1 Volume M25, Issue No. 8, March 8, 2021 Intercom is published regularly and serves to inform Vanier staff and teachers of notices and special events. It is posted on the Vanier College Website and distributed electronically. Submissions should be sent to
[email protected]. Submissions should be in WORD, and sent as an attachment. No formatting or bullets. Photos are welcome. Deadline: 4:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the week of publication. National Day of Commemoration on Thursday March 11, 2021 for Covid 19 Victims Premier François Legault has recently announced that March 11, 2021 will be a Day of National Commemoration of the Victims of Covid 19. On that day, flags will be flown at half-mast, and the Premier has asked that everyone, no matter where they are, observe a minute of silence at 1 pm that day. Please remind your students to do so, and if you are teaching at that time, please take a minute of silence with your class to remember the people who have passed away due to Covid 19. Because we are mostly working from home, we may not realize it, but some of our colleagues and members of our own Vanier Community have lost loved ones this past year. Let us remember them. Thank you. Marguerite Corriveau. Communications and Corporate Affairs Mid-Term Assessment - Day Division: 3rd Reminder Reminder that the Mid-Term Assessment online module is active on OMNIVOX. The deadline for submission of student ratings is at 11:00pm on Friday, March 12th, 2021. To complete the mid-term assessments, please login to your OMNIVOX portal, select Léa, click on Mid-term Evaluations and follow the instructions.