St. Paul Lutheran Church and School The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod

October 25, 2015

As We Gather...Today is the twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost and the day on which we commemorate the Reformation. In the liturgy today, we hear of the God who is both just and the justifier of the unjust sinner. This article of justification is the rock on which the teaching of the Church stands or falls. In the First Reading from Revelation, we hear the message the Church is given to proclaim until Christ comes again. From Romans, Paul gives clear explanation of what it means to be saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. In the Gospel, Jesus teaches that we are His disciples because we abide in His life-giving Word. WELCOME Guests! We are glad Holy Communion is celebrated Service Times: you have joined us for Worship today. during all Worship Services on the Traditional Worship first, third, and fifth weekends of the Saturday evening at 5:00 pm Fellowship: Refreshments are month. Sunday morning at 8am & 11am available Sunday mornings from 9-11am Monday evening at 7:00 pm in the Gathering Hall. We Care Cards: Everyone Contemporary Service attending is asked to complete a Bible Study Every Sunday 9:30am Sunday morning at 9:30 am We Care Card— found in the pew (Family Life Center) rack and picked up by our ushers Servant Leaders: Parents with children: after our offering. Senior Pastor: Scott Kruse Children are welcome to worship with Associate Pastor: Kenton Wendorf us. Children’s bulletins and busy bags Hearing Assistance Devices Pastor Emeritus: Larry Prahl are available. There is a cry room with available. Talk to an usher to Pastor Emeritus: John Suelflow changing table in the back of church if check one out. Principal: Michael Yurk needed. Director of Music: Valerie Bremer Director Youth Ministry: Ryan Hansen Worship Services Prelude Ringing of the Bells and Lighting of Candles

Opening Hymn “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” LSB 656 (5pm, 8am—Choir will sing verse 2)

Invocation Pastor: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. People: Amen.

Confession Pastor: Let us confess our sins to God our Heavenly Father. and Absolution People: Heavenly Father, as I come into the Light of Your presence, I acknowledge that I don’t want my life’s story written on my forehead for the whole world to see. Please do not allow me to rationalize or deny my sins nor flee from you. Help me confess and flee to You. Lord, please forgive the wickedness of my soul and of my sins. Have mercy on me for Jesus’ sake. Remind me today that You, Lord Jesus, are my righteousness and I am Your sin. You became what you were not, to make me what I am not. Amen. Pastor: Receive the full pardon, forgiveness and reconciliation Jesus gives to you with God the Father through His perfect life, death, and bodily resurrection. As your sin goes to the cross, His righteousness comes to you with full forgiveness. Upon this your confession, I by virtue of my office, as a called and ordained servant of Christ, forgive you all your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hymn of Praise “All Glory Be to God on High” LSB 947

Salutation Pastor: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you.

Prayer of the Day Pastor: Let us pray. O Lord, in every generation through prophet and preacher, You have called and gathered Your people through Your Word. Raise up faithful voices in our own time who will speak faithfully and forcefully Your Word of truth so that many may come to the knowledge of Your Son, be declared righteous and just by His sacrificial death, and live in the peace of Christ until He comes again in His glory; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. People: Amen.

-2- Anthem 5pm, 8am “My Worth is Not in What I Own,” Mixed and Male Choirs 11am “Reform Your Church,” Children’s Choir

First Reading Revelation 14:6-7 St. John describes the eternal Gospel to be proclaimed to every people in every corner of the earth. (Holy Bible p. 1320)

Pastor: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

Psalm Setting “God is Our Refuge and Our Strength” (Psalm 46) (Sung to tune “The King of Love My Shepherd Is” LSB 709)

God is our refuge and our strength, Our ever-present aid, And therefore, though the earth re-move, We will not be afraid.

Though hills amid the seas be cast, Though foaming waters roar, Yea, though the mighty billows shake The mountains on the shore.

Where God abides a river flows; That city will rejoice. But nations fear and kingdoms shake Before God’s thund’ring voice.

Since God is in the midst of it, The city walls shall stand,

Secure and safe with God’s sure help, When trouble is at hand. Text: The Presbyterian Hymnal, 1990. Public domain. Tune: 709 “The King of Love My Shepherd is””

Epistle Reading Romans 3:19-28 By grace are you saved through faith and not of yourselves. (Holy Bible p. 1197)

Pastor: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God.

Verse “Lord, Open Now My Heart to Hear” LSB 908, St. 1

Lord, open now my heart to hear, And through Your Word to me draw near; Let me Your Word e’er pure retain; Let me Your child and heir remain.

Gospel Reading Pastor: The Holy Gospel according to Saint John, the eighth chapter.

People: (sung) Glory to You, O Lord.

John 8:31-36 If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (Holy Bible p.1138)

Pastor: This is the Gospel of the Lord. People: (sung) Praise to You, O Christ.

Children’s Talk (Children through 4th Grade are invited to come forward on Sunday.)

Hymn of the Day “Lord, ‘Tis Not That I Did Choose Thee” LSB 573 (The congregation stands for the final stanza)

Sermon by Pastor Kruse is entitled, “You are Justified by His Grace as a Gift...” based on Romans 3:24.

3rd Article of the I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Christian church, the communion of Apostles’ Creed and saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life Luther’s Explanation everlasting. Amen.

What does this mean? I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him; but the Holy Spirit has called me by the Gospel, enlightened me with His gifts, sanctified and kept me in the true faith. In the same way He calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith. In this Christian church He daily and richly forgives all my sins and the sins of all believers. On the Last Day He will raise me and all the dead and give eternal life to me and all believers in Christ.

-3- This is most certainly true. Offering and announcements 11am “Raise Me Up,” Samuel Kudra, piano 7pm “Allegro,” from Concerto No. 1, Grace Gierach, violin

Prayer of the Church Pastor: Friends in Christ, I urge you all to lift up your hearts to God and pray with me (Luther’s Paraphrase of as Christ our Lord has taught us and freely promised to hear us. the Lord’s Prayer) God, our Father in heaven, look with mercy on us, Your needy children on earth, and grant us grace that Your holy name be hallowed by us and all the world through the pure and true teaching of Your Word and the fervent love shown forth in our lives. Graciously turn from us all false doctrine and evil living whereby Your precious name is blasphemed and profaned. Lord, in Your mercy, People: hear our prayer. Pastor: May Your kingdom come to us and expand. Bring all transgressors and those who are blinded and bound in the devil’s kingdom to know Jesus Christ, Your Son, by faith that the number of Christians may be increased. Lord, in Your mercy, People: hear our prayer. Pastor: Strengthen us by Your Spirit according to Your will, both in life and in death, in the midst of both good and evil things, that our own wills may be crucified daily and sacrificed to Your good and gracious will. Into Your merciful hands we commend… and all who are in need, praying for them at all times: Thy will be done. Lord, in Your mercy, People: hear our prayer. Pastor: Grant us our daily bread, preserve us from greed and selfish cares, and help us trust in You to provide for all our needs. Lord, in Your mercy, People: hear our prayer. Pastor: Forgive us our sins as we also forgive those who sin against us so that our hearts may be at peace and may rejoice in a good conscience before You, and that no sin may ever frighten or alarm us. Lord, in Your mercy, People: hear our prayer. Pastor: Lead us not into temptation, O Lord, but help us by Your Spirit to subdue our flesh, to turn from the world and its ways, and to overcome the devil with all his wiles. Lord, in Your mercy, People: hear our prayer. Pastor: And last, O heavenly Father, deliver us from all evil of both body and soul, now and forever. Lord, in Your mercy, People: hear our prayer. Pastor: We trust, O Lord, in Your great mercy to hear and answer us; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. People: Amen.

Benediction Pastor: The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24–26) People: Amen.

Closing Hymn “God of Grace and God of Glory” LSB 850 St. 1,3,4

Thank you to all the instrumentalists for our Reformation celebration!

Trumpet: Robert Cody, Caleb Yurk, Kent Bolyard, Kris Schroeder Trombone: Sue Buettner, Maren Kohlwey, Brian Buske Oboe and Choir Accompanist: Katelyn Cody


PRE-SERVICE MUSIC SONG OF PRAISE OFFERING SERMON “El Shaddai,” Handbells “Walk by Faith” by Pastor Kruse is entitled, ANNOUNCEMENTS “You are Justified by His CHILDREN’S MESSAGE PRAYERS Grace as a Gift...” based WELCOME & GREETING on Romans 3:24. WORD OF GOD LORD’S PRAYER INVOCATION Revelation 14:6-7 BLESSING (Holy Bible p. 1320) SONG OPENING MEDLEY John 8:31-36 “Ancient Words” CLOSING SONG “A Mighty Fortress” (Holy Bible p. 1138) “Living Stones” “We Believe (The Creed)” WORD OF GOD THE THIRD ARTICLE OF Romans 3:19-28 CONFESSION THE APOSTLES’ CREED (Holy Bible p.1197) WITH EXPLANATION WORD OF FORGIVENESS

Pastor Wendorf’s Devotional Thought for the week

Tower Experience. -Romans 1:16-17

Doing a puzzle can be challenging! You look at the picture of the completed puzzle as you try to figure out where all the individual pieces go. Now, imagine doing a large puzzle, but you have no idea what it will look like when it is finished. When it is finally done you say, "Now I see the picture." Martin Luther was looking at the pieces to a spiritual puzzle. He grew up fearing God, he grew up in an environment where it seemed impossible to please God, and there was no way he could work hard enough or be good enough. He went to Rome but came back disappointed. The pope was selling pieces of paper called indulgences that were suppose to forgive your sins, but that was not the right piece either. The pieces were not fitting together. He became a devout student of the Bible. The Holy Spirit working through the Word of God then showed him how the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Often called the Tower Experience, Luther was reading in Romans 1:16-17. He read that a person is made righteous (that is right with God) through faith in the redemptive work of Jesus on the cross. Now the spiritual puzzle was complete! The final key pieces were in place: Faith, Grace, and Scripture. What a beautiful picture. Through Luther, a reformation of thinking began as he shared the picture of God's love through Christ; as Luther proclaimed the message of God's Grace through faith and not works. The pieces were there in God's Word. The Holy Spirit used God's servant, Dr. Martin Luther, to reveal the picture to the world. Bulletin Reminder: Nominations for Associate Pastor Please have all bulletin requests submitted by Next weekend you will be able to start submitting Tuesdays at noon. This cut-off is needed because names for the Associate Pastor position here at we send it to the printer Wednesday. Additionally, we are getting to the busy season for events and the St. Paul. Nominations will be open for three weekends. bulletin fills up quickly. The sooner we receive your The deadline will be Monday, November 16. Forms will info, the more likely there will be space for it. be in the Narthex next weekend, near each church Please keep in mind that ‘meetings’, ‘general info’ coat racks. Information on the Associate Pastor and ‘events elsewhere’ typically run 2 weeks; large events usually run 1 month if room allows, (which Description will be attached to the Nomination Form. includes ‘save the date’); and events requiring Please keep our future Associate Pastor in your registration run 1-2 months in advance on weeks prayers! that room allows.

Submit requests via email to Lisa at [email protected] or call 262-377-4659 x332.

Thank you for your understanding!


If you have a pastoral emergency between October 25 is titled "Uniqueness of Earth." How do we Monday, October 26 and Friday, October 30, view our place in the universe? Some say it is an please contact Pastor Prahl at 375-2049. insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy among millions of galaxies. That life itself must be commonplace throughout the universe just waiting to be discovered. Is there another view that science points to?

November 1 is "Science and Scripture." For ages man ST. PAUL LUTHERAN CHURCH has searched for answers about where we came from, NEW MEMBER CLASS how life began, if God exists and why we are here. Christians find answers in the Bible, the Word of God. —November 14— Some question if the Bible is completely true. Lets see what history and archaeology reveal. Sign up now for the New Member Class. If you are not a current member of Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, please attend from SERVANT MINISTRY 8am-2pm. Those transferring from an OPPORTUNITIES LCMS congregation, class is from 12-2pm. Call the church office to register. Collection for Veterans 262-377-4659 x332 We are now taking up of items to be used in care packages for veterans of the Zablocki VA Medical Center of Milwaukee. (Organized by St. Paul School and LWML) The collection will run thru Nov. 2. Items needed: Adult Coloring Books, crayons/markers, small arts and crafts kits, leather/jewelry kits, candies, travel mugs, hot coco packs, lip balms, hand lotion, nail polish/remover, socks, gloves, hats, personal EVENTS THIS WEEKEND/WEEK hygiene items, pocket calendars... You may drop off (weekly calendar on pg 8) items in the Welcome Center.

THIS SUNDAY, October 25 Interested in putting your Middle School Youth Group, 5-6:30pm hands into HIS service abroad High School Youth Group 7-8:30pm on a short term mission trip? St. Paul Hands in Service Group is Habitat for Humanity, 2x4 Board weekend partnering with Lutheran Hour Today in the Welcome Center, for a donation of $5 Ministries for a short term mission trip in 2016. For or $10, you can sign or write a Bible verse on a board more information please attend an informational which will be used in local Habitat builds. All donations meeting on Monday, November 2 at 6:30pm in the will be matched $ for $ by the Ozaukee County Chapter Church Office Conference Room. General information of Thrivent. All donations are appreciated and make a and the actual project/country and time frame will be huge difference in the lives of the new homeowners in discussed and decided. If you’re unable to attend but Ozaukee County. would like further info, contact Jill at 262-707-9387 or [email protected]. Oktoberfest Celebration with St. Paul Senior Ministry! Join us this Wednesday, October 28 at 6pm Brighten Someone’s Day! HIS Committee is at the Providence Place! We will be enjoying German looking for volunteers to visit and/or send an Music—featuring Dave Schmidt and his daughter, occasional greeting card to St. Paul's Shut-ins of which Kate—and German appetizers/refreshments! The cost there are close to 50. It's a delightful way to bring a is $15/person. RSVP to the church office 377-4659 happy smile on one's face and brighten up their day. by Monday. Please contact Lenore at 414-526-6004 or [email protected].


November 5 Women’s Guild Meeting The Board of Stewardship is in need of two members to Judy Kuda will be speaking about the proper care of the serve on the board. If you have any interest in serving American Flag. We will be discussing the Country Fair or know of someone who would be a good candidate, and signing up for various committees for the Fair. please contact Bill Rieboldt, Board of Stewardship Elections for VP and Treasurer will also be taking place. Chairperson, at [email protected] or 414-881-9610. For questions, call Eva at 377-4321.

Join us for Veterans Day Chapel, on 8th GRADE FUNDRAISER Wednesday, November 11 as we honor our veterans with a service at 8:25am. Last Chance to help the 8th Graders earn money for their class trip and cross names off your Christmas list The COUNTRY FAIR is coming! at the same time! View Thirty-One products online at and then contact me Saturday, November 14, 9am-2pm by this Monday (Oct. 26) to place an order. 8th Grade (Sponsored by Women’s Guild) will receive a donation of 20% of all sales for their trip! Get some Christmas shopping done! We will be selling Nicki Ksioszk, Independent Thirty-One Consultant, crafts, quilts, Christmas cookies and homemade bakery 262-573-3679, [email protected]. items. Additionally, there will be over 40 vendors as well as a luncheon of hot ham sandwiches, the famous Ger- man Potato Salad, and homemade pies.

RESERVE a table NOW for SIGN UP NOW ADVENT BY CANDLELIGHT Sunday, December 6 from 6pm-9pm, St. Paul Youth Basketball will once again in St. Paul’s Family Life Center. Contact be starting up for High School students, grades Martha Witt at 338-0244 to register, to 9-12 who are NOT playing on a high school reserve a table to decorate by yourself or basketball team. If you are interested, contact with friends, and/or to make a dessert for the event. Scott Brandenburg at 262-565-7068.

Living Word Lutheran High School, Enroll Now! SAVE THE DATES Register by December 15, 2015 and you’ll receive up to $450 in tuition credits. Contact Mr. Josh Steffen for details at [email protected] or at 262-677-9353.  Our Annual CHRISTMAS COOKIE WALK will be SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 Simple Hope Food Packathon (Sponsored by Panther Parents) Date: November 7, 2015 Place: Community Methodist Church, Cedarburg  2016 Women’s Winter Getaway in Oshkosh Time: 9am-Noon LWML invites all women to the getaway, to be held Cost: $25 to pack 100 meals for the starving people of at the Best Western Premier Waterfront Hotel and Tanzania, Africa. For more info, contact Dorothy Monson Convention Center, February 5-6, 2016. Details to at 375-1223. come or visit and click on 2016 Winter Getaway. Pssst….Hey you! Check out the DVDs of St. Paul’s The Providence Place News Religious Education Hours. You can find them in the Gathering Hall on the book cart. Appropriate for all ages. We are CELEBRATING 5 years! Join us as we celebrate our 5-year Anniversary on October 31, 2015 from 9am-12pm (next door to St. Paul). We will have tours, hot cider, pumpkin pie, a 9:30am presentation on technology for seniors by Lisa Schulties from Today’s Virtual Edge, and an 11am presentation on Senior Scams by Officer Dhein from the Glendale Police Department. RSVP to Jenny, 377-9900 or [email protected]. -7- FROM THE PRINCIPAL OCTOBER, 2 0 1 5

1. Thank you from the entire faculty, staff, and Sunday, 25 - 8am, 9:30am (Contemporary),11am students for support at this year’s Sweetest 9:30am Religious Education Hour1 2 Day Auction. 9:30am Children’s Sunday School 3 2. Thank you to all who came out to McTeacher 5pm Middle School Youth Group Night and thank you to the teachers helping serve. 7pm High School Youth Group3

Money raised will go to our Panther Parent - 8:15 Women’s Bible Study4 organization. Monday, 26 7pm St. Paul Dartball5 3. Join us for chapel on Wednesday, November 11 as we honor our veterans. Service will begin at Tuesday, 27 - 6:30pm Mixed Choir Rehearsal5 8:25am. 7:30pm Male Choir Rehearsal5 4. This weekend our boys and girls cross country teams competed in the National Lutheran School Wednesday, 28 - 6:30pm Handbells Choir Rehearsal6 7 Cross Country Meet. Results will be shared next 6pm Senior Ministry, Oktoberfest

week. 6 5. Thank you to 2nd grade for leading our chapel Thursday, 29 - 6:45pm Worship Team Rehearsal

during Red Ribbon Week. Friday, 30 - Confirmation Retreat NOON DISMISSAL (CDS) 8:15am Mom’s Bible Study4

Saturday, 31 - 5pm Worship Service

November Sunday, 1 - 2am Daylight Savings Ends

1Family Life Center; 2Library & Various Class- rooms; 3Youth Rm; 4Front Church Conf Rm; 5Undercroft; 6Sanctuary; 7The Providence Place (next door to SPL)


Concordia Fall Festival—Facing Your Fears The CUW Music Department presents October 31, 9-11AM (for kids 12 and under) its annual Pops Concert on Friday, October 30 at 7:30pm Join us for: Crafts, games, devotion, singing, puppet in the Concordia Chapel. Groups performing include show & Trick-or-Treating! Come dressed in costume! String, Jazz, University and Symphonic Wind RSVP to [email protected] Ensembles. The repertoire will include works by Location: Concordia University-Mequon, Percy Grainger, Michael Smith, Michael Oare, 12800 N Lake Shore Dr., Stevie Wonder, Samuel Hazo and Miles Davis. Lower Student Center. Admission is $8, payable at the door. Under 17 is free. For more info, call 243-4405. The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 271 Sponsored by Concordia’s Children In Action ministry Make Reservations Now! On Saturday, November 21, Living Word Dining out for Arthritis 2015 is hosting a Holiday Bus Trip to Chicago’s On Tuesday, November 3, from 4-8pm, Magnificent Mile. Bus leaves at 8am and Downtown Pizza will host a fundraiser. returns about 8:30pm. The $65 fee includes stress-free Dinner proceeds benefit the Arthritis transportation on a coach bus with coffee and donuts in Foundation. Come support Madison Scheer (student the morning, wine and snacks in the evening, and time to and church member of St. Paul)! shop and dine on your own. (Cost is reduced to $60/ person with reservations for a party of 2 people or more.) Contact Kate Yahr at 262-677-9353 or [email protected].

-8- If you or a church member you know will be/are hospitalized, and would like a pastoral visit, please contact the church office at 377-4659. (Due to HIPAA laws, we do not get info from the hospitals.)

Prayer Requests known as of Tuesday at noon on October 20, 2015. Hospitalized: Harold Nicholas; Musa Stielow

Convalescing: Newcastle—Doris Bulgrin At home: Franklin Klug Cedar Community—James Lathrop

Strength and Healing: Harry Zak (grandfather of Laura Bert); Betty Spletzer (mother of Mark Spletzer); James White (friend of the Denow & Monson Families); Rita Burfeind; Nancy Nicholas; Florence Rathke; Carlyle Hosking (father of Tracy Hosking & Grandfather of Cole Robinson); Robert Burfeind; Hank Gloede; Lisa Zbytniewski (sister of Al Zbytniewski); James Becker; Bernice Noster; Ruth Gierach; Ann Vaughan; Sally Eick (sister-in-law of Lori Schuette); Cheryl Boesch; Darlene Kaul; Jean Eernisse; Carolyn Steen

Long-term Illness/Treatment: Doug Anschuetz; Tricia Halbach (sister of Sue Hauschel); Judy Ellis; Sammy Schneicker (relative of the Jasinski Family); Paul French (friend of Travis Keshemberg); Rolland Kegley; Christina Greany (granddaughter of Larry Freitag); Gladys Hartmann; Robert Hoffmann; Peggy Anderson; Sue Laubenstein (former St. Paul teacher); Earney Yocum (nephew of Dottie Andrews & cousin of Rolland Kegley); Mildred Melger (mother of Gail Goetter); Mason Deppiesse; Jerry ‘Mac’ McFarlane (father of Julie Lemke); Marvin Sweet (brother of Lenore Wolff); Sue Kaul (daughter-in-law of Arline Kaul); Anita Larson; Edward Bernarde (father of Rhonda Hilgendorf)

Birthday: Elvira Brunnquell, 80

Baptism: Henry David Hubacek

On Monday, October 26, the Prayer Request list will be updated. If you would like a name to remain in the bulletin, please contact Lisa at 377-4659 x332. Any names that are not followed up on, will be taken off at that time.

Gifts & Memorials

A Gift has been given to the glory of God to St. Paul Archives/Preservation Fund in memory of Granddaughter Emilie Jo Steinke by Beverly Steinke.

A Gift has been given to the glory of God to St. Paul Lutheran Church in celebration of the 70th wedding anniversary of Alfred & June Kohlwey on October 13th by St. Paul Women’s Guild.

Church Records

Baptism Henry David Hubacek, born on August 31, 2015 to Daniel and Terra (nee Prahl) Hubacek, was Baptized at St. Paul on Saturday, October 24, 2015 following the 5pm service.

-9- Organist: Valerie Bremer Altar Guild: Chris Barringer and Candy Pape Service Leader: Pastor Prahl (Monday) Sermon: Pastor Kruse


Sat, 5:00 pm Chuck Steel Sarah Buske & Aaron Yurk Brad Dorn Sun, 8:00 am Neal Gierach Josh Schultz & Andrew Clemens Rich Beimborn 9:30 am George Krueger Sophie Swiertz & Kara Nelsen Rich Jasinski

11:00 am Chris Schaefer Samuel Kudra & Sage Wojdyla Bob Wolf

Mon, 7:00 pm Larry Kiener Ellie Bahr & Mya Masse Casey Haas

Cleaning Schedule: October 29—Team 2; November 5—Team 3 The St. Paul Lutheran “ Mardi Gras & all that Jazz” Benefit Auction this past weekend was another huge success. The proceeds from all the generous bidders and donators totaled over $50,000! A huge thank you to all the attendees, bidders, donators, volunteers, and the many other people behind the scenes that make an event of this size successful and enjoyable. The evening was a wonderful night of fellowship and fund raising. Most importantly praise God for all that we do in His name!

701 Washington Street, Grafton, WI 53024, 262-377-4659, [email protected] Visit us at and