•.••'•'•.••;' '> ^u; THE CRANFOHP CITIZEN AND CHBONICtfe, ^HUHSPAY^ 1954 a skit outlining the sity and carried on With the co- OPEN THURSDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 i bonw:nialung~pi roja^^ n County Home I Econom- Board of-Freeholders, the exten-. Extension Service. |. sionservice 'is. available to^aU CANCER FUND by the United States i n tcTTra-te4_homemakers. ^Mrs. hi Women's or Agriculture, ad- Mary W. Armstrong is the Union R.X jtam Rutgers Uhiver- Cftujrfyi home agfcnt. KENILWORTH Bowling Events GARWOOD terffd »J «ocoiid'clM» mall mailer GARWOOD-Mrs.-Mhs.rjr :• Vol. LXI. No. 16. CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. MAY 13r 1954 the Po>>> Office »t .Cranford. N. J. 26 Pages — TEN CENTS Scha^er of 316 Walnut avenue; — " • and'Miss Stella Tencza of East;' Rutherford, who. teamed up at • BARON'S UJA Official "ontributiom WillMelp EmkThis FhslAi&Bwldin& •^•Syracuse, - N."K., recently over the; lead in the doubles < Delinquency Rate sion" of the Womenls International Bowling Congress, will roll as Although' there are frequent Considered • partners again .this Sunday, in Teachers port* to the police of annoying doubles competition, in the Wof; m acts of mischief '<>n the part of menNfr State Bowling Tournament ELIZABETH young" people of the community, at r>^> Lanes, Mountainside..kjj Employed tTieVe- has been' no increase here For Sewer In team- • competition in .IBsL^ Proposed nf Bids for construction of Section ^ state event at Echo Lanes .on Sat-. ie~ap"poiHlment of four elemen- quency. Police Chief William A. One of the prViposed. sanitary sew- urday, Mrs., Schaeffer rolled 579 > •lPl)jtryance of Cranford Day teachers was announced to- Fischer reported this week. er-from Hivcrsifle drive to the rear help Buffs Diner of Carlstadr MOTHER'S DAY SUGGESTIONS inn,- II and 12 has been pre- day by the Board of Education. nt police hendqiiiirtcrs f Biook^kte—Pfaee S«.t»ool were rnn-eiu»A A- show_that dunng the first four | lt,cc|ved TucSd'ay nifiht by Towni W***"^" * ^^ —^ „ — ^ ' 'I pared by: the steering. committee Dr. Howard R. Best, superinten- 2,553. This put the local woman ;I $2.00 Dorothy Gray dent of schools, reported ,it will months of 1954. there were 'r [smp Committee aiu>-were marked FITTED iiiul representatives of local or-> qases referred to Juvenile_. Court ip.a favorable position- to place in j - giirtizifiions^-C h a nn ittg—Rudd not bfr*"known liuw. rnany~TnoTe by a p of ^i^F-.--:: - the all-cventsuwhen. saeJb.o.\vteJher,!! -HOT WEATHER-, teachers will be heeded until con- by the Cranford" department, twecn the»ta^"and high bidders. singles and doubles this -week-jl cii;ii'nnap'i announced. while for the same period of 1953 The nine tjids. were referred to ' •>&!-$' tracts have been returned from the ihere were 10 local cases. .end. • •'••-.• • "I TRAVEL KITS Under consideration by the present faculty. ; Township -Engineer P. J. Gr,all and Bowling In .Syracuse on April I committee is two dances on June 3 BTi COLOGNE Ambrig the new appointees, is PROPOSED - Chief Fischer pointed out, how- Township Attorney C H. Warsin-' 23.' Mrs. Scha'effer hit 596 and j 12 iV>V high school and junior high 'CR.A ski for study and the contract is Miss Tencza. 598 for a total of 1.- 4 Fragrances Mrs. Gwendolyn S. Thurstdn Of ever, that the question of whether H •'i'l-"'••"• • stltfx'l students. Other'youth, ac- 140 Lincoln avenue, east, retiring or not Cranford's record continues expected to be awarded at a.Vpecr 194, 'best •doubles.score, up to tivities planned include a roller ial amcctin'C of the committe eith- president of the Cranford College • • • 1 - • • relatively cpod in the category of then. The following Sunday.! skating party on June II at the er tonight or tomorrow nigltt. however, they were dropped into; The Bride Club.- Mrs. Thurston is.a graduate juvenile delinquency is depend- _JSIM South Side Parking Area, a fish- of Kansas State College, Manhat- ent in the first place -«pfm the The • bidders were: D'Annunzio second place by another piir who OKi. ALFRED D. MORGAN Bros., Orange, $32,960; C. F. Ma- tfft went 14 pins better. Ji MUGUET DUSTING POWDER ^^ • • • •- ' '• ' - •" ing contest on June 12-and ' a tan, Kan., and she did graduate First Aid Squad Building Fund Drive attitude and actions of Cranford Little League baseball game the work in social service at the Uni- parents. lanka &.Sons. Inc.,'Union City. The GarWood bowler had- 56" $33,183; Guy Villa & Sons.^lnc. in the team events .at Syracuse 0 same afternoon.'' versity of Chicago. .'..'.' Discussing the importance o,f $,; y ^AS £MM> COOL home training and discipline. Clark, $34,320; Enterprisi e Con- for Buff's Diiicr, 'which at that Abo proposed iwasthc-conductr- Dr. Morgan J Also appointed _W9S.Miss..Maxl- Scheduled to Begin -ChTeTTTScher-remarkcd: that hcr;j Co.,, " New " BfuhswicK, tirrie went into tenth pface-^rith;I TOILET WMEB^ ?^ *2J iiit; of children's games,the after-• !yn F. Jacoby, a graduate of Mont- deplores the disappearance of tthhe Colletti & Sons, Ihc^ 2.500. In the singles she rolled f clair State Teachers College. She Campaign of the Cranford First .members arc deserving, of every •covered by- the drive dates. They $3i) 183; A 2O2.TABU AND COLLECTED IN liiMiu of June -11. at Memorial consideration from the towns- .Will work under immediate di old-fashioned wood box as a sym- Elizabeth, $44,000; Ernest Rhenda, ' 539^ .'givinu. her a grand total of: | Field. •.•';' has one years' experience and is a Aid Squad for funds to enable it To Speak student at Queens College, New to start construction of its pro- people, since-.they stand ready tp section of 18 district captains who bol of home chorts for younK | Bound Bto.uk. $45,06O; Anthony 1.702..—which, then was good for > LIQUID COLOGNE . Among program features being Dr. Alfred D. Morgan, former were listed in' last wink's Citizen people. He said he considers the |DcCice<>. Maplcwood. $54,160; SU- .-"* fourth place in the- all-events. York City.-—-*•- —r..r—— posid. headQUartcrs_a.t. jG.e.ntennial_ HARRIET HUBBARD retained from former celebrations United States Department of State avenue and North avenue, east, at all'hours of the day and night and Chronicle. assigning of home responsibilities vestri Construction Co.. Inc., - " Reports this week showed her in and are- the serving of".coffee and A eraauate or Itutgers Univer- —seventh—place.—BG.wliha_lin._Jthe_; economic officer for Israel and sity, will Ket_UndeV way fhis-Sntnrriny loL_servjCu_tlie_peonle._olr-Cranfordt -McMahon-and-Joh AYER GOLPEN_I —PURSE SIZE-- f»tthi**- statinn of th<» arc carried out, an important de- struction Co.. Verona, $82.250. interriWtional competition w-i 11 . speHk7at-the deldhas__orie_yearsL experience, and continue through ••-The .first Aid Squad recently V, Nostrand are co-chairmen for Central-Railroad - of-New-Jersey- Referred to the real estate com- r—for—the— rest—of—this - CHANCE cdtO|GNE_ Temple~Betn-ErSunday""at"8np"m7 while 'the' fourth new instructor is with a goal of $10,000. completed its,first six 'months of the drive, and Harold Comptoi froin 6:15 ajh. to 9 aan. and the in:behalf of. a combined drive of Walter M. Cooper, drive chair- service, during Which the linemen will serve as treasurer. Tne' police .chief said he- at- mittee was ar» olTcr from C. J. month. , I Miss Ada F. Corn, a graduate of aches gre^it importance to prac- INSET distribution of boutonnieres to the Federation! of Jewish Philan- Willimantic Teachers 'College, man, • today issued an appeal. to put in more than 300-man hours The building plans call for Stevens . on behalf of Chardick, Mrs. Schaeffer'has. been, active! commuters. It is also expected that thropies of the Cranford area. icc of seeing that young people Inc., at $17,900 for: lots 137 to 152, in the Mixed Major League, at Conn. local residents' to show • thoir. ap- answering 185 calls and traveling erection of a cinder-block struc- BOX a uiri'led bustour of the commun- The meeting Sunday will kick preciation of the job being done 3,479 miles in the ambulance. ture which would house two am- ittc'nd Sunday'ScKool and church inclusive" block 33S; lots 9 to 15. Echo Lanes and in the Union'I ity will be conducted again. • ff the drive, which will continue The appointments -were made at md remarked that often there inclusive, block 335; and lots 3. 5 County Women's Major;.League in | a, board meeting last Wednesday by the squad, by contributing gen- About 250 volunteer workers bulances and have an assembly The dranford Camera Club has through May 23. The United-Jew- erously when they are approached will take part in .the' campaign room, meeting rooms, fully equip- re too many picnics and good and 6, block 336, all located on Linden. ' .. ' evening in Cleveland School. \ times used as an excuse ftfr not agreed to conduct an art exhibit. ish Appeal will be the major bene- The low, bid of* Cranford Deco»- during the house-to-house canvass. for funds, concentrating* their ac- ped first aid room, two lavatories, Stoughtoii a\>erjlie; '. • 89.95 ficiary of the campaign. The funds loing so. • . ' E, Fred SulzcV's offec of $3,000 Houbigant — Coty - Sortilege -^Rubinstein Also under consideration is an ex- ators, Clark, for the exterior paint- •, He pointed out that the squad tivities in the two week-ends a . kitchen and storage space. t' Features hibit by the police and fire de- collected will also be-distributed to Pointing out that the: blame for for property on "South Union ave- Dorothy Gray - Yardley - Old Spice the.,fallowing.^rHi'"' ing of Roosevelt School was.-ac- many cases- of juvennu delinquent pii tments aud theXrnnford first ccp'tcd:-The~pricc-"of-$2^7(rll Centennial avenue^ the plot se- nUc'-was-deemed-insufficient,-1 Editorial Jjy iMeyner iehljetttng"— Countess Mantxa ish Theological Seminary, Jewish y cap be placed directly upon the the committee said it would enter- .
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