Ben Kane | 528 pages | 25 Jun 2013 | Cornerstone | 9781848092341 | English | London, United Kingdom Spartacus: Rebellion: (Spartacus 2) PDF Book

Very Highly recommended. Like Spartacus: The it was filled with action, battles, love and betrayal. A force of escaped German slaves under was soundly beaten at Mt. I was then fairly stunned by Hannibal, which I consider to be one of the finest pieces of ancient Historical fiction written. Batiatus purchases Spartacus to either win patronage from Glaber by having him killed, or use the Thracian's popularity for his own ends. In the spring of , the gladiator army trekked northward, pursued by the consuls and their legions. The number of slaves killed during revolt of Spartacus, stretched to more than seventy thousand. I thank him for that because I love nothing more than getting lost in a book. That's just a taste of a gory moment. I had just recently finished watching Spartacus on Starz when I picked up a copy of Spartacus: Rebellion to read. He lives in North Somerset, England, with his family. I read it only so I could say that I finished the series, and now I know for certain that I won't be picking up another book by Ben Kane any time soon. In the brutal battle Spartacus reached Crassus but was speared numerous times by a group of Roman soldiers and finally killed. Their army guards overpowered them before the revolt could spread, according to one historian, but the Roman public, as always terrified or fascinated by revolution, were already talking of ancient calamities such as the rising of Spartacus. Two more , Ganicus and Cestus, broke away from the main army to plunder area villages and estates. No trivia or quizzes yet. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article requires login. He is captured by Ashur and tortured for information on Spartacus, eventually learning of the affair between Melitta and . The country there was also better suited for the kind of guerrilla warfare tactics that favoured Spartacus and his band. In the end, Agron and Nasir are two of the only warriors to survive, and lead the remaining non-combatant slaves to a new life. Spartacus and a few surviving people are trapped on top of the Vesuvius volcano. Glaber finally tracks Spartacus to Mt Vesuvius and traps them on the mountain, intending to starve them out. The Roman and the remnants of his column were brought to bay and slaughtered. He is devastated when he discovers she plans to dissolve their marriage and abort their child. Spartacus: Rebellion: (Spartacus 2) Writer

Other editions. Rather, he has created two very good novels out of the patchy accounts of the Spartacus rebellion that survive from antiquity. In BC, 74 fought each other during a three-day span as part of special funeral ceremonies for wealthy Romans. Gaul-style gladiators wielded long swords and rectangular or oval shields. His marriage to Ilithyia becomes strained and is unaware that the child she carries is not his. In Vengeance , is it revealed that he managed to save Lucretia and stitched her wound. In the spring of 72 bc, the gladiator army trekked northward, pursued by the consuls and their legions. When Gannicus earns his freedom, Crixus becomes the new Champion. Jul 20, Kate rated it it was amazing Shelves: favourites-read-in This is, be warned, a book of war and war is never easy to wage or read. After the rebels gain several thousand more freed slaves, Spartacus tries to groom Gannicus to become a leader, which Gannicus refuses time and time again. Spartacus advocated crossing the Alps to put distance between the army and Rome and find freedom. As is Kane's way, just when you're getting used to the book's hunting behaviour, that's when it bursts into action and, like a lion's prey, things can get a little messy. Its rarer I think to find a series of two books when there are so many trilogies or stand alone stories but this worked so well. The failed assassination attempt on Crassus. Spartacus learned that Crassus' troops were to be reinforced by another Roman army under Pompey , brought back from Spain. He resorts to ever more murderous tactics to secure this goal; murdering Seppius to gain control of his men and enlisting Ashur to recruit former gladiators as a personal hit squad. Crassus pursued the scattered crowd of slaves, exterminating them without mercy. Though she refuses to mention who, Crixus finds out it is Ashur during an exhibition fight between Glaber's soldiers and Spartacus. Batiatus makes a deal with Spartacus that if he continues to fight for Batiatus, he will find Spartacus' wife for him; however, she is brought to the ludus dying from an apparent attack. The Roman victory was complete. Now it was bathed anew. Whereas "Spartacus the Gladiator" was a little like a bull, with a headlong charge through events, this is more like a hunting feline, occasionally creeping along quietly, but ready to pounce at any time. Spartacus, perhaps a captive of a Roman legion and perhaps a former auxiliary himself, was sold in 73 BCE into the service of Lentulus Batiates, a man who taught at a ludus for gladiators in Capua, 20 miles from Mount Vesuvius in Campania. A German slave, who was sold to the house of Batiatus along with his younger brother Duro. Meanwhile, in Rome, a massively ambitious senator is pushing to be the one to lead the next army against Spartacus. Her hatred causes a large rift between the major generals of the rebel army, particularly Spartacus, as well as Gannicus, after they refuse to kill the unarmed Roman families who were in a city they had taken. Rome trembled at the grave rumors in 73 BC that the city was about to be attacked by a rabble army of gladiators and rebelling slaves. Spartacus was trapped between two armies likely equipped with better arms and armor then he had. Serves as Tribune in Crassus' army. Top Questions. It is generally believed he deserted, and some sources say he led bandit raids. With the legions of his political rivals rapidly approaching, Crassus was determined to bring Spartacus to a decisive battle. Spartacus continued to ambush and defeat Roman units while freeing slaves in the countryside and gathering supplies. Spartacus Manu Bennett I read it only so I could say that I finished the series, and now I know for certain that I won't be picking up another book by Ben Kane any time soon. Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. More than 70, slaves had taken up arms and effectively battled local militia until a Roman army triumphed over the rebels two years later. Varinius escaped, though his horse and his official standards and insignia were seized, adding to the Roman humiliation. A Roman army legatus who is responsible for Spartacus' enslavement as a gladiator. Spartacus: Rebellion: (Spartacus 2) Reviews

When the enslaved people tried to break through, the Romans fought back and killed about 12, of them. He is also shown to have significant disdain for the Roman elite who, despite his wealth, sneer at his lack of name. slowly begins to forgive him. The main antagonist of War of the Damned ; the richest man in Rome and a senator of the Republic tasked with bringing end to the rebellion. Suddenly Spartacus wheeled his force about and fell on the Romans. Yellowstone, Season 1. Eventually, Spartacus finds out and plans vengeance against Batiatus. He is shown to be a skilled military strategist, manipulator and warrior. Among his forces were the remnants of legions belonging to Gellius and Lentulus that had been previously defeated by Spartacus. His legions hounded the gladiators as they fled southward. He then turned back south in an effort to reach Sicily but was defeated by Marcus Licinius Crassus. The conduct of the war was now entrusted to the praetor Marcus Licinius Crassus. DeKnight , Steven S. Peter Feeney. Get some picks. He is married to Lucretia's body slave, Melitta, until her accidental death by poisoning. Spartacus commanded that his horse should be brought to him. Clear your history. Armed with these familiar—if not military-issue—weapons, the little band had suddenly become a dangerous fighting force. The remnants of the rebel army were captured, and thousands were crucified along the Appian Way as a warning to those who would rise against Rome. Naevia refuses to be with Crixus again and reveals to him that Batiatus has given her to another man. Forced to her knees from a slash to her kneecap, she is then stabbed in the neck, and through the heart mirroring the manner in which Diona was killed with her own sword. This crowd of former troops of Spartacus sought refuge in the Alps, completely by accident but was overtaken and defeated by Pompey. Blessing Mokgohloa. Although his uprising was not an attempt at social revolution , his name has frequently been invoked by revolutionaries such as Adam Weishaupt in the late 18th century and Karl Liebknecht , Rosa Luxemburg , and the other members of the German Spartacus League of — Doctore , Gallic gladiator, and trainer of gladiators in Batiatus' ludus. In 73 BCE, he and a group of fellow gladiators rioted and escaped. Varinius followed, but was defeated in several engagements and narrowly escaped being taken prisoner. Whatever the reasons were Spartacus led his army back south, through Italy, overcoming resistance along the way, until they arrived at the Strait of Messina, in hopes that they could cross over to Sicily, an island of agriculture and slaves waiting to be liberated. The Spartacus rebellion was the last of the major slave insurrections that Rome would experience. Goofs In the opening fight, the horsemen are using stirrups. When the rebels receive news of someone they care about, Spartacus must decide whether saving one person is worth risking the lives of many. In Blood and Sand , he initially despises Spartacus and believes in the mark of the brotherhood, i. After receiving this news, Crassus tried to eliminate the arrival of Pompey, which in this case would shake the fruits of his labors. Nick E. He vows to find Spartacus and bring him to his knees, whatever the cost. He is nearly killed by Crixus before the gladiator is ambushed from behind by Tiberius in an attempt to steal glory; much to Caesar's anger, and is forced to watch as his adversary is executed. Spartacus must convince his people to unite against the imminent Roman assault. Crassus, in the meantime, realized he had the slaves trapped.

Spartacus: Rebellion: (Spartacus 2) Read Online

Seizing a defensive position in the mountains near Vesuvius, they attracted thousands of enslaved people from the countryside—70, men, with another 50, women and children in tow. Incredible book. Return to Book Page. One Senator, Crassus, feels like he is the man who can hunt down Spartacus and defeat him. He has traveled widely and is a lifelong student of military history in general, and Roman history in particular. The series continued to improve and develop. The two of them, as well as the several thousand who followed them, begin marching toward the city of Rome itself, winning many skirmishes along the way. Surprisingly, Spartacus chose to lead his slaves back into Italy. This book had a bit more of a fantastical element to it. Begrudgingly, sparing him for the purpose of trading him in order to regain of the slaved defeated in battle, she later helps Spartacus prepare for the final battle against Crassus. With Crassus biting at his heels will he be able to persuade his soldiers to leave Italy forever and fight new wars in foreign lands? Being the only survivor of Spartacus's massacre, she becomes viewed as an oracle by the people. Rather than crossing the Alps and returning home, however, Spartacus marched towards Rome itself. What was Rome's invincible head? Hanna Mangan- Lawrence. He chose the latter and happily made their way through the trenches of Crassus. I was fortunate enough to read "Spartacus the Gladiator" relatively late, which meant when I reached the end that promised more, I could move straight onto ''Spartacus: Rebellion'' Spartacus has led his group of slaves to victory after victory over the Roman legions. Though Dagan eventually earns the respect of the other gladiators with his combat skills, Ashur proves a much less competent fighter and is the subject of constant scorn. All Episodes In Vengeance , is it revealed that he managed to save Lucretia and stitched her wound. They are Barbary corsairs from North Africa, slave catchers. This success resulted in new recruits flocking to the force of Spartacus. Batiatus' wife. Spartacus gets a chance for vengeance when a prominent Roman is captured, but will he satisfy desire at the cost of the greater good? The rebellion of enslaved people happened at a moment when Rome's legions were abroad. Gareth Williams. In Blood and Sand , he now serves Batiatus as a bookkeeper and henchman. The first book felt very rigid and formulaic to me. Was this review helpful to you? As usual Ben creates a host of credible supporting characters, and the ones who need three dimensions generally get them. Shelve Spartacus: Rebellion Spartacus, 2. Each of that creature's multiple heads breathed poisonous fumes, and if one was cut off, two grew in its place. Spartacus even joins Carbo on one of these missions, a secret trip into the heart of Rome to try to kill Crassus. Ilithyia manipulates Glaber into turning against Ashur, and Ashur meets his end in the season 2 finale when he is forced to deliver a message to Spartacus and the slaves on Mt Vesuvius; turn over Spartacus and the Romans will go easy on the slaves. Lucretia's personal and loyal slave. You may know how it all ends, but it is worth reading these novels for the journey rather than the destination. Ben Kane Spartacus Similar books. Spartacus continued to ambush and defeat Roman units while freeing slaves in the countryside and gathering supplies. The momentous struggle between Athens and Sparta as rival powers and political systems will last for twenty-seven years to BC. Since escaping from the ludus with Crixus, Carbo and the rest of the gladiators, Spartacus has defeated every force the Romans have sent against him. An excellent book that will go on my must be read again pile, and that's a select group of books. The gladiators took their name from the Latin word gladius , the short sword favored by many of the combatants. The mighty slave army, led by Spartacus, has carried all before it, scattering the legions of Rome. Before Gannicus can be sold, Lucretia poisons Titus and Melitta by accident , killing both and framing Tullius.