Feed the Future Knowledge-Driven Agricultural Development Project Agrilinks.org Content Editor Guide

The Feed the Future Knowledge-Driven Agricultural Development Project is implemented by Insight Systems Corporation.

Agrilinks.org Content Editor Guide | March 2019

Table of Contents 1. Using the Admin Menu ...... 5 2. Posts ...... 7 2.1. Page Structure ...... 7 2.2. Steps to Create a Post (or Tool) ...... 7 2.3. Post Permissions ...... 9 3. Events ...... 10 3.1. Page Structure ...... 10 3.2. Steps to Create an Event ...... 10 3.3. Creating and Managing Event Registrations ...... 12 3.4. Link Events to Posts and Discussions ...... 13 3.5. Event Permissions ...... 13 4. Discussions ...... 13 4.1. Page Structure ...... 13 4.2. Steps to Create a Discussion ...... 14 5. Training and Activity Pages (Groups) ...... 15 5.1. Special Properties of Groups ...... 15 5.1.1. Group Membership and Permissions ...... 16 5.1.2. Associating an Event, Post or Discussion with a Group Page ...... 19 5.2. Activity Pages (Groups) ...... 19 5.2.1. Page Structure ...... 19 5.2.2. Steps to Create an Activity Group ...... 21 5.2.3. Membership and Access Permissions ...... 24 5.3. Training Pages (Groups) ...... 24


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5.3.1. Page Structure ...... 24 5.3.2. Steps to Create a Training Group ...... 25 5.3.3. Membership and Access Permissions ...... 27 6. Direct Relationships ...... 27 6.1. Direct Relationship Permissions...... 27 6.2. Direct Relationship Functionality ...... 28 6.2.1. Link Clusters ...... 28 6.2.2. Posts and Direct Relationship Link Lists ...... 29 6.2.3. Events ...... 29 7. Section Bundles ...... 33 7.1. What are Section Bundles? ...... 33 7.2. How to use a Section Bundle ...... 33 7.3. Resource Picker ...... 34 7.4. WYSIWYG Section ...... 34 7.5. Image Link ...... 35 7.6. Content-specific Bundles: Training Objective List ...... 35 7.6.1. Training Objective List ...... 35 7.6.2. Training Objective Bundle ...... 35 7.6.3. Teaser Images ...... 35 7.6.4. Objective Links ...... 36 7.7. Content-specific Bundles: Event Participant List ...... 36 7.8. Content-specific Bundles: Activity Group Pages ...... 37 7.8.1. Posts ...... 37 7.8.2. About Us...... 38


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7.8.3. Contact Us ...... 38 7.8.4. HTML Content ...... 39 8. Using Entity Queues to Order Activities and Training landing pages ...... 39 9. Designating a Featured Member ...... 41 10. Ordering Grid Items in the Topics ...... 41 11. Flags ...... 42 12. Subscribing to comments in a Discussion or Post ...... 42 13. Custom Comment Functionality ...... 43 14. Home Page Featured Image ...... 44 15. Content Moderation Queue workflow and Page Revisions ...... 46 15.1. Editing an existing page ...... 47 15.2. Moderation States ...... 47 15.3. Un-publishing a page ...... 47 16. KDAD Reports ...... 48 16.1. Export Users Expertise ...... 48 16.2. Export Event Registration ...... 48 16.3. Agrilinks Users Report ...... 49 16.4. Recently Published Content ...... 49 16.5. Users by Latest Post ...... 49 16.6. Users by Most Active ...... 49 16.7. Other Reports...... 49 16.7.1. Export Comments ...... 49 16.7.2. Home Page Featured Image Queue ...... 49 17. Collections ...... 50


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17.1. Publishing and un-publishing a collection ...... 50 17.2. Sticky at the top of Collections ...... 50 17.3. Featured Collections sidebar on the Home page ...... 52 17.4. Adding a sidebar to a Collection ...... 52 18. Alt Text ...... 52 19. Featured Images ...... 53 20. Creating a User Account ...... 55 21. User Account Data Retention ...... 56 21.1. Inactive Account Notices ...... 56 21.2. Using the Account Data Retention View ...... 57 21.3. End User Account / Reactivation Request ...... 60 21.4. Processing Account Reactivation Requests ...... 62 22. Countries ...... 64 22.1. How to Create a Country ...... 65 22.2. Apply Country ...... 66


Agrilinks.org Content Editor Guide | March 2019

Agrilinks.org Content Editor Guide

This guide focuses on aspects of the site that were configured to support the functional requirements of Agrilinks.org. Some experience with content management systems, with Drupal in particular, is assumed on the part of the reader. For more information on Drupal, visit https://www.drupal.org.

This document is intended to serve as a guide to aid users who will be adopting the role of Content Editor—the role you will be assigned to as a KDAD or USAID staffer who is responsible for managing content on Agrilinks.org. Content Editors have the ability to create and edit content in one of two forms:

1. Content types Posts Events Discussions (while discontinued as a public feature, this is still an available content type to be deployed by administrators upon client request).

2. Groups Activities Training

In addition to creating and editing Groups, Content Editors are able to assign Agrilinks members to Activity Groups so that they may create and edit content associated with Innovation Labs and other USAID funded activities (i.e. EEFS, AWE) who develop activity pages in conjunction with the Agrilinks team. This guide also covers how to add different types of content sections to the pages you create using Section Bundles. This document will also explain how to execute a variety of other tasks, such as adding a Tool, updating the home page, and managing Event registrations.

1. Using the Admin Menu As a Content Editor, one of the more helpful tools you will use is the admin menu at the top of the screen. It appears as a horizontal stripe with a black background. To see the admin menu (and to accomplish most of the tasks described in this guide), your account must be assigned to the Content Editor role and you must be logged in to Agrilinks.org. If you log in and don’t see the admin menu, contact your site administrator.


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Content Editors can use the admin menu by hovering over one of the main headings to expand the submenu, then clicking on a sub menu item, or directly clicking on the heading to navigate to the menu landing page which should house the submenu items.

● Content: The content menu allows users to add various content types to Agrilinks.org and manage content by performing operations such as publishing, un-publishing, deleting, and promoting content. Users may also view and edit locked documents by navigating to the locked documents page within the content menu. ● Groups: Next is the groups menu, which lists all of the current groups in Agrilinks and allow Content Editors to create new groups as well as edit or delete old groups. ● Structure: In the structure menu, Content Editors can access the entity queue, which is used to manually order the grid listings in the Activities and Training landing pages. The structure menu is also where taxonomy terms can be added, deleted, and updated. ● People: This includes various reports for export like user areas of expertise, latest posters, and event registrations. ● Configuration: Click here to manage URL aliases and redirects. You can also update mail templates for the messages automatically sent by the system. These are standard Drupal tasks. ● Needs Review: Click here to see a list of content that has been submitted by Agrilinks users and is awaiting approval. You can also access views of your published pages and your pages currently in draft status.


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2. Posts 2.1. Page Structure The Post content type allows users to create pages within Agrilinks.org that contain rich text and resources. Posts are intended to be the most flexible content type. If it’s not an Event or a Discussion, it’s a Post.

Posts contain a title, additional authors, featured image, summary text, body text, resource attachments, topics, restricted topics, tags (open ended), flags, collections, and disabled collections.

Page Sections, Sidebars, Collections, Restricted Topics (for now, opportunities) and Home page featured images are available to Content Editors only. The Page Sections tab provides the Content Editor with the ability to add rich text (WYSIWYG) and Image Link Section Bundles. The Sidebar tab provides the Content Editor with the ability to use the optional Multimedia Resource, Resource, Image Link, and WYSIWYG Section Bundles. Collections allows a post to be assigned to a special Collection, which appear on the Topics page. Home page featured images, which are the monthly rotating banner images, are to be added to posts affiliated with the theme of the month or other featured content. More information about Section Bundles can be found in the Section Bundles section of this document.

Posts can be associated with a Group. Posts created from a Training group are tied to Training group page and can serve as subpages to their parent group. Posts that are created from an Activity Group will appear in that Activity Group’s ‘Posts’ tab. When a Post is associated with a Group, the system will automatically create a return link that navigates back to the parent group. This return link is located in the sidebar of the Post. See the section on Groups in this guide for details.

Authenticated users can comment on Posts. Anonymous users will see a “call to action” prompting them to sign in or create an account if they want to comment on a post.

2.2. Steps to Create a Post (or Tool) Instructions for creating a Post are listed below. Content Editors who create posts are given the title of author, and posts have multiple authors.

1. Navigate to the ‘Create Content’ page through the admin menu (or simply click on the Post button from the upper right hand corner of the site). The path to creating a Post is Content > Add Content > Post.


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2. Required fields. Once routed to the ‘Create Post’ form, enter data for the required fields ‘Title’ and check the appropriate ‘Topics’ checkbox/es. 3. Additional Authors. Add additional authors by entering the Drupal username (not first and last name) into the user reference fields available under Additional Authors. The field will auto-match when you begin typing. Only Agrilinks users can be added as Additional Authors. Only Content Editors and Activity Editors can add additional authors. Note: If you list a user as an additional author of a Post, that post will appear in the “latest submissions” feed on the user’s profile page, and the page will be counted in the total number of posts for that user’s profile. 4. Featured Image. Optionally (but preferably), upload a Featured Image. Authenticated Users are not permitted to add a Feature Image to an Event. a. The Featured Image must be cropped twice--once for the thumbnail that appears in the page listing and once for the main image that spans the page itself. To facilitate these two required croppings, Agrilinks will automatically generate two cropped versions of the uploaded featured images as buttons. The user must select both cropping options before saving the image. Please see the ‘Featured Image’ section of this document for detailed instructions on how to use the Agrilinks cropping tool. The two required image croppings are: i. “Featured Image--displayed at the top of the page” ii. “Featured Image--displayed as a thumbnail. b. Enter Alternate Text (required for 508 compliance) and Photo Caption/Credit (used for the image caption. The caption text will appear underneath the image). 5. Body. Enter the main page contents using the Body rich text field. Click the Summary link to enter optional teaser text for the page. The Summary text (300 characters max) is displayed on the listings for the Post. If no Summary text is entered, the listing will display the first 300 characters of the Description field. 6. Page Sections and Sidebar tabs. Create as many additional content sections as desired using the options under the Page Sections and the Sidebar tabs. Please see the Section Bundles section of this document for more information. a. Under the Page Sections tab, available Section Bundles include WYSIWYG Section and Image Links. b. Under the Sidebar tab, available Section Bundles include WYSIWYG and Resources. These optional Section Bundles will appear to the right side of the main text if they are added by the Content Editor. 7. Flags. Select optional Flag: Spotlight only. Do not select Agrilinks Event, Agrilinks , or USAID Official. See Flags section in this document for further details. 8. Parent Group. To associate the Post with a Training or Activity page, enter the title of the Group Page in the ‘Parent Group’ field under the ‘Group settings’ tab at the bottom of the form. The field will autofill to match the title of the desired parent Group Page. If you arrived at the Create Post form by clicking Create Post button on a Training or Activity Group page, you can skip this step; the Post will automatically be associated with the parent Group.


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a. A Content Editor or Group member may make the Post ‘sticky’ at the top of the Activities feed (the Post tab on the Activity Group page) by using the ‘Make this content sticky at the top of the Activity feed’ option under the Flags tab at the bottom of the form. Sticky posts will continue to appear at the top of the listing even after newer content is added. (See section on Groups in this document.) 9. Agrilinks tags. To enter a tag for the page, start typing the term into the Agrilinks Tags field and let the system match to previously entered tags. Each unique tag will create a link to a taxonomic listing page showing content associated with that tag. 10. Collections. Content Editors (only) can optionally select one or more Collections to add the page to. 11. Home Page Featured Image. The Content Editor may add a Home Page Featured Image from the post by navigating to the ‘Home Page Featured Image’ heading and following the instructions for adding Home Page Featured Images located in this document. 12. Meta Tags. Content Editors may edit the page’s automatically generated meta tags by clicking on the Meta Tags tab at the bottom of the form. 13. Save. To save, select the desired Moderation State (Draft, Submitted for Moderation, or Published) under the Publishing Options tab at the bottom of the form and click the green ‘Save’ button. The Content Editor will receive an email notification when the Post has been published. Three other publishing checkboxes are available: a. “Promoted to front page” will add a listing for the Post to the Featured tab on the Agrilinks.org home page. b. “Sticky at the top of lists” will force the listing to remain at the top of of the Feature tab (see above). c. “Exclude from Search” will keep the Post from being added to the site’s search index.

Add a Tool. To add a Post to the Tools sidebar section of the Tools and Training landing page, check the ‘Flag this item to appear in Agrilinks under Tools’ option under the Flags tab at the bottom of the form.

2.3. Post Permissions Content Editors and Authenticated Users can create Posts. Posts created by Authenticated Users go into the Moderation queue for review and publication. Members of Activity Groups are allowed to associate Posts to their Activity Group and make the page sticky at the top of the Activity feed. Upon publication, authors and additional authors will be notified by email.


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3. Events 3.1. Page Structure Event pages allow users to create listings that include structured fields for date and location, registration information, start and end times, event host, and other important information. When creating an Event, the Event Name, Event description, and Topics fields are required. Content Editors and Group members may also tie Events to Activity and Training Groups by entering in the name of the Activity or Training group in the Group Settings’ ‘Parent group’ field at the bottom of the form.

In addition, Events pages provide facilities for the following: ● A detailed listing of participants (speakers, facilitators, etc.), ● A sidebar with links to a registration form, an online registration link, as well as resource lists and WYSIWYG sections ● A block of Posts related to the event. ● A listing of links to Agrilinks Discussion pages for events that are hosted as online discussions on Agrilinks. ● Registration forms for online and in-person events.

3.2. Steps to Create an Event Instructions for creating Events are listed below.

1. Navigate to the ‘Create Content’ page through the admin menu, or through the Post button at the upper-right of the home page. The path to creating an Event is Content > Add Content > Event. 2. Required fields. Once routed to the ‘Create Event’ form, enter data for the required fields: Title, Event Description, and Topics. 3. Online Events. Check the Online Event box to indicate that the event is accessible online. Note that this option is not mutually exclusive with an event having a physical location. If the Online Event box is checked, the location for the event will be listed as Online for events that are displayed in feed listings, upcoming events listings, the sidebar, and the main event page. 4. The Featured Image must be cropped twice--once for the thumbnail that appears in the page listing and once for the main image that spans the page itself. To facilitate these two required croppings, Agrilinks will automatically generate two cropped versions of the uploaded featured images as buttons. The user must utilize Agrilinks’ cropping tool to select a region of the image to they would like to display. Please view the ‘Featured Image’ section of the document to for detailed instructions on how to use the Agrilinks cropping tool. The two required image croppings are:


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i. “Featured Image--displayed at the top of the page” ii. “Featured Image--displayed as a thumbnail. a. Enter Alternate Text (required for 508 compliance) and Photo Caption/Credit (used for the image caption. The caption text will appear underneath the image). It’s recommended to copy and paste the photo caption/credit to repeat for the Alt Text section. 5. Event Description. Enter the full event description using the Event Description rich text field. Click the Summary link to enter optional teaser text for the page. The Summary text (300 characters max) is displayed on the listings for the Event. If no Summary text is entered, the listing will display the first 300 characters of the Description field. 6. Date and time. Enter the start and end date and time, as well as the local time zone, of the event. 7. Host, Location, Links. Under the Event Information tab, enter the name of the organization hosting the event and fill out the location fields (if there is a physical location). Optionally, enter the title and URL for one or more event links pointing to pages where users can find additional information about the event. 8. Tabs. Create as many additional content sections as desired using the options under the Participants, Sidebar, and Home Page Featured Image tabs (Content Editors only). a. Participants. For details on adding participants, see Participant Lists under Other Section Bundles in this document. b. Sidebar. Optional Registration and Section Bundles will appear to the right side of the main page area if they are added by the Content Editor. i. Registration links--see the Creating and Managing Event Registrations section below. ii. Sidebar Sections. Available Section Bundles include WYSIWYG and Resources. See the Section Bundles section of this document. Additionally, Content editors may add .ics calendar files to events by using the Resource section bundle. c. Home Page Featured Image. For details, see the Home Page Featured Image section of this document. 9. Flags. Select optional Flag: Agrilinks Event, Spotlight. Do not select Agrilinks Screencast, or USAID Official. See Flags section in this document for further details. 10. Parent Group. To associate the Event with a Training or Activity page, enter the title of the Group Page in the ‘Parent Group’ field under the ‘Group settings’ tab at the bottom of the form. The field will autofill to match the title of the desired parent Group Page. If you arrived at the Create Post form by clicking Create Post button on a Training or Activity Group page, you can skip this step; the Post will automatically be associated with the parent Group. a. A Content Editor or Group member may make the Post ‘sticky’ at the top of the Activities feed (the Post tab on the Activity Group page) by using the ‘Make this content sticky at the top of the Activity feed’ option under the Flags tab at the bottom of the form. Stick posts will continue to appear at the top of the listing even after newer


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content is added. (See section on Groups in this document). 11. Agrilinks tags. To enter a tag for the page, start typing the term into the Agrilinks Tags field and let the system match to previously entered tags. Each unique tag will create a link to a taxonomic listing page showing content associated with that tag. 12. Collections. Content Editors (only) can optionally select one or more Collections to add the page to. 13. Home Page Featured Image. The Content Editor may add a Home Page Featured Image from the post by navigating to the ‘Home Page Featured Image’ heading and following the instructions for adding a ‘Home Page Featured Image’ located in this document. 14. Meta Tags. Content Editors may edit the page’s automatically generated meta tags by clicking on the Meta Tags tab at the bottom of the form. 15. Saving. To save, select the desired Moderation State (Draft, Submitted for Moderation, or Published) under the Publishing Options tab at the bottom of the form and click the green ‘Save’ button. Three other publishing checkboxes are available: a. “Promoted to front page” will add a listing for the Event to the Featured tab on the Agrilinks.org home page. Events will appear on the Featured tab on the home page if they are checked as promoted to the home page AND where the start date of the event is listed as 7 days ahead AND where the end date is greater than or equal to now. b. “Sticky at the top of lists” will force the listing to remain at the top of of the Feature tab (see above). c. “Exclude from Search” will keep the Post from being added to the site’s search index.

3.3. Creating and Managing Event Registrations Content Editors (only) can create two types of locally-stored Event registration forms: 1) Email Signup and 2) In-Person.

Both authenticated and anonymous users are able to register for events. An email address can only be entered once for any given event, so anonymous users will not be able to register more than once.

To create a locally-stored registration form, click the Sidebar tab on the Create Event form and select an option from the Register dropdown menu. The Email Signup option creates a simple form, intended for AgExchanges, that collects the email address and prompts the user to opt in to receiving email notices about the event. The In-Person form allows users to register for a physical event, either by providing an email address or by using his or her Agrilinks account.


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NOTE: Event registrations can have dedicated landing pages, where the user ends up after registering. To link to a dedicated landing page, go to Manage Registrations/Settings, and enter the path to the landing page in the “Confirmation redirect path” field. The path for the current landing page is node/25347.

Content Editors can view and manage the list of user-submitted registrations by clicking the Manage Registrations tab at the top of the published Event page.

The procedure for creating a link to an off-site registration form (e.g., Adobe Connect) is the same, except instead of selecting an option from the Registration dropdown, simply enter a link title and URL in the Online Event Registration Link field.

3.4. Link Events to Posts and Discussions Content Editors are able to link Events to Posts and Discussions on Agrilinks.org. For details, go to the section on Direct Relationships in this document, then see these subsections:

● Events--Linking an Event to a Post ● Events--Linking an Event to a Discussion

3.5. Event Permissions Content Editors and Authenticated Users are allowed to create Events. Events created by Authenticated Users go into the Moderation queue for review and publication. Upon publication authors and additional authors will be notified by email. Members of Activity Groups are allowed to associate Events to their Activity Group and make the page sticky at the top of the Activity feed.

4. Discussions 4.1. Page Structure Discussions are interactive content types that allow users to electronically communicate with each other through Agrilinks.org. Discussions created in an Activity Group will appear in the listing under the Activity’s ‘Posts’ tab.

NOTE: This content type was discontinued due to lack of uptake. However the content type remains available for administrators as


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needed. The content however will not automatically appear anywhere on the site feeds. 4.2. Steps to Create a Discussion The steps below illustrate how to start a discussion.

1. Navigate to the ‘Create Content’ page through the admin menu. The path to creating a Discussion is Content > Add Content > Discussion. 2. Required fields. Once routed to the ‘Create Discussion form, enter data for the required fields Title and Topics. 3. Additional Authors. Add additional authors by entering in the Drupal username (not first and last name) into the user reference fields available under Additional Authors. Begin typing and the field will auto-match. Only Agrilinks users can be added as Additional Authors. Only Content Editors and Activity Editors can add additional authors. 4. The Featured Image must be cropped twice--once for the thumbnail that appears in the page listing and once for the main image that spans the page itself. To facilitate these two required croppings, Agrilinks will automatically generate two cropped versions of the uploaded featured images as buttons. The user must utilize Agrilinks’ cropping tool to select a region of the image to they would like to display. Please view the ‘Featured Image’ section of the document to for detailed instructions on how to use the Agrilinks cropping tool. The two required image croppings are: i. “Featured Image--displayed at the top of the page” ii. “Featured Image--displayed as a thumbnail. b. Enter Alternate Text (required for 508 compliance) and Photo Caption/Credit (used for the image caption. The caption text will appear underneath the image). 5. Description. Enter the main page contents using the Description rich text field. Click the Summary link to enter optional teaser text for the page. The Summary text (300 characters max) is displayed on the listings for the Event. If no Summary text is entered, the listing will display the first 300 characters of the Description field. 6. Flags. Select optional Flag: Spotlight only. Do not select Agrilinks Event, Agrilinks Screencast, or USAID Official. See Flags section in this document for further details. 7. Parent Group. To associate the Post with a Training or Activity page, enter the title of the Group Page in the ‘Parent Group’ field under the ‘Group settings’ tab at the bottom of the form. The field will autofill to match the title of the desired parent Group Page. If you arrived at the Create Post form by clicking Create Post button on a Training or Activity Group page, you can skip this step; the Post will automatically be associated with the parent Group. a. A Content Editor or Group member may make the Post ‘sticky’ at the top of the Activities feed (the Post tab on the Activity Group page) by using the ‘Make this content sticky at the top of the Activity feed’ option under the Flags tab at the bottom of the form. Stick posts will continue to appear at the top of the listing even after newer content is added. (See section on Groups in this document.)


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8. Agrilinks tags. To enter a tag for the page, start typing the term into the Agrilinks Tags field and let the system match to previously entered tags. Each unique tag will create a link to a taxonomic listing page showing content associated with that tag. 9. Collections. Content Editors (only) can optionally select one or more Collections to add the page to. 10. Home Page Featured Image. The Content Editor may add a Home Page Featured Image from the post by navigating to the ‘Home Page Featured Image’ heading and following the instructions for adding a ‘Home Page Featured Image’ located in this document. 11. Meta tags. Content Editors may edit the page’s automatically generated meta tags by clicking on the Meta Tags tab at the bottom of the form. 12. Save. To publish the Discussion, check the Published checkbox under the Publishing options tab at the bottom of the page, then click Save. 13. After being saved, the Discussion will be placed in the moderation queue, where it must be published by a Content Editor. Upon publication authors and additional authors will be notified by email.

5. Training and Activity Pages (Groups) 5.1. Special Properties of Groups Activities and Training pages on Agrilinks.org are not typical content types. They are examples of a special content type known as Groups. Groups extend the capabilities of Agrilinks.org in two main ways.

First, they allow Posts, Discussions, and Events to be associated with a “parent” Group page, so that the Group page itself acts as a taxonomy term for organizing content. Pages associated with a group will feature a “Return To” section in the right sidebar that links back to the parent Group page (see below). This link is created automatically when the Post, Event, or Discussion is associated with the group. Content associated with an Activity will appear as a feed under the “Posts” tab on the Activity page.


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Second, Groups extend edit permissions to users beyond the Content Editor role. Specifically, Groups allow users who work at organizations with Innovation Lab pages on Agrilinks.org to edit their pages directly, without involvement from Content Editors. Group members can also add Posts, Events, and Discussions to a feed on their Innovation Lab page. Content Editors have the ability to create both types of groups and can edit content on group pages without being a member of the group.

Activities are displayed in a tile or grid view on the Activities landing page (agrilinks.org/activities). Training pages are displayed in a grid view on the Tools and Training landing page (agrilinks.org/tools-and-training). Content Editors can manage the order in which the tiles / grid appears using the entity queue. Instructions for using entity queue are located in the Entity Queues section of this document.

The ‘Activities’ and ‘Tools and Training’ landing pages are also further segmented; the Activity landing page has two groupings, the first for standard non-innovation lab activities, and the other section for innovation lab activities. The Tools and Training landing page is also segmented, with ‘Tools’ grouped together on the right sidebar and Training in the center of the screen.

The Training grid view will only display Training pages that have been added to the entity queue. This is to provide a way to "soft publish" a page to staff can look at it without it being available on the Training page. For more information about the entity queue, please view the entity queue section of this document. Training and Activity group pages will also both be added to the search indices and will appear as search results for appropriate searches when applicable.

Group Membership and Permissions Groups provide users with permissions that apply only to individual Group pages. Membership in a group gives a user editorial control over that group page. Group members are also able to associate content with the group. In the case of Activities, a Post, Event, or Discussion associated with a group will appear on that group’s ‘Posts’ content feed, in reverse chronological order.

To make a page sticky at the top of the feed, edit the content, scroll to the bottom of the page and check the ‘Make this content sticky at the top of the Activity feed’ checkbox to make the content persist at the top of the Activity Group’s Posts feed. Once the content is saved, the content can be verified in the Posts feed.


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Managing Group Memberships. In addition to “plain vanilla” group membership, users can also be group administrators. Administrators have the added ability to assign other Agrilinks members to the group, grant other group members the group administrator role, remove another member’s group administrator role, and remove members from the group. These group management functions are available to group administrators in the group administrator’s tool bar at the top of the Activity Group.

Group administrators can edit group member’s privileges by clicking on ‘Members’ in the group administrator’s tool bar. In the following group member’s page, the group administrator should find the group member they wish to edit and click the group member’s respective ‘edit’ hyperlink to navigate to the selected group member’s group role page. In this page, the group administrator can check the ‘Administrator’ checkbox to activate administrator privileges for the selected member, or uncheck the Administrator checkbox to revoke administrator privileges for the selected member then saving the changes by clicking on the ‘Edit Membership’ button.

In the group member’s page, the group administrator may also click on a group member’s ‘Cancel’ hyperlink to dismiss the group member from the group.


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Finally, group administrators can add members to a group by clicking on the ‘Add member’ tab in the group administrator’s toolbar--see below. This will navigate the group administrator to the add group member page where the group administered can enter an agrilinks.org member’ username into a text entry box. Agrilinks will perform a ‘contains’ search on the first few characters entered by the group administrator and provide suggestions for the username. The group administrator may also grant group administrator privileges to the new member by checking the ‘Administrator’ role box. After entering the agrilinks.org member’s username, the group administrator should click the ‘Add Member’ button to save the changes and add the member to the group.

Non-admin Group members do not have the ability to add new members, edit members privileges, or remove members, and will only be able to add new Posts, Events, or Discussions, and make the pages sticky at the top of the ‘On Agrilinks’ feed.

Note: Activity Editor – When a user is added to an Activity Group, the system will automatically assign that member to the Activity Editor role. Activity Editor is a utility role that adds needed permissions beyond what is available with Group membership--e.g., making content sticky at the top of the Activity feed.


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Associating an Event, Post or Discussion with a Group Page There are two ways to associate an Event, Post, or Discussion page with a parent group.

1. When creating or editing a page, check the ‘Group Settings’ tab at the bottom of the form to ensure that the correct parent group is selected.

2. Starting from the Group page, click one of the green button on the top of the page to Add Post, Add Discussion, or Add Event. The page will automatically be associated with that group.

If desired, the Content Editor (or Group member) can also check the ‘Make this content sticky at the top of the Activity feed’ option to make the created Discussion, Event, or Post stay at the top of the feed.

5.2. Activity Pages (Groups) Activity groups can be either Innovation Lab groups or non-Innovation Lab groups. Content editors may choose this distinction by either selecting the Innovation Lab or none from the activity filter drop down box when creating the Activity Group.

Page Structure Activity Group pages require a title, activity filter, and the three required tabs. Content Editors may select from an activity filter of ‘None,’ ‘Innovation Lab,’ or ‘Completed Activities’ to designate an activity as a non-Innovation Lab activity, an Innovation Lab activity or a Completed activity (archived). Selecting ‘Completed Activities’ moves an Activity to the Completed Activities listing at the bottom of the activity home page.


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Activity pages feature tabs that contain the required Posts, About Us, Activity Contact Us Form, and optional HTML Content tab Section Bundles. These Section Bundles are located on an Activity Group page below the main description. More information about the four tab Section Bundles can be found in the Section Bundles section. The Activity Group page also offers optional featured image and description textboxes.


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Steps to Create an Activity Group First create an Activity Group from the tool menu. The steps below document how a Content Editor can create an Activity Group.

1. Click ‘Groups’ from the Content Editor menu.

2. The Content Editor is routed to the ‘Groups’ page. Click the green “Add Group” button.

3. The Content Editor is routed to the ‘Add group’ page. Click the ‘Activity’ hyperlink.

4. The Content Editor is routed to the Create Activity page, where the Content Editor must enter or select values for the required fields: Title and Activity Filter.

IMPORTANT: Click the “Hide this group” checkbox until you are ready to publish the group page on the site. A user must be a member of the group to see a hidden group. There is no role-based override for this.

5. The Content Editor may browse the image library or upload an image to agilinks.org using the ‘Featured Image’ upload button. The image must have a minimum size of at least 823x310 pixels. The maximum allowed upload dimension for a Featured Image is 2000x1500. Images smaller than the minimum size will prompt Agrilinks to reject the image and issue a


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message that says “The specified file could not be uploaded. The image is too small; the minimum dimensions are 823x310 pixels.” Images with dimensions larger than the maximum size will have a similar message stating the image’s dimensions are too large. After uploading an image, Agrilinks.org will allow the Content Editor to enter a title and alt text. These fields should be filled in for 508 compliance.

6. The Content Editor may add an optional summary if they wish by clicking on ‘Edit Summary’ and entering a summary. The character limit for the summary section is 300 characters.

7. The Content Editor must add three required tabs for information to correctly appear in the group. The three required tabs are: ‘About Us’, ‘Contact Us’, and ‘Posts’. If the Content Editor does not add the three tabs, the system will automatically create the tabs, but the user must return to enter required information on the tabs.

8. After saving the page, the three required tabs will be created: Posts, About Us, and Contact Us.

9. To configure the default automatically-created tabs, click the main Edit tab at the top of the page to edit the Activity. Once in edit mode, click on the ‘Activity Tabs (Below Description)’ hyperlink to navigate to the Activity Tabs section and enter desired text for the tabs.

10. To configure the ‘About Us’ tab, find the ‘Tab type: About Us’ row and click the Edit button. Add an appropriate optional description in the ‘Description’ text entry box.

11. To configure the ‘Contact Us’ tab, find the ‘Tab type: Contact Us Form’ row and click the Edit Button. Here the Content Editor must fill out the required ‘Contact Email Address(s) text entry field and may add an optional title. The ‘Contact Form’ drop down list is automatically populated with ‘Contact Us’ and does not need to be altered.

12. The ‘Posts’ tab functions automatically and has no configurable settings.

13. The Content Editor may create two additional tabs as needed. A tab’s title must not exceed 15 characters.

14. Once finished, the Content Editor should click “Save Activity” to create the Training Group.

15. If all required fields have been filled out, the page should save, navigate to the newly created page, and inform the Content Editor that the page was saved successfully.


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16. The Content Editor should now have access to edit the Activity Group, view members of the Training Group, add members to the Training Group, and add posts, events or discussions to the group.


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Membership and Access Permissions Content Editors may designate authenticated users as members of the Activity page (group). As group members, these authenticated users will gain the ability to create and edit Posts, Events, and Discussions for the group they have membership to. Events, Posts, and Discussions created by members of the group will be put in the moderation queue and will be published after they have been approved by a Content Editor. Once approved, the Event, Post, or Discussion will appear on the Posts tab of the Activity page. Steps for adding members are listed below.

1. As a Content Editor that is logged in, navigate to the Training Group page of which you would like to add a member. 2. At the top of the page, click the “Add Member” link.

3. Agrilinks will navigate the Content Editor to the add member page. On this page, the Content Editor must enter the username of the person that you would like to add to the group in the username field. Agrilinks will perform a ‘contains’ search based on the first few characters entered and provide suggestions for usernames. 4. Check the administrator checkbox and click Add Member to add the member. 5. Agrilinks will display a message that says the member was added and return to the add member page.

5.3. Training Pages (Groups) Training, the other Group type available in agrilinks.org, allows Content Editors to create online training courses organized by objectives. The process to create a Training Group is similar to the process for creating an Activity Group, but the two groups do have their differences. Unlike Activity Group pages, Training Group pages do not have a Posts tab that automatically lists associated content. Rather, the Content Editor must link created posts, discussions, and events from the main Training Group page to create subpages or modules that house content that may be better suited to a different page. Events created in Training Groups and discussions created in Training Groups do appear automatically within the respective global Events and Discussions landing pages like their Training Group counterparts. Events and Discussions created in Training Groups can also be linked to via the resource Section Bundle, which is further described in the Section Bundle section. Posts, which can be built from a Training Group page, can serve as subpages to the main parent Training Group page. More information about Posts can be found in the Posts section.

Page Structure Training group pages require a title and featured image. Content Editors may build out the Training Group by adding summary text, body text, and adding Paragraph sections and bundles. Section Bundles allow Content Editors to customize pages with


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Page Sections and the Sidebar. More information about the paragraph sections and bundles can be found in the Section Bundles section.

Page Sections utilize the optional Section Bundles Training Objective List, Multimedia Resource, WYSIWYG Section, and the Image Link Section Bundles, which can be selected from the dropdown list. The Training Objective List Section Bundle contains a nested Training Objective Section Bundle which in turn has a nested Objective Link type Section Bundle which is for all purposes a renamed Resource Section Bundle. If a User adds a Training Objective List Section Bundle and subsequent Training Objective, the Objective Title field is required. If a User adds a WYSIWYG Section, body field is required, and if a User adds an Image Link, Media Image field is required. More information about the four tab Section Bundles can be found in the Section Bundles section.

The Sidebar offers the WYSIWYG Section, and Resource Link List Section Bundles. These Section Bundles control what is displayed in the sidebar section of the Training Group. The WYSIWYG Section Bundle allows Content Editors to add rich text to the sidebar, while the resource link allows Content Editors to link to resources internal or external to Agrilinks.org. More information about the paragraph sections and bundles can be found in the Section Bundles section.

Steps to Create a Training Group

1. Click ‘Group’ from the Content Editor menu.

2. The Content Editor is routed to the ‘Groups’ page. Click the green “Add Group” button.


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3. The Content Editor is routed to the ‘Add group’ page. Click the ‘Training’ hyperlink.

4. The Content Editor is routed to the ‘Create Training’ page. The Content Editor must enter or select values for the required fields ‘title’ and ‘featured image.’

IMPORTANT: Click the “Hide this group” checkbox until you are ready to publish the group page on the site. A user must be a member of the group to see a hidden group. There is no role-based override for this.

5. The Content Editor must upload an image to be featured on the Training Group using the ‘Featured Image’ upload button. The image must have a size of at least 1024x440 pixels. Images smaller than that size will prompt Agrilinks to reject the image and issue a message that says “The specified file could not be uploaded. The image is too small; the minimum dimensions are 1024x440 pixels.” Images that have an excessive dimension will be scaled down. After uploading an image, Agrilinks.org will allow the Content Editor to enter in a title and alt text. These fields should be filled in for 508 compliance.

6. The Content Editor may add a summary if they wish by clicking on ‘Edit Summary’ and entering a summary. The character limit for the summary section is 300 characters.

7. The Content Editor may utilize the optional Section Bundles Training Objective List, Multimedia Resource, WYSIWYG Section, and Image Link using the page paragraph sections. Please see the Section Bundles section of this document for more information about Section Bundles and paragraph sections.

8. The Content editor may also add optional sidebar content by clicking on the ‘Sidebar’ tab. The Content editor may then use the following paragraph types to build content: WYSIWYG Section, and Resources. More information about Section Bundles and paragraph sections is available in the ‘Technical Documentation for Section Bundles’ document.


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9. At the bottom of the page, the Content Editor should check the ‘Publishing Options’ to make sure that ‘Published’ is selected to ensure the post is published. Once finished, the Content Editor should click “Save Training” to create the Training Group.

10. If all required fields have been entered, the page should inform the Content Editor that the groups was successfully created.

11. The Content Editor should now have access to edit the Training Group, view members of the Training Group, add members to the Training Group, and add posts, events or discussions to the Training Group.

Membership and Access Permissions Content Editors are allowed to create and edit Training Groups. Unlike Training Groups, permissions cannot be extended to authenticated users.

6. Direct Relationships Direct Relationships (DRs) allow Authenticated Users and Content Editor to create direct, two-way connections between Agrilinks pages (Posts, Events, and Discussions). These connections appear as structured, themed links, with a different presentation depending on which of the following use cases applies: 1. Authenticated Users can start a new Discussion from a Post, with a link back to the Post appearing on the Discussion. 2. Content Editors can create a new Post from an Event page, with a link back to the Event appearing on the Post. a. They can also create a Direct Relationship from an Event to an existing Post using the content entry form. 3. Content Editors can create a new Discussion from an Event page, with a link back to the Event from the Discussion. a. They can also create a Direct Relationship from an Event to an existing Discussion, using the content entry form.

6.1. Direct Relationship Permissions Content Editors have the ability to create and delete all Direct Relationships. Content Editors can also delete DRs on the content edit form of the originating page. Also, deleting the target page will delete the DRs linking to any originating pages. Authenticated Users can only create one type of Direct Relationship--start a Discussion from a Post. They are not able to delete


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Direction Relationships: once created, they are considered to be "owned" by the community.

6.2. Direct Relationship Functionality Although Direct Relationships are bi-directional, it is helpful to think of them as having a source page and a target page. The source page is where the link originates, and the target page is where the link is pointing to. The display properties of target pages vary. Target Post pages with a direct relationship linking back to an Event and target discussion pages with a direct relationship linking back to a Post will show a direct relationship "Link Cluster."

Link Clusters For a target Post with a Direct Relationship linking back to an Event page, the Link Cluster will be positioned at the top of the page below the title. The Link Cluster will bear the feature a title: “This post is about the following event(s)”, with the event names linking back to the originating Event, and an event date and location. See image below:

Direct Relationship “Link Cluster” appearing in a targeted Post.

For a target Discussion page with a direct relationship back to a Post, the Link Cluster will display the title: "This Discussion is in reference to the following Post(s)" along with the Post title linking back to the originating Post. See image below:

Direct Relationship Link Cluster appearing on a Discussion.


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Posts and Direct Relationship Link Lists --NOTE: THIS FUNCTIONALITY HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED To create a new Discussion from a Post, Authenticated Users simply click the green ‘Start New Discussion’ button located under the ‘Discuss This Post’ block located in the right margin of a post. Once clicked, Agrilinks.org will navigate the authenticated user to the create discussion page, which, when saved, will automatically create the direct relationship links in both the originating post and new discussion. The DR link list is sorted by most recent reply date, then by authored on date in reverse chronological order. See image below:

Direct Relationship Link list for Discussions appearing in a Post.

Events For originating Event pages, Agrilinks will display Direct Relationships (DRs) using two methods, one for Posts and another for Discussions. Only Content Editors are able to create DRs from Events to Posts and Discussions. Events--Linking an Event to a Post DRs to Posts are displayed in a block on the Event page bearing the title: POSTS RELATED TO THIS EVENT. A "Create Event Post" button enables the Content Editor (only) to create a new Post related to the event. When a post is created using this method, Agrilinks.org will automatically create the Direct Relationship Link Cluster that links the Post back to the Event.


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Direct Relationship block within an Event displaying Posts related to the event. Content Editors may create a new Post related to the event by clicking on the green ‘Create Event Post’ button shown in the image above.

To create Direct Relationship from an Event to an existing Post (Content Editor only), edit the target Post, click ‘Add Items’ under the ‘Related Events’ section in the edit Post page, select the desired Event(s) in the Event selection pop up modal screen, click submit, then save the Post.


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Content Editors may create a Direct Relationship link from an existing Post to an Event by clicking the green ‘Add Items’ under the ‘Related Events’ section in the edit Post page, selecting the desired event(s) in the Event selection pop up modal screen and clicking submit. Events--Linking an Event to a Discussion Content Editors (only) can create special links from Events to Discussions on the site. The use case supported here is a series of moderated Discussions held at a certain time as part of an online Event (e.g., AgExchanges). On the Event page, these links will appear in the main column of link information below the Featured Image.


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As shown in the image above, links to unpublished Discussions will appear, but only for Content Editors. Anonymous and Authenticated users will only see links to published Discussions. Permissions are set up this way is so that Discussions can be staged before publishing.

To create a Discussion that links back to the Event, click the “Create Discussion” button in the sidebar of the published Event (only Content Editors will have access to this button). Clicking the button will open a new Create Discussion form. Once saved, the new Discussion will link back the Event using the sitewide linkback convention. For further details, see the section on Direct


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Relationships in this document.

Content Editors may also link an existing Discussion to an Event. To do so, edit the target Discussion, click the green ‘Add Items’ button under the Related Events and Posts section, select the desired Event(s) in the Event selection pop up modal screen, click submit, then save the Discussion. The linkback to the Event will appear at the top of the Discussion, and a link to the Discussion will appear in the information section of the Event page.

To remove special links between Events and Discussions, delete the link from the Related Links and Posts section on the target Discussion and save.

7. Section Bundles 7.1. What are Section Bundles? Section Bundles are independent, reusable groups of fields that can be used to link to or display sections of information on the website. As an example, a Post can contain multiple Image link Section Bundles that link to different pages within or outside of Agrilinks.org through a clickable image.

NOTE: In Drupal parlance Section Bundles are known as ‘Paragraph Bundles.’

7.2. How to use a Section Bundle In Agrilinks, Section Bundles are configured to be available for use in different page sections, often in the sidebar of a page. Users may add as many of the available Section Bundles as needed to build out a Training Group, Collection, Post, Event, etc. There are several different Section Bundles, but they all follow the same workflow. To create a Section Bundle, select the desired Section Bundle from the section ‘Type’ drop down list, click the green ‘Add Section’ button, and enter in the required fields for the chosen Section Bundle.


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Above: Selecting a resource type from the resource picker.

7.3. Resource Picker The Resource Picker Section Bundle is used to create lists of links to resources hosted on Agrilinks or elsewhere. These lists typically appear in the sidebar of the page.

Internal links can be created to the following types of pages within the site: Discussions, Event, Posts, Training pages, and Activity pages. Links to external URLs can also be added. Finally, multimedia resources can be uploaded. Content Editors may add an optional title or the list.

7.4. WYSIWYG Section The ‘what you see is what you get’ (WYSIWYG) Section Bundle is used to enter in rich text. When using the WYSIWYG Section Bundle, the Content Editor must enter body text as it is a required field, and may optionally add a title to the section. The WYSIWYG section utilizes the same rich text editor as in other text entry Section Bundles and offers the same text editing options. These options are listed in the ‘About Us’ Section Bundle.


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7.5. Image Link The Image Link displays an image containing a hyperlink to a different page within or outside of agrilinks.org. A typical use case is to upload a screengrab of a training module and provide a link to the actual module. When using Image Link, the Content Editor must browse, select, and then upload a desired image for the image to appear. Image files must be less than the maximum file size of 50MB. The allowable file types for teaser images are png, gif, jpg, and jpeg. The content Editor should also add a URL and may optionally enter alternative text and a title.

7.6. Content-specific Bundles: Training Objective List The Training Objective List and Training Objective Section Bundles are available only in Training Group pages. They are designed to display linked listings of course modules (or objectives). Training Objective List The purpose of the Training Objective List is to contain the individual Training Objectives that comprise the course. The user may enter a list title and summary text. Training Objective Bundle Multiple Training Objectives can be nested in a Training Objectives List. Each training objective holds information about a particular training module. To create a Training Objective, users must first create a Training Objective List (see above). From there, the user can create the first Training Objective Section Bundle and may add additional Training Objective Section Bundles as needed. Each Training Objective contains the following elements: teaser image (see below), objective title (required), objective description, objective links (see below). Teaser Images Teaser images have a required minimum size of 189 X 189 pixels and a maximum size of 1000 X 1000 pixels. Images smaller than this size will not be accepted and will prompt agrilinks.org to state that “The specified file could not be uploaded. The image is too small; the minimum dimensions are 189x189 pixels.” Images that are larger than 1000 X 1000 pixels will be resized to 1000 X 1000 pixels, and a message will be displayed that the image was resized. Image files must also be less than 2 MB. The allowable file types for teaser images are png, gif, jpg, and jpeg. Content editors should also add titles and alternate text to the featured image entry fields to satisfy section 508 compliance requirements.


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Objective Links The Objective Links Section Bundle which functions identically to the Resource Picker Section Bundle, allows users to create links to other pages intern or external to Agrilinks.org. Details about the Resource Picker Section Bundle are located above in this document. The available choices for the objective link type drop down are activity link, discussions link, event link, external link, post link, and training link.

7.7. Content-specific Bundles: Event Participant List The Participant Section Bundle allows users to add a listing for presenters, facilitators, panel members, and hosts to an Event. The Participant List contains one or more Participant Section Bundles, one for each featured participant planned for the Event. Instructions for utilizing the participant list and participant Section Bundles, is listed below.

1. As a logged-in Content Editor, create or edit an event. 2. Scroll down to the Participants list Section Bundle in the event edit event page and click the green ‘Add new Participant List’ button. 3. Open a new participants list and add optional title for the participant list. The default title is ‘Participants.’ Click the ‘Add new Participant’ button to open the participants Section Bundle. 4. Optionally, upload a profile picture for the participant, enter a first name, last name, organization, participant title, participant role, participant bio, and link to agrilinks.org user profile. When entering a link to the agrilnks.org profile, enter the first few letters of the participant’s user name. Agrilinks will perform a contains search and provide username suggestions based on the letter entered, which the Content Editor may click on to auto fill the entry box. 5. Click the ‘Add another Participant’ button to add more participants. If needed, remove participants by clicking on the ‘Remove’ button. 6. Click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom of the form to save the event page.


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Above: The Event Participants list, as displayed in an Event.

7.8. Content-specific Bundles: Activity Group Pages Activity pages use special-purpose Section Bundles for the tabs that appear on the page. Four Section Bundles (tabs) are used for Activity Group pages and appear underneath the description in Activity Group pages. In the first three tabs, paragraph types, Posts, About Us, and an Activity Contact Us form are required, while in the last Section Bundle, HTML Content is optional. The titles of the four tabs are hard-coded for consistency and cannot be edited.

Posts The Posts tab Section Bundle provides a feed that automatically displays Posts, Discussions, and Events that are tied to their respective parent Activity Group. The feed shows content in reverse chronological order. The Posts tab is automatically created by the system when a new Activity Group is saved.


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To get a Posts, Events, and Discussion page two show up in the listing under the Posts tab of an Activity, enter name of the Activity into the field in the Group Settings tab at the bottom of the edit form for the page, as shown below.

IMPORTANT: To do this, you must be a Content Editor or a member of the Activity Group.

If a user types a few characters into the entry box, the system will perform a ‘contains’ search that provides suggestions based on the characters entered. The ‘contains’ search will be limited to Activity Groups. Once the user saves the page, that page will appear in the listing under the Posts tab of the associated Activity. 7.8.1. About Us The About Us tab Section Bundle is automatically created when the user saves a new Activity Group. The tab title is hard-coded for consistency across all Agrilinks Activity pages and cannot be changed. The only configurable field is the rich text field displayed when an end user clicks the tab. Contact Us The Contact Us tab Section Bundle creates a Contact Us form. The tab is automatically created when the user saves a new Activity Group. The user must add a valid contact email address that will receive a message whenever an end user submits the Contact Us form. Multiple contact emails addresses may be added and arranged by dragging and dropping the cross icon. The


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title ‘Contact Us’ is displayed by default and cannot be changed. HTML Content The optional HTML Content tab Section Bundle is the final tab Section Bundle and allows users to enter custom rich text. This tab provides a page that the Activity Group members can use for any purpose. The tab title is configurable, as is the rich text field displayed when an end user clicks the tab.

8. Using Entity Queues to Order Activities and Training landing pages A Drupal feature called Entity Queues allows Content Editors to control the order of the “tiles” on the Activity and Training home pages (“tiles” are simply the links to the group pages that are arranged in a grid display). The home page grids will show all non-hidden group pages, starting with the pages added to the Entity Queue, arranged in the order specified in the queue, and followed by the groups not added to the queue, arranged in alphabetical order.

Entity Queues are accessed from the black Content Editor’s toolbar under the Structure menu. It should also be noted that groups must be in the entity queue for them to appear in the grid display.

Content editors may access the entity queues menu by following these instructions:

1. Click on Entity queues under Structure in the Content Editor toolbar.

2. Select the queue to order (Activity Landing Page Innovation Labs Queue, Activity Landing Page Standard Activities Queue, Tools Landing Page Queue, or Training Landing Page Queue) by clicking on the appropriate ‘Edit Item’ hyperlink under the ‘Operations’ heading. The linked page will allow you to edit the queue.


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3. Click and hold on to the cross icon then drag and drop a group to change the order and repeat until the desired order is achieved. The first in the list will be displayed first on the landing page.

4. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page.


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5. If a group is not listed on the edit queue page, add the group to the Entity Queue by typing the group name in the ‘Add Item’ entry box. As you type, the field will match to titles and provide options in a dropdown menu. Once the field finds a match on the correct group name, select the group and click on the green “Add Item” button. Once the group is added to add the Entity Queue, drag and drop groups as needed to achieve the desired order, then save the queue.

9. Designating a Featured Member


Content Editors who also possess user administrator privileges can also designate members as featured members. Featured members will be displayed on the featured members sidebar section of the home page. The steps for doing so are outlined below.

1. Log in as a Content Editor.

2. Navigate to the member’s profile who you wish to designate as a feature member. The members landing page provides a search feature to help find members. Click on the member’s name to navigate to the member’s page.

3. Click edit on the member’s profile page.

4. In the edit member profile page, scroll down to the flag setting and check the Flag this user to display as Featured Member on home page box.

6. Click save to make this user a featured member.

7. Navigate to the home page to verify that the member is listed in the members feed as a featured member.

10. Ordering Grid Items in the Topics Landing Page Content editors may manually order the grid items in the topics landing page. To do so, use the Content Editor’s toolbar and navigate to the topics taxonomy page by following this path: Structure > Taxonomy > Topics. The Content Editor may then manually order the topics by placing the mouse cursor over the cross symbol on the desired topic then dragging and dropping the topic to the desired location, then clicking save. The Content Editor may also click the ‘Reset to alphabetical’ button to order the topics alphabetically.


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11. Flags Flags are simple icons that can be used to highlight specific types of content. Assigning a flag to a page will add that flag icon to the title section and to the listing for that page. Flags link to taxonomic pages that show all the pages that share the flag.

Agrilinks offers the following flags:

● Agrilinks Event—Use this flag for events that are hosted by Agrilinks. Should be applied to Events only. ● Spotlight—A page of particular interest ● USAID Official--Not generally in use; to be used for events hosted by USAID, but not specifically Agrilinks ● Webinar—Use this flag to signal to users that the link goes to a webinar recording of an Agrilinks Event. Should be applied to External Links only.

NOTE: The term Flags has two meanings in Agrilinks. One is as described in this section—a way to add an icon to a page that designates it as special in some away. The other type of Flags are found on some pages as a way to perform an operation on the page—make an Agrilinks member a Featured Member on the home page; Make a page sticky at the top of an Activity feed, hide/un-publish a Group page, etc. This second type uses a Drupal module called Flags. Keep this distinction in mind as you use the site.

12. Subscribing to comments in a Discussion or Post For Posts and Discussions, authenticated users can subscribe to receive email notifications when new comments appear. Subscriptions can be made to the page as a whole or to specific threads within the comments. To subscribe, an authenticated user must follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to a Discussion or Post.

2. To subscribe to the page as a whole, click on the 'Subscribe to this Discussion' or ‘Subscribe to this Post’ link under the main body text of the Discussion or Post.

3. To subscribe to a particular thread, click the ‘Subscribe to this thread’ button to receive email notifications for any replies to that specific comment rather than the whole discussion. To subscribe to a comment, users must sign in and


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click the “Subscribe to this thread” link under the comment.

Authenticated users can manage the frequency of the email digests they receive by editing their subscription preferences under the ‘Manage Subscriptions heading on the ‘My Account’ page. Click the ‘My Account’ button in the global header, then click My Account > Account, then select a frequency from the ‘How often would you like to receive email notifications?’ drop down list. The options are as follows:

1. Never 2. Immediately as they are triggered. 3. Hourly. No more than once an hour in an email digest. 4. Daily. No more than once a day in an email digest.

13. Custom Comment Functionality Agrilinks comment functionality has been customized in several areas.

1. Users can subscribe to comments--see the section in this document: ‘Subscribing to comments in a Discussion or Post.’ 2. Using the links at the bottom of a comment, users can delete, edit, reply, and subscribe to comments. 3. Users can link to a comment directly by using the “” that appears on the upper right hand side of the comment. 4. Each comment displays a profile image of the author, a link to the author’s profile page, and a timer that displays how long ago the comment was made.


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5. Comments are limited to two levels of indentation, no indentation for new comments and one layer of indentation for replies. Replies to replies will be indented as one layer and new replies will appear at the bottom of the list of replies, with the latest replies taking the lowest position on the list. 6. Using ajax, comments and replies will appear in real time as they are submitted. 7. A light grey background will appear behind new comments added via ajax and will disappear upon mouse over.

14. Home Page Featured Image The Home Page Featured Image functionality in Agrilinks.org allows Content Editors to create a featured promotional image that is displayed prominently on the home page for a specified duration. This featured image links to an existing post or event page on Agrilinks.org and will navigate the user to the linked page when clicked on. The image must be affiliated with an existing page. Content Editors may edit the duration of the image to prolong, shorten, or remove the image. Steps for adding a Home Page Featured Image are described in the steps below.

1. As a logged in Content Editor, navigate to the post, event, or discussion page which you would like for the home page image to link to.

2. Click ‘edit.’

3. Navigate to the ‘Home Page Featured Image’ at the bottom of the page.

4. Make the image active by selecting the ‘Yes’ radio button under the Add home page Banner Image heading


5. Agrilinks.org will expand the page to display the Home Page Featured Image upload box. The Content Editor should browse for and upload a featured image that meets the requirements listed below.

Viewport Min (w x h) Max (w x h)

Desktop 824 x 355 824 x 400


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Actual size: 724 x 475 Actual size: 724 x 774 Mobile Smallest viewing size: 290 x 190* Smallest viewing size: 290 x 310*

* Text must be legible at this screen size.

File type will depend on type of image. Vector graphics (flat graphical images) should be in gif or png. Photos should be in jpeg. File size should be less than 500kb. There is no field for photo credit on the featured image, so any needed credit should be layered onto the photo itself before uploading.

6. Finally, the Content editor must select an effective time and date range for the featured image. The selected featured image will only display on the Home Page during the effective dates. The Content Editor should enter both starting and end dates by checking the ‘Show end date’ checkbox then entering start and end dates and times.


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7. Once the Post is saved, the selected featured image should appear on the Home Page during the effective dates.

IMPORTANT: An active home page featured image will show up on the home page if the current date is within the entered date range AND there is no other active home page featured image with a more recent start date. This means that an old home page featured image could reappear on the home page unexpectedly if the current image expires.

The queue of all active home page featured images can be found here: https://agrilinks.org/admin/home-page-featured-image-queue

15. Content Moderation Queue workflow and Page Revisions Authenticated Users are not directly allowed to publish Posts or Events on Agrilinks.org. Instead, pages submitted by users go into the moderation queue for review by Content Editors with the status of ‘Submitted for Moderation.’ This indicates that the page is ready for moderation by a Content Editor and in preparation for publication. To see a list of pages in the ‘Needs review’ status, Content Editors (only) click the ‘Needs Review’ item in the admin menu. This link will navigate the Content Editor to the Needs review listing of all content awaiting moderation.

Once on the ‘Needs Review’ screen, the Content Editor may search for content by entering content titles in the content entry box or filter by using the type drop down list. The Content Editor may change the status of content in the moderation queue by clicking the ‘Change to Draft’ link (to revert the page back to Draft status if it needs further edits by the author) or the ‘Change to Published’ link to publish the page. Once the Post or Event has been published, it will appear on Agrilinks.org for anonymous and authenticated users.

The Needs Review screen also allows Content Editors to view moderation history and will display the following populated fields: Moderation Status, Set Moderation State, Title, Type, Revised By, and Last Updated. In addition, Content Editors may search and filter by content types to easily find specific content that needs to be published. While the content is in the moderation queue, authenticated users are still able to edit drafts of their content.

Moderation permissions for Authenticated User and Content Editor are listed below:

Authenticated User can: ● Create a new Post or Event; ● Save as Draft; ● Edit an Draft; ● Save as Submitted for Moderation; ● Create a new Draft of a submitted or published page.


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Content Editor can: ● Publish a page that has been Submitted for Moderation; ● Publish a page directly from Draft status (skipping Submitted for Moderation); ● Revert a page from Submitted for Moderation back to Draft.

15.1. Editing an existing page Agrilinks uses a revision-based approach to tracking changes to pages. This allows Content Editors to save draft versions of pages before submitting to the moderation queue or publishing. Content Editors may also edit content in the moderation queue before publishing, and can perform version tasks control using the ‘manage’ tab. Content Editors can also revert a published page back to draft status if an end user needs to make changes.

To edit an existing Post, Event, or Discussion, click the New Draft tab on the page. This will create a new, unpublished revision of the page that can be saved as a draft or published. Select the moderation state you want from the Revision Information section at the bottom of the form and click save.

15.2. Moderation States Posts and Events have the following Moderation States available for Content Editors:

● Draft—Saving as Draft will not publish the page or submit it to the moderation queue. Drafts are available for you to come back to and work on later. Creating a new draft of a published page will keep the published page on the site as you work on the new draft. ○ NOTE: The author of a page can create a new draft of a published page and submit it for moderation. ● Submitted for Moderation—Saving as Submitted for Moderation will add the page to the moderation queue for review and publication by a Content Editor. ● Published—Saving as Published makes the current draft visible on the public website.

Once the content is published, Agrilinks.org will send an email notifying the Author or Authors that the piece of content was published.

15.3. Un-publishing a page To un-publish as page, find the page under the Content admin menu, click the checkbox in the left column, and select ‘Unpublish’ from the Operations dropdown. Unpublished pages will disappear from public view but will remain in the system and can be edited and published again.


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16. KDAD Reports Content Editors may download a number of different reports by using the content editors menu bar. The reports are located in the following path which is also depicted in the image below: People > KDAD reports.

Currently, the reports available include: Export users by expertise, Event registrations, Agrilinks user report, Recently published content, Users by latest post, and most active users. Additionally, another report, ‘Home Page Featured Images’ is available under the Content tab (first menu item).

16.1. Export Users Expertise Content Editors can export a CSV of all active users that includes their areas of expertise by clicking People > KDAD Reports > Export Users Expertise. The report includes email address, username, first name, last name, Topics (areas of expertise), and other areas of expertise. 16.2. Export Event Registration Content editors can access a view of event registrations at People > KDAD reports > Event registrations. The view allows filtering by Registration Type and event title.

Content Editors can export a CSV report that lists all event registrants by visiting


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https://www.agrilinks.org/admin/registrations/listing and clicking the orange CSV button at the bottom of the screen (not seen by Authenticated Users). Included fields: date created, event title, organization, registrant name, email address, registration state, first name, last name. 16.3. Agrilinks Users Report Content Editors can export a CSV report of active users at People > KDAD reports > Agrilinks. Included fields: first name, last name, username, account created date, country, email address. 16.4. Recently Published Content Content Editors can export a CSV of all recently published content at People > KDAD reports > Recently published. Included fields: title, content type, post date, posted by, file upload, transcript, screencast, event file uploads, audio upload. 16.5. Users by Latest Post Content Editors can export a CSV of users by latest post at People > KDAD reports > Users by latest post. Included fields: title, author id, email, postdate, username 16.6. Users by Most Active Content Editors can export a CSV of users sorted by total number of pages published at People > KDAD reports > Users by most active. Included fields: first name, last name, email, total posts. 16.7. Other Reports Export Comments Content Editors can export a CSV of user comments by visiting the Discussion page and clicking the orange CSV icon (not seen by Authenticated Users). Alternatively, content editors may use the content editors menu and navigate to Content > Comment to also view a screen that contains comments from members to various content and also generate a .CSV file of the comments by clicking the orange CSV button at the bottom of the page. A filtered list of comments can also be exported by visiting Content-->Comments and clicking the CSV button at the bottom of the page. Home Page Featured Image Queue Content Editors can view all queued Home Page Featured Images and their captions at Content > Home Page Featured Images. See the section on Home Page Featured Images for more details.


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17. Collections A collection is a thematic grouping of Agrilinks pages. Collections are intended to provide Content Editors with a flexible way to present ad hoc listings of content around a special theme--e.g., Soils. 17.1. Publishing and un-publishing a collection Collections can be in a disabled or unpublished state while Content Editors build them out. Only the Admin role has permission to create a new collection. Once that is done, an Admin or a Content Editors can un-publish the new collection by clicking the link on the collection page--see image below. Once the collection is complete--content has been assigned and sidebars added--the collection should be enabled by the Content Editor by clicking the link on the Collection page.

17.2. Sticky at the top of Collections To make a page sticky at the top of a Collection, click the “flags” tab in the vertical tabs at the bottom of the edit page, then check the box for “Make this content sticky at the top of Collections.”


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17.3. Featured Collections sidebar on the Home page Content editors may manual select the featured collections that appear on the home page Featured Collections Sidebar. Agrilinks.org will limit the number of items that appear on the featured collections home page sidebar to five collections. 17.4. Adding a sidebar to a Collection To add a sidebar to a collection, click the edit tab on the collection page, then select a sidebar section type and click the button to add. For more information, see the ‘Section Bundles’ section of this document.

18. Alt Text Alt Text for images is a key consideration for keeping the site compliant with Section 508. It is the responsibility of the Content Editor moderating and publishing a particular page to make sure the Alt Text for all images on that page are handled appropriately. This means that alt text should be added for all non-decorative images. In some cases, it might actually be necessary to remove the alt text if the image is decorative.

Please consult the following guidance:


Decorative images don’t add information to the content of a page. For example, the information provided by the image might already be given using adjacent text, or the image might be included to make the website more visually attractive.

In these cases, a null (empty) alt text should be provided (alt="") so that they can be ignored by assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Text values for these types of images would add audible clutter to screen reader output or could distract users if the topic is


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different from that in adjacent text. Leaving out the alt attribute is also not an option because when it is not provided, some screen readers will announce the file name of the image instead.

Whether to treat an image as decorative or informative is a judgment that only the author can make, based on the reason for including the image on the page. Images may be decorative when they are:

• Visual styling such as borders, spacers, and corners; • Supplementary to link text to improve its appearance or increase the clickable area; • Illustrative of adjacent text but not contributing information (“eye-candy”); • Identified and described by surrounding text.

19. Featured Images Featured images must be cropped twice--once for the rectangular image at the top of the page and again for the square thumbnail that appears in the listing display for the page. Once the image is uploaded, the system will display a button for both the top of page and thumbnail cropping style. Clicking the button opens the cropping tool for that style and both crops must be selected.


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Once a user clicks on either the ‘Featured Image- top of page (cropped)’ or ‘Featured Image - thumbnail’ button, Agrilinks will open the image cropping tool:


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The image cropping tool allows users to select a region of the image to crop by dragging and dropping the boundary lines on the image with their mouse. The cropped versions of the original image will be displayed in sections of Agrilinks where showing the full size image does not make sense, like the top of the page or as a thumbnail where appropriate. The brightly colored portion of the image within the boundary lines represents the crop, while the shaded portion of the image outside of the boundary lines is the portion of the image which will not be displayed in the new cropped image. Once a desired section is selected, the user must click the save button to save the selection. The cropping screen also allows users to revert the selection to its previous state, remove the current selection, maximize the current selection, and cancel.

20. Creating a User Account 1. Fill out form / reCaptcha 2. System fires clickthrough email a. At this point the user has no password so cannot log in.


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b. If the user tries to log in, the system will prompt to reset password. 3. Click link 4. Create password 5. Log in

21. User Account Data Retention

User accounts must be checked periodically (every six months) to ensure compliance with the Agrilinks data retention policy as indicated in the PIA document submitted to CIO and in the Agrilinks.org terms of use: https://www.agrilinks.org/agrilinks-terms-use.

User Account Data Retention Policy

Inactive Agrilinks.org accounts will be disabled after a year of dormancy and deleted after an additional six months unless the user logs in during that time. We will make an effort to contact you via email before your account is disabled. If you attempt to log in and find your account has been disabled, please follow the prompt on the login screen or use the contact us form and we will work with you to re-activate it. If your account has been deleted, you will need to create a new one. Accounts that are listed as authors or co-authors of content on Agrilinks.org are exempt from this policy.

21.1. Inactive Account Notices Every six months, Agrilinks staff must process inactive accounts per the data retention policy. This involves two activities:

1. Delete accounts that have not been accessed for more than 18 months. 2. Notify via email users whose accounts have not been accessed for more than 12 months. A week after this notification is sent, make inactive any accounts that still have not been logged into as of 12 months before the date the notice was sent.

IMPORTANT: Accounts that are listed as authors or additional authors of content on Agrilinks are excluded from this policy and must not be deleted.

To generate reports and execute bulk operations on accounts to be disabled or deleted, use the view at Admin → People → User Data Retention:


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NOTE: The User Data Retention view excludes accounts that have never been accessed. These should be handled separately.

IMPORTANT: Before running the User Data Retention view, be sure to force a recalculation of the field_total_posts computed field. This field keeps track of the number of pages an account is listed on as an author or additional author. The field can be recalculated at Admin → Structure → Re-compute Computed Fields:


21.2. Using the Account Data Retention View The User Data Retention view features the following filters:

● Active: Filters results by whether the account is Active or Inactive. Use case: Set to Active when notifying users that their account is scheduled for deactivation (after six months of inactivity) and to disable inactive accounts. Set to Inactive when deleting accounts. ● E-mail Ends with: Used to filter users by email domain for the purposes of handling users from different organizations differently. Use case: Set to “Does not end with” = @USAID.GOV to exclude USAID employees. ● Accessed Since: Will show only accounts that have been accessed since the entered date. Use case: After sending the email to users who have inactive accounts, enter the date that the notice was sent to get a rough estimate of the number of users who responded to the email and logged in. ● Last accessed on or before date: Use case: Enter the date from a year ago to see the accounts that are deemed inactive according to the policy (not accessed since that date). ● Author: Select “Is not Author” to exclude authors per the user data retention policy. AUTHORS SHOULD NEVER BE DEACTIVATED OR DELETED. “Is not Author” excludes any account where Total Posts < 1. Use case: set to “Is not Author” before deactivating or deleting accounts. ● Users/Page: When deactivating or deleting accounts, set to the number per batch, then click the top checkbox to select all accounts on the current page. Be careful! ● Operations: ○ To Deactivate Accounts with more than one year since the last login: Select “Block current user” to make accounts inactive. A confirmation screen will allow you to review the accounts before confirming the bulk operation. ○ To DELETE accounts with more than 18 months since the last login: Select “Cancel user account” to delete the selected accounts. A confirmation screen will provide options. Select “Delete the account and make its content belong to the Anonymous user.” THIS IS IRREVERSIBLE SO BE SURE.


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● CSV: To export email lists to notify users (after a year since the last login) or to generate reports of disabled or deleted accounts for logging purposes, click the orange button at the bottom of the screen:


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21.3. End User Account / Reactivation Request

When a user whose account has been disabled attempts to log in, the message in red below will appear:

After clicking the ‘Please click here to reactivate your account.’ hyperlink, the user will be navigated to the account reactivation screen, which consists of a form the user must fill out to request an account reactivation.

The form is configured to pass the username from the session, as shown in the image below:


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The field “Your email address” is provided strictly to facilitate contact with the user. Deactivated accounts are typically old accounts that have not been accessed for more than a year, so there is a likelihood that the user is no longer reachable at the email address associated with his or her Drupal account.

When the user submits the form, he or she is taken to a landing page. To change the contents of the landing page, ask the admin to update the entity form.


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21.4. Processing Account Reactivation Requests

When a user submits an account reactivation request, Agrilinks will send an email notification to User Administrators whose email address is included in the configuration. To have an email address added, contact the site administrator and ask for the entity rule to be updated.

User admin needs to check this form every day or two to process incoming reactivation requests (access to this functionality is restricted to user admin role): https://www.agrilinks.org/admin/structure/entityform_types/manage/account_reactivation_request/submissions


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Accounts can be reactivated in bulk by following the steps below: 1. Select one or more user accounts to reactivate by clicking on the checkbox(es). Note the accounts checked--the requests will need to be manually reselected for deletion at the end of the process. 2. Click the Reactivate Account button. A confirmation screen will list all of the accounts about to be reactivated. 3. Confirm user’s account is active in the system (can check by clicking on ‘People’, then search for the user) 4. Delete the reactivation request by selecting the request with the check box and clicking the ‘Delete Submissions’ button.

When the account is reactivated, the system will fire a confirmation email to the disabled user. The email is configured under the Account Activation tab on this page:


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22. Countries ‘Country’ is a content type that functions as a vocabulary (similar to Topics or Collections) that Content Editors can use to organize content into a listing according to Country.

‘Countries’ appears as a heading on the main navigation menu and features a landing page with individual country pages. Individual country pages contain the unique ‘Country’ feed that features posts, events, and discussions tagged with the specific country’s tag, allowing users to easily find content that pertains to a specific country.

The countries home page is located at https://www.agrilinks.org/countries


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22.1. How to Create a Country Content Editors can add new countries through the following path: Admin > Content > Add Content > Country.

Select a country from the Country drop down list (required). The Content Editor may optionally add a lead image, body text, and sidebar WYSIWYG and/or Resource sections.

Finally, the content editor must click the save button to create the country. Because Country is a content type, it can be saved as a draft until the Content Editor has finalized the content.


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22.2. Apply Country Tag Once a Country is created, it will appear (for Content Editors only) as an option in the Countries checkbox list on the edit screens for the other content types: ● New ○ Post ○ Events ○ Discussions ● Legacy ○ /News ○ Library Resources ○ Agrilinks Events


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To apply a country tag, simply check the box:

Once content is tagged with a Country, it will appear in the listing for that country.

A listing of Upcoming Events tagged with the country will appear automatically at the top of the sidebar: