THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. Agriculture, Labor and Health. “and God Fitness Council Welfare. ;i MtcNm mn 11 A-10 Education and The ersatad woman To Open Parley council willreport to the com- THE PASSING SHOW mittee on the progress of the FT. RICHIE, Md.. Sept. 6t council’s work during the past (API. —The President'* Council dans krtgillg W»rdot 1 year. ly Papular Demon* on Youth Fitness opens a three- 1336 N. I AV*. m' i 11th SMASH WEEK! IT. 3-4111 PLAZA That Man Crichton it day meeting here tomorrow. J MAfS Dally CtHOLE Meeting with the council will At 1001 40b THEATRE be the Citizen Ad- ! 1 Evenina Part. J|,i *f, S W President's LAST 6 WEEKS! At *.30 Ph Ft 7*447* PRIOR TO NEW TORI! Is visory ?wa Shawi Taday * Still Committee on the fit- Tamar,ow Admirable NATIONAL • Tonight |:I0! of youth. t:00 P.M. and l:J* p.M. By ness •'American ‘AMERICA'S FIRST THEATRf JAY CAR MODY The council Is composed of •j Dram* editor o( The BUr Ever 8 30; Mali. Wed Sat 2:30¦ five members: The ? Cotd » 0 Perhaps Cabinet because it is a reminder of a gentler world, it is a Secretaries of Defense, interior, LATE SHOW TONIGHT RODDY JAMES pleasant experience to watch "The Admirable Crichton” at the MacArthur theater. / ®bieb\ McDOWALL DALY This is a shining new, color version of Sir James M. \ Barrie's 56-year-old play which found the dreamy Scot thinking ( SEARCH FOR handful no less whimsically than usual but also sociologically on the HILLTOP HOUSE ( ) subject of class distinctions. PARADISE or FIRE * Harptrs W. Va. HPJSM There have been dozens of "THE ADMIRABLE CRICHTON." Firry, % R LOVE ITORTky N. RICHRRD NARH Columbia Pictures release, produced by TICHNICOtOt* 1 Imitations of Sir James' amus- lan Dalrymple, directed by Lewis $9 Day, $55 Week (3 Meals) \ •••»• •» loa Oka / fra?actiaa Rlrtcla? kg ROBERT LEWII ing reflections, "My Gilbert screenplay by Vernon Harris, with Crichton based uoon the play bv 81r Janies M JOAN Man Godfrey” Harrie a musical score bv Doug- Family-Style Dinners $225 V WARNER y UY MEDFORD COPELAND type comedies, with THfATRI but blithe than the las Oamley. At the MacArthur Theater Man.-Thun. Evening., $1.35 to 54.Y3 none more Children $1.25 IJik 4 I $»»., N.W7 Fri. 4 hat. Evaning., $1.85 to $5 50 original. The Ca.t Phono Mo'ropoliion 'SCT I 44? J Wad t Sat. Matinaa.. $1 10 to $4 40 •Trlchton DRIVE UP THIS SUNDAY ~ TtlDi SCtWH In lawman Calae As is the proper due of such Tweeuv Diane Cilento I | Box office open 10 a m to R ,Ift « m softly *I/ord Loam . Cecil Parker a witty and gracious echo Lady Mary Ballv Ann Howes of the past, the Lady Brocklehurst Martlta Hunt MacArthur’s Treherne Jack Watllng "The Admirable Crichton” is Brocklehurst Peter Oraves an immaculately made Eng- Ernest Oerald Harper Catherine Mercy Haystead « lish picture. Agatha Miranda Connell if- hore\Tnfuivs NFiinmnnn i Vicar MiW Malleson 0F LirE 'wwhwuwiuiim I- „ OUT It is directed with Just the ?hehe Captain . Eddie Bvrne ••ji ,*4 Jt-'^ right touch of nostalgic senti- I ment by lan Dalrymple and leadership, the island is con- CINDERELLA v TO A MOVIE * W played by a group of altogether verted into a kind of paradise, Dolores Hart, described by Columnist James Bacon fi|B| A l JL- /lft I attractive imitations of butler is its relaxed an the former as “a nice girl in the tradition of Ann Blyth, who has aristocracy just beginning his to ruler and the others are always moral principles career,” has feel uneasy in the 20th cen- reversal put above had devoted slaves. The busy year a Just 18 months go she was More Than Routine Merit Loais Bernheimet’i Thtaiert tury. Lord Loam, for instance. could not be more complete, a and half. Films of j a Marymount College freshman, when a friend sent DRIVE-IN THEATERS Is represented by Cecil Parker. down to such details as daugh- “AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS”—Mike Todd’* bl* SUPER CHIET DRIVE-IN her picture to Wallis' office. Since then she has by Crichton, by sturdy Kenneth ter Mary Loam’s utter adora- Hal show, full of fun and stars, headed Cantinflas. 8401 Indian Haad Hwy. CH I 8700 AIRPORT oTXi, More, Lady Mary by Sally Ann father’s old been Elvis Presley’s sweetheart in a couple of films, BLUE German historical relic that in- RANDOLPH SCOTT. “DECISION tion for her servant “THE ANGEL”—The AT SUNDOWN,” h:O.V “CARTOON CARNIVAL” it 8: Howe (the current My Fair and Lord Loam’s infatuation i appeared with Anna Magnani in "Wild Is the Wind” troduced 's famed gams to the world. FRANK BINATRA in “THK FLY” iC?cope>, A1 Hedi- York), Ryan paces an over-ripe “KINGS GO ,> son X'I—‘DALTON GIRLS.” Lady Tweeny — in New and for his former kitchen maid. and is starred in Dore Schary’s just-completed “Miss “GOD’S LITTLE ACRE”—Robert FORTH Merry Anders, at 8:27. 3T3 by Cilento. Southern illiterates. At 9:45 “SPACEMASTFR X-7." Bill Wll- Diane With no damage whatever Lonelyhearts.” And this theater season New York assortment of Erskine Caldwell RICHARD CONTE. “SLEEPING around, quite as 'iams. at 11:2ft Located in Ar- With these it is Sir see Dolores on stage In a leading role in "The “IMITATION GENERAL"—GIenn Ford and Red Buttons lington on U 8 Route 1. lust to James’ basic narrative. will wacky Dll. 7-5358 over the 14th Bt. Bridge. Kids all right that the plot of the pair unlikely Gls fighting a war. IFTI V APF Aye. Scriptist Vernon Harris and ( of His Company.”—AP Wirephoto. a of VILLAlit* 1307 R. I. N.K Free! ! picture is familiar and 1 Pleasure vs. Indians, some- Director Dalrymple have “THE LIGHT IN THE FOREST”—Colonists FRANK SINATRA and TONY CUR- times, indeed, rather thin. by Walt Disney straight at the noncritical young. TIS “KINGS OO FORTH.” 2:30. i subtly updated it in its un- aimed ft:s2. 9:17; ANTHONY DEXTFR, ** * * “NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS”— Andy Griffith as Pvt. Will THE PARSON AND THE OUT- LEE HWY.-ARL. BLVD. dertones at least. Or, if they ; Crichton’s story, of course, is in his hilarious duel with the Air Force. LAW." i 12. 4:33, sft. Drive-In Theater. JE. 3-9588 have not, this is the effect of Stockdale linifTflll LA 9-1359 12th Bt. Between 7 Corners and Fairfax thfct of the perfect English but- Kaare Terland, all of whom “TEACHER'S PET”— and Doris Day deftly play HLWIUXI N.E Bet. Mieb. A R.I. Circle. Entrances Lee Hwy. or contemporary playing before PtrformaitCM Arl. Blvd. (Via Gallows Rd,). who finds his employer. Lord 1 speak a crisp and spacious fresh comedy in an newsroom setting. We Dare You to See ler a color camera. a authentic EXCITINQ 4 -UNIT WEEK-END Loam, suddenly and shockingly English. “THE VIKINGS”—Kirk Douglas watches the fjords- go by in “THE FLY” SPECIAL One of the most agreeable At 2:43. 8.04. 9:24 _1 CARTON in mood to tamper the The three. 23, 20 and 19 years i a lusty adventure, handsomely photographed. Also a with aspects of the quite funny BILL WILLIAMS in "SPACE NEW ORBITB OF THRILLS rigid English social structure. old respectively, are enthusias- IS Ranis* MB MUR I - MASTER X-7.” l:2d. 4:42 8:02; narrative is that it offers what Cartocn Carnival. 2—“SPACE Putting his theories of equality ' tic as only youth can be about VrDIIAU KL 9-2121. 3707 Mt. might be called the happiest on E BRIDGE K B THEATERS VLXInUn Vernon Ave., Alex., Va. MASTER X-7” into practice, over Crichton’s 1 “Windjammer,” which they 1 Stanley Warner Theaters BILL WILLIAM*—6:3S of unhappy endings. With- Special at the 1 P M Show Only: WITH objections. Loam gives a worked for months and still ON THE Art ConAiOanr* HUGH VS. IT Lord being excessively All Air MARLOWE. "EARTH ONCE WAS HUMAN out reveal- working, in a promotional: Mac ARTHUR 2 i*oo THK FLYING SAUCERS." 3:oft: 3 “THE FLY” party for the family servants. are FIR KWAI” “THE ADMIRABLE CRICHTON.” 11 ANDY ORIFFITH. "NO TIME FOR ing of happens, " what it can way. en- at 4:20, 6:10. N and AL HEDIBON—PAT OWENS The party is a fiasco. To give But they are more m>MM AMBASSADOR To.%^ 2.30. 9:50 SERGEANTS 1 4.37. «:55. 9:15. C'SCOPE AND COLOR —10 everyone forget, be said that when the party thusiastic quite naturally about "NAKED AND THE DEAD” PM. Newsreel at 2:15. 4 05, .5:55. a chance to England, .81 7:45 and 9:55 P M DEATH STALKED THE HOUSE returns to its native beauty 'ft s.&#¦ ! Aldo Ray. « 50 King st. 9 Crichton suggests a yacht trip, their native Norway, its 1 1:40. 4:15. 9:Bs. lpmr 4813 Moss. Avo WO 6 4600 ntLUnrrn 1723 ki 3445 4 “CAT GIRL” 4 it is Crichton who has the "**¦ Parking Space which ends up with the Loams, its arts, its spirit. Fry* Parking Starring Barbara Shelley—ll:3o to upon a re- AVALON n w Comfortably Air Conditioned Open 7:3o—Modern character insist on, TwJmJT 2 BRITISH COMEDIES! CHARIS6E Cafeteria two male guests, the butler and It is their work in, and "KINQB OO FORTH." Frank Sina- ROCK HUDSON CYD' ” Children Under 12 Fret turn to the original Loam tra. 2130. 4:45 7:05. 0:20 “THE Both on the same proaram' Alec "TWILIGHT FOR THF GODS a kitchen maid shipwrecked on Riui ” in ' by household relationships. the film that will enable each SHOWS TONIGHT J TIN STAR , at 12 25 Guinnebs “ALL AT SEA. at 2 Sr5 Color Technicolor Continuous tropical quite to ONLY 1:1.3. 4:93. 7 and 8:55 P.M Plus: ?a a From 1:30 PM a island, otherwise of the three remain in this CAPITOL 11:45 PM John Ford s THE RIBING OF THE " Rt. E. M. LOWE’S. SO. 8-8722 This most admirable Eng- , ” 1. unpopulated. J 11 3-3300. * f MOON at 5:4<» and *8 39 < country to continue his educa- ¦rwrai v 2:45. vmcniia»**•¦»«»« Memorial Blvd. and lishman as played by More is BLVKallln I sta. N.E. Free Parking P M «Ta see both Aims you must be u Sn 1,. St KI. 9 6133 MT. VERNON OPEN AIR ; Under Crichton’s resourceful tion. will go to Yale to ” by ) captivating in every frame of Harald m the theater 8:30 P.M 3 (omfortablv Air Conditioned Richmond Hwy.—Se. of Alex. “KINGS OO FORTH Prank Sina- - ,M SOPHIA LOR- Free—Free Playground study drama: Sven to Juilliard tra. 2:40. 0:10. 0:35. -SUMMER N H A u ” Children the MacArthur film. SLATE ” He is LOVE John Saxon. 4:30. 8 1:00 & -. a EN Star in "THE KEY Cinema- Open 7 30 Start at for conducting and composi- LANGLEY „7t J j—GUY MADIBON. “REPRISAL.” Min*. From U. of Md. Children Free,, MacArthur "The Admira- . Cff VP! Optli KMS mAm V bit Ri %i Georgia Aye.. Fa C Vo Color Western at 8:15. Open 7:30 P.M. 2:30, 4:20, 6:10, prominently in Louis de Roche- .J*b a: STATE 3—Year s Most Talked-About Sci- GIANT 4-UNIT SHOW ble Crichton”: GREGORY "KINGS GO FORTH" "jf 27«j ence Fiction THE p mont’s Cinemiracle production. Comfortably Thriller I—Cartoon at PM- 8 and 9:50 m. Prank Sinstra, Natalie Wood. 2:26. Air Conditioned. FLY.” Cinemascope Color at Carnival 7:50 «. Walt Disnev's C—OtY MADISON. REPRISAL.” MetropoliUn The three are Cadets Harald PECK 9 35 'SUMMER LOVE." John 9:50 •< "The Naked SNOW THE LIGHT IN THE FOREST.” 4 SPACE MABTER X-7” at 11 30 Color Western at 8.15. Bason. 12:45. 4:15. 7:50 HtS! ) I—Year's Most Talked-About Sci-h. and the Dead"; 11:30 a.m., 2, Tusberg, Sven Erik Libaek, and l PM. Cont. __ RA S-4512. Ith and ' ence Thriller TIVnMI* 1730 wl l,d Fiction "THE 4:25. 7, 9:30 and 11:45 p.m. LILO PULVER jyLSIMMONS novrin Butternut St». N.W. gi 90C PER CARLOAD NIGHTLY FLY” Cinemascope Color *Vr CARROLL Free WILSON JA 7TtBo Ontario—"A Time to Love”; Parkins. ‘IMITATION GEN- Comfortably Air Conditioned 4 SPACE MASTER X-7“ at 11 3fKr r ERAL.” Glenn Ford. 2:55. tt:2s, 10. wu. Ave. e.-w THE ” “NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS" urrorenn at 1:05, 3:25. 5:45, 8:05 and 10:30 lATI SHOW ' GODDESB Kim Stanley, 1. DLinLoUA Hwy. OL. 2-2808 TONIGHT! 4:30. S. O ANDY GRIFFITH 90c PER CARLOAD NIGHTLY D,m. J CHARLTON I PM Cont. Daily Matinees 1 P.M. Continuous (Helripolilan kwbbbfyJ CO- ¦"'*<»< 1:45 Orly) | Tivni I I Ith aIM ANDY GRIFFITH Palace—“ The Big Country”; | 11TWI.I Park Rd v w KINGS ” HESTON ” I”y BUCKINGHAM Goorgo 10:45 1:45. 4:45, 7:50 and GO FORTH Frank Sinatra. ;t, “J*®-:" "NO TIME pilMrfi SP 35,53 a.m.. | ” Comfortably t ondltioned. rHLriLn Bio BEAT Air Po | merHwy Rt pm. 8:15 w4O "THE Wil- W THE BADIANDERB FOR SERGEANTS” 704 10:50 liam Reynolds. 1:35. 4:56. 815 Nr. New Annapolis Frwy Clovorleaf Playhouse—“La Parisienne"; H ALAN LADD at J :SO. 3:70. 5:25. 7:25,_ ».:3«;_ j HHMKZSESBSCsjIMMH CfaHfon 1 P.M Cont. runrrm v in. i-»i»o the Picture With a 1,000.000 11 am., 12:40, 2:30. 4:15, 6:05. Am WILLIAM Col P k.*^w°itor tng.VE.niil ADD. Thrills! M BARRIE lini-ll,uiullART INCTfIII ; ALAN I 7:50, 9:40 and 11:30 p.m. ttOW The Bevt Seller that (¦ «JAMES Z Rood Dr JA 7 2999 '•THE BADLANDERS" Cinema- “THE FLY” k / Electrified 7 Million * TITILLATING WINELAND 0 ( omfortablv Mr Conditioned. ScoDe Color at 17:36. 3:30. 6:46. ColorSrope. _ PRODUCTION THEATERS 10:35 Also Plaza “And God Created Readers t H FOR LIFE." P.40. plus SCOTT. 1 1*TECHNICOLOR "TARZANS FIGHT GORDON “SPACEMASTER X-T." Scope. Woman”; 11 a.m., 12:40, 2:20,: O GORDON SCOTT. EVE BRENT ' TARZAN S FIGHT FOR LIFE'' 12:15: plus Hit No. 3 MCDEIVEm g l p m com «:•«>. 4:10, 5:50, 7:40, 9:25 and 11:10 Color at *1:10. s:l*. “RAWHIDE TRAIL” LAST DAY! ANDY fitITIP 2130 N. Glob# Rd. GRIFFITH. In ULLDL - 8:50. Extra! CARTOON JAM- the Comedy of . DORIS p.m. Hit the Year! < JA 7 4264 HYATTSVILLE DAY. BOREE at 8:15. Plus! \ - Free Bridge 'NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS' Comfortably Air Conditioned. CLARK OABLE “TEACHER’S Candy to , Trans-Lux—“The on PATTY ft. 9:4ft. plus the Kiddies. Naked „ CcCORMACK. Cr "NO TIME FOR SERGEANTS” PET.” «t I. 20. River Kwai”; 10 a.m., 1, ! KATHY O. Color. 8:12; JOHN « ANDY GRIFFITH JAMES STEWr ART. KIM NOVAK. the ” | AND THE N D OF THE BAD- 1 "VERTIGO Tech, at 3:lft. 7:3ft. 4, 7 and 10 p.m. 0l„r P.M. Cont. iH .^.4 Art Blvd. <1 H 7 drive in pgff7 < jLrrLndunIPPPPRCAM Annan-1 Uptown “South Pacific”; jdk: da)#Rd . . 8 KAYWOOD Ye CENTRAL AVE. HILLSIDE JE 2 040 aVs T?st Post S and 8 30 p.m. OBIVE-IN Comfortably Air Conditioned. Talked About Science-Fiction Thril- 212 Milas 0. C. Lina DEAD 6200 Marlboro Pik*. Md. JO. 87266 ¦ THE FLY" and ler “THE FLY" ClnemaSrone- Warner—“ Search for Para- *nd Technicolor! “BPACE MASTER X-7“ 1 Technirolor at 1. 3:50. «:ftO. 9:50. For Information Call Nalj3odo dise”; 2 and 8:30 p.m. > HI Too Science-Fiction Chiller of All 1 PM Cont. plus "SPACE MABTER X-7” at Opens 7 P.M Starts at Dusk Aldo Ray! Time! HERBERT MARSHALL VlN- 2:40._5:4(L_ CHILDREN FREE. P ATRIC A , - . i OWENS. 6 Wprner Bros TECHNICOLOR* "ALLATSEA' the FLY/'m’v 0:53; BILL WtL- V!ERSMILL BIG TRIPLE BILL S 8, „; SPA ?E MASTER X-7." DISTRICT THEATERS AI^N" 7rDD HAJf11 31. Plus FRED MacMURRAY. Call NCL 7-3009 Air Conditioned "THE BADLANDERS Cinema- 1. FASTEST GUN ALIVE." LOEW'S COLUMBIA "FOREST RANGERS." scope Colpr at 1. 4 7:05. 10. plus Glenn Ford. 8:15. Color. 8415 7th and T Sts. N.W, GORDON SCOTT. "TARZANS F at .’th ” 2. "TIP ON A DEAD Air Conditioned Street I G«>d Hop. nunnniinnWARII JOCKEY.” ANACOSTIAnnnvwaim Ooors OD#n 12 Noon FIGHT FOR LIFE Color at 2:3ft. Robert Taylor, 10:15. IM.Today, 2:38 • Tonight, 1:31 Rd SE lu , 7070 MIGHTIEST DOUBLE BILL OF 5:40. 8:35. °/> OKKOORY PECK. JOANNE COL- ALL “ATTACK OF THE 50-PT 3 “LAND UNKNOWN.” 12:05 &zs^\ ” Spacious LINS. “THE Refreshment Center. utr tnusc«n ,JE? in BRAVADOS." Cin- WOMAN "WAR OF THE SATEL- " s Playground Free. ema Scope, Technicolor, j :29 4-io UTB" Children us "fui uirr IW 2 SHOWS TODAY “VIKING j THEATRE - WOMEN VS - Zmmm*, Sw 2 P.M., *125 -1150 $2.20 1 - THE SEA SERPENT" 3. 550 V Ilirni IT 1215 Yaw St. N.W. 18th St.. Just Off R I. Ave. N.E. fy v4.» LintuLn p i - Plus Kiddie Cartoon Doori Qo#n 12:30 M 1:30 P.M.. 11.7- 12 20 13 00 oir conditioned Show. 1 LA. 0-3633 Air Conditioned *w * SECOND WEEK —“BIG COUN- L 2533 Pa Av s E Parking 301 DRIVE-IN m [ (under 12) HIGHLAND TRY GREOORY PECK. JEAN Ample Facilitlc* T7 CHILDREN 90c IU. 4-7311 SIMMONS Tate Show Tonight). •‘Washington’s Art Theater” On Route 301 Waldorf, Md. new stanton art theatre In Cinemascope and » AT AU TIMES and Technicolor! 1343 You St N W Matinee Midnite Bhows Via Branch Ave.