La Espiral Y La Cariátide: Berthold Lubetkin Por Juan M
La Espiral y la Cariátide: Berthold Lubetkin por Juan M. Otxotorena 64 THE SPIRAL ANO THE CARYATID: 30 years before. 18 of which, the first enes -u:itl the death of the outstart n the role of the uitim;¡ figlte<. ndomtable and his W!fe, afte< which he settled rito a rrodest apa1ment ,n ncomipbble. Urdoubtedly, eitglty years of ive expenence ,n Berthold Lubetkin Sristol. where he p,-essently IMrtes his memoors-. dedicated to rtself fXOl/ldes the riglt to speak ard be heard: specially ,n London, Ju1e 19, 1982. AA old man slow1y and pa,nfully the breeding of CXMS and pigs2 in volultary retreat. the effect these circunstances. and ~ seems that was what the reMf dimbs the steps of the R.I.BA 's Jarvis Hall.• He gathefs hrn· of his O'M1 boredom as to be intentionally ¡:ro.,oking, on his acknowledged maste< pretended . seelf together wrth a stw satisf-ed gestU'e, and asks: "May 1 farm ,n GIOucestershire. Exp-ess,ng his IMSh that the ~ coud be dMded fYTIOng SIi dcNvn? fvty doctor says my attmt,s ist not negotiable... • , . A o, this occasion, his speech coomenced wrth ind,rect ali individuals who had coRaborated wrth hrn n his 1NCJO<, he stancf,ng ovabon wekxJmes h,s presenc:e. l3erthold Lubetkin 'NO'ds -a blend ot me Eng!ish runor. ot the ~ seremy 90l/8 wrr; thereon to a kJnd of deologicaJ will: a general accepted, at 81 years of age, the Royal Gold Meda/ that the of an octogenarian wrth a po,nt of the tastYless of the step surrna,y of the status of contemporary archtectU'e, culmina· maxm.m Bntish ¡:vofessional onstitutlon awards each yea¡.
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