Ice Cream Floats;GrillingSeafood; Wellness Wednesday Returns; Peaches; IN THISISSUE


CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED and More! STORES CLOSING AT 4:30PMJULY 4 A PUBLICATION OFWILLY STREET CO-OP, MADISON,WI VOLUME 48• ISSUE 7•JULY 2021 WILLY STREET CO-OP MISSION STATEMENT The Williamson Street Grocery Co-op is an economically and READER environmentally sustainable, PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY WILLY STREET CO-OP East: 1221 Williamson Street, Madison, WI 53703, 608-251-6776 cooperatively owned grocery business that serves the needs West: 6825 University Ave, Middleton, WI 53562, 608-284-7800 of its Owners and employ- North: 2817 N. Sherman Ave, Madison, WI 53704, 608-471-4422 ees. We are a cornerstone Central Office: 1457 E. Washington Ave, Madison, WI 53703, 608-251-0884 of a vibrant community in EDITOR & LAYOUT: Liz Wermcrantz south-central Wisconsin that ADVERTISING: Liz Wermcrantz provides fairly priced goods COVER DESIGN: Hallie Zillman and services while supporting local and organic suppliers. SALE FLYER DESIGN: Hallie Zillman GRAPHICS: Hallie Zillman SALE FLYER LAYOUT: Liz Wermcrantz PRINTING: Wingra Printing Group The Willy Street Co-op Reader is the monthly communications link among the WILLY STREET CO-OP Co-op Board, staff and Owners. It provides information about the Co-op’s services and BOARD OF DIRECTORS

business as well as about cooking, nutrition, health, sustainable agriculture and more. Jeannine Bindl, President Views and opinions expressed in the Reader do not necessarily represent those of the Ann Hoyt, Vice President Co-op’s Directors, staff or Ownership. Willy Street Co-op has not evaluated the claims made by advertisers. Acceptance of advertising does not indicate endorsement of the Brian Anderson product or service offered. Articles are presented for information purposes only. Before Stephanie Ricketts taking action, you should always consult a professional for advice. Articles may be Michael Chronister reprinted with permission from the editor. Gigi Godwin SUBMISSIONS Sarah Larson All advertising submissions must be reserved and arranged with the editor by the Caryn Murphy 10th of the month previous to publication. All advertisement copy must be submitted by Ashwini Rao the 15th of the month. Submissions should be emailed to [email protected] BOARD CONTACT INFO: or mailed to Willy Street Co-op’s Central Office according to submission requirements. [email protected] CUSTOMER SERVICE: EAST: 608-251-6776 WEST: 608-284-7800 NORTH: [email protected] 608-471-4422 (includes the GM, Executive BUSINESS OFFICE: 608-251-0884 Assistant and Board Admin- istrator) FAX: 608-251-3121 GENERAL EMAIL: [email protected] BOARD MEETING GENERAL MANAGER: [email protected] SCHEDULE EDITOR: [email protected] July 21 (and Special Owner PREORDERS: EAST: [email protected]; WEST: ws.preorders@ Meeting); NORTH: [email protected] Board meetings are typically held at WEBSITE: our business office at 6:30pm (1457 BOARD EMAIL: [email protected] E. Washington Ave. in Madison), but may be held virtually. Please see www. STORE HOURS: Willy East: 7:30am-9:00pm; Willy West: 7:30am-9:00pm; and select the Willy North: 7:30am-9:00pm every day (starting July 5) “Board” category for details. All Juice & Bars: 7:30am-7:00pm; Deli: 7:30am-9:00pm Meat & Seafood: 7:30am- 9:00pm


3 Customer Comments 8-9 Community Room 16 Ice Cream Floats Calendar 5 Wellness Wednesday; 16 Grilling Seafood Our New Fiscal Year; and 10 Local Produce 17 COVID-19: Progressing More! Availability

Towards Recovery 5 Annual Meeting; Board 10 New Products

18-19 Camp Life & Cooking Election; and More! 11-13 SPECIALS PAGES 20-21 Recipes 6-7 Board Candidate 14 Outdoor Adventures Information and Ballot 21-23 Staff Picks 15 Peaches! Tips & Tricks

ADVERTISE IN THE READER Affordable rates, wide reach, discounts for non-profits and Owners. Find info here:

2 Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 CUSTOMER COMMENTS

Write Us! sponse that I wrote that was published ber one or two tripled-yolked ones. believe they come in 10-packs. We welcome your comments and in the Reader. (I'm guessing this occurrence would I hear you on using less plas- give each one attention and seri- I should have been more clear be almost non-existent in mass- tic and seeing it everywhere. It is a ous consideration. Send them to in my answer. When I referred to produced eggs from factory-style constant struggle, and I hope we can customer.comments@willystreet. packaged items being more popular, henhouses.) Just think of this as a find a better way to package things coop or fill out a Customer Com- I was referring to the items that we bonus dose of Vitamins A, D, E, and moving forward. Our shared planet is ment form in the Owner Re- continued to offer in the Produce K; choline; and iron! depending on us to do better. I appre- sources area. Each month a small department as both bulk and packaged By the way, this has nothing to ciate you taking the time to reach out selection is printed in the Reader. through the pandemic—things like do with fertilization; most of the and voice your concerns! It is a tough Many more can be found in the bags of lemons, bagged apples, pack- eggs sold in grocery stores are, in topic, but a very important one for commons or in the binder near aged green beans and peas, and other fact, unfertilized. us to openly discuss. -Dean Kallas, Customer Service. Thank you! fruits and veggies that have been A: Thank you for sharing your Grocery Category Manager available both in packaging and bulk. egg knowledge and experience with For these types of items, we have seen us! It is really nice of you to explain CERTIFIED FIREWOOD a marked increase in our sales of the it a bit more. I have seen double egg Q: Is the fire wood that you sell PLASTICS packaged version, and a decrease in yolks frequently as a consumer, but DATCP certified? I'm going camp- Q: I was disappointed to see the bulk versions. We've even had it is helpful to have some confirma- ing and need firewood that has been the response to a customer concern customers request packaged versions tion from someone who has raised purchased from a DATCP certified about plastic use in the co-op in the of items that have historically only chickens in the past. Your point about vendor. May 2021 Reader. I especially took been available in bulk. their fertilization or lack thereof is an Thank you. issue with the statement "To com- Here's an update on the items you interesting one; I think most people A: Why yes! Our firewood is plicate things we've noticed a real specifically asked for: assume they are fertilized, when that DATCP certified. Please let us know shift in what customers are pur- Regarding bringing your own con- is not really the case. if you have any other questions, and chasing at our stores: pre-pandem- tainers for bulk, I'm happy to report I appreciate you taking the time happy camping to you! -Kirsten ic, the move toward less plastic was that we have just made the decision to to share your insights with us! I do Moore, Cooperative Services Director really gaining momentum, but in allow this practice again—we do ask not always feel like I have all of the the last year plastic packaged items that containers be clean and food safe, information to answer all of the ques- COMMONS AND HOT BAR have become much more popular but you are welcome to bring them. tions I receive, so I am thankful you REOPENING amongst people who shop in our We have been wrapping bakery decided to drop us a note. -Dean Kal- Q: When do you plan to open stores. It's a balancing act for us..." items since well before the pandemic. las, Grocery Category Manager the common area and hot bar I take issue with this statement as it This was a tough call to make when again? is hard not to see a higher demand we started doing it, but ultimately, GLASS JAR BABY FOOD A: Great questions. Not knowing in plastic packaged items when we found that by wrapping the baked Q: I’m wondering if you will which locations you are interested in there are no other options. Plastic is goods, we were able to reduce our carry baby food in glass jars again. specifically, I can give you an over- not "popular", there literally have food waste by a considerable amount. I admit I love the plastic “squirts” view of where we are at for all three been no other options as those were This is a recurring conundrum that in a pinch, but I’ve been trying so stores. removed early in the pandemic. I comes up regarding packaging— hard to use less plastic. Several of The outdoor Commons are open understood the need to shut down packaging certain items reduces food my close friends are cancer survi- at all stores. The indoor Commons the bulk aisle and other plastic free waste by a considerable amount, and vors (we are in our thirties). I know during the public health emergency options at the beginning of the pan- weighing those two factors from a we can only do so much, but I want period took on some other roles: demic and per PHMDC mandates sustainability perspective can be very to protect my loved ones as best currently they have been serving as before we knew that fomite trans- difficult—sometimes there are simply I can from potential carcinogens. either break space or storage space, in mission of covid-19 is very minimal. no good answers! And of course, less plastic is better particular for some registers that we Now that we know better, we do At this time, we do not have a plan for the whole natural world, not removed to better allow for physi- better. In almost every Reader edi- to bring back bulk herbs and tea. We just humans. But the more aware cal distancing between customers tion over the past year there have do offer large bags of teas and herbs I am, the more I see plastic every- waiting in line. We are making plans been customers asking, pleading, however. I will pass this comment on where. I wish I had the time to, say, to reinstall those registers and deep with the co-op to reduce plastic, let to our General Merchandise team so make my own yogurt, or the money clean the indoor commons areas to us bring our own bags, open the they know that there is interest. to regularly buy yogurt in glass, but bring them back into use, but we do bulk, among other environmen- The county is now allowing the as anyone with a baby (or really, not have the final timeline worked out tal concerns. Our community is a use of tongs and scoops for bulk items any person) understands, there just as of yet. It is possible some locations very environmentally conscious in produce, so we are currently in the aren’t enough hours in the day to may open up indoor commons sooner one and I think as owners we need process of deciding when and how to make everything we eat/wear/use than others. to be heard. This statement also begin offering bulk salad mixes and from scratch. Hot bars are currently open at directly contradicts the response to mushrooms again. Because bulk salad Thanks for any information East and North with prepackaged a plastic concern in the April 2021 mix and mushrooms are historically about baby food and plastic-free food, and we are aiming to bring back customer comments that states "if the biggest contributor to waste in our food products in general! And self-serve foods to those locations by we don't push for reduced plastics Produce departments (they go bad thanks to all y’all for cultivating a July 1. Our hot bar at West needs to in our stores, it will never happen, much more quickly than packaged really important institution. -Plas- be replaced and so we are anticipating and I am committed to pushing". I versions), we had decided to wait un- ticphobe that we will be back in action there in have been a happy owner for many til we heard from customers that they A: Thank you for your comments August or September. There was a re- years now, but I would really like to would like them to return. We have so and questions on baby food in glass ally long lead time for the equipment see more action in this area. With far received very few requests, so I'm jars!! I am not sure if you heard when we placed the order, and to-date covid-19 vaccines and low case glad you wrote! Thanks again, and about the Congressional Report on we have not been able to get a good numbers, it is time to reopen bulk have a great day! Best, Megan Min- Baby Foods that was released earlier read on when it will arrive for install. mushrooms/greens, stop individu- nick, Purchasing Director this year, but it was the main reason Our Communications depart- ally wrapping baked goods in cling we have been changing up our baby ment keeps the website up to date wrap, fully open the bulk aisles, DOUBLE -YOLK food selection. I am a big fan of food with changes, if you are interested in bring back bulk tea, etc. We truly CREEP OUT packaged in glass jars, but the levels keeping tabs on the return of these do want these options available. Q: Just had to reply to the read- of heavy metals found in some of the services, and we are also doing our Please also answer directly if we er who felt creeped out by double- baby food products we were carrying level best to include updates about all can now bring our own containers yolked eggs. We had chickens when was pretty disturbing. of our services in the monthly Reader. to purchase things from the bulk I was growing up, and they were If you would like, we can special If you have any other questions, aisle. totally organic and free-range. It order you a case of baby food pack- please do not hesitate to reach out! A: Thanks for the comment. I'm was not unusual for the hens to lay aged in glass jars. They are still avail- Enjoy your weekend. -Kirsten Moore, sorry you weren't happy with the re- double-yolked eggs; I even remem- able to us through our distributor. I Cooperative Services Director

Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 3 SUMMER CONCERTS


on sale now! JULY 6, 7-8 pm JULY 27, 7-8:30 pm Tony C. Latin Jazz Band Kinfolk

JULY 13, 7-8 pm AUGUST 3, 7-8 pm The Blue Olives The Lower 5th

JULY 16, 7-8 pm FREE! AUGUST 10, 7-8 pm FREE! Rhapsodie Quartet Fresco Opera (Ticket required) (Not ticketed)

JULY 20, 7-8 pm AUGUST 17, 7-8 pm The German Art Students Panchromatic Steel HOME GARDEN TOUR Featuring Madison’s Near West Side Gardens TICKETS @ 1 hour shows --> $10 | 1.5 hour shows --> $15 Kids 5 & under - free, no ticket needed July 9 & 10 | 9 a.m.-3 p.m. |

Presenting Sponsors Ticket proceeds support Madison’s local musicians and Olbrich Botanical Gardens.

STORES CLOSING EARLY ADVERTISE IN THE READER Affordable rates, wide reach, discounts for non- AT 4:30PM ON JULY 4 profits and Owners. Find info here: willystreet. coop/advertising.

4 Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT BOARD REPORT Wellness Wednesday; Our New Fiscal Annual Meeting; Board Election; Year; & More! and More!

el- reetings is heard, is by casting your vote for OUTDOOR SEATING IS Owners, the Board of Directors. So I am very come BACK July; and a happy pleased to report that this year’s election And, finally, by now our outdoor hello summer is on! Three seats are open, each for seating has reopened and we are in G W to you all! After such three-year terms, and three Owners are dear Owners. I am the process of adding back customer finishing writing an uncertain and often running along with one Board incum- use of the Commons at each store, this report on the anxious summer last bent. In this edition of the Reader, you as well as Community Room use at summer solstice and year, I hope that in will find the candidates’ statements, Willy East and West. If you get a by Gigi there is music in these warm-weather their answers to three questions that by Anya chance, check out the patio furniture Godwin, the air with people months, everyone can were provided by the Board Develop- Firszt, at Willy East. It’s made of POLY- Board heading out to Make start to experience a ment Committee, and the candidates’ General WOOD, a sustainable “lumber” Member Music Madison front “New Normal,” be it photos. You will also find a ballot to Manager composed almost entirely of recycled yard, school yard, dining inside a restau- clip and submit at dropboxes at each of plastic. and back porch events throughout the rant, going to a farmers market, attend- the Co-op’s three locations, or you can community. Ah. Summer. ing a play or movie, seeing live music, mail the ballot to: Central Office, 1457 ANNUAL MEETING AND or just kicking back and catching up East Washington Avenue, Madison, BOARD ELECTIONS WELLNESS WEDNESDAY with friends and family in the backyard WI, 53703. The polls will be open July Our 2021 Annual Meeting is or at a park. 1-July 21, 2021. Online and vote-by- RETURNS scheduled for July 8 beginning at We are kicking the month off with phone ballots will be due at 11:59pm 5:30pm. So, mark your calendar and the return of Wellness Wednesday on ANNUAL MEETING July 19, and all paper ballots must be plan to attend to hear highlights from July 7. This is your chance to stock That said, due to the many, many received by 6:00pm July 21, 2021, last fiscal year, meet the candidates up and save 10% on your wellness months it takes to coordinate and when the Board holds its special meet- running for the Board of Directors, and bodycare product purchases on plan myriad logistics for La Fete de ing to receive a tally of the votes. A and enter to win a cool prize! This this day. See the ad on the back cover Marquette, that beloved neighborhood very big thank you to all who are event is virtual and registration is for what is all included in this Owner- festival is again cancelled this year. running! required, check www.willystreet. only discount. And that also means that the Co-op’s coop/2021-annual-meeting. Annual Meeting will once again be held THANK YOU, STEPHANIE Our Board elections are also virtually. This year’s Annual Meeting Speaking of thank yous, I want to OUR NEW FISCAL YEAR hosted this month. I encourage you all July also marks the beginning of takes place on Thursday, July 8, from give a shout out to another Board Direc- to participate in the 2021 Board Elec- our new fiscal year and the first order 5:30pm-6:45pm. Attendees may listen tor who has come to the end of her term: tion Vote! The Board candidate state- of business is to close the last one. via phone or watch via Zoom. For all Stephanie Ricketts. With her infectious ments are included in this issue of the We will share preliminary year-end the information on how to register, enthusiasm, insightfulness, inclusive- Reader, and posted in the store on and numbers at the 2021 Annual Meeting along with the meeting’s agenda, ways ness, and knowledge of “all things online. Again, the Board candidates (via Zoom at 5:30pm on July 8), and to win prizes, and a PDF of last year’s cooperative,” Stephanie, thank you for will be introduced at the 2021 Annual audited financials will be reported meeting minutes, please visit: www. going above and beyond as a Director. Meeting and results of the vote will following the annual audit and Board See you July 8 at the online Annual be announced at the July 21 Special approval in early fall. As a Co-op Owner, one of the main Meeting and please don’t forget to vote Owner Meeting. At the beginning of last fiscal ways to make sure that your voice in this year’s Board election! I look forward to seeing you in year we were in the throes of the person now that things have eased up pandemic with facemask-wearing, and capacity limits have ended. social distancing, and capacity limits. So much has changed in our world in SPECIAL STORE HOURS: the last twelve months, and we now INDEPENDENCE DAY, Save the date! find ourselves at a turning point with JULY 4 light at the end of the tunnel and I, for In case you might head into the one, have high hopes for a kinder and store to shop on the 4th, please take gentler fiscal year to come. Please note that our stores are open until read the article “COVID-19 Progress- 4:30pm on Sunday, July 4. ing Toward Recovery” by Kirsten On Monday, July 5th we are open Moore, Cooperative Services Direc- VIRTUAL ANNUAL regular hours; 7:30am-9:00pm. tor, included in this issue on page 17. Until next month... This fiscal year we are focus- MEETING ing on sales and margin recovery to support an improved fiscal outlook and return to profitability. We will continue to do our part in match- ing expenses to revenue, as well as THURSDAY, July 8th adjusting to the new grocery land- ATTORNEY scape resulting from the pandemic. We are in the process of rebuilding PAUL O’FLANAGAN 5:30pm-6:45pm the prepared foods program, which changed significantly over the last Coop member, on Zoom 15 months, with enhanced EatStreet PROGRESSIVE & LOCAL offerings, and reopening our Juice & LAW FIRM OFFERING: See for details. Coffee Bars and our olive bars. We plan to also rearrange some grocery WILLS, TRUSTS, TAX, All registered attendees will be entered to win prizes! and/or packaged goods departments ESTATE PLANS, PROBATE, (e.g.: bulk and refrigerated grocery) GUARDIANSHIP & FAMILY Attend to hear the year in review and the financial to provide the products people now ASSISTANCE TO FOLKS health of your Co-op, answers to questions from want vs. what we have traditionally AT REAS ON ABLE COST. attendees, speeches from Board candidates, carried. FREE HOUSE CALLS. and more. CALL: 608-630-5068

Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 5 Your Board Candidates In the candidate application, we required candidates to attend a Board Candidate Information Session and recommended candidates attend a Board meeting, but it was not required. MICHAEL CHRONISTER Attended Board Meeting? Yes

“Being on the board these past three years I have learned a great deal about our co-op VOTING OPEN JULY 1-21 and how it is governed. I feel with another term I can build Paper ballots are due by Wednesday, July 21 at 6:00pm. Online and phone voting ends Monday, July 19 at 11:59pm. Ballots will be counted on this knowledge and contin- at the Special Membership Meeting at the Central Business Office (1457 ue to work towards the fulfill- E. WashingtonThis year Ave., you Madison) can vote beginning by mail, at in 6:30pm, the store, July 21. by Drop email, your ing the co-ops mission and ballot offor byat the phone. kiosk near Not the sure Customer if we haveService your desk current at any of email our stores, vision.” vote online via the unique ballot link emailed to you (if we have your cur- address on file? Please update it or confirm by rent email address), vote by phone with the unique personal identification Why do you believe Owners should choose you to represent them? number June(PIN) 20mailed so that or emailed we can to you,email or youmail youra unique absentee ballot. ballot to: The last three years have been challenging and a time of change for the Co- 2021 Owner Vote, 1457 E. Washington Ave., Madison, WI 53703. Can- op. I feel the current board has done a great job handling these challenges and didate statements appear on pages 6 and 7 of this issue. Please vote for up changes. I will continue to serve the members of the Co-op to the best of my to THREE candidates. Only Owners’ votes are valid. One vote per Owner PHONE ability and work to prepare the Co-op for a successful future. account. If both Owners on a Household Account vote, only the Primary Owner’s vote will be counted. Candidates are listed in alphabetical order. How will you use your skills and experience to further the mission and (If you would like your ballot to remain anonymous, use the following vision of the Co-op? procedure: 1. Place completed ballot in envelope and seal. 2. Write your Serving on the board the last three years has been a great experience. I have name and Owner number and sign across the seal. 3. Mail or deposit in the learned so much about cooperative governance in this short time. I feel another ballot box.) term on the board will allow me to use this gained knowledge to further the mission of the Co-op and provide a continuity to the board. The Co-op is founded on the seven International Cooperative Prin- BOARD OF DIRECTORS ciples. Please choose one of the principles and describe how you think Please vote for up to THREE candidates. Ballots with more than the Board can encourage and foster that in our cooperative. THREE votes will not be counted. Cooperative Principle number 7 is Concern for Community. I believe the Co-op does a good job being a member of the community but there is more that MICHAEL CHRONISTER can be done. Giving back to the community in the form of grants, donations and sponsorships is great but we need to work towards a goal of everyone feel- TATIANA DENNIS ing welcome at the Co-op. The board has started working on Diversity, Equity MAX KOCH and Inclusion education and this will help us truly have concern for all commu- nity members. CAROL WEIDEL TATIANA

Owner name (please print): DENNIS Attended Board Meeting? Yes

“I am running for Willy St. Owner Signature: Co-op Board because I have a passion for making posi- This year you can vote by mail, in the store, by email, tive, permanent shifts in the Owneror by Number: phone. Not sure if we Today’s have Date:your current email community that raised me. address on file? Please update it or confirm by Because I know the wellbeing of our community lies in the June 20 so that we can email you a unique ballot. hands of those who feed it; and the upkeep of the Co-op lies in the hands of its owners, PHONE its board, and its community.”

Why do you believe Owners should choose you to represent them? Willy St. Co-op is more than just a place to get groceries for me. It has shaped who I was as a young child, who I've become as an adult, and it has influenced how I see the world. I spent years as a child running around the Co- op aisles, picking out my favorite foods with my mother, anxiously awaiting to get to check out so I could be the one to proudly tell the cashier, “54032!”, the owner number my mom and I shared for over a decade. The Co-op showed me that I was powerful, even as a small child. It showed me the importance of STORES CLOSING EARLY shared leadership and responsibility. As a young black owner, I took pride in that, and I still do today. AT 4:30PM ON JULY 4 I take pride in knowing that the Co-op has the power to influence it’s com- munity to be more inclusive and diverse; and I take pride in knowing I am go- ing to help guide us there. By running for board, I am dedicating the next years of my life to move the Co-op forward, to a more sustainable, and healthier future.

6 Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 How will you use your skills and experience to further the mission and vision of the Co-op? CAROL My work at Urban Triage has a direct influence on how I see the board, the WEIDEL stores, the owners, and the city that birthed it all. It allows me to have a different Attended Board Meeting? No lense on what creates a healthy community for everyone. At my job, our com- munities' wellbeing is at the forefront of our mission. I plan to bring that vision over to meld with the mission of Willy St. Co-op, to ensure we have a very well “I am a long-time owner of the fed and happy community. co-op. Today I am a retired public The Co-op is founded on the seven International Cooperative Prin- employee with time available ciples. Please choose one of the principles and describe how you think to serve on the board. Our co- the Board can encourage and foster that in our cooperative. op is a successful local business International Cooperative Principle number 7: Concern for Community We can start by asking ourselves tough questions: and I would be honored to serve • How do we advertise Willy St. Co-op Ownerships in vulnerable communities on the board and be part of the while supporting their personal circumstance? democracy.” • How can the Co-op expand its reach when located in or near low income neighborhoods? • How does Willy St. Co-op plan to engage a more diverse staff and board? Why do you believe Owners should choose you to represent them? • How can we, as a board, not only ask ourselves tough questions, but address The owners should choose me because I support the co-op - - with my them head on? How can we become that change we are desperate to see? purchases and my vote. I believe in the success and growth of the co-op. When Embody the work that needs to be done? Represent the diverse community offered the opportunity to buy bonds for expansion, I bought them (with great that lifts us up and serve them to the best of our ability? This is the work that success!). Previously I served on the Board of Group Health Cooperative. As a needs to be done, which is why I am running for board. result, I understand the importance of good management team, and essential role MAX the board plays in governance. I understand the time commitment How will you use your skills and experience to further the mission and KOCH vision of the Co-op? Attended Board Meeting? Yes My professional experience in state government was primarily as a research analyst. Show me the numbers! As an avid reader of the “comments” in the Reader, I know our owners are guided by diverse principles that we harmonize “The Willy Street Co-op is one to continue our success. During my working life I was an active union member of the iconic institutions that and elected officer. Democratic member control in both a union and co-op prin- make Madison such an incred- ciple. As a union leader, non-profit board member and neighborhood association ible place to live. I believe that board member, representing members is my strength. I can contribute to this organi- The Co-op is founded on the seven International Cooperative Prin- zation with my experience in ciples. Please choose one of the principles and describe how you think the Board can encourage and foster that in our cooperative. nonprofit management, my time The principle of Owner Economic Participation is a principle I want to devel- volunteering domestically and op. We vote on the budget at the annual meeting, and I look forward to learning abroad, and my work with social more. We make choices in our consumer purchases, and the co-op has many enterprises in New Zealand.” choices to offer. Improved outreach to members can only include more voices.

Why do you believe Owners should choose you to represent them? I have some unique volunteer and work experiences that I believe could help me to bring a fresh perspective to the Board. I spent some time in 2020-2021 working for a social enterprise cafe in Auckland, New Zealand, which empha- sized community building and sustainability. The lessons that I learned there in- form how I think about these areas. I also strive to be data-driven in my decision making and I have a preference for encouraging innovation in measured doses. As an owner myself since 2014, I want a Board of Directors that plans for the long term and that strives to keep the Willy Street Co-op a place of welcome that is supportive of the ecosystem of owners, employees, suppliers and the surrounding community on which the co-op has an impact. I would consider it a privilege to work hard to preserve the co-op's unique identity and to keep push- ing it forward. How will you use your skills and experience to further the mission and vision of the Co-op? I have been a volunteer board member of a youth-serving organization since 2014 and I believe that the ideas and issues that I have worked through as a member of that board has provided me with a framework to use when challeng- es arise for the Willy Street Co-op Board of Directors. Separately, during my time as the Managing Director for a small nonprofit, I sought to build partnerships that benefitted both our nonprofit and community organizations that were looking for opportunities to serve. I know that the Willy Street Co-op already has some strong partnerships, but I would like to continue to work to find ways for us to strengthen our community by working hand- in-hand with some of the incredible organizations around Dane County and Wisconsin with similar goals. The Co-op is founded on the seven International Cooperative Prin- This year you can vote by mail, ciples. Please choose one of the principles and describe how you think the Board can encourage and foster that in our cooperative. in the store, by email, or by phone. When it comes to Voluntary Open Ownership, I believe that all members of the community should feel right at home at the Willy Street Co-op. How- ever, saying this is very different than actually accomplishing it. By providing ample opportunities for users of the stores to easily report feedback, whether PHONE anonymously or otherwise, if they are subjected to discrimination or disrespect on Willy Street Co-op property, we can ensure that we are truly promoting an inclusive community for all. The Willy Street Co-op should be a gathering place for people from all walks of life. Here is my website that I would like to provide as well: https://www.linke-

Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 7 Community Room Class Calendar

Visit to Please see class descriptions for fees. Owners enrolled register. in the Access Discount Program receive a 10% discount. Payment is required at registration; please register by stopping at the Customer Refund Policy: Unless otherwise specified in the description of the event, registration for events that Willy Street Co-op cancels will be refunded in full. IndividualsService deskwho wish or toby cancel calling their Willy registration West must at email [email protected] with(608) 284-7800 or Willy East at 72 (608)hours notice 251-6776. to receive For a full more refund or transfer their registration to another class. No refunds or transfers will be granted for cancellations within 72 hours of an event. In order to cover costs incurred, thereinformation are absolutely about no exceptions individual to the activitiesRefund Policy. and classes, see

Refund Policy:COOKING Unless WITH otherwise CHEF PAUL: specified in the descriptionCOOKING of TOGETHER: the event, registration FLAVORS OF for INDONESIA events that MEALS IN A WOK Location: Google Meet Willy StreetLocation: Co-op Google cancels Meet will be refunded in full. IndividualsThursday, July 15,who 5:00pm–6:30pm wish to cancel their registration must contactThursday, Customer July 1, 5:00pm–7:00pm Service with 72 hours notice Instructor:to receive Lily Kilfoya full refund or transfer their registra- tion to anotherYour Co-op’s class Own . Instructor:No refunds Paul Tseng or transfers will beAges: granted 5 and older for cancellations within 72 hours of an COOKING Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners event. InA order wok is ato versatile cover cooking costs pot! incurred, Join Chef Paul there to learn are absolutelyJoin Chef Lily no Kilfoy exceptions in this hands-on to the cooking Refund class for Policy. families! Learn what to look for in a wok, and how to season, maintain, and use it. Paul will about different foods and where they come from, how to follow recipes, and give tips on batter-making and temperature control while demonstrating how how to use cool kitchen tools. In this class, Lily will cook a fantastic feast to make wok- with a napa slaw. He’ll also demonstrate how to make influenced by the incredible eats of Indonesia. Tantalizing or Tofu wok-steamed sweet & sour pork, a classic dim-sum dish, and a wok shrimp boil , glorious Gado Gado, nourishing , a blissful dessert, with coconut rice, an easy and quick one pot meal. The ingredients and supply and more may be explored. The ingredients and supply list for the recipe to list for the recipe to cook along with will be sent one week prior to the class. cook along with will be sent one week prior to the class. Vegetarian friendly. Ingredients/recipes may be modified based on seasonal availability. COOKING TOGETHER: FLAVORS OF SENEGAL COOKING WITH CHEF PAUL: VERSATILE CAST IRON Location: Google Meet Location: Google Meet Thursday, August 5, 5:00pm–6:30pm Thursday, July 15, 5:00pm–7:00pm Instructor: Lily Kilfoy Your Co-op’s Own Instructor: Paul Tseng Ages: 5 and older Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners Join Chef Paul to learn how to season, clean, and maintain your cast iron Join Chef Lily Kilfoy in this hands-on cooking class for families! Learn skillet—one cooking pan you shouldn’t be without! Then he’ll show you how about different foods and where they come from, how to follow recipes, and it can be used as a small oven by making a baked chicken breast. He will also how to use cool kitchen tools. In this class, Lily will set-out a sensational sup- demonstrate a simple browning technique with pork chops and herbs, and per spurred by the seasonings of Senegal. Flavorful Fataya, stupendous sweet finally a fruit pie will round out the class—no pie pan needed, just a cast iron potatoes, common couscous, yummy Yasa, a drink made with healthy hibiscus skillet! The ingredients and supply list for the recipe to cook along with will be flowers and more may be explored. The ingredients and supply list for the sent one week prior to the class. Ingredients/recipes may be modified based on recipe to cook along with will be sent one week prior to the class. Vegetarian seasonal availability. friendly. COOKING WITH CHEF PAUL: A LITTLE TASTE OF THAI COOKING TOGETHER: FLAVORS OF Location: Google Meet Location: Google Meet Thursday, July 29, 5:00pm–7:00pm Thursday, August 19, 5:00pm–6:30pm Your Co-op’s Own Instructor: Paul Tseng Instructor: Lily Kilfoy Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners Ages: 5 and older We may have missed traveling in the past year, so why not bring a little taste Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners of Thai to your own kitchen! Join Chef Paul to learn the basic Thai ingredients Join Chef Lily Kilfoy in this hands-on cooking class for families! Learn and time-saving tips. Chef Paul will demonstrate Chicken Satay with Peanut about different foods and where they come from, how to follow recipes, and Sauce, Shrimp Cakes with Garlic Lime Sauce, Silken Tofu Salad, and Cucum- how to use cool kitchen tools. In this class, Lily will develop a delicious dinner ber-Basil Lemonade with Lemongrass. The ingredients and supply list for the inspired by the cuisine of Cuba. Tasty Tostones, magnificent , amaz- recipe to cook along with will be sent one week prior to the class. Ingredients/ ing Arroz Congri, classic camarones, creamy Flan Cubano and more may be recipes may be modified based on seasonal availability. explored. The ingredients and supply list for the recipe to cook along with will be sent one week prior to the class. Vegetarian friendly. COOKING WITH CHEF PAUL: PLANT-BASED MEALS Location: Google Meet KIDS IN THE KITCHEN: Thursday, August 12, 5:00pm–7:00pm WACKY WATERMELON Your Co-op’s Own Instructor: Paul Tseng Location: Google Meet Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners Tuesday, July 6, 5:00pm–6:00pm Have you been thinking of eating more plant-based meals? Join Chef Paul to Instructor: Lily Kilfoy learn helpful tips to get started—from setting up your pantry to cooking tech- Ages: 5–12 years old with adult supervision niques to replacing animal proteins with plant-based ones to adding more fiber Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners into your daily meals. On the menu are Cashew Coconut Rice with Greens, Soy Join “The Kids Chef” Lily Kilfoy in this hands-on cooking class for kids. Miso-Glazed Tofu with Pear Chutney, Nutty Dips with Crudité, Lemony Pasta In this class, participants will use watermelon in wacky ways to make a variety Salad with Olives, and in-season fruit jam. The ingredients and supply list for of venturesome vittles. Don’t be wary—we assure that this fantastic fare will the recipe to cook along with will be sent one week prior to the class. Ingredi- be well-balanced with wonderful watermelon suited to create soup, salad, salsa, ents/recipes may be modified based on seasonal availability. and more. Vegetarian-friendly. COOKING TOGETHER: KIDS IN THE KITCHEN: STUPENDOUS SUMMER SQUASH FLAVORS OF PAKISTAN Location: Google Meet Location: Google Meet Tuesday, July 20, 5:00pm–6:00pm Thursday, July 8, 5:00pm–6:30pm Instructor: Lily Kilfoy FAMILY Instructor: Lily Kilfoy Ages: 5–12 years old with adult supervision Ages: 5 and older Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners Join “The Kids Chef” Lily Kilfoy in this cooking class for kids. The season Join Chef Lily Kilfoy in this hands-on cooking class for families! Learn of sunshine is in full swing, and green gardens are already growing gigantic about different foods and where they come from, how to follow recipes, and summer squash! Participants in this class will make a marvelous meal using how to use cool kitchen tools. In this class, Lily will serve up a spiced spread stupendous summer squash in every delicious dish. Zoodles from the zucchini, inspired by the phenomenal fare of Pakistan. A savory snack known as Chaat, pizza prepared with pattypan, containing crooknecks, and more will be bountiful , mouth-watering Masala, sides of Saag, a kingly Kheer and explored. Vegetarian-friendly. more may be explored. The ingredients and supply list for the recipe to cook along with will be sent one week prior to the class. Vegetarian friendly.

8 Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 KIDS IN THE KITCHEN: BENTO BOX BRILLIANCE LEARNING WITH CHEF PAUL: Location: Google Meet KNIFE SKILLS AND SAFETY Tuesday, August 3, 5:00pm–6:00pm Location: Google Meet Instructor: Lily Kilfoy Thursday, August 26, 5:00pm–7:00pm Ages: 5–12 years old with adult supervision Your Co-op’s Own Instructor: Paul Tseng Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners Join “The Kids Chef” Lily Kilfoy in this hands-on cooking class for kids. Join Chef Paul as he guides participants through hands- The name bento box belongs to a brilliant container of cool compartments. It on knife skills, including the major cuts, slices and dices. Chef Paul will discuss was cleverly created centuries ago and is still a commonly celebrated compo- kitchen knife essentials, including how to sharpen and maintain a knife. Par- nent of Japanese cuisine. In this class, we will produce diverse dishes perfect for ticipants should bring their favorite kitchen knife from home to practice with. packing in a Bento Box. Vegetarian-friendly. Vegan. The ingredients and supply list for the recipe to cook along with will be sent one week prior to the class. Ingredients/recipes may be modified based on KIDS IN THE KITCHEN: PERFECT PANINI seasonal availability. Location: Google Meet Tuesday, August 17, 5:00pm–6:00pm HOW THE THYROID GLAND WORKS Instructor: Lily Kilfoy Location: Zoom Ages: 5–12 years old with adult supervision Wednesday, August 18, 12:00pm–1:00pm Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners Instructor: Katy Wallace Join “The Kids Chef” Lily Kilfoy in this cooking class for kids. A panini is Fee: Free; registration is required a pressed and grilled sandwich, cooked until the bread is toasty and fillings are Are you fatigued, constipated, and have brain fog and wonder if it’s your hot. Lily loves her own recipe with pesto, sun-dried tomato, and mozzarella or thyroid hormone levels? Come learn about how thyroid hormones, essential another with Colby cheese, avocado, and sweet roasted peppers. What creative to every cell in the body, are produced, and how auto-immunity, stress, and combination will you come up with? In this class participants will prepare their inflammation interfere. Katy Wallace, Traditional Naturopath of Human Nature, own perfect panini. Vegetarian-friendly. will present the roles of minerals and diet in supporting the thyroid gland. This class is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, profes- KIDS IN THE KITCHEN: SNEAKY SNACKS sional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or services. Classes provided by Willy Location: Google Meet Street Co-op are for informational and educational purposes only and are not Tuesday, August 31, 5:00pm–6:00pm meant to replace medical consultation with your physician. Instructor: Lily Kilfoy Ages: 5–12 years old with adult supervision Fee: $10 for Owners; $20 for non-owners Join “The Kids Chef” Lily Kilfoy in this hands-on cooking class for kids. In this class, participants will make sneaky snacks using secret ingredients. Sea- weed slipped in the smoothie, garbanzo beans going in granola bars, perhaps quinoa camouflaging in quesadillas? Everyone will be delightfully deceived by these delicious sneaky snacks. Vegetarian-friendly.

[email protected] INDIVIDUAL NUTRITION CONSULTATIONS Location: Zoom Wednesday, July 14, 10:00am–3:00pm Tuesday, July 20, 10:00am–3:00pm Wednesday, August 11, 10:00am–3:00pm Tuesday, August 24, 10:00am–3:00pm An individual nutrition consultation is your opportunity to learn how the correct food choices for your body can enhance your well-being. A one-on-one session with Katy Wallace of Human Nature includes a consultation regarding your health goals, as well as lifestyle and food Find Energy Savings Here. choice suggestions geared toward addressing health goals and developing sustainable change. Appointments are confirmed upon payment. Payment is due at the time of scheduling; otherwise, the appointment will be released to other interested parties. Payment is non-refundable and non-transferable unless notice of cancellation or rescheduling is provided seven (7) or more days prior. To register for the next available opening, email info@humanna- or call 608-301-9961.

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Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 9

LOCAL PRODUCE AVAILABILITY NEW ITEM NAME JULY AUG SEPT NEW Apples x Arugula x x x Baby Bok Choi x x x Beans, Green x x x Beets, Bunched x x x Blueberries x x Bok Choi x x x Broccoli x x x CORE HOME Brussels Sprouts x STORAGE CONTAINERS Burdock Root x x x Glass storage containers with a concaved Cabbage x x x bamboo lid perfect for stacking to help con- Cantalope x x serve space. Several different colors and sizes Carrots, Bulk x x x to choose from. Cauliflower x x Celeriac, Bulk x Available at East Chard, Swiss x x x Core Home Storage Containers Collard Greens x x x GT's California Citrus Organic Kombucha Corn, Sweet x x GT's Lemon Berry Organic Kombucha Cucumbers x x x Bachan's The Original Japanese Barbeque Sauce Dandelion Greens x x x Kettle Brand Habañero Lime Krinkle Cut Potato Chips Eggplant, Globe x x Badger Anti-Bug Balm Travel Stick .60 oz. Fennel x x x Alba Botanica After Sun Gel 98% Aloe 8 fl oz. Garlic x x Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Vegan DHA 30 ct. Herbs x x x Bee's Wrap Vegan Plant-Based Assorted Wraps Jerusalem Artichokes x Available at West Kale x x x Core Home Storage Containers Leeks x x GT's California Citrus Organic Kombucha Lettuce x x x GT's Lemon Berry Organic Kombucha Mustard Greens x x x Great River Organic Milling Multi-Grain Hot Cereal Onions, Sweet x x x Bob's Red Mill Dark Rye Flour Parsnips x KIND Caramel Almond & Sea Salt Thins Peppers x x KIND Dark Chocolate Nuts & Sea Salt Thins Peppers, Poblano x x Kettle Brand Habañero Lime Krinkle Cut Potato Chips Peppers, Spicy x x Kettle Brand Truffle & Sea Salt Krinkle Cut Potato Chips Potatoes, Fingerlings x x Poppi Prebiotic Sodas Potatoes, Purple x x Ithaca Buffalo Ranch Hummus Radish, Beauty Heart x Violife Epic Smoked Cheddar Flavor Vegan Cheese Block Radish, Daikon x Annie's Organic Brownie Bar Mix Radish, Red x x x Badger Anti-Bug Balm Travel Stick .60 oz. Rhubarb Alba Botanica After Sun Gel 98% Aloe 8 fl oz. Rutabaga x Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Vegan DHA 30 ct. Salad Mix x x x Bee’s Wrap Vegan Plant-Based Assorted Wraps Scallions x x x Shallots x Available at North Spinach x x x Core Home Storage Containers Squash, Summer x x GT's California Citrus Organic Kombucha Tah-tsai GT's Lemon Berry Organic Kombucha Tomatillos x Bob's Red Mill Dark Rye Flour Tomatoes, Heirloom x x Bachan's The Original Japanese Barbeque Sauce Turnips x Kettle Brand Habañero Lime Krinkle Cut Potato Chips Watermelon x x Kettle Brand Truffle & Sea Salt Krinkle Cut Potato Chips Squash, Zucchini x x x Annie's Organic Cookie Brownie Bar Mix Badger Anti-Bug Balm Travel Stick .60 oz. Chart reflects planned availability; unseasonable Alba Botanica After Sun Gel 98% Aloe 8 fl oz. weather and supply changes could affect availability. Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Vegan DHA 30 ct. Grown or raised in the state of Wisconsin, or within 150 miles of the Bee’s Wrap Vegan Plant-Based Assorted Wraps Capitol building in Madison. Completely and truly local.

ADVERTISE IN THE READER Affordable rates, wide reach, discounts for non- profits and Owners. Find info here: willystreet. coop/advertising.

10 Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 deals JULY

Want to get an email reminder about Co-op Deals sales? Sign up at Health & Wellness deals. You can unsubscribe at any time. co-op deals: June 30-July 20

Tom’s of Maine Seventh Generation Kids Toothpaste Hand Soap All Kinds on Sale! All Kinds on Sale! W.S. Badger 5.1 oz • Save $1 12 fl oz • Save $1.79 /tx /tx Clear Zinc $ .49 $ .00 Sunscreen 4 3 All Kinds on Sale! 2.9 oz • Save $4 Dr. Tung’s Jason .99/tx Stainless Steel Dandruff Shampoo $10 Tongue Cleaner 8 fl oz • Save $5 1 pc • Save $1 .49/tx $ .99/tx 8 $5

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South of France Mineral Fusion Liquid Hand Soap Nail Polish All Kinds on Sale! All Kinds on Sale! Alba Botanica 8 fl oz • Save $1.30 .33 oz • Save $3.99 SPF 45 Clear .99/tx .00/tx $2 $ Zinc Wild Mint 5 Mineral Sunscreen Boiron T-Relief 3 oz • Save $6 Arnica Gel Extra Strength 99 2.6 oz • Save $1.50 Pain Relief Cream $ . /tx /tx 3 oz • Save $1 10 $ .99 8 .99/tx $10

Bulletproof Amazing Grass Vital Proteins Brain Octane MCT Oil Effervescent Tabs Marine 14 fl oz • Save $8 All Kinds on Sale! 10 tab • Save $1.50 Collagen .99/tx 7.8 oz • Save $9 $17 .99/tx $6 99 $26. /tx Gaia Natural Factors Resveratrol 150 mg Chewable DGL 50 cap • Save $8 400 mg .99/tx 90 tab • Save $5 $16 .99 $9

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The specials on this page are valid June 30-July 20 All Specials Subject to Availability. Sales Quantities Limited. JULY deals co-op deals: July 21-August 3

Want to get an email reminder about Co-op Deals sales? Sign up at www.willystreet. coop/promotions/co-op-deals. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Talenti Wild Planet Mediterranean Organic Gelato Wild Skipjack Olives All Kinds on Sale! Light Tuna All Kinds on Sale! 16 oz • Save $2.29 8.1-8.5 oz • Save $1.29 5 oz • Save $1 .50 .79 .50 $3 $2 $3

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$3.49/ea $4.49/ea Annie's Homegrown Graham Crackers Honey Or Cinnamon • 14.4 oz

$5.79/ea RIPENING & STORAGE The reason is that there aren’t a lot PRODUCE NEWS You’ve got your tennis ball tex- of certified organic peaches grown in tured peach home, and you want to that state, and those that are typically Peaches! Tips & Tricks ripen it to perfection. What’s the best are shipped to East Coast markets, so way to go about it? we don’t have access to them. If you are looking to ripen a peach California ot many tree will generally taste the same no as quickly as possible, you can put it The first part of the summer (late things matter their size. in a paper bag on the counter or on May through sometime in July) is in this Peaches that are a bit wrinkly are top of the fridge. The bag traps the dominated by California-grown or- world usually ripe, but dehydrated. Without ethylene gas emitted by the peach and ganic peaches. The climate in Cali- N hastens the ripening process. You’ll are as delectable as much water in the fruit, the sugars fornia is perfect for peach-growing, as a good peach, and other flavors are condensed, mak- want to check the peach very often and that state produces some of the with its drip-down- ing for a very sweet but not quite so however—twice a day at minimum— most delectable peaches on Earth. your-chin juice and juicy eating experience. These are to avoid over-ripening. However, it is also a long way from by Megan perfectly balanced some of my favorites, especially if A slower, but safer method of rip- Wisconsin, and there are a lot of op- Minnick, sweetness. There’s you like really sweet, flavorful fruit! ening is to simply leave the fruit out portunities for California peaches to Purchasing also nothing quite at room temperature. You’ll still want be damaged en route. We’ve found Director as disappointing as Texture to check it once a day and more often that California peaches are the tricki- a mealy, dry peach. Texture is the last thing to look in hot weather. est to manage, but when we get good But how do you tell for. I hesitate to even bring it up, A ripe peach will be extremely ones, they are GOOD! which is which? since the bane of any produce man- aromatic and soft to the touch. Once ager’s existence is the over-eager Pacific Northwest (Washington It’s harder than you you’ve reached peak ripeness, either and Oregon) customers squeezing (and bruising) might think. eat it right away or it can be stored After the California organic peach the peaches. All it takes to assess the Our Produce management team in the fridge for a few days. Just like season, the harvests move north into texture of a fruit is to gently close has over 80 years of peach handling aroma, refrigeration can dull the fla- the Pacific Northwest. Peaches from your hand around the peach. It should experience between us, and we’re still vors of a peach so savor your peaches Washington and Oregon are typically be the consistency of a tennis ball. If learning. at room temperature for the best eat- sweeter and firmer than California it feels like a baseball, it was likely Below you’ll find some tips and ing experience. peaches with a bit less of an acidic picked too green to ripen correctly. tricks that we’ve learned over the balance to their sugars. They are less years for selecting and ripening that YELLOW VS. WHITE prone to mealiness. WHAT MAKES A BAD PEACHES perfect peach. PEACH BAD? Colorado If you walk away with one thing Through most of the summer, we The most common reason that Because Colorado is a little closer from this article it should be this: the carry both yellow and white peaches. peaches turn mealy, flavorless, and than California, farmers there typi- only really tried and true way to know Yellow peaches have more acid with dry is chill damage. If peaches are cally allow their fruit to ripen further if a peach is good is to taste it. We a balanced, classic peach flavor. subjected to cold (near 32ºF) tem- on the trees before harvest. This do our best to make sure every peach White peaches are sweeter, with a peratures for too long, they will not means that organic Colorado peaches that hits our shelves is delicious, but more delicate flavor. Yellow peaches ripen correctly no matter how good have a much more dependably good they are such a finicky fruit that it are by far the more popular of the the peach was to start with or what texture—juicy and soft and are less would be disingenuous to say that we two, but a good white peach is a deli- ripening techniques are used. Chill likely to be mealy. Colorado peaches are always successful. If you’d like to cious thing. damage almost never happens at the have a really nice peach flavor, but try before you buy, just ask a Produce orchard itself but in transit, and it is they tend to have a little less sweet- staff member and we’d be glad to cut KNOW YOUR ORIGIN impossible to detect without cutting ness than West Coast peaches. one for you to try! Each growing region produces into the fruit. its own unique peach characteristics, Door County, Wisconsin HOW TO SELECT A GOOD As a produce manager, avoiding based on the specific climate and soil Typically available from mid- PEACH peaches with chill damage can be a in that area. Here’s a quick rundown August through September, these I’ve said it before (and I’ll say it real challenge. We go to great lengths of the most common growing regions peaches are from Barnard Farms in again), tasting a peach is the only fail- to make sure that we are purchasing where we source our peaches. Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, and are safe way to know if it’s good or not. peaches from highly skilled growers You might notice not certified organic. Door County That said, here are a few other cues to and distribution partners we trust, but Georgia and other peaches are smaller than those from look for when selecting a good peach. if one truck en route from Cali- Southern states the West Coast or Colorado. They are fornia has their refrigeration a little firmer when ripe, and tend to Aroma are not on turned just a few degrees too have a little less sugar, more acid, and Aroma is the first thing to check this list. low, it can ruin the whole really nice peach flavor. for. A good peach should smell like load, and it likely won’t be a peach—the stronger the fragrance, detected until the fruit starts the better. One big caveat here is that to ripen in our stores or at if the peach in question is in refrigera- customers’ houses. tion, the chill will dull the aroma, so We do our best to sample this trick is best used on room tem- as many peaches as we can perature fruit. to ensure that we Appearance stock only the The appearance of the fruit can highest quality be less of a give away than you might fruit—and think. Many modern peach varieties most of the have been bred for looks, not eating time we are quality—so an aesthetically pleasing success- peach might not always be as pleas- ful—how- ing to your taste buds as it is to your ever if you eyes. The amount of red “blush” on ever do get the peach is not as important as the a poor quality background color, which should be peach from one cream colored (not green). of our stores, don’t Size hesitate to return it Size has nothing to do with peach for a full refund. quality. Typically, peaches are graded It’s actually quite at the orchard—the larger fruit are helpful for us to sold at premium prices since many get returns on shoppers prefer bigger, showier fruit like this so peaches, while the smaller fruit are we can change our sold for less. Peaches from the same sourcing.

Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 15 GROCERY NEWS SEAFOOD NEWS Ice Cream Floats Grilling Seafood

thought I it actually worked. It was kind of like rom whole 1/2 tsp. dried oregano would experi- a cherry chocolate milk but fizzy! fish to 1/4 tsp. black pepper shrimp ment with an GT’s Bloom Kombucha (Elder- 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper old favorite— flower, Jasmine, Violet) & Vanilla Fand scal- 1-1 1/2 lb. large shrimp, thawed I lops, anything Shrimp can be grilled with or The Root Beer My personal favorite. Float. I admit, why goes when it without the shell on! It's truly just a GT’s Lavender Love Kombucha & comes to grilling change a good Raspberry Gelato preference; I like to leave the shell seafood. So, fire thing? But with This one works excellent with on because I think the shrimp comes by Jeremy up the grill and en- by Jess all the yummy and vanilla ice cream. I can’t wait to try out more flavorful. The shell will Johnson, joy these seafood Catherine, local options at the mango or blackberry gelato next also protect the shrimp from stick- grilling recipes. Merchandis- Co-op, I thought I time. Meat & ing to the grill but peel if you want ing Assistant would give some Seafood before the marinade. more unique Pineapple Coconut Juice, Vanilla GRILLED RED Directions: If you're using Ice Cream, & Seltzer Specialty flavors a try. I also SNAPPER wooden skewers, soak them in A little less sweet and perfect for Category brought along a The biggest warm water for 30 minutes to pre- any time. Manager few colleagues to get some feedback challenge of grill- vent burning on the grill. and here is what happened. ing fish is having In a medium bowl, whisk to- LOWER-SUGAR FLOAT it stick to the grill and tearing the gether the melted butter, lemon Ingredients: To start out I chose a IDEAS number of sparkling beverages, and flesh. Lubricating with plenty of juice, honey, smoked paprika, garlic Tropical juices, macha tea, coffee, a few flavors of ice cream. I kept it oil lessens that risk. I coat the fish powder, onion powder, salt, orega- herbal teas, and passion fruit nectar… simple by using vanilla, strawberry, in olive oil to start, then spray the no, black pepper, and cayenne until endless possibilities. and chocolate and I also opted for section of grill grate I am about to smooth. Save about 1/4-1/3 cup of So grab a 6-pack of seltzer water some fruity gelato. Yum! use. And I don’t just do it once, but the marinade and set aside to dip the if you don’t typically keep soda We tried a slew of variations and every time I plan on moving or flip- grilled shrimp in. around and add a splash. Club soda in the end came up with some ridicu- ping the fish. Add the thawed shrimp to the and sparkling water will work just lously good tasting floats! 1-2 lb. red snapper, scaled marinade and stir. Cover and let fine too! However, seltzer generally 1 large shallot, coarsely chopped marinate at room temperature for 20 Reed’s Ginger Beer & Vanilla Ice does not contain added minerals, 2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped Cream minutes, any longer and the citrus which gives it a more “true” water 1/4 c. chopped fresh parsley The ginger beer was a nice option starts to break down the shrimp and taste, although this depends on the 2 Tbs. chopped fresh tarragon because it offers more complexity can make it mushy. brand. 1 Tbs. lemon zest than the standard super sweet soda. Preheat your grill to medium- I hope you get to try out some 1/4 c. fresh lemon juice high heat. Lightly brush a small Cherry Wisco Pop & Chocolate of these new flavors, and if you do, 1 1/2 Tbs. salt amount of vegetable oil over the Ice Cream please let me know what you liked or 4 Tbs. olive oil, divided grill grates to prevent sticking if I didn't think I'd like this one, but didn’t like about them. Directions: Make 3 to 4 parallel desired. cuts (1 1/2 inches apart) into fish, Thread the shrimp onto the slicing into the flesh at a 45-degree skewers. Grill each skewer for 2-3 angle, down to the bone. Combine minutes per side. Just until shrimp shallot, garlic, herbs, lemon zest and is cooked and no longer transparent juice, salt, and 2 tablespoons olive and forms a C. oil in a blender. Process until com- bined. (Marinade should still have a BACON-WRAPPED chunky texture.) Place fish in a shal- SCALLOPS low dish; pour marinade over fish, Bacon must be par-cooked be- turning to coat both sides. Cover and fore scallops are wrapped to ensure refrigerate for 30 minutes. crispy bacon. Do not overcook Meanwhile, light one side of the scallops. Cook until scallops are just grill, heating to medium-high heat opaque. Internal temperature should (350°F to 400°F) heat; leave the be 130°F Use high heat to quickly other side unlit. sear scallops. Wipe excess marinade from fish; 1 lb. sea scallops brush fish with remaining 2 table- About 12 slices bacon, thinly sliced spoons olive oil. Place fish on well- Olive oil oiled grates directly over heat; grill Salt and pepper to taste 5 to 7 minutes. Carefully turn fish Directions: Place bacon slices using 2 oiled metal spatulas, and on a piece of aluminum foil on a place on the unlit side, grill covered hot grill. Cook bacon until soft. Flip Integrative Dental Solutions is a proud with grill lid, 15 to 20 minutes or to the other side and cook just until supporter of the Willie Street Co-op until fish flakes easily when tested starting to brown. with a knife. Once cooked, served Allow bacon to cool for a few immediately. minutes and wrap 1/2 slice of bacon NOT SURE WHERE around each scallop. TO GET STARTED? LEMON GARLIC SHRIMP Secure bacon with a skewer. 1/2 c. butter, melted Brush scallops with olive oil, salt, Call us to Learn about 2 Tbs. fresh lemon juice (about one and pepper to taste. Grill over high Our $99 New Patient Special! lemon) heat until browned about 2-3 min. 1 Tbs. honey Flip and brown second side until SMART Certified with Biologial PPE since 2007! 1 Tbs. smoked paprika scallops are opaque and measure 2 tsp. garlic powder 130°F on an instant thermometer. 1 tsp. onion powder Do not cook scallops over 130°F. 1/2 tsp. salt And serve. 2 Convenient Locations in 262-746-5508 Pewaukee & Glendale

16 Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 COOPERATIVE SERVICES NEWS encourage the community to trust each WE CONTINUE TO OFFER other when it comes to personal health MASKS AND CURBSIDE/ decisions. We do not judge your health DELIVERY SERVICES COVID-19: Progressing Towards status based on your decision to wear a If you are not vaccinated and forgot Recovery face covering. your face covering to come to the store, or if you would simply be more OUR WORKFORCE IS comfortable wearing a face covering COMMITTED TO SAFETY for your own safety or (for example) t has been almost crowding, and were unable to offer an The vast majority of our workforce to promote wearing face coverings to a month since alternative that was financially sus- is unable to complete their work duties children or others who cannot be vacci- Public Health tainable. We are thrilled to bring this from home. The majority of our work- nated, please stop by customer service; IMadison and benefit back for everyone to enjoy. force is also full time. That means that we still have disposable face masks Dane County’s (PHM- for 15 months, many employees spent complimentary for your use while you DC) public health FACE COVERINGS NOW 18-24% of their waking hours required shop. emergency expired STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to wear face coverings, often while do- Would you prefer to avoid com- by Kirsten and what a month it FOR UNVACCINATED PEO- ing very physical labor, and also while ing into the store at all? We still have Moore, Co- has been. Even with- PLE AGES 2+ needing to communicate at a distance, you covered! Visit www.willystreet. operative out the parameters of As of June 2, we lifted the re- or from behind a barrier. The managers coop/curbside to learn the delivery and Services public health orders, quirement for customers to wear face and employees working in these condi- pickup options available to you. Your Director Dane County contin- coverings, but kept the employee face tions embraced and endorsed these delivery or pickup can be contactless ues to progress locally covering policy and continued to ask requirements driven by our mission to too. towards a stronger and customers to consider wearing face support customers and other employ- stronger COVID-19 coverings in the wake of PHMDC’s ees. Enforcing face covering require- ACTUAL STORE OCCUPAN- recovery. At the time orders expiring out of an abundance ments has not been easy, especially for CY REMAINS LOWER THAN of writing, cases per day were lower of caution. This mirrored how our managers and employees who have had CAPACITY ALLOWS than the cases seen in May of 2020 and face covering policies came to be: we some challenging conversations with Since we lifted our capacity restric- percent COVID-19 positivity con- first made face coverings required people who disagreed with our policies, tions in tandem with the rescind of the tinued to hover below 1% week after for employees as epidemiologists but the data is showing that the effort local public health emergency, we’ve week. 68% of residents countywide began recommending such workplace made a difference when it needed to do been monitoring our store capacity (78% of the eligible population and policies and ahead of PHMDC’s face so. levels. Even at peak times, the occu- 96% of people ages 65+) had started covering mandate, and then—shortly We also have supported vaccination pancy levels currently trend at all three and 62% had completed their vaccine before the mandate—we implemented opportunities throughout the pandemic. locations between 36-56% of the capac- series. PHMDC now turns its focus to a requirement for customers. This Employee reporting on vaccination ity of the retail footprint. We measure providing mobile vaccination oppor- hybrid approach to recovering from status is voluntary and anonymous at occupancy as the maximum number tunities in areas of our region where the public health emergency bought the Co-op and have been both grateful of employees that may be staffed at vaccinations have been locally lower, the Co-op and our employees’ union, and encouraged to see that well over one time plus the number of customers and we appreciate their continued ef- United Electric Local 1186, time to as- 60% of our employees across sites have who enter and exit the store counted forts to increase the potential for herd sess the public health data and our own taken the opportunity to vaccinate, and by our SafeCount monitoring system. immunity for all of our population. We vaccination rates at the Co-op, and more are continuing to get vaccinated Our maximum occupancy capacity is are so grateful to be part of a commu- what benchmarks we wanted to set. as they are able. calculated at 60 square feet per person. nity committed to its collective health, PHMDC claims targets for herd Our consistent commitment to face While we are still seeing fewer transac- the fruits of all of our efforts certainly immunity lie between 60% and 90%. coverings; fostering social distancing tions than we managed pre-COVID at seem to be paying off. While we con- Co-op management met with UE1186 whenever possible; and working with all three locations, they are closer to tinue to monitor the County’s efforts to the week of June 7 and came to mutual UE1186 to provide ample opportunity pre-COVID transaction levels, and we vaccinate the community and control agreement that since Co-op employees to take time off for COVID-19 symp- do not anticipate that any retail location COVID-19 outbreaks in the face of have been voluntarily reporting well toms, testing, recovery, and vaccination would face the likelihood of reaching variants, the overall positive outlook over 60% full vaccination status at all has kept our workplace COVID-19 maximum retail capacity. for local epidemiology gives us con- sites since June 3, that we would lift case percentages below 3% through- Interested in keeping your distance? fidence in our ability to relax some of the employee face covering policy and out the pandemic. These precautions You can see how busy the stores are our stricter prevention protocols during promote the CDC’s recommendations also allowed the Co-op to entirely by visiting and this reprieve. Here’s how things have for unvaccinated individuals start- avoid workplace cluster outbreaks, and looking at how busy we are in real time progressed over the past month and ing three days after PHMDC reported yielded strong workforce vaccination where the store locations and phone where we are headed. 60% full vaccination in Dane County. rates. We are so proud of our team, numbers are listed. If you are plan- Dane County reached that goal by the and trust our entire workforce to make ning ahead to shop, you can check our STORE HOURS CHANGE end of day June 10 and the employee good personal decisions when it comes Google Business listing to find both JULY 5 TO 7:30-9 AT ALL face covering policy was replaced with to wearing face coverings and con- popular and unpopular times to shop. LOCATIONS CDC recommendations by June 14. tinuing to serve the public in a health- • East: We are pleased to finally be able The CDC, PHMDC, the Co-op, ful manner as conditions continue to • North: to open all three locations at 7:30am and UE Local 1186 strongly encour- improve. • West: again daily, and that all three stores can ages everyone ages two and older who again support staying open until 9pm. has not been vaccinated for COVID-19 WE CONTINUE TO THANKS FOR PLAYING IT Store hours changed and continued to wear a face covering while inside MONITOR STATISTICS SAFE to change to support changing clean- the Co-op. Our work is not done! We recog- It’s a testament to our community ing tasks, labor needs, and shortages nize that there is still a global pandem- that we are at this turning point. The throughout the pandemic. We know ANYONE WHO WANTS TO ic, that not everyone has had the access weight is lifting thanks to our steadfast this has been confusing at times and WEAR A FACE COVERING or opportunity to be vaccinated, and commitments to each other’s health we appreciate your patience with us MAY WEAR ONE that COVID-19 variants will persist and and that is reason for hope. We mourn and are glad to return to offering early While we are no longer requiring continue to challenge the science. For for the loss and sacrifice we and our morning service and consistency! customers nor employees at this time now, we trust PHMDC’s guidance and families and friends have experienced to wear face coverings, all employees the numbers they are reporting, and that and endured during this wrenching WELLNESS WEDNESDAY and customers, regardless of vaccina- gives us confidence that we can relax year and a half, and are humbled by STARTS AGAIN JULY 7 tion status, may continue to wear face our guidelines and policies related to our collective ability to hold each Starting this month we welcome coverings while at the Co-op if they COVID-19. Yet, we acknowledge that other up, evolve, and continue moving back the popular Wellness Wednes- wish to do so. Since we rescinded the guidance could change, and that we forward. It’s because of you that we day benefit for Owners. On the first the requirements, we have seen many may need to be prepared to make ad- have progressed through the hard times Wednesday of every month, you can customers and employees, some of justments again for public safety if war- and will continue to progress. Thank enjoy an additional 10% off of all which have disclosed that they are vac- ranted. We are prepared to be flexible, you for playing it safe, and continuing wellness and bodycare items (see the cinated, continue to wear them either and we appreciate all our Owners for to cooperate with each other. The news ad on the back cover to see what’s for all or some of their time on Co-op their continued support and willingness improves slowly but surely, and here’s included. We suspended this benefit property. As our locality is no longer to roll with the changes and challenges to hoping for even better news in the early in the pandemic to avoid over- under a public health emergency, we we face together. coming months ahead.

Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 17 ummer in Wisconsin offers a cover, and a sleeping pad. While hot multitude of unique opportuni- weather will make a better-ventilated ties for recreation. From the tent more livable, having a correctly at- geologic wonders left undis- tached rain fly above you will reduce the S likelihood of waking up cold and soaked turbed by the age of glaciers, to the maj- esty of the north woods and the Great o to o t o t u from ao summer to storm.o At tarp oro some t u Lakes beyond, our state boasts so many other ground cover set up under your marvels to be enjoyed by the outdoor en- tent floor will not only add another layer thusiast. Yet whether you’re the heartiest of insulation to your shelter, but will of thru-hikers, or your idea of adven- by Ben Becker, Newsletter Writer preserve your tent from wear. ture lies no further than your backyard Sleeping Pads barbeque, making necessary preparations Anyone who has ever slept on the can help to ensure that your plans end in list, be sure that repellent is bold and result in permanent complications for hard ground knows the stiffness and success, whatever they may be. underlined at the top of the page. your health. discomfort a sleeping pad can alleviate. When using spray, you will want While an inflated air pad may be suit- Toilet Paper DIFFERENT TYPES OF to target exposed areas of the skin and able, you should favor an eggshell foam In addition to protection from in- CAMPING around your ankles. Many conventional design to ensure the most comfort short Definitions of camping vary wildly. sects, there are several other must-haves bug repellents use DEET as their active of hauling a cot with you. For those with memories of scouting that will make your camping experience ingredient, which is effective but has expeditions from their youth, expecta- much more enjoyable. Bringing a sup- toxic properties. For those who prefer FIRE tions may center on a modest pup tent ply of extra toilet paper can make your a more natural alternative, you might Of course, no camper is fully pre- and meals cooked over a campfire. On morning constitutional feel a bit more employ incense sticks designed for this pared without a supply of matches and the other side of the spectrum is “glamp- civilized. Of course, you should also purpose, such as the Nantucket Spider or other ignition devices. For the experi- ing,” usually requiring the movable but bring a small trowel along with you to brand. Garlic, that most pungent and enced fire builder, using just one match solid walls of a recreational vehicle or bury all of it should you find yourself wondrous of alliums, also has natural to get their campfire to full blaze is often trailer. Glampers may bring the kitchen away from the necessary facilities. repellent properties which can be effec- a point of pride. with them, foregoing the trials and tive against flying insects. The Co-op Towels & Towelettes Outfitters often sell a variety of tribulations faced by those who cook carries other more natural, DEET-free Another valuable item to have along premium fire-starting tools such as wa- over coals. Somewhere in between is bug sprays such as All Terrain’s Herbal after an unexpected rain or a quick dip terproof matches or other materials that car camping. While car campers might Armor. in the lake is a small, super-absorbent burn hot and are easy to ignite; how- pitch a tent and sleep outdoors, they When camping near bodies of water, towel. These items are usually available ever, you can generally make do with are usually never far from the road they wetlands, or after a rainstorm, mosqui- from outfitters and are much easier to an affordable strike-on-the-box variety drove in on and, when camping in state toes and blackflies can be an especially carry than your standard bath towel. available at regular retail stores. Be sure parks, often have access to water and pesky nuisance. Even if the weather Caring for your hygiene will help that when you pack your matches, you bathrooms. is friendly, the romantic experience of you to stay comfortable in the woods keep them secure and dry by storing sleeping out under the stars without a them within a sealed plastic bag within BARE NECESSITIES and make your experience more enjoy- tent or shelter can leave you exposed to able. With this in mind, you won’t want your pack. These bare necessities ensure an ex- these irritating critters. A simple me- to find yourself without a supply of Tinder & Kindling perience that is usually more convenient o to o t o t u o to o t o t u chanical solution is too set upto mosquito o t omoist towelettest uor cleansing napkins. Beforeo tyouo lighto anything, t o you will t u and cleaner, if perhaps a bit less rugged. netting to help you enjoy a more restful These can be very handy for cleaning need to gather small tinder and kindling Car camping also has several other ad- sleep. and disinfecting your hands and face, or to act as your initial fuel source. Wood vantages over a backpack trip in terms of An increasingly dangerous threat to any other body parts that may need it. shavings, dry leaves, and pine needles the planning and gear requirements. Car your wellbeing is the growing popula- especially are very effective, but you can campers can enjoy conveniences such as Plastic Bags tion of deer ticks. Often hard to spot, use some spare newspaper if you are in larger, more spacious tents, chairs to sit Of course, some small plastic bags these parasites are thick within the deep a pinch. If you want to make it easy on and relax in around the fire, and cool- can also be of use as well. Their light woods, especially off the beaten path. yourself, prepare firestarters at home by ers in which to store perishable foods or weight and packability will make them You will need to be vigilant in check- compacting scraps of paper into small just to keep their favorite beverages at a easy to carry, but they can also help to ing for and removing ticks from your scrolls and dipping them into melted refreshing temperature. provide some level of water repellent for body. Ticks have small heads relative to candle wax. Easy to light, these handy While a heavy investment in gear, food or other items you need to keep dry their body which need to be completely crafts will burn quickly with enough equipment or vehicles can bring most and are particularly handy for hauling removed using a tick key, or by flip- heat to build up your blaze without the of the comfort of home into an outdoor out material waste from your campsite to ping them upside down with the edge frustrations of generating those first setting, there are still some basic things ensure that you leave no trace. of a knife. If bitten, should you begin small sparks. to remember which can enhance your to display symptoms of Lyme Disease Rain Flies & Tarps Gradually work your way up to experience, no matter your level of insu- such as a rash, joint aches, and flu like If you do plan to pitch a tent, you a blaze by adding small twigs, followed lation or isolation. symptoms; seek treatment right away. can make your temporary shelter more by branches of increasing diameter Bugs If caught early, Lyme Disease is easily comfortable by ensuring that you have a until you have sufficient heat to add When putting together your pack treatable, but left unchecked it could rain fly, a ground tarp, or other ground logs.

18 Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021

o to o t o t u o to o t o t u o to o t o t u o to o t o t u

o to o t o t u o to o t o t u Fuel outsides of two pieces of bread, and for preparing French toast. Alternatively, Canned Foods When collecting fuel, you will want sandwich a bit of canned pie filling or you could use similar ingredients while Just because you are without a cooler to avoid any wet or damp material that other fruits between them, and flavor avoiding some of the fuss to make toads doesn’t mean you can’t have animal pro- will burn poorly and create noxious with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Pie irons in the hole! Just poke a few holes in your tein. Bring along a few cans of chicken, smoke. Your best strategy to gather dry can also make for an easy pizza pocket bread before you lay it in the pan, then tuna, or perhaps even sardines to enrich material while preserving local flora by swapping out the fruit for tomato fry your eggs within the center of each whatever you’ve got stewing. after heavy rain is to search for hanging sauce, cheese, some pepperonis, and slice. deadwood. This material can be found Coffee suspended from the trees, is easy to If you need a morning caffeine fix remove without much effort, and is dry without a French press, you don’t need enough to snap cleanly, and is free of to limit yourself to instant coffee. Pack flexibility or greenness. in some loose-leaf tea bags along with a container of your favorite oolong variety, Cautions or use the bags as a filter for a coffee If you are purchasing firewood, be grind from your favorite local roaster. sure to buy it when you arrive at your campground, as invasive insects can of- Ready-to-Eat Foods ten hide in wood carried in from distant Whether parked at the campsite or locations. Most importantly, you will out on a long hike, sometimes cooking want to respect the danger that fire can can be more effort than it’s worth, espe- pose to yourself and your surroundings, cially if all you need is a light snack. In so take care to refrain from adding met- either case, picking up some dry ready- als and toxins which can release harmful to-eat foods from the Co-op’s Bulk aisle chemicals, and always extinguish your will be perfect for eating on-the-go. campfire completely with water and dirt Carry some dried fruits, such as raisins, before you leave your site. dried cranberries, or banana chips. If you are looking for something chewier but COOKING OUTDOORS still sweet, don’t shy from dried apricots, When you know what you’re doing, mango, papaya, or pineapple. a campfire is not only a welcome source For other dehydrated staples, you of heat, but a natural gathering place for might even be daring enough to chomp friends and family to enjoy. However, down on some fruit leather or enjoy no one in your party is likely to have a the reliable sustenance beef jerky can very good time if you don’t keep them provide. You can stay well fortified by well-nourished. When cooking outdoors, stocking up on your favorite nuts, or some will employ a wealth of equipment by selecting from the many mixes of to ensure a gourmet experience, while granola available including blueberry others might shell out for expensive, and gingersnap. Many hikers like to have freeze-dried meals they can pack with their favorite trail mix along with them, them. Just because you are using less such as GORP, or add the sweetness of fancy methods such as a campfire or a dark chocolate chips or carob nibs. grill doesn’t mean your meals should Bear-/Animal-Proofing lack flavor. Relying on some simple Be sure to keep your leftover food techniques (and some seasoning) can and packaging carefully stored in a go a long way to raising your open-air bear-proof container or hung far from the gastronomy game. campsite to avoid any hungry scavengers When cooking over a campfire, most from showing up unannounced. think their options are limited to some charred frankfurters and a can of baked RELAXING IN NATURE Jet Boils beans. Yet, with a bit of gumption, a other toppings. Just be sure your equip- Whether your weekend respite oc- Should you find yourself in the campfire makes for a ready hearth that ment is made from some quality cast curs along the shores of Mirror Lake, back country without a fire pit carry- will lend itself to a hearty meal. iron, as cheap molds can often melt right beyond the waters of Chequamegon off the handle. ing a small miniature stove such as a Bay, or just outside your own backdoor, S’mores jet boil can allow for some creative employing new techniques and menus Tin Foil Packet Dinner There is nothing quite so synony- meals without needing overpriced meal is sure to keep your time out of doors Another easy campfire option with mous with a fire ring as the ever-popular kits. A clean water supply combined comfortable and satisfying. Take some minimal clean-up is a tin foil packet din- s’more. Yet as any five-year-old with with rice, lentils, or pasta can ensure a time to brush up on your wilderness or ner. Simply combine a portion of ground a stick can tell you, roasting a marsh- hearty meal on the cheap. If you are a barbeque skills, and don’t forget to try hamburger with a high- content or mallow to golden brown perfection is true dirtbag explorer at heart, bring a some new snacks along the way. With perhaps some ground sausage, some no easy feat. The trick to getting that few packs of ramen that you can mix in a full belly, some dry feet, and a safe chopped onions, cut potatoes or other billowy yet crispy consistency without with whatever other foods you have and distance between yourself and any nasty vegetables, and wrap them tightly into erupting into char involves building your you’re sure not to run out of money or insects, you are sure to experience all the an aluminum foil envelope. For best re- fire just right. Instead of striving for flavor. relaxation nature has to offer. that picturesque blaze, you will need to sults, add cheese or seasoning salt. You forego large logs in favor of a gener- can cook your packet directly on the ous supply of smaller branches. Unlike coals and eat straight out of the foil. Just larger chunks of wood which will burn be sure that your protein is fully cooked In these times, having the right home for you and your family to stay slowly and create a large amount of ash, for safety, or if meat isn’t your thing, just swap it out with any vegetable-based safer at home is our priority. We are all in this together, we are here and converting your fuel into hot coals will we care. Be well. create a source of steady heat with less oil that boasts a high smoke point. flame, that will evenly cook your marsh- Cast Iron Skillet Meals mallow without risk of it being engulfed. If pack weight isn’t an issue for you, Once you have achieved opti- campfire cooking possibilities abound mum gooeyness, why not mix it up by when you carry in your cast iron skillet. substituting your milk chocolate with a So long as you properly care for them darker variety or one containing cara- with proper cleaning and seasoning mel? Or, spread some peanut butter on (never use soap and avoid unnecessary your graham cracker for another layer of exposure to moisture) you are likely to richness. count this cookware among your most Pie Irons treasured personal property. Start your If s’mores are played out, bring day by frying bacon before you crack a along a few pie irons for an easy-yet- few eggs into the sizzling liquid remain- tasty dessert alternative. Just butter the ing in the pan. Cast iron is also excellent

Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 19 RECIPES Baked Szechuan Tofu with Ginger Green Beans

Adapted from An easy Asian-style dish that is almost as fast as take-out! Prep 10m; Cook 35m; Serves 4 1 lb. firm tofu, drained and cut into 1" cubes 7 tsp. San-j Szechuan Sauce, divided use 1/2 lb. fresh green beans, cleaned and trimmed or 10-oz. pkg frozen green beans 1 tsp. vegetable oil 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced 1 Tbs. fresh ginger, minced 3 c. hot, cooked brown rice Directions: Pour the 2 tablespoons Szechuan sauce into a non-reactive mixing bowl, add the tofu cubes and toss gently until coated. Cover and marinate in refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 375°F. COMMUNITY SHARES Transfer the tofu to a lightly oiled baking dish and bake 30 minutes, stir- ring once. Meanwhile steam fresh green beans until just barely tender. OF WISCONSIN STILL Rinse them with cold water to stop the cooking and drain very well. If using frozen beans defrost and drain well, do not steam. Heat a large skillet STANDS WITH THE or wok; swirl in the oil and add the garlic and ginger. Stir-fry a minute or two until soft. Do not let the garlic brown! Add the baked tofu and steamed BLACK LIVES MATTER green beans to the skillet and toss to mix. Add the remaining teaspoon of Szechuan sauce and toss to coat beans and tofu. Heat through and serve MOVEMENT. over brown rice.

When you say YES to Community CHIP® at the Dilly Beans Willy Street Co-op, you’ll donate 1% of your grocery bill at the register and help us Adapted from Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home. raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for This quick version of dilly beans does not require canning, but keeps in the refrigerator for about four days. nonprofits working for social change. Prep 15m; Cook 20m; Serves 2 1 1/2 c. water Your contributions to Community CHIP® were 3 Tbs. dill a part of the community support for member 1/3 c. cider vinegar 2 c. green beans, trimmed nonprofits who organized last summer’s BLM 2 cloves garlic, minced demonstrations including Dane County TimeBank, 1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper flakes Freedom, Inc., and Urban Triage. 1/2 tsp. sugar 1 tsp. canola oil Directions: Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan; add the beans, cover and reduce the heat. Cook 3-5 minutes; the beans should still be bright Save the date! Community Shares of Wisconsin’s green and just tender, but not soft. Drain well and turn into a serving bowl. 50th Anniversary Celebration and Add the dill and mix. In a saucepan, combine the remaining ingredients Community Change-Makers Awards will be through the sugar and bring to a boil over high heat. Simmer for two min- held in person and online on September 23. utes, then pour the hot dressing over the beans and mix well. Add the oil if desired. Let the beans stand for 10-20 minutes to allow the flavors to meld.

Blueberry Crisps

Adapted from These delicious little blueberry pots topped with a yummy crumble are so easy to make! Serve with creme fraiche or vanilla ice cream. Prep 45m; Cook 40m; Serves 6 14 Tbs. sugar 6 Tbs. flour 1/4 c. rolled oats 1/4 c. light brown sugar 1/4 c. walnuts, choped 1 tsp. lemon zest 2 tsp. lemon juice 3/4 tsp. vanilla extract 1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 tsp. cinnamon ADVERTISE IN THE READER 4 Tbs. butter 4 c. blueberries Affordable rates, wide reach, discounts for 2 Tbs. cornstarch non-profits and Owners. Find info here: 2 tsp. brandy creme fraiche vanilla ice cream Directions: Preheat oven to 350˚F. Place four 6-oz. ceramic ramekins on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. In a medium mixing bowl, mix together 6 Tbs.. of the sugar, the flour, oats, brown sugar, walnuts, lemon zest, 1/4 tsp. of the vanilla extract, and the cinnamon. Use your

20 Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 fingers to work the butter into the flour and sugar mixture until crumbly. Place the crumble topping in the freezer to chill for 30 minutes. In a large bowl, combine the remaining 8 tbsp of sugar with the salt, lemon juice, and the last 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract. Stir in the blueberries, cornstarch, and brandy. Divide the berry mixture between the ramekins, then top each ramekin with the crumble topping. Bake until the topping is browned and the berries are bubbling, about 35-40 minutes. Serve with creme fraiche or a scoop of vanilla ice cream if you'd like.

Fiesta Zucchini

Adapted from Bon Appetit Magazine. This easy skillet dish will use up some of summer's bounty of zucchini. Prep. 10m 2 Tbs. olive oil 1 lb. zucchini, quartered lengthwise and sliced in 1/2-inch pieces 3 cloves garlic, minced 1/4 tsp. dried oregano 1 c. corn kernels, fresh or frozen (defrosted) 1/2 c. salsa of choice 1/2 c. shredded Monterey jack cheese Directions: Heat olive oil in heavy skillet. Add zucchini, garlic, and oregano and sauté 2 minutes. Stir in corn. Add salsa and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until zucchini is just tender, about 5 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese, cover, and let stand a few minutes until cheese is SARA melted. Nantucket Spider Insect Repellent Nantucket Spider offers a variety of natural, Zucchini Bruschetta DEET-free insect repellents made with essen- From Willy Street Co-op. tial oils. They are effective, smell wonderful, and they are safe for humans. There's even one A lovely way to use oh so plentiful zucchini! especially for dogs which repels both mosqui- Prep 20m; Cook 15m; Serves 4 toes and ticks!!! Protect yourself and your best 2 cloves garlic, minced friend (your dog) this summer while you're out 1 Tbs. olive oil hiking or camping or rolling around in the grass. If you would pre- 1 zucchini, chopped fer not to apply an insect repellent to you skin or cloths, don't worry, 1 loaf Italian bread Nantucket Spider has that covered too. They have Outdoor Garden Parmesan cheese, to cover Incense Sticks which you can place strategically around your yard rosemary leaves, minced to protect you from mosquitoes and flies. Keep those unwanted Directions: Cook the garlic in the olive oil, add the zucchini when the insects 'socially' distant from you this summer while you gather garlic gets some color, cook until it’s tender. Place it on top of the Italian with your friends and/or family! bread slices. Spread the cheese then the rosemary on top of it and bake it in hot oven until the cheese has melted and the bread is toasting a bit. Serve it with red wine as an appetizer. VERONICA Nuun Lime Electrolyte Tablets It has more electrolytes than Penne Pasta Salad with Zucchini, Chickpeas, name brand sports drinks like Ga- and Olives torade, is made with natural sweet- eners, does not contain any artificial Adapted from colors, and it gets added to about Serve with an herby, lemony salad for a satisfying meal, or serve as a 16 ounces of water for consumption side dish alongside something grilled. Try using gluten-free pasta! so it helps you intake more fluids. Nuun Prep 10m; Cook 20m; Serves Electrolyte Tablets are perfect for staying hydrated on hot 1 lb. zucchini, sliced summer days. They also taste pretty good and add slight car- 1 c. chickpeas, cooked bonation to the water. 1/2 c. kalamata olives, roughly chopped 2 Tbs. red wine vinegar KRISTI JO 1 c. fresh basil leaves, coarsely chopped MamaP Bamboo Toothbrush 1/2 c. flat-leaf parsley leaves, coarsely chopped MamaP is a purpose-led 1 clove garlic, minced health and wellness company. 1 lemon Womxn-founded and minority- 1 lb. penne pasta run, they strive to makes choices Directions: Heat a large, heavy skillet over high heat. Coat the bottom that will make Mama Earth of the pan with a thin coat of olive oil. In batches, arrange the zucchini in a proud by sourcing sustainable single layer in the skillet. Cook, undisturbed, until they begin to brown, 1-2 products for every day life that also give back to minutes. Flip the zucchini over, and continue to cook until golden brown our communities and planet. Pick a color, choose and very tender. Use a slotted spoon to transfer to a large bowl. Repeat a cause! 5% of each toothbrush sale goes to one of with remaining zucchini, adding more oil if needed. the following causes: Red = Planned Parenthood; Reduce heat to medium-high, and add the chickpeas and olives. Sauté Yellow = Save the Bees; Green = Support Mental about 2 minutes, until the chickpeas begin to brown, and the olives are fra- MamaP’s bamboo handles are Health causes; Blue = Conserve the Oceans; Rainbow = OEqualityUR B AforM LGBTQ+.BOO accented with non-toxic paint are grant. Transfer to the bowl with the zucchini. Drizzle with the vinegar and fully compostable allowing you to TOOTHBRUSHES sustain a beautiful smile while add 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Toss to combine and set aside. also helping the Earth.

Cook the penne in a large pot of boiling water according to package ARE Our commitment to sustainability instructions. Drain and set aside. also extends to our packing and SPECIAL shipping materials.

Place the basil, parsley, garlic, lemon zest and juice, 2 tablespoons of We partner with retailers to olive oil, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt in the bowl of a food processor. Purée We go above and beyond to source environmentally focused STORES CLOSING EARLYgenerate eco a l ternatives to packing and shipping materials until smooth. Add it to the bowl of zucchini, chickpeas, and olives. Add the everyday products. that fit within existing supply chains. cooked pasta to the bowl, and toss to incorporate the vegetables and coat everything in the herb sauce. Serve warm, at room temperature, or cold. AT 4:30PM ON JULY 4

Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 21 AMANDA LAURA Ultima Replenisher Electrolyte Saffron Road Supplement Chicken Tikka These are perfect if you are on the go and Masala need something more than water. Great for You know hikes, camping, or travel. Gives me a good start how in most to my day. I prefer the grape, but the cherry frozen dinners pomegranate is a close second. with meat, you get maybe two or KELSEY three pieces? Saffron Road's din- ners are NOT one of those! In every Klean Kanteen Water Bottle dinner I've had, there has been an I love my Klean Kanteen water bottle. These ample portion of meat. Plus, they are bottles are good quality, stainless steel, and there downright delicious and you can't go wrong are tons of great color options. I picked out the with Chicken Tikka Masala! bright turquoise blue. GRANT TARA Wisco Pop! Ginger and Weleda Skin Food Body Butter Grapefruit Sodas If you've ever tried Weleda's Original Skin Food If I'm drinking a soda, Moisturizer and thought, wow this is amazing I'm drinking a refreshing, but kinda on the thick and greasy side, then ice-cold Wisco Pop! You their new body butter is for you! It's made with can't beat natural cane simple ingredients, deeply moisturizing, easy sugar and the ingredients to apply and has a subtle fresh scent that I find are so fresh and real you can see them settle at really nice. I really dislike a moisturizer that's oily or greasy, and the bottom of the bottle. Tastes like summer. this is neither! My new go-to! Truly a treat! JESSE DADDYDEAN Untitled Art CBD Water, All Varieties Alden's Organic Ice A light, refreshing, subtly flavored spar- Cream: Vanilla, Double kling water with a little something extra. Chocolate, Mint Chip, It's a bit pricier than Klarbrunn or La Croix, Strawberry but now those just feel like pale substitutes. My husband and I love All the flavors are good, but the Blackberry this brand of ice creams! We is my favorite. I like to treat myself to these regularly work through most of during a hectic day at work or in the eve- the line with these flavors above ning before I go to bed. getting the most frequent rotations! They are rich and creamy and for some reason, I do not need to eat a Lactaid tablet when I eat Josie's Organic Chopped Salad Kits, All Varieties them! These kits are always good to have handy! So delicious and flavorful with their bevy of ingredients, that they could KATIE almost be a whole meal on their own. I feel if I were to try and recreate these salads by hand, I'd spend too much Lundberg 5 Grain Thin Stackers money and a lot of the ingredients would go to waste. Such You know that mid morining/after- a time-saver, too. noon my blood sugar is cratering time? These rascals can help. They are a great MOURNING DOVE vehicle for transporting needed protein, as in hit them with some almond butter, Purple Sweet Potatoes or a slice of avo and you experience Purple sweet great taste, crunch and whole grains. potatoes have Winner, winner. been taking center stage in EVAN my smooth- ies lately. A Field Roast Mini Corn Dogs smoothie bowl made with purple Super easy to make and great for sweet potatoes and frozen school lunches. It uses Field Roast's and topped with strawberries and very good frankfurter hot dog that is blueberries is a beautifully vibrant, very good on its own also. creamy, delicious treat! CAITLYN ABIGAIL Andrew & Everett White American Willy Street Co-op Juice & Coffee Bar’s Sliced Cheese The Green C Juice I’ve got a big soft spot for American This is really filled with a lot of vitamin C! Only cheese and this one is on top of the list. three ingredients (orange juice, parsley juice, and lime All of A&E’s milk comes from grass-fed juice) and it is all organic. I like to drink this when I Wisconsin cows. Upgrade that grilled need an cleansing boost or for a refreshing summertime cheese or burger today. drink. Don’t let the parsley scare you—it pairs so well with the citrus. Yum! Kettle Brand Chips Krinkle Dill Pickle Chips I LOVE dill pickles, and ever since I was a little girl my favorite savory snack that came in a bag has been dill pickle chips. Kettle Brands’ version is delicious! The ADVERTISE IN THE READER krinkle cut of these chips bring an extra crunch factor Affordable rates, wide reach, discounts for non- and the dill seasoning can get in those little crevices for maximum flavor. You’ll often find me with a opened bag profits and Owners. Find info here: willystreet. of these. (But good luck trying to get me to share!) coop/advertising.

22 Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 DUSTIN BENJAMIN Bhuja Snack Mix Luna Caramel Walnut This is the perfect blend of Brownie Bar sweet and salty. Plus it's gluten-free This bar is chocolatey and and vegan! delicious! It reminds me of eating a candy bar except that it has eight Pabst Blue Ribbon grams of protein. I love to pair it with a banana for the perfect It won a blue ribbon! afternoon snack. Ember Foods with Chutney DAN This is such a delicious and comfort- ing dish. When you heat them up they smell amazing and Sensible Portions Garden Veggie Chips taste even better! The combination of cumin, potatoes, and First off, these taste like Pringles. So green chiles makes for a satisfying meal. the brand name is a misnomer as you will Bell's No, Yeah Easy-Drinking Golden Ale eat far more than is sensible. Generally I This is the perfect summer beer! Sometimes I get tired of will finish off a quarter can while mak- all the heavy IPAs and just want something tasty and light. ing dinner, and my wife will eat alone This beer fits the bill! I appreciate that its ABV is only 4.5% because I am full. Sensible. while other beers ABVs are trending higher. I also love the, fresh design and funny midwestern phrases on the can. Bells JAMES can do no wrong in my book! Available at North and West. Chocolate Shoppe Zanzibar Chocolate Ice Cream FORREST If you're a fan of chocolate ice cream Willy Street Co-op Ranchero Salad but have never had this particular flavor This is a perfect light lunch or dinner. Great base of by Chocolate Shoppe, you are SERIOUS- greens topped with seeds, cheese, and salsa. The housemade LY missing out! Regular chocolate ranch dressing brings out a melody of flavors. ice cream doesn't even compare to this stuff. Zanzibar is on a whole new level of chocolate and once you have it, you'll have a hard time ever going back. MELISSA Epic Bars Willy Street Co-op Vegetable Spring Rolls with Spicy These meat bars are really one-of-a-kind when it comes to flavor, texture, and price! I opt for them I love fresh spring rolls. Our Co-op spring rolls are over traditional jerky almost always. They have a made with the same quality organic vegetables you'll find good amount of chew to them but with the benefit in our Produce section, then stuffed with soft rice noodles of not getting stuck in your teeth as much as thin, for a chewy complement to the crunch of the fresh veggies. dry jerky. I find that they are a great addition to And then we have the sauce. This stuff is so good I'd eat it camping and hiking trips and anytime you just need on almost anything. Sweet, savory, and slightly spicy, this something quick while on the go! stuff is seriously delicious. They make a great appetizer to a grab-and-go lunch at the Co-op! I'm actually eating these as I type this. JACK Cedar Roads Cheese & Onion EMILY Hot Dogs Door County Cherries Don't tell the entire state of These little beauties Wisconsin I said this but one go- come to us from Door around with these and you may County, Wisconsin, and the never have another brat again. window of their availability Avaialable at North only. is pretty small, so I stock up! While at their peak, I buy a bunch to pit COLIN and freeze for later use (think pies and other Fox Heritage Beer & Cheddar Bratwurst baked yummies). Nothing is more Wisconsin than a beer brat. These are Kohlrabi wonderfully made with real tasty cheese and high-quality Who would've thought that a spikey green meat. Beer flavor is great but if you pan-fry in a skillet bulb would be so tasty? I'm glad someone did, and de-glaze with a nice lager (I recommend New Glarus because kohlrabi sure is a tasty veggie. I like Two Women) you really get a mind blowing brat. Pair with to slice it thin and sprinkle it with a little bit of a pretzel bun and mustard. fancy Maldon sea salt. It's also an easy addition Available at West only. to a salad or as a slaw. MEGHAN Niman Ranch Snack Pack: Pepperoni, Provo- lone and Dark Chocolate Almonds ATTORNEY This is the perfect protein-filled snack. The Gardening PAUL O’FLANAGAN meat and cheese pair well together, and the chocolate-covered almonds add a little Essentials Coop member, Seeds-Mulches- Soils PROGRESSIVE & LOCAL sweetness which is always welcome! Planters, Tools & more LAW FIRM OFFERING: HALLIE Live herbs, veg & annuals Plus Mower & Tool Sharpening Cesar’s Queso Fresco WILLS, TRUSTS, TAX, This cheese completes ESTATE PLANS, PROBATE, me! Perfectly salty and crum- GUARDIANSHIP & FAMILY bly in texture. AMAZING ASSISTANCE TO FOLKS on pretty much anything, AT REAS ON ABLE COST. but especially perfect on sweet corn or tacos. Available at Hardware Center FREE HOUSE CALLS. North and East. 1398 Williamson St. 257-1630 CALL: 608-630-5068 [email protected]

Willy Street Co-op Reader, JULY 2021 23 EMERGENCY BBETHKEETHKE SERVICE 24/7 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC 251.2222 • Furnaces • Boilers • Air Conditioners • Humidifiers • Duct Cleaning • Maintenance Plans • Ductless Mini-Splits


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