Mayor Picks 7 New Patrolmen
The News! Carteret Borough Astride AH The Activities 50th Anniversary r)fTheTowti With Your 1 Home-Town PflW May 12 to 18,1956 xXXIV-NO. 51 vol.- CARTF.RET, N J , FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1956 PRICE KIQHT CENTS . Post \} Observe Mayor Picks 7 New •'.I stone Patrolmen; Zullo Is Ik .,! ,?lirll Mortgage at 7' i .r,ih \tmiversary Fete Given Captain Rank ,,,•, _ At the rritunr : ";;;„„. Limdinn Post 2314 : Set Polio Vaccine Clinic \ Additional Men ; ,;'. ,rrk plans were com- .i,. inn ulns of the mort- ,,i .•.,. celebration of the For Pre-School Children Will Report to •','.'...,'. „„•}• of the post to- CARTERET ~- A free Salk schools, where pupils will be ,,,„,„ Of the dinner are vacclnr clinic for children under Riven Salk vaccine next week. Work at Once ' ,'"'; Stephen Wuy and school ane desiring first injec- On Tuesday at 9 A.M. Injec- ',]'. : state Department tion will be administered at St. >; tions will be provided by the CARTERET — Mayor Frank I. ', / F,;mk Han and Board of Health. Joseph's Parochial School. Two sessions arc slated for Wednes- Bareford last night appointed se^- ''ill,•,,wski ortmnlzer of the The clinic will be conducted en new patrolmen, effective Imme- .„ the suest speakers. ovt ry Wednesday from April 18 day, one nt 9 AM. in the Holy Family Parochial School and the diately. The appointments were ', •[„,;,„. Jr. will act as In May 16 In trie board rooms at made on the recommendation of ,', .,,- ,md the past com- the BoroURh Hall. other at 1:30 P.M. in the Colum- bus School. Police Commissioner Edmond Ur- 1 ;;,i rli.irtcr members will in maktriK the announcement, banskl.
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