•.••'•'•.••;' '>


a skit outlining the sity and carried on With the co- OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 i bonw:nialung~pi roja^^ n County Home I Econom- Board of-Freeholders, the exten-. Extension Service. |. sionservice 'is. available to^aU CANCER FUND by the United States i n tcTTra-te4_homemakers. ^Mrs. hi Women's or Agriculture, ad- Mary W. Armstrong is the Union R.X jtam Rutgers Uhiver- Cftujrfyi home agfcnt. KENILWORTH Bowling Events GARWOOD terffd »J «ocoiid'clM» mall mailer GARWOOD-Mrs.-Mhs.rjr :• Vol. LXI. No. 16. CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. MAY 13r 1954 the Po>>> Office »t .Cranford. N. J. 26 Pages — TEN CENTS Scha^er of 316 Walnut avenue; — " • and'Miss Stella Tencza of East;' Rutherford, who. teamed up at • BARON'S UJA Official "ontributiom WillMelp EmkThis FhslAi&Bwldin& •^•Syracuse, - N."K., recently over the; lead in the doubles < Delinquency Rate sion" of the Womenls International Bowling Congress, will roll as Although' there are frequent Considered • partners again .this Sunday, in Teachers port* to the police of annoying doubles competition, in the Wof; m acts of mischief '<>n the part of menNfr State Bowling Tournament ELIZABETH young" people of the community, at r>^> Lanes, Mountainside..kjj Employed tTieVe- has been' no increase here For Sewer In team- • competition in .IBsL^ Proposed nf Bids for construction of Section ^ state event at Echo Lanes .on Sat-. ie~ap"poiHlment of four elemen- quency. Police Chief William A. One of the prViposed. sanitary sew- urday, Mrs., Schaeffer rolled 579 > •lPl)jtryance of Cranford Day teachers was announced to- Fischer reported this week. er-from Hivcrsifle drive to the rear help Buffs Diner of Carlstadr MOTHER'S DAY SUGGESTIONS inn,- II and 12 has been pre- day by the Board of Education. nt police hendqiiiirtcrs f Biook^kte—Pfaee S«.t»ool were rnn-eiu»A A- show_that dunng the first four | lt,cc|ved TucSd'ay nifiht by Towni W***"^" * ^^ —^ „ — ^ ' 'I pared by: the steering. committee Dr. Howard R. Best, superinten- 2,553. This put the local woman ;I $2.00 Dorothy Gray dent of schools, reported ,it will months of 1954. there were 'r [smp Committee aiu>-were marked FITTED iiiul representatives of local or-> qases referred to Juvenile_. Court ip.a favorable position- to place in j - giirtizifiions^-C h a nn ittg—Rudd not bfr*"known liuw. rnany~TnoTe by a p of ^i^F-.--:: - the all-cventsuwhen. saeJb.o.\vteJher,!! -HOT WEATHER-, teachers will be heeded until con- by the Cranford" department, twecn the»ta^"and high bidders. singles and doubles this -week-jl cii;ii'nnap'i announced. while for the same period of 1953 The nine tjids. were referred to ' •>&!-$' tracts have been returned from the ihere were 10 local cases. .end. • •'••-.• • "I TRAVEL KITS Under consideration by the present faculty. ; Township -Engineer P. J. Gr,all and Bowling In .Syracuse on April I committee is two dances on June 3 BTi COLOGNE Ambrig the new appointees, is PROPOSED - Chief Fischer pointed out, how- Township Attorney C H. Warsin-' 23.' Mrs. Scha'effer hit 596 and j 12 iV>V high school and junior high 'CR.A ski for study and the contract is Miss Tencza. 598 for a total of 1.- 4 Fragrances Mrs. Gwendolyn S. Thurstdn Of ever, that the question of whether H •'i'l-"'••"• • stltfx'l students. Other'youth, ac- 140 Lincoln avenue, east, retiring or not Cranford's record continues expected to be awarded at a.Vpecr 194, 'best •doubles.score, up to tivities planned include a roller ial amcctin'C of the committe eith- president of the Cranford College • • • 1 - • • relatively cpod in the category of then. The following Sunday.! skating party on June II at the er tonight or tomorrow nigltt. however, they were dropped into; The Bride Club.- Mrs. Thurston is.a graduate juvenile delinquency is depend- _JSIM South Side Parking Area, a fish- of Kansas State College, Manhat- ent in the first place -«pfm the The • bidders were: D'Annunzio second place by another piir who OKi. ALFRED D. MORGAN Bros., Orange, $32,960; C. F. Ma- tfft went 14 pins better. Ji MUGUET DUSTING POWDER ^^ • • • •- ' '• ' - •" ing contest on June 12-and ' a tan, Kan., and she did graduate First Aid Squad Building Fund Drive attitude and actions of Cranford Little League baseball game the work in social service at the Uni- parents. lanka &.Sons. Inc.,'Union City. The GarWood bowler had- 56" $33,183; Guy Villa & Sons.^lnc. in the team events .at Syracuse 0 same afternoon.'' versity of Chicago. .'..'.' Discussing the importance o,f $,; y ^AS £MM> COOL home training and discipline. Clark, $34,320; Enterprisi e Con- for Buff's Diiicr, 'which at that Abo proposed iwasthc-conductr- Dr. Morgan J Also appointed _W9S.Miss..Maxl- Scheduled to Begin -ChTeTTTScher-remarkcd: that hcr;j Co.,, " New " BfuhswicK, tirrie went into tenth pface-^rith;I TOILET WMEB^ ?^ *2J iiit; of children's games,the after-• !yn F. Jacoby, a graduate of Mont- deplores the disappearance of tthhe Colletti & Sons, Ihc^ 2.500. In the singles she rolled f clair State Teachers College. She Campaign of the Cranford First .members arc deserving, of every •covered by- the drive dates. They $3i) 183; A 2O2.TABU AND COLLECTED IN liiMiu of June -11. at Memorial consideration from the towns- .Will work under immediate di old-fashioned wood box as a sym- Elizabeth, $44,000; Ernest Rhenda, ' 539^ .'givinu. her a grand total of: | Field. •.•';' has one years' experience and is a Aid Squad for funds to enable it To Speak student at College, New to start construction of its pro- people, since-.they stand ready tp section of 18 district captains who bol of home chorts for younK | Bound Bto.uk. $45,06O; Anthony 1.702..—which, then was good for > LIQUID COLOGNE . Among program features being Dr. Alfred D. Morgan, former were listed in' last wink's Citizen people. He said he considers the |DcCice<>. Maplcwood. $54,160; SU- .-"* fourth place in the- all-events. York City.-—-*•- —r..r—— posid. headQUartcrs_a.t. jG.e.ntennial_ HARRIET HUBBARD retained from former celebrations United States Department of State avenue and North avenue, east, at all'hours of the day and night and Chronicle. assigning of home responsibilities vestri Construction Co.. Inc., - " Reports this week showed her in and are- the serving of".coffee and A eraauate or Itutgers Univer- —seventh—place.—BG.wliha_lin._Jthe_; economic officer for Israel and sity, will Ket_UndeV way fhis-Sntnrriny loL_servjCu_tlie_peonle._olr-Cranfordt -McMahon-and-Joh AYER GOLPEN_I —PURSE SIZE-- f»tthi**- statinn of th<» arc carried out, an important de- struction Co.. Verona, $82.250. interriWtional competition w-i 11 . speHk7at-the deldhas__orie_yearsL experience, and continue through ••-The .first Aid Squad recently V, Nostrand are co-chairmen for Central-Railroad - of-New-Jersey- Referred to the real estate com- r—for—the— rest—of—this - CHANCE cdtO|GNE_ Temple~Betn-ErSunday""at"8np"m7 while 'the' fourth new instructor is with a goal of $10,000. completed its,first six 'months of the drive, and Harold Comptoi froin 6:15 ajh. to 9 aan. and the in:behalf of. a combined drive of Walter M. Cooper, drive chair- service, during Which the linemen will serve as treasurer. Tne' police .chief said he- at- mittee was ar» olTcr from C. J. month. , I Miss Ada F. Corn, a graduate of aches gre^it importance to prac- INSET distribution of boutonnieres to the Federation! of Jewish Philan- Willimantic Teachers 'College, man, • today issued an appeal. to put in more than 300-man hours The building plans call for Stevens . on behalf of Chardick, Mrs. Schaeffer'has. been, active! commuters. It is also expected that thropies of the Cranford area. icc of seeing that young people Inc., at $17,900 for: lots 137 to 152, in the Mixed Major League, at Conn. local residents' to show • thoir. ap- answering 185 calls and traveling erection of a cinder-block struc- BOX a uiri'led bustour of the commun- The meeting Sunday will kick preciation of the job being done 3,479 miles in the ambulance. ture which would house two am- ittc'nd Sunday'ScKool and church inclusive" block 33S; lots 9 to 15. Echo Lanes and in the Union'I ity will be conducted again. • ff the drive, which will continue The appointments -were made at md remarked that often there inclusive, block 335; and lots 3. 5 County Women's Major;.League in | a, board meeting last Wednesday by the squad, by contributing gen- About 250 volunteer workers bulances and have an assembly The dranford Camera Club has through May 23. The United-Jew- erously when they are approached will take part in .the' campaign room, meeting rooms, fully equip- re too many picnics and good and 6, block 336, all located on Linden. ' .. ' evening in Cleveland School. \ times used as an excuse ftfr not agreed to conduct an art exhibit. ish Appeal will be the major bene- The low, bid of* Cranford Deco»- during the house-to-house canvass. for funds, concentrating* their ac- ped first aid room, two lavatories, Stoughtoii a\>erjlie; '. • 89.95 ficiary of the campaign. The funds loing so. • . ' E, Fred SulzcV's offec of $3,000 Houbigant — Coty - Sortilege -^Rubinstein Also under consideration is an ex- ators, Clark, for the exterior paint- •, He pointed out that the squad tivities in the two week-ends a . kitchen and storage space. t' Features hibit by the police and fire de- collected will also be-distributed to Pointing out that the: blame for for property on "South Union ave- Dorothy Gray - Yardley - Old Spice the.,fallowing.^rHi'"' ing of Roosevelt School was.-ac- many cases- of juvennu delinquent pii tments aud theXrnnford first ccp'tcd:-The~pricc-"of-$2^7(rll Centennial avenue^ the plot se- nUc'-was-deemed-insufficient,-1 Editorial Jjy iMeyner iehljetttng"— Countess Mantxa ish Theological Seminary, Jewish y cap be placed directly upon the the committee said it would enter- . • Floor jlength Bridal Gown 'it Aid 'Squad. , • eluded an alternate, for caulking. Mental HeaHKDn^ lected Tis large, enough to permit jarents themselves, he suggested The current issue of "The Spot-1 Richard Hudnut and others The meeting of _ the steering Welfare Board, Hias, Anti-Defa- TThere Were five other, bidders. parking of the .ambulances outside tain an offer of $4,500. Offer of light." student newspaper at i mation League, youth activities of that parents! check up on them- $1,200 from. Peter Tinnesz. , 84 . Swiss organdy with Queen Anne collar, committee and the representatives Kingston Company of Union was between the garage doors and the selves and try to get back into a Cranford High School, features, a j of local organizations was held Temple Beth-El and Temple Beth- Cranford Goal of $2,500 Exceeded sidewalk, to permit use of the en- Burnside avenue, for two lots at front pace guest editorial by Gov- ARABIAN NIGHTS $25.00 Value ; awarded a contract for anthracite pirit of "good old American corner of Burnside avenue and • cap sleeves and matching mitts. TheJ last Wednesday evening- at the El; • . . . .,•.... coal for Roosevelt, Sherman and A total of $2,777 has been raised to date, in the drive for tire interior for district meetings P'l- • " ? '- ernor Robert M. Meyner on "High- LUCIEN LELONG Sidney' Scher, Lewis C. Tom- hinking" in the raising of child- New street also, was considered in- TOILET WATER Municipal Building with 35 per- Lincoln . schools for the 1954-55 funds conducted by the Citizens Committee for Mental Health, and vother first aid activities. way Safety." . Imported ' bodice and 4-tiered romantic skirt sons in attendance. Mr. Rudd said back, Marvin Katz, and Lawrence school year; The Arm will supply Robert M. Crane>,campaign, chairman, announced. This exceeds the Interior walls will ;t>e removable «!.;>••• , • • •' ,. sufficient, but committee will con- The page also has a picture of j •••: . : and .' • • .the group was very enthusiastic Breibart are serving as co- $2,500 goal set by the committee. . Chief Fischer said the town of sider an offer of $1,600 for the 530 tons at a cost of $6,598.50. to permit use of the headquarters course should provide wholesome property. . Governor Meyner and points out j FRENCH PERFUMES are frosted like a wedding cake! and cooperative. chairrnen. • Gus Cohen is publicity Mr. Crane says the committee-now has $2,647 in the bank to as one large room for such'events. • it is one in a series of such edi-'f BATH POWDER SET chairman and the other members x (Continued on pape eight) SeVenty-one residents of Keith, ' torials "written by well-known AH White, White over Pink, Among the organizations rep- if the-steering committee are: H. date and that an additional $130* '• — Housed in the building will be Jeffries and Lexington avenues persons." resented were: The Evening De- Martin Friedman, Kurt Metzger, has been collected, but\iot yet the present ambulancev:i> turned petitioned the committee to barri- ", • In the editorial, the governor U White over Ice Blue, sizes 8 partment of '• the VIA. Colony Al Goldberg^^Samuel ^th, Rpbert list School turned in. The drive leador ex- over,to the,squad by the formgr cade Keith Jeffries avenue at the Club, VIA, Rotary Club, -lions p'ressed KIT thanks to the citizens R.G. Municipal Ambulance Committee, said the high school students "can Geiser, Robert Pearlman and Law- . S i Slate High Cranford-Westlleld line. They conr , help to sell the cause of highway to 20. Head piece and Club, Wednesday Morning Club, rence Raff. . of Cranford and to the 300 workers and the $10,000 modern first aid tend that they desire to keep thi» Newcomers' Club. Sunny Acres who participated in the house-to- safety." " '"•' •''""-.-•. - ~ ' • Dr. Morgan is now consultant •ess ambulance purchased recently' by street residential and not a ihor- veil, $25. Civic and Improvement Associa- house solicitation. . • the squad and scheduled for de- k; . ' "We need to reshape the atti- DRUG or. special overseas studies of the Ordained oughfure. The petition was., re- tion, Cranford Heights .Associa- 'Progress on the Walnut Avenue' According to the campaign livery later this .month. School Visit ferred to the traflic ^^coordinating :.;.'•' "'. tudes of those whp demonstrate Council of Jewish Federations and Ronald Gjaham Albury, son of Vj-j :•;.:-'>'" ' that they are not aware ot orein- tion. Cranford Business Associa- Welfare Funds.. ' . ' School has now reached about the chairman, most,of the funds.raised Driye Chairman Cooper said an Parents of sixth grade students committee. ^^ ' . .JrLir-i'v ' different to an automobile's capa- tion. Cranford High School PTA. same stage of completion as the in Cranfprd will go to support the Mrs. Charles G. Albury of 113 early start on the proposed hea'd- In elementary schools and eighth Referred to the '.same committee : In July and,August ofi952, Dr. Eastman street," was ordained on " AlfrAi ',;.];' :'•;••;•',•'•••; city to injure. You. can help to Also, the Ladies Auxiliary to Brookside Place School, Burton C. work of the Union County Mental .quarters is important to permit grade pupils at St. Michael's was-a request from H. L. Brad- STORE BRIDAL SALON, SECOND FLOOR CranHord Post 212, American Le- Morgan was executive assistant of Saturday to the Sacred Order of . ;_^ v>_'{ cultivate the proper v kind iof attii an economic mission sent by the Belden, building chairman, an- Hygiene Clinic in Plainfield. BQ>* housing of the two ambulances to- School will be taken on a tour of bury, 12 Van Burcn avenue, for a , f Kion; Capt. Newell Jtodney Fiske Deacon at Trinity Episcopal..Cath- •' .%^. tudc. l.hope you will. It may CRANFORD \.~\ Technical- Cooperation Adminis-' nounced. cause of a lack of financial sup-' gether for greater squad efficiency. Cranford High Schol next Thurs- traffic light at North .and Elizabeth 34 EASTMAN STREET Post 335, VFW; Junior Service . The two 12-room buildings have edral at Trenton by the Rt. Rey.When the new ambulance is dc- '' ' ' save your life," the governor tratio'n (Point 4 program) to re- port in Cranford last year, -the Wallace Gardner, bishop of the day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in avenues. .'••-•• wrote. • (Om. Ckufwi Theatoe) nf wn«! <;ur- it. •utlll he kept, in.rthe of last year. During the early TOrdcese" ijOlew JerseyT''" "~"~ " q'uarters of the present vehicle y ^ In this capacity he had an oppor- tailed for Cranford residents: iliar with the building where {Continued 'on page eight) . cil, Township Recreation Com- tunity to- deal with the economic stages of construction, the Brook- Through contributions by the Ki- On Sunday morning, he served at fire headquarters until- com- Home Agents' Week (Store Also inWestfidd) mittee, College Club, American side Place School was considerably at the 8 a.m. and 9:15 a.m. serv- pletjon of the new building. Mean- their children will attend school problems facing the new state and wanls Club and the Village Im- x | Lccion, Boy Scouts aand Explor- ahead of the pace of the progress provement Association, service iced at Trinity Episcopal Church while, it will be neccsary to find next year. ' . Annual PBA Ball Council Representative the role of the United States in ..,ThC..iQ}i_j.._p.d_ldlh£ s;,"—police -^-departments—Unity EelpingTt to attain security. at-the~rWalnut-Avenue-Schooh——— was restored. $orne olfier plaice~lh wiflch^toTceep' niial mectinc of the Cranford I Chanter 59, DAV; Garden Club During the past several weeks, at the 11 o'clock service. the >old ambulance. High School P.T.A., to be held in At Elizabeth Elfcs sirhmons of 345 Third avenue ia. of Cranford and the _Cranjrord After military service, Dr. Mor- Residents" who have not been a member of the County Advisory gan joined the State Department's there has been considerable pro- contacted, Mr. Crane said,..may Mr. Albury was born in Cran- He said the new building also the music room at 3:15. . Historical Society. Office of Finance, and Development gress at the Walnut Avenue School, mail their checks directly to him ford and attended /Roosevelt Is sorely needed to provide stor- An exhibit of arts and crafts Tomorrow Night Council, for the observance this Mr. Belden said. He said the con- week of National Home Agents- where he worked ,on US Interna- or to Harold S. Cdmpton, treas- and Clevejand Schools- and was (Coniinucd on page projects accomplished by students Annual ball of Cranford Local tional monetary and development tractors are now in a position to urer, at the Suburban Trust Com- graduated from Cranford High in the art classes of the school Week. proceed simultaneously. ' 52, Patrolmen's Benevolent As- The observance was highlighted WleanJJpWeek policies. He entered the Techni- pany. . .. " •.'-••• School hi 1947.'.. will highlight the progrum, ac- sociation, will be held in the, Ellis' cal Cooperation Administration in Initial plastering has started .at • It was announced that the Cran- He sang in the choir of Trinity Robert McClintock cording to Mrs. R. J. Zesch, pr by a Homemakers'-Day. prograto the Brookside Place School and Auditorium.- Elizabeth, tomorroW - y e s,tc rd ay in Elizabeth. Dis- \ Loads Reported November, 1951, as an economic ford. cast which presented the Church as a young boy and, served gram chairmahi Officers elected night. There will be dancing from . adviser and has participated in thethe roof is complete including the mental hygiene play, "My Name as an acolyte until he left for to seive during the coming year • cussed at the morning: session in slate for -the pitched roof of the Named Assistant 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. to music pro- the Union County Court House {lighter This Year formulation of TCA's programs in Is Legion,", will stage'the same college. He attended' Ripon Col- will be installed at this meeting. vided by Freddy SlecKman and Israel since then. . auditorium-gymnasium. The alum- program Wednesday at 8:30 p.m.lege, Ripon. Wis., where he re- Mrs. Neil Castaldb, refresh- i&jere meat buying, care and prep- Wjth Clean-Up Week nearly inum window frames are* all in at Camp Director his orchestra. . ' . ''aration, including freezing prob- at the.First Presbyterian Church. ceived his B.A. degree.' From ments chairman, and her commit- Public Safety Director Clarence I over. Health Officer William P. the same 'building .including the Rosellc. .Cranford residents are there he .went to Seabury-Western Robert McClintock has been tee will'serve refreshments follow- lems. • The afternoon session at Smith reported today that Cran- Dr. Johnson Reflected auditorium*^ and gymnasium. named assistant director ..of the L. Fritz and Police Chief William the Elizabeth YWCA. Welcome to attend, the committee Theological. Seminary in Evans- ing the meeting. mm J forrl residents apparently are Head of Board at UJC At the North Side School two ton, 111., and he. will be gradu- Cranford Boys' Camp, located at A. Fischer of Cranford and Police' a luncheon, included, speakers on said. . Phirf FrH F.-»l7"n«- ni I totting into the habit of_*!kecp- T>r. Arthur T/ Jnhnsnn of Cran- haw hwn installed. Silvert. J "County history, Vpiont J»fi their corners clean" throug This was done many months' ago *Niie of Awarfl?" ""' ure honorary chairmen for the t.. County industry and Union Court- ford. who has served as chairman Attending the ordination were it was announced this week by event. General chairmen are Pa- - sey from July, 1673, jto_ Febrj^ry. chairman, has announced that the .orship awards for Girl Scouts for 1674. when a1 treaty was ' siKnovi \ Members of the Youth > Week Bird, camp registrar, and it is ex Coupons obtainable from the 37 mittee are Lt. George L. Rosen-- [Select New Committee Chairmen fair will feature home-made cakes, Camp Chicagami on Upper Twin local participating merchants are dale and Sgt. Harry P. Page ot between England and Holland by committee were guests at'-Tues- Lake, Central Valley. N. Y., the pected that the seventh and fina which the territory became an Hale; Recording Secretary, Mrs. pies, breads and rolls- There also day-night's Township Committee Week will be completely rescrvct eligible for ull four weekly "Nites Cranford; and Sgt. James Lesak :.M.-'X- • Af the annual business meeting will be salads,-casseroles,, relishes, GiriScout camp for this area, was and Patrolman Donald Lcjuj1.. of Enuljsh-. province with :its titte |»t 'ho Cranford Cdllege Club held William T. Knox, Jr.; Correspond- meeting, and were greeted, by within the next few dayu. Thi: of Awards." Stubs may be placed '. reconfirmed.' . ' ing Secretary, Mrs1! J. B. Warring- pickles, and other. "favorite dish- Mayor Fred P. Andersen who ex announced this week by the camp season is expected to equal' oi In receptacles in any of the par-Garwood. Lt. Lester W. Powell and I Mnulay evening in. the Pxesby- es." Mrs. Alva Dunbaden will take r committee of. the Cranford Girl Patrolman Vincent L.'Brinkerhoff |l>n;m Church. Mrs. Farris' S.- ton* Treasurer, Mrs." William T. plained the .workings of the town- surpass last year's record enroll ticipating stores or in th,e barrel in Collins. • • ' orders' for party and wedding Scout Council. the theatre lobby. -tiia^Jn-chargi» .of ...publicity. .— I Su-;iekhamer, the new president, cakes. ship form -of government to the^ Donations presented to thtGirJ HARVEST^PATTERN I -immunced committee chairmen The members-at-large Will be: high school seniors. Following Mrs. Roy Tipton; Mrs. fierald E. the meeting, the boys conferred. Scout Council,by the Rotary Club, tor next year. , . 1 Colony Ciub, Junior Service LTli^.xy ..{virc^JUt • and MmifyMm. Thi'r '"" anrf .Mrs-Bernard .B. JLeuBUe andf Ladies Auxiliary oT Names committee in preparation for tak- -Eight tattle A- Wurth; Auditing. Mrs. KotC Capt. Newell Rodney Fiske Post J T T. Eppler; Banquet, Mrs. At the business meeting, Mrs. Cancer Drive Appeal ing over their assignments two 335, Veterans of Foreign Wurs. Names for the eight teams of clation; Brave*. Cranford Bootery ford residents will lake the oppor- By Lenox China weeks hence. s i^ Bonham; Christmas Gerald Thurston, president, pre- The Cancer Crusade Is coming made it possible to give these Und Crunford Board of Realtors', tuni.ty to learn more about the S| Other members. of the Youth the, Cranford Little League were and Ordinals, American Legion, activities of the Little League | ippcr, Mrs. M. Thomas DiCarlp; sided. Annual reports were read to a close and contributions camporships. • announced this week along with ID Mrs. Robert I>- Clare; by all officers and commHtec have not been nearly enough Week committee are Dick Albert- The ""council reported that 98 Mr. Laird said the boys select- movement, Mr. Laird said, son, John Prlchard.^ Dave Crane, sponsors by Joseph Laird, presl- ed for the Little JLjiaguc. teams Financial chairman'"Ed Forten- |T>>7ima. Mrs. Raymond A. chairmen. Mrs. Chauncey Hale, to meet the quota set for Cran- rcgistred Girl Scouts from the 1 K'lut-ationKli . Mrs. Paul Selby; Fi- finance chairman, presented the Vincent Vicci, Caleb Jylorris, Ron- will have to play heads up base- b:iUKh announced :.that the sale ford. ald Doyle, Peter Malloy, Alvtn Cranford area already have—been dent. Scoop ntdt ballerina »m- lii.imo, Mrs/ Chauncey C. Hale; budget for next year. Mrs. Thurs- This year the quota set for accepted and expect U> attend one In the East League, the Orioles, ball to meet the competition from of membl-rship tickets is' going itdtrtd uigumlj hridf I"" Dit.ilitj,-. Mr«. Henry I.' Kmjlh toa-announded-that_Mrs. .Norman Ciccone aand John Hunzl. -the—boyti—on—U»o—mi Brubaker and Mrs. John Carbcr om fine community—l»~$4,00(V- iH 4,Mhe-4hi'ee-«Hctti«i>»^.»4iKdut«Hf jht maid ittu uith fitted bodic* Jr.; Legislative. MrsJ Lewis i- tTiI^ >j--t,;;,IB( jn,^-^ squads. He said the minor leagues turns; He suidthat'he.hoped to will represent the College Club To date, the local committee has fee is chairman of the Rotary June, July and August. compete for the championship. be able to announce by. next week end full, full skit. Whit* ^ Ktherington;. Membership. Mrs. received only 50 percent'of this the largest number ioUit of Culia and Mexico, not as yet made their contri- Barberton, O., left Tuesday ufter Association during the past year Giants. Dodgers, Braves und hrina foun with ihurcd 'The officers for next year, asked for donations of books for Cardinals make up the West The Cranford High School has selection of the JLittle League bution, please mall $1 or more spendiKg-jTweek with their Bpn-ln- and .the chairmen for the June squads, it is expected that the Tk» Ammmr+r Ut: bustlin* cud matching bo- 'ifMdent. Mrs. Farris S- the annual book sale to be held to Cancer Fund, 27 North Union law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.luncheon, which will be held June League. ' Their sponsors urc us volunteered the use of its projec- Un>. White over pastel taf- |h;mior; First Vice-president. Mrs. in the fall. Mrs. Ira Kcrzman, 7 at the Millburn inn. ut her home follows: Giants, Kiwanls Club; tion equipment for- the occasion minor league's activity «oll get H-I««k • Uda-Chiaa x avenue, Cranford. Raymond Heinhardt of 700 Lex- into full swing. CHINA. .UASKMtNT . ftte tlipt. Sin* $ to 10. "\ivst p. Dexter. Jr.; Second ways and means ' chairman, and Tuesday. ;ers, Cranford Business Asso- I and it is hoped that many Cran- p-^VPrcsident, Mrs. Chauncey C (Continued on Page Eight) E. C. McMahon ington avenue. . iA for by Fro*r*a*iv* Puiy otK. J. 135 OPEN THUKSDAY K1GHT 11L 9 ,

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'J. ' v. ,-' •.-. • • THE CRANFORJMgpriZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. BIAY 13. 1954

I Talk on tana Movement Yn epuMicanfc Head Table Group at Cranford RepubMcan Clttb Dinner McMANUS BROS., 1152-1154 EAST JERSEY STREET, NEAR BROAD, ELIZABETH — OPEN DAILY 9:30 V 5:30, THURSDAY 9:30 - 9 P. M. A talk pri "Development of the Cana Movement in the United lie and Case Make a Good Teatti • ' . • • A • ^ / , • Stages" was presented by the Rev. wMw for trip *- Launching his f congress nvkt year." Francis J. Houghton, assistant seat.! i/ation pastor, of HoVy Trinity Church, McManus Bros. Westfleld, as the.Holy Name So- ciety" of SL Michael's Church, oiuii- iwi. Kenneth C. Hand tertained members of the Rosary +- tford Republican Society at a meeting,)in St. Mich- former Representative Clifford V. congratulated' Colonel Lownden on WpVt his election as county chairman ael's School Monday^ight. There jOase.pf Kan way vchl make a" gd^ld «.-as an attendance of 250. •ioanx tar Congress. - and urged., support- of the entire VickHi.'He stressed ii p i Mr. Shepard was principal Cana program consists ..oi. parish [speaker at the Cranford GOP anee of the-election of Mr.. Case 1 activity for families' working^ with and^ Mr. Shcpari He described "•vj; , ^^ _ '.Club's annual dinnt-r last Thurs- iiigs the current legislative, session and their priest - to insure practical Jday night at the Ci-ariwood. Gar- cited a bill which would give . - "picture show! portion of head table at the annual dinner «f trie Cranford Republican X:iub application of . religion in- the ;ivood. He stressed the fact, that Union County five assemblymen. in the Cianwo0d.»/Garwood, Thursday night, at which former Assemblyman Fred E. Shepard ol home, between husband and wife, She and the U. S. Senatorial nomi- He said its passage is in doubt. EUzabeth launched his. campaign fortfce S^ixth District Congressional seat. Left t6 right in the parent and child, the family and m jhee havefew,_difTt.«vnios. Weyinan 0- Steengrafe, club Ipicture are: Mrs. Howard Cowperthwaite. Finance Commissioner CowperthVaite. Mrs. Carol Span- corporate spirituality. . - The speaker " wIB tlt H,c -gfcr,| a friend of the fami'ly^ho accompanied .MfTShfcnuid in thu abser^oi-rus-^if^ho^^ F president ol the ,1-ontinuation of a Republican Con-^ presiaentr . , Holy Name Society, conducted introduced Charles J. ChrisUan. Mr. Shepard, Weyman O. Steengrafe, prudent of the club; Mrs. Steengra*. Senator Kenneth C. lercss under President Eisenhower a short business meeting .before | !*kA.f>7-*m - •'•• !tnd said mrrahd Mr. Case .are Albert Musa. E- C., McMahon • - . .' , the talk. The Rev. William B1. Don" «», r.™iHorl in full simoort of tht; Henry Klubenspies, the dinner elly. paater.-vand—the—Rov^-Joa Rjki". •-:•:.• Toininittce.—The— * ' g»*«iings Juvenile and Domestic Relations Pictured above are tome of the Vco\ybpys" and "Indians' President and his policies.' How- from Mayor L. Thomas Daub of Essex House, Newark, for benefit lustra ting it with colored slides eph L." Donrielly and the Rev. showing scenes in his office, the Court declared as guest speaker Mark J. Dooley, assistant pas- who will take part In thfr aji*>*al musical revue to be presented More and more families look to McManus Bros, to provide them withr correct and modestly ever, he warned tnat he is- re- Garwood. .:''•' •.•:•' of Boys' Towns of Italy, Inc-.M^ny : eving. .the^Tight ^f_ a_ legislator cJ>ildren-Wcentprs..Jn.-italy_bAW.^Cgurts and.tKe.county, jail.;_;.__ at" the wwimai May Fellowship tors. . also...wewi guests;...Refresh^ by thi-toii ^HckkSchool oiUbi^^^-at-G*?0^^^.JH*Bh-,_Sch.ooL Othei^nUoduced-wcrc-rinan.; : (persons in Washington arc more Mayor- E. D, Stanley, Thomns fyl- arid Frank, Vitale. week's meeting will be. dispensed WIMB the 'wood U "ijnterested in the congressional re- ban?i, GOP municipal chairman; with to'permit attendance of mem- sighted efforts to keep family pi! i# sult in November than arc voters Nelson Carr and Charles B. bers "at a regional meeting to be groups together. ijn the Sixth pistrict."He. said he Bailey, Republican nominees for Lions Club Hears held at Oak Hills Manor,, Metu- The president introduced the [plready had received a telephone the Board of Freeholders^ C. K. chen, on Wednesday. : .••••-- following new members of the ttall'frorn a key Republican worker Sellers, legal adviser to the prose- Talk by Sheriff Alfred J* Davies, first vice- board: Mrs. S. Ernst, vice-presi- j(n Washington, stressing the im- cutor's staff; County Register dent; Mrs. M. Albury. Cranteen "Charles~KaBerr:surrogatc~ehar: Duties of the, sheriff and his chairrtian;~Mrs:JCrGehrke.-

Here's a spring-filled suite that cleverly hides a comfortable extra "bedroom for Zip-Off \ Mattress Protectors OB two. This lovely sofa opens up easily into an extra bed. By day you have a" Usually .•...•'-•- ^ smart looking sofa with matching Morris chair and platform, rocker.': At night ' . 4.98.\ ,..,.:::y you conveniently transform the sofa into extra sleeping space AT NO EXTRA Two sizes — twin or foil Innenpriat wvtn if Excitingly New 3 Pc. BEDROOM SUITE! COST! In addition it boasts a concealed bedding compartment in its base for heavy duty Sanforised* muslin *>*>>«hH> with teped_ AMD seams. • Less than 1% Residual Shrinkage. ' '. handy storage of blankets, sheets and pillows. Frames are genuine solid maple, 1 i BE* hand-rubbed to a lovely finish. McManus Bros, features this 3-pc. group up- SAVI holstered in a choice of top-grade fabrics, chosen to meet the most discrim- baubb-Dnuw.wHh Mirror, Chetl and BaakcciM BMI («eg- $?»».0O) Quilted Mattress Pads . . . inatingtastes. For only $149 at McManus Bros., you'll get all 3 pieces, as illustrated,,full proportioned sofa-bed; Morris chair and platform rocker — there's i! H>'-vr-•'« TWIN A AA During the latter part of March, McMpnus Bros, ran the first full color furniture nothing else to buy! ,™^^_ y*yallt S '_ £.90 "ocT in ''ilKeTtfo^uiiwroiritftirfttt^ "f amot»-Je5p^>iw««»Woft--t»r«vnf; T^Hor«t only. " _ •proof. What's more It's moth and mildew proof too! Banforlied wl ' " *~ ^98— ig»_ '• '.••' ' _ How Only... pair ; Priced unbelievably LOW by McManus Br'os., FUKCOAT .-. JW ..-S *^S ,-J 72 inch usually 6.50 Lee's new "NIMBUS" carpal now mokes it pos- •:*! •:•:'•••• Percale Prints • STOBED' V '-'•*' sible for you fo spreod new. loveliness wall-to- .•>v!t.-,:< " "••'• " pair"•;'.>.•..'.• -....•.'.•. • INSURED FOR $50 CXCKSS VALI* ••"' ' ABC* PUNJAB Wall, roomto-roonri at d~ very reasonable pricel 81 inch usually 6.9J If your taste, favors .the textured elegance.-6f . reg. 59c yd. ' . " • - -pair loop piles, pick NIMBUS. ' You can't miss with Beautiful prints Just for row Banner lee's heaven!/ cottons.' . Sixteen fresh colors FUR COATS OR TWIN SIZES provide a choice for the most discriminating 99 MT miwwi t smn tastes. For durability NIMBUS has a quality CLEANED liatk.-r«inforced^«thjh«JinesUalJjlkifd^thjh«JinesUalexJ>ackjng available, providing a base for toughest wear- Plastic ^ I MO 1XTRA CHAROI Visit our great floor-covering department now — see this wonderful carpeting and hundreds SHOE BAGS of others! OUARANTUD 1! SPECIAL and $ .^^.——^•_. SKIRT 1 6e \A** 25C USE OUR BUDGET PLAN! GARMENTS- Save 49.05! MtMANUi NON-SKID COTTON RUGS ClOTHCpAT •••••- ^ BROS. Cbarfe

reg. 2.98 ea. 8 GARMENT — 1.98 Choice of 3 Headboard Styles! Serta Hollywood SUIT SIZE —IBS It's eo»y to park twr«. NOW W« hav* enlarged SHOE BAG — 1.50 our parking area In Complele with 10% Hair Mattress^ an* Matching Box Spring! lh« rear of oor »»—• 63 inch. reg. 379 /, 321 Free Delivery , North Union Avenue \ CRanford 64)234 k 72 inch. reg. 3.98 4-I.WW- Store Boon — 7iS0 A. M. to \

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' t "•*> • * ' ' ^ ', . , ' .'••', . "" ' •'• * '• ' • * • '', i *' ^ ."'"^ •. '-» ..

THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1954 ' '•''••! " THE CRANfORR CITIZEN AND CHROmCLE. TtttTRSDAY, MAYJ3, W54 u* Lillian Murtin, UJCJraternity Growris Queen MistMorcerf Honored Bride-Elect Elizabeth Man, fo Tedesco Engaged At Shower in "Linden Miss Hfprdanp Supper Party, The engagement of Miss Lillian r ;..: R./Martin tOjYita-A. Tedesco, son Centennial avenue was honored eifBSturday >f Mr. and Mrs. Anthony. Tedesco Thursday eyeiwng at a" surprise Reception if New Providence, has been an- Si. Michael's Church "was the pp p aod reception "Little Wedaing," shower at the letting Saturday afternoon for the ~:..---'X'- ounce^ by her parents, Mr. and wedding 0* Miss Helen Giordan. IF for new members will head the Mrsl Fred Martin of 610 Hory Club Linrose in linden. . ' v ; - Her bridal attendants, Miss Ma-* daughter of Mr. and Mrs: pom- program p Eeetr_ _i_.,:_._l __' ___.1_ tnick Giordano, of 7 Meeker ave- the Evening Department of -the Miss -Martin attended -Elizahet] tilda~2amorski, oTCa nue, and Aogelo '"Ciambriischini,' : Village Improvement Associatio1 n chools anej • is employed by the ship*,' Miss-Marie Cisserino and 50ii: of Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale !S^"Nla "'"'•-• * Village . improvcmcm n^" " House Atlantic Romper Co., Inc., Lin- Miss Mary Vesey of Plainfield, Ciambruscbini ol 21S West. Grand | $:£0t • ,, -. to be held at the Girl Scout Mot den. - .. puts her light touch id Miss 'Elizabeth Devine of street,-Elizabeth. The. Rev. Mark i&ir^'ki; next Thursday at 7 p.m.. \~~'" t . „ . t Barn's NE^T Plainfield -Westfield. were the hostesses.' Each member has been asked i son •» Vocational and Technical ciated. - : i- to contribute a casserole or salad ! High School. Elizabeth, Mr. Ted- Decorations were in ^yellow-and A reception followed at the Sfe^- byuj Mrs. J. J. Eelz.i chairman of sco is'employed as ix. printer- by- green, and the gifts were arrang- Villa Roma, Elizabeth. Follow- •4 the affair, who will be assisted by S£*3-r Technical Paper Co., Linden. ed beneath an umbrella. ' ing a wedding trip to" Miami the following co-hostesses: Mrs. I ' Eighty guests attended • from Beach, the couple will reside at on a smart cooling system i W. tV. feihn. Mrs. Edward Fearns.! Two Showers Held Cranford, Elizabeth, Carteret, Ma- the local address. 9:45 a. m. to 5:30 p. ni. -i. Sate, till 6 , -ir>'•w Mrs. Rpbert E. Clincy, Mrs. Ken- tawan, RahWay, Plainfield, "West- Given in marriage by her fa- • • ' . - ' y:':,> 'i For Martha Roset ••.>•• neth • £sta5rooir~arld Mrs. Mai 'i'plri, <71ark Township an^ Linden. er. the bridf """"* a gr»» ,,f • yt ... Miss Martha Rosendalc, duugh- Miss Morcerf, daughter of Mr. n f Katz.' . -,.- . > . , •.•••' '-' --»••••••.. er of Police^ Lt. and' Mrs. George and. Mrs. Lester A. "Morcerf, Will rosepoint lace and tulle over sa- .'•*••• . ^ The following guests have been tin With an illusion necklfne.ap. invited to attend the meeting: i. Roscndale of . 425 Brookside become the bride of Joseph Zam- BUSS CLARA M. ANDERSON •>-,• •;'!•.•< ; : nnvAi.n if,' BEINHAKT Itiee. who wtll-bfe~maw4ed orsiti of Elizabeth on May 30 at pliqued with I lace) a m&ndann ||"^:;!Jf^- ';:,^", " Mrs/ Charles KehiHingeT\'~o'aT=gB=- Icoltac -and-.a bouffant, skitt-em}^- fei'v'y •'• •' '"*• President and Mrs. William J.' to,Joseph Shannon of Washing- St.' Hedwig's Cfiurch in Elizabeth. on, N. J., son of Mrs. H. E.»Car- Irig in a chapel train. Her finger- t»"""•••' ' Gubas, in-coining president of the tip veil of illusion fell from a lof _.Kji^Uj.niiinBj_i_Pa:?_jBind "the Service Xeagne _Fel««_ John BtendenAbbuU outgoing president and Miss Ma- !i»te Francis T. Shannon, was'tion^ tiara of seed beads arid pearls and {iWa Jurarek, incoming president For Nancy Rudd, ired .at two showers last week. New Provisionals Today Mr. and Mrs. Adam Miller o: ':' a bouquet' of "Ttlfcs '"' 1545 Lamberts Mill road, West- of the valley centered with an SHOP BY TELESERVICE of the Junior V.I.A; • . Thelfirst, held by Missi Barbara Mrs. Frank Young of Plainfleld. (center) was crowned Mf ••!• Green at her'home in fanwood on- New provisional members of field, announce the engagement^ of orchid. . . '.. Following the supper, reports Donald Reinhart queen of the annual May dance.of Pi Kappa.Psi'fraternity of/ by the outgoing officers of the May .3, was attended by 17 guests the' Cranford Junior Service Clara Marion .Anderson;, The bridegroom's sister, Miss Evening Department will be pres- , Miss Nancy Carolyn . Rudd, rom Craiiford, Ga-rweod, West- Union Junior College Friday evening at Rchdale's, Green Brook" "League will be guests of the offi- Josephine ,••"•CiambruschiiH,!— -was- 'CALL YOUR LOCAL NUMBER LISTED You're in sheer comfort no matter Township^ Mrs.'Young's ..husband is a sophomore at the local cers at a coffee, this morning at daughter of the.late Mr. and. Mrs. maid, of honor and Miss Elsie ented at a short business meeting daughter o"f Mr.and Mrs. James icld and Fanwbwl. Clarence Anderson of Elizabeth, BELOW ON ORDERS OFV how scorching it gets! These are the presided over by Mrs. David N. W. Rudd of .11 Willow street, be-, .On Saturday Miss Roscndale college and they faro both former residents of Crahfprd. The the home' of the president, Mrs. Giordano, sister of the bride, and- >vas. honored by her" sister; Miss' attendants were Miss Maryann Petraitis of Rahway Ueft> and Walter W.,Stdut, Jr., SCraig place. to John Brenden Abbott, son ofMis^Olympia Guerriero of Ktn- % 3.01 or MORE wispiest cottons you ever siftv—they Tyre, chairman. came the bride Saturday of Don- Mrs. Frank Abbott of 35 Stratford ilworth were the bridesmaids. This will be followed by an In- Georgia Rosendule, and Miss Dor- Miss Nancy Glover of Westlleld (right). The judges were Mr. Last year's provision's also will \as a cotton hanky, go ald H«iyes Reinhart, son of Mr. ithy Dushanck of Garwood at a be guests. " . • , terrace, and the late Mr. Abbott: „ ThomaiS'Fibrentino of New York stallation of new officers for Fall and Mrs; Milton W. Reinhart of 15 and Mrs. Allan Borup of Cranford and-Arnold J. Keen of East served as best man and Pas- • casual or carper with a quick-switch 1954:^ Mrs. Herbert Mitchell, howcT' at the Rosendale home. Orange. About 70' members arid guests attended. . Pvt. Tim The .new. . provisionals, an- Miss Anderson is a graduate, of Greaves place..' The wedding took There were 20 guests present from nounced this week, arSs Mrs. John Westfield High School and iSuem- quale Nardano and Gregory I!;i- areessorjeit—and, hm-in-m, how chairman: Mrs. Joseph L. Fraites, Burton of Cranford, past president, was guest of honor." mos of Elizabeth ushered. vice-chairman: Mrs. Fred .Voss, place at 4..p. m.'in St. Michael':. Cranford, Garwood, Westfiejd and Keeley, Mrs. Scott Ross, Mrs. ployed by the. Aluminum Co. of PLainfield 7-2100 nnocent-haby »looks! 8 Seaside Park. Joseph Matteson, Mrs. E. T. Mar-America, Garwood. Mr. Abbott Mrs. Ciambruschini is a grad- secretary, and Mrs. William Dodds, Church, with the Rev. Mark Dool- e. • ° financial secretary^ The wedding will takii place iri shall and Mrs. John Brennan.- attended • Cranford grammar uate of Cranford High School Fllton 1-2424 ey, assistant pastor, performing the schools and is a graduate of and is employed in the Rosclle r '.t. Michael's Church. Mrs.*A. B. Cloud and Mrs. R. "T 'T""*"^"" '* '""•' The following will be accepted double-ring ceremony.' accounting-department of the New as members in the Evening De- Social Happenings B. Winkel will pour.. field Holy Trinity High School, Elliot 6-454& The bride, given in marriaige by Westfield. He is employed as aJersey Bell Telephone Co. her fatHer7~wbire~a~Bbwn~ot~ivory PAR Hears Report Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Service laboratory ttchniclan by the Alum- The bridegroom attended Eliza- R. P. Davies. Mrs. R. H. Herman, "Mrs. K. J. HaWeri 11 Citj idirig th lnuni Qxs. of- Americar-Garwood^j beth schools and served^ two years CHarter 9-4040 Mrs. R. C. H[KKlns. Mrs. J. Hill.. bridal satin trimmed -with import- On Nationar ^ /oa.d returned ,honie Monday night tising conference of the New Jer-and family of Baltimore, • Mrs/\R. V. MatRevvs. rMfk.'. D; ed laee.- It-had .a round-necklinp sey- -PTess_As50ciatioh.__Mr _Rebj- former residents of Cranford, will Mr. Abbott is also M/Sgt. in thein the Army, A-report-on-tho 63rd Continental following a motor-trlp-to-Dclawai e, ! and-a-hal f __in jKoreaj_\_iIe_is; \sm-^ Schneider, and Mrs. C. F. Tecse.' and short train. . Her fingertip veil Congress last month in Washing- O.,,- to visit her ' daughter,. Miss stock and Mr. Ray are directors of Be^tKe-week^rid'guests-of-Mrrand 50th-RcnrBn.-New-Jersey-Nation£|l UMonvMe 2-3232 of illusion was attached to a cap the state press association. Mrs. Lloyd C. Beall, Jr.,. of 210Guard, Westneld. ployed by the Electrical arid Me- ton, D. C, was presented by Mrs.Beverly HawfcS, a student at Ohio chanical Design Co., Clark. of matching . lace. She carried O. El. Werner, regent, at Tuesday's Wesley-an University. She was ac- Maple, place. No date has been set for the Canasta Club Holds phclanopsis,'. Eucharis lilies and wedding. meeting of Cram/s Ford Chapter, companied by Mrs. F. W. Holman • Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Knierim of S/Sgt. John DeVoy of, San Ra- * < * • lilies of the valley.. Daughters of the American Revo- of Keypcrt and Mrs. William Pen- 6 Mohawk drive were hosts to an ;Mrs. C. H. Oliver, jr.,-'of'15 Miss Marion Rudd, sister of the ution, at thj/hbme of Mrs. C. E.gel of Mutawan, .who visited their, outdoor supper party and meeting Chester Lang place, entertained at Mr. and Mrs. Carter E. Porter fael Air' Base, - Calif., spent the Shower for Member bride, was maid of honOr, Brides- Bundy in/Casino avenuer : Mrs. daughters.. They attended activi- of Alpha Sigma Chapter of Beta canasta on. Tuesday evening, and children, Kathy, Sharon, Jim- week-end here visiting Mrs. Glen Mrs. Eugene McClosky of Ave- maids, were Miss Kay Berry of Werner /represented the .1 ,o c a 1,ties planned by the students for Sigma Phi sorority. The chapter's Guests were Mrs. George Beer, my and Tommy, of 35 Herning Arth and family; 104 Oak lane. Ito ' pel was honored at a shower Cranford, and Miss Sue Reinhart, cha'pti^at tiic national congress Monnett week-end in honor of progress since its' '•formation in Mrs. Warren Weisberger, Mrs. avenue, returned on Monday after left yesterday ipr Newfoundland. af _the .bridegroom.' They William Fuhro, Mrs. David Silver- spending several days in Chicago, Tuesday evening at her home by ^vyas attended by more than. mothers. • j __ . • March 1950 was reviewed, •'—v-mfmbeis-afShower wa.s in honor of the birth wore bjue tafleta~TjalIcrana^li J ^ PraTwi<: (M iA J.UL They, jrore^ there to attend the Mr. and. Mrs. Heinz Wiegand- of gowns and carried American beau- p DAR members. -•-•r -~—•»• wedding of "Sfi\Tand Mrs. George' 38"tro of 3112 guests' "from Dumont, poRota ' Mrs. Albert Kantner and-' Mrs.waukee, Wis., and James T. Rein- sota," Fla., with Mrs. Imus' par-and Mrs. Robert Kuehn of JJnden Blppmingdale avenue entertained and . ' year. John K. Ort, Jr.; of PittsburgH, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Siefert, Eugene Johnson of Cranford. and hart of Carteret, also Mothers of Assisting Mrs. C. Van inwaRen were guests on Sunday of Mr. andat canasta 6n . Tuesday evening. •••;:»•! ' Mrs. Eugene Mulkcen ol Wcst- the bridegroom: James W. Rudd, Pa., was a. recent week-end guest formerly of Cranford. Mr. andMrs. Chester De Vinney of Whip- Attending were Mrs. John E. Hen- John Patrick Fitzgerald, III, son on the tea committee were Mrs. of his brother-in-law, and sister, Mrs. Siefert returned to Cranford fie,ld. Jr.. of Fulton. N. Yybrother of the H. N. Packer, Mrs. E. C. McMahon, pany, formerly of Cranford. Mr. ry, Mrs. Arthur. Grauten, Mrs. Wil-of Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald of C92 bride, and Frank/B. Dohcrty of Mr. and Mrs. W. Gerard Mallory of for a two weeks' visit. DeVinney's birthday anniversary liam Klubnlk, Mrs. Thomas Leah- Gallows Hill road, recently cele- Mrs; J. G. Wortley and Mrs. H.26 Parkway Village. The same Midshipman First Class Harol: BaBatet s Values up to: Rates - COLD FUR STORAGE $2 JO nk MOO..... , 82J« *50 .....;:..$!JO mln. • BONIMUM RATES Complete protection: • MAXIMUM CABE " "CAS3TMISS~CARPENf eR~FOR RF SAFE r • M1N0K BEPAIR8 FREE • THEFT. • MOTHS KemodeUnc. Repairing , ESTIMATES ., ' v^ CUSTOM CLEANING Store your precbus furs _"_ •INSURANCE _ * in Bain's own illWffl- Hookkaud Eyes Replaced Free of GAMBURG FURS cold storage vaults $11 Call Teleservice. A bonded CR 6-3300 Wcstilcld's Distinctive Fur Shop messenger will pick up your m 106 E. BROAD ST. HOTEL SIBURBIII LIQUOR STORE coat. 57« 8PBINOFIELD AVEI SUMMIT 6-5000 —- We Deliver —r W .WE 2-3423 SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY $k& • 44 NORTH AVE., E. CRANFORD Open 21 N. UNION AVE. CRANFORD 64)150 iPlp$pP!pi5!fjp|i<^!P

: ; '.-• •••••.'"• v" •'•'•'••'•••." "1 :'•"' ' •'•'-•'.: •'•"''/ " '/ * :v~ ' • ' •*•"•. T •'

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•/ CRAydFORD CITI2EN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MAy*13,'1954 THE CRANFORD CTnZiEIf AND CHROOTCLg. THURSDAY. MAY U. 1»54 l; Spahn, Mrs. Frank C. Fyk'e and - (iwrence Compton, coln avenue, east, entertained^ her " A program'on "Highlight of Old" Mrs Charles G. Albury of 113 Mrs., Charlotte Babon and Joan, oh Ap|il 23 at Rahway SOCIALS ,. [ Barbara Barta, daughter of' by O'Sullivan, Joseph Orosz, Bob- receiving . congratulations ' on • the Mrs. Robert Higgins. rdon Leech, Mrs. Ben bridge group Tuesday evening! At- New York" was presented br Mrs. Wednesday! committee are in charge ol ar-^ Hospital. They" also nave another Nancy Jacobus, daughter of Charles A. Reass of 370 Eastman street left "tuesday for and Mrs. L/D. Barta, Jr., ofT^Io- by Mackalik. Jimmy Butler, Vlr- Mrs: Joseph • Antognini, tending were Mrs. Robert Pe.arl—|J. ^R. Lqw at a meeting Tuesday JnonujiK. v>uu - .w.^w . nnnnnl | Bank Receives Garden Club Award daUmfliter. X4n ' Those norhinated include: Mrs. Baniberger Opens Mr. and Mrs. • Frank J. De Jj. °r~ /•'. ••'•— '• : of 211 Elm street have announced beth. Joseph Walton, Mr». QeorgelPhilip U Francois, Mrs..Charles Irs. Louis Feldman of 713 LJn-Garfield and Mrs. Joseph Levy. co-hostess.: •> . .. Itie.Church.. Her guests were,Bq.b- — Read the ClasalBed Adi ~~ I J.' F. Burnash. -presjdent, Mrs. W anne of 11 Wade" avenue have an- en's Clubs. By Morning Clui> D. Lcnnorv first vice-president; Plainfield Store the birth of their sixth son. fJeil, on-April 28 at Rahway Hospital. Mr/ and^Mrs: "Robert- Morrissey, nounced the birth of their kec- The slate bTofflcerSTolHce? f{orThe~com- Mrs. Elliott Mootfer, corresponding John C. Williams, president of Jr., oi 21. Pershing avenue, have ond daughter,. Denise Mary, bo secretary; and Mrs. Howard Cpw- They also have two daughters. orn ing wil1 ^e prcsentw* L. Bamberger 4 Co., cut the rib- announced the birth" of a daugh- on May 3 at Memoriaill Osteopathic CHANGE TO A&P AN perthwaite, .treasurer. • bon of the Arm's new Plain/leld Hospital in Elizabeth. _ Their second daughter, Sharon ter, Barbara Jean, on April 29 at. SITEUOP COVKT or NEW JKBSEV. The executive board wifi moet store Monday to officially open the Rahway Hospital. , They also have LAW DIVISION • • at thq home ot.Mrs. J. H. Brock- Jean, was-born' to Mr. and .Mrs. I'olon C»mntj. Da*ket N«. L7IGIV33, multi-million dollar branch' for another daughter, Joyce. : '. .Mr.. and Mrs. Michael, Clanry bank, president,'at-t'30' p..-m. to- business.. PlainfteldV Mayor Car- George Apgar.of 32 Oraton drive on.April 28 at Muhlenberg Hos- of 364 Lincoln avenue, east. ;ir,. rewiv m&i eoneyotuiftionft \m XK< The drama committee;' "•jurujer pital, plainfield. The•"cbupie also .Mr. andHSlrs.'' Sliepheri ' D.^'FaT-" HIGHWAY COMMIS- - NOTICE or Plainfteld store manager, assisted. birth of their third son, Timothy SIONER. APPLICATION Mrs. A. H. Francis, met yesterday has a son. •-".->--;;;.,-: • — --- m.er of Richmond, Vt., "announce Williams in the ceremonies. ori May 4 at Elizabeth "•- .« . Plaintiff. - FOR with Mrs.. John F. Fast of 18751 jthe birth of their .second '.Son, vs.. APPOINTMENT Throngs of people. from this Hospital;' . , raS&'&ii-' - Anthony OF -COMMISJ> Quimby lane, Wcstficld, with Mrs, t area poured, into the three en- Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Flor- Dayid Bruce,'on April 22 at Mary -,. SIONEIIS FOOD DOLLARS H; D.. Loman . and Mrs.; Edward ! Defendants. j trances of the red-brick colonial TO: Maridn ,W. Scarrttt, at ciirefiti-ix. Roos as corhostesses. building to crowd' the three sell- . . under the last will and testament '-^ of Ellett.G' Scarritl. -dirceau'd: '. Ing floors. Over 10,000 persons If tlie jingle of coins in your pocket,- purseTar piggy, bank is music to Vou are hereby tfivfrn nntiec that Upon

i _your ears, enjojoy this changge todayy : Shop at A&P1 You'll save apretty, ptyp • , I "" ' '-''*P ' ,' ' ' '_Uj *••*£*" **n»T ^ '/•**." '^^•^^a^^aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa! ; r JCourt of , the duly ViTtficd complaint. BrrBest^Present store officials estimated, - with /^Combination That Can't Be Beat! ./Order w.t» cnlerrd hrrcin1 on the 12th sales activity. brisk in. all depart- penny on. item after item. What's more, you'll actually get more good day of April 19M. whereby it wa» ordered Every shopping day, over sit million people thop litV-SaX\\M. \ Report on Surrey .•thai you. the defendants, show - - l \ -V '-.^ ;":",' '..-••'-'.- 'i.,v-'w-'?/-*']>i••;'-.' JA'.';/. ments. " -.-. . -( food for your money" because A&P sells only fine-quality foods in A-1 at A&P to save money on their family food budget*. •'. • lLaw- Division. \Jni«n .County, on Friday j *-" • .-•" - . . . condition .• . . foods that guarantee you more good eating and U the aath day of May. 1954; at lo o'clock, tendent of schools, will attend a . ' in the' forenoon, at the. Court House I .. . i • " i .* '*! George Vf. Bauer,' president of the Union County* Trust A&P's low prices . . . bat we're just «s prond of . waste. • Come see ... come save at A&P! • in the City of Eii^beth. m the cunty i meeting today and tomorrow of! ..Company is shown as ho received a certificate of commendation Conducts Luncheon the fine quality of our food a* we are of our thrifty — -r—.-oJ-Union and State«oi_JSc.wJersey, why ,thc Metropolitan. Sl'hool Study- i judgment should not be rendeieii i "iilT-f« • ' ~ ^"",''1" ;{?'—'.-'>-"•--„-. ....,Har. _.4 ' for . civ-ic aenieyeme^t "from ,tR"e~Garo^h~'Crutt~or"NtWl"Jiersc3r ~ price*. —For price without o^ality~rot4yttB fiolblngr poinl.n^.enu-oV-^^ie three di»inter,d countkted yi/oholdrr. ot^^linV^f;^. Council at. the Arcft. Yorn irOUSCk state, .HaF^ in recognition of the distinction of the landscaping and floral Club held a luncheon last Wed- If* the combination of low price* and high/quality To Get More Changer from Your Food Dollars . J "•-— ' »>•«"" i >-im:in •Estate. New Voi k state. nesday at. the Twin. Brooks' Coun- .ltoo flxnx mthe e ii'iu^iiHcompensatio. n t—o t>...r pai. d for j Dr> Best Will present.-a arrangements at the bank's Westminster Office in. Elizabeth, that build* Mf* great voltes! ~ './ J the takinc of the land and pri-mUcn nary report of the council's survey |try Club. Watchung. About 75 .." GET A&P's "SUPEgsRIGHT" MEATS! hereinafter. dcwrll>fd, including the-dunv- where John V. Nostrand of 18 Crescent place is^ branch manager, And it's the cbmbination that makes it possible for iiiir, If avtiy, rcaulting from th member schools, which« was v ^The'presentation is'being made by Mrs, Lloyd E. Ondal of guests attended. ' . ' ' '' us to guarantee every single item you buy at A&P! Milk? is Mrs. Joseph L.' Conrad of 208 Hampton street, recording, was master of .ceremonies. The"in- without question! ' . .// • 7 po>cs aji "net forth iti tbv c'oihptaint, at I Got Ib. Cat which time and place you whould ap- und indicate the quality and char- secretary of the state club. The •Elizabeth institution was the vocation was by Mrs. Marvin- Os- Come see . . . come save .'. ". nt-A&P! pear if you desire .to be heard. only New jersey bank to receive the Garden Club award.' James - ' &.id iund ind prrrnittcii a IT* d<:M:rib4-d acter of the districts surveyed. : tro.. ••- • • •" I ' CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPART as follows: ' „• A filial report will not be ready Smith of Rahway was landscaping engineer for the project.' Walter DeMaio, violinist, pre- ! A&P Food Stores J Inlilf-tmtea lOlatk 7 lack ..A iec .fciniplf oh solute tn nhd to. all UeitDeptt. Cst Xhat/cci-iair. ';\t>l, tract or parti*, of land sented several numbers accom- -. 420 Lexington Avenue, New Ybrk/17, N". Y. Cst 69< : Oven-Ready Ribs off Beef 63c and premises situate, lyin^ and bcinc ' ~. "*• panied by Mrs. Gus Cohen. Mrs. jn the Bfirotiiili of Moiintnipsidc and Town Issue^ 84 Irving Tannenbaum and Mrs- Township of Scotch Plains, in the County Florupliile Delegates Collegians Cprner Here's liddn'. good chicken—plump ... tender ,ot Union and State of New Jentcy. more Micky Hamer presented a vocal Ready-tO-Cook — Top Grate- -All Sizes particularly described, uv foltown: At State Conference . Candidates for Bachelor of Busi- Permits for Buildings duet. A skit, "What's Your Line.? . ; tasty chicken Just perfect fdr broiling .. . PARCEL R-34 ' Mrs.'Norinan'Brubaker and Mrs. ness Administration deKrct'S at the A total of 84 building permits was conducted by Mrs. Bernard frying . . .roasting . . . because these top^rade ; - • ;. For Fricassee or Salads A* indicated on a nh«n flit^d^ or about May 29 commencement at: the were issued last month by Build- b^^filed in the OITicc of trie Retfister William Dodds will represent tho : Kott. Taking part were Mrs. Fred chickens are especially bred to be eBpecially 45< til Deeds and Mort^agr* of Union County Floraphlle Gardcm Club at the_ .University of Texas, Austin, Tex., ing Inspector F. J. Dtillcr' with Neuntann, Mrs. Arnold. Levine, delicious anyway you Berve them. And they're To Get.More Change from Your Food Dollars... and in they Officeentitle, odf thiNew< Cler. Jtrsek of yJiomer StaU^ include Joari Dolores Whelun, new construction estimated at »cllllthwat Couiftyy Oenartntent' entitled "New. Genera. Jcrw-l Property Statye .-innual cpnferertce of the Garden Mrs. Robert Pcarlman and Mrs. Jhis jraeJiJi_suj0«Mpecial_meat :buy« J^look flmMylfaaai Parcel Map. Blue star Drive Section 1. Club of New Jersey at Buck Hill jdiUigb.tec. of,_Mr.,ji.nd._Mrs, J. . J. $766,700, it was rcportcd_at T;-— Ground Beef ." CliZilJlVl'll lll M.

  • U4n at the. low. low prlceTlor .his pldc-pHhe-Dock T6ET A&P'S FRUITS and VEGETABI Koute Plalnfleld. "Falls, 1'ii., today Whelan of 126 Mukatom drive.' '"" __„ 6f the_Xown- .«idc,—to—Norm—urivcsid*.-to.- . L^>UM_ - ™ _^- |~Mrsr~Wlllia*n Foppcrt and Mrs. poultry, then come in and choose a winner for Showing EijUtlnc Richt of Way' & Par ship^ Coiniriittee. • ] ' .", " ~ >>n Smoked Hams ;-«#>- 11 -BIRTHS- Sunday dinner — or a favorite treat-meat lor a sty;/ eels' To Be Acqilirrd In The horo of Leonard Moody also will attend BruCe Thlc, son of Mrs. Hans Of the 84 permits issued. »'59 lb Mountainside. Town of We*t field and today. Tho- local club recently be- ( Mr.' and Mrs. Walter J. Deal- backyard barbecue or perfect picnic lunch. '.Township of Scotch Plains. Union County Ihlc, 404 Lincoln avenue, will at- were for .nc.iv-jiwell'ings, 19 for ad- Fresh Corn - 4 25c trey of Coatesville, Pa., announce MEAT MANAGER 79° Smoked Hams -» >89° and in the Boro of Watchuritf. Boro of damc an active, member of the tend Air ,Forcc« ROTC Summer ditions vand alterations, .four- for Porterhouse Steaks North Plainf-clti mid, Township nf CretMi the birth of their second daugh-' C Shank ^JQ ,r. i *•••.•••• • New Jersey Federation of Gar- camp at Craig Air Force Base, garages and one each for a sign Adolph's ,.i. ;*.-* •;,• Brook,. SoSonuTscm t County, Scaled as shown, 83 Ready-to-Eat Hams 'April 19.48": and us * - par- den ClubsVaftcr a year as a pro- and a tank. Fees collected ter, Joan Ellen, on April 25 at Bud Syseskey California . portion •" sbowu more Sclma, Ala., from June 20 until Fresh Peas Top Round Roast or Stea10k inch C ticularly . qn a plan attached to visional. " •July 17. He is a member of the amounted to $2,226. Coatesville. Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. ^1 Froxen Foods Meat 4otTenderlzer Ib. Complaint ' tiled tn thl* cause, marked Joseph R. Xunner of 2 Stratford, SAYS CHICKEN IS YOUR b 3lb Rib Steaks cut 69 Ready4o-Eat Hams Whola or aithtr half full «•* "Exhibit A" entitled. "New Jersey State A motion picture, "All-Ameri- AFROTC Cndet Corps ut Gettys- Thirty-two permits were ap- " -M» - e Hlshway pepartment. Blue. Star Drive: terrace; are the- maternal grand- -. Yellow Bananas 1 cart noses;" will, be shown by Mrs. burg . College, Gettysburg, [ Pa.,proved Tuesday night for one- BEST BUY THIS WEEK. vot. , Section V. Rt. 20. Frnin Chapel Island. parents. . ...; •'...-. ean W& ... can Chuck Roast or Steak . ^"T" »>43 Smoked Pork Butts Bonalatt Mountainside to. ;North's Drive, North John Collins, horticultural chair- where he is majoring in cconom- family dwellings. Twenty-nine of Florida Oranges t ' Plainfield. Parcel R34. tioro "of Moun- Boneieu Ib. Supar-Righl —tldnlaal - ,.nian,. a_t.the club'svrnonthly meet- ' '" talnside""»nd" 'TowTwhip;-o#- Scotch. PluinaV ; jr<; ._ . ^ .•!...:-„..)._..;.: .1...... - .thc-.pcrmits.JKerc.faaued to Mor--"-A'sort;-1 Arthur: Ruhmann.-waslj Top Sirloin Roast or Steak ' • CQunty of Union. Scales as Shown. Doc. ing' at 8:15 p.m. Monday at the val Homes for new dwellings in Maine Potatoes e Broiling and frying — raady-to^eool 7. 10S3": born- Saturday in Muhlenberg | STRAWBERRIES 10-oz. pfcg. 25c home of Mrs. Brubaker, 710.WU- John J. Wade, son of Mrs. Eve-Wendell and Hillside avenues Fresh Killed R*galo Brand »>55 Chickens Sixai undar 1 Ibt. Including specificallspecincallyy all the land anandd •»!«•«- v»« »>*u. «.„„ , Hospital. Plainfield, to Mr. and | Armour Star Boneless Chuck Pot Roast... premises owned or controlled by Anthony low Street. Mrs. ColHnS. is in lyn S. Wade of 31-A Parkway with construction value listed at California Lemons Large tii» e Nardone and Jerry Cerza. lylna between , , • .1 \ Mrs. Charles DeAzau of 6 Haw- Ready for the Fan Top grada — raady-f o-cool the existlns northerly right ol way line charge Ol the program \and also Village and the late. Mr; Wade, $11,000 each. Permits also were is- thorne street. -The couple also FRYERS Taut new crop »>S9 Ducks •of state Hiahway poute 29 Pl n thaI blt thek / president of the freshman Genuine Spring Weifern Legs of Lamb lil ; SUllon 622+S5 on .the east to^.landfl 170 6n ,ho ^ „,„„ at ,u n.eellnB Mr. and Mrs. Walter Severs of 1 1 89c Fresh Carrots ' * "" -Mdintf on and a member of the Stud- LEGS LAMB Allcuh ib.i To Alleml Service .'06 Preston avenue have announc- VALLEY FROST 1 THE SEA! ';'f"' fE?Mf^V ent Congress.. A Social science ' For, variety, -quality and economy,- -S Shoulder two acres and (tte hundred eighty thr«o j at B:30 P Mt Tctmil o', aoit: Minimum Harry D. Johnson Council. 123, ed the birth of a daughter. Lori Cncumbers .major, he is a graduate of Mont- MELON 16-oz. |»kg. 39c For siawing or braising Available Only la Freih ruh Daparfm«nl« thousandths <12 583i ol an acre," b« the •Md- which will bo received. UBO.OO ( ; Daughters of America, .will attend buy Reech-Nut iJaby Foods at A&P! same niorc or lew*: ' '" property to be sold subject to the rc- clair Academy, Montclair. a memorial service of District No. Rhubarb From nearby farmi Breast of Being part of the same lands „ (_ atrictlon that It will not be useij separ- TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD in premises conveyed by Marlon W, Scarr- ately but us -part ol a' lot of 75 feet 10 Sunday at 8 p..m. at the'Trin- ORDINANCE N». «l-7 il Roast ^ ett. widow. Individually-and as Execu- In width: purchaser will be required to Albert GNHuetteman, son of Mr. Ragalo Brand Boneless ¥ trix under the l_u«t Will and Testament pay \»1 Cross Scarrctt. his wife, to Anthony was-initiated in January by the in his office. . Beechnut Nkrdone and Jerry Cerza. dated February TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Bill DiTullio Ib. «an $1.09 IB. 1953 and duly recorded In the Office ORDINANCE No. M-ll ESTATE OF JOHN CANNARIATO. Section 3. The estimated cost of said COFFEE of' the Register of Deeds ahd Mortgages ' Dvccascd improvement Is WO0.0O. and . to defray HAS SELECTED THESE SPECIALS FOR YOU Save '22o J AN ORDINANCE Providing (o«. the. Im- -SOCIALS\- said cost the Bum of $500.00' is hereby of Union County on May 4, 1053 In provement, o( the Public ' Parking Arcu r.irsll.mt to the order of CHARLES A 1 Deed Boole. 2045. Page 301 and by deed at South Avenue and South ynion Mr. and Mrs.,RogerC.Allen^and OTTO, JR.. Surrocale of tbo County of appropriated from the capital improve-* trom " Bankers -Trust - Company nf -New Union. m:tdc on. the "tenth day of 'May. ment fundi • Avenue. / . '• " daughter, Ki'istan, of St. Johns, . Section 3. This ordinance shall take FBESH York, Surviving Executor ol and Trustee BE IT ORDAINED by the Township A. n.. 11)54. \i|«iu the application of the Swift's To Get More Change from Your Food Dollars. v of Horace' S. Scarrett to Anthony Nar- Committee of Township of Cranford, Mich., will return home on Mon-UhdcTsiuncd, . us. Administratrix j of the effect Upon its publication after -final Ib. 19c Peanut Butter 12-oz. Jar 31c done and Jerry Cerza dated February 24. estate tif said -dc«t«a&cd.' notice U hereby passage as provided by Statute'. CALIFORNIA PEAS Parker—SUesi. Bvictwl •Wow Jersey: .1. . FREDERICK P. ANDERSEN.' -Save 6o 1053 and duly recorded In the Qfflce • Section I. Thnt.the public parking area day after visiting with Mr.' Allen's ulvcn to the creditors of. said • deceased of the Register of Deeds and Mortgages parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gilbert to exhibit'to the subscriber under oath or Chairman. Township Committee I GET FROZEN FOODS AT A&P! Saves YM Up Ta 5c A Uaf at South Avenue and South Union Ave- Attest: ' . ' ' ' EXTRA FANCV . - 1 of Union County' on May 4. 1033. Innue, bo Improved by paving the same alTirmation their claims and demands SAVE! «i-.l.-ii- >i«i'' Allen of 9 Columbia avenue, and J. WALTER COFFEE.- «" Deed Book 2045. Page 304:' ' .and Installing -Incidental appurtenances cc nihilist the estate of said deceased Within . TOGETHER WITH.all right, title and according .to tho plari prepared by the Mrs. Allen's mother, Mrs. A?' HiXy moiling from the dute of said order, Township Clerk. Kraft . . „ May 8th to May 15th is Frozen Foods Week, ' Interest that Anthony Nardone and Jerry CALIFORNIA CARROTS Jb. bag 15c TownTownshis p Engineer and on file In his Pairweather of ,14'Keith Jeffries or they will be forever barred, fron Statement M1KACLE WHIP pt. Jar Cerza may have In and to existing State officefice. . \ prosecuting or recoverinreco g the sain Save and A&P is celebrating with outstanding values. Highway Route 20.. 110373 1 adjoining the avenue." Mr. and Mrs. William N. :iuain3t tho subscriber. The foregoing 'ordinance .was finally FANCY SNOW WHITE Aj Yellow ding Section 3. The estlinated cost ot said 'FloFlorencr e Cannariato. Passed at a . meeUng 6f the' Township SAVI! above described premises. Improvement U >0500.00. and tq defray Rodgers of Falls Church, Va., son- The object of this action- if to Administrate ' Committee of the Township of Cranford Ib. 49c said cost the sum of tOSOO.OO Is hereby in-law and daughter of Mr. nnd on May' II.-1954. MUSHROOMS CS SHcei «r lahrft quire., lor publibli c use by ccondemnatioo n appropriated from the capital improve- Anthony C,. Llotta, Atly.. Carnation Green Peas 2 r 29c proceedings the above * described land ment fund. • Mrs. J. Gilbert Allen, ulso will be 220 Somerset St., J. WALTER COFFEE. Libby's t fd Fees, iam { and premises for Suite Highway pur- Section 3. Thla ordinance shall'take ef-.l - N6rth I'lainfMd. N. J. Township Clerk.i-13' |J EVAPORATED Mil SAVE! poses, and concern/ real estate located feet upon its publication _ after uinal I guests here this week-end. \ • 6-: Dated: May 11. 1934.' 2 talli l 25c oh. the northerly side'of Slate High- •Support Your Cranford . Broccoli Spears "bby> 2^ 49« Way Route 29. In the Boroughs of Moun passage as provided by Statute. L > '• e talnslde and Scotch Plains, In the County FREDERICK P. ANDERSEN. First Aid Squad Building Fund Frozen of Union, and State of New Jersey. . Chairman. Township Committee I Chopped Broccoli "">>. ^19 ~" You. Murion W. Scarritt, arts made Attest: . ' C Old Sontl (Jefcndant In this action because you are J, WALTER COFFEE. "HelpTliem to Help YouT one oi thc^'holders of a mortgage af- Township Clerk. Brussel Sprouts **** 'P°C31 fecting the said land and premises as one of the executors under the last will '.. Btatem«nt V-8 _^prt ''•>'^"'jgull_i>t_l_Ellett G. Scurrit. The foregoing ordinance was finally JLInia Beans ^-^. '^27° SuuhiM deceased. ~pjissejr~ani~n>eetlng~df~thrrrTownshii> VEGETABtE-JUIGE 2^2oz cans 25c| s Cojniiultcc_Qf' thejrownshlpof Cranford LOWEST Lima Beans •$xM*-*»too*- Attorney General ol New Jersey on'May- II, 1834. •"' 7" :"— .- ] Lorna Doones p°r18c .„;., JOHN WARHOL, JR. ' . J. WALTER COFFEE. DOLE J ' Deputy Attorney General : . • ", Township Clerk. FOOD pla. Dated: Mny Jl. 1054. 9-13 Green Beans Dated:' MaK.S. 10M. ' 8-13 Apparel for Women PINEAPPLE JUIC£2 18ozcaiw 29c| Tomato Catsup Season's •pedal with that frtetv V Seedless Raisins 6 N. UNION AVE. " ' 6-1139 Spinal , uirf picked flavor of juicy Wueber^ mm Peas & Carrots Llbby't Fruit Cocktail . ':;:' Prepared Sputfietti ries in a cnut thaft «o tendtr it :SS5SS:; 9ofc Bro melts in yoqr moutbl i Sunday CANNED GOODS PotatOAS Utb> FranchWad % 900 Chill Con Came *^ Ribbon Napkins liff CALIKOSE Three LiHIe Kitttis Cat Food FKEKSTONK PEACHES lg. can 29c, Strawberries Rlwer Brand Brown Bice . To Get More Change from Your Food DoHam.., Slqnfe Schedule come N.B.C. Jane Parser MOTTS "LOUNA DOONES twin pkff. Chocolate Chip Cookies pig. •* Thrivo Dog Food • • • • -• PFlii 35o GET A&P's DAIRY VALUtS! :H APPLESAUCE . jar 21c/ Oxford cremei .. :j- .'.ViMS a new kind Burry's Cookies Fels Naptha Soap COLLEGE INN Keebler Lux Soap Bon Olive Oil ^><* Octagon Laundry Soap a • • ~~ of dream TOMATO jtilCE COCKTAIL •.• Town House Crackers ' - Lux Soap Large Eggs t Ib. pkB. 33o, Price Reduced! lg. Price Reduced! # China Beatify Foods BEEL'S Uptoii#s- "The TAfi Eggs i'.y-*z SUPER SUDS Briik" ICU Diner .—.—.—c^i>9«. SUCED BEETS — with free dish cloth — V4U1. can 35. WttrSwut krtek SWEETHEART SOAP Ib. can — le SALE — SWIFT'S New Instant Flavor! teabaft SoySaace Switzertand Swiss Cheese FRANCO-AMERICAN 4 recr. 2fl" A dauart cKaat* •4 bath 36o Gold'n Rich -SPAGHETTI 6 2 cans 29c honr Pereoial • a a 4 • •• 21 Maiola Oil ...... Sharp Cheddar Cheese . . new pre-hide ARMOUR'S - ALLSWEET 14 PM BEEF STEW can 35c Heavy Cream V—VP** •on*. BordioVButtormilk . . a. lt^, MARCARIME •tf72^ Cheer - ^»w^u,^ H WHITE TUNA FLAKES cau 35c \ Borders Milk -°^- conr. HAtHA WAY'S, Th* underwit* •hoplcts Y\ with oitaMUitiful n«w ttulld-up I 'S la % Ib. 16 tt mlly w#»h. Dux m^ Unit Laundry^^Star^l_- ._^XS8tiIi AMWCA'I lOeiMOST fOOO BIMI SEAGtR^S &^ lookl Now undorwirod contour band PHONE ^clings miraculously to your midriff, 6-0592 BARON'S prevents slipping up^r sliding down. Q aconomy turn ' f For dhhet and fine fabrics Bali-0 Cleanser . . ^ Juper Jrjarkets And. »o~re-emphasize yourcurveJ, cupj ar« Ajax Oloanser KirkfMB t Otttrgwrt DroH 20ofecan WILL BE CLOSED lightly lined in'ioqm rubber. Fine whit* rta»...7Vio«.p*cUgaolF«^«l«* tuy I larg» . . . OWNED & OPERATED BY IMt>«eBAI A1UMK * fACtnC tM COtktANV embroidered broadcloth Is low-cut for dbring • purcha** of loo 14 os. cans of A|a: I • . . . gal I •• half prlca. ' 1 BUERK'.IN S* SYSESKEY, INC. For washing ditnaa . of400 43° x itV Always SAFER ^ decplletage'J. A. B, ond C cups. 3.50 ' AUtfiM* JEW Vuity Fair Facial Thsnes MaMfatl «U To Buy Your Drug Needs in a Drug Store . UNION AVE. Store Hcor«: 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Daily . CRANFORg] bandadtogathar1"1 *Wf ! 1 ; jjqfc||^^ ,t>i^\:'-;yrp^:;:^ij^^^i'pi,.^t-:':Ji:< '?'"•••;•;••'["-•;•;• .--n-;v•^^^ft'ri'ffi^'iSsi^- ^ 'v^V^^^'^T: - ~v'-vh-:-^-^'--' ••:C,' '^V. OvW''-.^^^ 1 : L J : i T r 1 11 '• m Y- ' :—I.',:.-... ','J|,,| * ^n --'-TTi'iw ^^mm*'t~iM*m& ' ''»' 'i'ir II i > i •"'•H M'^^'IW' MXJH ii i'|" ' • *' • iiwi'i'i' • II M i 'i '^lia-irr—^^3iirr'" ~^J*fflrT~I*ri'i—T^*~~ '~""11[T*"^* T~**~*~~*"*~*'~rTrr~rV**~* - ' WT~ T~:" ern Wi II •' — -••)*• . •'_ |( . -[EllMl—rilTi ' mr - mm^i •' • ' ' ' '* 1I1JW" ' •"'•'• 1 . mm w*' ffl.H ||J|^^*'*^ " '' III I iMIi"""" n»— ii ^[•iWHI l^fftmumm '~~ MI|"W'i>itt ii iii|gw>Miii v • v.' -• -i;''.'.'.• •'•• J .;';. ' • • >-'•". '',:'••''••' •-.• ••. — '• A- -•< -. "• : ."•••• ' ...' . •" •".••••.' '; , , " • ..;•...-:'••• ...-.••.: v . " . :;' ... •••••. •••"• .

    \ • '•>•

    THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1834 SECTION TWO THE CHANJTQRD CITIZEN AND CHBONI THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954 'ing of the Sherman-Lincoln.,Pre- on final readings were In'Somervjlle Accident Mrs. Thomas Nolan of *32; Ret Rain or ordinance;* providing for the imp School Calendar from the Rotary Club' and $250 Peter Haiti, 78, # Avon, form- ford avenue. , , ' o OPEN NIGHTS PresentsDnver, from the Junior. Service League, provement of the''public parking erly of Granfdrd, is in critlcaljron- , The speakers were Mrs. Rose area at South arid South Union dition in the Somerville Hospital fe; Year ; all, used, -for . purchase; of addi- Wilkerson, executive dlrectpr of Values ar»e Fine Eleventh Annnal 'TIL 9.30 • Award ta Boers tional modern first aid equipment, avenues at an estimated cost of $9.- from injuries sustained in a twot The Board of Education has ap- Youth Consultation Service ef-| '•••-. Frank, Boers of.23 Normandie and the Township Committee in- 500 and for the improvement of car automobile accident at 10:3Qj proved the school calendar for the Westfteld, who spoke on mental Sunny Acres Parade municipal park property at Spring- p.m. Sunday, on Route 22 near place, received the, "safe , and cluded $3,000 for the s4uad in its 1954-55 school year, designating health for children, and "Mrs.Aur- AtFRANiCS! budget. "' ..'. - - Held avenue, Riverside drive and Mountain avenue, Bridgewater the schools to operr on September Jo Be Held Jane 30 courteous driver" award of the ;; eUa-Kisely,, Lincoln School kin- Purchase of the new ambulance Central avenue at an estimated T?ownshlp. ' . • ..'. -••.., •" 9. Xhe eleventh.- annual' children's •.*• Kiwanis Club at the luncheon dergarten teacher, who discussed Saturday* was made possible'by' the action cost of $500. ;. [ Bfc-Ratti, wjio resided in Cron- f The calendar .* lists 184 school "Preparing Your Child, for Kin- Chicken Legs parade'of the Sunny Acres Civic, m Tuesday- at • Markos Restaurant. of. the-vold Municipal Ambulance Louis E. • Heckel of Mountain^]•ford for nearly 40 years,-was a'. with the closing scheduled •'" nprovement Association will ..-ifv'ft.Kv 1 dergarten." Mr, Boers; who.Js 69 years of Committee in- turning over Id'-lht-' side' the"" only bidder; was} passenger " in ;.•» car' operated by for June 22, 195^. School will be A Question arid *nk,w».i - ,l"' be held SuSBay." 3irne 20, at ipjrfc, •Rich mahogany veneer* ed.the contract for the rental of Uollowed. Retreshments - were and .has been driving for rnore squad the amount of almost $9,000 Mrs. Lena CagnaSsola, JSJl^of [open on Columbus Day with ap- The marchers will assemble at ...••••• .'. -• ~ •.. ' <*'""• •..-,• •.. certain road.equipment"which the served by Mrs. ^Jax Kaseh, Mrs. than 20 years without an accident included in its ambulance re- Spring Lake. He suffered pos- propriate exercises to the schools. j-30 p;m. In' case of rain, the placement Jund. ' „ • public works department requires sible rib and pelvis fractures -and Since Lincoln's Birthday falls on a John Zimmerman, Mrs. Alice • Even leather-tops • Were tip to 39.95 . or traffic • violation was recom- parade will bje held on June 27. President Shahieen re-ported tliis from time to time. \. v a fractured shoulder. His wife, | Saturday, approximate\fijcprcises Liming and Mrs. Nolan. mended tor tne award by Lieut. STEAKS yayor Fred P. Andersen has been !_that applications are being; Referred .. to committee of; the Adelaide, 68, also a passenger in are slated for FelJrtiary 11 in the Invited *\o be guest of honor. W. Powell, and -selected •1 . l*ster W. Powell, -v" »*U,-d tor_. additional linemen, whole was .the offer of the Cran- the car, sustained a possible brain schools SIRtOiN yayor J. A. Stemmer'of "Clark Koos knows that when you go to a table sale, you want to see lots of tables ... not just a handful in each' from several recommendationdi s by especially ""Bj&». ,livinfl or working Jord Alliance Church to permit • concussion but is reported in Dr. Howard R. Best, superintend obbie Selected accepted an invitation to be the township to use property across p a. Kiwards- committee headod. by in town who can be available I good. condition. The fourth pas- dent of schools, said' no classes-will or ;..'•; ' ^riceTaiiger^t^y^sn^hat^n^il^eenombiTow^nt^ao^!^ James F. ^ervick and for seryUx-, diiifiiigrTISe day. trom their present church building senger, - Harry Lusardi, <50, be conducted on November 11 an x^s Reprcsentai of the Judgei ' Two other" • William A Fischer. Dr. Anthony Sordill is chair- as a parking area until such time Hampton, was release^ after treat- 12 to permit'faculty^m'embers to judges will be named in the near You'll find tables that have sol«l up t()/39.95! You'll see big, beautiful cocktail tables with hand-tooled To Boys'State PORTERHOUSE Juture "• The presentation was made by man of thi- squad's board of trus- as the church desires to build. ment for lacerations, attend the teachersteachers* convention. in the past., a king and queen P WR and?&£ il i leather tops .» .with remdvabliB^Jass tops. Drum tables with carved nedestais and brass ferruleSi Ele- i as WnivR and. art- Dr.| .Mrs. Joseph Ar,anu.a8a..Wamut David -Bernstein. . .19n-_Qf Law- —Regtstration-of-Jievu~ pupils_wilL .—Tbeir-idetitilv avenue, complained of water his classmates, to be the defiP] sistcd of* a certificate of award- Edward M. Coe. John V. Nos-. rence, L. I., was driver of the oth-be'^held pn^September 3 and the uy WILSON'S CERTIFIED ili be announced .shortly. gant step, lamp, commode and end tables .. . some? with hand-carved bases, some with gallery-edges, and a merchandise "ticket" given trand Police Chief William A. Fis-standing in the backyards-of prop- er car. He and two passehijers in gate from Cranford High School v k h ajjhuaHeachers*'.workshoHh*kh p on SSepe - OUS ar ! : nrf4\VT>rt» MfiSi^S °LFE?^ P adcs held -chcr—and Fir^ • Chitrf lluward^G. [h 'i T j til lt to^fcjrsey-Boys-SUte. sponsored^Y s r fluted-posts,' leather-tops.-~We re agleam-witlv hand-polished-mahogany^ei»e4>4^g-^-^v--with- tables-that^ wi)I be shown on Majr28rBy W al- The certificate was appropriately | _ hnrfI r was referred to the building in- receiving first aid at the/fiosplta) , Schools will also—be closed - on the American Legion Departmentj FRYING CHICKENS cr tcr Ringer at the basketball court framed by Richard Harti'g An ' spector^ and engineer . to confer for cuts: and- bruises. . ^ November 2 for Election Day, on of New-Jersey. " are all mahogany, every exposed inch! Naturally, quantities in most styles are limited ... . in many (3Vi to 4 lbs. each) ; Mohawk drive at the foot of with the builder. . Mr. Ratti and his party were en- November 25 and 26 for Thanks- This was announced Tuesday on Supplupply istore. Cherokee road. , College.Club Meels Fines collected :, in Municipal route home after attending a wed- giving recess and only a single ses- eveninrat a meeting of Cranford cases there are just the flpor samples or a single pair! Be here at 9 A. M. and take your pick! • Walter M. Cooper *and the R<-v. ARMOUR'S • As there is rjo entry fee charged (Cftjilinuea from page one) '• Court last month •- totaled ' $2,858 ding in Morrlstown. and a recep- sion, on December 22 for the Post 212, American Legion, which Albert Dezso. gave.# brief~auto- or any other fee, entries'must be Mrs. J. B. Warrineton. collection and parking meter collections fpr tion near Somerville. / Christmas recess, with school re- will sponsor the. high school junior. biographies following the presen- 'sponsored by a resident of Sunny •mm tation. Group singing was lead chairman far the'book sale, will April were $1,656.26 .There were opening on January 3. Richard Lewis was elected alter- Cloverbloom Roll Batter 59' Acres,' Lou Barta, chairman, an- pick up books when called by any- 17 general and 55 still fire ala/ms nate. Jersey Boys' State.will be v.. • by.Harold Stanley with Mrs. Ar- A two-day recess, for Washing-, nounced. one', wishing to donate them. last month with property loss esti- ton's birthday is scheduled for held at Rutgers University, Neiy >thiir F. Metz at the piano. James LOWEST PORK PRICES IN N. J. Committee chairmen for the af- Refreshments were served by mated at $2,300. Mrs. Martin February 21 ahd 22 ahd school will Brunswick, from June 27 to July 3. F. Kervick presided. fair include:' Finance, Pete Nyfen; the following hospitality commit- close on April 8 for the Easter re- The post voted to againaga,, providp e Jersey Dressed prizes, Mrs. L. "Helienbrecht and tee: Mrs. Fred Voorhees, chair- New President the Cranford^ Boys' Camp with an Spadenhoe (hardeners cess. 'William Miller; program, C. Sachs; First Ai«l Drive man.- Mrs. .Charles Stevens. -Mrs. The schedule was arranged by a Arpe"caAericann flag^flag (Continued pom ,Pa,ge One) Anthony Stein. .Mrs. L. Moody, Of Cleveland PTA decorations, C. Joti; secretary, To Hear Talk on Soil steering committee of teachers and The following were named to. a FRESH HAMS Mrs. M. Kneirim and publicity, age space for oxygen tanks and Mrs. E. C. Rearick. Mrs. A. M. • Mrs: Homer-Martin of 213' Beech administrators and was posted nominating, -committee by Com- H. M Broughton. the additional first aid equipment Wilson. Mrs. B. C. Btlden. Mrs. "Soil and Soil ConiUtJoning" street was installed as president of throughout the school system prior jmander Roy Irving to select a slate Butt End — r being'acquired- by the squad.' T. J. Buzalski and Mrs. W. T. will. be the ^ubject of. a talk . to the Clev^and School Parent^ to its submission, to the Board of of officers for the coming elections: Shank End-r be given by John Steuernagel of LB. .. _Capt. Harry p. Page pointed out |..Epj>!er.: _: ; Teacher Associatioh yesterday'aft- Education, Dr. Best said. There Clyde King, Howard Ringle, Wil- v LB. ic Educators •m that more frequent and "exiensive trie WestfieldFlOWfir Shop at the ernoon at the annual meeting at were no suggestions or objections, lwrn^Hefeogi-Jr^JElol: ' "-*-Minton- 63' drills will be possible upon.com- " Imeeting"'of the Spadenhoe Gar- the school. Mrs,, G. Holmes Wil- raised, he said. ' " ~ .~ andj uIei~Ddinmer gue. pletiqn of, the new headquarters, den Club next Wednesday eve- liams, past president and recording "On all special occasions and hol- ^Eleven new members were wel- Center Cut I A 'and that the squad"wilt theTThave from page oHe) ~ \ hing. '•• secretary -of tne~ XJnion— County_ idays, appropriate exercises and comed to bring therJost member- LB. To Hear Coinposer ~ adequate facilities for mt^tings up more than 100 extra loads of Th lup will meet at the Council of Parents and Teachers, assignments are held/Dr. Best ex- ship to 241. The new members are The Music Educators, of Ncw^ home" Mrs. Kristian;-Haslcstad was -the- installing, officer. PORK CHOPS W w with other squads in the Second debris. plained. '. . .'.• Raymond H. Crane, Charles Ennis, Jersey will hear a talk by Edgar District of the New Jersey State Members of the Fire Depart- |-of201. Scherrer street. The other officers arei'First vice- Frank Jacoby, William' Jennette, ALL SIZES . Moy 6f Trinity College, London, .First Aid Council, 'of which the ment are cooperating with the ' president, Mrs. R. ft. Mowen; sec- Says Driver Education Anthony C.. Perezluha, Francis E. pianist, organist and composer, at • local .organization is a member. '•. Health Department and the Pub- ond vice-president, Mrs. Thomas Putz and William J. Puta, all of j meeting in the Griffith Lounge Cranford; Dominick - Ricotta of Reviewing the organization's, lielic . Works DepartmenDp t in the Campbell; / third- vice-president, Programs Cut Accidents FANCY FOWL CHICKENS fc'Zft in Newafk at 10 a.m. today. Elec- Newark, Frank A. Perrotti of Or- •it! history in preparation far its first Clean-Up Week activities by mak- Mrs. R. C. Speth, Jr.'corresponding The driver education programs tion of officers also will take place. fund drive, Mr. Cooper related secretary,/Mrs. W. J. Wiseman; re- ange and Henry J.\Van Gelder ahd ing inspections of cellars, stores Units Elects Far s Mrs.w . „._,..„ now being given in most schools (FOR SALAD OR SOUP) Members of the organization that the Cranford First Aid Squad M Gge Ru John H. Van Gelder, both of and apartment houses. Charles L. Farr of Mountainside, cording secretary, Mrs. George Ru now ueiiiR BJVCH itn ••«"••»••"«•"d tffi» -jonn . H. Van uelder, Dom oi Ifrom Cranford include. Mrs. H. "M. .was—incorporated-in June».l953, .reasurer,.-Mrs—James are helping to cut clown traffic | ;,ng Tjlt< ._. williarn Berger of ARMOUR'S STAB llJoardman, Mrs. Robert P. F»Jrgu- with Victor D. Shaheen as. its violations ancHacciaents, FolKe" iTprsevCitv was a guest. |son> Mrs. J.'c. Munday and Mrs. »yal pa- Rich. Powell told **** City was a guest. president. During the summer, -24 No Delinquency Rise and installed as grand Mrs./Williams presented a past I Lieut. Lester W. men took standard and advanced (Continued from page? one) tron1 of the Qr&er of laranth of president's pin to Mrs. Walter E. members of Cranford Unit,. 212, Sherman PTA Inducts * IFAMTIIRKEYS:"^^ . first aid courses under direction recreation and sports activities Thorn, the outgoing president. American Legion Auxiliary, at the Slate of New Jer/e'y Saturday their recent meeting in the Ca- . of A. Nic Hoigland; and following for young people, and added that at the state conve ih Atlantic Corsages for^fBe guests and ofll- Officers for New Year (10 to 12 lbs. each) Eyes Examined sino. that anothenoth r cclass of 13 received Cranford is doing a good, job in past royal pa- cers were made) by Mrs; Gordon Mrs. R. A.'Sewell was installed ;-^ City. He is arid Mrs. Bruno Speaking on "Safety?' the lieu-f their training ' u n d e r AtArthuh r this respect. . Leech, Mrs. Ric as president of Sherman PTA at tron of Cranfortl Court 34. tenant cited a ''number of causes the final meeting of the year last FRESH KILLED Hucttcnian. The .chief said he personally Metzner. for automobile accidents and ex- The squad took over the muni- Mrs. Ella^iK Schmidt of 26 Broad 7 The' fallowing musical program week. Mrs. Frank Steudle was in- 4 lbs., 6 lbs 1R.G.HINDMAN would approve of a reasonable plained what a good driver .can ; '. cipal ambulance as of November curfew after which young-people street was'elected arid installed as was presented by Mrs. Martin, mu- stalling officer. sic chairman: Piano solo by Char- do to try to avoid such accidents. CAPONS fPfi.0< ' v 1 and answered three calls during should be off the streets' and in grand date conductress. ,i Other new officers are: Vice- Optometrist its first day of operation. Since lotte Martin, "Hunting Song" and Plans were outlined* by Mrs. presidents, Mrs. R. N,'Decker and the home "to take care of their Farr was appointed grand George Dixon for the annual READY FOR OVEN then the members have been an- home work and home life.1' "Grandfathers' Clock"; piano so- Mrs. N. F. Imperato; secretary, swering an average of 30 calls a y-~j, Mrs. Clara Frost was lo by Robert Speth, "The Spinning poppy-sale at the end of the month Mrs. John Theisz; and treasurer, BEEF FILET MIGNON 107 N. UNION AVE. month. Present membership is Jmed assistant grand lecturer arid Song" and ""Skating Waltz"; and a to.raise funds for welfare-work Mrs. L. G. Hilyard. Consider Sewer Bids -Jrs. Harriet Deisntritt of Toms among- veterans and their fami- WHILE THEY LAST 36, one member having dropped recorded duet; Janice Hamer and • A program of: choral'music was CRANFORD 6-1332 out. , (Continued from- page 1) "A River, a member of the local court, Edward Tristram. Mrs, E. Tris- lies. presented by school pupils under was appointed grand musician. Mr. Cooper said he Was very mendation from the Board of Ad- tram presented a history of the re-,- \. Mrs. Thomas Nolan, rehabili- direction of James Lenny and justment, the committee approved A large delegation from the corder, an ancient instrument tation . chairman,, reported gifts Channing Coppage. happy about trie support given the | Cranford Court attended the con- squad by the townspeople arid a Variance to permit Richard Mc- made popular by the Trapp family. were' presented to .veterans at Sixth grade pupils will take a Bonnie Burn sanitarium. officials of the township. During Fadden. 10 Normandie place, to vention. The. following part of the pro- bus trip to New York to visit the gram was ' conducted by James Named as delegates to the .Planetarium and the Museum of REPEAT Lenny, ^music teacher: Thomas county ' convention next month ^Natural History.* Tipuldi's • fifth grade class sartg a were Mrs. William Herzog, Jr., Tipd g g Mrs. Hilyard and Mrs! Sewell TERMITES i t M'^l flk JJfasi-., JE(axraond^_l.eonard, Mrs. prounfl—^Chflii'B to a. .folk t4hI£ song "Frog and the Crow"; Miss Thomas Nolan, Mrs. George Dixon tional PTA Convention in Atlantic are flying again. Walch Beatrice Warner's sixth grade class and Mrs. Hamilton. Mi's. -Herzog City on May 25. Mrs. Theisz, Mrs. and Mrs. Leonard attended the for "Swarm*" of "Frying sang .a round, "Randelay" and a Hilyard. and Mrs. Sewell attended THIS WEEK ONLY folk song "Lovely Meadows" and national president's luncheon re- the,Union County PTA meeting in Ants" which coma with. "A Merry. Medley"; the sixth grade cently in Atlantic City. Summit last month. • HYGRADE. Spring, shed their wings, boys presented a round, "The Mer- Mrs. Edward Morrison, vice- Refreshments, were served under then disappear. These ry Tooters" and a. folk song "One president, presided, and hostesses direction of Mrs. W. M. Magan and wood destroying insects More River" and the sixth grade were Mrs. Robert Higgins- and her committee. •; SLICED BACON llb.pkge.O9f girls sang a Mexican folk song and Mrs. John Lione. . ' Cause «»ii«*i« ^linmiflu |O "Buy My Flowers;" . In 1752, the first vohune of an FROM FARM TO YOU DAILY _ not edition of the laws of the pro- property. It was announced that the as- Pre-School"MeeliiJg vince o,f New Jersey was pub- protected consuiio- sociation presented 60 books for j lished by Samuel Nevill, then: tion usually iewn surplus stock. We scooped up a few here, a few there, put them all together in Lean Ground. sey—not In some distant of the program for the'evening MEAT LOAF one big bale . . . with as much as 3100 lopped off their regular prices. 'All have fine THE and will introduce Leon Wcntz GOLDEN OLEO 2 lbs. 3d stale. OnrwoA is GUAR- of a Newark decorating firm. Mr. OVEN-READY ANTEED FORT 5 YEARS innerfpring mattres&etf with pre-huilt borders . .-. a few with Simmons famous Beauty- - W wililll show-thshowtee fllm..aud,iwilLm cSiihouidadditiojiaLchaa] discuss home decorating prob- ~- a one-year anarcmt— i lems, . worthless. hair over -muslin-pocketed coils ... some with Simmons famous BeuutyrestrcushionB. ~ The business meeting will be NO ONE WILL COMPARE FRANKFUR1 For You'll find full-size sleepers, convenient apartment-size ... even king-size with extra- - conducted by Mrs. William G. mff^iy of FrFreee Trometter, president. Hostesses Inspection and Advice — vide mattresses. Wide range of fabrics includes nyloiib and interesting texturea. CALL will be Mrs. Hugo M. Staiger, Jr., Quantities limited, some one-of-a-kind . . .so make tVacks for Koos tomorrow sure! straw dcagned by Seymour Troy i$jhe very last word in chairman; Mrs. C. >Van Chamber- Come In and Talk to Us About Your Freezer Order. lin, Mrs. Frank ' Dooley, Mrs. . Budget terms. W Cost Price* to Church and Civic Organizations 4 .CHesamt M492 Cfcala SffMktaf •'• o» IASV-TO-RC. ACH'ON R O ' U T t 1 7 R A H W A V CteiMrooklns wul do notWnt 23 NQKTH UNION AVt tsr TOUT eompoaur*. and^clouda of WALNUT AVENUE - V r; ., cRanford 6-injj - EUsabeth 2-2755 tmok* In his *«c» wUl not wAna 11 mti u ! ; r ;: :: : ; r yr v : ; 1 : v : : l i; ''ij'" • j' v y"';"'"'•' ' ' \;' V^' 1^ '' '' "-•';"'' '••'•'''' - '•'• '•; - r*y-~X' V;^'' ;>- • ;;' ;:y" 1-.- "^ m •'_.. • •'' •?:' ~"' \""'" - "•••'."- •'•"'• ' *"•''."' >iT.". ':Kj' '••••<•'' .:_;"V:,V4r :y. • y .' ;.o'... • • ••'--''./, • >. ••••• .•••; .» ';;.?' •• ', '•'•"'.J^^'J: •"". '. .'.' ^ \ • ' ';••... •'• '•••" ' .''•.>••"':.-•' \ \ ' , ' • ' • ' . J* • ••"•'"*>'••_••"*.''"•!-,.:•, .'"", '. ^ .yt ' „ •' , !• ";','•'.,'>'. -!'•'' .V

    1954 THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, POtifaW A community-wide" salvage drive was planned Christian Unioa, .undergraduate under- auspices of the Cranford Defense Council Howard MjUus, Alaric" Faulkner, session. _ A skir with club mem- Granted Patent Ihod for increasing the efficiency which he has :.bfceri granted a of,, the Esso Ijaboratdrles,'of the IN RETROSPECT for benefit of the local Red Crosa chapter. Mor« Ken Kon.egen, Bill Donnelly, Ron-' bers in the cast will be featured of the proct-ss^uWd in-the "tflanu- United States patent. Dr. ,Gorn- Standard Oil Development Cotnp* Letters to religous and service organization . i ; Edward J. Gornpwski • of 210 at Dartmouth College, Hanover, tTh dOzeu and *~^** ttign 60 ARP wardens -and volunteers, aagmenteti aid Farband Robert Olsen, bear at the metting. facture of synthetic fuels, for owskj 'is a member of the staff ^ny. Linden. •.' •*• atth (Eitrnntrlp -by-bigh-techool-boys, were to be the collectors.— |»d£e^ Jan^Van-Home-ap^ MaV Manor,avenue has invented a me- __j • ',''.• . .• • • • ' .ill X—._^j_ ...-R: ...... tiayward; lion badge — Bobby CBAWOm CBMHic«. eat**** lift .TH« buworo /OmM crtob«*hed 1898. May 6, ID54 , Ground brealdng_had. been scheduled tea the »J'.- '•'• V Fifteen YMWAEV "'/'.' 1 SUCCeSS. - . >v • , : 4 _A. Schroppe, he attended Cran- first unit of a new field house at Memorial Field, ''• Two new routes wertradded to the nine car, Laing; Walt ' King, - Don Carlson' Seven new me'rnbers -were wel> - . -(Comblllttlui^- ''• Editor, Citizen and-Chronicle, ' * ford High School and is in bis it was announced by Carroll K. Sellers, chair* tier routes of the' Cranford Post Office and resi. and Alan Doktor. . . ' >^ corned. Refreshnients \yere serv- Cranford, N. J. ' , .' junior year at the college. Last man of .the Veterans' Memorial Committee. It dents of Roger avenue, Munaee drive and CayUga Also, "gold star' —^obby Laing, ed . by Anton Tirinesz and" Tom Dear Sir;-.:'- ! ••_. .. • "• _ . • . yea;'• r he was ejected to Oreen Key, ' was hoped to have the building completed by road received mail'deliveries. There also wore Warren Lacobi, Ar^Faulkner, Ken .CHARLES'M. ftAY, EOITO» AND V several shifts in personnel... ~ The annual-track meet of Cub Korner. ' • . " . • • 1 wish to take this opportunity honorary service, organization. memorial Day. The initial structure W8B to be Ktmosen, Peieicimbel, Walt Ring, to thank all those who helped The Cranford Garden Club's Open Gardens ^OS^recjLby the First Commandier George rlilbert pre-- Thes Christian Union is in. charge: 48 by 24 feet, plus a front porch, and VU to Hahk ^ct&irig. Ken Thorn, Tim ; NATION AltlOITdllAl make the Third Annual Food Fair include rest rooms and a large room for the use Day was held at the home of tyrs. C. JS. Gretn wsbyterian Church, will he held sided. • .' - ' • • of the daily chapel "services at of prospect street and »t homes of 16 other Craiw Boeltger, Bill Donnelly.Dl " R. Zobel, of the Cranford High School TpTA of playground groups, and athletic teams. Event- jturday at the Rahway River Dartmouth. Connected with the ually, dressing rooms, shower rpoini and other fora residents. Proceeds were to be used to aid an : Bave Arnold. Mai Ha'yward and Leading Role in Show an even greater success than was World Student Christian Move- . endowment fufld of the New Jersey Sjate Garden l?rjt''in'Rahway._ ^> facilities were to be added; and th«-exterior of The tubs'are asked.toReport at Bill Sussky; silvei-arrow w Billy-, our second...... ' •• .. •ment; the organization -fr^quprfSy the completed structure was to be covered with' Club." •'•'"• ' ~ " . r Bobby Laing (2), Ricky Huston, Given George Beer " To date a profit, of $36000 has the cop Cranford am park at 9:30 a. m_- wad fathers presents timely speakers to the ; Although the Cranford anibuiariceansworc,} W. .TaCObi,i (2), "A Pa'nllm.rf'/« ' A Cranford man. Georgge Beer. "been realized.. This ls'dUe'i&rtHe" 4a calls uarlile Uic ftr8t-three''mowthaU»u» — •--- — ——>- j«.ur, t . __f y."Oth«Wiii)i>Ua til- In one of the closest finishes In' CrantortI Lve been urgeara axxena ana laKen Konegen, Bill Wiseman, Pete Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Beer dM hard .work and enthusiastic sup- elude work with hospitalized vet- only $7 in donations by users -was received,. ac. . iu i. ^4 nmce at Cranford N J as Second Class tlatter. Published Thuwdays al Bowling League history, Petersen's Dairy edged Kimbel, Russ Hermansan,- Tom Chester ..Lang place, will" have a a«.thei Post ^e ^ranford^J.^as Chronjciej Jnc oftcial newspaper for Cr_nford( port of the class mothers, the J*TA. erans and needy families. • out the Cranford Post Office by one, game for cording to the report of Henry-W. Whipple, treas- Liclpate .inr*the father and son urer of the fund. ' ' ' - ' • ' . /entS;^^' _ ... • ••' .;. Mitchell, Tim Boettger (2), R. Zo- major role in the forthcoming SS and K-Xirlh. Suoscriptjon R«te. *4.00 a Year. Advertising Rates on Request, ^membership, the ways and means first place. The two teams were tied for first The Rev. Matchett Y. Pojmter of, the Crardord ood and B.«wiwwiu ou K -^fc-f-- - -•_ T_LXPHOM_ CPAJWOBD 6-6000 as the final night of competition began. After plans were ' outlined. for briii'g- "bel, Dave. Leary, Robbie Ether- production of Sigmund Romberg's 21r23 Aldcn Street. Cranford. N. J. ^l»»T - •„ / committee, the executive board, Methodist Church was elected chairman of a local iirgton (2)-. Mai Hay ward and "Desert Song" to be.presented by the-high school sJaJT, the A &,A dropping their opening game to. the third-place L the cub program to a close and Errico Truckers the dairymen Came back'to win committee organized to oppose legalization ofrace U officers for the coming year Ralph' Morrison, and den chief Elizabeth's Civic Players* Guild. Hardware^ and last but'not least, track betting in New Jersey. .< v Taxpayers the-second game by a bare eight-pin margin and ,, e announced at "the final- meet- .-ord.-—.Dick Staiger. r . i. • ' He will act, sing and dance the 10* and Chrorii- Twenty Years Aw r then took the nightcap With 32 pins to spare, of pack Saturday "night at the A nature film "Land of thgJKan comedy role of Bennie,the society Ninety-nine certificates or properties_wete v ThisFu-8t Aid Call Should Be POffK'e]''rr1 ! won tlxMr first gnmft from reporter., The. program will be The I'oct owe*. HCBIUJ »»tju d!••••-•d...... th„• ie. second sola by Tax collector George G. Teller al a pub- Eyteriuii CUmuli. Cubinaster aroo" was shown by Russell the Republican Club but dropped the second lic auction in the' Township Rooms for unpaid ci't Harmon presented the newBoettger r-teachers-as-welL- was redected—treastrferr TeamilnXoeal. ii ^^b ' committee by Mayor" „_ ficTF J FRfE... aid. ' .',.'•• : .> Editor, Citizen.and Chronicle, provide annual increments, has *:•.« A:-..--: ' ; meeting of the Township Committee. - took place as the business of the township- wa role. He is a graduate of Thomas and travelini 3,47.9 miles in the ambu- rant0 N been voted by the Board of Di- jussell Boettger was introduced as As Advertised in McCalVs Magazine Through use of men^bershiplabor as ^ ^: - ^\. . . - conducted by the "Boys' Township Committee Jw deri dad for Den 9 replacing Softball League Jefferson High School, Elizabeth, lance, members of the Cranford First Aid rectors of the Cranford Taxpayers • Ten' Tears «»~ 1 Taking part were: "Mayor" Chester Lang, "Town- and he plans'to enter Montclair Squad flow stand ready to seeK a voie 01 much as pps$ible and with cooperation of -^ Roosevelt Parent Teachers Association. p. . - . .-..-- Eupils of St. Michael's Parochial School pre- ship Clerk" George Koerner, "Police Commission- ed Thoih. . A team'will be entered in the Lead the Life of Squad flow stand ready to seek a vote of sented their annual entertainment in the school The father and. son banquet wiH Cranford Softball League, spon- State Teachers College in the fall • The association directed Car-. er" Santiago Porcella, "Road Commissioner Wal- t where he will major- in- English Lima confidence from the people, they serve, local building material suppliers, it. is Association once again wishes to auditorium.. There -were vocal and instrumental ter Holmquest, and "Finance Chairman" Gilbert & held June. 5 in the gym at thesored by the Township Recitation ; : fid f th people they serve roll K.' Sellers; secretary, to in- musical selections as well as several .^(cits and and dramatics. . 3-ft • Ashwell. ' „ . . ••••-• tcsbyterian" Church. Cubs may Committee, by Capt. Newell Rod- •>''jf".f!'->1J1 l dancing acts! Strawberries ii :o;.t-Nk-' Starting this Saturday and continu- hoped to keep the cost of the building un- express' to you their sincere aP- A local market ran an advertisement listing ney Fiske Post, 335, Veterans of * ••'•'. The 1944-45 subscription drive of the Crrn- ecur.e tickets for the banquet Beans ] Right from the, pages of prices as follows: Print butter, two pounds foj Foreign Wars, ' • • « Esso Women's Club ingthrough May 23, an appeajTwill be feWWofthe^dnvelsS^ . ford Community Concert Association got under 59 cents; prime rib roast, 25 cents a pound; bone- o their' den dads, Meredith ?•«;»• McCall's Mister Joe brings made throughout the township f6r. funds $10,000, realization of which would per-past year, "Our association \vay officially with the opening of drive' head- less chuck pot roajt, 19 cents a pound; rumps of Wiley, chairman,' announced. ' This was decided at a meeting Plans Annual Meeting, Fordhook to ienable the squad to start construction mit immediate start on the sorely needed AS always we realize your co- quarters, at 4. North Union avenue. A house-to- veal, 27 cents a pound; fresh killed fowl,. 29 cents One new member, Bobb"y Wil- of. the post last week at the Vet Annual meeting and luncheon you these 4 new tlinners and ; group told the legislators, "that house "canvass was planned. _ '•••... !ifi*. ;«^:-v;!i.-. isa token ot our clyic the Bill is an encroachment on p pound; lemons, 23 cents a dozen; bananas, four |on, was erirolled and the follow- erans Memorial Hall. The VFWof the Esso Women's Club will be Green recipes. Plus many other new recipes, of a headquarters building to increase separate squad headquarters. su^'ori™ ^ Dudley J. Croft, who had resigned from the pounds for 19 cents. A nearby abattoir had the g awards were made; Bobcat p'in won the league championship las the principle of 'Home Rule' in . Township Committee after serving nine years following offerings< All kinds best cuts of steafc n held Wednesday at'the Bay way the efficiency and scope of its service to Harry P. Page, captain of the 36-man ""we'ean assure you your help that it transfers control of a ma- as fire commissioner, .in order to accept appoint- - Alan Netcel, Philip Brubaker, year. • Plans were discussed for Community ...Center, Elizabeth. rising Frozen Foods. Get your free copy 18 cents a. pound; .best pot roast, l1g_mi(ij a a corned beef and cabbage dinner Beans jor part of the operation of the ment as township treasurer, was guest of honor at pound; chuck roast, 12 cents a pound; beeftehder- ;icharct Erdmann, Robert Staiger Reservations will close. Monday, NOW. .'... • •.;••'.'.'. the community. squad.Temarked that erection of the new has been gratefully received. ; school system from' the local to a testimonial dinner ik the Chimney Corner given • loin, 25 cents a "pound; chopped meat, three pounds nd Brll Donnelly; wolf badge — in June for the benefit of the bal it was announced at an execu- by the Firemen's ClubV \ . . ' " .- for 25 cents; legs of veal, whole legs, 14 cents a Jim, Netcel, Jack. Argehto, team. ... • tive'board meeting last Week at Cut or French The proposed building will house two building will provide facilities for more Again many many thanks, the state level. Local Boards are Dedication of a service\flag' tndicaUng the directly answerable to the voters pound. '• • honias Charles,, Warren Jacobi Plans were also discussed for an the center. ,...'- Veeetahtes ^J Just Ask for Them of Kings! number of boys and girls from Cranford High H. R- Winckler. was reflected chairman of the ambulances, the old one turned over to extensive and frequent drills and train- corresponding "secVetary .of the community and. we (eelSchool serving in the armed forces and. presenta- "open house" to be held at the At the executive session, reports that their control of salaries'should ' committee Ui arrange for Cranford's Memorial VetcVaijs Memorial Home follow were submitted to Mrs. James E. Cauliflower nil'. the squad by the former Municipal Am- ing sessions, and also a place to meet with . tion of awards for athletic and artistic achieve- "Day observance. Mayor George E. Osterheldt wa bulance Committee, and the modern members of other squads in the area for An* A IAR not• bexurtaijedbexunauea... • ment during the year took place at an assembly honorary chairman.- Frank A- Abbott, commande ing me Memorial Dsy parade. .1.TMcGovney. of Cranford, ppresident. Swift's Park Lane p la m l M ; was-decided-to-hire-an-Orchestra $10,000 ftrst_aid ambulance which has discussions on procedure and dembhstra- ^ ^°™™ Jt ° ® 'TheBiirwoUld lUrtherseerrrto—prograiri-in-the-school^auditojiunu'\The^flag-had ^f~NewelI^Rbdhey Fiske Post 335;"Vetei;ins of for—presentatio the^annual encourage: mediocrity among 74 stars and seven gold st^rs. \ \, . - Foreign Wars, and Harold A. Glovier, conVmandcr CRanford 6-3787 been purchased and' is scheduledfor de- tiqns of hew aridimproved f u-st-aid-tech-4««cpivecLMay_2_7^_^—L teachers since the Board would . ; Misf. "Juliette Brauermani of Pla^fleld, asr of Cranford Post 212, American Legion, WLTQ 1 no longer have the authority to re-. ^S^«^*T&2SJr£3fr named first and second vice-chairmen, respec- PLUMBING HEATING OIL BURNER* livery later this month. Also-provided lUaJues/ " ^^WS!?, !! ward better than average teachers. ,cheon of the VUlage Improvement Associa- tively, Guy D. Peck, Jr., was. elected secretary •ii i_ r L * oj-i* i » •• r\ e J *J i. i • Board of Education s playground r Iui - and George Bienfang, treasurer. . | . tion in Calvary Lutheran Church. . |r. George Francis Schait will, be room for storage of additional . In urging every Cranford resident to development program wm be^ re,Regimentation is not a stimulant JOSEPH LEVY first aid equipment and rooms for meet- cast a vote in iavor of the First Aid Sqiiad ceived on May i7. our state At a educational •• systcrti Chiropractor ings and training sfessions. by contributing to the building fund, Wai- , meeting last Wednesday would Magnate and deteriorate. Ford Gardeners was awarded a GENERAL CONTRACTOR Cranford's need for a first aid squad ter 1L Cooper, drive chairman, pointed: ^S iSSJSS JSSS't tricolor ribbon at the flower show A Three Sprlnjfleld Avenue 103 Adams Ave. CRanford 6-1261 of its own was felt for some time before out that the resultant improvement in advertise for bids for fencing at staged" by the Meta Shirrefs Gar- Cranford, N.J.' CAHrENTRY MASTONRT PAINTING actual organization of the unit got under- squad efficiency will benefit every family *** ^ar ox cranford High school Adm. Slanley to Spe^k den' Club Friday at the Elmora Presbyterian: Church, Elizabeth. waylast year under guidance^f Victor D: in; th^bmmunity -ihn^-ioae^^ip^^^^^^ ^ £ i«e!"Onai UUy in unaen MILK-FED Shaheen, present squad president. Now tection in times of illness, accident or playgrounds at Lincpin and cievc- Admiral Emory D. Stanley No Better Name.. f ••'' V • '<•, ii ' entered by eef Tongues Chief Fischer's plea for a return to "a Of Christian Union An arrangement Bi&d ifl 6|IM Opm Monday Cvwlngi After reporting that Cranford finds Rol?ert H 6 s rfn 1 Bdmert Place, Gnnfoid LOUIS MONTINI frlidoua . . . rwady i» tenet, spuit of good old American thinking in ^W""*"* •«*. P « SHOE REPAIRING itself in an enviable position in contrast \he raising of children." A little old- VITA FOOD PRODUCTS. INC Kosher Style Boneless with communities beset by serious juve^ 8 Alden Stiv . Cranford 644 GREENWICH ST* NEW YORK 14 nile delinquency problems, Chief Fischer fashioned discipline now may prevent lb makes the point that parents themselves petty ^pranks in the "boys-must*be-bpys" Brisket Corned Beef are mainly, responsible |ox.fa8gBinS.J^n-. category from leading our youngsters into ditions that way here. the deeper disregard for the rights of ^7^jrtirSlteaMl.J^ Sliced w Chunk~™"r others tha Lamb Liver Bologna IT PAYS TO ft YOUR HOUSE in Size! in Value! in Quality! Storage Rates Are Among New 11 cu. ft. Supei The Lowest in The State Del Monte PtMfcJi__Ji: II California ONLY I/O OF YOUR VALUATION ABOVE SpIliCR OUR MINIMUM CHARGE PimkMeat Large Sbt •— FUR GOATS-- THIS MAY NEVER Te«atots Value* Up To: ... . R»tet: HAPPEN TO YOU with all Tropical Fralt •r" $100. .;;.:,.".„..,....;;.., :...:..... $2.50 min. Bat . . .'. then acaln, it may! Yon can't foresee ese features! Prwiw Amioerai future events, bat you •ach 300.^, can gel Insurance d- p 400, ..:.. 5.50 •gainst aerioiu. financial Fraezvr Chest Horlda GoMea ttntom consequences. •MI-wWHiChill .; 500. ._, -,:... 6:50 etc, : Drawer • -. •"'• Sweet Cornr Play Safe- Doh JVoic/ • Golden finished oll- aluminum Shelves I Florida Pascal -- CLOTH COATS — WE HANDLE ALL VOBMS ON OUR PLAN; EACH MONTHLY MORTGAGE PAYMENT DECREASES THE IN- • Butter Compartmeni Valnea Up To: ' ~ Bates; OF IN8UBANCE WITH la*, solid • Frozen Juice Con - ~BKPRE8ENTAT1VE stalk $ 50...... ^.^..^^.^ .. .;... $1.50 min. TEREST AND DECREASES THE BALANCE OUTSTANDING, UNTlC BEFORE YOU KNOW Holder in Freezer ,' Celery COMPANIE8 Sunklit Frettn . ioor~ :"...;. ~...li;• Z~7.~. "2.00^ • Tall bottle space Orangade T«Bd«r Y

    200. ....,...... :.,...... 3.00 etc. CHARLES WL YEAKE •' ' '- '.'• "• • • .'••."' .•••.... : •••',-•• '' •.'•• ' :".• • ''.'"" *> • • Meal Tender for 53c bit Me SACK.WITH — MEN'S or WOMEN'S SUITS — INSURANCE storing fresh meats MH COUPON Siring Beans VUuea Up To: " Kates: ASK US ABOUT OUR LOW COST MORTGAGE PLAN, WHICH/ IN TIME, ELIMI- • Removable half-tnetf $ 50. ..; .:. $1.00 min, CRuftrd 6-2474 •• ' . ••"• '.. ' • • • . • . , ...i. • Meter-Miser with 5-Year Warranty ALL STORES OPEN FRIDAY NITE TILL 9 P.M. ioo. ..,...,.: :.... 1.50... Cranford Trust Bldg. NATES YOUR MORTGAGE. YOU NEED NOT BE A DEPOSITOR TO BORROW HERE. 150. ;„...: .....,.....;.l...... 2.00 etc BOQM 2. SECOND FLOOR BUTTtK CQp 31 NORTH AVE. CRenford 6^300 N«xt To Firehousa - Jua* iors CRANFORD ROOFING MWTRU ST COMPANY ON

    -- •() ...••••. •'..•'"' FREE PARKING ' ' " j^L • ' ' MODEL C jf S333.95 Parkay jiMur Built and Becked by General Motors JONNY MOP RIVAL Kraft DISPOSABLE PADS Velveeta 24b. box CRANFORD RADIO 89 LB. CAN Heat If-Spooa It—$»r«od It CLEANERS AND PYERS Open Monday and Friday Evenings 44 North Ave., E. Cranford, N. J. HARRIS Cheez-Whiz «^ K29 Where Mr. Joe Saves You Dough •bsr SWAN for the flncsl la Vvt 26 Eastman St. , CRaniord 6-1776 * . t .v\ ; : • ' .-"'... •,--',' .'•'•."':, ' •• • r-''' X\'-' "':-' ''•':' ;"'-'-N•??!•:*. W-;'WS1^S „•;•."-i.1 y.',:S.v^'-'i- "' -'- '• '-' • '' - -y^-• • -y >'.:.''"•' •-•'^-. •'• V -'' '•/'>'• '*•'•* '•;'' ' '•'" '• I' . • ; V) .••• •' ' • ,\_-^_ '.'• •' •' __ _•- . \. ' : •V—' ~ .. ''• .' ">''• ' • "• ' - • '

    — I THE CBANFORD CITIZEN AK15 CHRONICtE. THURSPAy, MAY IS. 1954 THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, MAY 13, 'i Laurie Kammler, John Glidden, .'. " . '.-. '.': Grade 9 ' •' ' /".v:Ci»(US „ ' :' '.. ..'.Mr. Hpbbie. the role of the church in the lif* ;ranforcTs PubKc Schools Report Judith Herzog, Nanette Schmidt, Jtoan Golden reports that Emily The boys and/girls of Ernest Classroom leaders" for this of the peopl&\during the'period. Judith Kutesra and Diane Metzr Meschter.a member of Miss Hobble's fifth ^rade - have xo'm- : month j»re: EUen VanHirtum arid In connection~''Vri&tfIuVv>ia&r flex,,;.,:"':•.;:.':: ;. :.:;,. ' ;:.,'/' .:'..' '. •-.Ponoyan', s sixth Rrade,'has return- [. plated their art projects. ' They I Rodger Kopf, recess; Patricia Di- they put their own ideas into mak- ed frotrom-am o,r- triptrip^-t~U>o England arid made samplers to take home and Clcrico a^nd Linda • Sorge; room ing - stained - glass -windows ' of (iti^ttestof^Piipife^nriliattv^Fieia Pumpkin seeds* saved' from' Hal- Holland., Hek" classinates have.en- present to their families. Among arrangement and boards;'Brenda'l papei*. , Some of the best ones CLEVELAMD 8CHOQL loween jack-o-lanterns arc being joyed hearing , about^ her. trAve^s the sayings embroidered 'on these Beachr milk; Frederick Timpson were placed on the bulletin board. planted by Miss Elizabeth Kelly's and looking at the souvenirs she samplers'were:-' "Honjc, ..Sweet and Carol Greiiter,-current .eventi^ The art w,ork made by the follow-: • " Kindargarten '. •; :-, : Marie Plamondon, Linda' Atkins, Evangelistic Rally ~ Metlwdht Fellowship Groups cushions tor* give to their mothers fourth" grade*. The children are brought home. , • Home," "East or W&st, Home Is Lee Hilyard, attendance; and ing pupils "was placed .on thie bul- Miss Rose Marie Murray's kin- Richard Rau and Leonard Van making individual plantings and Miss Beatrice Warner's -sixth Best," ^"Think," and "Be Wiso, Richard'-,Tunison, librarian. Thought for the Week Saders. Airplanes were played by on Mother's Day.' Each child sew- letin board: Beverly Lou-rcy, John Attend At Alliance (phurch fiergarten class presented a play ed two gay hearts together'and when- the seedlings are ready: for grade class, visited .New Ybrk__as Study.""" •'. ; ;" ", "' ••_ ^ . ., ': „•': ' -. GthA» B\ . :' Main, Linde Dunne. Charles Do- J> Michael Nelson, Emery Enz, and y The Rev. Martin Walsh, founder To Hold Wawayanda Retreatl Lpoy AH GoodjBoys and Girls. stuffed them with cotton. •* Then a transplantinp g they be. pup t guests of the Cleveland PTA ThB. children also ; preKi-nte4; a '.The boys and girls in Mrs,-Dol- ney, Janet McMasterr Barbara William Bi^ch. Ellen. Turner i Mrs. S. Shaw and \Mrs- H.;Tida- aild director of the John §:24 Windows Members of the Junior, Senior arid Ypung.Adult Tellowshijsfeeverly Uliom was the mother, Patricia Foppert, Susan Higbie, tiny loop of ribbon was-sewn, on outdoors in • the children's home ^ampler to Mrs;'.Ruth- Jahov^ifc; ores ltsJilnor's sixth grade, arc Minch. Beverly Hetzler and. Den-, At Alliance bock accompanied the class. The his Schar. '—;',' j... - |. Mission in Philadelphia, who has Brotherhood Ten new stained «lass windows of CranforcTMethodist Church will begin their week-end retreat d/fcer"childrenwere Robie Arnold Jariet Lawrehce, and Maria Am*. the- top so that the: pin cushion gardens. elementary supervisor; ' Vmcent studying the middle- ages in so- imynded by police offi- Metropolitan Museum of Art, theSarnowski, school- principal, and cial studies. They learned., about hp Hf iff Andpver at 4. P-m. tomorrow., There Kloin. The man with brose were . very fine dancing could7 be hung up. • ' ". "A pumpkin growers' reunion" (Continued o» P«o« «**) ~7 cials «jf that city for his wo will hp held hv these prospective Museum of Natural History,'and preventing delinquency, will UR great Way-shower, Christ her a warm message of loving cated at both morning services on a program of worship, study and.recreation: banjo was Louis Ackerman New Jersey~farmers October"So7 the Hayden' . .--• -'-•• Grade a •"" •'_ • "•• GonveiiUon the speaker at the last in a scries Jesus. ;> declared (John 13: good wishes for a new work upon May 23 in the Osceola Presbyter- . principal speaker at the retreat, will be John Havea from the' "sandman was -John •^ Sharon Bartholomew., was the 1954 so that all pumpkins harvest- the itinerary. "^ •• x ian Church, the.Rev. Albert G. Tonga Islands, iwho has been se-* .Each child in Mrs. Anna Arm- The Rev. Frank; V. H. Carthy of evangelistic meetings under the Dr. George A. Aitchcson, pastor o 34), "A new commandment which she was about to embark. shy Jack-in-the-box. Ina Gallan-- ed may be admired. • • •;. ' SHERMAN SCHOOL Thp fairies were «an- I give onto yon. That ye lore one The writer's heartfelt desire lor Dezso, pastor, announced. lected by his church to attend the" ter was a Hawaiian dolL William brusfer's second grade presented and Delegates .Walter E. Cooper, auspices of Elizabeth .Youth cd the Alliance Church, is attend- his or her mother with a spring Children taking part in this -' Kindergarten another; as I have loved yon, that her rich UAfoldment of activity, The Rev. Mr. Deszo will preach World Council of Churches in Ev- Wimmer, Rita Rice, Barbara DiLolIo and Jeffrey Benford were Fellowship, the ing the annual council of—the flower booklet for Mother's Day.;activity, are: Patricia Van Saders, The children " in Mrs. Dolores Henry T. Grubor and Robert J Christian and Missionary Alliance, ye also love one another." He peace, and Joy was warmly re- at identical services Sunday at anstonj ill.^this summer. Patricia' Kammler and cowboys.! .Mary Magner, Wendy Joan Zak,, Charles Krippendorf, Cranford Alliance Cfii at 7:45 ceived. Both had seen that evil Brown, The booklet had descriptions, and Jannelli's class made butter. The Sr^—rcpres^ntfil Trinity jDL-ChicajBflL-Xesteri «*o tenderly cared for and |n- 9:30 and 11 a.m.-, Russell Meyers Cathy'campbeJL -Th$ three bears Hopper. Kathleen Holko. Kathleen Te.ddy Moran, Joan Banker, Royce following children participated in fhnngtit. »nA aCtJOfll dO QOt per The Rev. Albert Allinger, pastor, drawings from specimens of the YOUR : day and will continue 'through stfucled his disciplesJn-4h»jheak wnrship service and m fako « Ms topic: "When uerc qhristof* Palasinski, Thad- Reilly, and Elizabeth Kreig were Moffett, Candy; Rich, Robert the .activity: Henry . Dassbach, t >'"S^' Church at the 1.70th annual con- During the meeting, ing power of God, divine Ldve, long to the child of God. Love; w child's favorite' flower, the first ; Tuesday. In his absence, Dr. Wil- sound films will be shown • at a Does God Intervene?" at the 9^30 _ „ .... .and-janc^stUf- cowgA;ls Beverly Dadd was FJseher.^JCaren Tucker, Carroll Walter Doney, Rqbcrt Goldsmith. fer- i'v"^% ventioh' of ' the Episcopal Diocese •>e open to the publick the Droved, by his own ministry of the one universal Fattier....From spWng flower,~the lawn-ply,—and liam A. Mierop, president of the meeting Sunday at 7 pjri. of theand 10:55 a. m. services Sunday. The toy -soldiers were ' Don- announcer. William Nelsen was Bowling, Berime . Marino, Gary Robert •Grasmg.-v1 Robert S-'V.-t,. . of New Jersey on Tuesday, and beth Vouth Fellowship- Mixed healing and redemption an on- on the friendship was estab- rFamily Day will, be observed aJ Icr. ihe azalea. "- te Bible Institute, will Senior Hi Westminstei r FlFellowl - There will be Holy Communion at ald Sena, -Bradley Suneson, Law- the flag bearer. James Williams Stockberger, Alan Hospes, June Robert Kicsling, Gleen Lewis, Jos- ^ l hmiherly love forg|l . on a firmer, truer basis. SrSO—pan:—Sunday^-* -Mcttgpr,—Justin.... ClayteBf —Peter-^-Staweekv leimer of Petjuannock will .play v He understood man to be com- Only, a spiritual ondersUnding At unday morning, and" families _ Barbara Watters had' brought in Trenton. Dr. Mierop, a former pastor and pletely spiritual and perfect, the special meeting will. be held off John MaeKay, and David Arthur, hurl 'hrniiilM I Staiger; . ' , Davi_i d Erdmann,. Walte.!-r Gregor• y Ward, HowarL d - Mitchell• , the marimba. ' . . ., of God and of man In His likeness Mrs. Doris E. Rothweiler - will invited to worship together- as"aL,01 pussy willows to class' in February, ' On Tuesday evening they heard radio speaker, spoke at the month- beloved child of God. In this son- Trn» youth, budget committee. use ' " ••••'..' Albert Smith, and Gerald Ber- Bruce Hansen, Roberta Hawlpy, tour were the large-scale measur- Call - Monica Varley and Karen members last Sunday were Mrs. Collins Haydon will read the A series of three adult meeting and Judith Herzog brought tulips Cook. AU Savincs. Received Before the 15th of the 'standing committee on. constitu- ourselves and our brother, so that Constructive love refuses to ac- nard, Barbara Ann and Carol .Ann ing and mixing of ingredients, the , . Month Earn Dividends from the 1st Corelia Rces, Miss Etta Vreden- friction, destructive criticism, knowledge that one can be sick Treacy, children of Mr. and Mrs.Scripture, and Rudy Langheinrich n preparation for chuVch member; BIG MOMY-SAVING DIVIDENDS of "several kinds and colors;'El- Grade 2 'tion and canons for one year and Marian Year will be in charge of the ushers. ship -will begin on Sunday eve. many fascinating machines which : was named by the bishop to serve burgh and Mrs. Grace, Vreden- 'sickness, and unhappiness may be or in want, a failure, or a slave .Gerald Treacy. • • len Foster introduced the class to rolled, cut, decorated, and pack- Miss Elizabeth JVllen's^ class is Special May devotions in honor burgh. • ' .. • to any false material sense, be- - There will be a calendar meet- iing-at 7 o'clock for those who ai the myrtle and white iris. Nan- studying about the Indians and on the Cathedral Chapter for three eliminated. Mrs, Paul Krauter received ing at 8 p. m. Monday, to which ilanning to unite with the churc} aged various types of cookies, and Thinking of BUILDING, BUYING or REFINANCING of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in- J. W. Bedford will head a group On one occasion a friendship cause it sees,. not a mortal, but • ette Schmidt contributed lily of the tremendous ovens .which baked has started a museum in the | years. . bouquet, of flowers at the 9:3al0l organizations using facilities, of in June 6. Tne topic "for idi^ n.m. service Sunday',! cluding the Rosary, Litany of theof men from the' chur.ch who will that the writer greatly valued ap- the man of God's creating. The the -valley; flowering-quince.;wa s h-girls were: also -pri- classroom. The following - child- -i! A' •h*- H beauty of holiness heals all' ma-' a.m. servicei for being the mother the church have been asked to send ion will be "What Christians Be Jay, Guinther's contribution. Tlo- YOUR HOME - Come In and Consult Us I Father Carthy will preach on^ the conduct a bervic* »• th«» flood Will penrpd to be breaking; Much re- with -the- most children under ten vileged to talk with the home eco- ren brought things to display: Marian Year and Benediction, are Rescue Mission, ^Newark.' ton^or- sentraent^ndunklnn'ness seemed erroneous thinking—and Cub parents and ieve." berta and Pauline brought many Betsy -Ann -Cyphers, beaded belt; ^p: ''The Strength of,the-TruthJl: draws to the activity of spiritual years ..ot__age. _Mr^_.wdney_^ulU>_ nomist' who works with a chemist row night. "ItI o ^^l'rhiilhr^^prTp ' the*"cbmmittee of~Pack~175T will The Junior. Fellowship will J pansies; y Higging s broughg t in developing new cooky recipes, Diane beWeexdt,Jpnv^rn;^usan i Other services at Trinity on Sun-" g thinking all who are ready for the ford received a bouquet of flowers Church each morning at the 8 Boy Scout Troop 77, sponsored oc'ation. .For some time she found meet in the chapel at 8 p. m. Mori- at 7- p.m., with, worship se'rvia lilacs; Dorothy MaeKaK y andd BBar-and who tests every batter in her Walker, pictures of hei'self taken 11-;;'• day include: 8. a.m.. Holy Euch- rich blessings ~ of,. true brother- at the 11 a.m. service for having led by Robert Stanger. This on each Gallon of We Have Plenty of ' it almost impossible to correct her ; i day.. Ralph Sjursen will' 'be in bara Llone brought azaleas, while own test kitchen before it is made with a .Sioux Indian; Richard arist; 9:15. a.m., family worship o'clock mass and Tuesdays at 8 by the Alliance Church, 'will have | hood. • • ... " ?T ':v .the .most grandchildren, 21. thinking about her friend, so hard charge at the prayer-and praise be followed by the election of ofl Barbara Watters gave the class a up into cookies to be sold. Plant, hand painted vase; Linnca land Church School; 10 a.m., rcc-p.m. its • investiture . and charter cere- TKe trustees will meet at 8 The Rev. William B. Donnelly, had the blow been. And after she Tending our thought gardens service at 8 p. m.' Wednesday. \ cers and preparation for the chance to examine.spring beauty. Those who went on the - trip Kearney,' Indian dolls; Walter i tor's'coffee class. •'' mony at the church tomorrow at] p.m; Monday. • •. . pastor, reported that members j of received a letter asking forgive- as carefully and as watchfully as Jean and Alan Borup, and Rob-and Family Night to be presen To remind us that we were in- were: Greta Christensen, . Jill Bernard and Judith Marshall,, !• At services last Sunday, the 8 p. m.' ness, things seemed more distress- an experienced gardener tends Circle 8 of the Women's' Guild the following week. . SPRED SATIN Mortgage Money Available the Boy and Girl Scout troops] Special ^j^ wil, Be held ert and Mildred Waver will be in v doors, Helen-Beth Frantz brought Donnelly, Agnes "r Fingerlin, Di-. books ,on. Indians; and William I Rev. Ronald G.(Albury,' who. was ing .than ever. Then, early one his rare blooms, we are richly re- will- meet Monday at. the home of - * . ' 1* "' 7 - Some of the children in Mrs. the,JatC-^crYicx:..,the junior ^war- envy, fear, indeed all' material • \: : swept away in an overflowing re- 3 meets Tuesday at the home of Problems Today" for the report den, Robert J. Laier, Sr., presented at -Roosevelt Stadium. Jersey City, charge; ' at ""Brookside " :Nursing' thinking; and following Christ i^ited, to,atten d a.proj ond grade phonics class finished an, Patricia Sechler, Sally Boren- Christina Diel's class have chosen CRANFORD SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION " alizauon' pnflivirie "XoveV ever* Mrs: Frank BaM," 364 West^-lane, the:" Westminster'FeTIowsHiJ)": the Rev. Mr. Albury with a purse next Sunday. ' Home, with .the Youth Fellowship, Jesus,... we reap the harvest of recreation-to be sponsored by*; the Offer Good TMMay22 Studying ;att:.the "vT»wels;-they had soifr-'SusaH' -Terrell'-andr- Barbara Annual G,YO, retreat at the local presence and.of man's brother- Clark-Rahway, and Circle 6 meets tional Assembly' for Youth at Ul Vogcl. Sixth grade representa- j from individuals and orgajiiza- Miss Claire Orrok, president, in health, harmony, peace* and pros- Couples'. Club for' benefit of a comprehensive oral test. Judy trated and presented to the clasir hood as the, -expression^ of the same day at the home of Mrs/ bana. 111. tives, were Gencvicve Knezo.and , tions of the parish. • • church .will be held next Sunday charge; at the Middlesex County omnipotent, tender Love. -She perity. -*- T*e: ChrUtiam 8detum new building fund , at 8:30 p.m Bice; Sally Mack and Pamela 'The, following boys and girls, have :"•. • • .' ;•. • 1 ' Monitor.. •-.-•'-.',;•-.. -., • ^j-William McFadzean, 20A Atlantic Joan Golden. ". • . , • 2 N. Union Avc, Cranford, N. j. | The Trinity Club will hold its starting at 3 p.m. Following bene- Workhouse, with the Men's Class telephoned her friend,and gave Saturday/ • ., '•••''• The regular monthly su] Gould made a perfect score as did named their selections: Bruce My- diction in the church at 8 p.m. -drive,-Winfleld.! meeting of the Margaret Gn : regular meeting Tuesday night. in charge, and at Cranford' Mall,', Meetings at the church tonight ers^ "The Storehouse Under the ! Guest speaker will be the Revther. e will be a social program at with the. Women's, Class, Mrs. The . Junior Hi Westminster Guild will be held in the Earth".; Karen Sjursen and Janice OFFICE HOURS |B*on4»y Uiru VtUUf St. Michael's School. Fellowship will meet at 7- p.m.include: Young People'% Choir, nasium at 7 p.m. Monday. .' Henry C. Beck, authority on New Frank Bangma, president, in 7 o'clock; Boy' Scouts, 7:15, and Kaleta, "The Air About Us"; Gary | dally S:SO A. M. to 4:30 P. VL Crowning of the Blessed. Virgin Saturday. The program will con- On Wednesday, the mon | Jersey history and folk-lore. Par- charge.' ' • .-•'.. Lutheran World Action Sunday Senior Choir, 8 p. ml ANSWER TO "KNOW YOUR AMERICA" Winkel, "TJje Fight Against Monday NUhU 1 P. M. to 9 P. M. { ish Council will meet at' 8 p.m. was observed at 3 p.m. last Sun- sist of slides on Korea. Lvman meeting of the Couples' Club < Germs'; Claire Hallenbach, "Na- Sunday Bible School will meet The following united with the | Wednesday in the guild room of day. " • at 9:30 a. m., with classes for ev- Marshall will lead the worship be held in the gymnasium at 8:|j tive Birds"; Judith Wasserbach, Father Donnelly officiated as 160 service. . ' • : fellowship at services last Sunday p.m. (JOHNSTON FAINT SHOP) | the Educational Building. ery age group. June will be a To Be. Observed at Calvary "Insects and Their Work"; Mary FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM children made their first commun- Church School superintendents Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. KfJuTe¥y The annual Recognition Din Johnson,. "Stars and Clouds" and red letter" month In the Bible . Calvary Lutheran Church wifi join Sunday with Lutheran ion at the 8 a.m. mass on Saturday. will meet next Thursday at 8 and daughter. Suzanne^ Mr. andin honor- of. the Church Scl 101 N. Union^ Ave. € 6-254O Easter Monday, 1878. Michael Caruso, "Animal Tra- School with these special dates to congregations throughout the'United States in observing Lutheran Mrs. Samuel Regal; Mr. and,Mrs. CoupW Club to Hear be- observed: June 20, Fathers' pjn. • . ••''•" Staff: wilji Jje. given .by the C« vels.",.. ..:.. : ..."„•.... World'Action Sunday and in giving-an -offermg-for'^pirit«|al-and- George B. Clay and' mittee on Christian Education i Day; June 13, Children's Day, and and Robert Clay; Mrs. Katie~bld- Talk by Judge Sachar 7 June 19, annual Sunday School material aid in this country and overseas. , Thursday: • . Sunday School Lutheran World Action is the financial backbone of world-wide eriburg, Frank Moditz, .Mrs. Theo- Tomorrow evening' the an Judge Libby E. Sachar of the picnic at Menlo Park, Metuchen. CHS Audience dore Koziar,'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lutheran cooperation in mission*- evening meeting of the Eliza ' Union County Juvenile and Do- Both the junior and Senior Youth W. Rice, Mellen James Leavitt : mestic Relations Court will take Fellowships will meet Sunday at fields, aid to persecuted churches been distributed to the needy in Presbyterial Society will be Calvary Topic 24 countries. and Mrs. Charles^ Schmidt. in the Fanwpod Presby ' as her topic, "Delinquency, Is It 6:30 p. m. behind the Iron Curtain, and to ToldPrayer - Sacrament of Baptism .was ad- . No or Know?" in a talk at. the Leaders and teachers of the Va- On Monday, the Co-Workers The most important current pro- Church, beginning with supper cation'Church School.of Calvary refugees. It also strengthens- the jects of the Church to be support- ministered to 'the ' following:g . Mr, 6:30. Those unable to attend ' monthly meeting of the Couples* will meet at the home pf Mrs. A. and Mrs. Walter W. Club of •. the First Presbyterian Lutheran Church will meet with A. Whittaker, 75T KiVnball avenue, Lutheran Church's special services ed by the 1954 Lutheran World Heals Sickness and chil- supper are invited to be there the Rev. Arnold J. Dahlquist, in the United States. < Action gifts include ministry to dren, Judith Anne, Hit^ Jean and the program which will fol Westfield, at 8 p. m. Members who Arch Bailey of Sacramento, Walter Warren, Jr.;.Kristan Eliza- • ^?r •**-?*"•-"—•••• Tuesday Ravie? taleenr article* home=-to- make Lj JO^y^^ewo^eJLsuj^^ Calit* 4oki an- aMdicnco, at -Crao.-. :-.,•'••, ThcrTocaT clttUlrclr' £s^~tnie^ of morf!" T ' The meeting will be in charge of eign mission work and - younger WBHr-Alleti; ttaaghter-ot Mr.—an* ohurch house. The school will be for .the missionaries'are asked to than 10,000 affiliated with the eight ford. High School Monday evening the presidents, William and churches throughout the world, aid Mrs. Roger C. Allen, and Edward held from July 12 through July 23. complete them-and bring them In Lutheran church bodies. partici- that "prayer,' based on spiritual Communiph Breakfast-| Thelma Lang. to refugees and to war-ravaged or Joseph Griffin, IV, son of Mr..and The Rev. Mr. Dahlquist will at the meeting. ' pating in the National .Lutheran understanding of God as divine . Refreshments will be served by persecuted churches in Europe, Mrs. Edward J. Griffin, III. John J. Durkin of Cranford preach on "Blessings in Disguise" The Ramabal-Mukti Missionary Council, the agency which' super- Love actually heals sickness, dis- the following committee:, A11 c,n ind Asia, and emergency, missions Mrs. Ella Rizzo of Gar wood at the 8:30 matins and the main Society will meet at the hbme of vises the" gathering and distribu- cord, fear and moral problems.and and Rhoda Arfken, chairmen; 6 Americans in temporary com- members of the ticketacommil service -at 11 o'clock Sunday. Mrs. Mabel Smith, 63 South ave- tion of Lutherair World Action that many people, are proving Trinity Clifli to Hear Neal and Martha Arnold, Maurice Lutheran World Action Sunday munities.' ' ' , >• . for the. annual communion b: and June Baker, James and Kay nue, Garwood,~ on Tuesday at 11funds. The local' church .is also daily that this is true." fast pf the Holy Trinity 5 4 — will be observed this week. The Talk on *Jerseyana' . Brewster, William and Inez Cof- a.m. Also' on Tuesday, a group of affiliated with the Lutheran World Mr. Bailey Is.a member of the School -Alumni Association loor solo'at the. matins service wi!l bemen from the church will conduct Federation, .representing • more fecn, George and Viola, Daniels, "Show Me My Task" by Harry Christian Stience Board of Lec- The Rev. Henry' C. Beck, rectoi Westfield, to be held on May Albert and Mildred Davies. Rus- a service at the Jerry McAully than 46.000,000 Lutherans in 52 tureship of the Mother Church, of Calvary Episcopal Church, in the cafeteria of the school Woolcr and will be sung by Mrs.Water, Street Mission in New York. countries around the world. ' St. Mark's 4.sell and Katie Edgar,'Ronald and Louise Hausmann. The choir an- the First Church of Christ, Sci- Flemington, .will be the guest mediately following the 8 AIR-CONDITIOKERS Violet Fowlie, Cecil "and Charlotte Cars will leave the church at 5:45 MITCHELL them at the main service will' be The_ American. Lutheran church entist, Boston, Mass. He spoke at speaker at the regular ! monthly mass in the church. - Gary, Max and Florence' Har- p.m. At. 8 p.m., the trustees will Announces the invitation of the First Church "The King's Highway" by WU bodies participating in the Na- meeting of the Trinity Club' ol bough. Ford and Elizabeth Pe- have their regular monthly meet- tional Lutheran ' Council . are the 1 of Christ, Scientist, Cranford. • Trinity Church in Sherlock Hall gers University. Press. \ thick, Louis and Ellen Troutman, liams. • '•. • ' - - .. . ing at the church. : Six years ago he gave up | ' Sunday School convenes at 9:30 United Lutheran .Church in Amer- In his topic "Christian Science: at 8:30 p.m; Tuesday. His topl< James and Gloria Phelan and Members of Mrs. Blaschke's class Pastor "sReturn 11 career as a writer and newspa a.m. for all ages. A nursery is ica, the Evangelical Lutheran The Joyous Way of Love" he told be ""Jerseyana. William and Nancy Wight. will meet at her home, 611 Lincoln man to' become ordained in I held in the church house during Church, the American Lutheran Announcement was made at St. that "to regard love as only a The Rev. Mr. Beck, an auth- ' SJ park, east, on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Episcopal Church. However, I the 11 o'clock service and is under Church, the Augustana Lutheran Mark's A.M.E. Church this week mood of meditation is a mistake, ority on New ey history anc The Women's Missionary Prayer still gives some of his spare ti CHBI8TIAN SCIENCE the direction .this week of Mrs. Church, . the Lutheran Free. of the return of the Rev. Samuel. .for love transforms" a* person's folklore, - . has itten . several Band will meet at the church Wed- Church, the Suomi Synod, the whole experience." He, pointed books,- inclu /"Forgotten to writing a column in a Nc cknmcii SERVICES Robert Neumar/ and Mrs. Robert nesday at 10 a. m. At 8 p.m. the United Evangelical Lutheran Matchett for another year as out that the power of the Christ, Towns of Old NeffJirsey," "Jer newspaper. That man, can gain health, hap- Dricgcrt," assisted by Karen Force regular mid-week Bible study and and Karen Michclson.' * . ; Church and the American. Evan- pastor of the local church. or divine Truth and Love "acting sey Genesis" andWare to.Mid The public is invited to hearN piness, and in\njortaiityiJjyuslyjpsL prayer meeting will feehel d at,the gelical Lutheran-Church. . .-.-...... on human fOHf-fl'M'gfip^s is ""•* ~^Tfic~SejnTSF^CToTF^in"T«h¥arse hc-r-Revt—Mr.—Matchettjsu-as-- HeJs_editarLof_jthe Rut Hev. Mr. Beck's talk. i| on the spiritual, facts of God and church. ,- .••"•-.... . The Lutheran World Action goal preme over every'claim of error. ~lnan~as~taughti:Sby~ChrlstJ "Jesus at 8 o'clock. tonight-The-Women's sisnment here for his ninth year, "Members* and friends~of- the for 1954 bad previously been set "Healing comes about when we will be,, emphasized at Christian Guild will' meet tomorrow at 8 church arc cordially invited to at- was made at the annual meeting of pim. Pastor Dahluqist will show at $2,600,000, of which the local exchange self-will for ' willing See Them on Display at UNION COUNTY TRUST CO. Science services Sunday. tend the annual Fellowship Dinner congregation was asked to give the New "Jersey Conference, of Navy, iilms. depicting:..the...new. obedience, and self-righteousness The "-LissjSMHScrmon - entitled sponsored by the Men's Biblo'j $583, the Rev. Arnold J. Dahl- M;Er Churches held tost, week ; to LOBBY ''Mortals and Immortals" includes Character Guidance Program "fOr^the'acknowledgment'of God- KNOW YOUR AMERICA Class, which will be held at thequist,. pastor, said. But, he added, as the only good,—. when we for- ' the acount .from the King James started by th«. Armed Forces, and in Jersey City.' '. • A C Westfield YMCA on Friday, May since increased needs; required a sake self-importance for meek- .« HEDENBERG-M . BEAN Version of the'Bible of- howthe-.duties of a Navy Chaplain. 21, at 7 o'clock.. The speaker of minimum budget of $2,940,000, all Members of ' the congregation These films will be of especial ness, — and yield self-confidence TABLE RADIOS — VACUUM CLEANERS — REVERE WARE Christ Jesus restored to- life the the evening will be the Revparticipatin. g congregations have issued .'the following statement: for confident trust in God. • only son of the widow, of Nain interest to those who have sons Francis Schaefer. been urged to raise at least 10 per "We, the members of St. Mark's PI I IS xir—relatives jn_the services. All "In praying 'Our Father,* .we ROTOBROILS - LUGGAGE - WRIST WATCHES — MlX- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE j cent-inoxeithaaJbelr original goal.. Church, proudly announce the must, -accomplish in consciousness • •• The .'following passage from ladies of the church arc invited. return of our niinisteriTne~ReV. S7 •".- MASTERS — STEAM IRONS r- CAMERAS.>- DEEP in PRIZES Therefore, Calvary's .Church" ~tne~fuH expansron~of^thls~^wordr "Science and Health with Key to . On Saturday at 8:15 p.m. the BROADCAST Council' was asked last evening to I. Matchett, for anothep-.'yearof' 'Our.-* By it we can encircle all WILL BE AWARDED BY the -Scriptures" by Mary Baker Couples' Club will hold' a "Wel- "Do Your' Own Thinking" is the TH£ approve a'minimum quota of $650. Christian service for the cause. mankind with love1. Is. hot this — DISH SETS — MOVIE CAMERAS Eddy will be ampng those read: come to Calvary" party in honor subject of a * Christian" Science Total Lutheran World . Action His faithfulness has been like a our proper approach to the world CUSTOM OF "Jesus never .-asked if disease |.of those -couples who were re- radio program 'over * Station CGG ROUIHG BADMINTON SETS — SCOTCH KOOLERS WCBS, New York, in its "Church and Lutheran World Relief gifts light set upon a hill that cannot problems today? In using it, GRANFORD BUSINESS ASSOCIATION were acute or chronic, and heceived into membership in April- contributed nationally since 1940 be hid. May God Blc^s you. Rev. thought must extend beyond our. ON/ THE "' never i recommended attention to Catechetical classes will continue of the Air** series on Sunday at i ...„,'__ on Saturday at 9:30 a.m. . 10 a.m., EDT. This program will exceed $70,000,000. More than Matchett, to do greater Christian immediate loved,ones; must reach WHITE HOUSE laws of health, nevur gave drugs, $37,006,000 of this amount has deeds of .service to humanity." Intermediate Luther League will originate from Dallas, Texas, and out beyond.' state, national, or . L AWAV If ONSTA€EOF never prayed to know if God were, been contributed in cash, while the hemispherical 'boundaries; must willing that a man should live. Me meet.Sunday at 7 p.m. while the has the dpproval of The Christian Before beginning his. work in &EGUAJ Science Board of Director*;. The used clothing, shoes, food and oth- Cranford*, the Rqy.' Mr. Matchett reach beyond the iron curtain of understood man, whosy Life is senior leaguers will join in a er material given1 to Lutheran NHes of anti-Christ and encircle all man- CRANFORDTHEATRE God," to be immortal, and knew rally of the Central District at speaker will be James Harry Mc- served for four years as pastor of Worlwonad KRelielf .ha s Ibeen valued -'at --riffly rno4i"twtf ^Htv*i*Tit. one SI Chmtdu .Elizabeth ...at Reynolds, former first reader ofl ^ JT St. James. A.M,E. Church i ^ o'clock. Suppe(upper will be sc1~ved tf^i^mtrcnlfel^aliir^ to be destroyed and the other to All the funds have been used be made indestructible.^ <369:16>. by the host'ehurch. ; Science lecturer. Music will be Calvary's Softball team will play furnished - by quartet and organ. for emergency activities" of the H^^tr "The Golden' Text • is from Lutheran .Church at home and'69 Romans: "They that arv after Cranford Methodist Monday at At the outbreak of the Revolu- Memorial Field No. 2 at 6:45 p.m. countries abroad, the major share the -flesh do mind the things of tionary War, 30% of the churches to provide spiritual and physica the flesh; but they that are after Boy Scout Troop 84 assembles u> of New Jersey were Presbyterian', JUNES the church basement Tuesday at relief in* war-ravaged countries ECHO LAKE CHURCH OF CHRIST the Spirit the things of the Spirit." 25% were Quaker, 20% were around the world. The goods giv- Do you. know how much your property has in- (8:5). ;•..-•' •-• -•:• V .. 7:30 p.m. Baptist, 13% were Episcopalian — presents — New members class will, meet and 12% were Dutch Reformed: cn-to- Lutheran -World-Relief JmayeJ jeroModLin value? Does the Insurance you c«rry 1 with the pastor at 8 p.m. Wednes- A Series of Free Lectures Developing cover you Adequately ? Weilbo giadTo fllve y^ | mp vniTB AWARD COUPONS FROM THE FOLLOWING PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS DISPLAY- day in the church house. The Mis- W sionary Society . meets at 2 p.m. ••••'• the answers to this and any other Insurance OFFICIAL NITES OF AWARDS" POSTERa How CnrUtUn Science Ilcala V.OU HAT UNO COMrOKT. mArrlNBSS u< thi WATTO MBALTB next Thursday In the chur.ch ~ , ttiwvt IteteslBc to MIM •« U*» A Portrait of Christian question. - house.. , —-. SCIKNCB KADIO WUOQUAMB NT0BDCYCLE4TOYCO. HARMS LTD. DRUG 8TOBE SU. WVNJ 4 «iO ke) — K««ry Inltr . «:0O a. m. Guest ministers from churches of Christ 'in nearby MBESrS SHOES — JAY MAR SHOPPH Y ECTEB'8 HABDWABE New York. New Jersey, ' and Pennsylvania will BABON DROG CO. JODYMAIDA ~ IO» DEWDEPT,, JTOlit >The Rule for Progress" ||HST 0010101 OBBT.SCBaBT SU. WMBW OlM ke) — Bnty Samtey . «i4S B-B*. discuss the Christian's relationship with Chriat. SEE THIS WEEK'S ANSWERS 4XS FOLLOWING •U. WNBC . < «M ha) — Ev«ry Iu4ay 1:4S a. tm. BELL'S PHAHMACY CRANFOBD FURNITURE CO. JOHNSTON PAINT SHOP SWAN CLEANERS ttUHOnELO AVK. AT tUMM «V. hla nelxhhpr, his family, his profession and other X«AXrOB •it WOK < 11* ka) — Kvcty taaaaT — •«:«» »-•»• similar themes. There will be no eollection. BOTS MABJBET. CRANFORD RAPIO - KAY SHOPPE THE SPORTSMAN3 SHOP : SuiuUy II A.K. ', ata. WQXm' , — l.t. XH Su«ay Each Ma_llial a. am. DEB N HEIR. KURTZ MARKET yjftj H SHSHOP WVNJ, 620 kc School: II A. 1L •la. WQXK (1«M ke) — tmt Sataraay Bach Ma. ' I:M •. aa, . LESHNErTS FABRIC CENTER TOWN AND COUNTRY 0trvk« •a«at*ta far' traa. UUratar* aa< rataiia at kaacSCa ta»«W«4 traaa IkaM May 16-23 HEDENBERG-MA.CBEAN pEBMsra nowEB SHOPPE MARTENS PHOTO SHOP TOWNS SHOPPE r'-wUl Wiiln—1ir Evcnln*. I:IS •'dock INS UK A N.C€ ^ / ct< Moo. Uuu Wtt. 10:M to •to. WJ* — B*aty Tmaaaay. Nawa BraaMaU : WEEK NIGHTS 1:00 P. M. . \VESTFlELD Stf I loir. M. •••«••'.:';><•;•• ^a^jw^fgsfi^s^ta i"\'' W&Wyi?'•':''•': "W'?S


    THECRANFQHP CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSpAy. THECRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THOHSDAy^MAY Gilmorc. Also participating in her Georgia Rosendale, Mrs. G. H. Doktor, army toys; Carolyn .Shapiro, silhouettes; Larry Davi, trustees Study adventures are Christine and Ger-Hoot, Mrs. Russel Young, Mrs. P. Cleaves reported on «*Bbats"; Nan- the humming bird; Robert Allen, Paul Catts to Skip Morrow and Jackie Thompson, and Sharp eyes, Schmidt, coins and China figures^ animal stamp book; Peyton-oiji trude, while a stablizing influence S. Greenawald; Mrs. Philip A. Recent Events cy Howell, "Away We Go"; An- e hbusewren; Karen Manny, the Jeff Hnlmquist at a L^ David Ault. .:'..'.. bift;l Michael Cavalla, the king- Prank Persons, photography^ Tina clay modeling and Lois Rittwegcrj lie >s exerted by Flory's mother and Swai*, Mrs. Ralph S. Boyd, Mrs. 'ing~of'JBoy Scout Troop SO at the fisher; and William JRay, the scar- r Jheitlmiddla-aged-friend, Mr Pea- mEr^obinsonrMinKJohiiHiinK"Jo r In Local Schools v; Hill, "Cowboy Small"; Susan Bon- body. •. .•'''•:'.••", First Presbyterian Church. ., Mrs. Natalie Casale's class'is ham, "The Surprise Box'.'; Mary :let\tanager-'. , .•:"'.,, Bucher, Mrs. "Charles Stratton, Jr., 1 : Business arrangements for the IV> Seek Funds Dick Biddle received his home (Continued from page, five) now studying Holland. The. fol-Dawson Triesttnan,. "Spring Is ...;>•• .V:"-..; Grada 4 '.'•.. ••'•', /.•'.,, Mrs. Elven Sheahan, Mrs. A. Don- production are. being handled by ald Green and Mrs; Dillard repairs merit badge, and Ray Koie- LINCOLN SCHOOL lowlng children have brought in Here"; and Richard Geddes,'•May- "Health and Nutrition" "is .the Under' study at the present limfi. Sally Shepherd and her commit- Cbllins. sel received" merit, badges' in art, Grade 1 material, about H.olland: Janice belle the Donkey," new'"^cience unit in MiSS'RutlT Have lively youngsten at by the Athletic Committee of the tee consisting of Bruce BUzalski, In Cranford music, reading and home repairs. In observance of National1 Music Drummond, Valeria Geigef, Ray MorgafiV fourth grade. /Groups The 26 children of the Saturday .....—L:.'., ... •.. Grada 2 ..; -''••"••.. Board <51 Education'is an adequate Carol Kusiv, Carol; Lewis and Skip Jkiorrow was made assistant Johns, Ronald Ritter, Carol Bag^ havebeen organized fox research classes also will have their paint- YMCA •' membership rates and Week, the children in Mrs. iMar- The girls arid boys in Mrs. insurance program for the students. Fatth MartinV Richard McDaniel leader of -the Cbmanche Patrol. garet Dee's first, grade have Writ- well and Richard' Holmquist. - and projects, on various phases of Rough wear has untied on ings on display,, ' ; _ swimming Instruction class - fees Elizabeth Sargent's second grade Ia t Cranford Hlg)» School engaging is in charge'of Ucket sales. . It was-announced that the Mo- ten an original song. The title "A ..• .' • .. • Gr«da4 ' • "\"\' \ the general topics of the unit for men. and boys from Cranford ; have been very interested in vari- ChajrmenW the committees are: , interschofastic competition. and other- communities outside hican Patrol under John Pethick Circus Parade" was submitted by Many oral and wriikteh reports ous kinds of'pets. Some of the Staging and properties commit- Patricia Dougan, Nancy Schmidt, I The board" flow has a plan in op-tee members, include Bud Miller, the Westfield United Campaign continues to, lead in the patrol Gertrude .Chaimovich, The song and one-act plays on Norway crwtipa-whieh Quires all ttten- WCTtJ ^ skill* totrtu' """ ill Me ,uaed, in .correlationi. with- were given by the following b Kenneth Winne, Fred /Jackson VOCVMC NO,? deduced rale aha. girls ih?Mrs:'Mary'Wilson's the ^. fo. l area' tiaipt; 1 to their, unit on the circus. na Weyderneyer,BrianConley i HPaceH Pac , w nn;; assislanc*s fourth-grade Beverly Paftrath, Elaine Schwei- Formation of a local Youth Tem- ly' by-the boards of directors of Pander, Charles Poelter," Richard to Marilyn Seiss. jvt recent meetings, it was ad- perance League has been voted by «*f. M VaJae! ^Bk ^U IS talann ' the Westfield association. rickson. Jack Allen., JfiYm and Donald Jackson and Robert Baly. . ' Gradedd held the of . thejir mitted by Various "board members" zer and Karen Sorenson under Yaara (or anly . W^ HZlC >• *•>< Quelch, Frank Scioscia, Arthur following supervision of Mrs. Boyd Hudson the Cranford Woman's Christian . With Any ; TflV "AJV C«ara»U«4 ORANGES hobby show rarobaa* .. ~W JW ' ' Coupled with this action was a L.irry.Pothick, Skip Morrow, Bill " Grade 2 . ' Sims, Jafnes Sperber, Barry Zeig- The children in Miss Marie Ted- th;it the financial condition of. the Temperance Union at a meeting r..-org.- Jones. Jimmy children displayed hobbies: Mark and Mrs. Clifford Sjursen. The -Mtss—Elizabeth-—-Aug's^ second Ierf-Karen Brooks, Carol Runck, eschi's third gra,de are writing; SATIN FINISH Athletic'Injury fund is "not good." last week at the home of Mrs.."Wal- -_. -br . FLORIDA Brewste'r./Leslie Kcr^ Nels Light- and giving repoHs orFblrds: The 'Prich'ard.-Indian-pictures and re- brought about by a large house committee consists of Elinor Come in these areas io cover the rade children have been writing Bonnie - Clarke, Barbara Gaf f ney, ~Then paint wall* with tturdy -Ingehelm,—Naney-^Kiddr—Susan ter J. Cohley nnrf )V[rs difference between charges., and c*ap, Alb,e_rt_ Sanguiliano and Jell original jjoems. . Marlene Geng, Charlotte Hawks, following childreri have already 1 of injuries' this year dur- WAIXHTOB Satin Finish—it , Laird. Faith Martin!LGeorgie_Mar; Wooding, 3 Sylvester street. 1i~ 'mtr/ 1rtfhHA«*uH4«KH?M—W«»M1rtafsh3HT7* * "rnbberixcd to withstand scuffiqg," ti "BeverlF"?af?rath7 Marilou ~The group announced It wilT're- IIAIIIY judson ft. Piorson, president o.£ Scoutmaster Fred J. Ball and E. T\ ed a skit, on "The Thanksgiving ring, Cheryl Kean, Nancy Pries, •taint, finger tmean, greaie and The board has under considera- Papp, Elaine Schweizer and Ther- quest suggestions from prominent the association; said: - . Marshall. ' •Feast" of the Cavemen:.. Sabre Barbara Webster, Ronald. Jones crayon. Wash it often,, it retain* ion-various insurance plans as esa tZizwarek. town, school and church official/ tooth,- James- Bag weJl;.Strongarm,. and-Raymohd-Jjurtt.—\ —:— - .means to_strengthen the gill. "The YMCA receives one-third -all olto color and theeo^- — nnTthcrpr.oject.- Fbata fw-itzel^--Fire-keeper, Car-? --• Viking—boats—were—*n4de__by. ^Otfs^p Meeting ^the- ole Pantano; narrator, Susan Michael Fender and James King. [fund. ' • .. '•.•-•; •'-. ;••••• income, with the balance coming /••• Of Slate's Adult Schools rnsworth; cavewomen, Karen Viking shields were1 macteniiy" 5.37 At a public hearing on the bud-Creative Art work of the local clergy invpiacing . irom. membership dues, rental- GALLON blessing cards Jn, public, eating FLORIDA charges and program fees; The Brownlee and Ruthie Holmes; James King, Frank Scioscia,'.Ray-- NATlONAlLY-ADVemSED I got for the JEBHEr port' of its. work from the com-ucation, represented the Cranford annual Spring Exhibit ' in theChurch, reported that during the Borden's Gruyere Cheese ICEBERG ' munities served. The board rec Selected for Grand Jury Kean and Carol Bunck acted out a is Cranford headquarters I For several years the Cranford r Adult School at the annual spring puppet show on "Leif' and Lucky." I Boosters' Club and Jn particular Municipal Building from 12 noon past year/discussions have been '-ognizes the extension of the area meetihg Saturday in Princeton of Two Cranford area 'residents to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. held in.the Sunday School classes Cheddar Spread r^.? 33c « Lettuce :-; 25c Scallions b..^ 5c served by the association' and by have been ""selected a.nd sworn-in Dolls were dressed in Norwegian FOR SCOTT'S LAWN PRODUCTS I its president, William Blake, has the New Jersey Association for costumes by Laraine Hedges, Carol and fellowship , meetings on tem- tiiis action of 'eliminating rate for Union County's May Grand I urged the board to take-action on Paintings will be received at Sheffield Cottage Cheese Adult Education. Bunck, Cheryl Kean and Betty I a now system. Mr. Blake asserts perance. Georgia Martin, the 1953 19c differentials puts, all members on Jqry. They are: Mrs. Marion R. thb Municipal Building'from 7, to BAKER ji Gene Herring. Viking homes [that the "present plan is unfair, youth delegate, spoke of similar the same basis as the first step The theme of the meeting was Jones, . bookkeeper, 41 Munsee 9 p.m. Friday by Mrs. Harold E. Borden's Cream Cheese ; were constructed ' by Bonnie [doesn't give adequater~prtitection Young, Mrs. Dillard Collins and accomplishments. The union plans 2-29c toward developing wide financial ' The Challenge of Teaching drive, and George R, Corr, wffice Clarke, Charlotte Hawks, Karen lund prohibits some students from Mrs. Willard N. Woodward. En^. io send other delegates to the conV HomoKenixed v Streussel Bread CINNAMON support." ••".'•'• Adults." ... ' manager, 421 Beech avenue, Gar- Brooks and Marlene Geng. I participating in athletics. tries, must be proporly framed arid ference in August, it was an-'-/• Quirt Cwton "Joseph Kohn;. a member of the wood. • Quart Carton 23c r I It is expected that recommenda- wired for hanging and must/not nounced: Scouts of Troop 80 Cranford Board of Education, dis- ' I( is possible the panel may be Laraine Hedges and Marlene ALBAN-LEWIS Angel Food Cake .,. \: 35c cussed ' the problem of educating Geng described their trip to, a • tions on a new plan will be sub-exceed 36 inches' in. any dirnen- called upon to study juvenile de- Imitted to the board by the Athletic^ the adult handicapped. He is em- farm in, Bordentown. Betty Gene sipn. .A maximum of two paintings Presented With Awards linquency in the county: Superior Hp^JSE WARES —HARDWARE Iconimittee in the near future. Musical.Oub Marks Thin-Sliced Bread —J^- ployed by^tbSiOii Herring motored to Pittsburgh, per member will be permuted, and ——Second'class awards- -Gourt-Judge- Richardl J.- -Hughes, eachmusthavethe. name, address, for the Blind. GADGETS — GIJ=TS 'Week'at Concert / "."•.]••.• / ehted by Committee Chairman has said recently he would direct title and price oh thy back! Paint- In observance of National Music Supreme White Bread—^a-|5 the inquest to probe the relation- ROOSEVELT SCHOOL. C Grade 1 — Free Delivery— I Methodist Youth ings (will be picked'up on Sunday Week, the Musical .Club of West- ship between indecent • literature between 5 andyfi p.m. •- field presented a concert last night and the "mounting wave.of hood- The children.in Mrs. Edna Me- CANDID and ALBUM Fadden's first grade are report- Mrs. Charles/H. Paul is exhibi- at the Woodrow Wilson School, lumism". -and ' juvenile misbc- N. UNION AVE, 6-0866 IGroup Rehearsing IDEAL Fancy HIEAT VALUES : ing" on books from the library tion chairman. Members of theWestfield. y ' havior. .• .. : Air-Conditioned-Open 9 a.m. to 6 pjn., Fridays to 9 p.m. While Meal which -v-thcy have read. >v Steven Three-Act Coipejly hanging x»mmlttee .' are Dean The program/chairman for the WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHS Compton/- "Burton Longenback, evening wasyMrs. Lawrence M. Government Graded "U. S. Choice Elected to CPA Unit Members r of ) the ' Methodist Michael Sikora and Arthur Sling- Tucker of ./cranford and ' "Mrs. *__»» mm- ALSO 3 DIMENSION • A Cranford man) John R. Hann | Y o u t h Fellowship are actively erland. Hostesses will be . Miss Charles- Hans was co-chairman. CAMPBELL'S Gilmoarof9"West-End-place, has for their presentation of Roast j for appointments been' elected, to membership in the New Jersey Society of Certi- ItlirV'o-act-comedy-by-A.urahd-Har- Call CRanford 64077 after 7 P.M. fied Public Accountants. ',,, With Iris.The play will be given on the' COAST TO COAST MOVERS or Steak • evenings of May 21 and 22 at 8:15 WELCH membership now ' 1,132, the New iron'i* sure of top quality, tender. Juicy beef t «t Acn»a ^ Jersey society is the ninth, largest' |p.in. in the Methodist Church: , Anywhere In the V. S. or Canada laVoz. Joe ment graded "V. &. CHOICE." 6OUD MEAT, no M -ddedt A. NIC HOAGLAND state CPA , prganization , in the The story of the play concerns . Safe, Reasonable and lit'. country. | the adventures and frustrations of Immediate Service. •n^-aged Flory Patterson during By Van — Rail — Boat — Air \ I her attempts to attract and bc- kSUMSHDIE Ifrknd various boy acquaintances. |U-ox.play pajll I Charlie, thp grocery boy;, Doug- HENRY R TOWNSEND, Agent Legs PARK WEST LUMBER CO. lias, the serious student; and fin- lally Phillip ^rom the military ALLIED VAN LINES, Inc. SALAD Fireproof Storage Paeklmr & Cratlnr » Specialty FAMTBV -NEEDS Rumps lacademy. siiccessively enter her Drnatac for Commercial and Estimates Given Freely . Miracle Whip '••*-- Spanish Rice JJSaf^Me Stop quality, govenmeat graded -U.«. CH0ICB-. So dellctoo.! liifc / •...•• Honaenold GoodaJ J Constantly at her side is Flory's Call WEstfleld 2-4M4 Buccaneer Dressing Macaroni Dinner S^^> 19c | best friend, Millie, and constantly Cider Vinegar «. :IOB«(. o«»_ OBUCe SpackcUi Z . uu JXfC U. S. Choice CU. S. Choice hCf hair, are her younger sister. tX—m. WUla &oC, Sirloin tilir iMavy, chum Betty, arid the eager Celery Salt Meat Tenderizer *£!£?£, 45c Pepper »a-«€. batU* 14C L atl Became its Ammecm Dog Goodies ^ ^tSS^ 19c Olive OU_ LAUNDKT NEEDS* Veal Chops X.6* . . \ Tuna Fish Cut from top quality "U. S. CHOICE" ve#J! __ : Ford has pioneeredjn bringiag the jmost , Red Salmon worth-while things to the most people ... and more and more Naptha Soap Breast Veal' T~~'~^Fln^FroaledTiiK" Yes Sir! Our complete stock of building CANDT DEPABtMENT Lux Flakes Fillet Flounder _ materials always makes a hit with our cus- \ Chuck Lamb' 39c SfiS people are now buying Fords and checks Chunky Cuties e«IU ba« *W Lifebuoy Soap tomers. Come in and browse around. Let Calves Liye^ ih. 79c Fillet Whiting Jolly Pops pk(. «f IS IOC Lifebuoy Soap Park West's helpful salesmen give you some PLANTERS Bacon ^^ , •tJ49c Cod Steak " Peanut Blocks pk(. Rinso pointers on your "do-it-yourself" problems. /•. oB A. LOJJC TIME, people have recognized the outstanding new 115-h.p. I-block Sit. you, TOO, CAN YOUR NAME also printed free on Fruit Slices S Surf Tongues ^^ r*. 49C Fantail Shrimp As for comfort—Ford is the only car in its 1; that Ford is the "Worth More" car. And wallet and checks when you open Lux Soap Midget Ljverwurst ». 59c Pre-Cooked Frosted Food they have been expressing their preference field with Ball-Joint Front Suspenri6n.,Thi* your Personalized Checking Account BEABDSLKT "DO IT YOURSELF COOKIES. CRACKERS Midget, Bologna Ik. 59c Codfish Bite 35c RED CEDAR SHINGLES/ In a great and growing volume of purchases. amazing new principle provides a degree of Lux Soap rutaf. SHEETROCK t-runnuui * •' \ ' • ' . Keebler Saltines 18c Swan Soa0 49c handjing and riding ease that cannot be Midget Salami 59c Scallops P The reason tasimple. More and more people FORD'S OU'FFRONT * u ' ^equalled in any car without this new Nabisco Ritz 36c Swan Soap have found in^Ford everything they want FigNewtons suspension system. »•'.•' HOME-OWNERS! Swan Soap FROSTED FOOD HI!YS and need. They have found that FopLoffas SUNSHINE Choice, too, is a department where Ford National new car You, too, can b« «n «sp«it mm Krispy Crackers Silver Dust STAINED SHAKES exterior .beauty that^has set the trend for building, . palntiaf, rapolriag Sunshine Hydrox tiM. BlBDSETC _• WITH UNDERCOUBSE excells. Youil find just exactly the car for c«iu. Silver Dusi These ahln(lra not only, aave you lime bat the industry... interiors that are so colorful registration figures*Jfor —1* you follow tit* ff«e, frac- mvney tea. vVopr cbslec of tolora. Bequlrca no Chocolate Chip WE8TON Breeze. NooulibeuDit PADK WilST bail and in such good taste that just sitting in you among the 14 body styles and more Hcal odvic* «f OMT titiff of esperts. Uigett MlectieM ef Barry's Dicken's Breeze Peas & Carrots 1 a Ford is fun. -\ than 100 body color and upholstery combi- a seven-month period show 31c everything you aecci in M- If you're in the market for any ne\v car. Fol^inthelead •, "~ lorialt oad tools for tfc« |io«M, PAIIAT HANDY you'll be missing something if you don't And consider these facts, top. Ford is a cona- gerago. woHuhep, g«rd«n, DEAL GYPLAE by thousands! •hu—rt LOWEST prictW arine Spean E •;- come in -and' value-check a^Ford:paint-by- - pletely modem car. The^- advanced fine-cat • a>i)rwii«r«t Stop In clayi «r : C«oy point. And when you.TestDrivcLa Ford and features;"th^f make, it "VVQrthtMpre'',when evening*—UM our SAVE ory AaCuiiijvUMT COOKWABE library—Ut our •apart* c^closur^i. 11 acU . »s Plywood find out what a brilliant performer it is, yo^H you buy it, will also make it ^Vorth More*, *SOUICIi 1.1 Wk & Company. laaUratfen* for period SEABBOOK Bakr , I MBDSETS ' Sa^tamiMr Ihrouab Mafdi. *• latod won* fa*wkk h • you bow EASY it b to M*« ACT NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE Iiai4ihit* Ccrvamd «n Imulator under shla- really understand why Ford is America*s\ to someone else when you sell it. - money by aWg if Lima Beans 26c i Cauliflower Plfscqrd IUBDS (lc> or clapboard. Very Uandy p»nel« come BestSeUerandAmericasBestBuy. \vhy not accept oJinvitaBon to Test Drive, Ideal Peas Spinach In various sUea. uwt otr- eve • ctiy to Install, ' ' ' 2' x 8' sq, sheet They can be used Ch,«««i;, ClMrga.lt took af these features: Melon Balls M. »kf. *5ac Grape Juice 21c . for t«rallure. c»bl- In the first place: Ford offers the two most a\*54 Ford. We "believe' that you've never" lice Pan $1.99 Vi" thick.•'-• n«tf, etc. modern engines in the entire industry: the driven a car in Ford's field that is in any M aowa payataat. NO charge for wallet Si without certificate. See aU the pieces! Ueal ' With Certificate * WS -m • ; •- ' • a ' " * completely new 130-h.p. Y-block V-8 and ' way comparable. for weddlaK girte! At all Acmes! . HtaiaitbaM. ^y W\tfmkfkfgm^ ||||fl»0 IDEAL ' NO charge for deposits . I REE r,!! ATTAIN 1 Antique Finish iron WROUGHT IRON LEGS NO minimum balance required Kretschmer's Lux Liquid Hormel Ideal Dog 1 Kleenex JNAME PLATES C I FT NO monthly service charge Wheat Germ Detergent SPAM Food 3 ;.:: 43c Facial Tissues Brighten Up Your Front Lawn .95 "»•'• righll Jtnt di. thb uk r fc oxl, pnuwt M at aHkar CHOTMI U> Taaaioit 31 C 39c -v 69c 51c 2 b jsr43e •IO Y1 i bfl Union County Trust Company lt-aa. Jar You Can Choose From a Number UP I — 'Wl WC#WG «* «VV«HIW 3 7-pteca SA1A0 KT haa. An U" .....' pf Pictorial Setttafis 142 Broad Si. • Westminster Ave. & Prince St. • 715 Elisabeth Ave. 1 FREE letters for your name and. house Thru arc •martljr dealgncd all-po«pb»e !«(• ^Plaiiter * SPBY Red Heart Wrisley's Bab-0 number at no extra charge th»i 'nuk< turnl^vre building caay. Member Federal Deposit Inmraoce Corporatioo I'M $3.93. JUJ «• •>• b la ik. J V»» MtlV"wllfcaat~m"iMwiy ~al Hi-Hat 89c Fopil Toilet Soap Cleanser oreyar ««t MMftlrW acqiialiiHMi *Whe ouounl-U .op«i)«d o d«po«il «l SI it atod* ft Takn la Open Man. thru Fri. 7:30 to 5:15 Phone: CHestnut 5-7956 v>KitK lMtt'35 cltacal of« Ui«d ««; « 2 ,ir 23e I »*•• OIOWML nil affu U ou 73c ki«mi parcbA««. 8 O4«^ra riaaUe •» 5 Saturday " 8:00 to EUxabelh 5-4545 | OooJ aaly for •fautad DM , cl 5 nonllx. " awr pnml wpply T DOESKIN LARGE FREE PARKING AREA-DRtVE OVER! FILL IN AND MAIL NOW or paste on 2c Karo Hunt Club Beech-Nut Blue Suds CHANNEL phoner-CRanford-44000-—— Dog Food Bahy Fool Facial Tissues Washes and Bluet aU«.Ia» Test Drive America's LUMBER CO. « Blu BUalawJ 17c 'Union County Trust Company M-«a. IwUto 5 - 65c rk iPnrk West WW*«. 47S fa. KM. «. hAfcC^i^ DOESKIN most popular car today 1114100 Bathroom Tissues i m wm m a » <*<•• an* t ItrtaaiMi ana.) Pleat* send forms so I can open my Personalized Checking New! Blue UY « A.>L to SO0 P. at Mister Beech-Nut |C rub*** Account by mail and get the wal(el and checks Imprinted with 29 RINSO !fSI!-_5'J«P».'«« •• «*»• »• < Junior Food .** « BAH M r«

    P«A-«!!P_u*vf THE CRANFORDCITi&N AND CHRONICLE, Pa«» Ttmi re-elected were: Vice-president, hurch JKowling League Sets Six Church Softball 'day-long '. ;competltio: Only to challenging the Blues in the Donald Marshall; secretary, Wil- Top Team in Church Loop Princeton in Group III close number of places.captured. . Ronnie Doyle was a thorn lii tbi Lnnual Dinner for May 22 liam Francis; and treasurer, .Ed- Games Rained Out. idcmf^ClifforrV Scott on the harrj. ward Locke: ; ..., - Only one-of the sev-cn, games wood thia..past season and The second annual Cranford uled irT'th^'CranfoF-rTntir^ BJneg Week Four-Game Losing his presence telt against the Church Softball League has been Orange team Monday afternoon o played to date. Rain and,'*wet n ietdj Some 200 bowlers^and guests are expected to attend. . . kveh L crov^ SSS Streak, Nip St. Manfs, 3-1' the diamond. ' ' Entertainment yrttl Include hypnotist Carl Schetz and a three- [league operated with only eight {[rounds hax-e .seriously curtailed He banged out a single in the action. ;.. ' Breaking a four-game losing streak, Cranford High School's ,jece orchestra. The Rev. Albert G.Deszo, pastor of Osceola Presby- teams. third inning to deprive George In the only contest last Wed- ^aseball.team handed.St.. Mary's of Elizabeth a 3-1 defeat Friday erian Church and president of the* Fischer's »iarikeL^gain J or Six Rawding of his second straight no- nesday% evening, St' Michael's, a •ranford Clefgy Council, will pte- at Echo Lanes, Mountainside -«tt afternoon at Warinanco Park, Elizabeth'tRoselle. . hitter against the Blues. Needless new entry, pounded out a. 13-5 Game Lead, Scoring Highest Team Total -- Cranford's first run was scored in fee second inning. With Ken to say, Rawding-retained enough ide is master of ceremonies and season. He saidit is likelv that Firemen Face win over Calvary" Lutheran at Emmbns on second on .a fielders' choice, George Shafer smacke4 a skill to gain a 4-1 Victory, Hho season's .awards The, the leagye win;|i incna^d fa Nomahegan Park. Of Season in Ctanford Pin League is- sponsored by the Clergy size from 15 teams to 20 or 241 You Can Whistle Whjle single to right center, scoring,*- It was tKe ninth win of the shs:aliiv; error by Fred Richey. JpeChirich- Herrick jczftflff vbgkq cmfwyp ffl The Blues have a 4-7 record with 11)Unced that the league will bowl time at the same meeting. -Also loss of their first two first base on an error by Pete series on the linal night with a*- Herrick went to first on a fielders' Tops iiliies losses... . * ' - ' ..•:'-•• games'in. the'Union County Fire- POWER POLICE DEPABTMENT .. 1 declared today. The game Ls schedP attempt ..to get the double play; TAT AT KM vr Duney out-vat—tKrrdr—the :r T - • ' - .... . u uled for 6:45 The loss dropped Fischer's in- .SHAHEEN AGENCY For ihe life of your meal Fred Richer threw into thp riirt STURDILY CONSTRUCTED Coventry _____ 147 third baseman missed the ball In Four Years ~ ~ ~ bases and the run came in when mm - -••: 1 Reide admitted the job will be to a tie with Errico Truckers for Davnr "".'." _....•'-ITS thrown • by the first, baseman and , championship team of the Cranford Inter-Church and Mort. Richey,. .the first base- Harris ., 167 For the first time in Jhe four second baseman Dan Nafie hobbled a tough one, however, since the second place. The latter team Doney came on home. Left field- grounder. ' /• League, Zion Lutheran of Rahway, is shown above: man, was unable to come up with Toreeraen ' ._i.™ : ' 195 years that Cranforid has been play- Roselle firemen have a perfect re- the ball and Soltys scored. Huetteman ; _..__-_,—__ 178 ; '$ &'!__!_____; 1OTAC' __!.1.!_2--t.-. toGQfr ing. Harrison, in baseball, the Ber- Scott got to Richie Herniick cord of wins so-far, having .stopped vScheitlin, M- P. Haluza, R. Griteschke, R. Meyer and Bob Douglas started on_Jhe Shop. The Police Department ing Herrick to second. The final gen County | nine defeat RirPT -the; photograph -was—taken 1IARCO CHEMlCAI, cd, <»». mound .for CfanfprdT'an'd" was re- nnd Men's League tied for fifth ; 148 run;was scored by Herrick on. a Blues. Harrison downed Coach the secopd frame for three runs. 10 to 9. Designed for Quiet, Easy Svrdman ,._-_ IM / WO by Al FUcher ; J.Gudor and"H-Keller. . . • •: •. lieved by Jo_ Kooris in the ninth. place. T'- Blind J. 100- 100 100 single* by catcher Pete Scholz. The Paul Buonaguro's nlhe, 8-2, last Richie. Adubato smashed a single For their second league/defeat, Ellind 'L :_..•__ 100 100 100 Anzelone was charged with the Cutting. Handle-bar design lift: *other sweeps were turned in by 145 Pictured, above are members of the Cranford DemWratic Club-bowling team which came . next batter 'walked loading' the Wednesday at Harrison.; It mark- to left field to score Nafie ft0|p Cranfordibowed to Kenijworth, 7- lossT Bob Carkhuff pitched for Hull. -— <*• "« I, The game was ptayeel last half games this week in thepFour- MB ed the' fourth Four-County Con- third and Richie Meningall craefc- Peppermint Room pver the Citi- Horary .' 167 182 bases. But this threat was stop- 4. at Unami Park, Ga/wpod, last Thursday at Memorial FieldV . ' County Conference. Scott" has a the winners until relieved by Stan assures perfect control arid 02 from behind in the final two weeks to cop the 1954 CranfbffT^owling League championship. Stand- ped when Ken Emmons grounded ference loss, for the Blues and ed out another bingle with the Wednesday. They^dfopped their zen and Chronicle and Cranford . Handicap ...... S8 86 734 The battle-was JiighlightecNn the 6-0 record, while second-place Ro- Magierowski in • the ninth. precision performance. _^ . TOTAL; ...... :.... flO« 776 out. . ' . . '.••' ••':••!'•.. dropped them into the cellar.. bases loaded to score Rawding and: opener in BerkelejrHeights, 12-7. Shoe Store over • Builders' Gen- ing, left to right, are Walt Marshall, Eddie Ward, captain; Bill Bey«n and Ted Hull Seated, in same top of the third inning when Rah- selle Park has only three victories The, box scorei. BREEN'S COLD CHECKS (1) 147 •• Harrison scored one run in thAdubatoe . •• •' j> . • '• Kenilworth goVoff to an early eral. ••••''.. ju»th .>,. -'.•:. m — St Mary's only run was scor- way's-big leftj fielder,' Jack'SearV against two losses. , QUESTION , |' CRANFORD 105 order, are Frank DelGandio and Ernil Filsinger.. ed when Jack Palkovics got tothird inning, two in the fourth and The East Orange nine picked up start in last week's contest, scor- MARKS 1 from . Petersen's Dairy hit a 995 total Stalger \..—~ —,— 12» — 102 pitta, slammed* a homerun over "\ The standing of ihe conference; AB R HI AB Rill Lutes .....3. —'- 135 10* 164 first on an error. The next bat- three in the fifth inning. The high- another, run in the third when ing four runs in the "fijst inning in theif second game with Le- Scbeller .!.._\. : 1« 16> the left field fence for' the In- W ,_, Pel. Gu'teski.'cT 4 O O.An'one. ss-p 5 1 'J 14.95 Jeiiovitz >. - 203 145 ter gained first also on an error, light of. the game was a triple, Nafie. scored from third on a fly and another in the second'to take CllOprd Scott ..'. :.. 0 0 1.000 Chlri'Uo. lb 4 2 2 For-anek. cf 4 0 1 wk- •••• high Esso, which,.is the third dians* 'second. run. Jack al£>o Roselle Park .._, 3 2 , . .BOO Pal. ss -.12 OIQuecn. If . 5* 1 S Money •—_ \...-:.~ —ISO 151 driving in the two runs in theto left field by Paul Callan; The a 5-0' lead,'land Cranford never highest team game recorded in Gritske __\..._ — •: 181- advancing Palkovics all the way smashed a double in the fourth, •RoselleX."—••••- v> 2 . 3 . ' .400 Soltys. 2b 5 2 3|Baln. lb-3b 8 0 1 High School Trackmen Slight FdvoriU&foRetainCrown fourth. The inning was started Bides got. a .double play when caught up. '*•••,. y •••'.,,. Kelly, rf S o l!Do°rk.3brss S 0.0 the league this season. . TOTAl. •_..___X1,, 996 81B around to between third base and sending home two runs. North Arlington 2 3' .400 1 home. In .an attempt to tag himwith a ground out by Bob Walker. Poyle's toss to Ken Emmons eras- Leonard Dojan,' playing second. Rltt(?r.3b 5 0 11 Con way. t* 4 ! 3 STILL TIME TO PLANTV The final night saw 38 games .\ SUNNY The Blues' only run came in the' Harrison .X...... ;.. _ 2 .3 .400 Reln'sen. If 4 O 1 |Connelly. Jb 5 0 0 Rankln _...... '._.._. At Annual Union County Meet Tomorrow id PlninfkW out at home plate, Scholz missed Ted Darmetko, the next batter, ed Richter. , . got the Cranford firemen's Cronlord ^...'.L 1 5 .167 »Mas'.kl.c-p 4 O' 2iCarroll. c 2 0 0 • of. 200 or above turned in, also a Nictzel. Jr. walked. Jack Keating then struck bottom of the sixth. Frank D*An- Carhuff. p 4 0 1|F. Rlchey.'c 2 1 1 Stupak — the throw from first, thus allow- Rawding struck out 10 and walk-, first homer of the season in thetonio, the first batter walked. Tbe Hudson, c O O 0 run. HeXis "tRe defending The winning pitcher was; Rich got Cranford's first hit of the Match to Jefferson. TOTAL. -.--—_- •03 That will be the situation again this week as Coach J- Seth Weekley's Honan singled to right, sending Ted the Scott nine. Herrick allowed sixth., .The bases were' empty at Totals 38 6 ll| Totals 41 3 11 BS iamplon(ln*thev3ao. Timmy Schn- Herrick who had seven strikeouts. game, sending. D'Antonio to third. The Cranford racketihen lost -and 168 for his 615 total, while boys attempt to retain the Union County Conference championship to- Darmetko trrtlilrd. Tlie next-man only four-hits as hp.rrrnrded the" time in both cases. '., -•. . Question Marks -0.0300 0 002 1 0 Makmey of - the Sportsman's Shop Hubiak _ man and Walt may. also be The losing' pitcher was. Mel Bel- Bob Rice; the pitcher, walked load- their second, match in a row^Fri- Cranford 0 1 '0 O 0 0 O 0 4 0—S 3 S1.00 Rlspoll morrow at Plainfield and the Englewoqd Invitational Meet on Saturday. str|keouts and walked only five. 7 Contfouing~in~hisTole~as~one~of _G>m'f»ki. Soltys 2. Hitter. -- put—tdgetherJ_scDtes_of__231,_ Yl%_ hreats in the sprints. lomo with four strikeouts. up was Jim Regan. With one ball ing the bases. Ted Shaw, also day at Warinanco Park to _Tre»«, ~In th6 couniy competition, Crari-* ^nd-two-strikes-im liim, heLclob- bqx_score. the Cranford. firemen's bestxbats- Mafilerowskl, . Anzelone. Queen. Bald- — There were four :crrors by Cran- —-A. win. F. Rtchey—Two-base-hit*- Kelly, and 199 for a 606 total. In theTquarter m\le~ Schuman* CRANFOHD SCOTT walked, forcing-home D'Antonio. _on, "V* DeMarco _...-•.. ford will be co-favored with Ro- second-place Plainfield scored ford and two by St. Mary's. bered .a triple to left field, tally men,;John Errico banged'out four ,Conwoy 3. Fv Richey. M. Rlchey. Thre* Others in the 200 bracket were: Welsand ___;....- ihould be among the 1 :rs, while ' • "• . AB R H AB R Hi The side was retired by a ground The Blues' only point was scored bone hit — Queen, liases on balls — oft TOTAL '. 833 selle, Plainfield and Union, while ' Once again the runners will have The Blues' record is noWi four ing Ted Darmetko and Pete Ho- Doyle. )f 3 1 1 Adubato. cf 3 1 insist on hits in four times at bat. CnTh ifT 3. oil Maslerouski 1, off Douglas ASK ABOUT — Hull, Dcrnocratic Club, 203 and ^y^i will be to win- O| Hall. If - ^ut by George Wiliams. '.'••' by the doubles team of Dave Dun- Linden may also be a threat. Be- to do a lot of scoring if the Blues wins and six losses. St: Mary's nan. The side was retired on a Weln'art.cf 2 0 2 0 Ol ' The score: 4. off. Koons 4. off'Anzeione O. Struck 200; DelGandio, Democratic Club, METHODIST MEN'S ' CLUB (2) he half mile with Georgl Wening Sawyer. 2b 3 0 0|Menl'_U. 3b KESHUVOKTH I' CRANFORD \The winning pitcher was Bill ham and Dave Crane, who played out —\by Carhuff 7, by Maelerow-kl 2. cause the strength-ia-hetter dis- are to bring home the_.baconv fly to "right brought down by BobSchoU.c 3 0 0!Diamond, lb. 3:i o il DANISH BLUE CHEESE Cpry , ...J 18* 183 156 Dan Is 2-5. o o| • ' •• • RHE| RHE Kaat with eight strikeoutsand nine against John Lieberman and Edby DoUelj\s 3. by Koons z. by Anzelone 0. 203;/Filsinger, .Democratic-Club, imua ' : _.„._ 128 140 166 tributed this year than it was last Rickie Voorhees will be depended ilso in the scoring colui Weingart. Staples, lb 3 0 0| Samuels, rf WhitNa wonderfully different feeling you'll experience J. Cr'one. ss 1 O O|Specht, ss 0 0 0 Wlnnlns pitcher 7- Mafiicrowski. Losing 333 181 The box score: Doney. ss- 3 0 0|Nafle. 2b 3 .0 bases^n balls. The losing pitcher. Kirinzman. After losing their first 212; D'Alessandris, Fischer's Mar- Doney _.J _ '. 157 season; it will probably take fewer upon to score points in' the . 100 itearick may score in the 1 . with your very first taste pf Danish Blue Cheese, fv W. Furze. If. 1 1 O| Kardel. U 10 0 •"pitohef"—r Xlaelone. Umpire, -r- Gulhln tet Your FREE/COUPONS H* Stacy , 155 155 aa CRANFORD ST. MARVS Cranford's first run came in thi Em'onds, 3b 3 0 0| Richter, ss 2 M. Cd'ella. ct OO O| Errico, 3b 14 0 Rice,, had seven strike outs. Cran- set, 6-2, the^Cranford duo came and Dcmero. \ ket, 207; Ciirtin, Errico Trucking, well as the pole vault Schii AB R H Zulick, Cf . 1 0 OIRowdlng, p 1 0 1 Martin ..._' L 170. 153 145 points to^ain the crown. The Blues and 220. There is still a,question AB H H first frame.when with Ron Doyle although blue cheese is tastefully different. pMy Ber_olo£U.c. 2 2 O|Helnemnn. lb 0 10 226;. Weber." Sportsman's'- Shop, TOTAL, _....«...... _'. 19* _ 864 870 nd Hoick may- be able to pli Zulick. rf ,4 0 0 Palko'lcs. 2b 4 HerrickJ|> 3 O 01 Callcn. c 2 i.ol ford's re'eord is now. 2-3. . 'back and walloped their opponents, The:standing of the league: tallied 47\ points last year, while is Hal -Vqorhces*' leg will be in o ol genuine Imported Danish Blue brings you the Creamy, David. D-3b 3 4 O| Dolan.'.b 110 ; For The "NIXEN1T S of ESSO Weingart. U 2 0, 3 Mulhearn. cf 3. on second by a walk and a steal, Ralmondi. lb O 1 OJDltzel, cf 0 0 0 6-3,6-3. •• " • • . • * ,'\ ••' W' •' t. Pi 200; Frankenberger, Sportsman's 171 . 107 in the high and low hurdles. Sawye>.2b 3 O 0 Rltter. ss Totals ' 24 1 1| Totals <20 4 41 zesty, fulKbodied goodness of cheese direct fron Elizabeth Braves _.„,._ 1 193 O 0 George Doney hit a single. The 5. Crfelis. 2b O 1 O| Campbell, c ' 0 J> 0 Lajrry Lasher trounced George SJhoD, 201 - HriltjJHarrls^ Ltd^ 202; Morcerf _...._.,.._..• BluesTiave no threats in the field' Scholz, c ' 3 Bechtle.rf '. Cranford ...... _._..-.. - 0.0 1.0,0 0 0—11 tienft^ark. .^Europe's famous dairybnd. For that F. Cr'one. rf O 0 O| Cansaware, rf o" 0 Pl-liifield Blue Stars ....::_, 1 133 l 128 r CHS Golfers Shutout "Moleen ~-_':'.-.i. .:^:r.T.':::.i:—lB»- Coelho. 3b; 0 2 .BlueS'_pJther^ runjvas scored in-Uie :ott..,.__„.,---.,--..„„,„,, Q ,3.1 ij.'-'ftj) x^l _^*___> • _ •_ ] * __ ^ ^% _% Al 1*%^. _•! . _ ..II ... t_L—k •« Conger, 6-0, 6-0. Mel' Whitker Eli<.' Question. Marks AnginolC Harris, Lfd., 202; Kor-~ tJ9 31 O^ps A1 *ktr_ i» sal-ds,samhticbes. andcaniv Latawlec -a - 180 156 177 Teatb'rvtb""" second Jniiuig. Steve 'Z'ulfck" was Errors — Menlngnll. ..NafTeX F'-^*^ J. Fuiie. 2b O 0 0 »The- golfers -of--Cranford-vg bt'T't"Strbeat'T'ete"'Steverii B 'C-T; " 3?ah /Cranfqrtf;. . . ner, Barnett's Liquors, 202; Esch- Brooks .-. J..., 134 ITS Because the Englewood meet at- HaJUeck. cf .* O . 0 Cailen. Doney. . Double plays — __„ pcfle. banish Blue is beyond compare! To top the meal,. Caruso, p 0 0 0 School were handed their fourth Wc.UU.-ld Hawks 24 Pancurak. c 0 0 able to get "to first on an over- and Emmonds; Nafle and Dlamonif. Basal Bob Craw was taken over by Paul PlainKeld Dreicrs enlauer. Men's League, 215; P. ' Handicap 34 0 0 as a dessert, irsthe finest! Brodovski.2b 0 0 0 14 TOTAL - 835 aiat ass tracts teams from such a wide Bellomo. p throw error by third baseman Ted on balls — off. Herrick 6. oil Haudlcjl straight defeat last Thursday as Ba'um, 6-0, 9-7, and finally Baum Elizabeth Tinnesz,/ Tinnesz Market, 201; Gained by Cindermen at Long Branch x-Gulbln 0.0 5. Struck out — by Herrlek 11, bjl This very day. make il a point to invest a few extra L-ndch Buckeye. rea, it is difficult to determine Darmetko. He was moved to sec-Rawding 10. Umpire — KarL '; Totals 7 S 0 Total North Plainfield shut them - out, and Lasher defeated John, Mc- mm Harris. Shaheen Agency, 246; PETERSEN'S DAIHV (Jl pennies and pick up • piece of Danish Blue Cheese. Kenilworth , , 4 10 0 1 10--7 Petersen. E.-A- ,1«. 173. 136 Two of the five\tate relay titles in, the combined Groupl and which teams might challange the Totals \ 2S 3 6 Tot-Is 26 '1 7 ond on a sacrifice by Ken Em- 12-0. Handed 3-0 defeats were Carthy and Charley Ray, 6-3WinKdavTilk, s Gold, Police Department, 211 andThommen' '». ' 173 . 212 158 Blues for the crown. Plainfield was x-BatterMn 7th. mons. Art Kiamie also got to first You'll agree, it's well worth it . "-anfoid _; ...... 0 0] 1 i-0f—« Tom Nagle, T'ony Stein, Skip Col- II division are held by the runners of Cranford High School: / Cranford 0 1 0 02 0 O—3 : 6-3v • ^ ,.._•••.••. \ • (Cpritinucd ]rpm page two) 233; Santella, Police Department, Petor«n. B. .160 201 194 second last year. In tnia competi- Pingry Netmen Blank . DSNMA*KCt . .' ' 1 ~ ' ' • . • v ville and Rich Hurley. • Austin u _-• .155 31O 15* Coach J. Seth. Weekley's boys retained • their 440-yard relay St Mary's ly.; O 0 0 0 1 0 0—1 on an error, sending Zulick to The loss put d^anford's record RoselW and Millville. 210; Jeiiovitz, Breen's Gold Morenko » 186 19»' 173 ion, Coach Weekley's boys came Errors — Ilitter, Teator. .Pancurak, Scholz, BellomoV, Two base hit — Doney. third. Kiamie then stole Second. Strong Rahwqy Nine at one win and two-Josses. No records were broken in any Checks, 203; Rispoli,' Hayeck's Handicap -. 13 13 13 title and won the two-mile relay at the annual New Jersey State up with 29 points last year by gain-i High School Squad TOTA1 834 1008 790 Double plays— BeUonno.-Rltter and Tea-The run finally came in when division jmd times were generally Foods, 208; DeMarco, Hayeck's Interscholastic Athletic Association relays held in conjunction with tor. Bases on balls — off Merrlck 2. off Pingry School of Hillside shut-l Rips Freshmen, 11-1 Scott Increases Lead LEHICH ESSO <1> ing two firsts, four seconds, a third Jerry Kotlarz was safe dn a field- poor ay the teams competed on a Foods, 204; Fulcher, Sunny Acres, knlerim. K. ~ —- 210 • 174 168 the 19th annual Long Branch Car-*— . ', "— rr L~~ and a' fifth. ' However, a somewhat Bellomo 3. Struck \ut — by Herrick 6. out the Cranford High School net-l Coach Paul Selby's frosh dia- Tomatoes Kieswetfer ... 122 190 313 by Bellomo 4. Umpires — Kloss and er's'choice, ' ' "'• In Four-County Race rainrdrenched track. • / 209; Moleen, Barren's fsso, 222; 127 smaller, total may be needed this Conlin. men, 6-0, last week at HiUsidtl mond squad lqst its third game in Indiana Is second only tr/Callfor- 1 NORTH AViL. W^ CRANFORD. N. J. TEL. CR. C-tMl AlmqulU • 1S3 139 nival Saturday. • • The winning pitcher was Art Clifford Scott of East Orange nla in production of tpinatiiea. 1 all the teams entered. Craiir Doney, Methodist Men's Club, 225; Kirkpa trick j _ 168 • 169 147 ear. ' • The prep, school team won threej a row when they were run over by r Stacy, Methodist Men's Club, 222;Nylen. P. , 170 311 IBS A team of Fred Voorhees, Bruce Pomponi, and the losing pitcher a,strong and big Rahway team, .11- increased its lead to two-and-a ord made the best showing in the TOTAt ___ 8ZS 810 •12 In the Englewood Meet, Coach singles and three doubles matcha K. Knlerirh. Lehigh ESSQ, 210; Kles- Hoick, Lou McClendon and Timmy was Jerry Kotlarz. Weekley said he will concentrate CHS Nine Gets with the loss of only one set. wetter, Lehigh Esso. 212; P. Ny- PEPPERMINT ROOM Schuman won the 440-yard title The box score: Delia Sola. S. ._;_.-._ IBS ' 103 — on the 880, mile and two-mile re- HARRISON CRANFORD Bud Hostetter topped. Georgi] ten. Lehigh Esso, 211; Thommen, «s- and Jim Schroeder took second and the pitching of Bob Evers and Kotlarz. Umpires Bulvanoskl and the Springfield avenue courts. We're coming to your home during the next week to ask your financial help in raising $10,000 !••/„ • L A»«. Therm-n ___. 148 155 161 Regional will meet Pingry at Lefty Herlick has.been much im- Democratic Club 63 33 873.93 in the mile relay, trailing a good games, the local squad had to go Snu>yat~ Stevens _. - 181 ' 13> 176 12:30 ,p.m. on Field-No. 1, while at proved. Meanwhile, the Panthers Errico' Trucking: ... 97 39 841.74 DiTUlUo —- • - - 14' 15' 147 Palmyra team. The distance med- extra innings to' reach a decision competition Sunday of Bellev Fischer's Market 57 38 803.41 149 the same hour Linden and Roselle have been going down hill after a \_ to erect a headquarters building for our First Aid Squad. 827.75 Barlow ..'. 137 11» ley squad failed to place. Run- PflugWinsFive-MUe bicycle road rale.' Sportsman's Shop 56 40 Blind The result of their home, debut will meet on Field No. 2. Two Police Department 53 41 820.&8 — ISO 178 ning with this squad were: Rudl very fast start, . A sophomore at St. Peter's.Hiiil 813.33 against , the Elizabeth Question games, are also slated for 3 p.m. Men's League 95 41 Handicap. 12 Metzner, Bob Hagerthey, Walt It is likely Coach Herm Shaw Bicycle Jtace at Belleville School, Jersey City, Pflug hadi| Shahcen Agency 64*4 4H4 831.85 TOTAL 705 720 811 Marks wasn't as successful as theWestfield and Jefferson collide on Tlnnea Market SI 45 828-13 Keve and .George Tarver: Field No. 1 and Rahway and will. pitch his ace, Jack Partilla, •Bill Pflug, 16-year-old Cranford three-length .lead over the 26 PeterseiVs Dairy .. . 51 45 803.31 CRANFORD SHOE STORE 43) - In the 440-yard relay. Highland previous week,. however. Eliza- in ^the Four-County Conference tries in the race to win in 13:3U| Our drive opens this Saturday, May 15, and continues through Sunday, May 23. Lehigh Xsso 50 48. 833.33 Orrok. Sr. _.- • 200 143 Scotch Plains on Field No. 2. youth, won the five-mile Junior, Sunny Acres 49 47 801. Hayeck - ^.^^..^ 167 169 158 Park; Matawan and Scotch Plains beth- wbn ti-5 iii a 10-inriing con- game, while Coach Buonaguro may Mayeck'a Foods 449 47 Ridley _,—.^X- 1SS 19t trailed the- Blues in that order. test in the only league game played give Herrick the starting nod. Horco Chemical Co. _ 48 48 B4J.15 Hopper __., 1«S — m • •. • / - . •. , / . ..••"••• • • . . • • •. . Harris. Ltd 40 B0 " 793.63 Fisher : ._ HI 1S5 185 The winner' of the 880-yard Sunday. linden Junior High Three matches are slated for Brecn's Gold Checks .40 50 786.4.1 Orrok. Jr. - —. 158 170 event was Millville with High Trailing 5-1 going into the fina Coach Stuart Goldblatt's netmen. Meth: Mw'lClub 43Mi 803-!• TOTAL MS 820 180 Wallops Frosh Nine We earnestly hope you will open your hearts and your pocketbooks so that this vital local service •1 Barnett's liquors .... 43 53 805.42 BUILDERS' GENERAL <0> 871 land Park second, Cranford third frame, the Cranford nine tied the They meet Westfield at tVestfieldi Peppermint Room .... 43 53/ 78224 DiLorenzo 1»6 212 and Matawan . fourth.' The onescore. Fred Rlchey opened the Linden. Junior High School nine tomorrow, Perth Amboy Saturday Barren's Euo 43' 53 779.80 Berardmelll ^ IM .132 may senre ylbu even more efficiently inr the future. 7 Cranford Shoe Store 41 . 55 794.86 Wlrtm'la. F. '. 103 — 154 mile competition was won by Pal rally with a walk and his brother walloped the Cranford freshman at home and Rahway Tuesday at USEDCRRS Citizen-Chronicle ...;.... 40 50 777.92 Rlxkallakalla. O.O. -,, — 1» *178 155 myra. .Cranford was'.second, Le Manager Mort Rlchey, • a single squad, 11-3, last"week at Memorial Warinaneo" Park, . ' •'•'.• 3» _S8_ _762.1_ lAons Club 37 50 791.8 vlr, L— 168. 168 '189 onia third and Mt-tuchen fourth. Pete-Anzolono-Walkfld-tb load th Field. Owch Bill Martin's golfers take A»ar C r • — lOS ^79" v YJT.W. :._ ; 3« 60 760.02 Handicap i-- 18 •. 26 14 ' . Metuchcn and bases! and Jesse Queen, Jefferson The^Little Tigers scored most of on Jefferson today at. the Echo m TOTAL ' 819 818 863 Lakewood ^railed the Blues in tha High star, clouted a long triple for their tallies on errors by the Lake Country Club. Westfield, In Here is a list of the public spirited local residents who will assist in our house to house canvass. L DEMOCRATIC CLUB <3< order, in ..the_lwp-miler racci. The threeh . j:unsv..lkeJ.B.aldw_ln'8lJBldl'PJPJs^^m Blues..linden opened the scoring DelGandio _ I 180 ' am 178 distance medley was captured by single scored Queen. "in the very" first ininlhg. .Cran- "For 4he freshmen* baseball team*, Beym _ 210 203 108 Jef f Gaiiis PtUlnger '... 173 S37 21* Morris Hills regional trailed by Elizabeth's winning run scorec ford's tallies came in the third. Bob two games are scheduled: Westfield Marshall 169 183 171 (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page three) Spott was the losing hurler. at Westfield tomorrow and Lin- TOTAL ..:..:.. 896 180 829 888 Golf Crown den at Linden on Tuesday. FISCHER'S MARKET 10k Jefferson of Elizabeth -won the DeFablo _ „.—._ 14» .128 145 In addition to the Union County D'AlewandrU _ raj 207 ISO annual Union County. Golf tourna- Meet tomorrow and the Englewood Cymbaluk . ; 140 — 157 ment at Galloping Hill. Kenil- Invitational, on Saturday, Coach, J. Koury '..J. _».._ 168 158 169 Chairman ' Treasurer GrVkowskt _. _.__'' 142 83 worth, Friday as Cranford finish- HEADQUARTERS FOR Seth Weekley's cindermen take, on Cb^Iutirmen D-Uorenio. .. — 157 153 ed next to last. ' . Hillside in a dual meet at Hillside Handicap -.... 46 • 49 SO r E. C. McMahon and J. V. Nostrand Walter M. Cooper Harold S. Coiupton ~~TOTAir" 805~~T8_' ~The~Hizabeth~four~had7«-team Mondayr~~ : — total of 337 to edge Westfield. the A ER-UCO TRUCKING Errlio _.„ 173 156 191 defending champion, by IS strokes. - Hlrsch ._ _ IM 154 175 Regional was third. Union fourth. Cranford Police Wini Slcko !.._• "lot 137 108 OUR WEEK-WO SPECUU. "-" Area Captains *m>rn^*ntr*<*'Klnl .—.~ «_- 103 158 Rah way fifth, BoeeUe sixth.. Pin- District S—Gwendolyn Thnrstmi District 9-Cdwnrd Rdnvet District 12—Frank Helck District IC—Caesar llashln. . Curtln 228 • 183gry Seventh, Cranford eighth and Pistol League Opener 1951 CHEVROLET District .1—Harry Main • TOTAl. ,. ,. .. BS8 '874 District 2-^Ausast Thermann.LJr. District C—Michael Colarurri District 10—Raymond District 13—Albert Haddad District 17—Henry Klnbenspies i Rofclle Park ninth. Actually the The Cranford policemen took DELUXE 8 PASS. STATIOK • WA«OJf», SPORTSMAN'S SHOP BTEKL BODY, tM>WE*OUDB. BEAIEB AND District ^-^WlllUm P. Smith District 7—Harris Warner Cowperthvralto District 14—Harry Pace District 18—Alfred Frlgola 1BO Panthers were third, but they were their opening .match' in the Union Hayeck .« 153 101 DEFBOSTSB. OBEEN. ' -'' • District District B aidinl Sikoxa District 11—John Hadl District 18—Albert Bendlin m Ualoney _ »3l . 199 disqualified by tournament chair-' County Police Pistol League by 4—Jack i \ 't Vf Laurion •„....'.'.:... 138 YOURS TOIL ...... rrankenbertfer _...' 1U8 ' man Ken McKay of Union, because Baseball downing Summit, 1,090 to 1.067 at Weber __ 189 Charles McCrea had conceded him- the Nomahegan range onJThurs- -llf*!..,, ...^ Mr .... TOTAL BBS' 866 self a two-inch putt dip the lOtn hole. " .. ' - - -- Joe Koyacs led the scoring with OTHER SPECIALS .*•• HARRIS. LTD. (3> a 280, and Al Fischer followed Ruxto — -.IM ' 168 148 Cranford scores w«re as follows: 1950 OLDSMOBILE . Holt. _-_ :. ' 202. 172 123 joe Kulmeyer, 54-50—104; Charles closely with 278. Dick Schofield 103J CHEVROLET . Meyer ..- 1-6 145 Delia* Z V—t. 9«l«*. BeaUr aaal Dcla-»' CUI» CM-'' ""»"• ., Anjlncll ..._ 303 1«6 138 Preston. 68-50—118; Richard Al- had a 270, and Fr*d*Roberts, team D-lr-stsrs mm* Buk U» LlghU. . BeaUr, Dlr. 8U-. Hydrajnallc • Boertmann __ 105 181 143 bertson, 53-56—109; end Tom captain,.hit 269. Beat C*««rs. . " Handicap . 12 1« 14 TQTAL. ,.._.._...._-._ -BOo • 848 733 White. 51-53—104. ' Cranford faces the Union Coun- 1840 POHTIAC 175.00 }9«l CMEVHOLET .... «9W»' j BARNETTS LJQUOH3 ll» '' Dave Wichansky of Jefferson ty Park Police at Nomahegan at « D.or Sedu. Black. Baal*. BeaUr VlMiausUr. Black. * •»•<" .*' "" Komer ...... 174 149 2« 2 p.m. next Wednesday. . and Dcfustrft-. „ ' UUU. lUator. Scat Cover. 141 won the individual title He and Russell -!! „., 1»4 191 175 tied for first placft at the end of 1841 OLDSMOBILE . . 173JJ0, 1847 irOJlD ..... ••*"*] Gubas 133 BASEBALL BPALpiNO Mrs. Smith Low Putter « C*»r S**_a>. Bydra-uUe, Badla S Daw Satan. Black. JU.t ,t «. 154 1ST 18 holes with 81V. Wlcfaansky w<» SPA-DUfO 8PALD1NG ' TBAPPERS 8PALDIMO a-4 Dafr*«Ur. ", - . : Badto Bad BeaUr. TOTAL 770 778 864 with a par on the 1Mb. bole,its. CAPS littU -REACH Mrs. Walter C. Smith of Scotch MITTS WMTS-KED BASEBALLS < * • ftNGEB Plains, formerly of Cranford, took Sladkus took thwe putts. ^ -XA.VV -BOVAL. McCorrnlck ITT •• 198 .98 4 up MOWXH/ the least number, of putts in -Class Bchrof>p« .:.. IM 187 .120 1JQ0 L89 A in the 18-hole medal play which EaehaaJauer 103 21S 148 Fro»h Cindermen Lose 495 & op attad. Jr. 129 140 140 opened the women's activity last NORRIS CHEVROLET, INC. Fsirchlld ' 103 14S 1S4 The freshman track team at week at the Echo Lake Country (Undlcap 1« 1« 16 TOTAL ,_ _..'. _ 124 833 Cranford High School opened It* Club. Westfield. .tiff and 614 Central Aw. TINNISZ MARKET stwon last week and dropped a THE SPORTSMAN'S SHOP . TUutsss, V. IM *** V& **-3° det^dem to PUinfleld at Oi* Wtttfi«ld - WEJMH^. & DaOu- .. i _ 187 OPEN FBL TILL 9 17 NORTH AVE., WEST C& 8-1099 Boartsnaaa. V. , IU 157 ISt PLnlnf icb_- Coach X Seth Weekley "Or" U used with "•lther." "_««*• IMTUUlO ^, „.*- * ™ IBS 143 iwlhinditd the team in the absence of WE ARE PARTICIPATING IN THE MERCHANTS' NITE OF AWARDS i used with "MttlMr.t EUhw ni NEW LOT . . 814 CENTRAL'AVE. Ttanj**. A. iu 181 • TOTAL • 818 Coach Jim Avery. r blue, withf red -sac bh-*. i ff*^^ •;:;:>7:;:^-' i^^^ r£'3!?.rps

    nZENTAND CmOWC^-TmmSD*&,JVU& 13,19H-

    program was tarranged to better the Democratic prjimary), and (he the- perfoB«MngN^; T truly feel that rendered in prompting the cause of] Coin Club's observance Of .N.»- '••.'• CITIZEN AND CHRPOTCLE. TtTOHSDAY, MAY 18, UHML- acquaint parents of students with Mental Health Leader "••'•' "• ' ' - ' ' . ' I tinnul T/Jn ttT/xulr .:•'.' .'"-.f.''f. The Hudson River which" absentee vote was 8 to 5 against the Cranfor.d production compared i Coin Week, Singing With Seton Hall To^^ Students' Parents the college, Or. MacKay reported. Uted by DAY Chapter bingdiand 8 to 4 against raffles. Praises MrsTLow, Cast roost favorably in every way with] 0L in the shadow of that terrifying arates New Jersey from R Miss Anrta_M^ Murphy of the the presentation'''in Summit by aHun Playing Ball JTTieSday. Her guests will be Mrs. I Vork has also .been known by .The faculty- and administration In a letter to'Mis: John H','.liow ".Harry G. Williams. Mrs. Michael ordeal for 33 years. t Greene Guild Glee Club This Saturday S junior College were host English Department WAS in chargi. Unity Chapter, 59, Disabled Broadway cast in March of 1953. Patrick " Whelan^ 50, of . "i/••••'• I^frs. Jolin of 507 Springfield avenue, Mrs. _^ Springringflield avenue, 8 V. Bercik, Mrs. John B. Smythe, In sjfoiMhe^shared-His^ passion^ JScFGIeasonoMfcN AinericanVeterarisTahnounceditOr and in. spirit she was crucified street, second tenor, dnd F.red Arthur F. Ackermaii. presideht .of'I^^Hov.-ever. jr. a very sMBlle way. fracture of the right .ankle while •••V ••"••' ' ' •.',»• ' ' •.••••. Mrs. John H, Trimble, Mrs. Fred •and husbandsb s of students of the' — day'"it''has "Awarded citations to To Plan School Dance the Union County Mental Heajth you ^nd yiitir cast have siicceeded with Him. As His life ebbed tains-" Verrazaho . called ( 1 playing, softball in the rear of the H. Stracke, Mrs. Robert'A. Brad- Duffy of X* Sylvester street, nrst • ..- .-'.i.vi.Huvntlfm' •:. ' Mrs. John B. Chambe'rlin of 11 in expressing, a certain i'ndefiriable away bn Calvary He gaveher to "Grand River." The Dutch eat a reception. Local Boys to Sing " Capt,, Newell Rodney; Fiske Post, Association, praised the cast of high-school Sunday afternoon. He At Newcomers' Club Luncheon Icy and Mrs.*Albert P. Morrow*' B]> JAMBS F. WOODS bass;- are among members of iHampton street has'-been named sincerity, which many feel make us in the per*on of St John to be ,t "Prince Maurice's River" Clifford Bernard of Summit, 335, Veterans of Foreign Wars, "My Narrie Is Legion." which was was treated by Dr.'-Abraham the Seton-Hall University Mens At Hillside Concert - chairman' of ..the committee to 1 production really P A talk on "Mental Health-— Everyone's Responsibility" was our, own Blessed Mother our Re-By Missionary the "North River." It had n of the Board of Trustees, and the Ladies Auxiliary to St. presented ", here recently under the Thaler. ,. -.. • '•'" | . • Devotion to the Mother of God Glee Club;, which will present its been designated as the "Rivef* 4 Dr. Kennethth; C . McKayMK , presl- Performing at the annual con- plan the third annual dance to be auspices of the Cranford Citizens outstanding. presented by Mrs. Arthur F. Ackerman of Summit, president of the fuge of Sinners. / fln Theresa's Post, Catholic War Vet- : ! Becomes Professor is' indigenous In the life of every . Mrs. Charles C. West; Presby- twenty^eighth annual Spring.Con- St Anthony", and'the "Ri,vetM j-ntr and dean, spoke briefly. The cert of the glee clubs of Pingry given by the mothers of members Committee for Mental Health. is sincjeritv-'typiiles- the spirit .Union Count~ ""y Associatio* -* —n »~fo»r M«»»tn Mentai l HoalthHealth. ,eues guest tsDcake speakr? at the Catholics do not believe that w practical Catholic. To understand terian fraternal worker, on fur-cert in the university's gymnas- Norumbega. . ; W aen —__ __, . . School of Hillside and Vail-Deane erans, Linden! of the graduating class of Vail- Mrs. Ackerman's letter follows: of the Cranlord Citizens Commit- Enters Coin Exhibit * ;• irth anniversary luncheon-of the Newcomers' Club at Calvary At Cooper Union -: Mary is more than human and this" devotion it is necessary to ium-auditorium in South Orange School of Elizabeth tomorrow The local DAV post Cited the Deane School; Elizabeth. _ "Your moving presentation of for Mentiil Ht-allh, •uhich has Joseph Wortley of 22 Han>"Hton Introduced'. by; Mrs. -Edwin C. do not pay her divine homage?-loug] h from Germany, will speak Lutheran Church last Wednesday. • Dr. Edwin-. S." Burdbli, presi- know something of Mary's role in at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, . ighpBt Pingry" School, will be VFW post, for its inter-faith pro- Her daughter. Miss Jane Cham- My Nurne Is Legion, left a deep done such a momentous job inavenue has an entry in. the annual that'is reserved' for God alone. at the regular monthly supper coin exhibit now on display at Vounfihouse, Mrs. ' Ackerman »>• E. Mackevich; Mrs. dent of Cooper UnionfNew York. the life pf Christ and consequently The program' will he highlighted jjt«e Cranford boys.-,..• jects and its cooperation, while- berlin, is president, of the senior impression' upon all who were awakening interest in -and enlist- in our own lives because it wasThey do believe she is* a very meeting Monday evening at 7 o'- Pingry School^illside. The ex- W. Broe- today announced the promotion '-61 by the first public rendition of the ~ are: Arthur Lewis ol 41the Linden ladies auxiliary was class. The. dance 'will'.' be held privileged to.seeVit. ing citberi support for the -Menial •k.^Mgh ti.ir i ) hv J hnwm*ntl~Mrsrp»~sj; btK BoUT Oanf 61rorineinDeW"of7the ' ''* roan, Mrs. M77Sr~Beckett7Tilrs7 neering, Dr. Burdell said. . '•">' Is'that unreasonable? . ' years the president of SOliman UUn- Iboroughly quaUB»d ex- hamed~pfoject~4i*'eetor pf^a new-; OVER Banker, president of the Cranford W. King and Mrs. Vincent Sar- Father and the Holy Ghost, co- iversity in the Philippines, and Glee Club are..'fa' the freshman ALL STANDARD SIZE Bingo, Raffles Lose 'six million dollar*' plant to be con- Phon* CR 6-0080 for a taxi.' Council of Church Women: Professor Lofgren first came to existed with Them from all eter- p«rti. We aj» «tafled FBH FRffiS Our drivers are ' trained in nowski. Cranford as a 6oy in 1904, later before that had served as a Pres- class. structed at. Calvprt, Citjr, Ky., by REPAIRS Cbalcr ml mMmp. snH»»«. Ulltt. 60 Schneider, nity and is equal to Them in all PICTURE FRAMES by taetorr • approved LINCOLN •jrmlen •> MVCIU wit* (rrarfc Iriri •afety. They don't bum up -MTJ ••• for the Calvary Women's Guild byterian missionary in China un- In Absentee Vote the General Aniline S: Film Corp. nr.H 5—^^ WtM***.' nle .cbw'-rn'M tartar. president,- called on "Mrs. E. M; tBWSr Exhibit^hop, ~^-~—Et-STOCK Tailora & Clqpnera 52 EA1 Iht rntd. Fhr • f»it. rnurttmit dance to( be • heldj at Twin Brooks returned to Cranford, where he ';Craitford--residents—away—frpm- -All Type»^»f- Johnson, membership chairman, Catholics believe that when To View Three Films necessary for him to leave that Two Cranford students, Frank Iff 8ontii Caten Ave. Onatott ; y •tar crcry dar inm 4 to • r.M. Country Club, Watchung, on June has since resided. ,.'•'.. home. during the recent primary gineering department manager at ELECTRICAL rBN EABLT — TOXK OKOEB IS CRANFORD ride i»m«mbir , to introduce the" following new Christ' became incarnate, He did country. . ' Dickison of 22 Pittsfield street and PATBTTA, BX..-KEADT WBEN TOV 5, announced that tickets may be,_._He__l-L-^ graduate of Cooper JThe showing of three films will election followed the trend set by the Linden Plant of GAF. He will ER not divest Himself-of His Divinity, —-Mr.--«nd-Mre,~^West-*»«sre^p-- BrnceBrtimfielduoWiuJamjslifiet, APPLIANCES : oBtaIned~mr6Ugh the caricrs^and Union, and received master's de-1 highlight'the program to be offered CRANFORD the- nometowh voters' in~rejecting be^-succceded by -Dr^ David—B. -Ctdi For&^ Mrs^ John • Meyer, VLv&.- Evan V.that provision for' cocktail par- but still as true God assimilated poirited, missionaries to Chixja in will have exhibits in the art and XJOHNSTON PAINT SUOJ> gree froih • Stevens . Institute of at a meeting tomorr,o\y nt 8:15 p.m. bingo and', raffles, according to Andrews of Summit. TOASTEKS — IttONS CRanford 6-1333 Briggs, Mrs. Harold A. WelK Jr., still another nature, that of man. 1046 and had made a brave be- shop exhibition" to be held today ..; • •.«••• : •. I- A '.LAMPS — BBOILKRS Delivery Service ties at the club prior to the "dance Technology. He has been a mem- figures received by Township Mrs, George Doerr, Jr., Mrs. Wil- He thus became] in -one person, of, the Women's Guild of Calvary ginning oil the difficult Chinese and tomorrow ur the. Kreh • Gym- 101 N. Union Ave. RADIO CLEANING A PRESSINQ ,'DMEBS — •EAYEKS y be made by, interested groups. ber of the Cooper Union faculty Clerk J. Walter Coffee from the Stoecklin Elected SUNLAMrS. ETC. 104 NORTH ' liaro T. Caskie and Mrs. Wilbcrt true God and true man. As man language and on their, work "at CRanford 8-2540 26 XA8TMAH ST. It 'was announced, that next since 1933, and for' the past .seven Lutheran Church, nasium of Pingry, School, Hillside. ALTERATIONS & REPAIRS Union County Board of Elections. Robert" J. Stoecklein of. 9 Al- MARINO'S UNION AVE. Chirmey. He was true, and -complete man Cheeloo University in Tsinan •. OB ' '"'; ;'.. Free Pick-up & Delivery executive opard meeting will be years has held the title of^'asso- "fteUgion in the NaVy" a film CR 6-1776 There, were 14 military and gonquin drive has been elected a FSESH FISH BCART Thanks were expressed to Mrs. like' us except that He .was sin- 1 when the increasing restrictions of 34 NORTH AVENUE " held at- 8:15 p.hi. Tuesday at theciate professor in the School of explaining a chaplain's york in LADIES' AND BIEN'S civilian absentee ballots from director of the Union County Arnold Vreeland, Welcome Wagon less. the Communist.government inter- C. BAiRNES CRANFORO home of Mrs. Robert. Gisser, 5 Engineering. Professor Lofgren GARMENTS. Cranford residents hi the Republi- Chapter, New Jersey Society of CR 64)700 .hostess^, for" the personal., wel- the Navy; "Where Does Nit Get rupted their work. • They were then SPEOAL1ZING IN FILLING PRESCRIPTIONS WEatfield 2-5969 — Closed Mondays — Lenhomc dri^e, north. Mrs. John- has. been associated With various Catholics believe that His con- can primary, (none being cast hi Certified Public Accountants. come sheVxtends to newcomers to son will be co-hostess. business firms as a technical con- ception and. birth' as man were You?", a motion picture on tnc^ sub- transferred to Europe andassigned •- / OF EYE PHYSICIANS - • Cranford, Including an invitation ' The afternoon canasta group sultant and engineer, more re- miraculous. The girl who wajecs t of alcoholism; and "To. Bet o work witn the Gossner Mission ,to attend Newcomers' Club meet- will meet tomorrow at the. home cently with television.and camera selected from all eternity to give Held in Honor," >a film discussing m ings- marriage, are the titles of the " We*re of Mrs. Walter Fry, 509 Orchard equipment companies. Him His humanity was the ipe| After a year they moved to Ber- ANSWER / * REAL ESTATE Mrs. Jdhnson\also introduced street. Attending will be/Mrs. • Professor Lofgren has been ac- Blessed Virgin Mary., She con-motion pictures to be shown. lin where Mr. West has been As Near ' Reference the following new\allers: Mrs. G. Carl W. Kirk, Mrs. George F. tive in the American Society for, ceived" Him by the action of God Refreshments . will" be serv working with the Evangelical Land SERVICE W. Zimmerman, M&L W..S. Van Smith, Mrs. C'are A. Barton, Mrs. Engineering ' Education, Having in the Person of the Holy Ghost. Mrs. Louise Hausmann, president hurch, and Mrs. West has made PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS To You For Goods CHAS. M. YEAKEL Natta, Mrs. H. N. Tre\t, Mrs. W. Lewis G- Griffiths, Mrs. Henry served for three years • as editor From there on His development will preside. "" home a center of friendliness 109 JEFFERSON AVE. BUSINESS DIRECTORY BIG TELEPHONE NEWS HartozHt , Mrs. Fuhro and Mrs.of the- society's machine;.design was that of any other unborn their neighbors and the stu- Martin Bldf. — Street Floor As Your & Service Beer*. / / and manufacturing bulletin, At child jintil the lime of His birth Leutters, Koble Win of the Kirchlich Hachschule Telephone RAPID REFERENCE TO RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES You Need Mertcatea -Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ''Johnson the present time he ..is chairman when He appeared miraculously Mr. West is teaching. She EL, 2-2340 leaving her still the Virgin. Be- Jsobeeiv active 4n-the j*rork fl Herth Ave.. W. CBaafor d «-*«« will entertain'the couples' bridge of the society's Division-ot-Ma group in their new home at 100 cause Christ is-.one person not women in the city. To BANKS CAMERAS • DRUG STORES • FUEL^ JEWELER and tworHiS~Dtvintty~ahd~Hisr Human-" Paul H. Leuttcrs^of 111 Horning these rfeponslbilities, she adds the "HI^frn^psttd This summer, as part of the so- avenue and C. Clayton Kolbe of Aniwer Your Telepbon* - SERVICE ity are inseparable. Because He care of lier three smallfsonsjj l GAHWOOD COAL CO. STORAGE Their guests wifl be Mr. and Mrs. ciety's educational program, he 10 West End place received 20- 24 Houn Everjr Day MARTENS' UNITS PHABMACY Adolph W. Pasbjerg, Mr. and Mrs. took His body, and His blood from Mrs., west was ,borh in Hong . . . ' PUaX OD> ' MARTIN JEWELERS STATIONS will direct a summer school for year buttons this month in recog- PHOTOSHOP Cbaa. if. XJnd. Bee Pbannactat Nate Schurer and Mr., and Mrs. Mary, she is truly the Mother of -Kong, ded." William Woods You Leave — It Rlns* — We Answer COAL — COBB Becistered Jeweler instructors in machine design at nition of their, service with . the ge in Fulton, Mo., and Cameras—Projectors American Gem Society *- McFAHLAND'S Harold Trent. Mrs; Johnson and the Unversity of Illinois. God.'' ''• Esso Standard Oil Company.' Junior C rsEscBiraoit ' Prompt DeUverlee. / In His'infancy she nursed Him gradu Barnard College' TELEPHONE EveryUUnf Pholoirapble Exoert Watch as* Jevietiy rs. Trent will be celebrating •FtCIAUSTS CaU WEstfleM S-21OJ n N. UNION- AVE. CKANFOKD ESSO SERVICENTER birthdays also. .. and cared for His human needs Mr. L^ietters is employed in the YorkXshe has also studied = MESSAGE EXCHANGE PhotoitaUnc—<)Dick Service Cracking Division, while Mr. Kolbe I"! 81 North Ave.'.' W. CBanford B-10S4 617 North Arenas OlIWHl . CBufMd' _ Ten' W. Mcrailaa*.' Mrs. Charles F. Quimby of 18Pingry Honor Roll as any other mother cares for hion Theo|ogicaLSje!ninaryJn «-17M — DrafB — Caaawtlea — Bafcy Necia is employed in "the Technical Ser l ' Complete Inspection Alan. Okell place will be hostess her baby — or should. ' Through r (lew York. ' Member FDIC Fraacriptloaa Called for LOVELAND FUEL CO. vice. Division. Both are located atj : ' and Deltvrred. Lubrication — Tires —-' to. the evening bridge group on Lists Local Students His childhood.she cooked, served Mertb Ave^ W, Cnater* • Authorized ; the Bayway, Refinery in Linden. Read the Classified Ada — COAL LAUNDRIES 'and ~washed-for:-Him-'and ••other-] .,..__,. — OEBM^aUNnAX — , ,.:.,v. . ' i * 'Three "Cranford "students""have .. ^__. .,.„.!,_....' ».*.??-^....\.;.j..iJ,. ,..:. ;xi.'-.,i".: !.\s. ..; **. DEALERS Lon( Distance Moviinc wise.guided Him towards man- 1M CnUr SL. QiniHt •:'.'•• PUEIV OIL gained first honors" for the sev- GAHWOOD COAL CO. CaU CSaatar* «VMIB Storaa* - PacUns - Shlpplnj mm enth scholastic month at Pingry hood as any other' mother does Prompt, Courteous Service" MOREYLABOE School, Hillside, E. Laurence her child- — or should. LAING MOTOR CAR CO. 17» B. Braa< Sk. If no anawer. BAtaway »-ll30 ' CaU CKanford O-1144 LAUNDRY CO. BOBBINS e> ALLISOW. INC • yTELEVISION • mm*- KOPPBKB LAVNDKT — Dar CLEANINO -•- From the ..time she -consented Phone Today for Application — CR 6-2934 Tour Authorized V ~^~ ' ' . WEatfleU S-tS*» "-' - MS .North' Ave.. E. . . Cnwfotd (St. IBU Springer, .headmaster, announced BUG CLEANSISC -, WVWt STOKACE !<"if«liv •)' '• • to be His mother she knew what 400 Park A*e., SeeUh FUIna CBANFORD RADIO Now at Bargain today. .!.'•'• , 14th Season • ' . Local «"i Lraaj Distance Painting Contractors • Named to. the honor roll were: her role in His work of redemp- I-4Z0* REEL;STRONG FUEL CO. TELEVISION tion was to be.' Her motherhood . Call CBaaford e-08SS i:V''^r>;?>'s/-'' Arthur.Lewis of-41 Rctford ave- ELECTRICAL 'Dependable. Friendly Service Since 1S3S' IS W. Jersey Elizabeth Spnng Price was in a sense something like tts aaath Av*. B. PalnUnc nue and William Stanger of 409 ER DAY CAM UTHuikAn. CONTRACTORS Car Badloa Repaired . !-• '>• Tv ii *•' • • Interiors and Exteriors Casino avenue of the sijeth.;form r the priesthood as day by day she UNION COUNTY eeal-HKATTNO OIU-«U CSaafard t-Ull Call — and James Stuart of 9 Spring I prepared (her Beloved Victim for TRUST COMPANY CRANFORD COAL COMPANY it LIQUOR STORES • : ot/GERALDDVE NURSERY SCHOOL • ••/-''••'• .»•«.»•• For Free Estimate Garden street of the first form. . I the inevitable Sacrifice. She lived and Servtea THOMAS BENTNATI CRanford 6-0909 M Eastman Street Craaferd Ae—••» Winter . , Bnmmer per Call CR 6-1006 Price Coal ' Price,' tan CR.6- , cor. Forest and North Avenues, Cranford BUCTBBBAB. Vatoa amdK*rta Avea-i ,, i'jfrs v '*i!A I**1 v* v • 'i SS23.75 Nut & Stove $21.50 S2S2JJ S • f ... .'/, children 2-6 years ( ' July 12 - Ans. 20th 20720.75 Peaa • ' 18.775 SS.OOO UPHOLSTERERS • •9** Ilk'MtM* ,' rialafleU OOHTBACTOB JM|ll ftaMl no NORTH AVE., w. 7-DAY CRUISES Transportation Provided ' HOMI NEED A FACE UrTIN6? 17.80 Buckwheat 10.75 .75 Bice ' 15.50 JSO FUNERAL SAVI MONiriltoppart C»U M « Smict Oept: U« B. 4lta — S CeBTcaUmtly I«eate< OMeee — 16.00 ppi 1 CRANFORD •h* »*«.. Bt. Kllaabalk- Can CBaalai* «-llM ' . . * - 41l»M*»aT.MswftvCMI.Y< A* COMPLETE SKKVICB »O» CRanford 6-1105 MS Martk Ave* E. Craafer* Vlrin* Cor Usbt and Power • • ' •':• *>r FUEL OUT. Custom Quality Brands Missing or loose Hooks, Eyes AIX SAVEBS or AIX AQE1 • LIQUOB — WINK — BZEB -. SUPPLY C0i| — Commercial Replaced Free off Charge SUPPLY co- ma CBanford *-O«tt 7 NORRIS CHEVROLET, Inc. •uvnro ROOM ISO Seath Ave^ B. : Cnaferd Iceopa white CONTRACTORS • SOS.Waaalasteai Ave. Lumber • Millwork • Mason Material!. CBaafard Complete) on rTsatlng Senrlea Expert Remodeling • KITCBXN houses wAfto 94 High St. Cranford, N. J. M. DIPABIO • Baraslte Ave. Cnatat* • WATCH REPAIRS it Let m remodel your fun into a 1954 • SIMMONS BEDDINO LUMBER style coat. Jacket," cape or stole. Free CR 6-2467 C»alra««er • •••for ymanl ftlt ' ' Insured Savings — Home Loans FLORISTS Phone: CBanford OW41 McCURDY JEWELERS Benlevard at Center. KtiUnrtk DBIVBWATt OfBca) and Showroom Exaert Wateh Bepairinc CBaofer4 <-i«M 1M M. Valea Ava. Craaterd NEW FlJBS Hardware BopflnS" Material MO)TOHS. ;a»-IBBra«lde-Ave.—' —^— Ciulsnl PHONE CALLS XONTRACTOR^ ~]~Far Ceata. ^ BRENNAN & TOYE Appllancea KENDLWORTH GrREENHOUSES IIS WAINOT A«L CBANrOED * PLCMBINO — BEATING A. HntflSIJC. Prop. CKufard a.M7S CBanibid axscs A CLOCK .*•' Pvlke :„.:. fluBow D« Pont M«T b rich REPAIRING Weddlna; Bouqueta SM Ceateaalat Ave. Cntaferd Cranford 6-0170 Member FUniat'Teleciaph Delivery Aaa'n. CBanford 6-0381.

    • FUR STORAGE • * ol all pdal pigmante. Keeps FUNERAL DESIGNS Avew' E. • Craaferd Fire Complete Parta and Mepalia CLOCKS — ALL KINDS '' CBaaferd «-«Z<* houaM looking *'fr«ahly sitriaa; an* Weight tt Creae »%. '' ' • IT COSTS NO MORE pahiUd" MiMB mttu bard kired up to $10^)00 Dial Operator' Cleaaed — Baaajred . To Store'Your Purs With A CRANFORD'- WESTFIELD ymat afUr ytmi. T*y > N.rtfc WBataeU S-S1M Pat ta Oraer Ambulance '- "W* a* your booael VENTERS FLORIST MASTER FURRIER BUILDING SUPPLY COMPANY CHAPMAN BROS. ttMHtlEUD '• . L P. CHAMBERLAIN SCIENTIFIC COLD FUR STORAGE it B: 4 GREENHOUSE PLCMBINO a BEATMO Cranford 6-0170 CBaaferd e-«»7 •'-Minimum—Hatos- —- _ Maaona" ON YOUR SAVINGS Maximum' Care COMTBACTOBS TfcT Township Clerk SoojT ptepalra « Onttoa Member TJ>M. — Flowen Br Win • Minor Repair* Free Lumber aUllwork • DELICATESSENS • • Remodelintf, RcpalrlnK —- JIOBBtNO — Cranford 6-5649 COUNTY BUICK CO. yj.—^.iy — Bricka CURRENT DIVIDEND 1*4 •teallweit* 2 STORE YOUR WINTER GARMENTS SAFELY /' 4 JalrasaM ... — Custom Cleaning — * Public Work* Cement. Sand. Gravel, cte. 2 1 vVafamtAve. CBanford S-M74 COLONY DELICATESSEN REKEMEIEB'S - GAMBURG FURS OU Burners * Cranford 6-2764 AT WESTMINSTER AT GREAT SAVINGS Conpteta) itelnai of * FLOWERS. Inc. Westrteld's Distinctive Fur Shop . ' Can CBanford 6-M0O DKUCACU0 - : WEDDING * PDNEBAL IM E. Bntd 81.' • WE r-»IJ» CBanford C-1SS0 CAR Station The Leading Savings Institution in Central Union County WOBK. OUB srECIALTT Op*o Monday Evenings All ^- A^ IAIONK /Anaaccauata Maae T* Order ' WE8TPIELD. N. J. ' Ctaaffcrf I aa, ttasthitA«a^j>V,^. Cranford 6-1271 V I OK G*narod Contracting * Board of Education * CONVENIENTLY LOCATED AT BROAD AND PROSPECT SIS J aa« Saniee - GLASS OHO TKVCK SALU •S WWAMS AVB. CBAJWOI • FOOD MARKETS • STANDARD LUMBER * Cranford 62030 * Prompt Call and Delivery Service CRANFORD AUTO GLASS • REAL ESTATE * OBamt»r« & SUPPLY CO. 1 >Iortli'Av«..'B. . •' WeaiaeU WINDOW & MIRROR SHOP by Our Bonded Messenger WElUtU 'S-5S0* CHAS. KURT^Z MARKET J GLASS Mnxwoaat • BEAUTY SALONS • CBOICB MEATS * POCLTT For Every Purpoae ' JOS. I. GUKEB SCHLECTER'S WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS SHAPES Mirrors Rcsllvered «> Wtcben C»Mneea StXAX EBTATS COON CBaaferd «-a?«a , WESTFIELD HOLLAND MADPON - CBaaf*r« »-«taS a> BooOng Matertale EMSUBANCS BEAUTY BOX Ave, W.. Cnaferd SHOES jf?<**lloC '-•-• *?-*"*• TelmJ- | MOTOR SALES CO. Inc. TORO and REO •r •4 Kartk Oalaa Ava. Craaterd Of All Kinds fa* /•at US NatHk Ualaa A* lit Men* Av«w W. CBaaferd «-lt*S POWER MOWERS TOBK OlOTfl HARDWARE • #) Haadvmra^ Screena. «tc- WOHEN «nrra _.: t _! . I. .. '. tOBLEM SCOTT'S : * FOOD MARKETS CXanCard a_O3O»—»«OT Lawn Products RICHARD HARTIG UNION AVENUE , CRANFORD PAINT & JOHN W. HETNS & SON ANDREW CRISANTI TOWNS BEAUTY SALON MBlafe Sine* CnmUt* 104 South Ave. (JOHNSTON PAINT SHOP) , MEAT MARKET .HARDWARE STORE BEAL ESTATE QraslBateaf *eeUUala« FBDXB MEATS * FOOLTBT ' ' ATLAS POWEB TOOLS and SAIJES — BZBVICB Bchttti «f lYacUpcdikai CRanford 6-1870 • rKBMANENTS • STYUNO 101 N. Union An. Grocerlee — Produce — Fraten Foode Glass - Garden Toots - House Funushlnc* WBCaAMCB SH CENTENNIAL, AVat BRANCH 8TOEB :> PLANT PAHTS — BZPAIBS • TBDK COLOK TINTINO — Free Deliver* — Pluniblnf Supplies * * Wallpaper '•• • Give T» Tfee .' '" Fnooe: CBanford 0-OTrf IROAO AT PROSPECT 4MSM Floor aiin^ti^g Machines CKANromo 482 Boulevard. KenUwwlh 8t George & Wood Avcs^ BoaeUe N»r»a Av*. «. CaU CBaafer* «•!««« fOUafetd B-UM) AafEsUCAN »»7lfc CKOSS II Beitk Avew B. Craaferd WfSTFIUO 1-4500 !• Maria UaUa Ava. Craaferd IM Ba«tB> Ave, B. CBaafeed «-ISW SAVINGS INSTITUTION CUestank 5-9778 Its Wataat A»e. Cra«fer«


    •:\ ^^"r?™™^^

    RTO v . v THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. MAY 18, 1854 Tenn. This is a small'settlement sent to XdtUe Elk as' Christmai •or sometimei the local educator Lincoln School Class- in the mountains hear Jellico. amt -Easter gifts. A scrap boult GAR WO Mrs. Boardman'ft Pupils pointed out' A team from the Dorian Seeks about New Jersey, Aiding Tennessee School Miss Eleanor Pippert, a former KENILWORTH Appear 4n AnnualRecital Dr. Sparks council surveyed Cra»|fprd'$, fifth, and Pennsylvania is being prc. •Clui Eighth -and eleventh vi grades. J)n has been the custom for JL teacher at Sherman.. School, has pnrwl for the school. - ; Mrs. Henry'Boardman presented March 24. number of years,' several'mem- visited the Heacher, Mrs: A. E. her piano pupils "in their annual The purpose of the two-day bers of; Mrs. Ethel PPatterson't s Hicks,, and has learned of „ the Tracks 8ftfer recital recently in the auditorium WinsMedal meeting is>t^ discuss and,.go over needs there. •••v^. presented ' the"American institute J The boy Is. Michael Monahan he gram off trie/Unioi n -County Keg the Union County School "Boards Honor awards-— Larry Pace. ofit3semkts' Gold Medal Award quarters for Garwood Memorial; Post 3l7i Amencatn^Legion. and in T Representative Williams yiasr annoiihced today, Karen Sjursen. Douglas Barile. Scoutmaster who was involved in the Shamrock questions abdut possible steps to be taken with regard to alleged air ional District No. 1.. Association last Thursday evening tomorrow at the institute's 31st -•by the Board of Education of the : at the Park Hotel, Plaihfield, He Janet Buzalski, Harold Sjursen, George Kopf of 302 South Union Bar hold-up-murders on March 7, pollution-by. local industries, there was standing room only at Tuesday Robert C, Krueger an- >ingo annual convention in Asbury Park. Graduation Speaker Union County Regional District succeeds. Adalbert Vorbs of Charlotte • Martin, Jane " Arnold, avenue was elected, scoutmaster of 953, in Elizabeth. The attorney k>t^ meeting pf the. Borough*——. : ^___—_ No. 1. School officials expect the nounced-the hearing at a meeting, Dr Sparks, director of the chpm- of Borough Council Tuesday eve-:' Rosclle. Phyllis BoardVnan. Lucy Haltom r Boy Scout Troop .75, sponsored by is. Ira D. Dorian of 33- Parkway "just want to be good neighbors" graduates to number 210 from the Applications for Games and. Barbara Harris; honorable ical division of Standard Oil De- ix .communities >-of the district: ning.. Borough Attorney Earl Pol- Herbert McCulIough, Board of the Cranford Methodist Church, at ITillage.' Presented at the meeting was aand appealed to the signers of the lack will represent Kenilworth. Education secretary, was elected mention — Virginia^Gillespie; gen- velopment Co., Lindeo, is the co- arwood, Kenilworth." Springfield, Will Be Accepted, eral awards — Elaine Sehroeder, inventor of_butyl '.synthetic rubber. Troop • Committee meeting last The caSe of the youth was heard petition signed by approximately petition also, to "be good neigh- cprrptnryyl_r - treastreasureru . Mrs. ^G. Carol BauerrMarcia-GUlespie and by Judge Libby E. Sachar of tfie j50 owners, of real estate in,.the bors, and give us 31 chance to prove Mountainside., tempt to and he Holmes Williams, chairman.of the He will l$e the 26th "person to win Ray Roesel. Union County Juvenile and '_ Do- vicinity' of Center street and we are too:"* ."' . . Congressman Williams, a native membgpK-, of Borough Council and nominating committee, presented the annual prize'., .-'•••.... \ .- iplm, institutional representative. other borough officials to be pres- KENILWORTH — Councilman Also participating ili the recital The New- Jersey. Chapter is host mestic Relations Court. She order- Beech '•' avenue, requesting the Invitation To Public if Plainfleld.is the first Democrat ...;the_s^le. Of officers. ••••••'--•- ppnplp Mr K"pf,. ent Ernest Vardalis, chairman of the . Among those from Cranford who to the three day meeting wnTcfi"o|P council "to refuse issuance~if to-represent—the—SixUv- District- lieef»se—commitUHv-r-epoFlied—lhat.--- who did not enter the auditions scoutmaster, was the leade'r of thenostic center. When these tests Origin illy the borough' filed attended the annual dinner meet- this year: Lois' Cavalla, Susan ehed yesterday. David W. Young quested of -licenses • to sell and ince it was formed in 1932. He BorouRh Council is now accepting overnight camping trip-which- 18 are completed, Judge Sachair is ; Garwood Memoriah Post also spoke three Superior Court suits with tne to ing uyr. ['services of the American Legion on that "in the past it Was used for U. S. Navy including a year on aough Clerk Philip McCfevna and The council was informed by • day evening in -the ..Municipal search Council; As the 26th per- First Bingo members of the committee not present when .the_photoKraph_ dence, Carl A. Herpld of Union Building. The other jour mem- Winnebago this week-end. Details The youth was indicted with his wars who save their a national and local scald and out-rhore affairs by the church than we minesweeper and three years in Mr. Pollack will visit Arnold Vey, Leroy~Sturgisr Republican- munic-« son-to win the "award, he is cited was taken arc: William Furz, past president; Alfred Scale; chair- and Mrs.L.'W. Lenzeri,of Eliza- bers of the league are: VFW, de- were discussed at a meeting las father, Eugene, for the murders of lined plans of the Garwood post will use-it.**'. ....','.-'..' , . Naval aviation. He is a lawyer as-, director of the Bureau of-Traffic ipal chainnan, that a petition is. "as an eminent chemist who has Safety of the State Department of p beth- ._ • ' ' - '• '. _\^.fending£ , champions, Blue/Room. -. striven unceasingly for the. promo Thursday^ at the church] auditor- a bartender and patron. JThejath- lives in defense pf to repair and beautify the former Objections Oatlined . . sociated with Cox and Walburg; man.; Joseph FMllfr-ftml-flanT Vfvh r. Th" *""» v<-hlrl«- W.T; dedj- ium. At thaftime, an investmertt er was. convicted of murder and church building and to construct a Objections to taking over of thePermits Newark, and has been an instruct- Law and Public Safety. They will cated at ceremonies Saturday at the firchousc. ening of a mortuary at the corner A revision of the constitution Harris Limited and Brecn's Gold tiori -of chemistry, and for the pw attempt to ftnd out whether the was adopted. " Checks. / fessional advancement of theservice was also held for six newsentenced to die; in the electric tribute park on'the corner lot as aformer church property by the post or in business law and principles of of Arthur terrace and Newark scouts joining the troop: Jame our country. memorial for .veterans of all wars. were outlined by Joseph Humenik finance at Rutgers University. state will approve an ordinance avenue. Mr. McGevna said an chemist." ' chair. The execution has been de- adopted by Borough Council desig- Joins Honor Society Boyd,. • Francis Connors, James jCriticizing rumors he said - had of 60.1 Center street, who said.he Session at St. Anne's application has been tiled with the Ties lor Low Putts The Gold Medal is provided an- ferred pending appeal., S nating TweMt. street as a light Trustees Appoint Dr. Shepard, E. Furman King of 13 Marsh nually by the A.I.C. according to Connors, Kenneth Taylor, Allan been spread about lack of decorum was speaking,for himself and also This Saturday; VFW Board of Adjustment for a zoning Mrs. Alviri Denmore "of Cran- for the signers of the petition.. traffic street. They will also in- variance and a public hearing will street was initiated as a member their by-laws for -"noteworthy and Silverman.. and Frederick • Schott. the conduct of Legionnaires, Band Concert quire as to the state's reaction to Dr. Johnkins School Doctors of University College Honor So- ford and Mrs. William Jennings The oeremonies .were followed bj County Commander Majchow de-.' 'Prefacing his remarks..with a Games Also Approved be-held on Wednesday. The pro- of Westfielle,ud tieu«d i fo•»«r .lo w puttHs— outstanding service to'the science the comprehensive traffic ordi- KENILWORTH -^- Two medical inspectors — Dr: Morse Shep- ciety-at Rutgers.University at the a Court of Honor. CHcitnot WE.tlleld Z-SS28 clared members of the local post fContinued on page 3) ' nance adopted- by council. • . posed locatibn is in a residential society's sixteenth annual dinner with 17 each,as the Echo Lake of chemistry or the profession of GARWOOD—Jtfirst session of By First Grade ard and Dr. Roland-Johnkins —were appointed (or the 1954^55 school "A" zoae. ' . . Country Club women's nine-hole chemist in America.V Last year bingo in the borough in accord- meeting recently at the Military £ Several weeks ago Mr. Vey in-year Monday evening by the Board of Education. Several councilman cited - th« group opened its. season Tuesday medalist was Dr. John C. Warner ance with the* legalization ap- Park Hotel in Newark. University Grant Sweetser Patent Well Received formed the borough that the comr possible parking problem that president of Carnegie Institute of Little League Season Opening Sunday proval voted by local * residents prehensive traffic ordinance would They will be, paid $400 each and will share the duties equally, "College Is^he eveni Mif •wtthr-aW - -A Sumner—Bi- Sweetser' pf -603 MOTORS GARWOOD—Boys arid girls of cm c Technology. last: month will, bc-.held Saturday - ; 1 !it .J>i».:Sh.epijr,d..i?Jth.v;. py-;.* .X5 school Development Company, Linden.. picting' Little League activities, members made a colorful group year. They arc: Miss Joan C. Lus-was rejecter. JThe grove reported mm HOBOKEN,N.J. only points were picked up by lin a "double-header program sched- and- .'iGetting^ Into the Biconducting g of .a series of games at St. Anne's School between 7:30. in their red hats with pom-poms. ,, Dr. JohnklnsApplies , tig of Newark, a graduate of Newit has rented the area to two or- Skip Colville. Other members as » Community Service luled to begin at • 1:15 p.m. W. *Leagues." \'<-- • •«' . Their performance was well re- A letter upnivjeccived from Dr. ganizations'in June and fill the ar- Drive direct to pier at foot of Fifth St. of the squad who jplayed are: This- Message Joseph Choborda,' league presi- pjm. and midnight ion May. 15, 22 York University; Miss -.Eileen A. ill Tom Rostess and 29. r ceived, 4 'by the audience and Johrfkins wplying for the posi- 'Hastings of Roselle, a graduate of rangements have been completed. Tom~Nagler Richie "l^urley~and , today issued an invitation.to Rosters of the four league teams brought,, praise for the job done NewPupil tion in bcpalf of .himself and his . BABUVETT'S Bingo games at Bay Leaf Mem- Newark State Teachers College; The grove •'said the Alcoholic Tony Stein. --"• \ . BUILDERS' G Iresldents of the boqpugh to take were announced today by Mr. by Miss_ Phelps in training the brother, Dr'.' Edmund Johnkins, orial* Hall, 221 South avenue, were and Mrs. Marilyn Dauber of Eliza- Beverage Control Board had .told, iii WEVES and LIQUORS {advantage of thjis opportunity to Choborda as follows: class members in their rhythm who conduct a joint practice. The SUPPLY COM authorized between 8 p.m. and beth, a graduate of City College of the organizations that, "they can •'Cranford, N. J. : all the league teams in. action. PAI^—Ray Sanders and Tom band routine.. '• letter stated that they^esired to The 'only colonial settlement • ' Cranford, N midnight on the .following dates: Drop Seeii New York, all elementary instruct- not .have their beer or alcoholic Mass Meeting Tonicht Englese, managers; P. Scarfllo, R. handle the duties of medical in- ever attempted by Sweden in the May 21 and 28; June 4, 11, 18 and Instrumental members -pres- ors; and Mrs. Berta Murry of beverages delivered nor Served ,nt - Parents' and friends of league Duris, J. GilL F. Stauss. M. Fal- spector jointly. New World was in New Jersey 25; July 2. 9. 16. 23 and 30; Aug- ented included "Here We Go." Plainfleld, a graduate of New Jer-our picnic. , and Pennslvania on the shores members also are invited to atcone- , R. BlichaU. R. Beylon. P. 1 - (Continued on page 3) Swing Song," ' "Valse Lente," Only 49 William C'Smith, board presi- sey College for Women, an indus- Two ordinances to amend the ". of the Delaware river in the vicin- |tcnd j» mass meeting with the Englese. M. Haluko. W. Rowe, R. "American Patrol," "Caisson dent, said Dr. Roland Johnkins was trial arts teacher. zoning ordinance were adopted on ity* of present-day Trenton. The bys in Lincoln School at .7:15 Duris, J. Papandrea. R. Donohue, Song," and "Marine Hymn." To Registered Thus Far little colony lasted from 1638 until being hired along with Dr. Shep- Teacher Resigns second und final reading. Both VE REGROUPED OUR his evening, at which time there B. Piekarski and F. Hidi. Paper Drive Friday add variation, there was a spe- ard and that it would* be- the tusk Mrs'. Dauber was also hired as' were approved by the Planning 1655 when it was conquered by vill be talks on the league pro- For KindergartenEnlry 1 the Dutch and' bee'eme part of - Fibro—John Kane and James GARWOOD — The Young cialty dance by Genevleve Munii/ of Edwin W. Kraus,'superinten- of this coming Monday to take ov- Board and there was no comment New Amsterdam. ••, gram and a showing of motion Guerriero. managers; D. Bock, A. Couples* Club of St. Paul's Evan- accompanied by Phyllis Cornel- G ADWOOD—rA possible drop in dent of. schools, to arrange the ad- (Continned on page two) ' ' CContinucd cm page^two) pictures..__'.. •' _ ., •'. ;.,.'.,i. ; Darroch, J. DiBattista. C. Klozcr. , Church., will isse at. the .piano.' Donald Moore kindergarten enrollment in ' the flU MM wfco terve you—Our AND GIRLSl SPRING JCQATS .Among the "films to be shown F." M^iir.l^l^dbimaid^jyTSias^ presented'"Ta-vocar number~cairea' ,,,.„,«-,... • Our trucks tie dein.in conduct a paper drive throughout Toca'fal I "schoolschools "fo"fr ' ththe "195T55 • drivers meet rigid standards vill be one of the 1944 World sari, A.: Rendano. T. Haydu, J. "Playing Traih.V and the first school • year is indicated in a re- T good repair.;. hoses reach from FOR the borough starting at 6:30 p.m. of counesy, common sense and [Series between the St. Louis Car- Hay, M. PeiTy, K. Kbromi, B. tomorrow. Joseph Stibler, presi- grade choir sang "Old Black Joe." port made this week on the an- ewe. of "property i s-.'onr burner street to your fill pipo. AU our dinals nnd rthe St Louis-Browns DubroskyDbk , J. Nicholson and L Ronald Johnston, led the open- nual Summer Round-Up conduct- trucks are completely insured; dent of the club, requested ~that tntn rtally know turners, how to lin which Ray Sanders of. 501 Spina. coniributors place bundles of news- ing . exercises, and Karen Toth ed . recently, by members of' the conea troubles faso Third avenue, manager for one Sonoco—Ed Donovan and! Epapersd , magazines and other waste was' thi? announcer loir the vari- Pareht-Teaehtir Association un- of the Garwood. Little League Masterson. managers; R. Col-paper at the curb before the start- ous number's. der ,jjjrection of Mrs. Frederick -o earns, will be seen playing first (Continued on page .3) ' ing time. ' . - Helpers for the month of MayC. Wehrum, Jr., chairman for the have been chosen in the 4R class project' as follows: -Attendance, Robert Only 49 children were sjgned WE HAVE GATHERED TOGETHER FROM OUR FOUR Hidi; morning' exercises, Linda up at the sessions conducted by Certo; milk delivery,. Michael the PTA at -Franklin and Wash- PRESCRIPTIONS STORES ALL OF OUR SPRING COATS AND TOPPERS Rose, Richard Wojtowicz,, Rona ington Schools pn April 27 and Buchbinder and Jeannefte Fitz- 30, whereas. 65 boys, and girls Call For & AND OFFER THIS SELECT GROUP TO YOU simmons; captains, of baseball were registered during the round- Delivery Service teams, Barry Wible and Kenneth up at this same time last year. AT THIS AMAZING SAVING. Koromi; librarian, Jo- Ann Dere- Superintendent of Schools mer; calendar, Mary Ann' Ben-Lewis F. Laird reported that for CR6-Q700 der; messenger. Robert Bianchi; the current school year, the three Your Fuel Oil Service with this "Big 5" flowers, Beverly Vliet; record (Continued on page 3) player,' Robert Tropp. 104 NORTH Students from the eighth grade UNION AVE. classes enjoyed a roller skating Cancer Contributions party in Elizabeth last Wednes- E|cr day. . They were accompanied by First—community in the county to realize its quota Clean-Up~Week Here1" ~ ($850) 'in the 1954 "Union County* "--. 'j]i.-'I.~^S^*iJti^l^?^h. BOYS CariciV ;Crusade, Garwood today Monday Through Friday is headed' for the $1,000 mark. It GARWOOD — Clean-Up Wei:k was- announced by Councilman Burton E. DIckerman, local chair- Shoppine at ira-one of the mAny luxurirs of first ttau /K«M£< tcere from 9.98 to 50,00 will be observed in Garwood next "everything from doodadi (o diamonds at pricciyoix xitlt find inosl iilliatuve. NEED Monday through Friday, it wasman for the drive. .. . . : Tfca »«rvlc»i thai auppoH announced by Councilman Ed- Councilman Dickerman report- ward H. Tiller, chairman of streets ed at the Borough Council meet- loal s tanks; kept 4• tk««r-Every day we watch the weather—automatically refill and roads; at Tuesday night's ing Tuesday .night that contribu- full of clean rning Mobilheat, Borough Council meeting. . tions in the borough.had reached Send for '• yourtankajrequiied.Oormetered A BIT OF SHOP TALK •re your unuice of * wtrno Off Now 4.99 to 25.00 EVERYBODY IN THIS COMMUNITY Councilman Tiller requested a total of $939.51, with a few more borne fot delW«rie$-»ssufe-luU-mcasurei— cooperation" of~nll~local~TesJdents'' 1ndustriBi~plarits~still-to-be-heord What's more, we'll gladly anango | in cleaning up their cellars, at- from. . . : —r-^ThisBook budget payments for youi tics and yards. Members of the. The- local chairman expressed From this Rue de la Faix at &ca, tonth e Xiruw Amsierdum, yotf MUM KNOWS WE SELL BUILDING MATERIALS street department will do their thanks to Garwood residents for can vandcr into the ship's theater to take in a first-run movie, ft* Vat part by removing debris placed tHeir support and praised the job It tells you how to make delicious jams and rel- browse among cbssiti and lust setters "in the library, prepare (/abf«frupl*cd rxccUcn.cc and variety, —to obUinlng medical C**- 5• Socony-V«cuum. one of the largest producers BUT Ay | V THOSE WHO HAVE , ishes, wonderful shortcakes and luscious desserts, 1 of fuel oil in the world. In times like these, we, know Save the saleschecks of all purchases you make in our store m then dance to Mnoolh rhythms., hi iijuodcin, oceanic night club. tt of h*«> of no better assurance of continuous supplyj . during the month of May. When the secret- date in revealed Expect 10,000 Persons to Visit using New Jersey fruits and berries. It is full of ofiitl^ kept immaculaiely dean in the Holland-America tradition- taiurane* «c ^offTWefa^yT^fnT^ while men born to ilic sea man the sl"|» on its sure passage to the deemable in CASH. " • / THE QUALITY OF OUR LINES. KENILWORTH — Some 10.000 planned to ""stimulate . . . think- Garden State. If you didn't get a copy last year, . major ports of. Europe. • persons are expected to visit the ing in the direction of aggressive "kenilworth KUnic" to be held planning and change, so needed in : send for one nowv-Fill in and mail the coupon. r> fOft KWRT ASSISTANCI for one week, starting Monday, today's competitive"' market." SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT . Next Time You Need Anything in Building Supplies During the "new idea'' exposi- AT NO CHASM TO YOU by the Kenilworth Steel Comp- tion, a railroad dining car will any, 750 Boulevard, John G. be at the plant, serving a buffet Berry;~president,.-announced to- lunch or supper to the visitors..!! OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL CITIM day. ''..••'•— Among the firms which will CRauford 6-0900 The exhibition, which will fea- exhibit arc: Aluminum Corpora- D.A.V. ture new. production ideas .devel- tion o(-America, Bethlehem Steel, oped by many, of the nation's Republic Steel, United States 1 leading industrial concerns, will Steel," Kenilworth S^tccl" Co-Yale Puhli<* Srrv'" Kleclri? »?J ^»»» Company Frequent swtinss to be held daily for; the five-day & Towne, United States Tool. C. Room 8311, 80>«rk tiUce. Newaik. N. J. IHELAND-rENOLAND-FRANCE n perlod'from II .a.m. to 9. p.m. G. Winans, Scott Paper, Air Re- PlraMi lend tne • copy of "The . Ricnea of New , HOLLAND for all tUROPE. Chool* th« luKurlou* ONGFUECO. lUK»h!p NIEUW AMSTERDAM: the on«

    CliteEy Ajfl) CHROHIC£E. CTtmSPAY; MAY 1»,lMfr THE CRANTOHD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDA.Y, MAY 18.1954 Kenilworth „ residents including tary pf, the I|oard of Health; ir?. _ jdflon to conitorin as to setback' side yards, foming0 council toat they had • i«ffcflfi. Bay Leqf Auxiliary I thms and routines before the pu- by Mr. Chobprda at Lincoln tec avd the fire committee "for[petitions submitted at ihe April 24, j badges from. fSis. heighht off bildibuildingsg , etctc^ and iinnchildren. 1 Shirley* Reinhardtpils o >^ iji< ~ L5 Local Girl Scouts jlumdle^he-school-AMorlc-His'resig^ • T»«<>tiiHftn «"'«* *>»» hill i gptting; Spray^Dtffinc Bprvlre tnf. _ '. district.- ative reply., - routines. - 15, 22 and 29; November 5, 12,Reived from xhe ronowing-:'"Son ,l pin. Mrs,- Cassera ;is succeeding nation was Accepted with regfet. -Would Remove "home ~ rule" from rahs of Foreign Wars, will be r .Keport on Testa interrupt the' processing of, the"soap v KENILWORTH — FifteWi^Girl Scouts w«re presented tbeir Electrical Wiring Deft( t A colored iilm oa North Caro- IB and 26; 43ecember, 3, 10 aiKT oco.c!Local|. j5n recom- tion. The retiring president thank- school district "" 57 by Mrs. Marion Stockton, Mrs. |_ Mrs. Hdgrish referred .-to , the - .Mrs. B. C. Betden, president of the Cranford Area Girl Scout Letter to Council- "' to cover meetings of council. In KENDUWOBTH — A defect it, the scene at. 4 .p.m. Saturday of ed for the school by Mrs. Robert mendation of Councilman Lewis Diamond Expansion-Company let- \ ' ed the leaders for their efforts arid At the recommendation of Al-I It was decided to ad.\grjtisf> for Officer Slate Proposed Helen"Bronko, Miss Florence Cas- 1 requesting that'the letter be sent, Tropp through the Standard O}1 M. Ross, chairman; of laws and Council, made the presentations and congratulated the girls. The for the pin and commended them fred, Seale, chairman of tbo build- applications for the position of at- — Mayor Robf the electrical wiring was blamed taldo and Mrs. Catherine Gribble, he wedding of Miss. Shirley Ann ter its. "arrogant" and" declareflK "r 3 .Councilman Oliver. J. Brown said for Election on June 2 Company. Other' pictures, sched- licenses,,, and . unanimous council rr.er .Plastics alumnus Chcny- ^nation plants from'the greenhouses and the girls for the' sewing and tendance officer. Two such appli- for a fire Friday afternoon in a it was announced at a meeting con- Reinhardt, daughter of Mr. and it was obviously, ''not cooperative, ' ~... .. Chris. Anastasid, ing and grounds committee, the [he believes the information should announced his uled include: ^Fabulous Florida," approval. vsats • accorded both re- cal l embroidering, of all the troop flags. board ordered that a letter be sent cations : we're receive^- from Mrs,. ert front, first fl°or ™°vn of a house OD ducted at the post headquarters, by - ' "••--. ''"• ^••'"' '|of Craig ^Brothers, florisb;, 440 even if an off er of'cooperation is \ Bassett and MFG. Wallace be obtained .first hand. The mo-support evening at a 3AR^O —A-.. T. Mosca. of Mrs. Anton Reinhardt of 500 Great Silk Route," ''"Persia quests. ' • r-"' 1 The program was bpened with a :to Borough Council, requesting a Charles Johnson a,nd Mrs. Marian Council of the Mrs. Gribble lasf _Wednesday night. In Sunday afternoon.'^'opening North avenue.showed spotting on made in the closing lines. '.-' ' • ,'j tion to send the jettier was unan- meeting ooff Borough C at 245 BTorth Twelfth street occu- ) North avenue, secretary of/ Center street, and Harry Wan- Faces Today"" and "Tennessee Mayor L. Thomas Daub an- contests, Acoa vyill facy PAL, and; i the plants Resulted from contami1; flag ceremony,' and the recitation [conference with the road depart- Woli. The duties of attendance of- J Plans for a youth program were "How can-they tell/* she asked', imously approved by the five coun development |of Round Valley as pied by yrilliam Melvin and his , Board cA Education, has been saw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Holiday." nounced appointment of Counc.il- gina Knudson; Joanne Leikauskas. BOROUGH OF KENILWOKTB of the-Girl Scout promise and ment concerning 4he improvement ficer are now handled by Mrs. h ' ^ discussed at the meeting by ..Ed- Fibro will i>by So:i0co. nation by "soap. •„_",• "what cumulative effect - .thV,;/' b cilmen present. . ./.,...-."'"'\ m'an Edward Tiller to serve as • crir^l ann Mnr^ Pntfy Bartmrlse BUJC ' TIlT »nir>r gr>nutc - /» ,7f *|, '- -* *t--j.ji-« _M»1 • health supervisor, ^i^ptpH to succeed Warreg J; Ul' 111 He made tile ^umnieiits in-jeen- FCr-Be chairman o£ a eommlttte to ar- jind I^DeU fiiller". all of Troop. 23 who will relinquish those duties Fire Chief Leon Tripbdi esti. 1 ed that Tom Cooper and George. , There- also will be. evening'lobtfrtned from'the plant .of Spray the he.alth of the community?"-- SSealee d proposals' Vill be received by el Schmid, Kathleen Meredith and McKinley~Scfiools. It was also re- nection with - a .public hearing inns, Jr., «s president of tJ>e Mrs. Helen Weigand ond" Mrs. Ruth The. Rev.-Walter.C. Pugh , pastor, range for the.-local fourth of July which is led by Mrs. George Cas- the Kenflworth BoBoara d of f Education, att Kathryn Leikauskas -^- were the in September to devote full time mated the damage at between $50 Stewart' are the 6N students who games in Cnalni Park on Tues- | Drying .Service, Inc.. 501 North ' She • added that some form of. quested that the land, behind the Jo fonder Regional Suit which will be held by the judi- jons Club. The election is schedr Ferrel were welcomed as" new ifficiated ,at the double-ring cere- sera and Mrs. Chester Murphy; th» MrtMartinsi ; SchooSchooll , BoulevardBoulevard . . KenlK in the Ijealth department, . and $60. A member of the family made the Honor Roll, for the.observance.- Also serving'on tht< day between Sonoco and Acoa iayenue, produced the same results, control' should be established to woith.M- N. J.. on announcers and they introduced school property be covered Over ciary committees of the State members. • ...' '••••.. .'•'.'. committee will be ^oiincilmcn Ad- (Continued jrom pajje one) pulled the main switch to cut oft l!ed for June 2. mony. A reception for 130 guests new report card j>eriod. •and'next Thursday between PAL ! Professor Davidson reported., 'regulate emanation of industrial fend Joyce* Slater, Joan Seavuzzo, th.- Nd . J.. on ', • i. the guests.- .. " . ' . with fill dirt. It was reported that Senate and the State • Assembly "Sheila Ferguson, Frances Strunk .Monday evening. June 14/ IBM a pupil cut his hand in the area heavy trucks to use Seventeenth the electrical current, which "pre- Other nominees are:' A. C. Dere- It was announcedj that Miss Cas-r oilowcd'at the "Cranwood. . : dison S. MacDpugoll and Council- and Fibr-q. Weekday games will | Charley Craig of the floristcom wasl- e products. -,;• . . at 8 P.M. (D.S.T) ot which time the on Monday at the State House. aldo wouldi^have^^charge of a re- Gold, silver and bronze medals man Ross. '" ,, ',-' : ' ; recently when hie fell on a tin can. Bingo in Kenilwqrth vented more extensive damage • ...... ii.ie-..— • |pany at;t,h(t.founcir'meeting of Ap- and Jo Picone, members • of Troop proposals will be publicly opened and Dr. Shepard Appointed street between Lafayette an_d Mon- r,. first vice-president; Joseph Miss Dorothy Ptiltz of Chat- were presented to \yinners in a start at,li: 15 p.m. 15 whose leader, is Mrs. Louis Chance kindergarten Hoars (Cotinued from pdye one) Mayor Krueger said he will try Fire' Chief Tripodi reported:- reshment stand attne. carnival be,r A letter was received from t\yv r Planned read 'or * • - ' . (Cotinued jrom page one) roe avenues.". Council then in- to attend the hearing. roiano, second vice-president; ham was maid of honor, and safety essay contest, at a recent The opening, "doubl -hrtider is' >' 27 h'ad'$ho\v'h carnation plants Mueller. iFuel Oil . •-. I The board approved a change in at the public hearing held by Bor- ng sponsored by tWKjiost this', Mayor,L* Thomas Daub assured er Mrs. Jean Nobbs* fifth grade fon5ed_.the_«tate that Fourteenth In -another water , problem. Krause, secretary; _Bu>t assembly by Commander 1 —•.-, Window Shades lJ hours for the kindergarten-clasEes )ridesiriaids,_were_JMiss.-Judith Mrs. H'agvish .that there would be •;' Piano Tuning •'•;.. '. ough C*unciL_TheJaw_jiow,pio^ Tripka • of Garwood • Memorial reporting that plans are . being \ict the"season. .on-April'^2 by white particles dc-; • Floor SurfacinFurniturg e • , ^lassr^yirsrNobbsresigned^ 1 — ;-'. • ~ • --•— t,_j._ it. street is not a paper sfiweranS Mayor "Kroeaar repuited-hei had Inoculate 301 Dogs g, financial secretary; Joseph Reinhardt, sister ."'of the'bride; ;i discussion of possible acti6n at '•' • pins to, Mrs. H.'J: McGechan and vides that no dwellings may be mad^ to repair or replace the side- 'posited from the «iir and said he n Industrial-type Vacuum Cleanc* month. The board accepted the I effective in September. Under the that It plans to improve it. soon received numerous , complants Post 317, American-Leg^On. Rob- ,'Frfd McCarrick is umpire-in- an early conference between mem-,' ' two senior Girl Scouts, Merle Man- ElertElertrlr c Wotlc . ••/• built Within industrial zones, and * KENILWORTH — Inoculatio ibler, treasurer; Police Chief Wiss Carol Protko, and Miss Nan- ert Davis was awarded first prize, walk on. the northerly side of chief for the league, and Joseph 'believed • the jjarticlcs^came-from 1 resignation of* Mrs. Sophie Per- new schedule, the morning classes flopding iin Richfield ave- ns h ^ bers of the council and the Board ' -j"" T-ydiVMcGfehnn. Five- Heating l Uihibitrt Jt was not mad,e a Mght, trafflc about St. Anne's Scene team. Carpenter WWoro k jp~ergs~Birest man, ah'f Garwood, brothers oTtJie bride. surer, Herbert Werthwem.- whpse leaders are. Mr^r- Avery ment of 74' pupils. Kindergarten a" request from residents of Union, Company, Inc., 500 tended by the Borough, Council, presented to Mrs. Helen M. Arthur, Sec- ight,.... late Hans Haavig, became' ttie The bride; who'made publicity chairman, Doris T. Col- the Board of Health, representa- _ Ward, .Mrs. Joseph Delia Salla and retary. 6$ Arthur Terrace, Kenllworth, [own fashioned with a bodlcerand enrollment for the 1952-53 school street that curbs arid, gutters be ; avenue. - ' N.'-J. • . '.' ••••". • . • ' president Blnns reported pro- 1 well. ' •...'-. bride, of Paul Raymond Fikslln,, year was 73J' . •• constructed in that street." ' .....i Company letters tives of the two .companies, con- y. !Mrs. Malc6lm Roberts, by Mrs. The Board reserves the right to reject eeds of $77.10 from the recent icplin of Chantilly lace with any or all bids aV»4 to waive Immaterial son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick \Registrations will continue T .Read at Tuesday's meeting was cerned iven in marriage, by -heir father. officeNin Franklin School and at ing the company "was seeking, to OUR FAMOUS QFG CRANBERRY SAOCB [ighi.- An award was presented hpony Saturday at.4 p.m. in the (Continued Jrom page one.) Mrs. Dwight Copelahd, execu- Dated: May 13. 1034. : ; A lace cap trimmed with .seed Washington and Franklin Schools (Continued pom page one) . ameliorate the situation complain- WITH YOUR CHICKEN L James Wright./.' , : • ; Ihurch of St. Ahne-/ The Rt. statement that Vwe are in accord tive director of the Cranford Area BOROUGH OF KENO.WOBTH QUALITY FULLY pearls held her elbow-length veil' on .the opening day of the new Well, R.Bianchi, -R. Laurence, S. !ed of by conferences with the cus- OKOINANCE N*.'Si-It uous Rev.'Msgr.: John M.-Walsh, pastor, with the Legion .and are not• artti-j ' j j ess was iCouncil, a'warded first class badges sillj: illusion, and she carried a term in Septerkber. Regulations Gindell, E. Darkoski. R. Sosidka, tom 6r or wnom he proC AN ORDINANCE , To Amend and Add officiated. A reception' for the Legion,' Mr. Humen.k said the. _ adjustments in to Troops 4 and 6. These units are a Supplement to an Ordinance. fcn- GUARANTEED! bpiiquet of carnations and lilies regarding pupils "tendering school F. Griskp, W.; Leonard. A, Vogel, ]bcing caVricd out tltled "An Ordinance to, Regulate an* KENILWORTH njamin Odesky mmediate families was • held in had stated it would like to ' led by Mrs. Earl -Baron, Mrs. Bas- f the valley. in September .state that the child J. Annunziato, F. Criscola, R. Woj- operating, procedures and equip- Limit the Height and Bulk of Buildings, the Maple /Tree Inn, Fanwood; ' operate as a club and rent its head- . sett and, Mrs. Freund. , , -to Regulate and Determine the Area of The attendants- all wore bal- must be 5 years of age before Jan- towicz, D. Rock, L. Smith and E. ment, and conferences with engi- Yards, Courts and Other Open Spaces, [ml Bride Return Escorted' 'to the/ altpr • by her Silver. • : • -' • quarters out to other organizations. Members of Troops 28, and 29, r uary 1, 1955, must be vaccinated neers. The company also offered to nnd to Regulate and Restrict the Location brother,' Walter Haavig of Brook- lerina-length • turquols e-blue Under those circumstances, he whose leaders are Mrsr~;H. W; of Buildings Designed tor Specific" Uses. , SUPER and must have had ^""diphther^ Acoa—Ed Conlin andTony Cas- meet with the council'toi discuss and the Regulation of Trades and In- lyn, /the bride was attended by gowns of rice paper taffeta with said, many thinjis could happen dustries" Known as Ordinance No. UK mm Lake Placid matching accessories and bou-booster shot Within the past year> ale, managers; -T. McDonough, G. the problem. '. 1 her sister Mrs. ^BrunoStempel out of'the port's control and resi- - BOROUGH OP-KENILWOBIHLj ornnrBOTOTigh'otrKenUworUi.^ -— GARWOOP—Mr. and Mrs. Benr quets or pink carnations: MrsrJ\-.—Pre-Schobl—registrations^ are Jakovic, J., Chinchar,. C^^Soltis. •AKo received was a letter from ' . . . NOTICE TO nli)UEBS „ BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing of Westfield, as matron of honor. jUst getting under way at StW?. vBurow, R.'Lesko, D. Murray, dents of the area wpuld suffer^^ ~. Diamond Expansion "declaring- that Sealed bids will be received by theBody of the Borough of Kenllworth.' that: min Odesky, of 236 North ave- Thomas Fikslin of Kearny was Reinhardt wore a light pink taf- Residents' Rructions - Mayor and Borough Council, uf the -Bor* Section 1. Section 6 of an ordinance ie, have returned from a wedding "eta dress with matching acces- Anne's Parochial School, it wasD. Chinchar, J. Most; J. Ragon- the charges made', in the petition entitled "An Ordinance to Regulate and his brother's .best man. reported yesterday-by trie Rt. Rev: "Two weeks ago." Mr. Humenik. ough of Kenllworth. N. J. at a regular. ip'io La6e Placid, N. Y., follow- : ;ories and a wrist corsage of or- ese, J. Desch, L. Ragonese, J. Ry- referring to that company were meeting at 8:00 P. M. (Daylight .Savins Limit the Height nnd Bulk of Buildings, The bride wore a ballerina- Msgr: John M- Walsh, and a re-an, A. Vulouisand R. Galauski. said, "the LCKUHI Post applied for baseless and asserting • that the Time) on May 25 for the purchase of ato Regulate and .Determine the Area of g their.-.marriage on May 1 atlength gown of Chantjlly lace ;hids.. Mrs. Wansaw wore a pow- • IBM Garbage Truck as per the following Yards, Courts and other open Spaces, and e Uptown Community Center, der blue lace dress with match- port is not yet ready on the num- Selected as. reserves were: F. a bingo, permit, and residents of {company has operated "its gaWan- specifications: * • - to Regulate and Restrict the Location of over satin designed with a port- ber enrolling. Current kindergar- Kuster, J. Mazur^xRl Desch, R. the area don't . feel that bingo izing plant in the same manner for CMC, Model 634-42V. Engine 430 Cu. Buildings,,JJejitom! for Specific Uses, and QFG KOSHER STYLE ijonne, performed by Rabbi A. B.rait neckline and fitted bodice. ing accessories and a corsage of should be invited up there. We we recommend la-... G V W 28.000 lbs., Whcclbase 183 In.. the Regulation of Trjde andulndustrin" mishefsky. A reception for 150 yellow tea.roses. ten enrollment at St. Annefc , is Herold, C. Galauski/XMalka, F. 35 years without damaging the C A 103 In.. Chassis Weight. 0020 lbs.. known as Ordinance No.__fa4. of the Her elbow-length veil of siljj illu- •62. There was a record enroll- Davey, ^- Doniughue, TF<-Griffin don't- think a liquor license would health of the community. This let- ' Body Weight 8000 lbs., Total Weight •Borough of Kcnilworthj Vtr amended -so v JERSEY'S lests followed.- Mrs. Odesky is The bride was graduated from that a new paragraph shall-be added sion fell from.a pearl ment of 85 boys and girls in theand S. MadtngeJ '^K be suitable up there either." ter added that after a check by tho m • 17.030 lbs. • to* said section concerning/ industrial former Miss Harriet Wilner, she carried a * bouquet of Vvnjte he. Garwpod ' Schools and Jona-r He declared that "meeting after . The truck. - Is to have the . following parochial kindergarten in 1952- Additional Contributors-. Stale Board of Health some years HOARDING! equipment; Chass'ls and cab. oil path air district use, to read as follows': Jughter of.Mrs. Sata Wilner of gladioli and stephanotis. Her siS\ than Dayton .Regional High meeting and cars galore" in the MOST TALKED ABOUT : cleaner, Eaton double reduction rear ra- "c": Within any Industrial District yonne and the late Abraham School, Springfield, and attended 53. •'>•." '•. •"• .-'. • • • •'. At-a league meeting conducted; ago Diamond Expansion was given indicated pn the Building Zone Map, no ter wore a ballerina-length gown rea would, devalue property. • Coal that is. Right now, at WW0':,.- 'tlon 7.05-31.000 1b. cap., Increased cooling Jtiulldlng. or premises • shall be used and ^iake College, Elizabeth. She is a clean bill of health, It concluded it puik^ny lon^tuile ^u>d — the lowest, pticci-you'll get. all v spare tiro rim and tire carrier.- 55 ompere no buiTdftiu'm structimrrahiirbif kMtM • s. Rose Odesky of the , North em»Ioyed"as a. secretary by Wat.- low Cut In generator, radius rods, adjust- which Is intended or designed to be used. bouquet of orchid gladioli and r and council in anj/ way possible. ' ' the. rest.of this year. Fill up. .;.;••* •'• • • vt -i--- sori^Stillman Company, Roselle / : In whole, or In part, for "Swelling purposes. enue address and the late Wil- ; Th. •.'•M &--±¥t.-- able, driver, and stationary passenger sweetpeas. veterans; and assert- The communications were re- your bin with slow burning, Beat, heavy service rear springs, tires Section 3: Any provision in Ordinance m Odesky. , . ' . Also\an alumnus of Regional :o.00x20. 12 ply front and'dual rear with No. 124 or Ordinance No. IBS. which Mrs. Fikslin- was graduated ights and interests of ferred to the council as a commit- reads "no use permitted in a Residence High School, Mr. Wansaw attend- f. longer lasting Old Company's ' *oeger grip .-tires, vacuum reserve- tank, Miss Barbara Wilner was hefror m Prospect . Heights; High this group also^should be'consid- tee of-the whole and the Board of Zone shall be excluded from a business ed Newark/College of Eilgineer- • •••'• '••• . " • • ' . . • • • . • • . '- Fun Lehigh premium anthracite. radiator guard, tow hooks — front and area." be and the same is -hereby re- OUR FAMOUS QFG Perfect For The Lunch I;ter's maid of honor, and Morton School,, Brookly.n and is employed ered in the matt, back, largt? rear view mirrors—right and ng, and is \i Navy veteran. . He' Health... " . ' And use our budget plan for left with braces, heavy duty fresh air pealed. fenberg was best man. 'Usheringas a secretary for Alexander and Mr. Humenik poh»te Thanks Council v convenient monthly payments. heater and' -defroster, 16 cubic' yard •.'ROBERT C. KRTJEQER. t Samuel Waler of Linden, Green, New York City law firm. is employed -ss a carpenter by the Legion post also o\vns a piece Car Wood load' packer, painting load ••.••• . " • . Mayor. D & W Contractpix • • , Speaking, for'the. signers of the packer and ..lettering ot same. Attest:. • ,'•"'•• ilip Garber of Garwopd,' Sid-The bridegroom, a graduate of Starring Sweden's AllSN &C0» Aerial Motor Mania of property on Willow avenue in a •PHILIP 'J: MCGEVNA ' . . Following; a wedding . trip, to Tho Mayor and Council reserves tho Borough Clerk. Smoked Beef Tongues |y Rabin of Cranford, Robert Zit- Immaculate Conception High 9JN0O, tamest and smartest chimpanze in show business business' and industry, axea\and Bermuda, the/C.ouple , will reside right to reject any or' all' bids, which |ek of , Stewart Pasti- School, Brooklyn and'is employed The Danish stars, ANNf II $ 9XASK* ,!cvcle aristocrats aske.d why the jiost shouldn't bbiW] action in its opinion will best serve the ' * Statement Fw at 404 Lincojicolni avenue, east, Cran- GARWOOD interests of the borough. ncc . Wonderful For " "• ',—' I ncr : of New York City and Milton by; General ' Electric Company, there instead of -^seeking 'to cstab^N NO CREST Take Notice that the above Ordinance ford. Indian contortioriist marvel, PklNCtSS TAUCtH£F % . PHILIP Jf. McGEVNA, was passed at' a regular meeting of the |ein of Bayonne. gioonatield.* He served in the Air lish its headquarters, m a resident X , y 21 lerk was passed at'a regular !•><:»>•••• w. ..™, Q"» Soup or Stew tf •?!• I '•"» 1^' Enjof a wonderful Vscstlon .pf Borouch Cler"5^20k - Governing Body of the Borough of Ken- The bride rnade bee own gQwn, lurinB World War II. B^sile's Band every day" tial area. Dated: May 11. 1954. • --•*••«»* Hoacrmoon at this beautiful 2000- CO. iii!: •:.: 1 ilworth. and was 'approved by the Mayor : nylon tulle over white satin BmicIConceirt Parking for 20Q0 cars OLYMPIC PARK The petition addressed to the clous Heals. Honeymoon Lodge NORTH AVE- BOROUGH OF KENILWORTH on the DAY Or MAY, 1054 Lean Plate Beef. Ib 10 | Lambt Liver •0 i ^£v^K mayor and council was referred to qd cozr Cottages with meals at 1 1 [signed with a sweetheart neck- IKVINGTON-MAPltWOOD All Sports. Lake. Beach. GARWOOD ^•liK'' -'.' ! . • • raoPosKO PHILIP J. McGEVNA. / (Cotinued from jwge. one) Swimming Pool, May 29 the building ahd grounds commit- Tmna, Oolf. Movlti aoclal Ao- OBDINANCE No. I0-.M v. ' Borough Clerk of the ' GROCERY FEATURES fitted bodice, full skirt' and Rosary Society Plans . Chtirchesiesrbr WEttfield 2-2102 AN ORDINANCE To Provide for the Borough ot Kenllworth, N. J. ig train. Her fingertip illusion •Mrs. -Esther Tonjcs and* Mrs. tee, the laws and license commit- - , Construction of a Sanitary Sewer Along Dated: May 11; IBM. Lafayette Avenue from tho Cxlstlns 1. fell from a crown, of seed Card Party May 25 Myrtle Christie. ' . Sesver in North 17th Street 'East- GARWOOD—The Rosary Socie- Girls of the fifth, sixth,-and sev- - erly to the Center Line of North 10th BOBOUUU OF KENILWORTH iris; and she carried a white OKDINANCE N*. 8«-IS Iyer book covered by two white ty of the Church of St.,Anne will nth grades, in connection with Street and Making an Appropriation for AN ORDINANCE To Amend and Add a CRISCO Said Improvement and Providing'for the * •••••. .. / hids.and lilies of the valley. sponsor a card party on Tuesday, ;t.h,eir. physical education work un- Making of an Assessment on Real Estate Supplement to an Ordinance Entitled STARTING Benefited by Such Improvement. "An Ordinance to Regulate and limit the .Irs. Odesky was graduated from May 25, at 8 p.m. in the social hall der ^direction of• Joseph Troiano, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Height and Bulk of Buildings.-to Regu- of the school. Mrs, Joseph Porub- performed several dances,' rhy- Council of the Borough of Kenllworth. late and Determine the Area of Yards. • Bayonne Schools, - and the SATURDAY County ot Union and State of NewCourts and Other Open Spaces, and to or SPRY |dcRroom is a graduate of thesky and Mrs. John Malko, finance ...Jlersey: that: , Regulate and Restrict the Location of x J BuliatnaT Dcstftwdvfor Br—'«-••— [rwbod'^Schools * and Cfabford' Section I. An citfht fgr rnch santtary r miuonni mmiau ,mr Py»»— —— (ewer be constructed along Lafayette I the BeculaUon of Trades and Industries" |;h SchooT.' He is manager o: Frederick Degerthardt and Mis Avenue from the existing Buwer in] Known as Ordinance. No. 124 of the : Premier Electric Supply Store, Carlo Barrisi as co-chairmen. . North 17th street easterly to the center | Borougoroushn uofi «vciiftiwui»*.Kenllworth. 1 line of.North 18th,Street. •„ _ .'_ BE "IT~ ORDAINE D 'by the Mayor and White MM! The- society "will meet tonight"'a Section ' 3. ~ Thek corulrucjllon of said CnUncll of the Borough of Kenllworth 8 o'clock. in the church, when aanitary sewer shall be in accordance that: ' with the plans and specifications pre- Section 1: That Ordinance No. 1» en- SolMPacfc fhool 'Assembly Unit' they .will recite the rosary, and M-G M--j FIRST pared by? the Borough Engineer.' titled "An Ordinance 'to Amend an then conduct their business meet- .. Section. 3. The estimated cost -to be Ordinance Entitled 'An Ordinance to Mountainside paid for said Improvement Is the sumRegulate tout Mmlt the Height and Bulk ing in the school cafeteria. • PRODUCTION IN ol t2.00u.aa and It Is hereby appropriated of Buildings. To Regulate and Determine) ^KITKROSE ••'-.'.- for said Improvement the said' sum ot the Areas of Yards. Courts and other CENILWORTH r-, The "assem- •2,000.00. which shall be .paid from the Open Simce*. and to Regulate and Re- firoup" of the lqca} public HIM A -Capital improvement fond from on ap-strict the Location, ot Buildings Designed propriation heretofore mode in a budget for Specific Uses and the Regulation of TEA BALLS hools will' visit Rfountainside heretofore adopted. ~ * Trades and Industries, known as Ordin- pools tomorrow to present a Royal ' 1 .- Section 4. The period oJF usefulness ance No. 124 ot the Borough of Kenll- psicul program.! . • >I, 0-3171 SHOWS' 7. 8:10 P.M. 'of said sanitary tewer. Is hereby de- worth' be amended and a supplement be Cotft. Shaw Sat. and Baa. termined to be tenyear s 'and the assess- added to Section IB. known as para- SPECIAL SALE! The group consists of the Girls' ment shall be paid in such period of graph "•" to read «s follows: ' GHJOW...,., Club, the "Twelve Jacks" time' as the Borough. Council shall, by - "g". No apartment house/ tenement Helm , • • resolution, determine at the time that house, garden apartment or multiple- d the band as well as soloists. the assessment * shall- be oonflrmed .or family- structure or any building de- WESTFIELD . nude and such period of time shall not signed for residential use exceeding occu- Ketchup, 14«z...... 1 for 49c Rrtt Cracktrs, 16-oz. Grocery and froien food price* effective, Believe.'' "The Old Refrain" • exceed ten years. • Raiwv by two families, shall be erected I "Night- and Day" will be of- BIOGEB THAN EVE Section Si The cost of said sewer, shall or constructed 'Within the territorial Wed.. Slay 19. AH othe> thru.3at. May 11, ON OUR OlAN be assessed upon all of the land benefited limits of the Borough of Kenllworth. One of The Greatest Values.. .Ever Offered Our Customer* hd ky the tilrls' Glee Club,: * SCBEEN ... ' THURS.-MON., MAY 13-17 '. or Increased in value by reason thereof. No one family- or two family dwelling- pile the numbers by the "Twelve Section 6. It Is expected that the Bor- house shall be built In any business *• ough of'Kenllworth vhall contribute no district unless the same shall fully con- cks" will be "Cool Water,", "I part of the cost ot sold improvement. form as-to teUMscaw side yards, height of in't Gcnna Grieve My Lord/' cV* n v .. Section 7. This ordinance shall take liulldings. etc.. and In every other re- tarns EVERBRITE i "Aura Lee." The band will effect after flual.paisage andd ppublication spect as though the same were being ) DELI & DAIRY PRODUCE features "Long, Long, Trailer" ; manner erected In o Residence "A" District or V "•Shnrp«ihr)p1*>r«! Marry ni^ i • $ *&•• a Hesl: ordion trio of Michael. Virkltis, Borough of Kenllworth on thr 11th day effect in thee mannerr prprovideo idedd by luWla , AT A SAVM6S OF tSjt GTMB Bean Dnn»T r KRUEGERKHIIBBHt.. >AI|KAT ' Kwashik 'an^ Ernest Vitale. r-ot -JUayy 4934—-it-OTi then read lor the ROBERT C. -••• Mayor. 29 first time. •' The aald Ordinance will tie Poists" include Edith Abramson - further considered for final passage ..by Attest: - ' Kenneth. Patrylow. the Governing Body of the Borough of PHD-U? J. McOEVNA. '•• •-..-• um souo m wioa wwi Kanilworth. a\ the Borough Hall, Boule- Borough Clerk. vard. Kenllworth. New Jersey, at eight Gsrasn lettuce - THl o'clock in the evening 1D.8.T.I on the - ' BUUmtsjt Your TtHJt«AIWft How PiddedPimento... 83th day of May. 10M. At such time Take Notice that the above Ordinance MAY 18-19-20 Was passed at a regular meeting of the UNION DRIVE-INK . and place.' or at 'liny time and place WK8TKB!* READING GLASSES N in COLORmagnificence! . to which, such meeting may be adjourned, Governing Body of the Borough of' Ken- ROUTf 22 — UN ? 2 109 || Anolber Comedy Bit by Ihe all persons Interested will be given an llworth, anft-\wos approved by the Mayor on the w ' ...... OfDciom. Apphs ... 2-lbs. earners 4* Bat need i» ecl LAST TIMES TONIGHT Makers ol "Tlfht UlUe IsUad" opportunity to be heard concerning such « (Ussca fram anton aeslU. • Ordinance. - i • . ,. 11th DAY OF MAY. IBM 29 "The Devil •ad ,"Passport U Plmllco." • PHILIP J. McOEVNA. • .- , jn» or clinics. CameitojCtmnullr ' .By Order of the Governing Body. Boiough_Clerk_DUh»__' ———ALEC- OUINNXSaV-lttv- L- : r—^PBOOP-J. McGEVNA Bplltlans and Bad *at why. Na Malces^Three" Borough Clerk. v Borough oot Kenllworth, 1 ISM ' HUM, U uemb«rshi» Urn. The sar- Dated: May II. J«S4. • B-20 .Doled: May 11. ISM. "Big Leaguer" ''A Run FROZEN FOOD FEATURES ^l a UleUme. .•.'...' 1 - SAT. MAY U - IS For Your^ Money ' %* Brmnd «s sac OPTICIANS . BOBKBT - • . AVA "I a "10 E. JEB8ET tt<—EL t-ttUl ' TAYLOR GARDNER . ,-aiso— ','. :. OFFICE HOUHS 1 Box All, Sl is Bits Tkeatre—eUsaboth CRANFORD Peas For 1c . THREE "Ride, Vaquero" 'STANLEY HOLLOWAY In. BY APPO1MTMENT JTAtT • FREE PABKING • m '64)200 DMtY uid EVEMIlfG ttatali U—Itl U__Iglh #h4 ' -Technicolor Titfield Thunderbolt" SIT fWAN *O*s By* ' ^'_ 38 Jefferson Avenne ON HIE. SAME PBOGBAM: J«e»l_sUHe Leon Errol Comedy N.V. Critics: ••EXCELLENT" • OcMarFmh fiBft ! Tech. Sport Reel __~_r.' NtffCT OrOKf 101 I** PX OFFICE OPEN DAILY AND SUN. - TUES.. MAY 16-17-18 Ds^sus. Chocolate ^ Jfsft JNDAY 10 A. M. to1 0 P. M. COMING SOON! Mwslunollow Sqtiom, Itg. 51c S(Mda| 41 "Torch Song" in Tech. DR. HAROLD BERMAN FLUS-^ THE ACADEMY AWARD WINNER in CinemaScopo MILL 'Cry of The Hunted" OPTOMETRIST RB OSI1I Of PATIOU CHKKS announces the .opening of a ; PLAYHOUSE COVERTURE TO THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR" K. JT. MILLBUBN 6-0100 CarrlnjrtorA-Dlrector •Umtfl MayWto pmhtHml'-tua. NWI Tues.-Thurg. - Fri. TUES.' thru SAT. 8:30^SUN. 8:00 For the Examination of the Eyes TS. tllUnsDAY & SATURDAY, a:30 STARTS WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, THRU SATURDAY, MAY 22 541 - Boulevard, Kenilworthj N. J. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. SOLD OUT" KENU W*tT DISNEY'S p — VICTOR ^ :• "PIPER '•;• L MATURE LAURIE Jlf on. - Wed. - Serf, . CRANFOBD OFFICE mwmm U CTanford Theatre Bldg. 8 A. M. t«i6 P. M. U Morth A»«u W. IKEJHGE PARNNSIQT Color By Technicolor .CRS-0200 BUirlmf . .' "DANGEROUS MISSION" MANNUS—TKO iCOTT |»cU Kicsge's. Item's, All

    \ :\ llPsp^-i'fw^^


    f requiem will be offered tomor- discharged from the Army afteir avenue, Garwpod, was fined $50 having lost its opener to Rahwayj charge of the commission's week' row morning in St. I*p'» Church, Firemen i service in the Far East. "He is and costs. Monday evening pn a past week, and drawn a! bye for Iy after-school' program at Lin- Irvington, for Edward J: "Burgard, dftball Crown also •employed by Weston. )""~-'- charge of breaking and entering this week, will faqe Plainfield in coln School. '"•,'•. Jr., of 110 North Twenty-second A late loll wedding is planned. by Magistrate William Bruder in Union County Police Pistol League n, retiring 10 years ago. He was street, who was found dead Tues, KENILWORTH — The Fire De- Municipal Court: •-' — 'competition _at__ the N6mahegan partment-sof jtball-tea rri-ppened-de^ field near KawaV Smaldone pUnded guilty to a "^»nge~ia Cranford at 1 p.i OTiciH. 81, of 83 Dpnrnan tpad, tense , of its Kenilworth Softball jpieeh Park, Union. Interment will charge of breaking and entering Monday. .; • held Tuesday morning from League crown .last wee)pby .rjown- Plan Round-up Defeats Roselle Park ivas Surviving 'him are a son, Edward be in Gate of Heaven. Cemetery, Sunnysifdu Tavern prt Easter Sun- _JSarwood, was stopped 1,074 to Dooley Funeral Home, 218 l ing S^>rindler Bros.,'10-7. ..-• KENILWOBTH. —. The Kenil- the A. of Cranford; . two" daughters, East Hanover. day: He ,\Vas apprehended by Pi- 851 by Rah way 'oa.May'i Scores North avenue; west, and tbence For Kindergarten worth- police pisto\ team'won its Mrs. Augusta L. Koeppler of Crajj- According to Union police, two Sprindler Bros, took i^n-early trolmen Joseph •, DeMario and of the local policemen were:-Car- to St. Michael's Church,, where a first Union County Police Pistol * SSS&-«nd potted tomato pUnts spot. Norse. B. W. flatter. CBanford kitchen and sunporch. 1st floor. Jnd «»> ' in Sunderland,- England, she came wortb-about two months ago. He September include a physician's, ange-, spoke to more than 150 men ; - ents a .war*. t» «••!• mlalmam. Van Sickle's Greenhouse. 117 6-1713. v « shop: part time, afternoons. Sopho^ Trucking —.Hauling 3 bedrooms, tile bath. Finished attic, more or Junior. Dcb'N Heir, 11 Nor^h hero tour years ago from Bay- died Tuesday in St. Elizabeth Hos- Was employed as a repairman at Bill - and Ron Carolan sparked the at the annual communion break- ducted in connection ' with the Ne sUsesant •• Uss ash « sis Mt mln Street.- CRanford 6-lOM. steam oil. heat, 1000 gallon tank, one car Children Boarded certificate, of smatlpox vaccina- George Washington'-on his way la •*••. " .' ' Union Ave. ' . , „ ^, . BOBBINS 6c ALLISON. Inc. Qnnc, where she had liver most ofpital, Elizabeth, after a. short ill- winners at bat. ' , • .-._ fast of the Church of St. Aniie Held series of Friday night dances held •ill CARPENTER .and CONTRACTOR. All ' "• ' MULTIPLY ,''••• garase. ploV 06x128. Taxss reasonable, 313 South Ave.. E. CRanford 6-OS9S CHILDREN BOARDED, privati-'hoij the, Irvington office of the-Ne^ tion : and diptheria immunization. from Mpuht Vernon to New York CAM. Clucks HlUmptnnl una- GERANIUMS. »3 a.iioKri: vecetable-and kinds of alterations, pcuems. etc Lud- your enjoyment of life by living In a owner transferred , to Boston. Transportation, provided fpr day can ness; will be held at 9 a. m.] tomor- ters)ey Bell- Telephone Company. In the season's opener, Lou Cor- following ' the 7:15 'a.m.' mass on for local young people 'by the M*T *a>*Hlaiag MS>7. Mil «• flower pUnts. $125 a box or 30 cents home that's tarse enough for your family, MOVING — STORAGE — PACKING/ vul cr .Me. .'".' The Health Department also rec- to be.lnagurated as the first.pres- wlg Seibert. 388 Lincoln .Drive. « / .CLERK TYPIST; " Agents Allied Van lines.. Inc. /' Citanford 6-2273.. • •, - h row from the James J. Higgins and cione led Vardalis to a 7-5. deci- Recreation Commission will be; ss*aslbl* far arrara la ad* Isksa a dozen J. Itas<>ne*e. 601 South Ave., worth. CBanford" ""*" that has a barhs..new oil steam furnace, 6 ROOMS, sunporch.. breakfast xoom. file Survivors include two daugh- He is survived by his. wife, the Sunday. . Hrs,topU; was "Congresr ident was so, impressed by the 1 G-T^ood. WEsIfleld . 2-6517. . O pen lovely bis yard where tho whole family kitchen ara bath, a car detached garaaer Son Morjuary in Elizabeth and sion over Shallcross Express. ommends immunization against discussed at tomorrow' highVs-| ' fcjr laUakaaa. .. , TTwoo yyears ' typing' eaperiencece:: permanp - ters. Joseph C. Silvay of former Isbel Betell; his parents, •stinations."- The.;.RtJ r reception Kiven him in Trenton, TOK C3fT—W«aBt«a»T» —Sunday*^—— • ^^ ateam hrtiy "", lr\ IHHrgOO. «14JXX). t illit>^toyw»»te extra hfnf- ? FOBMtcXrmCARTA and TgXTO_ - _ is low enough ,so that Dad can enjoy ~tnt i)UBilluiit~>-^toy-w»»ter extra hfnf- ihence—tp—St^-M»ehael S—€h«rch PMrs. Burgand, of Ifv^ ' nt th fohrrMrWalshrpagtoiT session^et-Lincoln-SGhool^-^^i—i that he expresscd~thc hope ,thut~ at la A. M. , counter top replacements. Minton-BIH Cranford and Mrs. Ralph L.uU-oT W L • Pet. well as a tuberculosis patch test. RED AND PINK TULLEDRESSES for Ijis life too.' •..''••. HIGH SCHOOL SECTION. Comfortable flts paid by employer. < Favorable For Hire Tuto>rmg , here, where there, will be .a high ington; and a sister,- Mrs. John spoke, briefly. • Joseph Troiano, athletic • direc- the city might someday become the prom. S6. sizes 10-12-14. White jackets. Cabinet Co.. SW> North Ave,. Garwood. 4 bedroom home, larse living room, starting-rate. Call Mr. Cowcll. Linden witr j Eli/ah;; two sons, Walter F. of Barton Fuel ...:....:.....„•.....:...•..•..... 1 0 1.000 Edwin W.- Kraus, superintend- WEstfleld 2-5080. dining room and modem, kitchen. 1st .*» TON PICK-UP TRUCK, with orTUTORING In the Russian la, mass of requjem at 9:30. Inter- Kane of Kenilworth. " ' . ," CCommonwealth Rockets 1 0 1.000 torr in the loglocal-schoolso , is in capital of the Unitpd States. drcucs. coats.. suits, blacks fo FINGER-TIP CONTROL 3-4600.- without driver. ' Contract dlBEine for written and spoken, beginners or s i o l.ooo ent of schools, said a student must The break fast was prepared and ^_Blrls. ladies. Citanford 6-6314 floor'. Hot water heat, oil fired. "Lame - i.^i,. ^. ^nttr tanhfiL T?...J?'.lh»T- KpringUbldand-John H. of Phila- rnent aJ^'X.J* JD.l -k_Gertrude.'a|. fire Department ..__ In this modern kitchen, a large dlnlnc nil i»nm nCTanrt. mm. wiiioat.JMfc_Ki."r?A- vauccd CRnnfnrd ffcaSCa 'j intitar Et—-^ -r-«r:-W)0- Friday. • . ' bring health cards filled out. QEA^HEJ OQ^ZUJI,^Attached goracc and well I and storage. Jnd flloor. Steam heat, jClocktt Repaired »ed ia .jnaluni lecher ..firm.. vM services will be con- moved _to_ Cranford ,ttw,fl,jjeaxs"iiCJt, v KEJJ1X.WORTH" Dr^-Harold rovcrsibic"Vj'ig, liTrTtiCxc landscapecaped yard. ' -Ahn "~excTusive"1¥oin exclusive Ttomee l^flrspacteus"T5CTrax2T00r-~12osr« thte CLERK-TYPIST. 37 V4"'hours"o ------GnANDPATOEn'CLOCKS, cuckoo "clocki: flexible sound like a geographiil i^.ted thi9 "ilCefnoon ai""2"6 ciock She was a communicant of St a! Police toi\feet VENETIAN BLINDS. 23" - 35", white and lion. CRa'nfold 6-4303 or 0803. fo '•' excellent buy. then phone us for.Inspec - All types of watches/and .clocks re- Berman, Cranford optometrist, an- East Orange Man, Carwood Man Fined Ivory. S2,98. Immediate delivery. Aloa-n- - CARPENTER — CONTRACTOR tion appointment. . xellent working conditions. CRanford paired. Will-pick up7 and deliver.. No symphony. They include mttlsJ i: Gray vMemorial, 12 Springfield Michael's Church and a former Repairs porch ^enclosures, cabinet work., 6-4000. nounces the opening of a branch Lewis Hardware. 109 N. Union Ave. if YOUR SUMMER HOME ; charge for estimates/ CRanlord 6-9271. quebracho, dlvl-dlvl, sumac, gu ' feenuc, for August Koeppler, fi8 communicant of St. Mary's Church on Range screens, carafes, caulking. . termite will bc-your back porch, especially "when CHARLES M. YEAKEL off ice for the examination of the In Tavern Break'. FERN'S MiisPfeffertoWed Furnished Rooms work, roofing., block ceilings; attic~nl- hler. mangrove and myro'iaUm, vears old, of 35 Hillereil avenue, of Elizabeth....' ) ALUMINUM STORM WfNDOWS and sulatian. Interlocking metal ' weather It's located In a delightful section.'This . Real'Estate and Insurance eyes at 541 Boulevard. He has KENILWORTH — Anthony GARWObD—The pistol team of 7 room bungalow has .2 J baths, fireplace, died Monday at home after "• KENILWORTH — . Combination Screens and Storm Doors, For Rent stripping. oil hot water heat, recreation room and 6 North Ave.. W. . CRanfoid. 0-3474 Work WanTed- Female Surviving are two daughters, taken over, the practice and rec- Smaldone of 311 North Second the GarwoooV-Police Department, rtee- estimates. Alban-Lewls. 100 North Second Floor • ' Dressmaker, Alterations brief illness. George C. Sharp ment has been made' of the be- Union Ave.. CRanford 6-0866. U ROOMS FOR RENT by day or « GEORGE R. NOBES many other fine features that make this PART TIME GIRL FRIDAY Having coupt Sprinkle with < Mrs. George Greenemeier of Cliff- ords of Dr. Daniel Friedman, who Reasonable rates. ' 'CRanford .6 Adams Ave. Cranfonl home the; buy of the. week at $15.700.. . Typing, filing, • simple bookkcepins, LADIES SUITS ind DRESSES made, ito the Kenilworth Gospel Chapel trothal of Miss Henrietta L. Pfef- U CRanford 6-6817 .& tf the following: buttered popc_ wood-and Mrs. Richard Quelch of formerly .conducted a practice at VALUES CRANFORQ HOTEL . miscellaneous Clerical, proofreading order: also .alterations. Mrs.' Hand. fer of 213 . North Twenty-third .VIBUE PADS. 3-pc. sets, from W.03 . COME RAIN OR SHINE ^editorial assistance, speech writing. CRanford 6-3452. ' U cheese toast, bread sticks, teat Bill officiate. Intedfcent will be Cranford; a son, Robert V. Shee- that address. ; Choice 'of beautiful colors. Free estl- this home will be comfortable, because 118 HERN1NG AVE. — lO-year-old street, daughter of the. late Mr. COMFORTABLV FURNISHED ROOM. TRUCK CRANE and TJJ.-9 BuUdozer Colonial.. 6 rooms, flreplace, closed In ' Have car, .2 typewriters. Experienced, bread croutons, crumbled cool _ -Fairview Cemetery, Westfield. han. of Union; a brother, Dennis Dr. Berman has been practic- . mates given, Alban^Lewis. 109 N. Union for hire. S. W. Oliver. Inc. CRanford It .has large gracious rooms. A 4 bed- porch, colored tile bath, well shaded intelligent, dependable. Conventional or ALTERAT1QNS~DONE AT HOME. 920 and Mrs. Albert Pfeffer, to Har- Ave.; CRanford 6-0866. . ' • .' tf near all trJiupoitatlon.' Business man room home In an excellent neighborhood odd hours, 11.60 per hour. Telephone bacon, chopped parsley or chlm.] •*A Tesident of Cranford 18 years, McCarthy of Elizabeth a sister, ing for the past two years in the only, too North Ave., East. CRanfocd 6-21&0 and Linden 2-7054.' • tf between Casino and Orange" Ave., re- lot, 60x110. For appointment call.CRan- Lincoln Park East. CRanford. 6-4641. old Bissett, son of. Mrs. Frank. foftt 6-32S7 or; CRanford 6-3227. evenings.. WE 2-53XW. ^- ,• tf .7 •••••'•• • ' . 5-13 Jr. Koeppler was a native of Ger- Mrs- Catherine Cosgrov^ of Phoe- Cranford Theatre Building, Cran- PITTSBURGH PAINTS, full line of in-, 6-0880. j , U cently painted inside. and outside; 2 car Bissett of East Orange and the PHILCO ELECTRICALCONTRACTINO — House- earage and reasonably priqed. \' RALPH DELLA SERRA -if jjjjiy and came: to reside iri^Brqpk- nix, Arizt, and six grandchildren. ford. Be.received his degree froni terlor and exterior. Painters' discount LAI1GE, CLEAN, nlcejy furnished front wiring, jobbing, fluorescent fixtures, •' < Realtor and Builder ' . • _ late Mr. Bissett: In house lot quantities. Albaa-Lewis. repairs and plugs installed. George . CR 6-0M7 WOMAN WILt. BABY SIT days or eve- yn C5 years ago. He had be6n em- Her husband died November 29. Pennsylvania State College of Op- 10» N0rU> Union Ave. U room, next .to bath, modern private Tom. Albans nings, will mind child of. working par- Miss Pfeffer attended Our Lady home. Gurage optional. >< Convenient Sanguiliano. U Myrtle Street. Tel. Sid Nuno .CR 6-5487 ROSELLE PARK — Bungalow. Urge ' eht, aUo c^are for home'and* children, toyed as a felter fbr^ many years tpmetry and. received the Clinical transportation. .CHanford 6-2705 after CRanford 6-0529. . U Mildred Davies ___-.. . CR 6-3681 fenced in comer lpt; 4 rooms and bath mother confined In. hospital. WEst- iy" the Robert Graves" Wallpaper Edward J. Barnard, Jr. of Good' Counsel School, Newark, AIR-CONDITIONERS Efficiency Award as the most out- UPHpLSTERINO»— Furniture repairs 6:30 P.M. ' ,',•.. tf Lois Brooks . . CR 6-1500 . downstairs; 2. finished bedrooms up- Bcld ,2-7358. .' - and is employed by. the Weston draperies, slip covers. Venetian blinds. Etta KlnetU , CB 6-0733 ilanufarturirig Company, Brook- KENILWORTH — A high mas? standing clinician in his gradu- IF YOU PLAN TO BUILD, repair or make stairs. Garage, science kitchen. Near Electrical Instrument Corp.,New,- TON Nice choice of fabrics. F. Kantner * ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED ROOM, cool alterations, call T. JOUNSEN. 403 Cen- school. Asking 813.500. Call CHestnut 1 ating class.- Following his gradu- BELL'S - a O. NUNN. Realtor — WOMAN WISHES IRONING to do . Son. 130 South Ave, E. Tel. CRanford . in summer, 6 minutes from' station. tral Avenue. CRanford 6-8348. tf S-1B74. • .,•••';... ark.' - ' ': • •..- • '.••'••..-• U I . CRanfonS 6-36S5 ' home. Box 790, c/o Citizen a ation,-hie was in association with. 0-0893: •'•.'• [ CRanfAVd 6-6557. .' • Television R^pah A graduate of East Orange High DAILY -?A. M. to 10 P, [Member of the Cranford Real Estate Board Chronicle. ..'....' ORIGINALLY ROOFING: AND SIDING DONT DELAY Dr. Saul of Reading, Pa., and was COLUMBIA WINDOW SHADES, up to 31 ILtEPING HOOM. attractively furn- 181 'North Ave.. E.. at Centennial '• Avs> Come In as soon as you can. and let us School, Mr. Bissett' was recently ', SUNDAY — 9 A. M. to 9 P, M, - • limits, oil yotir-roller. »l~3a. Sajno flay. nimrna A _LEADERS in charge of the Eye Clinic at $379.95^ ished, near balh. traiiaportotion:—Car Celling Blocks ___„ 'show you this attractive-looking West- Antennas Installed and Repaired Service. Alban-Lewis' Hardware. 108 space available. CRanford B-6901. tf field home in the Ben Franklin School Help Wanted- Male Fort Bragg, N. C, while serving ' North Union Ave. If. uni' Combination District. It has a. vestibule .guest Hoint: InmlinH'on AS QUIET AS A KID |4n,the armed forces. FURNISHED ROOM.: gentleman only. In conjunction wllh sldins; we paint closet; 20ii foot living-room with fire- SALESMAN "WANTED by old and-ic^ SAVl^A COOL $140.00 VENETIAN BUNDS in stotfk, 33 to 38 TN THE JAM JAR . place: T.V. room,; full dinlng-roam;. . tablished'nevt, car dealer handling one. DAY 7 IT'S HERE $1.00 SIZE Convenient to all transportation. CRan- wood trim. That's the way It is in the studio room kitchen and pantry- Upstairs there are BUY NOW and SAVE! Inches, custom quality stock blinds, all ford 0-6051. • ' . . • Over 5.000 satisfied customers. of top'three 'cars.' Good salary • plus CRanford Take Your Choice of M Inches long. S2.BS; also Jencraft and WU. L. SCHBOEDER that's -ideal for an office, a study or just three bedrooms and bath with shower. 1 generous commissions >witti extra in- C. W. Brenenisn custom blinds, 39c sq. plain' resting. . Delightful home choicely A bargain at »13,5O0. NIGHT Girl Scouts to Join CHEERFUL ROOM. In private home, 1 Walnut Ave. CRanford 6-3474 locatod " within a • few minutes walk of centive plan ort accessories. /Excellent '^9 ft ^ C '- • • • Best for Less . ft. Cranford Upholstery Shop, 120 South reasonable, near transportation." Enrage opportunity - for an Industrious. and TUSSY CREAM 'Avenue. East. CRanford 6-0893. tf U NEW BROOKSlbE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. ALAN JOHNSTON, REALTOR ^ • O €F O *if • Plus Piuig optional. Call CRanford 6-4B9S alter 5 St. Michael's or High School; oil steam aggressive person. Give- fiill particu- 6 Memorial Day Rites PHILCO REFRIGERATOR P.M. 203 Kim St.. WcstfleM 4VXstuekL2-! ~larB^by-rruur-to^BoK^aACUi •'• SELECT JALOUSIE porch enclosures' "Uidnnn." heat, enrage. 816.900. ' and Chronicle. U KENILWORTH — Tentative JARPETS" and RUGS, used, all cleaned, Add that extra room now. Minton-Bilt BARRE GRANITE DEODORANT good condition, room sixes, remnants, Cabinet Co. 299 North Avenue. Car.- ;• OWNER LOVED IT . plans for participation in Memor- REGULARLY stair and hall carpet, throw russ, new . . • , wood. WEstfield. 2-5080. CBanford But they're moving ou< of town. See itl CUSTODIAN — A local Protestant church MEMORIALS ial Day ceremonies were made" by remnants aiid factory seconds. Eliza- Apartments Wanted 6-0228. . . tf Real Estate Wanted Is seeking a custodian, preferably' a $284.95 beth Ruf Exchange. 363 Morris Avenue. YOUNG-PROFESSIONAL COUPLE, wife »-«»•• . • . — You'll love, and enjoy this delightful 5 retired person In good health. The Job Economy Electric the Girl Scout Leaders' Associa- Uacher iD.-CrarUord. no children, de- . .- ; — 'i, room.;Ctottage: spacious living room with I Elizabeth.L. _^ _^_. ', . .; ". " • tf ^ WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME* , . oitcia n jippd income ubove social se- tion. Monday evening, at the Com- SALE PRICE SPECIAL sire 2Vi-3Vi room unfurnished "apart- FOL-DOR-—HolcooC> .A: 'Hoke"..^space ODSMxPreBlacc: real dining room: science curity or othor' ocresiorr Benefits—but- \ 1. JCompSw? Our Prices " ment. Cranford area, about'June 1st, saving foldlns doors. Mintqa-BUt. 29ld9 overlookintned^kltchdnr^slWiploas-btdrooms.-'-poreg .attractive grounds; d h Among: the many reasons why we can munity Methodist Church. Take your pick! Not ohei" TOPSOIL. fill dirt, grsvel, crushed stone, Willing to pay »8S. Write Box 783; c/o . North Avenue. Carwood. WEstfield overlooking .attractive grounds; double. sell your home at> its full value are would not'be cq^ial to- h*U~.tlme em- CRANFORD ANTHONY O. RULLIS. Prop. 50' U garage; excellent location: $16,400. ployment. Hours flexible, conditions 105 BENJAMIN ST. .It was, reported that the Girl but all these kinds of cinders and sand. Call 8 to 8. RAhway Citizen and Chronicle. 5-13 2-50SO — CRanford 6-0228. ' "- -•~-»">"t locaUon: S16.400. the fallowing: ; arc very plcasarit. including paid vaca~ CHECK THESE FEATURI . 7-7324- ' . ,• WE'D LIKE A DOZEN B SALESMEN., sincerely Interested in ' tlon. Write Box 789. c/o Citizen and Scouts will take part in the cere- cream from Borden'a! homes like this one. Substantial 6 room and active in the sale of Cranford WATCH. CLOCK & JEWELRY t' Chronicle. / •' • - monies as well as the Little League 25c Value MADE TO ORDER radiator enclosures, ' REPAIRS home with 2 baths; science kitchen with properties. Phono one of them if yoQ $1.25 Value ()>-DOOR STORAGE- lawn . furniture, cabinets and/console faster. Better and, at lower cost. All new ranee, oil steam heat, real fireplace, ore. Interested in selling or In knowing parade bn May 23. ' ' :_ • Apartment For Rent extra larce^ fenced-in ".lot," "at "a down-to- 'what your property will sell for in YOUNG MAJN' for drug- store, must -have cabinets for portable sewingymschines. watches electronically timed" on our k CO. The local troops have completed driver's license: day time work. Boro (2)—45 Ib. FOOD FREEZER ' Fred DaTcy, 43 No. 7th Street, Kenil- FOUR ROOMS AND BATH—Available earth price, hitch school area,' ....it today's acUvc market: • l watchmasler. We do our own repair*. Drugs, /490 Boulevard, r Kenilworth. their collection of white goods to CALAMINE worth. CRanford 6-5383/ U July . 1st. Business or midtlle aged THK TICKER SHOP Pauline Chandler WE 2-3787 1 139 McClellan St. Newark 5, N. J. AEROSOL (3)—DOUBLE DRAWER CRISPER — couple preferred. S8S per month. Call Now located at — • ' ". ' Elmer . H. Smith _..._._ CR 6-«794 Gertrude Davis : WE1-260SR Cftanford 6-6770. be used "by the American Cancer CRanford 0-2167. , - 7 South Ave. E-. Cranford. N. J. -U Harold M. Wilson _._; CR 8-1854 "Hazel Hamilton WE 2-1727 at Newmrk-EIUabeth Une — opposite Mt Olivet Cemetery Make or Renovate Lawns - NOW .] - next door to Unsenmann's Florist . Society for. cancer dressings. TO KEEP VEGETABLES FRESH PARK ^ '. Rosalie Johnson' EL 2-4026 ' FURNISHED APARTMENT —. .3 rooms Hostesses at the supper meeting BOMB LOTION Unusual Vita. Supplies T.V. REPAIRS} IN YOUR HOME. SI.SO G. E. HOWLAND -^ REALTOR . G. E. Howland. Jr. WE 2-2764 . ' 414 Chestnut Bpf JUa. :Pk.—CH 5-9323 and bath, hewly redecorated, centrally Christopher Johnson EL 2-4026 Work Wanted -Male Open Sundays — Tel. HUmboldt 34466 were Mrs. H. W. Knudson, Mrs. located. MS per month: Call CRan- per service call, plus parts. Day or Open evenings and 'Sundays _ Elmer Smith CR 6-8794 • - ford 6-1471 after 5 P.M. rusht- Economy, Electric, 109 Benjamin 13 EASTMAN ST. CRANFOItD 8-S900 " «arold WiUon ' CR 6-1854 FOR SPEEDY CAR WASHING and lawn Write or Phone for our Representative to CalL Chris Anastasia and Mrs. Wallace TOP SOIU'^Mi yard- load. S14 delivered. St., CRanford «P3S33. * " U cutting call CRanforU 6-1864. Ask for Wayne. Mrs. George ' Cassera, FAMOUS NAME TV, i* '••'-; '•'•{• •••'':•• Bulldozer ' for • hire. and trenching. G, E. HOWLAND — REALTOR . Steve. •.'•,•* ' •. ' • CRanford, 8-3831 , U | SEATS — Cane, rush rattan. Work called president, presided.; ; >• wmm. for and delivered. PLalnfleld 6-9370. ALL BRICK CENTER J1ALL — 8 roonju. Open evenings and Sundays WINDOWS WASHED.' storm windows FOR FURTHER INTORH^QPD^IlLEASE FIU. -OUT 83c BRAND NEW. For Rent 247 Jefferson Avel. North Plalnfteld. N J. 3'.j baths bn plot 100x130: Living room, taken down, screens put up. E. T. AND MA|I. COUPON. P1ANO3. / SALE!. Floor sample spinets, dlninc .room, sun room, all tile kitcHen. ,13 EASTMAN'ST. CRANFORD 6-S900 ' VIGORO drastically reduced, tcrinir Craniord GAI1WOOD RECREATION. 348 North Dunn, FUltoh 1-0820. ' 6-3 1IGHT! Unable to Mention the Manufacturer •- drastically reduced, tcrnuir Cranford Ave.. Garwood. under new manage- ,VED powder room' and screened porch first Field Day Tuesday Pian o7 Co..' 3 North Ave, East. CRan- TREES TRIMMF.T> AND HAVE AN IMMEDIATE BUYER for a For your coffee,' cereal and Your Prescription — — • - »•—••- «.— -V-...I r>n.n- ment. Openings available for 8 team Cord Wood for 1 floor. 3 bedrooms,' and 2 baths second . ford 6-3720. • •. . floor. Room and! b«-.;i and storage third two family home. Alan Johnston, KENILWORTH — Annual fleld 17" width .league startiruj September 1B54. B Landscape — Nursery Realtor — WEatflcJd 2-5664. •- y ttMtuti nun #•#• Ncnno fruiter BELL'S Pharmacy ' lanes. ABC'sanctioned. WEstfield 2- CaU WEstfleld 2-0320 or WEs floor. Two car garage, oil heat, beautiful day of the public schools. will grounds and In excellent Condition — Autos for Sale AHOLAWNSAT LtSS C0S1 BIO ALTERATION SALE — Large stock 6-3 Eyeninc* after 6 be conducted Tuesday, Edwin W. .of selecied lamps, silk and pui-chiiicnt JW LOVEL*ND $20,100. • . •' ' • shades. Savings up to S0%. E.' T. *. I Summer Rentals SEE OUR' "OK." USED CAR Kraus, superintendent. of schools, BELL'S ANTISEPTIC III ANXIOUS FOR AN OFFER'"— Colonial : Willlsnis, 7S5 Central Avenue. West- AD ON PAGE 2. SECTION 3 40c Value field. Open evenings. WEstfield 3-21S8. anted To Buy PLUMBING and'HEATING. Sewars seven year old; large living, room with SEASHORE — 6 room cottage. 3 blocks Cily ..:...... :. T©L No. announced. The program was cleaned with electric sewer inachlns. from ocean in Point Pleasant Beach. • • . •'.'•. U BOOKS WANTED, phone for details. flreplace; dining room. .lovely kitchen, MORRIS CHEVROLET. INC. MICHIGAN PEAT slated' for Tuesday, but was post- FURNITURE Qtiaranteed. WUUam J. Letfden. TeL Will rent by week; or month. June and P.' M. Bookshop.' 330 Park /Avenue. powder room and sun room on. first 3 weeks in July available. CRanford 209 AND 614 CENTRAL AVE. poned because of wet grounds.; MOUTH PLainfleld 4-3000. tf CHestnut 8-1207 and CRanford 6-2833. floor. Second. 3 bedrooms and tile bath. Nature's Fir.est SoH B. AGRICULTURAL TOPSOIL, 12-SO per rt&chcd garage. Excellent neighborhood. 6-6891. ,' •••-.••». . ' WESTFtELD' 2-0220 > NOXZEMA OUR MAGIC VALUES ; CRanford 6-36M. 5-27 JNS WAITED' — "ticehseoT-coltiecWr] iCW»Tfhr4nir~'—*"-••"•"•! "••••: :"'—•-•« iu flFUL BUNGALOW. suitabJ5*/6r paylntf high prices. for modern - or WILLIAM F. DAVIDSON 2 families; between ocean, and bay.1039 CHEVROLET, new Philco- radio; WASH FollR BEDROOM HOUSE — lias large YOU DONT NEED LANOLIN .for that General Contracting. Carpentry, Masonry. One mile from Seaside Park. 2nd Ave., heater, seat covers, good condition, iCU-Ui antique rlfleaf stiotfluns. revolvers. -Plaaterina ..and Rooilng. CRanford rfccplion hall, liyinC room, dining-room both In-appearance and mechanically - bald spot on your lawn! Myrtle will. u and targe kitchen"with'pantry." TWO car Orileyi—Avallablc August.-Inquire...at cover like' a toupee. We also have ..Linden ' ' ' «« 6-3829. No lob too sjnaU." Estliuales CRanford 6-3474 or CRanford 6-2790 Price S125. CRanford 0-3644. ANTIQUE FURNITURE, picture frames, Without obogation. • tf dctachud gurage; heat is steam; plot "Mak*> yssjr Issast'• const af sssssi Wlll> • pachysandra. Chinese forsct-me-nots, 55x140. \ Convenient location. Asking evenings' FullQt . primulas ' blcedlnff heart, .' ayrinsa, cut glass, rugs, chinu and bric-u-brac. MM lAWItt—TOS> WUU Ot» ONn->«fMst MEDIUM! 338 Walnut Ave, CRanford 6-0185. ' U ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS, crushed stone, $14,500. \ • • ' WCMMMl MMI \ttasr sal swasb ss»s»sl AFRICAN. VIOLETS. SHOWY FLAME nil dirt, driveways excavated. Front "sisawIt"— mmiit w»a« rsssjjlrsti mm. Light enough to pour, heavy VIOLETS, etc. Benners, 1 Hamilton BUNGALOW — Living room, dining Lots For Sate MKMfMM MAT Is •*% srsianli. Uss Km Ave., CRanford 8-3398. BOY'S 30 INCH BICYCLE In good con- end loader for hire. Joseph La Braclo, EatobUihed 1897 enough to whip! - < dition. Phono CRunford 6-4423. 37 llenlcy Ave.. CRanford. 6-3167. room, kitchen, bedroom 'and .bath. At- LOT. 5SVJX175. on dead'end street In •a -Isasv tMMI, sknsn. sisliss, AHUCAM PERENNIALS", paruics. sweet wlllUm, sea tached garagii. Expansion finished 2 Wcstflcld. Just around corner from new vteun sssi rot MAMTS. MICHIOAN MAT . BELL'S 35c Value_ pinks. Many other*. Basket 2Sc. B43 MASON CONTRACTORS lovely rooms. Excellent condition. Washington School. Call WEstfield 2- ts "Msjk slstsjissr sjsas, lw»is»si all sails. Lexington Ave., Cranford. B-37 Complete masonry. Sidewalks, nag- 6957. .-•••__ • •' HAROLD F.BENNER, Inc. TOM MIT Dm S sis* bass, tasks as f—— stone -work. Garage- building, brick ' 8HAHEEN AGENCY. REALTORS Exclusive Agency >«*far« -"• THREE PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE, Painting — Decorating work. Free estimates. Schwurz. •„, 18 North AV&. K\- CRanford 6-1000 MOTH 1 CRanford 6-MOi. Instructions Automobile for winter and summer slip covers. Reason CRanford 6-4488 able offer. CRanford 6-4MS. ' T. A. CRANE — Painting and Decorating. Mrs. H. T. Rearwla\CRanford RUSSELL STOVER 343 Walnut Ave. TeL CRanfortf 6-OM9. LET ME BOARD YOUR PET ia .my Bars. Ann Cooper CRanford ACCCVRD1ON and Hawllsp Guitar DUCO W for estimates. "~. . •. • tt borne, ejeperi care, reasonable rate. Mrs. Evelyn Wade CRford 6-1053 Lessons at your home. If desired. ,.»1'":;'J.V-'i> TWO PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE CRanford 6-8382. . 4^15 A. Werner. MiUburn 6-1789-J. 3-28 BALLS or FLAKES with slip | covers:' 2 mahogany book- ••> •'-- BODY 100 LL Bag $4.49 All Aluminum in a new design that combines cases: silver fox" fur, 3 skins. CRanford NtTSCHKE & BLUNCK — Painters, and VENDER WOBK - CANDIES Decorators. 47 North 18th Street. Ken- LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS . FULL POUND 6-2&40. ' . , 5-13 Lawns - Shrubbery - Trees CEDARCROFT. N. J.. In \he beaiitlful sturdiness and beauty. The plastic cushions liwortli, N. J. Telephone CRanford Construction Dodox Bmunel « iisim«Mi . 6-471S — CHestnut O-3468. tf RotoUUing - Grading - Trenching pine tree country.' along ^^U\e Metcde- f l g 50 Jib. Bag *2.49 HOUSEHOLD . FURNITURE — Living ROBERTS & W1ESE conk River., we have for sate a.5 room ONE CAR GARAGE. 12X10 Including may be had in many outdoor colors CEO '5 . room, dining room and bedroom' set 163 N. Lchifih Ave. bungalow near the clubhouse; 2 bed- concrete footing and Boor. Cinder block Weldlns--Track Uittcrlas r CRanford 6-8316. .., R. HENZEL. — Interior, exterior paint- CRanford 6-3284 Linden 3-77(14 rooms. 4 built-in beds,, plus-built-in or. frame construction, overhead door, regularly 79.95 J 099> ing and paperhangliur. Estimates cheer- ••• 'tf bureau. Lot' 100x120. Asking price complete. 0730. CBanford 6-3129. tf CRsaford t-llli ^ and for goodness sake —- TRY OUR — HEAVY! 1.25 CRIB, chest and chrome high' chair. fully given. Phone CRanford 6-1349. SU.00O. , •M 8O1IIH AVst, B. All excellent condition. CRunford u- 61 Elizabeth. Avenue. Cranford. U ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS and re- Whips like a drcom! ALSO OUTDOOR CHAISE LOUNGE • 3138. . pairs, wall outleU. Ufiht. switches, etc. THOMAS MacMEEKIN. Realtor Quickly! WILLIAM ROESEL. Interior and Ex- Lamps rewired, door bells and chimes Tutoring. Adjustable 3-way position- with^ttwttress cov- REFRIGERATOR. Coldipot. 0. cu. ft.. terior Painting. ' Skilled mechanics. 15 Aldcn'St.. Rms. 7 and -8 Supreme excellent condition. Ideal for summer repaired. John Frey. WEstfield - 2- . CHan 6-1237 or CRan B-1225 TUTORTNO—High School and College P»°H"'lt ... •••p>rvl«l, 2 —4994-M^ ^~ • • ..—. ^ ^^>red4n-plastic-materiaL ——\ cottageT tgOWEltlXdi-iasr CRanfoid subjecu^CarT^ T^^aarfcrBA^YaleV FREE DELIVERY-CR Avenue;' Cranlord. Call • ••T-i i^x. «..-338--Mountain-A.„ BED. meUl. single, good condition. TENNIS RACKETS HESTRUNO. Sports- Wcstaeld. Call WEstfleld JU3M1-W. tf man's Shop, 17 North Avenue. West. CRanford 6-6042 after 9 P.M. LINDEN DECORATING CO. Painting '• / •'•• ' - S12.600 - -. ','„ •*...' m CRanford. N. J. U Six room Colonial — plus Sunporch. NUHSEHY «TOCK — High grade rhodo- and decorating; established 1918. Call CONVENIENT Linden 3-3390. ' • • • • U very., convenient to schools, shopping —T^l?n4ran.3Jt[$a; plnk_dQ4twood.-lL2M center • »nd-transporisW»?~New'" alural^ ' value. M; weeping willow. Sto V Tt. f I: STALLED* and repaired. Work guar- PAPEIUIANGING nujn • siding and -complete combination COME TO THE JUMBLE STORE and .' mountain ash trees, 8 to 7 ft, SB. C. anteed. Hcasonab1 W rates; Tnjbcaichecked storm sash — oil steam heat/lot 50x175. look all around. Some clothing, some Emory, Mountain'Ave.. cor Jerusalem Neatly done Ilcasonablc rates. lit your KBme . t-all »Auw»od 2-4150 Garage. . ' • ' • • shoes' or some thins will be found. Road. Scotch Plains. FAnwood 2-6148. or CRanford «t69M. ••~~,J~ • tf SAVE $60,00 • •'••'•••• j, SOZICK - JOHN W. HEINS & SON . -. • 10 South Aye..'East. Open all day ^Sunday.. ' . ' 338 North AVc. Garwood WEstflcId 2-814S ' ' A. MASCARO. Furniture repairing and w • 17 North Xve., East . LAUNDERALL AUTOMATIC WASHING Store Open 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. rellnishlng. 113 South Ave.. West. CRsnford 6-0777 — CRantord. 6-0072 BEAUTY SLEEP PRODUCT MACHINE.' good condition, brand new ' ' • • 5-27 CRanford 6-9337. . 8-27 CR6- motor. S25. Call CRanford 0-2463. Piano Tuning SOURI GETTING ENOUGH HOT WATER? Lime RELIABLE PIANO TUNING and repalr- HOLLYWOOD BEDS CCA 95 CORNER CLOCK> 3 Bhclves, good coo- scale removed from. para coils^ tank- intf by recoflnired experts. 'Cranford Refreshing With vegetables tion. S75. 39 South Union Ave., Crun- Icss heaters, all heat exchangem. Work Puuw Co., Tuners and Bcbullden. and frulta! ' ' Ife guaranteed. Cranford Soft Water 3474 ASK ABOUT IT regularly 119.00 Wllva ' ford. 2nd floor, after 1 P.M.. < .' 3 North Avenue.' East CaU CRanford Equipment Co.. CRanford 6-3355. 6-3730. KANE 1Z SP&WGFlELti AVENUErCRANFOBD- -J^ARGK—OVERSTuyfED—C11AIH. like — • Innerspring Mattress ~ '• • ~ new. S20. CRanford B-3053. MclNTYRE'S PLOWING AND RDTOTIlXlNG deiu Lost 75c Value CLECTRIC REFRIGERATOH and port- arul lawns. CRanlord 6-lBltt 5-13 When you see the ELSIE 29c Value • Matching Box Spring able electric sewing machine. Phone BRACeiJET. while gold link. * diamonds DU PONT'S LAWN WEED KILLER and sapphire. CRanford 6-0117.' , We offer ~ residents of Cranford and vicinity an DAISV on the carton, you • Duran Plastic Headboard Elizabeth 2-3120. „ ' ' Lawn Mower Ship YOU CAN RENT THE NIAGARA by day •ataMaiaX MM or 'week, for poor circulation. »Uep- LOST-SUNDAY at St Michael's Church: know it's . • ANTIQUE SIDEBOARD, luarble top; Icu ni£hts. Urcdnoal and lenso nerves. - crystal Rosary beads, silver cross and modern buffet; 6 dining chain): glass 8ALES WCstlleld. 2-82O4. -' chain. CRanford 8-0079. • outstanding funeral home, complete uith air con- WATER SOFTENER . china closet: .twin idle spool bed: SHOWER 1 ' double brass bed; 4 dre&ciet mirrors PART8 — WELDING GETTING ENOUGH HOT WATEHI Umc PRES-TO-LOGS _^ and miscellaneous. 113 Milii Street, . Authorised scale ri-Mvovv-d irom pjirj coils. Unit 2 For! For The Money Thurs. and Fri. until 5:30 ur call Ciian- -. less heaters, all heat exchanger*. Wor Garage Jor Rent IDEAL FOR YOUR FIREPLACE ford 6-2473 after 8 P.M. liuaranleed. Cranford 'Soft Wule. GARAGE. 114 North Ave.. West', near ditioning, organ, large light rooms for your every CAP Reo-Eclipse—ExceUo Equipment Co., Cllau(ord tt-3553 o station. CRanford 6-0883 or 4383. TWIN FOR 95 tT»-.airiaiw. J.'_t>-»i •**—. '.'A"I^.'.T^-.M..- * *ny -BEDS SINK TOPS at beautiful real clay tile. convenience. . Our own ddisplayl room. Floor Service ; WEttfieU22S28 The mot per»uinenl' »nd economical jisfsEcne] regularly 59.95 each >, B- UCNZEL '—, Telephone us to d)>cus> 235 N. Elmer St. Wesifleld. N. J. •ink top available. -Call' or write for your floor problems. Floor scraping and Iree booklet or tree e»liinale. G." W. FUNGICIDES — WEED KILLERS — DUSTERS reOnlshlng of old floors s specialty. Pol- \V:lkiii»i>i>^. Newman's Lane. Marlins TOUR CAB PICKID UP ishing, also Waxing. Eollriiate* cheer- ' vilU;. Phone Eliioll' tt-XJ03 . or WE»t SPRAYERS — GARDEN TOOLS fully liven. Phone CRanford 8-1345. 61 ueld 2-ooa«J. AND DlilVlllEO Elisabeth Avenue. Cranford. tl SAVE $160.00 LAWNS CUT and taken care of. Flower FLOWER and VEGETABLE PLANTS CLEAN BAG! rUKCBASCDx-WhlU oi It's Hen NOW?. . bedi and »l>iab» weeded and trimmed^ rfats/a «0fHMt^«u Mrrlc* lot -•Ootorert W«tno

    •:.'.) •• ' ' ' '

    ; ••'• .i .

    THE CRANTORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE. THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1054 P»gt -I presented a cosmqiic demonsira. GIVE was authorized to advertise for Citizens Committee, GARWOODSOCiALS tian. Guests at the meeting wcte bids for painting, carpen- Five Firms Presbyterian Mrs.' Elizabeth Lofgren of 252 Mrs. Leo Borafl and Mrs. Stew. insiojn i Council Meets Tuesday Third avenue had as recent gu«*-s art Douglas. TO THE flooring, heating, furniture anci Sodet£tq-Hear her nephew and'liiece, Mr. and" Hbstess«9~fpr-ther«veningg WilhSponsor KENILWORTH — Mayor li M equipment as well as an industrial Mrs. Larf Forss ot Mjolby. Swe- o Mrs..Carl Soltis, Mrs. Louis Vur. Robert C. Krueger and Borough Guest Speaker en. They returned there recent- FIRST AID SQUAD type vacuum cleaner. They will be Youth Nines U ren and; Mrs. Robert Stranacher" Ga^Told received on June 14_.. - : Council will meet Tuesday eve- " GARWOOD—A talk on S\ ly aboard the Queen Elizabeth Table decorations were made by ; KENILWORTH —Te : "Mr. Smith presided. thp ish-Speaking Americans" will be fter also Visiting in Florida and Kenilworth Little League ning with the Citizens Commit-, Woman's Club Posts Mrs. Holt and Mrs. Van Natta ill be presented by Mrs. William Mac- Massachusetts. " -—••:/' Architect for School sponsored' this,' season by. John tee for the Public Schools at The cancer dressing unit Of GAR wo oo: CRANEOKD KEP«ILWORTH intosh, Westminster Fellowship The T.S.G. Club met • recently Filled; Select Delegate the club met Tuesday afternoon Vitale, building contractor, Kenil- Harding School! .> ,,« adviser, for the Brooklyn "Nassau Given Information^. List Delegates worth Lions Club, Volco Brass and it the home; of Mrs. Anne jaar-, For Citizenship Unit at .Mrs. Holt's home, 310 Locust ' Robert-Wylie, chairman of the Presbyterial Society, at a meeting el,' 328 Third avenue. Guests avenue. "' fc==~'-r=^ : Entered -a» **cond class mull natter Oil Probable Needs —- Copper Company/and St. Ther- of the Women's Missionary "So- the fc*osl ©flic* at -24 Pages —10 CENTS Tor Methodist > ( Citizens-..,Committee, said, the included Mrs.- Myrtle -Ado'lph, GARWOODr-Committee chair- esa's Church, .. 6 school 'expansion' program and ciety of the Garwood Presbyterian i- KENILWORTH' — Further pro- Mrs. Marjorie Burns. Mrs'. Doro- men for the ensuing" • year were" B&BTeam The live tfcams comprising the the improvement of the school Church* at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. thy Franssen, Mrs,. Peggy Sea- Graduate A rpa Conference *••• *• '-•'• *- *— in— announced . • by • : Mra. William Drive HI tit. aye ysism witt fag man; "Mrs- M)tfg£ AKlaH aim .Mra High High School Seniors Receiving College Club Aiiards expansion -. program was reported KENILWORTH — The Reved. by the Kenilworth Manufac- vited to attend. Schlund, president, at a- meeting ToBcAwardid to the Board of Education .Monday discussed. auline Ctray,. all of Garwdod, John R. Dexheimer, pastor, and turers Association. This was an- The committee's study of fu-.-_, Mrs. Macintosh was a memin- d Mrs: Susan Wright of West- of the Garwood Woman^s Club at ftfli' evening. Mrs. Harold Knudson, lay delegate. ber spl a group which toured the Women's Trophy Aid Squad noiuiced by Gabe'Pierro, president, ture school population will also ield. . , ''.'.•• St Paul's Evangelical and Re- PTA Awards Edwin "fa. Kraus, superintendent will represent Community Meth- at "a. meeting, of the league last Southwestern section of the GARWbOD—The B & B L of schools, reported th.at Frederick. be considered, Mr. Wylie said. Mrs. Josepph Schnauffer of 526formed Church Monday night. odist Church at the 97th session of j Wednesday evening at the flre- United States to study the lUe Store.team of the Garwoood/\vd 0. A. Elsasser of Union, architect, ( avenue attended d Ba Broadd- Building the Newa>'k Annual Conference of house. ' •• ','. and problems, of SpanishTSEeak- The appointments were as fol-'men's Bowling League will bebe- prcprc-- Scholarship Ihanges lli'ged • visited him Monday and discussed the Methodist Church,.'which op-1 Ray Gerhart, chairman of. the ing Americans. " • way show .and. dinner iri "New lows: Drama, Mrs. Roy Fitzsim- sented with a trophy by lV^ayor L. With returns reported ligtft'ihus the need for additional facilities. Local Man Fined $100 York City as a guest of .the Entre- Barbara Joan Brown,-a senior Several requests for'changes in the boundaries oJ»v)the new ens-Wednesday at the Park Mh fund-raisinB drive', announced that Hostesses for the meeting will, mons; Garden Club, Mrs. Thomas Thomas Daub for placing first out f;,i- in-the Firs^ Aid Squad's car>- at/Craftford High School,- has been W-hool dislricts were r«-c<'iv<'d by the—Board of Education Tuesday '•••r^yaJ[_nV win^^mn^redariheUa^K m the drive: Leroy Sturgis, ingtbn, D. C, following a business Phillip Aiken; publicity, Mrs. Ed- Miss Mar^rZaharowski: witTi~Ti()' Mr. arid Mrs.'R: HT. Browri W~3g on May 5, the board adopted.the Charles de Grau,, plannmg com- William Bruder.' son dinner held at the church Mrs. An^ie Simonet with 181 and Centennial avenue and North ave- ward Joyce, and hospitality, Mrs. Elizabeth avenue. She is a/mem- new zones made necessary by mittee chairman, Mr: Elsa^se.r was service Sunday and the pastor will Weber£«& , .^^SL.?Mrs. Myrtle' Reynolds-SS, CZ. Isaac Yancyl also of Kenilworth, Friday night. About 100 persons np- Mrs. /Dolores Roberts With IBU. nue, east, originally was scheduled i-S" preach.' Mrs.'Howard Murphy, so- Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald :Of Alfred Prish. ber of, the National HonoE/Soclety the construction of the two new invited Jo attend all meetings, of Irigra, H. Geiger, Alfred Frandano, charged Robinsonjwlth hitting him attended the affair, arrangements Mrs/Toth. had three-game hifth of for completion this Sunday. and during her years/in high ' the planning committee. Trie arch- prano, will be soloist accompanied 54 Second avenue are patients in It was announced that Mrs. 1 '. Local veterans* organisation; elementary schools: Brookside Mrs. J. Mattle, L. Nadzak, J. in the head with a bottle-on April for which were in charge of mem- 518; and Mrs. Mildred JVrhel fol- Kemarks bf, some residents when school - has been . a hall, monitor have completed their plan-; for he. Alexian Brothers and St.Schlun. d and Mrs. Kingsley Todd - Place School and Walnut Avenue ~~~itcct~had~prcviously—trid iei»ted—E s;—Albert—Anderson__at_the_ 24_at-Robinson's home. bers of the Ladles' Aid' Society lowed with 493. approached for contributions in the captain and member/o£ The Glee : obser\ ance of Poppy Week begin- desire to attend the sessianPA, EliiabethTHaspttalrElizabetbrre- would represent the club at At- School. " . -• • - • • organ. • Also, Philip McGevna, Clifford In a traffic case, R. F. Owen of. directed by Mrs. Edward !How- ': Scher's won three games last canvass which started Saturday in- Club, Spanish Club/Girls' Athle- i nine this Saturday, and Mayor Mr. de Grau said the planning ipectively. lantic City at the annual conyen-, tic Association. Biology Club, Klask : v Mrs. Betty Kisner of 7 Henley An ali-cartoon movie program Wolf, W. Eeeh, Donald Brown, X. Union - was found guilty of careless arth and. Mrs. Frank Corveleyn. dicated a lack of understanding : Fred P. Ander:^-n anhotnVc< d that committee will meet tonight at\thc tion of the Federation of Wom- Thursday, while Enz Meat Market and Bauble.' Clujfev and- the news for the children of the community Parker, Howard Murphy, A. Pas-driving and fined $15 and costs. Mo ygmwfo.-8hRolad- en's Clubs of New Jersey, which and B & B ,won two and the Whet! of the services offered by Cran- ; the Township 'Committee hm' home of'board president, WilliW between 4 and 12 ycitts of age will The charge was filed by Mrs. Mary REV. DAVID A. ERNST paper staff. S] granted permission for thc sale of : cale, A. Ofsak, Walter ,Boright, J. Frederick' Preuss was master of ••--•" • "iues and Hershey's won one and a half. fonrs First Aid Squad, Mr. Coop- bf 16 North Eleventh St. Paul's Plans opened Tuesday and / . ' • • •__ /• . ed for admission at Trenton State BLANCHE FARINA poppies to honor the members of Rezoning Publicity " . . C. Smith be sponsored Saturday, from 1 toBodner, F. Bresnahan, R. Parella, Burr of North Twenty-first street. ceremonies. The program includ- Bumper night will be held to- er reported. , ; BARBARA J. BROWN street. v3 p. in. by the Twig Circle- of .the Mr. Owen' pleaded not guilty. 1 through today. Mrs. Aik was Teachers' College. our armed forces who have given K: McKinnie, Mrs. T. Urqhart, W. ed piano" - solos by Robert Davis named member-at-large/for thenight starting at 7 o'clock, and next The drive chairman pointed out The scholarship was establish- ; their lives in the service of I*ruiHea n-^i,;, thHIeV / XW V . UUOC^III *J. mittee of lh^ whole meeting. Tuesday,' the following circles of Joseph 'B. director. ' when I touched the other two box- avenue submitted a petition signed, be preceded by prayer meetings* at To George L. Bassett Mrs. Joseph Deremer is in be Sunday School classes att 99j4j 5 during the current canvass or notBagley of Chrjirt the King Church, spare into the container .when ap-. if 'he Civil Defense Council was the W.S.C.S. will meet: Square •' Announcement.' of the award es last week." proached by a Legionnaire. by "17 persons asking that students 7:30 p. m. • ;*«•* charge of arrangements for at- /. *• will have no bearing on his eligi- "Hillside , de; :on; the Rev. Ed- horized to install' an air raid Circle at the home -'pi Mrs. John KENILWORTH — At a cock- a.m. will be made to' the PTA this The boy was questioned when | The pur|>osc of the . official in the vicinity. of Henley avenue : J _ The ...trac^ band will "dlsiribute tendance of women of the local 5 church/ will bility for ambulance aid in the fu-ward J. ugh of Immaculate he Was found in thq vicinity after warning-sireh<«n-fchp-foof. of Hard- .Wallace; bT'98" Park drive,^Worthy tail ;••• party - Sunday -at. - her -Jiome, Men_ of thf local Lturc.Mr. Coopex said. - afternoon at the annual meeting .American Legion Auxiliary be allowed to attend, Roosevelt r pU:: Seniinary. jprlingtn, a.ialse_alarm had -been turned.in ing Sphool. Thie Board directed "The Doorstep Evangel" "through- chufrch""at an 'Elizabeth "Presbjr= meet at the church ait 8 aj •• He added, hbwever, tfiatrgener- at~3:Tj5,-wheh officers -for- the com- •-Rippy. she-explained;-is"lo-honor- Sehool •rather —than*" Cleveland'* •"'..'• .•.••;• Circle at the home of Mrs:. Nelson Mrs. Anna Bleas of Caldwell an- ; subdeacon; and.' the Rev. Charles from Box 12 at High and Chest-, that, the CD. Council rhus^ consult out the borough Sunday afternoon. terial meeting to be held in theurday to leave for the retreat to' OHS support df the drive by the ing year will be installed by "Mrs. 1 the memory of the dead of \Hforld School. The. petition- stated, that Brown of 332 Roosevelt lane and The ladies meet on Tuesdays at ounced the engagement of her B. MuKphy of Seton Hall Univer- G. Holmes Williams, keywoman nut streets at 3:05 p. m. Sunday. the chairmen of the buildmg and laughter. Miss- Barbara Ann Bleas, Fan wood, Presbyterian Church be held By the Churrfnnen's Bro- townspeople will redound to their sity, South Orange, preacher. According to'the police, he finally Wars I and II and the Korean the children would encounter 1 the Apron Strings Circle at the from Cranford to the Union:Coun- GERTRUDE RAMSEY ELINOR STEARNS grounds committee before^ any 8 p.m. for prayer and missionary tomorrow. therhood of the NeW^Xork metro- We are PROUD to announce our appoint- own benefit through improved ef- Tbei RevJ Mr. Ernst is a gradr admitted turning in that -alarm conflict. The poppies are made many hazards on, the way to ^'::,Vii homS of Mrs. Owen Morrison of projects. On Wednesday at/8 p.m. ;o George L. Bassett, son of Mr. I liciency of squad operations. The ty Council. There will be an ex- by disabled veterans and are.dis? work is done. , . 017. Clinton, avenue.- ' :.-.:.-.. nd -Mrs.-A.: G. Bassett jof 411 politan area at Stokes State For- uate of Immaculate Conception hibit of arts and crafts by stud- and also confessed to being re- Cleveland Scriool because there John Smart" wtM"~give'~th'e "third of ment as exclusive .agents in Cranford for money sought in the canvass, the sponsible for false alarms rung, in tributed by, volunteer;; who re- William C. Smith, president, im- Morth Fifteenth street. Council Extends est: - Several'cars/arergoing irom ch;iirma.ta said, is-"urgently' needed Semlnary_and ^he_ holds, on, ABents in the high school art* classes; ceive no profit from their, hours are no' sidewalks and because of a series of lectures on the book of /degree from'' Seton Hall Univer- "from "Box" 316," Broad" arid" .Elm ported he will call a meeting or he» family gathering was at- St. Paul's; /- •''... "G & W SEVEN STAR" and "WILLIAM -so that an early start may be'made The meeting will be preceded by of work. Mrs. Dixbn said. Con- the .dike nlong "Riverside driver Philippians. . . 11* Clean-Up Week sity. \A native o* Bayonne, he at-a tour of the high school building streets, at 4:17 p. m. Thursday,'and As an alternate route, the petition representatives of local Boards of Republicans Hear tended by 25 guests from Kenil- on a building to house the squadje x Winners tributions will go into the.Legion ;l 1 Plans for vacation Bible school , KENILWORTH — Council- PENN" Whiskies. tended St. Peter's School, Staten for parents of sixth grad,e ele- Box 315, Lincoln' and • Centennial T$£p ; '••*.' i'v Education of the Regional district worth, Coldwell,- Lawrence, Mass., Honored at Luncheon present ambulance and the mod- avenues, at 4:23 p. m. last Wed- Auxiliary's rehabilitation an d sai'd, the students would have U) •to consider hiring jointly a school Sunnhit Attorney . were discussed at the Sunday man Oliver J. Brown, Jr., chair- ern $10,000 first' aid ambulance Island, and. Seton Hall Prep, mentary students and eighth grade child welfare funds to beused cross Henley avenue, Normandie Re<| Bank, Sayreville, Maplewood, GARWOOD—Mrs. Robert Harris South Orange. • students at St. Michael's. Fol- nesday. psychologist. He was named to School teachers*, meeting last man of the public works com- which has been .purchased,! id is Following a conference in Police Announced by College Club for benefit of disabled war vet-place, Central avenue. Orange dve* . GARWOOD — Bryant Griffin, Rahway and Newark. of 235 Locust avenue.was honored The*e brands are produced by Gooderham The new priest has three broth- lowing the meeting refreshments : tall the session at a recent gather- Tuesday. Announcement was made mittee, reports that Clean-'Up ' scheduled for early delivery/ Chief William A. Fischer's office erans and needy children of n'ue and Springfield ' avenue. Summit attorney, guest speaker Miss Bleas • will be graduated ^eek has* been extended . an- Monday/afternoon at a luncheon ". During the first six month* of ers; Edward B., who is with the will be served by Mrs. Neil Cqs- Announcement, was made today of the names-of the. five Cran- veterans during the coming year. ing of the boards with the Board that it will be held each weekday & Worts, Ltd. (a Hiram Walker Subsidiary) taldo and her committee. • at. police .headquarters Monday "A petition signed by 18 -persons at the regular, meeting of the rom Caldwell High School in other week, because of the poor given/by Mrs. Richard B. Harper, [the new First Aid U. S. Navy stationed at San Diego, night, attended by Fire Chief ford High School senior^ who Will receive tnc scholarship awards of Education of Union County,Reg- morning during the two weeks -was submitted by Mrs. J. BrWar-.' Garwood Republican Club last June. Mr. Bassett, a graduate, of response to the drive this week. •Sr.,'itt her home, 316 Locust avc- at the largest distillery in America. They rep- ence, its activities'have'been fln-Gal., William- J. and Joseph A., Howard G.Schindlcr, the 11-year- presented annually by the Cranford College Club. They are: Barbara ional District No. 1 at Springfield. following the close of school in , anced by donations Arom local both at hqme, and a sister, Mrs. rington of 15 Kensington avenue. Thursday night aVjJay Leaf Mem- Jonathan Dayton Regional High Me and Mayor Robert C. nue^ Guests included ~M.ts. Samuel old boy and his parents, Chief J. Brown, Blanche Fariiia, Gertrude Ramsey, Gayle Sassi and Elinor Mr.« Smith said Springfield already Jurtc. resent a "know how" for quality and value : service organlzations-and by $3,000 Ralph V. Cipolla, also at home. Clcan-Vp Week This 'one also cited hazards- in get- orial Home urged voters to turn School, Springfield, was dis-Krueger urged all residents of Paffenroth, Mrs. Roy Fitzsimmons, Fischer said 'that la" view of the . has . its . own psychologist, while The senior, department of the provided' in the Tpwnship Com- 'At Father Ernst's first mass Little League culprit's age it was decided to Stearns. . i ' ' ting to Cleveland'School and asked out for primary elections and. em- charged a year ago after fouf /Mrs. Leo Liskovec,, Mrs. Stephen since 1832 when Gooderham and Worts began t I a A • m > ^m^f h _ • .. Berkeley Heights has a man-it can Sunday School, will hold a pknic the borough to cooperate in the mittce's budget. irchase of theon May 30, the St.' Michael's leave disciplinary action in the The awards, totalling $1,200, rep- * Inspections Listed phasized the Importance^ unity. years service in , the Army. He Tripka and Mrs. Philip Aiken. that the students in that area be .'" call when necessary. supper at Echo Lake Park tomor- Clean-Up Week program. distilling in Canada. | new ambulance vas made possi- Church Choir, under thc direction hands of the parents. •, ' Mayor Cfiarles Bailey of\Wcst- is employed by the New Jeisey bio largely thro; ;h the ambulance resent the profits from the book In a check-up on possible fire allowed to' continue to attend Mrs. Mrytle Reynolds reported row. Alex Carver, chairman of of Mrs. Douglas Prior, will sing. Opens May 31 The pqllce chief said he and field,- nominee for freeholde«\Nnlso Bell Telephone Compariy. I replacement [ind (totaling ap- Chief Schindler were satisfied that sale and - the( concert sponsored First Award and health hazards. Health Offi- Roosevelt School. '.''•' ; on her attendance with Mr. Kraus_ the department, will be assisted by Following the service, a dinner for ' The newly-organized Cranford spoke, .as, .did Mayor.-L,_ : A fall wedding is planned. TRY THEM AND BE PLEASANTLY proxiniatdy, '$9,000) which was his family, relatives and. close the parents were very much con- by the club during the past, year. cer William, P. Smith and Fire- R. F. Leary. ql 519 Claremont . at the annual spring dinner of the teachers-of-the upper grades of the turned ove/ to the squad by the Little League will open its sea- i.-.:;:;:^.-: Daub, Borough Council Preside:nnV friends will be held at the Hotel son on May 31, Memorial Day, cerned about their son's action and Blanche: ~Farina__will_,r.cccLv.c_ VL man Edward Rcade made a total j^lace _suggested^ that the schools Union County School Boards As- Burton E. Dickerman and Munici- school. SURPRISED — old Muni; ipal Ambulance Com-. would take proper action. Presentations mittec. Suburban,. Summit. A reception with doublehcaders in both the scholarship amounting to $400, of 185 inspections throughout thc might be dlsirictecTEy" grades. He sociation in Plainfleld last Thurs- pal Chairman David Murray. Regional Class of '49 YOU/ALWAYS and first priestly')blessing will be Chief Fischer warned, however, Mrs. T. O'Brien of Miln I Members of the squad went to East and West divisions. Mayor and each of the other girls will 'during thc annual ob- said he wouldn't object to the • day evening. As. u result A ut. the. conducted at the homeof his par- that if older children ace involved orVher^^i Councilman- Addison -MaeDou- Mrs^Browpt Named tvry . Fred P. Artdersen will throw out .in „ sitnllar pffejises..strict, action ri: vin older children in the area going meeting, she urged the members to Plans Jone 5 Reunion ~ ent tharafternodrrat 4 Vctockr— tnrat"the Hotel Subur- prize, she toYci The Citizen^anoTrspcctions'-of—second-floor apart- hazards". ' -—.—• _-..--_..-_.-_ . . Governor Robert;Meyner. • •' ing. " -—.--—. , ~be "KenilwbrtKVthalrmari for tion difficulties, delivery of Cran- at the Adams Avenue Field. This prit is old enough. ban in Summit on Monday. Chroniele this week.'Mrs. O'Bri-j ments _and offices. ^ At the suggestion of Louij 1 TSeTheld June 5 at 8:^0 p^n.atrthe PROOF ford's vehicle will be delayed un- will be followed' by a contest be- Police and • Are officials have Mrs. Helen. Arthur, secretary. Blanche Farina, daughter of en's coupon was selected lnst Fj ; Chief Howard .(*.'Schind- Troutman, board president, thbe ready by Union avpnues. The second con-| inite action, was decided upon. - Spanish. In high school, Blanche prizes' scheduled for. presentation J^ , ^ , children be permitted to attend' / canvass so that ;work may' beSeptember, B. O;'* Bt-lden; chnir- test will see the Braves engaging ', Alarjn handles of fire boxes has worked on both the yearbook Schnitzer. year as chairman, „ vard, while Garwood graduates $2.00 Dorothy Gray PINT were treated with a powder that Officer Smith related that the Walnut Avenue School rather 1 $2.00 started on the home for the new i told the board Tuesday eve- the Cards. ion said she was don-| :* Hostesses were Mrsj Joseph Mayor Robert C. Krueger a'P - should get,in touch' with Mrs. ambulance before it is delivered. would stain the fingers of anyone and the newspaper, is interested scavengers reported than .Lincoln School. She said it . HOT WEATHER ning. It was announced that all eve- in sports, is secretary-treasurer of bly happy because it marked thei . . . ••>. . , . -, , Schnauffer, Mrs. Roy Fitzsim- pcalcd to. the residents of Kenil- Joan Doolan of 505 Third avenue. LUSTRE CREME Local clubs and organizations Reuben Robinson, former chair- turning-in an alarm. The - stains is necessary to have a bus to take mons and Mrs. Murray, Mr. ning games will begin at 6:30 persist for qbout. 48 ho.urs and the National Honor Society, and tlrst gift she had received in such 1 l>«*inii "P. ^a loads durinii (Continued oil page eight) worth. to contribute to the cam- Mrs, Kathryrt McGuire of Moun- desiring more detailed information man of the building and grounds p.m. and holiday games at 1:30 a numner. She plans to have the!Cleanup Weec. but that the col- Schnitzer presided. " > paign. . tainside is serving as treasurer. on the Cranford First Aid Squad's committee for many years, pre- spread rapidly when washed. is active in the Dramatic Club as room conditioninn unit installed, lections - *>ro •much filter than activities and aims are requested P-»n. ' • ''. ' . . .1 • • . The 1 Uyear-old apprehended by well as the Music Club and Span- \ . ' ' '/ COLOGNE dicted that the schools can not Movies on the - Little League Patrolmen Alfred Grickowski, Roy before the hot summer d:«ys arrivf. ]vais. This :dso Full Recovery Reported 8. to RCJ in touch with Mr. Cooper or be completed by September. He ish Club. Mrs. O'Brien stated she received;wasjCiU-d as indicatinf; good gen- 5. program, including last year's Brinkerhoff and Gerard Hancy qt • 5 Scents . .. ^J. Victor p. Shaheen, squad prestf- said he. based the prediction on hcr ''lucky'.' coupon at the Cran-',er;_il year-round conditions of com- V2 GAL. ^m dent, 'for assignment of speakers Little League "World Series.'f will the scene of.,Sunday's false alarm Trenton State Teachers' I11 First Case of Polio •• FULLQT. his experience in that type of was turned over to Lt. Woods and- is. the -choice of Barbara J.1 Browri, foiil Cleaners, one of the 37 par-jmunity cleanliness in Cranford. $1.5$ I provided for this purpose. Work. be,shown Monday evening at-the ti'cipating merchants. Carl Harbaugh, 12. of 412. Orch- $1.00 Casino at 8:15. The pictures are Firc Chief Schindler for question- daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. Ray- MiUlreil E. Putzer of 21(T Sailer ]*]<...'( 1||C _P-...,t,«l ard street, fully recovered' from • In the 15 weeks remaining, the ing "when stains were-discovered "This Is Little League" and "The mond H. Brown of 38 Elizabeth street, while not winning. thejop U*»C ©I.C1K5 t»raillt4l the first case of poliomyelitis re- _ | Mrs. Dwyer to Discuss builder will'have to put mqre men on his fingers. " •••'' . prize,came away \vith_foiir awards $1.30 Value — $1.00 on the job«to complete' it in time,. 1.953 Little League World Series." avenue. There .she" plans. to_spe- ported in Cranford this year, re- • r AUzintercsted citizens are invited -cialij_ lb Thursday night, while C. ~R Day.~ turned to his classes in the scv- $1.00 Charles Antell EducaliorrLegiSlalion" "Mr. Hcn5friTdn7nsaTdr~Hc "~chargc. d' to attend. ' ' . 7 that the general contractor has Barbara belongs to the Glee off tvyo prizes. .The Cran/ord rDay• Committee enthV grade at Cranford High I Union County Assemblyman hot 'worked simultaneously as • E. C. Fortenbaugh ot 9 Hemp- Club and Spanish Club at Cran- has be<-n granted use or Cranfoid School on Monday. . ' • . Liquid TROL HAIR ton street reports that the adult Local Sehools Other awards went to Mrs. Jan- • Florence P. Dwyer of Elizabeth, agreed and has not had enough School gymnasium for ^ a CarLrcturned to his home May membership drive is continuing. ford High School, is active in et Lawrence, 312 North Union ave-. , , ,„ . |ch;iirman of the educational com- ,»ncn on the job, '. sports;, and the Girls'-Athletic As- mie; Miss Irene B, Smith. l27-d:|I1t^ Vn Junc-2 by .9 after 10 days in Muhlenberg He urged, all. residents to con- t uca 011 FORMULA 9 CONTROL mittee,will meet with "members of Mr. Belderi said the' ' board HighinTests sociation, has served on the danice Brifc;htwood' avtrntje, ••Westfie?d;j^ ' ** - -•••••• - Hosp|talt,pi;iiri|lcld.. His case Wau. .... IBoards of Education in county tribute so that the organization's described as a light'one with, rio. ' plus doesn't know at this time whether committcc^writes for . the news- and L. Dickersoh, ' 23 Heinrichj The trustees! also approve=^L mi«r I the Union County School Boards through the clerk of the works teams .directed by, Barney Fore- The prizes, valued at more than I Association,..announced.' Mr. Mc- man and Ken Weeman wil) re-schoolsi , announced. \ All popular sizes are included in this offer — 116, |Clintock is a member of the local and. the architect to expedite the Dr. Best said the nationally Measles Cases $2,500; are on, display in thc Su- u T projects. He • also reported that port to the Lincoln - Avenue Field burban^ Trust_ ComjMiny, Union A1.U of Education; standardized tests are_used «is_«\n ;620and 1277 ^7 r~ . " ' /' ... : VETO CREAM the staff Is now. formulating, a important aid in the .evaluation of "Co un t y ~Tr ust~~Colhpa ny AlUsonsRetire SelUlnterest "It is Mrs. Dwyer's thought," plan in case the buildings arc not Show Sharp Cranford Theatre lobby. 9 | Mr. McCUntock said, "that such Mr. and Mrs. William Loeber. of the schools' educational program. Why are we doing this? Because we would like to a meeting will give her an oppor- ready in September. t Sailor street have announced Results of these tests, he said, as- 'iiiiity to place before those of us The building chairman reported the birth of a son, William Mer- sist the administrative and instruc- In Past Week to Flan In Local Moving Company have you come into our store. We're new in Cranford and DEODORANT that a night watchman has been e/itt, on May 6 at Rahway Hospital. tional staffs in many .ways. SHAMPOO who are interested in public, edu- stationed at each building. The They also have a daughter, Cyn- "By comparing local results with The past week saw a sharp in- Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Allison of. uated and subsequently in the IV*M a button... and thb powerful this is our way .of getting acqiiaintedr— cation those matters which are crease in incidence of measles in Three-Day Promotion location of the Cranford ETinrado BIG TWIN whbb to life! "ny being considered by the edu- cohtractor was asked to provide thia. Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Canright the- national norms, one can see 9 English Village retired last I protection at both buildings be- of 34 Springfield avenue arc the Cranford,. with 65 cases heing re- Plans '«"• the Cranford Days pr,»-;Thurs<,afrom Robbins & Allison, Variety Store. With DO more eflort than rtTtin; your 50< 2^79- cational committee of the Assem- where the school stands in,com- motions tfi bf conducted June 1O,' , • « • He was a charter member of the Iblv." . (Continued oii page eight) maternal grandparents. parison with other .schools in theported since last, Thursday, it was ; Inc car. Now yoaeaa ran mptrytting from Starting today, aU developing and printing orders are s revealed yesterday by "Health-Of- 11 and ,12 in conjunction'with thc - '^"il movmg and storage Urm. CranfortL Rotary Club and pres-• country," J3r. Best said. , • •"•-• '-•-• Days celebration : :md S4ild Uieir,stock to William G. • oomfartabU aeal op forward. Yon eligible. This offer will run for one month and there is no They aid the teacher in analyz- ficer "William P. Smith. There annual Cranford Day? ently is the ouly charter, member f will be discussed by'the Cranford, Muller of Westfield, who has been still affiliated with' trie local serv- • SQUIBBS LEATHER the range of achievemehtr-with^ were-cia moving and storage Mr. Muiier, the new president of electrie atarting IMiiy 4,^ Through_lhe-cooperation have to vote; through - sixth showed a larger 1 zenship and good scholastic stand- The health officer said there is which are being conducted, this* Urm, located at 213 South avenue, thc tirro^ isji member of the'.Craq- I" the Union -County Board of The ejection procedure began mark above the national norm each ford Lions Club, a past .president BIG TWIN. Cat ing,-as well as activity in extra- year.' In the sixth grade, the na-no cause for alarm in the increase month in cooperation . w'ith the east, employs 15 persons and teaf - I'ctions, voting machines were several months ago with \he ap- •Cranfor-•-•••d Theatre• . filiatcd with the Allied Van Lines. of the Men's League of the First pointment-OlLnL nominating com- curricular programs. Serving en tional norm was 6.5 and Cranford of measles, and pointed out that Presbyterian Church, and a mem« -once-agalnr this group* were: "Caila Castaldo, students achieved~o"7.7~mark, . thc disease- is looked u|ioi» as a , _ . Inc.Inc.. .nation-wide hauling unit. The Also elected were: Vice-prcsi- mittee by the Student Council. I-or tho second time in1 t\yo.;y;Iora| | con^ny ,i thee only AllAlliei d ber of Azure' Lodge." F "& AM." A This group selected four, candi- Sue Bonn, Margaret Wittc, Joy relatively mild infection and that month.-;, vandals Tuesday night did.affiliatIora e using two diesel units, former resident of Cranford lor 11 PHOTO SHOP »'Ht, Janice Keve, who defeated Mrs. .Harold A. Glovier -of ^1Jin the case of a child in goiyl onth; vandls Tuday nht dd l it I rieda Eichler, who was nominat- dates for each office. At the pri-Skaarup, Janice Kcve and Hugh damage estimated at appro* 1-. Mr. Allison, a resident of Cran- years, he Is a trustee of the Wcstt 1 Main, Columbia avenue attended the Health it is advantageous to "i;et Held Presbyterian Church and-A SMITH MOTORS f' by petition, and Marion Kaye;mary election, the following can- mately $100 to equipment at the. fort, for 31 years, came here from v OPEN FR1DAV EVENINGS NINES & LIQUORS Members of the election com- annual meeting of the New Jersey it over with." meniber-of thc Boy Scout Commit- Westiteld'* Marine Center r'l'i'ctary, Jean Bclden, who out-didates were defeated: President. playground of the Geraldine Elizabeth. He was engaged in the 34 EASTMAN STREET OKD 0 mittee, which conducted the act-State Association of County He suggested that parents watch Nursery School, Forest , avenue new furniture business as well ;w tee in that town. He. is a former [""nted Patricia Grant; and.treas- Lcc Fergus " and Ted Munday; chairman of the Allied Van Lines 115 New Street, W««Htdd 30 EASTMAN ST. CRANFORD ual balloting, were: Eleanor Boards of Elections in Atlantic their children closely and check und North avenue, east, it was re- thc moving and storage business (Opp. Cnnford Theatre) Blll Livingston, who was thevice-president," Sherry Loll Rie- HoundTablc for New Jersey and • 34 NORTH AVE, W. CRANFORD 6-1024 mari and Put Castoldo; secretary, Stearns, Nancy Lerda, Richard Al- City'on Friday, Saturday and Sun- with the family physician, when ported yesterday by Mrs. Monica, for about six years in the 1920,-i. . BOATS — KITS — SUPPLIES in a contest with Robert day as representative of the Union signs of sneezing.-sniffling, runny Sllynn Dcubel, director of the and his store was located where past, director of the New Jersey Tel. CRanford 64100 Opposite Cranford Theatre Margaret Witte and Bca Reeves; bertsqn, Barbara Weeks,- Robert — • ' • Association- and treasurer. Bob Achilles and Hobbi^ and William Reed. County BoarH of Elections. eyes}\und nose and fever appear. school. " _ 1 the A- Si A Hardware ii now sit- »B- as4 WtU 'UI (Store Aho inWeUfield) James Avery, faculty advjser to «A»T