(Iowa City, Iowa), 1958-10-11

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(Iowa City, Iowa), 1958-10-11 IOWA INDIANA Curt Merz (219) . LE · (175) Ted Aucreman John Burroughs (218) . LT · (208) Pete Piccirillo Gary Grouwinkel (210) . LG · (220) (c) Mike Rabold Lloyd Humphreys (206) . C · (209) Tony Aloisio Don Shipanik (173) . RG · (190) Bill Kerr John Sawin (211) . RT · (190) Joe Moore Don Norton (173) . RE · (195) John Aveni Randy Duncan (181) . QB · (171) Ken Hubbart Kevin Furlong (166) . LHB · (184) Tom McDonald Ray Jauch (170) . RHB · (184) Tom Campbell Coach Forest Evashevski Coach Phil Oickens Don Horn (191) . , FB · (184) Vic Jones 01 owon Sp.rviTle The Stat p. Univp.rsitl/ of l awn and the People of I owa Cift! I!:stabLished in 1861l--Five Ccnts a Copy Member of Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Service Iowa City. Iowa, Saturday, October 11, 1958 ..- air• ami• ton ame a U.S.' 7th Fleet u.s. Accuses Red Ch ina Local Attorney Honored As ~ In Dramatic Of ,Violation Of Secrecy . WASHINGTON iJT'I - The \)ni[{'d St.alcs accused Red China Friday of giVing other nations distorted information about its secret ncgotiations Ideal Father ., with the Unilcd Statll6 on the Formosa crisis. Airlift Rescue A State Department spokesman said the Reds are trying to put over Will Be Presented _ ._-_. a false picture of themselves as . TAIPEI fA'! - The U.S. 7th Fleet f "champions of peace and swcat At Game Today put an airlift into operation Fri· r asonablen~ss." Clair E. Hamilton, Iowa City I day and rescued 132 passengers Nuc Iear Tests Ho aid actually all the world whose ship ran aground after leav· knows the attacks on Qucmoy Is· attorney, was named SUI Alum­ ing Red China. - ht S k land which touchcd off the crisis ni Dad of H)58 at the Dad's Day wer~ t:.lrted by the Chincse Com­ "When human life is at stake we M.g nea munists themselves on Aug. 23. Concert Friday night at the make no distinction in political be­ The accusation came soon aner Iowa Memorial Union. liefs," Vice Adm. Frederick N. Ki­ .M -t U.S. Ambassador Jacob Beam had Hamilton, ~he father of Jud­ vette, 7th Fleet commander, said. met Red envoy ang Ping-nan in I B onl ors Warsaw for the latest oC the cries ith Hamilton, 1.4, will be pre­ The fl agship, the heavy cruiser I Y of talks they started four weeks Cla ir Hamilton sented again during half·time WASHlNGTON ~- Doubt is be. Helena, da<;hed acros the SOUUl ago. Judith flamilto ,is Dad ceremonies at the Iowa·Indlana China Sea from war exercises off ing expressed in some Defense De­ U.S. leaders hope that either in partment quarters about the value football game today. the Phillippines La the Nationalist- or out of the Warsaw talks the "I can't really tell you how wolf· of a proposed global system of de­ Reds will declare their intention held Paracel Islands for the mercy tecting sneak nuclear tests, in the * * * derful he is, It' s just something that to continue the 7-day cease-fire I feel and lots of othe~ people feel - mission on a pJea from the strand­ ~ event an agreement is reached on now in force in the Formosa area Football, Fun banning further tests. but you can't put it in words," Judy ed craft, the 3,405-ton Hoiwong, beyond next Sunday. said. The proposed detection system flyi ng the Norwegian flag. The State Department is trying But Judy did p'Jt her feelings for The Hoiwong, outbound to Sing­ presumably will figure heavily in to overcome what it considers to And Fav.ors­ her father in words - she convinced apore from Red Swatow on For­ U.S.-British-Russian lalks on a test be a false impression in many the members of Omicron Delta Kap· mosa Strait, had run hard aground suspension which are scheduled to countries that tbe Reds have been pa, honorary men's leadership fra­ on Bamboo Reef in the Paracels, slart Oct. 31 at Geneva. making a real effort at Warsaw to A II For Dad tern ity who sponsor the SUI Alumni 420 miles southwesl of Hong Kong, The outlines for a detection sys· find a basis Cor serious negotia­ Dad. at 2:30 a.m. Monday. The hull was tern were considered by East-West tions toward a Formoso agree­ SUI Dads are the Big "Men On Steve Shadle, presil;ient of the (ra· punctured and the No. 2 bold scientists at a preliminary technical ment. Campus today, and among the ternity, presented Hamilton to SUI flood ed. Heavy seas battered the meeting In Geneva last summer. The State Department spokes­ man, press officer Lincodn White, more prominent dads this year are students and their Dads for the first ship. But scientists agreed an effective Clair Hamilton, 1958 SUI Dad of time during intermission at the U.S. naval headquarters here system could be set up if about 180 declined at a news conference to Harry James concert, Friday. told of the rescue: inspection stations could be spotted give any detai led support for the the Year, and Gov. Herschel Love- "My fa ther has devoted himself around the globe, without regard to distortion charge. He said he could Two helicopters handled the Jess. to a lile oC service wherever he was political boundaries . not talk about what has been said Both men have daughters at SUI; needed: in his home , his commun­ transfer, flying above heavy seas by the Red Chinese ambassador Against Halting Tests Judith Hamilton is a senior in lib- ity, his church, his University and that precluded removal of the pas­ Both the Defense Department and at Warsaw since it was agreed at senge,s by routi ne methods. Two the Atomic Energy Commission the outset not to make public dis­ eral arts, and Sandi Loveless a his state," Judy wrote in her appll· Hong Kong tugs had failed in an cation . have argued for years against the closure of the exchanges. freshman. A 1921 graduate from the Colleje effo rt to float the Hoiwong. A A Real Cool Horn idea oC halting nuclear weapons freighter stood by helplessly. SUI President Virgil M. Hancher of Law , Hamilton is tile father of HARRY JAMES HAD IT MADE Friday night, compared to Ted Shelly's troubles with I horn tests. will address Dads Association mem- four children who aU attended SUI. Most of the passengers were In talking about the proposed de· women and children en route to Friday .ftemoon. A liberal Irts sophmore from Manchester and a member of the SUI Marching Bodies Of Airman bel'S, their families and guests " It has just been a tradition that Band, Ted found it a little chilly practicing for today's performance during the intermiuion of tection system, one mllitary scien­ following a Dad's Day luncheon we all go to SUI. One of .the reasons their homes in Singapore and tist put it this way: The system con­ Recovered From I wanted Dad to get this honor "as elsewhere; after visiting relatives the lowa·lndiana football game. The sudden chill Friday, which is expected to carry over through sidered at the tech nical sessions in at 11 a.m. in the North Gymnas- because I'm t/le last one," Judy said on the Commu nist-ruled mainland. today, caused the band members to dOf'l iackets and gloves for their practice session. Harry James? Geneva probably would disclose Plane Wreckage ium of the Fieldhouse. excitedly after she learned that her Sailors broke out ice cream and Oh yes, h. played a Dad', Day concert in the nice, warm Iowa Memorial Union Friday night. test explosions which produced Election of new offi cers and a father had been selected. candy for distribution to the chil­ - Daily Iowan Photo by Tom Hoffer. large quantities of radioactivity. PAYETTE, Idaho UPJ - The bod­ round-up of Dads Association activ- F.",II .. Flnt dren as they landed on the cruiser Therefore, it coud be of important ies of 17 airmen and two civilians lties by Edward C. Hal bach, Clin- "The University and its activities and showed them cartoon movies. value for health safety purposes. were recovcred Friday from the lon, retiring president of the organ- comes second only to the family. I The Helena eXpected to land Will Hear Appeals Starting At 8 a.m. - But from the military standpoint wreckage of a transport plane whic h ization, will fo llow President Han- remember one time Dad jokingly the passengers Saturday at Hong there are at least three major loop- crashed and burned near here cher's speech. said that the money we spend on tic· Kong, a British crown colony. holes cited: Thursday night. A concert honoring aU SUI fath. kets to University athletic events Very high altitude tests - actu- They included 14 men who servo ers will be presented at half-time is more than the grocery bill - and all y in the reall11s of space - could iced the famed Thundel'birds, Air of the football game today by the he was almost right. Student Tralfie Court Begins not be detected. These would be nuc- Force arobatic jet team. Officials SUI Marching Band undcr the di- "Dad never misses a Cootbal1, 1-ln-10 Odds lear explosions of ballistic missiles at McChord Air Force Base, Wash­ recti on of Frederick C. Ebbs. Dur- basketball or baseball game," Judy By CHERYL JENNISCH and if necessary the campus poli ce chosen last spring after recciving fired far out beyond the 40-60 mile ington, said lhe Thunderbirds plan­ jng the ceremonies, SUI Dad Ham- s ~id .
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