H Vietnam Service Report

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H Vietnam Service Report Honoring Our Vietnam War and Vietnam Era Veterans February 28, 1961 - May 7, 1975 Town of West Seneca, New York Name: HAGLER Hometown: BUFFALO KARL J. Address: Vietnam Era Vietnam War Veteran Year Entered: 1962 Service Branch:ARMY Rank: 1ST LT. Year Discharged: 1965 Unit / Squadron: Medals / Citations: Served in War Zone Theater of Operations / Assignment: Service Notes: 1st Lieutenant Karl J. Hagler served as an Administrative Officer at the U.S. Army Security Training Center and School Base Assignments: Miscelleaneous: Karl Hagler was commissioned through ROTC at Canisius College in 1962 The Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) are a group of college-based officer training programs for training commissioned officers of the United States Armed Forces / ROTC students attend college like other students, but also receive basic military training and officer training for their chosen branch of service through the ROTC unit at or nearby the college / The students participate in regular drills during the school year, and extended training activities during the summer / The student applicant must agree to accept a commission and serve in the Army on Active Duty or in a Reserve Component (U.S. Army Reserve or Army National Guard) 2016 WWW.WSVET.ORG Honoring Our Vietnam War and Vietnam Era Veterans February 28, 1961 - May 7, 1975 Town of West Seneca, New York Name: HAHN Hometown: WEST SENECA PHILIP N. Address: CROFTON DRIVE Vietnam Era Vietnam War Veteran Year Entered: 1968 Service Branch:NAVY Rank: E-5 Year Discharged: 197A Unit / Squadron: USS SAM HOUSTON SSBN-609 3SS S%IP8AC% SSN-585 Medals / Citations: MERIT,RI,3S 3NIT C,MMENDATI,N Served in War Zone Theater of Operations / Assignment: Service Notes: Philip Hahn earned submarine "dolphins" in recognition of becoming qualified in submarines on the Sam Houston and the Skipjack / While stationed aboard the Sam Houston, Hahn was classified as a Missile Technician 2nd class MT2(SS) and changed rating to Electronic Technician - Navigation 2nd class, ETN2(SS) while serving on the Skipjack / As an Electronic Technician, Hahn was qualified to operate and maintain Naval Nuclear propulsion plants on the Skipjack submarine / OperaDonal areas inclu e North AtlanDc ,cean out of Holy Loch, Scotlan 4 Hahn recei.e the "bluenose" esignation because of operations north of the Artic CircleE Me iterranean Sea out of Rota, SpainE Caribbean Sea out of Norfolk, :a. Base Assignments: Norfolk Naval Base, Norfolk, Virginia - Norfolk Naval Base supports naval forces in the United States Fleet Forces Command, operating in the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, and the Indian Ocean / In 1917 the Fifth Naval Headquarters was constructed at Norfolk and the Naval Operating Base (NOB) and other facilities were established / On 1 January 1953, the name of the naval base was officially changed to Naval Station Norfolk (NS Norfolk), after being known as the NOB / On 26 January 2017, NS Norfolk celebrated its one hundredth year of service New London Subarine Base, Groton, Connecticut - Naval Submarine Base New London is the United States Navy's primary East Coast submarine base, also known as the "Home of the Submarine Force" / Located along the Thames River in Groton, two brick buildings and a "T" shaped pier were constructed and officially declared a Navy Yard in 1872 / The Base property expanded during the latter part of World War I and the second largest expansion of Submarine Base New London occurred during World War II, when it grew from 112 acres to 497 2016 WWW.WS:ET.,R7 Honoring Our Vietnam War an Vietnam Era Veterans February 28, 1961 - May 7, 1975 Town of West Seneca, New York acres 4 The Submarine Force leape in siFe, an the 9ase accommo ate thousan s of men to ser.ice the growing combat fleet 4 ,n 21 8anuary 195A the first nuclear-powere submarine, 3SS Nautilus, was launche from 7roton 4 Nautilus became the first .essel to transit the North Pole uring an historic trip across the Arctic in 1958 4 New Lon on is homeport to si5teen attack submarines an neighbor to a maCor submarine construction yar , 7eneral Dynamics/ Electric 9oat Di.ision Miscelleaneous: Philip Hahn atten e Ri.ersi e High School an 9ishop Fallon High School prior to enlisting in the Na.y 4 After his Honorable Discharge from military ser.ice, Hahn enrolle at the 3ni.ersity of 9uffalo where he recei.e a 9achelor of Science 19S2 egree in Electrical Engineering 4 Hahn then recei.e a Master ,f 9usiness A ministration 1M9A2 egree from St. 9ona.enture 3ni.ersity 4 Philip Hahn was employe by :eriFon where he ser.e in Engineering an Management capacities until his retirement in 2003 4 Hahn continues to be acti.e in Town of West Seneca community ser.ice groups 3SS Sam Houston 1SS9N-6094SSN-6092, an Ethan Allen-class submarine, was the secon ship of the 3nite States Na.y to be name after Sam Houston 11793G18632, presi ent 11836G1838, 18A1G18AA2 of the Republic of Te5as 4 Sam Houston was the 3S Na.y/s se.enth ballistic missile submarine 4 Commissione on 6 March 1962, the 3SS Sam Houston complete ten eterrent missions to the Atlantic an Me iterranean by the en of 196A 4 9etween 1975 an 1979, the Sam Houston operate out of 7uam an ma e mi -patrol stops in South %orea an Hawaii 4 ,n 29 April 1988, the 3SS Sam Houston ran agroun on Fo5 Islan , Washington an was ecommissione on 6 September 1991 4 The submarine was officially scrappe in February 1992 3SS SkipCack 1SSN-5852, the lea ship of her class of nuclear-powere attack submarine, was the thir ship of the 3nite States Na.y to be name after the SkipCack tuna an was commissione on 15 April 1959 4 After being launche , the SkipCack was soon ubbe the "worl /s fastest submarine", after setting the spee recor on sea trials in March of the following year 4 It was esigne to ha.e a spee in e5cess of 20 knots, but its actual spee was a guar e secret 4 During her shake own cruise in August 1959, she became the first nuclear ship to pass through the Straits of 7ibraltar an operate in the Me iterranean 4 Following post-shake own a.ailability at 7roton, Connecticut, the nuclear submarine con ucte type training an participate in an a .ance Atlantic submarine e5ercise from May through 8uly 1960, which earne the submarine a Na.y 3nit Commen ation, an also a 9attle Efficiency "E" awar , an awar it woul recei.e three more times 4 During the 1960/s an 1970/s, the SkipCack con ucte e5ercises in the Atlantic an Me iterranean Sea 4 ,n 19 April 1990, the 3SS SkipCack was ecommissione an officially scrappe in 1998 The insignia of the 3.S. submarine ser.ice is a submarine flanke by two olphins 4 Dolphins, atten ants to the Posei on, 7reek go of the sea an patron eity to sailors, is sometimes referre to as the sailorHs frien 4 They were also chosen to represent the Submarine Ser.ice because of the characteristic way in which olphins i.e an surface 4 Enliste Sailors an Na.al ,fficers wear a olphins uniform breast pin to in icate that they are qualifie in submarines 4 ,nce an enliste sailor has earne the right to wear the I olphinsJ, 1SS2 is a e after his rate of rank that stan s for ISubmarine SpecialistJ A I9luenoseJ is a sailor who goes through an initiation ceremony that commemorates a sailorHs first crossing of the Arctic Circle 4 Sailors who ha.e gone through the initiation may wear the 9lue Nose Submarine Arctic Circle Patch 2016 WWW.WS:ET.,R7 Honoring Our Vietnam War an Vietnam Era Veterans February 28, 1961 - May 7, 1975 Town of West Seneca, New York Name: HENSON Hometown: WEST SENECA THOMAS G. Address: 1A5 WARREN AVEN3E Vietnam Era Vietnam War Veteran Year Entered: 1962 Service Branch:ARMY Rank: SPA Year Discharged: %IA Unit / Squadron: A C,, 2ND 9ATTALI,N, 2ND INFANTRY, 1ST INFANTRY DI:ISI,N, 3NITED STATES ARMY REP39LIC ,F :IETNAM 13SAR:2 Medals / Citations: P3RPLE HEART :IETNAM SER:ICE MEDAL REP39LIC ,F :IETNAM CAMPAI7N MEDAL NATI,NAL DEFENSE SER:ICE RI99,N Served in War Zone Theater of Operations / Assignment: :IETNAM Service Notes: Specialist Fourth Class Thomas 7. Henson was %ille in Action on 12 No.ember 1965 uring a battle with :iet Cong forces while securing a highway A0 miles north of Saigon, in the 9inh Duong Pro.ince, South :ietnam SPA Henson was an Armor Crewman Base Assignments: Miscelleaneous: Thomas Henson atten e West Seneca 8unior High School an enliste in the Army in 1962 Specialist Fourth Class Thomas 7. Henson was 21 years of age at the time of his eath 2016 WWW.WS:ET.,R7 Honoring Our Vietnam War an Vietnam Era Veterans February 28, 1961 - May 7, 1975 Town of West Seneca, New York Name: HOLODY Hometown: WEST SENECA JAMES E. Address: ,A%9R,,% DRI:E Vietnam Era Vietnam War Veteran Year Entered: 1969 Service Branch:ARMY Rank: S7T Year Discharged: 1970 Unit / Squadron: 1ST AIR CAVALRY DI:ISI,N Medals / Citations: 9R,NME STAR W4,AK LEAF CL3STER Served in War Zone Theater of Operations / Assignment: :IETNAM Service Notes: Sergeant 8ames 8. Holo y ser.e as a Ra io ,perator in Tay Ninh Pro.ence, :ietnam Base Assignments: Miscelleaneous: TKy Ninh is a pro.ince in the Southeast region of :ietnam on the bor er with Cambo ia. Its capital is the town of TKy Ninh Forme in 1921, the 1st Ca.alry is base at Fort Hoo , Te5as 4 The 1st Ca.alry Di.ision 1"First Team"2 is a combine arms i.ision an is one of the most ecorate combat i.isions of the 3nite States Army, as well as the other four branches of the 3.S.
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    OUR CREED: To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its constitution. UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS INCORPORTATED PALMETTO BASE NEWSLETTER July 2013 1 Lost Boats 3 Picture of the Month 10 Members 11 Honorary Members 11 CO’s Stateroom 12 XO’S Stateroom 14 Meeting Attendees 15 Minutes 15 Old Business 15 New Business 16 Good of the Order 16 Base Contacts 17 Birthdays 17 Welcome 17 Binnacle List 17 Quote of the Month 17 Word of the Month 17 Member Profile of the Month 18 Traditions of the Naval Service 21 Dates in U.S. Naval History 23 Dates in U.S. Submarine History 28 Submarine Memorials 48 Monthly Calendar 53 Submarine Trivia 54 Advertising Partners 55 2 USS S-28 (SS-133) Lost on July 4, 1944 with the loss of 50 crew members. She was conducting Lost on: training exercises off Hawaii with the US Coast Guard Cutter Reliance. After S-28 dove for a practice torpedo approach, Reliance lost contact. No 7/4/1944 distress signal or explosion was heard. Two days later, an oil slick was found near where S-28. The exact cause of her loss remains a mystery. US Navy Official Photo BC Patch Class: SS S Commissioned: 12/13/1923 Launched: 9/20/1922 Builder: Fore River Shipbuilding Co Length: 219 , Beam: 22 #Officers: 4, #Enlisted: 34 Fate: Brief contact with S-28 was made and lost.
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