.. It's Almost Summer Chance Of Showers Warm w.ath.r returned te lowl City ~...., ct.fy ....." h..... '" .. Thmday and brought te the mind. of a..nc...... ,...... 1M....".. IOWI City children the prospect of I Ny. day In City Plrk. SH photo story P. 4. oil Iowan and th, Peopl' of IOWtJ City

Ealablished ID 1868 10 cents • copy Associated Presa Leased Wire aDCI WirepbolD Rogers Says S. Viets Ready to Fight More

WASHINGTON 111- Secretary of State ment Is not open-ended, and they are not And Rogers suggested that the enemy', William P. Rogers said Thursday South being pushed in this position. They came real intent "Is to Ittack the present flY. Vietnamese forces were making rapid to this conclusion on their own and I ernment, cause confUsion and chaoe and think are perfectly ready to move in strides toward taking over more of the thereby Impose a governmenal structure this direction ." on South Vietnam that will not represent combat burden. But he refused to pre­ On the war's political frollt, Rogers the will of the people." dict when the first pullout of U.S. troops dealt both with Senate critics who con­ might be announced. tend tl1at the Nixon administration is Rogers leaves Friday for a Midway committed to propping up the Thieu re­ * * * Island summit conference amid continu­ gime and with Thieu's reported concern ing speculation that President Nixon and that Nixon Is not backing him strongly Humphrey Asks President Nguyen Van Thleu will an­ enough In tbe negotiations over '" let· nounce there Sunday a specific date for nam's future. The enemy is demanding withdrawal of perhaps 50,000 of the 340 .. replacement of the Thieu government For Cease-fire 000 GIs now in Vietnam. with a coalition regime as part of a per­ "I wouldn't want to say .nythlng that manent peace settlement. Workm.n on the new Recreation Cent.r, located directly northwest of the stadium, would be In the n.tur. of I predlctlOll ''W. Irt not w.ddad to any gov.rn· In Vietnam War haul up tar Thursd.y to • portion of the roof. Construction on the building !It9.n .bout wh.t will com. out of the Mid­ IMfIt III S.lgOn," Rogers said. lilt month while many students protelltd the use of ltudent fHI for Its construc­ Wiy mHtll)g," Rog.n told I new, con· PHILADELPHIA 11\ - Former Vice "The only princIple to which the ad· President Hubert H. Humphrey urged tion. - Photo by Rick Greenwalt ferenc •. miniJltration is wedded II that the people At the same time the secretary of the United States Thursday to take "a of South Vietnam should have the right bold and decisive step forward" by pro­ state - who has Just returned from by free choice to decide their future , so * * * * * * * * * Vietnam - spoke approvingly of Sai­ po ing an Immediate cease-lire by aU that any government which repre!e/lts Ides in the Vietnam war. gon's progress toward taking over more the will of the people In South Vietnam ripe ~sh, of the fighting. Under the Nixon admin­ Is acceptable to the United States," Roa­ He aid "conditions appear ripe for Ie. Year istration's strategy, at least some of ers sald. rlous consideration" of uch In ac­ Evashevski\ Is 'Confidenf , tion . produce the Americans could be brought home He said thai Washington and Salgon uee De­ as they are replaced by South Vietnam· would even accept a Communist govern­ Humphrey, labellng his IUggestion !an you ese, regardless of what happens In peace ment for South Vietnam, provided It was "constructive," said the ceee-fire negotiations. chosen by a free election, in which .11 should become effecti VI "u 1001\ I. "I have no doubt in my mind at all participants renounced the use of force agreement is reached on a schedule for lHe'l/ Get New Facilities mutual troop withdrawals ." that the government of South Vietnam is In achieving their political goals. moving in the direction" of taking over In what was billed as "a major for· EDITOR'S NOTe - A grllt dell of Committee several times he thinks stu­ use the building because the floor plans But the "coalition government" envis· eign policy speech, II Humphrey lo I d controversy has surrounded the r.cent dents owe athletics a great deal in re­ were designed for sports events and not more of the war, Rogers said. loned by North Vietnamese "would not eltcilion to flnllnc. I new R.crlltlon turn for all the intercollegiate athletic for recreation . "I think that the training of the ARVN about 1,600 delegates to the 10th annual be acceptable to anybody on our side," convention of the Pennsylvlnla AFL­ building, now und.r construction, with facilities used in the past by students Underlying mueh of the administra­ (Army of the R.public of South VI.tnlm) he said, adding the enemy envisions 1m. student fees. In the following news Inal­ partaking in recreation and physical edu­ has been moving .'ong It • rapId pIC •. CIO that free elections should follow the tiv. support for using stud.nt fHS to fl· posing Communist leaders on South Viet· cease-fire "as the key to unlocking the ysis, Aut. University Editor Kar.n cation. nanc. the building is th. argument th.t "They recognize that the U.S. commit- nam, rather than free-choice elections. LOW Good explains why. pre nt political stalemate in Paris." But • contrary conclusion can be Intercollegi,te athletics brings • gr.at He hailed President Nixon's Ideas for By KAREN GOOD drawn from statistici from a Jan. 3 r.­ deal of money to the University through achievlng a durable political settlement NI port by Pres. Howard R. Bowen to the alumni grants as well as through ticket "and I a ume be will continue such ad­ ~l See Related Story Pllge , Stat. Board of R'gents. fees for hom. football and Airport Group Steps Out vocacy In the forthcomLng talk! with Despite a long and bitter controversy That report shows that between 1914 games. President Thieu of South Vietnam on iEloIr l oVer erection of a Recreation Building (when the Old Armory Swimming Pool If this argument is v'llid it"woulchleem Midway Island this Sunday." destined to become an athletic facility became the first University recreational beneflclal 'to the Slfurtnlsrrllllllrr to mak€' Humphrey lost the llre~ld nlial lee· y financed by student lees, Athletic and " facility) ' and 1968, the athletic depart­ a public statement explaining to slu­ Sf. zark Halt Petition tion to ixon last November. ment, on the one hand, and the students dents the financial benefits which come ,id Recreation Director Forest Evashevski By JOANNE WALTON told a group of Iowa City Rotarians and state, on the other, have split al­ directly or indirectly to the University than regular commercial nights. Thursday he was confident the Athletic most in half the cost of facilities used as a resu lt of its intercollegiate athletic Tbe Iowa City Airport Commission has Ozark presently employs only four jointly by students, physical education department. stepped out of the decision regarding a persons in Iowa City and these would be Department would get the new facili­ possible discontinuation of Ozark Airlines ties it needed. departmenf.s and the ath\i!tic depart­ transferred to another Ozark base, Hood Negative Tax ment. However, thus far no statements have service to Iowa City . said, so there would be no effect on em­ ,J Evashevski said he thought the depart­ been forthcoming, and persons who have The commission has said it will not ployment here. Athletics paid $1 ,495,834 for these fa~­ ment would get the facilities because tried to attain such information have stand in the way j[ Ozark chooses to ilities, while the state and students to­ gained very little support from the ad­ Referring to tha cut-off of Ozark lerv· To Be Attempted without them, tbe athletic department transfer its service to the Cedar Rapids Ice to Iowa City, Hood Itid, "It'. i 101111 will not be able to retain and recruit gether footed $1,040,968 of the bill. ministration. Airport. However, it wlll not encourage w.y from being decided now." promising young athletes, These statistics do not Inclbde the ad­ It is also hard to justify the use of such a move . c The Ozark proposal to switch its two • 0 • • ditional $6 million fee for the Recreation In Iowa Counties pkg. 52 Howev.r, it appears the .rection of student fees tG pay for a building at a Ozark had stated thaI unless runways daily Iowa City flight to Cedar Rapids Building or ' the I $332,000 in student money the Recreation Building Ind other time when even members of the Ath­ at the Iowa City airport were extended DES MOINES IA'I - Antipoverty work­ currently being used for renovation of mu t be approved by the Civil Aeronau­ planned athletic facillti.s ar. being letic Department staff are speculating to accommodate the larger planes now tics Board (CAB) before it can be put ers will begin searching Pocahontas and •pIg..•.. 49' parts of the Field House. made at the .xpen$l of the 11,700 Uni­ that college athletics may be a "dead in the Ozark fleet, the airline would be into effect. By refusing to endorse the Calhoun counties soon to find 500 poor c venity students not in the athletic pro· Another argument used by Bowen to horse" - that within 30 years profes­ forced to cut off service here . propo al. the airport commission Is de­ k1milies lor a three-year experiment .. 12 '0'. 64 grim. justify to the Board of Regents the use sional teams will have replaced the col­ The city council decided that extens­ laying CAB approval 01 the change. with a new federal "negative income II pIg. ion of the runways would provide only Amidst promises over the last five of student fees for the Recreation Build­ lege scene. tax " program. temporary relief of the problem and did The CAB generally approves such years that recreation facilities would be ing is also found in that Jan. 3 report. It is possible that the University, mak­ Gov. Robert D. Ray Thursday ap­ not justify the cost to the city. changes more quickly if all concerned ~ beefed up to match student enrollment, Bow.n said that there had been a grut proved the experiment, even though he ing use of student funds, is building a Besides being the only non·ch.rt.r are in agreement. If tl1e groups do DOt students have learned disparagingly that deal of student participation in the plan. facility that will have no use in 40 years. said he had reservations that a guaran­ commer~ial p'lS.nger airline serving voice agreement, the proposal Involves c not only have these promises been ning for recreational facilities , Perhaps students are paying for a teed annual wage might be "sel{ de­ I 1.\'o.28 Iowa City, Ourk carries mill Ind a more detailed hearing . merely that - promises - but that now Perhaps it is a question of sematlcs. last ditch effort to enhance the Unlver· feating" for low income people. I freight . Lyle W. Miller, chairman of the Iowa The experiment will be carried out by C they and those students to follow them sity Athletic Department's image in col­ 100 •• 73 At the University, "student participa­ Loyal C, Hood, Iowa City manger of City Airport Commission, said Thursday a leam from the Institute for Research pkg. will continue to pay $3,50 per semester tion" in recreational planning has begun lege sports. that discontinuation of Ozark's service for the next 40 years for a Recreation Ozark, said Thursday that the airline on Poverty of the University 01 Wiscon­ and ended with the appointment of four Then too there's always the question flew a total of some 32,000 pounds of would be of "some economic inconveni­ Building, which even the University ad­ sin at Madison, witl1 funds from the 8'0'. students to the Recreation Advisory or financial support [or the Sports ence" to Jowa Cily, but sa id thaL the pkg. 34C ' freight, primarily inbound, and 11,000 U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity ministration admits will in time become Committee - a committee set up five Arena. The plans for a true recreation commission was investigating the possi­ an intercollegiate athletic facility. pounds of mail , mostly outbound, lor (OEO) . years ago by Bowen himself - but a facility - the Field House - will not Iowa City last month . He said the month bility of getting another airline to re­ A rural famlly of rour with an annual At such a rate with principal and in­ committee that has complained bitterly come to reality until the Sports Arena was "fairly representative" of Ozark's place Ozark. He said the commission terest on bonds let for the building con­ income of less than $2 ,200 could qual­ many times during its public meetings has been built. Currently a source of cargo loads. hoped to be able to continue passenger ify , under the program. for an average I~"', 77e servative estimates - conservative be­ that its recommendations have been ig­ funds for the Arena has only been spec­ service and nol be limited to cargo ,0' cause student enrollment and thus the Hood said a considerable amount of payment of $1,500 a year. nored by the administration and that it ulated on. mail and freight was currently trans­ flights. number of $3,50 student fees to be col­ has not been consulted on matters per­ Officiall ••id this paYlMflt WI. "In­ lected will undoubtedly increase over One also wonders why Iowa State Uni­ ported by sur f ace vehicles to Cedar The possibility of finding • replaCl' com. tall in revera" because poor peo. taining to recreation. ment for Ozark was liso mentioned in the next 40 )I ars - place the ultimate versity and the University of Northern Rapids and flo w n out from there by pit raceiv. fecltral payments instead of There are 23 members on the commit- cost of the building at a projected total Jowa are able to finance recreational Ozark. He said he foresaw no mail slow­ a statem.nt r.ltased by the commlulon paying Itd.ral tax ... tee. I o[ $6 million . centers with state funds while the Uni­ down should local air service be discon­ Wednesday night. At that time, the com­ According to the institute, tbe program ~y This so r t of "student participation" versity's planning calls primarily for tinued , but said Industries would prob­ mission stlt.d: is designed to find out what effect this US1ll1 ",~I Administrative attempts to justify the falls far short o[ that at such schools as student finanCing. ably experience a slight rise in costs If "Iowa City has an excellent airport negative income tax would have "on the .1ill,wlllCl . erection of that building, currently being the Universities of Colorado and Illinois. However, the Recreation Building is they had to truck their goods from the facility, and the commission feels that constructed northwest of the Field work of able-bodied individuals." At Colorado, a referendum vote was a fact. No amount or rhetoric will Cedar Rapids Airport. some form of scheduled service here is House , have thus far fallen on shakey The families who receive the 1>lyments ground. taken of the Student body before plans change that now, Likewise, no amount Although air freight service out of necessary. The commission will seek to will be com pared wltb families in similar for a recreation building were made fi­ of rhetoric will enhance the dim future Iowa City w 0 u I d still be available by provide this ervice by another carrier circumstances who are not receiving Athletic and Recreation Director For- nal, and then made final only upon the of recreation on this campus. charter, this is generally more expensive i{ Ozark chooses to leave," cst Evashevskl has told the Recreation payments or who are on regular weUare • ,oil 1 stipulation that no student money would I pIg. 38C programs such as aid to dependent chil­ be used until the building was completed. On 2nd Anniversary of 6-Day War- dren. $1" At Illinois, ltud.nt I"d.ra wer. tlk.n If recipients go to warie, the ftdtrll Yo gol. New Names Set on fl.1d trips te inspect oth.r outstanding payments are rtdvctd ..adu.11y I • ..,.. ...creatlanll f.ellltl ...nd lilowed to Ie­ ingt rise, to that Inctntlva Ie work I• 1"0', $121 co. tlv.ly particlplt. In the pllnning of thlt prtMrved, oHicl.l. said. For UI Buildings school', recrlltlon building. Arabs Vow to Free Occupied Territory In addLtion to testing theLr work lRce. Administrative statements have said 150.cl 25' CAlRO t4't - The Arabs will try to of antioccupalion violence on this second striped uniforms tried to reach a near- tive, officials hope the negative Income b.. The University will make at "minimal that the building would be used by phys· liberate during the coming winter anniversary of the six-day war. by cemetery to place wreatbs on the tax experiment also will show bow a J expense" the name changes of two Pen- lcal education and recreation u n Ii I I guaranteed minimum income for every tacrest buildings scheduled be made Sports Arena currently in the planning months territories occupied by Israel The bombings followed the killing of graves of Jordanians killed in the war 100 ct. 5" to 1am.iIy affects spending, fomlly stability, pIg. this fall, according to University Busi- stages has been built. a close confident of President Gamal two Israeli army sergeants and a cor- that began two years ago. Abdel Nasser declared Friday. The edi­ poral in a bazooka and grenade attack A posse of Israeli police baited them, performance of children at school, fani. ness Manager Ray Mossman. When the arena is finjshed, athletics i1y health and moving babits. 70 lb . $1" tor of the semi oflicial Egyplian news­ near Gaza City Wednesday night. took away tbe wreaths and arrested six. bog J. The buildings, the Mathematical Sci- will have moved out of the Field House, paper Al Ahram, Muyammed Hassanein In Jerusalem, Arab shopkeepers ln the refugee packed Gaza Strip, ences Building and University Hall , will leaving it free for recreation and phys- Heikal, said, "The Arabs will not have closed their stores in the bazaars of the soulhwest of Jerusalem, a grenade was be known as MacLean Hall and Jessup Ical education. Athletics would then 200" . 26e to observe a third anniversary of June ancient walled city. thrown at a group of Israeli soldiers out- Nixon Names Johnson pkg. kall respectively. The new names honor have use of both the Recreation Building 5, 1967 - the start of the six-day war." A grenade, believed tossed from the side a pollce station in the EI Ma' Jazi As Veterans' Chief Iwo former University presidents, and the Sports Arena. He expressed little optimism about the tall honey-colored walls near Herod's refugee camp, wounding three of them. 1.10" Ie George E. MacLean, who was president However, even recreational or phys- pig current Big Four talks on the Middle Gate, exploded witb a "whoomp" in the Another grenade was tossed into the SAN CLEMENTE, Calif_ (II - Presl· from 1899 to 1912, and Walter A. Jessup, ical education use of the Recreation East and called anew for an Arab sum· main street below, injuring an Israeli yard of a police station at Nuseirat, dent Nl%on announced Thursday he wUl who served from 1916 to 1934. Building for a short time is doubtful. mit meeting to mobilize resources for soldier and four Arabs. midway between Gaza City and the ton JIOminate Donald E. Johnsoa, a former Mossman said the cost of lhe name ¥en's physical education has already the coming battle . Shrapnel from the grenade peppered of Khan Yunis, injuring two Israeli 101· national commander of the American changes will be "minimal." Changing withdrawn because of locker shortage Heikal indicated that Egypt's two-year taxis parked near the gate and sent by· diers. Legion, to bead the Veterans AcImInl!tra· lB~ the names stenciled on the doors of both' and the building's long distance from the program of rebuilding its armed force standers flying for cover. IR the earlier Incident, south of the tion. building will entail some small expense, Field House. would be completed during the winter Steel-helmeled troops rushed to the Gw capital Wednesday night, the Johnsol, 44, of We. t Branch, Iowa, he said, but no other signs would need Women's recreation cannot use the months. He said Israel is certain to try scene within seconds aboard armored army said 8R Israeli patrol car was bit "Would replace Wllliam J. Driver, who , changing. building because there are no women's a pre-emptive strike by then , troop-carriers and track! and rounded by bazooka fire and grenades_ In the bas resigned. Elsewhere, Arab saboteurs hurled ,:-;1. AI hough the new names do not be· lockers or shower facilities ; and, be- up a number of Arab suspects. ensuing battle, two sergeants and a The President's choice for the VA post (de ollicinl unlil September, they al· fore his resignation as intramural dl - hand grenades in Jerusalem, the Jordan As troops with tbeir machine guns at corporal, all army reservists due to be operates farm supply, poultry, account· ready appear on campus mail and in fector, J. Otto Berg stated publicly the west bank and the Gaza Strip Thursday, the ready stood guard at the spot, a pro- discbarged Thuraday, were killed aDd " ing and businels muagemeRt firma in the 1969 University catalog. I -, men'. ialramurals would nol be able to wOUDdiDg aix Israeli soldiers in a wave cession of Arab ICbooIaIrIa. III areeo __ two otbera iljured. , ... Weal Bruch. . - L •• r !-TH. D,ILY IOWAN-I",. CIty II -'rIMy J""" 1'" ~. The Daily Iowan Congratulates LIla "" 1I0hr.r Vietor Will am Alan Romo Racinl WI. J ...I Peler Ro.enfeld Iowa CIIy You've made it­ Qynlhla Ann Rummel Britt P. ar Rupperl lowl C ty lIow,rd Michl. lIu ...1 Harrison Idaho Luonnl MirY Ruther Boxholm Pro.pero Sal. IV n. ow Ariz Edward Dom nle Salerno Llvln,llon N J so what? Har.n Gunt Sanderson R da.way Slanley Law ence Suton Jr lo ..a CIIJ Jlm._ Plul Schett. OxJord It It a eoMmOft thing to offer con to be I nfu!t We bl\e 8~ the devel Hr.lyn Boehmke S.hu t% Bel. Plaine Thoma. Gerhard Schuppe Iowa C Iy gratulations to members of I gradu opmcnt of weapons of destruction and Qeoril Edward Schwarz New Orle.nl W Rou In. Fllh.. chw... Denver Colo aling class as they reach th pmnacle the growtng power of the military Phil p Thom .. Sen.lra Clinton Geo CI Bennet Setrlll Jr Mlnne.poll., )'lInn of thetr educational strIVmgs tndustnal complex bl VI or I Shank n Ke en Elhlop'" an V r,lnll JoIIfI"et Shippee Soulh HlVtn Graduation IS I time for happmess We see economIc system where Mlch ltughter and some tears I*wn parties the nuts and bolts of tbe production and gue t speakers aDd the president. mechan sms are turned tn such a w~y tI at the con umer has DO vOIce m the charge to th~ class The graduates have arrived they've total prace s rnade It or 0 It 15 a um"d So here We al~o see a pohtical process that goes - congratulations class of 89 has fa led to govern ufor all the peo But where have }OU amved? aDd pit' an ed luat onal s stem that has congratulations for what? faIled to edt cate we see lies hypo Congratulations for being granted crl~y and b tterness the r ght to receive a piece of paper It IS a wodd a COl nb') where the whIch IS at best mealllngle s svstt'm" ha~ hecome ~o powerful that Congratulations for completing Illen feel they no lon ger have control years of study ID an educational sys over their !lVI'S as If thetr destiny tem whose relevance IS bemg chaI "ere on a colliSIOn COl rse wuh the leDged awfullorce of hIstory Co 19rah"ation~ for graduating into We see a vel y cr tical situation We nice bttle worlds of suburbtln houses ee danger a 1d nine to live Job Into academIa The rhl'tor c will Cl'ase the moment and busmess and medicine and law you leave the Field House The time and the arts and letters et cetera for d alog e and ratiOnal dl~course You I ave au ved III a real" world Will be over TI e time for action and a world that IS faced With very cntical a total L'Ommlbnent toward bUIlding situatlo 15 a \I orld where there IS a hetler life for aU people wIll begin hunger pain suffermg and death A You have been told that you repre wo Id where thCl e IS little peace and scnt A neliua s futl re t11at the con much wllr a world where there Js lit tl1lued plo~penty an4 longeVity of this tie love and Dluch hate (.'Ollltry depends 01 you It does 1t L~ a world m whIch rna n contin But not If yOUi success IS sought ues to pnonhze in favor of technolog and mcas Ired n hvtng a self centered leal aduevements rather tl1an the total hfe In tl e name of peace of love of uplifting of mankind brotherhood The Dally Iowan says In America we have seen the con eha rge <:lass of 69 hI t in all your quest of outer space and a total com chalgmg - gi ve a darnn mltment to a war thought by many -M E Moore

CANDIDATII POIt DIU ... DOCTOIt 0' I'HILOIOl'HY David Net Atkinson Kana.. CIty lIo Charita William Bllrd ClnclnnaU, Ohl. Julalne EU.n Baker Dea Moln .. Franda X.vler Biron SomeI'Vlll. ....n Cu,en. Leattr Been~ Davenport III.... d OIV d BIbb ",Intrll. Dl Richard Thom .. Bo,ln ChICIIO\ DI Marlo "ranll BORn.nno De. Mo no. 104 .. ,NI Xnl,M Bowdon Sr Cedar Rapldl Gary G.I,n Bulerb,uah Wau'ee Mar,.nt Joan Cahlwell 0 .. Main •• Roy Lynn ColdweU Mounl V.rnon Rom.n Geor.. C.rek 8heboY,In WII 1'lna Hon, Chun, tllpel TI win Peter Dean Cloth er, llerll\o .. I ..ch C.II! Su,"nne Reider Collin. E., 0 Orovt HamUlon eravenJ Am .. !>anltl John Crawford Columbul Jundlon Keith Lelloy Curry 10WI Clly D.n Gordon Dlnntt Pori and, Ort Hanry Let 0.. Tompi FII Emmatt Chari .. Dohl', nlvon~rl Guy Tholll.. Doyal 10". CI Glen Allen EasterdlY low. CL V ctor Bukl Elcbler Dixon IU Hell: Gibson E I oil low. City lIo ... rt Eulana lI:naol lowl City JUIIU IIlchard En,elk.. Ho lind LeonaNl Fer"'r N.w York NY J amu Edw n Gibson Iowa CI y Sl.ler ){ Jean G blon Sl Joseph Mlnn Loren D.. n Gotter Scranton R.ymond O.le IIlrblaon, peru\ ru Gordon OIMn HI r Cedlr " a a Lawr. c. Elledge. OaUn T.x Car David Helnz~ Cedar Rapids William Edward Horn Jr Chlc.,o In. Ro"'\1 Xel h Jamu l OWl Clly WendtU PhUemon ~on.a Greanlboro N C wu.. Vue.le Jull.ndl C.morlnaa Sur Phil Ipplne. Kennelh John lO.b~nde D.vtnpOrl Sunnln Koyo Kubose Chicago n Harold Rlch.rd Lane Olkwood III Wit am 1I0bert L.wrence cori'lvu e Gr,ce l\Ioko ~hrer Flushln, N Y Re,lnald H. ry Lewis CaI,ary C.nldl Barbarl Belh Luch.lnger Dlx ru Erneat Byron M ...olall tow' blly Fr.ncll Mlch,11 M les Llvermon 1I0"'rl Sleeit Moore Coralvut. Tae Vul N.m Tulsa Ok. MarjOrie Longslreth Oel.r oh Olvanport Caro Emm. Ouk, op low, Clly Don.ld D•• n Ourth low. City Geor,. Will am Pata.. on Iowa City IlIchoe MUton Plttlraon Med Ipolll Marvin Arthur Petera 10"" Clly , lIo,.r Nicholson PI.",. Radllnds Callf Franc IICO Eduardo Porr.la low. City Will 1111 Clark R.lnbo" Cedar R.pld. Jame. AU.n J\e\.aem. Mu"elon X.I,hll Mch Robert DavId Roberti 1\10 nl Plus,nt Will am Don Royuly AI.n Ic Tholll •• John Schlereth Pltllbur,h P. ThOll1lS Dean Schroeder Mad oon WII O.vld Rami" Scribner lowl CIty Donald Philip Sull, Weal H.ve n COM Evelyn Cor ,on S.neea low. City Robert Joseph S.nec,1 Iowa Clly Thomas Jol n Ser ka Cle •• lnd OhiO GIl')' ~. Smldl Hilt n,l Neb Joh G egory Slephan e 5 Plul Mlnn Kenneth Olnlel Stuart Brl,hton M.. , John Earl Tarr lowl Clly Jean CI.ude Philippe T.llnd.n OlJon Franc. Tona Shy.n Tzou,. Nlntou Tal""J\ J.mu Cltrence u um S.... I.d.le Jtrry ~t Underler Toledo Oh a H. en Rena Upson S.n 0 e.o CallI Jude P.lrl.k West low. Clly R chard A nold IV ederander. waverly Anne Jtlnnlne Winter L. Cro... WI, Wen Hun. Wu T.lpel Talwln Edward Arlhur ZlwlSIOWJkl lI.yonne JII J DOCTOIt D' MUIICAL AlITa Paul Olnlel lepson. Thermopoll Wyo MAlT It 0' ,UTI lI.rUn Frtderl.k Seth ADIelun, low. ClIl' Clrolyn Oil. Ande ..on Well Choater. Pa G.or,e Henry Andrl.. Jr ... e An .. 011_ lIulh Evans Aflllenirout lowl City 'rederlcII Ol'fln A tklnlOIll Mlnltlto Mlnn Jam .. Olnlel, B.bcock " nlon Sh.ron M.rle B.ker Northboro 11 .h.rd Jooeph Barker North Tlrrytown NY Luis Carlos B.r lOll BQlota ColOlllllla lIaJph Steven Blrle t MUK.Une M.rl.n Evelyn Beane M.rsh. 1I0wn Kath,rlnl Gellenmueh.r BtllUm Iowa City Karrlel Turner Bell E,sex It... ld 000'" lIenllln De Witt IIoIeUI M.rl. Ber, )0". City Ntncy Klnnedy Ber,oro" Provldlnee II t ArlJ. Bela I..... C Iy 'heUa .. hUlln,ton Cld.r Rapldl WIW... Hlnl')' ~lt ..ln, lIock Il1ln(, m Thorn .. J Blommen low. Cily Anno MUier BooteU Cedar R.pldl Jean Lind Bronkm.n Mlnchester Jane Sprelher Bro,h.mmltt Ctdar lIapl •• 8cotl Bruntjln West Br.non Jamea Raymond BUd!., Storm LaD Jabo Stephln lurdl... lIyt NY Alan la.... lIurke Dnenport MI1Y Lo\ll .. C.nnon 10 •• City Vlelor Anlbony cap_I!.. lo.a Cilr Chrilly C.rlaton low. Llly GlOrll Jlln Ceru Tlmp. 11. Otrtrud Oraublrt Ch ...,. )o ..a Cltr Ro•• NI HlI,h Cody Auburn II. JIIancy I.n. Cohen Clnclnn.tl, Ohle Lucy 101 .. Colbert low. CIY' IUeh.rd 'altr Condo/'lJll 1I000on ..... J.m.. Fraderlck Con,tf Lliloia N D Iynd,y X.y. Con,tr roWt City C'h,IIUne Vern.r Coolldf' PorUa,1I 0" Evelyn M.ry Coveney o"a City Cllud08, IUf .. Thomll Arn Renquili. t art Dodf. Laura Rulh Roudybulh WWI.IIUI, MUltatIM VIr,lnl. M.ry Sill, Orind.. nt. M.17 flle."1 ...Il"I.. • YI" rthur )I.IUna, D.vonporl Robert L)p" Noppl. Carroll SUA1I R.. Latll M.fl' Chlrlot\e Gooelm.n WIUl.... , D... npert Clfol June Smith, Aledo. 01 . .011., IIlth.rd R.l,h Ha"...... ,~ .ICI ..J' u.. .IY. Pra".Un IItAlIIJtlr Jr., WIIIfliI' Lam D... HIelMn. 1I0wlly Duld Curt..... ynold •••oekf .... m. 8ar. J.n. p.ullen WUllIJIII Seo.. h GrO\'l Hal Lealie Smith, Cedar Ripldi J..... WWIaIl1 H.nall"b nt J..... rraulJ Otth. Du u,u. Karl FralU NOllanbtr'"'biIOW, Cltr Don.ld J.m •• R.,noldl. Ra_U LInd. S~nn WUlam.on, Jii'fenoa E,thu M.e Sor.DI.n. D•• enpOrt lIandall II.. R.nlO" JIII,nalor.. GIJ'lI Ollna Ph,lp, Ptlo Goor,. Edw'rd nrrI., • IC Jo.. ph Kirkpatrick Roynoldl, .~, 1111110 Sue WI lilt •• C.manche )larf, Laur •• Spencor. P'orlt. Ill. IAwl. Irowa Hard.n. a4U I'W Vlrnon .luru.t lI.lIbi• • 1lan0l. IAwn_ IAIIla Northway Susan lr.ne lI.ynold., Ilmhunt. W. Denla AI.n WII.h.re. CooptrltowD. N.Y. WIU.m Eldon St.nl.YI CUaT, n..a IblOa H"!Il', AJdta U.CHILOa 0' 1elillCl WUllaa 1I1t1l.. l O'Brlaa. t ...... SU. Ellen RlOI, North JJbeIV J .• m.. RUIlOIl WII.on. D.. Mala.. t'e ~1·Lon ~~!eJs·1 Fhon.... • Irtt Lt Alli. Dal. J(ar... , Dlt:Un6 III ILl C. Ittlcltttl lI.rtIJI 011..... ottumwa G.or•• WlUlun RlchardlOn, m. CllI1IIM Kay 1I ...1m WUlOn, Duke ..Ule artna u_ .p .nlOn, lip u TII011I11 Arillur \flcklln. nt6 lIo111t. CTiI AL IN 111".1" WIlIIl'4I WUd O'.II"bjAyarl RoUIn Gen. Rlchm.n, Brooklyn 'amel. J.ckl. WUoon. B.rrlllltoD. m. J.mn M.rrlll Stri.by, Qulney. ftL ....rIc. 1lI.. .,.d JobA Jr Dh '..... D.. I« "UU... ColllP. Wlnt.... 1 I .... CIII O'-A nton JIIIchul Francll RIchmond, Fori MadlMa Steph •• Lea Wlnnln.er, Wat.rloo John Ch.rle. Suler, low. CIty KtnntLh Ardell lo~ilioll:·ltlil\on.-~ LYnn 04rald Orot, ortlIwood WUIlam Charl.':'t5i-rt.. CU ..wta Aileen 'hyUl. Rhilmorm.n, Oath.. N.~ Ch.ryl Ann Wlnrow, NapervUl •• W. D.nI. J.n Sutton. l.. dIIon. W.. . LoW;1I ".urlc, JOM'~1I08" VI.. DOIIUII Dennll Ku.l!'1<>. Jr.• IIott",1Iarf IIJdlll'd Orlan P.rw. iI...... 1a 1I0y Elfl RlI ..... nn. Glenvle", m. Am.lI. F.y. Wlnterf,ld, SlolIX Conter St ...n Bruce Teachout. Se,/or•• H. Y. .ry JoI ••a Ion.. , • tttlt. 1101' -M Ela'in Elaln. Nldlne Rose~, Wllmett •• m. Joan Ellen Younr, D.v.nport Krist.n K.y W.... r, Iowa Clly Lesl le IIIc ....1 Lawrence. CeO., la,... alcb.U~ Alta Z~I .... Burllnllta III<:bard Th.odore lI.ul. C.rroU RIchard Ira Rosen, uUc., N.Y. Lell. McCoy Yount, O.h.el" J.m•• R.y Wtndel. Codar R.III •• St.phen ADdrtw Ladla. D.... 0..... IACHILOR 0' IClINe_ lIoberl CraI, IIlddla. 10 ... City Robert MarvIn Ro ••ne . Dav.nl1Ort Mar,.ret lu,enl. Voun. 0 .. Moln.. Gre.ory Al.n Wbe.lon, C... lloD D.vld Clark Let.llkOw, Fllrb... III MICHAlileAL 11I0IIII ..t... Jobn JOttpb RI del. Ihrion MarIlyn Susan ROlOngarden. HI.hl.nd Par.. Richard Benn.tt Voun-. Nome, At ..k. Janice LoulH Wh •• Il.. MOUIi nJ. Ba b A V • Terry Bllko Whlln.y.l.~. waodward IIonald Lan)' Ll.d., "..... City Gary La. Arthur. Bettendorf LJonlll ElI ... Riley, M.lbourn. 'II I R WillI r ara nn oungman Burllnato" Edward Wluner Eldora Dou.l•• K. Lunds4!lIrd Cherok.. Chari.. Edw.rd Collin.. C.dar lIapldi Rodney Lea Rlnd~rkntCht.. Vall Bor.. Ru th n ram oser. Imsbur, Slanley Rlehard Z.gol, is .. Moln.. Bobbl. Harold WIIII.m., Newton D.vld IIrown M.eMlIlan: )la Oil ClIJI Donnll Kent Qre.... QUIIlt'., m . Glry Lea R0b4R:\,.'0,.. ~tIIa Carolyn WolI.r Ro ••,. Nu"".Un. L.rry John Zlmmerm.n TIpton Suun AlIcia WIII1'b Eldor. Ke"neth AI." ROts. Muac.Une Robert Evan ZIpperer, Ced.r R.pIJlI ~:.:'.~I S1:'iu~c~:l&c,~ · ~:t=. &,:rArt~'.ir~In~uR~:' v.r.~YI1J· ~-=~ ~~.~~~~ c~.~g"~CII1 Na"ey Louella ROd, She".ndoah Maur.en Vlr,lnla Zllkov.aY 10 ..' CIt)' Glori. Oay Wirth. unnl IVl1Ilam Reid Ro .., OskalOCI. Lol. Mlrle Zu.lke, Iowa CI ty Robert LatlDle, Woodbury. Kt..al"ortll. ftI. ~~'::t ~~~~th~~C~.~~~~":r.~~u• ..t'l:~ ~~::~ ~.~n~·N.dI.:r.IU .~~f(nk 'rt,~~:.r~~~·:: ~ij'!~~.: ru. Linda Jeln Roush, Burlln,ton .AtHUOR OF .CIINel Beth Ellen Worthman. Qdar tla,ldl St... n Warr.n Morrl ..n . W.as "' Jelln NI hola. N'~"." orth Uber!1 Mlchlel to. Sand"'r•• C.d.. R.pldl Mary KatherIne Royer 0.1111 C•• ler David Alan Ak.rm.n Ollumw. lIarba.. JOin Yocom. W.uko,an, DL Lawrence N.II Mulm., "011 'ndtrlek Lea '0 I, aur\Jnalon M.rt WUlIam Sc.hy. lAwl.r Richard Austin RU ...II, Shr.vepOrt, La. K.thleen AJlb,urh.. i!!mm.llbur. Thom., Le. Zllko. Marlon 1I0bert Bruce NI.ltnct, ila"",. J ..... LeaIJ Rlrbar Orle,bY. R1. Jac. Terr.n.. "'haoter, D.v.nport John Wilker Rutenbee , DeWllt L•• Elton Allen. "onesvllle IACHILOR 0' ""I A.TI Larry Euren. O'Connor, W.btI,r O\t)' 1.11. Dean 61'.1 •• C •• r.. City Thorn .. Raymond Schlrm.n Jr ~ . Ptrr1 L.von Floyd Rutt, Columbus Jllnel!on J.n. Ardyce An~ru.ka, FaU. Churcl!. Va, b ..n Le. B.lko, DOl )loin •• Thom .. John Osten, Norlllwoell .ACHUOII 0' IUIIN ... ADMIN ..TIAT"", Lor.n Otll ~hmIU, lo ..a clI)' William Geor,. Saathorr. Mt. Vernon Delli K.y Arm.tron., Dy.~ ••IU. Ron.ld Dun 01 .... VI~ton Thom .. Edward Pederaon, J ....to ••• \Ca. Dnld lI.rlon Am ... 'ort Dod.. Mar.ln Not1Mrt ruaill. DubU.rk Ridge ru. Crll, Lu lIunnln,... Deeerah R.Oberl Arthur P. t.rtO ~.. Coundl .Iuff. JaM .. Jlobe~1 B.rn'lt, Coder Rlpldt J_pb Dou,l.. Sn-aftton. wublnatoa Wendy Lou Sch.mberger. Cedar R.". Curll. AI.n Behrend. Rock bland. ru. .ACHU"I 0' MUIIC aary KUnin, Ph.lp.. .. at"l" Da\ll4 Chrtlll.n Bauer. Allburn G.ry Le. SOrrerm• n, !Ido," N.ncy Ruth SchlUer. HI,hl.nd Park. m. Frederlek Ern ..t BorisChln,.r. Jr .• It.okuk D.nny DOl .. Andenon, Morriall", UL RaJph Rultln PrlY, ,ar,o. N.D. J_ph Iobullan lle

M.ry Susan SI.vers/ .. Audubon Karyn Joyce Lawr.nce Ford, Llcona Thomu Jallleo Cahill. Fori D.dgo Jo"ph Don.ld ThonlOo. Po.tyult JlInU I4'nn Clark. 1II0uni Vlrn... Jo.. ph P • .". TPytlan. Jr., Par" 1IIUt. • m. Donna Rae SI"'I waleoll WIllI.m Nath.n Frajman, Iowa CIt, D.vld Edward Carm.n, BurUnlton Slephen Lawls Towl.. lett.ndorf Gaylord Loren Cloud •• MoUnt. W. Harold RQbert Y.n Idll. "oolJtod S.mu.1 Edward Skare, LIncoln Judith Arlen. Fr.nltlln, Mlnn ..pOlIs. JI1IIJI. D.nlel Leo Carr, Mt. Ayr PlUllp Harry Vander 6tne, IA Illtn Chrillophar Alli. Colem.n. DI"npO" Phillip CurtI. Vard...... w,P4UO Ellen Joann Skell.y, Dubuqu. John L.lli. Fye, OUle Grov.r Leo ChICOI"~, Slou~ City Maf'\oln Arnold vo., Now .baton Slaph.n Cohu Col.mlft. Dayenport Chari •• Wood ..n V. , Delhi Marilyn K.y SI.,I •• Grinnell Bemad.tt. Anne Gabryl. Ever,reen P.rt. m. Larry John Cohrt, 'valerloo P.ter D.rt W.II.ce, Iowa ClIJI llu_U B ColUn,wood. Alphl. nJ. CI.udJ. Ann Velter. Weot.rn ,.,rt"''' II.. Clarann Sue Bowm.n Smith 111..... Robert Crowell Oar.y, "ock/ord, 01. Jame. Richard CI.U.rb.u.h, 10'" ClI1 Robe rl Elwood W.mpler... Jr.~.Deo II.... Pltrtck Morrl. Con"ay, Wlllltna\Oft Judith Ann W.I •• nbach. Gr ..lllleld DonD. Darlene Smith. D•• MOln.. H.rl.nd Wayne GirvIn, Durant Jam •• Rlch.rd Cm.jrek Marlon. Ind. Jam.. Vic lor W.... I •• uti .oIftu Mltbtal Thom .. Cooper, MIllIOn Roberl Wayn. W.lkIe),. ArU~on H.~ m J.ckl. Carl SmIth. Robin. G.rald Frank G.hlln,. Carroll Jerome Ryl.nd CrOll. d. Cor.lvl\lt 1I0berl Cb.rl.. Wlcb. Iowa City ' D~'le lIobert Crldlr Mon~t1wna C.,I St.phe~ W.rren. Clinton Vloloria Barkema Smith. J.well Gall Christine Gel8l11,er Fort Dodi. Ch •• ter P.ul 0 ••1 •• 1:m.rJOn N.b. Dudl.y Eu,en. WUoy, Iowa City de klY CrIm, AI b\a 1I0n.ld Ed ard W.ber, Dubuque Richard Nev.ln Snltk.y, AnJr.ny J.m .. AUan G.lasl.r, C~ampalln, nl. Rkhard Wln.low DaVIa. Jr .• AlIOn.,. MI. Jam •• Don.ld WUson. w.1t Llbertt .,.co Leo Crou, D•• Moine. T.d lu•• n. Welr.lhtr. PeUI Sar.h Hall Solb.r, rOrt 1II.dIIoD D.nlel Hirsh Gervlcn, Marobilltow" John Irwl.n Dlehl. De. Moine D.1t Glenn Wulf. Grand llound Fr.d WI1II.m Crum PiLl burrh PI. Delor.. Chrlllin. Mollet Willman. O\l1IlIIwl Mlcbael Edw.,d so'omon MarlhaJllo.. AII.n Myron Glld.",leeve, Zearln, John Foat.r .Dwyer. D•• "oln.. OOCTO~ OP DIIiTAL .U ••••T IIlIchl.1 St ••• n Dillon. Iowa CIty John R.bert Wellman,.Oltumwl LInd. Ler ..n Soren.en j ow. CIty Edward AI.n Glo,.r. GI.nvl.w W. J.m .. Albin Ev.lhov.kl, low. City Jouph Hum phrey Ande .... n, Del 1I01uI J ...... Godfrey D.rb" t ..t Molin.. • Gary KlmhaU Wei h, "eokuk Mary AUee Sow .... BUi/.I. C.nter Judith EI1.n GI ..,ow. low. efty Robert Le. rant.r. Cryltll Lak., m. Robert Larry And ...... W.terloo Roberl Harv.r PeKoe., Fort Dod.. RI,hard Le. W.lton, Ch.rl • Clt1 Laraine K.ye Spur,eon, D.. Moln.. Rob.rt Leland Goddard. CIm.nch. WIIUam Fr.derlck Fant.r, Cryltal Lak., .. Robert La .... nc. 8.ltttU. Chari .. CIt)' lIabert John De midi "ort Dodg. Idw.rd ArthUr Worllbor,er, llubuquI Diane Kay Siak., Fr•• port 01. Ru ...n WUlIgm Graham PaulUna Ro,.r Lawr.n.e ".rri.. Cedar Rapid. P.uJ Rus.1I Beck. Blool rata. S,O. Oolllld Lee D.w .... blear Raplao ttph.n Leon.rd We.t. lo"a Clly Naney Mellll5l Sumen. Gu{hrle CeDt... B.rnard Henry Gr.enhUI, De. Moln.. HUlh Meyor FI.ld, W.I.rloc Thomll Lee 8.nn.lI, Mann... D•• ld Klith DlcklOn, Am.. Ron.ld IIv.. Whealer. illabope Palrlcla Louise Steel. Iowa Clt~ Terry LaV.rn. GrimleYblow. CIIJI Thoma. Ca.. "owler IIonu_ Dennl. H.rbert Brl,,", Codar ll.plJlo Ch.rt. John DI •• el,. Nora print. Ir. Ern II White , Gr nfleld In Fr.ncb Stelngroot Iowa CI Dennis Van Jay Guffey. Ivenport D.vld Paul "rank, Vlntoft Robert Len Bro,h.mmer, C.dl , IIlpld. Eldon W.yn. Dirk .... onUceUo Jam •• Anthony White, MUIe.Un. K.lberlne Frledmln Sieln.root, 01 ••• Oblo Alan Ellsworth Gu.Un, Dubuque Arnold John Frey, Jr., C.dar I\.pld. O.yld Mar.hlll c.rver. Waverly D.vld Burka Dobm., O,den John PaUl Wle.. Rhod •• Jerry Lee Alan St.v.na, Denv.r Col.. Ro,er L. Gwlnnup. Keos.uqu. Itobert Henry Galluh.r, Mount.lnoldt, ~.l. Jo.. ph F'rancla Conl.llo, Coral'UJ. IIttvln Roy DUk.lhl.r.. low. CIty Edw.rd Harry WIIII.rna Wlnter.. t Jame. Walt.r Stick. Jr.• QcI.r Rapldl Karen Roberta Hahn. Char Ie. City Buckhtrd G.I ..I.r. Arlloaton H.I,hta, .. J ...... \vUIl. COOptr. Cnarlta Cltl' Ro,tr Eldon Dunker, rort Dodl' Robert Allen WIlII.m.-J ' Chlo ••o. 01. Clyde Doo.ld Stolte"ber" Walcolt Randall Eu •• n. Hlln.s, O.kl.nd CharI .. Abbott GunderlOn, Rolf. Cl\rtItopher Good.on Corm.D1. Wht L1b4t17 D•• ld John Du V.lI, De. Moln. UI tllfO William.. ..tnhlUtown l.vI Bo,danov. Ston.hocller,.De. MoiUo LesU. Ann Hln.u, L. Graog. P.rt, DL Jamea W.rr.n H.II,n Mlrlon Bernard Nichol .. OJ WlJIlbro, Qu ..... N,Y. Timothy AII.n tc".rm.. ~. Hudson C.rol J.an WII,on. ,",oltne, IU. Gregory Lee Strasser, De. MOIn.. Mary C.th.rlne H.ndfelt, Ind.pend.nOl Harv.y Lee Hart1ao , Cedar Rapid. Ronald Le. Edwards. Da ..1I1101'\ Jarrold 1I.lph Edward. HWllboldt Jamea Ru ...11 Wlloon, Oturt Ann Kathryn Street. W.t.rloo Ronald WIUI.m Harrl., Sr..ncer Brent Gordon H.l'llad, M.rioll D•• ld P.ul Ervin. Charle City Larry Leon Elle", MonUcello Jeri M.r,aret Wl1lOn , Ollulllwa Lewis J.y St.ln De. Molou Jame. Mark Hluck, Kln, ••y Harold Du.n. H.ltln•• Llb.rty C.nlar J.me. Robert G.mble, honando... WillIam Arlhur 11'1I. P.rry Victor WIIII.m WllIOn, N.wlon Mary Elizabeth Steu. Spencer Gary Glenn Hudrick, Xeolnaa Rob.rt Addllon H.yn •• 0 .. Moln .. Joyce Ellen Gld.1 Garlon. Lon. Trt. Ro,ert Woodford Em.II. D••• npOl't Judy KlY Wlnk.1 anborn Stephen Thomas Stelnho~fJ Fori Do~ Carol Ann H.1m Des Moln.. John Harold Hinton. low. City Gerry Leo Glen,.r. Wat.r1oo WlUlam Ooor,. Inke, O.lwoln Thom .. Robb Wollin, Relnbeek Trudl Kathryn Stev.ol, urb.na, Ill. Catherine Henlghaum D.venp.rI Jame. D.nton Hod.es, Jr., low. C11J1 NeU Mor,an GIlts, Wat.rloo Robert Eu •• ne Eub.... , Nov.d. Freddl. J.) Yoder , K.lon. Sally JOIn Stoker, D... nport Mlcha.1 RIchard Hof~m.nn! V .. Moln.1 Franklin Lee Hull. N.wlon Donlld Le. Good Atlantic Jarry Parker tv.n' Jt" HalllUlon. Ohla Irl. Jennlrer ZlmanU1, kokl ... 01. RIchard Alan Stokst.d. DOl Moln.. Thomas EdwIn Jacob.. n, S,OWl City D.vld Allan Inlum. Fond. Dou,l.. Ev.rett GOLhl.r. Anlholl Dr •• Al on p.lrchll d. ".dar Rapldl RICh.rd Lamont Xum Arnoldi r.tk Ch.rles Georg. Stoiber,. Chlc.,o. m. Ruth Fay. Jaecke l. W.terbury Conll, Mleha.1 Howard Irvln~ Omaha, N.~. Rodn.y AUen Gray, Mllon City M.rk CharI. ".Ib. Po hUl. IACHILO. 0' 5CIINCI IN NUlllNt Carlle Ann Slolt., Anamon WillIam James J.kub.. n, ClInlon Steven H.rry J.cobo uavenport Kennelh Dol. H.mmel. K.okuk RIchard C.rroll FarlOW, Lorimor Jln. lub4U. Olllle. Allon. "'00II Lake. IIIaa. Molly McCoun Strob, Des Mo..... Rick Lavern Jennln,., Iowa Falll LInda Ann M.bu, Jelf.ro, Rollin, ror••• 1. Harold Seymour H.,rla, J!::, P.rk lit. r. N,D. Henry Irvin Felr SprlDl".ld, 01. Lind. Lou Vltt AllllOn, C.nlon, 01. Brue. Allen Stroth.r Ame. Thomas Charle. John""n, Clinton J.crry Robert Jontt, Da.lon Thom .. Dlvld H.ye. low. ",ty Thorn .. Wayne tl.htr. BeU. PlaIn. Jlne Ann A,hby. Ran •• Ua Carl Wlllon Stu.rt K.Okuk Judson Hal Jon ••, Mont.luma Rodney Deln Joslin, Erie, U1. Richard Thom .. H. • Rockford ru. Michael Jame. Flaherty, Mllon ClI, Kathleen Ann 81..,..n, Rockford. DI Jame , WIIII.m Stuber. C.ntorvllle J.rold MuU.r Jorgensen Klmb.lltoa Thom.s Wheeler K•• n, low. CIIJI Mlthael Charlo. HolI.nj! Wlnl ....·t Oon.ld Eu ••n. Fr.tte, Weboter City Susan Rulh lUe III illt Clencot IU . Arthu J .. h St _c, J 0 ~ ,_ WIIII.m Everett Juhl, '~ontro", Patrl.k JOI.ph K.lley Am •• D.vld Milton Kle ..u . oltym. Richa rd D.. n Fuhrmel.t.r. CedarR.plda L.. nne Junn.tte Miller BUltrom, btl lIoJna. K.rin r A.:'n ~ulllv~~uhe"'~ol~~'''ow.' Crysl.1 Knl,ht Xell.y. ~wa City Mlchl.1 B. Kenn.tt, Grundy C.nt., John Terry Kin" Burllnnon Wall.ce Irnelt Gall, Jr., Cedar IItpldl Dixie La. Bond. Earlham Marsha Da wn Sullivant Milbank, S.D. Margaret Beth K.nnMy, Le M... O.vld Mlch ••1 Kin •• Dund ••• 01, Mlcha.1 H.nry 'Leuck. "u.e.Une EUI.nt Howt. G.Ua,h.r. NewhlU CI.udltt. Jo Hedden. Bork, lIedltpolll Ronald 'aul SulUv.n. ounell Bluff. Marlin Herman K.nt, New Rochell. NY G.rold Lane Rlv.rald. JOlOph Lee Lon •• low. CIty M.ry Ann Chrlltln. Clrtf.lo. Council BI. ('.therlne Ann 8r1ley, Boon. KrI.lln Elizabeth SWIllllerwlll, 10 .... Cltr William David Kerfoct . Oltumwa ' " Richard William Lozl.r, Jr., DIt Moln .. John Ch.pm.n Looml •• SII.er Sprllll, lilt D•• ld H.nry G.I.ud., Molin., min. J)orothl Jlh.r Ca.nnon, Buter Bonlll Sue Sundber,. M.dr1. K.lth Mlch.el King. Oltumwa Jam.. rrancls M.lloy, R.d Oall NeUI H.mllton Lu.bk •• Park R.pldi, Itllall. LeRoy SI ••on Gordon. MolI"o. J.nnlfer Lynn Caol.vk •• CluU.r Jean MUdred Sundber,. G.n.. eo. DL Loul. Roberl KIng, m, Cedar R.plda Gerald Ard.n MarUn . lowl City Alan Hubert Marll, Oil Molnell R_m.ry Grady, Dunl.p Marlha Ann GIU.m CI,rk. W.lerl4e Terry Earl Swan.oD, Rockford. D1 . Ted Raymond Klnrsl.Y Rockford, ru. DavId R.y M.. on, LIme Sprln •• P.ul J.mea Martin Lawl.r 0.1 Ed ... rd Gre .., low. CII1 Chrlllln. EUlibeth co/flnil D••• npOrt Ronald Lee Sweeney. K.nalofton Md. Lanc. M. Klnseth, Fort bod,. WInton Jamlt Mllon, S.c City Teranc. Steph.n MeO.rmotl IIrookl",• • B.D. Oliver Stephen Gre.n!')'. ClarlDd. Barbtn Ann Criswell. In lanola Anne Louise SlmoDaen Swllber Wat.rI.. Thomas AI.n Knut,on. C.dar R.pldl Tony Nil. IIcAdams Dell. J.mes Edwin Mlck Knoavlli. M.rl. Xarin Grunew.ld. Cedar R.pldl S.lIy Ann Dahm" Schl. wI, Randall Seott Swisher AU.nl.l James Wlyne Koonl" Centr.1 CIty ROler SlInl.y McCabe, TaylonUl •• 111. Donald Richard MlIie':.! C.dar IIlpld. Emil Charlu Ha.mn,.r, Gray Oonn. M.e O.I.n, D.cor.h M.rg.ret Sunnn. swoTrordi.fsr,rlnlflald, m. Mark L. Ko-I., Gladbrook John WII .. n McCallloler. P.n.eta f'IL Gary W.rren MIIl.r urlnn.1I Cral, Henry H.... m.yer , lite Canler Ulln D.... y. Dlun. Ill. Richard Louis Talcott, D.. 0 n.. 0 I • John Ramlar. McK.y. low. CIty , Rkhttrd Harry ,",uilarky, Ch.rl.. CII1 Oary 1I0bert H.I"... Clinton Pllrld. Adele Dunb.r. WoodYllle. M.... oug IS Du.n. Krauth. Comln, SI.ven P.t •. ~ k M I J •• n Patrlcl. Tamse, DOl Moln.. r c ....oc. .nn n, Jlme NelU Murt.urh, N." Hl1IIptoa I.y L, Hambur,. O••• nport Donna Loulll Elderkin./. Wlllt.... l MItchell SaUl TllCY, H~l.nd Park. DL Ro,er Raymond KUbik, Creaco Dick H.nry MODt,omery. Larrabe. Don.ld Owen NUlOiI. Green/I'II Ron.ld Lynn H.... n. Weat Union N.nry Lee Emmon., t.:linton o b h l' I C d I Sterling John I..atveg, low. City Dorr.1 Arl. Morl , FrederlekJbur, M.rrUi Duane N.llon CI.rlnda .....d.rlck Mareus H. kin., 0 •• 1I0ltftl Ann Dru 1II1 En,elhardl, t, LoUlI. lie. J o ora ay.or. e ar p d. Robert Lee Land., Lak. MUI. Gary Curll, Moss. T.ylorvl11 •• JR. Joe Ev.r.tt Purdl • • Rock .. ell Cllr Don.ld Warren H.tch. Jr .• Whitton, IlL Linda Lu FlIh VInton William Ollbert T.a,ard.n, Boon. John Edgar LePlanh. Marah.lIlowa Rob.rt H.nry Muhl.nbruch H.mpt.. Jam •• Fr.ncll Simon. Arllnflon B.I,hll. 111. Dou.l.. Arnold H.bbel, D.ven... rt Mtry Alf,h. FlJhburn Mu..,.Une Ron.ld Clayton T.rrlll. 0 .. Moln.. Sue Ellen LalOr, wllmett., III. John FrancIs N.ch ...I . Burllnllon Ron.ld Cr.I, Smith. Wlt.rroo Mlcha.1 Lee R.lnrld', Wilton JuneU.. Janet !I .. belh LeIpold Formln.k, 1kII'.w., Mary Blanch. Thielen. Wat.rloo Sheryl Ann Lebeck, Audubon G.vln R~f' Nevin" On.w. R.ld Etd'n St.m~1 Oltumwa Frank Roy H.lienlh. , W.1t LIberty R1. Mar~lIch.elilyn KlYEv.n 8tlllngiThom.. :rhom, Dav.nporl De. II.... Jim., Wilson I, e mbe,r er. 'V• .ver Ron.ld • th Noah, Charles City Ch.rl.. William ThJ., M.dI.... 1Ia Dayld Paul H.lIw•••• Boone Sindr. Florent•• ·rank . Ab4rd.'n. S.D. Sue lien Thom... Tae- '...... Dal. AI.n LePrevOll, Clint.. G.ry ElI.worth Norm.n.. Ottumwa Jam.. Ll.b. WatlOn. Indllnoll CYn thl. Lee H.nneber" ..Roek R.pldl Junn. K.y Fr.derlck, p.kln, m. C lhl A Th -C - Cral, Roy LewIs Des ~Ioln.. C.cU RI~lph Olth.lmer, .... ml John Charles Wel,.I, Ankeny nme. Edward Hents. wayl.nd NltyJ. 0'0 Ollbflllh. ,pen.. r yn a nn ompson, .dlt R.ptdl Nan Davies Lludahl, Mltch.U. S,D, Fr.nk W.rr.n Pechac.k, Jr. C.dar ..... Roland Durn.U WUIe.n'! Betlonlorf Richard DeLon, Henatorr. F.rra",' ao'.rIY Jun To,l.nd G.Ullln, ~or~ RonaldShawn Bruc.William Thompson, Thomp ..n 't.orlCouncil Madltoa 111... LI.y d Ray mo n d ~,.1 tth os, AI n,wo rth Stephen Dickey Pet.r.. n , Wanpato"'~'I Geor,. AI.n WII.on. owa CIIl Dou,l" R.y RIU . CI.rlon LInd. Mae Gil ... We De. MOlD .. R Ib Ell Th CdR Mary Margaret MCAnlY'wNewton J.ck AII.n Porler, Lorlm.r J.m•• K.nnolll WlIlon. Slou. Clly Darr.1I Lea Hlne., De. Moln" Ellen Loul .. H.m. On.w. u en omson,. ar afldl NeVI Schrock McCarly, est Br.11dl John Fr.d.rick R.n.y Keokuk Al.n Slanl.y Woodbou~, Vinton Hlrlan H.nry Rolot, LeCI.lr. Nlncr W.U. Hamm.nn, WIJhlnltOIl, DL K.lhleen Emllv Tldb.U, Centra CIIJI Jo",ph 1.. McConnell. Iowa City C.Heton B.rg Reid, W.1t D•• Moln .. Gary Leo Yarrln,ton walerloo Vlrrlnl. Lee Houek, Bett.ndorf Karo Ann Hellyer Albl. Borry lIu ...U TImko, Mt. Pro.pect. IlL Larry Douglas McDowell. BloolIitnrtIa, -. Mlch ..1 Wayne RI.xeri, R.In....,k .ACHILOI OF .CtiNCI III '"AtMACY Rlehard Bruce Howard. Cedar R.pldl 1)an. Le. H.ndrlck.On. Rod.)' Obi. Richard Paul TlmInInl, Eltb.rvtlI. Jo.1 Timothy McKeown. Burllnlloll Rex John Ridenour, Pnmgbar 111~u. Steven LonnIe Tindal. WlIhlnatoa Gill Ann McKoon . M.ynard Rlch.rd Bird Riley, K.okuk lIenjamln Lance Barker"Frederlck.btlll V.u,hn D.vld HullO , Tol.do SOnjl lug. HOIn"e CHItO John Matlhew TlU.r. Marlon Michael 101, McShane , Mount v.mon! ... Lee William Ro ..brook, Am •• Grelory Kin, Blrtont ...ar.h.Utown 1I0n.leI Eu,... HunteTL Burllnltoll JChUd.Yrr1LeeLunHnrocMhl!eh.leell r)l'unlUt· .III . • _ V.nl Ronald Batcbeu.r, Lak."oOd. N.Y. G.no M.r.ln Hyl.nd. "adcll/fe ,11' 'V ' William CharI •• Tltu., Sh.ffI.ld Bruc. Bursoll MeT.vloh. C.dar R!;r dI SI.v.n Jon Ro ..nber" 0 .. Molne. .rcell. M•• N.ubau.r Bokm.yu. hdeUH. Andrew Robert J.ckson, 0 .. Plain ... a S.ndra Jeln Mon.on Hulch1n., Foroll CIt)' Slanl.y Kobus Tjad.n. Lakola Robert Richard Mensln-, D.von~ Richard G S tl drid tlU.m Ro,er Bould.n. Lenox Larry Jo.. ph J.n .. n, Slit. Canter M.ry Prances lceno,I •• Ro .. vUlo. ru. O.vldBonita YewJean HoonTompkln.: Tom W.hlawa.Iowa City H.wall JU% Ann Fln.ran Mey.r• Odebo t Ronald 1. ...ne Sch.rube. an I Pllos• Hel,ht.. II. R.ymond~ Am •• Bu ..~, Colulllbu. ~uncU.. J'rodd Jen.en Exira Cheryl Ann Imel. GI.n Ellyn, DI. Mi chael Le. Trauln.r!! Burlln.toll Rut Ellen Meyer. Mor ton. III. Don.ld Lewl. Schlld. B.U. PI.In. Cheryl G.vel BYIm , ",.okuk Ardy. De. JohnlO., SIoux Cit)' Cheryll Ann M.Lan. Jon" Garn •.,WD Nancy Ann Treinen, .---n William Paul I,Uck, Kno&VUI. John RI.hard Scott. Pocahonll. Th.mll Dean Colloon, VIUI... Martin Henry Johnson, '.rk Il,Id ••, m. ..Uy Ma.Rao ~on .., DeCi t ur. m ,1 ~ D.nl •• Sue Miller. AI.do IU WIIUam AI~-rl Sh.w' h t 1o ... ra low. Cltr John Cooper Barker. D.venport John Gary II .... low. \ilty Ronald Oo.n 101 ••••• " .. nidal. Donn. R•• Ska ..h.uj, Amu J.nle. Joan Watje. Buck Oro.. T.mar. Jo Prono,lI. Ind.pend.n.. AI"-rt A .. B C ••" t Cartherln..... ry 1I0th. Acltl., J.hn Robert M.rtln, Sw.. CIIJI Anita Jeannln. Smll~t O'FlUon. W. Mlrilyn Jean Watson. Fort ...... dllO" J.. air I' c. I'rna I , G.I.lbur,\ IU. urry~ Eu,eneu.u., B.ck.r.c.er...... PM.har Robert W.rr.n SlDIbrlc, w.tarJ~ I\ez WIlII.m M.ur.rl. low. ClI1 Donn. Jo fetur Smlrn. Vidor \VIIU am Stev.n Wuenb4rr. D.v.tI,," Max Albert Qu .... Albume t Bruc. Martin B.ck.rd, 1I0lf. Mlchaol HIY" Sinnott. MlIOn CI Sylvl. IIr... May., lAder Rapldl Sh.ryl Sue mllh, W. t Point K.thleen JOYce W.. y ... Glon mlyll, DL Richard Joel Quarton. Oskaloo.. J.m.. RullOU BI.ckm.n, Eal1. Gro .. WIIII.m Robert slorba, Normal. . Keith AUen Meelnlell. Elmhuut ID. Carolyn Kay Speed. DIIlIl Mar,.ret J.no Weaver W.pelln K.ren Sue R.jlon, C.d.r RI~ldl John Amson Boice Iowa City Larry Clayton V.n Sickle, Ora~ CII, Jphn Edward McCartn.y. Burllof\oJl Bev.rly J •• n Hoov.r SI •• n.. n. Guthrl. Cont.r Ivan Thomas Webb.r j II DlY."- Lewl . Mlchl.1 R.nd. ft•• Mo D.. St h.n 0 B 'I I CI"" Kyl. R•••• Ver 51 .... BoIM Michael lIaymond McClIntock, lIaro... )llrl.ne Renl. Jodll Sturd.vant, caa~rldae. Carolynn Kav'/., W.ldl.!n "~ l'ourn ...... y· Judith Ann Reed. 0 \ ymplauc ".ldI. m. WilliaMep Markaclf Bourn.,00. n. Al,.hIow. ... lI'nd.1I ScotL W D port D.nnls Jo .. ph McGlv.rn Mar.n.o flI. WIllI am P.ul Weier h.u,..,r. MUle.tlM M.rll.. Sue R•• ml8m~ D.v.nport Andrew G.bor Boyer. lopa CIIJI Rand.1I Erk w:~~~~' Olla:.. JeanIe Ruth McGlollllen, l!ause.tlJle EUubeth Anne Berll hofer Swa..-. Wllar- lII.rth. Jan. Wellm.n, 0 .. lIoln.. 1I0bert Eu,ene Rhe. rort DodlO Ron.ld Robert . Brown. Wlterloo IACHILLOR 0' 'CII;\_ Jalll •• Alvtn McKln.try, M.,.halllowa 100 Patrlrla Walls, D.VfnrM! John 1_lndoll Rich , en.rl.. City D.. ld .,Jo.. ph 8ulll. 8lacy.0I. IN CHIIYICAL III.tlll I"a E.rl Ollo McQuiston. C.dar R.pld. J.ne EII.n Triek .• y, Des MaIn .. J.n. W.,I.rilold We. Union Alan K.nl Rlosman SI Cit J h I C I C '" - lIob.rt Allen M,I.r. Cldar Rlpld. Mary Jean Wlhrenbrock, J ...ell erl"... H.rbert '''.1-.1.w • Betl.nd'"un Fredric K.. ln Rosenber,' oux Desyon Mol... RQnald Y'De.n t ar"lf,C.rter, 10edar",. lI.pldaCIty 1\ a be r t Jam •• Actllll'. low. Cit' Bruc. ROler Mlckelaon. Duncombe Sindr. RIO Terpstra. Ne .. Sharon Stuart Lee Whlnnel, Traer Lesll. Rob.rt RUdnlok\ Lln.olnwood. m. Loren RJUel Coh.n, Coralville WIIII.m "u.uItGe.rman, ClInton Richard AlI~n Mlh.l. C.der lI.pldl DI ••• Lou'" Wood, Fort MldllOn Walt.r Rruc. Wh ..ton , O.der I'm. Marlene Ra. Ruhland. owa Cit, Mark Vincent Conn.IlY,.Dullutua D.nnl. JoM H'Jek, ctdir lIapld. R6b.rt Gren Mm.n. Formlnglon M.ry Rooe WynJa. Sioul Centu _CS_ro_I_M_c_o_r_. _w_w_h_.;...._I.,;.r:..• ..:C:..Il,;.h.:.tO:.:8:-_____..:Il:..,0:..n_n_ • ______Gordon CroM, ••nduWI ____ _ Burton CI* .. KroSl. Lowll.n Jerom. RUllOll Miller. M.re/llo "'.ry Franc•• Younuren. R.d OU ..:D:.:.:.:V.:.:':...:.:R.:Up~~p:c,..:J':..:.::lrf::::1.::.:ld=- ~WI1I\,1I\ ------.------~-=~==~----~~~~~~~~~ I. C. It, Jth"", HI" IIITLI IAILIY Ity Mo,. W.n.

.. , . __-- -.J ... l -Off I Uni g =- -

CO .. '·, ft!lY I InI Co aJld IOWI We.uaw COMI June I " CoJIIl11U p.m. I Jun, . • Summer Day

The weather's warm and school's out, so what could be a more pleasant way to while away one's idle hours than sun· ning and funning in City Park? All kinds o[ kids from all kinds of places have recently been taking advantage of the weather and the park's facilities, which include a recreation area with swings and carnival rides and a pond with ducks and fish. The prospect of a day at the park was so pleasant one day last week that eve n a few adults joined their young charges at the park. University students are weI· come at the park, too, but they seem to find lying on the river­ bank a bit more suited to their tastes than riding, whirling or fishing. Tile park is open from 7 a.m. ta 10:30 p.m. every day.

Photos By Judi Pier

1Ft t rt I I L' ht G d- - , IMexican Jet Remains Irs Ime s la I 00; StrewnlOver A Mile Communist Par ey

MONTERREY, Mexico (A'! - 1spector for the Mexican airline, Good Acting Makes Movie Four parachutists who dropped said there was no indication the onto a c1oud-shronded mountain- Ipilot had any trouble before the "The First Time" is a like­ boys, as is common in loday's culous but nut unreal, basicallY 'd h M' . tr crash. Begins in Moscow able comedy about adolescent purposefully youthful films, are decent without being ide~liza. Sl e w er~ a ell:lcan Je mer confusion and lechery. It has characterized by their sense of tions of the scriptwriters. Anna crashed With 79 person~ aboard C. A MOSCOW (AI! - The Soviet malic work to stage the confer- 'course of the conference." movement and energy. Director herself is more catalyst lhan reported Thursday bodies were Ity pproves Union convened its long-plan. ! ence. the first since the 1960 "And no wonder," he said. a sense of the pain and postur· James Neilson's camera fol character, "'ell played· by Jac· scattered. over. an area more ! d Itt' 1 C . • n th I d ne n erna lona ommumst world Communist meeting, also "They are afraid of our unity Ing of that time of life and a lows them around with fidelity, queline Bisset. / an a ml e WI e. I C Conference Thursday and hail· held in Moscow. Originally and, of course, they will do all giving us rapid glimpses of There are some awkward mo- At least three U.S. citizens Plan to reate ed it as a step toward unity in Iplanned to bring China to terms Ihey can to belittle the impor· scenery and people. menls in "The First Time." The . were aboard the 727 jet, the U.S. the divided world Communist or to read that country out of tance of the conference, to pre- The film's humor is largely relationship between Kenny's Iconsul-general reported. Ed - movement. the Communist movement, the sent its proceedings and results a matter of deadpan and double· father and his secretary is stiff I ward A. Jamison, who heads the 113 POsl-tl-ons In the czarist splendor of the conference is now geared to the in a distorted light." takes. Wes Stern, who is the and rather thrown-in, and the ! U.S. consulate in Monterrey, Kremlin's St. George Hall, So- less. di~isive. i~sue of unity El'en before the conference best actor in the film, plays boys' reactions tend to go a .bit Iidentified them as James M' I viet party thief Leonid I agamst unpenahsm. opened at 3 p.m., there were un- Kenny, who is particularly too broad at moments. Wmk Hanson, an employe of the Cat- The Citv Council tentatively B zh I d d It' Brezhnev, forestalling any confirmed reports of politicking . d'fr t R b t d R' k K I I k '11 Tr ta Co f P ., re nev we come e ega es ad ep t a t conveymg I eren 0 er s an IC e man 00 I erpl ar ac r . 0 eona, approved Wednesday night a from 75 Communist parties. He Western belittling of the confer· among the individual delega- I eve I s of incomprehension , better than they perform in Ill.; Charles Bernard, ~n em· plan to add J3 full·time em· declared his party was con- en.ce , stated '.'Our c I. ass ene- lions, particularly to tone do~n basic respect for the values of amazement and disbelief. The roles of the other two boys. IpJoye of the B. F. Goodnch Co., ployes to the city's staff next vinced the meeting "will be an mles - the Impenahsts of all those who have expressed dls­ human relationships. It mocks comedy is more often one of "The First Time" ends a Iand Ross Plumb, address un· year. important stage in the mobili. countries and t~eir henchmen satisfaction with the conference its central characters with an situation than of verbal wit, al- little too neatly and with irony, 1 known. Salary costs for the 13 all to- zalion of all revolutionary, lib- ~I\l also attenlively follow the ! documents. affectionate humor. though there are some really I but somehow this fits the spil'it I Hanson 28 lived in Mexico th f' d t $78000 d . f . Ii . th . t f th f'l It' II I d " ge er are 19ure a , erative an progressive orces . k ntce nes 10 e SCrlp . 0 elm. s a we .p anne City with his wife and two chil- If' b f't f t· r th I Th ree boys PIC up a young Due to the relationship be- project, it takes few chances dren. p us r~nge ene I 5: .0 ?ur .Ime ,o~ ~ strugg e woman under the impression tween Kenny and Anna near the and it scores some nice points. .. . The mformal achon came at ' agamst Impenahsm. she is a prostitute. The place is end of the film , everything It has humor and some truth It was not Immedla~ely known . the first of a series of work. Brezhnev made no. reference Going to ·Europe? Niagara Falls, the Canadlan moves toward the more serious and I recommend it without where the other two lived. I shop sessions to discuss the pro. to the fact that C.hma and a side of the border. They've and the film manages this shift reservation. A Mexican highway patrol- posed $8 .8 million 1970 city nu~ber of other. ruhng ~nd non- come there under the impres· nicely. The boys have been ridi- I -Allan Raslaker man who climbed the 5,500-foot budget. ruhng Communist parties were sion that one of them knows * * * * * * Friar's Mountain eight miles At Wednesday's session, coun- boycottm~ the conference. . Get a Dafe First about and often frequents I fro m Monterrey reported, cilmen also earmarked an ~he spILt b~tween the ~vlet By JOANNE WALTON of their daughters' dating ~~~S!h~fs:ai~~~e!~t:~~in~e~ 'WI-nn I- n9 I Does We II "There are no signs of survivors amount equal to 10 per cent of ~mon ~n~ zecCh~na Iandk·the la IlOvai Girls planning to go to Eur- ' American servicemen. "Re . • a letter to his two friends starts and the bodies are burned be- , the present city payroll for sal. slon 0 I os ova d a s d 'U" d' t t d' 1970 summer a so promp te s 0 m e ope this summer are probably spcC'table" girls just did not the whole business, leads t~~ "Winning" is a pleasant film, in a standard story. yon recognl on. ary a JUS men s ~~lng . parties attending the conler. worrying more right now about other two a merry chase un.11 completely enjoyable and com- Howard Rodman's script al- Th~ patrolma~, .Lt. Car~os ' . The. 13 new posItions .are for ence to demand a thorough air­ inoculations and passport reg. date them, Adams says. all of the~ encounter the worn· pletely dismissable. n has no lows them shadings and provid- Ambia Reyes, saId It took him SIX firemen, three policemen, lng of Communist differences ulations than about dates over· Keen wrote to Adams asking an, Anna, m a bar. pretensions and no real achieve- es a fluid and open structure for 5\2 h 0 u r s to reaoh the crash a housing coordinator for the a demand that could produc~ seas. But in case they're inler· him 10 put a note up on the The film sketches In charac· ments, but you can pass your lhe film to move in. The charac. site. He reported one jet engine newly approved low rent hous- fireworks. ested, Berlin has something go- Union bulletin board and "pass ters quickly. Kenny's father time pleasurably while watching tel' of Woodward's son is well was on one side of the mountain ing pr.ogram, a ~arking me~el' Showing he intended lhat no ing for it. Lhe word" thaI he and other travels and Kenny is about to it. drawn and Richard Thomas and the fuselage on the other. operations superVisor, an a.sslst. such dispute should destroy har- William Keen, a private first IGIs stationc~ there would like move in with his grandparents Th I . Id d d d does a good l'ob with the part Part of the wreckage and some ant to the p~bhc works direct· mony of the conference Brezh· class in the U.S. Army and a the op~ortunJty to ~how Amer· e s ory IS 0 an epen· . b d' h d 11 d ltd d t t th f ' in Buffalo when th~ film opens. able. Paul Newman is a cham. The simpliCity and open-ended 0 les a ro e no a eep, or an a secre ary 0 eire nev declared, "We are con- 1968 graduate or the UniverSity, Ican girls. lhe Berhn nightlife. Lonely and out .of It in Buffalo,.pIOn racmg-ear. driver, . a wmner . nature of the film 's conclusion is narrow canyon, he added. chICf. vinced that the spirit . of com· is inviting coeds who will visit Adams SRld Kce~ had told him bo~~ered by hIS. appare~t In- whose life is fairly empty_ Joan. particularly good. The f~ur parachutists wer~ Councilmen also approved an radeship and i.nternatlOnalism, Berlin this summer 10 conlact that because of fIeld maneuvers ablhty to ma~e It as eaSily as ne Woodward is a divorcee with On one level of course the dropped m Thursday from helt· "incentive program" for pollce- the will for unity of the Com· him before they leave the Unit. and other duty , the soldle~s other boys claim for the;nselves, a sixteen year old son. Newman whole dramatic structur~ is copters. They were late; joined men. . munist movem:nt, which were ed States. Given a IilUe ad- were not always free, but If hc o~erhears someone In a bar marries her, neglects her and merely something to hang the by a group from the Alpine Res· Under the program, police· forcefully mamfested In the vance nolice Keen will trv to lhey knew ahead of time when mcnllon a ~Iace ~cr~s the bor· discovers her unfaithfulness Iracing footage on . Director Icue Squad in Mexico City, who men who complete college course of the preparatory work, arrange date~ for the girls ·dur. the girls were coming, t,hey der. He wrItes hiS frl~nds: with a fellow driver. All of this James Goldstone makes the ~vere reported ~Iearing a land· courses in crimin?logy and I~w will also determine the entire jng their stay in Berlin. would try to arrange somethmg. Of the other two, Mike IS the leads up to the big race at I~ . races frenzied montages of 109 area for helicopters. Ienforcement receive salary m· atmosphere at the present con· According to Keen's former Adams said he thoughl Keen most openly lecherous and Tom- dianapolis. crowds machines and drivers . But because of the cloud con. creases. The add e d pay ference." roommate Steve Adams, A3, ,was interested primarily in get­ mr is the ~ost innocen~ and Newman and Woodward are The at:nosphere is heated and dilio ns, officials said a landing I amounts to $1 per month ~or Indlcat~ng a need to. over­ DeWitt, "The guys are more ling dates lor himself and his mIldly c1~\~nJ h. K~n~y IS the good and their relationship is exciting and Goldstone's frag. might not be attempted. each s~mesler hou,r for which come dIfferences withm the than willing to go out of theIr friend s, but said if a large num. most ~cn s ltJ ve and It .IS on ~hlS shown with hints of a greater menlation manages to capture The plane was carrying 72 / the pohceman received at least movement, Brezhnev said the way for a Iiltle female com- ber of girls were traveling 10- :cn8itlvlty .that the 111m bUIlds maturity and insight than is lhis quite handily. passengers and seven crew on a a C grad~. conferen~e "will make a big pantonship." gelhcl' , he was sure there would Its con~lusK;n . u ual in su ;: h film s. They work "Winning " has modesty. ThaI non.stop rIight from Mexico City To quahfy for the pay raises, c~ntribulion to th~ cause of ral· Adams said Keen had written be "no shortage" o[ available The film does well with its together expertly and show an i its chief virtue. It is hoped to Monterrey. a policeman would have to be Iymg the international Co~m~. him saying he had gone out GIs. lie said the idea of "ad­ 1, ' ::\ i 1l ~ . the town it opens in, admirable restraint in their pel" , Ihat that will not be completely' a member of the force lor at nist movement on the prmcI- with Americans girls aboul six verUsing" for dates had come P:(fa o. and Ihe hectic and formanccs. Between them , they disregarded. AI~ong . the passengers was least three years. Maximum pIes of Marxism-Leninism and times since his arrival In Ger· up casually in a letter and said ,i

C:ON'IIiNCIl AND INITITUTII ,12:41 NIWS .ACKOItOUND: M.y 27-.luno e - Cudl.c Nun· Unllod Nallon, Pe ..""ctlv., "Eco· In Conf.renco; COUI" of Nu,,'n, nomic Pllnnln, by Ih. Unlild Na· lIId Iowa RUlonal Mldlcal Pro.nm; tlon. EcoMmle Commll8lon. for W.. U.wn. lJuro"". A.1a Ind Ih. Fer Eul. COMMINCIMINT ACTIVITII. Lalln Amerlc., .nd Afrlc . ... Junl 8 - Journalism corr.. Hour. • I:OG TWINTIITH (INTUIIY Communlc.Uon. Center Loun,.; ..' COM'OIlIll, "Scheheruade" by I I p.m. Rav.l; "Trtonfo ell Afrodll.u by APARTMENTS FOil IlENT APARTMENTS FOil RENT MOilLE HOMES HOUSES FOil lENT LOST AND fIOUND Junl 8 - ROTC Comml ..lonln. Carl Orfr. W t Ad R t C.remony; Norlh Gymnulum. fI.ld • 2:. THI IX'O LICTUUII NORTH DUBUQUE STREET. Desir. NICE I AND 2 bodroom furnl hed I IVM..3 HOMET'l'E 10'''~2'. Iwo bod· I an a es TWO BEDllooM. carpeled llrin, roUND llAA"S blcrd. UI-mT. ... rOOIll. 11I1 lIu.... tln. A ...... HOUII; 7:80 a.m. "Probllma of thl New M.n.,ement ro~~: p~~~l:heb~lh"~:~~~~ ' J9~~ vlJ~~ . ~~:~~:rr~dln:.Pl;3 8~2'o I.Co~li m~~~m,;e:~~~~.,P~.'ne~~II~~t'hJ'3i;..... D 'I 2Ic W-...... June e - Unlv.ralty Comm.nce· Sy.tem In Socl.lI.t Counlrl.. ," VI.. AVlII.ble June. Adull.. U8-8~~2 . -- - R.pld IH-lIeIV. 7.. ,",... I I •• '. ... I ""' ISU. 1-1' 1 menl; ."".ker. M.rqul. Child., dlml r Kadloc, redor of Iho Faculty 1·7AR CORONET - Lu.ury one) IWo .nd Fiv. DIYI .•••.•. ,. 2:3c I Wtnl WHO 0015 m AUTOS, CYCLES fIOl SAL. I I - I h d Ihree b.droom ulle. Irom ,130. I'dl' AVAILAlILE now or fall S38- .ulhor and .yn dl ca e d '0 umn I'; t 0 f E conom Ic. a t th • U nI VI" II y a I DOWNTOWN - .I"clou. furn. e Juno .nd Sepl. leas.. no,,' av.lI. 2108 or 3M.3OOI. D.. ld Vo,';1 or Ten DIYI ., .•..••. 29c I WtnI Field Houo.; V:30 • . m. Pr.,u.. on. .nd IWO bedroom Sumnler, able. AliI. 21 - lVOf Broadway, J h SI d 1-11 ...... - u-nth sSe • Wtnl I ... DOom: DAIlT. t dud abUt June 8 - Colle,e of M.dlclne • 21. CANADIAN 'OLkIONGS: hll. 338·8587. 7-BUn Hwy, e y.P ... E. or call 131.7038. 0 n .n even. \11ft -- . , ,., ••• • t)'lInder .,... Good toJldltlon I3U2.IO ..IS Lawn Party; Medical R.... reh C.n· Rom.ntlc Adventures .nd Tr.,edlel. FURNISHED two~room .Plrt. 1I-9\1n 10'x8O' STEWAJlT Cultom·buUl, Minimum All 10 Wenll t.r; followln, Commencemenl. • I:" MUlICALI I Concerto Grol' ment. Adulli. June 10. No lse\,· CHOICE ONE or two bedr';;;; color TV, carpeled. Solid o.k Cur· June 7 - Colle,o 0/ Law Open 337·3265.· l n .p.rtmenl, furnl.hed or unfur. nllure. Wuher-dry.r. Cath.dnl and popular music; In· son, member of Ihe League for St .. Coralville. 3~J.2429, 338·5805. we.t .Id•. Washer.dry.r. refr!«.r. nlshed or unfurnished. Skirted. ex· HOLLYWOOD Iln.le bed romplel., • Trlmmrn, {ormation aboU I evenll al thl Un I· Revplutlon.ry Worker•. Call co ll ect 7-4l(n .lor parkin,. 337-43110 Or 338-4845. tell nt condition. 80n Alre 35J.17t11 desk, 2 matchln. end I.ble 33 .. • lloot Fudln. v.. slty of Iowa. wllh a qu ..Uon : 12l2l 749·3311. -- -- I ' ?-tA R arter HO p.m ..15 2:111V . I.U • C.blln. • "~TIRNOON ItE~ORTI A flf' ,11:30 SEGUE: Recorded music $75 PEn MONTH gel. ,Irl I.... Iwo . • C •• lty R.p.lr t •• n·mlnule lervlce ol WSUI lIadlo unlll mldnllht featur .. Duk. EI· bedroom complelely lurnl,h.d ~on RENT - Z cool 111". rooms IU.9 REOAL 10'x45'~ 1"0 bedroom, CONN ALTO 8AX, Ill..... w , P.r. 'ro",~t SI,vlc. New.. IIn.lon. wllh A 'C, pool, .U 10 her•• lr for ror summer. Cookln. /..rtvll.,o,. .Ir condilion.d. uood 8 11-11 11169 Informallon regarding cost w.en e ours 0 an p.rn. ACROSS FRO., BURGE - furnlJo hed RENT NOW for lummer Sln,I ... 11m", ploce, type of teatl, .nd op! on TuudlY' and Frld.y•. aparlmenl, femal. over 21. Dial doubl., Kitchen prlvUt.e •. ~hl~ . SEI,ECTRIC TYPEWRITER, plea, ·MITIl·CORON" Juno I . 1-7 MAIN LlltlAItY HOUtlS for Ih. house I, op.n to st udent. faculty Burge 338·7412. Un ented The,os, hort pap.r ,ctc., , Inlerlm period. June 4.June 18, 1989; and .tall for recre.lIonal u.e when. - - - GRADUATE MEN - qul.l, cooking , Dial 337.:I\I4S 6-26AR NEW EDITION Encyrlojl«dla Inl.rn • • \ Wednesd.y.Frld.y, June 4-6 - 7.'0 I ever It I. not boln, used for ellSae. FURNISHED APT. Clo.e In m.le w.I~lng dl.l.nce. 830 N, Cllnlon, tlon.l; complel Sh.h pearel' col , DISTIl ... WANTIO _ •.m .·IO p.m.; S.turd.y, June 7 - or other ICh.duled events. UO a.m.·5 p.m.; Sund.y. June 8 - __ lummcr .Iudcnt.. 337·11473. Ifn 337·3636. 828Un ELECTRIC TYPING .dllln:. e.. lerled phllolophy, e .YI CliP IIIPLACEMINT 'AIITS FO .. \Jellence C.1t 138-'1647. Ulrn John, 138 .... ~8 no pm i-7 VOLKSWAGEN _ J Closed; Monday·Frlday. June V·13 - WOMIN" 'OOL GYM HOURS : SUMMER OCCUPANCY, lar,. fur· ROOMS WITH kllChen prtvlte_e .t • • . PROM!'T IHIPMlNT. NO • .m .·l0 p.m.; Saturday, Jun. Th. Women'. Gym':,,'um Swlmmlnl ntshed, alr-eondltlolled. 2 girl or III S Go\ernar. Phon. 337-220~ JERRY NYALL - tledrlc IBM GREAT BOOK of the W.lern Low.It prlcII. C.II or .,11 .. )4 - 7:30 a.m.·5 p.m.; "un diY, Pool wID be open ror recre.lIonal married coupl •. W.lkln, dl,l.nce. bel .....n 6-8 :30 p.m. 6-28lfn Iypln. .rvlre. Phono 338 1330 World. B.. I offer, C.II UI-4~\I5 ' " Ludwig, Th. King," Ludwig .une I~ - Closed; Mond.y, June I~ I SWlmmlnf Monda v throngh FrIda} $125.00. 351·7V85 U 8-2MR 6-8 Motor C.,p., \Alk IDr 'rlll SPORTS CARS - 7:S0 a.m.·IO p.m. All departm.nbl from 4: 5-5:15 ind SalurdaYI .' -- --- ROOMS SINGLES doubl •• , kIlCh./ -- - Hlrochbar,er" l f . 'l II.• N.w hbrtrl•• will posl their own hOUri. 10:30.11 :30 and I :30.3:30 p.m. Til. UBLET - one bedroom, new, fur. W.sl of Chomlsll'Y. ummer f.n. TYPING - el,ht YUrf "perlonrr' MOVlNG we .re ",lIIn, furnl· Vo,k N.w Vork 1001'. Ttl: (212) -- 11 open to women studenls ••[If :, nl. hed, air condlUoned. Clo .. In . 331·2405. a.28 EI.clrlc Iy"". F.. I, .crural, ". lure. appll.nr.J, pllno and IlII.. 17'.7112 & Economy Sedans IUMMIIt ADORISSIS Ihould be faculty aDd faculty wlv ... Please 351·2992. I-a - Ice. 338.6472. a.20AlI Cen.MOUS. 338-1187. a-8 • ey reported 10 Ihe Educallonal PI.ce· preso:,nt ID cards, st.ff or 'pou •• l NEW CARS - AUlhOrized LfVE AT THE Brown lone'. Ihl. RENTING SUMMER r.r "1.11, .lnCI. _ - -- "======:. m.nt OUlce by those now rt,l.. card. The Women's Gym will be room. for men, 'tro I Ire.' ELECTRIC - corban ribbon, e.perl. U ED f'URNITURE .nd .ppllaner Elchor'. Flo""r Shr,p) •• n worth o[ Imported Car J)lJ'lI will do aU 1114 Dey Bu Udln, above Iowa Book not allowed In Ih. FIeldhouse on p.m. 715 Iowa Ave. 1-251(n RENTING NOW .ummor .nd f.11. TYPING, EDITING , r .... rch. FISt I :i51 .1U' Enll"o .xcell.nl. MUlt .ell. and Supply. Houn; Sunday,} to 4 pl.y nl,hll. - M.n. Near 'paclouA room I. Kltrh· and experienced. c.n K.ron 538' 1 f/lU.OO or belt o((er. 351 ....01. 1-11 in alock plus 9 expert lac the impor­ p,m.; Monday, 2 to , p.m.; wednea· FURNISHED-- DUPLEX ---.pt.. no l ot m2~nd dlnln, room prlvll.,e •. ~~i7 0183 . ~ I I IVM RED AU TIN H.,ly Sprlle tory trained m chanica. InFprpm'p to pre­ d.y, 7 to II p.m. FAMILY NIGHT: Family nl,ht .t Ave. Married couple. Dial 338· the Fieldhouse wUl b. held from 8455. 8-2511n BETTY THOMPSON .I.clrk. HELP WANTED Fin. tondlllGn. One owner. 3"· OVERSEAS DILIVERY - We results FOR PERSONS WI5HIN~ In rorma. 7 : 15 · 9 : 1~ every WednesdlY nl.ht. See SINGLE ROOM S - men over 21. The.e, .nd loni papen. Ex""rl. , 2008. 1-7 Uon on how to join the Parenla Co· pla y nlghls for available acllvltles. JUNE I5-AUGUST U . FurnJlhed can arrange to delIver Ihe Open 10 Iludenh, f.cully .n1 .I.re .pl. 2 mell '100.00. For 3 .... n ~ Dav.nporl SI. 8' 17 tnee. 838-58S0. t;.sAII I~ DODGE CORONET Conv.rUbl• • car o[ your choiet In Europe 9pera II ve ba b y.1 1tl n, Le .gue, ca II .nd Ih.lr Immedlale lamUles. Onl - Mr.. Peter S.co n .t 338·9820. For ' $120.00 per monlh. 331.4401. 1-231fll SPECIAL SUMMlJR RATE - lar,. TERM PAPERS, bOOk reportl, the.... GIRL NEEDE~I'hlt;;.;;'.. or_ 1 power, bue.... t uti. BOIL offtr. - at the low lactory prIce. members deslrln ••Iller .. c.U Chrl.. ~ hUd ...._ n o( Unlverslly ~.rsonnel and ------.tudlo; .1.. room. ,,!th cookln,. dJllo~ . Quick rvlce, tellon.ble' l part Ume PhOne 338..37M 6-1~ 1."ln,lown "1-41515. 11-7 ~' URNISHED AP'I'S .. utlllltes plld. tine QUinn at 338·1512. One and Iwo bedroom sp. ... lmonl. 338-4838. 6-6AR ' _ ------~~uud.~nlh~f3r,,~I0.:re1rle~d~~r;I~~i 528 S. Dubuque. C.U .nernoon. Ihr.e room coil.,., Black, Ga>1l,ht ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER _ Ihort WANTED GIRL f .... _ .. -- permilled to aUond. AIIO, aU chll· only. 351·2644 If no .nswer till 338· VllIa,e. 422 Brown. 5- ISun pape. a"d lb..... R... on.ble lI'hl hou •• work. Aflernoolls, nClr HIL' ALLEN STU DINTS WHO WISH 10 be GOOD ALAJUES day - 1·5 p.m. lD cords requlrcd. WESTWOOD luxury throe bedroom, SPORTING GOODS ll pe? three bedroom townhouse, Inn UNION HOURI: Q.n.ral lulldlng , Iwo bedroom townhouse . ulle•. Up RIDER WANTED liT ear Up The Tracks T • .m .-closlng; OffiCII, J\!onday·Frl· I 10 ]300 square f.el plul h.aled glf· ______di Y, 8 • .mAi p.m.; Information rt ••k, ag.. Come 10 945 Cre.t ApI. 3A or SPORTING GOODS Mon d.y·Thur day, 7:30 a. m.·lIp.m. The Daily Iowan call 338·70>8. 6-1511n FEMALE RIllER wanled 10 DC.. GOOD AT SELLING? rrld.y alurd.y. 7:'0 a.m,;Mldnl,ht, WIIUam,burr, Vlr,l"la area. June Golf 80.tlng Tou mlllhl .nloy • p.rl-1lm. Sund.y 9 • •m .·ll p.III .; ~.cr ..llln 'u.U,h.d by Stud.nt Publica· SPACIOU tl1rel fOQQ\ IlIrpl hed 13. 353·2030. 8-7 Ttnnls FIshl", erst A.fI. Monday·Thursday, ft a.m.·ll · aparlment for merrled coupl •. ______Iymmtr HI.. lob with - tlons Inc " CemmunlclHons Ctn. Huntin, 1 l.m.\ 'rtdly·S.Iurday, 8 a.m.·Mld· ttr, low. City, low., d.lly except Eighl blocks nOl'th or campu.. APPROVED ROOMS I CULLIGAN Ilrh . Sund,y, 8 p.m.· 11 p.m: Aell · Sund.y •• Mond.y •• I.gal holldlYI $100.00 for summer mOllth., '135.00, ______I 1'0 ItTS Mal ••, F,m,l. '"I.. C.nt.r, Monday·Frld'Yl ~ • .m .· .nd ,h. d.y el1er I•• al hOliday'. bellnnlng epl. 337·5349. 1-1311n FIN & FEATHER CINTIR C.II 3374173 l' p.m .• S.lurd.y, 9 •. m .... " O p.m./ Inltred II .tc.nd cl .., ",attor RENTING 'OW . Men o"ly. Sum..,., S. Iti •• "id. Dr. )51-4526 Alnd.y, HO p.", . Crlltl.o Cral • t th. po.t oflle. It Iowa City ONE BEDROOM , furnished, carpel· and l or /aU . 61n,Ie and doubl ... '.3 C.nt.r, Monday.Frlday: 9:30 . ,m.· uncltr the Ad of Congr... of ed, new appliance., coupl •. Avail· Cookln, prlvlle, ... parking. $30.00. 11:10 p.lII .. 1:30 p.m.·5: S0 p,m., 8:30 M.rth 2. lin. able June. 338-6122. 6·13 337.7141. 7.5 ~ . m .·lO:30 ~ . m : Whl.1 Rlom. Mon· says. dlY·Thuflday, ~ • . m.· IO :iIO p.m., ~·rl. Th. Dally low.n I. wrlUen and WESTSIDE - luxury one bedroom SINGLE, MALE. P refer ,r.du.le .. day. 7 ' .m .• U :30 p.m., Salurd.y, lJ. edlled by .ludenIB of Ihe Unlver· de lux. efflclenol' l ult.. , .·ro.m Summ.r .nd I.U. Linul fur. TO THE GRADUATING COLLEGE to Adams asking .'~ ! O I>.m.. IIndlY, ' ·10:30 p.m.; Illy of Iowa. OpInions upreued In $1 03.00. June and Seplember lease. nlshed. Close In. 337.3846. 6.29 ' •• , Itoom. dally, 7 • .m .·7 p.m., Ihe edUorl.1 column. of the paper now avanable. Apt. 3A 945 Cre.1 note up on the Break/III, 7·10:30 I .m., Lunch, It:S. are those 01 Ih. 'vrllen. I. 01' ca U 338·7058. 6·9lfn MEN SUMMER - In,le. 830.00. board and "pass ' .m.·l p.m. Dinner, 3-1 y.m.; 1111. doubles $25.00. Kllchen, 4 blork. SENIOR ROOm. Monday·Frld.y, 1:30 ' .m.· Th. Alloelal.d P .... Is entltl.d FURNI HED Iwo b.droom apl. for lrom campu . 338oS73a. 7·1 he and other 1:10 p.m. to the exclusIve lise for republica. summer air-condilloned. carp.led, tlon .11 loc.' II "'ell II .11 AP new. parking. 338·&854 . e·, AVAD..ABLE 1'OR S1IMMER - kltch· there would like DATA !'ROCIUING HOUltsl Mon. and dl.p.lch ... en and TV room. 337.2958. '.2 EVlr think you'd be good u Y·Frlday - • a.m .• noon, 7 p.m.oS to show Amer- WANTED p.I1\.; clo d Salurd.y .nd Sund.y. lubac,lpll.n It.t." By carrier In WOM~N ROOMS for summ.r e .. at s.lIing lif. insuranc.? Berlin nightlife. 'I low. City, ,10 per y ••r In adv.nee; I slon. Slngl.. , doubles, TV, loun,e, COM'UTU CINTIR HOUItI, In­ .Ix monlhs, ,~ . :;o. Ihree monlhs,~. BEST CAR OR WAGON '~250 . plrkln" 4 blork. from campus. 338- had lold him put window - opon 24 hOUri a day. All mall subscriptions. U5 per year; WIU buy. Phone 3M·74M. Ifn un 6·20tfn Mutual funds? field maneuvers 7 dlYl • we.k; Output window - II. monlh.... ~ ; Ihr .. month., JIO. 7:30 •. m.· 12 :30 •. m., 7 day •• weeki -- SINGLE BED with box Iprln,s. 351. SUmtER - lin,le. $30.00, doubles the soldiers T'mpoFiry Rid,. - 7:30 l .m.·12:30 Dial 337-41'1 from noon 10 mid. 6849 b.fore 10 a.m. 6-7 $25.00, kllchen. 4 blocks from ClI III· Investment counseling? ••111 ., Mond.y.rrlday; 9 • .m .·5 n.m. nl.hl to report new. IIems .nd ar.· ------pu •. 338-S735. 6·21 free , but If IIIurd.Y; 2 p.m.· IO ~ . m . lIund.y; neuncement. 10 The D.lly Iowan. WANTED: GIrls bicycle 21" or I.rg· Or did you IVlr wish nala Room pholle: 3~3. 3~ao; Prob. Edltorl.1 otrle•• ar. In Ihe Oommu. er: Round oak lable; ,"' Ilove. SINGLE ROOM . Summer. Men. Dill of time when 337·7.85. 6·17 coming, lhey 1.11\ Analy.t pholl e: 853 .. 053. nlcallona Center. 338·0891. 6-7 you could 1111 all three? 1 ODD JOII: M.j;' .tudenll Inll<' somethIng. tll.d In dol n, odd jnb. for JI.IO · In hou r .hollid .., I. ler wllh Mr. Wt' ,. ont If tilt ftw wilt I, _ In .11 th..... And I'm he thought Keen Moffit In Ihe Orrt~e or Iflnancl.1 rudy to oHtr Iht rl,ht min In • .,cut/v. IIln .ppertunlty. A l d ~, 106 Old Denial Bulldln,. Thll primarily In get­ work In

"'III I-THI DAILY IOWAN-lew. eIty, ' • •~rW." JUM " '''' • ------~--~--~~~~~~~~~~~ I Beard, Maxwell lead With 66$' Evy Calls Athletes Eastern Prep Signs Letter 2 Tied For Western Lead MIDLOTHIAN, Ill. (.fI - Steady franK Beard and vet· To Help University To Play Here eran Billy Maxwell carved 0 u t By KAREN GOOD Evashevski explained t hat Iowa basketball Coach Ralph five·under·par 66s Thursday and 't 't' t Miller has announced the sign. tied for the first round lead Iowa CI y CI Izens are 0 during the month of April he blame for allowing 8 "few cam. had been home four nights. ing of another outstanding bas· In the prestigious Western Open pus radicals" to become the He said that although the ketball player from the East. Golf Tournament , one of this loudest voice on the campus Univ."ity's athletic program He is Ken Angersola, a 6-6, 205- country's oldest. scene, Athletic and Recreation WIS still in the black, during pound forward from Garfield Each finished with five bird· Director Forest Evashevski told the past y.. r It had betn Heights, Ohio, a suburb of les and no bogeys and had a a group of 140 local business. "breaking lbout even." He Cleveland. one·stroke lead on a pair of men, University staff and fac· also Slid that during the next At Garfield Heights, Anger· non·winners, Rocky Thompson ulty members Thursday after· few yelrs, with the added sola averaged 18 points and 17 and Dick Rhyan, tied for third noon . tuition r I t e s, scholarship rebounds per game . Last sea· with 675. Speaking at a local Rotary ,. costs would be going up. son, be played for Manlius Prep Tied at 68, three under par on club luncheon at the University "That's why it's so impera· School near Syracuse, N.Y., and the 6654 yard Midlothian CoUR- Athletic Club, Evashevski said tive that we sign the network helped the .team compile a 25-4 try Club course, were former he was "tired" of hearing thlll contracts," he said. record a~alO~t some of the best Masters champion Bob Goalby, students had failed. Allhough Evashevski made competthon In the East. South African Gary Player, Bob "lI's not their fault that a only passing comments con· "Ken has outstanding reo Murphy, Jack Ewing and Mike few redicals hlv. tak.n over cerning the black athlete situ· bounding, scoring and leader· Hill. the campus scene. We Ir. the alion here, he did say that the ship qualities," said Miller. Defending c ham pion Jack ones who hev. filled," hi networks were pressuring ~im "We are counting on him to Nicklaus, who said he has been Slid. to get tbe blacks back on the play a wing in our offense. He having some troubles with his team should be a fine addition to our swing, had to eagle the par five Evashevski called for m 0 reFOREST EVASHEVSKI "If' th . ttl' Hawkeye squad." 16th to salvage a par 71 and local citizens to "marshal" ey are gomg 0 e f-VlSe Speaks at Rotary Lunch our games, they want to mak ~ Angersola, an outstanding : was well back in the pack. campus activities by encourag· sure they are good ones.' he student who plans to major in I Some of the other top names jng University athletes to use of the University's football said. science at Iowa, was coached also had their difficulties. U.S. theil' leadership abilities in games next fall - a hom e Evashevski explained that in high school by Chuck Broski, Open champ Lee Trevino, Billy areas other than sports. game with State Uni· the networks were anxious to who played for Miller at Wich· Casper and PGA champ Julius "These are the kinds of peo· versity on Oct. 2.'i and an away televise collegiate games be. ita State. Boros all had 72. Masters pie we need participating In game with University cause there was more action Earlier this week, MiUer an. champ George Archer struggled campus activities such as Stu· on Nov. 8. In collegiate games than pro· nounced that Glenn Angelino, a 10. WI't h a 74 . dent Senate and The Daily Although th~ contracts hav~ fessional games. 6.3 guard from Allentown, Pa. , Arnold Palmer Is not com· Iowan," Evashevski said. no~ yet been ~I~ed , Evashevskl During the last year due to would be on the Hawkeye fresh. peting. Evashevski added that h. saId , . he anllclpatec! that the changes I'n the NCAA rules man squad next season. Thus GLADIEUX- SIGNS- h oped, . athleticsI" would remainU Amencan Broadcasting Com· there were fewer II'me outs and far, Angelino and Angersola are BOSTON IA'! - Notre Dame I 'Viti force on the nl· pany (ABC) would sign them more attempted and completed the only two signed fresbmen halfback Bob Gladieux signed versity"We need campus. the type of leader. In the near future. passes in than recruits announced by the Iowa Thursday with Boston of the ship it generates" he said. Ev~shevski estimated that p_r_o_t_e_am_s,_h_e_ sa_i_d.__ __:...c_ o_ac_h_in..:g~st_af_f .______·_ A_m_e_ri_ca:...n:...F:...oo.:.:.:..tb:...a:.:I1:...Le=ag~u.:..:e.:..._ . .', teleVISing the games would Ducks Eye Birdie Attempt " an~I~~~~t ~~~~~~~~i~h~e~!~:~ gain $1 ,500,000 for the ~ig ~en 5 t D ft H 5 St d t Two ducks swim n.lr tIM third green It Mldlo thl,n Country Club, site of the Western Optll, ' them, Ev~she~ski also sa,id that ~~~~~re~~tLO T~/ ce~mvrts~~ ena ors ra an ou Thursday as George Archer, left, lines up a birdie putt on the par three hole. Defending champ if the Umverslty's athletic pro· amo nt $150 000 h 0 'd • • Jack Nicklaus studies his lie. The tournament is being played In Midlothian, • Chicago .. gram were dropped , the inter. u or . ' . ' e sal . NEW YORK (.4'1 - Ted Will· June graduating classes at high I urb. Frank Beard and Billy Maxwell tied for the fi"t round lead by firing 661. scholastic program would low· Evashe~~kl said that becau.se i a m s' Washington Senators ' SC hi " II d 1. -APWire~ er in quality. the teleVISion network negolla. I 00, Jumor co ege an co Evashevski who spoke to the tions were so imperative to the grabbed an 18-year-old high , leges and those who had become 1 ------~--~------Rotarians for' 30 minutes on the University A t hie tic Depart· school sl~gger 1 rom. Long eligible by reaching their 21st I general topic of "Atbletics at ment's financial standing, they Beach, Calif., who may ~Ign f?r birthday. The draft was to con· Iowa" also told the group of were responsible for his ~b. $100,000, ~s ~he No. 1 pIC k 10 tinue throu h Frida . The club Wiretapping As Early As '60 his negotiations over the last sence from Iowa City durmg Thursday s firth annual summer . g y 'th th . ,. the past several months free age n t draft of schoolboy selectmg the athlete gets exclu· severaI mon th S WI e nadon· . d II b b I I sive negotiating rights until the al television networks . . Since his appointment as Rec . an co ege ase a I payers. next draft penod.. As ~ member of the Nallonal realion Director in January, The Senators picked J. f f \ Revealed in Ali Court Case Collegiate Athletic Association Evasbevskl has been criticized Burroughs, I '.foot·l, 200' j Commissioner Bowie Kuhn Television Commission, Eva· for attendance at only t h r e e pound outfielder from Wood· who opened the draft session HOUSTON, Tex. IA'! - Wit- The hearing was ordered by shevski said, he is negotiating Recreation Advisory Committee row Wilson High who hit five advised the clubs they w.re nesses in the Muhammad Ali the U.S. Supreme Court to de­ with the networks to carry two meetings. balls out of Anaheim Stadium accepting serious obligltions wire·tap he a r i n g testified !termine whether the wiretall while man age r Williams to negotiate seriously and hon· Thursday that telephone con· affected the trial in which An 'r Witched in a recent trial. eslly. He warned the clubs versations of Elijah Muham· was convicted of refusing to be Jack Sheehan the Senators I ,against tampering with plIY' Minnesota, was selected by Imad , head of the Black Muslim inducted into the Army. chief scou t, alre~dy was on t h ~ ers drafted by ,other ttlms. iBoston in the first round . religion, had ~n monitored as The former heavyweigltl scene but Burrough cannot be Houston, drafting second as a The teams picked in inverse Iearly as 1960. boxing champion contended Clean Clear Through signed until his class graduates r~~ult ?f the Astr~s' last place order 01 their finish in the Wednesday, witnesses had h. was e Black Mllilim '" d thus exempt from military That's what you'll say about your wash when June 18. The highest bonus reo flmsh 10 the Nallona1 League ! di t th d f th 1968 1 indicated Dr. Martin Luther 0 I duty. you use our Westinghouse washers and dryers. portedly paid a rookie Senator last y~ar, selected James Rod· s an ngs a e en e . i King Jr. had been under was ~ , OOO for pitcher Joe Cole- n~y Richard, a. 6-7'h, 225.pou?d season .. The four expansIOn wiretap surveillance at least Agent Pickett did not gi VI Stap in saon. ~an , flrst.~ound selection in the nght.h~nded pltc~er from Lm· teams picked last. four years prior to his death Ithe speCific reasons Thursday 1 first draft 10 1965 . c~ln High SC.hool In Ruston , ~ . The rest of the first round, in last year. for the surveillance of Elijah "I'm definitp.Jy interested in RIchard, 19, IS a basketball whIZ order, went like this: FBI Agent C. Barry Pickett Muhammad. LAUNDROMAT I The monitored conversaliOlll signing if the price is right" said Iwho m~y b~ headed for South· • Chicaeo White Sox: Ted Nichol· of JacksQnville Fla testified Free Parking . ern Umverslty but he also was a 100, 3b, Laurel, MI... , ., were not revealed by the J1It Burroughs In Long Beach. . t d t · h lb b b II Ne,w York Mets: Randall Sterl· Thursday that the monitored s an ou 10 SC 00 oy ase a . I lngJ., P, Key West Fla. lice Department until Ali B~ 320 East Burlington 316 East Bloomington The 24 clubs dug deep Into the Th . If. California Angels: Alan Ban· Elijah Muhammad conversa· e Astros' scouting sta 'nlster, 55, Buena Park, Calif. . fr . Ipealed his 1967 conviction. pool of free age n t s from the I I ' R' h d I 70th. • Philadelphia PhUlles: Mlcbael 1Ions om 1962 to 1966 whlle Ali received the maxiJJllllll 'iiOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii __;;;_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ calms IC ar s· IS yelr Anderson, lb, Timmonsville, S.C. working as a clerk in the , and 21,0 In his high school CI. • Minnesota Twins: , . . Isentence of five years in priS{i of, Eloy, Ariz. Phoemx Am. FBI office. and a $10.000 fine. ------;---- - IOWA CITY reer. He struck out ., In 43 in. • Los Angele. Dod,er.: Terry Mc- " MUHAMMAD ALI TYPEWRITER CO. nings. In one game h. hit 'our De:"h°~~.~d w1"t\,l~fl~f:st~~n Nsiin. Frederick A. Brownell, for~. Testimony Wednesddy indio FREE Pickup and Delivery home runs Ind his club won house. 551. Du Quoin, m. er speCial agent at Phoemx, that he had recommended on I cated the three Black Muslim 203'h E. Washington 337.5676 48-0. P: ~i.I:~1ttru;~ra:d~·~I~. Robert May, said he had supervised the sur· Nov. 2S, 1966, that All's claim conversations had been II\O"~ Typewriter T: New York Vankees: Lester veilJance there prior to his reo tored In Phoenix. Pickett tes­ I Noel Jenke 8 and Sp xes 3b Boealusa, La. . . be rejected beclUse man y Repairs and Sales f tb II t 't th U · ·t f • Aban!a Br.ve~ : Gen. Holbert, bremen! In late 1965. Black Muslim beliefs "rest on tified that he h"d prepared I ~~~~~~~~~~~~oo~a~s~ar~a~~e~n~lv~e~rs~l~y~O~~ C, • Campbelltown,Boston Red SoxPa.: Noel Jenke, "I cannot recall when the grounds primlrily political March 24 , 1964, summary ri. I ~ of, Owatonna, Minn. d b t·t b • Cincinnati Reds: , case was opene , u I pro· and racial." a conversation between A 1 Offer Good Until June 14 P, .Lt\'!'ve~~·d (ndlana: Alvin Me. ably was around 1960," Brown· Brownell said lhose bandling and Elijah Muhammad . TIi ~ Graw", of, Fairfield. Alo. ell said. Black Muslim l!lader. w, $ • "hlcago Cubs: Roger Metzger, the monitoring had instructions FRONT END ALIGNMENT ss, San Antonio. Tex. T. Oscar Smith, former to maintain logs on Elijah Mu· quoted as advising Ali If • Baltimore Orioles, Donald Hood, ANY U.S. CAR P, Florence, S.C. chief of the Justice Depart. hammad 's activities and write keep quiet after telling him • : Michael ment', conscientious obi ector summaries on any inf<.ormation he wou Id make a better min' Phillips 55 Irvin" Tex. • Delrol! TIgers: James Baxley, section, testified Thursday they thought important. ister than fighter. lb, Redding, Calif. • St. Louis Cardinals: Charlea Mlnnotl. p. Covina, Calli. - Call for an appointment - s.. f. , S~~(~1.. r~~~ts~ . J.amea Thomas, Pro Football Club Owners Mafors' • Montreal Expos: J P, Deer Park Tex. • Kansas City Royal" John Slm· Gooelyear Service Sior. mons. ss.p, Childersburg, Ala. Scoreboard • San Dle,o Padres: Randy £I. t 314 S. Clinton Phon. 338·5401 Uoll, Ib, Camarillo, CaUl. To Try Rotating Program '~ NEW YORK (11'1 - Pro foot· schedule starting in 1970, Com· the MILL Restaurant ball's 26 club owners have de· missioner Pete Rozelle said I FfATUR'NIi cided on a nine·year rotation Thursday. I I-ooking for a beer tha,t TA~ lEU At the end of the 1978 season, I ..... -... keeps on refreshing you, NEW PROCESS AMERICAN LEAGUE LASA~VIOU D I APE R every team will have played ev· , EIS ' L glass after glass? SUBMARI~WICH~ W P" . G' S E RV ICE ery ot her team un der the sys· ! : ~~It~~vre ~~ l~ : ~~ ~~ tem. Delroll 26 21 .553 III STEAKPt ~JCKEN (5 001 . per WII k) Washington 27 2tl .481 II' t - $11 PER MONTH - The only exception in the for· New York 24 2tl 0471 II Food Service Open 4 p.m. Fret pickup & delivery twlc. mat worked Qut is the Denver Cleveland W .~~ 31 ..111 ' JF! Hamm's Tap Room TJIl 2 a.m. I week. Ev.rythlng is fur· Broncos, who will p I a y one Mlnneso la ~6 20 .IDa nlshed: Diapers, co~tlin.rs, Oakland 24 23 .511 deodorants. more National Conference oppo· ChlcHiO 21 23 41'1 refreshes you best. I 351·9529 I Seattle 22 26 :458 m I. lu,lIngton low. City Phon. 337·'''' nen t eac h year ror th e II rs t five Kansas City 22 2R .440 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ seasons than the other 12 Amer CalilorlliaTnurldlY ',16 RtluUs31 . 340 II~ lean Conference teams . No ,amea acileduled ~ Prob.bl. Pitcher. Here's how the schedule will Wo. hl n&IO n, Mool'e 14·1) It Allnn. SOil, Woodson (S·1) N wor k In 1970: Oakland, Lluze,(que (1.1) II Do Il'olt Wilson 14-41 , N Each 'team in a four·team dl· Cahrarnla, Murph. (~·2) II C!.Y" Kennedy's presents land, EII,worlh 12-41, N vision will olay home·and·home eatll.. 8ell (2-51 al Bailimort • willa tile three MeNIlly 17·01. N .-nes other Chle8 (0( P.I~r! (4.3) .t New York, teams in' Its division. three of B.Kans..hnsen J.8)Cll yN• Hedlund II·S) ,r II the four teams in the other Buller 11-21 at 1I0110n .. Culp 18·2), N TANYA (our·team division , two teams in NATIONAL LlAGUI the fivc,.team group and t h r e e AND teams in the other conference. ~~~a~ork I'~!~ ~!~ ~ 'j A team In the Five-team dlvi· Piltsbur,h 2~ 25 . ~ to, St. LouIs 24 27 .471 II "THE OLD, NEW sion will p I a y home·and·home PhUadelyhla 18 28 .391 14'. contests with the other four BORROWED & BLUE" teams in the group, two teams riJU' ine in one of , the four·team divi· ~~~;·~~ I ea Wli~ ii :lli If: ,\ SIien'l'3 chain an sions, one team In lhe other four Sin Franclll(o 26 2.1 .63 1 !~ 80 Boullion 25 29 .463 7 ~ lrlnu Hamm's is refreshing, it's out of this sky. blue FOR FINAL WEEKEND FUN and three teams In the other San Dl elln 24 30 .m I Is your dollar shrinking wale,.. world! conference. Tilurldoy'. ROIun, east or "ouston 11 . 51. LOllis 6 Its hO I11( VISIT Only ,arn e. ~ch.d\lled to about the sile of a Volkswagen? [n each case tbat makes a to· Prob.bl. PltCh"S Elevel tal of 14 games, the same num· ClnclnnaU, C\unlnscr (36\ &\ chI· ca.o, lIolbm an (6'1) Guard ( ber as the current schedule. PIU,burah. Mao e 16·21 01 At· lanta, Jarvis (5·31, N .ea rch I The' 13 teams that will com· S~. Loul ,\ Brlle. 13-4) at lIou.lon, • Pehll KENNEDY/S LOUNGE WilBOn (~-5 N Vo'kswagen Iowa , City, Inc. prise the National Conference in New Vorl., Gentry, (4-4 ) at BI' a ~etp Whol•• al.r 126 S. ell nton 1970 still must be reaU8ded \nto DloIO, J. Nlokro 11·31, N 7 is . " "'~ way 6, East Montreal, J 1\0berliOll 102) .1 OC!an d ooc CONNELL, President two divisions of four teams lind Los Allgelus, UItOIl (7-41, N Iowa City , __.... ______-' ...... ___ - ______..... one of five, Philadelphia, WI .r I~·t) ,t s.a t'roncleco, Plrl')' (74),