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Theatre Organ Society ATOS SepOct 50-5 G 8/8/08 3:40 PM Page 1 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN THEATRE ORGAN SOCIETY SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2008 50THEATRE ORGAN YEARS ATOS SepOct 50-5 H 8/9/08 3:17 PM Page 2 HeartySolo Tibia with Voxes BeefyTuba Mirabilis SizzlingStrings SaucyKinuras SpicyPost Horn PepperyPercussions L ,,..u.cJ,.flt.OUf ,;_,.,J.,,..u.t:J'-t Don'tsee your favorite on our menu?Please ask ... our chefswill makeevery effort to accomodateyour special requests! 11 .!' ---- ~ ,,,,,,,. --.c..-- •-. ..."'<. ~- ' - --- --_Q , , - - A'# . - .., - ~- .. ····················• ~~ .. ::::::::::::::::::::·.·' WALKERTHEATRE ORGANS • 6610 CrownLane , Zionsville, PA18092 • phone610.966.8585 • ATOS SepOct 50-5 H 8/9/08 3:37 PM Page 1 THEATRE ORGAN SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2008 Volume 50 | Number 5 FEATURES THEATRE ORGAN Theatre Organs of Chicago 14 Roseland State Theatre 16 Wurlitzer Opus 1854 20 Link Organ Company 50 51 Years Later YEARS 30 The Organ-ized Art 34 of Eric H. Fahner 38 A Renaissance in Phoenix 42 The Australian Adventure DEPARTMENTS 4 Vox Humana 5 Headquarters 6 Letters 8 News & Notes Chicago Roseland State Theatre 11 From the Archives 12 Vox Nova 13 Vox Pops 24 For the Records On the cover: The cover illustration of Loew’s Jersey Theatre, Jersey City, New Jersey, was drawn by ATOS member Eric H. Fahner; more of his detailed, colorful art may be found on 46 Professional Perspectives pages 34–37. Inaugural performances of the four-manual Robert-Morton organ installed by members of the Garden State Theatre Organ Society at Loew’s Jersey Theatre will be held 48 Chapter News October 3–5. The American Theatre Organ Society congratulates members of GSTOS on the installation. 62 Around the Circuit THEATRE ORGAN (ISSN 0040-5531) is published bimonthly by the American Theatre Organ Society, 65 Meeting Minutes Inc., 5 Third Street, Suite 724, San Francisco, California 94103-3200. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Francisco, California and at additional mailing offices. Annual subscription of $33.00 paid from members’ dues. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THEATRE ORGAN, c/o ATOS Membership 66 Obituaries Office, P.O. Box 5327, Fullerton, California 92838, SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2008 1 ATOS SepOct 50-5 H 8/9/08 3:37 PM Page 2 ATOS 040 Memberships Make Great Gifts! Jim Merry, Executive Secretary 884" P.O. Box 5327, Fullerton . &39" California 92838, )/:,9 ,$ +/, SUSAN COLE KEYBOARD PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS THE 11 TH ANNUAL VILLAGES &'"()"*'"(+*'"(),% -) “Pop” Organ . / Concert Series *4$ —Tommy Johnson & Hal Vincent— 0"''1 2" Friday, January 16, 2009 —Choy Lozada— 30""%%"(45 Friday, February 13, 2009 —Jelani Eddington— "$"'+ Friday, March 13, 2009 —Ken Double— $. -%5",%$" Friday, April 3, 2009 Church on the Square, The Villages, FL (1.5 hours north of Orlando) For more information contact Susan Cole. 6*3 $"4*% 352-383-6975 Cell 407-252-1997 1 70(2'$"* "($"* "*'"(1*%$ , 88""( 6*& ( 47 for booking information: ! DONNA PARKER "#$" %&'( )* +, -.&. PRODUCTIONS, INCORPORATED !#'+/01// Post Office Box 6103 & +2$ ( 3 4 Aloha, Oregon 97007 4 $5 $# $ -31%&&1 ( "#"$% Donna Parker Donna Donna Parker Donna 503/642-7009009 2 THEATRE ORGAN ATOS SepOct 50-5 H 8/9/08 3:37 PM Page 3 Journal of the American Theatre Organ Society Library of Congress Catalog Number ML 1T 334 (ISSN 0040-5531) Printed in U.S.A. SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2008 Volume 50 | Number 5 THEATRE ORGAN EDITORIAL OFFICE CORPORATE OFFICE ENDOWMENT FUND WEBSITE ( 1845 South Michigan Avenue #1905 American Theatre Organ Society, Inc. Michael Fellenzer Tom Blackwell Chicago, Illinois 60616 5 Third Street, Suite 724 6041 Garver Road 9717 Dayton Avenue North Voice/Fax 312-842-7475 San Francisco, California 94103 Indianapolis, Indiana 46208 Seattle, Washington 98103 317-251-6962 206-784-9203 DESIGN & TYPESETTING Fax 317-251-6940 206-778-2724 mobile PRESIDENT Sleeping Giant Creative Ken Double Indianapolis, Indiana 5705 80th Street North INNER-CITY YOUTH/SCHOOLS PROGRAM PRINTING & MAILING St. Petersburg, Florida 33709 Johnson Press of America TBA 281-798-6205 Pontiac, Illinois MENTOR PROGRAM Donna Parker (see above at Education) ATOS MISSION STATEMENT—The Ameri- VICE PRESIDENT ATOS COMMITTEES can Theatre Organ Society (ATOS) is NOMINATIONS—BOARD ELECTION Craig Peterson the leading international organization & CHAIRS Bill Carr 7800 Laguna Vega Drive dedicated to pursuing a positive ACQUISITIONS & EXPANSIONS 11815 North 77th Drive Elk Grove, California 95758 difference in conserving and promot- Ken Double (see above at President) Peoria, Arizona 85345 916-682-9699 ing the theatre pipe organ and its 623-694-1746 AMATEUR THEATRE ORGANIST music, preserving original instruments COMPETITION where possible. We provide support SECRETARY Susan Cole ORGANIST SCHOLARSHIPS and guidance to all ATOS chapters Bob Evans P.O. Box 653 Carlton Smith and others, with promotional and 798 Old Warren Road Mount Dora, Florida 32756 2175 North Irwin Street educational opportunities to both Swansea, Massachusetts 02777 352-383-6875 Indianapolis, Indiana 46219-2220 those within the Society, and to the Voice/Fax 508-674-0276 317-356-1240 public worldwide through the Internet, Fax: 317-322-9379 publications, conventions, and per- Colonel Mike Hartley TREASURER sonal contact. We are passionately 17 Whippoorwill Drive PIPE PIPER Paul Van Der Molen devoted to providing professional Palm Coast, Florida 32164 Jonathan Ortloff 0 N 468 Willow Road leadership and resources so the theatre 386-445-7562 CPU 274369 Wheaton, Illinois 60187 pipe organ will thrive in the 21st century. Rochester, New York 14627 630-653-4986 518-572-8397 Fax 630-653-4987 ARCHIVE/LIBRARY Jim Patak THEATRE ORGAN (title registered U.S. Rialto Square PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTORS (current term) Patent Office) is the official publication 5 East Van Buren Street, Suite 210 Donna Parker (see above at Education) John Apple (2011) of the American Theatre Organ Joliet, Illinois 60432 John DeMajo (2011) PUBLICATIONS REVIEW Society, Inc. (ATOS), a non-profit 708-562-8538 Jelani Eddington (2010) Doug Powers organization. © 2008 American Theatre Michael Fellenzer (2010) 3323 Belvoir Boulevard Organ Society, Inc. All rights reserved. ARCHIVAL LIAISON Beachwood, Ohio 44122 Allen Miller (2010) Annual membership in the American Jeff Weiler (see above at Journal 216-401-9671 Don Near (2009) Theatre Organ Society is $40.00 per Donna Parker (2009) Advertising) Fax 440-338-5651 year ($55.00 outside of the U.S.A.), Doug Powers (2009) AROUND THE CIRCUIT which includes six issues of THEATRE Bucky Reddish (2011) Dave Luttinen RESTORATION & PRESERVATION ORGAN. Make check or money order YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE 4710 225th Place SW Allen Miller payable to ATOS and mail to the TO THE BOARD Mountlake Terrace, Washington 98043 167 Carriage Drive ATOS Membership Office, P.O. Box Tyler Morkin 425-678-8813 Glastonbury, Connecticut 06033 5327, Fullerton, California 92838, 1240 East Broomfield Street, Apt 00-8 860-633-5710 MasterCard Mount Pleasant, Michigan 48858 Fax 860-633-7230 and VISA are accepted. AWARDS & RECOGNITION 906-367-1454 Don Near Single copies of current and back issues 9700 Chapman Avenue SIMONTON LITERARY PRIZE are available for $6.00 each (please JOURNAL ADVERTISING Garden Grove, California 92841 Jelani Eddington (see above at Bylaws) add $3.00 per issue sent outside of the Jeff Weiler 714-544-1106 Donna Parker (see above at Education) U.S.A.). Make check or money order 1845 South Michigan Avenue #1905 Fax 714-539-5734 STRATEGIC PLANNING payable to ATOS and mail with your Chicago, Illinois 60616 Doug Powers (see above at order to ATOS Marketplace, Dennis Voice/Fax 312-842-7475 BYLAWS Publications Review) Unks, 4002 Westbury Ridge Drive, Erie, Pennsylvania 16506. Jelani Eddington TECHNICAL ATOS MARKETPLACE 1706 West Palomino Drive Allen Miller (see above at Restoration Dennis Unks Racine, Wisconsin 53402 & Preservation) 4002 Westbury Ridge Drive 262-639-8788 Opinions expressed in articles and Erie, Pennsylvania 16506 Fax 262-639-8242 TECHNICAL CONSULTATION PROGRAM advertisements appearing in THEATRE 814-838-8794 Allen Miller (see above at Restoration ORGAN are not necessarily those Fax 440-338-5651 & Preservation) CHAPTER RELATIONS of the American Theatre Organ Society Craig Peterson DAVID L. JUNCHEN TECHNICAL or the Editor. ATOS is not responsible MEMBERSHIP/EXECUTIVE SECRETARY 7800 Laguna Vega Drive SCHOLARSHIP for omissions or errors that result Jim Merry Elk Grove, California 95758 Allen Miller (see above at Restoration from misrepresentation of information P.O. Box 5327 916-682-9699 & Preservation) provided. Advertisers and their agents assume all liability for advertising con- Fullerton, California 92838 YOUNG THEATRE ORGANIST COMPETITION 714-773-4354 tent. Advertisements in THEATRE ORGAN CONVENTION PLANNING Jelani Eddington (see above at Bylaws) Fax 714-773-4829 do not constitute an endorsement by Mike Kinerk Donna Parker (see above at Education) ATOS or the Editor of goods or services 2655 Pine Tree Drive
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