.. It's Almost Summer Chance Of Showers Warm w.ath.r returned te lowl City ~...., ct.fy ....." h..... '" .. Thmday and brought te the mind. of a..nc. .. .....,. ...... 1M....".. IOWI City children the prospect of I Ny. day In City Plrk. SH photo story P. 4. oil Iowan and th, Peopl' of IOWtJ City Ealablished ID 1868 10 cents • copy Associated Presa Leased Wire aDCI WirepbolD Rogers Says S. Viets Ready to Fight More WASHINGTON 111- Secretary of State ment Is not open-ended, and they are not And Rogers suggested that the enemy', William P. Rogers said Thursday South being pushed in this position. They came real intent "Is to Ittack the present flY. Vietnamese forces were making rapid to this conclusion on their own and I ernment, cause confUsion and chaoe and think are perfectly ready to move in strides toward taking over more of the thereby Impose a governmenal structure this direction ." on South Vietnam that will not represent combat burden. But he refused to pre­ On the war's political frollt, Rogers the will of the people." dict when the first pullout of U.S. troops dealt both with Senate critics who con­ might be announced. tend tl1at the Nixon administration is Rogers leaves Friday for a Midway committed to propping up the Thieu re­ * * * Island summit conference amid continu­ gime and with Thieu's reported concern ing speculation that President Nixon and that Nixon Is not backing him strongly Humphrey Asks President Nguyen Van Thleu will an­ enough In tbe negotiations over '" let· nounce there Sunday a specific date for nam's future. The enemy is demanding withdrawal of perhaps 50,000 of the 340 .. replacement of the Thieu government For Cease-fire 000 GIs now in Vietnam. with a coalition regime as part of a per­ "I wouldn't want to say .nythlng that manent peace settlement. Workm.n on the new Recreation Cent.r, located directly northwest of the stadium, would be In the n.tur. of I predlctlOll ''W. Irt not w.ddad to any gov.rn· In Vietnam War haul up tar Thursd.y to • portion of the roof. Construction on the building !It9.n .bout wh.t will com. out of the Mid­ IMfIt III S.lgOn," Rogers said. lilt month while many students protelltd the use of ltudent fHI for Its construc­ Wiy mHtll)g," Rog.n told I new, con· PHILADELPHIA 11\ - Former Vice "The only princIple to which the ad· President Hubert H. Humphrey urged tion. - Photo by Rick Greenwalt ferenc •. miniJltration is wedded II that the people At the same time the secretary of the United States Thursday to take "a of South Vietnam should have the right bold and decisive step forward" by pro­ state - who has Just returned from by free choice to decide their future , so * * * * * * * * * Vietnam - spoke approvingly of Sai­ po ing an Immediate cease-lire by aU that any government which repre!e/lts Ides in the Vietnam war. gon's progress toward taking over more the will of the people In South Vietnam ripe ~sh, of the fighting. Under the Nixon admin­ Is acceptable to the United States," Roa­ He aid "conditions appear ripe for Ie. Year istration's strategy, at least some of ers sald. rlous consideration" of uch In ac­ Evashevski\ Is 'Confidenf , tion . produce the Americans could be brought home He said thai Washington and Salgon uee De­ as they are replaced by South Vietnam· would even accept a Communist govern­ Humphrey, labellng his IUggestion !an you ese, regardless of what happens In peace ment for South Vietnam, provided It was "constructive," said the ceee-fire negotiations. chosen by a free election, in which .11 should become effecti VI "u 1001\ I. "I have no doubt in my mind at all participants renounced the use of force agreement is reached on a schedule for lHe'l/ Get New Facilities mutual troop withdrawals ." that the government of South Vietnam is In achieving their political goals. moving in the direction" of taking over In what was billed as "a major for· EDITOR'S NOTe - A grllt dell of Committee several times he thinks stu­ use the building because the floor plans But the "coalition government" envis· eign policy speech, II Humphrey lo I d controversy has surrounded the r.cent dents owe athletics a great deal in re­ were designed for sports events and not more of the war, Rogers said. loned by North Vietnamese "would not eltcilion to flnllnc. I new R.crlltlon turn for all the intercollegiate athletic for recreation . "I think that the training of the ARVN about 1,600 delegates to the 10th annual be acceptable to anybody on our side," convention of the Pennsylvlnla AFL­ building, now und.r construction, with facilities used in the past by students Underlying mueh of the administra­ (Army of the R.public of South VI.tnlm) he said, adding the enemy envisions 1m. student fees. In the following news Inal­ partaking in recreation and physical edu­ has been moving .'ong It • rapId pIC •. CIO that free elections should follow the tiv. support for using stud.nt fHS to fl· posing Communist leaders on South Viet· cease-fire "as the key to unlocking the ysis, Aut. University Editor Kar.n cation. nanc. the building is th. argument th.t "They recognize that the U.S. commit- nam, rather than free-choice elections. LOW Good explains why. pre nt political stalemate in Paris." But • contrary conclusion can be Intercollegi,te athletics brings • gr.at He hailed President Nixon's Ideas for By KAREN GOOD drawn from statistici from a Jan. 3 r.­ deal of money to the University through achievlng a durable political settlement NI port by Pres. Howard R. Bowen to the alumni grants as well as through ticket "and I a ume be will continue such ad­ ~l See Related Story Pllge , Stat. Board of R'gents. fees for hom. football and basketball Airport Group Steps Out vocacy In the forthcomLng talk! with Despite a long and bitter controversy That report shows that between 1914 games. President Thieu of South Vietnam on iEloIr l oVer erection of a Recreation Building (when the Old Armory Swimming Pool If this argument is v'llid it"woulchleem Midway Island this Sunday." destined to become an athletic facility became the first University recreational beneflclal 'to the Slfurtnlsrrllllllrr to mak€' Humphrey lost the llre~ld nlial lee· y financed by student lees, Athletic and " facility) ' and 1968, the athletic depart­ a public statement explaining to slu­ Sf. zark Halt Petition tion to ixon last November. ment, on the one hand, and the students dents the financial benefits which come ,id Recreation Director Forest Evashevski By JOANNE WALTON told a group of Iowa City Rotarians and state, on the other, have split al­ directly or indirectly to the University than regular commercial nights. Thursday he was confident the Athletic most in half the cost of facilities used as a resu lt of its intercollegiate athletic Tbe Iowa City Airport Commission has Ozark presently employs only four jointly by students, physical education department. stepped out of the decision regarding a persons in Iowa City and these would be Department would get the new facili­ possible discontinuation of Ozark Airlines ties it needed. departmenf.s and the ath\i!tic depart­ transferred to another Ozark base, Hood Negative Tax ment. However, thus far no statements have service to Iowa City . said, so there would be no effect on em­ ,J Evashevski said he thought the depart­ been forthcoming, and persons who have The commission has said it will not ployment here. Athletics paid $1 ,495,834 for these fa~­ ment would get the facilities because tried to attain such information have stand in the way j[ Ozark chooses to ilities, while the state and students to­ gained very little support from the ad­ Referring to tha cut-off of Ozark lerv· To Be Attempted without them, tbe athletic department transfer its service to the Cedar Rapids Ice to Iowa City, Hood Itid, "It'. i 101111 will not be able to retain and recruit gether footed $1,040,968 of the bill. ministration. Airport. However, it wlll not encourage w.y from being decided now." promising young athletes, These statistics do not Inclbde the ad­ It is also hard to justify the use of such a move . c The Ozark proposal to switch its two • 0 • • ditional $6 million fee for the Recreation In Iowa Counties pkg. 52 Howev.r, it appears the .rection of student fees tG pay for a building at a Ozark had stated thaI unless runways daily Iowa City flight to Cedar Rapids Building or ' the I $332,000 in student money the Recreation Building Ind other time when even members of the Ath­ at the Iowa City airport were extended DES MOINES IA'I - Antipoverty work­ currently being used for renovation of mu t be approved by the Civil Aeronau­ planned athletic facillti.s ar. being letic Department staff are speculating to accommodate the larger planes now tics Board (CAB) before it can be put ers will begin searching Pocahontas and •pIg..•.. 49' parts of the Field House. made at the .xpen$l of the 11,700 Uni­ that college athletics may be a "dead in the Ozark fleet, the airline would be into effect. By refusing to endorse the Calhoun counties soon to find 500 poor c venity students not in the athletic pro· Another argument used by Bowen to horse" - that within 30 years profes­ forced to cut off service here .
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