie: Michael Bully Herbig Eine weitere recht magere Pressewoche Borsody Darsteller: Alexander Fehling, Michael wurde heute mit einem Biopic eingeläu- Kinostart: 23.01.2014 Bully Herbig, Mina Tander tet. Kinostart: 25.12.2013 Etwas mit Juden machen – das ist gut MANDELA – DER LANGE WEG ZUR für die Karriere. Die ehrgeizige BWL- Eddie ist ein waschechter Lebemann. FREIHEIT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Studentin Hanna weiß genau, wie sie Als Firmenchef hat er nicht nur jede OT: Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom die für ihr Vorstellungsgespräch not- Menge Kohle, sondern ebenso viele Verleih: Senator wendige soziale Kompetenz auf einfa- Mädels. Doch sein ausufernder Le- Land/Jahr: USA 2013 che Weise erlangen kann: sie bittet bensstil ruft seinen Schutzengel auf Regie: Justin Chadwick einfach ihre Mutter, Leiterin der “Akti- den Plan. Dumm nur, dass nur Eddie Darsteller: Idris Elba, Naomie Harris, on Friedensdienste” für Israel, ihr eine ihn sehen kann. Das führt zu großen Robert Hobbs entsprechende Bescheinigung auszu- Problemen und schließlich zum Kinostart: 30.01.2014 stellen. Doch die Mutter sorgt dafür, Rausschmiss aus seinem eigenen Kon- dass ihre Tochter ihre Sozialkompetenz zern. Dabei will Buddy, sein Schutzen- Ende der 1940er Jahre versucht Nelson tatsächlich erlangt und schickt sie in gel, nur das Beste für ihn – und das in Mandela in dem von den Weißen re- ein Behindertendorf nach Tel Aviv. Form einer alleinerziehenden Kranken- gierten Südafrika sein Brot als Rechts- Dort lernt sie nicht nur den Israeli Itay schwester, in die sich Eddie unsterblich anwalt zu verdienen. Doch die zuneh- kennen, der sie heftig anflirtet, sondern verlieben soll... Irgendwann im Verlauf menden Repressalien gegen die auch Gertraud, eine Holocaust-Überle- des habe ich mich gefragt, warum schwarze Bevölkerung lassen dem frei- bende, die viel über Hannas Familie zu denn unbedingt dieser “Buddy” hier heitsliebenden Kämpfer keine andere wissen scheint... Welche Auswirkun- gebraucht wird. Oder anders ausge- Wahl als sich der Widerstandsbewe- gen hat der Holocaust auf Israelis und drückt: funktioniert diese Geschichte gung anzuschließen. Mit Unterstüt- Deutsche der 3. Generation? Dieser tatsächlich nur durch die Figur des zung seiner Frau Winnie versucht er Frage geht Regisseurin und Drehbuch- ausschließlich für den Protagonisten mit Gewalt gegen das weiße Regime autorin Julia von Heinz in ihrem Film sichtbaren Schutzengel? Klare Ant- vorzugehen. Doch er und seine Ver- HANNAS REISE nach. Karoline wort: nein – niemand braucht den bündeten werden gefasst und zu le- Schuch in der titelgebenden Rolle “Buddy”! Vermutlich wollte der Dreh- benslanger Haft verurteilt. Damit aber

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog beginnt erst der Kampf. Haupt- mit Lucie zu sprechen, weil sie nicht noch: wird einmal mehr inspirationsquelle für sein Biopic über mehr auf ihre Mutter hört, seit Samir als knallharter Typ mit weichem Kern Nelson Mandela war dessen Autobio- und sein kleiner Sohn bei ihr wohnen. vermarktet. Wenn er zuschlägt, dann graphie. So werden nicht nur die politi- Während er selbst mit seinen Gefühlen richtig. Denn nur so bleibt sein weicher schen Auseinandersetzungen auf dem für Marie zu kämpfen hat, gelingt es Kern – hier in Form seiner 10jährigen beschwerlichen Weg Südafrikas zum Ahmad nur ganz allmählich, zu Lucie Tochter – unbeschadet. Daddy weiß Ende der Apartheid gezeigt, sondern vorzudringen und ihr ein Geheimnis zu immer ganz genau, was richtig und was insbesondere auch Mandelas persönli- entlocken... Nach seinem großen Erfolg falsch ist. Das ist ja auch nicht weiter che Auseinandersetzungen mit sich mit NADER UND SIMIN – EINE TREN- schwer, wenn man bedenkt, dass kein selbst und auch mit seiner Frau NUNG widmet sich der iranische Regis- Geringerer als Sylvester Stallone das Winnie. Der Film bietet viele ergreifen- seur Asghar Farhadi in seinem neuen Drehbuch verfasst hat. Da darf keine de Momente, wie etwa jene, in der der Film ein weiteres Mal zwischenmensch- Figur in die Tiefe gehen, alles muss in Haft sitzende Mandela seine Toch- lichen Beziehungsproblemen. Sollte schön an der Oberfläche blieben. Denn ter, die er zuletzt als Dreijährige sah, man der Vergangenheit treu bleiben andernfalls würde man ja sein Publikum nach 13 Jahren zum ersten Mal wieder oder sie aufgeben und in die Zukunft überfordern. HOMEFRONT ist Futter sehen darf. In einer Oscar-reifen Lei- blicken? In LE PASSÉ – DAS VER- für alle Fließband-Multiplexe, die den stung brilliert Idris Elba in der Rolle GANGENE ist dies die zentrale Frage- Film nur als Zugabe zu Popcorn und des Nelson Mandela. Überzeugend stellung. Soll Samir sich endgültig von Softdrink anbieten. Zuschauer mit et- auch Naomie Harris als die Frau an sei- seiner im Koma liegenden Frau trennen, was mehr Anspruch werden sich zu ner Seite. Eine großartige Kameraarbeit um mit Marie ein neues Leben begin- Tode langweilen ob der bis zum Exzess (Lol Crawley) und eine ansprechende nen zu können? Soll sich Ahmad tat- getriebenen “Schema F”-Handlung des Filmmusik (Alex Heffes) machen den sächlich von Marie scheiden lassen, Films. Immerhin: legt Film zu einem Ereignis. MANDELA – damit sie für ein neues Leben frei ist? einmal mehr ihr Sauberfrau-Image ab DER LANGE WEG ZUR FREIHEIT ist So unspektakulär Farhadis Film in sei- und agiert als Drogen-Dealer-Schlam- großes, bewegendes Kino, das wieder ner Inszenierung auch ist, desto fes- pe. einmal beweist, dass das Leben selbst selnder entwickelt sich das Drama auf die interessantesten Drehbücher der Leinwand. Das verdankt der Regis- Donnerstag, 05. Dezember 2013 schreibt. seur einem ausgezeichneten Ensemble, Die Truthahnbefreiungsfront bei dem nicht nur die Darsteller der Schon wieder vorbei? War eine kurze Dienstag, 03. Dezember 2013 Erwachsenen brillieren, sondern auch Pressewoche... Eine zerrüttete Ehe und ein die der Kinder. 130 Filmminuten verge- alleinerziehender Vater hen hier wie im Flug und machen LE FREE BIRDS (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5.1) Nach einem fulminanten ersten Film PASSÉ damit zu einem der Highlights OT: Free Birds heute war der zweite umso schlimmer im Januar. Verleih: Senator Land/Jahr: USA 2013 LE PASSÉ – DAS VERGANGENE HOMEFRONT (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Regie: Jimmy Hayward (1:1.85, DD 5.1) OT: Homefront Kinostart: 13.02.2014 OT: Le Passé Verleih: Universum Film (Walt Disney) Verleih: Camino (Studiocanal) Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Reggie hat es nicht leicht. Offensicht- Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2013 Regie: Gary Fleder lich ist er der einzige Truthahn in sei- Regie: Asghar Farhadi Darsteller: Jason Statham, James Fran- ner Herde, der um das Schicksal jedes Darsteller: Bérénice Bejo, Tahar Rahim, co, Winona Ryder amerikanischen Truthahns weiß: an Ali Mosaffa Kinostart: 23.01.2014 Thanksgiving geht es ab in die Röhre! Kinostart: 30.01.2014 Welch ein Glück ist es da für ihn, dass Früher hat er als verdeckter Ermittler der amerikanische Präsident ausgerech- Ahmad kehrt nach vier Jahren aus sei- Drogenringe auffliegen lassen. Doch net ihn begnadigt und ihn seiner Toch- ner Heimat Teheran wieder nach Paris als seine Frau gestorben ist, hat Broker ter als Haustier schenkt. Eines Nachts zurück, um endgültig die Scheidungs- den Dienst quittiert und lebt zurückge- jedoch trifft Reggie auf Jake, seines papiere für Marie zu unterzeichnen. zogen mit seiner kleinen Tochter in ei- Zeichens ebenfalls Truthahn. Der ope- Dass seine Ex inzwischen in einer neu- ner kleinen Stadt auf dem Land. Doch riert im Geheimen als Mitglied der en Beziehung lebt, erfährt er nur durch Ärger bleibt auch dort nicht aus. Denn Truthahnbefreiungsfront. Sein Ziel: Zufall. Auch dass ihr Neuer, Samir, ver- Gator ist er ein Dorn im Auge, will der Abschaffen der Truthahntradition an heiratet ist und seine Frau seit einem doch in Ruhe seine Drogen an den Thanksgiving. Mittels einer Zeit- Selbstmordversuch im Koma liegt. Ma- Mann bringen. Als er von Brokers Ver- maschine reist er gemeinsam mit Reggie ries Töchter aus ihrer ersten Ehe, die gangenheit Wind bekommt, will er ihn zurück ins 17. Jahrhundert – genau drei kleine Léa und die rebellische Lucie, anderen Drogendealern ans Messer Tage vor jenen historischen Tag, als mögen Ahmad sehr. Marie bittet ihn, liefern... Stereotyper geht es kaum zum ersten Mal ein Truthahn geopfert

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog wurde... Die Grundidee dieses nicht auffliegt, beschließt Walter, das einer wirklich verblüffenden Art und computeranimierten Films ist goldig: Negativ aufzutreiben und jagt dem Fo- Weise. Einen Punktabzug gibt es aller- das Essen wehrt sich! Mehr noch: das tografen ohne festen Wohnsitz hinter- dings. Denn wenn wir am Ende des Essen schlägt zurück! Warum auch her. Walters bisher einziges Abenteuer Films sehen dürfen, was denn nun tat- sollten immer nur Truthähne in den wird auch gleich zu seinem größten... sächlich auf Bild Nr. 25 zu sehen ist, Backröhren Millionen von Amerikanern Für seine neueste Regiearbeit hat sich verpufft die Faszination mit einem landen? Mit vielen witzigen Einfällen Schauspieler Ben Stiller an die Neu- Schlag. Wieviel schöner wäre es gewe- und etlichen Reminiszenzen an ZU- verfilmung eines Klassikers gemacht: sen, wenn uns der Film hier im Unkla- RÜCK IN DIE ZUKUNFT wird eine alte DAS DOPPELLEBEN DES HERRN ren gelassen und damit die bebilderte amerikanische Tradition von hinten MITTY aus dem Jahre 1947 mit dem Quintessenz des Lebens unserer eige- aufgerollt und aus der Sicht der unmit- umwerfenden Danny Kaye in der Titel- nen Phantasie überlassen hätte. Den- telbar Betroffenen beleuchtet. Dem rolle. Selbstverständlich übernimmt noch: Action, Witz und Gefühl – Einfallsreichtum und der - Stiller diesen Part nun im Remake, das MITTY bietet komplette Rundum-Sorg- kunst steht Jimmy Haywards Film ei- sich bei genauerem Hinsehen eigent- los-Kinounterhaltung. nem -Film in nichts nach, auch lich nur ganz lose an das Original hält. wenn er in der Mitte etwas an Tempo Und der Film tut gut daran, muss er NEBRASKA (1:2.35, DD 5.1) verliert. Die Figuren schließt man trotz- sich so nicht unbedingt mit dem Vor- OT: Nebraska dem gerne ins Herz. FREE BIRDS ist bild messen. Kennt man Stiller überwie- Verleih: Paramount gutes Family Entertainment und dank gend aus recht derben Komödien, so Land/Jahr: USA 2013 seiner Länge von nur 91 Minuten sogar lernt man ihn hier von einer ganz ande- Regie: Alexander Payne für den kleineren Nachwuchs gut ren Seite kennen. Nicht überdreht, Darsteller: Bruce Dern, , June konsumierbar. schrill und laut oder gar fäkalhumorig Squibb gibt sich Stiller hier, sondern eher in Kinostart: 16.01.2014 Montag, 09. Dezember 2013 sich gekehrt und schüchtern. Damit Tagträumer und Millionär füllt er seine Filmrolle perfekt aus. Die Der alte Woody Grant hat es geschafft: Die neue Woche bescherte mir gleich für ihn scheinbar unerreichbare Cheryl er ist über Nacht zum Millionär gewor- zu Beginn ein wundervolles Doppel- wird von Kristen Wiig dargestellt und den. Glaubt er zumindest. In Wahrheit programm damit weder von einem - ist er nur einem Marketinggag auf- Dummchen oder einer Tussen-Blondi- gelegen, der eine Million nur in Aus- DAS ERSTAUNLICHE LEBEN DES ne. Wiig verkörpert genau den Typ von sicht stellt. Doch unverdrossen macht WALTER MITTY (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Frau, die perfekt mit einem mit Komple- sich der etwas wackelige Alte zu Fuß Atmos) xen behafteten Mann harmoniert. Auch auf nach Lincoln in Nebraska, um sei- OT: The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty links und rechts der Protagonisten nen Gewinn persönlich abzuholen. Sein Verleih: Fox tummeln sich hervorragend besetzte Sohn David weiß jedoch um seines Land/Jahr: USA 2013 Rollen, wie z.B. der grönländische Heli- Vaters Zustand und so lässt er sich Regie: Ben Stiller kopter-Pilot (Ólafur Darri Ólafsson), dazu überreden, ihn mit dem Auto nach Darsteller: Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Mittys neuer Boss (Adam Scott) oder Lincoln zu fahren. Die Autofahrt bringt Shirley MacLaine, Sean Penn Fotografenlegende Sean O’Connell die beiden Männer, die eigentlich Kinostart: 01.01.2014 (Sean Penn). Doch es gibt noch einen nichts voneinander wissen, näher... Die weiteren Star im Film: die Kameraarbeit Bilder von Kameramann Phedon Papa- Seit 16 Jahre arbeitet der schüchterne von Stuart Dryburgh. Seine Bilder fas- michael sprechen eine deutliche Spra- Walter Mitty im Negativarchiv des zinieren von der ersten bis zur letzten che. In Schwarz-Weiß und LIFE Magazins. Die neue Kollegin Minute. Ob der ungewöhnliche Blick- CinemaScope führt er uns ein Amerika Cheryl himmelt er zwar an, traut sich winkel von oben, wenn Mitty zur Ar- vor Augen, das im Sterben liegt. Die aber nie. Dafür flüchtet er sich in die beitsstelle geht, oder die prächtigen Orte, die Vater und Sohn bei ihrem abstrusesten Tagträume, in denen er Panoramen von Grönland und Island - Roadtrip durchqueren, haben ihre gu- sich selbst immer als Held sieht. Zu Dryburgh komponiert durchwegs Bilder ten Tage längst hinter sich gelassen. allem Unglück soll jetzt auch noch das für die große Kinoleinwand. Und große So wie das Leben Woody Grant schon LIFE Magazin eingestellt und durch darf die wirklich sein, denn sonst längst hinter sich gelassen hat. NE- eine Online-Version ersetzt werden. könnte man die ganz unmerklich ein- BRASKA erzählt ebenso melancholisch Dummerweise fehlt ausgerechnet das kopierten Anfangstitel glatt übersehen. wie überaus witzig, wie sich Vater und Negativ Nr. 25, das Starfotograf Sean Ein wirklich hübscher Einfall, der den Sohn erst richtig kennenlernen, als es O’Donnell als die “Quintessenz des besonderen Stil des ganzen Films un- fast schon zu spät ist. Alexander Lebens” bezeichnet und das Cover der terstreicht. Zur Hochform läuft der Film Payne, Regisseur von Filmen wie letzten Ausgabe bilden soll. Niemand immer dann auf, wenn er uns an Mittys SIDEWAYS oder THE weiß, was darauf zu sehen ist – am we- Tagträumen teilhaben lässt. Das pas- DESCENDANTS, hat diesen berühren- nigsten Walter. Damit die ganze Sache siert gleich am Anfang des Films in den Film inszeniert und ihn großartig

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog besetzt. Bruce Dern liefert hier eine Epos einstellt. Die Bilder, mit denen gen, in der sie damals die Flitterwochen Oscar-reife Leistung ab als greiser Va- uns Jackson Mittelerde zum Greifen verbrachten: Paris. Doch als sich das ter mit Alkoholproblem. Den Part des nahe bringt, sind natürlich wie immer Hotel als Bruchbude herausstellt und Sohnes meistert Will Forte bravourös. fulminant, doch es scheinen immer wie- die Alternative als unbezahlbar erweist, Aber auch die vielen kleinen Nebenrol- der dieselben zu sein. Mit Variationen weicht die Romantik harten Diskussio- len, die das Drehbuch bereithält, sind natürlich. Es stellt sich damit leider ein nen... Auch wenn Meg ihren treuen mit brillanten Charakteren besetzt. Da- Gewöhnungseffekt ein. Das freilich Nick immer wieder bei seinen Annähe- von zeugt vor allem das Familien- wird den Hardcore Tolkien-Fan nicht rungsversuchen abblitzen lässt, nimmt zusammentreffen in Woodys alter Hei- davon abhalten, auch den zweiten man dennoch ganz behutsam wahr, mat, wo der ganze Clan dann gemein- HOBBIT unübertroffen gut zu finden – dass es zwischen den beiden noch im- sam vor dem Fernseher sitzt und kein es sei ihm gegönnt! Zwei atemberau- mer eine tiefe Verbindung gibt. Die Kin- Wort redet. Und June Squibb als bend temporeich inszenierte Sequenzen der sind aus dem Haus, ihre Jobs Woodys Frau Kate dürfte mit ihrem (die Flucht von Bilbo und den Zwergen schwinden allmählich – Nick und Meg losen Mundwerk für mehr als nur einen aus dem Elbenort sowie der Kampf mit müssen sich neu erfinden, müssen herzhaften Lacher sorgen. NEBRASKA dem Drachen) garantieren hier auch ihre Liebe zueinander wieder reak- empfiehlt sich als Geheimtipp für Fans Entertainment vom Feinsten. Persön- tivieren. Mit Jim Broadbent und des anspruchsvollen Kinos. lich enttäuscht war ich von der Ton- hat Roger Michell eine mischung des Films, die vermutlich mit wunderbare Besetzung der Hauptrollen Dienstag, 10. Dezember 2013 heisser Nadel gestrickt wurde und un- für seinem Film gefunden. Die beiden Unterwegs mit Bilbo ter den Erwartungen bleibt. An den sind sehr authentisch und geben groß- Bei 160 Minuten in 3D machen auch die visuellen Effekten hingegen gibt es artige Identifikationsfiguren. Als Drit- besten Augen irgendwann schlapp... nichts auszusetzen, sie überzeugen ein ter im Bunde gesellt sich Jeff Goldblum weiteres Mal. Aber eben auch hier in- hinzu. Er mimt einen alten Studien- DER HOBBIT: SMAUGS EINÖDE zwischen der Gewöhnungseffekt, der freund von Nick, der das Ehepaar zu (1:2.35, 3D + HFR 3D, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + dafür sorgt, dass solche Bilder als et- einer Party nach Hause einlädt und Atmos) was ganz Normales angesehen werden. damit die Eheleute vor eine harte Probe OT: The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Immerhin gibt es im Cast erfrischend stellt. LE WEEKEND ist melancholisch- Smaug Neues: nicht nur darf Stephen Fry ei- witziges Kino der leisen Töne, das pri- Verleih: Warner nen Gastauftritt absolvieren, auch ma unterhält. Land/Jahr: USA 2013 darf als Elbenkriegerin Regie: vielen Orks große Schmerzen bereiten DER MEDICUS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Darsteller: Sir Ian McKellen, Martin und sich in einen der tapferen Gefähr- Verleih: Universal Freeman, Richard Armitage, Orlando ten verlieben. Und das Cliffhanger- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 Bloom Finale wird dafür sorgen, dass auch der Regie: Philipp Stölzl Kinostart: 12.12.2013 dritte und letzte Teil gigantische Um- Darsteller: Tom Payne, Emma Rigby, sätze an den Kinokassen machen wird. Stellan Skarsgård, Sir Ben Kingsley, Bilbo Beutlin und Gandalf, der Zaube- Elyas M’Barek rer, wollen gemeinsam mit 13 tapfere Donnerstag, 12. Dezember 2013 Kinostart: 25.12.2013 Zwergen unter Führung von Thorin Ehekrise in Paris, Heilkunde im Orient Eichenschild das verlorene Zwergen- Zwei vollkommen unterschiedliche Fil- England im Mittelalter. Als seine Mut- reich Erebor zurückerobern. Auf ihrer me bestimmten heute mal wieder mei- ter stirbt und er ganz alleine auf sich beschwerlichen Reise bekommen sie es nen Kinoalltag gestellt ist, schließt sich der kleine Rob nicht nur mit den zähnefletschenden Cole einem fahrenden Bader an und Orks zu tun, sondern auch mit Riesen- LE WEEKEND (1:2.35, DD 5.1) bekommt dadurch erstmals Kontakt zur spinnen und dem Drachen Smaug... OT: Le Week-end Heilkunst. Schnell bemerkt er, dass er Alle Jahre wieder... Es ist fast schon Verleih: Prokino (Fox) eine ganz besondere Gabe hat: durch zur Tradition geworden, dass uns Peter Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2013 das Handauflegen auf kranke Körper Jackson jedes Jahr pünktlich zu Weih- Regie: Roger Michell kann er sagen, ob ein Patient stirbt nachten mit neuen Geschichten aus Darsteller: Jim Broadbent, Lindsay oder weiterlebt. Zum jungen Mann her- Mittelerde versorgt. Jetzt also gibt es Duncan, Jeff Goldblum angewachsen macht er sich schließlich den vorletzten Teil der HOBBIT-Trilo- Kinostart: 30.01.2014 auf gen Osten, um sich von dem be- gie, die die Vorgeschichte zu HERR rühmten Ibn Sina in die hohe Kunst der DER RINGE liefert. Nach so vielen Jah- Anlässlich ihres 30. Hochzeitstages Heilkunde einführen zu lassen... Dass ren mit Hobbits, Elben und Orks muss wollen Nick und Mag, ein britisches man eine Geschichte, die man gut und ich freimütig eingestehen, dass sich bei Ehepaar im besten Alter, die Uhr etwas gerne in einen Film von 90 Minuten mir eine gewisse Müdigkeit gegenüber zurückdrehen und ein Romantik-Wo- Länge packen kann, auch auf 150 Mi- diesem nicht enden wollenden Fantasy- chenende in eben jener Stadt verbrin- nuten aufblähen kann, beweist Philipp

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Stölzl mit seiner Bestseller-Verfilmung Dinos – sprechen! Und sie tun dies auf unter ihrer Fuchtel. Ein immer gleicher des Romans von Noah Gordon. Zwar in einem Niveau, das man höchstens den Tagesablauf prägt seinen Alltag. Ei- CinemaScope projiziert, liefert der Film ganz jungen Zuschauern zumuten gentlich ist er weniger Taxifahrer als dennoch keine wirklich kinogerechten kann. Allerdings stehen diese Dialoge vielmehr Chauffeur seiner Frau Mama. Bilder. Zu sehr drängt sich der Ein- im krassen Gegensatz zu den Bildern, Annemarie Düringer spielt diese alte druck einer in ihrer Spiellänge reduzier- die keinen Freiraum für die Phantasie und nach wie vor eitle Dame voller In- ten TV-Produktion auf. Außerdem wirkt lassen, so wie man es von animierten brunst. Und Stanley Townsend geht in Tom Payne in der Rolle als Rob Cole Disney-Filmen kennt oder etwa aus der der Rolle des heimgekehrten zweiten irgendwie zu modern. Die Besetzung IN EINEM LAND VOR UNSERER ZEIT Sohnes und Bruders in perfekt amerika- von Ben Kingsley als Ibn Sina ist da Reihe. Es will einfach nicht zusammen- nisch-naiver Weise. Ohne dieses her- weitaus glaubwürdiger. Fazit: muss man passen. Damit könnte das ganze Unter- vorragend besetzte Trio hätte der Film nicht gesehen haben. fangen sogar für die vorhin erwähnten glattweg verloren, ja würde sogar etli- ganz jungen Zuschauer nach hinten che Holprigkeiten in der Inszenierung Freitag, 13. Dezember 2013 losgehen. Zu all dem gesellt sich dann offenlegen. So aber sieht man einfach Wenn Dinos auf die Kacke hauen noch eine total lächerliche Rahmen- über sie hinweg. Viel Mühe gab man Ich sage es frei heraus: das Anschauen handlung, die jeder Beschreibung spot- sich bei der Ausstattung des Films, wie des heutigen Films kam einer Strafe tet, zumal sie auch noch komplett über- z.B. die Wohnung von André und sei- gleich... flüssig erscheint. Viel Dinosaurierkacke ner Mama zeigt. Man spürt richtig, und dazu noch Otto Waalkes‘ Stimme – dass sich hier seit 50 Jahren nicht viel DINOSAURIER 3D – IM REICH DER das haut den stärksten Dino um. verändert hat. Besonders schön kommt GIGANTEN (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1) das alles natürlich im originalen OT: Walking With Dinosaurs Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2013 Schwyzerdütschen Dialekt, den man Verleih: Constantin Das Loch in der Socke auch ohne die deutschen Untertitel Land/Jahr: Großbritannien, USA, Au- Es ist zwar schon Mittwoch, aber trotz- problemlos verstehen kann. Ein ziem- stralien 2013 dem war es heute die erste Pressevor- lich effektvolles Sounddesign, das für Regie: Neil Nightingale, Barry Cook führung der Woche. diese Art von Film fast schon ein bisschen zuviel ist, rundet die überwie- Kinostart: 19.12.2013 LOVELY LOUISE (1:1.85, DD 5.1) gend vergnügliche Tragikomödie ab, Verleih: Camino die deutlich zeigt, dass man niemand Der kleine Pachyrhinosaurus Patchi ist Land/Jahr: Schweiz, Deutschland 2013 trauen kann, der ein Loch in der Socke der kleinste in seiner Herde und damit Regie: Bettina Oberli hat. zum Außenseiter gestempelt. Doch der Darsteller: Stefan Kurt, Annemarie Kleine lässt sich nicht unterkriegen, Düringer, Stanley Townsend Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2013 freundet sich mit dem Urvogel Alex an Kinostart: 13.02.2014 Was würden wir ohne Journalisten und entdeckt in dem Dino-Weibchen nur tun... Juniper seine große Liebe. Doch bevor Eigentlich ist André Feinmechaniker, Das heutige Pressedoppel rückte zwei sich Patchi und Juniper endgültig fin- aber seiner Mutter zuliebe fährt er Taxi. wahre Geschichten in den Fokus, in den, müssen einige Abenteuer über- Nur so kann er bei ihr wohnen und sich denen jeweils Journalisten die treiben- standen werden... Erinnern Sie sich auf Schritt und Tritt um die betagte de Kraft waren noch an die ungewöhnliche TV-Serie, Schauspielerin kümmern. Mitte 50 ist er bei der man vor ein paar Jahren erst- inzwischen und muss sich immer anhö- DER BLINDE FLECK (1:2.35, 5.1) mals per Computeranimation die Welt ren, dass sie seinerzeit ihre große Verleih: Ascot Elite (24 Bilder) der Dinosaurier hautnah miterleben Hollywoodkarriere im zuliebe an den Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 konnte? Damals gab es einen Sprecher Nagel gehängt hat. Das er immer noch Regie: Daniel Harrich aus dem Off, der wie in einem Doku- bei Mutti wohnt macht ihm natürlich in Darsteller: Benno Fürmann, Nicolette mentarfilm die Tiere und ihre Verhal- Liebesdingen immer wieder einen Strich Krebitz, Heiner Lauterbach, August tensweisen sachlich kommentierte. durch die Rechnung. Als eines Tages Zirner Jetzt also will man mit DINOSAURIER plötzlich ein Amerikaner vor der Haus- Kinostart: 23.01.2014 3D – IM REICH DER GIGANTEN die- tür steht und behauptet, sein Bruder zu ses TV-Event auf die große Leinwand sein, gerät Andrés fest eingefahrenes München 1980. Mitten während des übertragen. In technischer Hinsicht ist Leben aus dem Ruder. Eine bessere Oktoberfestes geht eine Bombe hoch das auch vollkommen überzeugend Interpretation des Muttersöhnchens und reisst viele unschuldige Menschen gelungen – sogar in 3D und hat man wohl schon lange nicht mehr in den Tod. Ein Täter wird schnell er- CinemaScope. Was jedoch aus der TV- gesehen: Stefan Kurt brilliert in der mittelt: der angeblich introvertierte Serie nicht übernommen wurde, ist der Rolle des André, der zwar schon jen- Student Gundolf Köhler, ein Einzeltäter, Kommentar. Stattdessen dürfen jetzt seits der 50 ist, aber immer noch bei der beim Anschlag selbst ums Leben plötzlich alle Tiere – ob Vögel oder Mama wohnt und damit voll und ganz kam. Doch dem Journalisten Ulrich

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Chaussy kommen Zweifel. Als er mit sie ihn wiederfinden. In dem arbeitslo- seinen Recherchen beginnt, erhält er sen Journalisten Martin Sixsmith findet Was sind das für Euter, Mann! Gegen prompt Hilfe von einem Unbekannten. sie einen Helfer. Gemeinsam machen sie die schöne Krista kann keine Konkur- Der spielt ihm sämtliche Akten der sich an die Arbeit, um Philomenas Sohn rentin punkten. Und ihr Züchter ist Staatsanwaltschaft zu. Der Verdacht zu finden. Noch ahnen sie nicht, dass stolz auf seine Dame. Die Dame, um die fällt auf den bayerischen Staatsschutz- sie dadurch einem unglaublichen Skan- es geht, ist natürlich eine Milchkuh. chef Hans Langemann. Hat er den Fall dal auf die Spur kommen... Was Jörg Seeger ist ihr Besitzer und er prä- manipuliert? Chaussy sieht sich mit Stephen Frears neuen Film wirklich zu sentiert seine Kuh “die alles hat, was einem äußerst brisanten Fall konfron- einem großartigen Stück Kino macht, wir von einer modernen Milchkuh ver- tiert... Ein Politthriller aus Deutschland ist das Gespann Steve Coogan und langen – gut im Fundament, scharf ge- – geht das? Regisseur Daniel Harrich . Sie mit ihrer direkten Art, baut, eine großrahmige Hochleistungs- zumindest versucht sich daran. Das er mit seinem Weltuntergangsblick. kuh” (wie sei einer der Preisrichter cha- Drehbuch zu seinem Film hat er zusam- Zusammen geben sie ein wirklich wun- rakterisiert) auf allen internationalen men mit dem Journalisten Ulrich dervolles Team ab, das gemeinsam ver- Wettbewerben. Mal gewinnt er mit ihr, Chaussy verfasst, der im Film von Ben- sucht, Licht in ein weiteres dunkles mal wird es nur der zweite Platz. Antje no Fürmann verkörpert wird. Darin wird Kapitel der Katholischen Kirche zu Schneider und Carsten Waldbauer blei- ein Fall aufgearbeitet, der den Journali- bringen. Inszenatorisch und auch film- ben in ihrem Dokumentarfilm mit der sten über viele Jahre beschäftigt hat musikalisch (komponiert von Alexandre Kamera ganz nah bei Krista und der und der bis heute nicht restlos aufge- Desplat) erinnert Frears Film dabei Züchterfamilie, begleiten sie sogar bis klärt wurde. Harrichs Inszenierung mehr als nur einmal an die alten ins ferne Kanada, von wo Kristas Vater schwankt zwischen spannendem Thril- Hitchcock-Filme vom Schlage eines stammt. Es sind die vielen kleinen, ler-Kino und politisch ambitioniertem REBECCA. Ob sich wirklich alles so stimmigen Bilder, die diesem Dokumen- Film, wirkt aber leider im Gesamtbild oft zugetragen hat, wie es in diesem nach tarfilm seinen ganz speziellen Charakter recht dilettantisch. Fürmanns Film- einer wahren Begebenheit entstande- verleihen, wie z.B. die zum Trocknen in partnerin Nicolette Krebitz beispiels- nen Film gezeigt wird, kann man als der Sonne aufgehängte Wäsche auf weise, die Frau Chaussy verkörpert, Außenstehender freilich nicht beurtei- dem Bauernhof oder die fein säuberlich könnte glatt für eine Laiendarstellerin len. Wenn Philomena beispielsweise in Regalen aufbewahrten Zuchtbücher. gehalten werden. Die notdürftig inte- auf einer Fotografie, die ihren Sohn bei Aber die Kamera bleibt auch ganz nah grierten Action-Momente wirken ziem- einer Pressekonferenz zusammen mit dran, wenn der Tierarzt die offenbar lich aufgesetzt. In technischer Hinsicht dem amerikanischen Präsidenten zeigt, kranke Krista untersucht. Hier zeigt muss man dem Film leider einen unter den Pressevertretern ausgerech- uns der Film auch ganz deutlich, dass schlechten Ton attestieren. Viele der net Martin Sixsmith entdeckt, könnten es bei der Zucht ums Geld geht und Dialoge sind unverständlich. Fachleute Zweifel aufkeimen. Aber dann gilt ja damit um das Überleben des Bauern- waren hier ganz sicher nicht am Werk. auch der Grundsatz, das das Leben hofs. Denn taugen Kristas Embryonen selbst die kuriosesten Geschichten nichts, so können sie nicht verkauft PHILOMENA (1:1.85, DD 5.1) schreibt. PHILOMENA ist ein sehr be- werden. Von der Milch alleine kann OT: Philomena wegendes Drama mit vielen ironischen sich der Hof nicht halten. DIE SCHÖ- Verleih: SquareOne (Universum Film) Momenten. In einem Satz. Tolles Kino! NE KRISTA bietet lustige und auch Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2013 ergreifende Momente, die den Zu- Regie: Stephen Frears Freitag, 20. Dezember 2013 schauer ganz sicher nicht kalt lassen Darsteller: Dame Judi Dench, Steve Mehr als nur Milch werden. Denn so eine Kuh ist mehr als Coogan, Michelle Fairley In der letzten Pressevorführung in die- nur Milch. Der Film zeigt es. Kinostart: 27.02.2014 sem Jahr ging es tierisch ab.

Erst als sie schon fast 70 Jahre alt ist, DIE SCHÖNE KRISTA (1:1.85, 5.1) erzählt Philomena ihrer erwachsenen Verleih: Aries Images (Barnsteiner) Tochter von ihrem unehelichen Sohn, Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2013 den die Ordensschwestern jenes Klo- Regie: Antje Schneider, Carsten Wald- sters in Irland, in das sie vom Vater bauer gesteckt wurde, im Alter von vier Jah- Kinostart: 20.03.2014 ren zur Adoption freigaben. Jetzt will

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Trickfilm/Komödie 2008-2011 min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 min. (Germany) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney/ 16.01.2014 Pixar) 20.02.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057051 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057353 Airplanes - Geschichten über den Futurama - Season 7 (2 Discs) Wolken, Teil 1 Cars 1 / Cars 2 / Hook 3 (3 Futurama Airplanes Discs) (Blu-ray) Zeichentrick/Satire min. Abenteuer/Zeichentrick 2011 60min. Cars / Cars 2 / Cars Toons: Mater’s Tall Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) Tales Germany 28.02.2014 24.01.2014 Dir. John Lasseter, Brad Lewis 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057221 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057260 Trickfilm/Komödie 2008-2011 min. Go Wild! Mission Wildnis - Folge Alfred J. Kwak - Vol. 3 (2 Discs) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney/ 3: Die Reise der Schmetterlinge Alfred Jodocus Kwak Pixar) 20.02.2014 Wild Kratts Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1990 325min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057356 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Universal Music Family Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 14.02.2014 Entertainment(Karussell) 13.12.2013 Dora - Dora rockt! 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057322 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057063 Dora The Explorer Alfred J. Kwak - Vol. 4 (2 Discs) Dir. George S. Chialtas, Gary Conrad, Go Wild! Mission Wildnis - Folge Sherie Pollack, Arnie Wong Alfred Jodocus Kwak 4: Das Wettangeln Bonusepisoden Wild Kratts Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1990 325min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 93min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Universal Music Family Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Edel Germany(Edel:Kids) 14.02.2014 Entertainment(Karussell) 13.12.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057071 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057064 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057323 Die Erschaffung der Welt Die Legende von Korra, Buch 1: im Wunderland - Staffel 1-4 Stvorení Sveta (8 Discs) Dir. Eduard Hofmann Luft, Volume 2 Fushigi No Kuni No Alice Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1957 80min. The Legend Of Korra Dir. Shigeo Koshi, Taku Sugiyama Universal Music Family Zeichentrick/Action min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1983 1260min. Entertainment(Karussell) 13.12.2013 Paramount Home Universum Film(Universum Kids) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057061 Entertainment() 06.02.2014 13.12.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057373 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057049 Die Erschaffung der Welt (NDR- Fassung) The Living Corpse - Ein Zombie Augsburger Puppenkiste - Jubilä- Stvorení Sveta zwischen den Fronten ums-Fan-Box (11 Discs) Dir. Eduard Hofmann The Amazing Adventures Of The Living Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm min. Filmgeschichte Corpse S.A.D. Home Entertainment 12.12.2013 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1957 80min. Dir. Justin Paul Ritter 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057067 Universal Music Family Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie Entertainment(Karussell) 13.12.2013 Trickfilm/Horror 2012 86min. Bubble Guppies - Wenn wir mal 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057062 KSM GmbH 17.02.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057224 groß sind Family Guy - Season 11 (3 Discs) Bubble Guppies The Living Corpse - Ein Zombie Bonus Episode Family Guy Trickfilm 139min. Zeichentrick 1999-2002 min. zwischen den Fronten (Blu-ray Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2014 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 3D) (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057371 Germany 28.02.2014 The Amazing Adventures Of The Living 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057223 Corpse Caillou 31 - Caillou entdeckt die Dir. Justin Paul Ritter vier Jahreszeiten Feuerwehrmann Sam - Box 1 (2 Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie Trickfilm/Horror 2012 90min. Caillou Discs) KSM GmbH 17.02.2014 Dir. Jean Pilotte Fireman Sam - The New Series 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057250 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2000 min. Dir. Jerry Hibbert Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2007-2009 260min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) The Living Corpse - Ein Zombie 14.02.2014 justbridge entertainment media(FM kids) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057389 24.01.2014 zwischen den Fronten (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057258 The Amazing Adventures Of The Living Cars (Blu-ray 3D + 2D, 2 Discs) Corpse (Blu-ray) Für Hund und Katz ist auch noch Dir. Justin Paul Ritter Platz Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie Cars Trickfilm/Horror 2012 90min. Room On The Broom Dir. John Lasseter KSM GmbH 17.02.2014 Dir. Max Lang, Jan Lachauer Trickfilm/Komödie 2006 116min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057249 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Making of, Featurette, Bildergalerie Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 min. GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney/ Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Mit Jan und Tini auf Reisen Box 2 Pixar) 09.01.2014 16.01.2014 Dir. Jörg de Bomba, Gojko Mitic, Sepp Klose 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057085 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057043 Trailer Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 1974-1990 362min. Cars 1 / Cars 2 / Hook Neon 3 (3 Für Hund und Katz ist auch noch ICESTORM Entertainment 15.01.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057152 Discs) Platz (Blu-ray) Cars / Cars 2 / Cars Toons: Mater’s Tall Room On The Broom Tales My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Dir. Max Lang, Jan Lachauer Dir. John Lasseter, Brad Lewis My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Making of, Featurette, Bildergalerie Dir. Jayson Thiessen

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Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2013 72min. Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2014 Edel:Kids 31.01.2014 Turbo - Kleine Schnecke, großer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057369 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057320 Traum (Blu-ray) Turbo 90210 - Season 3.2 (3 Discs) My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Dir. David Soren 90210 (Blu-ray) Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 96min. Shenae Grimes, Lori Laughlin, Tristan My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Wilds, Rob Estes, AnnaLynne McCord, Dir. Jayson Thiessen Germany(DreamWorks) 14.02.2014 Dustin Milligan, Michael Steger, Ryan Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2013 75min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057053 Eggold, Jessica Stroup - Dir. Stuart Gillard, Edel:Kids 31.01.2014 Liz Friedlander, Millicent Shelton, David 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057339 Unterwegs mit Odysseus - Die Warren, James L. Conway, Krishna Rao, komplette Serie (2 Discs) Oz Scott, Rob Hardy, Dennis Smith, Harry Sinclair, David Paymer, Mike Listo, Rebecca My Little Pony: Prinzessinnen Dir. Tony Munzlinger Sinclair My Little Pony: The Princess Promenade Abenteuer/Zeichentrick 1979 390min. Dir. Victor Dal Chele Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Drama 2010 396min. Featurette 27.02.2014 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2006 44min. Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057140 justbridge entertainment media(FM Kids) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057370 24.01.2014 Wir lernen das ABC 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057259 Alles eine Frage der Zeit Let’s Learn: ABC About Time Popeye - Der Seemann & seine Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2012 119min. , Rachel McAdams, Bill Paramount Home Freunde, Teil 1 Nighy, Lydia Wilson, Lindsay Duncan, Ri- Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 03.01.2014 chard Cordery, Joshua McGuire, Tom Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1933-1942 250min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057076 Hollander, Margot Robbie, Will Merrick, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.02.2014 , Tom Hughes, Clemmie 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057321 Dugdale, Harry Hadden-Paton, Mitchell SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Biki- Mullen, Lisa Eichhorn - Dir. Film Komödie/Lovestory 2013 119min. ni Bottom Buddies Germany(Universal) Spongebob Squarepants 06.02.2014 Featurettes 10 Dinge, die ich an dir hasse 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057173 Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 83min. (Jubiläums-Edition) (Blu-ray) Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2014 10 Things I Hate About You Alles eine Frage der Zeit (Blu- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057374 Heath Ledger, Julia Stiles, Joseph Gordon- ray) Team Umizoomi - Tierische Hel- Levitt, Larisa Oleynik, David Krumholtz, About Time Andrew Keegan, Susan Pratt, Gabrielle den Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, Bill Union, Larry Miller, Daryl Mitchell, Allison Nighy, Lydia Wilson, Lindsay Duncan, Ri- Team Umizoomi Janney, David Leisure - Dir. Gil Junger chard Cordery, Joshua McGuire, Tom Linda Beck, Brandon Espinoza, Ethan Komödie 1998 min. Hollander, Margot Robbie, Will Merrick, Kempner, Harry Chase, Madalynn LeClair, The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Vanessa Kirby, Tom Hughes, Clemmie Miranda Maley, Matt Pascua, Donovan Pat- GmbH Home Entertainment & Dugdale, Harry Hadden-Paton, Mitchell ton, Roberta Reardon, Grayson Taylor Retail(Touchstone) 20.02.2014 Mullen, Lisa Eichhorn - Dir. Richard Curtis Bonusepisode 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057365 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 91min. Komödie/Lovestory 2013 124min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 11.6 - The French Job 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057075 06.02.2014 11.6 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057185 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - François Cluzet, Bouli Lanners, Corinne Masiero, Johan Libéreau - Dir. Philippe Showdown alphateam - Die Lebensretter im Godeau OP: Staffel 1 & 2 (12 Discs) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Ultimate Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 98min. Franz Hanfstingl, Nicole Boguth, Simone Showdown EuroVideo Medien 23.01.2014 Ritscher, Karen Böhne, Mila Mladek, Chiara Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 135min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057040 Paramount Home Schoras, Matthias Kreß, Saskia De Lando, Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 06.02.2014 11.6 - The French Job (Blu-ray) Anja Herden, Emily Wood, Donia Ben Jemia, Henny Reents - Dir. Gero Erhardt, Thomas 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057376 11.6 Frick, Christine Kabisch, Gunther Krää, François Cluzet, Bouli Lanners, Corinne George Moorse, Christoph Röhl, Bodo Turbo - Kleine Schnecke, großer Masiero, Johan Libéreau - Dir. Philippe Schwarz, Aljoscha Westermann Traum Godeau Drama 1997 2440min. Turbo Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 102min. Edel Germany(Aviator) 31.01.2014 Dir. David Soren EuroVideo Medien 23.01.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057325 Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 92min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057042 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment American Horror Story: Asylum (4 Germany(DreamWorks) 14.02.2014 90210 - Season 3.1 (3 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057047 90210 Discs) (k.J.) Shenae Grimes, Lori Laughlin, Tristan American Horror Story Turbo - Kleine Schnecke, großer Wilds, Rob Estes, AnnaLynne McCord, Jessica Lange, James Cromwell, Evan Traum (Blu-ray 3D, 2 Discs) (Blu- Dustin Milligan, Michael Steger, Ryan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Zachary Quinto, Lily Rabe, Joseph Fiennes, Chloë Sevigny, ray) Eggold, Jessica Stroup - Dir. Stuart Gillard, Liz Friedlander, Millicent Shelton, David Adam Levine, Franka Potente - Dir. Bradley Turbo Warren, James L. Conway, Krishna Rao, Buecker, Jeremy Podeswa, Michael Dir. David Soren Oz Scott, Rob Hardy, Dennis Smith, Harry Uppendahl, David Semel, Michael Rymer, Trickfilm/Komödie 2013 96min. Sinclair, David Paymer, Mike Listo, Rebecca Michael Lehmann, Alfonso Gomez-Rejon, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Sinclair Craig Zisk Germany(DreamWorks) 14.02.2014 Entfallene Szenen Horror/Drama 2012 min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057054 Drama 2010 438min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

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Germany 28.02.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057055 Kriminalfilm 1959-1968 277min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057226 Studio Hamburg Enterprises(DDR-Archiv) Bergerac - Jim Bergerac ermit- 24.01.2014 An ihrer Stelle - Fill the Void telt: Staffel 7 (3 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057139 Lemale Et Ha’Halal Bergerac Hadas Yaron, Yiftach Klein, Irit Sheleg, John Nettles, Terence Alexander, Sean Blood Alley - Schmutzige Ge- Chayim Sharir, Razia Israeli, Hila Feldman, Arnold, Mela White, David Kershaw, Nancy schäfte Renana Raz, Yael Tal, Michael David Weigl, Mansfield, John Telfer, Louise Jameson - True Justice: Blood Alley Ido Samuel, Neta Moran, Melech Thal - Dir. Dir. Robert Tronson , Steve Bacic, Sarah Lind - Rama Burshtein, Yigal Bursztyn Kriminalfilm 1981-1991 400min. Dir. Wayne Rose Drama 2012 90min. justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Action/Thriller 2012 87min. EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 14.02.2014 24.01.2014 Splendid Film 28.02.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057038 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057257 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057169 Antisocial - Alles andere als ein Edition 2: Licht Blood Alley - Schmutzige Ge- normaler Virus! (Blu-ray) (k.J.) im Winter / Persona / Szenen ei- schäfte (Blu-ray) Antisocial ner Ehe / Herbstsonate (4 Discs) True Justice: Blood Alley Michelle Mylett, Cody Ray Thompson, Adam (Blu-ray) Steven Seagal, Steve Bacic, Sarah Lind - Christie, Ana Alic, Romaine Waite, Ryan Dir. Wayne Rose Nattvardsgästerna / Persona / Scener Ur Barrett, Laurel Brandes - Dir. Cody Calahan Action/Thriller 2012 91min. Ett Äktenskap / Höstsonaten Thriller/Horror 2013 89min. Splendid Film 28.02.2014 Ingrid Thulin, Gunnar Björnstrand, Max von Mad Dimension GmbH 21.02.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057181 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057162 Sydow, Bibi Andersson, Liv Ullmann, Margaretha Krook, Erland Josephson, Ing- Bloody Horror Collection (3 Discs) rid Bergman, Halvar Björk - Dir. Ingmar Antisocial - Alles andere als ein (k.J.) normaler Virus! (k.J.) Bergman Dokumentationen, Wendecover, u.a. Court of Lonely Royals / Dead Man’s Antisocial Drama 1962-1978 416min. Cards / The Vanguard Michelle Mylett, Cody Ray Thompson, Adam STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Horror 182min. Christie, Ana Alic, Romaine Waite, Ryan Germany(Arthaus) 27.02.2014 Intergroove Media(Pretty Gold Productions) Barrett, Laurel Brandes - Dir. Cody Calahan 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057295 17.01.2014 Thriller/Horror 2013 86min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057094 Mad Dimension GmbH 21.02.2014 Ingmar Bergman Edition 3: (5 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057147 Discs) Bollywood Gold Collection Box (2 Das Apartment Die Hörige / Hafenstadt / An die Freude / Discs) Einen Sommer lang / Lektion in Liebe Daud - Fun on the Run / Duplicate / The Apartment Stig Järrel, Alf Kjellin, Mai Zetterling, Nine- Judwaa / Shakti: The Power Shirley MacLaine, Jack Lemmon, Ray Wals- Christine Jönsson, Bengt Eklund, Erik Hell, Drama 630min. ton, Fred MacMurray, Jack Kruschen, David Stig Olin, Maj-Britt Nilsson, Victor Sjöström, Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Lewis, Joan Shawlee, Edie Adams, Hope Birger Malmsten, Eva Dahlbeck, Gunnar 24.01.2014 Holiday, Naomi Stevens - Dir. Billy Wilder Björnstrand, Harriet Andersson - Dir. Alf 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057092 Komödie/Drama 1960 119min. Sjöberg, Ingmar Bergman Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Wendecover, u.a. Braquo - Die komplette erste Germany(MGM/UA) 14.02.2014 Drama 1944-1953 474min. Staffel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057403 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Braquo Germany(Arthaus) 27.02.2014 Jean-Hugues Anglade, Nicolas Die Bankiers (2 Discs) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057283 The Moneychangers Duvauchelle, Joseph Malerba, Karole Roch- Kirk Douglas, Christopher Plummer, Anne Bitch Massacre (Blu-ray) (k.J.) er, Geoffroy Thiebaut, Alain Figlarz, Samuel Le Bihan, Michel Duchaussoy, Valérie Baxter, Ralph Bellamy, Timothy Bottoms, Run! Bitch Run! Sibilia, Denis Sylvain - Dir. Olivier Marchal, Joan Collins - Dir. Boris Sagal Christina DeRosa, Cheryl Lyone, Peter Frédéric Schoendoerffer Drama 1976 390min. Tahoe, Johnny Winscher, Ivet Corvea, Mike Drama/Kriminalfilm 2009 416min. Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2014 Tursi, Chenoa Mason, Daeg Faerch - Dir. Studio Hamburg Enterprises 31.01.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057372 Joseph Guzman Trailer 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057023 Bates Motel - Season 1 (2 Discs) Thriller/Horror 2009 75min. (Blu-ray) Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) Braquo - Die komplette erste Bates Motel 31.01.2014 Staffel (Blu-ray) Horror/Thriller 2013 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057164 Braquo Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Jean-Hugues Anglade, Nicolas 27.02.2014 Bitch Massacre (k.J.) Duvauchelle, Joseph Malerba, Karole Roch- 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057189 Run! Bitch Run! er, Geoffroy Thiebaut, Alain Figlarz, Samuel Christina DeRosa, Cheryl Lyone, Peter Le Bihan, Michel Duchaussoy, Valérie Bates Motel - Season 1 (3 Discs) Tahoe, Johnny Winscher, Ivet Corvea, Mike Sibilia, Denis Sylvain - Dir. Olivier Marchal, Bates Motel Tursi, Chenoa Mason, Daeg Faerch - Dir. Frédéric Schoendoerffer Horror/Thriller 2013 min. Joseph Guzman Drama/Kriminalfilm 2009 433min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Trailer Studio Hamburg Enterprises 31.01.2014 Thriller/Horror 2009 72min. 27.02.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057031 Intergroove Media(TB Splatter Productions) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057177 31.01.2014 Briefe an Gott Bebu - Ein Hund für alle Schafe 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057150 Letters To God Lively, Jeffrey Johnson, Tanner Mist: The Tale Of A Sheepdog Puppy Blaulicht - Box 1 (2 Discs) Brian Blessed, Gillian Hanna, Clive Russell, Maguire, Michael Bolten, Maree Cheatham, Bruno Carstens, Alexander Papendiek, Una Stubbs - Dir. Richard Overall Christopher Schmidt, Dennis Neal, Ralph Horst Torka, Werner Senftleben - Dir. Hans- Drama/Familie 2006 75min. Waite, Cris Cunningham - Dir. David Nixon, Joachim Hildebrandt, Otto Holub SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 03.12.2013 Patrick Doughtie

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Drama 2010 95min. Californication Trailer Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) David Duchovny, Natascha McElhone, Thriller/Komödie 2013 108min. 02.12.2013 Pamela Adlon, Madeleine Martin, Evan Koch Media 20.03.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057145 Handler, Meagan Good, Jason Beghe, tba BestellNr.: 20057218 Stephen Tobolowsky, Scott Michael Foster Briefe an Gott (Blu-ray) - Dir. Jay Dahl, David Duchovny, Seith Charlie Countryman (Blu-ray) Letters To God Mann, Bart Freundlich, Millicent Shelton, The Necessary Death Of Charlie Robyn Lively, Jeffrey Johnson, Tanner Eric Stoltz, Michael Weaver, Helen Hunt, Countryman Maguire, Michael Bolten, Maree Cheatham, Michael Lehmann, Adam Bernstein Shia LaBeouf, Evan Rachel Wood, Til Christopher Schmidt, Dennis Neal, Ralph Featurettes Schweiger, Mads Mikkelsen, Rupert Grint, Waite, Cris Cunningham - Dir. David Nixon, Drama/Satire 2012 328min. James Buckley, Vanessa Kirby, Montserrat Patrick Doughtie Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2014 Lombard, Lachlan Nieboer - Dir. Fredrik Drama 2010 100min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057388 Bond Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Trailer Thriller/Komödie 2013 112min. 02.12.2013 Camille - Verliebt nochmal Koch Media 20.03.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057160 Camille Redouble Noémie Lvovsky, Samir Guesmi (Éric), Ju- tba BestellNr.: 20057245 dith Chemla, India , Julia Faure, Yolande Die Brücke (Blu-ray) Cheap Thrills (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Folker Bohnet, Fritz Wepper, Michael Hinz, Moreau, Michel Vuillermoz, Denis Cheap Thrills Volker Lechtenbrink, Frank Glaubrecht, Karl Podalydès, Jean-Pierre Léaud, Mathieu Pat Healy, Ethan Embry, David Koechner, Michael Balzer, Günther Hoffmann, Cordula Amalric, Anne Alvaro, Riad Sattouf - Dir. Sara Paxton, Amanda Fuller, Laura Covelli, Trantow, Wolfgang Stumpf, Günter Noémie Lvovsky Elissa Dowling, Eric Neil Gutierrez - Dir. Pfitzmann, Heinz Spitzner, Siegfried Komödie 2012 min. E.L. Katz Schürenberg, Ruth Hausmeister, Edith Movienet Film 21.02.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20057289 Trailer Schultze-Westrum, Eva Vaitl, Hans Thriller/Komödie 2013 88min. Elwenspoek, Trude Breitschopf, Klaus Koch Media 20.03.2014 Hellmold, Edeltraud Elsner, Vicco von Bü- tba BestellNr.: 20057246 low, Til Kiwe, Georg Lehn - Dir. Bernhard Casa De Mi Padre Wicki , Gael García Bernal, Diego Cheap Thrills (k.J.) Luna, Genesis Rodriguez, , Interview, Trailer, Wendecover Cheap Thrills Kriegsfilm 1959 102min. Efren Ramirez, , Mariann Pat Healy, Ethan Embry, David Koechner, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Gavelo - Dir. Matt Piedmont Sara Paxton, Amanda Fuller, Laura Covelli, Germany(Arthaus) 13.02.2014 Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Interview, Trailer Elissa Dowling, Eric Neil Gutierrez - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057279 Komödie/Western 2011 84min. Pecom AG 11.02.2014 E.L. Katz 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057024 Trailer Der Butler Thriller/Komödie 2013 85min. The Butler Casa de mi Padre (Blu-ray) Koch Media 20.03.2014 Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, David tba BestellNr.: 20057219 Oyelowo, Elijah Kelley, Terrence Howard, Casa De Mi Padre Cuba Gooding Jr., Lenny Kravitz, Yaya Will Ferrell, Gael García Bernal, Diego Checker Can - Der Fahrrad-Check Luna, Genesis Rodriguez, Nick Offerman, Alafia, Robin Williams, James Marsden, / Der Skateboard-Check Minka Kelly, Liev Schreiber, John Cusack, Efren Ramirez, Adrian Martinez, Mariann Checker Can Alan Rickman, Jane Fonda, Alex Pettyfer, Gavelo - Dir. Matt Piedmont Can Mansuroglu - Dir. Martin Tischner, Jo- , Mariah Carey, David Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Interview, Trailer Komödie/Western 2011 88min. hannes Honsell, Jesco Hoffmann Banner - Dir. Lee Daniels Pecom AG 11.02.2014 Kinderfilm 50min. Drama/Biographie 2013 127min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057032 Universal Music Family Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 27.02.2014 Entertainment(Karussell) 13.12.2013 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057212 Cecelia Ahern: Zwischen Himmel 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057065 und hier Der Butler (Blu-ray) Checker Can - Der Sylvester- The Butler Yvonne Catterfeld, Julia Richter, Sebastian Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey, David Ströbel, Roman Knizka, Manuel Witting, Check / Der Weihnachts-Check Oyelowo, Elijah Kelley, Terrence Howard, Stuart Dunne, Gerry O’Brien, Antje Schmidt, Checker Can Cuba Gooding Jr., Lenny Kravitz, Yaya Marion Mitterhammer, Brendan Conroy, Can Mansuroglu - Dir. Martin Tischner, Jo- Alafia, Robin Williams, James Marsden, Thure Riefenstein, Lisa Kreuzer - Dir. Mi- hannes Honsell, Jesco Hoffmann Minka Kelly, Liev Schreiber, John Cusack, chael Karen Kinderfilm 50min. Alan Rickman, Jane Fonda, Alex Pettyfer, Drama/Lovestory 89min. Universal Music Family Vanessa Redgrave, Mariah Carey, David Universum Film(ZDF Video) 14.02.2014 Entertainment(Karussell) 13.12.2013 Banner - Dir. Lee Daniels 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057261 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057066 Drama/Biographie 2013 132min. Prokino Filmverleih GmbH 27.02.2014 Charlie Chaplin - Klassischer Kla- Cheech & Chong - Jetzt raucht 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057240 mauk überhaupt nichts mehr Sir Charles Chaplin Cheech And Chong: Still Smokin’ Cabaret der Zombies (k.J.) Bildergalerie, Trailer Richard „Cheech“ Marin, Tommy Chong, The Incredibly Strange Creatures (Who Komödie/Slapstick 180min. Hans van In’t Veld, Carol van Herwijnen, Stopped Living And Became Mixed-Up Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.02.2014 Shireen Strooker, Susan Hahn, Mariette Zombies!!?) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057334 Bout - Dir. Tommy Chong Carolyn Brandt, Cash Flagg, Atlas King - Trailer Dir. Ray Dennis Steckler Charlie Countryman Komödie 1983 87min. Horror 1964 80min. The Necessary Death Of Charlie Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Maritim Pictures 21.02.2014 Countryman 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057347 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057084 Shia LaBeouf, Evan Rachel Wood, Til Schweiger, Mads Mikkelsen, Rupert Grint, Cheech & Chong - Viel Rauch um Californication - Die fünfte James Buckley, Vanessa Kirby, Montserrat nichts Season (3 Discs) (k.J.) Lombard, Lachlan Nieboer - Dir. Fredrik Up In Smoke Bond Richard „Cheech“ Marin, Tommy Chong,

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Edie Adams, Strother Martin, Christopher - Die zweite Season (3 02.01.2014 Joy, Stacy Keach, Tom Skerritt - Dir. Lou Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057086 Adler Cheers Audiokommentar, Entfernte Szenen, Trailer - Die komplette erste Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, Komödie 1979 82min. Staffel (4 DVDs) Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, The Closer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057346 George Wendt, , Kirstie Alley, Kelsey Grammer, , Kyra Sedgwick, J.K. Simmons, Corey Cheech & Chong - Viel Rauch um Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, Reynolds, Robert Gossett, G. W. Bailey, Anthony John Denison, Jon Tenney, Micha- nichts / Jetzt raucht überhaupt Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, el Paul Chan, Raymond Cruz, Phillip P. nichts mehr (2 Discs) Richard Doyle, Frances Sternhagen, Dan Keene, Gina Ravera, Jonathan Del Arco, Up In Smoke / Still Smokin’ Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy Mary McDonnell, James Avery, Ransford Richard „Cheech“ Marin, Tommy Chong Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, Doherty, Frances Sternhagen, Barry Komödie 1979-1983 169min. Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy Corbin, Stephen Martines, Sosie Bacon, Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Ackerman, John Ratzenberger Conan McCarty - Dir. Michael M. Robin, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057348 Featurettes, Outtakes Elodie Keene, Craig Zisk, Greg Yaitanes, Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 518min. Gloria Muzio, Arvin Brown, Tawnia Cheers - Die dritte Season (4 Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 McKiernan, Rick Wallace, Charles Haid, Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057343 Matt Earl Beesley, Nelson McCormick, Lesli Cheers Linka Glatter Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, Der Chef - Der Tote, der nicht Entfallene Szenen Kriminalfilm 2005-2012 576min. Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, dterben durfte / Strychnin und Warner Home Video Germany 13.12.2013 George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie Kugeln 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057045 Alley, Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, Ironside Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, Raymond Burr, Don Galloway, Don Mitchell, Cocktail für eine Leiche (Blu-ray) Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, Gene Lyons, Barbara Anderson, Elizabeth Rope Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, Baur, Johnny Seven, - Dir. James Stewart, John Dall, Farley Granger, Richard Doyle, Frances Sternhagen, Dan Abner Biberman, Robert Butler, Michael Joan Chandler, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy Caffey, Richard A. Colla, John Florea, Da- Constance Collier, Edith Evanson, Douglas Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, vid Friedkin, William A. Graham, Daniel Dick - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy Haller, Leonard Horn, Jerry Jameson, Thriller 1948 80min. Ackerman, John Ratzenberger Bruce Kessler, Alf Kjellin, Anton Leader, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Featurettes Leslie H. Martinson, Russell Mayberry, Don Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 592min. 06.02.2014 McDougall, James Neilson, Christian J. Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057195 Nyby II, Leo Penn, Daniel Petrie, Allen 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057344 Reisner, David Lowell Rich, Boris Sagal, Code Red (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Cheers - Die sechste Season (4 Jimmy Sangster, Robert Scheerer, Ralph Code Red Senensky, Barry Shear, James Sheldon, Discs) Paul Logan, Manal El-Feitury, Forbes KB, Jeannot Szwarc, Don Weis Mya-Lecia Naylor, Velizar Binev, Dimo Cheers Kriminalfilm 1967-1975 min. Alexiev - Dir. Valeri Milev Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, Soulfood Music Distribution(Moviepoint) Making of Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, 29.11.2013 Action/Horror 2013 95min. George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057009 WVG Medien(E1 ) Alley, Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, 28.03.2014 Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, Die Chroniken von Narnia - Prinz 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057308 Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, Kaspian von Narnia (Blu-ray) Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian Code Red (k.J.) Richard Doyle, Frances Sternhagen, Dan Ben Barnes, William Moseley, Georgie Code Red Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy Henley, Anna Popplewell, Skandar Keynes, Paul Logan, Manal El-Feitury, Forbes KB, Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, Peter Dinklage, Warwick Davis, Sergio Mya-Lecia Naylor, Velizar Binev, Dimo Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy Castellitto, Pierfrancesco Favino, Damián Alexiev - Dir. Valeri Milev Ackerman, John Ratzenberger Alcázar, Vincent Grass, Alicia Borrachero, Making of Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 588min. Action/Horror 2013 91min. Shane Rangi, Cornell John - Dir. Andrew Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Adamson 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057069 Audiokommentare, Featurettes, Outtakes, u.a. 28.03.2014 Fantasy 2008 150min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057301 Cheers - Die vierte Season (4 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Discs) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Criminal Minds - Die komplette Cheers 02.01.2014 achte Staffel (5 Discs) Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057114 Criminal Minds Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, Mandy Patinkin, Thomas Gibson, Lola George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie Die Chroniken von Narnia: Der Glaudini, Shemar Moore, Matthew Gray Alley, Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, König von Narnia (Blu-ray) Gubler, A.J. Cook, Kirsten Vangsness, Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Meredith Monroe - Dir. Charles Haid, Ri- Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, Witch And The Wardrobe chard Shepard Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, Georgie Henley, William Moseley, Skandar Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes, Beautiful Minds Kriminalfilm 2005-2006 984min. Richard Doyle, Frances Sternhagen, Dan Keynes, Anna Popplewell, Tilda Swinton, The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy Jim Broadbent, James McAvoy, James GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(ABC Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, Cosmo, Patrick Kake, Shane Rangi, Studios) 20.02.2014 Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy Elizabeth Hawthorne, Kiran Shah - Dir. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057354 Ackerman, John Ratzenberger Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 616min. Featurettes, Audiokommentare, u.a. Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Fantasy 2005 143min. Cypher (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057345 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Cypher GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(Disney) Jeremy Northam, Lucy Liu, Nigel Bennett,

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David Hewlett, Kari Matchett, Timothy The Deadly Game (Blu-ray) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Webber - Dir. Vincenzo Natali All Things To All Men GmbH Home Entertainment & Audiokommentare, Kurzfilm „Elevated“, Making of, Interviews, Retail(Touchstone) 20.02.2014 Behind the Scenes, 9 nicht verwendete Szenen, isolierte Gabriel Byrne, Toby Stephens, Rufus Filmmusik, Multi-Angle Storyboard/Film-Vergleich, Bilderga- Sewell, Elsa Pataky, Leo Gregory, Julian 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057358 lerien, Trailer, Biografien, Produktionsnotizen Sands, Terence Maynard, Pierre Mascolo, Thriller/Science Fiction 2002 96min. David Schofield, Junior Quartey - Dir. Der Dieb von Bagdad Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 George Isaac The Thief Of Baghdad 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057022 Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Douglas Fairbanks sen., Snitz Edwards, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 85min. Charles Belcher, Julanne Johnston, Anna Dance Academy - Dance to Win Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) May Wong, Winter Blossom, Etta Lee, Dance Academy II 13.02.2014 Brandon Hurst, Tote Du Crow - Dir. Raoul Sally Stewart, Carlos Gómez, Daniel Quinn, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057186 Walsh Christina Haack, Adrian Paul, Curtis Abenteuer 1924 148min. Womack - Dir. Ted Mather Deadwood - Die komplette dritte Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Musikfilm 1989 97min. Season (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Classic Selection) 13.02.2014 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 Deadwood 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057128 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057013 Timothy Olyphant, Ian McShane, Molly Par- ker, Jim Beaver, W. Earl Brown, Kim Der Dieb von Bagdad (Blu-ray) Dance Academy - Dance to Win Dickens, Brad Dourif, , John The Thief Of Baghdad (Blu-ray) Hawkes, Jeffrey Jones, Robin Weigert, Douglas Fairbanks sen., Snitz Edwards, Dance Academy II Paula Malcomson, Leon Rippy, William Charles Belcher, Julanne Johnston, Anna Sally Stewart, Carlos Gómez, Daniel Quinn, Sanderson, Dayton Callie, Powers Boothe - May Wong, Winter Blossom, Etta Lee, Christina Haack, Adrian Paul, Curtis Dir. Walter Hill, Michael Almereyda, Gregg Brandon Hurst, Tote Du Crow - Dir. Raoul Womack - Dir. Ted Mather Fienberg, Davis Guggenheim, Timothy Van Walsh Musikfilm 1989 97min. Patten Abenteuer 1924 154min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 Western/Drama 2004-2005 611min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057018 Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Classic Selection) 13.02.2014 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057080 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057135 Dark Tourist The Grief Tourist The Demolitionist (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Die Dienstagsfrauen - Sieben Michael Cudlitz, Melanie Griffith, Pruitt The Demolitionist Tage ohne Taylor Vince, Suzanne Quast, Nayo Nicole Eggert, Richard Grieco, Bruce Ulrike Kriener, Saskia Vester, Nina Hoger, Wallace, Samantha Lester, Maxine English, Abbott, Susan Tyrrell, Randy Vasquez, Jule Ronstedt, Miranda Leonhardt, Reiner Brian Hall, Steve Nave - Dir. Suri Jack Nance - Dir. Robert Kurtzman Schöne, Minh-Khai Phan-Thi, Dieter Krishnamma Action/Science Fiction 1996 97min. Hallervorden, Kathrin Ackermann, Thriller/Drama 2012 82min. VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 28.01.2014 Constantin von Jascheroff, Hans Schenker, Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057278 Ingrid Stein, Ernst-Georg Schwill, Ulrike GmbH & Co. KG 21.02.2014 Bliefert, Thomas Limpinsel, Dana Cebulla - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057200 The Demolitionist (k.J.) Dir. Olaf Kreinsen The Demolitionist Komödie 2013 90min. Dark Tourist (Blu-ray) Nicole Eggert, Richard Grieco, Bruce polyband Medien GmbH 04.01.2014 The Grief Tourist Abbott, Susan Tyrrell, Randy Vasquez, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057010 Michael Cudlitz, Melanie Griffith, Pruitt Jack Nance - Dir. Robert Kurtzman Taylor Vince, Suzanne Quast, Nayo Action/Science Fiction 1996 93min. Dinosaurier Alligator (Blu-ray 3D) Wallace, Samantha Lester, Maxine English, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 28.01.2014 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Brian Hall, Steve Nave - Dir. Suri 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057266 Alligator X Krishnamma Elena Lyons, Mark Sheppard, Lochlyn Thriller/Drama 2012 85min. Deranged - Wie gut kennst du Munro, Paul Wall, Gabe Begneaud, James Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs deine Freunde? (Blu-ray) (k.J.) DuMont, Debby Gaudet, Tony Senzamici, GmbH & Co. KG 21.02.2014 Deranged Scott L. Schwartz, Lacey Minchew - Dir. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057232 Marcia Do Vales, Craig Fairbrass, Victoria Amir Valinia Broom, Natalia Celino, Tabitha Quitman, Bildergalerie, Trailer Daydream Nation Pablo Olewski - Dir. Neil Jones Horror/Abenteuer 2010 96min. Daydream Nation Thriller/Horror 2012 94min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.01.2014 Kat Dennings, Reece Thompson, Josh MIG Film 14.02.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057393 Lucas, Andie MacDowell, Rachel 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057238 Blanchard, Landon Liboiron, Katie Boland, Dinosaurier Alligator (Blu-ray) Ted Whittall, Calum Worthy, Natasha Calis - Deranged - Wie gut kennst du (k.J.) Dir. Michael Goldbach deine Freunde? (k.J.) Alligator X Drama/Lovestory 2010 94min. Deranged Elena Lyons, Mark Sheppard, Lochlyn Universum Film 14.02.2014 Marcia Do Vales, Craig Fairbrass, Victoria Munro, Paul Wall, Gabe Begneaud, James 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057124 Broom, Natalia Celino, Tabitha Quitman, DuMont, Debby Gaudet, Tony Senzamici, Scott L. Schwartz, Lacey Minchew - Dir. The Deadly Game Pablo Olewski - Dir. Neil Jones Thriller/Horror 2012 90min. Amir Valinia All Things To All Men MIG Film 14.02.2014 Bildergalerie, Trailer Gabriel Byrne, Toby Stephens, Rufus Horror/Abenteuer 2010 96min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057210 Sewell, Elsa Pataky, Leo Gregory, Julian Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.01.2014 Sands, Terence Maynard, Pierre Mascolo, Dick Tracy (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057392 David Schofield, Junior Quartey - Dir. Dick Tracy George Isaac Dinosaurier Alligator (k.J.) Warren Beatty, Al Pacino, Charlie Korsmo, Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 82min. Alligator X Glenne Headly, Dustin Hoffman, Madonna, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Elena Lyons, Mark Sheppard, Lochlyn William Forsythe, Mandy Patinkin, Charles 13.02.2014 Munro, Paul Wall, Gabe Begneaud, James Durning, Dick van Dyke, James Caan - Dir. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057174 DuMont, Debby Gaudet, Tony Senzamici, Warren Beatty Scott L. Schwartz, Lacey Minchew - Dir. Kriminalfilm/Action 1990 min.

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Amir Valinia Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover There Will Be Blood / Magnolia Bildergalerie, Trailer Drama 1997-2008 210min. Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Kevin J. Horror/Abenteuer 2010 92min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment O’Connor, Jason Robards, Julianne Moore, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.01.2014 Germany(Arthaus) 27.02.2014 Tom Cruise - Dir. Paul Thomas Anderson 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057381 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057285 Trailer, Wendecover, u.a. Drama 1999-2007 333min. - Die komplette Staf- Double Up Collection: Date Movie STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment fel 5 (6 Discs) / Fantastic Movie (2 Discs) Germany(Arthaus) 27.02.2014 Doctor Who Date Movie / Epic Movie 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057292 , Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Alyson Hannigan, Adam Campbell, Tony Nicholas Briggs, , Caitlin Cox, Kal Penn, Jennifer Coolidge - Dir. Aa- Double Up Collection: Verlobung Blackwood, Mark Gatiss, Alexander ron Seltzer, Jason Friedberg auf Umwegen / Vier Hochzeiten Armstrong, Richard Hope, , Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes, Gag Reel, und ein Todesfall (2 Discs) Interviews, TV-Spots, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Alternati- Daisy Haggard, Sir Simon Callow ves Ende, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover, u.a. Leap Year / Four Weddings And A Funeral Videotagebücher, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes Komödie 2006-2007 170min. Amy Adams, Matthew Goode, Adam Scott, Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2010 600min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell, Kristin Scott polyband Medien GmbH 31.01.2014 Germany 27.02.2014 Thomas - Dir. Anand Tucker, Mike Newell 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057109 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057274 Making ofs, Behind the Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, Foto- galerie, Trailer, Wendecover Doctor Who - Die komplette Staf- Double Up Collection: Der Engli- Komödie 1993-2009 209min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment fel 5 (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) sche Patient / Unterwegs nach Doctor Who Germany 27.02.2014 Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, Arthur Darvill, Cold Mountain (2 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057293 Nicholas Briggs, Alex Kingston, Caitlin The English Patient / Cold Mountain Blackwood, Mark Gatiss, Alexander Ralph Fiennes, Juliette Binoche, Willem Double Up Collection: Wenn Armstrong, Richard Hope, James Corden, Dafoe, Jude Law, , Renée Träume fliegen lernen / Gottes Daisy Haggard, Sir Simon Callow Zellweger - Dir. Anthony Minghella Werk und Teufels Beitrag (2 Videotagebücher, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes Audiokommentare, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2010 600min. Drama 1996-2003 303min. Discs) polyband Medien GmbH 31.01.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Finding Neverland / The Cider House 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057121 Germany(Arthaus) 27.02.2014 Rules 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057275 Johnny Depp, , Julie Christie, Doggie Boogie - Disco-Fieber auf Tobey Maguire, Charlize Theron, Delroy vier Pfoten Double Up Collection: Emma / Lindo - Dir. Marc Forster, Lasse Hallström Die Herzogin (2 Discs) Featurettes, Audiokommentare, Outtakes; Entfallene Szenen, Doggie Boogie Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Making of, Trailer, Wende- Jesse Draper, Bettina Devin, Jane Wiedlin - Emma / The Duchess cover Dir. Romanus Wolter Keira Knightley, Ralph Fiennes, Charlotte Drama 1999-2004 217min. Komödie/Drama 2011 97min. Rampling, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeremy STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Edel Germany(Starmovie) 21.02.2014 Northam, - Dir. Saul Dibb, Germany(Arthaus) 27.02.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057329 Douglas McGrath 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057294 Bildergalerie, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, TV-Spots, Trailer, Wendecover Drecksau - Es ist Zeit, versaut zu Dogs of Hell - Bluthunde aus der Drama 1996-2008 222min. Hölle STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment sein Chupacabra Vs. The Alamo Germany 27.02.2014 Filth Nicole Muñoz, Erik Estrada, Julia Benson, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057282 James McAvoy, Jamie Bell, Eddie Marsan, Zak Santiago, Dave Dimapilis, Samuel Jim Broadbent, Gary Lewis, Joanne Patrick Chu, Bishop Brigante, Brent Double Up Collection: Kurzer Froggatt, Imogen Poots, Shauna McLaren - Dir. Terry Ingram Prozess - Righteous Kill / Gesetz MacDonald, John Sessions, Brian McCardie, Emun Elliott, Shirley Henderson, Horror/Action 2013 84min. der Straße - Brooklyn’s ... (2 Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Pollyanna McIntosh - Dir. Jon S. Baird 16.01.2014 Discs) Interviews, B-Roll, Featurette, Trailer Drama/Komödie 2013 97min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057106 Righteous Kill / Brooklyn’s Finest Al Pacino, , 50 Cent, Richard Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 25.02.2014 Dogs of Hell - Bluthunde aus der Gere, Don Cheadle, Ethan Hawke - Dir. Jon 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057217 Hölle (Blu-ray) Avnet, Antoine Fuqua Audiokommentare, Making ofs, Featurettes, Entfallene Sze- Drecksau - Es ist Zeit, versaut zu Chupacabra Vs. The Alamo nen, TV-Spots, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Wendecover sein (Blu-ray) Nicole Muñoz, Erik Estrada, Julia Benson, Drama 2008-2009 224min. Filth Zak Santiago, Dave Dimapilis, Samuel STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment James McAvoy, Jamie Bell, Eddie Marsan, Patrick Chu, Bishop Brigante, Brent Germany 27.02.2014 Jim Broadbent, Gary Lewis, Joanne McLaren - Dir. Terry Ingram 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057284 Froggatt, Imogen Poots, Shauna Horror/Action 2013 87min. MacDonald, John Sessions, Brian Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Double Up Collection: Red Heat / McCardie, Emun Elliott, Shirley Henderson, 16.01.2014 Der City Hai (2 Discs) (k.J.) Pollyanna McIntosh - Dir. Jon S. Baird 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057119 Red Heat / Raw Deal Interviews, B-Roll, Featurette, Trailer Arnold Schwarzenegger, Kathryn Harrold, Drama/Komödie 2013 101min. Double Up Collection: Das Leben Sam Wanamaker, James Belushi, Peter Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 25.02.2014 ist schön / Der Junge im gestreif- Boyle - Dir. John Irvin, Walter Hill 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057244 ten Pyjama (2 Discs) Making ofs, Trailer, Wendecover Action 1986-1988 200min. La Vita è Bella / The Boy In The Striped Drei Stunden STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Pyjamas Nicholas Reinke, Claudia Eisinger, Peter Germany 27.02.2014 Roberto Benigni, Nicoletta Braschi, Giustino Nitzsche, Lucy Wirth, Dietrich 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057273 Durano, Asa Butterfield, Jack Scanlon, Hollinderbäumer, Hartmut Schreier, Matthias Brenner, Doris Buchrucker, Christian Heiner Amber Beattie - Dir. Roberto Benigni, Mark Double Up Collection: There Will Herman Wolf, Katharina Goebel, Florian Schmidt- Interviews, Making of, Behind the Scenes, Audiokommentar, Be Blood / Magnolia (2 Discs) Gahlen, Pascal Fligg, Christian Lex, Annina

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Butterworth, Judith von Radetzky, Joana Eureka Adu-Gyamfi, Horst Krauss, Alexander Enemies Closer - Gefährlich nah Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson, Joe Krötsch, Miriam Mack, Christian (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Morton, Erica Cerra, Jordan Hinson, Neil Ammermuller, Stefan Rutz, Catalina Navarro Enemies Closer Grayston, Ed Quinn, Christopher Gauthier, Kirner - Dir. Boris Kunz Tom Everett Scott, Orlando Jones, Jean- Niall Matter, Meshach Peters, Frances Fis- Komödie/Lovestory 2012 97min. Claude van Damme, Linzey Cocker, Zahary her, Vanya Asher, Christopher Jacot, Ever EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 14.02.2014 Baharov, Kristopher Van Varenberg, Vlado Carradine 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057039 Mihailov, Dimo Alexiev, Christopher Robbie - Science Fiction/Komödie 2008 781min. Dir. Peter Hyams Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Drei Stunden (Blu-ray) Action/Thriller 2013 85min. 06.02.2014 Nicholas Reinke, Claudia Eisinger, Peter Planet Media Home Entertainment(NewKSM) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057192 Nitzsche, Lucy Wirth, Dietrich 17.02.2014 Hollinderbäumer, Hartmut Schreier, Matthias 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057248 EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt, Brenner, Doris Buchrucker, Christian Heiner Season Two (Blu-ray) Wolf, Katharina Goebel, Florian Schmidt- Enemies Closer - Gefährlich nah Eureka Gahlen, Pascal Fligg, Christian Lex, Annina (k.J.) Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson, Joe Butterworth, Judith von Radetzky, Joana Enemies Closer Morton, Erica Cerra, Jordan Hinson, Neil Adu-Gyamfi, Horst Krauss, Alexander Tom Everett Scott, Orlando Jones, Jean- Grayston, Ed Quinn, Christopher Gauthier, Krötsch, Miriam Mack, Christian Claude van Damme, Linzey Cocker, Zahary Debrah Farentino, Matt Frewer, Niall Matter, Ammermuller, Stefan Rutz, Catalina Navarro Baharov, Kristopher Van Varenberg, Vlado Meshach Peters, Vanya Asher, Christopher Kirner - Dir. Boris Kunz Mihailov, Dimo Alexiev, Christopher Robbie - Jacot Komödie/Lovestory 2012 97min. Dir. Peter Hyams Science Fiction/Komödie 2007 559min. EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 14.02.2014 Action/Thriller 2013 82min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) tba BestellNr.: 20057041 Planet Media Home Entertainment(NewKSM) 06.02.2014 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057191 Drugs, Sex and Revenge (Blu-ray) 17.02.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057222 (k.J.) Evil Dead Woods (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Donkey EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt, Abandoned Souls Matthew Stefiuk, Cassandra Petrella, Greg Season Five: Final Season (Blu- Vicki Rivard, Aiden Simko, Allen Bergeron, Hiscock, Sean Tucker, Wayne Wilson, Ginette Gaskin, Ivana Stojanovic - Dir. Chris Allison Brennan, Valerie Casault, Adam ray) Abell Beach, Luigi Saracino - Dir. Adrian Langley Eureka Horror 2010 95min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson-Whitfield, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 21.02.2014 Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 88min. Joe Morton, Erica Cerra, Neil Grayston, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057391 Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Niall Matter - Dir. Matthew Hastings, Micha- 02.12.2013 el Robison, Mike Rohl, Jaime Paglia, Salli Evil Dead Woods (k.J.) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057159 Richardson-Whitfield, Colin Ferguson, Alex- Abandoned Souls andra La Roche, Joe Morton Vicki Rivard, Aiden Simko, Allen Bergeron, Drugs, Sex and Revenge (k.J.) Science Fiction/Komödie 2012 603min. Ginette Gaskin, Ivana Stojanovic - Dir. Chris Donkey Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Abell Matthew Stefiuk, Cassandra Petrella, Greg 06.02.2014 Horror 2010 90min. Hiscock, Sean Tucker, Wayne Wilson, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057194 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 21.02.2014 Allison Brennan, Valerie Casault, Adam 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057380 Beach, Luigi Saracino - Dir. Adrian Langley EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt, Trailer, Bildergalerie Season Four (Blu-ray) Falcon Crest - Staffel 02 Action/Kriminalfilm 2010 85min. Eureka Falcon Crest Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson, Erica Jane Wyman, Lorenzo Lamas, Susan 02.12.2013 Cerra, Neil Grayston, Joe Morton, Christo- Sullivan, Chao Li Chi, David Selby, Margaret 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057144 pher Gauthier, Jordan Hinson, Niall Matter - Ladd, Robert Foxworth - Dir. Reza Badiyi, Ed Wood (Blu-ray) Dir. Matthew Hastings, Mike Rohl Harry Harris, Robert Foxworth Science Fiction/Komödie 2010-2011 Drama 1982-1983 1018min. Ed Wood 868min. Warner Home Video Germany 06.12.2013 Johnny Depp, Martin Landau, Sarah Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057044 Jessica Parker, Patricia Arquette, Jeffrey 06.02.2014 Jones, G. D. Spradlin, Vincent D’Onofrio, 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057193 Falsches Spiel mit Roger Rabbit Lisa Marie, Bill Murray, Mike Starr, Max (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Casella, Brent Hinkley, Juliet Landau, EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt, George „The Animal“ Steele - Dir. Tim Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Burton Season One (Blu-ray) Bob Hoskins, Christopher Lloyd, Joanna Komödie/Drama 1994 min. Eureka Cassidy, Stubby Kaye, Richard The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Colin Ferguson, Salli Richardson, Joe LeParmentier, Joel Silver - Dir. Robert GmbH Home Entertainment & Morton, Erica Cerra, Jordan Hinson, Neil Zemeckis, Richard Williams Retail(Touchstone) 20.02.2014 Grayston, Ed Quinn, Christopher Gauthier, Komödie 1988 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057359 Debrah Farentino, Matt Frewer, Meshach The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Peters, Shayn Solberg - Dir. Michael Lange, GmbH Home Entertainment & Eins, Zwei, Drei Jefery Levy, Michael Rohl, Michael Retail(Touchstone) 20.02.2014 One, Two, Three Robinson, Michael Grossman, Jeffrey 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057360 James Cagney, Horst Buchholz, Liselotte Woolnough, Colin Bucksey, David Straiton, Pulver, Arlene Francis, Ralf Wolter, Pamela Peter O’Fallon, Marita Grabiak Fantastische Dinosaurier (2 Discs) Tiffin, Hanns Lothar, Karl Lieffen, Hubert Science Fiction/Komödie 2006 553min. Der Neandertaler / Vom Mammut zum von Meyerinck, Howard St. John, Friedrich Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Säbelzahntiger / The Land That Time Hollaender - Dir. Billy Wilder 06.02.2014 Forgot / Die verlorene Welt / 100 Million Komödie 1961 104min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057190 BC Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Fantasy 425min. Germany(MGM/UA) 14.02.2014 EUReKA - Die geheime Stadt, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.01.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057401 Season Three (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057377

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The Four Feathers (Blu-ray) Ruehl, Patricia Clarkson, Shelley Long, Amy Faust (Blu-ray) The Four Feathers Brenneman, Virginia Madsen, Conrad Janis, Will Quadflieg, Gustaf Gründgens, Elisa- Sir John Clements, Sir Ralph Richardson, George DelHoyo, Lindsay Frost, Gigi Rice, beth Flickenschildt, Hermann Schomberg, Sir C. Aubrey Smith, June Duprez, Allan Jennifer Beals, Aaron Eckhart, Rosie Perez Uwe Friedrichsen, Ella Büchi, Eduard Jeayes, Jack Allen, Donald Gray, Henry - Dir. David Lee, Kelsey Grammer, Pamela Marks, Heinz Reincke, Hans Irle - Dir. Peter Oscar, John Laurie - Dir. Zoltán Korda Fryman, James Burrows, Sheldon Epps, Gorski Bildergalerie Philip Charles MacKenzie, Jeffrey Melman, Filmdokumentation: Der Dokumentation, Trailer, Wendecover Abenteuer 1939 110min. Katy Garretson, Scott Ellis, Andy Drama 1960 128min. Intergroove Media(TB Classic Productions) Ackerman, Wil Shriner, Jerry Zaks STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 31.01.2014 Komödie 1993-2004 507min. Germany(Arthaus) 13.02.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057236 Paramount Home Enterta 03.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057280 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057072 Frankenstein - Experiment in Ter- The Fear (Season 1) (2 Discs) ror (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Friedhof der Kuscheltiere The Fear The Prometheus Project Pet Sematary Thriller 2012 200min. Louis Mandylor, Tiffany Shepis, Patti Dale Midkiff, Denise Crosby, Fred Gwynne, polyband Medien GmbH 25.02.2014 Tindall, Ed Lauter, Kristina Wayborn, Scott Brad Greenquist, Michael Lombard, Miko 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057310 Anthony Leet, Maya Stojan, David C. Hughes - Dir. Mary Lambert Horror 1989 98min. Finsterworld Hayes, Esther Ellsworth, Richard Anderson - Dir. Sean Tretta Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Ronald Zehrfeld, Sandra Hüller, Michael Thriller/Horror 2010 91min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057352 Maertens, Margit Carstensen, Corinna SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(MIG Harfouch, Bernhard Schütz, Johannes Filmgroup) 24.01.2014 Die Fürsten der Dunkelheit Krisch, Christoph Bach, Carla Juri, Leonard 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057234 (Uncut) Scheicher, Jakub Gierszal, Max Pellny, Prince Of Darkness Dieter Meier, Markus Hering - Dir. Frauke Frankenstein - Experiment in Ter- Donald Pleasence, Jameson Parker, Victor Finsterwalder Trailer, Making of, Interviews ror (k.J.) Wong, Lisa Blount, Dennis Dun, Ken Drama/Tragikomödie 2013 91min. The Prometheus Project Wright, Susan Blanchard, Anne Howard, Alamode Film 11.04.2014 Louis Mandylor, Tiffany Shepis, Patti Alice Cooper, Ann Yen, Dirk Blocker, Jessie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057298 Tindall, Ed Lauter, Kristina Wayborn, Scott Lawrence Ferguson, Peter Jason - Dir. Anthony Leet, Maya Stojan, David C. John Carpenter Finsterworld (Blu-ray) Hayes, Esther Ellsworth, Richard Anderson Audiokommentare, Trailer, Wendecover Horror/Thriller 1987 98min. Ronald Zehrfeld, Sandra Hüller, Michael - Dir. Sean Tretta STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Maertens, Margit Carstensen, Corinna Trailer, Alternativer Anfang, Entfallene Szenen Germany 13.02.2014 Harfouch, Bernhard Schütz, Johannes Thriller/Horror 2010 87min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057267 Krisch, Christoph Bach, Carla Juri, Leonard Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.01.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057205 Scheicher, Jakub Gierszal, Max Pellny, Die Fürsten der Dunkelheit Dieter Meier, Markus Hering - Dir. Frauke Finsterwalder Frankenstein Corpses (Blu-ray) (Uncut) (Blu-ray) Trailer, Making of, Interviews (k.J.) Prince Of Darkness Drama/Tragikomödie 2013 95min. Exquisite Corpse Donald Pleasence, Jameson Parker, Victor Alamode Film 11.04.2014 Steve Sandvoss, Nicole Vicius, Guillermo Wong, Lisa Blount, Dennis Dun, Ken 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057304 Diaz, Tessa Thompson, Larry Cedar, David Wright, Susan Blanchard, Anne Howard, H. Lawrence, Kelly Frye, Suziey Block, Alice Cooper, Ann Yen, Dirk Blocker, Jessie Flucht ins Wunderland Gabbriella Gatto, Shelby Bond, Dillen Lawrence Ferguson, Peter Jason - Dir. Phoebe In Slavin, Desiree Martinez, Celeste Marie John Carpenter Elle Fanning, Felicity Huffman, Bill Pullman, Martinez - Dir. Scott David Russell Audiokommentare, Trailer, Wendecover Horror/Thriller 1987 102min. Patricia Clarkson, Campbell Scott, Ian Horror/Drama 2009 106min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Colletti, Caitlin Sanchez - Dir. Daniel Barnz MIG Film 23.01.2014 Germany 13.02.2014 Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057233 Drama 2008 96min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057281 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.02.2014 Frankenstein Corpses (k.J.) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057336 Das Geheimnis meines Erfolges Exquisite Corpse (Blu-ray) Flucht ins Wunderland (Blu-ray) Steve Sandvoss, Nicole Vicius, Guillermo Diaz, Tessa Thompson, Larry Cedar, David The Secret Of My Success Phoebe In Wonderland H. Lawrence, Kelly Frye, Suziey Block, Michael J. Fox, Helen Slater, Richard Jor- Elle Fanning, Felicity Huffman, Bill Pullman, Gabbriella Gatto, Shelby Bond, Dillen dan, Margaret Whitton, John Pankow, Chris Patricia Clarkson, Campbell Scott, Ian Slavin, Desiree Martinez, Celeste Marie Murney, Gerry Bamman - Dir. Colletti, Caitlin Sanchez - Dir. Daniel Barnz Martinez - Dir. Scott David Russell Komödie 1987 105min. Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Koch Media 17.01.2014 Drama 2008 100min. Horror/Drama 2009 102min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057178 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.02.2014 MIG Film 23.01.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057201 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057342 Geld her oder Autsch’n! The Four Feathers - Die sechste Season (4 Christoph Maria Herbst, Holger Kraft, Dorka Gryllus, Bodo Goldbeck, Lana Cooper, Jo- The Four Feathers Discs) chen Menzel, Tilla Kratochwil, Lutz Wessel, Sir John Clements, Sir Ralph Richardson, Frasier Lars Frank, Michael Hatzius - Dir. René Sir C. Aubrey Smith, June Duprez, Allan Kelsey Grammer, , Jane Marik, Johan Robin Jeayes, Jack Allen, Donald Gray, Henry Leeves, Peri Gilpin, John Mahoney, Dan Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Clips Oscar, John Laurie - Dir. Zoltán Korda Butler, Tom McGowan, Edward Hibbert, Komödie/Trickfilm 2013 92min. Bildergalerie Patrick Kerr, Millicent Martin, Saul Rubinek, Universum Film 21.02.2014 Abenteuer 1939 107min. Harriet Sansom Harris, Bebe Neuwirth, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057176 Intergroove Media(TB Classic Productions) Jane Adams, Wendie Malick, Felicity 31.01.2014 Huffman, Trevor Einhorn, Anthony Geld her oder Autsch’n! (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057207 LaPaglia, Jean Smart, Laura Linney, Christoph Maria Herbst, Holger Kraft, Dorka Marsha Mason, Brian Klugman, Mercedes

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Gryllus, Bodo Goldbeck, Lana Cooper, Jo- Molto Terrestre Another Harvest Moon chen Menzel, Tilla Kratochwil, Lutz Wessel, Bud Spencer, Raimund Harmstorf, Joe Ernest Borgnine, Piper Laurie, Anne Meara, Lars Frank, Michael Hatzius - Dir. René Bugner, Cary Guffey - Dir. Michele Lupo Doris Roberts, , Marik, Johan Robin Trailer, Bildergalerie Shepherd, Sunkrish Bala, Amber Benson, Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Clips Science Fiction/Komödie 1978 94min. Cameron Monaghan - Dir. Greg Swartz Komödie/Trickfilm 2013 96min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.01.2014 Trailer Universum Film 21.02.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057078 Drama 2010 87min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057188 Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Der Große mit seinem außerirdi- GmbH & Co. KG(Zenith Pictures) Gib dem Affen Zucker schen Kleinen (Limited Edition) 21.03.2014 Innamorato Pazzo (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057296 Adriano Celentano, Ornella Muti, Adolfo Uno Sceriffo Extraterrestre - Poco Extra E Celi, Lidia Costanzo, Franco Diogene, Milla Herzensbrecher - Vater von vier Molto Terrestre Sannoner, Silvia Ferluga, Enzo Garinei - Bud Spencer, Raimund Harmstorf, Joe Söhnen (3 Discs) Dir. Franco Castellano, Giuseppe Moccia Bugner, Cary Guffey - Dir. Michele Lupo Simon Böer, Annika Ernst, Tamara Rohloff, Biografie, Slideshow, Trailer Gerrit Klein, Lukas Karlsch, Tom Hoßbach, Komödie 1981 97min. O-Card, Booklet Science Fiction/Komödie 1978 94min. Maurizio Magno, Annette Strasser, Wilfried Intergroove Media(TB Comedy Productions) 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.01.2014 Dziallas, Jochen Kolenda, Rebecca Hundt, 24.01.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20057117 Julia Malik - Dir. Christian Theede, Imogen 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057095 Kimmel Good Morning, Vietnam (Blu-ray) Hai Attack (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Drama/Komödie 2013 500min. Swamp Shark Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ZDF) Good Morning, Vietnam Kristy Swanson, D.B. Sweeney, Robert 17.01.2014 Robin Williams, Forest Whitaker, Bruno Davi, Jeff Chase, Jason Rogel, Richard 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057138 Kirby, Tung Thanh Tran, Chintara Tanne, Sophia Sinise, Wade Boggs, Sukapatana, - Dir. Barry Natacha Itzel - Dir. Griff Furst High Fidelity (Blu-ray) Levinson Trailer High Fidelity Kriegsfilm/Komödie 1987 min. Abenteuer/Horror 2011 92min. John Cusack, Iben Hjejle, Todd Louiso, Jack The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 Black, Lisa Bonet, Catherine Zeta-Jones, GmbH Home Entertainment & tba BestellNr.: 20057409 Joan Cusack, Tim Robbins, Chris Rehmann, Retail(Touchstone) 20.02.2014 Ben Carr, , Natasha Gregson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057361 Halbschatten Wagner, Joelle Carter, Sara Gilbert, Bruce Anne Ratte-Polle, Emma Bading, Leonard Gravity Springsteen - Dir. Stephen Frears Proxauf, Nathalie Richard, Maren Komödie 2000 min. Gravity Kroymann, Lou Castel, Maria Laborit, Jean- The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Sandra Bullock, - Dir. Christophe Folly, Loïc Pichon, David GmbH Home Entertainment & Alfonso Cuarón Fennelly, Soroosh Lavasani, Henry Arnold, Retail(Touchstone) 20.02.2014 Science Fiction/Drama 2013 87min. Laurent Pons - Dir. Nicolas Wackerbarth 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057362 Warner Home Video Germany 21.02.2014 Drama 2013 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057197 Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Hologram Man GmbH & Co. KG(Farbfilm) 21.02.2014 Gravity (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Hologram Man tba BestellNr.: 20057291 Joe Lara, Evan Lurie, Michael Nouri - Dir. Gravity Richard Pepin Sandra Bullock, George Clooney - Dir. Dora Heldt: Collection 1 (4 Discs) Science Fiction/Action 1995 97min. Alfonso Cuarón Ausgeliebt / Urlaub mit Papa / Tante Inge VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 28.01.2014 Science Fiction/Drama 2013 91min. haut ab / Kein Wort zu Papa 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057263 Warner Home Video Germany 21.02.2014 Making ofs, Interviews, Trailer 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057230 Komödie 2009-2013 355min. Hologram Man (Blu-ray) Universum Film(Universum TV SI) Hologram Man Gravity (Blu-ray) 07.02.2014 Joe Lara, Evan Lurie, Michael Nouri - Dir. Gravity 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057050 Richard Pepin Sandra Bullock, George Clooney - Dir. Science Fiction/Action 1995 101min. Alfonso Cuarón Helicops - Einsatz über Berlin: VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 28.01.2014 Science Fiction/Drama 2013 91min. Staffel 1 & 2 (7 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057277 Warner Home Video Germany 21.02.2014 Christoph M. Ohrt, Doreen Jacobi, Matthias 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057229 Matz, Peter Simonischek - Dir. Peter Ristau, Horror Creek Thomas Jacob, Peter Claridge, Norbert The Green Inferno (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Sugar Creek Skrovanek Daniel Kruse, Robert Miano, Kevin Gage, The Green Inferno Action 1998 1303min. Rebecca Harrell, Reiner Schöne, Adam Dir. Edel Germany(Aviator) 31.01.2014 Huss, Jason T. Davis, Mike Ortiz - Dir. Thriller/Horror min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057324 James Cotten Highlight Communications Western/Horror 2007 93min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.04.2014 Herbstmond MIG Film 20.03.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057311 Another Harvest Moon 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057203 Ernest Borgnine, Piper Laurie, Anne Meara, The Green Inferno (k.J.) Doris Roberts, Richard Schiff, Cybill Hotel The Green Inferno Shepherd, Sunkrish Bala, Amber Benson, Hotel California Dir. Eli Roth Cameron Monaghan - Dir. Greg Swartz Erik Palladino, Tyson Beckford, Simon Rex - Thriller/Horror min. Trailer Dir. Geo Santini Highlight Communications Drama 2010 84min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2008 100min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.04.2014 Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs MIG Film 03.04.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057309 GmbH & Co. KG(Zenith Pictures) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057202 21.03.2014 Der Große mit seinem außerirdi- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057287 Houdini & Company schen Kleinen (Blu-ray) The Linguini Incident Uno Sceriffo Extraterrestre - Poco Extra E Herbstmond (Blu-ray)

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Rosanna Arquette, David Bowie, Eszter I Spit On Your Grave Lee Grant, James Patterson, Qentin Dean, Bálint, Andre Gregory, Buck Henry, Viveca Sarah Butler, Chad Lindberg, Tracey Wal- Larry Gates, William Schallert, Beah Ri- Lindfors, Marlee Matlin, James Avery - Dir. ter, Daniel Franzese, Jeff Branson, Rodney chards, Scott Wilson - Dir. Norman Jewison Richard Shepard Eastman, Andrew Howard, Mollie Milligan - Audiokommentar, Feturettes, Trailer Komödie/Kriminalfilm 1991 104min. Dir. Steven R. Monroe Thriller/Drama 1967 110min. Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Trailer Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 24.01.2014 Thriller/Horror 2010 95min. Germany(MGM/UA) 14.02.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057089 Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057303 tba BestellNr.: 20057410 The Hour - Staffel 2 Infernal Torture (Blu-ray) (k.J.) The Hour Ill Manors - Stadt der Gewalt The Hike Drama 2012 360min. Ill Manors Zara Phythian, Barbara Nedeljáková, polyband Medien GmbH 31.01.2014 Riz Ahmed, Ed Skrein, Natalie Press, Jemma Bolt, Tamer Hassan, Shauna 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057048 Anouska Mond, Lee Allen, Mem Ferda, Mar- MacDonald, Dominic Le Moignan, Ben Loyd- tin Serene, Jo Hartley, Nick Sagar, Neil Holmes - Dir. Rupert Bryan House Hunting - Nur wer tötet Large - Dir. Ben Drew Trailer, Making of Kurzfilme, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Musikvideo Thriller/Horror 2011 86min. kann überleben Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 121min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 31.01.2014 House Hunting Koch Media 20.02.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057235 Marc Singer, Art LaFleur, Hayley DuMond, tba BestellNr.: 20057026 Janey Gioiosa, Paul McGill, Rebekah Ken- Infernal Torture (k.J.) nedy, Victoria Vance, Emma Rayne Lyle - Ill Manors - Stadt der Gewalt The Hike Dir. Eric Hurt (Blu-ray) Zara Phythian, Barbara Nedeljáková, Horror/Mystery 2013 103min. Ill Manors Jemma Bolt, Tamer Hassan, Shauna MIG Film 27.02.2014 Riz Ahmed, Ed Skrein, Natalie Press, MacDonald, Dominic Le Moignan, Ben Loyd- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057211 Anouska Mond, Lee Allen, Mem Ferda, Mar- Holmes - Dir. Rupert Bryan tin Serene, Jo Hartley, Nick Sagar, Neil Trailer, Behind the Scenes House Hunting - Nur wer tötet Thriller/Horror 2011 83min. Large - Dir. Ben Drew kann überleben (Blu-ray) Kurzfilme, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Musikvideo Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 31.01.2014 House Hunting Drama/Kriminalfilm 2012 125min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057206 Marc Singer, Art LaFleur, Hayley DuMond, Koch Media 20.02.2014 Janey Gioiosa, Paul McGill, Rebekah Ken- tba BestellNr.: 20057034 Ip Man Anthology (Limited Editi- nedy, Victoria Vance, Emma Rayne Lyle - on, 4 Discs) Dir. Eric Hurt Im Auge des Sturms Ip Man / Ip Man 2 / Ip Man Zero / Yip Man: Horror/Mystery 2013 108min. The Eye Of The Storm Jung gik yat jin MIG Film 27.02.2014 Charlotte Rampling, Geoffrey Rush, Judy Donnie Yen, Simon Yam, Fan Siu-wong, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057239 Davis, Alexandra Schepisi, Maria Ka-Tung Lam, Xing Yu, Wong You-nam, Zhi Theodorakis, John Gaden, Jamie Timony, Hui Chen, Lynn Hung, Sammo Hung, Hunter - Staffel 3.1 (3 Discs) , - Dir. Fred Xiaoming Huang, Kent Cheng, Darren Hunter Schepisi Shahlavi, To Yu-Hang, Lo Meng, Yuen Biao, Fred Dryer, Stepfanie Kramer, Charles Drama 2011 115min. Ip Chun, Lam Suet, Dennis To, Anthony Hallahan, Perry Cook, Garrett Morris, polyband Medien GmbH 31.01.2014 Wong, Gillian Chung, Jordan Chan - Dir. James Whitmore, Bruce Davison, Darlanne 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057030 Wilson Yip, Herman Yau Fluegel - Dir. James Whitmore Jr., Michael Action/Drama 2008-2013 398min. Preece, Tony Mordente Im Auge des Sturms (Blu-ray) Splendid Film(Amazia) 28.02.2014 Interviews The Eye Of The Storm 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057299 Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1991 495min. Charlotte Rampling, Geoffrey Rush, Judy Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 Davis, Alexandra Schepisi, Maria Ip Man Anthology (Limited Editi- tba BestellNr.: 20057396 Theodorakis, John Gaden, Jamie Timony, on, 4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Helen Morse, Robyn Nevin - Dir. Fred Hunter - Staffel 3.2 (3 Discs) Ip Man / Ip Man 2 / Ip Man Zero / Yip Man: Schepisi Jung gik yat jin Hunter Drama 2011 120min. Donnie Yen, Simon Yam, Fan Siu-wong, Fred Dryer, Stepfanie Kramer, Charles polyband Medien GmbH 31.01.2014 Ka-Tung Lam, Xing Yu, Wong You-nam, Zhi Hallahan, Perry Cook, Garrett Morris, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057037 Hui Chen, Lynn Hung, Sammo Hung, James Whitmore, Bruce Davison, Darlanne Xiaoming Huang, Kent Cheng, Darren Fluegel - Dir. James Whitmore Jr., Michael In aller Freundschaft - Die 16. Shahlavi, To Yu-Hang, Lo Meng, Yuen Biao, Preece, Tony Mordente Staffel, Teil 2, 18 Folgen (5 Discs) Interviews Ip Chun, Lam Suet, Dennis To, Anthony Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1991 495min. Dieter Bellmann, Thomas Rühmann, Bern- Wong, Gillian Chung, Jordan Chan - Dir. Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 hard Bettermann, Andrea Kathrin Loewig, Wilson Yip, Herman Yau tba BestellNr.: 20057397 Thomas Koch, Cheryl Shepard, Hendrikje Making ofs, Interviews, Clips, Entfallene Szenen Fitz, Karsten Kühn, Ursula Karusseit, Rolf Action/Drama 2008-2013 398min. Hustle - Unehrlich währt am läng- Becker, Alexa Maria Surholt, Roy Peter Splendid Film(Amazia) 28.02.2014 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057305 sten: Season 4 - 8 (8 Discs) Link, Jutta Kammann, Maren Gilzer, Arzu Bazman, Uta Schorn, Udo Schenk, Michael Hustle Trischan - Dir. Jürgen Brauer, Frank Iron Man Trilogie (Limited Blu-ray Robert Vaughn, Adrian Lester, Robert Gotthardy, Mathias Luther, Matthias Zirzow, Collector’s Edition, 3 Discs) (Blu- Glenister, Jaime Murray, Marc Warren, Rob Christoph Klünker Jarvis ray) Virtueller Rundgang durch die Sachsenklinik Iron Man / Iron Man 2 / Making of Drama 2013 783min. Kriminalfilm 2004-2012 1200min. Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeff STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment justbridge entertainment media(BBC) Bridges, Terrence Howard, Leslie Bibb, Germany 13.02.2014 04.01.2014 Samuel L. Jackson, Clark Gregg, Bill 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057268 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057255 Smitrovich, Don Cheadle, Scarlett In der Hitze der Nacht (Blu-ray) Johansson, Sam Rockwell, Mickey Rourke, I Spit on Your Grave (Blu-ray 3D) - Dir. Jon Favreau, Shane In The Heat Of The Night (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Black Sidney Poitier, Rod Steiger, Warren Oates, Comic, Making ofs, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Musik-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 25 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD video Luc Besson Thriller/Drama 2002 130min. Action/Science Fiction 2008-2013 382min. Historienfilm 1999 157min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Concorde Home Entertainment 13.02.2014 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 06.02.2014 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057133 Home Edition) 13.02.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057367 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057134 Jackass: Bad Grandpa Legend of the Living Dead (5 Bad Grandpa John Carter - Zwischen zwei Wel- Discs, + Audio-CD) Johnny Knoxville, Jackson Nicoll, Georgina ten (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Crossclub - The Legend of the Living Cates, Blythe Barrington-Hughes - Dir. Jeff John Carter Dead / Fog² - Revenge of the Executed / Tremaine Taylor Kitsch, Lynn Collins, Samantha Project Genesis: Crossclub 2 Komödie 2013 88min. Morton, Willem Dafoe, Dominic West, Mark Horror min. Paramount Home Entertainment 27.02.2014 Strong, Thomas Haden Church, Ciarán VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 28.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057077 Hinds, James Purefoy, Daryl Sabara, Polly 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057265 Jackass: Bad Grandpa (Blu-ray) Walker, - Dir. Andrew Stanton Léon - der Profi (Director’s Cut, Bad Grandpa Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2012 min. Johnny Knoxville, Jackson Nicoll, Georgina Digital Remastered) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Cates, Blythe Barrington-Hughes - Dir. Jeff Léon GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Tremaine Jean Reno, Gary Oldman, Natalie Portman, 20.02.2014 Komödie 2013 92min. Danny Aiello, Peter Appel, Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057363 Paramount Home Entertainment 27.02.2014 Badalucco, Ellen Greene - Dir. Luc Besson 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057082 Interviews, Trailer, Wendecover Jule Julia Juliane - Stationen ei- Thriller 1996 127min. Jenseits des Himmels ner Frau (2 Discs) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 13.02.2014 Beyond The Heavens Renate Geißler, Jürgen Reuter, Hans-Peter tba BestellNr.: 20057269 Corbin Bernsen, Nathan Gamble, Bruce Reinicke - Dir. Ulrich Thein Davison, Dendrie Taylor, Lloyd Warner, Trailer, Kurzfilm Drama 1972 278min. Liebe braucht Helden Vernee Watson - Dir. Corbin Bernsen Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer ICESTORM Entertainment 15.01.2014 Fireproof Drama/Familie 2013 85min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057151 Kirk Cameron, Erin Bethea, Ken Bevel, Great Movies GmbH 16.01.2014 Stephen Dervan, Jason McLeod, Alex tba BestellNr.: 20057198 King of New York (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kendrick - Dir. Alex Kendrick King Of New York Making of, Interviews, Trailer, Bildergalerie Jet Stream - Tödlicher Sog Laurence Fishburne, David Caruso, Chri- Drama 2008 118min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.02.2014 Jet Stream stopher Walken, Victor Argo, Wesley 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057330 David Chokachi, Preston James Hillier, Don Snipes, Janet Julian - Dir. Abel Ferrara Michael Paul, Ruth Kearney, Steven Hartley, Audiokommentare, Interview, Trailer, Teaser Thriller/Kriminalfilm 1990 104min. Locked in a Room (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Atanas Srebrev, Harry Anichkin, Owen Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 Locked In A Room Davis, Zara Dimitrova - Dir. Jeffery Scott 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057020 Robert Miano, Carlucci Weyant, D. J. Perry Lando Trailer - Dir. Larry Simmons Action/Drama 2013 84min. King of New York (k.J.) Thriller/Horror 2012 91min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.02.2014 King Of New York Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 21.02.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057379 Laurence Fishburne, David Caruso, Chri- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057394 stopher Walken, Victor Argo, Wesley Jet Stream - Tödlicher Sog (Blu- Snipes, Janet Julian - Dir. Abel Ferrara Locked in a Room (k.J.) ray) Audiokommentare, Interview, Trailer, Teaser Locked In A Room Thriller/Kriminalfilm 1990 99min. Robert Miano, Carlucci Weyant, D. J. Perry Jet Stream Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 - Dir. Larry Simmons David Chokachi, Preston James Hillier, Don 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057015 Thriller/Horror 2012 88min. Michael Paul, Ruth Kearney, Steven Hartley, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 21.02.2014 Atanas Srebrev, Harry Anichkin, Owen Oswalt Kolle - Sein Lebenswerk 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057382 Davis, Zara Dimitrova - Dir. Jeffery Scott (8 Discs) Lando Lose Your Head (tlw. OmU) Trailer Erotik 1967-1972 700min. Action/Drama 2013 88min. Ledick Filmhandel 06.12.2013 Lose Your Head Edel Germany(Starmovie) 14.02.2014 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057204 Fernando Tielve, Marko Mandic, Sesede 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057390 Terzyian, Stavros Yagulis, Samia Chabcrin, Kurier in den Bergen - Komplett Jonas Berami, Jan Amazigh Sid, Roger Johanna von Orleans alle Folgen (3 Discs) Baptist, Claudia Splitt, Kaspar Kamäleon - The Messenger: The Story Of Joan Of Arc Trzecia Granica Dir. Stefan Westerwelle, Patrick Milla Jovovich, John Malkovich, Faye Grzegorz Warchol - Dir. Wojciech Solarz Schuckmann Alternatives Ende, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer, Dunaway, Dustin Hoffman, Pascal Drama/Kriegsfilm 1975 400min. Bildergalerie Greggory, Vincent Cassel, Tchéky Karyo, ICESTORM Entertainment 15.01.2014 Drama/Thriller 2013 95min. Richard Ridings, Desmond Harrington - Dir. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057156 PRO-FUN MEDIA 31.01.2014 Luc Besson 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057028 Historienfilm 1999 151min. Das Leben des David Gale (Blu- Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde ray) Der Löwe von Sparta (Blu-ray) Home Edition) 13.02.2014 The Life Of David Gale The 300 Spartans 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057127 Kevin Spacey, Kate Winslet, Laura Linney, Richard Egan, Sir Ralph Richardson, Diane Gabriel Mann, Rhona Mitra, Matt Craven, Baker, David Farrar - Dir. Rudolph Maté Johanna von Orleans (Blu-ray) Leon Rippy, Jim Beaver, Elizabeth Gast, Historienfilm/Monumentalfilm 1960 min. The Messenger: The Story Of Joan Of Arc Cleo King, Constance Jones, Lee Ritchey, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Milla Jovovich, John Malkovich, Faye Noah Truesdale, Chuck Cureau, Sean Germany 28.02.2014 Dunaway, Dustin Hoffman, Pascal Hennigan, Charles Sanders, Marco Perella, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057407 Greggory, Vincent Cassel, Tchéky Karyo, Michael Crabtree, Melissa McCarthy, Cliff Richard Ridings, Desmond Harrington - Dir. Stephens - Dir. Sir Alan Parker Machtspiele - Verschwörung im

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Parlament 02.12.2013 Ciarán Hinds, Mike Vogel, Ciarán Hinds, Kongekabale 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057146 Trevor Morgan, Aaron Yoo, Daniel Noah - Anders W. Berthelsen, Søren Pilmark, Dir. Josh C. Waller Nicolas Bro, Lars Mikkelsen, Ulf Pilgaard, Marnie (Blu-ray) Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 96min. Charlotte Munck, Lars Brygmann, Helle Marnie KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.02.2014 Fagralid, Jesper Langberg, Jens Jørn Spot- Tippi Hedren, Diane Baker, Sir Sean 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057251 tag, Kurt Ravn, Bjarne Henriksen, Nicolaj Connery, Martin Gabel, Louise Latham, Alan Napier - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Kopernikus (Søren Agergaard), Clara Maria Mein Freund Knerten / Knerten Bahamondes, Anders Nyborg, Marianne Drama/Thriller 1964 min. Hogsbro, Laura Christensen, Hans Henrik Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) traut sich (2 Discs) Voetmann, Anders Peter Bro (Lars 06.02.2014 Knerten / Knerten Gifter Seg Grønbaek), Henrik Noél Olesen (Søren 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057131 Adrian Grønnevik Smith, Petrus Andreas Krogh), Kenneth Carmohn - Dir. Nikolaj Christensen, Pernille Sørensen - Dir. Åsleik Arcel Mary Poppins (Jubiläumsedition) Engmark, Martin Lund Originaltrailer (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2009-2010 150min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2004 103min. Mary Poppins polyband Medien GmbH 31.01.2014 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 13.01.2014 Dame , Dick van Dyke, Glynis 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057122 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057103 Johns, David Tomlinson, Reginald Owen, Karen Dotrice, Matthew Garber - Dir. Ro- Moebius, die Lust, das Messer Mad Dogs - Staffel 3 (2 Discs) bert Stevenson (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Mad Dogs Making of, U-Control, Musikvideo, Trailer, Behind the Scenes Moebius Max Beesley, Philip Glenister, , Musikfilm/Musical 1964 139min. Jo Jae-hyeon, Lee Eun-woo, Seo Young-ju Marc Warren, Nabil Elouahabi, Anton The Walt Disney Company (Germany) - Dir. Kim Ki-duk Lesser, Jaime Winstone, Stanley Townsend GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Trailer - Dir. Adrian Shergold 20.02.2014 Drama 2013 92min. Drama 2013 180min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057368 MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 11.02.2014 justbridge entertainment media 24.01.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057241 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057256 Masked and Anonymous Masked and Anonymous Moebius, die Lust, das Messer Das Mädchen Irma La Douce Bob Dylan, Jeff Bridges, Penélope Cruz, (k.J.) Irma La Douce John Goodman, Jessica Lange, Luke Moebius Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine, Lou Wilson, , Steven Bauer, Mi- Jo Jae-hyeon, Lee Eun-woo, Seo Young-ju Jacobi, Bruce Yarnell, Herschel Bernardi, chael Paul Chan, Bruce Dern, Laura - Dir. Kim Ki-duk Hope Holiday, Tura Satana - Dir. Billy Wilder Harring, , Val Kilmer, Richard Trailer Komödie 1963 137min. „Cheech“ Marin, Chris Penn, Giovanni Drama 2013 88min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Ribisi, Mickey Rourke, Richard C. Sarafian, MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 11.02.2014 Germany(MGM/UA) 14.02.2014 , Susan Tyrell, Fred Ward, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057214 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057405 Robert Wisdom - Dir. Larry Charles Trailer Mordkommission Istanbul: Box 1 Magic City - Season 1 (3 Discs) Drama/Satire 2003 102min. (2 Discs) Intergroove Media(Pretty Gold Productions) Magic City Erol Sander, Christine Neubauer, Idil Üner, 17.01.2014 Drama 2012 min. Oscar Ortega Sánchez - Dir. Michael 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057087 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Steinke, Michael Kreindl, Helmut Metzger Germany 28.02.2014 Masked and Anonymous (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 2008-2010 270min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057406 WVG Medien(ARD Video) 31.01.2014 Masked and Anonymous 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057126 Mako - Einfach Meerjungfrau Bob Dylan, Jeff Bridges, Penélope Cruz, (Folgen 1-3) John Goodman, Jessica Lange, Luke Die Nacht bringt den Tod (Blu- Wilson, Angela Bassett, Steven Bauer, Mi- Mako Mermaids chael Paul Chan, Bruce Dern, Laura ray) (k.J.) Amy Ruffle, Ivy Latimer, Lucy Fry, Chai Harring, Ed Harris, Val Kilmer, Richard Dead Of The Nite Romruen, Dominic Deutscher - Dir. Grant „Cheech“ Marin, Chris Penn, Giovanni Joseph Millson, Cicely Tennant, Tony Todd, Brown, Evan Clarry Ribisi, Mickey Rourke, Richard C. Sarafian, Claudio Pacifico, Simone Kaye, Paul Fox, Abenteuer/Jugend 2013 78min. Christian Slater, Susan Tyrell, Fred Ward, Stuart Boother, Rachel Whittingham, Gary Studio Hamburg Enterprises 31.01.2014 Robert Wisdom - Dir. Larry Charles Mavers, Suzi Lorraine - Dir. S.J. Evans 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057319 Trailer Horror 2013 90min. Drama/Satire 2003 106min. Maritim Pictures 25.02.2014 Der Mann, der zuviel wusste (Blu- Intergroove Media(Pretty Gold Productions) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057242 ray) 17.01.2014 The Man Who Knew Too Much 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057110 Die Nacht bringt den Tod (k.J.) James Stewart, Doris Day, Bernard Miles, Dead Of The Nite , Ralph Truman, Alan McCanick - Bis in den Tod Joseph Millson, Cicely Tennant, Tony Todd, Mowbray, Daniel Gélin, Christopher Olsen - McCanick Claudio Pacifico, Simone Kaye, Paul Fox, Dir. Alfred Hitchcock David Morse, Cory Monteith, Tracie Thoms, Stuart Boother, Rachel Whittingham, Gary Thriller 1956 119min. Ciarán Hinds, Mike Vogel, Ciarán Hinds, Mavers, Suzi Lorraine - Dir. S.J. Evans Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Trevor Morgan, Aaron Yoo, Daniel Noah - Horror 2013 86min. 06.02.2014 Dir. Josh C. Waller Maritim Pictures 25.02.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057196 Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057215 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 92min. Marilyn Monroe KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.02.2014 NCIS - Season 10.1 (3 Discs) Home Town Story 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057225 NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service Jeffrey Lynn, Donald Crisp, Marilyn Mon- Mark Harmon, Pauley Perrette, Michael roe, Marjorie Reynolds, Alan Hale Jr. - Dir. McCanick - Bis in den Tod (Blu- Weatherly, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo, Arthur Pierson ray) David McCallum, Sasha Alexander, Rocky Drama 1951 61min. McCanick Carroll, Lauren Holly, Brian Dietzen Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) David Morse, Cory Monteith, Tracie Thoms, Interview, Featurettes

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Action/Kriminalfilm 492min. Bhatt, Tim Man, Tawatwong Piyacysin - Dir. aranormal Ghost Story / Paranormal Cellar Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Isaac Florentine Featurettes 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057073 Featurette, B-Roll Horror 1998-2009 520min. Action 2013 95min. MIG Film 23.01.2014 NCIS - Season 10.2 (3 Discs) Splendid Film 28.02.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057107 NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057182 Mark Harmon, Pauley Perrette, Michael Paranormal Investigations - A Weatherly, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo, Ninja - Pfad der Rache (k.J.) New Chapter (Blu-ray) David McCallum, Sasha Alexander, Rocky Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear Paranormal Lake / Paranormal Phenomena Carroll, Lauren Holly, Brian Dietzen Scott Adkins, Kane Kosugi, Mika Hijii, Shun / Paranormal Hidden / Paranormal House / Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Sugata, Vithaya Pansringarm, Mukesh aranormal Ghost Story / Paranormal Cellar Action/Kriminalfilm 494min. Bhatt, Tim Man, Tawatwong Piyacysin - Dir. Horror 1998-2009 363min. Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Isaac Florentine MIG Film 23.01.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057074 Featurette, B-Roll 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057120 Action 2013 92min. NCIS - Season 9.1 (3 Discs) Splendid Film 28.02.2014 Pier Paolo Pasolini - Arthaus 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057170 NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service Close Up (3 Discs) Mark Harmon, Pauley Perrette, Michael Das 1. Evangelium - Matthäus / Mamma Weatherly, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo, Notruf California - Superbox (25 Roma / Medea David McCallum, Sasha Alexander, Rocky DVDs) Anna Magnani, Ettore Garofolo, Franco Carroll, Lauren Holly, Brian Dietzen Emergency! Citti, Enrique Irazoqui, Susanna Pasolini, Featurettes Randolph Mantooth, Kevin Tighe - Dir. Margherita Caruso, Maria Callas, Laurent Action/Kriminalfilm 494min. George Fenady, Christian J. Nyby II Terzieff, Giuseppe Gentile - Dir. Pier Paolo Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Action/Abenteuer 1972-1979 min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057386 Pasolini Koch Media 06.12.2013 Biografie, Trailer, Wendecover, u.a. 109,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057166 NCIS - Season 9.2 (3 Discs) Drama 1962-1969 338min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service Nur 48 Stunden Germany(Arthaus) 13.02.2014 Mark Harmon, Pauley Perrette, Michael 48 Hours 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057271 Weatherly, Sean Murray, Cote de Pablo, Nick Nolte, Eddie Murphy, Annette O’Toole, David McCallum, Sasha Alexander, Rocky Frank McRae, James Remar, David Patrick Pesthauch des Dschungels Carroll, Lauren Holly, Brian Dietzen Kelly, Sonny Landham - Dir. Walter Hill La Mort En Ce Jardin Entfernte Szenen, Featurettes, Behind the Scenes Action 1982 89min. Action/Kriminalfilm 490min. Simone Signoret, Georges Marchal, Charles Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Vanel, Michèle Girardon, Michel Piccoli - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057350 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057387 Dir. Luis Buñuel Drama 1956 133min. NCIS: - Season 3.1 (3 Oliver & Co. (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) Oliver & Company Discs) 31.01.2014 Dir. George Scribner 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057335 NCIS: Los Angeles Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1988 73min. Chris O’Donnell, Daniela Ruah, Barrett Foa, The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Pesthauch des Dschungels (Blu- Linda Hunt, LL Cool J, Eric Christian Olsen, GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail ray) Renée Felice Smith, Rocky Carroll, Claire 23.01.2014 La Mort En Ce Jardin Forlani - Dir. Tony Wharmby, Dennis Smith, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057115 Terrence O’Hara, Kate Woods, John Peter Simone Signoret, Georges Marchal, Charles Kousakis, James Whitmore Jr., Jan Elias- Once Upon a Texas Train Vanel, Michèle Girardon, Michel Piccoli - Dir. Luis Buñuel berg, Karen Gaviola, Steven DePaul, Kevin Once Upon a Texas Train Drama 1956 140min. Bray, Gil Grant, Dave Kalstein, Jonathan Willie Nelson, Richard Widmark, Shaun Edel Germany(SJ Entertainment) Frakes, Robert Florio Cassidy, , Ken Curtis, Royal 31.01.2014 Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen Dano, , - Dir. Burt Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 492min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057340 Kennedy Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Western 1988 87min. tba BestellNr.: 20057384 Petra Geschenkbox: Du schon Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.02.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057332 wieder / When In Rome (2 Discs) NCIS: Los Angeles - Season 3.2 (3 You Again / When In Rome Discs) Pakt des Bösen - Der Agent des Kristen Bell, Jamie Lee Curtis, Sigourney NCIS: Los Angeles Zaren Weaver, Josh Duhamel, Anjelica Huston - Chris O’Donnell, Daniela Ruah, Barrett Foa, Dir. Andy Fickman, Mark Steven Johnson Zapiski Ekspeditora Taynoy Kantselyarii Linda Hunt, LL Cool J, Eric Christian Olsen, Komödie 2010 min. Dir. Oleg Ryaskow Renée Felice Smith, Rocky Carroll, Claire The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2010 140min. Forlani - Dir. Tony Wharmby, Dennis Smith, GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Maritim Pictures 28.01.2014 Terrence O’Hara, Kate Woods, John Peter 23.01.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057318 Kousakis, James Whitmore Jr., Jan Elias- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057100 berg, Karen Gaviola, Steven DePaul, Kevin Pakt des Bösen - Der Agent des Bray, Gil Grant, Dave Kalstein, Jonathan Petra Geschenkbox: Enchanted / Frakes, Robert Florio Zaren (Blu-ray) The Accidental Husband (2 Discs) Zapiski Ekspeditora Taynoy Kantselyarii Featurettes, Bonusepisode, Entfallene Szenen Enchanted / The Accidental Husband Action/Kriminalfilm 2011 494min. Dir. Oleg Ryaskow Amy Adams, , James Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2010 140min. Marsden, Uma Thurman, Colin Firth, Jeffrey tba BestellNr.: 20057385 Maritim Pictures 28.01.2014 Dean Morgan - Dir. Kevin Lima, Griffin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057338 Ninja - Pfad der Rache (Blu-ray) Dunne Paranormal Investigations - A Komödie 2007-2008 min. (k.J.) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Ninja: Shadow Of A Tear New Chapter (2 Discs) GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Scott Adkins, Kane Kosugi, Mika Hijii, Shun Paranormal Lake / Paranormal Phenomena 23.01.2014 Sugata, Vithaya Pansringarm, Mukesh / Paranormal Hidden / Paranormal House / 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057099

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Schwarz, Jeanette Nolan, Steve Frye, Don Porn in the Hood - Die Gang ohne Petra Geschenkbox: Pretty Edwards, Jessalyn Gilsig - Dir. Robert Bang (Blu-ray) Redford Woman / Die Braut, die sich nicht Les Kaïra Drama 1998 min. traut (2 Discs) Medi Sadoun, Franck Gastambide, Jib The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Pretty Woman / Runaway Bride Pocthier, Alice Belaïdi, Pom Klementieff, GmbH Home Entertainment & Julia Roberts - Dir. Garry Marshall Sissi Duparc, Ramzy Bedia, Hakim Sid, Retail(Touchstone) 20.02.2014 Komödie 1989-1999 min. Ismaël Sy Savané (Ismaël), Annabelle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057357 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Lengronne - Dir. Franck Gastambide GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Pinocchio Entfallene Szenen 23.01.2014 Komödie 2012 98min. Pinocchio 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057097 Universum Film(SquareOne) 14.02.2014 Mario Adorf, Ulrich Tukur, Inka Friedrich, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057130 Petra Geschenkbox: Selbst ist die Benjamin Sadler, Sandra Hüller, Florian Lukas, Arved Friese, Nicolaís Borger, Aa- Braut / Während Du schliefst ... (2 Practice - Die Anwälte, Vol. 2 (3 ron Kissiov, Axel Neumann, Claudia Funke, Discs) Discs) Valentino Fortuzzi, Maelle Giovanetti-Metz- The Proposal / While You Were Sleeping ger, Luca Zamperoni, Robert Beyer, Tho- Michael Badalucco, Camryn Manheim, Ryan Reynolds, Sandra Bullock, Malin mas Gimbel, Francesco Leone - Dir. Anna Steve Harris, Dylan McDermott, Kelli Akerman, Bill Pullman, Peter Gallagher - Dir. Justice Williams, Lisa Gay Hamilton, Lara Flynn Anne Fletcher, Jon Turteltaub Kinderfilm/Fantasy 2013 120min. Boyle, Ray Abruzzo - Dir. Dennis Smith, Komödie 1995-2009 min. Telepool GmbH München 27.12.2013 Arvin Brown, Dwight H. Little, Michael The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057046 Schultz GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Wendecover 23.01.2014 Plush Drama 1997-1998 512min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057165 Plush STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Emily Browning, Cam Gigandet, Xavier Sa- Germany 27.02.2014 Petra Geschenkbox: Shopaholic / muel, Frances Fisher, Dawn Olivieri, Casey 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057288 Coyote Ugly - Special Edition (2 LaBow, Marlene Forte, Kimiko Gelman - Dir. Discs) Catherine Hardwicke Prisoners Outtakes, Musikvideo, Trailer Prisoners Confessions Of A Shopaholic / Coyote Thriller/Drama 2013 100min. Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Maria Bel- Ugly Koch Media 20.02.2014 lo, Terrence Howard, , Paul Isla Fisher, Hugh Dancy, Krysten Ritter, tba BestellNr.: 20057027 Piper Perabo, Adam Garcia, - Dano, Melissa Leo, David Dastmalchian, Dir. P. J. Hogan, David McNally Plush (Blu-ray) Len Cariou, Dylan Minnette, Erin Gerasimovich, Kyla-Drew Simmons - Dir. Komödie 2000-2009 min. Plush Dennis Villeneuve The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Emily Browning, Cam Gigandet, Xavier Sa- GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail Featurettes, B-Roll, Interviews, Bildergalerie muel, Frances Fisher, Dawn Olivieri, Casey Thriller/Drama 2013 147min. 23.01.2014 LaBow, Marlene Forte, Kimiko Gelman - Dir. Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057098 Catherine Hardwicke 13.02.2014 Outtakes, Musikvideo, Trailer 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057172 Petra Geschenkbox: Zeit zu Le- Thriller/Drama 2013 104min. ben / Mit dir an meiner Seite (2 Koch Media 20.02.2014 Prisoners (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20057035 Discs) Prisoners People Like Us / The Last Song Polizeiruf 110 - Box 17 (4 Discs) Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Maria Bel- Chris Pine, Elizabeth Banks, Olivia Wilde, lo, Terrence Howard, Viola Davis, Paul Günter Naumann, Anne Kasprik, Renate Miley Cyrus, Greg Kinnear, Kelly Preston - Dano, Melissa Leo, David Dastmalchian, Geißler, Götz Schubert Dir. Alex Kurtzman, Julie Anne Robinson Kurzfilm Len Cariou, Dylan Minnette, Erin Drama 2010-2012 min. Kriminlafilm 1989-1990 650min. Gerasimovich, Kyla-Drew Simmons - Dir. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) ICESTORM Entertainment 20.01.2014 Dennis Villeneuve GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057148 Featurettes, B-Roll, Interviews, Bildergalerie 23.01.2014 Thriller/Drama 2013 154min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057096 Pompei Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 13.02.2014 Pompei 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057184 Die Pfefferkörner - Staffel 10 (2 Lorenzo Crespi, Andrea Osvárt, Massimo Discs) Venturiello, Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Prisoners (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Bruno Alexander, Carolin Garnier, Martha Maurizio Aiello, Fabrizio Bucci, Giuliano Prisoners Fries, Emilio Sanmarino, Robin Huth, Lucia Gemma - Dir. Giulio Base Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Maria Bel- Peraza Rios, Markus Knüfken, Orazio Historienfilm/Drama 2007 186min. lo, Terrence Howard, Viola Davis, Paul Zambeletti, Clelia Sarto, Doris Kunstmann - Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 21.02.2014 Dano, Melissa Leo, David Dastmalchian, Dir. Andrea Katzenberger, Franziska 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057331 Len Cariou, Dylan Minnette, Erin Hörisch, Klaus Wirbitzky Gerasimovich, Kyla-Drew Simmons - Dir. Booklet Porn in the Hood - Die Gang ohne Dennis Villeneuve Kinderfilm 2013 345min. Bang Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) Featurettes, B-Roll, Interviews, Bildergalerie Les Kaïra Thriller/Drama 2013 154min. 24.01.2014 Medi Sadoun, Franck Gastambide, Jib Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057286 Pocthier, Alice Belaïdi, Pom Klementieff, 13.02.2014 Der Pferdeflüsterer (Special Editi- Sissi Duparc, Ramzy Bedia, Hakim Sid, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057315 Ismaël Sy Savané (Ismaël), Annabelle on) (Blu-ray) Lengronne - Dir. Franck Gastambide Raze - Fight or Die! (Blu-ray) The Horse Whisperer Entfallene Szenen (k.J.) Robert Redford, , Sam Komödie 2012 94min. Raze Neill, Dianne Wiest, Scarlett Johansson, Universum Film(SquareOne) 14.02.2014 Zoe Bell, Rachel Nichols, Tracie Thoms, Chris Cooper, , Ty Hillman, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057125 Sherilyn Fenn, Doug Jones, Bruce Thomas, Kate Bosworth, Austin Schwarz, Dustin Bailey Anne Borders, Rebecca Marshall -

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Dir. Josh C. Waller 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057366 Claudia Brosch, Tim Wilde, Laura Osswald, Interview, Trailer Kim Riedle, Susan Hoecke, Josef Thalmaier, Action/Horror 2013 95min. Rocketeer (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Michael Schwarzmaier, Jens Atzorn, Pero Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 07.03.2014 The Rocketeer Radicic, Patrick Mölleken - Dir. Gunther 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057187 Bill Campbell, Jennifer Connelly, , Krää, Werner Siebert, Walter Bannert, Hol- Timothy Dalton, Paul Sorvino, Terry ger Gimpel Raze - Fight or Die! (k.J.) O’Quinn, Ed Lauter, James Handy, Tiny Kriminalfilm 2011-2012 1291min. Raze Ron, Nada Despotovich, Margo Martindale - Edel Germany(Aviator) 31.01.2014 Zoe Bell, Rachel Nichols, Tracie Thoms, Dir. Joe Johnston 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057326 Sherilyn Fenn, Doug Jones, Bruce Thomas, Action/Fantasy 1991 min. Bailey Anne Borders, Rebecca Marshall - The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Die Rückkehr der Wildgänse (Blu- Dir. Josh C. Waller GmbH Home Entertainment & ray) (k.J.) Interview, Trailer Retail(Touchstone) 20.02.2014 Action/Horror 2013 91min. The Return Of Geese 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057364 Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 07.03.2014 Christopher Connelly, Manfred Lehmann, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057175 John Steiner, Oliver Tobias, Donald Rocky Pleasence - Dir. Larry Ludman, Gianfranco Die Reise zur geheimnisvollen Rocky Clerici Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Trailer Insel (Blu-ray 3D + 2D) (Blu-ray) Burgess Meredith, Carl Weathers, Thayer Action 1985 88min. Journey 2: The Mysterious Island David, Joe Spinell, Jimmy Gambina - Dir. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 Dwayne Johnson, Sir Michael Caine, Josh John G. Avildsen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057019 Hutcherson, Vanessa Hudgens, Luis Action 1976 min. Guzmán, Kristin Davis, Anna Colwell, Mi- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Die Rückkehr der Wildgänse chael Beasley - Dir. Brad Peyton Germany(MGM/UA) 14.02.2014 (k.J.) Abenteuer/Fantasy 2012 94min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057398 The Return Of The Wild Geese Warner Home Video Germany 22.11.2013 Christopher Connelly, Manfred Lehmann, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057052 Rocky (Blu-ray) John Steiner, Oliver Tobias, Donald Rocky Riddick - Überleben ist seine Ra- Pleasence - Dir. Larry Ludman, Gianfranco Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Clerici che Burgess Meredith, Carl Weathers, Thayer Trailer Riddick David, Joe Spinell, Jimmy Gambina - Dir. Action 1985 88min. , Jordi Mollà, Matthew Nable, John G. Avildsen Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 Katee Sackhoff, Dave Bautista, Bokeem Diverse 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057014 Woodbine, Raoul Trujillo, Karl Urban - Dir. Action 1976 119min. David Twohy Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Runner Runner Featurettes Germany(MGM/UA) 14.02.2014 Runner Runner Action/Science Fiction 2013 114min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057302 Justin Timberlake, Gemma Arterton, Universum Film 14.02.2014 Anthony Mackie, Ben Affleck, Oliver 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057029 Rocky II Cooper, Yul Vazquez, David Costabile, Ben Rocky 2 Schwartz - Dir. Brad Furman Riddick - Überleben ist seine Ra- Sylvester Stallone, Burt Young, Talia Shire, Drama/Thriller 2013 87min. che (Director’s Cut) (Blu-ray) Burgess Meredith, Carl Weathers, Tony Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Riddick Burton, Joe Spinell - Dir. Sylvester Stallone Germany 03.03.2014 Vin Diesel, Jordi Mollà, Matthew Nable, Action 1978 min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057411 Katee Sackhoff, Dave Bautista, Bokeem Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Woodbine, Raoul Trujillo, Karl Urban - Dir. Germany(MGM/UA) 14.02.2014 Runner Runner (Blu-ray) David Twohy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057399 Runner Runner Featurettes Justin Timberlake, Gemma Arterton, Action/Science Fiction 2013 126min. Rocky III - Das Auge des Tigers Anthony Mackie, Ben Affleck, Oliver Universum Film 14.02.2014 Rocky 3 Cooper, Yul Vazquez, David Costabile, Ben 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057036 Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Schwartz - Dir. Brad Furman Burgess Meredith, Carl Weathers, Mr. T, Ian Drama/Thriller 2013 91min. Robin Hood - Der feurige Pfeil Fried, Tony Burton, Hulk Hogan - Dir. Sylve- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment der Rache ster Stallone Germany 03.03.2014 L’ Arciere Di Sherwood Action 1982 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057412 Giuliano Gemma, Mario Adorf, Mark Damon, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Silvia Dionisio, Daniele Dublino, Lars Bloch Germany(MGM/UA) 14.02.2014 Saw Bloodshed (Blu-ray) (k.J.) - Dir. Giorgio Ferroni 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057400 Broken Abenteuer 1970 82min. Nadja Brand, Eric Colvin, Abbey Stirling, VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 24.01.2014 Romantic Drama Collection (2 Olivia Hill - Dir. Adam Mason, Simon Boyes 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057264 Discs) Audiokommentar, Making of, Interview, Trailer Damals in Paris / Königliche Hochzeit / Horror/Thriller 2006 92min. The Rock - Entscheidung auf Madame Butterfly / The Scarlet Pimpernel Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.01.2014 Alcatraz (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Drama 386min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057111 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 03.12.2013 The Rock Scandal - Die komplette zweite Sir Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, Ed Harris, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057058 Michael Biehn, William Forsythe, David Mor- Staffel (6 Discs) se, , John C. McGinley, Tony Die Rosenheim-Cops - Die kom- Scandal Todd, Bokeem Woodbine, Danny Nucci, plette 11. Staffel (7 Discs) , Tony Goldwyn, Katie Claire Forlani, Vanessa Marcil, Gregory Joseph Hannesschläger, Igor Jeftic, Karin Lowes, Bellamy Young, Scott Foley, Sporleder - Dir. Thaler, Marisa Burger, Max Müller, Diana Guillermo Diaz, Columbus Short, Joshua Action 1996 min. Staehly, Alexander Duda, Christian Malina - Dir. Tom Verica, Stephen Cragg, The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Schaeffer, Petra Einhoff, Marion Mathoi, Ron Underwood, Mark Tinker, Steve Robin, GmbH Home Entertainment & Dieter Fischer, Tom Mikulla, Michael A. Bethany Rooney, Oliver Bokelberg, Jessica Retail() 20.02.2014 Grimm, Herbert Mulzer, Michael Vogtmann, Yu, Jeannot Szwarc, Randall Zisk, Allison

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Liddi-Brown, Tony Goldwyn Haaren / Vom Fischer und seiner Frau (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Behind the Scenes, Entfallene und erweiterte Szene, Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 600min. Sharktopus Featurette KNM Home Entertainment(Telepool) Drama/Kriminalfilm 2013 902min. Eric Roberts, Kerem Bursin, Sara Malakul 06.12.2013 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Lane, Héctor Jiménez, Liv Boughn, Julian 129,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057262 GmbH Home Entertainment & Retail(ABC Gonzalez Esparza, Blake Lindsey, Peter Nelson - Dir. Declan O’Brien Studios) 20.02.2014 Schwerter des Königs - Die letzte 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057355 Trailer Mission Horror 2010 88min. Scharlachroter Winter - Krieg der In The Name Of The King III Sunfilm Entertainment 06.03.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20057408 Vampire , Ralitsa Paskaleva, Bashar Rahal - Dir. Dr. Crimson Winter Fantasy/Action 2013 86min. Shaw Brothers Mega Box - Best Bryan Ferriter, Nick Milodragovich, Kailey Splendid Film 28.02.2014 of Shaw Brothers (4 Discs, Metall- M. Portsmouth, Ryan Pfeiffer, Paulie Rojas, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057300 Dave Noel, Keith Carlson, Andrew Roth, box) (k.J.) Die 13 Söhne des Gelben Drachen / Der Brandon Day, Jordyn Auvil, Nathan Mills, Schwerter des Königs - Die letzte Benjamin Dawley-Anderson - Dir. Bryan Kampf um die Todessiegel / Der Killer mit Ferriter Mission (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) der Affenpranke / Der Tempel der Shaolin / Action/Horror 2013 106min. In The Name Of The King III Die Blutsbrüder des Gelben Drachen / Die Maritim Pictures 25.02.2014 Dominic Purcell, Ralitsa Paskaleva, Bashar Herrschaft des Schwertes / Die Todes- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057216 Rahal - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll fäuste der Shaolin / Der Rächer aus der Fantasy/Action 2013 90min. Todeszelle / Der Boxer von Shantung Scharlachroter Winter - Krieg der Splendid Film 28.02.2014 Dir. Cheh Chang, Chu Yuan, David Chiang, Vampire (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057307 Chia-liang Liu Action/Eastern 1970-1979 884min. Crimson Winter Schwerter des Königs - Die letzte Great Movies GmbH(Magic Mov!e) Bryan Ferriter, Nick Milodragovich, Kailey 23.01.2014 M. Portsmouth, Ryan Pfeiffer, Paulie Rojas, Mission (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057108 Dave Noel, Keith Carlson, Andrew Roth, In The Name Of The King III Dominic Purcell, Ralitsa Paskaleva, Bashar Brandon Day, Jordyn Auvil, Nathan Mills, Sherlock Holmes - Der Hund von Benjamin Dawley-Anderson - Dir. Bryan Rahal - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Ferriter Fantasy/Action 2013 90min. Baskerville / Im Zeichen der Vier Action/Horror 2013 110min. Splendid Film 28.02.2014 (Blu-ray) Maritim Pictures 25.02.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057306 Sherlock Holmes 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057243 Ian Richardson - Dir. Douglas Hickox, Des- Secret Diary of a Call Girl - mond Davis Der Schaum der Tage (Special Season 3 & 4 (2 Discs) Kriminalfilm 1983 195min. Edition) (Blu-ray) Secret Diary Of A Call Girl Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.02.2014 L’ écume Des Jours , Iddo Goldberg, Cherie Lunghi, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057341 Romain Duris, Audrey Tautou, Gad Elmaleh, Ashley Madekwe, Joanna Bobin, Lily Omar Sy, Aïssa Maïga, Charlotte Le Bon, James, James D’Arcy, Callum Blue - Dir. Shining - Die Entscheidung (Blu- Sacha Bourdo, Philippe Torreton, Vincent Yann Demange, Susan Tully, Peter Lydon, ray) (k.J.) Rottiers, Laurent Lafitte, Natacha Régnier, Fraser Macdonald, Owen Harris, China Necrosis Zinedine Soualem, Alain Chabat - Dir. Mi- Moo-Young, Samuel Donovan, Alex Garcia, James Kyson Lee, George Stults, Tiffany chel Gondry Wayne Yip Renee Darwisch, Penny Drake, Danielle De Kinofassung, Entfallene Szenen, Dokumentationen, Trailer, Booklet Luca, Michael Berryman, Mickey Jones, Drama 2007-2011 350min. Wendecover Kymberly Jane, Grady Lee Richmond, Jay Drama 2013 135min. Studio Hamburg Enterprises(tellyvisions) Preston, John Dobroth, Robert Michael STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 31.01.2014 Ryan - Dir. Jason Robert Stephens Germany(Arthaus) 13.02.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057070 Trailer, Bildergalerie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057179 Horror 2009 77min. Secret State (2 Discs) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.01.2014 Der Schaum der Tage (Special Secret State 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057395 Edition, 2 Discs) Gabriel Byrne, Ralph Ineson, Charles L’ écume Des Jours Dance Shining - Die Entscheidung (k.J.) Romain Duris, Audrey Tautou, Gad Elmaleh, Behind the Scenes Necrosis Thriller/Politik 185min. Omar Sy, Aïssa Maïga, Charlotte Le Bon, James Kyson Lee, George Stults, Tiffany Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 31.01.2014 Sacha Bourdo, Philippe Torreton, Vincent Renee Darwisch, Penny Drake, Danielle De 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057328 Rottiers, Laurent Lafitte, Natacha Régnier, Luca, Michael Berryman, Mickey Jones, Zinedine Soualem, Alain Chabat - Dir. Mi- Sextett Kymberly Jane, Grady Lee Richmond, Jay chel Gondry Preston, John Dobroth, Robert Michael Wolfgang Spier, Harald Dietl, Heide Keller, Kinofassung, Entfallene Szenen, Dokumentationen, Trailer Ryan - Dir. Jason Robert Stephens Drama 2013 130min. Evelyn Gressmann, Mogens von Gadow - Trailer, Bildergalerie STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dir. Wolfgang Spier Horror 2009 74min. Germany(Arthaus) 13.02.2014 Theater/Komödie 120min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 31.01.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057167 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 24.01.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057383 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057142 Die schönsten Märchen der Ge- Shogun (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) brüder Grimm und Hans Christian Shark Attack Shogun Shark Attack Andersen Richard Chamberlain, Toshirô Mifune, Yoko Casper Van Dien, Cordell McQueen, Shimada, Frankie Sakai, Damien Thomas, Allerleirauh / Hänsel und Gretel / Des McShane, Tony Caprari, Ernie Hudson, John Rhys-Davies - Dir. Jerry London Kaisers neue Kleider / Die kleine Meer- Bentley Mitchum - Dir. Bob Misiorowski Abenteuer 1980 526min. jungfrau / Das Mädchen mit den Schwefel- Action/Abenteuer 1999 92min. Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2014 hölzern / Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse / Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 07.02.2014 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057314 Rotkäppchen / Schneeweißchen und Ro- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057378 senrot / Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen The Shout - Der Todesschrei

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The Shout Taylor, Eric Falk, Esther Moser, Marianne Alan Bates, John Hurt, Susannah York, Tim Stars in Love Collection (2 Discs) Graf, Kurt Meinicke - Dir. Jess Franco Curry - Dir. Jerzy Skolimowski Der Amerikaner / Ladies Should Listen / Erotik 1976 87min. Horror 1978 83min. Weihnachten nach Maß Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Komödie/Drama 360min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057276 24.01.2014 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 03.12.2013 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057093 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057057 Die teuflischen Schwestern (k.J.) Karine Gambier, Pamela Stanford, Jack Die Sklavinnen (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Stromberg - Staffel 1-5 (10 Discs) Taylor, Eric Falk, Esther Moser, Marianne Lina Romay, Vítor Mendes, Jess Franco - Christoph Maria Herbst, Bjarne Mädel, Oli- Graf, Kurt Meinicke - Dir. Jess Franco Dir. Jess Franco ver K. Wnuk, Diana Staehly - Dir. Arne Erotik 1976 84min. Erotik 1976 77min. Feldhusen (Folge 1-6), Franziska Meletzky Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.01.2014 (Folge 7-10) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057254 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057337 Interviews Komödie 1469min. Thunderstruck Die Sklavinnen (k.J.) Music Strategic Entertainment Thunderstruck Lina Romay, Vítor Mendes, Jess Franco - Division(Spassgesellschaft) 13.12.2013 Damon Gameau, Stephen Curry, Ryan Dir. Jess Franco 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057008 Johnson, Callan Mulvey, Sam Worthington, Erotik 1976 73min. Rachel Gordon, Kestie Morassi, Bojana Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 28.01.2014 Stubbe - Von Fall zu Fall: Folge Novakovitch, Saskia Burmeister - Dir. Dar- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057317 41-50 (5 Discs) ren Ashton Wolfgang Stumph, Stephanie Stumph Audiokommentar, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Making of Smiley Kriminalfilm 900min. Komödie/Drama 2004 96min. Smiley Edel Germany(Aviator) 07.02.2014 Intergroove Media(TB Productions) Caitlin Gerard, Melanie Papalia, Shane 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057327 24.01.2014 Dawson, Andrew James Allen, Roger Bart, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057091 Keith David, Toby Turner, Michael Traynor - Superstar Dir. Michael J. Gallagher Superstar Todesfalle Irak Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer Kad Merad, Cécile de France, Louis-Do de Purple Heart Horror 2012 95min. Lencquesaing, Cédric Ben Abdallah, William Sadler, Demetrius Navarro, Mel Pecom AG 25.02.2014 Alberto Sorbelli, Pierre Diot, Christophe Harris, Russell Gannon, Ed Lauter, Emilio 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057025 Kourotchkine, Stephan Wojtowicz - Dir. Rivera, Mary L. Carter, Dennis Hayden - Xavier Giannoli Dir. Bill Birrell Smiley (Blu-ray) Drama/Komödie 2012 113min. Trailer Thriller/Drama 2005 91min. Smiley Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 31.01.2014 Caitlin Gerard, Melanie Papalia, Shane GmbH & Co. KG 21.02.2014 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057208 Dawson, Andrew James Allen, Roger Bart, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057199 Keith David, Toby Turner, Michael Traynor - Dir. Michael J. Gallagher Superstar (Blu-ray) Todesfalle Irak (Blu-ray) Purple Heart Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Trailer Superstar Horror 2012 99min. William Sadler, Demetrius Navarro, Mel Kad Merad, Cécile de France, Louis-Do de Pecom AG 25.02.2014 Harris, Russell Gannon, Ed Lauter, Emilio Lencquesaing, Cédric Ben Abdallah, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057033 Rivera, Mary L. Carter, Dennis Hayden - Alberto Sorbelli, Pierre Diot, Christophe Dir. Bill Birrell Kourotchkine, Stephan Wojtowicz - Dir. Spaceship Firestar Making of, Trailer Xavier Giannoli Firestar Thriller/Drama 2005 95min. Drama/Komödie 2012 118min. John Wyman, Oliver Tobias, Mike Sullivan, Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 31.01.2014 Lighthouse Home Entertainment Vertriebs Heather Alexander - Dir. David Kent- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057237 GmbH & Co. KG 21.02.2014 Watson 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057231 Science Fiction 1991 94min. Topaz (Blu-ray) Topaz Edel Germany(Starmovie) 07.02.2014 A Tale of 2 Sisters 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057333 Frederick Stafford, Dany Robin, John Janghwa, Hongryeon Vernon, Karin Dor, Michel Piccoli, John Bud Spencer - Die Kult Box (10 Lim Su-jeong, Mun Geun-yeong, Yeom Forsythe, Philippe Noiret, Roscoe Lee Jeong-A, Kim Kap-su - Dir. Kim Jee-woon Discs) Browne, Claude Jade, Michel Subor, Carlos Horror/Thriller 2003 110min. Rivas, Per-Axel Arosenius, Edmond Ryan - Anche gli angeli mangiano fagioli / Banana 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.01.2014 Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Joe / Der Bomber / Bud, der Ganoven- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057101 Thriller 1969 min. schreck / Charleston / Der Große mit sei- Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) nem außerirdischen Kleinen / Oggi a me... A Tale of 2 Sisters (Blu-ray) 06.02.2014 domani a te / Un piede in paradiso / Si può Janghwa, Hongryeon 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057132 fare ... amigo / Sie verkaufen den Tod Lim Su-jeong, Mun Geun-yeong, Yeom Bud Spencer Jeong-A, Kim Kap-su - Dir. Kim Jee-woon Trapez Trailer, Slideshow, Bio- und Filmografien Horror/Thriller 2003 114min. Komödie/Action 1968-1991 950min. Trapeze 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.01.2014 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.01.2014 Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Gina 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057118 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057104 Lollobrigida, Katy Jurado, Thomas Gomez, Johnny Puleo - Dir. Sir Carol Reed - The Next Generation: Taxi - Die zweite Season (3 Discs) Drama 1956 102min. Taxi Season 5 (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Komödie 566min. Classic Selection) 13.02.2014 Star Trek - The Next Generation Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057129 Sir , Jonathan Frakes, Mari- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057375 na Sirtis, Brent Spiner Trapez (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Outtakes, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen Die teuflischen Schwestern (Blu- Science Fiction 1991-1992 1183min. Trapeze Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 ray) (k.J.) Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Gina 99,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057081 Karine Gambier, Pamela Stanford, Jack Lollobrigida, Katy Jurado, Thomas Gomez,

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Johnny Puleo - Dir. Sir Carol Reed Science Fiction/Action 1995 101min. Drama 1956 107min. Jules Verne Gesamtbox (4 Discs) Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Das Geheimnis der Monsterinsel / Die 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057351 Classic Selection) 13.02.2014 Teufel der Meere / Phantastische Reise 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057136 zum Mittelpunkt der Erde / Die Reise zur Wallander Collection No. 6 (2 geheimnisvollen Insel / Tauchfahrt des Discs) Danny Trejo Box (2 Discs) (Blu- Grauens / Die Stadt aus Stahl / Das Ge- Heimliche Liebschaften / Offene Rechnun- ray) (k.J.) heimnis der Burg in den Karpaten / Die gen Zombie Invasion War / Ghostquake Reise ins Zentrum der Zeit / Mysterious Krister Henriksson, Johanna Sällström - Dir. Danny Trejo Island / Die Reise zum prähistorischen Stephan Apelgren Horror 170min. Planeten / Die Reise zum Mond / Der Trailer Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Geist vom Slumber Mountain / Von der Kriminalfilm 2006 176min. 02.12.2013 Erde zum Mond / Rakete zum Mond / Die Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057157 phantastische Reise in einem Ballon / 20.12.2013 30.000 Meilen unter dem Meer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057056 Danny Trejo Box (Blu-ray 3D, 2 Abenteuer/Science Fiction 1902-2010 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 1360min. Warehouse 13 - Season Four (5 MIG Film 16.01.2014 Zombie Invasion War / Ghostquake Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057105 Danny Trejo Warehouse 13 Thriller/Mystery 832min. Horror 170min. Das verschollene Medaillon - Die Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 02.12.2013 Abenteuer von Billy Stone 27.02.2014 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057158 The Lost Medallion: The Adventures Of 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057313 Billy Stone Danny Trejo Box (k.J.) Billy Unger, Sammi Hanratty, James Hong, The Warriors Zombie Invasion War / Ghostquake / Jansen Panettiere, Mark Dacascos, William The Warriors Shoot the Hero Corkery, Hal Rudnick, Sidney S. Liufau, Michael Beck, James Remar, Thomas G. Danny Trejo Tiya Sircar, Alex Kendrick, Marlowe Peyton Waites, Dorsey Wright, Brian Taylor, David Horror 246min. - Dir. Bill Muir Harris, Tom McKitterick, Marcelino Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Sanchez, Terry Michos, Deborah van Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 94min. 02.12.2013 Valkenburgh - Dir. Walter Hill KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.02.2014 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057143 Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057227 Action 1978 89min. Vater, Mutter und neun Kinder Paramount Home Entertainment 03.01.2014 Das verschollene Medaillon - Die 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057349 Heinz Erhardt, Camilla Spira, Monika Abenteuer von Billy Stone (Blu- Ahrens, Renate Küster, Corny Collins, Nora The Wedding Party - Was ist Minor, Gabriele Steffan - Dir. Erich Engels ray) Bildergalerie The Lost Medallion: The Adventures Of schon Liebe? Komödie 1958 91min. Billy Stone The Wedding Party Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) Billy Unger, Sammi Hanratty, James Hong, Josh Lawson, Isabel Lucas, Kestie 31.01.2014 Jansen Panettiere, Mark Dacascos, William Morassi, Steve Bisley, , Geoff 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057149 Corkery, Hal Rudnick, Sidney S. Liufau, Paine, Nadine Garner, Adam Zwar, Heather Tiya Sircar, Alex Kendrick, Marlowe Peyton Mitchell, Rhonda Burchmore, Nikita Leigh- Vater, Mutter und neun Kinder - Dir. Bill Muir Pritchard, Lincoln Younes - Dir. Amanda (Blu-ray) Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie Jane Heinz Erhardt, Camilla Spira, Monika Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 2013 98min. Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Komödie/Familie 2010 97min. Ahrens, Renate Küster, Corny Collins, Nora KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.02.2014 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.02.2014 Minor, Gabriele Steffan - Dir. Erich Engels 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057252 Bildergalerie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057228 Komödie 1958 95min. Violence of Action - Im Faden- Intergroove Media(Dynasty Film) kreuz der Gewalt The Wedding Party - Was ist 31.01.2014 True Justice: Violence Of Action schon Liebe? (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057163 Steven Seagal, Steve Bacic, Sarah Lind - The Wedding Party Dir. Lauro Chartrand Josh Lawson, Isabel Lucas, Kestie Vera - Die Frau des Sizilianers (2 Action/Thriller 2012 87min. Morassi, Steve Bisley, Essie Davis, Geoff Discs) Splendid Film 28.02.2014 Paine, Nadine Garner, Adam Zwar, Heather Lara Joy Körner, Gunther Gillian, Mario 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057171 Mitchell, Rhonda Burchmore, Nikita Leigh- Adorf, Max Tidof, Eva-Maria Bauer, Urs Pritchard, Lincoln Younes - Dir. Amanda Hefti, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Carolina Vera, Violence of Action - Im Faden- Jane Roswitha Schreiner, Martin Semmelrogge, Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie kreuz der Gewalt (Blu-ray) Komödie/Familie 2010 101min. Suzanne Landsfried, Heinz Hoenig, Hans True Justice: Violence Of Action KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 17.02.2014 Teuscher - Dir. Joseph Vilsmaier Steven Seagal, Steve Bacic, Sarah Lind - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057253 Drama 2004 200min. Dir. Lauro Chartrand POLAR Film + Medien 03.12.2013 Action/Thriller 2012 91min. Die Welt der Hedwig Courths- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057060 Splendid Film 28.02.2014 Mahler - Der Scheingemahl 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057183 Das verbotene Paradies Christian Wolff, Anne-Marie Blanc, Horst Wolfgang Lukschy, Ingeborg Schöner, Jan Virtuosity Niendorf, Herlinde Latzko, Walter Kohut, Alexander Hegarth, Ludwig Anschütz - Dir. Hendriks, Walter Breuer, Lutz Moik, Bruno Virtuosity Gert Westphal Fritz, Eve Dietrich, Günter Pfitzmann - Dir. Denzel Washington, Kelly Lynch, Russell Drama 1974 112min. Maximilian Meyer Crowe, Stephen Spinella, William Forsythe, Pidax film media(Pidax film) 07.02.2014 Booklet Louise Fletcher, William Fichtner, Costas Erotik/Komödie 1958 80min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057068 Mandylor, Kevin J. O’Connor - Dir. Brett Pidax film media(Pidax film) 24.01.2014 Leonard Wer ist John Doe? 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057141 Trailer

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Meet John Doe Agnes Bruckner, Madeline Zima, Shawn Wrong Turn (Remastered) (Blu- Gary Cooper, Barbara Stanwyck, James Ashmore, John Stockwell, Sam Anderson, ray) Gleason, Edward Arnold, , Kate Levering, Shanna Collins, Melanie Wrong Turn Spring Byington, Gene Lockhart, Rod La Mayron, Jennifer Ann Massey, Tiya Sircar - Desmond Harrington, Eliza Dushku, Roque - Dir. Dir. Jamie Babbit Emmanuelle Chriqui, Jeremy Sisto, Kevin Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1941 122min. Trailer Zegers, Lindy Booth, Julian Richings, Garry SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 03.12.2013 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 83min. Robbins, Ted Clark, Yvonne Gaudry, Joel 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057059 Koch Media 20.03.2014 tba BestellNr.: 20057220 Harris, Wayne Robson, James Downing, Die Wespenfrau (OmU) David Huband - Dir. Rob Schmidt Wild Beasts (Blu-ray) Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, INterviews, Behind the Scenes , Fred Eisley, , Breaking The Girls Horror/Thriller 2003 81min. William Roerick, William Marks, Frank Agnes Bruckner, Madeline Zima, Shawn Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 03.12.2013 Gerstle - Dir. Ashmore, John Stockwell, Sam Anderson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057017 Science Fiction 1959 70min. Kate Levering, Shanna Collins, Melanie aberle-media 13.12.2013 Mayron, Jennifer Ann Massey, Tiya Sircar - Zeugin der Anklage 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057209 Dir. Jamie Babbit Witness For The Prosecution Trailer Tyrone Power jr., Marlene Dietrich, Charles Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2013 86min. Women - Das Haus der Laughton, Elsa Lanchester, John Williams, Koch Media 20.03.2014 Henry Daniell, Ian Wolfe - Dir. Billy Wilder mannstollen Frauen (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 20057247 (k.J.) Kriminalfilm/Drama 1957 112min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Frauen Ohne Unschuld Wild Queens (k.J.) Germany(MGM/UA) 14.02.2014 Lina Romay, Dagmar Bürger, Peter Journey Among Women 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057402 Baumgartner, Michael Maien, Peggy Mark- June Pritchard, Martin Phelan, Rose Lilley - off, Muriel Montossé - Dir. Jess Franco Dir. Tom Cowan Zimmer 508 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Bildergalerie, Trailer Historienfilm/Drama 1977 78min. Across The Hall Erotik/Kriminalfilm 1977 81min. Maritim Pictures 21.02.2014 Mike Vogel, Brittany Murphy, Danny Pino, Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057083 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057021 Brad Greenquist, Arie Verveen, Natalie The Winner Takes it All Smyka, Guillermo Diaz, Dov Davidoff - Dir. Wicked Women - Das Haus der Alex Merkin Concursante Bildergalerie, Filmografie mannstollen Frauen (k.J.) Leonardo Sbaraglia, Chete Lera, Miryam Thriller 2009 93min. Frauen Ohne Unschuld Gallego, Fernando Cayo, Myriam de Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) Lina Romay, Dagmar Bürger, Peter Maeztu, Luis Zahera - Dir. Rodrigo Cortés 02.12.2013 Baumgartner, Michael Maien, Peggy Mark- Trailer, Bildergalerie 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057161 off, Muriel Montossé - Dir. Jess Franco Komödie/Satire 2007 86min. Bildergalerie, Trailer 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.01.2014 Zirri - Das Wolkenschaf Erotik/Kriminalfilm 1977 77min. tba BestellNr.: 20057102 Babett Ikker, Günter Grabbert, Walfriede Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 World War II Apocalypse Schmitt - Dir. Rolf Losansky 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057016 Trailer Brother’s War Kinderfilm 1993 60min. Wie ein wilder Stier Tino Struckmann, Hugh Daly, Hayley Carr, ICESTORM Entertainment 15.01.2014 Raging Bull Michael Berryman, Olivier Gruner, Jack 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057153 Robert De Niro, Cathy Moriarty, Joe Pesci, Dimich, Adam Leadbeater, Tye Olson, Dylan , Nicholas Colasanto, Kenin, Boris Kievsky - Dir. Jerry Buteyn Zombie Executioner (Blu-ray) Theresa Saldana, Mario Gallo, Frank Ado- Trailer, Making of (k.J.) nis, Joseph Bono, Charles Scorsese, Mar- Action/Kriegsfilm 2009 96min. Zombie Wars tin Scorsese - Dir. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.01.2014 Jonathan Badeen, Jim Hazelton, Alissa Action 1980 123min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057090 Koenig, Adam Stuart, Erik Vanlier, John- Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment World War II Apocalypse (Blu- Michael Thomas - Dir. David A. Prior Germany(MGM/UA) 14.02.2014 Trailer, Original Vorspann 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057404 ray) Horror/Action 2006 80min. Brother’s War Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.01.2014 Wie man den Vater in die Besse- Tino Struckmann, Hugh Daly, Hayley Carr, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057112 rungsanstalt bekommt Michael Berryman, Olivier Gruner, Jack Jak Dostat Tatínka Do Polepšovny Dimich, Adam Leadbeater, Tye Olson, Dylan Zombie Executioner (k.J.) Tomás Holy, Jana Preissova - Dir. Marie Kenin, Boris Kievsky - Dir. Jerry Buteyn Zombie Wars Polednáková Making of, Trailer Jonathan Badeen, Jim Hazelton, Alissa Action/Kriegsfilm 2009 100min. Trailer Koenig, Adam Stuart, Erik Vanlier, John- Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.01.2014 Drama/Familie 1978 90min. Michael Thomas - Dir. David A. Prior ICESTORM Entertainment 15.01.2014 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057113 Trailer, Slideshow, Alternative Titelszene 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057155 Horror/Action 2006 77min. Wrong Turn (Remastered) Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 24.01.2014 Wie man einem Wal den Backen- Wrong Turn 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057088 zahn zieht Desmond Harrington, Eliza Dushku, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Jeremy Sisto, Kevin Jak Vytrhnout Velrybe Stolicku Zugelassen - Gib der Liebe eine Zegers, Lindy Booth, Julian Richings, Garry Jana Preissova, Tomás Holy - Dir. Marie Chance Robbins, Ted Clark, Yvonne Gaudry, Joel Polednáková Admission Harris, Wayne Robson, James Downing, Trailer Paul Rudd, Michael Sheen, , Lily Komödie/Familie 1977 80min. David Huband - Dir. Rob Schmidt Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, INterviews, Behind Tomlin, Wallace Shawn, Sonya Walger, Nat ICESTORM Entertainment 15.01.2014 the Scenes Wolff, - Dir. Paul Weitz 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057154 Horror/Thriller 2003 81min. Komödie/Drama 2013 103min. Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 03.12.2013 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Wild Beasts 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057011 13.02.2014 Breaking The Girls 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057312

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Interview, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Zugelassen - Gib der Liebe eine Music Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2013 89min. Chance (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Germany 13.02.2014 Admission Stop Making Sense 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057180 Paul Rudd, Michael Sheen, Tina Fey, Lily - Stop Making Sense - The Tomlin, Wallace Shawn, Sonya Walger, Nat Movie Double Up Collection: Mount St. Wolff, Gloria Reuben - Dir. Paul Weitz Featurette Talking Heads - Dir. Jonathan Demme Elias / Am Limit (2 Discs) Komödie/Drama 2013 107min. Audiokommentare, Interview, Storyboards, Wendecover, u.a. Mount St. Elias / Am Limit Musikfilm 1984 84min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Jon Johnston, Axel Naglich, Peter STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 13.02.2014 Ressmann, Thomas Huber, Alexander Hu- Germany(Arthaus) 27.02.2014 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057316 ber - Dir. Gerald Salmina, Pepe Danquart 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057290 Interviews, Featurettes, Making of, Biografie, Bildergalerie, Die Zukunft heißt Frau Trailer, Wendecover Stop Making Sense (Blu-ray) Dokumentarfilm/Abenteuer 2007-2009 Le Future Est Femme Talking Heads - Stop Making Sense - The 197min. Hanna Schygulla, Ornella Muti, Niels Movie STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Arestrup - Dir. Marco Ferreri Talking Heads - Dir. Jonathan Demme Germany(Arthaus) 27.02.2014 Drama 1981 96min. Audiokommentare, Interview, Storyboards, Wendecover, u.a. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057272 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 10.12.2013 Musikfilm 1984 88min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Die Jungfrau, die Kopten und ich Germany(Arthaus) 27.02.2014 (OmU) Zwei wie Pech und Schwefel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057297 (Blu-ray) La Vierge, Les Coptes Et Moi Siham Abdel Messeeh, Namir Abdel Altrimenti Ci Arrabbiamo Messeeh - Dir. Namir Abdel Messeeh Terence Hill, Bud Spencer, Donald Dokumentarfilm 2011 85min. Pleasence, John Sharp, Deogratias Huerta Special Interest good!movies(Arsenal) 29.11.2013 - Dir. Marcello Fondato 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057007 Komödie 1973 101min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.01.2014 African Safari Liv und Ingmar tba BestellNr.: 20057079 African Safari 3D Dir. Dheeraj Akolkar Mara Douglas-Hamilton, Kevin Richardson - Wendecover Zwei wie Pech und Schwefel Dir. Ben Stassen Dokumentarfilm 2012 81min. (Limited Edition) (Blu-ray) Interview, Making of, Trailer, Wendecover STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dokumentarfilm/Natur 2013 86min. Altrimenti Ci Arrabbiamo Germany(Arthaus) 28.02.2014 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Terence Hill, Bud Spencer, Donald 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057270 Germany 13.02.2014 Pleasence, John Sharp, Deogratias Huerta 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057168 - Dir. Marcello Fondato Love Alien O-Card, Booklet African Safari (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Dir. Wolfram Huke Komödie 1973 101min. Dokumentarfilm 2012 min. 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 23.01.2014 ray) good!movies(Schwarz-Weiss) 13.12.2013 tba BestellNr.: 20057116 African Safari 3D 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20057213 Mara Douglas-Hamilton, Kevin Richardson - Dir. Ben Stassen

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 36 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121078 finds its way down to their sunny dirt road. The funny, familiar experiences of this bear family instill timeless life lessons Animation and reflect the traditional community values of country life. Adventures Of The Penguin King Enjoy this special collection with over two hours of Brother Bear fun. 4 Film Favorites: Teenage Mutant 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD) Animated Animals, Animation, Book-To-Film, Ninja Turtles Collection (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Children’s, Collections, Family 120min. PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which Phase 4 Films 03.12.2013 , Sab Shimono, Paige Turco, is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120651 Sarah Michelle Gellar, David Warner, Kevin A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Smith, Vivian Wu, Stuart Wilson, Elias standard Blu-ray players After three years at sea, Rex, an irrepressible King Penguin with a thirst for travel and love of Betty Boop: The Essential Koteas, Mako, Patrick Stewart, Judith Hoag, epic voyages, heads home to Penguin City, his birthplace on Ziyi Zhang - Dir. Steve Barron, Michael beautiful South Georgia Island, not far from the frozen Collection - Volume 3 Pressman, Stuart Gillard, Kevin Munroe vastness of Antarctica. Having tasted what the wider world Newly re-mastered in HD from 4K scans of has to offer, Rex now embarks on the greatest adventure of negatives and finegrains. Regarded as one of the first and Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, his life: finding a mate and raising a family. In this perfect most famous sex symbols on the animated screen; she was a Animated Feature Films, Animation, Based family-friendly story, follow Rex as he searches for true love symbol of the Depression era and a reminder of the more On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Comedy, Computer among Penguin City’s six million inhabitants, has fun with his carefree days of the Roaring Twenties. Her popularity was cousins Larry and Moe, and learns to survive harsh weather drawn larger from adult audiences and the cartoons, while Animation, Martial Arts, Movies, Ninjas, and dangerous predators. Comical elephant seals, smaller seemingly surreal, contained many sexual and psychological Superheroes 1990 min. macaroni penguins, majestic albatrosses and cute King elements. „Boop-Oop-A-Doop“ The queen of the animated Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 Penguin chicks are all part of the fun, set amongst the screen returns to allure and entice audiences all over again stunning sub-Antarctic landscape. Narrator Tim Allen (Disney in this fantastic four-volume compilation featuring many of her 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120955 Nature’s Chimpanzee, Pixar’s ) brings added greatest adventures. Volume Three includes 12 animated short warmpth and humor to the tale, with a script by Phillip films available for the first time on DVD and Blu-ray 4 Kids Favorites: Ben 10 Movies Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Animation, Classics, Comedy, Musical Four action packed movies featuring ’s Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Family, Movies 2013 81min. favorite hero Ben Tennyson are available in one DVD set. The 78min. Olive Films 29.04.2014 4 Kid Favorites: Ben 10 Movie Collection includes hours of New Video DVD 25.02.2014 action and entertainment from original movies Race Against 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121064 Time, Secrets of the Omnitrix, Destroy all Aliens, and Alien 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121101 Swarm. The perfect DVD for Ben 10 collectors and fans, all at Betty Boop: The Essential a great value. XIII: Tartaros & Action, Adventure, Animation, Cartoon Collection - Volume 3 (Blu-ray) Network, Children’s, Collections, Family, Ouranos Newly re-mastered in HD from 4K scans of the original Animation, , Foreign, International TV, negatives and finegrains. Regarded as one of the first and Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction, Televisi- most famous sex symbols on the animated screen; she was a on, TV Movies min. Japanese, Science Fiction, Television min. symbol of the Depression era and a reminder of the more Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 25.02.2014 carefree days of the Roaring Twenties. Her popularity was 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120689 drawn larger from adult audiences and the cartoons, while 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121128 seemingly surreal, contained many sexual and psychological elements. „Boop-Oop-A-Doop“ The queen of the animated Accel World: Set Two Appleseed XIII: Tartaros & screen returns to allure and entice audiences all over again in this fantastic four-volume compilation featuring many of her The year is 2046. Haruyuki Arita is a young boy who finds Ouranos (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) greatest adventures. Volume Three includes 12 animated short himself on the lowest social rungs of his school. Ashamed of (Blu-ray) films available for the first time on DVD and Blu-ray his miserable life, Haruyuki can only cope by indulging in Animation, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Mu- virtual games. But that all changes when Kuroyukihime, the Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- sical 81min. most popular girl in school, introduces him to a mysterious tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- program called Brain Burst and a virtual reality called the Olive Films 29.04.2014 vision min. Accel World. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121094 Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Interna- Funimation 25.02.2014 tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120710 vision 300min. Bubble Guppies: Animals Viz Entertainment 11.03.2014 Barbie: The Pearl Princess Everywhere! 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121130 Barbie stars as Lumina, a mermaid who dreams of being a The Bubble Guppies are making all kinds of new animal princess. As long as she can remember, she’s had a magical - squirrels, ducks, rhinos, elephants, and more! Join power that makes pearls dance and glow! Lumina, and her the class for six fin-tastic field trips that will have you Accel World: Set Two (Blu-ray) best friend Kuda, a pink seahorse, embark on an adventure to learning about all kinds of animals from around the world! The year is 2046. Haruyuki Arita is a young boy who finds a majestic mer-kingdom. There, she uses her powers to help Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, himself on the lowest social rungs of his school. Ashamed of her friends prepare for the Royal Ball. Lumina then discovers Family, Nickelodeon, Television 138min. his miserable life, Haruyuki can only cope by indulging in that her magical pearls are the key to unlocking her true virtual games. But that all changes when Kuroyukihime, the destiny and ultimately saving the kingdom. Nickelodeon 18.03.2014 most popular girl in school, introduces him to a mysterious Animation, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, girl 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121060 program called Brain Burst and a virtual reality called the Accel World. power, Movies 74min. Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Universal Studios 11.03.2014 Care Bears: The Care-A-Thon International TV, Japanese, Science 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121127 Games Fiction, Television 300min. Join the Care Bear Care-a-thon Games! After a surprise win Barbie: The Pearl Princess (Blu- at the Bearathon, Funshine starts getting a little too Viz Entertainment 11.03.2014 competitive with his friends. Meanwhile, Wonderheart helps a 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121145 ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) friend find her courage during a loud Crackle Storm. And Barbie stars as Lumina, a mermaid who dreams of being a when Grumpy gets stuck in „Stick-’Til- You’re-Stuck-Sand,“ Adventures Of The Penguin King princess. As long as she can remember, she’s had a magical everyone must lend a helping hand to get him un-stuck! On power that makes pearls dance and glow! Lumina, and her your mark, get set, and have fun in these spirited adventures After three years at sea, Rex, an irrepressible King Penguin best friend Kuda, a pink seahorse, embark on an adventure to with all your best bear buddies in Care-a-Lot! with a thirst for travel and love of epic voyages, heads home a majestic mer-kingdom. There, she uses her powers to help Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, to Penguin City, his birthplace on beautiful South Georgia her friends prepare for the Royal Ball. Lumina then discovers Children’s, Family, Television 88min. Island, not far from the frozen vastness of Antarctica. Having that her magical pearls are the key to unlocking her true tasted what the wider world has to offer, Rex now embarks on destiny and ultimately saving the kingdom. 04.02.2014 the greatest adventure of his life: finding a mate and raising a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120695 family. In this perfect family-friendly story, follow Rex as he Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, searches for true love among Penguin City’s six million Fantasy, girl power, Movies 74min. inhabitants, has fun with his cousins Larry and Moe, and Universal Studios 11.03.2014 Charlotte’s Web (2006) / learns to survive harsh weather and dangerous predators. Comical elephant seals, smaller macaroni penguins, majestic 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121144 Charlotte’s Web (1973) - Double albatrosses and cute King Penguin chicks are all part of the Feature fun, set amongst the stunning sub-Antarctic landscape. The Berenstain Bears: Ultimate Narrator Tim Allen (Disney Nature’s Chimpanzee, Pixar’s Dakota Fanning, Reba McEntire, Cedric The Toy Story) brings added warmpth and humor to the tale, with a Collection - Brother Bear Edition Entertainer, Robert Redford, Kathy Bates, script by Phillip LaZebnik (Pocahontas, Mulan, Prince of Brother Bear loves sports of all kinds, especially soccer. He John Cleese, Thomas Haden Church, Julia Egypt). often acts as protector and stands up for the smaller cubs at Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, school. Set in the rolling hills of Bear Country, this animated Roberts, Oprah Winfrey, - Family, Movies 2013 78min. comedy stars a fun loving family of honey Bears whose love, Dir. Gary Winick New Video DVD 25.02.2014 loyalty and humor allow them to overcome any obstacle that Animals & Nature, Animated Animals, Ani-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 37 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA mation, Book-To-Film, Children’s, Double is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. by Frieza’s most elite fighting unit - the unstoppable Ginyu Features, Family, Movies min. A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all Force! standard Blu-ray players Inventor Flint Lockwood thought he Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Interna- Paramount 11.03.2014 saved the world when he destroyed his most infamous tional TV, Japanese, Martial Arts, Television 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120796 invention - a machine that turned water into food causing cheeseburger rain and spaghetti tornadoes. But Flint soon min. learns that his invention survived and is now combining food Funimation 18.02.2014 Chuggington: Brewster Leads and animals to create „foodimals!“ Flint and his friends embark on an adventurously mouth-watering mission to battle hungry 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120705 The Way tacodiles, shrimpanzees, hippotatomuses, cheesepiders and Brewster Leads the Way includes two new-to-DVD episodes other foodimals to save the world - again! Evangelion: 3.33 from the new season! Brewster learns responsibility and Animation, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Book-To- Action, Animation, Drama, Movies, Science teamwork as he enlists the help of strong Chuggers, saves Film, Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, new trainees Zack, Tyne and Fletch from a flash flood caused Fiction 106min. Movies 2013 95min. by a bursting river, and assists the mayor and Old Puffer Pete Funimation 18.02.2014 with the help of his best friends Wilson and Koko. Your own Home Entertainment little Chuggers enjoy every second of the exciting ride, in 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120688 Brewster Leads the Way! 28.01.2014 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120887 Animation, Children’s, Computer Animation, Evangelion: 3.33 (Blu-ray) Television, Transportation 2014 65min. Action, Animation, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Starz / Anchor Bay 11.02.2014 DC Super Heroes: The Filmation Science Fiction 106min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120715 Adventures - Volume One Funimation 18.02.2014 Starring DC Comics favorites the Atom, the Flash, Green 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120706 Chuggington: Brewster Leads Lantern and Hawkman, these action-packed Filmation Associates-produced adventures pit our heroes against alien The Way (With Toy Train) invaders and fantastical creatures from strange worlds, all Fairy Tail: Part Eight (Blu-ray + Brewster Leads the Way includes two new-to-DVD episodes intent on taking over planet Earth. This compilation features from the new season! Brewster learns responsibility and each super hero in their own cartoon plus bonuses starring DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) teamwork as he enlists the help of strong Chuggers, saves the Justice League of America and the Teen Titans. Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On new trainees Zack, Tyne and Fletch from a flash flood caused Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Magic, by a bursting river, and assists the mayor and Old Puffer Pete Comic Book, Fantasy, Superheroes, Televi- Television min. with the help of his best friends Wilson and Koko. Your own sion min. little Chuggers enjoy every second of the exciting ride, in Funimation 04.02.2014 Warner Bros. 11.02.2014 Brewster Leads the Way! 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120701 Animation, Children’s, Computer Animation, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121133 Television, Transportation 2014 65min. Starz / Anchor Bay 11.02.2014 Dora The Explorer: Dora In Fantastic Mr. Fox: The Criterion 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120716 Wonderland Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Get ready to explore Wonderland with Dora and Boots! When (Blu-ray) Cloudy With A Chance Of Dora’s kitties run through a magic mirror, Dora becomes Dora Wally Wolodarsky, Jason Schwartzman, in Wonderland in this double-length special based on the Meatballs 2 (Blu-ray + DVD + classic tale. Plus, become a book explorer with Dora as she Michael Gambon, Owen Wilson, Willem UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) journeys into classic stories in a bonus episode never before Dafoe, George Clooney, Bill Murray, Meryl released on DVD! Streep - Dir. Wes Anderson Will Forte, Bill Hader, Anna Faris - Dir. Cody Adventure, Animation, Children’s, George Clooney and lend their voices to this Cameron Children’s / Educational, Family, Nickel- hilarious and heartwarming animated adventure from visionary Inventor Flint Lockwood thought he saved the world when he director Wes Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Fox (Clooney and destroyed his most infamous invention - a machine that turned odeon, Preschool, Television 2014 69min. Streep) live a happy home life with their eccentric son Ash water into food causing cheeseburger rain and spaghetti Nickelodeon 04.03.2014 (Jason Schwartzman) and visiting nephew Kristopherson. tornadoes. But Flint soon learns that his invention survived 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121043 That is until Mr. Fox slips into his sneaky, old ways and plots and is now combining food and animals to create „foodimals!“ the greatest chicken heist the animal world has ever seen. Flint and his friends embark on an adventurously mouth- Based on the beloved, best-selling book by Roald Dahl watering mission to battle hungry tacodiles, shrimpanzees, Dora The Explorer: Dora’s Easter (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory), Fantastic Mr. Fox is hippotatomuses, cheesepiders and other foodimals to save the family fun at its finest. world - again! Adventure (Repackage) Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Animation, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Comedy, Get ready for an Egg-Citing Easter Adventure as you help Dora and Boots save the Hip-Hop-Bunny’s basket of eggs! Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Comedy, Criterion Computer Animation, Family, Movies 2013 Plus, a troll wedding and a trip to Troll Land! Collection, Family, Movies, Stop Motion Ani- 95min. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, mation 2009 87min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, Criterion 18.02.2014 28.01.2014 Holidays, Nickelodeon, Preschool, Televisi- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120644 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120886 on 2012 66min. Nickelodeon 18.02.2014 The Flintstone Kids: Rockin’ In Cloudy With A Chance Of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120810 Bedrock Meatballs 2 (DVD + UltraViolet) The Flintstone kids are the same prehistoric characters you Will Forte, Bill Hader, Anna Faris - Dir. Cody Dora The Explorer: Egg Hunt love only younger (8-10 years old). Watch these fun-loving kids in The Flintstone Kids: Rockin in Bedrock, this 2-disc Cameron (Repackaged) set is sure to appeal to every member of the family to enjoy Inventor Flint Lockwood thought he saved the world when he It’s an egg-cellent day for an Egg Hunt Adventure with Dora together. destroyed his most infamous invention - a machine that turned and Boots! They need your help to find the Big Yellow Egg Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Dinosaurs, water into food causing cheeseburger rain and spaghetti with a big prize inside. Along the way, keep an eye out for tornadoes. But Flint soon learns that his invention survived other surprise-filled eggs, as well as a few surprises from Family, Historical / Period Piece, Prehistoric and is now combining food and animals to create „foodimals!“ Swiper the Fox! Times, Television 300min. Flint and his friends embark on an adventurously mouth- watering mission to battle hungry tacodiles, shrimpanzees, Animation, Children’s, Children’s / Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 hippotatomuses, cheesepiders and other foodimals to save the Educational, Educational, Family, Nickel- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120685 world - again! odeon, Preschool, Television 2004 98min. Animation, Book-To-Film, Comedy, Computer Nickelodeon 18.02.2014 Free Birds Animation, Family, Movies 2013 95min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120809 , Owen Wilson, Woody Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Harrelson - Dir. Jimmy Hayward 28.01.2014 Dragon Ball Z: Season 2 (Blu-ray) From the Academy Award-Winning producer of comes a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120864 Having suffered heavy losses in the battle with th Saiyans, hilarious animated adventure about two turkeys from opposite and with Goku still recovering from his injuries, the remaining sides of the tracks who travel back in time in order to keep Cloudy With A Chance Of Z-Fighters must embark on a perilous journey to Planet their species off the Thanksgiving menu. Featuring an all-star Namek in search of the Namekian Dragon Balls. Unbeknownst voice cast, including Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson and Meatballs 2 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu- to them, however, a powerful new enemy has set his sights on Amy Poehler, Free Birds is loaded with laughs and stuffed the same prize - the ruthless tyrant Freiza! beset on all sides with fun for the whole family! ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) by danger, Goah, Krillin, and Bulma must fight for their lives Animals & Nature, Animated Animals, Will Forte, Bill Hader, Anna Faris - Dir. Cody as they struggle to keep the Dragon Balls from falling to evil Animated Feature Films, Animation, hands. Meanwhile, Goku races against time to join his friends Cameron in their quest, but waiting for him on Planet Namek is an army Children’s, Comedy, Computer Animation, PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which of the most powerful villains the universe has ever known, led Family, Holidays, Movies, Science Fiction

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 38 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

2013 91min. student... until his seemingly perfect life is halted when a bloodthirsty clan, glowing red with fire, attempts to kill him in 20th Century Fox 04.02.2014 Harry And His Bucket Full Of the streets. Unbeknownst to Shiro, he is suspected of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120964 Dinosaurs: Let’s Rock! murdering a member of their clan and will need a miracle to escape their vengeance. Miraculously, a young man named Get ready to rock with Harry and his dinosaur pals - a group Kuroh Yatogami swings in and aids Shiro in his getaway, only Free Birds (Blu-ray + DVD + of six toy dinos who come to life and become Harry’s very to reveal he’s also after Shiro’s life. Now a hunted man, Shiro Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) best friends. The sky’s the limit in Dino World and the music will have to evade the clans of seven powerful kings and has never been better! Rock out with drums, violins and other desperately try to prove his innocence... before it’s too late! Amy Poehler, Owen Wilson, Woody surprise instruments, and sing along to all your favorite Dino World songs! Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- Harrelson - Dir. Jimmy Hayward tional TV, Japanese, Television 300min. From the Academy Award-Winning producer of Shrek comes a Animation, Children’s, Dinosaurs, Music, hilarious animated adventure about two turkeys from opposite Preschool, Television 88min. Viz Entertainment 25.02.2014 sides of the tracks who travel back in time in order to keep New Video DVD 11.02.2014 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120821 their species off the Thanksgiving menu. Featuring an all-star voice cast, including Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121083 Amy Poehler, Free Birds is loaded with laughs and stuffed Kamisama Kiss: The Complete with fun for the whole family! Harry And His Bucket Full Of Series (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Animals & Nature, Animated Animals, Animated Feature Films, Animation, Blu-ray, Dinosaurs: Play Make Believe (Blu-ray) Harry and his bucket of six Dinosaur toys that come to life Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, Children’s, Comedy, Computer Animation, are about to go on wild adventures and explore Dino World! Family, Holidays, Movies, Science Fiction It’s up to Harry’s imagination and creativity to save the Dinos Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, 2013 91min. from monsters, play the best Captain in a game of Pirates and Japanese, Television 325min. 20th Century Fox 04.02.2014 pretend to be the greatest chef Dino World has ever seen. Funimation 11.02.2014 Animation, Children’s, Dinosaurs, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120972 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120702 Preschool, Television min. New Video DVD 11.02.2014 Khumba Fruits Basket: The Complete 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121084 Series Jake T. Austin, , Steve Buscemi - Dir. Anthony Silverston Animation, Anime, Comedy, Drama, Interna- : 7 Mini-Movie Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, tional TV, Television 580min. Collection Children’s, Family, Movies 2013 85min. Funimation 04.02.2014 7 mini-movies starring your favorite characters from Millennium Entertainment 11.02.2014 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120687 Despicable Me, HOP, and Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax come together for the first time ever in one exciting collection! Get 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120901 busy with the Minions, hop along with Phil and Carlos, and The Garfield Show: It’s explore nature with The Lorax in these hilarious crowd- Khumba 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray Showtime! pleasing adventures. It’s animated fun the whole family can enjoy again and again! + DVD) (Blu-ray) Join Garfield,Odie and his favorite pals as they enjoy every minute of their care-free life! They’ll take you on adventures Animation, Children’s, Collections, Comedy, Jake T. Austin, Liam Neeson, Steve that will have you laughing out loud. So grab your remote, Computer Animation, Dr. Seuss, Family, Buscemi - Dir. Anthony Silverston popcorn and pizza because It’s Showtime! Fantasy, Movies, Science Fiction, Short Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Animated Animals, Animation, Based On A Film Collections min. Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Children’s, Family 2013 Comic Strip, Children’s, Comedy, Computer Universal Studios 04.03.2014 85min. Animation, Family, Television 2012 72min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121123 Millennium Entertainment 11.02.2014 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 18.02.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120932 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120665 Jormungand: The Complete Se- Geronimo Stilton: Intrigue On cond Season (Blu-ray + DVD Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of The Rodent Express Combo) (Blu-ray) - The Str- The animated series centers on the life and adventures of the Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, anger famous Geronimo Stilton - head of a media empire, a peaceful International TV, Japanese, Television min. Get your fill of heroic hijinks and hilarity in this legendary mouse and klutz extraordinaire, and his fearless young Funimation 18.02.2014 animated TV series based on the Academy Award®- nephew Benjamin Stilton. Adventure always comes knocking Nominated hit movie Kung Fu Panda! When it comes to martial on their door, launching them paws-first into capers in New 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120707 arts mastery, Po is definitely no lightweight. But protecting the Mouse City or in exotic locales around the world. Valley of Peace is a team effort, so together with the Furious Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- Justice League: War - Special Five - Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Crane and Viper - the mation, Children’s, Family 96min. power-packed panda is dedicated to fighting the fiercest and Edition funniest criminals in all of China, even if he has to dress up E1 Entertainment 04.02.2014 Going back to a time when superheroes were new to our as...wait for it...The Midnight Stranger! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120766 world, we learn how the Justice League came together during Action, Animated Animals, Animation, an alien attack of Earth. Children’s, Comedy, Computer Animation, Guess How Much I Love You: Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On Family, Television 154min. Comic Book, Movies, Superheroes 78min. 20th Century Fox 11.03.2014 Friendship Adventures Warner Bros. 18.03.2014 Guess How Much I Love You is the new animated series that 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121114 relates the adventures of the Nutbrown Hares and their 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120797 friends with the same endearing simplicity and love that has League Of Super Evil: Season made the book a timeless classic. K: The Complete Series One - Volume One Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Shiro is an easygoing teenager content with just being a Friendships 2012 80min. student... until his seemingly perfect life is halted when a When Superheroes are off saving the world, it’s time to root E1 Entertainment 18.02.2014 bloodthirsty clan, glowing red with fire, attempts to kill him in for the bad guys who want to destroy it. In Season 1, Volume 1 the streets. Unbeknownst to Shiro, he is suspected of we see 13 misadventures from the League of Super Evil! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120767 murdering a member of their clan and will need a miracle to L.O.S.E., for short, is led by self-proclaimed mastermind escape their vengeance. Miraculously, a young man named Voltar and terrorizes the neighborhood pizza boy, fights off a Harry And His Bucket Full Of Kuroh Yatogami swings in and aids Shiro in his getaway, only „nice“ Nanny that threatens their very evil-ness, competes in to reveal he’s also after Shiro’s life. Now a hunted man, Shiro a trivia game contest and clones a dinosaur to take over the Dinosaurs: Dino World Rescues will have to evade the clans of seven powerful kings and neighborhood... all in the name of being the evilest crew on desperately try to prove his innocence... before it’s too late! the block. Grab a seat, put on your favorite hand-made cape Harry is the luckiest kid in the world when his Nana gives and join L.O.S.E. in 13 (innocently) evil episodes of mischief, him something no one else has: a bucket with six Dinosaur Animation, Anime, Foreign, International TV, mayhem and laughs. toys that come to life and are his best friends! Harry and his Japanese, Television 300min. dinosaur pals are called to the rescue in Dino World to help Animation, Comedy, Family, Television min. free a beached dolphin, find a scared little kitten and even Viz Entertainment 25.02.2014 New Video DVD 11.02.2014 help dig up Mom’s lost car keys. With a little luck and a lot of 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120799 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121070 imagination they save the day! Animation, Children’s, Dinosaurs, K: The Complete Series - Limited Preschool, Television 88min. League Of Super Evil: Season New Video DVD 11.02.2014 Edition (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) One - Volume Two 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121082 (Blu-ray) League of Super Evil, or L.O.S.E. for short, are bad guys, but Shiro is an easygoing teenager content with just being a not your ordinary dangerous bad guys. They have no powers,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 39 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA no skills, no money and the worst thing they’ve done is irritate few new colorful characters! Warner Bros. 04.03.2014 their neighbors. They experience defeat at every turn, but Action, Adventure, Aliens, Animation, somehow L.O.S.E. still finds a way to claim victory. Grab a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120939 seat, put on your favorite hand-made cape and join L.O.S.E. in Comedy, Computer Animation, Family, Giant 13 (innocently) evil episodes of mischief, mayhem and laughs. Monsters!, Monsters, Science Fiction, Tele- Robotics; Notes: Part One - Animation, Comedy, Family, Television min. vision 198min. New Video DVD 11.02.2014 20th Century Fox 11.03.2014 Alternate Art (Blu-ray + DVD Com- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121071 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121115 bo) (Blu-ray) Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, League Of Super Evil: Season Moon Man Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- Three Corinna Harfouch, Ulrich Tukur, Katharina sion 253min. Funimation 18.02.2014 Animation, Comedy, Family, Television min. Thalbach The man on the moon is bored. One day, he hitches a ride to 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120709 New Video DVD 11.02.2014 Earth on the tails of a passing comet - an „attack from outer 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121073 space“ that sets the alarm bells ringing in the President’s headquarters - and starts to explore the fantastical creatures Robotics; Notes: Part One - and sights of a new planet. But all is not well - the Moon Limited Edition (Blu-ray + DVD League Of Super Evil: Season Man’s absence from his post means that all the world’s Two children are unable to sleep. Before the President can capture Combo) (Blu-ray) him, they must join forces to return him to his rightful place in Animation, Comedy, Family, Television min. the sky. Action, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Comedy, New Video DVD 11.02.2014 Animation, Movies, Science Fiction, Space Foreign, International TV, Japanese, Televi- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121072 2012 95min. sion 253min. New Video DVD 04.02.2014 Funimation 18.02.2014 LEGO: Ninjago And Hero Factory 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121081 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120708 Collection Scooby-Doo!: Wrestlemania Action, Animation, Children’s, Collections, Nick Jr. Favorites: Celebrates Computer Animation, Family, Ninjas, Spring! / All Star Sports Day (2 Mystery When Shaggy and Scooby win tickets to WrestleMania, the Science Fiction, Television 330min. Pack) entire gang travels in the Mystery Machine to WWE City to Warner Bros. 14.01.2014 2 Packs, Animation, Children’s, Family, attend the epic event. However, when a mysterious ghostly 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120942 bear appears and threatens to ruin the show, Scooby, Shaggy, Nickelodeon, Television min. Velma, Daphne and Fred work with WWE Superstars to solve Nickelodeon 18.02.2014 the case. Looney Tunes: Center Stage - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120813 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Volume One Comedy, Family, Mystery, Wrestling & Taken out of the Looney Tunes Golden Collection comes 14 Peter Rabbit Fighting min. Warner Bros. animated shorts. Barely contained in this zany Welcome to the Lake District, home to Peter Rabbit and his Warner Bros. 25.03.2014 DVD, they’ve been restored and remastered to their original, pals Benjamin Bunny and Lily Bobtail. Tag along with this 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121140 anvil-dropping, laughter-inducing glory! It’s a celebration of intrepid trio on exciting adventures that teach valuable skills the golden age of Warner Bros. animation. The whole family like reasoning, problem solving and the value of friendship. will crack up at the carrot-crunching icon Bugs Bunny, rabbit- Scooby-Doo!: Wrestlemania hunting rascal Elmer Fudd, eternal straight man Porky Pig and Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, the rest of the Looney Tunes gang. This comedic collection Family, Nickelodeon, Television 92min. Mystery (Blu-ray + DVD + will make eyes pop and jaws drop - just like being inside your Nickelodeon 18.02.2014 own Warner Bros. cartoon. What’s up doesn’t get any better UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) than this, Doc! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120814 When Shaggy and Scooby win tickets to WrestleMania, the Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, entire gang travels in the Mystery Machine to WWE City to Peter Rabbit: Spring Into attend the epic event. However, when a mysterious ghostly Classics, Comedy, Family, Television min. bear appears and threatens to ruin the show, Scooby, Shaggy, Warner Bros. 11.02.2014 Adventure! Velma, Daphne and Fred work with WWE Superstars to solve 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121138 When Jemima’s new egg goes missing, only Peter Rabbit is the case. able to put together the clues and find the culprit. But can he Animated Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, Max & Ruby: Berry Bunny find the egg before it hatches, or has he finally met his match Children’s, Comedy, Family, Mystery, in the devious newcomer, Samuel Whiskers? Wrestling & Fighting min. Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Adventures / Springtime For Max Warner Bros. 25.03.2014 Family, Nickelodeon, Television 92min. & Ruby (Double Feature) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121156 Ruby thinks she has a lot to teach her little brother, Max, but Nickelodeon 18.02.2014 Max has his own ideas. Join their loving, laughing sibling 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120815 rivalry in Max and Ruby! The Snowflake White Gorilla Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Primates Of The Caribbean Ariana Grande, Nathan Kress, Jennette Double Features, Family, Nickelodeon, Tele- When a charming tycoon builds a gigantic monkey-shaped McCurdy, Keith David, David Spade, Chri- vision min. casino on his beloved resort, dedicated beach officer Marco stopher Lloyd, Julio Fernandez Nickelodeon 18.02.2014 uncovers a diabolical plan to take over the island and Snowflake is the only white gorilla in the world, and the zoo’s monkey-nap its residents. Fearless and determined, our main attraction. Children love her, but she just wants to fit in. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120816 unlikely hero must join forces with a motley crew of monkey With the help of an eccentric red panda, Snowflake sneaks pirates and set out on an action-packed rescue mission filled out of the zoo, into the dangerous city to find the circus witch Max & Ruby: Easter With Max & with cannonballs, ray guns, and a sea monster and giant robot who can help her become a „normal“ gorilla. Will Snowflake clash of epic proportions. Get ready to go overboard with the find the cure she’s looking for, or realize that there’s Ruby (Repackage) wildest, craziest, zaniest primates this side of the Caribbean! something more important than fitting in? Ruby thinks she has a lot to teach her little brother, Max, but Animated Animals, Animation, Comedy, Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Max has his own ideas. Join their loving, laughing sibling Family, Movies 72min. Comedy, Family 88min. rivalry in Max and Ruby! Phase 4 Films 10.12.2013 Lionsgate 04.03.2014 Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120652 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120982 Holidays, Nickelodeon, Television 2007 100min. Nickelodeon 18.02.2014 Regular Show: Mordecai And Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Big 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120812 Margaret Pack Help Cartoon Network’s Emmy nominated comedy series Regular It’s time for everyone to help out as best they can in these Show is back with an all new DVD. Regular Show is part of three delightful Strawberry Shortcake episodes. It’s Monsters Vs. Aliens: Supersonic the very popular Monday night line-up on Cartoon Network Strawberry to the rescue in Babysitter Blues when the Joyride that has redefined regular. Join Mordecai, Rigby, Margaret Princess asks here to look after a very special Baby and the rest of the gang in the Regular Show: Mordecai and Berrykin. Orange and Lemon take on the role of Fashion Elves The monstrous laughs and ginormous adventures continue Margaret Pack, featuring 16 episodes from the series in A Stitch in Time to help Raspberry with her fashion design with this action-packed collection of Monsters vs. Aliens TV hilarious first 4 seasons, plus a never before seen special dream. And there’s no place like home when Orange adopts a episodes inspired by DreamWorks Animation’s hit movie. feature Steak me Amadeus! bitty fish that turns out to be a homesick tadpole in Fish Out of Buckle up for a joyride of fun as the members of Team Monster Water. Join all the sparkly fun as the girls learn that lending - Susan, Link, Dr. Cockroach, Ph.D. and B.O.B., the Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Cartoon Network, Comedy, Television a helping hand can be a berry bit deal indeed! gelatinous blob - work together to save the world from an Animation, Children’s, Family, girl power outrageous assortment of power-hungry aliens, including a 176min.

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66min. Action, Animation, Based On Comic Book, comes alive in 2 Jacks; a now-and-then look at the renowned way of living. Legendary film director Jack Hussar (Danny 20th Century Fox 18.02.2014 Children’s, Family, Martial Arts, Huston), notorious gambler and womanizer, returns to the LA 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121116 Superheroes, Television 2013 173min. scene to raise money for his next feature film. Back in LA, Nickelodeon 18.03.2014 Jack walks himself into an eventful night. Doing what he does best, Jack seduces the stunning Diana (Sienna Miller), Strike Witches: The Complete 1st 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121063 attends some wild industry parties, and narrowly escapes a Season - Repackage (Blu-ray + brush with the law, all before playing a high-stakes poker The Venture Bros.: The Complete game at dawn. As years pass, Jack Hussar Jr. () DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) later arrives in Hollywood to follow his father’s career path The year is 1944 and the world lives in fear of unidentified Season 5 for his directorial debut. Soon after arriving, Diana (now flying objects called Neuroi. With the old-boy old guard The wait for Venture Brothers Complete Season 5 Blu-ray and played by Jacqueline Bisset) notices her daughter falling for unable to thwart this deadly menace, humanity turns its DVD is over. Releasing with all 8 episodes from Season 5 her former lover’s son. Within this film we see the struggle of desperate eyes to an aerial attack force with much nicer legs. and packed with special features, fans will be thrilled when a son trying to step out of his father’s Hollywood shadow. Meet the girls of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, better known they watch Hank, Dean, Doctor Venture, and Brock as they Comedy, Drama, Movies 2012 90min. as the Strike Witches. These darlings of the great blue are pushed in fun and unpredictable new directions. Breaking Glass Pictures 11.02.2014 yonder may not have standard issue uniforms, but they do Action, , Adventure, Animation, have all the right stuff. Where the average flyboy falters, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121090 these dolls blast aliens to bits in the bat of an eyelash. With a Comedy, Science Fiction, Television little magic and a whole lot of leg, the girls of the 501st are 200min. 22 Bullets winning the war on pants, and aliens! Warner Bros. 04.03.2014 Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Blu- Kad Merad, Jean Reno 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120804 Lifelong mobster Charly Matteï (Jean Reno, The Da Vinci ray, Femme Fatales, Foreign, International Code, Léon: The Professional) has turned a new leaf and TV, Japanese, Television 2007 300min. The Venture Bros.: The Complete left his past as an outlaw behind him. With his former Funimation 11.02.2014 business firmly under his oldest friend’s control, Charly has Season 5 (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) spent the past three years living a quiet, comfortable life, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120703 devoting himself to his wife and two young children. However, (Blu-ray) one winter morning he’s left for dead in the underground Strike Witches: The Complete The wait for Venture Brothers Complete Season 5 Blu-ray and parking garage of Marseille’s Old Port with 22 bullets in his DVD is over. Releasing with all 8 episodes from Season 5 body. Against all odds, he will not die. After his miraculous 2nd Season - Repackage (Blu-ray and packed with special features, fans will be thrilled when recovery, he embarks on a hunt for vengeance that takes him they watch Hank, Dean, Doctor Venture, and Brock as they back into the seedy criminal underworld he thought he’d left + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) are pushed in fun and unpredictable new directions. behind forever. The lovely ladies of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing are back to Action, Adult Swim, Adventure, Animation, Action, Crime, Foreign, French, Mobsters & battle a new breed of alien invader! The extraterrestrial menace known as the Neuroi have returned to Earth, and even Blu-ray, Comedy, Science Fiction, Televisi- The Mafia, Movies, Thrillers 2010 117min. a direct hit won’t stop these monsters. The Strike Witches are on 200min. New Video DVD 11.02.2014 Earth’s last line of defense, but they’ll have to learn some new Warner Bros. 04.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121069 tricks to survive this dogfight - and win the war on pants once and for all! 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120824 300min. 22 Bullets (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Funimation 11.02.2014 Wings (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120704 Josh Duhamel, Jesse McCartney, Hilary Kad Merad, Jean Reno Duff, Rob Schneider, Tom Skerritt Lifelong mobster Charly Matteï (Jean Reno, The Da Vinci : A Royal Ace, a young aircraft fighter, is invited to take part in a Code, Léon: The Professional) has turned a new leaf and prestigious airshow competition. Determined to be the next left his past as an outlaw behind him. With his former Family Tale (Blu-ray + DVD + champion, he asks Colonel, a legendary retired air fighter to business firmly under his oldest friend’s control, Charly has train him. But lurking in the wings of the flight training camp is spent the past three years living a quiet, comfortable life, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) another competitor, Cyclone, who will stop at nothing to win devoting himself to his wife and two young children. However, The memorable characters of The Swan Princess series are the title for himself. On the day of the big competition, Ace and one winter morning he’s left for dead in the underground back for an all-new adventure! Shortly after Cyclone compete leaving only one brave aircraft fighter, not parking garage of Marseille’s Old Port with 22 bullets in his adopts a young girl named Alise, she is taken away into the only the champion, but a hero. body. Against all odds, he will not die. After his miraculous forest. Princess Odette, Derek and their woodland friends, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, recovery, he embarks on a hunt for vengeance that takes him Jean-Bob the Frog and Speed the Turtle, must work together back into the seedy criminal underworld he thought he’d left to find a way to bring her home to the castle. With friendship, Family, Movies, Transportation 88min. behind forever. teamwork, original songs and plenty of laughs, The Swan Lionsgate 04.02.2014 Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Foreign, French, Princess: A Royal Family Tale is a must-see for the whole 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120724 family! Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Thrillers Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, 2010 117min. Family, Movies 83min. New Video DVD 11.02.2014 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121097 04.02.2014 Film 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121105 3 Movies With Soul 1000 To 1: The Cory Weissman Chiwetel Ejiofor, Jonny Lee Miller, James The Swan Princess: A Royal Story Earl Jones, William Hurt, Whoopi Goldberg, Richard Harris Family Tale (DVD + UltraViolet) Hannah Marks, David Henrie, Beau Bridges The memorable characters of The Swan Princess series are The inspirational true story of Cory Weissman, a Collections, Drama, Movies, Thrillers back for an all-new adventure! Shortly after the Royal Family basketball player who suffers a devastating stroke but 311min. adopts a young girl named Alise, she is taken away into the perseveres to find new meaning in his life both on, and more Echo Bridge Home Entertainment forest. Princess Odette, Derek and their woodland friends, importantly, off the court. 07.01.2014 Jean-Bob the Frog and Speed the Turtle, must work together Vivendi Visual Entertainment, Drama, to find a way to bring her home to the castle. With friendship, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120850 teamwork, original songs and plenty of laughs, The Swan Movies, Sports 2012 97min. Princess: A Royal Family Tale is a must-see for the whole Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 family! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121015 4 Film Eerie Encounters Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, Julianne Moore, Danny Glover, Laura Movies 83min. 16 Wishes / Radio Rebel (Debby Regan, Sarah Polley, Marc Blucas, Ryan Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Phillippe, Jennifer Grey, Stephen Rea 04.02.2014 Ryan Double Feature) Collections, Horror, Movies 408min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121089 Adam DiMarco, Debby Ryan - Dir. Peter Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Howitt, Peter DeLuise 07.01.2014 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Children’s, Comedy, Double Features, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120861 Family, Movies 179min. Mutagen Mayhem Image Ent. 18.02.2014 4 Film Favorites: Batman Shredder and the Kraang team up! Now as a combined force, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120988 the Turtles face double the threat! And with new mutants Collection (Blu-ray) lurking throughout New York, and the return of evil villains including Karai, the Rat King, and Foot Bots determined to 2 Jacks , Nicole Kidman, Jim Carrey, take down the lean, mean, green team, get ready to join Leo, Tommy Lee Jones, Val Kilmer, Kim Basinger, Jack Huston, Sienna Miller, Jacqueline Bis- Raph, Mikey, Donnie, April, and new ally, Casey Jones, as , George Clooney, Danny they fight back and take the ninjutsu battle action to new set - Dir. Bernard Rose rooftop heights! The fast-paced Hollywood lifestyle, with romance and glamor, DeVito, Michelle Pfeiffer, Arnold

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Schwarzenegger, Christopher Walken, 4 Film Favorites: Matthew 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120947 Robert Wuhl, Uma Thurman, Alicia McConaughey Silverstone, Jack Palance, Drew Matthew McConaughey 4 Movie Family Pack: Volume Barrymore, Debi Mazar, Vivica A. Fox, Includes: Magic Mike Fool’s Gold How To Lose A Guy In 10 Three Vincent Schiavelli, Billy Dee Williams, Cristi Days Failure To Launch Hailey Foster, Shelley Long, Richard Karn, Conaway, Michael Murphy, Michael Gough, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Multi- Dave Thomas, Corbin Bernsen, Justin Pat Hingle, Elle Macpherson, Rene Feature Discs, Romance min. Cooper, Malcolm McDowell Auberjonois, John Glover, Tracey Walter, Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 Collections, Family, Fantasy, Movies William Hootkins, Andrew Bryniarski, Jerry 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120967 370min. Hall, Anna Katarina, Jan Hooks - Dir. Joel Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Schumacher, 4 Film Favorites: Modern 07.01.2014 Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Comedies (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120857 Collections, Movies, Superheroes 499min. Charlie Day, Jason Bateman, Colin Farrell, Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 Jason Sudeikis, Richard Jenkins, Owen 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120948 4 Movie Western Classics Wilson, Christina Applegate, Jennifer Anis- Fernando Rey, Tomas Milian ton, Jamie Foxx, Kevin Spacey, Donald 4 Film Favorites: Eddie Murphy Action, Classics, Collections, Movies, We- Sutherland, Jenna Fischer - Dir. Peter stern 393min. Eddie Murphy Farrelly, Bobby Farrelly, Seth Gordon Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Collections, Comedy, Drama, Movies min. Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Buddy 07.01.2014 Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 Pictures, Collections, Comedy, Marriage 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120922 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120795 Woes, Movies, On The Job, Work Sucks min. 4 Movie Western Collection 4 Film Favorites: Fantasy Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 Fernando Sancho, Gordon Scott, Richard 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120952 Adventure (Blu-ray) Harrison, Ty Hardin Dev Patel, Jackson Rathbone, Chloe Grace Action, Collections, Movies, Western Moretz, Sacha Baron Cohen, Shaun Toub, 4 Film Favorites: Romantic 350min. Aasif Mandvi, Cliff Curtis, Emily Mortimer, Comedy (Blu-ray) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Ray Winstone, Jude Law, Ben Kingsley, Alice Eve, Chris Noth, , Jessica 07.01.2014 Noah Ringer, Nicola Peltz - Dir. Martin Alba, Ashton Kutcher, , 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120920 Scorsese, M. Night Shyamalan Kristin Davis, Jennifer Garner, John Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Collections, Corbett, Kim Cattrall, Sarah Jessica Parker 4 Play Drama, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Mystery - Dir. Garry Marshall, Michael Patrick King Paula Jai Parker, Wesley Jonathan, Tommy min. Affairs & Love Triangles, Based On TV Ford, Jaleel White, Angell Conwell - Dir. Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 Show, Blu-ray, Collections, Comedy, Dra- Paul D. Hannah 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120949 ma, Fashion, Movies, Romance, Sexy Todd is at the pinnacle of his game; a great job, great friends Comedies min. and more women than he knows what to do with. He owns a 4 Film Favorites: Intergalactic lounge that hosts some of the finest women and talent mid- New Line Home Entertainment 07.01.2014 town has to offer. Unsatisfied with his level of Films (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120953 romantic achievements, he goes on a quest to date three women at one time. He believes the laughable exhaustion of Tom Sizemore, Benjamin Bratt, Simon just keeping his story straight is his only penance to pay until Baker, Lacey Chabert, Matt LeBlanc, 4 Film Favorites: Sci-Fi Action he finds out that all three women share a common bond and the Heather Graham, Terence Stamp, Mimi Ro- (Blu-ray) aftermath is more than he bargained for. Comedy, Movies 2013 82min. gers, Gary Oldman, Val Kilmer, William Hurt Roger Allam, Ben Miles, , E1 Entertainment 11.02.2014 - Dir. Stephen Hopkins, Antony Hoffman Donal Logue, Stephen Dorff, Kris 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120761 Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Kristofferson, Natalie Portman, Wesley Collections, Movies, Science Fiction, Space Snipes - Dir. Stephen Norrington, James min. McTeigue 5 Film Family Adventure Pack: Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 Action, Based On Comic Book, Blu-ray, Volume One 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120950 Collections, In The Future..., Movies, Dan Haggerty, John Christian Revenge, Science Fiction, Superheroes Adventure, Animals & Nature, Collections, 4 Film Favorites: Leonardo min. Family, Movies 455min. DiCaprio (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Michael Sheen, Mark Ruffalo, Michelle 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120954 07.01.2014 Williams, Djimon Hounsou, Arnold Vosloo, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120858 Jennifer Connelly, Leonardo DiCaprio, Max 4 Film Western Pack: Volume Von Sydow, Ben Kingsley - Dir. Edward One 5 Film Family Adventure Pack: Zwick, Martin Scorsese Lee Van Cleef Volume Two Adventure, Blu-ray, Collections, Crime, Action, Collections, Movies, Western Pierce Brosnan, Ted Jan Roberts, Rebecca Epics, Historical / Period Piece, Mental 391min. Jenkins, John Schneider, Jonathan Illness, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Jackson, C. Thomas Howell, Bruce Weitz, Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 07.01.2014 Jay Robinson, Marlee Matlin, Debby Boone, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120946 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120921 John Savage, Amanda Fuller Adventure, Collections, Family, Movies 4 Film Favorites: Lethal Weapon 4 Films Favorites: Gritty Thrillers 450min. (Blu-ray) (Blu-ray) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 07.01.2014 Rene Russo, Patsy Kensit, Stuart Wilson, Bojana Novakovic, Danny Huston, Ray 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120859 Chris Rock, Joss Ackland, Jet Li, Gary Winstone, Gwyneth Paltrow, John C. Busey, Joe Pesci, Danny Glover, Mel McGinley, , Brad Pitt, Morgan Gibson - Dir. Richard Donner Freeman - Dir. Martin Campbell, David 5 Film Horror Pack: Volume Four Action, Blu-ray, Buddy Pictures, Cops, Fincher Christina Caron, Freya Ravensbergen, Crime, Movies 483min. Collections, Cops, Cops On The Edge, Agnes Bruckner, Jonathan Jackson, Patrick Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 Crime, Drama, Movies, Revenge, Thrillers Bergin 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120951 min. Collections, Horror, Movies 444min. Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment

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07.01.2014 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Fiction, Time Travel 2013 124min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120919 07.01.2014 Universal Studios 04.02.2014 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120916 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120977 5 Movie Action Collection Traci Lords, Joe Penny, Diane Ladd, Daniel 5 Movie Horror Pack: Volume About Time (Blu-ray + DVD + Baldwin, Viggo Mortensen, Billy Zane, Three Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) Charles Bronson, Andie MacDowell, Liam Dan T. Hall, Jesse Eisenberg, Judy Greer, Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, Bill Neeson Portia De Rossi, Joshua Jackson, Christina Nighy - Dir. Richard Curtis Action, Collections, Cops, Crime, Movies, Ricci The night after another unsatisfactory New Year party, Tim’s Thrillers, TV Movies 450min. (Domhnall Gleeson) father (Bill Nighy) tells his son that the Collections, Horror, Movies 335min. men in his family have always had the ability to travel through Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Echo Bridge Home Entertainment time. Tim can’t change history, but he can change what 07.01.2014 07.01.2014 happens and has happened in his own life - so he decides to 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120852 make his world a better place...by getting a girlfriend (Rachel 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120918 McAdams). But as his unusual life progresses, Tim finds out that his unique gift can’t save him from the sorrows and ups 5 Movie Action Pack: Volume 5 Movie Horror Pack: Volume Two and downs that affect all families, everywhere. From filmmaker Richard Curtis (Love Actually, Notting Hill, Four Weddings Five Leighton Meester, Lisa Zane, Edward And A Funeral), About Time is a comedy about love and time Jun Chong, Bill Wallace, Laura Mennell, Furlong travel, which discovers that, in the end, making the most of Phillip Rhee, Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal Collections, Horror, Movies 449min. life may not need time travel at all. Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance, Science Action, Collections, Crime, Mobsters & The Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Fiction, Time Travel 2013 124min. Mafia, Movies 449min. 07.01.2014 Universal Studios 04.02.2014 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120917 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120979 07.01.2014 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120854 666: Kreepy Kerry Above Suspicion: Set 3 Darcy Demoss Kelly Reilly, Ciaran Hinds - Dir. Catherine 5 Movie Action Pack: Volume A recent transplant to Bradbury Academy, Kerry Carpenter is finding it difficult to contain his deadly empathic powers, soon Morshead Four resorting to using his gift in order to exact revenge when the When the brutal murder of a famous young actress brings DI Stevens, Meredith Baxter, Donna other guys gang up on him. Anna Travis (Kelly Reilly, Flight, Sherlock Holmes) face-to- Horror, Movies, Revenge 76min. face with her old boss, DCS James Langton (Ciarán Hinds, Mills, Buddy Ebsen, Jackie Cooper, Tom Game of Thrones, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy), the two must Selleck, Antonio Sabato Jr. Rapid Heart Pictures 01.04.2014 find a killer and deal with their own sexually charged Action, Aerial Action, Collections, Movies, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121012 relationship. She’s determined to get ahead; he’s angry about being passed over for promotion and obsessed with finding Thrillers 444min. the person on his team who betrayed him. Meanwhile, there Echo Bridge Home Entertainment 8 Film British Cinema Collection: are too many suspects, and the body count is rising. Based on 07.01.2014 Volume Three the bestselling novel Silent Scream by Lynda La Plante, this three-part drama delves into the shallow world of stardom and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120853 Colin Firth, Daniel Craig, Ewan McGregor, the harsh realities of deception. With the smoldering Emma Thompson, Anna Paquin, Ian Holm, chemistry between Travis and Langton, the conclusion to this 5 Movie Action Pack: Volume hit British series is „easily one of the best detective shows on Michael Caine, Patricia Arquette, William the box“ (Wales on Sunday, U.K.). Seven Hurt, Liam Neeson, Pete Postlethwaite, British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, International Raza Jaffrey, Chuck Norris, Sean Bean, Stephen Dillane, Anne Hathaway, James TV, Mystery, Television 2011 140min. James Coburn McAvoy, Matthew Goode Image Ent. 25.02.2014 Action, Collections, Documentary, Marines, British, Collections, Comedy, Drama, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120998 Military, Movies, Special Interest 444min. Foreign, Movies 877min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Absolute Power / True Crime 07.01.2014 07.01.2014 (Double Feature) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120856 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120860 , Clint Eastwood, Lisa Abduction Of An American Play- Gay Hamilton, Sidney Poitier, Denis Leary, 5 Movie Action Pack: Volume Six , Laura Linney, James Woods, Mark Rolston, Dee Wallace, Tobin Bell, girl / Winter Heat (Double Fea- Ed Harris, Gene Hackman, Diane Venora - Michelle Khan, Paul Gleason, Jackie Chan, ture) Dir. Clint Eastwood Christopher McDonald, Brandon Lee, Ernie Eric Edwards, Jamie Gillis, Jennifer Jordan Crime, Double Features, Drama, Movies, Hudson, Gina Gershon, Ernest Borgnine, In Abduction Of An American Playgirl (1975), two lonely men Thrillers min. Phillip Rhee kidnap a beautiful woman and subject her to their shocking carnal desires. But much to their surprise, she loves every Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 Action, Collections, Cops, Crime, Drama, minute of it and soon the hapless men realize that they are 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121129 Drugs & Dealers, Movies 443min. incapable of satisfying her lustful urges! Next up, Winter Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Heat (1976). In this notorious roughie, a group of ex-cons The Adventurer: The Curse Of 07.01.2014 terrorize and abuse a trio of helpless young women who are held hostage in a snowbound cabin The Midas Box 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120855 Double Features, Erotica, Movies 141min. Aneurin Barnard, Ioan Gruffudd, Sam Neill, CAV 07.01.2014 Michael Sheen, Lena Headey - Dir. 5 Movie Horror Collection 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121041 Jonathan Newman Katee Sackhoff, Steven Williams, Tyra Ancient mysteries. Powerful evil. And a fearless hero’s quest Banks, Jeremy London, , About Time through a fantastical realm of steam-powered wonders and Richard Tyson, Jason London, Jason Scott sinister magic - In The Adventurer: The Curse Of The Midas Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, Bill Box, seventeen-year-old Mariah Mundi’s life is turned upside Lee, Jamie Lee Curtis Nighy - Dir. Richard Curtis down when his parents vanish and his younger brother is Collections, Dracula, Horror, Movies, The night after another unsatisfactory New Year party, Tim’s kidnapped. Following a trail of clues to the darkly majestic Vampires 432min. (Domhnall Gleeson) father (Bill Nighy) tells his son that the Prince Regent Hotel, Mariah discovers a hidden realm of men in his family have always had the ability to travel through child-stealing monsters, deadly secrets and a long-lost Echo Bridge Home Entertainment time. Tim can’t change history, but he can change what artifact that grants limitless wealth - but also devastating 07.01.2014 happens and has happened in his own life - so he decides to supernatural power. With the fate of his world, and his family 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120862 make his world a better place...by getting a girlfriend (Rachel at stake, Mariah will risk everything to unravel the Curse of McAdams). But as his unusual life progresses, Tim finds out the Midas Box! that his unique gift can’t save him from the sorrows and ups Action, Adventure, Book-To-Film, Family, 5 Movie Horror Pack: Volume One and downs that affect all families, everywhere. From filmmaker Richard Curtis (Love Actually, Notting Hill, Four Weddings Fantasy, Movies 2014 98min. Billy St. John, Robert Pralgo, Christina And A Funeral), About Time is a comedy about love and time Image Ent. 11.02.2014 Applegate, Molly Ringwald travel, which discovers that, in the end, making the most of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120984 Collections, Horror, Movies, Thrillers life may not need time travel at all. 442min. Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance, Science

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 43 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

The Adventurer: The Curse Of the world’s artistic masterpieces. Using only a sextant and nautical maps to chart his progress, Ancient Greece / Rome, Blu-ray, Book-To- he is forced to rely on ocean currents to carry him into a The Midas Box (Blu-ray) shipping lane in hopes of hailing a passing vessel. But with Film, Drama, Movies 1965 138min. the sun unrelenting, sharks circling and his meager supplies Aneurin Barnard, Ioan Gruffudd, Sam Neill, 20th Century Fox 04.03.2014 dwindling, the ever-resourceful sailor soon finds himself Michael Sheen, Lena Headey - Dir. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121120 staring his mortality in the face. Jonathan Newman Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, High Ancient mysteries. Powerful evil. And a fearless hero’s quest Airplane / Airplane 2 (Double Seas, Movies, Thrillers 2013 106min. through a fantastical realm of steam-powered wonders and Lionsgate 11.02.2014 sinister magic - In The Adventurer: The Curse Of The Midas Feature) (Blu-ray) Box, seventeen-year-old Mariah Mundi’s life is turned upside 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120746 down when his parents vanish and his younger brother is Leslie Nielsen, Robert Hayes, Robert Stack, kidnapped. Following a trail of clues to the darkly majestic Julie Hagerty, Lloyd Bridges, Peter Graves All Is Lost (DVD + UltraViolet) Prince Regent Hotel, Mariah discovers a hidden realm of - Dir. Jerry Zucker, David Zucker, Jim Abra- child-stealing monsters, deadly secrets and a long-lost Robert Redford - Dir. J.C. Chandor artifact that grants limitless wealth - but also devastating hams Academy Award winner Robert Redford stars in All Is Lost, supernatural power. With the fate of his world, and his family Robert Hays and Julie Hagerty join panicky passengers, an open-water thriller about one man’s battle for survival at stake, Mariah will risk everything to unravel the Curse of inept ground controllers and an inflatable auto-pilot in the all- against the elements after his sailboat is destroyed at sea. the Midas Box! time classic disaster-film spoof Airplane! In the hilarious Using only a sextant and nautical maps to chart his progress, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Airplane II: The Sequel our favorite pilot and stewardess fly he is forced to rely on ocean currents to carry him into a Family, Fantasy, Movies 2014 98min. totally out of the ozone aboard the lunar shuttle that’s about to shipping lane in hopes of hailing a passing vessel. But with self-destruct and, worst of all, they’re completely out of the sun unrelenting, sharks circling and his meager supplies Image Ent. 11.02.2014 coffee! Fasten your seat belt. dwindling, the ever-resourceful sailor soon finds himself 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121046 Classics, Comedy, Double Features, staring his mortality in the face. Movies, National Film Registry, Spoofs & Action, Adventure, Drama, High Seas, Adventures In The Sin Bin Parodies 171min. Movies, Thrillers 2013 106min. Bo Burnham, Gillian Jacobs, Michael Paramount 11.03.2014 Lionsgate 11.02.2014 Seater, Jeff Garlin 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120818 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120725 Brian, a sexually inexperienced teen, happily loans out his van Sin Bin to his friends for their sexual exploits. But losing Alien Uprising Almost Sharkproof his virginity begins to take precedence over lending out Sin Bin, when he realizes the girl of his dreams is about to take a Sean Brosnan Broke, busted, and living in a tent outside their parents ride with the wrong guy. A group of friends awake one morning to find all electricity backyard. Vince (Cameron Van Hoy) and Freddy (Michael Comedy, Movies 2012 106min. and power shut off, and an immense alien aircraft hovering in Drayer) hit on the idea of a lifetime, Sharkproof wetsuits, and the air above their heads. Suddenly this regular group of are determined to strike it rich. They go to a local loan shark, Phase 4 Films 27.12.2013 friends is battling to survive, as the entire human race is Max (Jon Lovitz) who owns a club in downtown LA to fund the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120658 threatened by the alien army hovering ominously above. venture. At the club they both fall in love with the same girl, (Kinga Kierzek) the receiving half of knife throwing Action, Aliens, Movies, Science Fiction duo who are performing at the club. Yuri (Ken Davitian) is her Afternoon Delight 101min. drunk, knife - throwing partner. When Isabella chooses the Phase 4 Films 17.12.2013 boys over Max he sends his goons to reclaim her. Suddenly Juno Temple, Josh Radnor, Kathryn Hahn the boys must become the men they pretend to be, but now it’s A provocative comedy about sex, marriage and finding your 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120654 sink or swim. Almost Sharkproof, a bromantic comedy. self again, Afternoon Delight follows Rachel (Kathryn Hahn, Step Brothers, We’re the Millers), a quick-witted, yet tightly- Affairs & Love Triangles, Buddy Pictures, coiled, thirty-something bored with her daily routine of Alien Uprising (Blu-ray + DVD Comedy, Movies, Sharks 2013 84min. preschool auctions and a lackluster sex life and career that Combo) (Blu-ray) Vivendi Visual Entertainment 18.03.2014 has gone kaput. Looking to spice-up her marriage, Rachel takes her husband Jeff (Josh Radnor, How I Met Your Sean Brosnan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121026 Mother, Liberal Arts) to a strip club and meets McKenna A group of friends awake one morning to find all electricity (Juno Temple, Killer Joe, The Dark Knight Rises), a stripper and power shut off, and an immense alien aircraft hovering in Amber Alert she becomes obsessed with saving. Rachel adopts McKenna the air above their heads. Suddenly this regular group of as her live-in nanny, wreaking havoc on her friends, family friends is battling to survive, as the entire human race is Jasen Wade and herself. threatened by the alien army hovering ominously above. Amber Alert presents the raw footage of a real life amber alert Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 95min. Action, Aliens, Blu-ray, Movies, Science crisis caught on video. While filming their audition video for a popular show, best friends Nate and New Video DVD 18.02.2014 Fiction 101min. Samantha notice several active amber alert signs. To their 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121077 Phase 4 Films 17.12.2013 surprise, they recognize the car traveling in front of them as 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120678 the vehicle described on the amber alert. Sam and Nate decide to follow the car, but with police slow to respond, their Afternoon Delight (Blu-ray + DVD pursuit quickly turns into a high-stakes game of cat and mouse Combo) (Blu-ray) Alien Uprising (Blu-ray) with a murderous child rapist. Crime, Horror, Kidnapping, Movies, Thrillers Juno Temple, Josh Radnor, Kathryn Hahn Sean Brosnan A provocative comedy about sex, marriage and finding your A group of friends awake one morning to find all electricity 2012 80min. self again, Afternoon Delight follows Rachel (Kathryn Hahn, and power shut off, and an immense alien aircraft hovering in Vivendi Visual Entertainment 25.02.2014 Step Brothers, We’re the Millers), a quick-witted, yet tightly- the air above their heads. Suddenly this regular group of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120667 coiled, thirty-something bored with her daily routine of friends is battling to survive, as the entire human race is preschool auctions and a lackluster sex life and career that threatened by the alien army hovering ominously above. has gone kaput. Looking to spice-up her marriage, Rachel Action, Aliens, Blu-ray, Movies, Science American Bomber takes her husband Jeff (Josh Radnor, How I Met Your Fiction 101min. Recently released from military prison with a dishonorable Mother, Liberal Arts) to a strip club and meets McKenna Phase 4 Films 17.12.2013 discharge and a broken heart, John Hidell decides to travel to (Juno Temple, Killer Joe, The Dark Knight Rises), a stripper . His preparations for his trip are inter-cut with she becomes obsessed with saving. Rachel adopts McKenna 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120677 documentary-style interviews with his mother and childhood as her live-in nanny, wreaking havoc on her friends, family acquaintances revealing his abusive childhood and his and herself. Alien Uprising (DVD + Digital adoration of his older half-brother, Jim. Interviews with Army Comedy, Drama, Movies 2013 95min. buddies reveal Hidell’s desire to become an Army Ranger in New Video DVD 18.02.2014 Copy) Afghanistan, like Jim. He enlists and the Army stations him in Arizona instead. Jim dies in Afghanistan and Hidell takes the 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121100 Sean Brosnan news badly, hospitalizing a sergeant and earning six months A group of friends awake one morning to find all electricity in the brig. While serving out his sentence he meets Speiler, The Agony And The Ecstasy (Blu- and power shut off, and an immense alien aircraft hovering in a charismatic sociopath who uses Hidell’s anger to the air above their heads. Suddenly this regular group of manipulate him into joining an extremist militia group ray) friends is battling to survive, as the entire human race is composed of former inmates. threatened by the alien army hovering ominously above. Crime, Drama, Movies, Terrorism, Thrillers Rex Harrison, Charlton Heston, Alberto Action, Aliens, Movies, Science Fiction 2013 90min. Lupo, Adulfo Celi, Diane Cilento, Venantino 101min. Indiepix 19.11.2013 Venantini - Dir. Carol Reed Phase 4 Films 17.12.2013 Charlton Heston and Rex Harrison portray two of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120642 Renaissance’s most colorful figures in this historical drama 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120655 based on Irving Stone’s best-seller. When Pope Julius ll (Harrison) commissions Michelangelo (Heston) to paint the All Is Lost (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) An American Werewolf In London ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, the artist initially refuses. (Blu-ray) Virtually forced to do the job by Julius, he later destroys his (Blu-ray) own work and flees to Rome. Nominated for an Oscar® John Woodvine, Griffin Dunne, Jenny Cinematography and named one of the year’s best films by the Robert Redford - Dir. J.C. Chandor Academy Award winner Robert Redford stars in All Is Lost, Agutter, David Naughton - Dir. John Landis National Board of Review, The Agony And The Ecstasy is a Blending the macabre with a wicked sense of humor, director fascinating dramatization of the battle of wills behind one of an open-water thriller about one man’s battle for survival against the elements after his sailboat is destroyed at sea. John Landis (National Lampoon’s Animal House) delivers a

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 44 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA contemporary take on the classic werewolf tale in this story Now you get to see the whole story in this compelling original 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121146 of two American tourists who, while traveling in London, find film, as Anna Nicole’s sexual desires, crippling addictions their lives changed forever when a vicious wolf attacks them and her overwhelming need to be famous lead her from during a full moon. Featuring groundbreaking, Academy incredible fame and fortune to her unfortunate descent. Also The Artist And The Model Award-winning make-up by Rick Baker (The Wolfman), this starring Martin Landau, Cary Elwes, Virginia Madsen and digitally remastered films remains a modern horror favorite. Adam Goldberg, Anna Nicole is a salacious and voyeuristic Aida Folch, Claudia Cardinale, Jean Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, Horror, film experience. Rochefort - Dir. Fernando Trueba Biography, Biopics, Drama, Movies, Televi- Summer of 1943. In occupied France, not far from the Spanish Movies, Werewolves 1981 98min. border, a famous old sculptor, who is tired of life and wars, Universal Studios 28.01.2014 sion, TV Movies 2013 min. finds the desire to work again on his last masterpiece when a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120740 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment beautiful young Spanish girl comes knocking after escaping a 04.02.2014 refugee camp in the South of France. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120960 Drama, Foreign, French, Movies, Romance The Americans: The Complete 2012 105min. First Season Antisocial E1 Entertainment 11.02.2014 Matthew Rhys, Keri Russell 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120763 Secrets can be deadly in this suspenseful thriller about Horror, Killer Viruses, Movies, Thrillers undercover Russian spies in 1980s Washington, D.C. Philip 90min. (Matthew Rhys) and Elizabeth Jennings (Keri Russell) seem Breaking Glass Pictures 28.01.2014 The Artist And The Model (Blu- to be a typical suburban couple, but they’re actually lethal ray) KGB agents plotting to bring down America. As the Cold War 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120728 escalates, Philip and Elizabeth must take extreme measures to Aida Folch, Claudia Cardinale, Jean continue their mission and keep their true identities hidden. Apollo 13 (Blu-ray + Digital Copy) Rochefort - Dir. Fernando Trueba But when an FBI agent moves in across the street, they Summer of 1943. In occupied France, not far from the Spanish become ensnared in a pulse-pounding game of cat and mouse. (Blu-ray) border, a famous old sculptor, who is tired of life and wars, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Spies & Secret Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Gary Sinise, finds the desire to work again on his last masterpiece when a Agents, Television, Thrillers 2013 572min. Kathleen Quinlan, Kevin Bacon - Dir. Ron beautiful young Spanish girl comes knocking after escaping a 20th Century Fox 11.02.2014 refugee camp in the South of France. Howard Drama, Foreign, French, Movies, Romance 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120833 Nominated for nine ®, including Best Picture, Apollo 13 blasts off onto Blu-ray? Hi-Def with 2012 105min. exclusive bonus features. Produced by Academy Award® E1 Entertainment 11.02.2014 The Americans: The Complete winner Brian Grazer and directed by Oscar® winner Ron 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120790 First Season (Blu-ray) Howard, Apollo 13 stars two-time Academy Award® winner Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, Bill Paxton, Gary Sinise and Ed Matthew Rhys, Keri Russell Harris in the inspiring and riveting story of the real-life space Atlantis: Season One Secrets can be deadly in this suspenseful thriller about flight that gripped a nation and changed the world. undercover Russian spies in 1980s Washington, D.C. Philip Academy Award Winners, Action, (Matthew Rhys) and Elizabeth Jennings (Keri Russell) seem Atlantis is an original and epic drama based around the to be a typical suburban couple, but they’re actually lethal Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Story, Blu- stories of Greek mythology and the lost city of Atlantis. Jason, KGB agents plotting to bring down America. As the Cold War ray, Disasters, Drama, History & Events, who is in his early 20s, is our entry into this world; when we escalates, Philip and Elizabeth must take extreme measures to Movies, Space, Technology 1995 140min. first meet him he is living in contemporary Britain but in the continue their mission and keep their true identities hidden. first episode he is sucked into a vortex and transported back But when an FBI agent moves in across the street, they Universal Studios 28.01.2014 to the city of Atlantis. Jason is thrust into a time and place he become ensnared in a pulse-pounding game of cat and mouse. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120741 thought only existed in stories, but he soon finds himself becoming firm friends with the legendary Pythagoras and Crime, Drama, Mystery, Spies & Secret Hercules. Alongside his new found friends Jason sets out on Agents, Television, Thrillers 2013 572min. Argo a series of adventures to understand more about his 20th Century Fox 11.02.2014 mysterious past and to discover his true destiny. Along the Ben Affleck, John Goodman, Alan Arkin, way he meets, befriends and fights all the famous figures from 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120843 Bryan Cranston - Dir. Ben Affleck Greek mythology; in one episode he kills the fearsome Mino- As the Iranian Revolution takes over the U.S. Embassy in taur, in another we find out how Medusa was created. This is And Then There Was You Tehran, six Americans escape. Now only one man can get a series that combines action and humor, romance and them out from behind enemy lines. Tony Mendez is a brilliant mythology, spectacle and surprise. Leon, Garcelle Beauvais, Brian White, Lynn CIA agent who specializes in impossible escapes, but his new Adventure, BBC, Drama, Fantasy, Televisi- Whitfield plan is as daring as it is desperate. Disguised as a film crew, on 585min. Joshua (Leon) and Natalie (Garcelle Beauvais) appear to be Tony and the fugitives must hide in plain sight, where the the picture-perfect couple, but looks can be deceiving. When slightest slipup could end in instant death. Academy Award BBC Home Video 18.03.2014 Natalie discovers her husband has led a secret life, she is winner Ben Affleck directs and stars in a thriller based on an 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121131 forced to deal with losing everything she loves. While picking unbelievably true story. The powerful cast includes Emmy up the pieces of her shattered world, the process of healing Award winner Bryan Cranston and John Goodman, as well as introduces some new-found obstacles in the form of a new Academy Award winner Alan Arkin. Atlantis: Season One (Blu-ray) love interest (Brian White). Now, Natalie must test the 2013 Oscar Nominees, Academy Award Mark Addy boundaries of her trust and the capacity of her heart before Winners, Based-On-A-True-Story, Drama, Atlantis is an original and epic drama based around the she can love again. , Greg Vaughn and Trilby History & Events, Hostage Crisis, Movies, stories of Greek mythology and the lost city of Atlantis. Jason, Glover costar in this fresh start romance from award-winning who is in his early 20s, is our entry into this world; when we director Leila Djansi (The Ties That Bind). Thrillers 2012 120min. first meet him he is living in contemporary Britain but in the Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 first episode he is sucked into a vortex and transported back 99min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120845 to the city of Atlantis. Jason is thrust into a time and place he thought only existed in stories, but he soon finds himself Image Ent. 11.02.2014 becoming firm friends with the legendary Pythagoras and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120985 : The Complete First Hercules. Alongside his new found friends Jason sets out on a series of adventures to understand more about his Season (Blu-ray) mysterious past and to discover his true destiny. Along the Angel’s Wings , Willa Holland, Katie Cassidy, way he meets, befriends and fights all the famous figures from Reginald VelJohnson Paul Blackthorne, David Ramsey, Susanna Greek mythology; in one episode he kills the fearsome Mino- When the star soccer player is injured, a clumsy water girl taur, in another we find out how Medusa was created. This is takes her place and shocks everyone. But she didn’t do it Thompson a series that combines action and humor, romance and alone, learning that miracles really do happen if you believe. Justice hits its mark! Based on DC Comics series, Arrow mythology, spectacle and surprise. Starring Reginald VelJohnson (Die Hard 1 & 2, Family reinvents the edgy and iconic character for today’s audiences Adventure, BBC, Blu-ray, Drama, Fantasy, Matters, Ghostbusters), Taylor Faye Ruffin (The Chaperone) in the year’s most thrill-packed and visually stunning action Television 585min. and Tyler Humphrey (The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts series. After being marooned for five years on a remote of Georgia, The Ledge). island, billionaire Oliver Queen comes home with a BBC Home Video 18.03.2014 mysterious agenda and lethal new skills to fight crime in 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121147 Movies, Soccer, Sports min. Starling City. Wearing the dark hood of a „vigilante“ archer, Green Apple Entertainment 25.03.2014 Oliver’s fiercely determined to right the wrongs of his father 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121036 and thwart those who’ve corrupted his city. But his crusade is Austenland complicated by his own family’s dark secrets, a best friend’s unwitting ties to evil, and the woman he loves but betrayed in Jennifer Coolidge, Georgia King, Bret Anna Nicole his earlier life. From Oliver’s harrowing island ordeals to McKenzie, James Callis, Keri Russell, Jane Agnes Bruckner, Adam Goldberg, Virginia Arrow’s breathtaking urban stealth warfare, this 5-disc, 23- Seymour - Dir. Jerusha Hess episode Season One is a heroic adventure delivered dead Jane Hayes’s (Keri Russell, TV’s The Americans) adoration Madsen, Martin Landau, Cary Elwes - Dir. center! of all things is complicating her love life. Mary Harron Action, Adventure, Based On Comic Book, Determined to be the heroine of her own story, Jane spends Anna Nicole Smith (Agnes Bruckner) was a single mother Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Science her life savings on a trip to Austenland, an eccentric Austen from Texas who became the biggest supermodel in the world, inspired resort, where she meets two very different but her sudden catapult to fame came with a price, as drugs, Fiction, Television, The CW 2012 972min. gentlemen...but has a difficult time determining where fantasy alcohol and reckless behavior led her down a tragic path. Warner Bros. 04.02.2014 ends and real life - and maybe even love - begins...

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 45 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Affairs & Love Triangles, Comedy, Movies, indulging it to keep its seemingly insatiable appetite at bay. Battlestar Galactica: The Comedy, Horror, Movies 2013 min. Romance 2013 min. Complete Epic Series Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Magnolia Home Entertainment 21.01.2014 11.02.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120787 (Repackage) In the deepest reaches of space, the fight to save all human 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120959 life from extinction has begun in this science fiction adventure Baggage Claim that launched the Battlestar Galactica phenomenon! Hopeful Austenland (Blu-ray) Paula Patton, Jill Scott, Taye Diggs - Dir. for lasting peace following centuries of intense warfare, the Twelve Colonies gather to sign a treaty with their dreaded Jennifer Coolidge, Georgia King, Bret David E. Talbert enemies, The Cylons. But after an act of treachery on the eve McKenzie, James Callis, Keri Russell, Jane Paula Patton leads a hilarious cast in this first-class comedy of the ceremony, the Cylons launch a devastating surprise that’ll keep you laughing and make your heart soar! Flight attack, destroying the Colonies’ home planets and most of Seymour - Dir. Jerusha Hess attendant Montana Moore (Patton) is smart, sexy and sick of their military strength. A lone flagship battlestar, the Jane Hayes’s (Keri Russell, TV’s The Americans) adoration being single. She’s determined to get engaged before her Galactica, remains to aid the surviving colonists on their epic of all things Jane Austen is complicating her love life. younger sister’s wedding, leaving just 30 days to make her journey for a new home to a far-off legendary planet - Earth. Determined to be the heroine of her own story, Jane spends connection. Fortunately, her co-worker crew has cooked up a They must survive the pursuing Cylons in a series of epic her life savings on a trip to Austenland, an eccentric Austen high-flying scheme for Montana to „accidentally“ bump into all battles that will determine the fate of the human race in this inspired resort, where she meets two very different her exboyfriends, leading to hilarious encounters as she non-stop action-packed classic filled with cutting-edge gentlemen...but has a difficult time determining where fantasy attempts to land the perfect guy! special effects by John Dykstra (Star Wars, Spider-Man). ends and real life - and maybe even love - begins... Comedy, Movies 2013 96min. Action, Boxed Sets, Collections, Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Comedy, 20th Century Fox 04.02.2014 Intergalactic War, Science Fiction, Space, Movies, Romance 2013 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120900 Television 1167min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Universal Studios 18.02.2014 11.02.2014 Baggage Claim (Blu-ray + DVD + 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120841 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120962 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Babe (Blu-ray + Digital Copy) Paula Patton, Jill Scott, Taye Diggs - Dir. Best Man Down David E. Talbert Justin Long, Jess Weixler, Tyler Labine (Blu-ray) Paula Patton leads a hilarious cast in this first-class comedy When their obnoxious and over-served best man, Lumpy Magda Szubanski, James Cromwell, Miriam that’ll keep you laughing and make your heart soar! Flight (Tyler Labine) unexpectedly dies at their destination wedding attendant Montana Moore (Patton) is smart, sexy and sick of in Phoenix, bride and groom Kristin (Jess Weixler) and Scott Margolyes, Christine Cavanaugh, Cindy being single. She’s determined to get engaged before her (Justin Long) are forced to cancel their honeymoon and fly Manella - Dir. Chris Noonan younger sister’s wedding, leaving just 30 days to make her home to the snowy Midwest to arrange for his funeral. But Academy Award winner and Best Picture nominee, Babe is the connection. Fortunately, her co-worker crew has cooked up a getting Lumpy’s body back to Minneapolis is just the start of inspirational story of a shy Yorkshire piglet who doesn’t quite high-flying scheme for Montana to „accidentally“ bump into all their adventure, as the well-intended sacrifice surprises at know his place in the world. But when Farmer Hoggett (James her exboyfriends, leading to hilarious encounters as she every turn. And when the newlyweds’ path leads them to a Cromwell) wins him at the county fair, Babe discovers that he attempts to land the perfect guy! fifteen year-old girl (Addison Timlin) in a small, northern can be anything he wants to be - even an award-winning Comedy, Movies 2013 96min. Minnesota town - all bets are off on who Lumpy really was. sheepdog! With the help of a delightful assortment of barnyard Comedy, Drama, Movies 2012 90min. friends, the heroic little pig is headed for the challenge of his 20th Century Fox 04.02.2014 life in this endearing and fun-filled tale the whole family will 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120930 Magnolia Home Entertainment 21.01.2014 love. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120755 Academy Award Winners, Adventure, The Bates Haunting Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Comedy, Double One year ago, Agnes Rickover attended opening night at the Best Man Down (Blu-ray) Features, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Movies Bates Motel and Haunted Hayride to see her best friend Lily’s Justin Long, Jess Weixler, Tyler Labine 1995 92min. dramatic debut. A horrific accident resulted in Agnes When their obnoxious and over-served best man, Lumpy Universal Studios 28.01.2014 witnessing Lily’s fiery death in a spectacle gone wrong. After (Tyler Labine) unexpectedly dies at their destination wedding a year of obsessing over a murder investigation everyone in Phoenix, bride and groom Kristin (Jess Weixler) and Scott 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120742 else thinks is open and shut, Agnes goes to work at the Haunt (Justin Long) are forced to cancel their honeymoon and fly in an attempt to confront her trauma. Horrific events begin to home to the snowy Midwest to arrange for his funeral. But Bad Bunch claim the lives of her coworkers and Agnes must figure out getting Lumpy’s body back to Minneapolis is just the start of what is behind all of the accidents before more people die. their adventure, as the well-intended sacrifice surprises at Greydon Clark - Dir. Greydon Clark Horror, Movies, Thrillers 78min. every turn. And when the newlyweds’ path leads them to a Violence and racial tension punctuate this fast moving action Phase 4 Films 17.12.2013 fifteen year-old girl (Addison Timlin) in a small, northern film, which is a study of prejudice and discrimination. This is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120657 Minnesota town - all bets are off on who Lumpy really was. the story of a black gang who run the streets of Watts and of Comedy, Drama, Movies 2012 90min. Jim, a white man, who tries to befriend them. Prejudice stands Magnolia Home Entertainment 21.01.2014 in the way of any friendship and turns black against white in a Battle Of The Damned bloody act of vengeance. This film, set in the mid ‘70’s, does 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120788 much to show how society has progressed, but to some it may Dolph Lundgren - Dir. Christopher Hatton seem that „the more things change, the more they stay the On the outskirts of civilization, a remote test facility lays ruin same.“ following a catastrophic security breach - a viral outbreak The Best Man Holiday Action, Blaxploitation, Drama, Movies 1976 that left hundreds dead or mutated. All that remains is a Melissa De Sousa, Monica Calhoun, Morris handful of survivors, led by private military operative Max 80min. Gatling (Dolph Lundgren), their small armory of weapons... Chestnut - Dir. Malcolm D. Lee Vivendi Visual Entertainment 11.02.2014 and a legion of the infected. Now the infected walk the land, Share the laughter, love, and surprises as Harper (Taye 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120662 stalking the few that still live. The survivors fight the infected Diggs), Lance (Morris Chestnut), Quentin (Terrence during their attempt to escape, but soon learn there is a band Howard), Jordan (), Robyn (Sanaa Lathan), Mia of malfunctioning prototype robots also on the march. They are (Monica Calhoun), Murch (), Candy (Regi- Bad Milo! armed and incredibly dangerous... na Hall) and Shelby (Melissa De Sousa) all reunite for the first time in years. When the college friends get together, they Gillian Jacobs, Ken Marino, Patrick Action, Adventure, Movies, Science Fiction soon discover how easy it is to reignite long-forgotten Warburton 2013 89min. rivalries and romances, all while new discoveries are made Starz / Anchor Bay 18.02.2014 and secrets are revealed. The Best Man Holiday is the Comedy, Horror, Movies 2013 84min. comedy that critics are calling „a feel-good celebration.“ Magnolia Home Entertainment 21.01.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120808 (James Verniere, Herald) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120754 Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Movies 2013 Battle Of The Damned (Blu-ray) 123min. Bad Milo! (Blu-ray) Dolph Lundgren - Dir. Christopher Hatton Universal Studios 11.02.2014 On the outskirts of civilization, a remote test facility lays ruin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121126 Gillian Jacobs, Ken Marino, Patrick following a catastrophic security breach - a viral outbreak Warburton that left hundreds dead or mutated. All that remains is a Duncan’s (Ken Marino) life is a real pain in the ass. handful of survivors, led by private military operative Max The Best Man Holiday (Blu-ray + Tormented by a manipulative, crooked boss (Patrick Gatling (Dolph Lundgren), their small armory of weapons... Warburton), a nagging mother (Mary Kay Place) with a and a legion of the infected. Now the infected walk the land, DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) boyfriend 1/3 her age, a deadbeat new age dad (Stephen stalking the few that still live. The survivors fight the infected Melissa De Sousa, Monica Calhoun, Morris Root), and a sweet, yet pressuring, wife (Gillian Jacobs), his during their attempt to escape, but soon learn there is a band mounting stress starts to trigger an insufferable of malfunctioning prototype robots also on the march. They are Chestnut - Dir. Malcolm D. Lee gastrointestinal reaction. Out of ideas and at the end of his armed and incredibly dangerous... Share the laughter, love, and surprises as Harper (Taye rope, Duncan seeks the help of a hypnotherapist (Peter Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, Diggs), Lance (Morris Chestnut), Quentin (Terrence Stormare), who helps him discover the root of his unusual Howard), Jordan (Nia Long), Robyn (Sanaa Lathan), Mia stomach pain: a pintsized demon living in his intestine that, Science Fiction 2013 89min. (Monica Calhoun), Murch (Harold Perrineau), Candy (Regi- triggered by excessive anxiety, forces its way out and Starz / Anchor Bay 18.02.2014 na Hall) and Shelby (Melissa De Sousa) all reunite for the slaughters the people who have angered him. Out of fear that 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120832 first time in years. When the college friends get together, they his intestinal gremlin may target its wrath on the wrong soon discover how easy it is to reignite long-forgotten person, Duncan attempts to befriend it, naming it Milo and rivalries and romances, all while new discoveries are made

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 46 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA and secrets are revealed. The Best Man Holiday is the sensitively renders the erotic abandon of youth. It has county treasurer, Enoch „Nucky“ Thompson (Steve Buscemi) comedy that critics are calling „a feel-good celebration.“ captivated international audiences and been widely embraced is looking to cash in. As the undisputed „Boss“ of Atlantic (James Verniere, Boston Herald) as a defining love story for the new century. City, Nucky leads a double life as a politician and bootlegger; Comedy, Drama, Friendships, Movies 2013 Art House, Blu-ray, Criterion Collection, Prohibition may have outlawed alcohol, but in Nucky’s world it has opened up highly lucrative opportunities for gangsters 123min. Drama, Foreign, French, Gay / Lesbian and rumrunners looking to provide „liquid gold“ for a thirsty Universal Studios 11.02.2014 Interest, Movies, Romance 2013 179min. nation. In a city defined by notorious backroom politics and 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121143 Criterion 11.02.2014 vicious power struggles, Nucky must battle with a relentless federal agent, ambitious underlings, and opportunistic rivals - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120675 including Arnold Rothstein, Lucky Luciano, and Al Capone. The Bible Series: Jesus The Crime, Drama, HBO, Historical / Period Christ Blue Jasmine (Blu-ray + Piece, Mobsters & The Mafia, Politics, Tele- Nelson Leigh, Chris Drake, Jan Arvan, Mar- UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) vision 2010 732min. tin Balsam - Dir. Edward Dew Peter Sarsgaard, , Alec HBO Home Video 28.01.2014 Follow Jesus from Mary’s Immaculate Conception to his Baldwin - Dir. Woody Allen 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121132 crucifiction and his glorious resurrection. This film tells the Poignant, romantic, and mesmerizing, writer/director Woody history of Jesus Christ in a faithful way as in the four Gospel Allen’s latest masterpiece centers around Jasmine (Cate Bonnie & Clyde according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Blanchett), a former New York socialite teetering on an Drama, History & Events, Religion/ emotional tightrope, balancing between her troubled east Holliday Grainger, , Elizabeth Spirituality, Television 1952 min. coast past and a fresh start in . Having moved Reaser, Emile Hirsch, , William into her sister’s humble apartment, Jasmine ricochets between Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 the tumultuous acceptance of her new limitations, and the Hurt 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121021 dreams of reclaiming her past life’s glamour. Join a powerful Though Bonnie Parker (Holliday Grainger, Jane Eyre) & cast for an intimate portrayal of the battle between fantasy and Clyde Barrow’s (Emile Hirsch, Into The Wild) crime spree is reality which rages within us all. legendary, their story has never been told quite like this. The Big Bang Theory: The Fueled by their passion for each other and Bonnie’s Comedy, Drama, Mental Illness, Movies obsession with fame, the couple committed increasingly Complete Sixth Season (Blu-ray) 2013 98min. dangerous robberies, leaving a trail of blood - and headlines - Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco, Johnny Galecki Sony Pictures Home Entertainment behind them. Aided by Clyde’s sixth sense, they stayed one Whether on or above Earth, hilarity is outrageously universal 21.01.2014 step ahead of the law until their final, fateful showdown. Also in TV’s most popular comedy featuring four forward-thinking starring Academy Award winners Holly Hunter (Best Actress, but socially backward geniuses. Fun discoveries multiply: 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120817 1993, The Piano) and William Hurt (Best Actor, 1985, Kiss Of Leonard learns jealousy is bad for a relationship (with Penny) The Spider Woman), Bonnie & Clyde is powerful, gripping but science is good for seduction (of Penny). Howard finds Blue Jasmine (DVD + UltraViolet) entertainment. life in the International Space Station life is no escape from A&E, Biography, Crime, Drama, Historical / terrestrial turmoil between his mom and his new wife Berna- Peter Sarsgaard, Cate Blanchett, Alec Period Piece, Mini-Series, Movies, Televisi- dette. Raj meets someone special who may be a good match, if Baldwin - Dir. Woody Allen on, TV Movies 2013 min. he can keep her from fleeing mid-date. And then there’s Poignant, romantic, and mesmerizing, writer/director Woody Sheldon. He learns what not to say after facing harassment Allen’s latest masterpiece centers around Jasmine (Cate Sony Pictures Home Entertainment charges or competing for tenure at work and how Dungeons & Blanchett), a former New York socialite teetering on an 28.01.2014 Dragons can be the icebreaker his relationship with Amy emotional tightrope, balancing between her troubled east 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120961 needs. For those who need laughter with scientific regularity, coast past and a fresh start in San Francisco. Having moved this 24-episode Season Six set of The Big Bang Theory will into her sister’s humble apartment, Jasmine ricochets between rock your cosmos. the tumultuous acceptance of her new limitations, and the Bonnie & Clyde (Blu-ray + CBS, Comedy, Television 2012 528min. dreams of reclaiming her past life’s glamour. Join a powerful Warner Bros. 04.02.2014 cast for an intimate portrayal of the battle between fantasy and Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121148 reality which rages within us all. Holliday Grainger, Sarah Hyland, Elizabeth Comedy, Drama, Mental Illness, Movies Reaser, Emile Hirsch, Holly Hunter, William 2013 98min. Bloodline Hurt Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Though Bonnie Parker (Holliday Grainger, Jane Eyre) & Matt Thompson - Dir. Matt Thompson 21.01.2014 Clyde Barrow’s (Emile Hirsch, Into The Wild) crime spree is Movies, Thrillers 2013 84min. legendary, their story has never been told quite like this. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120794 Fueled by their passion for each other and Bonnie’s Osiris Entertainment 07.01.2014 obsession with fame, the couple committed increasingly 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120731 : The Complete dangerous robberies, leaving a trail of blood - and headlines - behind them. Aided by Clyde’s sixth sense, they stayed one First Season (Blu-ray + Digital step ahead of the law until their final, fateful showdown. Also Blue Is The Warmest Color: The starring Academy Award winners Holly Hunter (Best Actress, Criterion Collection Copy) (Blu-ray) 1993, The Piano) and William Hurt (Best Actor, 1985, Kiss Of , , Kelly The Spider Woman), Bonnie & Clyde is powerful, gripping Lea Seydoux, Salim Kechiouche - Dir. Macdonald, Steve Buscemi - Dir. Martin entertainment. Abdellatif Kechiche A&E, Biography, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Scorsese, Allen Coulter, Alan Taylor, The colorful, electrifying romance that took the Cannes Film Historical / Period Piece, Mini-Series, Festival by storm courageously dives into a young woman’s Jeremy Podeswa, Timothy Van Patten experiences of first love and sexual awakening. Blue Is the From Emmy-winning writer Terence Winter () Movies, Television, TV Movies 2013 min. Warmest Color stars the remarkable newcomer Adèle and Executive Producer Martin Scorsese, Boardwalk Empire Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Excharpoulos as a high schooler who, much to her own begins in Atlantic City in 1920. It is the eve of Prohibition, and 28.01.2014 surprise, plunges into a thrilling relationship with a female county treasurer, Enoch „Nucky“ Thompson (Steve Buscemi) twentysomething art student, played by Lea Seydoux is looking to cash in. As the undisputed „Boss“ of Atlantic 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120963 (Midnight in Paris). Directed by Abdellatif Kechiche (The City, Nucky leads a double life as a politician and bootlegger; Secret of the Grain), this finely detailed, intimate epic Prohibition may have outlawed alcohol, but in Nucky’s world Born On The Fourth Of July (Blu- sensitively renders the erotic abandon of youth. It has it has opened up highly lucrative opportunities for gangsters captivated international audiences and been widely embraced and rumrunners looking to provide „liquid gold“ for a thirsty ray + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) as a defining love story for the new century. nation. In a city defined by notorious backroom politics and Tom Cruise, Kyra Sedgwick, Jerry Levine, Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, vicious power struggles, Nucky must battle with a relentless Caroline Kava, Willem Dafoe, Frank Whaley, French, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies, federal agent, ambitious underlings, and opportunistic rivals - including Arnold Rothstein, Lucky Luciano, and Al Capone. Raymond J. Barry - Dir. Oliver Stone Romance 2013 179min. Crime, Drama, HBO, Historical / Period Tom Cruise delivers a riveting and unforgettable portrayal of Criterion 11.02.2014 Piece, Mobsters & The Mafia, Politics, Tele- Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic in Oliver Stone’s Academy Award 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120640 winning masterpiece Born On The Fourth Of July. Based on a vision 2010 732min. true story, the acclaimed film follows the young Kovic from a HBO Home Video 28.01.2014 zealous teen who eagerly volunteers for the Vietnam War, to Blue Is The Warmest Color: The 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121149 an embittered veteran paralyzed from the mid-chest down. Deeply in love with his country, Kovic returned to an Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) environment vastly different from the one he left, and struggled Lea Seydoux, Salim Kechiouche - Dir. Boardwalk Empire: The Complete before emerging as a brave new voice for the disenchanted. Abdellatif Kechiche First Season (Repackage) Academy Award Winners, Action, Based- On-A-True-Story, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, The colorful, electrifying romance that took the Cannes Film Michael Shannon, Michael Pitt, Kelly Festival by storm courageously dives into a young woman’s Military, Movies, Vietnam War, War 1989 Macdonald, Steve Buscemi - Dir. Martin experiences of first love and sexual awakening. Blue Is the 145min. Warmest Color stars the remarkable newcomer Adele Scorsese, Allen Coulter, Alan Taylor, Universal Studios 28.01.2014 Excharpoulos as a high schooler who, much to her own Jeremy Podeswa, Timothy Van Patten surprise, plunges into a thrilling relationship with a female 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120743 twentysomething art student, played by Lea Seydoux From Emmy-winning writer Terence Winter (The Sopranos) (Midnight in Paris). Directed by Abdellatif Kechiche (The and Executive Producer Martin Scorsese, Boardwalk Empire Secret of the Grain), this finely detailed, intimate epic begins in Atlantic City in 1920. It is the eve of Prohibition, and Bottled Up

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Marin Ireland, Melissa Leo, Josh Hamilton - Anita Page, Charles King, Bessie Love - hijacking of the U.S. container ship Maersk Alabama by a crew of Somali pirates. Based on a true story, the film focuses Dir. Enid Zentelis Dir. Harry Beaumont on the Alabama’s commanding officer, Captain Richard Academy Award Winner Melissa Leo shines in Bottled Up, a Broadway is auditions, struggle and heartbreak - where moxie Phillips (two-time Academy Award®-winner Tom Hanks, Best moving drama about a mother struggling to cope with her counts above talent and the show must go on. Beloved show Actor, 1993, Philadelphia; Best Actor, 1994, Forrest Gump), daughter’s addiction. Faye’s (Leo, Prisoners) world revolves biz scenarios could finally be heard as well as seen in this and the Somali pirate captain, Muse (Barkhad Abdi), who around grown daughter Sylvie (Marin Ireland, Hope Springs) Academy Award winning Best Picture. History’s first „All takes him hostage. The two men are set on an unstoppable who, months after a car accident, still complains of being in Talking! All Singing! All Dancing!“ movie was also All Hit, course when Muse and his crew target Phillips’ constant pain. After refusing physical therapy it becomes drawing enough 35-cents admissions to pile up an enormous unarmed ship; in the ensuing standoff, both men will find clear to everyone but Faye that Sylvie is addicted to pain $4-million box office. The film’s sound-technology innovations themselves at the mercy of forces beyond their control. killers. When earnest environmentalist Beckett (Josh were revolutionary, the performances had gusto (including Hamilton, The Bourne Identity) moves to town, matchmaker Bessie Love’s effective turn as a hard-luck older sister), the Action, Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Sto- Faye quickly befriends him, hoping that he might raise Arthur Freed/Nacio Herb Brown songs became irresistible ry, Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Crime, Dra- Sylvie’s spirits. As Beckett finds himself further intertwined standards and when all was danced, acted, and voh-doh-de- ma, High Seas, Movies, Pirates, Thrillers in their lives, he inadvertently helps Faye realize the depth of oh-dohed, a new American art form emerged: the movie her daughter’s problem, while falling for the older of the musical! 2013 134min. women. When Faye’s hand is forced she must decide whether Academy Award Winners, Classics, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment to enable her daughter’s addiction or find the happiness that Movies, Music, Musical 1929 100min. 21.01.2014 she has long denied herself. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120888 Drama, Movies 2013 84min. Warner Bros. 26.11.2013 Osiris Entertainment 11.02.2014 tba BestellNr.: 40120938 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120909 Captain Phillips (DVD + Broken Bullet UltraViolet) Braveheart Wendy Cole, Rich Henrich, Dennis Cole Yul Vazquez, Chris Mulkey, David Stephen Bancroft and his wife have moved to the town of Warshofsky, Corey Johnson, Max Martini, Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick Turquoise in search of a new life of opportunity. With McGoohan, Catherine McCormack - Dir. Mel promises of economic growth, from the Banker, they’d hoped Tom Hanks - Dir. Paul Greengrass Gibson to cash in on what was supposed to be a Boom Town. As they Captain Phillips is a multi-layered examination of the 2009 find out the Railroad will be bypassing their town, Stephen hijacking of the U.S. container ship Maersk Alabama by a Mel Gibson stars on both sides of the camera, playing the crew of Somali pirates. Based on a true story, the film focuses lead role plus directing and producing this brawling, richly- and his wife find themselves along with everyone else in town struggling to scrape up enough money every month to pay the on the Alabama’s commanding officer, Captain Richard detailed saga of fierce combat, tender love and the will to risk Phillips (two-time Academy Award®-winner Tom Hanks, Best all that’s precious for something more precious: freedom. In an debts. As the town Banker sees that his venture (building a Boom town) is falling apart he sees only one way to salvage Actor, 1993, Philadelphia; Best Actor, 1994, Forrest Gump), emotionally charged performance, Gibson is William Wallace, and the Somali pirate captain, Muse (Barkhad Abdi), who a bold Scotsman who used the steel of his blade and the fire his investment... To enslave all who owe him by controlling the direction of there businesses in order to line his pocket. takes him hostage. The two men are set on an unstoppable of his intellect to rally his countrymen to liberation. Filled collision course when Muse and his crew target Phillips’ with sword-clanging spectacle, Braveheart is a tumultuous As Stephen begins to start an uprising against the Banker’s plans, the banker quickly puts a stop to it and the adventure unarmed ship; in the ensuing standoff, both men will find tapestry of history come alive, „the most sumptuous and themselves at the mercy of forces beyond their control. involving historical epic since Lawrence Of Arabia“ (Rod begins. Lurie, Los Angeles Magazine). Adventure, Family, Movies 2013 90min. Action, Adventure, Based-On-A-True-Sto- Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 ry, Biography, Biopics, Crime, Drama, High 100, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121014 Seas, Movies, Pirates, Thrillers 2013 Piece, Medieval Times, Movies 1995 134min. 117min. The Broker’s Man: Series 1 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 21.01.2014 Paramount 07.01.2014 Michelle Fairley, Kevin Whately - Dir. Roger 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120865 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120846 Gartland, Bob Blagden Kevin Whately (Inspector Lewis) stars as Jimmy Griffin, an Breathless: The Criterion ex-cop turned insurance investigator in this winning British Captial Games detective series. Jimmy’s cunning and insight are well-suited Take two ambitious men, one top LA advertising firm, add a Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) to the business of exposing con men and other fraudsters. competition for the same high ranking job. Tough ex-LAPD cop (Blu-ray) With his police training, he’s able to take on any case, no Steve Miller quit the police force to work in the calm of an matter how dangerous. If only he could be as successful in his office environment. Mark Richfield, the glamorous new kid in Jean Seberg personal life. Fresh off a divorce from Sally (Annette Ekblom, the office, soon wins favor with the big boss and co-workers There was before Breathless, and there was after Breathless. Holby City) and a breakup with his colleague and mistress, causing Steve to cringe in jealousy. After a team-building With its lack of polish, surplus of attitude, crackling Gabby (Michelle Fairley, Game of Thrones), Jimmy still hasn’t exercise in the Santa Fe desert goes awry, the two men share personalities of rising stars Jean-Paul Belmondo and Jean learned when to shut his wandering eyes and turn off his a night of passion that leaves them both with unresolved Seberg, and anything-goes crime narrative, Jean-Luc rakish charm. As he struggles to rebuild his family, keeping emotions. Steve becomes torn between passionate love and Godard’s debut fashioned a simultaneous homage to and them safe from the perils of his work proves to be his ultimate passionate hatred and Mark must endure an agonizing critique of the American film genres that influenced and test. decision that will affect his life forever. rocked him as a film writer for Cahiers du cinema. Jazzy, British, Crime, Drama, Foreign, International Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies, On free-form, and sexy, Breathless helped launch the French new TV, Mystery, Television 1997 288min. The Job, Romance 97min. wave and ensured cinema would never be the same. Acorn Media 04.02.2014 Art House, Blu-ray, Criterion Collection, Breaking Glass Pictures 11.02.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120991 Drama, Foreign, French, Movies, Romance, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121165 Thrillers 1960 90min. Criterion 25.02.2014 Bullet Carrie 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120676 Jonathan Banks, Danny Trejo - Dir. Nick Chloe Grace Moretz and Academy Award® nominee Julianne Lyon Moore star in this exhilarating reimagining of Stephen King’s Action, Cops, Kidnapping, Movies 2013 iconic best seller. After merciless taunting from classmates Bridesmaids (Blu-ray + DVD + and abuse at the hand of her religious fanatic mother (Moore), min. Carrie’s (Mortez) anger - and her telekinetic powers - are UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Funimation 25.02.2014 unleashed. And when a prom prank goes horribly wrong, Ellie Kemper, Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120690 events spiral out of control until the terrifying conclusion of Melissa McCarthy, - Dir. Paul this powerful, pulse-quickening horror story. Drama, Horror, Movies, Stephen King min. Feig Bullet (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Gut-bustingly funny. Bridesmaids gets an A!!!“ (Owen MGM / UA 14.01.2014 Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly) From the producer of (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120899 Superbad, Knocked Up and The 40-Year-Old Virgin comes the breakout comedy critics are calling „brazenly hysterical!“ Jonathan Banks, Danny Trejo - Dir. Nick (Alynda Wheat, People) Thirty-something Annie (Kristen Lyon Carrie (Blu-ray + DVD + Wiig) has hit a rough patch but finds her life turned Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Kidnapping, Movies UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) completely upside down when she takes on the Maid of Honor role in her best friend Lillian’s (Maya Rudolph) wedding. In 2013 min. Chloe Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore - Dir. way over her head but determined to succeed, Annie leads a Funimation 25.02.2014 Kimberly Peirce hilarious hodgepodge of bridesmaids (Rose Byrne, Melissa 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120711 Chloe Grace Moretz and Academy Award® nominee Julianne McCarthy, Wendi McLendon-Covey and Ellie Kemper) on a Moore star in this exhilarating reimagining of Stephen King’s wild ride down the road to the big event. iconic best seller. After merciless taunting from classmates Comedy, Friendships, Movies, Romance Captain Phillips (Blu-ray + DVD + and abuse at the hand of her religious fanatic mother (Moore), 2011 131min. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Carrie’s (Mortez) anger - and her telekinetic powers - are unleashed. And when a prom prank goes horribly wrong, Universal Studios 28.01.2014 Yul Vazquez, Chris Mulkey, David events spiral out of control until the terrifying conclusion of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120744 Warshofsky, Corey Johnson, Max Martini, this powerful, pulse-quickening horror story. Tom Hanks - Dir. Paul Greengrass Book-To-Film, Drama, Horror, Movies, Broadway Melody Of 1929 Captain Phillips is a multi-layered examination of the 2009 Stephen King 2013 100min.

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MGM / UA 14.01.2014 UltraViolet) Commitment 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120929 Bill Oberst Jr. - Dir. Jourdan McClure The son of a North Korean spy decides to follow in his Simon Leach is a very sick man. Thriving on despair, pain, father’s footsteps to protect his little sister. A Case Of You and panic, he unites a group of broken and desperate teens Action, Foreign, Korean, Movies 113min. and showers them with the love and affection they’re so Well Go USA 11.03.2014 Justin Long, Evan Rachel Wood, Vince desperate for. But Simon has a much darker plan for his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121037 Vaughn, Sam Rockwell - Dir. Kat Coiro followers. „Belongingness“ can be a terrifying subject. When Young writer Sam (Justin Long, Going the Distance) has a a young woman embeds herself in the cult looking for answers crush on Birdie (Evan Rachel Wood, The Ides of March), the to her sister’s disappearance, she discovers their dark secret Commitment (Blu-ray) and an even darker secret within herself. cute and quirky barista at his local coffee shop. When his The son of a North Korean spy decides to follow in his conventional attempts to woo her crash and burn, he takes his Horror, Movies 2014 100min. father’s footsteps to protect his little sister. efforts online, creating an Internet profile embellished with all Lionsgate 04.03.2014 of the details that would make him Birdie’s dream guy: Action, Blu-ray, Foreign, Korean, Movies ballroom dancing, rock climbing, and a seemingly endless, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120981 113min. escalating series of wacky and unlikely hobbies. When the Well Go USA 11.03.2014 harebrained scheme is a surprise success and Birdie falls for Cimarron (Academy Award O- his exaggerated alter ego, Sam must keep up the act or lose 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121055 his dream girl forever. A fresh take on romance in the digital Sleeve) age, A Case Of You is a funny and heartwarming exploration Concussion of the oftentimes ridiculous things we do for love. Richard Dix, Estelle Taylor, Irene Dunne - Comedy, Movies, Romance 2013 91min. Dir. Wesley Ruggles Maggie Siff, Robin Weigert Spaces were neither wide nor open in most early Sound Abby (Robin Weigert) may have a loving family and all of the MPI 04.02.2014 Westerns. Not so in Cimarron. It starts with one of the most creature comforts in life, but even so, she can’t fight a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120881 renowned giddy-ups in cinema history: a thundering growing feeling of discontent. That all changes the day a recreation of the 1889 Oklahoma Land Rush. From there speeding baseball smacks into Abby’s skull causing a Cimarron, based on the bestselling epic by Giant and Show concussion and unleashing her latent sexuality that sends her A Case Of You (Blu-ray) Boat novelist Edna Ferber, traces the generations-spanning on an erotic journey. She is prompted to acquire a pied-â- Justin Long, Evan Rachel Wood, Vince saga of that land. There rugged Yancey Cravat (Richard Dix) terre in Manhattan and works as a high-class escort while and his resourceful pioneer wife Sabra (Irene Dunne) sink keeping her sordid new career a carefully guarded secret Vaughn, Sam Rockwell - Dir. Kat Coiro roots, persevere, give shape to their dreams. It’s a saga of from her unsuspecting family. Young writer Sam (Justin Long, Going the Distance) has a change, told with an authenticity that moviegoers who had Drama, Movies 2013 96min. crush on Birdie (Evan Rachel Wood, The Ides of March), the lived through that era recognized - and told with a skill that cute and quirky barista at his local coffee shop. When his earned it three Academy Awards including Best Picture! Starz / Anchor Bay 28.01.2014 conventional attempts to woo her crash and burn, he takes his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120880 efforts online, creating an Internet profile embellished with all Academy Award Winners, Classics, Dra- of the details that would make him Birdie’s dream guy: ma, Movies, Western 1931 123min. ballroom dancing, rock climbing, and a seemingly endless, Warner Bros. 26.11.2013 The Counselor escalating series of wacky and unlikely hobbies. When the harebrained scheme is a surprise success and Birdie falls for tba BestellNr.: 40120940 Michael Fassbender, Penelope Cruz, his exaggerated alter ego, Sam must keep up the act or lose Cameron Diaz - Dir. his dream girl forever. A fresh take on romance in the digital Code Red An all-star cast, featuring Michael Fassbender, Brad Pitt, age, A Case Of You is a funny and heartwarming exploration Cameron Diaz, Javier Bardem, and Penélope Cruz, sizzles of the oftentimes ridiculous things we do for love. Paul Logan in this „lurid, adrenaline-fueled thriller“ (Alexandra Alter, The Comedy, Movies, Romance 2013 91min. A World War II Russian secret weapon goes missing only to Wall Street Journal) from visionary director Ridley Scott and be found in present day by a U.S. agent in a Bulgarian Acclaimed Novelist, Cormac McCarthy. A talented lawyer MPI 04.02.2014 ammunition dump. Then all hell breaks loose in this action- (Fassbender) known for doing the right thing for the wrong 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120898 packed zombie war film. people decides to put his connections to the test by diving into Action, Horror, Movies, War, World War II, a treacherous drug deal for some quick cash. But The Counselor soon learns that having it all could mean losing Casting Me... Zombies 2012 94min. everything. Set against the backdrop of a casting agency, Casting Me, a E1 Entertainment 04.02.2014 Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Lawyers / hilarious comedy from South Africa, is one part Clerks, one 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120758 part 40 Year Old Virgin and one part Extras. This semi- Legal Issues, Movies, Thrillers 2013 autobiographical feature from writer/director Quinton Lavery - 118min. an Official Selection of 2012 Cape Fear : The Complete Fifth 20th Century Fox 11.02.2014 Festival and 2012 Cape Winelands Film Festival - makes its North American debut on DVD and VOD courtesy of IndiePix Season (Repackage) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121113 Films. Paul (well-known South African host/comedian Paul Peter Falk Snodgrass) is a frustrated but likeable Casting Director who Peter Falk dons his famous trenchcoat again as he returns in The Counselor (Blu-ray + has dreams of finally making his own feature film. This is his his 4-time Emmy® award-winning role as everyone’s life: his girlfriend Chloe (Roxanne Prentice) has broken up favorite Police Lieutenant in Columbo: The Complete Fifth UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) with him, he hates his job although he has great colleagues in Season! Join Columbo in this three-disc set as he asks all the Michael Fassbender, Penelope Cruz, Rueben (Ralph Kossew) and Janet (Simone Cagnazzo) and right questions in some of the most deceptive and deadly he lives in a flat with his friend, the gay computer nerd, Nic cases. The Fascinating Fifth season also features such Cameron Diaz - Dir. Ridley Scott (Jonathan Hearns). To get his life on track again and win brilliant guest stars as Janet Leigh, Sal Mineo, Robert An all-star cast, featuring Michael Fassbender, Brad Pitt, back his girlfriend he decides to make a film about his job, Vaughn, Ricardo Montalban, Hector Elizondo, Robert Loggia, Cameron Diaz, Javier Bardem, and Penélope Cruz, sizzles love life and all the funny things that happen behind the Patrick McGoohan, and more. The landmark crime series in this „lurid, adrenaline-fueled thriller“ (Alexandra Alter, The scenes at the casting agency. Will he succeed? Find out in returns, and no murderer can hide for long with Columbo on Wall Street Journal) from visionary director Ridley Scott and Casting Me, which has been called „a lesson in low-b the beat! Acclaimed Novelist, Cormac McCarthy. A talented lawyer Comedy, Film About Film, Movies 2011 (Fassbender) known for doing the right thing for the wrong Detectives, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, people decides to put his connections to the test by diving into 97min. Television 1975 534min. a treacherous drug deal for some quick cash. But The Indiepix 19.11.2013 Universal Studios 04.03.2014 Counselor soon learns that having it all could mean losing 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120641 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121124 everything. Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Lawyers / Charlie Countryman Legal Issues, Movies, Thrillers 2013 Columbo: The Complete Sixth & 118min. Shia LaBeouf, Mads Mikkelsen, Evan Ra- Seventh Seasons (Repackage) 20th Century Fox 11.02.2014 chel Wood Ed Begley Jr., William Shatner, Peter Falk, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121119 Action, Comedy, Movies, Romance 2013 Kim Cattrall, Jamie Lee Curtis 108min. It’s time to dust off the rumpled trenchcoat one last time as the Curse Of The Dragon Millennium Entertainment 21.01.2014 final two seasons of Columbo come to DVD for the first time 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120684 ever! Reunite with four-time Emmy® winner Peter Falk as he Tahmoh Penikett takes on some of his most deceptive mysteries yet and asks Alec, a courageous but impetuous knight, returns to his home all the right questions in his trademark offbeat style. Along for village having been summoned by his more temperate brother Charlie Countryman (Blu-ray) the final cases are a host of guest stars that include William Francis. As they walk through the small town exchanging Shatner, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kim Cattrall and Ed Begley, Jr. news, they spy two beautiful sisters, Anabel and Jocelyn, Shia LaBeouf, Mads Mikkelsen, Evan Ra- The landmark crime series of the 1970s comes to a captivating whom the brothers have admired for some time. The brothers’ chel Wood conclusion in these final episodes, but you can always count reunion is short-lived as a fearsome dragon descends upon Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Movies, Romance on everyone’s favorite police lieutenant to say, „Oh, there’s them and wreaks havoc on their village. 2013 108min. just one more thing...“ Adventure, Fantasy, Movies 2011 90min. Detectives, Drama, Mystery, NBC, Televisi- Millennium Entertainment 21.01.2014 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 25.02.2014 on 1976 636min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120700 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120668 Universal Studios 04.03.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121125 Children Of Sorrow (DVD + Lee Daniels’ The Butler

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Robin Williams, James Marsden, Jane 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120783 Fonda, Forest Whitaker, Alan Rickman, Dirty Teacher Oprah Winfrey - Dir. Lee Daniels Deadly Presence Cameron Deane Stewart, Kelcie Stranahan, Lee Daniels’ The Butler tells the story of a White House butler who served eight American presidents over three Elissa Dowling Josie Davis - Dir. Doug Campbell decades. The film traces the dramatic changes that swept Andie, Candace and Julie were looking for a night of fun when When a high school senior discovers her teacher is seducing American society during this time, from the civil rights they decided to stay at the Stanton house, a house rumored to her boyfriend, events turn deadly after the teacher tries to movement to Vietnam and beyond, and how those changes be haunted. Several months later Andie receives a phone call cover it up. affected this man’s life and family. Forest Whitaker stars as from Candace inviting her over to catch up. When Andie Drama, Movies, Teachers, Thrillers, TV the butler with Robin Williams as Dwight Eisenhower, John arrives at her apartment, she can’t help but notice Candace’s Movies 2013 86min. Cusack as Richard Nixon, Alan Rickman as Ronald Reagan, strange behavior and decides to stay the night. The following James Marsden as John F. Kennedy, Liev Schreiber as morning Andie wakes up to find a journal and video from MTI Home Video 04.02.2014 Lyndon B. Johnson, and many more. Academy Award® Candace and soon after, discovers her dead in the bathtub. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120914 nominated Lee Daniels (Precious) directs and co-wrote the After viewing the video, Andie stays another night at the script with Emmy®-award winning Danny Strong (Game apartment upon Candace’s request. Unsure of what to do, Change). Andie tries seeking answers in the journal that Candace left Disorientation behind. Andie realizes that Candace’s strange behavior Biography, Biopics, Drama, Historical / started just days following their stay at the Stanton house. Is Richard Moll Period Piece, Movies 2013 132min. the house really haunted? Andie soon finds out for herself... In Disorientation, an unapologetic, collegiate underachiever and his 15-year-old, brainiac roommate overcome their Starz / Anchor Bay 14.01.2014 Haunted Houses, Horror, Movies, differences and team up to exact revenge on a posse of goons, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120806 Supernatural & Paranormal 2013 90min. who think they rule the school. Starring Eric Toms Brain Damage Films 04.02.2014 (successful producer of TV’s Badass! and Reality Binge), Todd Gaebe, Darrel Cherney (Modus Operandi) and Richard Lee Daniels’ The Butler (Blu-ray + 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120882 Moll (Jingle all the Way, The Flinstones, House). DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Comedy, Movies 2012 min. Robin Williams, James Marsden, Jane Diana Green Apple Entertainment 28.01.2014 Fonda, Forest Whitaker, Alan Rickman, Naomi Watts, , Naveen 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120839 Oprah Winfrey - Dir. Lee Daniels Andrews - Dir. Oliver Hirschbiegel Lee Daniels’ The Butler tells the story of a White House Diana takes audiences into the private realm of one the The Divorce butler who served eight American presidents over three world’s most iconic and inescapably public women in the last decades. The film traces the dramatic changes that swept two years of her meteoric life, and explores the Princess of Dawn Lewis, Keith Burke, Angell Conwell, American society during this time, from the civil rights Wales’ final rite of passage: a secret love affair with Pakista- Freda Payne, Vanessa Bell Calloway, movement to Vietnam and beyond, and how those changes ni heart surgeon Hasnat Khan. Tammi Mac, Jonelle Allen, - Dir. Affairs & Love Triangles, Biography, affected this man’s life and family. Forest Whitaker stars as Donald Welch the butler with Robin Williams as Dwight Eisenhower, John Biopics, Drama, Movies, Romance 2013 Cusack as Richard Nixon, Alan Rickman as Ronald Reagan, Successful TV anchorwoman, Yolanda Massey (Dawnn James Marsden as John F. Kennedy, Liev Schreiber as 113min. Lewis), is celebrating her recent divorce by throwing herself Lyndon B. Johnson, and many more. Academy Award® E1 Entertainment 11.02.2014 a divorce party with her closest sorority girlfriends. Coming nominated Lee Daniels (Precious) directs and co-wrote the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120756 along for the ride is her hilariously funny, no nonsense BFF, script with Emmy®-award winning Danny Strong (Game Eva (Vanessa Bell Calloway), her younger sister, CeCe Change). (Angell Conwell) and her newfound friend, Victoria (Tatyana Diana (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Ali). For good measure, throw in her self-absorbed mother, a Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, sexy, younger beau and a handsome ex-husband and you are Historical / Period Piece, Movies 2013 (Blu-ray) in for an evening of raucous laughter, heartache and the 132min. Naomi Watts, Juliet Stevenson, Naveen ultimate surprise. Comedy, Friendships, Movies, Play-To-Film, Starz / Anchor Bay 14.01.2014 Andrews - Dir. Oliver Hirschbiegel 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120831 Diana takes audiences into the private realm of one the Romance 2013 115min. world’s most iconic and inescapably public women in the last Image Ent. 04.02.2014 two years of her meteoric life, and explores the Princess of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120983 Lee Daniels’ The Butler (Blu-ray) Wales’ final rite of passage: a secret love affair with Pakista- Robin Williams, James Marsden, Jane ni heart surgeon Hasnat Khan. Fonda, Forest Whitaker, Alan Rickman, Affairs & Love Triangles, Biography, Doctor Who: Moonbase Oprah Winfrey - Dir. Lee Daniels Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Romance Patrick Troughton Lee Daniels’ The Butler tells the story of a White House 2013 113min. BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, butler who served eight American presidents over three E1 Entertainment 11.02.2014 Foreign, International TV, Monsters, decades. The film traces the dramatic changes that swept American society during this time, from the civil rights 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120789 Science Fiction, Television, Time Travel movement to Vietnam and beyond, and how those changes 1967 min. affected this man’s life and family. Forest Whitaker stars as The Dictator / Coming To America BBC Home Video 11.02.2014 the butler with Robin Williams as Dwight Eisenhower, John 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120970 Cusack as Richard Nixon, Alan Rickman as Ronald Reagan, (Double Feature) James Marsden as John F. Kennedy, Liev Schreiber as Sacha Baron Cohen, Anna Faris, Shari Lyndon B. Johnson, and many more. Academy Award® Doctor Who: The Complete Sixth nominated Lee Daniels (Precious) directs and co-wrote the Headley, , Arsenio Hall, John script with Emmy®-award winning Danny Strong (Game Amos, Eddie Murphy, James Earl Jones, Series (Repackage) (Blu-ray) Change). Ben Kingsley - Dir. John Landis, Larry Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, Matt Smith, Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, Charles Alex Kingston Historical / Period Piece, Movies 2013 Comedy, Double Features, Fish-Out-Of- BBC, Blu-ray, British, Fantasy, Foreign, 132min. Water, Mockumentary, Movies, Romance, International TV, Science Fiction, Televisi- Starz / Anchor Bay 14.01.2014 Royalty min. on, Time Travel 2011 644min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120830 Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 BBC Home Video 04.02.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120802 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121150 Dark Touch Marcella Plunkett, Padraic Delaney - Dir. Dirty Harry / Magnum Force Doctor Who: The Time Of The Marina de Van After a mysterious and bloody massacre in their isolated (Double Feature) Doctor country house leaves her parents and younger brother dead, Andy Robinson, John Larch, Clint Jenna Coleman, Orla Brady, Matt Smith - 11-year-old Neve is taken by police to friends of the family to be looked after. When Neve tries to explain that an evil force Eastwood, John Vernon, Reni Santoni, Har- Dir. Jamie Payne within the house caused her family’s deaths, she’s met with ry Guardino - Dir. Ted Post, Don Siegel This year’s Christmas special will end the Eleventh Doctor’s disbelief from both the authorities and her new family. As the Clint Eastwood knocks the movie world on its ear, starring as run with the answers to „some“ of the outstanding plot police try to find the crime’s real perpetrators, Neve is given iconic SFPD cop Harry Callahan and tracking the Scorpio questions rhat have arisen from the past three seasons. a social worker to try to ease her trauma. But before long it Killer in the trend-setting Dirty Harry. Callahan defies BBC, British, Cult Film / TV, Fantasy, becomes apparent that whatever killed her family has followed vigilante cops in Magnum Force, a counterpoint to the first Foreign, International TV, Science Fiction, Neve to her new home, and soon she and all those around her film and an action bull’s eye that has Harry taking dead aim are in mortal danger of the malevolent power that seems to be with the most powerful handgun in the world. Television, Time Travel 60min. tied to the innocent girl. A pulse-pounding supernatural Action, Classics, Cops, Cops On The Edge, BBC Home Video 04.03.2014 thriller, Dark Touch weaves the tension of a with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121135 the plight of a newly orphaned girl to create a unique Crime, Detectives, Double Features, Movies examination of the paranormal. 226min. Horror, Movies 2013 90min. Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 Doctor Who: The Time Of The MPI 28.01.2014 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121134 Doctor (Blu-ray)

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Jenna Coleman, Orla Brady, Matt Smith - dreams. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 11.03.2014 Dir. Jamie Payne Drama, Movies 135min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121025 This year’s Christmas special will end the Eleventh Doctor’s Lionsgate 28.01.2014 run with the answers to „some“ of the outstanding plot 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120866 questions rhat have arisen from the past three seasons. Ender’s Game (Blu-ray + DVD + BBC, Blu-ray, British, Cult Film / TV, Due South: The Complete Series UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Science Hailee Steinfeld, Viola Davis, Abigail Fiction, Television, Time Travel 60min. Paul Gross, Beau Starr Due South is a lightning-paced comedy series in which a Breslin, Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley - Dir. BBC Home Video 04.03.2014 quintessential, polite, by-the-book Canadian Mountie from the Gavin Hood 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121151 frozen North is teamed up with a wise-cracking, Armani-clad As fears of an alien invasion grow, Earth’s International Fleet Chicago cop with a flexible sense of morality. Featuring sixty- recruits an unlikely leader - a young and brilliant boy - to five episodes from three seasons of the uproarious, Gemini command its forces and fight for the future of the human race. Dove Approved Family Movies Award winning television series. Based on the worldwide bestseller and featuring an all-star Collection: 6 Films Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Television min. cast, Ender’s Game bursts with epic adventure and stunning Echo Bridge Home Entertainment visual effects. , Angie Everhart, William Hurt - Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, Book- 07.01.2014 Dir. David Hand, Reinhard Klooss, Henri To-Film, Epics, Movies, Science Fiction 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120926 Charr, Thomas Callicoat, Holger Tappe, 2013 114min. Richard Boddington 11.02.2014 Collections, Family, Movies 500min. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (Blu-ray 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121106 Image Ent. 18.02.2014 + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120987 Erika Eleniak, Robert MacNaughton, K.C. Ender’s Game (DVD + UltraViolet) Martel, C. Thomas Howell, Dee Wallace, Hailee Steinfeld, Viola Davis, Abigail Dracula Drew Barrymore, Peter Coyote, Henry Tho- Breslin, Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley - Dir. Thomas Kretschmann, Asia Argento, mas - Dir. Gavin Hood Rutger Hauer - Dir. Dario Argento Relive the adventure and magic in one of the most beloved As fears of an alien invasion grow, Earth’s International Fleet Horror maestro Dario Argento (Suspiria) puts his unique motion pictures of all-time, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial, from recruits an unlikely leader - a young and brilliant boy - to stylistic spin on the classic supernatural tale with Dracula, a Academy Award-winning director Steven Spielberg. command its forces and fight for the future of the human race. visually sumptuous retelling of the legendary myth. It’s been Captivating audiences of all ages, this timeless story follows Based on the worldwide bestseller and featuring an all-star 400 years since Count Dracula’s (Thomas Kretschmann, the unforgettable journey of a lost alien and the 10-year-old cast, Ender’s Game bursts with epic adventure and stunning Wanted) beloved Dolingen De Gratz passed away, leaving the boy he befriends. Join Elliot (Henry Thomas), Gertie (Drew visual effects. immortal bloodsucker forever abandoned. But when he Barrymore) and Michael (Robert MacNaughton) as they come Action, Adventure, Aliens, Book-To-Film, discovers that local newlywed Mina Harker (Marta Gastini, together to help E.T. find his way back home. Now digitally The Rite) bears a striking resemblance to Dolingen, his remastered with enhanced picture and sound for its 30th Epics, Movies, Science Fiction 2013 furious yearning is reawakened as he believes Mina to be a Anniversary, E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial is „one of the great 114min. reincarnation of his beloved. Luring her husband Jonathan American films“ (Leonard Maltin) that forever belongs in the Summit Entertainment 11.02.2014 away to his castle with the help of his minion (and Mina’s hearts and minds of audiences everywhere. best friend) Lucy (Asia Argento, xXx), Dracula embarks on a Adventure, AFI Top 100, Aliens, Blu-ray, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121092 bloody quest to reunite with his long lost love and live forever Classics, Drama, Family, Fantasy, with her in hellish immortality. Only the arrival of vampire The Enforcer / The Gauntlet expert Abraham Van Helsing (Rutger Hauer, Blade Runner) Friendships, Movies, National Film Registry, can put an end to the fiend’s unholy plan. Luridly violent and Science Fiction 1982 115min. (Double Feature) brimming with passionate eroticism, Dario Argento’s Dracula Universal Studios 28.01.2014 is an all-out assault on the senses from one of horror , Bradford Dillman, Mara Corday, cinema’s most celebrated auteurs. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120745 Sondra Locke, Pat Hingle, William Prince, Dracula, Horror, Movies, Romance, Thril- Clint Eastwood, Harry Guardino - Dir. Clint lers, Vampires 2012 110min. East Of Eden (Blu-ray) Eastwood, James Fargo MPI 28.01.2014 Richard Davalos, Burl Ives, Raymond Action, Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120782 Massey, Lois Smith, James Dean, Jo Van Crooked Cops, Double Features, Drama, Fleet, Julie Harris - Dir. Elia Kazan Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Thrillers Dracula 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray) Based on John Steinbeck’s novel and directed by award- min. winning director Elia Kazan, East of Eden was James Dean’s Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 (Blu-ray) breakout big-screen performance, one that will forever be remembered in Hollywood history. The emotionally charged 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121136 Thomas Kretschmann, Asia Argento, film tells the story of lonely youth Cal (Dean), who vies for Rutger Hauer - Dir. Dario Argento the affection of his hardened father (Raymond Massey) and PLEASE NOTE: This title is a Blu-ray 3D disc, which is only favored brother, Aron (Richard Davalos). The film received Escape Plan (Blu-ray + DVD + compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. Horror four Academy Award nominations, and Jo Van Fleet won the UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) maestro Dario Argento (Suspiria) puts his unique stylistic Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her role as Cal’s wayward spin on the classic supernatural tale with Dracula, a visually mother. 50 Cent, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold sumptuous retelling of the legendary myth. It’s been 400 years Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Schwarzenegger - Dir. Mikael Hafstrom since Count Dracula’s (Thomas Kretschmann, Wanted) beloved Dolingen De Gratz passed away, leaving the immortal Classics, Drama, Movies, Romance, Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Mystery, Prison, bloodsucker forever abandoned. But when he discovers that Tearjerkers 1954 117min. Thrillers 2013 115min. local newlywed Mina Harker (Marta Gastini, The Rite) bears Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 Summit Entertainment 04.02.2014 a striking resemblance to Dolingen, his furious yearning is reawakened as he believes Mina to be a reincarnation of his 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120819 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120891 beloved. Luring her husband Jonathan away to his castle with the help of his minion (and Mina’s best friend) Lucy (Asia Elmo’s World: All About Animals Escape Plan (DVD + UltraViolet) Argento, xXx), Dracula embarks on a bloody quest to reunite with his long lost love and live forever with her in hellish Elmo loves animals and he wants to learn all about them. Join 50 Cent, Sylvester Stallone, Arnold immortality. Only the arrival of vampire expert Abraham Van Sesame Street’s furry red monster for some fur, feathers and Schwarzenegger - Dir. Mikael Hafstrom Helsing (Rutger Hauer, Blade Runner) can put an end to the fun as he finds out all about dogs, birds, fishes, horses, fiend’s unholy plan. Luridly violent and brimming with penguins and more! Action, Movies, Mystery, Prison, Thrillers passionate eroticism, Dario Argento’s Dracula is an Animated Animals, Children’s, Children’s / 2013 115min. Blu-ray 3D, Dracula, Horror, Movies, Educational, Preschool, Puppets, Sesame Summit Entertainment 04.02.2014 Romance, Thrillers, Vampires 2012 110min. Street, Television 120min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120870 MPI 28.01.2014 Warner Bros. 04.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120793 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121141 An Evening In The Zone Wendell Corey, Pat Hingle, William Shatner, Dreams (DVD + UltraViolet) En El Ombligo Del Cielo (In The Rod Steiger - Dir. John Frankenheimer, Terri J. Vaughn, Tommy Ford, Twista, Mel Middle Of Heaven) Franklin J. Schaffner Jackson - Dir. Joel Kapity A young executive, Andrea, gets trapped during a weekend on Three classic television programs, all written by Rod Serling, Mia dreams of singing, Quentin dreams of dancing, Paalo the roof of the building where she works, accompanied by Includes Nightmare At Ground Zero, The Arena and A Town wants to mend the relationship with his daughter and Alonzo Gualberto, the janitor. Stuck and surrounded by only concrete Has Turned To Dust (with William Shatner and Rod Steiger). hopes to reconnect with his family, but the realities of abuse, and glass, both characters reflect on their lives and their Drama, Mystery, Television, Thrillers 90min. failure and their broken pasts, as well as a notorious criminal, values. E1 Entertainment 25.02.2014 make the path to their dreams an uphill battle. Set in urban Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Mexican, Movies Chicago, these four stories are woven together to create an 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120774 inspiring tale of the hard work it takes to achieve one’s 2012 106min.

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Evil Come, Evil Go / Oh! You Prowse, Rowan Woods, Tony Tilse, Ian 7, Patti LaBelle and The Dells, it’s packed with electrifying Watson musical showstoppers, gripping characters and a mesmerizing Beautiful Doll / Window Blue cast that includes Leon (All The Right Moves, Colors), John Farscape Season Two unfolds as a tapestry of histories and Canada Terrell (She’s Gotta Have It) and Diahann Carroll (Triple Feature) mysteries. Following Season One’s harrowing finale, John (TV’s „Julia“). Crichton and the crew of the living space ship Moya must now John Holmes, Rick Cassidy, Sandy evade the villainous Scorpius. But that’s even harder than it Drama, Movies, Music, Musical 1991 Dempsey - Dir. Walt Davis seems, thanks to the insidious connection Scorpius has 122min. Few sexploitation filmmakers were as bold, daring and bizar- forged with Crichton. And if the Peacekeepers weren’t enough 20th Century Fox 21.01.2014 re as Walt Davis, the enigmatic auteur behind some of the trouble, Crichton and company soon cross paths with the wildest X rated films to come out of Hollywood. ambitious, reptilian Scarran race. The crew’s unstable 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120697 Cult Film / TV, Erotica, Movies, Slasher, camaraderie is tested when they discover the part a crew member played in the brutal fate of Moya’s first Pilot. Things Flashpoint: The Final Season Triple Feature 211min. spin even further out of control as the crew struggles to deal CAV 07.01.2014 with the violent nature of Moya’s offspring - not to mention Sergio Di Zio, David Paetkau, Enrico 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121040 murders, royal weddings, identity crises, terrorists and slave Colantoni, Hugh Dillon, Amy Jo Johnson traders. Building upon the mind-boggling Season 1, Farscape Anything can happen in Flashpoint, The Final Season, and Season Two delivers even more ingenious stories, Team One of the Strategic Response Unit (SRU) is prepared Failure To Launch extraordinary new characters, its razor-sharp dialogue and for just that. This high-risk, one-of-a-kind drama follows the Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew dazzling special effects, from the artists at Jim Henson exploits of an elite SWAT team that specializes in resolving Productions. extreme situations. Armed and dangerous criminals, bomb McConaughey, Terry Bradshaw, Justin Aliens, Blu-ray, Boxed Sets, Science threats, abduction and gang wars are all in a day’s work for Bartha, Zooey Deschanel, Bradley Cooper, Fiction, Space, Television 2000 1060min. these expert cops. Lead negotiator, Sgt. Greg Parker (Enrico Kathy Bates - Dir. Tom Dey New Video DVD 11.02.2014 Colantoni), and his trusted team, Ed (Hugh Dillon), Sam Matthew McConaughey is Tripp, a 35-year-old who still lives (David Paetkau), and Jules (Amy Jo Johnson) face their with his parents. And who can blame him? It’s free, he’s got a 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121099 darkest hour this season. A serial killer is on the run with a great room, and mom (Kathy Bates) does the laundry. Despe- victim in tow, a deadly „smart“ gun is stolen, and Ed is forced rate to get him out of the house, his parents hire a gorgeous The Fighter / Million Dollar Baby to kill a teenage girl in the line of duty. But it all comes down woman, Paula (Sarah Jessica Parker), to give him a to the wire when a terrorist starts bombing the city’s most little...push. They just didn’t expect Tripp would push back! ( Double Feature) populated buildings. In the epic conclusion to one of Zooey Deschanel, Justin Bartha, Terry Bradshaw and Alias’ television’s most thrilling dramas, the SRU gives it everything Bradley Cooper co-star in this romantic battle of wills that Melissa Leo, Amy Adams, Clint Eastwood, they’ve got to save a city plunged into chaos. proves there’s no place like home. Hilary Swank, Mark Wahlberg, Christian Action, Canadian, CBS, Crime, Drama, Comedy, Movies, Romance 2006 min. Bale, Morgan Freeman - Dir. Clint Foreign, International TV, Television, Thril- Paramount 01.01.2013 Eastwood, David O. Russell lers 2012 551min. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120927 Warner Bros., Boxing, Double Features, 18.03.2014 Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Movies, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121061 Failure To Launch (Blu-ray) Sports min. Sarah Jessica Parker, Matthew Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 Footloose: Deluxe Edition McConaughey, Terry Bradshaw, Justin 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120803 Lori Singer, John Laughlin, Kevin Bacon, Bartha, Zooey Deschanel, Bradley Cooper, Dianne Wiest, Chris Penn, John Lithgow, Kathy Bates - Dir. Tom Dey Finding Faith Sarah Jessica Parker - Dir. Herbert Ross Matthew McConaughey is Tripp, a 35-year-old who still lives Erik Estrada Dancing, Drama, Movies, Music, Romance, with his parents. And who can blame him? It’s free, he’s got a The Garretts are the envy of most families in their small town. Troubled Youth 1984 min. great room, and mom (Kathy Bates) does the laundry. Despe- The mother and father are financially well-off and love their rate to get him out of the house, his parents hire a gorgeous jobs. Their two children excel academically, socially, Paramount 01.01.2013 woman, Paula (Sarah Jessica Parker), to give him a athletically and spiritually. The strength of the family is plain 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120781 little...push. They just didn’t expect Tripp would push back! for all to see and they spread a contagious kindness Zooey Deschanel, Justin Bartha, Terry Bradshaw and Alias’ throughout their community. But when 14-year-old Faith Bradley Cooper co-star in this romantic battle of wills that Garrett is abducted, how will the family hold together? Footloose: Deluxe Edition (Blu- proves there’s no place like home. Crime, Drama, Family, Kidnapping, Movies, Comedy, Movies, Romance 2006 min. ray) Religion/Spirituality 2013 104min. Paramount 01.01.2013 Kevin Bacon, Dianne Wiest, John Lithgow, E1 Entertainment 04.02.2014 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120936 Lori Singer, John Laughlin, Sarah Jessica 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120759 Parker, Chris Penn - Dir. Herbert Ross Farscape: The Complete Season Dancing, Drama, Movies, Music, Romance, Firefox / Heartbreak Ridge (Doub- Troubled Youth 1984 min. Two - 15th Anniversary Edition le Feature) Paramount 01.01.2013 Virginia Hey, Claudia Black, Ben Browder, Clint Eastwood, Marsha Mason - Dir. Clint 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120792 Gigi Edgley, Anthony Simcoe - Dir. Andrew Eastwood Prowse, Rowan Woods, Tony Tilse, Ian Star/director Clint Eastwood wields weaponry, commands Foreign Correspondent: The Watson troops and triggers soaring suspense and adventure in two Farscape Season Two unfolds as a tapestry of histories and popular action hits. The Cold War heats up when war- Criterion Collection (Blu-ray + mysteries. Following Season One’s harrowing finale, John haunted pilot Eastwood slips inside the Soviet Union to steal DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Crichton and the crew of the living space ship Moya must now the mind-controlled high-tech fighter called Firefox. And he’s evade the villainous Scorpius. But that’s even harder than it a semper fi lifer who whips raw Marine recruits into shape Joel McCrea, Herbert Marshall, Laraine seems, thanks to the insidious connection Scorpius has and leads them into the invasion of Grenada in Heartbreak Day, Albert Bassermann, Robert Benchley, forged with Crichton. And if the Peacekeepers weren’t enough Ridge. A science-fiction spectacular and a character-driven trouble, Crichton and company soon cross paths with the study of a warrior at a peacetime crossroads: it’s a dynamite George Sanders - Dir. Alfred Hitchcock ambitious, reptilian Scarran race. The crew’s unstable double feature from one of cinema’s most beloved stars and The wind blows one way but the windmill turns another. To a camaraderie is tested when they discover the part a crew acclaimed filmmakers. group of fifth Columnists, it’s a signal. It also signals to an member played in the brutal fate of Moya’s first Pilot. Things Action, Aerial Action, Comedy, Double Fea- intrepid American reporter that he’s stumbled across the spin even further out of control as the crew struggles to deal biggest story in prewar Europe. Foreign Correspondent is with the violent nature of Moya’s offspring - not to mention tures, Drama, Military, Movies, Science prime Alfred Hitchcock, a showcase of the director’s best murders, royal weddings, identity crises, terrorists and slave Fiction, Thrillers, War 236min. cinematic tricks and executed on a grand scale. An 80-foot traders. Building upon the mind-boggling Season 1, Farscape Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 windmill, a 10-acre facsimile of Amsterdam Square used to Season Two delivers even more ingenious stories, stage a stunning rain-soaked assassination scene and an extraordinary new characters, its razor-sharp dialogue and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121137 airship with a 120-foot wingspan for a still-amazing sea-crash dazzling special effects, from the artists at Jim Henson sequence are some of the massive sets in this gripping spy Productions. The Five Heartbeats (Blu-ray) yarn. Joel McCrea, Laraine Day, Herbert Marshall, George Aliens, Science Fiction, Space, Television Sanders and Robert Benchley headline this nominee for six Harold Nicholas, Tico Wells, Harry Lennix, 1940 Academy Awards, including Best Pictures. 2000 1060min. Leon, Robert Townsend, Diahann Carroll, Criterion Collection, Horror, Movies, Music, New Video DVD 11.02.2014 Michael Wright - Dir. Robert Townsend Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers 1940 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121075 Get ready to be rocked to your soul by The Five Heartbeats. 120min. This Motown-flavored masterpiece is the story of five young Criterion 18.02.2014 Farscape: The Complete Season friends drawn together by music. Their dream of success takes them from amateur nights in ghetto clubs to the pinnacle 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120645 Two - 15th Anniversary Edition of show business success and personal tragedy. Robert Townsend (Hollywood Shuffle) directs and stars in this Forrest Gump (Blu-ray) perfect-pitch production and captures the Motown era of the Virginia Hey, Claudia Black, Ben Browder, Sixties at its most soulful and sizzling. Featuring a score by Tom Hanks, Robin Wright Penn, Mykelti Gigi Edgley, Anthony Simcoe - Dir. Andrew Stanley Clarke and music from the soundtrack album by After Williamson, Sally Field, Gary Sinise - Dir.

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Robert Zemeckis Funny Face Forrest Gump is the movie triumph that became a phenomenon. Gladiator Tom Hanks gives an astonishing performance as Forrest, an Fred Astaire, Audrey Hepburn, Suzy Par- everyman whose simple innocence comes to embody a ker, Kay Thompson, Robert Flemyng, Stan- Connie Nielsen, Derek Jacobi, Joaquin generation. The winner of six Academy Awards®, including ley Donen, Michel Auclair - Dir. Stanley Phoenix, Djimon Hounsou, Oliver Reed, Best Picture, Best Director (Robert Zemeckis) and Best Actor (Tom Hanks). Donen Russell Crowe, Richard Harris - Dir. Ridley Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy, Movies, Musical, Scott Romance 1957 104min. Featuring both the theatrical and extended versions in the Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece, perfect picture and sound, Gladiator now sparkles like never Movies, National Film Registry, Romance, Paramount 01.01.2013 before. The stunning historical epic follows Maximus Tearjerkers 1994 141min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120968 Meridas, the brave general who was forced into slavery, emerged as a gladiator, and defied an empire. Winner of five Paramount 07.01.2014 Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Actor, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120847 Funny Face (Blu-ray) Gladiator is a magnificent combination of vivid action and Fred Astaire, Audrey Hepburn, Suzy Par- extraordinary storytelling. Masterfully directed by Ridley Scott, and featuring a riveting performance from Russell The Freshman: The Criterion ker, Kay Thompson, Robert Flemyng, Stan- Crowe, it is truly „a colossus of rousing action“ (Peter Tra- Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) ley Donen, Michel Auclair - Dir. Stanley vers, Rolling Stone). Donen Academy Award Winners, Action, Ancient (Blu-ray) Classics, Comedy, Movies, Musical, Greece / Rome, Boxed Sets, Classics, Dra- Harold Lloyd - Dir. Sam Taylor, Fred C. Romance 1957 min. ma, Epics, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Newmeyer Paramount 08.04.2014 Revenge, War 2000 171min. Harold Lloyd’s biggest box-office hit was this silent comedy gem, featuring the befuddled everyman at his eager best as a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120976 Paramount 07.01.2014 new college student. Though he dreams of being a big man on 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120848 campus, the freshman’s careful plans inevitably go hilariously The Ganzfeld Haunting awry, be it on the football field or at the Fall Frolic. But he gets a climactic chance to prove his mettle - and impress the Laura Wiggins, Rumer Willis, Taylor Cole, / The Untouchables sweet girl he loves - in one of the most famous sports Toby Hemingway, Ryan Donowho, Dominic (Double Feature) sequences ever filmed. This crowd-pleaser is a gleeful showcase for Lloyd’s slapstick brilliance and incandescent Purcell, Billy Zane - Dir. Michael Oblowitz Paul Sorvino, Robert De Niro, Peter Onorati, charm, and it’s accompanied here by a new orchestral score Action, Movies, Thrillers min. Frank Sivero, , Ray Liotta, by Carl Davis (Napoleon). Screen Media 18.02.2014 Joe Pesci - Dir. Martin Scorsese College Life, Criterion Collection, Family, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121170 Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Football, Movies, Silent Film, Slapstick, Crime, Double Features, Drama, Mobsters & Sports 1925 76min. Gentle Ben: Season Two The Mafia, Movies, National Film Registry Criterion 25.03.2014 Beth Brickell, Dennis Weaver, Clint Howard min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121110 Gentle Ben returns for a second season of swampland Warner Bros. 07.01.2014 adventure as the Wedloes of the Florida Everglades battle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120798 Fruitvale Station foes and befriend unlikely visitors. A big bear in the family means bigger mischief for young Mark, his park ranger father, Octavia Spencer, Michael B. Jordan, Tom, and a stream of unusual characters who bring thrilling Grace Unplugged (Blu-ray + DVD Melonie Diaz adventure and suspenseful drama to town. Don’t miss this Filmmaker Ryan Coogler makes his feature directorial debut charming American tale of life outdoors. + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) with this drama centered on the tragic shooting of Oscar Adventure, Animals & Nature, Classics, AJ Michalka, James Denton, Michael Welch, Grant (Michael B. Jordan), a vibrant 22-year-old Bay Area Drama, Family, Television, Wilderness 1968 father who was senselessly gunned down by BART officers Shawnee Smith, - Dir. Brandon on New Year’s Day in 2009, and whose murder sent 712min. Rice shockwaves through the nation after being captured on Paramount Pictures 18.02.2014 Having just turned 18, Grace Trey (AJ Michalka) aspires to camera by his fellow passengers. Academy Award® winner 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120811 more than just singing at her church, where the worship Octavia Spencer, Melonie Diaz, and Kevin Durand co-star. leader is her father (James Denton), a former pop star. With Starz / Anchor Bay, Biography, Biopics, the help of her dad’s former manager, Grace runs away to Los George Washington: The Angeles and begins to taste the kind of stardom she’s always Drama, Movies 2013 85min. dreamed about. Yet with each rung of the ladder she climbs, Starz / Anchor Bay 14.01.2014 Criterion Collection (Blu-ray + Grace feels more and more pressure to compromise her 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120805 DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) values, further straining her relationship with her parents. Will everything she experiences lead her to reject her faith... Eddie Rouse, Rachael Handy, Curtis Cotton or rediscover it? With a star-studded cast, inspiring Fruitvale Station (Blu-ray + DVD + III, Damien Jewan Lee, Donald Holden, soundtrack and amazing musical performances, Grace Unplugged is a heartwarming film that „entertains while UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Candace Evanofski, Paul Schneider - Dir. bringing families closer together“ (Focus on the Family). Octavia Spencer, Michael B. Jordan, Drama, Movies, Music, Religion/Spirituality Over the course of one hot summer, a group of children in the Melonie Diaz decaying rural South must confront a tangle of difficult 2013 95min. Filmmaker Ryan Coogler makes his feature directorial debut choices. An ambitiously constructed, elegantly photographed Lionsgate 11.02.2014 with this drama centered on the tragic shooting of Oscar meditation on adolescence, the first full-length film by director 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120747 Grant (Michael B. Jordan), a vibrant 22-year-old Bay Area David Gordon Green (Pineapple Express) features father who was senselessly gunned down by BART officers remarkable performances from an award-winning ensemble on New Year’s Day in 2009, and whose murder sent cast. George Washington is a startling and distinct work of Grace Unplugged (DVD + shockwaves through the nation after being captured on contemporary American independent cinema. camera by his fellow passengers. Academy Award® winner Criterion Collection, Drama, Movies 2000 UltraViolet) Octavia Spencer, Melonie Diaz, and Kevin Durand co-star. AJ Michalka, James Denton, Michael Welch, Biography, Biopics, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies 90min. Shawnee Smith, Kevin Pollak - Dir. Brandon 2013 85min. Criterion 11.03.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121107 Rice Starz / Anchor Bay 14.01.2014 Having just turned 18, Grace Trey (AJ Michalka) aspires to 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120829 more than just singing at her church, where the worship Giant (Blu-ray) leader is her father (James Denton), a former pop star. With the help of her dad’s former manager, Grace runs away to Los Fuego En El Alma (Fire In The Rock Hudson, James Dean, Carroll Baker, Angeles and begins to taste the kind of stardom she’s always Soul) Elizabeth Taylor - Dir. George Stevens dreamed about. Yet with each rung of the ladder she climbs, Director George Stevens’ sweeping saga of family conflict Grace feels more and more pressure to compromise her Braulio Castillo and social consciousness based on Edna Ferber’s best seller values, further straining her relationship with her parents. A Telenovella telling the story of three couples in Puerto Rico is presented here for the first time on Blu-ray. Nominated for Will everything she experiences lead her to reject her faith... whose relationships reach their critical point affected by the 10 Academy Awards, with a win for Stevens, and starring or rediscover it? With a star-studded cast, inspiring events of September 11. Luisa wants to escape her abusive Rock Hudson as rancher Bick Benedict, Elizabeth Taylor as soundtrack and amazing musical performances, Grace pro ball player husband, Gabriel, an airline pilot leads a his wife Leslie and James Dean (in his final film role) as Unplugged is a heartwarming film that „entertains while double life, and Anhelo is willing to risk her reputation and nouveau oil baron Jett Rink, this tale of three generations of bringing families closer together“ (Focus on the Family). her marriage for her younger lover. Texans remains both grand and intimate. Drama, Movies, Music, Religion/Spirituality Drama, Foreign, Movies, Romance, Spanish Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, 2013 95min. 2012 105min. Blu-ray, Classics, Movies, National Film Lionsgate 11.02.2014 E1 Entertainment 25.02.2014 Registry, Western 1956 201min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120726 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120772 Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120820 Grand Hotel (Oscar O-Sleeve)

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Greta Garbo, Lionel Barrymore, Joan after another, and they soon begin to suspect they’ve York City intent on cracking open the gates of Hell, the wandered into a real life horror movie. Events escalate from Hellbenders must use every ounce of their debauchery to Crawford, John Barrymore, Wallace Beery weird to terrifying as they contend with the house’s batty battle the demon and save the planet from eternal damnation! - Dir. Edmund Goulding owner, her imposing son, a moody Swedish lepidopterist, a Blu-ray 3D, Book-To-Film, Comedy, Dark People come. People go. Nothing ever happens,“ one world- pedantic English professor, an extraordinarily rare butterfly, weary patron (Lewis Stone) of Berlin’s finest hotel comments. the world’s best blueberry muffins, a .44 Magnum, a demented Comedy, Devils And Demons, Horror, Movie audiences knew better. They were witnessing the serial killer, and one very strict rulebook. Movies, Thrillers 2012 87min. glorious comings, goings and intersecting stories of a starry Comedy, Dark Comedy, Horror, Movies, Lionsgate 18.02.2014 array billed as „the greatest cast on stage or screen history!“ Ruined aristocrat John Barrymore. Terminally ill clerk Lionel Serial Killers 2013 80min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120889 Barrymore. Ruthless tycoon Wallace Beery. Scheming First Run Features 07.01.2014 stenographer Joan Crawford. And disillusioned ballerina 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120835 Hetty Wainthropp Investigates: Greta Garbo. Teaming them was a masterstroke whose success fostered more star-packed extravaganzas. The The Complete Collection radiant film captured the 1931-32 Best Picture Academy Haunter (Repackage) Award. What a grand showcase of the allure and style of Abigail Breslin, Michelle Nolden, Stephen classic moviemaking! Patricia Routledge, Derek Benfield, Dominic Academy Award Winners, Classics, Dra- McHattie - Dir. Vincenzo Natali Abigail Breslin (Ender’s Game, ) stars in Haunter, Monaghan ma, Movies, National Film Registry 1932 a unique take on the traditional haunted house story from Acclaimed actress Patricia Routledge (Keeping Up 112min. director Vincenzo Natali (Splice, Cube). In 1986, teenager Appearances) captivated American and British audiences Warner Bros. 26.11.2013 Lisa (Breslin) and her family died in their home under sinister alike as the 60-something housewife-turned-detective, Hetty circumstances. Unable to move on, their spirits continued to Wainthropp. This collection captures Hetty’s entire sleuthing tba BestellNr.: 40120941 roam the house during the intervening years. Now, over a career in one complete set - including some episodes not seen period of six „days“, Lisa must reach out from beyond the on the PBS Mystery! broadcast. Armed with little more than a The Great Beauty: The Criterion grave to help her living counterpart Olivia avoid the same fate no-nonsense attitude, a whip-smart mind, and plenty of moxie, that Lisa and her family suffered long ago. Uniquely unsettling Hetty takes on cases involving Mafiosi, missing persons, and Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) and shocking, Haunter is a one-of-a-kind reverse ghost story murder, assisted by her eager apprentice Geoffrey (Dominic that chills long after the final frame. Monaghan, Lost) and doting husband Robert (Derek Benfield, (Blu-ray) Rumpole Of The Bailey). Her old-fashioned common sense Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 and unfailing compassion make Hetty a detective to be Toni Servillo - Dir. Paolo Sorrentino 97min. reckoned with - and to cherish. For decades, journalist Jep Gambardella has and seduced his way through the glittering nightlife of Rome. MPI 11.02.2014 BBC, British, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Since the legendary success of his only novel, he has been a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121164 International TV, Mystery, Television 1996 permanent fixture in the city’s literary and elite social circles. 1455min. But on his sixty-fifth birthday, Jep unexpectedly finds himself taking stock of his life, turning his cutting wit on himself and Haunter (Blu-ray) Acorn Media 11.02.2014 his contemporaries, and looking past the lavish nightclubs, Abigail Breslin, Michelle Nolden, Stephen 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120995 parties, and cafés to find Rome itself, in all its monumental glory: a timeless landscape of absurd, exquisite beauty. McHattie - Dir. Vincenzo Natali Featuring sensuous cinematography, a lush score, and an Abigail Breslin (Ender’s Game, Zombieland) stars in Haunter, Hetty Wainthropp Investigates: award-winning central performance by the great Toni Servillo a unique take on the traditional haunted house story from The Complete First Series (Gomorrah), this transporting experience from the brilliant director Vincenzo Natali (Splice, Cube). In 1986, teenager Italian director Paolo Sorrentino (Il divo) is a breathtaking Lisa (Breslin) and her family died in their home under sinister (Repackage) circumstances. Unable to move on, their spirits continued to Fellini-esque tale of decadence and lost love. Patricia Routledge - Dir. John Glenister, Comedy, Criterion Collection, Drama, roam the house during the intervening years. Now, over a period of six „days“, Lisa must reach out from beyond the Robert Tronson Foreign, Italian, Movies 2013 141min. grave to help her living counterpart Olivia avoid the same fate Life as a private detective begins at 60 for sprightly Criterion 25.03.2014 that Lisa and her family suffered long ago. Uniquely unsettling Lancashire housewife Hetty Wainthropp (Patricia Routledge, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121111 and shocking, Haunter is a one-of-a-kind reverse ghost story Keeping Up Appearances). Her newly retired husband, that chills long after the final frame. Robert (Derek Benfield, Rumpole of the Bailey), thinks she MPI, Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 out to be winding down with him, but Hetty takes a job to make The Great Bikini Bowling Bash 97min. ends meet and accidentally discovers her natural gift for sleuthing. Finding an eager sidekick in destitute teenager Mary Carey MPI 11.02.2014 Geoffrey Shawcross (, The Lord of the With their minds in the gutter three gorgeous babes plot to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121178 Rings trilogy), Hetty sets up her own detective agency, puts win big as they struggle to save their grandfather’s bowling her sensible pumps to the pavement, and proves she has what alley. When the opportunity comes to challenge the country’s it takes to be a gumshoe of distinction. top bowler they the farm in an „all or nothing“ game with Hellbenders (DVD+ UltraViolet) everything at stake in The Great Bikini Bowling Bash! This is British, Foreign, International TV, Murder another hilarious and sexy comedy spoof from Retromedia Andre Royo, Clancy Brown - Dir. J.T. Petty Mysteries, Television, Thrillers 1996 Entertainment and stars the lovely Mary Carey, Sophia Bella, PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. 319min. and Krissy Lynn. Acorn Media 11.02.2014 Comedy, Erotica, Movies 81min. A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all standard Blu-ray players There are demons so terrible that no 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120993 Retromedia 21.01.2014 mortal man of God could successfully drive them back to Hell. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120691 The only option is for the exorcist himself to invite possession and then commit suicide, dragging along the demon to Hetty Wainthropp Investigates: damnation - so the Augustine Interfaith Order of Hellbound Greatest Classic Films: Legends - Saints - or Hellbenders - was formed. A group of elite, highly- The Complete Fourth Series trained exorcists, they live in a constant state of debauchery (Repackage) Henry Fonda so they will be ready to go to Hell at any moment. When an George Montgomery, Werner Peters, James infernal Norse demon called Black Surtr escapes into New Derek Benfield, Dominic Monaghan, Patricia York City intent on cracking open the gates of Hell, the Routledge - Dir. Robert Tronson, David MacArthur, Barbara Werle, Dana Andrews, Hellbenders must use every ounce of their debauchery to Charles Bronson, Telly Savalas, Ty Hardin, battle the demon and save the planet from eternal damnation! Giles the BBc’s most beloved matron of mystery returns to tackle Robert Shaw, Henry Fonda, Robert Ryan, Lionsgate, Comedy, Dark Comedy, Devils her most challenging cases yet. Word of the Wainthropp Hans Christian Blech, Pier Angeli - Dir. Ken And Demons, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2012 Detective Agency has spread, and Hetty (Patrick Routledge) Annakin 87min. finds herself taking on clients beyond the cozy confines of Lancashire. With her chracteristic combination of shrewdness Action, Classics, Collections, Military, Lionsgate 18.02.2014 and compassion, she sleuths out trith in a Cumbrian iron mine, Movies, War, World War II min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120867 a stately country mansion, and even a historic coastal fishing Warner Bros. 01.04.2014 village. As always, Hetty gets plent of help from her able young partner Geoffrey (Dominic Monaghan, ABC’s Lost) and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121142 Hellbenders 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu- doting husband Robert (Derek Benfield, Rumpole Of The ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Bailey) as she roots out crime and plumbs the mysteries of the The Guide human heart. Andre Royo, Clancy Brown - Dir. J.T. Petty BBC, British, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Stephanie Leon, Don Scribner PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which International TV, Mystery, Television 1996 Movies, Thrillers 89min. is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. min. Monarch Home Video 25.02.2014 A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all standard Blu-ray players There are demons so terrible that no Acorn Media 11.02.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120910 mortal man of God could successfully drive them back to Hell. The only option is for the exorcist himself to invite possession 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120997 and then commit suicide, dragging along the demon to The Happy House damnation - so the Augustine Interfaith Order of Hellbound Hetty Wainthropp Investigates: Aya Cash - Dir. D.W. Young Saints - or Hellbenders - was formed. A group of elite, highly- Their relationship on the rocks, a young Brooklyn couple trained exorcists, they live in a constant state of debauchery The Complete Second Series heads to a remote bed & breakfast to work things out. But from so they will be ready to go to Hell at any moment. When an (Repackage) the moment they arrive at The Happy House it’s one disaster infernal Norse demon called Black Surtr escapes into New

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Dominic Monaghan, Derek Bennett, Patricia ray) Movies, Tragedies, TV Movies 2013 90min. Routledge Graham McTavish, Richard Armitage, Martin A&E 04.02.2014 Armed with a fully loaded handbag of common sense and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120721 intuition, the world’s shrewdest, nosiest, and most unlikely Freeman, Andy Serkis, Ken Scott, Hugo private detective returns in her quest to take the mystery out Weaving, James Nesbitt, Cate Blanchett, of northern England. Hetty Wainthropp, the Lancashire , Ian McKellen, Elijah Wood How I Live Now housewife-turned-gumshoe (Patricia Routledge, Keeping Up Appearances) stars in six new adventures that bring her face - Dir. Peter Jackson Saoirse Ronan, George MacKay, Tom Hol- to face with the most mysterious, perplexing, and unsavory 2013 Oscar Nominees, Adventure, Blu-ray, land - Dir. Kevin MacDonald characters of her young career. Still by her side are devoted Book-To-Film, Fantasy, Movies 2012 Set in the near-future UK, Saoirse Ronan plays Daisy, an husband Robert (Derek Benfield, Rumpole of the Bailey) and American teenager sent to stay with relatives in the English teenager Geoffrey Shawcross (Dominic Monaghan, The Lord 182min. countryside. Initially withdrawn and alienated, she begins to of the Rings trilogy, Lost), who’s become an able-bodies New Line Home Entertainment 21.01.2014 warm up to her charming surroundings and strikes up a investigating sidekick to Lancashire’s „super-gran sleuth.“ 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121152 romance with the handsome Edmund (George MacKay). But on Includes two episodes not seen on the PBS Mystery! the fringes of their idyllic summer days are tense news broadcast. reports of an escalatin g conflict in Europe. As the UK falls British, Crime, Foreign, International TV, Holla II into a violent, chaotic military state, Daisy finds herself hiding Mystery, Television, Thrillers 1996 296min. Vanessa Bell Calloway - Dir. H.M. Coakley and fighting to survive. Action, Drama, Movies 2013 101min. Acorn Media 11.02.2014 After narrowly escaping death at the hands of her mentally ill Magnolia Home Entertainment 11.02.2014 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120994 sister Veronica, Monica relocates to the South along with her mother, Marion. Six years have now passed, Monica has 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121172 found the man of her dreams and she is ready to settle down Hetty Wainthropp Investigates: and get married. She and her friends head to a southern plantation house on the eve of her wedding, but little does she How I Live Now (Blu-ray) The Complete Third Series know that death and betrayal still await her at every turn. As she and her friends party the night away, someone or Saoirse Ronan, George MacKay, Tom Hol- (Repackage) something stalks them at the property, rumored to be haunted land - Dir. Kevin MacDonald Derek Benfield, Dominic Monaghan, Patricia by 13 murdered slaves. Set in the near-future UK, Saoirse Ronan plays Daisy, an Horror, Movies 2013 89min. American teenager sent to stay with relatives in the English Routledge countryside. Initially withdrawn and alienated, she begins to The Wainthropp Detective Agency is bustling. No longer the E1 Entertainment 25.02.2014 warm up to her charming surroundings and strikes up a new kid on the crime-fighting block, late-blooming gumshoe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120760 romance with the handsome Edmund (George MacKay). But on Hetty Wainthropp (Patricia Routledge, Keeping Up the fringes of their idyllic summer days are tense news Appearances) gets the really tough jobs that require a head reports of an escalatin g conflict in Europe. As the UK falls and a heart. Her uncanny ability to blend in with her The Horror At 37,000 Feet into a violent, chaotic military state, Daisy finds herself hiding surroundings brings her into contact with people from all and fighting to survive. walks of life, from marauding hooligans to high-society brides Buddy Ebsen, Chuck Connors, William in these nine new cases, solved with the help of her trusty Shatner, Roy Thinnes Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies 2013 young assistant, Geoffrey (Dominic Monaghan, ABC’s Lost) Fly the not-so-friendly skies in this frightening tale of 101min. and devoted husband, Robert (Derek Benfield). survival at 37,000 feet! On a flight from London to Los Magnolia Home Entertainment 11.02.2014 British, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Angeles, a wealthy architect (Roy Thinnes) and his wife (Jane Merrow) have rented out a jumbo jet’s entire cargo hold 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121180 International TV, Television 1998 441min. to transport a precious artifact - an altar from an ancient Acorn Media 11.02.2014 abbey. But they’re unaware of its deadly secret. Aboard for I Heart U 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120996 the ill-fated trip is William Shatner as a drunken, cynical ex- priest; Buddy Ebsen as an arrogant millionaire; and Chuck Raine Brown, Billy Garberina - Dir. Billy Connors as the heroic pilot. Not long after departure, crew Garberina The Hidden Fortress: The and passengers alike face airborne jeopardy and supernatural In this darkly comic satire of suburban married life, mild- Criterion Collection (Blu-ray + horror as a demonic entity escapes from the altar, seeking to mannered Walter Fletcher discovers the perfect antidote to possess a hapless victim as well as seek revenge on those marriage to an ambitious, attractive wife is getting his name in DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) who would desecrate the sinister deity’s ancient ritual site. the paper... even if it means he has to kill a person or five. But Fasten your seatbelts - it’s going to be a terrifying flight! just as his new hobby seems to be working, a series of brutal Misa Uehara, Susumu Fujita, Minoru Chiaki, Aerial Action, Devils And Demons, Drama, and stylish murders by „The Sweetheart Killer“ steal his Kamatari Fujiwara, Toshiro Mifune - Dir. Movies, Thrillers, TV Movies 1973 73min. limelight. Will Walter’s newly discovered competitive streak Akira Kurosawa Paramount Pictures 18.03.2014 re-kindle his marriage? Or does „The Sweetheart Killer“ hit a A general and a princess must dodge enemy clans while little too close to home? smuggling the royal treasure out of hostile territory with two 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121062 Horror, Movies 2012 91min. bumbling, conniving peasants at their sides; it’s a spirited E1 Entertainment 11.02.2014 adventure that only Akira Kurosawa could create. Hours (DVD + UltraViolet) Acknowledged as a primary influence on George Lucas’ Star 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120773 Wars, The Hidden Fortress delivers Kurosawa’s inimitably Genesis Rodriguez, Paul Walker - Dir. Eric deft blend of wry humor, breathtaking action and humanist Heisserer Ice Soliders compassion on an epic scale. The Criterion Collection is Nolan Hayes (Walker) arrives at a New Orleans hospital proud to present this landmark motion picture in a stunning, with his pregnant wife, Abigail (Rodriguez), who has gone Gabriel Hogan, Dominic Purcell, Adam newly-restored Tohoscope edition. into early labor. Things quickly spiral out of control when the Beach, Michael Ironside - Dir. Sturla Art House, Blu-ray, Classics, Criterion birth goes tragically wrong and Hurricane Katrina hits, Gunnarsson Collection, Foreign, Japanese, Movies 1958 ravaging the hospital and forcing an evacuation. With his Buried beneath the Arctic ice since the Cold War, genetically 139min. baby dependent on a ventilator and no one around to help, modified Soviet soldiers have been rediscovered, reactivated Nolan faces one life-and-death decision after another and and are ready to unleash devastating destruction. They are Criterion 18.03.2014 must fight to keep his daughter alive. cold-blooded killing machines with super-human strength and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121109 Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 97min. one man, a scientist who has been searching for them his Lionsgate 04.03.2014 entire life, will try to stop the carnage before they complete their terrifying, top-secret mission. Dominic Purcell (TV’s Hindenburg: The Last Flight 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121162 Prison Break), Michael Ironside (X-Men: First Class) and Lauren Lee Smith, Stacy Keach Adam Beach (Cowboys & Aliens) star in this pulse-pounding, On May 6th, 1937, the world’s largest passenger airship was House Of Versace action-packed thriller. Action, Canadian, Foreign, Movies, Science attempting to dock near Lakehurst, New Jersey when it Enrico Colantoni, Alex Carter, Colm Feore, suddenly erupted in flames and crashed to the ground. But Fiction 2013 min. , Raquel Welch, Gina what really caused The Hindenburg tragedy? Stacy Keach, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Lauren Lee and Greta Scacchi star in the explosive two-part Gershon - Dir. Sara Sugarman miniseries that reveals what may have been a deadly The Lifetime Original Movie House Of Versace is the story of 04.02.2014 conspiracy: When a corrupt American oil tycoon plots to fashion icon Donatella Versace and her triumph over tragedy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121088 sabotage the floating German leviathan, the ship’s young following the death of her brother, Gianni Versace (Enrico designer and the mogul’s beloved daughter find themselves in Colantoni). Based on Wall Street Journal reporter Deborah a desperate on-board race to uncover the truth. But will a Ball’s widely read book House Of Versace: The Untold Story Ice Soliders (Blu-ray) single spark ignite a shocking secret, a scorching romance, Of Genius, Murder, And Survival, the movie follows Donatella Gabriel Hogan, Dominic Purcell, Adam and one of the most shattering aviation disasters in history? (Gina Gershon) as she is suddenly thrust into the spotlight as Action, Based-On-A-True-Story, Disasters, head designer of her brother’s fashion empire. Ridiculed by Beach, Michael Ironside - Dir. Sturla Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2011 191min. critics worldwide, her runway shows received scathing Gunnarsson reviews. As the company begins to hemorrhage money, Buried beneath the Arctic ice since the Cold War, genetically Starz / Anchor Bay 15.01.2014 Donatella falls victim to drug addiction and nearly bankrupts modified Soviet soldiers have been rediscovered, reactivated 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120714 the business. With the help of her family - including daughter and are ready to unleash devastating destruction. They are Allegra, Aunt Lucia (Raquel Welch) and brother Santo (Colm cold-blooded killing machines with super-human strength and Feore) - she enters rehab to confront her demons and soon one man, a scientist who has been searching for them his The Hobbit: An Unexpected comes back stronger than ever with her own vision to re- entire life, will try to stop the carnage before they complete Journey - Extended Edition (Blu- ignite Versace as one of the most powerful fashion houses. their terrifying, top-secret mission. Dominic Purcell (TV’s Biography, Biopics, Drama, Fashion, Prison Break), Michael Ironside (X-Men: First Class) and Adam Beach (Cowboys & Aliens) star in this pulse-pounding,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 55 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA action-packed thriller. demons from her past refuse to stay buried any longer. Love Hewitt, The Client List), a Jewish girl, so that he’ll Action, Blu-ray, Canadian, Foreign, Movies, Horror, Movies, Supernatural & Paranormal, never have to make another decision for as long as he lives. Adam is on the verge of getting married to Hannah (Jamie- Science Fiction 2013 min. Thrillers 2013 82min. Lynn Sigler, The Sopranos), but isn’t happy about it. When Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Image Ent. 18.02.2014 Chris enlists Adam’s help in pretending to be Jewish so that 04.02.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120990 Allison will date him, cultures collide and chaos ensues! Inspired by the international smash-hit play seen by over a 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121104 million people, Jewtopia stars Ivan Sergei, Joel David Moore, Isle Of Dogs Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jon Lovitz, Rita Wilson, Tom Arnold, In A World... Peter Stormare, Camryn Manheim, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Wendie Edward Hogg, Barbara Nedeljakova, Malick, Nicollette Sheridan, Phil Rosenthal, Christine Lakin, Michaela Watkins, Fred Melamed, Demetri Andrew Howard - Dir. Tammi Sutton Hayes MacArthur and Lin Shaye. Martin, Rob Corddry, Lake Bell, Ken Marino In the gritty crime thriller Isle of Dogs, a brutal London Comedy, Movies, Romance 2012 90min. gangland boss discovers his new trophy-wife is having an - Dir. Lake Bell affair, hunts down her lover, issues a grim ultimatum - and a New Video DVD 11.02.2014 Lake Bell (No Strings Attached) stars in In a World..., a deadly game begins. Starring Andrew Howard (Limitless, The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121098 hilarious and heartfelt comedy about a struggling vocal coach Hangover: Part II, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen), who strikes it big in the cutthroat world of movie-trailer Barbara Nedeljakova (Shanghai Knights) and Edward Hogg voiceovers, only to find herself in direct competition with the (Anonymous, Alfie). Johnson Family Vacation (Blu- industry’s reigning king her father. The charming supporting cast includes Demetri Martin, Fred Melamed, Rob Corddry, Action, Crime, Movies, Thrillers 2011 min. ray) Michaela Watkins and Ken Marino with cameos by Eva Green Apple Entertainment 21.01.2014 Cedric The Entertainer, Steve Harvey, Bow Longoria and Geena Davis. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120838 Wow, Shannon Elizabeth, Vanessa Williams Comedy, Movies 2013 93min. - Dir. Christopher Erskin Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa Buckle up for the wildest road trip of the year! Cedric the 21.01.2014 Johnny Knoxville, Spike Jonze - Dir. Jeff Entertainer leads an all star cast in this hilarious comedy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120682 adventure about a misfit family trying to survive outrageous Tremaine obstacles (including each other) on a cross-country trek to Johnny Knoxville reprises his Jackass role as 86-year-old their annual family reunion. Along the way, they’ll battle a In A World... (Blu-ray) Irving Zisman in the story of a crotchety old man unexpectedly psycho truck driver, pick up a voodoo-loving hitchhiker, and saddled with the care of his 8-year-old grandson Billy „expose“ the dangers of hot tubbing in a strange hotel. Co- Michaela Watkins, Fred Melamed, Demetri (Jackson Nicoll). The two generations of troublemakers soon starring Vanessa Williams, , Shannon Elizabeth and Martin, Rob Corddry, Lake Bell, Ken Marino develop a bond, as they hustle their way across the heartland Steve Harvey, Johnson Family Vacation is packed with laughs - Dir. Lake Bell of America on an outrageous road trip with a whole lot of high and fueled by fun! Lake Bell (No Strings Attached) stars in In a World..., a jinks and pranks on unsuspecting, real-life people - all of Comedy, Movies, Road Trips 2004 96min. hilarious and heartfelt comedy about a struggling vocal coach whom had no idea they were starring in a „truly shocking“ 20th Century Fox 04.03.2014 who strikes it big in the cutthroat world of movie-trailer hidden camera comedy. (Fred Topel, Craveonline.com) voiceovers, only to find herself in direct competition with the Comedy, Movies 2013 91min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121121 industry’s reigning king her father. The charming supporting Paramount Pictures 28.01.2014 cast includes Demetri Martin, Fred Melamed, Rob Corddry, Judas: Close To Jesus Michaela Watkins and Ken Marino with cameos by Eva 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121059 Longoria and Geena Davis. Danny Quinn, Enrico Lo Verso - Dir. Comedy, Movies 2013 93min. Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa Raffaele Mertes Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- Drama, Movies, Religion/Spirituality 2001 21.01.2014 90min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120699 ray) Vivendi Visual Entertainment 18.03.2014 Johnny Knoxville, Spike Jonze - Dir. Jeff 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121027 The Inevitable Defeat Of Mister & Tremaine Johnny Knoxville reprises his Jackass role as 86-year-old Pete (DVD + UltraViolet) Irving Zisman in the story of a crotchety old man unexpectedly Judy / The Night Hustlers (Double saddled with the care of his 8-year-old grandson Billy Feature) Jordin Sparks, Jennifer Hudson, Anthony (Jackson Nicoll). The two generations of troublemakers soon Mackie, Jeffrey Wright - Dir. George Tillman develop a bond, as they hustle their way across the heartland In Judy (1969), a sex killer is on the loose, terrorizing of America on an outrageous road trip with a whole lot of high working girls in Boston’s seedy ‘combat zone.’ Will a rogue Jr. ex-detective solve the mystery before more buxom beauties One summer in New York City, 13-year-old Mister’s hard- jinks and pranks on unsuspecting, real-life people - all of whom had no idea they were starring in a „truly shocking“ meet an unfortunate demise? Next up, The Night Hustlers living mother is apprehended by the police, leaving him and 9- (1968). In this Florida lensed sexploitation oddity, a group of year-old Pete to survive alone while dodging child protective hidden camera comedy. (Fred Topel, Craveonline.com) Comedy, Movies 2013 91min. Vice cops trade stories of their sleazy, sex-filled busts. services and the dangers of the Brooklyn projects. Faced Double Features, Erotica, Movies, Thrillers with more than any child can be expected to bear, the Paramount Pictures 28.01.2014 132min. resourceful Mister nevertheless feels he is an unstoppable 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121093 force against seemingly unmovable obstacles. But what really CAV 07.01.2014 keeps the pair in the survival game is much more Mister’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121042 vulnerability than his larger-than-life attitude. Jewtopia Drama, Movies 120min. Christine Lakin, Peter Stormare, Jennifer Lionsgate 04.02.2014 Jules And Jim: The Criterion Love Hewitt 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120723 Christian O’Connell (Ivan Sergei, Charmed) and Adam Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Lipschitz (Joel David Moore, Bones) are two childhood (Blu-ray) Inn Of The Sixth Happiness (Blu- friends who reunite as adults to help each other land the women of their dreams. Chris wants to marry Allison (Jennifer Marie Dubois, Henri Serre, Michel Subor, ray) Love Hewitt, The Client List), a Jewish girl, so that he’ll Sabine Haudepin, Jeanne Moreau, Oskar never have to make another decision for as long as he lives. Robert Donat, Ingrid Bergman, Curt Jurgens Adam is on the verge of getting married to Hannah (Jamie- Werner - Dir. Francois Truffaut - Dir. Mark Robson Lynn Sigler, The Sopranos), but isn’t happy about it. When Hailed as one of the finest films ever made, legendary director After making her way to China to become a missionary, an Chris enlists Adam’s help in pretending to be Jewish so that Francois Truffaut’s early masterpiece Jules and Jim charts English parlor maid (Bergman) wins the heart of a Eurasian Allison will date him, cultures collide and chaos ensues! the relationship between two friends and the object of their colonel (Curt Jurgens) and the respect of the local Mandarin Inspired by the international smash-hit play seen by over a mutual obsession over the course of twenty-five years. (Robert Donat). But her greatest accomplishment is leading million people, Jewtopia stars Ivan Sergei, Joel David Moore, French film icon Jeanne Moreau stars as Catherine, the 100 homeless children to safety across enemy-held terrain Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jon Lovitz, Rita Wilson, Tom Arnold, alluring and willful young woman whose enigmatic smile and during Japan’s invasion of China. Adapted from the novel „The Peter Stormare, Camryn Manheim, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Wendie passionate nature lure Jules (Oskar Werner) and Jim (Henri Small Woman“ about the true-life story of Gladys Aylward, Malick, Nicollette Sheridan, Phil Rosenthal, Christine Lakin, Serre) into one of cinema’s most captivating romantic this powerfully poignant film is inspiring entertainment from Hayes MacArthur and Lin Shaye. triangles. An exuberant and poignant meditation on freedom, beginning to end. loyalty and the fortitude of love, Jules and Jim was a Comedy, Movies, Romance 2012 90min. worldwide smash upon its release in 1962 and remains as Classics, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period New Video DVD 11.02.2014 audacious and entrancing today. Piece, Movies 1958 158min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121074 Affairs & Love Triangles, Art House, Blu- 20th Century Fox 04.02.2014 ray, Book-To-Film, Classics, Criterion 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120696 Jewtopia (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Collection, Drama, Foreign, French, (Blu-ray) Friendships, Movies, Romance 1962 The Invoking 105min. Christine Lakin, Peter Stormare, Jennifer After inheriting a house from the family she never knew, Criterion 04.02.2014 Samantha Harris (Trin Miller) and three friends head to rural Love Hewitt Sader Ridge to inspect the property. Soon after arriving, Sam Christian O’Connell (Ivan Sergei, Charmed) and Adam 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120643 begins to experience horrific visions of savage brutality and Lipschitz (Joel David Moore, Bones) are two childhood unspeakable evil. Plagued by the sinister forces closing in friends who reunite as adults to help each other land the Killing Kennedy around her, Sam descends into a waking nightmare when the women of their dreams. Chris wants to marry Allison (Jennifer

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Ginnifer Goodwin, Michelle Trachtenberg, Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 - Dir. Nelson McCormick 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121017 Laughing To The Bank The event that shocked the world and changed the course of American history is now revealed in a new light. From Produ- Tabitha Brown, Brian Hooks - Dir. Brian cer Ridley Scott, and based on the bestseller by Bill O’Reilly Last Days Of Pompeii Hooks and Martin Dugard, comes this illuminating thriller presented Malcolm Jamieson, Siobhan McKenna, Brian Brian Hooks is a hard luck actor who’s been doing the Holly- here as a never-before-seen extended cut! Rob Lowe and wood shuffle for way too long, and this B-list nobody is tired Ginnifer Goodwin give galvanizing performances as President Blessed, Linda Purl, Catriona MacColl, of waiting for his big shot at fame and fortune. When studio John F. and Jacqueline Kennedy in the story about the Anthony Quayle, Olivia Hussey, Nicholas executives shoot down his idea for a new TV show, it’s up to president’s assassination, and its dramatic aftermath. As Clay, , Franco Nero, Ernest Brian and his oddball entourage to raise the money and global Cold War tensions mount and organized crime produce it themselves. But there’s only one way to grab this escalates in the U.S., a young, ambitious man from a wealthy Borgnine, Tony Anholt, , Gerry much cash overnight - Vegas, baby! And it just might have family rises to become the leader of the free world. At the Sundquist, Duncan Regehr, Peter Cellier, worked if a couple of cold-blooded gangsters hadn’t same time, a former dedicated Marine grows disillusioned Benedict Taylor, Laurence Oliver - Dir. Pe- kidnapped Brian. Now he will have to put on the performance with America. When their paths ultimately cross, the course of of his life - with the help of all the crazy characters in his U.S. history will forever change, as chronicled in this ter Hunt head - if he is going to survive long enough for his chance to mesmerizing film that also stars Michelle Trachtenberg. This fictionalized account of the city of Pompeii and its epic be a star. destruction, based on the 1834 novel, is a fascinating look at Drama, History & Events, Movies, the historical city circa the birth of Christianity and the Comedy, Movies, Spoofs & Parodies 2013 Presidents, Television, TV Movies 2013 culture of those who lived in the Roman Empire of the time. 86min. 88min. This mini-series is filled with a rich cast of characters who Image Ent. 18.02.2014 depict the clashes of class, politics, sex, and religion in 20th Century Fox 11.02.2014 Pompeii - thought by some to have been catalysts for the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120986 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120966 city’s destruction. Ned Beatty (Deliverance) stars as the wealthy merchant Diomed, whose ambition is to climb beyond Lesson Before Love his status through politics and a well-made match for his Killing Kennedy (Blu-ray) daughter. Lesley-Anne Down (TV’s Dallas and North and The dramatic story of four unfulfilled singles’ journey towards Ginnifer Goodwin, Michelle Trachtenberg, South) is Chloe, a prostitute with a young child, who is one of finding love, while trying to find themselves along the way. the growing congregation of Christians following the priest Eric, Alexis, Cullen and Janae are all single and unsatisfied Rob Lowe - Dir. Nelson McCormick Olinthus (Brian Blessed, Hamlet) in his secret masses, living their monochromatic lives. The contentious, first time The event that shocked the world and changed the course of hidden from the persecuting Romans and their magistrate, meeting between on-line chat buddies, Eric and Alexis, brings American history is now revealed in a new light. From Produ- Quintus (Anthony Quayle, The Guns of Navarone). Olivia about a torrent of emotions as they and their friends all meet cer Ridley Scott, and based on the bestseller by Bill O’Reilly Hussey (Romeo and Juliet) plays Ione, the priestess of the up for a night on the town. After which, they begin to and Martin Dugard, comes this illuminating thriller presented temple whose beauty attracts both the cunningly evil Arbaces experience love lessons that force them to search their own here as a never-before-seen extended cut! Rob Lowe and (Franco Nero, Camelot) and the just Athenian, Glaucus ( hearts and lost passions for the love that has long eluded Ginnifer Goodwin give galvanizing performances as President Action, Ancient Greece / Rome, Drama, them. John F. and Jacqueline Kennedy in the story about the Drama, Movies 2011 min. History & Events, Mini-Series, Romance, president’s assassination, and its dramatic aftermath. As Breaking Glass Pictures 25.02.2014 global Cold War tensions mount and organized crime Television 1984 245min. escalates in the U.S., a young, ambitious man from a wealthy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121091 family rises to become the leader of the free world. At the Sony Pictures Home Entertainment same time, a former dedicated Marine grows disillusioned 04.02.2014 with America. When their paths ultimately cross, the course of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121086 Life Of A King U.S. history will forever change, as chronicled in this Cuba Gooding Jr., Lisagay Hamilton, Dennis mesmerizing film that also stars Michelle Trachtenberg. Haysbert - Dir. Jake Goldberger Drama, History & Events, Movies, The Last Elvis Drama, Movies 2013 101min. Presidents, Television, TV Movies 2013 Most evenings in Buenos Aires, „Elvis“ Gutiérrez is a star - Millennium Entertainment 11.02.2014 min. his singing and stage presence bring back to life the King of Rock and Roll in all his glory. By day, though, Gutiérrez 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120902 20th Century Fox 11.02.2014 slaves away at a dead-end factory job and endures the scorn 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120974 of his ex-wife; only his young daughter, Lisa Marie, brings any joy outside of his Elvis tribute gigs. Feeling more Life Of A King (Blu-ray) connected to his stage persona than to the world around him, Cuba Gooding Jr., Lisagay Hamilton, Dennis King Of The Hill: The Criterion Gutiérrez retreats from reality until a tragic accident forces him to grapple with his real-world responsibilities. Armando Haysbert - Dir. Jake Goldberger Collection (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Bo’s feature debut, which premiered at the 2012 Sundance Drama, Movies 2013 101min. (Blu-ray) Film Festival, shows how performing on stage can bestow glamour and grace to the unlikeliest of people. With a jaw- Millennium Entertainment 11.02.2014 Lauryn Hill, Adrien Brody, Katherine Heigl, dropping performance by real-life Elvis tribute artist John 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120933 Elizabeth McGovern, Jesse Bradford, McInerny, this powerful yet tender film imbues its lead character with depth and dignity, creating a portrait of a Karen Allen, Spalding Gray, Steven broken man who seeks shelter in his dreams and singular The Life Of Emile Zola (Oscar O- Soderbergh talent. Sleeve) For his first Hollywood studio production, Steven Soderbergh Argentinian, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Music Paul Muni, Morris Carnovsky, Gloria Holden, (whose independent debut, sex, lies, and videotape, had won 2012 92min. the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival a few years Gale Sondergaard, Donald Crisp, Louis First Run Features 25.02.2014 earlier) crafted this small jewel of a growing-up story. Set in Calhern, Joseph Schildkraut - Dir. William St. Louis during the Depression, King of the Hill follows the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121002 daily struggles of a resourceful and imaginative adolescent Dieterle (Bring It On’s Jesse Bradford) who, after his tubercular Paul Muni was the king of screen biographies in Hollywood’s mother is sent to a sanatorium, must survive on his own in a Last Vegas Golden Era, creating a gallery of great lives. Warner Bros. run-down hotel during his salesman father’s long business was the studio most in touch with the common clay, striking a trips. This evocative period piece, faithfully adapted from the Mary Steenburgen, Robert De Niro, Kevin public nerve with films of social protest. These forces of star memoir by the novelist A. E. Hotchner, is among the ever Kline, Michael Douglas, Morgan Freeman - and humanism converged in a 1937 movie landmark: The Life versatile Soderbergh’s most touching and surprising films, Dir. Jon Turteltaub of Emile Zola was the studio’s first Best Picture Academy and features a remarkable supporting cast, including Karen Four best friends in their late-60’s decide to escape Award winner (10 nominations and three wins). This powerful Allen (Raiders of the Lost Ark), Adrien Brody (The Pianist), retirement and throw a Las Vegas bachelor party for the only film about the activist French author also won the New York Katherine Heigl (Grey’s Anatomy), singer Lauryn Hill, one of them who has remained single. Film Critics Best Picture prize. And Muni won that group’s Elizabeth McGovern (), and Spalding Gray Best Actor honors for his towering portrayal of Zola, France’s (Gray’s Anatomy). Comedy, Movies 2013 105min. champion of the oppressed, whose relentless campaign to free Criterion Collection, Drama, Historical / Sony Pictures Home Entertainment the wrongly convicted Captain Dreyfus (Best Supporting Period Piece, History & Events, Movies 28.01.2014 Actor Oscar winner Joseph Schildkraut) will forever shine as 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121085 „a moment in the conscience of man.“ 1993 103min. Academy Award Winners, Drama, Movies, Criterion 25.02.2014 Politics 1937 min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120646 Last Vegas (Blu-ray + DVD + Warner Bros. 26.11.2013 UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 40120943 The Knot Mary Steenburgen, Robert De Niro, Kevin Talulah Riley, Matthew McNulty, Noel Kline, Michael Douglas, Morgan Freeman - Lost For Words Clarke, Mena Suvari Dir. Jon Turteltaub Will Yun Lee, Sean Faris, Terence Yin Soulmates Alexandra and Jeremy are getting married. At least Four best friends in their late-60’s decide to escape Against the sweeping cityscape of cosmopolitan Hong Kong, a that’s the plan. Unfortunately for them, nonchalant best man retirement and throw a Las Vegas bachelor party for the only damaged ex-Marine falls for a beautiful and talented Chinese Peter, bridesmaid Sarah and an army of naysayers haven’t one of them who has remained single. ballerina after a chance encounter. As political, cultural and heard they’re meant to be together. Can missing bridesmaids, Comedy, Movies 2013 105min. religious pressures mount, how far are they willing to go to crashed cars, a trip to A&E, and a delivery of pigs testicles Sony Pictures Home Entertainment remain together? Starring: Sean Faris (Never Back Down), stand in the way of true love Grace Huang (The Man With the Iron Fists), Will Yun Lee Comedy, Movies, Romance 2012 92min. 28.01.2014 (The Wolverine, CBS’ Hawaii Five-0, Total Recall), Terence 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121103 Yin (Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life, Robin-B-

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Hood) and noted Hong Kong actress Joman Chiang (Fog, The Internet. When Jack helps launch their business scheme, the old man who is the last mortal on Earth after the human race Drunkard). cash starts rolling in. Suddenly surrounded by money, has achieved quasi-immortality. On his deathbed, Nemo Drama, Movies, Romance 107min. organized crime and the FBI, Jack fools himself into believing shares his life story with a reporter and reviews the choices that he’s staying clean in a dirty business. Inspired by events he made along the way. Yet even with his last breath, a pivotal Green Apple Entertainment 11.02.2014 that are almost too bizarre, too hilarious, and too dangerous to decision awaits to conclude his destiny. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120836 be true, Middle Men is an outrageous story of sex, crime . . . Drama, In The Future..., Movies, Science and lots and lots of money! Fiction 2009 155min. Comedy, Crime, Drama, Movies 2009 min. Lost In Thailand Magnolia Home Entertainment 25.02.2014 Paramount 01.01.2013 Two rival businessmen (Xu Zheng and Huang Bo) must track 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121174 down their boss at a Buddhist temple to secure a patent on a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120937 revolutionary new fuel additive. Xu catches the first plane to Bangkok, where his plans are delayed by the happy-go-lucky Midsomer Murders: Set 23 Mr. Nobody (Blu-ray) Wang (Wang Baoqiang), an unexpected travel who Sarah Polley, Diane Kruger, Linh Dan Pham, will open his eyes to life’s true priorities. Jason Hughes, Neil Dudgeon - Dir. Renny Adventure, Chinese, Comedy, Drama, Jared Leto Rye, Alex Pillai, Nick Laughland Mr. Nobody tells the life story of Nemo Nobody, a 118-year- Foreign, Movies 2013 105min. The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their most old man who is the last mortal on Earth after the human race Well Go USA 25.02.2014 sinister secrets in these contemporary British television has achieved quasi-immortality. On his deathbed, Nemo 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120752 mysteries. Inspired by the novels of Caroline Graham, modern shares his life story with a reporter and reviews the choices master of the English village mystery, the series stars Neil he made along the way. Yet even with his last breath, a pivotal Dudgeon (Life of Riley) as the capable Detective Chief decision awaits to conclude his destiny. Lost In Thailand (Blu-ray) Inspector John Barnaby, with Jason Hughes (This Life) as his earnest, efficient protégé, Detective Sergeant Ben Jones. Magnolia Home Entertainment, Drama, In Two rival businessmen (Xu Zheng and Huang Bo) must track Guest stars include James Callis, Kerry Fox, Paul Ritter, The Future..., Movies, Science Fiction 2009 down their boss at a Buddhist temple to secure a patent on a Sinéad Cusack, and . revolutionary new fuel additive. Xu catches the first plane to min. Bangkok, where his plans are delayed by the happy-go-lucky British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, Magnolia Home Entertainment 25.02.2014 Wang (Wang Baoqiang), an unexpected travel companion who International TV, Murder Mysteries, Spies & 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121182 will open his eyes to life’s true priorities. Secret Agents, Television 2012 278min. Adventure, Blu-ray, Chinese, Comedy, Dra- Acorn Media 04.02.2014 Monsters: The Complete Series ma, Foreign, Movies 2013 105min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120992 Well Go USA 25.02.2014 David Spade, , Lili Taylor, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120786 Gina Gershon, Steve Buscemi Midsomer Murders: Set 23 (Blu- Horror anthology series from the executive producer of Tales ray) from the Darkside featuring, as the title suggests, monsters of Machete Kills (Blu-ray + DVD + all varieties and every shape and size - ranging from the Jason Hughes, Neil Dudgeon - Dir. Renny gruesome and grotesque to weapon-wielding, mutated lab rats UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Rye, Alex Pillai, Nick Laughland - as the antagonist of each episode. Alexa Vega, Danny Trejo, Mel Gibson - Dir. The cozy villages of Midsomer County reveal their most Horror, Monsters, Science Fiction, Televisi- Robert Rodriguez sinister secrets in these contemporary British television on 1988 min. Danny Trejo returns as legendary ex-Federale Machete mysteries. Inspired by the novels of Caroline Graham, modern E1 Entertainment 25.02.2014 Cortez in this action-packed thrill ride from innovative master of the English village mystery, the series stars Neil director Robert Rodriguez. In his latest mission, Machete is Dudgeon (Life of Riley) as the capable Detective Chief 148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120768 recruited by the U.S. President (Carlos Estevez) to stop a Inspector John Barnaby, with Jason Hughes (This Life) as his crazed global terrorist (Mel Gibson) from starting a nuclear earnest, efficient protégé, Detective Sergeant Ben Jones. Mortal Enemies (DVD + war. With a bounty on his head, Machete breaks all the rules Guest stars include James Callis, Kerry Fox, Paul Ritter, as he faces death at every turn from a star-studded cast of Sinéad Cusack, and Harriet Walter. UltraViolet) British, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Foreign, deadly assassins. Featuring , Sofia Robin Shou Vergara, Amber Heard, Antonio Banderas, Cuba Gooding, Jr. International TV, Murder Mysteries, Spies & and Demian Bichir, Machete Kills is““Absurdly entertaining. Fellow orphans Sunny and Verdy are like brothers, but are Defies expectations!“ (Harry Knowles, Ain’t It Cool News). Secret Agents, Television 2012 278min. separated when Verdy is adopted by a wealthy couple. Their It’s one of the wildest save-the-world adventures ever Acorn Media 04.02.2014 paths cross again when Verdy (now a successful captured on film! businessman) and his fiancée are kidnapped by a crew of 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121047 pirates while on vacation. With the ransom set, the pirates’ Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, Thrillers intentions become clear and Verdy is reunited with his long 2013 107min. Million Dollar Baby (Academy lost friend - who, it appears, has joined the pirates. Will they Universal Studios 21.01.2014 be able to come together to prove that brothers don’t always 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120679 Awards O-Sleeve) have to share blood? Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan Action, Martial Arts, Movies 103min. Lionsgate 18.02.2014 Mary Magdalene: Close To Jesus Freeman - Dir. Clint Eastwood I don’t train girls,“ trainer Frankie Dunn growls. But 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120868 Massimo Chini, Maria Grazia Cucinotta something’s different about the spirited boxing hopeful who Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, shows up daily at Dunn’s gym. All she wants is a fighting Murder Eleven Movies, Religion/Spirituality, TV Movies chance. Clint Eastwood plays Dunn and directs, produces and composes music for this acclaimed, multi-award-winning Michael Mack 90min. tale of heart, hope and family. Hilary Swank plays resilient Crime, Movies, Mystery, Serial Killers, Thril- Vivendi Visual Entertainment 11.02.2014 Maggie, determined not to abandon her one dream. And lers 2013 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120663 Morgan Freeman is Scrap, gym caretaker and counterpoint to Dunn’s crustiness. Grab your dreams and come out swinging. 08.10.2013 Million Dollar Baby is an absolute knockout. tba BestellNr.: 40121167 Mayberry R.F.D.: The Complete Academy Award Winners, Boxing, Drama, First Season Independent Women, Movies, Sports 2004 132min. Murder In Miami Comedy, Family, Television 1968 min. Warner Bros. 26.11.2013 Oscar A. Diaz - Dir. Will Vazquez Warner Bros. 08.04.2014 tba BestellNr.: 40120944 In modern Miami, gleaming new condo skyscrapers become 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120969 the backdrop to this Film noir thriller. After several beautiful models are murdered by a disguised killer, a young, Horror Collection successful fashion photographer becomes the prime suspect. La Memoria Del Merto As more women are murdered, he finds himself in a race to Tyra Banks, Michelle Williams, Brittany Foreign, Movies, Spanish, Supernatural & clear his name and save his own life, and in the process, Murphy, Josh Hartnett, Jennifer Beals, LL uncovers some dark secrets hidden behind the glass and Paranormal 2013 89min. Cool J, Viggo Mortensen, Ashley Laurence, concrete facade of the magic city. Kino Video 18.02.2014 Film Noir, Horror, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers Virginia Madsen, Jamie Lee Curtis, Christo- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120877 2014 84min. pher Walken, Dean Winters, Eric Stoltz Osiris Entertainment 25.02.2014 Collections, Horror, Movies 887min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121159 Middle Men (Blu-ray) Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Luke Wilson, Rade Sherbedgia, Laura 14.01.2014 Ramsey, Terry Crews, Jacinda Barrett, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120925 My Dog The Space Traveler , Giovanni Ribisi, James A young boy loses his dog to an anomaly in his backyard, a Caan, Kevin Pollak - Dir. George Gallo portal which leads to another dimension of our universe. He Mr. Nobody must rely on his friends and dysfunctional family to get the dog Businessman Jack Harris (Luke Wilson, Old School) built the back and close the portal before it creates a rift that might perfect life by solving other people’s problems. Then he met Sarah Polley, Diane Kruger, Linh Dan Pham, destroy both universes. Wayne (Giovanni Ribisi, Avatar) and Buck, two moronic Jared Leto Animals & Nature, Family, Movies, Space geniuses with a shocking plan to make millions on the Mr. Nobody tells the life story of Nemo Nobody, a 118-year-

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2013 90min. Crime, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Showtime, Substance Abuse, Television Vivendi Visual Entertainment 25.02.2014 Movies 120min. 2013 280min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120673 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Lionsgate 18.02.2014 14.01.2014 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120890 The Naked Gun Trilogy Collection 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120923 Leslie Nielsen, Priscilla Presley, Robert Old Goats Goulet, O.J. Simpson, George Kennedy - Nuit #1 Old Goats is the hilarious and heartfelt story of a trio of gutsy Dir. David Zucker, Peter Segal Clara and Nikolai meet at a rave. They return to Nikolai’s septuagenarians who „refuse to go quietly into that good apartment and frantically make love. Afterwards, instead of night“. Britt, Bob, and Dave say what they please and don’t Action, Collections, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, parting, the two lovers divulge their deepest secrets to one hold anything back on their quest to make the most of their Movies, Spoofs & Parodies, Triple Feature another. Though they are tempted to animas by all-too-common sunset years. Opinionated and set in their ways, each man min. and divisive gender politics, politics they simultaneously fear confronts aging in his own unique fashion: conventional Dave and embrace, the friction between them is trumped by a quietly rebels against how his wife wants them to spend their Paramount 01.01.2013 common determination to bridge the gap that they realize retirement, hoarder Britt struggles to learn internet dating 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120928 afflicts the women and men of their lost, but far from hopeless, from his houseboat, and lively ladies’ man Bob juggles an generation. unstable girlfriend and a fanciful memoir about his so-called Drama, Foreign, French, Movies 2011 „notorious“ past. Napoleon Dynamite: 10th Biography, Biopics, Comedy, Movies 2010 91min. 91min. Anniversary Edition (Blu-ray + Kino Video 04.02.2014 21.01.2014 DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120879 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120753 Efren Ramirez, Aaron Ruell, Jon Heder, Jon Gries, Diedrich Bader, Tina Majorino - Dir. Nurse Girl Dorm: Sticky Fingers Jared Hess On The Job Jun Izumi When a prominent drug dealer is murdered, Sergeant Acosta Napoleon Dynamite is a new kind of hero, complete with a There is a new group of horny young ladies working at St. tight fro, sweet moon boots, and skills that can’t be topped. (Joey Marquez) and Federal agent Francis (Piolo Pascual) Elizabeth Hospital and they’re all looking for love. These lead the investigation, but the trail goes immediately cold. Napoleon spends his days drawing mythical beasts, duking it nurses are watched over by a fairly strict dorm supervisor, out with his brother Kip and avoiding his scheming Uncle What they discover is a conspiracy of massive scale: the but with the help of the mysterious Yuki, they are able to killers (Joel Torre and Gerald Anderson) are Rico. When two new friends enter Napoleon’s life - shy Deb sneak in their boyfriends for nightly sex. Yuki is a terrible and mustachioed Pedro - the trio launches a campaign to elect inmates, temporarily released from jail as influence on the girls, but she sure knows how to have fun! assassins before returning to incarceration. Pedro for class president and make the student body’s wildest When a bandaged man walks into the hospital looking for dreams come true. But if Pedro is to beat stuck-up Summer, Yuki, her past is revealed. His name is Tadao and he was Action, Crime, Drama, Filipino, Foreign, Napoleon will have to unleash his secret weapon... secretly married to Yuki. He wants to rekindle their failed Movies, Thrillers 114min. Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Family, High School, relationship, but she has other ideas. On one strange night, Well Go USA 11.02.2014 Movies 2004 89min. the boyfriends, Tadao and many others all converge at the hospital for a night of hot sex, mistaken identity, crazy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120751 20th Century Fox 04.02.2014 disguises, S&M and?- vaginal cramps! Nurse Girl Dorm: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120931 Sticky Fingers mixes nudity with madcap comedy and jaw- On The Job (Blu-ray) dropping scenes of steamy sex that only Nikkatsu studios could unleash. When a prominent drug dealer is murdered, Sergeant Acosta Newlyweeds Erotica, Foreign, Japanese, Movies, Nurses (Joey Marquez) and Federal agent Francis (Piolo Pascual) A Brooklyn repo-man and his globetrotting girlfriend forge an lead the investigation, but the trail goes immediately cold. unlikely romance. But what should be a match made in stoner & Doctors, Pink Film 1985 63min. What they discover is a conspiracy of massive scale: the heaven turns into a love triangle gone awry in this dark Impulse Pictures 11.02.2014 killers (Joel Torre and Gerald Anderson) are comedy that is part ballad of chemical dependency, part 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121010 inmates, temporarily released from jail as coming-of-age romance, part hallucinatory adventure. assassins before returning to incarceration. Adventure, Comedy, Movies, Romance, Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Filipino, Stoners 87min. Nurse Jackie: Season Five Foreign, Movies, Thrillers 114min. Phase 4 Films 17.12.2013 , , Bobby Well Go USA 11.02.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120656 Cannavale, Merritt Wever, , Paul 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120785 Schulze, Peter Facinelli, Clyde Phillips Nurse Jackie returns for a fifth season with Edie Falco as The Outlaw Josey Wales / Pale A Night In The Woods Jackie Peyton, a role that has earned Falco her third Scoot McNairy consecutive Primetime Emmy nomination. After leaving rehab Rider (Double Feature) When three friends go hiking, jealousies, sexual tensions and early, Jackie finds sobriety and relative happiness - but that Clint Eastwood, Chief Dan George, Sondra strained relationships come to a head, turning what should is the calm before the storm. With her marriage coming to an have been a peaceful camping adventure into a terror trip. As end, a careless accident sends Jackie to her own All Saints Locke, Bill McKinney, Douglas McGrath, collective paranoia reaches fever pitch it becomes clear that Hospital for emergency care. While recovering, she meets Richard Dysart, Richard Kiel, John Vernon, there is a much darker force at work in their ancient eerie NYC policeman Frank Verelli (Adam Ferrera), whose Chris Penn - Dir. Clint Eastwood surroundings. Who or what is after them? And can any one of flirtatious advances may lead Jackie into uncharted territory: them survive a night in the woods? dating. Stepping out of her usual comfort zone, challenged by Double Features, Movies, Western 1976 British, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Wilderness new colleagues, Jackie faces her one-year sobriety 251min. anniversary. Warner Bros. 22.04.2014 2011 82min. Comedy, Dark Comedy, Doctors & Medicine, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121139 New Video DVD 11.02.2014 Drama, Nurses & Doctors, On The Job, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121080 Showtime, Substance Abuse, Television 2013 280min. Pain And Gain A Night In The Woods (Blu-ray + Lionsgate 18.02.2014 Anthony Mackie, Tony Shalhoub, Mark DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120869 Wahlberg, Ed Harris - Dir. Michael Bay Michael Bay’s „hilarious crime comedy Pain & Gain is Scoot McNairy GoodFellas on steroids.“ (Kyle Smith, New York Post) When When three friends go hiking, jealousies, sexual tensions and Nurse Jackie: Season Five (Blu- a group of personal trainers (Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne strained relationships come to a head, turning what should Johnson and Anthony Mackie) decide to steal the American have been a peaceful camping adventure into a terror trip. As ray) Dream, they get caught up in a criminal enterprise that goes collective paranoia reaches fever pitch it becomes clear that Anna Deavere Smith, Eve Best, Bobby horribly wrong. Now, living large will take everything they’ve there is a much darker force at work in their ancient eerie got in the unbelievable true story that critics are calling surroundings. Who or what is after them? And can any one of Cannavale, Merritt Wever, Edie Falco, Paul „hilarious, smart, clever & fresh.“ (Chris Nashawaty, them survive a night in the woods? Schulze, Peter Facinelli, Clyde Phillips Entertainment Weekly) British, Foreign, Horror, Movies, Wilderness Nurse Jackie returns for a fifth season with Edie Falco as Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Kidnapping, Jackie Peyton, a role that has earned Falco her third 2011 82min. consecutive Primetime Emmy nomination. After leaving rehab Movies, Thrillers 2013 129min. New Video DVD 11.02.2014 early, Jackie finds sobriety and relative happiness - but that Paramount 11.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121102 is the calm before the storm. With her marriage coming to an 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120800 end, a careless accident sends Jackie to her own All Saints Hospital for emergency care. While recovering, she meets No Night Is Too Long NYC policeman Frank Verelli (Adam Ferrera), whose Pain And Gain (Blu-ray) flirtatious advances may lead Jackie into uncharted territory: Rob Bruner, Mikela J. Mikael, Lee Williams, dating. Stepping out of her usual comfort zone, challenged by Anthony Mackie, Tony Shalhoub, Mark Marc Warren new colleagues, Jackie faces her one-year sobriety Wahlberg, Ed Harris - Dir. Michael Bay A promising university student, Tim Cornish is drawn to a man anniversary. Michael Bay’s „hilarious crime comedy Pain & Gain is he sees on campus. Their chance encounters become a Comedy, Dark Comedy, Doctors & Medicine, GoodFellas on steroids.“ (Kyle Smith, New York Post) When passionate, yet volatile, relationship and soon Tim’s once- a group of personal trainers (Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne bright future is filled with betrayal, heartbreak and murder. Drama, Nurses & Doctors, On The Job, Johnson and Anthony Mackie) decide to steal the American

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Dream, they get caught up in a criminal enterprise that goes epic, cross-country journey into the treacherous Sea of stark shadows and soft light by the great Sven Nykvist (Cries horribly wrong. Now, living large will take everything they’ve Monsters, where they battle terrifying creatures, an army of and Whispers), Persona is a penetrating, dreamlike work of got in the unbelievable true story that critics are calling zombies, and the ultimate evil. With time running out, Percy profound psychological depth. „hilarious, smart, clever & fresh.“ (Chris Nashawaty, must find and bring home the fabled Golden Fleece, which has Criterion Collection, Drama, Foreign, Entertainment Weekly) the power to save his world...and save us all! Movies, Mystery, Swedish, Thrillers 1966 Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Adventure, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Family, 83min. Kidnapping, Movies, Thrillers 2013 129min. Fantasy, Movies, Myths & Legends 2013 Criterion 25.03.2014 Paramount 11.03.2014 min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121112 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120822 20th Century Fox 17.12.2013 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121049 The Patience Stone Les Petits Meurtres: D’Agatha Golshifteh Farahani The Perfect Game / Home Run Christie - Set One In a country torn apart by war, a young woman watches over Showdown (Double Feature) Agatha Christie’s masterful storytelling gets a soupcon of her older husband. A bullet in the neck has reduced him to a French flair in these sexy, witty mysteries. In 1930s France, comatose state. One day, the woman’s vigil changes. She Cheech Marin, Matthew Lillard, Barry Superintendent Larosire has a passion for beautiful women begins to speak truth to her silent husband, telling him about Bostwick, Ryan Ochoa, Moises Arias, Jake and solving cases, while hapless young inspector Lampion her suffering, her dreams, and secrets. After years of living just tries to keep up. And in the mid-50s, ultra-suave under his control, with no voice of her own, she says things T. Austin, Lou Gossett Jr., Annabeth Gish, Commissioner Laurence unravels the knottiest crimes. These she could never have spoken before. Her husband has Dean Cain - Dir. William Dear, Oz Scott French adaptations are a fresh, stylish twist on classic unconsciously become syngué sabour (The Patience Stone) Baseball, Double Features, Family, Movies, Christie tales. Crime, Drama, Foreign, French, Internatio- - a magical black stone that, according to Persian mythology, Sports 211min. absorbs the plight of those who confide in it. The woman’s nal TV, Mystery, Television 2012 663min. Image Ent. 18.02.2014 confessions are extraordinary and without restraint. But after Acorn Media 25.02.2014 weeks of looking after her husband, she begins to act, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120989 discovering herself in the relationship she starts with a young 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121000 soldier. The Patience Stone is adapted from the best-selling novel by Atiq Rahimi. A Perfect Man Pit Stop Drama, Foreign, Movies, Persian, War 2012 Joelle Carter, Liev Schreiber, Jeanne 102min. Bill Heck - Dir. Yen Tan Tripplehorn In this perfectly crafted American drama, openly gay Ernesto Sony Pictures Home Entertainment To everyone around them, James (Liev Schreiber, X-Men) and (Marcus DeAnda) and closeted Gabe (Bill Heck) grapple with 04.02.2014 Nina (Jeanne Tripplehorn, Criminal Minds) seem to have a the sad tribulations of being gay in a small, working-class 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121087 perfect marriage. But just below the surface, the timeless Texas town. This Sundance smash is an uplifting love story problem of miscommunication between women and men is about male intimacy, the heartache of unsuccessful gnawing at their relationship. When Nina catches James relationships and the transformative power of love. Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters cheating, she makes a very public and humiliating break from Reminiscent of such classic rural gay love stories as Big him and goes to stay at her friend’s house. While cancelling Eden and Brokeback Mountain - and showcasing equally Alexandria Daddario, Leven Rambin, the vacation he had planned for her, James discovers a accomplished performances from its handsome leads - Pit Stop Brandon T. Jackson, Douglas Smith, Nathan sympathetic soul in receptionist Victoria, who listens to achieves an understated tone of authenticity rarely seen on Fillion, Logan Lerman, Anthony Head, Stan- James’ lamentations about how he failed his wife. After Nina screen as it shows us a tender, beautiful slice of gay Ameri- discovers Victoria’s identity, she impersonates the good can life. ley Tucci - Dir. Thor Freudenthal Samaritan and begins talking to James about the problems his The magical, mythical adventures of teenager Percy Jackson - relationship suffered. Soon a new connection begins to grow Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Movies son of the Greek god Poseidon - continue in this heroic, between Nina/Victoria and James, but is it already too late to 80min. action-packed thrill ride! Out to prove he’s not just a „one- repair their old romance? Thoughtful, charming, and full of Wolfe Video 04.02.2014 quest wonder,“ Percy and his demigod friends embark on an hope, A Perfect Man is a unique examination of the importance epic, cross-country journey into the treacherous Sea of of communication in relationships and the possibility of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120837 Monsters, where they battle terrifying creatures, an army of gaining back what was lost through very unconventional zombies, and the ultimate evil. With time running out, Percy means. Portland Expose must find and bring home the fabled Golden Fleece, which has Drama, Movies, Romance 94min. Virginia Gregg, Russ Conway, Carolyn the power to save his world...and save us all! MPI 28.01.2014 Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Movies, Myths Craig, Lawrence Dobkin, Frank Gorshin - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120780 & Legends 2013 min. Dir. Harold D. Schuster 20th Century Fox 17.12.2013 In the 1950’s LIFE Magazine printed a blistering exposé on Person Of Interest: The Complete the rampant sin, crime and Teamsters-controlled corruption 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121003 that at the time had a stranglehold on Portland, Oregon. Second Season (Blu-ray) Producer Lindsley Parsons seized upon the considerable Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters Kevin Chapman, Michael Emerson, Taraji P. publicity and assembled a cast of great character actors for Henson, Jim Caviezel the starring roles. Although the film crew was threatened with (Blu-ray + DVD + Ultraviolet) (Blu- physical violence, the result is a dark and gritty filmed-on- Victim or perpetrator, if your number’s up, we’ll find you. The location crime drama that contains considerable violence for a ray) Machine identifies another gripping season’s worth of 1950’s movie, most notably a violent rape scene with the potential crimes that must be stopped by billionaire tech Frank Gorshin character and a teenage girl. Alexandria Daddario, Leven Rambin, genius Harold Finch (Michael Emerson) and ex-CIA operative Brandon T. Jackson, Douglas Smith, Nathan John Reese (Jim Caviezel). Adversaries from Reese’s Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Film Noir, Kid- Fillion, Logan Lerman, Anthony Head, Stan- undercover past and Finch’s government work threaten the napping, Movies, Mystery 1957 72min. team’s crime-fighting mission and anonymity. Meanwhile, Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 ley Tucci - Dir. Thor Freudenthal NYPD Detective Carter (Taraji P. Henson) and Fusco (Kevin The magical, mythical adventures of teenager Percy Jackson - Chapman) face down FBI probes and the dangerous tentacles 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121020 son of the Greek god Poseidon - continue in this heroic, of the police conspiracy known as „HR.“ From creator action-packed thrill ride! Out to prove he’s not just a „one- Jonathan Nolan (The Dark Knight) and J.J. Abram’s Bad Post Tenebras Lux (Blu-ray) quest wonder,“ Percy and his demigod friends embark on an Robot Productions (Fringe, Lost, Revolution) comes the epic, cross-country journey into the treacherous Sea of dazzling 6-disc, 22-episode season two. Willebaldo Torres, Nathalia Acevedo, Adolfo Monsters, where they battle terrifying creatures, an army of zombies, and the ultimate evil. With time running out, Percy Action, Blu-ray, CBS, Crime, Drama, Jimenez Castro - Dir. Carlos Reygadas must find and bring home the fabled Golden Fleece, which has Mystery, Television, Thrillers 2012 964min. Post Tenebras Lux („light after darkness“) is the Cannes Film the power to save his world...and save us all! Festival prize winner that follows an upscale Mexican family Warner Bros. 04.02.2014 whose move to the countryside in search of an ideal life Adventure, Blu-ray, Family, Fantasy, 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121153 results in domestic crisis and class friction. Stunningly Movies, Myths & Legends 2013 min. photographed, the film is an enthralling and enigmatic 20th Century Fox 17.12.2013 Persona: The Criterion Collection exploration of the primal conflicts of the human condition. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121048 Drama, Foreign, Mexican, Movies 2012 (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) 115min. Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters Liv Ullmann, Bibi Andersson - Dir. Ingmar Strand Releasing 12.11.2013 Bergman 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120885 3D (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + By the mid-sixties, Ingmar Bergman (The Seventh Seal) had Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) already conjured many of the cinema’s most unforgettable images. But with the radical Persona, this supreme artist Pretty Dead Alexandria Daddario, Leven Rambin, attained new levels of visual poetry. In the first of a series of Drama, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2013 Brandon T. Jackson, Douglas Smith, Nathan legendary performances for Bergman, Liv Ullmann (Scenes from a Marriage) plays an actress who has inexplicably gone 78min. Fillion, Logan Lerman, Anthony Head, Stan- mute; an equally mesmerizing Bibi Andersson (Wild Osiris Entertainment 21.01.2014 ley Tucci - Dir. Thor Freudenthal Strawberries) is the garrulous young nurse caring for her in a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120730 The magical, mythical adventures of teenager Percy Jackson - remote island cottage. While isolated together there, the son of the Greek god Poseidon - continue in this heroic, women perform a mysterious spiritual and emotional action-packed thrill ride! Out to prove he’s not just a „one- transference that would prove to be one of cinema’s most Project X (Blu-ray) quest wonder,“ Percy and his demigod friends embark on an influential ideas. Acted with astonishing nuance and shot in

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Dax Flame, Jonathan Daniel Brown, Tho- the Rings) when she left America to live and write in Rio de Millennium Entertainment 11.02.2014 Janiero - where she would fall in love with well-off architect mas Mann, Oliver Cooper - Dir. Nima Lota de Macedo Soares (beautifully handsome Brazilian star 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120903 Nourizadeh Glória Pires). Project X follows three seemingly anonymous high school Biography, Biopics, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Revolution: The Complete First seniors as they attempt to finally make a name for themselves. Movies 118min. Their idea is innocent enough - let’s throw a party that no one Season (Blu-ray) Wolfe Video 11.02.2014 will forget - but nothing could prepare them for this party. Tracy Spiridakos, David Lyons, Daniella Word spreads quickly as dreams are ruined, records are 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121001 blemished and legends are born. Alonso, Zak Orth, Billy Burke, Elizabeth Warner Bros., Comedy, High School, Mitchell, Giancarlo Esposito Movies 2012 min. Rebel Without A Cause (Digibook) Imagine a world where all technology - computers, planes, (Blu-ray) cars, phones, even lights - has mysteriously blacked out. Warner Bros. 19.06.2012 What’s left is a post-apocalyptic landscape inhabited by tba BestellNr.: 40120978 James Dean, Natalie Wood, William Hopper, ruthless paramilitary groups, heroic freedom fighters and Corey Allen, Ann Doran, Jim Backus, Sal families struggling to survive in this epic adventure thriller from Supernatural’s Eric Kripke and J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot Pulling Strings (DVD + Mineo - Dir. Nicholas Ray Productions. When young Danny Matheson is kidnapped by UltraViolet) More than half a century after its original release, Rebel Militia leaders, his older sister Charlie, armed with a deadly Without A Cause remains one of the most enduring motion crossbow and fierce determination, is desperate to find their Laura Ramsey, Jaime Camil, Tom Arnold, pictures of all time. Starring James Dean in what many estranged Uncle Miles for help. Now Charlie, Miles and a consider to be his finest performance, this cinematic and rogue band of rebels face danger at every turn as they attempt Stockard Channing cultural milestone is now remastered and presented on Blu- After his daughter’s Visa request to visit her grandparents in to reunite family, overthrow the Militia and ultimately return ray for the very first time! Powerfully directed by Nicholas power to the people. Follow the mystery of the blackout and America is rejected, a single father (Jaime Camil) and his Ray, Dean plays the ultimate teenage rebel and, together with loyal best friend do everything it takes to win over the feel the power of Revolution in all 20 sensational Season One Academy Award nominated costars Natalie Wood and Sal episodes of this #1 hit series! Embassy worker who turned her down. Mineo, gives voice to the postwar subculture of troubled Comedy, Movies, Romance 112min. American youth. His unforgettable performance is the highlight Action, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Blu- Lionsgate 25.02.2014 of a film that was landmark achievement. Rebel Without A ray, Drama, Epics, In The Future..., NBC, Cause is included in the Library of Congress’ National Film Science Fiction, Television, Thrillers 2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120980 Registry and is on the American Film Institute’s 1998 list of the 100 Greatest American Movies Of All Time. 857min. Random Acts Of Violence AFI Top 100, Blu-ray, Classics, Coming-Of- Warner Bros. 04.02.2014 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121154 Comedy, Crime, Horror, Movies 2013 86min. Age, Drama, Movies, National Film Registry, Millennium Entertainment 18.02.2014 Tearjerkers, Troubled Youth 1955 111min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120904 Warner Bros. 11.03.2014 Riddick: The Complete Collection 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120823 (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Rawhide: The Seventh Season - Matt Nable, Katee Sackhoff, Jordi Molla, Volume One Reel Zombies Raoul Trujillo, Vin Diesel, Bokeem Woodbine Michael Masters, David J. Francis - Dir. - Dir. David Twohy Paul Brinegar, Robert Cabral, Eric Fleming, David J. Francis, Michael Masters Vin Diesel stars as the ultimate anti-hero in one of the most Clint Eastwood, John Ireland Independent underground filmmakers Mike Masters and David action-packed sci-fi epics of all time! Journey to a remote, Saddle up for Thrills! When the going gets tough, the tough J. Francis (playing themselves) are eager to complete the hostile planet with a group of marooned passengers who learn gets going in the Golden Globe nominated series, Rawhide, third film in their Zombie Night film trilogy, a series of rather that escaped convict Riddick isn’t the only thing they have to starring Eric Fleming as trail boss Gil Favor and Clint unsuccessful low-budget, shot-on-video gorefests. The fear in Pitch Black. Then, from Emmy® Award winning Eastwood in his breakout role as Rowdy Yates. In Season problem, however, is a recent zombie apocalypse has taken animator Peter Chung (Eon Flux), Riddick and crew face off Seven, Volume 1, Favor, Rowdy, and the crew face their most over the world since their series began. The dead are rising against ruthless soldiers of fortune in The Chronicles of treacherous challenges yet and meet some thorny characters from their graves and eating the living?- for real this time! Riddick: Dark Fury. Riddick then finds himself humanity’s along the way. Rowdy becomes a gunslinger’s new protégé Masters and Francis embark on the production of their newest unlikely champion for a universe on the edge of annihilation in and Favor is kidnapped by some of the most notorious outlaws masterpiece anyway, only to discover shooting in a post- The Chronicles of Riddick. And in the latest chapter, Riddick, in the west! Trouble ensues when a band of gypsies con a apocalyptic world offers many unforeseen challenges. Instead he is forced to work with mercenaries who want his head in drover out of all the drive’s wagons and supplies, and Favor of giving up, they decide to capitalize on the cannibalistic order to escape a sun-scorched planet facing a deadly storm. is jailed for a crime he didn’t commit. Don’t miss the fire and catastrophe. No need for latex and fake blood when there’s an Action, Aliens, Blu-ray, Bounty Hunters, thrills packed into every adventure of this 15 episode, 4-disc entire world of flesh eating undead to add realism to their film, Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers min. set that proves again and again that Rawhide is one of and help save money on special effects costs! Touching upon television’s most legendary westerns. the real-life headaches of low-budget filmmaking, with Universal Studios 14.01.2014 Action, Adventure, Classics, Cowboy, Dra- numerous nods to the zombie film genre, Reel Zombies is a 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120674 ma, Television, Western 771min. satirical mockumentary feature that dives head-first into self- parody and an improbable but inspiring lesson in filmcraft Paramount Pictures 04.03.2014 proving that passion and dedication ca Riot 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121044 Horror, Movies, Zombies 2008 89min. Nick Nevern, Kellie Shirley, Jenna Harrison Synapse Films 11.02.2014 - Dir. Simon Phillips Rawhide: The Seventh Season - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121009 Action, Crime, Movies, Thrillers 2012 Volume Two 84min. Paul Brinegar, Eric Fleming, Clint Eastwood, Remnants Screen Media 11.02.2014 John Ireland Tom Sizemore, Robert Pralgo, Alex Van 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121171 Excitement is on a roll! Action takes the high-road, riding tall Apocalyptic Future, Drama, End Of The in the saddle for Season Seven, Volume 2 of Golden Globe Rise Of The Fellowship nominee Rawhide, featuring 15 thrill-packed episodes on World, Movies, Thrillers 93min. DVD. Eric Fleming is the quintessential tough-minded trail Osiris Entertainment 28.01.2014 A group of friends embark on an epic journey to find a new boss Gil Favor, with Clint Eastwood (in the role that would 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120729 world they have only heard of, encountering dangerous launch his career) as his foreman Rowdy Yates, and Paul obstacles and threats around every corner. During their quest Brinegar as the trail-hardened cook, Wishbone. Together they they lose one of their most precious possessions and must will face a series of Mexican missionaries, buffalo hunters, The Rev display depths of bravery and heroism that they never thought possible. With the aid of some unexpected allies along the treacherous treasure hunters and more, while keeping tabs on Meet Johnny Starr... Double N Double R! Johnny Starr is The 25 drovers and 3,000 head of cattle, on their journey across way, the companions fiercely look for certainty that they can Rev, a white evangelist who was adopted and raised in reach their destination. America in the 1860s. Rawhide brilliantly captures a bygone Arkansas by a devout black family. As Johnny grows older, era while retaining a contemporary feel, making it one of he’s torn between his desire to preach the Gospel or play Action, Adventure, Movies 92min. television’s longest-running and best-loved Westerns. Rock and Roll. Leaving his career and talent agent in Las Phase 4 Films 03.12.2013 Action, Adventure, Classics, Drama, Televi- Vegas, Johnny takes his mama and his bright red Cadillac to a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120650 sion, Western 771min. small, poor church in upstate New York. There, he seeks to Paramount Pictures 04.03.2014 awaken the congregation spiritually with his unique preaching style and save Jubilation Hall from being taken over by the Rock Star (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121045 local mega-church’s head pastor. Jennifer Aniston, Mark Wahlberg, Timothy Comedy, Movies 2013 82min. Olyphant, Dominic West, , E1 Entertainment 11.02.2014 Reaching For The Moon Jason Flemyng - Dir. Stephen Herek Miranda Otto - Dir. Bruno Barreto 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120770 By day Chris Cole repairs photocopiers. By night he takes From Award-winning Director Bruno Barreto (View from the as frontman for a tribute band emulating Steel Top, Bossa Nova, Four Days in September, Donna Flor and The Reverend Dragon, the world’s hottest heavy-metal band. Then, Her Two Husbands). Based on the true love story of Elizabeth suddenly, opportunity rocks: Chris is tapped to become Steel Bishop and Lota de Macedo Soares. This sumptuous English- Stuart Brennan, Tamer Hassan, Rutger Dragon’s new lead singer. Just like that, he goes from small- language ’50s period piece recounts the years of Pulitzer Hauer - Dir. Neil Jones town nobody to megastar. Just like that, he and his manager/ Prize-winning poet Elizabeth Bishop (Miranda Otto, Lord of Horror, Movies, Vampires 2011 98min. girlfriend Emily enter a world crazier than either imagined.

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Mark Wahlberg and Jennifer Aniston headline and Stephen Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Hedy Lamarr, George Sanders, Victor Herek (Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure) directs this knowing, chord crunching, hair-whipping look at 80’s arena Romance, Shakespeare, Star-Crossed Mature, , Henry Wilcoxon - rock and the price of fame. Filled with the style, strut and feel Lovers 2013 119min. Dir. Cecil B. DeMille of an era, Rock Star gets it right. Long may it shine. 20th Century Fox 04.02.2014 Journey through time to a gloriously extravagant setting of Comedy, Drama, Movies, Music, Rock ‘N’ lust, violence, and treachery in this meticulously restored 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120973 Oscar-winning masterpiece from legendary filmmaker Cecil B. Roll 2001 106min. DeMille. Starring Hedy Lamarr and Victor Mature in the title Warner Bros. 15.04.2014 Rubberneck / Red Flag (Double roles, Samson And Delilah follows the story of the Bible’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121155 legendary strongman and the woman who seduces, then Feature) betrays him. Also featuring a young Angela Lansbury in one of Keith Poulson, Alex Karpovsky, Jaime Ray her early film roles and eye-popping costumes from acclaimed Rocky: Heavyweight Collection designer Edith Head, Samson And Delilah was an instant Newman - Dir. Alex Karpovsky classic that remains an enduring favorite. (Blu-ray) Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Movies, Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, History Sylvester Stallone, Burgess Meredith, Carl Romance, Thrillers 167min. & Events, Movies, Religion/Spirituality, Weathers, Burt Young, Talia Shire - Dir. New Video DVD 11.02.2014 Romance 1949 133min. John G. Avildsen 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121079 Paramount Pictures 11.03.2014 Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121058 Blu-ray, Boxing, Classics, Collections, Rush Movies, National Film Registry, Sports min. Chris Hemsworth, Olivia Wilde, Daniel Bruhl Scarecrow MGM / UA 11.02.2014 - Dir. Ron Howard Robin Dunne, Lacey Chabert - Dir. Sheldon 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121118 Two-time Academy Award®-winner Ron Howard delivers the Wilson exhilarating true story of a legendary rivalry that rocked the Imprisoned for over 150 years, a deadly Scarecrow seeks Rogue Trader world. During the sexy and glamorous golden age of Formula revenge on the descendants of its captors after it escapes on 1 racing, two drivers emerged as the best: gifted English Diane Keaton, Robert De Niro, Leonardo the eve of a small town’s fall harvest festival. playboy James Hunt (Chris Hemsworth, The Avengers) and Horror, Movies 2013 86min. DiCaprio, Ewan McGregor, Richard Gere, his methodical, brilliant Austrian opponent, Niki Lauda (Dani- Vivendi Visual Entertainment 25.02.2014 Meryl Streep el Brühl, Inglourious Basterds). As they mercilessly clash on and off the Grand Prix racetrack, the two drivers push 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120666 The thrilling true story of a futures trader who stole vast themselves to the breaking point of physical and amounts of money from one of Britain’s oldest financial psychological endurance, where there’s no shortcut to victory institutions to cover his risky wagers. Includes three bonus and no margin for error. Co-starring Olivia Wilde (Tron: Scorned films. Legacy), it’s the heart-racing, epic, action-drama that critics Echo Bridge Home Entertainment, Drama, are calling „one of the best movies of this, or any, year“ (Pete Viva Bianca, Annalynne McCord, Billy Zane Movies, Thrillers 402min. Hammond, Movieline). - Dir. Mark Jones Action, Auto Racing, Biography, Biopics, If you’re going to cheat on your lover, don’t get caught. And if Echo Bridge Home Entertainment you do get caught, you’d better hope your lover isn’t secretly 14.01.2014 Drama, Movies, Racing, Sports 2013 insane. Kevin (Billy Zane of Titanic) learns the hard way 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120924 123min. when his girlfriend Sadie (AnnaLynne McCord of 90210) Universal Studios 28.01.2014 discovers that he’s having a scorching affair with her best 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120915 friend (Viva Bianca of Spartacus). Now Sadie has planned a Roman Holiday romantic weekend getaway for just the three of them, complete Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Eddie Al- with terror, torture and twisted psychosexual games. The trap Rush (Blu-ray + DVD + is set. The party has begun. And tonight, hell hath no fury like bert - Dir. William Wyler a woman Scorned. Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Affairs & Love Triangles, Movies, Thrillers Classics, Comedy, Movies, National Film Chris Hemsworth, Olivia Wilde, Daniel Bruhl 2012 86min. Registry, Romance 1953 min. - Dir. Ron Howard Starz / Anchor Bay 04.02.2014 Paramount 12.02.2013 Two-time Academy Award®-winner Ron Howard delivers the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120712 exhilarating true story of a legendary rivalry that rocked the 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120863 world. During the sexy and glamorous golden age of Formula 1 racing, two drivers emerged as the best: gifted English Scorned (Blu-ray) Romeo + Juliet playboy James Hunt (Chris Hemsworth, The Avengers) and his methodical, brilliant Austrian opponent, Niki Lauda (Dani- Viva Bianca, Annalynne McCord, Billy Zane Douglas Booth, Hailee Steinfeld, Ed el Brühl, Inglourious Basterds). As they mercilessly clash on - Dir. Mark Jones Westwick, Damian Lewis, Laura Morante, and off the Grand Prix racetrack, the two drivers push If you’re going to cheat on your lover, don’t get caught. And if themselves to the breaking point of physical and you do get caught, you’d better hope your lover isn’t secretly Tomas Arana, Stellan Skarsgard, Natascha psychological endurance, where there’s no shortcut to victory insane. Kevin (Billy Zane of Titanic) learns the hard way McElhone, Paul Giamatti - Dir. Carlo Carlei and no margin for error. Co-starring Olivia Wilde (Tron: when his girlfriend Sadie (AnnaLynne McCord of 90210) William Shakespeare’s epic and searing love story has been Legacy), it’s the heart-racing, epic, action-drama that critics discovers that he’s having a scorching affair with her best revitalized for a whole new generation by Academy Award- are calling „one of the best movies of this, or any, year“ (Pete friend (Viva Bianca of Spartacus). Now Sadie has planned a Winning screenwriter and acclaimed director Hammond, Movieline). romantic weekend getaway for just the three of them, complete Carlo Carlei. Douglas Booth and Academy Award Nominee Action, Auto Racing, Biography, Biopics, with terror, torture and twisted psychosexual games. The trap Hailee Steinfeld lead an extraordinary ensemble cast as is set. The party has begun. And tonight, hell hath no fury like Romeo and Juliet, the star-crossed youths who fall for each Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Racing, Sports a woman Scorned. other in spite of their feuding families. Filled with lush, 2013 123min. Affairs & Love Triangles, Blu-ray, Movies, enchanting imagery amid its original setting in Verona, Italy, Universal Studios 28.01.2014 this legendary tale of romance remains timeless and Thrillers 2012 86min. transcendent...and as powerful as ever. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120935 Starz / Anchor Bay 04.02.2014 Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120719 Romance, Shakespeare, Star-Crossed Sabrina (Blu-ray) Lovers 2013 119min. William Holden, Joan Vohs, John Williams, Seal Patrol (DVD + UltraViolet) 20th Century Fox 04.02.2014 Martha Hyer, Walter Hampden, Humphrey Roark Critchlow, Kristina Anapau, Eric Ro- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120965 Bogart, Audrey Hepburn - Dir. Billy Wilder berts, Brett Donowho Sabrina is charming, humorous and aglow with some of After losing contact with a clandestine energy-research Romeo + Juliet (Blu-ray + Hollywood’s greatest stars. Humphrey Bogart, William Holden facility, a powerful venture capitalist contracts an elite team of and Audrey Hepburn star in a Cinderella story directed by operatives to retrieve the physicist who holds the key to an Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) renowned filmmaker Billy Wilder (Sunset Boulevard, Some unprecedented alternate energy source. Upon arrival, the Like It Hot). Bogie and Holden are the mega-rich Larrabee operatives are ambushed by an extra-dimensional creature Douglas Booth, Hailee Steinfeld, Ed brothers of Long Island. Bogie’s all work, Holden’s all that has mutilated the onsite personnel. The team must develop Westwick, Damian Lewis, Laura Morante, playboy. But when Sabrina, daughter of the family’s chauffeur, a new brand of warfare if there is to be any hope of making it returns from Paris all grown up and glamorous, the stage is out alive. Tomas Arana, Stellan Skarsgard, Natascha set for some family fireworks as the brothers fall under the McElhone, Paul Giamatti - Dir. Carlo Carlei spell of Hepburn’s delightful charms. Action, Drama, Movies, Special Forces William Shakespeare’s epic and searing love story has been Affairs & Love Triangles, AFI Top 100, Blu- 2013 81min. revitalized for a whole new generation by Academy Award- Lionsgate 11.02.2014 Winning screenwriter Julian Fellowes and acclaimed director ray, Classics, Comedy, Movies, National Carlo Carlei. Douglas Booth and Academy Award Nominee Film Registry, Romance 1954 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120727 Hailee Steinfeld lead an extraordinary ensemble cast as Paramount 08.04.2014 Romeo and Juliet, the star-crossed youths who fall for each Sex Hunters: 1980 other in spite of their feuding families. Filled with lush, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120975 enchanting imagery amid its original setting in Verona, Italy, Erina Miyai - Dir. Toshiharu Ikeda this legendary tale of romance remains timeless and Samson And Delilah (Blu-ray) Miki, a young and talented ballet dancer, is accepted into an transcendent...and as powerful as ever. exclusive, and very private, academy run by a mysterious

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 62 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA woman named Kaibara Akiko. Miki wants to further her dance Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 education and rekindle her relationship with her boyfriend, but soon discovers all the horrible perversions forced upon 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121052 Spartacus (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) the academy students. She is subjected to constant violent (Blu-ray) sexual acts and torture and realizes there may be no escape! Solider Of Destiny (Blu-ray) With similar tones to Italian horror maestro Dario Argento’s Tony Curtis, , Peter masterwork Suspiria, Sex Hunter: 1980 is one of the more Soldier Of Destiny is a story about a Marine, Tyler Ferguson, Ustinov, Jean Simmons, Kirk Douglas, controversial entries in the Nikkatsu Erotic Films Collection. who lost his best friend in combat. He survives being The depictions of disturbing sexual violence so concerned captured by Afghan soldiers and travels to Africa to fulfill his Laurence Olivier - Dir. Stanley Kubrick Nikkatsu studios, they actually warned director Toshiharu brother in arm’s last wish: to deliver the news to his sister Spartacus, the genre-defining epic from director Stanley Ikeda to tone things down for his next film! running a Mission station in Ethiopia. JJay Harley, an ex- Kubrick, is the legendary tale of a bold gladiator (Kirk Marine turned Pastor, guides him through the process of Douglas) who led a triumphant Roman slave revolt. Filmed in Erotica, Foreign, Japanese, Movies 1980 dealing with the loss and the trauma of war amongst a vicious glorious Technicolor, the action-packed spectacle won four 68min. civil war. Constantly terrorized by crazed guerrilla fighters, Academy Awards, including Best Cinematography and Best Impulse Pictures 11.02.2014 all that keeps them going is unbeatable faith in God. Our hero, Art Director. Featuring a cast of screen legends such as the young Marine, goes from an unbeliever in God to a Spiri- Laurence Olivier, Charles Laughton, Peter Ustinov, Jean 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121011 tual awakening that eventually leads him to giving the ultimate Simmons, John Gavin and Tony Curtis, this uncut and fully sacrifice a man can give. restored masterpiece is an inspirational true account of man’s The Six Million Dollar Man: Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Religion/ eternal struggle for freedom. Academy Award Winners, Action, AFI Top Season 5 Spirituality, War 2012 90min. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 100, Ancient Greece / Rome, Biography, Martin E. Brooks, Monte Markham, Lindsay 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121053 Biopics, Blu-ray, Classics, Drama, Epics, Wagner, Lee Majors, Richard Anderson Historical / Period Piece, Movies 1960 Action, Adventure, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Some Girl(s) 197min. Drama, Mystery, Science Fiction, Television Universal Studios 28.01.2014 Zoe Kazan, Kristen Bell, Adam Brody, min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120828 Universal Studios 18.02.2014 Jennifer Morrison, Mia Maestro, Emily 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120842 Watson On the eve of his wedding, a successful writer (Adam Brody), Stitch travels across the country to meet up with ex-lovers in an Shawna Waldron, Laurence Mason, Ed- Slaughter Daughter attempt to make amends for past relationship transgressions. ward Furlong Tim Dax, Nicola Fiore, Lessa Rowland, Comedy, Movies, Romance 90min. Stitch follows the story of grieving parents as they cope with Ruby La Rocca Phase 4 Films 10.12.2013 the loss of their young daughter. At the height of their After being left at the altar 5 years ago, ex-beauty queen 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120653 desperation, they turn to their best friends for healing advice, Farrah Adjani has receded into her own world. She lives at who lead them into the deep desert for a weekend ritual meant home in an apartment shared by her mother and aunt, and to burn away emotional baggage. Unfortunately, the amateur rarely comes out of her room. She spends her time flipping The Sopranos: The Complete Se- ritual goes awry and cosmic forces are unleashed, revealing through the 24-hour news cycle and feeding her obsession cond Season (Repackage) something sinister - ravaging each person with a progression with Jackson Miles, a recently convicted serial killer. of gruesome, medieval surgical scars. As the stitches rip skin Everything changes when her overbearing drunk of a mother , , , and tear apart relationships, a battle for survival ensues, returns home from her date, flashes a ring, and announces , , Edie Falco, forcing the couples to come to terms with loss, betrayal, love ‘Mommy’s getting married!’ Thrown into a tailspin, Farrah and hope. makes a drastic move to get noticed by Jackson Miles. She Vincent Pastore, , James Movies, Thrillers 2014 95min. wants to learn everything Jackson knows about murder. Gandolfini, Lorraine Bracco, Steven Van Passion River 11.02.2014 Farrah never could be the perfect daughter, but can she be Zandt - Dir. Lee Tamahori, Allen Coulter, the perfect killer? On her mother’s wedding day, she’s 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120912 planning to find out! John Patterson, , Martin Horror, Movies 2012 77min. Bruestle, Henry J. Brochtein Successive Slidings Of Pleasure For Tony Soprano, there’s no such thing as business as Brain Damage Films 04.02.2014 usual. Balancing the demands of his immediate family - wife Michael Lonsdale 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120883 Carmela, daughter Meadow and son Anthony, Jr - with the A young woman is questioned by the police and the judges, demands of his other family - Paulie Walnuts, Silvio Dante suspected of being a modern witch. The girl who shared her and Big Pussy Bonpensiero - means walking a tightrope no apartment has been found dead, and a pair of scissors mpaled Sleepers Wake self-respecting mobster should have to walk. With his mother through her heart, as she lay attached to the bedposts. Movies, Thrillers 2012 88min. and uncle plotting against him, his older sister Janice Apparently, the girl does have powers, to make all people wreaking her own special kind of havoc, and the very real around her fall prey to her spell, glissing progressively into Millennium Entertainment 25.02.2014 threat that one of his closest allies is wired by the F.B.I., Tony desire, lust, and the unknown. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120905 needs the support of his psychiatrist Dr. Melfi more than Fantasy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Horror, ever. Disc 1: Episode 1 - „Guy Walks Into A Psychiatrist’s Office . . . „ Episode 2 - „Do Not Resuscitate“ Episode 3 - Movies, Thrillers, Witches & Warlocks 1974 Solider Of Destiny „Toodle-OO“ Episode 4 - „Commendatori“ Disc 2: Episode 5 - 105min. Soldier Of Destiny is a story about a Marine, Tyler Ferguson, „Big Girls Don’t Cry“ Episode 6 - „The Happy Wanderer“ Kino Video 11.02.2014 who lost his best friend in combat. He survives being Episode 7 - „D-Girl“ Disc 3: Episode 8 - „“ captured by Afghan soldiers and travels to Africa to fulfill his Episode 9 - „From Where To Eternity“ Episode 10 - „“ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120875 brother in arm’s last wish: to deliver the news to his sister Disc 4: Episode 11 - „House Arrest“ Episode 12 - „The Knight running a Mission station in Ethiopia. JJay Harley, an ex- In White Satin Armor“ Episode 13 - „“ Successive Slidings Of Pleasure Marine turned Pastor, guides him through the process of Crime, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, HBO, dealing with the loss and the trauma of war amongst a vicious (Blu-ray) civil war. Constantly terrorized by crazed guerrilla fighters, Mobsters & The Mafia, Television 2000 all that keeps them going is unbeatable faith in God. Our hero, 696min. Michael Lonsdale the young Marine, goes from an unbeliever in God to a Spiri- HBO Home Video 17.12.2013 A young woman is questioned by the police and the judges, tual awakening that eventually leads him to giving the ultimate suspected of being a modern witch. The girl who shared her sacrifice a man can give. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120801 apartment has been found dead, and a pair of scissors mpaled through her heart, as she lay attached to the bedposts. Action, Movies, Religion/Spirituality, War Apparently, the girl does have powers, to make all people 2012 90min. Sorority Party Massacre around her fall prey to her spell, glissing progressively into Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 Yvette Yates, Eve Mauro desire, lust, and the unknown. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121016 When a city detective follows a missing persons investigation Fantasy, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Horror, to a sleepy mountain town he finds himself protecting a group Movies, Thrillers, Witches & Warlocks 1974 of weekend warrior sorority girls from a ruthless and brilliant 105min. Solider Of Destiny (Blu-ray + DVD serial killer. In danger of losing his badge, a big city detective agrees to aid a small town sheriff in a routine missing persons Kino Video 11.02.2014 Combo) (Blu-ray) investigation only to discover that at least one girl has gone 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120896 Soldier Of Destiny is a story about a Marine, Tyler Ferguson, missing in this sleepy fishing town each year for the last who lost his best friend in combat. He survives being twenty years. When a body finally emerges on the lake and captured by Afghan soldiers and travels to Africa to fulfill his suspects literally crawl out of the hills, the two lawmen Surf Party brother in arm’s last wish: to deliver the news to his sister realize they’re being toyed with and to make things worse, the running a Mission station in Ethiopia. JJay Harley, an ex- killer seems to have set his eyes on a group of sorority girls Khan Chittenden, Jim Piddock, Jane Marine turned Pastor, guides him through the process of who are not only isolated by the lake, but have their own Leeves, Matthew Lillard, Vanessa Angel, dealing with the loss and the trauma of war amongst a vicious nefarious plans in mind. Outnumbered and out of options, the James Remar civil war. Constantly terrorized by crazed guerrilla fighters, two lawmen must solve the mystery of the missing girls or JD is living it up in sunny California - But when his prized all that keeps them going is unbeatable faith in God. Our hero, suffer the same fate. surfboard is stolen, he and his stoner friends set out to track the young Marine, goes from an unbeliever in God to a Spiri- College Life, Comedy, Horror, Movies, down the thief and end up in the dreaded valley. Bummer, tual awakening that eventually leads him to giving the ultimate Serial Killers 2013 103min. dude! A riotous National Lampoon comedy starring Khan sacrifice a man can give. Chittenden (West, Introducing the Dwights), James Remar Action, Blu-ray, Movies, Religion/ Starz / Anchor Bay 11.02.2014 (Showtime’s Dexter, Django Unchained), Matthew Lillard Spirituality, War 2012 90min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120807 (The voice of „Shaggy“ in Scooby-Doo, She’s All That), Joan

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Jett (Shrek, 10 Things I Hate About You), Jane Leeves (TV’s 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120647 Orleans, in the aftermath of the greatest man-made disaster in Hot in Cleveland and Frasier), Jim Piddock (The Five-Year American history. Welcome to Treme. Engagement, The Prestige, Austin Powers in Goldmember, Drama, HBO, Television min. Independence Day), Ray Santiago (In Time, Meet the Trans-Europ-Express HBO Home Video 28.01.2014 Fockers), Vanessa Angel (Hall Pass, Kingpin) and more! This complex and witty crime drama is set aboard a Paris Soundtrack features „Use Your Love,“ performed by Katy train bound for Antwerp. Aboard are a husband and wife. Also 199,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120894 Perry. aboard, but during a different time and space, is a gangster. Comedy, Movies, Stoners, Surf min. The husband and wife are planning to make a film, Trans- The Truth About Emanuel Green Apple Entertainment 04.03.2014 Europ-Express featuring an actor who looks exactly like the , Jessica Biel, Alfred 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121035 gangster. the film takes a free-form rather than chronological approach to telling the tale. Molina - Dir. Francesca Gregorini Foreign, French, Movies, Thrillers 1967 A troubled young woman becomes obsessed with her Sword Of The Assassin 105min. mysterious new neighbor, who bears a striking resemblance Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Movies Kino Video 11.02.2014 to the girl’s dead mother. Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 96min. 103min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120874 Well Go USA 25.03.2014 Millennium Entertainment 25.02.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121039 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120906 Trans-Europ-Express (Blu-ray) This complex and witty crime drama is set aboard a Paris Sword Of The Assassin (Blu-ray) train bound for Antwerp. Aboard are a husband and wife. Also The Truth About Emanuel (Blu- aboard, but during a different time and space, is a gangster. ray) Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, The husband and wife are planning to make a film, Trans- Movies 103min. Europ-Express featuring an actor who looks exactly like the Kaya Scodelario, Jessica Biel, Alfred Millennium Entertainment 25.02.2014 gangster. the film takes a free-form rather than chronological Molina - Dir. Francesca Gregorini approach to telling the tale. A troubled young woman becomes obsessed with her 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120934 Foreign, French, Movies, Thrillers 1967 mysterious new neighbor, who bears a striking resemblance 105min. to the girl’s dead mother. Ted (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) Kino Video 11.02.2014 Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 96min. (Blu-ray) 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120895 Well Go USA 25.03.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121057 Mila Kunis, Seth MacFarlane, Mark Wahl- berg, Joel McHale, , Patrick Treme: The Complete Fourth Warburton, Giovanni Ribisi - Dir. Seth Season Twice Born Emile Hirsch, Jane Birkin, Penelope Cruz - MacFarlane Khandi Alexander, Rob Brown, Kim Dickens Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane delivers his signature New Orleans, 25 months later. Crime and corruption are up, Dir. Sergio Castellitto boundary-pushing humor in the outrageous comedy- culture is being trampled, and the people who matter - the Gemma visits Sarajevo with her son, Pietro. Sixteen years blockbuster critics are calling „hysterically funny!“ (Peter workers, families and dreamers who still live here - have had ago they escaped the war-torn city while the boy’s father Travers, Rolling Stone) John Bennett (Mark Wahlberg) is a enough. drama series Treme revisits the musicians, remained behind and later died. As she tries to repair her grown man whose cherished teddy bear came to life as the chefs, Mardi Gras Indians, and other familiar New Orleans relationship with Pietro, a revelation forces Gemma to face result of a childhood wish - and hasn’t left his side since. Can characters who continue to rebuild their lives, their homes loss, the cost of war and the redemptive power of love. John’s relationship with longtime girlfriend, Lori (Mila Kunis), and their culture in the aftermath of the 2005 hurricane that Drama, Movies, Romance 2012 127min. move forward with his lovably profane buddy in the picture? caused the near-death of an American city. In Season 3, which E1 Entertainment 25.02.2014 Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Fantasy, Movies, takes place from Fall 2007-Spring 2008, rampant crime and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120757 Romance 2012 114min. government ineptitude continue to cripple the city’s recovery, Universal Studios 28.01.2014 with outside profiteers looking to cash in on short-term gains. The series’ focus is still on ordinary people, but they no Mike Tyson: Undisputed Truth 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120827 longer accept their lack of influence on the institutions that have controlled the city. Diminished by grief and loss, but fed (DVD + UltraViolet) up with incompetence and graft among police and city La Tempestad (The Storm) officials, the characters in Treme begin to make inroads in Mike Tyson demanding that their music, art and well-being be protected. Raw, honest, powerful and full of humor, Mike Tyson: William Levy Undisputed Truth features „Iron Mike“ recounting his life’s This riveting telenovela follows the story of Marina, whose Through a murder prosecution that unites several players, Treme will also explore the city’s hand highs and lows in his signature candid style. Over the course revelations of her vengeful former boss’ indiscretions force of 90 riveting minutes, Tyson opens up about his troubled her to find work in a small fishing village. There she meets Drama, HBO, Television 2013 min. Brooklyn youth, landmark boxing career, key influences in his Damián, the owner of the fishing boat La Tempestad and they HBO Home Video 28.01.2014 life, personal and professional controversies, time in prison, fall in love. But dark clouds quickly gather as jealous and 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120873 loss of family members and, most recently, his rehabilitation ambitious rivals emerge bent on destroying any hopes they and redemption, forged by sobriety and a renewed commitment may have had for happiness. Will Damián and Marina be able to family life. to weather the storm and find calm waters once again. Treme: The Complete Fourth Comedy, HBO, Movies, TV Movies 90min. Drama, Foreign, International TV, Spanish, HBO Home Video 11.02.2014 Television 2013 850min. Season (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120871 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 18.03.2014 Khandi Alexander, Rob Brown, Kim Dickens 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121030 New Orleans, 25 months later. Crime and corruption are up, culture is being trampled, and the people who matter - the The Ultimate Life workers, families and dreamers who still live here - have had Tess: The Criterion Collection enough. HBOs drama series Treme revisits the musicians, Drew Waters, Ali Hillis, David Mann, Bill chefs, Mardi Gras Indians, and other familiar New Orleans Cobbs, Peter Fonda (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) characters who continue to rebuild their lives, their homes This touching story of hope, love and family values is the Nastassja Kinski, Leigh Lawson, Peter Firth and their culture in the aftermath of the 2005 hurricane that much anticipated follow-up to the heartwarming film and best- caused the near-death of an American city. In Season 3, which selling book The Ultimate Gift. Three years after receiving - Dir. takes place from Fall 2007-Spring 2008, rampant crime and life-changing gifts from his grandfather Red, Jason Stevens Natassja Kinski stars in Academy Award winner Roman government ineptitude continue to cripple the city’s recovery, finds himself in need of guidance once again. When the Polanski’s (2993 Best Director The Pianist) critically with outside profiteers looking to cash in on short-term gains. foundation his grandfather left him is challenged in a acclaimed screen adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s 1891 literary The series’ focus is still on ordinary people, but they no courtroom battle, and the love of his life travels to Haiti to masterpiece, Tess of the d’Ubervilles. A visually stunning longer accept their lack of influence on the institutions that support a hospital in need, Jason realizes he’s lost all recreation of Victorian England’s lush pastoral landscapes. have controlled the city. Diminished by grief and loss, but fed direction. But just when it looks as though he may lose it all, Tess’s Academy Award winning cinematography (1980 up with incompetence and graft among police and city he discovers his grandfather’s precious journal. With Geoffrey Unsworth, Ghislain Cloquet, Best Cinematography) officials, the characters in Treme begin to make inroads in everything he loves hanging in the balance, Jason embarks on is presented in its original Panavision aspect ratio for the demanding that their music, art and well-being be protected. an incredible journey into the past - through the journal - to first time in 25 years. Finding employment with the wealthy Through a murder prosecution that unites several players, learn what it truly means to live...The Ultimate Life. d’Urberville family, Tess (Kinski), a teenage farm girl of Treme will also explore the city’s hand Drama, Movies 2013 110min. exceptional beauty, comes under the lustful eye of Alec (Leigh Drama, HBO, Television 2013 min. 20th Century Fox 10.12.2013 Lawson), their ne’er-do-well son. Although she rejects his HBO Home Video 28.01.2014 amorous advances, Alec forcibly seduces Tess, leaving her 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121007 pregnant and alone. Giving birth to a sickly child who soon 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120893 dies, the disgraced Tess eventually falls in love with Angel (Peter Firth), a parson’s son who knows nothing of her sordid The Ultimate Life (Blu-ray + past. But when she confesses her „sin“ on their wedding Treme: The Complete Series (Blu- night, a repulsed Angel abandons her, leaving Tess no choice ray) Ultraviolet) (Blu-ray) but to return to Alec, a fateful decision that will have tragic co Drew Waters, Ali Hillis, David Mann, Bill Academy Award Winners, Blu-ray, Khandi Alexander, Rob Brown, Kim Dickens Amid the ruins of an American city, ordinary people - Cobbs, Peter Fonda Criterion Collection, Drama, Movies, musicians, chefs, residents - find themselves clinging to a This touching story of hope, love and family values is the Romance 1979 172min. unique culture and wondering if the city that gave birth to that much anticipated follow-up to the heartwarming film and best- Criterion 25.02.2014 culture still has a future From the creators of The Wire comes selling book The Ultimate Gift. Three years after receiving a new series about adversity and the human spirit, set in New life-changing gifts from his grandfather Red, Jason Stevens

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 64 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA finds himself in need of guidance once again. When the E1 Entertainment 11.02.2014 last season, even the most banal decision made by Selina and foundation his grandfather left him is challenged in a her staff can set off a ripple effect that can have unexpected courtroom battle, and the love of his life travels to Haiti to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120771 and far-reaching consequences. Over the course of ten support a hospital in need, Jason realizes he’s lost all Season 2 episodes, hilariously skewers the nuances of direction. But just when it looks as though he may lose it all, : The everyday office politics - set against the backdrop of the he discovers his grandfather’s precious journal. With secon everything he loves hanging in the balance, Jason embarks on Complete Fourth Season (Blu-ray) Comedy, HBO, Politics, Television 2013 an incredible journey into the past - through the journal - to learn what it truly means to live...The Ultimate Life. , Zach Roerig, Nina Dobrev, 300min. Drama, Movies 2013 110min. Candice Accola, Steven R. McQueen, Jo- HBO Home Video 25.03.2014 20th Century Fox 10.12.2013 seph Morgan, Michael Trevino, Paul Wesley 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120872 Senior year is finally here, and Elena should be having the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121050 time of her life. Instead, she faces her worst nightmare, struggling with the painful transformation from human to Veep: The Complete Second Under Capricorn vampire. As Damon mentors Elena into a supernatural life, Season (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) their repressed passions explode, causing Stefan to Peter Cousens, , John Hallam - undertake a desperate quest to restore humanity to the girl he (Blu-ray) Dir. Rod Hardy adores. But as Elena ruthlessly quenches her newfound thirst Timothy Simons, , , Matt In 1831, young Irishman Charles Adare (Peter Cousens, for blood, and her friends race to find a vampire cure based Return to Eden) arrives in , Australia, on clues inked onto Jeremy’s flesh, the world around them Walsh, eager to make his fortune... and make it fast. But what he finds falls prey to a host of sinister forces. Mystic Falls takes on HBO delivers a new season of the Emmy-winning comedy are secrets that won’t stay buried. Adare is swept into the vampire hunters, a hybrid rebellion and more in all 23 pulse- series created by Armando Iannucci (Oscar nominee for co- private world of wealthy land baron Samson Flusky (John pounding Season Four episodes. writing In the Loop) that takes a sharp, satirical look at the Hallam, The Pallisers) and his mentally unbalanced wife, Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Fantasy, High insular world of Washington politics. Veep follows the Lady Henrietta (Lisa Harrow, Kavanagh Q.C.). The gruff, School, Horror, Romance, Television, The whirlwind day-to-day existence of Vice President Selina unmannered Flusky hopes the well-bred Adare can bring Meyer (Julia Louis-Dreyfus in her Emmy®-winning role) as Henrietta out of her mysterious dark moods and back into CW, Vampires 2012 969min. she juggles her busy public schedule, puts out political fires, society. But her manic behavior masks something Warner Bros. 04.02.2014 and defends the president’s interests, even as she tries to unspeakable. As Adare attempts to help this haunted woman, 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121157 improve her dysfunctional relationship with the chief greed, jealousy, and a secret passion threaten to destroy them executive. Picking up in the middle of midterm elections, both. Based on the popular novel by Helen Simpson and filmed Season 2 finds Selina scoring slightly above-average ratings on location in Australia, this is an engrossing saga in the The Vampire Films: Series One in several popularity polls, which she uses to increase her influence and to curry favor with the president and his new tradition of Rebecca. Jacqueline Sieger, Don Burhans, Nicole British, Drama, Foreign, Movies, TV Movies senior strategist Kent Davison (). But as we saw Romain, Catherine DeVille, Bernard Letrou, last season, even the most banal decision made by Selina and 1982 117min. Solange Pradel - Dir. Jean Rollin her staff can set off a ripple effect that can have unexpected Acorn Media 25.02.2014 and far-reaching consequences. Over the course of ten Collections, Erotica, Foreign, French, Hor- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120999 Season 2 episodes, Veep hilariously skewers the nuances of ror, Movies, Thrillers, Vampires min. everyday office politics - set against the backdrop of the Kino Video 18.02.2014 secon Comedy, HBO, Politics, Television 2013 Up The Junction 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120876 Dennis Waterman, Maureen Lipman, Suzy 300min. HBO Home Video 25.03.2014 Kendall - Dir. Peter Collinson The Vampire Films: Series One Based on Nell Dunn’s iconic tale of life in London’s swinging 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120892 sixties, Up the Junction is a memorable slice of British cinema (Blu-ray) starring Suzy Kendall (Tales That Witness Madness) as Polly and Dennis Waterman (TV’s The Sweeney) as her Jacqueline Sieger, Don Burhans, Nicole Wanted (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) hard-up boyfriend, Pete. The tale is of a bored, young party Romain, Catherine DeVille, Bernard Letrou, (Blu-ray) girl who decides to cast off her affluent Chelsea lifestyle to Solange Pradel - Dir. Jean Rollin Morgan Freeman, James McAvoy, Common, move to the industrialized ghetto of Battersea. In search of Collections, Erotica, Foreign, French, Hor- realism, Polly takes a factory job where she befriends sisters Thomas Kretschmann, Angelina Jolie, ror, Movies, Thrillers, Vampires min. Rube (Adrienne Posta) and Sylvie (Maureen Lipman) and Terence Stamp - Dir. Timur Bekmambetov moves into a rundown apartment in the area. She soon Kino Video 18.02.2014 discovers the seedier side of life in an impoverished world of Wesley’s (James McAvoy) life is over his pathetic old one, crime, desperation and questionable morality-a side of life that 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120897 anyway... Fortunately, it is all because of a girl. Enter everyone but Polly is desperately trying to leave behind. This sizzling-hot Fox (Angelina Jolie), who crashes into his life beautiful and haunting film was directed by cult-filmmaker Vanilla Sky (Blu-ray) and introduces him to the Fraternity, a secret society of Peter Collinson (Innocent Bystanders, The Italian Job). assassins, led by the enigmatic Sloan (Morgan Freeman). Tom Cruise, Kurt Russell, Penelope Cruz, Seems Wes’s long-lost father was killed while working for British, Drama, Foreign, Movies 1968 the Fraternity and Wes has been selected to target the rogue 119min. Jason Lee, Cameron Diaz, Noah Taylor - member who murdered him. But before he can complete his Olive Films 29.04.2014 Dir. Cameron Crowe assignment, Wes must first uncover the dark secrets behind 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121065 Tom Cruise delivers one of his finest performances in this the Fraternity in order to determine his own destiny. unforgettably powerful film that reunites him with Cameron Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Based On Crowe, the director of Jerry Maguire. Young, handsome and Comic Book, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, Thril- Up The Junction (Blu-ray) wealthy, publishing tycoon David Aames (Cruise) can have anything his heart desires. Still, David’s charmed life seems lers 2008 110min. Dennis Waterman, Maureen Lipman, Suzy incomplete. One night, David meets the woman of his dreams Universal Studios 28.01.2014 Kendall - Dir. Peter Collinson (Penelope Cruz) and believes he may have found the missing 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120826 Based on Nell Dunn’s iconic tale of life in London’s swinging piece. But a fateful encounter with a jealous lover (Cameron sixties, Up the Junction is a memorable slice of British cinema Diaz) suddenly sends David’s world out of control, rocketing starring Suzy Kendall (Tales That Witness Madness) as him on a roller-coaster ride of romance, sex, suspicion and Wayne’s World 2 Polly and Dennis Waterman (TV’s The Sweeney) as her dreams... to a shocking, final awakening you will never forget. hard-up boyfriend, Pete. The tale is of a bored, young party Drama, Love Gone Bad, Movies, Science Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, Tia Carrere, Kim girl who decides to cast off her affluent Chelsea lifestyle to Fiction, Thrillers 2001 135min. Basinger, Christopher Walken - Dir. Stephen move to the industrialized ghetto of Battersea. In search of Paramount 15.04.2014 Surjik realism, Polly takes a factory job where she befriends sisters It’s 2 excellent to be true! Wayne and Garth are back (and Rube (Adrienne Posta) and Sylvie (Maureen Lipman) and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121158 front) in the most awaited video since Wayne’s World - moves into a rundown apartment in the area. She soon Wayne’s World 2! Having achieved godlike status as a late- discovers the seedier side of life in an impoverished world of Veep: The Complete Second night TV personality, Wayne (Mike Myers) now confronts the crime, desperation and questionable morality-a side of life that question that has plagued man for centuries: Is there life after everyone but Polly is desperately trying to leave behind. This Season cable? Wayne gets his answer in a dream, wherein a very beautiful and haunting film was directed by cult-filmmaker famous (and very dead) rock star says, „Put on a rock Peter Collinson (Innocent Bystanders, The Italian Job). Timothy Simons, Reid Scott, Tony Hale, Matt concert, and they will come.“ So Wayne and Garth (Dana British, Drama, Foreign, Movies 1968 Walsh, Anna Chlumsky Carvey) present „Waynestock.“ But first, Wayne must save 119min. HBO delivers a new season of the Emmy-winning comedy his girlfriend, Cassandra, (Tia Carrere) from a sinister series created by Armando Iannucci (Oscar nominee for co- record producer (Christopher Walken), as Garth grapples Olive Films 29.04.2014 writing In the Loop) that takes a sharp, satirical look at the with the advance of mega-babe Honey Hornee (Kim Basinger). 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121095 insular world of Washington politics. Veep follows the Party on! whirlwind day-to-day existence of Vice President Selina Based On TV Show, Buddy Pictures, Meyer (Julia Louis-Dreyfus in her Emmy®-winning role) as Uphill Battle she juggles her busy public schedule, puts out political fires, Comedy, Movies 1993 min. Uphill Battle is the inspiring story of a single mother raising and defends the president’s interests, even as she tries to Paramount 01.01.2013 two teens after a harrowing divorce due to her husband’s improve her dysfunctional relationship with the chief 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121117 addiction to pornography and subsequent infidelity. The executive. Picking up in the middle of midterm elections, message is one of hope and faith. Season 2 finds Selina scoring slightly above-average ratings Drama, Family, Movies, Religion/Spirituality in several popularity polls, which she uses to increase her Wayne’s World 2 (Blu-ray) influence and to curry favor with the president and his new 2013 90min. senior strategist Kent Davison (Gary Cole). But as we saw Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, Tia Carrere, Kim

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Basinger, Christopher Walken - Dir. Stephen Young Detective Dee: Rise Of The Music, Musical, Performing Arts, Special Surjik Sea Dragon Interest 2013 60min. It’s 2 excellent to be true! Wayne and Garth are back (and E1 Entertainment 25.02.2014 front) in the most awaited video since Wayne’s World - From legendary action director Tsui Hark and the creators of Wayne’s World 2! Having achieved godlike status as a late- international smash hit Detective Dee: Mystery Of The Phan- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120778 night TV personality, Wayne (Mike Myers) now confronts the tom Flame comes the captivating tale of Dee Renjie’s question that has plagued man for centuries: Is there life after beginnings in the Imperial police force. His very first case, London Master Classes: Cello cable? Wayne gets his answer in a dream, wherein a very investigating reports of a sea monster terrorizing the famous (and very dead) rock star says, „Put on a rock town, reveals a sinister conspiracy of treachery and betrayal, Classes With Ralph Kirshbaum leading to the highest reaches of the Imperial family. concert, and they will come.“ So Wayne and Garth (Dana Since 1988 London Master Classes has been presenting some Carvey) present „Waynestock.“ But first, Wayne must save Action, Chinese, Crime, Foreign, Movies of the world’s most distinguished performers as master his girlfriend, Cassandra, (Tia Carrere) from a sinister 2013 134min. teachers offering intensive classical music master classes for record producer (Christopher Walken), as Garth grapples Well Go USA 11.02.2014 vocal, violin, cello, piano and conducting. Working with with the advance of mega-babe Honey Hornee (Kim Basinger). advanced classical music students and young professionals Party on! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120750 before audiences in major London venues, the London Master Based On TV Show, Blu-ray, Buddy Classes provide a rare opportunity for young artists to meet Pictures, Comedy, Movies 1993 min. Young Detective Dee: Rise Of The and benefit from working with the great performers of our time. Paramount This master class featuring Ralph Kirshbaum shows the Sea Dragon (Blu-ray) world-renowned cellist at work, passing on his expertise to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121122 From legendary action director Tsui Hark and the creators of the next generation. international smash hit Detective Dee: Mystery Of The Phan- Cello, Instructional, Music, Special Interest The White Queen tom Flame comes the captivating tale of Dee Renjie’s min. beginnings in the Imperial police force. His very first case, Max Irons, Amanda Hale, James Frain investigating reports of a sea monster terrorizing the Kultur 28.01.2014 The White Queen is a riveting portrayal of one of the most town, reveals a sinister conspiracy of treachery and betrayal, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120737 dramatic and turbulent times in English history. A story of love leading to the highest reaches of the Imperial family. and lust, seduction and deception, betrayal and murder, it is Action, Blu-ray, Chinese, Crime, Foreign, London Master Classes: uniquely told through the perspective of three different, yet Movies 2013 134min. equally relentless women - Elizabeth Woodville, Margaret Conducting With Benjamin Zan- Beaufort and Anne Neville. In their quest for power, they will Well Go USA 11.02.2014 scheme, manipulate and seduce their way onto the English 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120784 der throne. Since 1988 London Master Classes has been presenting some British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period of the world’s most distinguished performers as master Piece, Television 2012 420min. Young Pioneers / The Pathfinder teachers offering intensive classical music master classes for (Double Feature) vocal, violin, cello, piano and conducting. Working with Starz / Anchor Bay 04.02.2014 advanced classical music students and young professionals 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120713 Laurie Holden, Linda Purl, Robert Hays, before audiences in major London venues, the London Master Graham Greene, Classes provide a rare opportunity for young artists to meet The White Queen (Blu-ray) Two stories of adventures in the wilderness and on the and benefit from working with the great performers of our time. frontier. Conductor Benjamin Zander shares his experience on the Max Irons, Amanda Hale, James Frain Double Features, Drama, Movies, Western worldwide concert platform with ve students from St. The White Queen is a riveting portrayal of one of the most Cyprian’s Church. dramatic and turbulent times in English history. A story of love 201min. Instructional, Music, Special Interest min. and lust, seduction and deception, betrayal and murder, it is Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Kultur 28.01.2014 uniquely told through the perspective of three different, yet 07.01.2014 equally relentless women - Elizabeth Woodville, Margaret 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120736 Beaufort and Anne Neville. In their quest for power, they will 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120849 scheme, manipulate and seduce their way onto the English London Master Classes: Piano throne. Zaytoun British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period Classes With Norma Fisher Stephen Dorff - Dir. Eran Riklis Piece, Television 2012 420min. Since 1988 London Master Classes has been presenting some In 1982, amid the Lebanese Civil War, Israeli pilot Yoni of the world’s most distinguished performers as master Starz / Anchor Bay 04.02.2014 (Stephen Dorff) is shot down over Beirut and is taken teachers offering intensive classical music master classes for 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120720 prisoner by inhabitants of a Palestinian refugee camp. Among vocal, violin, cello, piano and conducting. Working with the captors is ten-year-old Fahed, whose father obsessively advanced classical music students and young professionals tends to his prized, but sickly olive tree, refusing to replant it before audiences in major London venues, the London Master The Wrath Of Vajra until they return to their ancestral land. Despite his deep- Classes provide a rare opportunity for young artists to meet Former Shaolin monk and martial arts action star Xing Yu is rooted hatred for Yoni, Fahed realizes he can use him to get and benefit from working with the great performers of our time. Vajra, a child kidnapped and trained as an assassin during past the border and into „Palestine“ to plant his father’s olive A master class following one of Britain’s leading pianists. WWII. He escapes - and begins a quest to protect the tree. The two embark on a harrowing and dangerous journey - Norma Fisher has international success on the concert innocent, and destroy those responsible for making him a one that tests the very boundaries of humanity. Zaytoun is a &chamber music platform, and now shares her experiences living weapon. story of survival, reconciliation and friendship. and talent with her students. Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Chinese, Adventure, Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2012 Instructional, Music, Piano, Special Interest Foreign, Martial Arts, Movies 115min. 110min. min. Well Go USA 18.03.2014 Strand Releasing 18.02.2014 Kultur 28.01.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121038 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120683 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120738

The Wrath Of Vajra (Blu-ray) Zombie Pirates London Master Classes: Singing Former Shaolin monk and martial arts action star Xing Yu is A dangerous young woman (Sarah French) offers up human With Sherrill Milnes Vajra, a child kidnapped and trained as an assassin during sacrifices to a ghost ship of the dead in return for an ancient WWII. He escapes - and begins a quest to protect the treasure. When she comes up one sacrifice short, her zombie Since 1988 London Master Classes has been presenting some innocent, and destroy those responsible for making him a masters exact their bloody revenge in this gory tribute to of the world’s most distinguished performers as master living weapon. Spain’s popular Blind Dead Euro Horror series. This teachers offering intensive classical music master classes for outrageous horror movie was directed by Steve Sessions vocal, violin, cello, piano and conducting. Working with Action, Assassins & Hitmen, Blu-ray, Chi- (Sinister) and stars the beautiful Sarah French (Insectula). advanced classical music students and young professionals nese, Foreign, Martial Arts, Movies 115min. Ghosts, Movies, Pirates, Zombies 80min. before audiences in major London venues, the London Master Well Go USA 18.03.2014 Classes provide a rare opportunity for young artists to meet Retromedia 21.01.2014 and benefit from working with the great performers of our time. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121056 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120692 The great American Baritone shares his knowledge of singing in opera houses and music centers of the world encompassing You Will Be My Son all areas of vocal repertoires. Instructional, Music, Special Interest min. Lorant Deutch, Niels Arestrup, Patrick Kultur 28.01.2014 Chesnais Paul de Marseul is the passionate, demanding proprietor of Music 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120739 his prestigious family wine estate. But he has no faith in his son, Martin, who works at the vineyard. Paul dreams of a Irish: The Musical Muscle Shoals harder-working, successful son. A dream that one day seemingly materializes when he meets Philip, the son of his Written as homage to the American dream, Irish: The Musical Located alongside the Tennessee River, Muscle Shoals, dying estate manager. Can Paul turn against his own blood is the story of four Irish musicians whose dream are to Alabama has helped create some of the most important and and turn Philip into the rightful heir of his family estate? become stars in America. Irish is set in Dublin in 1905. It is resonant songs of all time. Overcoming crushing poverty and the last concert that Irish will play in Ireland before they sail staggering tragedies, Rick Hall brought black and white Drama, Movies 2013 102min. for America. They are the biggest band in Ireland because together to create music for the generations. He is E1 Entertainment 25.02.2014 they’ve got a beat and they’ve got rhythm. Will Irish give up responsible for creating the „Muscle Shoals sound“ and The 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120762 on their dream and return to Ireland or will they stay in Swampers, the house band at FAME Studios that eventually America and fight to make their dream come true? left to start their own successful studio known as Muscle

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Shoals Sound. Gregg Allman, Bono, Mick Jagger, Etta James, Supernatural & Paranormal, Television, Film Chest Media Group 24.09.2013 Alicia Keys, Keith Richards and others bear witness to Muscle Shoals’ magnetism, mystery and why it remains Thrillers 2012 min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120389 influential today. Music Box Films 21.01.2014 Documentary, History & Events, Music, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120335 Lawrence Welk: Top Tunes & Special Interest 2013 111min. New Talent Show - Christmas Magnolia Home Entertainment 25.02.2014 The Secret Policeman’s Ball: 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121173 Special U.S.A. Lawrence Welk Russell Brand, Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, Christmas, Classics, Holidays, Music, Tele- Muscle Shoals (Blu-ray) Seth Meyers, Rashida Jones, Rachel Located alongside the Tennessee River, Muscle Shoals, vision, Variety / Game Shows min. Alabama has helped create some of the most important and Dratch, David Cross, Film Chest Media Group 24.09.2013 resonant songs of all time. Overcoming crushing poverty and In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Amnesty Internatio- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120390 staggering tragedies, Rick Hall brought black and white nal, the Secret Policeman’s Ball was staged in the USA for together to create music for the generations. He is the first time at New York’s famous Radio City Music Hall. responsible for creating the „Muscle Shoals sound“ and The With a history dating back to 1979, the Secret Policeman’s WWE: Music Of WWE Swampers, the house band at FAME Studios that eventually Ball has always gathered the best comedy and musical talent left to start their own successful studio known as Muscle to use wit and humor to raise both funds and awareness for John Cena, Shawn Michaels, Triple H Shoals Sound. Gregg Allman, Bono, Mick Jagger, Etta James, the vital work that Amnesty International does to prick the Music has been integral in WWE history, especially anthems Alicia Keys, Keith Richards and others bear witness to conscience of governments around the world. for all the greatest WWE Superstars. Since Sgt. Slaughter Muscle Shoals’ magnetism, mystery and why it remains Comedy, Music, Special Interest, Stand-Up first made his entrance to the Marine Corp hymn in the early influential today. 80’s music themes have become synonymous with the Super- 2013 137min. stars themselves. Just hearing the first few notes brings the Magnolia Home Entertainment, Eagle Rock 25.02.2014 crowd to their feet. They are the songs that let the WWE Documentary, History & Events, Music, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120765 Universe know that business is about to pick up. Now, get Special Interest 2013 111min. behind the music and learn the inside story behind the Magnolia Home Entertainment 25.02.2014 timeless anthems of WWE and the superstars. The Secret Policeman’s Ball: Music, Special Interest, Sports, Sports 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121181 U.S.A. (Blu-ray) Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE 90min. One Direction: Clevver’s Ultimate Russell Brand, Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, Seth Meyers, Rashida Jones, Rachel WWE Home Video 18.03.2014 Fan Guide Dratch, David Cross, Eddie Izzard 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121029 Superstar group, One Direction, has taken pop music fans all In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Amnesty Internatio- over the world by storm. Harry Styles, Liam Payne, Louis nal, the Secret Policeman’s Ball was staged in the USA for Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, and Niall Horan exploded onto the the first time at New York’s famous Radio City Music Hall. scene and captured the hearts of fans from their start on The With a history dating back to 1979, the Secret Policeman’s X Factor. While famed producer and TV judge Simon Cowell Ball has always gathered the best comedy and musical talent saw something special in the guys... so did the fans. In One to use wit and humor to raise both funds and awareness for Special Interest Direction Clevver’s Ultimate Fan Guide, Clevver’s hosts, the vital work that Amnesty International does to prick the Dana Ward and Joslyn Davis, explore the group’s rise to conscience of governments around the world. 1 (Blu-ray) fame as told by celebrities and those who know them best. Comedy, Music, Special Interest, Stand-Up Stars like Robert Pattinson, Miranda Cosgrove, and many Paul Crowder 2013 137min. more reveal their thoughts on the mega-famous group. We take Auto Racing, Blu-ray, Cars & Motorcycles, a close look into how the combination of 1D’s good looks, Eagle Rock 25.02.2014 Documentary, Special Interest 2013 min. charm, and fan interaction catapulted them into mega-stardom. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120791 You’ll see a playful side of the guys through exclusive Millennium Entertainment 28.01.2014 interviews spanning from their start to where they are now. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120587 We give you the true inside look at the stories behind the The Snowman fame! When the magic of Christmas brings a boy’s snowman to life, Documentary, Music, Pop Music, Special the unlikely couple embark on an adventure together. 20 Feet From Stardom Interest, Teen Pop 70min. Following the success of the book, animated film and score Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, Mick New Video DVD 04.02.2014 (including the ever-popular Walking in the Air), The Snowman has gone on to conquer the stage as an enchanting piece of Jagger, - Dir. Morgan Neville 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121076 musical theatre. Delightful family entertainment, the tale is told While the lead singers in rock, pop, and R&B are the ones without dialogue through music, movement, dance and special who get the glory, knowledgeable music fans will tell you the Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer effects. This recording recreates The Snowman as a backing vocalists often add the touches that make a theatrical spectacle but with all the benefits of state-of-the-art performance truly memorable, and though many backup Filmed over the course of six months, this film tells the video and audio technology. singers have the respect of their peers in the music business, incredible story of three young women: Nadia, Masha and they’re all but unknown to the average listener. Twenty Feet Katia. As members of the feminist art collective Pussy Riot, Ballet, Children’s, Christmas, Dancing, From Stardom pays homage to some of these unsung heroes, they performed a 40 second „punk prayer“ inside Russia’s Family, Holidays, Performing Arts 85min. including Darlene Love (the un-credited lead voice on some of main cathedral. This performance led to their arrest on Kultur 17.12.2013 Phil Spector’s most memorable productions of the 1960s), charges of religious hatred and culminated in a trial that has Merry Clayton (who contributed a striking vocal cameo on the reverberated around the world and transformed the face of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120155 Rolling Stones’ „Gimme Shelter“, Lisa Fischer (who has Russian society forever. With unparalleled access and appeared on albums by Sting, Tina Turner, and Aretha Frank- exclusive footage, this film looks at the real people behind Giuseppe Verdi: Don Carlos (Blu- lin, as well as touring with the Rolling Stones), and the their now famous colorful balaclavas. From their family and Waters Family (they sang with Michael Jackson on the album friends we learn what transformed these women from political ray) Thriller and lent their voices to the films and activists in to modern day icons. As Nadia, Masha, and Katia Roberto Alagna Avatar). defend their convictions from a cage inside the courtroom, Documentary, History & Events, Music, those Pussy Riot members still at liberty plan new guerilla This production from Theatre du Chatelet in Paris „offers performances and cultivate a protest movement across the insights into Verdi’s grand opera drama which no other...has Special Interest 2013 90min. globe. begun to match“ (Sunday Times). Starz / Anchor Bay 14.01.2014 Documentary, Music, Punk Rock, Special Classical Music, Music, Opera 1987 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120659 Interest 2013 88min. 210min. Docurama 11.02.2014 Kultur 28.01.2014 20 Feet From Stardom (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120748 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121066 Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, Mick Jagger, Bette Midler - Dir. Morgan Neville The Returned (Blu-ray) The Lawrence Welk Show: New While the lead singers in rock, pop, and R&B are the ones Year’s Specials who get the glory, knowledgeable music fans will tell you the Anne Consigny, Clotilde Hesme, Frederic backing vocalists often add the touches that make a Pierrot Lawrence Welk performance truly memorable, and though many backup In an idyllic French Alpine village, a seemingly random Classics, Holidays, Music, Television, singers have the respect of their peers in the music business, collection of people find themselves in a state of confusion as they’re all but unknown to the average listener. Twenty Feet they attempt to return to their homes. What they do not yet Variety / Game Shows min. From Stardom pays homage to some of these unsung heroes, know is that they have been dead for several years, and no Film Chest Media Group 24.09.2013 including Darlene Love (the un-credited lead voice on some of one is expecting them back. Buried secrets emerge as they 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120388 Phil Spector’s most memorable productions of the 1960s), grapple with this miraculous and sinister new reality, Merry Clayton (who contributed a striking vocal cameo on the struggling to reintegrate with their families and past lovers. Rolling Stones’ „Gimme Shelter“, Lisa Fischer (who has But it seems they are not the only ones back from the dead. Lawrence Welk: Christmas Show appeared on albums by Sting, Tina Turner, and Aretha Frank- Their arrival coincides with a series of gruesome murders lin, as well as touring with the Rolling Stones), and the that bear a chilling resemblance to the work of a serial killer Lawrence Welk Waters Family (they sang with Michael Jackson on the album from the past... Christmas, Classics, Holidays, Music, Tele- Thriller and lent their voices to the films The Lion King and Foreign, French, Ghosts, International TV, vision, Variety / Game Shows min. Avatar).

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Starz / Anchor Bay, Documentary, History & stand-up comedy special „Live from Atlanta.“ Akintunde rocks Dead Patriot Films presents Assaulted: Civil Rights Under the packed house through his inspirational brand of comedy, Fire, a documentary that brings audiences to the center of the Events, Music, Special Interest 2013 90min. where he breaks down life from his unique and show-stopping controversy over the issue that is dividing our nation - gun Starz / Anchor Bay 14.01.2014 point of view. control. Narrated by Ice-T, a critically acclaimed rapper and 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120680 Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up 2013 actor, the film takes a critical look at current gun laws and the rising movement to restrict the rights guaranteed by our 65min. Second Amendment. 2013 Boston Red Sox: The E1 Entertainment 18.02.2014 Documentary, Special Interest 2013 80min. Official World Series Film - 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120764 Music Video Distribution 15.10.2013 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119943 Collector’s Edition Ancient Aliens: Season Five - Don’t miss the greatest moments of the 2013 World Series with the Official 2013 World Series Film. Catch the highlights Volume Two The Baby Boom Years: 1950 of all of the games, interviews and classic moments from Ancient Aliens: Season 5 - Volume 2 from History investigates This fun DVD time capsule captures all of the sights and baseball’s biggest stage. the topic from many angles. Emperors, Kings and Pharaohs sounds of 1950, including noteworthy news footage, fashion, Baseball, Major League Baseball, Special explores whether ancient leaders, usually attributed with fads, comedy, dance and musical performances, commercials, Interest, Sports 2013 1070min. divine powers, were actually connected to extraterrestrial sports, science and lifestyle commentary, interwoven into a forces. Alien Operations examines advanced medical charming, nostalgia-inducing collage, guaranteed to evoke A&E 03.12.2013 procedures practiced in the ancient world, as evidenced by familiar, perhaps forgotten memories of simpler times. Perfect 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120438 wall carvings and skeletal remains. Did these skills come for birthdays, anniversaries, reunions, retirement parties, and from an otherworldly source? Archaeologists ponder the retro slumber parties. 2013 Boston Red Sox: The healing power of ancient objects like sacred bones in Documentary, History & Events, Special Mysterious Relics and luminous, skull-shaped crystals in The Interest min. Official World Series Film - Crystal Skulls. Do these controversial artifacts hold the secrets to the universe? And were giant-winged deities E1 Entertainment 28.01.2014 Collector’s Edition (Blu-ray) known as Anunnaki responsible for ancient Sumerian leaps in 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120402 Don’t miss the greatest moments of the 2013 World Series advancement? Find out in The Anunnaki Connection. This with the Official 2013 World Series Film. Catch the highlights provocative collection also includes The Satan Conspiracy, of all of the games, interviews and classic moments from The Power of Three and The Magic of the Gods. The Baby Boom Years: 1951 baseball’s biggest stage. Aliens, Documentary, History & Events, This fun DVD time capsule captures all of the sights and Baseball, Blu-ray, Major League Baseball, History Channel, Special Interest, Television sounds of 1951, including noteworthy news footage, fashion, fads, comedy, dance and musical performances, commercials, Special Interest, Sports 2013 1070min. 352min. sports, science and lifestyle commentary, interwoven into a A&E 03.12.2013 A&E 04.03.2014 charming, nostalgia-inducing collage, guaranteed to evoke 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120482 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121160 familiar, perhaps forgotten memories of simpler times. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, reunions, retirement parties, and retro slumber parties. The Act Of Killing (Blu-ray + Digi- Ancient Aliens: Season Five - Documentary, History & Events, Special tal Copy) (Blu-ray) Volume Two (Blu-ray) Interest 2007 min. This chilling and inventive documentary, executive-produced Ancient Aliens: Season 5 - Volume 2 from History investigates E1 Entertainment 25.02.2014 by Errol Morris (The Fog of War) and Werner Herzog the topic from many angles. Emperors, Kings and Pharaohs 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120775 (Grizzly Man), examines a country where death squad explores whether ancient leaders, usually attributed with leaders are celebrated as heroes, and are challenged to divine powers, were actually connected to extraterrestrial reenact their real-life mass killings in the style of the Ameri- forces. Alien Operations examines advanced medical The Baby Boom Years: 1957 can movies they love. The hallucinatory result is a cinematic procedures practiced in the ancient world, as evidenced by This fun DVD time capsule captures all of the sights and fever dream, an unsettling journey deep into the imaginations wall carvings and skeletal remains. Did these skills come sounds of 1957, including noteworthy news footage, fashion, of mass murderers and the shockingly banal regime of from an otherworldly source? Archaeologists ponder the fads, comedy, dance and musical performances, commercials, corruption and impunity they inhabit. The Act Of Killing is an healing power of ancient objects like sacred bones in sports, science and lifestyle commentary, interwoven into a unprecedented film that, according to The , Mysterious Relics and luminous, skull-shaped crystals in The charming, nostalgia-inducing collage, guaranteed to evoke „could well change how you view the documentary form.“ Crystal Skulls. Do these controversial artifacts hold the familiar, perhaps forgotten memories of simpler times. Perfect New Video DVD, Crime, Documentary, secrets to the universe? And were giant-winged deities for birthdays, anniversaries, reunions, retirement parties, and known as Anunnaki responsible for ancient Sumerian leaps in retro slumber parties. Foreign, History & Events, Indonesian, advancement? Find out in The Anunnaki Connection. This Special Interest 122min. provocative collection also includes The Satan Conspiracy, Documentary, History & Events, Special New Video DVD 07.01.2014 The Power of Three and The Magic of the Gods. Interest min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120635 Aliens, Blu-ray, Documentary, History & E1 Entertainment 28.01.2014 Events, History Channel, Special Interest, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120403 The Act Of Killing (DVD + Digital Television 352min. A&E 04.03.2014 Copy) The Baby Boom Years: 1958 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121177 This fun DVD time capsule captures all of the sights and This chilling and inventive documentary, executive-produced sounds of 1958, including noteworthy news footage, fashion, by Errol Morris (The Fog of War) and Werner Herzog fads, comedy, dance and musical performances, commercials, (Grizzly Man), examines a country where death squad Tracy Anderson: Dance + Cardio sports, science and lifestyle commentary, interwoven into a leaders are celebrated as heroes, and are challenged to Tracy Anderson charming, nostalgia-inducing collage, guaranteed to evoke reenact their real-life mass killings in the style of the Ameri- familiar, perhaps forgotten memories of simpler times. Perfect can movies they love. The hallucinatory result is a cinematic This fun and engaging cardio program by Tracy Anderson is a dance aerobics workout. This is a beginner dance workout, for birthdays, anniversaries, reunions, retirement parties, and fever dream, an unsettling journey deep into the imaginations retro slumber parties. of mass murderers and the shockingly banal regime of designed for any skill level and working every muscle in your corruption and impunity they inhabit. The Act Of Killing is an body. Keeping you on your toes as you anticipate the next Documentary, History & Events, Special unprecedented film that, according to The Los Angeles Times, movement, the freestyle dancing and moves are as fun as they Interest 2007 min. „could well change how you view the documentary form.“ are a healthy form of exercise. E1 Entertainment 25.02.2014 Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special Crime, Documentary, Foreign, History & 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120776 Events, Indonesian, Special Interest Interest min. 122min. Starz / Anchor Bay 20.01.2013 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119898 The Baby Boom Years: 1964 New Video DVD 07.01.2014 This fun DVD time capsule captures all of the sights and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120648 sounds of 1964, including noteworthy news footage, fashion, Tracy Anderson: Perfect Design fads, comedy, dance and musical performances, commercials, sports, science and lifestyle commentary, interwoven into a African American Leaders: Past & Series - Sequence 1 - 3 charming, nostalgia-inducing collage, guaranteed to evoke Present Tracy Anderson familiar, perhaps forgotten memories of simpler times. Perfect In order to share her techniques, Tracy Anderson has for birthdays, anniversaries, reunions, retirement parties, and This special 5-film DVD collection presents stories of five retro slumber parties. influential African-American leaders in history, from Frederick released the Perfect Design Series. This 3-Level set allows Douglass to Martin Luther King, Jr. to . people of all backgrounds to achieve their own perfection. In Documentary, History & Events, Special the Perfect Design Series, Tracy Anderson leads 148 minutes Interest min. Americana, Black Heritage, Documentary, of innovative sequencing for beginners, intermediate and History & Events, Presidents, Special advanced level performers, including Warm Up, Abs Workout, E1 Entertainment 28.01.2014 Interest 225min. Arms, Legs, Butt and Thighs. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120404 A&E 28.01.2014 Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120694 Interest 148min. The Baby Boom Years: 1965 Starz / Anchor Bay 03.12.2013 This fun DVD time capsule captures all of the sights and 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119899 sounds of 1965, including noteworthy news footage, fashion, Akintunde: The Whole Truth fads, comedy, dance and musical performances, commercials, Hilarious, bold, fresh and groundbreaking are just a few of sports, science and lifestyle commentary, interwoven into a the words used to describe comedian Akintunde and his Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire charming, nostalgia-inducing collage, guaranteed to evoke

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 68 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA familiar, perhaps forgotten memories of simpler times. Perfect 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121068 Kino Video 28.01.2014 for birthdays, anniversaries, reunions, retirement parties, and retro slumber parties. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120518 Documentary, History & Events, Special Breaking Amish: Season One Interest min. Breaking Amish follows the lives of four Amish and one Come Back, Africa: The Films Of Mennonite as they pursue their dreams and leave their E1 Entertainment 25.02.2014 communities to experience the outside world in New York Lionel Rogosin - Volume Two 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120777 City. Experiencing many firsts, they’ll have to make the Black Heritage, Documentary, Drama, ultimate decision in the end... to come back home or leave for good. Special Interest 1959 95min. Better Things: The Life And Reality, Television 2012 528min. Laboratories 04.02.2014 Choices Of Jeffrey Catherine Gaiam Americas 04.03.2014 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120840 Jones 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121019 Julian Jones Come Back, Africa: The Films Of Documentary, Special Interest 2013 82min. A Brief History Of Time: The Lionel Rogosin - Volume Two Kino Video 25.02.2014 Criterion Collection (Blu-ray + (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120878 DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Black Heritage, Blu-ray, Documentary, Dra- Stephen Hawking - Dir. Errol Morris ma, Special Interest 1959 95min. Bible Secrets Revealed Errol Morris (The Fog of War) turns his camera on one of the Oscilloscope Laboratories 04.02.2014 For thousands of years, The Holy Bible has been the most fascinating men in the world: the pioneering 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120844 foundation on which Judaism and Christianity are built. But is astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, afflicted by a debilitating it history - or myth? Who wrote it? How old is it? It’s been motor neuron disease that has left him without a voice or the copied, translated, edited and censored - but how accurate is use of his limbs. An adroitly crafted tale of personal adversity, Comedy Bang! Bang!: The it to its original intention? Bible Secrets Revealed explores professional triumph, and cosmological inquiry, Morris’s the mysteries and reveals the hidden facts about the most read documentary examines the way the collapse of Hawking’s Complete First Season book in human history, featuring stunning on-location body has been accompanied by the untrammeled broadening of , Aziz Ansari, Andy Samberg, photography, compelling reenactments and insightful his imagination. Telling the man’s incredible story through the interviews with scholars, archaeologists and religious voices of his colleagues and loved ones, while making Scott Aukerman, Elizabeth Banks, Amy leaders. dynamically accessible some of the theories in Hawking’s Poehler Documentary, History & Events, History best-selling book of the same name, A Brief History of Time is Scott Aukerman’s Comedy Bang Bang is a high-spirited at once as small as a single life and as big as the ever- weekly get-together between host Scott Aukerman and his Channel, Religion/Spirituality, Special expanding universe. funny friends! A heady mixture of characters, games, and Interest, Television 270min. Criterion Collection, Documentary, Illness & interviews with famous celebrities like Zach Galifianakis, A&E 04.03.2014 Disease, Science, Special Interest 1991 „Weird Al“ Yankovic, Sarah Silverman and Andy Richter. Comedy, Sketch Comedy, Television, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121161 84min. Variety / Game Shows 2012 min. Criterion 18.03.2014 Starz / Anchor Bay 21.01.2014 Birth Of The Living Dead 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121108 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120171 George A. Romero In 1968 a young college drop-out named George A. Romero El Camino De Santiago directed , a low budget horror film The Contradictions Of Fair Hope that shocked the world, became an icon of the counterculture, Filmed on location, El Camino de Santiago explores the and spawned a zombie industry worth billions of dollars that spiritual significance of the legend of St. James and follows Whoopi Goldberg continues to this day. Birth of the Living Dead shows how the pilgrimage route to the Cathedral of Santiago de This award-winning film, narrated by Whoopi Goldberg, Romero gathered an unlikely team of Pittsburghers - Compostela. This unique film investigates the legend and examines a little known aspect of American history, when policemen, iron workers, teachers, ad-men, housewives and a legacy of St James the Apostle, whose remains are said to be newly freed slaves throughout the South formed „benevolent roller-rink owner - to shoot a revolutionary guerrilla style film buried there. During the pilgrimage in southern France and societies“ to respond to abject hunger, illness and the fear of that went on to become a cinematic landmark, offering a northern Spain, it looks at the magnificent artistic heritage a pauper’s grave. The Fair Hope Benevolent Society in profound insight into how our society worked in a singular that resulted from the saint’s dominance in the Middle Ages. Uniontown, Alabama, provides an unprecedented look at the time in American history. Art & Architecture, Documentary, History & complex and morally ambiguous juxtaposition of the Society with the worldly pleasures of what has become known as the Documentary, Film About Film, Horror, Events, Special Interest min. annual „Foot Wash“ celebration. Special Interest 2013 76min. Kultur 28.01.2014 Documentary, History & Events, Special First Run Features 07.01.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120732 Interest 2012 67min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120834 E1 Entertainment 14.01.2014 George Carlin: Life Is Worth 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120247 Blackfish Losing (Blu-ray) Animals & Nature, Documentary, High Seas, George Carlin Counting Cars: Season Two - Special Interest 2013 83min. George Carlin returns to the stage in Life is Worth Losing, Volume Two Magnolia Home Entertainment 12.11.2013 his 13th live comedy stand-up special, performed at the Beacon Theatre in New York City for HBO ®. Carlin’s spot- Danny Koker 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120137 on observations on the deterioration of human behavior In Sin City you gotta know when to hold ‘em, but when you’re include Americans’ obsession with their two favorite Counting Cars, you gotta know when to flip ‘em. In Season 2 Blackfish (Blu-ray) addictions - shopping and eating; his creative idea for The of this smash hit on History, Danny „The Count“ Koker and his All-Suicide Channel, a new reality TV network; and the Las Vegas-based crew continue to find, restore, customize Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Documentary, glorious rebirth of the planet to its original pristine condition - and sell vintage and classic cars and bikes - turning funky High Seas, Special Interest 2013 83min. once the fires and floods destroy life as we know it. Life is into fabulous. Join Danny and the crew as they work around Worth Losing includes: A Modern Man Three Little Words the clock to restore Bob Marley’s last car for son Ziggy Magnolia Home Entertainment 12.11.2013 The Suicide Guy Extreme Human Behavior The All-Suicide Marley in time for a record release event, and as they 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120147 Channel Dumb Americans Pyramid of the Hopeless Autoerotic customize a 1967 Ford for musician Rob Zombie for his Asphyxia Posthumous Female Transplants Yeast Infection summer tour just a week away. From a psychedelic motorcycle Excess: Fires and Floods Coast-to-Coast Emergency to a dream chopper dedicated to a customer’s mother to a Blood Brother Comedy, HBO, Special Interest, Stand-Up, retired couple’s restored truck, the Kustoms team fulfills Rocky Braat, a young man from a fractured family and a clients’ dreams and sometimes even moves them to tears. troubled past, went traveling through India without a plan. Television 2005 75min. Danny discovers a collection of the most rare Cadillacs he’s Then he met a group of HIV positive children living in an MPI 26.11.2013 ever seen and also visits the world’s most exclusive car orphanage - a meeting that changed everything for him. Rocky 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120073 collection for a client. See why, once you’ve found this series, left his life, his friends, and career in Pittsburgh, you won’t flip it. Pennsylvania to live with the kids. Steve Hoover, his best Car Modification, Cars & Motorcycles, friend and filmmaker, was unsettled and intrigued by this The Coexist Comedy Tour drastic action. In an effort to find out what compelled Rocky to History Channel, Reality, Television 286min. give up every source of stability in his life, Hoover decided to Keith Lowell Jensen A&E 21.01.2014 trace Rocky’s story, following him to India. He witnessed When a Jew, a Christian, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist, and 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120639 Rocky and the kids endure disease, abject poverty, and death. an atheist walk onto a stage... what in God’s name could But, strangest of all, in the midst of these troubles, he also possibly go wrong? You’ll discover the uproarious truth on saw their deep joy. And he came to understand why Rocky The Coexist Comedy Tour. A hilarious concert movie as well Cutie And The Boxer had given up everything he had to experience it. Blood Brot- as a behind-the-scenes documentary, The Coexist Comedy Tour is one religious service you won’t want to miss. As a young Neo-Dadaist artist in Tokyo, Ushio yearned for her is a story of friendship It’s a story of life, stripped down international recognition, so in 1969 he set sail for New York to its essence. Most of all, it is a story about love, enduring in Featuring: John Fugelsang (VH1, America’s Funniest Home Videos), Moshe Kasher, Sammy Obeid, Tapan Trivedi, Tissa City. Nineteen-year-old Noriko came to New York to study the face of death. art, where she met and fell in love with Ushio, 21 years her AIDS, Documentary, Illness & Disease, Hami and Keith Lowell Jensen. Comedy, Documentary, Special Interest, senior. Putting her own artistic ambitions on hold, Noriko Special Interest 2013 92min. dedicated herself to supporting her husband’s career. Over Stand-Up 2012 90min. Docurama 04.02.2014 the course of their marriage, the roles of assistant and artist

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 69 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA have slowly begun to transform. Now 80, Ushio, widely Duck Dynasty: Season Four 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120122 known for his boxing painting, is obsessed with establishing his artistic legacy, while Noriko is at last finding her voice as Hold on to your hunting hats! The Robertsons are back in an artist with a series of drawings entitled „Cutie and Bullie,“ Season 4 of Duck Dynasty and they’ve have never had so Element: Barre Conditioning depicting her own chaotic relationship with Ushio. much Southern charm. This season, it’s a family affair as everyone comes together to throw a surprise wedding party Grace meets athleticism in these two innovative workouts. Art & Architecture, Documentary, Special for Phil and Kay. And when the guys and their wives realize Shot in a picturesque garden overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Interest 2013 82min. Martin is forgoing poker for a date, they all take turns the standing Burn & Firm program is designed to elevate your Starz / Anchor Bay 04.02.2014 coaching him for romance. Meanwhile, Phil tries to teach his heart rate as is tones your upper body, lifts your seat, shapes granddaughters how to fish, but the girls outsmart him and your legs and strengthens your core. It starts with isometric 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121166 have him doing all the work. Later, he and Kay teach Sadie conditioning using small controlled movements and then layers and John Luke how to make May Haw jelly. And, as always, on larger low impact moves designed to build heat with a Cutie And The Boxer (Blu-ray) the guys’ antics continue as they attempt to make duck jerky, vigorous flow. This combination will help increase your and as a series of „gentlemen’s bets“ leads them to the energy level and sculpt the slim, well-proportioned physique As a young Neo-Dadaist artist in Tokyo, Ushio yearned for ultimate challenge of helping Phil get a wheelbarrow down (or silhouette) of a dancer. The Lengthen & Strengthen pro- international recognition, so in 1969 he set sail for New York from a tree. gram is a dynamic combination of standing barre work and City. Nineteen-year-old Noriko came to New York to study floor work focused on tightening and toning very precisely art, where she met and fell in love with Ushio, 21 years her A&E, Reality, Television min. targeted areas to create a balanced body that is long, strong senior. Putting her own artistic ambitions on hold, Noriko A&E 07.01.2014 and lean. dedicated herself to supporting her husband’s career. Over 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120398 Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special the course of their marriage, the roles of assistant and artist have slowly begun to transform. Now 80, Ushio, widely Interest 69min. known for his boxing painting, is obsessed with establishing Duck Dynasty: Season Four (Blu- Starz / Anchor Bay 03.12.2013 his artistic legacy, while Noriko is at last finding her voice as 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119901 an artist with a series of drawings entitled „Cutie and Bullie,“ ray) depicting her own chaotic relationship with Ushio. Hold on to your hunting hats! The Robertsons are back in Art & Architecture, Blu-ray, Documentary, Season 4 of Duck Dynasty and they’ve have never had so An Encounter With Simone Weil Special Interest 2013 82min. much Southern charm. This season, it’s a family affair as An Encounter with Simone Weil tells the story of French everyone comes together to throw a surprise wedding party philosopher, activist, and mystic, Simone Weil - a woman Starz / Anchor Bay 04.02.2014 for Phil and Kay. And when the guys and their wives realize Albert Camus described as „the only great spirit of our time.“ 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121179 Martin is forgoing poker for a date, they all take turns On her quest to understand Simone Weil, filmmaker Julia coaching him for romance. Meanwhile, Phil tries to teach his Haslett confronts profound questions of moral responsibility granddaughters how to fish, but the girls outsmart him and both within her own family and the larger world. From the Dance Off The Inches: Hip Hop have him doing all the work. Later, he and Kay teach Sadie battlefields of the Spanish Civil War to anti-war protests in Cardio Party and John Luke how to make May Haw jelly. And, as always, Washington DC, from intimate exchanges between the the guys’ antics continue as they attempt to make duck jerky, filmmaker and her older brother, who struggles with mental Getting Fit Doesn’t Have To Feel Like Work. Anyone can and as a series of „gentlemen’s bets“ leads them to the illness, to captivating interviews with people who knew dance off the inches. We’ve made it easy. Ten moves are all ultimate challenge of helping Phil get a wheelbarrow down Simone Weil, the film takes us on an unforgettable journey you need to follow these routines, and we’ll show you how. from a tree. into the heart of what it means to be a compassionate human No matter what your age or fitness level, you can have a great Blu-ray, Reality, Television min. being. time while dancing your way into great shape. You’ll want to do this workout again and again because it’s FUN - and that’s A&E 07.01.2014 Biography, Biopics, Documentary, History & the secret. The more you do it, the more inches you’ll lose. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120409 Events, Special Interest 2010 85min. It’s that simple. Losing inches has never been so easy! Get Passion River 21.01.2014 ready to rev up your body’s fat burning engine and sweat out stress - hip hop style! We’ve got three hip shaking, booty Duck Dynasty: Season One (Blu- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120686 popping routines that will sizzle any jiggle and make you feel ray) like you’ve just stepped into your favorite music video. These ESPN Films: SEC Storied - The calorietorching dances will fire up your metabolism and work Ask anyone in Louisiana and they’ll tell you that the Bayou your entire body with serious style. So what are you waiting State’s favorite first family doesn’t live in the governor’s Book Of Manning mansion but in the backwoods. Meet the Robertsons, who run for? Get your groove on and dance off the inches with Hip A father-and-son story written into the pages of football Hop Cardio Party! Duck Commander, a homegrown mom-and-pop turned sporting empire selling top-of-the-line duck calls and decoys out of folklore, it can be argued that no family has had more Dancing, Fitness, Health, Instructional, salvaged swamp wood. Their rags-to-riches story unfolds influence on a sport than the Mannings. Archie - the patriarch Special Interest 69min. weekly on the hit show Duck Dynasty on A&E. There’s - a star quarterback at the University of Mississippi and then Starz / Anchor Bay 03.12.2013 business-savvy Willie, brother Jase, their respective wives with the New Orleans Saints, followed by oldest son Cooper, Korie and Missy, patriarch and Duck Commander founder whose football dreams were cut short by a spinal condition, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119900 Phil, and Uncle Si. Dressed in camouflage and bandanas, this then sons Peyton and Eli - both of them quarterbacks, All- crew shows the world how a family can work together and be SEC, number one draft picks, back-to-back Super Bowl Dante: The First Renaissance a success at the same time. Their booming business employs champions and MVPs. Narrated by actor John Goodman, The half the neighborhood, and each day brings a new set of Book of Manning features revealing interviews with Archie, Man challenges, but this clan meets them with a special brand of Olivia, Cooper, Peyton and Eli Manning along with other family members, friends, former teammates and coaches as This informative film by Malcolm Hossick uncovers the Southern know-how and humor. At the end of the day, the whole family enjoys some down-home time at matriarch Miss well as never-before-seen photos and home movie footage of background history from which Dante came and the way in Archie and his sons. Through it all, director Rory Karpf which he helped to establish a new view of the world where Kay’s dinner table, ready to do it all again the next. See for yourself why Duck Dynasty has won millions of viewers and explores how a tragedy shaped the course of not only individuals mattered more than rulers. Without the changes Archie’s life, but his family’s as well. begun in Dante’s time it is difficult to see how the democratic fans across America. system which is now spreading across human society would Blu-ray, Reality, Television 2012 330min. Documentary, ESPN, Football, NFL, Special have become so well established. Of course, democratic A&E 07.01.2014 Interest, Sports 77min. success depends entirely on the quality of the people who run ESPN (TM) 29.10.2013 it, and in Dante’s visit to the underworld we see that humanity 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120099 is as capable of behaving badly as achieving great things for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120112 society. Duck Dynasty: Season Three (Blu- Documentary, History & Events, Special A Fall From Freedom Interest 80min. ray) The Robertsons have quickly become America’s favorite Animals & Nature, Documentary, High Seas, Kultur 17.12.2013 backwoods family. This close-knit clan has made a fortune History & Events, Special Interest 2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120075 selling duck calls, turning their backyard business into a 82min. multimillion-dollar sporting empire. But for Willie Robertson, the company’s CEO, running a family operation can be tough Indican Pictures 08.10.2013 Dirty Jobs: Down Under when all your employees live one distraction at a time and find 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120139 Mike Rowe any excuse to leave the warehouse. Of course, in this Duck For six seasons he’s gotten his hands ... and feet ... and face Dynasty, these challenges and even the most ordinary affairs Far From Vietnam ... and just about every other part of his body dirty working are met with a special Robertson twist of down-home alongside heart-and-soul laborers in the U.S. Now Mike practicality, wit and humor. They may be living the rags-to- Dir. Chris Marker Rowe is taking his Dirty Jobs act abroad - or is that down? - riches American dream, but they always stay true to their Documentary, Drama, Special Interest, Viet- to Australia for new adventures in occupations that most rugged, modest, outdoor lifestyle and their deep Southern people want nothing to do with, including hunting with tribal roots. Day-to-day life in the bayou may be mundane for some, nam War, War 1967 115min. leaders on Australia’s northern coast. He also visits Ade- but for the Robertsons, every day brings a new adventure. Icarus Films 10.12.2013 laide, home to the deadly eastern brown snake. By law, the Blu-ray, Reality, Television 2013 309min. tba BestellNr.: 40121169 snakes cannot be killed in Australia, so Mike teams with a A&E 07.01.2014 local business and learns how to catch the venomous reptiles 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120100 without getting bitten. Dirty ... and dangerous! Fighting For A Generation: 20 Discovery Channel, Documentary, Special Duck Dynasty: Season Two (Blu- Years Of The UFC Interest, Television 2012 176min. A captivating 2-hour documentary on the history of the UFC in Discovery Channel 11.03.2014 ray) conjunction with the organization’s 20th anniversary. The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121023 program will be the definitive chronicle of the first two Blu-ray, Reality, Television 2012 286min. decades of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. A&E 07.01.2014 Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special

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Interest, Sports, UFC 2013 120min. Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. famous journey home from battle to reclaim his wife and kingdom in a tale filled with beasts, vengeful gods and Starz / Anchor Bay 25.02.2014 GGW Brands, LLC. 07.01.2014 enchanting seductresses. For the people of this ancient land, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120718 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120322 these myths explained and gave meaning to the world. This special set includes visits to archeological sites, stunning location footage, interviews with leading scholars, and period Fighting For A Generation: 20 Girls Gone Wild: Hotter Than My art and writings to investigate the possible real-world origins Years Of The UFC (Blu-ray) Daughter of these iconic and foundational myths. A captivating 2-hour documentary on the history of the UFC in When the husbands are away, the girls will play! While Action, Documentary, Fantasy, Greek, conjunction with the organization’s 20th anniversary. The driving around on a hot summer’s day, our cameraman ran into History & Events, History Channel, Mon- program will be the definitive chronicle of the first two a beautiful woman named Jen, 41, who was preparing for a sters, Television 430min. decades of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. pool party with her girlfriends. Back at the house, our eyes A&E 17.12.2013 Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special couldn’t believe it when we saw SIX gorgeous women! Soon these hot mamas were pairing off and sneaking away for some 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119892 Interest, Sports, UFC 2013 min. playtime. Jen and Abigail couldn’t even make it up the stairs Starz / Anchor Bay 25.02.2014 before they were stripping down. Meanwhile, Brea and Kelly 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120884 went inside to get „drinks“, but we found them fooling around Heart 411 on the kitchen table! Watch as they use ice cubes to cool Do you know what happens during a heart attack and how to down, and then some. Next, Blair and Jade take us upstairs prevent it? Does stress cause a heart attack and do you need Gasland: Part II for some hot, steamy action. Finally, all of the girls create an annual stress test? What are the risk factors for coronary In this explosive follow-up to his Oscar-nominated film Gas- quite a splash in the pool during an orgy like you’ve never heart disease? Which foods are heart friendly? Are vitamins land, filmmaker Josh Fox uses his trademark dark humor to seen! Check out just how experienced these hot moms are in and supplements necessary? What are the latest treatments take a deeper, broader look at the dangers of hydraulic in Girls Gone Wild: Hotter than My Daughter! for heart disease? Renowned specialists, Heart surgeon Dr. fracturing, or fracking, the controversial method of extracting Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Marc Gillinov and cardiologist Dr. Steven Nissen, use natural gas and oil, now occurring on a global level (in 32 GGW Brands, LLC. 04.03.2014 decades of clinical experience, along with up-to-the-minute countries worldwide). medical research, to debunk myths about cardiovascular 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121175 disease, and provide the knowledge and tools you need to live Documentary, Environmental, Special a long and heart-healthy life. Interest 125min. Girls Gone Wild: Hottest Blondes Documentary, Health, Special Interest 2013 Docurama 14.01.2014 60min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120601 Ever 2 E1 Entertainment 11.02.2014 What’s better than one blonde? Three! Join hotties Andrea, Macy, and Shannon on the Girls Gone Wild bus as they strip 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120779 Ghost Adventures: Season 5 down and show us how a three-way kiss is really done. Aaron Goodwin, Nick Groff, Zak Bagans Southern sweetheart Dala, 18, likes her country roots... and The Hellstrom Chronicle (Blu-ray) The „Ghost Adventures“ crew - Zak Bagans, Nick Groff and her breasts. Watch as she coyly plays with them for the Aaron Goodwin - is back to investigate the scariest, most camera. Next we meet gorgeous Keira, a naughty gymnast who Ian McShane, Lawrence Pressman - Dir. notorious, haunted places in the world. The trio will interview pleasures herself to a climax. Sexy Melissa is a „shy“ girl, Walon Green eyewitnesses and historians at each location, arming but doesn’t shy away from showing off her tight body and how Documentary, Drama, Special Interest 1971 themselves with the stories of the ghosts they will later she likes to be touched. Chloe, 18, proves why she has won provoke and confront during their dusk-to-dawn lockdowns. wet t-shirt contests, while Kristie, 19, displays her favorite 90min. (Note: They don’t always come out unscathed!) Then they’ll positions and how she earned her hot pink beads. Vivacious Olive Films 10.01.2012 review and analyze their findings with some the most Stephanie takes charge on the bus and doesn’t even wait to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119990 respected experts and specialists in the paranormal field. get to the back before touching herself! These blondes are Ghosts, Horror, Reality, Supernatural & hotter, crazier, and ready to prove why blondes always have more fun on Girls Gone Wild: Hottest Blondes Ever 2! Here Comes Honey Boo Boo: Paranormal, Television 2011 830min. Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Gaiam Americas 25.02.2014 GGW Brands, LLC. 07.01.2014 Season One 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120670 Here Comes Honey Boo Boo follows six-year-old pageant 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120323 super star, Alana, aka Honey Boo Boo and her family. From family outings to family shoutings, the series takes us off the Girls Gone Wild: Anytime, Girls Gone Wild: Hottest Pool pageant stage and into the outrageous family life of the Honey Boo Boo clan Anywhere Scenes Reality, Television 2012 220min. When our cameraman met gorgeous Viviana, 22, he just had to talk to her! Luckily for us, she showed us the house she’s Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Gaiam Americas 25.02.2014 watching with her cute friend Kelsey, 20. While working out in GGW Brands, LLC. 04.02.2014 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120671 the home gym, these horny girls come up with some hot, new 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120907 ways to burn calories! Next we meet hottie Kelly, 18, from Miami. She strips down in the back of our van, and doesn’t Hoarding: Buried Alive - Season even wait for us to stop driving before she starts playing with Got The Facts On Milk? Four herself! Cutie Samantha, 19, loves getting off in the shower, Got the facts on Milk? dares to question the conventional and climaxes twice in her steamy scene. Lacey, 22, is a sexy wisdom of the publicized health benefits of milk and dairy Reality, Television 2012 396min. with a devilish side who gladly entices her shy products. Addressing myth, truth and all in-between, the film Gaiam Americas 25.03.2014 friend Brie, 20, into a game of strip pool! These girls are is a humorous yet shocking exposition that provokes serious 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121034 horny, wild, and always ready to play. Check out just how thought about this everyday staple. adventurous these girls are in Girls Gone Wild: Anytime, Documentary, Food & Cooking, Special Anywhere. H.H. Holmes: America’s First Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. Interest 88min. GGW Brands, LLC. 04.03.2014 Passion River 04.02.2014 Serial Killer 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121176 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120913 Tony Jay - Dir. John Borowski This film depicts the entire life of Herman Mudgett, AKA Holmes, and his castle of horrors. Also known as the torture Girls Gone Wild: Bedrooms Of Greedy Lying Bastards doctor, Holmes designed his own building, complete with Climate change is no longer a prediction for the future, but a torture chambers, where he rented rooms to unsuspecting 90210 startling reality of today. Greedy Lying Bastards details the victims visiting the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago. This Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. people and organizations casting doubt on climate science incredible documentary focuses on Dr. Holmes’ entire life of and claims that greenhouse gases are not affected by human crime and villainy (1861-1896). Threaded with on-location GGW Brands, LLC. 04.02.2014 behavior. From the Koch Brothers to ExxonMobil, oil industry footage fr02182014hire and the Philadelphia courtroom where 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120908 front groups to prominent politicians, this provocative exposé his trial was held. It’s a visual tour-de-force of reenactments, unravels the layers of deceit threatening democracy and the expert interviews, and period photography. ability of future generations to survive on planet earth. Crime, Documentary, History & Events, Girls Gone Wild: Girls On Girls 4 Documentary, Special Interest 2012 106min. The action starts off right away with Randa, 18, and her Serial Killers, Special Interest 2004 64min. friend Nicole, 19, when they board the Girls Gone Wild bus. E1 Entertainment 14.01.2014 Virgil Films And Entertainment 18.02.2014 These girls can’t even wait to get to the back of the bus 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120249 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121006 before they start ripping each other’s clothes off! Sexy cheerleaders Hannah, 18, and Heather, 20, claim to be good girls, but can’t wait to strip down for our cameras and put on a Greek Gods, Heroes And Mon- How To Make Money Selling teasing show. Nina and Sabrina have never hooked up with sters each other before-but can’t wait to get their hands, and Drugs mouths, on each other. Brittany, 18, proves to be as wild as In this exceptional 3-disc collection, History explores the Rick Ross, 50 Cent, Eminem, Woody her leopard print bra when she strips down and straddles her stories behind the classic myths of ancient Greece. Meet hot friend Megan. Stunning Tiffany and her BFF Katie confess Zeus, the king of the gods, like you’ve never seen him before Harrelson, Susan Sarandon they’ve always wanted to hook up, and prove it with one of the in an epic battle with the Titans. Join Hercules’ quest for This fascinating documentary offers an in-depth look at the longest and steamiest scenes we’ve ever seen! The girl-on- redemption as he embarks on his 12 Labors, and dive deep high-stakes world of drug dealing and drug enforcement, girl action only gets hotter and more intense on Girls Gone into Hades’ underworld to explore the ancient Greek belief in featuring interviews with top-ranking government officials and Wild: Girls On Girls 4! life after death. Learn the true story behind the snake-haired such celebrities as Woody Harrelson, Susan Sarandon, The gorgon, Medusa, and follow Odysseus’ adventures on his Wire creator David Simon and rappers Eminem, 50 Cent and

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Rick Ross. Biography Joanna Lumley’s Greek Odyssey Crime, Documentary, Drugs & Dealers, This fascinating documentary is an exploration of seminal Joanna Lumley Special Interest 2012 96min. writer James Joyce’s native city, discovering the influences Joanna Lumley (Absolutely Fabulous) fell in love with Greece New Video DVD 14.01.2014 and settings for his life and work. It presents an interweaving at age 20, when she mistakenly went to the tiny island of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120618 picture, focusing on Joyce’s family and their situation and his Poros instead of the much larger island of Paros. (She had a social and religious environment. It contrasts the physical city marvelous time.) Now a seasoned, passionate traveler and that he knew with the city of his writings, through the eyes of veteran television host (Joanna Lumley’s Nile), she embarks The Human Scale Ulysses, characters Leopold Bloom and his women, from on a journey through this vast and storied land that goes far Molly Bloom to Anna Livia Plurabella. Interviewees include Based on the work of famed architect and urban planner Jan beyond its white churches and blue seas. Greece has given Robert Nicholson (curator of the James Joyce Museum), us democracy, drama, science, philosophy, medicine, and the Gehl and his visionary work transforming urban environments David Norris (Trinity College lecturer and chairman of the from traffic-congested streets and cold urban landscapes into Muses. Generations of invading empires have shaped its James Joyce Cultural Centre) and Ken Monaghan (Joyce’s traditions and cultures. Lumley visits the Parthenon, Delphi, havens for people and real human interaction. Gehl has been nephew). leading a revolution in urban planning that has been the Gates of Hades, Mount Olympus, and the birthplace of the transforming cities worldwide. From the expanded pedestrian Documentary, Special Interest min. Olympic Games. Veering off the tourist trail, she explores a spaces in New York’s Times Square, to Copenhagen’s famed Kultur 28.01.2014 former leper colony, meets remote villagers who speak in bike lanes, to the rebuilding of earthquake devastated 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120733 whistles, leaps over a bonfire, and convinces soprano Nana Christchurch New Zealand, Gehl’s team bring real solutions Mouskouri to sing for her. In this „charming travelogue“ that promise a more humanistic dimension to cities where (Daily Mail, U.K.), Lumley shows us a Greece now caught people are not displaced by congested streets, skyscrapers, Kiss The Water between its past glories and present challenges. and the car-centric urbanism of the 1960s and ’70s. Andreas In a cottage in northern Scotland, Megan Boyd twirled bits of Documentary, Greek, Special Interest 2011 Dalsgaard’s stunningly photographed film travels around the feather, fur, silver and gold into elaborate fishing flies — at 183min. world to explore how Gehl’s vision of a human megacity- once miniature works of art and absolutely lethal. Wherever Image Ent. 14.01.2014 intimate, lively, safe, sustainable and healthy-is being men and women cast their lines for the mighty Atlantic salmon, implemented in cities around the world. her name is whispered in mythic reverence, and stories about 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120424 Documentary, Special Interest 2012 77min. her surface and swirl like fairy tales. With breathtaking Oscilloscope Laboratories 11.02.2014 cinematography and expressive, hand painted animation, Kiss Mile... Mile & A Half The Water adheres to and escapes from traditional 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120649 documentary form, spinning the facts and fictions of one In an epic snow year, a group of artists leave their daily lives woman life into a stunning film about craft, devotion, love, and behind to hike & record California’s historic John Muir Trail, Ici Et Ailleurs its illusions. a 219 miles stretch from Yosemite to Mt. Whitney. Their goal - Documentary, Special Interest min. complete the journey in 25 days while capturing the amazing Documentary, Special Interest 1976 min. sights and sounds they encounter along the way. Inspired by Virgil Films And Entertainment 07.01.2014 Olive Films 26.06.2012 their bond, humor, artistry and dedication, the group continues 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120202 to grow: to include other artists, musicians & adventure 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119985 seekers. Before they all reach the summit, hikers and viewers alike affirm the old adage - it’s about the journey, not the Last Stand Of The 300 And Other destination. Mile... Mile & A Half is the feature-length Important Moments In WWII documentary of that journey. Documentary, Military, Special Interest, Famous Greek Battles (Blu-ray) Documentary, Special Interest 88min. This comprehensive 3-DVD collection from HISTORY® War, World War II min. presents some of the finest battles in Greek history - and, Passion River 03.12.2013 Topics Entertainment 01.01.2014 according to many, in all of military history. „The Last Stand of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120032 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120749 the 300“ and „Decisive Battles: Thermopylae“ recount the famous challenge of 300 Spartan warriors to a mighty, million- man-strong Persian Army, held off for seven bloody days until The Miracle Of The Bells Inequality For All every Spartan was slain. It’s a battle still taught in military 1948 min. academies today. „Decisive Battles: Marathon“ and „Judgment Robert Reich - Dir. Jacob Kornbluth Day at Marathon“ explore one of history’s first recorded Olive Films 14.05.2013 A passionate argument on behalf of the middle class, battles, in which a small Athenian army emerged victorious 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120165 Inequality For All features Robert Reich - professor, best- over the Persians despite being vastly outnumbered. „Troy: selling author, and Clinton cabinet member - as he The Passion of Helen“ is an innovative retelling of the story demonstrates how the widening income gap has a devastating of the Trojan War from the perspective of the beautiful woman Mr. Angel impact on the American economy. The film is an intimate said to be at the heart of it. And „Alexander: Lord of War“ portrait of a man whose lifelong goal remains protecting those Sasha Grey follows the great general’s final campaign into India, an Shot over six years, Mr. Angel chronicles the extraordinary who are unable to protect themselves. Through his singular episode that proves that deception is the most powerful perspective, Reich explains how the massive consolidation of life of transgender advocate, educator and porn pioneer Buck weapon in battle. This select presentation is sure to delight Angel. Buck has survived addiction, homelessness, suicide wealth by a precious few threatens the viability of the Ameri- both military and history buffs alike. can workforce and the foundation of democracy itself. In this and relentless opposition to his gender expression. Still, he Inconvenient Truth for the economy, Reich uses humor and a Ancient Greece / Rome, History & Events, lives his truth without compromise or apology. This feature- wide array of facts to explain how the issue of economic History Channel, Television 269min. length documentary explores Buck’s moving story to under- inequality affects each and every one of us. stand the complexities of someone who has overcome A&E 25.02.2014 incredible obstacles, then shamelessly sought the spotlight Documentary, Special Interest 2013 90min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120957 and its backlash to share his message of empowerment. An Starz / Anchor Bay 07.01.2014 inspirational story of rare perseverance and an unlikely hero. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120597 Love, Marilyn Documentary, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Special Interest 68min. Elizabeth Banks, , F. Murray Breaking Glass Pictures 03.12.2013 Inequality For All (Blu-ray) Abraham - Dir. Liz Garbus Robert Reich - Dir. Jacob Kornbluth Dramatic readings of Marilyn Monroe’s recently discovered 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120129 A passionate argument on behalf of the middle class, personal papers highlight this revealing profile of the iconic Inequality For All features Robert Reich - professor, best- artist and sex symbol. Featuring , Paul Giamatti, Mystery Of The Sacred Shroud selling author, and Clinton cabinet member - as he Marisa Tomei, Evan Rachel Wood, Elizabeth Banks, Uma demonstrates how the widening income gap has a devastating Thurman, Jeremy Piven, Viola Davis, Adrien Brody, Lindsay This fascinating documentary explores the mysteries behind impact on the American economy. The film is an intimate Lohan and more. the Shroud of Turin, which is believed by millions of Christi- portrait of a man whose lifelong goal remains protecting those Documentary, Special Interest 2012 min. ans to be the burial cloth of Jesus. The program features many who are unable to protect themselves. Through his singular interviews with scientists, scholars, religious leaders and perspective, Reich explains how the massive consolidation of Docurama 31.12.2013 theologians that have examined and tested the Shroud. wealth by a precious few threatens the viability of the Ameri- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119931 Documentary, Religion/Spirituality, Special can workforce and the foundation of democracy itself. In this Interest 1977 85min. Inconvenient Truth for the economy, Reich uses humor and a wide array of facts to explain how the issue of economic Linda Lovelace: Loose Lips - Her Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 inequality affects each and every one of us. Last Interview 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121024 Documentary, Special Interest 2013 90min. Marilyn Chambers Starz / Anchor Bay 07.01.2014 Before Linda Lovelace’s (Deep Throat) untimely death in Narco Cultura 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120612 2002, the sex superstar sat for a no-holds barred interview To a growing number of Mexicans and Latinos in the with pop-culture historian Legs McNeil. Fortunately McNeil Americas, narco-traffickers have become iconic outlaws, hired a film crew to record the historic event as Linda glorified by musicians who praise their new models of fame Le Joli Mai (The Lovely Month Of recounted the making of Deep Throat, the most successful X- and success. To this new constituency, they represent a May) rated film in history. Includes additional comments by Marilyn pathway out of the ghetto, nurturing a new American dream Chambers, Chuck Traynor, FBI Agent Bill Kelly, Harry fueled by an addiction to money, drugs and violence. Narco Art & Architecture, Documentary, Special Reems, Jane Hamilton and Eric Edwards. Cultura is an explosive look at the drug cartels’ pop culture Interest 1963 165min. Documentary, Erotica, Special Interest 2011 influence on both sides of the border as seen through the eyes of an LA narcocorrido singer reaming of stardom and a Juarez Icarus Films 26.11.2013 60min. crime scene investigator on the front line of Mexico’s drug tba BestellNr.: 40121168 Music Video Distribution 17.12.2013 war. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120184 Documentary, Drugs & Dealers, Special James Joyce’s Dublin: A Literary Interest min.

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Docurama 25.02.2014 cast & crew brought their worst nightmares to life on the Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 screen; and, finally, understanding the impact the series and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121067 its mythos have had on modern pop culture and the horror 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121051 genre. This fast-paced, exciting „shockumentary“ narrated Narco Cultura (Blu-ray) and starring Heather Langenkamp ( Nicky’s Family To a growing number of Mexicans and Latinos in the Documentary, Film About Film, Horror, Ordinary British stockbroker Nicholas Winton organized the Americas, narco-traffickers have become iconic outlaws, Nightmare On Elm St. Series, rescue of 669 children from Prague just before the outbreak of glorified by musicians who praise their new models of fame Shockumentary, Special Interest 2010 World War II. As a result of his heroic efforts, today there are and success. To this new constituency, they represent a over 6,000 descendants of „Winton’s Children“ all over the pathway out of the ghetto, nurturing a new American dream 240min. world. Winton, now 104 years old, did not speak about these fueled by an addiction to money, drugs and violence. Narco Image Ent. 21.01.2014 events with anyone for more than half a century. His exploits Cultura is an explosive look at the drug cartels’ pop culture 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120416 would have probably been forgotten if his wife, fifty years influence on both sides of the border as seen through the eyes later, hadn’t found a suitcase in the attic, full of documents of an LA narcocorrido singer reaming of stardom and a Juarez and transport plans. The children that he saved, their crime scene investigator on the front line of Mexico’s drug Never Sleep Again: The Elm descendants and countless others around the world continue war. to follow his example to do good, as chronicled in the Docurama, Documentary, Drugs & Dealers, Street Legacy (Blu-ray) awardwinning film Nicky’s Family. Modern cinema’s eternal bogeyman finally gets his due in the Documentary, Special Interest 96min. Special Interest min. ultimate tribute to the landmark horror franchise! Murderer. Docurama 25.02.2014 Dream Demon. The bastard son of a hundred maniacs. Any Passion River 03.12.2013 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121096 way you slice it, there can be only one man, one monster who 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119891 epitomizes those words: Freddy Kruger. For decades he has slashed his way through the dreams of countless youngsters, National Geographic: American scaring up over a half a billion box office dollars across eight Off The Hook: Extreme Catches terrifying, spectacular films. What’s more, it has become Animals & Nature, Fishing, High Seas, Tele- Blackout evident that Freddy may never rest in peace. In this thrilling What if the Preppers were right all along? Hacking retrospective, fans will find everything they’ve ever dreamed vision 2012 220min. into urban infrastructures isn’t science fiction anymore - it’s of as they enter the world of A Nightmare On Elm Street like Gaiam Americas 04.02.2014 in the news every day. A 90 minute docu-drama, American never before; exploring what spurred mastermind 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120552 Blackout reveals in gritty detail the impact of what happens to craft the first groundbreaking film; delving deep behind the when a cyber attack on the takes down the scenes of the original and all of its sequels; learning how the power grid. The question is: when the lights go out, what do cast & crew brought their worst nightmares to life on the An Ordinary Hero we do next? screen; and, finally, understanding the impact the series and Experience the incredible true story of Joan Trumpauer Documentary, National Geographic, its mythos have had on modern pop culture and the horror Mulholland’s courage to help change the world. Growing up in Science Fiction, Special Interest, Television genre. This fast-paced, exciting „shockumentary“ narrated the South, Joan witnessed the ugly realities of segregation and starring Heather Langenkamp ( and racism and vowed to do something about it. An Ordinary 2013 90min. Documentary, Film About Film, Horror, Hero is an empowering tribute to the human spirit that is sure National Geographic 04.02.2014 Nightmare On Elm St. Series, to inspire people of all ages to do what is right even when it 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120553 Shockumentary, Special Interest 2010 isn’t easy. Documentary, Special Interest 2013 91min. 240min. E1 Entertainment 07.01.2014 National Geographic: Killer Quest Image Ent. 21.01.2014 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120232 National Geographic joins veteran wildlife cameraman 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120431 Andrew Manske and hard-nosed outdoorsman Brian Bildson as they venture into some of North America’s most remote and Our Nixon inhospitable regions in an attempt to capture unprecedented The New Public Throughout Richard Nixon’s presidency, three of his top and extraordinarily rare footage of wolves, bison, and In fall 2006, former DJ, point guard and teacher turned first- wolverines. Leading their team to the vast grasslands of White House aides documented their experiences with Super time principal, James O’Brien, opened a small public high 8 home movie cameras. Young, idealistic and dedicated, they Canada’s Northwest Territories and to a secluded „Wolf school in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, where 1/3 of Island“ off the coast of British Columbia, they encounter had no idea that a few years later they’d all be at the center of residents live below the poverty line and the graduation rate a history-making impeachment scandal. This unique and floods, forest fires, hurricanes, and extreme temperatures, is 40%. With infectious optimism, O’Brien and his team of and they battle hunger and fatigue along the way. personal visual record, created by H.R. Haldeman, John eight undertook a an unconventional approach and ambition Ehrlichman and Dwight Chapin, was seized by the FBI during Animals & Nature, Documentary, National mission: Create a school with an arts-oriented curriculum that the Watergate investigation, then filed away and forgotten for Geographic, Special Interest, Television also emphasizes self-development, community collaboration almost 40 years. Our Nixon is an all-archival documentary 2014 min. and social change. Initially, the buzz from everyone was that presenting those home movies for the first time, along with this was a dream come true. But conflicts arose when other rare footage, creating an intimate and complex portrait of National Geographic 25.03.2014 untested idealism was challenged by long-standing realities the Nixon presidency as never seen before. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121032 far bigger than school. Over four years, this heartfelt verité film follows the journey of students, parents and educators Americana, Documentary, History & Events, striving to make a difference in the futures of young people Politics, Presidents, Special Interest 84min. National Geographic: Lost Faces whose lives are stark representations of our country’s Docurama 14.01.2014 education and opportunity gaps. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120600 Of The Bible Documentary, Special Interest, Teachers, Through myth-busting archaeology, dramatic recreations, and Troubled Youth 87min. cutting-edge forensic investigation, National Geographic The Oyler House: Richard attempts to accurately reconstruct the faces of some of the Virgil Films And Entertainment 14.01.2014 most legendary characters of the Bible.With unprecedented 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120490 Neutra’s Desert Retreat access to four ancient skulls from the Holy Land, Lost Faces In 1959, a government employee named Richard Oyler, living of the Bible seeks to rebuild not only a face, but the life and in the tiny desert town of Lone Pine, California, asked world- times of a bygone era. Travelling across the globe, NFL Super Bowl XLVIII Champi- famous modern architect Richard Neutra to design his modest archaeologists and scholars separate fact from myth, while a ons family home. To Oyler’s surprise, Neutra agreed. Thus began team of forensic anthropologists and artists put flesh on bone, an unlikely friendship that led to the design and construction using both traditional and state-of-the-art methods of facial NFL Films takes you down the sidelines, on the field and into of an iconic mid-century modern masterpiece. Considered the reconstruction. the locker room with exclusive access to all the vivid sounds „father of California Modern Architecture,“ Time Magazine put Documentary, National Geographic, Religi- and images of every game in the memorable 2013 - 2014 Richard Neutra on their cover in 1949, ranking him second on/Spirituality, Special Interest, Television season of the Championship team - coupled with exciting only to Frank Lloyd Wright among America’s greatest extra content detailing stores from the year, media day at architects. The Oyler House: Richard Neutra’s Desert 2013 180min. Super Bowl XLVIII, and the thrilling Lombardi Trophy Retreat explores how Neutra came to befriend this modest, National Geographic 25.03.2014 Presentation. small-town family, and how he was inspired by the site’s 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121033 Football, NFL, Special Interest, Sports 2014 stunning desert setting, which Neutra compared to the min. grandness of the mystical Gobi Desert. Now owned by the Vivendi Visual Entertainment 04.03.2014 actress Kelly Lynch and her writer-producer husband Mitch Never Sleep Again: The Elm Glazer, the post & beam-style home and its exotic 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121013 surroundings shine through beautiful cinematography, and the Street Legacy story comes to life through interviews with Richard Oyler, Modern cinema’s eternal bogeyman finally gets his due in the Kelly Lynch, Neutra’s sons, and well-known Los Angeles real ultimate tribute to the landmark horror franchise! Murderer. NFL Super Bowl XLVIII Champi- estate agent Crosb Dream Demon. The bastard son of a hundred maniacs. Any ons (Blu-ray) Documentary, Special Interest 2012 min. way you slice it, there can be only one man, one monster who epitomizes those words: Freddy Kruger. For decades he has NFL Films takes you down the sidelines, on the field and into First Run Features 25.02.2014 slashed his way through the dreams of countless youngsters, the locker room with exclusive access to all the vivid sounds 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121005 scaring up over a half a billion box office dollars across eight and images of every game in the memorable 2013 - 2014 terrifying, spectacular films. What’s more, it has become season of the Championship team - coupled with exciting evident that Freddy may never rest in peace. In this thrilling extra content detailing stores from the year, media day at Pendragon: Peter Allwood - Na- retrospective, fans will find everything they’ve ever dreamed Super Bowl XLVIII, and the thrilling Lombardi Trophy tional Youth Music of as they enter the world of A Nightmare On Elm Street like Presentation. never before; exploring what spurred mastermind Wes Craven Football, NFL, Special Interest, Sports 2014 Go behind-the-scenes with your favorite Arthurian characters to craft the first groundbreaking film; delving deep behind the min. King Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin, Morgan Le Fay and the scenes of the original and all of its sequels; learning how the Knights of the Round Table - they’re all here in the National

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Youth Music Theatre’s thrilling production. Discover what not well- documented. Pride and Perseverance: The Story of issued a proclamation outlining the World’s biggest went into the making of Pendragon the spectacular theatrical the Negro Leagues sheds light on this period and shows how Shakespearean festival: 36 countries, 36 Shakespearean smash hit of Peter Allwood. it laid the groundwork for today’s African-American players in Plays, 36 languages. Rawiri Paratene answered the call and Documentary, Performing Arts, Special Major League Baseball. Produced by Major League Baseball was duly given Shakespeare’s little known Troilus & Productions and narrated by Dave Winfield, the show Cressida. To raise the stakes, Rawiri and his theatre Interest min. highlights rarely seen footage from the 1920s through 1950s. company were also charged with opening the festival. The Kultur 17.12.2013 These extraordinary stories illustrate the birth of the Negro Road to the Globe follows Rawiri and theatre director Rachel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120152 Leagues and depict both the struggles endured and milestones House throughout the rehearsal period, where we meet key achieved by its players. The film also highlights Negro cast members and watch them confront their fears, struggle League innovations that helped shape modern day baseball. with lines and moves and ultimately lift each other up to face Penguins: Spy In The Huddle No baseball fan should miss the gripping tale of these unsung their Opening Curtain. You’ve seen penguins, but never like this! Using the heroes. Documentary, Performing Arts, Shake- Penguincams (super-realistic animatronic cameras disguised Baseball, Black Heritage, Documentary, speare, Special Interest min. as penguins, chicks and eggs) Spy in the Huddle gives the Major League Baseball, Special Interest, inside track on all the drama and challenges these „tuxedoed“ Kultur 28.01.2014 birds face throughout the year, with no shortage of laughs Sports min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120735 along the way. From the freezing Antarctic, the domain of the A&E 04.02.2014 regal emperor penguin to the blushing Humboldt of South 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120722 America’s sizzling deserts, to the tiny Rockhopper of the The Royal Family Collection Falkland Islands, the Penguincam allows a closer view of Collections, Documentary, Royalty, Special these creatures than ever before. Immersed in the very center Property Wars: Season One Interest 2011 220min. of the penguin world, viewers are treated to a privileged view On Property Wars, buyers gamble big bucks on houses up for of the life of this enigmatic bird. auction, but they can’t step foot inside the house before they Gaiam Americas 25.02.2014 Animals & Nature, BBC, British, bid on it. It’ll take experience, ingenuity, and luck to turn a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120672 Documentary, Foreign, Special Interest, profit. Sometimes their gambles pay off big on a pristine house, but sometimes the inside reveals a profit-decimating Television 150min. house of horrors. Salinger BBC Home Video 28.01.2014 Discovery Channel, Reality, Television Edward Norton, Philip Seymour Hoffman, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120468 132min. Danny DeVito, , John Cusack Discovery Channel 18.02.2014 He remains one of the most influential figures in modern People Of A Feather American culture. But why did J.D. Salinger, the celebrated 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120664 author of „The Catcher In The Rye“, vanish from the public Featuring stunning footage from seven winters in the Arctic, eye over 40 years ago? The mysteries behind Salinger’s People of a Feather takes us through time into the world of the Restaurant Impossible: Season private world and startling secrets are now revealed in this Inuit in the northern reaches of Canada. Connecting past, riveting documentary, featuring never-before-seen footage and present and future is the Inuit’s unique relationship with the Three first-time-on-record interviews with over 150 friends, eider duck. Eider down, the warmest feather in the world, Turning around a failing restaurant is a daunting challenge colleagues and devotees including Philip Seymour Hoffman, allows both Inuit and bird to survive harsh Arctic winters. Edward Norton, John Cusack, Martin Sheen, Tom Wolfe, Changing sea ice and ocean currents disrupted by the massi- under the best of circumstances. Attempting to do it in just two days with only $10,000 may be impossible. But Chef Robert Gore Vidal, A. Scott Berg, Danny DeVito, E.L. Doctorow, ve hydroelectric dams powering eastern North America bring John Guare, and more. modern challenges to these Arctic residents. Inspired by Inuit Irvine is ready to take on the challenge. He’ll channel ingenuity and the amazing properties of the eider feather, the MacGyver and use a lot of muscle to rescue these desperate Documentary, Special Interest 2013 129min. film is a call to action to implement energy solutions that work places from complete collapse. Can one man, in two days, Starz / Anchor Bay 10.12.2013 with nature. with just $10,000, turn the tide of a failing restaurant and pave the road to a successful future? Find out as Robert Irvine 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120427 Canadian, Documentary, Foreign, Special takes on Restaurant: Impossible. Interest 2011 92min. Food & Cooking, Reality, Television min. Salinger (Blu-ray) First Run Features 25.02.2014 Gaiam Americas 04.03.2014 Edward Norton, Philip Seymour Hoffman, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121004 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121018 Danny DeVito, Martin Sheen, John Cusack He remains one of the most influential figures in modern Andrea Perron Interview: House Rewind This! American culture. But why did J.D. Salinger, the celebrated author of „The Catcher In The Rye“, vanish from the public Of Darkness House Of Light Mamoru Oshii, Atom Egoyan eye over 40 years ago? The mysteries behind Salinger’s Growing up in the famed farmhouse investigated in the An exploding industry without rules! Direct to-video madness! private world and startling secrets are now revealed in this blockbuster hit The Conjuring, Andrea Perron’s past has VHS vs. Beta! In the 1980s, videotape changed the world and riveting documentary, featuring never-before-seen footage and inspired her to write a tell-all book, House of Darkness laid the foundation for modern media culture. Rewind This! first-time-on-record interviews with over 150 friends, House of Light. Now, with footage and reenactments to traces the rise and fall of VHS from its heyday as the colleagues and devotees including Philip Seymour Hoffman, support her stories, Perron delves into the haunting tales of mainstream home video format to its current status as a Edward Norton, John Cusack, Martin Sheen, Tom Wolfe, her upbringing. nostalgic relic and prize to collectors who still cherish it. Gore Vidal, A. Scott Berg, Danny DeVito, E.L. Doctorow, Documentary, Science Fiction, Special Featuring interviews with both filmmakers and enthusiasts John Guare, Robert Towne and more. from the VHS era, including Troma legend Lloyd Kaufman, Documentary, Special Interest 2013 129min. Interest 119min. indie auteur Atom Egoyan, and Hobo with a Shotgun filmmaker Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Jason Eisener, Rewind This! is the definitive story of the Starz / Anchor Bay 10.12.2013 12.11.2013 format that came to be synonymous with the home video 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120433 revolution. So gather up your friends and start the pizza party 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120041 - just make sure to have your tapes back on time. Documentary, History & Events, Special Leslie Sansone: Walk To The Hits Pompeii: The Doomed City (Blu- Interest, Technology 2013 90min. - Party Songs ray) MPI 14.01.2014 Leslie Sansone Pompeii: The Doomed City from History, looks at one of the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120579 We’ve all heard it before. The most effective workout is the world’s most devastating natural disasters and projects what one you actually DO! So motivation is the key, and music is would happen if Mt. Vesuvius erupted again today. Many one of the best motivators. Great music makes your workout scientists believe we are playing with fire and that Vesuvius Rainer Maria Rilke: Letters To A more fun and keeps you exercising because you look forward will erupt soon, and they question how the now three million Young Poet to it. That’s why Leslie created Walk To The Hits. residents could escape. In 79 AD, Vesuvius exploded, burying Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special the city of Pompeii and other Roman towns along the Bay of Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) was one of the twentieth- Interest min. Naples beneath layers of ash and pumice, killing thousands. century’s finest and most influential poets. This program Digging For The Truth’s Josh Bernstein visits the Bay of interweaves extracts from his letters and readings from his Starz / Anchor Bay 03.12.2013 Naples and finds the entire location is built on ancient Duineser Elegien (Duino Elegies), the intensely personalized 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119897 volcanic rock, some of it still steaming. He even climbs Mt. visions which are the culmination of his literary achievement. Stromboli, on an island near Sicily, where „fireworks“ from the The biographical details of his restless and emotionally- mountain are considered nightly entertainment. Actual footage, troubled life add substantially to an appreciation of his Secrets Of Ancient Egypt interviews with scientists and public safety experts, along complex, philosophical work, which is left, without critical Bordered by the fertile banks of the Nile River and the dusty with stunning computer graphics map out the realities of analysis, to speak for itself. edges of the Sahara, Egypt developed one of the world’s another eruption. Documentary, Special Interest min. earliest advanced civilizations. For millennia... after the History & Events, History Channel, Televisi- Kultur 17.12.2013 pharaohs fell and sand reclaimed the Sphinx... the mysteries of this ancient people have fascinated scientists and laymen on 135min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120159 alike. Featuring leaders in the fields of biology, archaeology, A&E 18.02.2014 geology, zoology, and Egyptology, these four documentaries 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120958 Road To The Globe: Troilus & seek to reveal what was hidden, unearthing the mysteries of the great civilization by calling on the power of modern Cressida science. Pride & Perseverance: The Negro The Road to the Globe is an ‘all access’ documentary which Ancient Egypt, Documentary, Special Leagues charts the historic performance of Shakespeare’s Troilus & Interest 2006 207min. Cressida in Te Reo Ma-ori by Rawiri Paratene’s theatre The history of the Negro Leagues is often a forgotten part of company at the Globe in 2012. In 2010, with the coming of the Image Ent. 14.01.2014 baseball, and despite its popularity and wealth of talent was 2012 Olympic Games, the home of Shakespeare - The Globe, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120425

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FilmWorks 11.02.2014 Ford Fiesta ST, Peugeot 208 GTI, Renault Sport Clio 200 and Mercedes SLS Black, and the show welcomes a brand new Semi Colin 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120911 Reasonably Priced Car in which celebrity guests will perform Part performance, part art, part social commentary, Semi Colin their fast laps. is a genre-bending exploration of an erotic artist’s view on Stalin: The Red God BBC, British, Cars & Motorcycles, that universal conundrum, pornography or art? Colin Murray surfaces from social exile to philosophize on his life’s Shot on location in Georgia and Russia, this documentary Documentary, Foreign, International TV, obsessive work as an erotic artist. Just as Colin’s lusty examines how the bloodiest dictator in world history Special Interest, Television 2013 420min. provocateurs emerge from the paper through quivering brush commanded the allegiance and adulation of the Soviet Union BBC Home Video 14.01.2014 and pen, exploratory filmmaker Damien Lay coaxes Colin from during his lifetime and how his influence lives on beyond the the self-imposed shadows of his explicit imagination. grave. It employs a wealth of archive material, eye witness 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120101 accounts, reconstructions in original locations, and myriad Australian, Biography, Biopics, examples of Stalin’s artistic legacy, in its scrutiny of the Documentary, Drama, Foreign, Special dictator’s career and his cult, past and present. Torture Interest 2012 75min. Documentary, History & Events, Special Could key players of the George W. Bush administration be prosecuted for war crimes? Exactly how did the world’s most E1 Entertainment 11.02.2014 Interest 61min. powerful democracy construct and implement a dubious legal 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120769 Kultur 17.12.2013 framework that no only legalized the use of torture but 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120153 legitimized it to politicians, academicians, intellectuals, and media pundits alike? Who exactly was behind this dark and Signs & Secrets: The Worlds Of hotly debated chapter in American history. Internationally Umberto Eco The Summit acclaimed journalist and filmmaker Robin Marie-Monique set In August, 2008, 18 mountain climbers reached the top of K2, out to investigative the historic events and the machinations of Umberto Eco, author of works including The Name of the key policy leaders that led the US to use systematic torture Rose, Foucault’s Pendulum and The Island of the Day Before, the second-highest mountain in the world. 48 hours later, 11 people were dead, making it the deadliest day in modern on a massive scale in Afghanistan, Guantanamo and Iraq in is one of the world’s best-selling novelists. He is also a the name of „national security“ and the „war on terror.“ politically provocative journalist and an eminent academic mountain climbing histroy. While memorials paid tribute to writer, a professor of semiotics at the University of Bologna those killed, there were also condemnations about ‘why.’ Why Documentary, Politics, Special Interest 2010 who has described his field as unifying two ends of the do these athletes risk everything to reach a place humans are 87min. intellectual spectrum: from Joyce to Disney and anything in simply not meant to go? Why do they put their lives and the Oscilloscope Laboratories 18.03.2014 between. No science, except perhaps philosophy, can actually lives on others on the line in order to satisfy some undefinable explain the whole world. Semiotics is not a science. It should need? With breathtaking cinematography and jaw dropping 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121008 be seen as one element in an interdisciplinary school which reenactments based on the of those who survived explains what it means to think, a way of looking at the world the climb, The Summit is a thrilling documentary about the UFC 164: Henderson Vs. Pettis under the profile of communication. His fiction displays a very nature of adventure in the modern world. dazzling erudition, which ranges across the sciences, history, Documentary, Mountain Climbing, Special Anthony Pettis, Chad Mendes, Frank Mir mythology, religion and modern technology. He is fascinated Interest, Tragedies 102min. The rematch that UFC fans have waited for becomes a reality by medieval aesthetics. This profile of Eco lights on his many at UFC 164. World lightweight champion Benson Henderson passions and concerns, as well as looking at his novels, in MPI 11.02.2014 defends his title against the last man to defeat him, Anthony particular The Island of the Day Before, a suspenseful, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121163 „Showtime“ Pettis. Plus, „The Warmaster,“ Josh Barnett seafaring adventure which is full of the elements that have returns to the Octagon... against Frank Mir in a clash of delighted his millions of readers - philo former heavyweight champions, and the featherweights take Documentary, Special Interest min. Survivorman: Ten Days their share of the spotlight as Chad Mendes faces Clay Guida Kultur 17.12.2013 Les Stroud and Dustin Poirier battles Erik Koch. Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120158 Follow Survivorman Les Stroud as he tries to survive ten days at a time in the wild. Interest, Sports, UFC min. Discovery Channel, Reality, Television 2012 Starz / Anchor Bay 03.12.2013 Kathy Smith: Power Step 176min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119902 Workout Discovery Channel 18.03.2014 Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121028 UFC 165: Jones Vs. Gustafsson Interest 115min. Alexander Gustafsson, Renan Barao, Mike Bayview Entertainment 11.02.2014 To Dance Like A Man Ricci, Jon Jones 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120693 Triplets Angel, César and Marcos, age 11, all want the same - The most dynamic force in mixed martial arts, Jon „Bones“ a role in a major ballet production at Havana’s celebrated Jones has ripped through a series of the sport’s most revered Grand Theatre. Who will be chosen? Hardly anyone can tell fighters since winning the UFC light heavyweight title in Snow Babies them apart. Their teachers at Cuba’s world-renowned Natio- 2011. On Saturday, Sept. 21st at the Air Canada Centre in Caroline Quentin nal Ballet School (where thousands apply for the coveted Toronto, Jones will face a young and hungry challenger eager spots) say the triplets have similar talent and potential, and to stop his reign. Sweden’s Alexander „The Mauler“ In Snow Babies, stunning wildlife footage provides an intimate each has the tools to develop into a great dancer. Their and often playful look at the first year of life of adorable baby Gustafsson gets his long-awaited shot at the 205-pound training is rigorous and demanding. Filmmaker Sylvie Collier championship in the main event of UFC 165. animals and their families, including arctic wolves, snow was granted extraordinary, unlimited access to the School and monkeys, reindeer, otters and others. Also included on this backstage at the Grand Theatre, allowing her to film the boys Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special release is Polar Bear - Spy on the Ice, which gets closer than as they train in the robust and expressive style that Interest, Sports, UFC 2013 340min. ever before to the world’s greatest land predator: the polar distinguishes Cuban ballet. Her film provides a child’s eye Starz / Anchor Bay 24.12.2013 bear. Witness in amazing detail how these elusive creatures view on what it takes to achieve professional success in the use their intelligence and curiosity to survive in a world of context of Cuba’s surprising international impact in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119909 shrinking ice. developing great male dancers. In the film, ballet superstar Animals & Nature, BBC, British, José Carreeo tells the triplets to pursue their dream just as UFC 167: St. Pierre Vs. Hendricks Documentary, Foreign, International TV, he did as a boy growing up in Havana. Excitement builds as Johny Hendricks, Rory MacDonald, Robbie Special Interest 150min. the triplets prepare for their chance to debut on stage at the Grand Theatre. Lawler, George St. George BBC Home Video 28.01.2014 Ballet, Dancing, Documentary, Performing One of UFC’s best pound-for-pound fighters, Georges St- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120471 Arts, Special Interest 2011 min. Pierre, has been unbeaten for six years, having defended his welterweight title eight times. On November 16th in Las First Run Features 04.02.2014 Vegas, Montreal’s finest will face Johny Hendricks, an The Song Within: Sedona 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120631 opponent with the style and desire to end his streak. A two- This gorgeous visual investigation by Sedona resident Kathy time NCAA Division I wrestling champion with one-punch Douglas is an exploration of the basic belief that wisdom is knockout power, „Bigg Rigg“ is set on derailing St-Pierre’s everywhere. The film highlights 16 extraordinary Sedona 20: The Complete march to the Hall of Fame in the main event of UFC 167. women whose stories teach, entertain and inspire. Through Season 20 Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special stunning cinematography that reveals the breathtaking and mystical red rocks of Sedona, music that lifts the spirit, and James May, Richard Hammond, Jeremy Interest, Sports, UFC 2013 340min. monologues from women of different lifestyles, this art piece/ Clarkson Starz / Anchor Bay 18.02.2014 documentary gives us an experience that inspires the The 20th series of the world’s most popular car show sees 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120717 humanity in us all. „When we tell our pieces of the story it Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May on reminds someone of their piece of the story, eventually the typically explosive form. In the course of six packed whole story gets told and we remember we are part of the programmes, they set out to race a car against an America’s UFC Presents: Rhonda Rousey - whole“ (Lou Adams). Cup yacht up the coast of New Zealand, launch a highly Breaking Ground Documentary, Special Interest 2010 75min. scientific process to find the world’s fastest taxi, and do their First Run Features 04.02.2014 bit for European economic turmoil by blasting across Spain in Rhonda Rousey three ‘affordable’ supercars. Also in this series, Top Gear Ronda Rousey: Breaking Ground examines the remarkable 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120633 tackles the growing problem of flooding by designing a car rise of the first female champion in UFC history. Using that can turn into a hovercraft, investigates the popularity of Ronda’s lifelong desire to be a superhero as a theme Spirit Of The Marathon II ‘soft-roader’ cars by making the presenters into caravan throughout, the program details the childhood trauma and the enthusiasts, and tests the Jaguar F-type, the Range Rover complicated relationship with her mother that has fueled her Documentary, Special Interest, Sports Sport and the new double decker Bus For London as part of athletic endeavors. Featuring interviews with Ronda, her 115min. an epic celebration of the many brilliant machines currently mother, her friends and coaches and UFC President Dana made in Britain. There are also track tests of the BAC Mono, White, it’s the first comprehensive analysis of one of profes-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 76 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA sional sports’ true pioneers. Team Marketing 26.11.2013 Camp Series Documentary, Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120439 Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special Special Interest, Sports, UFC 2013 60min. Interest 65min. Starz / Anchor Bay 07.01.2014 An Unreal Dream: The Michael Starz / Anchor Bay 17.12.2013 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120170 Morton Story (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119907 In 1986 Michael Morton’s wife Christine is brutally murdered UFC Presents: The Ultimate 100 in front of their only child, and Michael is convicted of the Weight Watchers: Ultimate Belly Knockouts crime. Locked away in Texas prisons for a quarter century, estranged from his son, he has years to ponder questions of Series Quinton Jackson, Randy Couture, justice and innocence, truth and fate. Though he is virtually Fitness, Health, Instructional, Special Wanderlei Silva invisible to society, the Innocence Project and Michael’s pro Re-live your favorite moments in knockout history with UFC bono attorney spend years fighting for the right to test DNA Interest 76min. Presents: The Ultimate 100 Knockouts. All of the UFC evidence found at the murder scene. Their discoveries Starz / Anchor Bay 17.12.2013 superstars come together in some of the most memorable ultimately reveal that the price of a wrongful conviction goes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119908 knockouts including legend Anderson Silva’s bout against well beyond one man’s loss of freedom. Vitor Belfort and Wanderlei Silva’s battle against Quinton Crime, Documentary, Prison, Special „Rampage“ Jackson ending in a knockout that left fans Interest 2013 92min. Where I Am wanting more! First Run Features 01.04.2014 Gay American writer Robert Drake is on the road to recovery Fighting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120956 - but this is a journey with a difference. Over ten years have Interest, Sports, UFC 2013 90min. passed since a violent and bloody attack by two young men in Starz / Anchor Bay 28.01.2014 Sligo, Ireland one dark night left him brain damaged and The Untold History Of The United unable to walk. It also stopped a writing career just as it was 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120172 about to take off. From his home in Philadelphia we follow States Robert as he takes a trip back to Ireland to confront the memories of what happened and lay the past to rest. During UFC Presents: The Ultimate 100 Andre Sogliuzzo, Alex Veadov, Jeff his journey we see him catching up with old Irish friends and Knockouts (Blu-ray) Bergman, Henry Hayshi, Mark Ivanir, Tim acquaintances and we get a tantalizing glimpse of how his life Russell, Alan Shearman, Jack Blessing, might have been. Full of laughter, tears and literary types, Quinton Jackson, Randy Couture, Mark Miller, Jim Ward, Oliver Stone, Chris this documentary captures Robert’s spirit and intention - that Wanderlei Silva of moving on positively and taking the world with him. Re-live your favorite moments in knockout history with UFC Edgerly, Greg Berg, Michelle Bruce, Bill Documentary, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Presents: The Ultimate 100 Knockouts. All of the UFC Farmer - Dir. Oliver Stone Special Interest 2013 72min. superstars come together in some of the most memorable This 12-chapter documentary series, created and executive knockouts including legend Anderson Silva’s bout against produced by Academy Award-winning writer/director Oliver MPI 14.01.2014 Vitor Belfort and Wanderlei Silva’s battle against Quinton Stone. As Americans, do we really know and understand our 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120578 „Rampage“ Jackson ending in a knockout that left fans shared and complicated history? How do we recall the small wanting more! details and forgotten players that influenced some of the ghting, Mixed Martial Arts, Special Interest, biggest events from America’s past? Will our children actually World Trade Center / Untold get the whole story from reading history books? And how will History Of The United States: Part Sports, UFC 2013 90min. it affect the future of our country? Starz / Anchor Bay 28.01.2014 Americana, Documentary, History & Events, Three (Double Feature) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120614 Special Interest 2012 796min. Conspiracies, Disasters, Documentary, Warner Bros. 04.03.2014 Double Features, Drama, History & Events, The Universe In 3D: A Whole New 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120945 Special Interest, Terrorism min. Dimension (Blu-ray 3D + Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 11.02.2014 (Blu-ray) Vikings 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120825 PLEASE NOTE: This title includes a Blu-ray 3D disc, which BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign, History is only compatible with 3D Blu-ray players and Playstation 3. & Events, Special Interest, Television, Wounds Of War A standard Blu-ray is also included which will play on all standard Blu-ray players The Universe In 3D: A Whole New Vikings 2012 150min. Paul Gross, Jonny Lee Miller, Jonathan Dimension, takes a mind-bending look at Earth and the BBC Home Video 11.03.2014 Pryce, Ian Holm universe it inhabits. Crash Landing On Mars explores how 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120971 Collections, Documentary, Drama, History & events might play out if humans were stranded on the red planet. Could astronauts survive dust storms and space Events, Movies, Special Interest, War, radiation or find vital resources like water? Worst Days On Walking With Dinosaurs World War I, World War II 390min. Planet Earth vividly imagines how our seemingly hospitable Echo Bridge Home Entertainment planet has been shaped through utter chaos and destruction. (Repackage) Experience in dramatic 3D how giant volcanoes scorched the This classic Dinosaur series from BBC Earth revolutionized 07.01.2014 Earth and darkened skies, and how asteroids the size of the natural history television world with its spectacular 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120851 Everest slammed into the ocean. In God And The Universe, recreations of dinosaurs in their natural habitat. It now physicists and theologians discuss whether the seemingly returns to DVD better than ever - newly remastered and with miraculous creation of a universe calibrated to support life never-before-seen content! Tracing their 160-million-year WWE: Elimination Chamber 2014 proves the existence of a creator, or are explained by the history, from their first appearance to their abrupt demise, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Big Show, Randy laws of physics. Featuring cutting-edge CGI and spectacular Walking with Dinosaurs brings the amazing lost world of the NASA footage, this spectacular set from History truly takes dinosaurs stunningly back to life. Orton, John Cena you where no It’s the final and most treacherous stop on the Road to Animals & Nature, BBC, British, Dinosaurs, WrestleMania 30. With the show of shows on the horizon, Adventure, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Documentary, Prehistoric Times, Special Superstars with the hope of walking into the historic event Documentary, Science, Science Fiction, Interest, Television 1999 180min. with championship gold must first step inside the unforgiving Space, Special Interest 135min. chamber. Inside, five other Superstars await, all ready to put BBC Home Video 03.12.2013 their careers on the line for a chance at immortality. Who will A&E 14.01.2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120474 have the necessary fortitude outlast the competition? And 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120408 after the brutality of the chamber, will the winner be able to walk away from the chaos? All the top Superstars such as Bruce Weber: The Film John Cena, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton and more University Of Kentucky: The Sixth Collection will take their game to another lever when WWE presents Man Elimination Chamber 2014. Bruce Weber Special Interest, Sports, Sports The Sixth Man is a first of its kind film that turns the camera Bruce Weber: The Film Collection brings together the away from the historic program that is UK basketball, and internationally praised photographer and filmmaker’s most Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE directs it to one of the key components of its success - the celebrated documentaries. This collector’s set includes 2014 180min. Fans! A true „blue“ love story that has spanned generations Weber’s famous Let’s Get Lost, Broken Noses, Chop Suey, WWE Home Video 25.03.2014 and grown into, arguably, the most passionate fan base in the and A Letter To True. Combining such subjects as jazz, world; Sixth Man is a celebration of what makes the boxing, Weber’s favorite things, and animals, this box set 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121031 University of Kentucky basketball program so remarkable and gives art enthusiasts a look back at one of photography’s distinctive. Featuring an entertaining mix of history, colorful greatest talents. WWE: Royal Rumble 2014 characters, interviews with players, coaches and the rank Collections, Documentary, Special Interest and file of base, this documentary follows the evolution Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, CM min. of the phenomenon known as the Big Blue Nation, Sixth Man: Punk, , Big Show, Randy Orton, Bluesanity, is a multi-dimensional look at a phenomenon Docurama 03.12.2013 Kane, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Cody reaching across a diversity of backgrounds, uniting a 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40119930 Commonwealth and the fans abroad around a singular, Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara, Dolph relentless passion. Ziggler Basketball, Documentary, NCAA, Special Weight Watchers: 15 Minute Boot One of the most hallowed traditions in sports entertainment, Interest, Sports 88min. the Royal Rumble is back for its 27th edition! WWE kicks off

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 77 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) Dezember 2013 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA the road to its historic 30th WrestleMania with its annual 30- Scott Hall, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, man, over the top rope battle royal, where one Superstar will punch his ticket to New Orleans for a championship match at Eddie Guerrero, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, the Show of Shows. Last year, John Cena emerged from the Kevin Nash pack to earn a second chance at a showdown with The Rock. Special Interest, Sports, Sports This year, which Superstar will add his name to the illustrious list of Royal Rumble winners along side such Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Telefonische greats as Cena, Hogan, Stone Cold and Triple H? min. Bestellannahme: Special Interest, Sports, Sports WWE Home Video 11.03.2014 Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121022 Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 2014 180min. Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr WWE Home Video 25.02.2014 WWE: WCW - PPV Matches (Blu- Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120669 ray) Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Scott Hall, Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, und Feiertags (Baden- WWE: Royal Rumble 2014 (Blu- Eddie Guerrero, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Württemberg) bleibt unser ray) Kevin Nash Verkauf geschlossen. Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, CM Special Interest, Sports, Sports Punk, The Miz, Big Show, Randy Orton, Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE Kane, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Cody 540min. Rhodes, Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara, Dolph WWE Home Video 11.03.2014 Ziggler 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40121054 One of the most hallowed traditions in sports entertainment, the Royal Rumble is back for its 27th edition! WWE kicks off the road to its historic 30th WrestleMania with its annual 30- Yemen: Land Of The Queen Of man, over the top rope battle royal, where one Superstar will Sheba punch his ticket to New Orleans for a championship match at the Show of Shows. Last year, John Cena emerged from the ncense was the principal source of the wealth and power of pack to earn a second chance at a showdown with The Rock. the three ancient kingdoms of Saba, Qataban and Hadramawt This year, which Superstar will add his name to the which now form Yemen. This documentary travels through the illustrious list of Royal Rumble winners along side such country’s dramatic landscape, visiting important points on the greats as Cena, Hogan, Stone Cold and Triple H? route once travelled by the caravans that carried the precious resin to market. It reveals what is known of Yemen’s distant Special Interest, Sports, Sports past and glimpses present day life there, which remains Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE largely untrammeled by the trappings of the modern world. 2014 270min. Documentary, History & Events, Special WWE Home Video 25.02.2014 Interest min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120681 Kultur 28.01.2014 Newsletter 12/13 (Nr. 335) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120734 ISSN 1610-2606 WWE: Shawn Michaels - Mr. Credits Wrestlemania Yukon Men: Season One Redaktion: Just 60 miles from the Arctic Circle lies a town on the edge of Shawn Michaels, Diesel, Ric Flair, Kurt civilization: Tanana, Alaska. This frozen village of 200 is part Wolfram Hannemann Angle, Undertaker, Razor Ramon, Bret Hart, of an unknown America where men hunt and trap to survive, Design & Layout: John Cena existing like modern day cavemen. The inhabitants continually Wolfram Hannemann For 30 Years, WWE and its Superstars have created a battle Mother Nature to seize the narrow window of pantheon of iconic WrestleMania moments that are opportunity to glean resources from the land. The people are Assistenz: immortalized forever in history - but only one man can lay not superior hunters but simply competition to the wolves, Beate Hannemann claim to the nickname „Mr. WrestleMania“, Shawn Michaels. black bears, and grizzlies also trying to survive on the same Whether giving Undertaker all he could handle in a quest to limited sources. This 2-disc set reveals why the citizens of Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: break the streak, revolutionizing the business in a Ladder this remote village wouldn’t have it any other way. Follow Anna Rudschies Match with Razor Ramon, or descending from the rafters for these Yukon Men as they struggle to find food and heat and an exhausting 60-minute Iron Man Match with Bret Hart, battle life-threatening predators just to survive. © (2013) by Shawn Michaels always accomplished his one goal at Discovery Channel, Reality, Television 2012 LASER HOTLINE WrestleMania. That goal was to steal the show. Now, fans 396min. ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt can own all 17 of his iconic WrestleMania matches. See all Discovery Channel 11.02.2014 the jaw-dropping action from The Showstopper on WWE’s nur in Verbindung mit einem grandest stage. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120661 Special Interest, Sports, Sports „Persönlichen Import- Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE 1 service“-Vertrag und be- min. Paul Crowder inhaltet den Warenpreis WWE Home Video 11.02.2014 Auto Racing, Cars & Motorcycles, sowie alle anfallenden 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120660 Documentary, Special Interest 2013 111min. Importkosten inkl. unserer Millennium Entertainment 28.01.2014 Vermittlungsprovision. WWE: WCW - PPV Matches 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40120570 * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D-Symbol sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- Wir wünschen allen unseren Freunden und Kunden ma LASER HOTLINE. ein Frohes Weihnachstfest Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- und einen Guten Rutsch dukten, die im Ausland ver- ins neue Jahr! öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Ab dem 13. Januar 2014 sind wir wieder Information. LASER HOTLINE ist in gewohnter Weise für Sie da autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 78