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Page 69 TITLE 16—CONSERVATION § 80A to The Page 69 TITLE 16—CONSERVATION § 80a to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter Mount Baxter, Diamond Peak, Black Mountain, of the southeast quarter of said section 1; thence Dragon Peak, Mount Bixford, Mount Gould, Uni- east to the quarter section corner of sections 1 versity Peak, Mount Bradley, and Mount Keith and 6; thence north along the range line between to the summit of Junction Peak, being the point the ranges 29 and 30 east, township 12 south, to of beginning; is reserved and withdrawn from the northeast corner of said section 1, township settlement, occupancy, or disposal under the 12 south, range 29 east; thence east along the laws of the United States and dedicated and set township line between townships 11 and 12 south apart as a public park, to be known as the Kings range 30 east to the southeast corner of the Canyon National Park, for the benefit and en- southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of joyment of the people: Provided, That nothing in section 31, township 11 south, range 30 east; this subchapter shall be construed to affect or thence north to the northeast corner of the abridge any right acquired by any citizen of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of United States in the above-described area: And said section 31; thence west to the northwest provided further, That no grazing permits here- corner of the southwest quarter of the southeast tofore issued and in effect on January 15, 1939, quarter of section 36, township 11 south, range 29 affecting the area described in this section, for east; thence south to the quarter section corner whose renewal an application is made before the of sections 1 and 36; thence west along the town- date of expiration shall be affected by this sub- ship line between townships 11 and 12 south, chapter, except that they shall be subject to range 29 east to the northwest corner of section such terms and conditions to insure protection 1, township 12 south, range 29 east; thence south of the lands and for other purposes as may be to the southwest corner of the northwest quar- prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. ter of the northwest quarter of said section 1; (Mar. 4, 1940, ch. 40, § 1, 54 Stat. 41.) thence west to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of ADDITIONS TO KINGS CANYON NATIONAL PARK section 2; thence south to the northwest corner The following provision authorized the addition of of the southwest quarter of the southwest quar- lands to Kings Canyon National Park: Pub. L. 98–425, ter of said section 2; thence west to the north- title I, § 105(a)(1), Sept. 28, 1984, 98 Stat. 1626. west corner of the southeast quarter of the § 80a. General Grant National Park abolished; southeast quarter of section 3; thence south to lands added to Kings Canyon National Park the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 3; thence con- The General Grant National Park is abolished, tinuing south to the intersection with the four and the west half of section 33, township 13 thousand four hundred contour; thence along south, range 28 east, and west half of section 4, the four thousand four hundred-foot contour in all of section 8 and the northwest quarter of sec- a southwesterly direction to its intersection tion 9, township 14 south, range 28 east, Mount with Tombstone Ridge; thence in a northwest- Diablo meridian, California, together with the erly direction along the crest of the Tombstone lands formerly within the General Grant Na- Ridge to the summit of the Obelisk; thence in a tional Park, California, and particularly de- straight line in a northeasterly direction cross- scribed as follows, to wit: All of sections 31 and ing Crown Creek to the summit of Kettle Dome; 32, township 13 south, range 28 east, and sections thence in a northeasterly direction along the 5 and 6, township 14 south, range 28 east, of the crest of Kettle Ridge to the summit of Finger same meridian, are, subject to valid existing Peak in the White Divide; thence northwesterly rights, added to and made a part of the Kings along the crest of the said White Divide and the Canyon National Park and such lands shall be Le Conte Divide, passing over the summits of known as the General Grant grove section of the Mount Reinstein and Red Mountain to the sum- said park. The General Grant grove section of mit of Mount Henry; thence in a northerly di- the Kings Canyon National Park may, by procla- rection along the crest of the north spur of mation of the President, be extended to include Mount Henry to the junction of the South Fork the following described lands, to wit: Section 9, San Joaquin River and Piute Creek; thence south half, section 10, southwest quarter, and across the South Fork San Joaquin River and in that part of the east half south of Generals a northeasterly direction along the hydro- Highway; section 11, that part south of Generals graphic divide between Piute Creek and the Highway; section 13, that part south of Generals South Fork San Joaquin River to the summit of Highway; section 14, that part south of Generals Pavillion Dome; thence in an easterly direction Highway, section 15, east half, northwest quar- along the crest of said hydrographic divide to its ter, and the southeast quarter of the southwest intersection with Glacier Divide; thence con- quarter, section 21, southeast quarter of the tinuing southeasterly along the crest of said northeast quarter, and the east half of the Glacier Divide to a point of intersection with southeast quarter; section 22, east half, east half the crest of the Sierra Nevada Range, also the of the northwest quarter, southwest quarter of boundary line between Inyo County and Fresno the northwest quarter and southwest quarter; County; thence continuing southeasterly along section 23; section 24, that part south of Gen- the crest of said Sierra Nevada Range, passing erals Highway; sections 25 and 26; section 27, over the summits of Mount Lamarack, Mount east half, northwest quarter, and that part of Darwin, Mount Haeckel, Mount Wallace, Mount the southwest quarter north and east of the Powell, Mount Thompson, Mount Gilbert, Mount crest of Redwood Mountain; section 34, that part Johnson, Mount Goode, Mount Winchell, North east of the crest of Redwood Mountain; sections Palisade, The Thumb, Mount Bolton Brown, 35 and 36, township 14 south, range 28 east; all of Split Mountain, Cardinal Mountain, Striped sections 1 and 2; section 3, that part east of the Mountain, Mount Perkins, Colosseum Mountain, crest of Redwood Mountain; section 11, that part § 80a–1 TITLE 16—CONSERVATION Page 70 east and north of the crest of Redwood Moun- property that is desirable for future use and de- tain; all of section 12; section 13, that part north velopment, the following land situated in sec- of the Sequoia National Park boundary, town- tion 7, township 14 south, range 28 east, Mount ship 15 south, range 28 east, Mount Diablo me- Diablo meridian, is excluded from the Sequoia ridian, which shall be subject to all laws, rules, National Forest and added to the Kings Canyon and regulations applicable to the said park. National Park: Such extension of the General Grant grove sec- East half northeast quarter, east half west tion of the said park shall not interfere with the half northeast quarter, northeast quarter south- movement of stock and vehicular traffic without east quarter, east half northwest quarter south- charge, under general regulations to be pre- east quarter, and those portions of the southeast scribed by the Secretary of the Interior, to and quarter southeast quarter and of the east half from national forest lands on either side of the southwest quarter southeast quarter, lying said park extension. The Kings Canyon National north of the right-of-way of State Highway 180. Park shall receive and use all moneys prior to or after March 4, 1940, appropriated for General (Pub. L. 85–666, § 2, Aug. 14, 1958, 72 Stat. 617.) Grant National Park. CODIFICATION (Mar. 4, 1940, ch. 40, § 2, 54 Stat. 43.) Section was not enacted as part of act Mar. 4, 1940, ch. 40, 54 Stat. 41, which comprises this subchapter. NATION’S CHRISTMAS TREE Joint Res. Mar. 29, 1956, ch. 98, 70 Stat. 57, provided: § 80a–3. Lands excluded from Sierra National ‘‘That the General Grant tree, which is located in the Forest and Sequoia National Forest and Kings Canyon National Park, in Fresno County, Cali- added to Kings Canyon National Park fornia, and which was dedicated by the Federal Govern- ment in 1926 as the Nation’s Christmas Tree, is hereby All lands in Tehipite Valley within the Sierra declared to be a national shrine in memory of the men National Forest lying north of a line described and women of the Armed Forces who have served and fought and died to keep this Nation free and to preserve as follows: the spiritual, human, and civil rights which are the es- Beginning at a point on the existing west sence of our American heritage. The Secretary of the boundary of the Kings Canyon National Park Interior, through the National Park Service, shall on the hydrographic divide on the southwest make appropriate provision for the perpetual care and side of the Gorge of Despair in section 13, maintenance of such shrine. township 12 south, range 29 east, Mount Diablo ‘‘SEC. 2. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to base and meridian, being the crest of a ridge change the name of the General Grant tree.’’ designated as Silver Spur; ADJUSTMENT OF BOUNDARIES AND RIGHTS thence following the crest of Silver Spur Act June 5, 1942, ch.
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