' I INGHAM COUNTY Ninety-second No, 42 THE Year~ MASON, . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1951 3 Sections - 20 Pagc11 Hunters Shoot FIREWORKS AND SWORD-PLAY, TOO /~ Charity Dri~e Rice Oparates a Squash Ranch Halloween Program ~Q Council Names More Birds as Leaders· Start Is Growing Bigger ··-~-· I Ralph Hall as Pressure Eases Mn~on f{lwllnlnn~ rtl'e piilllnJl "'1'11" r1rrh J'iH'> WPifl slrlllorl 19 11onwwhr••r. nrounrl !11400 into the yenrs ngn I o MIJlplnnt the dnngrl­ On Canvassing Monday Opening Reduces pol In Hlflfl'e 1he enmtnlllllty'~ hlg­ g-rHI Hnllowccn pur•! y. llUH nnrl <'OII~Iy horscplny whlclt Prcssm·e on Pheasrmts, then wrrs lhl' Halloween c11stom Chief of Police AI n meeting 'I~IC~r!ny nl~rht Red Fenthe1· Campaign Hags Show Big I ncreasc thry s.11rl that the rutnunl party B11smcss mrn nnd Yotlnl:"stcl s Is Opened Out-County G1·oup Insurance Proglfllll flnH' hPCil showing- KlgnA of pctci­ have r•cnchcrl an implleri agree­ Tu Haisc Local Quotas Fcwcr huntc1s, mole buds rng- rml, Tlw flrrll:"rnrn outhnorl Jnr ment lhnt Halloween fun wlll be May Be Offered Employeoa and Ideal weather marked the this yr1n Hlinulrl 1 cvivc it In n big' cnntlnt•d to Athletic field uml lh,ll Instead of Sick Leaves wny, ·they dcclr11 cd the! o will he no sonpmg ol wln­ fi1 st three days of the bird sea· The pn 1ty will he IJCid the nlll'ht clows or trlrolt nncl lrel\t Rllll! son, Consc1 vat1on Officer of Wcdnnlldny, Octobc1 3t, nt Waltc1 Mutchler 1cportcd. Alh!Plle tlrld. • Arldc!l tn the Jllllf:;"I'Uill Will he LJghtcnlllg of the hunting ncrohitllc• nels .tnd rene rng- c•nn- prcsslll e was Slll pnstng, M ut- tcH[R stHged hy Mkhig-nn Slule City Will Build chlcr remarked He attnbutcs c ollcg-e slurtents Another• ndllccl f I M d Rlli·ar lion will he the touchmg oft mo~t o It tot Je on ay open- of tuewoii>H 'I'hNc'Ji also bn till' Curb and Gutter in g. II ad the opening been on r1 arlltinnnl t nHtumr. pdr adc Wllh Satmday or Sltnday there genPiom Jll'lzes,moviPH •thown on n On Center Street won lei have been the usual g-Inn I HCI een, n huge bonflr e, r c- West Cente1· st1 eel, from Lan- d' th c 0 11 8 e freshmcnls nf hot chocolate nnd sing- slieet to Wainul, Will h, vc o.vcJCIOW rva- cookies nnd speclnl for c u·b nnd guttPr next year the1 mg, e som·~nus 1 twn offrcer behcves. I all , ouncli dccuJcd Monday night. A Jot IIHlle lnnrl was. posted Lhls Fo1 the !.1st few vca1s the• chll- Councilmen appio>cd the pcti- YI'Ill' IJHtn eve1 bcfmc hut most rlrcn In lUt it. wli1 be $396, accordmg to the Lan· The car was cui clean In t\\o by smg firm's hid Will Open Monday the speeding Mich•gan Central Schmc•chel 1cprll'ted lhRt local Cor·n pol.ttoes and bcnns Will b~ passenger tt·am Tanne1·y was pamters showccl no mte1•cst Ill the cxluhtled by 4-H club members t1·e• teet for cuts about his head Jon l\1ondnv and Tuesday. The pi'O· And his nght knee The woman Mason Seniors cluce will he drsplayccl 111 the A A was taJwn to a Lansmg hnsp1tal N I d Howlett & Co. stm e m Mason. Wilh chest anri facial lllJUIICS ews n ex 1 Tannery waH cltivmg eH st on Plan April Trip L.tyton Ncisnn ° Michigan East Holt road As he cliove onto \Vant .tcl.s, Pu1;es 6, 7 and 8, Stale col11•ge Will do the Jlldgmg- the tr, cks he met lhc nor·th-bouncl Mo~son sen1o1s ml~nd lo cln CJ11h lllCillbCi H Who Will Clther 1 Pail 1 Soctal news, Prlges 1 and f.i Hometllll,g diCier cnt on their lllp hlliJ' Ol led libbons on thcu· ex· paHsengel tram The locomotnc 1 htbrts Will he g-uests tile Lan- Jut the autnmoh1lc on the right Pc~r t 1 next yca1 They a1 e g-omg to lake 01 ,, lH11n 11rlc to Washmgton and s1dc Rt lhc lear cutlmg 1t 111 h~lf Church news, Page li, Pa1 t 2. Sing r.wns ( luh at a dmncr m Ma- PailS or the Cal were strewn fOI I Nell' Yolk Her elofo1 c they have son Tuesday lllght. The clnme1 will feet ' Lcg-11 news Page 8, Pa1·t 1, 500 Prlg'e ~' PHIL 2, PRgc 6, Pm L 3 cnused on the G1eat Laltes They Chllith,hr SCI vee! Ill the Presbytcllan Accmcling- to lhe rcpm t mnclc to E:rlrtmral!i, Page 2 P111t a have air e.rcly set the elates They !I Fa1 m news, Pages 1 ',me[ G, leave Aplit 2:l ,111c1 letuin Apll! Othci hcJIHJUet guest~ 01 the shc11II's offiCCi s, 'I'annc1y said he 26 had hac! lh1 ee bolllcs of hcer He Patt 3 ' L.l!lSing' Lwns will be lhi cc lflrls was not lntoXJcatecl he declar eel The SCiliOI s leH notllmg unclonc wlw won top awar·ds 111 ean111ng ' Spo1 ts, PRgc 1, Pm t J. 1 ,,t lhc11 class mcctmg 1'11ey chose and lhe two gals and a boy who! I'!tnt ncm· lttiiJl hulllr; Jt',,,tt~ then· cr.ps and gowns ancl cieclclecl J Shnp won Jug-hest hono1s 1n gardcnmg lower Hwl lo hoicJ lllCII g I Hrilld [IOU CXel CJSCS ,1 t Athletic llclcl Record County Budget Covers Wage Increases, Elevator and Aid to Fair Welfare Saving Finances Generosity Hecluclwn 111 ll'cllaJC and l'cltcf 'rhe county library app1opr1a- the hoard was mformcd, 111Hl• the comt $38,000 cncmt coUlt $78,- 1tcms pel nutted the Ing-ham boa1 c1 l10n was 1ncreaHcd $1i 000 to per- 1ssuc went to a \'ote. 000; constable c!am1s, $1,000; of Hupci \'1sor s to mcludc wage rn­ lllll an expanHlon Ill se1 Vices Whclhel the sheriff needs fom COJonets, $3,000; contagiOus dis- ~rc,t~CH ,IJ(J tu the counJy fnn and • Supervisor Wilfi ed Jewett, who new cars and a stat10 n wagon 01 ease claims, $1,500 county aglr­ a tOUll house clcvalol m the 1952 lcci the move f01 the county fHir one lr mRybe two new cars and 1l cultur a! agent, $9,500; county bmigct appropuatwn, was successful 111 stalwn wagon to protect the coun- clmlt $47,000, county patk falln, Tho· builg-el calls for $1,799,- h1s move to lop $12,000 from the ty and tr anspm t prtsonet s was left .P,500 county tax allocatwn 040 84, ~ ll<'W h1gh for· the CGtmty county health department fund up 111 the 81 r Supe"i Visors held hoard, $500, county treasurer, Sp1 eacl on the tax 1olls Will he a The sldi'nush fllobahly dirln't mean diffelent views of the matte1 and $34,890, county beasmer's tax de­ levy of $1,6D0,040 84 The othet· much as the health depa1 tment the she11ff, too, had left for Lan- partment, $9,130; county health $100,000 1~ expected to be deuved Wtll fimsh lh1s yeat Wtth a sUt'pius. stng. department, $112,600, county And 1f the need should ause the parks, $15,000, court houge and .from the sale of dog hcenses fil­ supcJvisor" Will pi obably provide The up"hot of It was that the grounds, $25,000, dt'all1 commrs- ing fees. Lees for supplymg cert1· extl a money from the contm<>ent ways and means commtttee Will swner, 817,000 East Michigan fled cop1cs of documents and othet I tel!l R fund, sever a! members lllcitea"ted 'take bids on fotu patrol cals and Tourist assoc1atwn, :ji200; The vote was 18 to 11 on the a station wagon Elect10ns, $8,000; heatmg jail health clepaJlment cut SupeJ'VIsor John Patriarche of and com t house, $7,500, Ingham The war boom has slimmed down There a 1·e four vacanc1cs 111 the East Lans111g questwned the need county fau· plemmms, .$2,500; • the we! fa 1c 1 olls The supe1 VI SOls public health ntll se staff and the fo1 tour scout ca1 s. He pomted ance and bonds, $15,000; JLfs­111 Willtllerl s;;o aoo off direct reltef berth of ,l public health educator out that deput1es wo11t m sh1fts lice8111 com t, $9,000; library, $25 _ and $35,000 off soc1al wc!fa1e has not been filled Chauman Hu- and that 1t 1s unnecessary to have OOO, Mrcillgan ClnldJens Aiel So· Afte1· a little VCI·ba! scutfle on the bert R. Bullen, Aurelius head of a car for every deputy. mety, $6,000; PIOb,tte COUI't Calc of fioor, they ,1Jso took $12 000 away the ways and means commtttee, The she11ft' may plan to add wards. $110,000; probate court, 11om the county hunlt11 clepatt- repolted, more deputies, Supervisor Bullen $49,680, mcnl They saved $1,000 on sol- "It would take a Phliadelphm mtunated. P ·osecutmg attorney, $36,000, clicts' bmmls, perhaps on the Mac- Iawye1·," Supet\'1801 Jewett de- SupeiYISOI Russell lllSlsted that reglste1 of deeds, $29,500, supelln­ Arthm theorY that old soldict·s clal'ed, "to figmc out the budget the deputies nllght betlet own tendent1 of schools, $12,670; shel'­ ncveJ clie, they JUst fade away request of the health department thCJr curs than to ride rn county Iff, $121,000; state instttutwns, The demand of the county fau· Thete always seems to he a num- cat·s Earlier m the week the m1le· $70,000; sold e s bnr~als, $4,000, conumttee tot• one-tenth of a 111lll ber of vacancies unfilled there." age of the deputies was doubled solclJers and sal!o1 1 s relief, $32,000, to y~eld $24,000 was cut clown to Supervisor John' Russell of Lan- They hacl heen getting $50 a shelter for ammals,1 $12,000; dog u fiat app1 opr iatlon of $10,000, ,!llllg also spol>e up agmnst "drag. month From Octobe1• 1 to Janua1y fund, .$]8,000; which was $10,000 more than the along" Slll'flluses. they wrll draw $100 a month fo1 Direct ellef, Sl50,000, social :!llper Visors have evm· before p1 o- The head of the health commit- the use of their cars. welfare, 1 ~250,000· tuberculosis videcl hy dil ect approprlatwn. tee Supcrvrso1 John B. Fay of To permit the gatliermg of sanatorrum, $138,000, county-at· If an ele\•ator can be mstallcd Delhi, defended the health depart· she:iff's department facts and large dt·am tax, $23,707; Lansmg In the court house for ~25,000, it ment He said that tl1e surplus 111 thetr presentatwn to the boat•d. Chtldrens Center, $2,500, Salva­ W!ll he10 done For 10 years the In- the health department funds 111- Supervisal William W11ght of lion A my Home $1,000, :x- ay 1 1 slallat1 n011 of an elevator has been eludes fede1 ai ,and state money Stocltbrldge moved that the mat· tests schools, $12,000; retJre· an ssuc the hoai'Ct, and can not be turned baclc to the ter of taicmg car bids be tabled ment 111fund, $50,000; coUI t house ' county contingent fund. for a month Fmally, the Stock- elevator, $25,000; and county fair The employees retnement5 rund That seemed quee1•; the fact blldge supei'V!sor wrthd1ew h1s bulldmg fund, $10,000. got an appropnatron of $ 0,000 that It Is state and federal money mot10n when it was explained that An item of $159,663 64 was In general, all clepat,tments re· and never county money left over the bids for the cars will come be- placed n the contmgent fund cetved budget Increases. The sheJ· to Supervisor Lloyd A~eltine of fore the board on November 5. That's $85,0001 less than last year's ilf'~ department receiVed the big· Alaicdon He charged Dr. R Lan· Supe1 v1~or Walter Munyon of Item. !'!'est For this year the budget was tlng, medical dnector, with notre· Lansing-pratsed Supervrsot• Bullen The cstm ated balance at the WATJm BJLI. DISCOUNT $90 QOO. Next year· it Will be pot·ting surpluses to the health for his work on the budget. The end of 1952 1wrll also sh1·inll almost October 20 rs the last cla)' fo1 jumped to $121,000. committee. Lansing member moved that the $100,000 from what will remain at the 10 per cent dtscount on Mason The Increase in living costs is Supervisor Bullen went to the board order the payment of $50 to the close of this yea ., if the ways watet and sewer sel'Vtce bills The reflected on the item for ca1·e of rescue of Dt· Lantmg. The ways Chairman Bullen fm· !us budget and means conumttee1 report 1s oft'ice of the mty clerk Will he probate court wards. Last year and means chalunan Insisted that service The stun was voted correct. closed So tm day afternoon. Be­ the budget was set at $70,000, the surpluses had been talten into The budget as approved by the cause of the closmg the d1scom\t The 1052 budget prov1des $110,000. consideration by Ills committee supei'VIsors was• Bee mspectlon. Pinnl now-'l'ulip hull... Jc11etL'< will still be allowed on Monday, Cdst·of·hvmg bonuses of $210 Several members ·wanted Dr. $300, recording births and deaths, J.'lowet• Sho)>. 42" I City Cletlt George Kellogg an­ pe1· full-time employee sent de- Lanting to appeal• rurd explain the $2,000; board of supervisors, $11,· Chnll•·• A·~~ Nn. ,, nt nounced. P.artmentnl budgets up. Rltuatlon. He had left for Lansing,' 000; bounties, ~700; .frlelld of the Wnte's, 4Jwt ' ~ . .Je\t"ctt rlowcJ• ShoJl \\Ill hcl11 Sweetest ,pny, Ootolwt 20. • I INGHAM COUNTY NEWS O~tober 18, 1951 Page 2 Television Costs North Aurelius AUCTION IS SCHEDULED OCTODER 2G Holt News Rn.ymond. Ho1mc11 Nursing Courses Niorihwrsj; Am··i·lhJH Grow fantastic By !\Ira, IDrnost Durlow- l'bono 888~ The Nm•th Aurelius cll\ll'eh will Top Breeders Join in Big Sale N1wthwest Anr~IIIIH Jl'm·m B11- T 1 J 11 1 nguln thiH year• tulle pru'l In the 1·ontl will meet nt .~ho liOI11f' or Mr·. Accol'rllng to Conmcl Pol!~ or moot! · YJl ng s 1111 Central Michigan Missionat•y con- Poland China hrocdcrs ft•om 1111 ol' 175 henri of rog!R(:et•cd Po!nnd b 2 25 2 Are Completed rmd ·,Mr·s. nayrnoncl ,CJqrl(· •r 11 o11 clny, MicltlgHn Stnt.c college U1c cor1t or Extensi"On ( U During sentomllor• ·!, nnd 7, rorenco which Htnt·ls Sn.lurdcty, Oc· aectlona or Mlchign.n und n.ci.Joln- Chlnrtfl. Ootd\hot• 23, •rtJC •1is 1 ~ttsslon lnpln Is 11 mn.Jm· nc•Lwor·k lelev!Hirm nhow 1 n tcnm from the Lansing Bloor] lohct• 20. MiAAionat•les will sponk ing states are atlowing lnlc~t·oAt In Elllirwn oncl Ciir!Jncll Pl'cpnr·crt Mrll. D. R. Let.hllrldgo of MaRon "Rennpot'l.ionlng Mil~hlgntl's L"gls- nr a linlf·ltptn· c!nmllon m1ty rcnnh typing pr·ogram cnme to Holt. Tho nt the chnrch on Snnduy, October• tho nuction sule or regiRtCI'od Pn- HltleM cnlnJngs showing; tlw ht·ccd- nnd Mru. A lvln Bttl'lr. of Haslett, have completcrl the 14-hom· course lnttll'~·." llel't·o~hmen\.s will !Jc t'irlm· *~o.oon nml $fJO,ooo, 'J'he talent Holds Elect;OnS total number• or pel'HonH Lypccl was 21, Dl\(! then· 'l'uosday through Ft•l· lund Chinn lwgs nt MnHon Fr·tciny tng or cru:h one nl' t1lk1 ·If> !10nrl ami dnllglunils. ol'tnn llont·s n pr·tce l.ng or ~10,000 U 1,021'i. The lnl'ge porcent.nge of tho rloy, October 2B-2!1 nnd sunday, night, October 20, oll'm•etl nl the snle, Ji'chn· lmnrlrod ltr home nursing nt the InghfLrn f.st.rit~lng-DIIIhl ·, fiiHl lhc n.eLwor·Jt clmrg-e may ·hiL . tot.rtl was students of the Holt October 28, Inmest Olrbar.h or Snlino and nl' the •~ntnlog-s wore nw!J(J(] to county clw.ptor houHo of tho Amor· Fnrtn Bl!i'COII $20,000, PoH7. snlcl. He IH now on Holl extension club mel. Tues. sehool system. A sut•priRo party, was held Tiles· George H. ot hove hrcecloi'H llti'Ollg'IHHIL !Ito midwest. icn.n Rerl Ct•oss tn L•jnHing. AA· "'.ti~\LnJl"ln"·Delhl T~illson Mn~on Hl!,rne 'l.•g·-~ wr·: 1 "d "" " " · - " '-' 1 1 'l' 1 1 l t Tl et·, Mr.s ..John Kenrleil; community Calico gowns will he lhn style llH r· " lt ' r. · · A t I • ' Wl•nl. down lo n. ~8-11 dnt'ent thl!y might. he bettor• rquippell to lslnture." Special m'ustc wilt . IJC wnnts c ll.l IIOS£ ny n g I. IC h I M ,, II J for· wr>mell uppon.ring aL the calico CharieR mt-Pert, Mt•, nnd Mrs. Ken· WerlneHdn.Y nJnuhJ hut not hol'ot•e l'R, CCI en njur•es . R tnflcllng· IVH~ held at lite o·oJf c u rmnn, .usse . eHRop; notJ I>fl t ' 1 l'nmily r (j Mnx I hrourlcnHl their l'llhw. Jli'OVide!l·hY Mrs. oy Miller. · · · · · " r•c•m·en.Lionrtl tcnrlet•, Mt•s. Betty hall SfLlurdlly night, November 3, "· 1 es cr rmu · lll giving lhn Enst Lnrwing t·eserveR '_: ___. ___ .... ·...... ""lli'Sf', BJ'(I fot• '~OUI'Se in hnme cn.t·c nt' the stele. N th and cnlling commilt.ee, RU!h Cot·· high HUhool unci will featm•o bolh Wmlm•sda.y after spending several .Toscph Bnss!CI', 71, of Hnit clirrl lite BtilldnRH with 11. fiO·ynrri 1'1111. or WeS( 0g11am , 1 MrH. Ami 'l'~rrll1 !'lie l.o!lc·ge spt akct· told or tile penlet·. 'l'l1is gmur will tnlcc nfflce modern nnd square dnncing. days with 1'rlentla rtncl relulivea In In 11 Lnn~ing hospitu.l 'l'uestlny. f:lu Icrrst. Lansing srnt•r•!l nguin nnr.i ' . g1·ent im.prwl, ot te.l~vlslon llnrt l'fL· December· 1. Music wlll he Jll'ovldcd by the Fort Wnyne, Indiana. She hur:l waH hurt In an nutomol>ile ncci- Willis ngain cflllle tlnmtglt to itnot Mrs. Atthlut• fJpoonet· cnlct·tai;ncc] rlt? or~ A~wr~cn~ Itt~, l·~e c!eclar·ed 'l'hls month the grol!p lcornml high sclwol dunce bam! fr•om 8:30 .clint\er Wllh Mr·. nn!l Mra. Ray- dent nl the lnlei'SI'ctlon of US-127 !.he scorr. 'f'llB scm·e mmained tlerl Five Park Sites nt n plastic ·.party Ft•ltlny evening. th.tl HOI!IL ;>togJnm,q rllltW nn Hll· how to do ]Jlorl1 pt•inting 1111(1 hosk· i.o 12:00. An added oltmctlon will mond Holmes WedneHday evening. an! ami Studied at Holt Charles LaJ!\l( nnd SOliS of lllast 'eld Center nlso. dancing. Harvey Gurd, well-Jmnwn McKale, anrl Mr. and MrR. Gordon ber·t Kruget•, 24, of Lru1Hing, who tL rmn!Jlc t.r1 ·~con1 twlc:~. 'rtwmlny Laming, Mh·.· anu Mrs. Lo:v\:mt Wheatfl ~~nller in this at•eu und a fnvm·ltc Si.uurl, was also ln.iured. '1'11e two m'•n Cnneh Don Cnt·ey will lntrc hiH M, Cltrrit·nwn Haymond Pen·~ Sullduy ·afternoon. MiHs Neva .Tohn~r,n and Miss l r E ·r· menls; MJ·s. Slnnley Corwcll, pub- ~------' . '? trom IL CltlliHl<~l·. Dmwers wom 1 11 1 0 8 L ..Wilcox ut' the c(lllllllltt.ec r·e· Ml':' ll.lid Mt•s. Ellioa Ba.l1cr nnd Minnin Everett nllended the foot- ns a ll.t on o . . , .. erl wet·s llclty; Mr. and Mrs. Lll.w1·ence . r·eport made to t~1e R1 J.e.rltl. • mmaclccLI. 'l'!te tltiever,v wn~ oct lirmtslun. Barth o! Sloel1bndge; in· tertained Mr. and Mrs. L. Russell Mrs. Hownrd North, Basket maker before his retirement sev- df~Velopcd into a. park. Paulin_~ weav· Mr. and Mm. Howarrt o. Mor- in.stalltng chu~Juln, :Alma Dalton Beeler of Middleville, Sunda.y. ing Will be t.he leRson subject. era! years ago. He holl liver! in 'iantown t·ow of Goodrich culled on Mr o! Dunsv1ll~; tl!Hlnllmg- organist, Guests for all of this week or HmTis TooIter, son of Mr. ami Holt for 30 yearE:. ' , '· Be.rnlce Lunr, who !,; the past thll Emest Smiths were Mr. antl Mrs. A, L. 'l'ook€•1', died Friday Funeral ·services were held 1 1\11'!1. L. P. Wllllmntl :!Ill! Mrs. Dell .Wolf Slmday n.fler- g·ran in a hospital nice giflH. 'l'he liOsteHs Sl'rve•l ice Saturday Amm·Iran Lr·gion 11nspilai in Bat- L. P. Williams and Don viHite(l Mrs. At'lhm· Frost and Mr. and and cafEteria rllnncr 111 ·c heing Marzolf's parents, Mr.. nnd Mrs. there. They came home Sunday crenm Ftnd cnkc. lie C1'eck sh:l~'Pd m t.he dtslnbu· Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rice, Jr:, n.nd Ml's. Berton Jolms~n attende(l the completed by the Woman'R Soct- Roy Marzolf. _Wenden ts now Ill\ aftemoon. ·---- October 27 Uon. The dect.,JOn came aftet· a fctmlly of Ken~mgton, Motyland 2Gt.h n.nniversary open houfle at ety of ChrislifLn Sot·vice of the executive sect·etary of the Board Dick Leonard was pa.lnfully I.f yon flt'e giving a IEll·ge party \_l'l'll.ngle wlmh has lwr,n r~mTierl on at the home· of Ml', and Mt·s. Ivan the Gt·tmge hall Saturday evening. Holt Brotherhood Temple Meth· or Commerce of Mt. Clemens. He bmised and his motor bUte dam- vou can l!Ullte extra coaHt.ers out of lo,r two months. Rlc.e, Sr., m BRUt Hnnrlay art.er- · Mr. and Ml's Hart·y Wysall and odisl chm·ch. was also .elected as a. director of agetl when It was hlt by a car ruumlnmn foiL JuHt. di'Hw circles ·lnghnm's money . lt:ts ail bee~ noon. uhiltlt·en of Po;;Uctc spent the weelc 'l'he affair will he held Fridll.y, tile Mlchrgan commercial seCJ·e- driven by Mrs. Charles Cooley, on the fotl an inch luget· thnn the BARR'S :,:pent. 'l'he. ~ann tomu;n !Joartl of Mrs. Merna Monroe cnlerlnined I enrl with het· rathet· WilbUI' Glb· Octohet· 26, in 1he chJu•ch soclal tarles, at the group's annual con- when she hacked out of her drive. bottom of your dJinking glasses <~.o.ntrol nnltctpntcrl r·c~elpt of the several women at 11 J'ewelt·y party , 1 M !It G'l ' e.· us- hull. BoothH will open at two ventlon held &t Houghton Lal1e Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Leon- "ntl Cllt ouL with pinking Hhears. h "t11 l I ' ' tt'" t . 1' 0 t " foltl' . son. " rs. o e J Json 1s s uo 1 t I d Cl ~ Sinclair Service •·a..q. •• • c.' cor~ ':':; ·• '" • F'l'iday. aftcmoon. Mrs. Wayne 1 sir:k at the Mason General hos· o'clor:k. The dinner will bo Het'Ved as wee 1· at'(i and Mr. an Mrs. arence Then turn up the edges of the foil .~toty ndcht!Dtt. fhel<. was money Wil!lams ·of Ham))urg rtn at·e turning Jeal· . 1 . .. 1 • . 1 . · 0 • ; ,.PP . lng on the .dinner menu at·e the City and In Alden with their two and Mt·~. Barnum Horstmyer, who 01111 eyes upon~ the eight coun.Ues Mt s. rene Ptmg e cntm tnmcc ':p_o,oo last Ii Itday evening. fi · . 1 1 • • h ·n 1 sisters, Mr·s .. Eva Young and Mrs. at·e ex:pected on the Homeland, re- Witi"h rc~eiv•d th<• ,;.t'J tc mone" at a Stanley party Wednesclay I' The Community Chest consist- vel Clll c le c la!lmcn w o hwtl . u hso Mayme Coy, and on aunt, Mrs. ttl1'ni.n"' ft·om " t\VO·mon.th. trtp to ' · • · ' ·' · In · r W'll' mst t nship ll8S s a arge gmup m t e otc • , ,. MoveH will Jil(cly he made politi· rven g. 111 g 0 1 111 · on ow · • · · · · Mlrla Chappell. visit rela.tives and friends 'In Ger- cai' observe1·s hn\•c ilr1Cinrect', to g()t MlsH Beverly HenAeliet nn~l.Missl' Whe.atfield to:v.ns~i~ and 71ty. 0J en Helen Pnrsons is general chair- ·Mr.. and Mrs. Cassius Shaft and many. They are elCJlect~.d home state uppt·opt'ifLtions ror ollter Betty Lou Risch were auchtwned Wtlham~lon ts . eng OJganJZe f th h lh d ill h daughters spent Sunday with her Octobet· 20. The party wlll return Yo " c·a n h ave 0 00 8 <'Qunty tuberculosis hospitals.· at the Olcls Auditorium Sunday [ltHi voluntem·s Wtll be calling on man. f e , an 1 w ave parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hup. by way of Niagara. Falls. The ~5 000 000 for tubercuJosls arternool1 with their accm·dions. I residents tlurlng the next weelt. chOatt~e .0 the apt~ l)n sa ~ 5.' t. pet·l or Perry. Kay Angela re· Mr. and Mrs. Francis Klslin:r 1 't I • ' ., . . Mr and Mt·s George VanDe- et comnu ees ate. pan ry d h f dl lh ~ :oop1 n ~ w,1s taclcccl onto the Mr. and Mt•s. W1Jitnm Malcho Imark and fam'tiy visited Mr Ulld shelf, Est.hcr Clem, Bess Chapell, turn~ orne, a _ter spen ng e and Linda, Beverly Leona1·d and trouble•free heat ~QO,OOO,OOO llon

Schmidt's Qreatest.Merchandising Even_t of the Year Takes Off at 9 o'clock Friday Morning • • • We'.ve Worked Both Early and Late... We've Spared Nothing ·to Make This Our "Four:~eenth Anniversary Sale" The Biggest.a.nd Best of Them Ail. ------.....;..--~---·---~'' ,_·______....;.___ , .I.._G_o_ld_.· _s_ta_·m_p__ s __ .A_l_w_: a_y_s I·' ~on't Miss All The Specials· in Our Cir~ulc;.r Gold Stamps Always. . . I . Open 'till 9:00 Saturd.ay Night fit• WftJ .. >JP.l\U~i f'O'i' flhr' \VOIII•In'L ldelr nl>n111 ·1>efense Officials I Mi'. nn.rl M'r'R. J'.pn fl1!' 'Mr. (11111 MI'R, ,"ilo WnH HI ill In Hlll1'nrw 111111 ,;hn'tl Just~ce Cou•·t Aln~in l'~l(•il'llll ~r llfiVIng lll'·lrlgu Plllrl COHtH nr H~.oo when Hem•y Pct.de 110111' Lnn~lr,rg, Mt'/i, Il[ll'l',V \1'1\S Tin Muo Botomnn tn Hlonp on tho nom·. Ml', nnrl· MI'H, tulwn !wrot•a ,TUHL\oo ol' the Poncu The tople wow "Ronppm~llonmont, horot•e her• llllll'l'lngo iln.tlll'dny IIVO· •1111,_ Tn nccl

Hlll'e to mnl1e the victim £'om fort- j :;lr'll, ·, Cut•! Bloc!gcl.t culler! on M:t•, r1111! family WCI'e cullerH Sunrlay at•e· 1 ..'·.l·'·, Jilcl,,!pll' Mul'ltn, ,Jt·., Lnn- Mt·a. Vcr•n McMunuH Suntlny. nlng nl. the home ol' Mr. and Mt·a, nllle, Then nt.lempt. In Hl.np the -~ or l~IIHL nnw of blood. I Woman Passes U.::lit ~111g· plll~rliHI g·ullt.;v lo 11 ciHtr·ge nr/1 Mr·. ond Mrs.. J11nws C.~lnrlce unci RHynr1· Mne In Pnrma. l.h1·nwtng ennH on 11 public hlg-!1- family spent Suruluy wtth Mr, anrl -- .. ~-~ ·---~--- ~'rained flt'Hl·nlders l1nnw thn t ID h 1 H WHY nne! puirl n fino ol' $0.:10 whe11, Mr·s._IilJonle Bnl·omun nncl f11111lly [JI'OHHill'C ll[lpltcr! [o cnrtnin V~inH at"g tet' s orne tni!Uil heJni'<1 .Judge Ad·lllll~ Sllllll'-~ ntlfll' Hnstlnfl's. BOY rTNIIIIJI'I' IX (li!AFHI 1111<1 nr·tnrlcs, cnlled "pl'CHRIII'C I a I points" IH the heAl way to stop· t!c~y, Mr. nnd Mrs. I.nm·encn Clnrlto Dnnny Wn.llx, Lli, sou of Ml', nnrl I Bt!n S:tylm· of Sloei!IJI·ltlge pulrlj attended l:he l•'edeml Fru•m Loan M1·s. Carlyln Wnltx, tllrped ovct• hi ceding. If you do not I< now thi.' I Mr•,,, Edith M, .Jo~111Hon, _71, dl.~d ·~nethorl, rio not t.I'.V lo UHc it.. Sunrlny ut the horne of her dnugh- n fine nnr.l costs trmounllurg-.l "/ nssocltttion mecllng•ln Chnr_lolle, wilh his t~:w on W~Ht Cotnmllln 'Phrse fll'9 the rules lo follow: 1 ter·, .Mt·s. Amos Wi'Oolt, Amcltus ~n.75 wlwn lnl1en hel'ore ,Judge Clarita Is one of' !.he tllreelors. nen.r the Mnson city llmllH 1'llcsrtny . nmd, M1•s, .1 ohnson hac! been Hi<'lc Adams Monrl:1y on 11 etmr·ge ot: ns- Miss- Mary Clnt'l!e spent !'lie noon, He ''-"cn;Jt•d without lnjlll'lcs, Apply n. clean pud ot clnth dl- 1 for· n Jon"' por·tod. H:tllll tllld battu.J',Y, Hn,ylor Wllel wee!! end with frlenrts In Bnrnrn·r! 'l'lw <'t.il' wns diimng·ert. 'l'he boy 1 r·ectly to llu; wound. Bind 1l fit·m- " t!llurg-rcl with bm1tin~· 11;J 11 Stoclt- Hall, .Mt. Pieasnnl, hurl gone lnmllng '1'1wsclay morn­ Iy In plnce. rr hlrccllng rloes not I MI'A, .ro.hnHon was bol'll In Co­ brld .. ·e lwv with tho help of nn-1 Clyde West or Eaton Raplcls tng-. 'J'hc Mason sclwol rocogni?.e,; Atop, apply mol'e pncls nnd more ( hnctn!'• Lrvlngst.on county, July ol.lre7• ma1i on Scptemhr.r 11. :stayed with his gJ•nnrtpnr·~nts, Mt•, hunting nxcllHO.S hut wlwn he Pl'eHsur·e. 18, 1880, the of Marelnt• I .dnu~;lllt'l' " I 1 and Peclwns nnd J!:nulv Bmwr'. Sh•' I• nur ng uun l owns 111 · P II1 g. 11 I Ft·ldayMrs. night Vern unl'IJ J\{cMunus, Sun I fromI I t rnnchcll1 schonl tire )my· li!Henvcr·ert Do not usc lotll·niquelH mnl'l·tcd Erlwnr•d ,JiJhnAon Murch ,I unlc~s >t!llODl.ho,l''i nppe_nrwl b.''.ro,~·c Judge Shi'r·Iey Wy".tt of •0 nr,' l t .V "~ ~ 1 . 1C hHd 1"1'1. hi11 wrrllrn cxcuRe you I< now how. Imrroptli'IY np-[ 28, 1001. She went to Holt in 1 fJ,ts l I l ' I1 11 . I Ill n 11 1 1 0 "" " 1 111 ltuniC, He WilH hill'l',\'lnr.r home [,1 Ar amft Mane R.l c ' gee w 'I Elmet· Wallace oF Detroit cnll d 1 · I I 1 ,,,,, .. plied toUI'Illquels do gr·cat dnmnge, following the rlenllr ol' hc1· hiiH· "nqontng-" wntennolon.~ Seplembet· I hell' HIHter· Mr·s C \V J ° .on ·g\•1. us f!X<'U8e IV It'll• w osl. eon- to nct·ves nnd tissues. j band. 1 fr·nm thc F'loyrl Wclclon farm.JM:~nd~y: • " · · omson1 trol. of the enJ' nnd it sldclrlecl For rtn abdominal wound, c·ovct• Surviving Mrs . .Johnson nrc two '1'1 11 • nwlt111'R WPI'e owner! by Ben Mr und Mr•s w J Cl . 1 1 1 with a. clean damp eloth. Do not (cluughtet·s, Mrs. WI'Oull of Holt Kinyon . .Judge Adlrms Ol'lic!'etl the I Atell;n, Mr. n~r'l M~s. '.r. ;;, ~~~~~~~ INGHAM COUNTY NEWS feed the patient. . and Mrs. Bryan McChtsltey of boys l.o pay COHI.s of ~4..30 nntllnnd family and Mt· ! M · · S !~or· chest wounrJA, cover· •wrlh a Pc!'l'y; two hi'Others, Chnt·lcs nH1l1e r·c:;tilullon nl' $10.00 each, R. Gillett ~nd romlty ~~~ 1 • 0 d,~;•st~ Octobe1' 18, 1951 Page 3 tl1'.Y pad nf cloth, lo prevent air 1 Pecltcns of On!< Grove and How­ 'rllt'ec hunting· violations were I frnm being sucker! In thrmtgh the AI'CI Pccltcns of Dei.I'Dit; throe sis­ sclLlccl for in Judge Ad-ams court,------, wound.. ,' I ter·s, Mrs. Helen Stewart of this wecl<. Richard Doelwtt went The Important: thing 1n mrch I.Jacltson, Mrs. Marl! Hill of Par­ bef'm·c .Ju£1ge Aclnms Monday cnses ':' lo slop the loss of blood shn tlvllle and Mrs. Bert Slldm· oJ' chargcct willl l111nling· w:O:Iwut n I liS ljlllcl

Leslie News FARM LO~~NS ~ ny Paul •.ruclll'l', LPsllt! l'honP :1771 ------'-ttl;iirn! ~ LONG TERIIJ Rev. Wenger Spealcs PROMPT CLOSING LOW RATE CALL, ll'ltlll Ull~[,J( At Scout Gathering

Page Abel Real Estate Agency Phone 31 (i 1 Mason There's THE PRUDENTIAL INSURAi'/CE COMPANY Of AMERICA A IIOMI OF/ft.:L.; M WAlK tl J, Great Day Com in' Copa(~t·wr 10 Days o~]' FREE TRI L Satu~·d~v Holloway JVoieJ j Red Cross P~~ns October 27 4-/l Clubs tor~'~ ~~l~:n~c01 l~n~[~~o~::~.~~~1: Nurses Training WHY Jy to get het mothet, Mrs. Myt tre B1 own who wtll spend the wmte1 Do More Men Use BA~~'S w1th het M1 s LiZZie Mitchell left Salm·· Sanda~~· !iea···i.d~c day to spenrl a few days w1th he1 SCHICK ELECTRIC l ll •;, Ct·tin r· nephew, James Kelly, and 'fam1Jy 1n Lansmg, Mrs. Ida vi'htle spent SHAVERS Them w1th her daughte1, Mts R11lph Fulke1son, and larmly rn Lansmg Mr o Harriet Neeley and Mrs Any Other Malee? ?? Hanson went fm a nde Sunday, BestAIJ~wet fet-~chlet "2/J''

'rhc nwetmg., at c spon~lll Pel In There's been nothing l1kc this great the A mer Jc· 1'1' in goorj C!OIH[Itlon IOI' NfiiO, Also MoCOi'HIIr!li·Deorlng UOI'II 3 hlnclui' wlt.h hiiiHIIo fJfll'l'ier, Knlli'OH Classified Advertising Duii'Y l•'nt·m, 21l71J S, Corlnl' I'Oflfl, I P~ges T.. uns'1ng-, phonn Hfl:!fl T.nnslng, ·l~wl • ------BOAnS-Throe r•eglstererl Hnmp- 30 TililAD n.morsrrmRmD Holstein CORN f'ICI~IDrt f01•' sale, one l'OW --1~14mv A'I'OR 2<1-n: nil I Hhlre IJOfii'H for srllo ~05 llflch, t wo·year-olcl heifc1 H nnrl young ORA-iN- Livestock Wood BI'Olhors. Vernon .T, ~tee! flrnln 11lnv1ttnt· for srde, ~fiO, Wllllnm l1'nnson, Hotll n 1, Mnson, cow~. freHh m• tlue very sOml, Hodge, 2 rnlles sot1t h or Webhcr­ ·17:l1 Biinlwr 10nd, phone 2112 'l'lli'HO 111'11 nffel'!!rl 11l ten! !JIIt'Allin TI'i'llllCIH Plull, 023 N, Colleg-e 1onrl, HOLSTIDIN or Shorthorn null aerv. Alii'I!IIIIH, •IOwtl' vllle on 1~1111 Rood, Phone 7F3, phone 25971 Mnson, •!2wl Ice at your farm, Purebred Hoi· ______.. Jll'ICPH. C. 13, Smith, Wllllnmston, <12w1 oteln bull from record rlam, A lao RAM·_ Oxfol'rl yearling rn m ror ,____ -­ ·l2w1 ------MI.NNiilAPOLIS - MOLINJTI oo1'n registered Shorthorn htlll, CIHtr'gos snle nnd 11 row rum lnmlm. H, R8CIR'l'l~RED HOLS'!'!MN hull plr!l: om, 3 miles southeast of Dans- DUROC flOWS fOI' snle, ,9ceon;l dull' Bt'm; Fobe:; Bold," who lm~ 2•! no1llt of Mnsrm on TJS-127 Io Col-~ ville, Phone Dansville 2891 or llllnl·~. ~l.fu•tlnlf to fHt'I'OW, A'l~o rlanghlot'R up to R25 llm. J'nl, lwo New Power rll'lvcn corn binder le,";o. 1ontl, fit•st fn1m on Hrttilh. 2886. Owtf live l'egiHlol'cd Poland CIIInn. honl'fl lnno~. Hi,R .Rim Is "Rnlnbow Cnp· on I'IIblwt· with wngon eleva­ Phone 2fl8~1. 12w I 1 tO!', Below clenlet· cost, FEF.DiilR (JATTLE-ll'eet1cl' cattle flntl D!II'OC h01110~. Dexter 'f'hornlon, lnln 13olrl." CIHII'les rD. J3l'OW11, 030 Intcrnntlonnl No, 2 eo1·n hnr­ frH' snle, Nol'thweHtem Here· thret' rnllr.R Hauth, '" nulo wr.Hl. of ~~~don marl, H"t:OIHI J'nl'm ~onlh DI' ! fords, Accllrnaterl. Will rlcllver. H. Wllllttm11ton, 1080 Holt. l'flnd. AIHn nu·pot·t. •12w1p veslcl' with hlowm·. New Ol' 8awi19 used, n. Andot·Mn, 851 fl. mtrr.l't.ronrl, 5 l!J.IO Fnf'd plclwp, good runningl'i'HRf<1m.cow·s-r~-;:-~;,,e-. 'vVIii-i~c Ui!Od Olivm• g'I'OIIIlcl C]l iven COI'Il Hay-Grain-Feed 1 milcH west on Columhln, 1'~l miles nondltlon unci hn~ grmd mcl:j ll11'1'f' fr11·nnoons 1tnd fltuHinyH. binrler· wllh lwo elcvaloi·~ 11 2 south on l~ltt!l'l, 26wtr . ______------··· _ ------v__ ~ i l!~mil Ol~on, :J miii'H east oJ' 'fcii- UHed tr·aclot' plows. ALWAYS---l;;JRs~-;;;;~~ ro~-you:l New Harvey All-ptll1>osc ele· money, Use Kasco Ol' H.owcna I I,APIDER VIINDS'rO!Uolp~lJ;,ics H.E:!U•:FOH.D CALV!~S 1'01' snln,ll ~poon COIIIel'H on Cn\'f!l'l I'Dn~~ 2 > valor, PI'Olot·l. ngninsl lrtHH. One of four Hlem·s nnrl helf'Cl':i, :wo to GOO ' w l feeds. A fecrUor every need, Baby User! l~ar·mall C nnel cqnipment. chicles, gas nml oil, fence. Tom­ is1At8u!Je pnllc!yholrlr"'" In l!JRO received pnnmls . .To.•wrll Hr•rnfrml ll'nl'lllH, ·COWS- 10 · · ;~,-~j,~:e~l-- Shm:u, • ; 01 1 Used Jt'ormall A with plow, linson's Businc~s Center, Holt. ehcr!Ilow, unrl strnw I'm· safe, hny 50c pe'r pigs, Inlt('hiiWI'.Y It II r•nn I>•· pro- II ,. nge, '· , . e ntH , on, villc•. 12w1r• Used one·I'OW full typo uorn !retell IIJ.(ninst winrl~tonn loss hy Houlr• •I, Mnson, Jive mtlcs norlh ______hale, sll·nw •tOe per llnle, In very piC)ICI', 11 J..uper.t• JWlir.y. Stnto Mutual of Mo~on on 0iiCI1lOH I'Oild, phone I RITIGII'JTERED GUI~ftNSI~Y two· g-oorl shape. Ro,v D. Donald, phone Used 1'1"-ton liuclt, Ieo, H.ou[,~ "yeai'SIIoc,,lnlll onWg, lllle"Ho0 'to'n' YOU CAN'T prevent n winrlstol'm. BALED HAY for sale. Nevel' wei. have accumulated enough to ' ' ' .. M ' I M · 1 210~ A 11 V<'fll'li 0 l llll Wig. 11 Cl' m I' , f!Otlglns sr·hoo} ltOJIHr• nil c; Iliianl' , ' nson, P wne ·' tll'e liS. , ,. il:lO W. S;Julh stt·cct, Mason. Phone But n. Lapee1· policy will Jll'O· Thomas 1•'. Russell, 1322 Every bring you the good things in Jme l'onll, on I• rosl. 1on d. .l8wtf 42wll ,, Mn>'on. 42wlp teet yo11 agninsl los~. Call yolll' roncl. Phone Mason 2-1495. 42wlp 2844 Lapeer man today, Stf!te Mutnnl life you really want. Why not ;~;M~S;IlR~G- j-,;c;s frn· .~a~. El~~~ I1-II~i{gFOI-lD CALVES. i'm· .;-;ale,, _____· ______Cyclone Insurance Co, 36wtf CORN AND BALED HAY eleva­ start today, at our convenient wr.eks nlrl. J. II. Oslwm, 21 ,g?o_rl qunhly C?~ol'ntl~, steers ~~~~d I FEEDING CATT-LE I to,• for sale. Vern Steves, one m'les1 enol nl' J-loll nn sonlh side of IH.Ifets, We1gl1 fion: .!30 to ~.JIJ 1 office I ' 'lflwtf ilbs, Iestell fllHl Heclnnn.tert. H. R. for sale ---.. mtle cast and 2 ~ miles south of 0 11 1 Williamston, Meech road. 42w1 ': _ ~------______'' _ IAnrlerson, five m1le~ west, 1'1:1 AI. my fn11n lornlcrl 2 miles Used Farm Equi11- DOA RS- Mcai.·LYpe reglslcre!IJmlles ~DIItll ul' Mnson on Eifm·t. west of HalLford, Michignn, ou Hamp,;hin> lloarH for s~1le, Grand; m~~~l:~ll..2_.__;;:nson._____ ·l:_w21 US-12. , , ment Values Champion ant~ AII-Amcrt~n.n l>loorl1 COW_ One red new milch ('O;:;:- 1,200 Fcctl~ng Norlhweslcr n Miscellaneous lines. Buy nnw, rlon't wn1l nnlll! Hei·IJett Lott, 31(}8 Collen·e road' Calves, ConsiSting or; 550 He1 c· The yon nectl one. 'l'lw pt·Ie•• ts l'ifhL! phone J-loll Huulr• Holt ' frJitl Hlecr calves, we1ght 201! .to USED 2191 t I CHH.ISTMAS CARDS ancl g1ft Coc J~. JDmens, phone Mason fi324. ' ' ,12 ;1 55() Jbs.; :100 He1·cfort1 hetler MinnetlpOlifi-Moline Disc Plow :l8wlf __ __ ------\\ cnlve.,, weight 200 Lo 500 lbs.; Minne[Lpolis-Moline 69 Combine wrappings for sale. Also all oc­ Fart:hers Bank ------· .. ·- - · · · · PIGS- Five Hnm]Jshirc J>ie-s for ngus s em· caves, we1 casion CaJ'(IS, 50c and up. Mrs. l 00 A t I 'gilt Powe1· Corn Sheller Clara Dwtz, plwne 5003 Mason, HOLSTEIN BULl> for- sn Ic or snle, eight weclcs oltl. ...Harold :lOO to .Jo~o 11 JR.; 7~o A ngns 1te If Cl' Jolm Deere Plow, 2-boltom, 1 ~- ' 'l'hl' ohh•st 1"'"1' in It11:ham Counly trade for a. or Njttnl vnlue.p>pink, Ronlc 3, Ma., n, Phone Mn-J cnlvcs, weight 300 to 450 llls.; inch. 326 East Maple, Mnson. 12-w2 ~ow 0 1\JPlllhPt' 1•'. J), t. G. Grantlsnn nf Phosh OI'n!Sby F'obes 1 son 2:lll:l~ ..Jf;lfi Nichols road. 7:\ Shot thorn steer and heifer Spring tooth Ra.ri'OW RIFLE--22 Winchester rifle for 1 1 the Elevenlh, 1'rop1 a higt }H'OIUC·Il 42w1j ••alves, we1;;1· 1 t 250. l o •5~0 ,, 11 >H.;, Gmham Fielrl Ct.ltivalor 1 sac,1 s 11re 1 acton,t' ·P•1• ,,, 810 ,s • Jng dam, 14 monlhs old. Erne~t1------·-- 45 yea1·ling Herefm·d heife1·s, 1 Implement '!'railer Barnes street, Mason, pl10ne 27871 Shaw, :!8ll M~l'irlian roncl. Phone • BROWN MARE for sale, worlcs j' Bangs tester!, 7Jnstnre b1·erl; nncll McCmmiellli'g' rnnll. Pltone 1272 Lcsl1e. , 42w2p I you may wnnL. Lots of good Disc Hal'I'\Vs Morning- stove, lm·ge air com;wes- LARGE MIDTAL KENNEL sign, 41wtri------·------4-H calves. Plows ~or, scales, Jru·ge and small; andt1 Also a cider bane! for sale. ______. --~ '1'-WO HAMPSHIRE RAMS for Dmgs IIS~rl tires and tubes, 217 ~· Mainlt Mrs. Orel Potter, Mason, Route 3, rscv. cow, fr~sh one week, 1 TJ"ucks I 1 , ' lfit ~ell. Charles Fl'iley, every wny, ~170. H.oy D. ann. r • FI ·anc1·8 Platt for sale. Also cider vinegarbm'l'el~ by :Mason, 2w1 1 1 miles nast of Mason on M-36.·call Bath 4-.B'-J:-l OJ' write BoxiRoute 1, Mason, col'l\et· 'rutlle and the unJlon and,quantity of apple 21281_ --4 -~ 1 T'hone fl596. 12•w1! ·! 77 A, Ronte 1, East Lansing. Ba1 nes 1oatls, phone 23628 Mason, Minneapolis·Maline :.)euler b -- -- FORD 1950 De~uxe Tudor, 8 I Collins - 1 42w2 42w1 11 ba~ket~. D. C. Clever, Leslie. DEAR PUBLIC-I am still tak- cyl!nrletr, shinyl blnclc, heate1·, I SALES & SIDRVICE, INC, SOW AND NINE PIGS for saltl. ______-______~~?1~: ~!~~~/~~::~J~;~ 42wl mg magazine subscriptiOns. I r.elros1 or, spo 1tght, backup 220 W. Ash Phone 282611 Pigs are three Wl'elts old. White. IBULL- H.eg1slerell Guernsey bull 1REGISTERED Holstein. bull for 127, first fatm south on College ------~-- want to order for you. Magazines I lights, tui·n mcl!r.at~t·, u~clet·: I 4lwl W. R. Gannaway, 1!101 East Cav- for sale, one year old. 3 y, miles j sale, one year olcl, son oC MABC road. PhCtne 25971. IFLOWERS-Flowers are the per· make VCI'Y acceptable Christmas coaled. P11ccrl nt $l,29a fm ------ann ugh roncl. Phone 87366 ·eve-~ northwest or Le~lie at 3161 Tut- Rainbow Bull and fi'om a damf feet answe1· for all occasions. I g1fts. Please contact me at 2161 quiclc sale. I I nmgs. •12wlp lle 1·oad, Plwne 1~69 Leslie, Cal'l·(with fall!' cr,nseculive tecorcls, o 41wl Let us help you. We make all types East Oal,, Phone a60l. Your Mag- MERCURY 1949 Fordor Green·' 1941 CHEVROLET piClc·up truck -·- .. ------·- --- ton gJtlred. •l2wll n.ll over 500 lbs of fat. Also regis· ~ of anangements as well as dish azine agent, MI•s, Anna Zimmer. I' HOLSTEIN-JIDR:SlDY cow fm· ~;ale, i ·---- I tered hull calves and eight user! gardens. We deliver. Leslie Flow· I 42w1 hrie1 metallic fimsh. Com-~ fo1· sale, A·1 condition, p!·lcerl plctely equipped mclulling r;n~onably. Mrs. Fred 'fln'!lp! on, ~· fi'esh this month. John C. •COWS --Three Holstein cows foi'Jsteecl stanchions, $1 each. Lewis PLOW POINTS-Two boxes _ er Shop, phone 3011 Leslie, llwtf ------1 Grellenberger, ,Dollw 1:oad, O,l lll . : ·' Rives JunctiOn 24-F-3., Route 1. ------1 Automrrtic. LeonHnl .J. Wright, 328 on this ca-r. from reg-JSte!crl stocll, nnd Whtl~ 42w1 'I'HREE-YEAR-OLD' .Jersey heifer E. Ash, Mason. Phone 22411 Ma· FORD 1947 r>u.per Deluxe Tu- Rock roasters anrl fryers, 35c pel ___ fat· sale Fresh with calf by side. I UNIVERSAL I , EVERYTHING ln plumbing fix· son. ·12w1;? . dor, 8 c,vlinclcl', Forest Greezt. lb. alive or 55c lb. O Chevrolet Special 2-door. DUROC BO-AR AND.. c:!i~T SALE, BULL- Holstein bull for sale ;,: son 2-3628. ' 42 ~~' 1 DAVE & DORN DIEHL FORD 1917 Supe1· Deluxe Fm·­ Rntl!o and hen !cr. Wednesday, Oclobei' 24, 8:00 p. trade l'eg-isterecl serviceable Dansv!lle tlot·, S cylinrle1·. Dat•k B!tw. 1950 Chevrolet Styleline De­ Driveway Gravel PLYMOUTH 1919 for sale, spe- lm:e Spo1·t Coupe. Rnriio, m., at Wolverine Livestoclc Sal~s i age ex~ellent recor;l. Ro:,· Swat·t f TOOlS Phones 2631 and 2172 .Completely cqu~pped inclucl­ :t:'avilion, 2'/" miles ~west' o[ ~ll-18515 Lansing avenue, six mile~ a~m 9wtf cial deluxe, 2-rloor, radio, heat­ heatet• ancl undel'coat. I er, blue color, motor recently over­ ing- almost new tires and bat­ hnmslon on US-16. ,,o he.Hl, sned south of Leslie on US-127. 42w1p ·---·------' Black Dirt tery. 'rhis one-ownel' beauty 1949 Chevrolet Stylel1ne De­ by Futtll'll,V Slal', True 'rype ------ONE INTERNATIONAL l\li. trac· Call hauled, Low price, trade ' and luxe ·1-cloor. Rntlio, henle1·; terms. Wayne's Auto Sales, 2•101 was purchase southtion. Robertof Perry Smith, on M-47. four 41w2pmiles Lansing, lSwtf 1 19·19 Fm·rl V-8 Tmtor. Renter, BOARS--Duroc Jersey boars for PRACTICE TYPING rAPEif., r5c IAlw.ays ------CHEVROLET 1948 %-ton PicJ,. HJ19 Ford 6 Tudor. Clean, sale, eligible to register. May he BEET LIFTER, 2-row, fits on any - up, Mcadow Green, heater .1948 Ford 6 Tudor. Radio, .hen t- 1 . a lb. Ingham County News Or· Better nnd defroster, heavy duty Auction 1seen first house east at' Douglas Oliver tractor cultivator. Will flee, 18~tf 1 1 Cl', fog li!.{hts. 1school on north side on J.t'rost road. tmde for anything I can use or I til'es. Lool1s new and in ex­ 19•18 Cl1evrolet 2-door. Low i Harold Glynn. 42wl sell reasonable. Lloyd Hammoml, Vibrated MIXED DRY WOOD fat• sale. r·cllen t condi lion. mileage. Clean. II Cars ·INTERNATIONAL 19<17 KB-5, Sale phone 3217 Dimondale, Route 31 I Ronald West, 1484 South Clark A L F I 1948 Plymouth 4-doot•, Loolt~ /ABERDEEN-ANGUS bull for sale, Eatun Rapids. 40w3 I Smith Silos road, phone _2469 Dansville, Route t €8 00te, l1C, 1 \~·ton stake, long wheel and nms good. of 10 months, double·b1·ed Bauda­ 2, Mason. 42\v3 base, 2-speerl axle, heavy duty 10•17 Ford V -8 Fordor. Radio, Jtt•glsll'rr•d lier. Not fitted for show, but is a tires, exc;ellent condition, less heatet·, spotlight, fog- lights. I than 30,000 miles. Allen tion good individual. R. V. Remington, Delivered and erected BUCK DEER HAULERS-Get MAKE SUH.E YOU get the best 1940 Chevrolet 2-dooi'. Run~ Poland China 2H.l Bennett road, Olcemos, Route Fall Specials' Prompt service your special hauling ropes now. your money enn buy. You are sugar beet. haulers-this unit good and has good tires. I 12. Phone Lansing 87957. 42w2 Leslie Will he mailed n.nywhel'G on re· invited to in~ljlect the hig has side dump platform. Spring Boars and Gilts ISHROP-SH_I_R_E __ B_U_C_K_·_s_h-ee_p_f~; On Good Used Phone Leslie 4413 ceipt of $1.75. Satisfaction gun!'· seleclwn of clean cm·s on our DODGE 1947 %-ton Pick-up, , 1940 Chev;;~~~:~~ Clean. l , an teer or your money refunded. Jot, They sell themselves and red, hcntei' anrl defroster, ' ' . sale. Ready for service. H. J. Tractol's and stay sold. 38,000 miles. A real buy, · Baldwin & Son, Onondaga. One . Artie Wood Made by Mort W. Raymond, 524 45 Head I Centet· street, Mason. 40wtf THE WHOLE TOWN'S talltmg DODGE .1946 '1i!·ton piclt·up, 1949 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery.\ 1mile east on Plank road and half Implements nho11t the b1g trade allow­ new paint, heater, chifrostel', Really nice. Loolts and t·mrs Douh!l'. lnunun••ll i 11 mile north on Stone. 42w2p 24wtf heavy-duty tires, low mileage PUMP JACK for sale or trade. All ances we arc making and we like new. Blacl,, I Blood 'I'I'S1NI 1949 Ferguson tmctor· in good I and in excellent condition. DUROC .JERSEY BOARS, pure· steel, runs in oil hath. J. R. intend to continue mal,ing­ 1950 Ford %-ton Piclt-up. Low 17 lloar·s 28 Gi11s condition. lhese !Jetlel' deals because we INTE.RNATIONA·L 1946 KB-5, mileage. 'Black. I bred for snle, young; also a reg· DAIRY EQUIPMENT-Ten-gal· Al{el's, 2857MW. Tomlinson ;oad, 1 1,~-ton Oltass1s and .Cab, · ToJls out of 17ii !wall fi'om 1wo I 1939 John Deer :Model A T1·nc· 'lk f I ;thane 37 84 ason. 4 ~w 1,p know om· l>est advCI'llsing is 1950 F01d %. -ton Piclt·up. . islerecl Duroc boa1·, 2 years old. F. Jon m1 can or sa1 e. n gooc1 our own satisfied customers. long wheel base, 2-speed axle, Loolts and runs lilte new. 4· hl'i'ds ,J. Dolhee, on Bunker road, second tor with cullivatm·, new paint job and goocl ttres. Motor condition, ~~.00. Also single wash TENT-7x9 tent fot· sale, good completely reconditioned nne! speetlon 1940 Case SC tractor with cul­ be see.n at Lawrehc; Every far;n, condition. 509 west 'Columbia, FREJ~ Runs good, Tires excellent. 2 v., mtles east and 1,~ 1mles north phone 2773 Mason, 4-2w1 GMC 1946 o/. ·ton Picl<-I'OM bi't't'lllng ry. 42w1p has just nnived at the Mickel­ extra good condition. tiona!, tractor tongue, $40. Leon $On·Baker Lwnber Co. 42w1 CHEVROLET 1942 1-ton with Simons, phone 24.06 Dansville. Al Rice Chevrolet To 1111 lmhlat. REGISTERED JERSIDY COW and Also have on hand Mulkey 32· Plus ilat l'aclt, new paint and in heifer for sale. Cow five years. foot corn elevator, several 42wl•P AFRICAN VIOLETS 'and othe; good condition, Bargain good used plows, lwo·bottom seasonable house plants and 12 Chassis Lubrica- p1•icecl. Co, Robert Bn.clms, 3746 S. Okemos ALLlS·CH:ALMERS WC tracto1·, I and single bottom, quantity of cacti, Jewett's Flower Shop, flow· CHEVR-OLET 1937 ~f·ton pic!<· 1 449 S. Jefferson St., Mason . George·H. road, Box 61 Oltemos. Phone Lan- starter and lights, and i'JOWer tions sing 8·6613. 42wl llat·hed wlre, corn cribbing erphone 21231 Mason. 42w1 up, 1·uns and looks g·ood. Has Phone 5331·----..., and fencing. lift. Also a hammer mill for sale. To anyone buying- a 1951 Nash good tires, mud gt·ips on rear. Mrs. Edtward Frinkle, 3261 Heeney Ol' one of our reconditloned­ 1 Ellison Farm RAM - Registered Hampshire Drop in -TODAY an'c:l see the BAUGHAN'S ,spring flowering If you are interested in a low road, Stocl~bridge, Route 3. Stock· bulbs, Tulips and paper white gunrnntccrJ l)Sed cars. This is '1951 CHE-VROLET 2-door Stand· 3 ~ mi1N"~ souUteast of 1\fason, yearling ram for sale. HowB'rd p1·iced Lruclt that's ready for NEW FERGUSON T0-30 and hi'idge phone 4·F·Hl. 42wlp Narcissi. Jewett's ·Flowet· Shop, your bonus for shop.ping- and ars lj.nd Sandhill roads. SJitlClnl-Polnnd China. S)lrlng Aurellu~ road, phone 3743 Leslie, T1'actor & Jmple-· Les Foote, Inc. tery. Has heater and defroster. Phone 87!)72 Lansing. • 42wlp LARGE HEATER and defroster Phone !l2.S33 Mason. 42w1 Dn.rrow gl\·en away 81\lc night Route 1, Onondaga. 42wl ment Co. for sale, fits 1941 Olds. Also Mason '11RAC'l'OR.S-Used Alils·Chalmers heavy-duty battery generatot· anti Corner of State and Maple Roy Christe11sen GUERNSEY BULL for sale, 12 1 mile cast of Mason on M·36 WD tractors for sale. New one­ Your Friendly Fot•d Dealer DODGE or Plymouth, blaclt, for , .EllNEST OlllDACII, Sa.llne months old, Ed Hemnlltel', , 3901 voltage regulator for G. M. car, Phone 22955 l'OW New Idea com piclhone 28286. 42w2 4lw1 ·· 40w.l 'Call Mason 23891, after 5:00 01· on r Sa lurdnys, t2w1 'SNbW .API'.f.,ElS lJ'OH S!IJ,ru, f'OTA'roms ro11 ~nlo, Kr,~nh1lJn, ,HANGE-Motlorn limry nnil g'l'onn .1\.lHo HOVCI'UI ol;lJQt' VfLI'IolloH, ------~ ... -- - ~1.25 P01' tiJJIHlwl,, h1!ng yom• wood rtnrl cor!lrungc, with uti Illy ln'l''f!DNS ln glvn flll'll,l' Allr•nlnt•s, Gllti/S (1NOWSIH'l' J'rw mlln, Ml~<' Smith Ot•chal'll, cot'llPl' of Bnn­ own contninlll'H, ul 1ho B11HII ll'too· cl!·nwnJ•, wnl'llling avon nnd I'ORDI'• Cnll Mt H, V. ,J. Hi nwn, Mr!Rflll ltllll', IIIIV,Y IJllll', \Vfllt'l' ll'JWilonl, lNGHAM COUNTY NEWS Want lrct• rmd Eifct•l I'Oilc:\H, .1\.urol!uH 'Ads flu•IJ. I•'II'Hl' illlllllO HOI! I It nl' ,\1·'1(1 OctobeJ• Pnge mrtn llltlp, •1780 IoHro J'rlrul, ono vou•, mxcJnllcn1 condition, ~3ii, AlHo Perkins Hardvvme 1111 li•lnt lin I, rlnlllllt> :r.IJLJ.llll', llon 18, 1951 , 7 l'onr!H, Phone AurollnR 2102, milo IHII'th nl' Willie Onlc I own !mil, 3·hlli'nol' wicJiclcsH oil HI ovo, lclenl nn fJI,nnonrl I'OIIrl on en~l Hirlu ol' UhHplllnn, f1IH H Mr l!ohrll l ,, pliollll 34wtf •12w4p fell' cotlngo, $8, L, JD, Wheelel', 2 l'OIICJ, •1211' !11 fiHill .MH,.on. •t 2w1 Page 2 IDA.SY WAI:iHER HAJ,LOWEEN PUMPKINS, cxtm A.PPJ,Jllfl- MclntnHh, Bunnnn, Jon· lllllOR HOI1th ol' M!LHon on Ufl.l27 CANAHJJilS,-· beanlll'ul ynnng- hit d•t, SAT"lils & smRvwm Abel lfll•go, for Rfllc•, Qot them now, nlhnn, GiimeH Goldon, Hubbrml­ and 1\6 miles woHt on 'l'omllnson Hirtg'PIH nnd l'r.mrtlc•"· M. !Pnt I'Pil, toud. Phone 3'f88, Mnr,joty Bolt, fl27 JGaHt Colnmhla, onn, Spy unci Delwlons fell' Rnle, ·ll~VI Phono 1!111 nL Hronn M!li•lwll l.tllll, nn l'lnin•, Real, Estate .. ------·- \ooln W Mnaon. Phone MaHon 21:ilil. AJHo clde!, comb flll11 ext tnclecl MnRon 1filii I, llf'Lween l~rlt•n 1nnrl unrl UH- u ..... 40wap hOJll'y, J. P, Hnnscn, 10·1:! Onon­ 10 GALLON G. EJ. wn te1• hen tor fnr MO S. ,] r.l'fet'Ron 127, Lr>Hllo Rniill' I, Mnson phntlo' Agency ------dng-n t'OfHI, Ron to J, lnnlon t~np­ Role, In good condition, Glenn H. fiGR7 12w I P01'A'I'OES fot• HU!e, ~1.25, Chip· lcl3, phone l6H .1\.lnolhrH, Lor•uletl Hoeael', 1155 !'1carl rond, Rnu I o 1, Ji'ARMS Webhet•vlllc. Phone 81-F-2 Wehbm·· _ pewnH. AIHo cuh]Jugll and crt!'· ~tx mlleH west of MnHnn on Colttm· --~2~-~ Real Bstate lO·ACH.f~ f111il t'llo'lll With goo11 1otH. .1 n cit PII chforcl, 2 ~~ milcH tlifl 1Ofltl, two mil'··~ Hnllllt on On· ville. 40w2 -·----r------11'1JHNTTURJ~ - n-plrco rl in In g fl·l Of/Ill mnrlt'l'll itOLIKO, 2·Cfll' Good. Will Used WCH[ of Holt ll!Hl IV. mile~ HOlllh w!dngn mod. 12w1 Trailers A, 0. Gl'eenough golllli(l', JlOIIIll ,Y I!OIL~t•, othtll' on Onondaga t•oarl, •10w2p ELgCTH.IC STOVID for f;!l1e in l onn1 Hill If', lfellnrm Mill<'!' Mnd· Ca1·s good c•oncllllon, renlinnable, ern, Af!li•nn t'llliy wrlntl, mnl!ng. C\1A!'10N, llt'lll' C'OUII house '!'Ills Is hllildln~~. on puvt•tl mud ' ~. ------I IHII'I Pl!nnc Holt :!941. •12w11 any nnri 1nsownotl mlnlrl, ['!ll'ller. • EJS! WE STILL HAVJD rllumlnmn r1 llll'P 7-lnnm IHIIIH' Wtlh hnlh, $!!,2fi0, lf'llllH lflfi I PON'rT A C dcltli!:P 2·tl001 NITlW !-lAMPSHmE !'ell roostlll',l ~~ ,,.. tt'!ll!Ol'R, hut clnn't Wllil too long. .910iltl frrl lwt 1111 llllnfl<'t'. [,ol NFJAR MA!'10N -111) f!{'J'o fnnn. wltlt lfldln, hcntN·, low rmiP· I fm• Hulr., l,llive ot' th'eRHorl, Ri!!h• _ _ _ _ _ ------_ SmiL11, 011 Onnntlng11 1ond, r!IX 1 Soc om hcnlttlfnl lOG\ llno. Used !Hi x 1:12 l!Jigs IIH'iurlrrl In Morlm n hotmn, lnt go hlp roof '" ngf • nlll ARclllne, a mlleH caRt of Ma· Household Goods ONE WARM MOl~NJNG r•it'1'11iflt· lllllnl! ADIIth ol' f'olnmltnt 1 onrl, trniJOrA, bottle gns, tl rtil<'l' ful'lli· ]1111 r nC $1 1,(1110 llnli•y llnJ'It, Mill' !iOtJSe, CO· ID•I8 PON'rlAC r!clllxr RNinn Ron on C'oltlmbln mnll, phone 2168/i ling hentm• rm· ~1le, hlownJlilnton RnpldR phone 717H 'l'lwU' 111 P nnd ncccRAotles, Whlim.~n's I'll;\ ;)ON, r·lo"" In, ill'il'l< llliHIPII; WIIJlP, 111 din, )U'fltr•t·, two·lonr• MIIHOJI, 12WI cnu.mel, l!Hetl one yr.nr•, llko ni'W, ___ ·--~ ______llll'llt RlflVO Ailo, nthCI' htJi]rJ• .... , ., •rtnilcr SalcA, one mllP cnst of East IJOI!Hc, sl!ilnlllr> ,Js nlr l' horne, lng,9, $17,fi00 'l'OI'll1H Jlfl )t\l. Shellane Pt•i('(; $20, ln(tLJh<1 nt 2001 MPtl· ',, Lnnsing on US-1(1, liwlr I'OOllllng illli!Sf', l n 1!1411 OLDfl Club f'o11pe, lwnl• ------~ ... Used nnd IJnlh, J1'.ll'nge, $fl,li00, l~l're Dr.llvr.t·y flrtvlcr. PI' flllrl 1,H\Io, pamlecl, 1041l Royal In good con- Hlllttllt•t I""'"'' 1'111'<' ~lii.Oilrt. $2,700 down llnlnnc~ $al'i,OO BAT .. DWINR WHEELING dtl!'lt·r.ino-alloy don- Refllgc1 n lot .9 & W:tshc•! s tlillon, 25 II., ~1,200 Also 1050 pet· mon 111 DIDLICIOUS Chrrk Oil!' Inslnllnllon Pl'lcos ble wash Lnh:. Used one year. In Exr•rllenL Conrlllion Nnsl1 Rnmblct•, $l,lifl0, Lroon Kctch- MAHON ltll'lll') ~·:1 Ill!<' frii'IU 00 AC!Rf•] I•' A HM snull1 of Wll· Howard Pontiac ORI~ENliNGS $8. Mat vm Lott, 714 N. Metldlan tllll, 311, miles nm·Lh or Mwwn on 1:1•10 .Ji'Ji'ersrm WII !1 2 IHJII~f·H n nrl 2 lJrt~ Cll Iiams! 011, fj() EIC'I Ph llndPJ r>l()W, !'1 Mnson H'r ruJ~LJD RJB-D!i Botllr.ct r:n.~-Ap;lllnnccR totHI, photHl 26687 Mn-~on, 42wl E~sy Monllill' Pnymonls Avail· IUS-127, phone 28341 Mnsnn, 1>'11110 Owtl!'lH Hi11llt' ol' fiO tH'ti'S 11·1 nom modl'l'll llOIISI', hnse­ l'hrmc :!1RO l .JONA'J'HANS - ----·- -- able nn rrJwst 27wtr 1\q Will'oli );fH'S l\1Jgi!J :-11•]1 Dill' 1!1 nwnl bH! 11 llf't1 1L'l !-\Ollie 1'(\}lHII', SNOWS SA'riN CPMFORTER, 100% won! -- - 1 loi1 1 lilt' JuJII'1l'~ wtlh onP !ICJtl. oJ lund ~II ur·n•s ot stnnr!Jng t•or n, Go or! Quo uty Utility Applr.H F. C, Anclel'son & 01· filler!, 101!€ and blue. White Mason I 'I'RAlLl~HH -Hl',.-11 Slylr-Ct'ftfl, for ~!1,'1011. Yo11 ,,linllltl lnnl' nl 'loclt ond lorll s, $12,1!00, '~ flOc nnil 71ic ';)et Jmslwl ganrly du.~t !'tlt'flr. anti sham Boy n ligl1t vnronUon liniiPI', ~.!Pep:-~ .I ID·II CHTTIVHOLF.1' for ~nlc, :Jn,021 Sons fh!H If \'Ill! Wlllll lJJg f111111, flllfl Oil<'l, nlng, ;lhanc :1-122 lJnnsvllle. •12w2p 1 J!IOIV, I (J Ul'l CH O[ g'OOl] lllll· Eei<'n Road. Phorw Lr•sllo 3040 SO ACHl~H on pnv{'lllPlll, 'rvJHS.iJll­ lent condtllon ami one Al!Rttinn llwr (;Jule1· unrl BIIVI'I' fllo~ L1ullerR, n IJcl, in\intwc pnsttnt• lnnd. 01' 4016 ENCLISH SE1' of thlnn cllslwR I'm• 1 LP~ll11 111 c !. l iotl.ll hns flll'lliH P dom· Hhndt; ZFl hy 60 Phone 24121. ------___ __J lloc,t· plun lor yoJII' ncc•d. Ruhl'li, •10x80 hip l'Ucf l>f!sement bai'Jl, ~9wtf H!Lie, O:J pieces, II lnleteslcrl PHil tlllli httl1. l;rlllh nld hnt lol•t ol 4.2w1 'I'! nile! SnlcR oliHI SPrVlf'l', :~o~~.l cl :lflxiO hnscment hmn, eomenl 21651 Mason 42wl 100111 N· IV llllll( hn" ·1-.%1 ·I L!nl- stnvc Htlo, H 1oom mo1lcm .~II ,f>OO POTATOES-.Rw·nl Rus.~et pota­ OIL HEATER fO! sale, 6-room er Jot· sail', m ,\·1 condllwn RlllA' Open owning", ~Owt house, , '1'111~ ftn·m Is wc:l toes fot· sale, Howmtl Jenks, one sizr, In goncl conrlilirm. Must Jnmes Cnillldcr, :l2:l s SIPele, 120 ACH.E:S, Ill Alnlellon lnwnchip, t enr<•tl. $:!0 ono. •renn~. mile east of Webbcrvlllc on US-16, phone 214R1 l\1nson •JZw1 '1'1tAJLl•;R Cna<'IJ !toll"'' nil llllrtbl<•, nnrl llcst or hoavy 'rRUCK •rmm lor •.alo 7ii0x21l, Mel! because we ltnv~: hOtlHe 11 !diet. Bottle Gas Ko~y NE:AH. WJLIJIAMS'l'ON - 80 goorl lt e,uJ, no IJJ eaks, $21i Leon phone 8 t-F-4 Wchbel villr., Phone 5480 1\II[Ison 42wlp ------llmtiPI' l'nt· so~i .. , 27·11, ,•xu•llo•nl ln.nd Tfol!se, bntns, lots O[ olhot If RCI'O ffll'lll, 7 I'ODm modern !-llmonH, p.jwne DanHvrllc 2106. 41w3p Se1·vice DISHES A Gfl-plt•< ,. sri of l'llll\n 1·ondtllon lllSHle s.un Wti1 111111 H, lnnlrl!ngs, whtrh need som<' 1c· h011se lllltl glllllg'l', :\!lx50 hlp 42wlp NORG!ll SPACE HENrER--70,· dtsht"l lot s,ciP. M1·~. Aillllll piton(' ~0% IJ,nmvill< ·12wlp ]lllll', Ownets siHIIt' nf g-!owm~; I1 1onr llrlln, Hllo. Poult 1y house, A.P?L:E'S--::.-:Mci;;-t~~onatha~, 000 BTU, haH blower. C. B. Nichols, .1~] E Ash, \lfw.1011 , C:~n _ - - I 'lop;:) (JI !lt dClO~ L'Oin, mPludN! olhe1· lttilhlmgs, ~11\,800. Del!Pious and Ccll'llantl, Gem·ge Plulgnfi ill 20 m· 100 pounds bt HN·Il nnytimr nll<'t ;, p. m 1 HOFfll•~ 'l'ltATLITIR lfi·lnr>l, o~l. in plir•t• nf S21,0fiO. 1D:il CHEVROLF.'l' fol' ~ale, S< dan Rosebut'Y, We~l Bm neH wnli, nnr.­ I 'Perms. dPitvei'Y, l'fldio, I!Ntt<'r, l!lw new. Rae how Bt ogan rond, Y. mile fJllllrtet· mile west of Atll'(•litlH cylintlers ·l~wll Hltllllllllnn, mounl.1111 ill.tl(cs LI~SLTI>J, I) IOOIJJH, :: lletl 1onms, TN MASON, scvetH oom housP, nm t h ot Dansville 1on cl. 41 w2p Only u,ono miles, Nice hut snwll, CenteJ', A111 eli lis phone 42. 42w2p --- -\--- - h(Jltlt' gn!-1 COO]{ :-;tO'o.t WJ!h OVi'll h:ttll,gflS!liJ!l:UI',lWWHidlllg,ln- ha1dwoorl flnrws, gas heat, ~ 'ptiCrt[ fnt• (jli!Ck ~ILII' hy OWnPI', 100-potmds rle1tverccl DlN!NQ IWOM Slii'l'J•;, R-]'ll't't',lltn·l nil henle1, sleLps lollt lias ,,uJal<•tl Pion• ~7,000 Calll~lny•l I lntgl' lot, gnrnge, lnoaterl un Phone 21i71 D,tnHV!liC 42WII lllt:dann ~IZL', In V<'l V g-oorl t•ron- bet n l!SI'tl vc1y l!tll<•. Vrt y 'i<'dll, l•'ox, phon!' Lrcill' :l.J02 prr vPd s lreet, ~11 .~oo. TCJ ms. . IJOwei:S 01·chard - ll1tlon, httlfcl ·IIHI ~IX 1'11nlts nnd 111 A·l contlltwn. Will ~ell"' l1arl" IN MASON- JTOUSE Hot!Sl' I 'l'1RES, BA'l"l'ERIES nndrln lnlcll•'n Wtlh g!nlmgel pat ts for sale. Also JUnk cars MciNTOSH Used GaR and Electric Range3 of w.. ~tgale sehool on !-lniilll Side 1onrl, Hli!Jtlll I!OI!fil', Nro lfiXO. ,.,. ',~ ri!Spos:tl, on " plll'<'/10 6 miles east or Mnson on M-36 Installation ft•ee on nil ranges ______l!Olls•• 11 ,l! 1l 1 01 sa 11', n- ..:> I C'lll, WI lit ull.tC'Ill'd gru·age, on F'ORD 1fl4fl, Deluxe 8, 4 -door se- 1 or 1 mile woRt of Dansville ami waler· heatc~o put ch.n.:;ed 0 "(1 00 CON'"" T - - Huwm rl Mr·Comb, ~:!2 Wr•,l I:J,lllli ~'--"'~(?. ~· n P•LVed Hll u!'t $8,000, :j>~,!\00 dan hcatet·, new paint, vety •r•' . v,,~R yonr flllllOCP --.J'l•'' ·.;:;: from u~. down, halull£'l' on Jnot tgn.ge, clean. 1946 F'ot·d 8, maroon, 2-doot, from coal to g,1.., wJih Uno, good RIWI', WelJ]Jet Ville• phont• ·17·!•'·4 to.\~e; :9',{ Mason nsrd Jl,ullU<•y·Bt ow hlllltel, !-J. R Wc·illlf'tl'llle. •I ~\\ 1 \ ,.,. ?' 1';f, 11\ICleSt. mdlo anrl !water, vety elenn. 11J47 Ph!Jne 11 /Fox, MASotl Phone• 261161 Ma~on TN MASON- Duplex, Looalecl J<'orcl 8 deluxe ~-door, lteater, spot­ Home Appliance Dansville 3522 1 on pnveli ~L1eet. Oil heat. light, c·olm·. 1!l1fl F'ord 120 W. Maple 12w·: 1'RAIL~JR. lm· sale, n. lfCJnrl sl!·ong ------~ream Al~o 39w4. Phone 25911 ______two-whPcl tt nll01 wtlll slot•k I l~xltn good condillon. :$12,000. deluxe, 2-cluOI', 1 a clio, heate1·, new H ------4 Lwl Mason OlTie I PlANO--Betsy RC!SS Sp!nc•t IJiflllll 1acl<, oJ X 8 box. L D Mot liS, 18fJk ' . GRE~NOIWTI . Te1·ms 1 '.~ mortgage. tlJ·e~ rmd pamt. All these CUI'S are l.....---·------t 1m 'rhn h lN MASQ_\1 -Modem house, CHICKENS-For better chickens A l• I uo1 :Jnle, excellent crmd1 1 Also I Bmnes I'Oflrl. rl hntrst• cast nr J:"i MASON - ltouscs on lot~ p1·lced below rl'tlmg. We tr·ade and ELECTRIC STOVFJ lot sHir.. W!l·r PP lance d1n1ng I'Oom tnhle" bufJcL anrllout· J~clr.n, nmth s1lie ol 1o.trl. •12wJp I t'nt'\ng- Llnrr. st1ects. One house liu e<' 1 onnto nnrl hath, mclurl­ tlnrmce. Wayne's Auto SaleH, 2401 oven m nan ready, call MR•rm llam Dennt H, I 073 Nm lh l'vfert· 120 W. Maple Phonu 2M11 lcha11·~. while tiLblc-tr,p g-~;, l.tllgt', 1--- - 1 IS •I 1oom• Willi fmnaec nne! mg !'11 r 111 t111 e, loc.t led on B. Cedar st1·eet, Lansing. Phone 9~04. Satm·day a. m. dellvery chan lOflri, Route> 2, Okemos, 42wl two twin hNL9, e- Dp ung•• ' sa "'· J STOVE- 3-hlll'tler• electt1c stove ''} , e w Ofllll Ill >el Cll>.lwms, • • • IJAVE BUY I~ H. fn1 good inr•omc: Like New f.l!HIIV, 1Cl niH, alive or 35c feathct·plel>ecl. \Vii· sac11 f1ce Ot·r·m 0 R.cthlmn, phone Wllh stele oven lot sale only ~ 10 lm ge table l<~mp, dt•,k, two 1~11 r el- R d T louHSI"'n U]H'rt y. 6H0-12901 01' see 8[ 2264 N Ce- 2142 WaHJrlngLon roacl, Lansing. ('IJRIIH nnd two jl.tlrH 0[ f'Xll'fl 111 I Used Cars lard Fox, 2808 WP.Ht Rol fr, 1oad, s. l>a~k a 10- e ~'fl u clat· street, Holt. 42wlp ,12w latge ltr.-hacl' t'llttam•.. Call nny. IF' YOU DON"r see what you want BUICK, Hl:il-Supet RIV!eti!, MaHon phone 2·7-196. 42w1 1 LOT!'> 2-rlom, dyn.tllow, 1 nd10 heal­ ------1------__ -'-·------lime aftet llv? o'clnc·k. :1a~ )~asl ------,_ m Utl9 act.ytcas?, please ~all nne! RUG-9 x 12 wool Axminster rug Oal' street, Mason 42w1p CABINET MODEL RADIO for tell me ;;hnt :,au wnnt and I er, wh1te wnl15, etc. BUJCK, lfJ41- Specwl, 4-door, Fresh Cider U~:~ed 1or sale, all ove!' J)attetn, 1ose ------sale, 111 good coJahllon and tn,ly be nlJlc to helt) you. 1 tn 1 1 t1 $15 AI REFRIGERA'l'OR lmdge lamp. Be!·nalll Pllltl_e_. l __ C a 11____ 6HO •3941 ______._''21Vl ___ WebbeJ•"lle. 42w2p1 lambs. Eat! .:'>ltchols, cn1·ne! of 440 S. Jeffci'SOJl Mason l1r., well lm·nlrrl, ve1y mocle1n, Shotlway SPtvree, 25JS Barnes . - - -- " n~·2wtf $7,:lllll [CIIIlH One O[ lllC host lOad, ]lhO!ll' Mason B589. 4lw1 1912 PLYMOUT T Deluxe, new Apples NORGE OIL BURNER tot sale, - Nichols nnd Ono"ndagn !Oar~,, ______------J10mes 111 Lcsl!C on M111n sl1co1, ------latgest s1ze. A·1 conrlltio!l. _MIRRORS- Two wall mirtots fat Phone Mason 2-32.;2, 40wu ------· so•tth new 1oof par f'l1cs .111 motl-j paml~ plam mtet!Ol, gooclruhbet, h1g factory m~tallell heat:r, Th1s Cortland Phone 3222 Dansville, m· 2491 sale Also marble-top table, wal- WHITE PEKIN DUCKS for ~a];;~ vlCTHOJ"A 101 sal•• w1Lh 70 rcc-, Clll R. E. Wll;tnov, Hl~£>s .rune- 80 t~Ctl!DS mucl< f01 sale OJ' Wtll week s~ecwl, lull pttcc $44t>. T1 acle Dansville Sndic Bellm 42w1 nut table, wall what-not, lm·ge " otcls, $2u Also s1x o.tl' rltmng /lwn, phone 6·8'-12. o. B. ·wood, I ~e l 40 .tc1es, w1lh Htnall down Snow 1 ____ mnlwgany secretaty, Jtuge ma- Weight 4 lo 6 pouncls, $1 ,,o rilatlo, nne scoJls, $18; lthlfli,Y salesm,m, Lesltc w 1pa)11lont Balance e.Jsy at 5'/.· ln· and tenn~. Ray F1~he1'~ Sales and hr.gany buffet, large 4-legged foot ench. W. R Durlley, Doble lol189. •1 21\ lf1 hoLil LARGE BUILDING LOTS In new Sales ancl ServiCe, 2415 N. Cedar HEATER-Sunbeam cabinet heat I Ill road, phone 2346 LrH1 1e 12w11 W!llowbanlt subdlvtson, on ,,q street, Holt. Phone 46581 Holt. Pears er tor sale, in gooel condition. Nevel' Been Usetl Open evemngs until 10. 42wl Oma1· Bat'llett, 728 West Columbia, Mat.or~als b1,telll, gamgo well·lamlscapod comer lot close to Will lay soon unci the hom Js ready ment nnel wooci ftoot·s Sealm·" for 12x 2o, lnrge gattlcn. Also ftnnltl1lc store. All newly tlecorated. J..aw­ 2 miles north of Leslir on MAYTAG for Also some woorl to stlos, cement nml masonary lnulcl- will IJe sold \l'llh the llOtlsc r cle- re1wc Simpson, pltone 4281 Mason. SALES & SERVICE serVtc~ 1 US-127 1~12w1 bum. M. A iPntler">n, StocJ,. mgs F'or frcr• estimates jJllonc sued. May he seen nny day Gem·ge 28wtf b1Jrlge, onemtle east, ::1 mile ,,Ot!lll Lansing 81397 or 8G81·1, .Tames Me- M. g u, 5051 West NIChols ______Fruits-Foodstuffs Phone Leslie 2307 1110 of Bunke!' H1ll on Hvnes 1 rJP.d. Kane, Olt cnsl of MaHOn on Uw 400 East Ash street, ll~nson, p~one,llllli hil(hW.IY Phone 22221 Mason. on .... ext Pag-e Phone Dansvt1le 2031. 33wtf Clare Launstein, 2 miles east of A1~11 portable eleetlic hEater, 28422 Mason :!.l\vtf 1 · 40w·1 ~·" Mason on M-36, on Every road, 22wtf I $3.50; boy's btoWilJ gabardine suit, Dansville t onrl, Sln1 ftontc. •J2w1p second house north. Phone 2·1682 size 10, *ll; and water softener ------1951 -BUILDING c~sts ~1-~!Jt I ROLLING viicw'b~;Jcl~ng~slte~-i;~ '=------·----- Mason. 40wtf FRIGIDAIRE eleC'I.rlc refrigera- comoplete with fittings, at your PULLETS for sale, 25 New Ham]J· htgilcr 1han !n l!H6. Do you sale, between Lansmg nnd Ma- tor. In goad condltlon. Mrs. R. own pt·ice. Tl1ese articles would shire Reds, 25 Wlule Rock. Wtl· have enougJt windstorm Insurance son lliHI nen1· US-127. One to fom· Apples POTATOES, $2.00 per cwt., graded B. Wallace, cau 4-721 afte1• 6:00 have to be ~ten to be appl·eclatecl. l!am Holley, 2 miles cH.st, 2 1111lcs !o cover your extm loss tf wmcl ncres, pt·tcc f1om $300 up. Grade I Rwmets, wlll deliver 3 bags or p. m. or Sundays. 37ptf M.n;, Harold Haase, 807 s_ Bame.q 1101'th ruu1 'h nnle east of Holt on hils? State Mul tlfLl Cyclotlo In· :;cltool ncar, goorl got·den lanllCJ.8 GREEN LINOLEUM and Sandhill l'Oarl Phone 87881 Lan· Lansing, 1392 Stillman road, Route 42wl sing, Ratite •1, Mason. 42wl :JGwtf New foundntwn on one Jar !mild· NORTHERN SfYS 4, Ma.son. 42wl Javatot'Y. Irving Helpel, 327 East ------ing. E!ectl1C1tv. Tem1s. H. c. I We Want JONATHAN Elm, Mason, phone .24&14 Mnoon. LUMBER for ;;ale, W11l tal

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS I CTJSTOM CORN PTCJGNG, new W A N'J'IDP-Woman to OlM'Ilh FOR IlffiNT-Ncn!'l;v n~w 3-hcct. Octobc1• 181 1951 P~r,c 8 4% F.al'm Loans WomiH UtiiH, ltllllillllo, flola l/lld Leon .J. F 2llows I on for nil i1mds or ~cmp l!•on, al­ Yards WANTED Custom cm·n plcl1lng HEAltH UNDERWEAR/ ' !()[)IllS fliHi illilli IIJl, r, lOOillS fll\r! Genet nl lwspi Ia! fol' tlwil' wonrler·­ dNUltHd lilt lfljiiii!C( Ill lllttrnl 1/rrtl GoncmJ ng"cnl for Ro Monrlfiys 1111d 'I'ucsrlnys Wilh 11 New Irion prckor. Wnlle1 dttlntl'\ In snlrl 1'01111 111 1111 Prrdtlllt {}f. hoi lh down, gus lillll'l"'. 111 c plflr•ro, In~:ham want old Wlt'C renee and lin. [111 Cdt'e, tho pnllbentelH nnrl Rev County. Route 1, Mnson, Phone Dl'Op me a card. Your junk deal­ Jns111 od Sei'VJCo· Mo1 ton, !!30 W. South htJ eel, Mn­ lrc11 nt ~f!~ Wr st SIIJ.fl! m !-ill r 1 , I art Four· \\'.11111 II Slllt•, I.u gc lunclscnpcrl ,YIIIli, screened In Paul Al'llold for his comlorlln!i ~>111!-f MrrhrJ.Cnn, rJIJ 111 hdn11 llrt• .!hilt 21132. er, .Tames WhrlnkcJ', Box 173, son. Phone 221!4.J Mnson, 12wlp H1•.ui,\ Jll ow po1 Ch 1 douiJJe g.1r r~gu. Vru•,tnt, WOI'ds Mt'S Fl'ei \ 704 West Centcl street, MaRon, Phone Holt 1iio1H tltr lh~t+of lu uhr rr h) p rhlltH1Ion nf u liv rand, Route l, MnHon. 42w1 WALTER I WISh lhnnlc IllY fOllY nf this Oldf I fnt• I!Jtff fllllfl K~IV• Glenn Casey 42wl 1 phone 24261. 20wtf f•·wnrls, l'elnttves .JIHI the Milson \Vft~~ PrUJ.OtiYr~ to f;/1111 tiny nf lilt lriW Ill Auctwneer WANTED-- ~h;-llerl-;;-1 ~~ to wo~ Catholic Women's club for lhr th1• fnulll+fTI CountY Nrt1~, 11 flf'WtiPIIIIfl nrlnLnl lll+rl dl!ulutrfl 111 said ·------BUTCHEHING-Lot 11s do your with rlnny herd, must have ex- ,ymp<~lily Cftieef TJ1ursday, smg, 287!! s Coddt l'ona, phone Ipttnl Also D1· l~flhn,. D1. l'tng." n~HI lfnlu 1 t f, 111111\t DEER 50Wif Ul'-itsl• t of 1' ubttlf! PRICE $2,250.00 poultry any day. We plclt up Call <14626 Lnnsmg. 12w1 muses nt the Spa11ow hosp1LJI Leslie 5361 cnllcct Leslie Foorl ____ . _____ M1s. Dol othy Wnlllcl'. •l2wlp ORDER Al'l'OINTING Tl"-m Whole logH, JH•w, 400 sq. ft BULLDO~ING - Bulldozer with Locker 50wtf WANT ED Exp01 rencocl sing-le FOR IIEIIRING CLIIIMS Jlo111· HJloi< e, fHi-(t rh J!led well Cuslom-M trio Clothes winch, back hoe and dtagltnc 111nn to work 011 f 1 bll+r.:' Ill th. l'lllld ( IIIIIIH, 1111 til! I Hh War.ted and brother, Elhs F. H.1zelton dn nl 01tulur, A ll IIJiJ I r Soo \\ onl Paut s fl;;hmg and llllnlmg- te1t1tory. :l3fl1f, S Jdferwn Ph 23031 cr·aft, located 4% miles north of P1 o>IIWSid lf.-36w\.t' I lluntllll{ ('"I" I When om 11 fe on ed 1th JH done, It ,IJI)Hilllng to ll1l 1111111 th.tl th• llflll 379 dayt1rnes ot· 1[)60 evenmgs 01 fut JIIUillltltliflll or l')III11\S ll~lllllsl : nnrl l!dJUsl nil r•ltdrn:; 11111 rlt- I Duololrl l'ndi•J'I\<':11' on Ia! ge coJncl tnt, buH by clam, new bottles to al'rive we ntc 1!1 t1uls ug-,nnst ll.IHI cit 11 ast d hy .+nd American Standm!l -Holpomt WANTED-Standing trmber. We ---·------l11 fo1 •• :;nul c 111111 on a good' 40-act c 01 mot o fa1 m Fl'ee Estimates Apphanccs I Hl·tl c.to\ I'' will pay top prJCes for large vir­ 111 need or 0111 own boltlc,,, It 1:; Drdr11cl 'lh1rl rrr1lrtou; uf ~111rl with fauly g-ood JnuldJngH. Fm· on gm or second growth timber. One dl(rl!std Ill! llfjllltlrl '" nrrs. Ill tlurr RAYTHEON TV l'llum~ lu ~.rid Wllll .rt ti11 1'1ulurtr Of ' Wool llllnl iu~o: Shills mole mfrnmal10n WJJtc to George PLUMBING - HEA:t'ING of ouz fot esters will mark your Please return them dS soon Personals IH l' at .!fl" \\, !>ol 'i 1!-..'11+ I \A. :-;t 1111. Lll+- Hm t, 1302 E Notlh street, Lan­ ELECTRICAL WORK timber accorrlmg to good fot estry :;ru~-:, M1!h+g111 nu 01 IHf011 lh1 ~lsi AURELIUS ELECTRIC us posstblc. smg. 41wlp Fast, competent mstallatwn and . methods If you so destre. Contact liny (JI lli'CI ml111, A. IJ I!Jil , l l1r- sCJ'VJce All types of plumbmg, AND SUPPLY \ thrtl~ II ilfltl{ Ill lht fnr• IIUIJI ~">IIIII 111111 140 Pia ins Roar! I us before selling. Thut•eson Lum­ At Value Prices! --S,;lall, heatmg, electrical eqwpment., lllld td1111 h11tl) H)JIOI!lLirl fnl' lh1 ;:-_. CON~RACTS gu~~;;;cd, I Phone 1731 Aurelius ber Compan¥, Howell, phone 931 .amrnul 011 1111d llriJll~lmlnl ol rll Llums diwl'ount W A Bcl'gm, E1 olwJ·, Wate1· J1Umps, 01! burners, auto­ 1-11rwtf 6wtJ 'lnd rhmrndc; 111-:llln:.t surd rl"'""'" ~~~e 268:n MaHon __ 41wlp I malic fm nace cnnrrols a spec­ I S.tllil clc~y October 27 It Iii I Ulll\f r Cl1rl, 1111, 'l'h11t tnilrlrr r ,,_ trlt lh•tto[ !11 MH•Il In• truhlllalrrut of 11 wily. Complete set of tools. I 11 t Pyllwm Hdl! WANTED--Ct~am, eggs and poul­ lfiJIY l'iilltrs"l\' DAVIS All work gua 1an teed PART-TIMID gunsm1lhmg. Spc- Dairy of Lh1s ordtr foi tht11 LESLIE 'l'WO-Ii'AMILY 9-room i try. See LflWience Hyatt, 1105 Mason ,J. 111. W(•rJ,:; 1111\'IU\1<., lu !'!Hid d I~ of iHIIIII ~·r eral!zing Ill mHJtn1y tlfle ro­ ol.!lling at 9:00 fr·ame house. One block to clown­ Hall ;;t1eet, !Dalon H.ap1ds, phone 111 U11 1nf.!ham (Ill! Ill}' Nr \~S,II IH W!i)l,ll' 1 Clothing Company modelmg Spl'lllgfielcl, Enfielcl, llllri IIICH]utrrl HId CfiU!IIY town. Income $100 a month Ron Lewis Eaton Rapids 41521. 28wtf 112 W. Maple St. :Ho S. Ccrlar flllnt~.:d Ill Mause1 and K1ag Guns bluccl ex­ 1lwl Sponsot eel 1Jy JOliN Md I.I•,I,J.i\N : $7,500 w1th only $1500 down Call Ph. Mason 3973 H..3, Leslie "cpt fo1· double baJJ'C 1 guns Tcle­ Judg:; PH+h11, Mr. Bl'oadbenl, Lansing 57151. WANTED- l•'RI~SH b}GGS, or ~------­ ,; ______:l-25wtf _ 'COpe s1ghts ancl mounts Recoil Evemngs call 2-2135 OJ' 2-9170 Uwl pads fo1· 11fie nncl shotgun soiLI POULTRY, CH.EA!\1. We nl­ He1 hm t G Coopc1·, r·caltor·, 226 ways want 11101 e. Picl;ed up each Mason ORDER OF l'UBLICIITION S. Capitol, Lansmg 40w2 111r1 lllstallcd. Guns cleaned, J'ccon­ FTi>I!IL ADMINISTR!I TION ACCOUNT I :hltonecl and s1ghted 111. Osca:· week ft om yom door Just phone 2571 Dansville. Paul Hedglen. Pythian 8isters AND DETERMINATION OF HEIRS Bert's Garage Be1gluncl, 720 Phtlli;JS Joacl. Phone SITTS-Novem!Jcr 6, 195 L ! General Repairmg 28wtf Milk Route for Sale 2-12wl 21966 Mason •12wl Hlutr nt MHchrgnu llu l'rulli+Lt lout I I and fur Lh1 ('r,wnt,v ot lu:.:-lwm I ~4-hour Wreclter ScrvJCo Al a lie!HHou of n11ul I 1n+r t 1Hirl tl Business Services I !\.SH1~S HAULED Ruhb1sh, Jtllll< WANTED-Hm s:-;~~~~~ th1n, MILK ROUTE, haul~ngto- 11i~t~on, Mason Markets lht ProbnLL Ollrlr 1n 1111 t'it,v nf Mnn1tt1 Phone 1-1261 or =:972 I <~nrl cmdcrs Leonard WJJghl, highest pi ICes paHJ. Robel t $6,000. FoJ• pat ticulncs mquu·e' Ill HclHI ( ounly, on lht 17Lh rlltY of 01 • 1 ------Ho;t 328 E Ash. Phone 22411 Mnwn Shea thelm, Eden 1 oad 2 miles Bradshaw Really, Webbct-vJIJe, ~~eat $2.27 lolu , \ D I !lr: 1 1 1 Plls!nt: HON ,JCJIIN Md BLOCK LAYING and cement 1-2wtf 42wtf south of Eden. Phone 2513 Lcshc phone Wobhet'Vllle 5-4. 42w2 C a s .80 I..I~I.LAN worlt of any type, done by ex­ Jud~1 nf 1'1 nh, lt1 ---~ ------36wtf --- -~- 01n 1.72 fn th• J\obtttt'J uf th; E;~tnlt nf GHO. perienced labor to your salisfac· ------·------_. Soy Beans 2.68 VErt I SITT~ 1>~:1 cnM d CALL LESLIE 2641 anl1 nslt !01 t10n. P11ces very J'easona ble. I Beans, cwt e11l Dunlin+lllt havlnH frlrd Ill Wa1 ncr's Fire Control Serv!ct WANTED-Wdshmg, JOe !h. fluff 600 would appr·eeiate yom patJOnag-c. Buckwheat, 2.50 f'Our L hr~ linn! arlminu.;tr+ttrnu 111 •·•nurl S. J Mal'shall, fltst huuse no. th for everything Ill fire control Farm Services dt1ecl, l 2c lb. fluff ell Jed fiat worlt llllt • tht11•uf, fu1 a dct1 rrnlrt 1l10n cqtupment. We spcCJa!Jze Ill the finish Self set'VIce laundry, 35c pet Lost and Found nur• Lht 11 of I nr a fl('lf'l mrrratwn ttf of the state at Eden phone Ma­ htll s, .uul lor till asslg"Hm; 111 I! lid fil:l• famous Red Comet fire control washer load. Mason D1 y Cleane1 s son 5681. 10wtf CUSTOM CORN PICKING- ltthtrlrnn .,r tlu llt>HIIH of ~">IIHI •sl.1t1• systems which g1ve 24-IJour pe1 ~-tow and Self Se1vrce Lu und1 y, 24 7 S. ------Charlotte Livestock lt J._ Oid('i•d, !hut tlu lith rl;n ,,r day protectwn for a hfetlme serv· mounted picltel' one wagon ftu·­ Jeffetson. Phone 9101 Mason DOGS-Report own or stl'ay dogs NDVf mhn A IJ Jllil, tl t1•n u'(illl'l, 111 Hogs-'rop, $20.50 to $21 10, th1 fn11noon, .tl IIH Prnll.ttt Uflu1 111 Plumbjng 1ce Ftre su1 veys arc free and we nishccl. I" E. RodeheaveJ•, 357 E. •12w1 to W. E. Disler, county dog Holt road, Williamston, noute 1. warden, Dansvrlle. Phone 2261 m1xcd $18.50 to $20.25; roughs, the Crt\ ul Mrr;.;ou, Mu h ~-rnn l11 1111d Chff Watt, the plumber, 1.; mstall Without extra cost. IS !11 I c•hy ol(l)lfHILII d for l':O.HIIlr!l II,.! .trtrJ Phone 616-F-11 W1lhamston $19,00 each. stJ'Jcliy on l11s own. All kmds 10wtf WANTED--I would l!lw to 1ent .1 Dansv11le, or to Ingham county rJ]t\\11111-:' ~111d UICOII/IL llfld hctlllflh'" ~.trd Calves-Top, $38.00 to $41 00, J1rtrt1on, of 1cp.ill wol]{ :nhl new I' 41w4p farm 80 a Cl cs 01 mote, cash OJ' shcuff, 9661 Mason. 3w52p seconds, $34.00 to ~37.50; outs, ll Is l'urth(r Clrdt_ad 'lh.rl P+rhlu nn­ st,tltalwns. All woli{ gUdlan­ shm·e 1 enl. Atouncl HI mtles from Lrcc thtr(Jof ht gl\tn by publil'llllnn of H $33.00 clown; deacons, .~20.00 tecd. 1 WILL CLERK auctlor, saxes any· INGHAM COUN'£Y Humane So- cnpy 11f thrs n11lrl fn1 111111 :illtrtssn1 Mason w1th buildins P. L. Fowlet, $34.00 cwt , ~i;,;;.. istma-;­ where. Also meome tax assl~­ 1111 High st1 eet, Lansmg. Phone Ciety urges you to loolt for your WCChs Jllt>\l()ll!i to liUid dny of h1 ,1/IJI~ Ill lh( TnJ.:"Illlm Courly Nr\\S, n lll'\\1>1lUJIII tance. Earl Dunsmore, 3042 "W. 28630 Lansmg. 42w4 lost dog ot· cat at the Ammal Lambs-Top, $31.25 down, othet Cliff Watt Columbia, Mason. Phone 2-3241. Jambs, $30.00 down; ewes, $18 00 Jllrnltd .uHI cl+cui,Jltd 111 n11id C'uunty Shelter, 1713'Sunset Ave., Lansmg. JOHN Me< LJ;Li.AN, Phone 22951 l\'!,\son Open 8 to 5, weelt days. Phone clown \ 'l'rw• (OJ IV' .fnrlf..('c nf I'1 oh.tt( l :awu W.ANTED-H1gh school gal to 1 1-39wtf Photographs Z 6218. All dogs picked up by Cattle-Steers and helfei'S, Hoh! Jl L ll1 1kL he lop Wtth housewm•Jt anrl Cal e of R1grslf•t' ol P1nhul1 1------~------$26.00 to $32,50, best beef cows, PORTRAITS THAT PLEASE CUSTOM CORN PICKING Will! a chlldien after school, eaily eve­ county dog warden are brought to the shelter daily. 1wtf $24.00 to $27.00, commons, $20 00 PLASTEIUNG-All klna& or plas· Lwo-row moun ted ptcker. Ernest ORDER OJi PUBLICATION CHILDREN'S PEH.SONALITY nmgs and pat·L of week ends M1 s. --- to $23.50; Cltllei'S and canne1s, FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT tormg done; patching a speCial· I[ La nsmg Must he m good shape 0RDER APPOINTING TIME FOR ~· antenna in goad•ignalareas OLD PHOTOGRAPHS Dead or Alive HEARING CLAIMS AND PETITION Poc-•nt. liON. JOliN Md Llci.L.\N, 1 dcr post beetle cont1 ol. .... onded mel the house modetn. Call Ol' LOST--Chesa.pealw dog, golden Ttul~r of Prohrlf * NO FADE ... NO FLICK~R Cop~ed and 1~<;tore I. FOR DSTERMINATION OF HEIRS I operalo1·, 5 yeo1r guat'Qntee bac]{ed FAdM ANIMALS wr1te Geotge T. Belon, Wallet htown WHV,Y cont, WI'Jghs abouL ln tht M.tt!IJ nr th1 fil'it.JI; of I:LPII \ I BEDFORD-Docembor 21, 1951 M l'OO P llR, ll1 "'.~Sed The standout value in low CO$! by honclecl c.tsh 1cset ve. Tormttes FRAMES Neller Co, 115 W Mlchtgan Avo­ 65 pounds, lost Tuesday on \Vest St.rte of MrchtJ.('nn. Th, Pr nh.rlt Cn111 t Collected Promptly Rl.)-ll11llrd A G11m1s hn".:lllJ.{ lrl1d 111 television! !Iere; ou get the big· r ai·e hard to detect Call a specmho, In si~-~:unu nt nnd omy, but with no sactJfice of l'Cjll'CSen talJVe. 16w1p-Lf phone 29979. 42w2•p cluy ol Odoh~.:1, A D. l'l:i 1 CAN AFFORD •Phone Collect 1'o ------dn;trrlnllrnn of tlu r ostdut of ~111d 's­ picture quality! Lustrous ma· W ANTED--Chilch en to ca1·e for P'"sunt, HOI\ JOHN McCLBLLI\N, t H l~ , OJ{emos Eleva tOJ Co. JLHIJ.:I of Ptob.ttt hogany Bakelite ca binct. See it It h; o, dr I d 'I hHt I hi lrlh d.tY or Lansmg 8-1114 m my home five clays It week thr r~~Lnlu in opcrat1on today, you'll Jee In Malle-1 nl Lhc of AL­ No\ 1 mhCI, A f) I'P'i I 11l tr 11 n'dnt J, 111 LENNOX--I Mi l, J), CCI\SO'II Mt s I STORE Llmt• to1 Jilt :it ntntron of clnrm!'i .a~atnst ' Heating Equipment of Mason. Phone 5266 Mason. ho1rhy 111\POirlttd fnr I'XIIflllllillg' ol/HJ 1\J­ 211 State Sl. Mason Holt 7-2881 snul t :.t 1t'" shnuld hu lrmrlt d, and th It lt.. ]O\\illg' Slllll nccnunt und h; 1U rngo f..,llfl I inw Hnd JIIUcl! be HUPOI!ltl!tl lo 1 UCCI\ !..!, 1 Phone Ma;;on 2-tJ131 12w1 FLOOR SAND~RS foz rent a1 pr•t trnn • Sales CENTRAL DEAD STOCK CO. 1 -----·------xnmlru nncl adJII~l rlll ( l1+ms und 'ri••· IL In l'111lhu Chd1r1d 'Iilli flllblr( nn Herschel Jewett~ P01kms Hardware, phone Mason ll111rtrlf' ll).i,\111!-il fi/ltd dl'CUHM d by llllcl be­ ' Repa1r 2·40wtf lice thi,c'ttnf lu~ J.;l\'t n hy puldrtltlrnrr nf 11 WANTED Gl'incl room fot eman !311. • l4Wt1 /Ole ~nrd Cntul, and thnt the lc.:.'fnl hell~ UPHOLSTERING-Have our own lO)IV nf lir1s Clldfl (01 thl(( ~1/IIISSI\f 1),}1 Wt•Nt ~I.IJIIJ• • Clcanmg nnd nulhng macnmc sclliP man -~- nf Hard !If Clll~ecl entttled tn rniH 11L thu "reks pti'\I[)IJ~ to :;,uff rl11~ nf hr>.tllllJ.f in matertals of the finest quality CUSTOM CORN PICKING, one. Petmanent pos1bon wtlh cuttm,;­ ~-oR REN'.l'-Wallpaper steamer ustntt• of \\hrch snul dt•CIIlSI tl dwr1 ~wr;wd thr- Tnghnm County Nr\\:. ,, ruwr>JIIlllCI .c\.cro~s J 1 on1 Lug Cahin ~hou]cl h[ ndJudrc.att d 11nd dt tt•l'mlnccl. COMPLETE PLUMBING and at all prJCes. Regl uemg a.nd 1 ow New Idea picker. W11l fUJ­ tool m.1nufactw et Must have suf­ and floor sander. Inquire a.t fll'!llt'"d +nfl ( IICU] il1d Ill !illld <'llll!}t} ltl•staul':lnl. repairing furn1ture a.nd recovering It. Is 011lt•red, Thut nil tht-! cf(dtlot::~ ,JOliN McCLI:I LAN, Phone 5iil t SERVICI~ fiCient experience and good tefer­ :;hafer Decorating Supply, 425 S. of tmid dc.:ccnstd nre ll'Jilllt'd Lo Jlltsunt rush one ot· two wagons. Chm·les A 1'1111! C'orw• Turl,.o;u of T't ol111tl•l INDUSTRIAL AND COM· old to loolt like new. Reasonable Butler and Sons, 1366 Rolfe 1oad, ence Apply m person 01 Witte Fas­ Jefferson. Phone 23461. 45wtt tht IL' clnrmH 111 wrrttnJ.{ .utd undt•t o.1th Rnht•rt L nr .ti\C .rs PlOVtrlud hy t'lutute Lu :mul C'o111t MERCIAL HEATING pr1ees. Free estimates and free phone 21780 Mason, Route 1, Les­ cu t Tool Co., 420 L,msing st1 eet, Re.Lrrslct uf P1nhnt1• tll!!\\!l EAVESTROUGHING, new and pJCitUp and delivery. Herb Math· FOH. RENT-One room, very con­ at ::;a1d Ptobtlr 01\'lcc ... nL 2lli Wt:-\l Su).(- lie. 40wtf Chat lotte 41 w3 1111\W Stt~ct, LnnKIIIJ.:', MlchiJ{.tu, on 111 repa1r las, phone 24821 or evenings vement, comfot'tabll) and reason­ lit~ I 01( till 21 sl dny or Dt•cemh~r' A. J) 25816 Mason. 31wtt WANTED--MaltJecl ;;~an on fatm able. Near Wye.th Phone 4404 Ma· lfl:il Ht nitw-thnty n'clocl\ 1n thl! fmt•· F. H. A. Terms Avarlable noon ~aiel trme und Jllncc• ht I liM fu 1 e hy -GRADE A...::. 1hy yem Walter T Culds, 3 12 son. 42wl SPOT CASH I 1 llllJ)OIUtcd for the t'XIInlllllltiOil 1111d lUI· m ties not theast of Leshe on Covm t justment or nil clnrms lllld tlemunds For Dead or Disabled Stoclt COS'rUMES and wigs fot· Hal· road 4lw2p lltf,"n~t liUid d1 ccur;ed, nne! fo+ Ott! ntl­ tct m111al1on till• F. C. Andel'son & Business Opportunities , Hol'ses-$2.00 Cows-$3 00 1 loween parties. Also tuxedos, iudlcatlon and rlt of ------bt·ldesmatds dt esses and Santa llf'll s nt lnw of !Sa!d dtJct n:-;ed nl thl Hogs-$.10 cwt. trm( of Ills tltJuth entrtlcd to inheatt th1• Building Materials W ANTEbl-.Jumor s•ze b1cycle for Sons Prompt and comteous service Claus suits, fot· tent, 10asonnble. boys, Must he tn good condition. ••slnt•• of Which the decC-'nsud tiled Dansv1lle MAN OR LADY wanted to talte Phone collect to Costume H.enlnl, 717 Audubon ~ur~~:ed. (ash and Phone 2363 care of orders for Fuller Brush Phone Mason 27785 42w1 Boulevard, at Fourth, phone 36039, It Is. 1\n thc1 Ur derud, Thnt nuhli( no· Cul'l'y Mason 3141 Lansmg 52239 t!Ce thi!ll!flf lH· ~orlvcn In !Hihl+catron or u -~------Jackson 41w3 19wtf and cosmetic !me, $2.50 per hour COli\ uf thi~ OJdeL on;; f'llch \\et-1, fm CONCRETE BLOCK ...... 14l.f.tc 17c CARLBERG WANTED-More chickens, heavy to start, not canvassing, Call Lan­ IJll€"1 8\ICCPS~I\'C \\C(!],!I JliU\'iOUt; to fin!c( FIR SHIP LAP ...... $118.75 $125.00 WASHINGS and ironmgs wanted sing 8-2956 mornings for appomt­ Licensee for Dathng and Co. I ftyers and springers. W11! picl\ 5-ROOM DUN.F.X a;>nt tment fol day of h~ntinl{, in the In!£hnm Cnunty up. W. X. Steadman Poultry Farm, tent, ava1lable soon, unfm·n1shed. Nf'Ws, 11 lltl\\HiltiiiCt' JHinleclund cltculnted 3-in-1 Exta·a Heavy to do by expenenced person. ment. , 40w3p • 8w52lltf in ri ud county· Pick-up and delivery. Phone 2-5897 620 S. Edgar road, phone 9i04 Earl D. Whipple, 324 W. Elm, SHINGLES ...... 7.08 ------JOHN McCI"~;U,AN, 7.45 , :Mason. 39w4 CUSTOM, SAWINO. AlSO !lab Mason. 19wtt r.. 1onc 22271 Mason. 41w1 A '!1rue Copy: JudJ.:'e of J11 ohnte All 2x4 to 2x12, pet· M ...... 133.00 140.00 .We Haul wood for sale. Franlt Ward, 111 st HOUSE--Five-room house for Ruhe1 t L. DJ•nl;:c \ ' 1 cmcimN:s WANTED--ioYtll come rent, water ins1de, Dansvllle llrJ.dtilt:!l of Pt ubnte IJw:l COMBINATION DOOR ...... 15.96 16.60 CAH. REP AJRING, new and used farm south of Harper school on REZO FLUSH DOORS ...... em· parts ancl a few ca1s for WASHED STONE US-127 at Butler's Restaurant, and get them. W. H. Appleton, school bus James Zeitz, phone 13.72 14.50 sale. Glenn Scutt, 1 1;2 nules sout1l WASHED SAND Phone Lansing 49291. 42wtf 1318 Pryor road, 2 miles north of Eaton Rapids 71!76. 42w1 15 LB. FELT ...... :...... 3.18 3.35 of Amelius, house No. 2783, east BANK-RUN GRAVEL \!:ason phone 11:182 9wtf SOIL PIPE, heavy ...... 6.93 7.30 '.side of•the road. 39wtf BLACK DIRT HOUSiil fo1 1 ent, a miles south­ FILL DIRT Ditching WANTED-Someone to wot•k west of Mason 011 'l'omhnson road. Complete stock of DOORS and WINDOWS EAVESTRo'UGHING-I<'ree est!­ If you're planmng on water land, must be capable and ex­ House No. 3291 W. Tomhnson LIMESTONE CHIPS road. Seven rooms. 12w1p Including PICTURE WINDOWS . mate, flllnace repairing and to the ham, a new tank, O.l' any­ pel'tenced. Mrs. Ina Da vrclson, Route 2, MFlSOil, on Met•JdJan· road, l!heet metal worlt. Call 6H0-42421. thing 1 equllmg pipes and APARTM,ElNrr for rent, four big All material not listed is subject to a 5% Cash W. Reynolds, Holt. 34wtf Williams Brothers dttches, let us dry 1t fOJ yon northeast of Mason, phone 24036 Mason. • ' 42w1 rooms, h.va!lablc Monday, ml and Carry Discounf Genet·al Trucl11ng wtthour new baclt hoe. We will heat.-Also 2 rooms downstmrs. •ATTENTION--ln B:Pveral yeu1· he's guining·. usl\ecl me to tell thiH. HJli!lll Sunday al the home of Mr. Pl'ilnai'Y l'Oom ·have heen neithel' Ctnrencc Haw!dns, 'mm nl' Mrs. 11nd Mrs. L. B. Bnr'r at Mason, ycnt·s und now ltJtvc lllllf a buHhel Onl' n1·st Cilrlslm11s cfttulog· has Then, ton, I'll Include u. molas- absent ncu· t>u·dy ·rm· the stx·weclrs Hcn1·y H1twklns, lias cnlistl·d in for n. rainbow row. I hellcve lhe come and Susy hus It learned seH cookie l'eclpe next week that girl,; JIJ(c thiH l!olorful mixLtu·e r1·nm f/'Ont Lo hock, 't'hc thing M1·s, Mable Fisher gtllll't' · l'oJ' yeHJ'H l n come. yen1·. It loolts Illm loo much'? Ol' coul·se, on our col'l'espondence am! make have perfect scores on thci J' mas­ tery spelling tcHts: Cam I Baldwin, SaUy is my lilllt• gal'Ctencr anrt we uon'l gel ail these things our­ the postman's load heavier. Now Fmnltltn Bigfonl and Judith Mar­ seems to know each flower and 1 selves. is the time to write Lhallong ovel·­ clue letter to Aunt Debhy to thank kowski. loolts for Lhc clwnges lhat ocr" II'. I Doris Moore and I have had two Salty Lozano haH hem, absent MnyiH' IIHit ,,ounds odd. I g11ess it inlercHling af'tcmonns this last her for the birthday gift she sent last HUilllllel'. fl'Om Hchool for the past ten days, m";.Jns Lhal ~ally isn't content to: week. We elcltcd some aluminum Linda Harford is absent fmm sit doing nothing or quietly play- i tmys with mu~iatic acid. We had EFFECTIVE PER. SON AL LET­ school be a large one l11rnugh the ex­ Nelson Sheldon of Holt plans to store 7,900 baskets of ing run ovct· by the wheel of a thing. Pete su,vs silt• lultcs after tension sc1·vicc, hut had never got­ CIAL OCCASIONS; by William H. corn in this 9xl00-foot corn crib on Eifert road in Holt. The trailer. me anti I say Susy takes a.i'lel' len aJ·ound to doing some other.> Butterticlrl concel'fls all types of corn will be used by the Sheldon Feed Co., mal>ers of Wagon !Jim. She will play by hcr·scll' !lo we bought at the Li,me, It v:as letters of appreciation for employ­ Phone Mason 2:1511 Wheel feeds, and the Haslett Feed & Grain Co. Included in the ·contended anrl happily fo1· hours something we couldn l seem to fmd ees, letters of condolence and sym­ munityMembers church of thehave Onondaga voted a unan-Com-/ ·------· al a Lime ncve1· Dsking·, "Mama, time lo do. Ar:yway, IV<. set a date pathy, eongt·rttulatory letters, let­ crib is a built-in drier and belt-feed system for unloading corn. imous call to Re1•. E. A. Ilml!'r November 17 at Holt and a com- Mrs. Ida Cappellitli, ancl Mr. many helpful hints on the business The annual 4-H crop show and mittee was set up to secure tlw and Mr.1. Tony Fortino and son of tcttel' and ETIQUETTE shows the dinnet· sponsored by the Lansing hall, arl'angc for music and games EJkha1·t, Indiana, spent Sunday con·ect styles for formal letters Lions club will be held Monday and aiid refreshments. The group voted nnd Monday with Mr. mut Mrs. , requi1·ed hy Important social occa- Tuesday. Exhibits of com, pota· to send one memhel' fmm the Tony Ross, sions, ' toes and. beans wilt he taken by county to Chicago on the annual CLASHING ... . Mrs. Genevieve Noble rctm·ned ~ ~£11/INv Another interesting book which 1-H club members to the Howlett trip and another membet· to Cleve­ to her home on Sunday after might serve as an inspiration for Implement show room Monday Janel. .These trip winners will be spending the past week in Lan- . '!ilwnnl { A/persOo? lhe reluctant lettet·-wrilet· Is A moming. Exhibits will be judged· announced at county achievement TREASURY OF THE WORLD'S in the afternoon by crop special- day.. Tile Clevdancl trip is to the team of Russett Buxton and Lee GREAT LETTERS, compiled by isls fl'om Michigan State college. N.at10nal Jr·. Vegetable Gl·owet·s Staser of East Lansing City Farm­ Max L. Schuster, and ·containing The dinnet· will be held at the association annual meeting held in ers has won a trip to the National lettel's by the famous men and Pre~byte1·ian .church on Tuesday Decembel', A committee was ap­ Jr. Vegetllblc Gl'owers association women of the past evening at 7:00. Members whose pointed to cal'l'y out formal initia­ with theit· demonstmti··n, "Mal·­ A new novel \Vhich will, un- exhibits place in the blile ot· red lion at county achievement day. lteting Vegetables," The two bnyH 1 doubtedly, be very popular is THE ribbon group will 'be guests of the They at·c: Wilbur Rykert, Da1•id placed seaond-'Jn the stale -show, Philp Mot-or Sales HIGH CALLING, by James Street, Lansing Lions club as will one Beatty, Donna Voss, Mal'garet but due to' the ineligibility of one 1 Readers of THE GAUNTLET will leader from each club. Other mem- Black, Virginia Sterle, Dallas of the boys on the toni~ county I .,., , ,, I· , J)OIJC; 1~-PL Yi\H I ()'I'll remember the Rev. London Wingo bers whose exhibits place in the Hyde, Russell Rowe, Ilah Baker team, l11e Ingham boys n?w t•e- ~~7 N .. Vc' .11 S,l!JS!JHS 'Jllll,t ,),lp,l.t~ as the devoted young Southern white ribbon group will be asked and Phil Hayhoe. ceive first place ami the tl'lp. ·--·------·------' Baptist minister of Linden, Mis- to. pay theit· own way. However, Win1'e1· J,eadcrs 1\I,•I\L so uri. In· the new account of his all members, par.cnts and other A meeting· for wintei· leadel's of ministl·y, the scene is Linden, leaders at·e invited to attend. The 4-H clubs will be held Novembe1· 8 again, hut the time is twenty cost or' the dinner will be $1.25 at the cou1t house, The meeting ------:---rhere's a Warm Jacket for You at Davis'------years later aftet· London had given per plate. will have a two-fold purpose. It up his important ·city church to The program will cop.sist of spe- will be to go over the organization organize a new one at the scene cial music from Lansing, a 4-H program for carrying out the win­ or his first labm·s, and to face 'here speaker on crop improvement ter clubs and to acquaint teadet·s one of the gravest chitllenges of work, a movie and the announce- with project requil'ements. It is hi:; long ministry. THE HIOH ments of awat·ds and prizes. Spe- hoped that most communities will Outdoor CALLING does in many ways for cia! awards will be made to the be able to have their leadet· se­ thc Protestant minister what THE top six members in crops, the top lectcd by this time. CARDINAL does for the Catholic three membe1·s in vegetable gat·- This will aiso be the first of a priest, and it provides an exciting, denfng and the top three members series or meetings for new leadei'S dramatic sequel to THE GAUNT- in canning·. to be held each Thm•sday evening KIRK VIRGINIA JOHN WALTER LET. There should he a good corn in November. Leadet·s who have Comfort' For the mystei'Y readers, the show, according to County Club been leading 4-H clubs and did not Libt•aJ·y has THE BLACK-EYED Agent Mel Avery, with at·ound 70 attend the sel'ies of meetings held DOUGLAS: MAYO· AGAR· BRENNAN STRANGER, by Charlotte Arm- members enrolled · in corn this last winter and early sp1·ing flre anti "l•'ot•thall 'rtu·ills" strong, which concerns a Jcidnap· ye~r. The la.tc seas?n has ma- ~lso invited to this series of meet- ping to a vc1·t a Jtidnapping and tm ed the cotn. :'here will also be mgs. . inclndes underworld characters as 'good potat? cxiltbtts. Gwendolyn Oakley, whose yea1·.· well as members of the society Fall achtevement day fot· Ing- ling hcif~1· was sent to the Na­ Wool-lined Short Jacket who refuse to believe that Lite un- ham County 4-H club will _be held tiona! Dau·y show at lndtanapolts Tnn, Green, Navy derworld could be interested in at 8.:00 F~·td.ay In the Legton M~· last w.eek, placed first at the show them mor1al butldmg 111 Mason. It IS Ill fittmg and showmg and the an- Another. novel which includes expected that the building will be imal placed sixth m her class. murder, mayhem and violence, ls estcdfilled toin capacitythe program. with those Parents, inter- The vegetable clemonstt•atioll $16.95 TOO DANGEROUS TO BE FREEt membet·s and ·leaders ·are· invited ~------, by James Hadley Chase. to attend thiH event. • 'I'hc p1·ogram will include Bruce Lawrason of Lansing. Initiation of Children's % length Corduroy 20 new service club members into Jacket, Quilted . Scout Council the service club, safety skit by the Lining Wheatfield club, annouw~ement of Special! the county honot· roll, and awat·ds Gre~n, Navy, Ba·own, Maroon Plans Training to outstanding members in the 4 Pe1·mancnt Proofs Ingham Boy Scout distt·ict will county will complete the pt·ogrunl. ma hold a weelt·end meeting for tr·ain­ Most reports from clubs are in Lovely Baby Boolt $19.95 ing at Camp Kiwanls Saturday the county office and are being Euld Sunday. ' checked fol' county honor t'Dll,. The Charles Shepard, Virgil Fisher young people in the county have done a. good job under the guid­ $3 • Curtnnn and SaJm:lul: and Steve Musselman of HM!ett and Roscoe Arnold of Dansville ance of local leadet·s this year, ac· Jacket Pictured '"l'h~r Fly. WIth thn l•'lcet;'' 1 cording to Cur1·y. Complete a1 c oil the b•atning stalf. _:Ga·een, Grc~, Navy Mussellman, who handles the Ingham county 4-H service club ·c d'd w· dd·. training of Cub ,leaders, w:m also held its monthly meeting Satur- an I . e lnQS \'ic:t;u. 1\latlll'l',l,twllte Uall in "EASY J,IV· hold a -meeting for· leaders, com· day night. The meeting consisted lNG ;" ,Jan

! ",I rMr. nnrl Mr11, D~vlrl OvnJ•holl of Howell WOI'O cllnnm· g11o~ts ol M1, unrl M1 s, 1\., 0, 0J'CeJHlllgh Monrlu;v Dansville evoJning. Mrl!, Jillion Ymmg Ml', unrl MI'S, rl. n, Br nrlrln1 untl M1•, unrl M1 H, WntiP :'lcmlrlol' flf i'Jflllno, F'J•orl Rnnnllln nl' Ullnton, 1\11, nnrl M1~ W11Yiit' WnliiP.I' llllfl r nnH nl Nr w lliiclson WP.rr• i'lnnrln;v Aggies lose to rllnrw1 f.:Jit•Kh nl' J\lr·. llllcl Ml'l, Hornets 19 .. 15 Boys Attend Den Mothers r~fA Convention· Hold Meeting

Y.P.M.S. Meets on Tuesday Evening e I former Resident ladies Aid Has I Dies On ~Jtonday No.1 :wscs Members Bave Family r~ight :Bohemian Dinner More thon 14,000;000 1efrigerating units built cwd ~aiel' Ycu cw, 1, l1 on this overwhelming acceptance- os proof thc1t Frigil:c.ire '' yi)UJ best buy! Remember, more Frigide~ire', serve in rncre AJnerJCClll horn<, than any other refrigerator!


with full width Super-Freezer Chest, Alum mum Shelves, Twm Hydrators- When Weather is at its Worst • • Make

Sure the Roof of your Home is SECURE! 20 REASONS WHY FRIGIDA!RE !S NUN'!B~R 1

Mare t.torago Safo cold, to11 8tg freo7er ~A ore conv1 nienttl 81 \ !;1:;.0 Hydwtor1 1paco In 1ho samo ro bottom, In ~roce for all your - n placn for kitch('n 'Spac& I ~"r fru.u and hortott wonther ftoun fcod-:. llVMyl11 H9 Vc:Jtlab!~$ fro!.h

l?egardless o( ~1zc or (II He, every Fnnhfonc ~1ves you:

• Stlautlful sty!1ng by RCllf· • Conven1~nt, Uat top mond Loewy • Bal!-bcannq ,Iocr hinge~ • l•fchmc Porccle~•n intc­ • F1 can- tim ~afc rcfr (J· nor- ndd rcsishng crtmt • Durubli:! Dulux cxtunor • Sa!]·preof door Oependablo Sturdv, la111na Ou1kubo leo • PosJflvl'~do~lno, (la~y .. • Aulomahc mlct1or l1gltt Of1CR door la1ch Whltalwl' VIS! led M1 ,, I1enc M11tor-Mistr cub qual•ty• THlf$ u•vll tnslant • I l':lru~fh1ck U1Sulul10n Unlqu& verlical (urrent cosh inudo and out ico 'llrvito • Simllllfldl C(Jld·Conlrol • fv':rtd11 by OtJnerr I liotorS graining fealura adds highlights and lcxturo off oct to No one can equal Frigidaire's refrigerarion experience - WINDiok •hinsl••· "'.irjjijl~~ more lhan 14 million cmd sold ! ~

e Each Shingle sclf-locl

Bowling News Mat•riage LiccusmJ honm nr M1 nnrt M1 ~ Qm rlon l\f!llillu H!lll r,n,~Jrn•• SltiHlt Snlnrdn~ oVIIHing Miuvln Wolvcllno mngln1 orlng ana lliHI \ ll nn~ onlctlulnod with Legal Notices J;lllllll 11111~1< H.Jcu CheVlfllUt HliiYf d on lop 1lY tultlng 4 pollljiH ~uch fr c m H111 n ~ l\1111 VIII UliP I tnlh s mght they also had h1gh seltcs et 1 t thnnet Sunday with 2005 Ellen Bellows had !ugh Mr 111 rl Mrs R chard Wtluox miltvtdual seues wtth 497 WPl e g'lleHtH of the it son tlld Wtfc High games wet c t tlLJ MJ :-.: rs ANn GOO Hnsh< Is of 0 1ts Ttllla Creyts 159 Thelma Singer bers wrll be glad to ex· lllU I 01 cl 'I ttu (or, COtnjlll t. I! I>Allt~ M~UIP!\1.1.;1\'l 158·401 .Pielen Bml at her home Sat Paustyle Shoppe 9 5 JEWETT Olh~r n.m f qn!Jitn< nt ut cia:, e1 ening Guests played Lnnsmg Ice and Fuel 0 6 games The hostess served 1 eft esh­ Chtrstensen's Ford ~ 8 7 Funeral Home ments of sweet Clc!Cl nnd wrenet s Collins Sales and Set vtce 8 7 The Uome of 1 rlendly Lee Congleton & Wares Drug Store 8 7 Ser\lce Hamburg Shop 6 9 PIIO'!C l\[llSOII J-6151 Fct rts Co 5 10 Amlmhtnce scr1 Ice II 1~ and Steward LQke, Owners A J llf Cotn Philp's Motot 5 10 night. Ambulnnc1• Roho t L ll 1\1;0 Schnudt s .Oepat tment cqlltJtpect 1\ lth OXY!,.'"Cll ll.lld GLEN~,) AUC!llm, <\uctlonur, Ch ulnttc Regi:!tcl r 1)1olul Store 5 10 'li.lllettoOII ' I CSIIHCltt11or I.t•slie ( ollmN mul R ,J II all, Clt•rlls Da1t and Cady 4 11 ~-~-...... ------teiii'Jllnn n;,,~ rlet'il, .T•I'Il•rt Vun· \'l'lH'e fllt>i•i' Iiili[ nii":J l'if (ij•n• Churches Observe i·lnrn, f"flll'lllfln lllWI't'r.rn, t :nrn1 f:OI~' l't.illc·tl In lhr: ~c:hon[ rllsli'IIJ\fl IH'IIIg' ,clt'I'V<.'ci Editor ·Speaks at ,Junes ot' T~nnHing Hpolw 11L llw Los·j l'vll'. 1111tl 1\li'H, l•'l'l•tl MIII'Hhllll, ,11 IIi<' J111ivnrd Hlli'l'l<•lc 1111111e Hllll· ~)~' lhe Ll!.-dlu ~r·lwol. '1,1!11 !.I]PI111'H­ II<' Mi!lllO'\'<'liillg. ·' Iui'Y liilllflll lllllflllllls tfl $Wi,:!:J pel nlsn llnptlzing Pnul Cn1 pt•nlm•, ~on I 1\li'.Y. 'l•i:tl'i Ooudwln Hll<•nil1•d Ill<' ),[r, iitld i\JJ:;, Clii~'lnn Plll'it<'l' or· )lll)lfJ fllld lltr Jlil{li Ht:iiOfl) C:hiii'Jl'C leslie Lions Club oJ' H.ev, und Mt;;, IiJ, m. CHt'penll'l', ~ lilll<'lial ol' tile l:tll••i'H 1111111., i\lrs. L 11 nsia~ HJI<'III flllllll'day nt'lnt•JHHIII ·'in .~12:!.711. 'l'lw selwnl hillll'11'. nud lvlrH. L<':<'lltlol g,rm. 'l'IH~.v glic•sls, 1•111111' Am'l, lnc,Jt Jcwelu, inn servil'l' nl th" Buptisl ch1u·c1·, I \1'1'<'1< willl ill•r fliil<'lll.<. ~11·. iilld Dairy 111 1 :-~pnnHOI'(•d 1111~ HP:JUill'nnce of the ~ J C!in~~"~ u;"':tJ·e:tu, loc111 lc_;tcll"j next ,SIInduy uL 7::!0 p, 111 , Sht• 1\li,<, (JII" Bult•;;, nnrl I:J•·IJ.t!d Quaiii,Y llllli'Y l'l'IHIIIIItH Willi:IIIIH IIVIIIS of T>;nLon f{IIJlH).; m. 1J1. l~oill f ,nitel unci D1. C. M. will show pll'liii'CS nf IJ~t· work.· llnnl. hl'i ngl ng- we~t (' J'n !-iOHg:.; r1 nd Jllll.·dl~ ClnllliCI' \\'PIC lllllilll.ecl liS new 1 She will ~Jli~flk 11 t the [cell PlfllnH I , Mr. nntl Ml'o. (;onion fln Salurrlll,\', OC'· liP I pla<'l' on t111• l<•rt arrl CJ·owel, clil'eclol's; nnrl PHul week The Stockbridge m3n operates a 589-locker plant, does~:======: Rnnpson, trustee. Has Meeting custom butchering and hickory-smokes bacon and hams for ll was volccl to give t11c Gn·l countrywide distribution. Presc.ott ,built his present plant in' Scou1.s the use,of lllc !mil I'm· I heir M1·s. Russell Shaw W.IS the llJ'r h~ld \\'f~rlne'·flny Oc·~ r·Juld!'en; nnrl nme ~lC[Il-gTnnd­ tonum fol' movies. Two haUl'S ol M~:s p:,~;linc Rohin~on' A contri· ·loh~ · ·1t Mitne1· fllnc;al·l;ome' children. t ·t · >nt i · ]Jianned Wilh ' · · ' · · L 1 io , ' • en et Ulnme ' ' b11L10n to tile refit Jnnll l'or mis· wilh blll'l'il 111 Sloc](fll'lli"c ecmc· eomcrlics.. '·mll ·speci ~h:l m.:ll.lc. ,!~ sl\nLJng' ptll'l,\' TllCfSfla,v evening and * close ol the mccllng. lll]l ll~ pl.llle. She \lstt<.d lcl.illle., profiled .~10. _ · t'r Inspect brake linings · 111 Deti'111L on hL·l' \\'.I,V._lwnw. St!Hlt'nts on t Jw hono1· roll NPII' llusiuJ•ss Laundlf•ll MI. ami ~Trs. l-'Hul fJ:uH:t'r s•pcnl the first. six wcei(S nf sclil"l ,· ·"llt'l' 'T·ihellt• * tl l 0 1 1 1 I • t r . 1 . t· I Jl" "' n '"· , • ·' • ,. . Change rear axle lubricants w s m·es cO\\~ own OJ. t oncl w.ns I I ·1 Ll Tc ie Gl Bloomflelct or hn~xv11te, Tennes~ee, Inspect fan belt-adjust if necessary fumishef; clolhing :mel other needs Hnd ~o ,tour lhe .smo~r,y _ivr_ount.mns. in time of personill disaster. liT!. .tml l\!1 s. Clillol <1 L.J~1t1s Sat.t Oct. lOth * ·~ llnvc bee2n lnllnng nol'lhern AIICil- llal'in;.:· purdms<·il I hi' l'ill'llitlll'i' nf a .l'amilr mn1·ing· In {'alil'nt•uia, 1 will clispo~" ol' it tn till' hlgho•;;t. Clean and tighten baHery cables and connectionl• igan. * Ci>llllliUility Ch1•st SJll'lll>Pl' ltid Riclwnl Hicks, or the Jnglwm · M1·. n nil Mrs. Alvin \Voorl <11Hl Check hydraulic brake master cylinder fluid County eommllnil)' chc;;t, wns l.hc ~on a J'C ;;;pC'ndmg .snn1e tnnc \Vilh * g·ucst speaker at the first. fali l1or ;>nl'cnts, .•V!r. y, Hlr h111 rl IIIHI PhyllJH nt dlnn,' l'llllllii,Y M1·, C11Jont'Y nn!l f'llylll.i Wtlll to Ann A lllo!' lo HOO l\h 1 C'lwnoy who IH llllpr·nvlnf::, Klpp i-11 honl Mol hm·'R l'!nh lH RJ1DI1HIIIing 11 llill

1.11 ll\1; IIIII I <'I Ill illlVL• b~lll! fotllll] 111 11111d I !1(1•11 I 111111 I ht• llul nl Iiili )' 11 !Ill' Ill t'lll\ •IX Ill ill'S Jil'}II\V ifll'

lNGIIAM COUNTY NEWS October· 18, 1951 Page 5

F1rr. -L1fc - Casually J\11\i'!ll.ill t\nlu On """1 llal·tfnlll Joy 0. Davis N I \\ OIIIC'I'S Lfll'.d l"tl Al11111' 1•',111111'1" Bani' lJHil ~. ,Jprfpr·snn Ph 2BX32

i~t~\. .1nrl Mh lJ 0 (\II IWol\ ol r~~b~e Sb.Jidy-M!i.!!sk 111 1 J\!.rsnn B.tplrst illllll'i<•l!­ L 1 111.1 1 nl II Ofl • • • 1 ""' ""'"' r"'l''l' 111 "l'ti"' ,, '' 1r1 y Jllii\'Pillrndt11g 1<111\J h "1'<'11 illll~nl llll' H '''1\11, k p 111 llllld Wt'dnes<1.1y, 1\'l'l\' \\"•J home f lilt -lh If I'"' IIIII fill Jill Ill({ I­ "' 11" 111 l Ulll\" [))" r hlillli Sl]lnnl, 1Vclr. ):illcsts ol :W!S ll.ltltc See!- MIH E:lnif'! JcOilllllll .t!.d Mt, C!ar< enter lz11I )l.t-lui Wo>,llljl S<'!VIcc11 II 00 II lr, 1\l R 1R II \1'iii1Jt• lhl l'l!tl ol lwll .11 dmnri"SumlH} J\lel\lll Oc lt'llt .l!trnth! OJH"I ll(' 1 Cure " "', , hill 111 sr h•Hd 1 111 ·•t"' - IlfLIII Ill 1\< ' I VI, I1 I" IIi e 1 Jlf1 s Milly Mll!l\' 11111 ' M 1 anr 1 houSL 11 '111)1 In IIH'!grlests .II the Chnrlt's Slllflotrl The Jirlen A I\ii,trm Pic[ J\1 llw Nmtli\\<'SI Aii!LIIIIo cxlcnSIOil 1 11 d , I'H fs I h o Ro\.lcy, C J•; ,\lztlr!' pnsto1 Mn()ll'-lllJll''"~' lllOIIH' I Jl · ft Chaos r•Jwicl, •cliuul 10 u Ill, Lla" 1 1 r ~ 1 u I(' n[ JtiPil M!·,n ncl MIS Eldtccl Home nncl lJUIIS l']dbmel .i[lht< IO!lll' ut \ '' gtoup .tl lict llllme 'l'hlllou.tv"1 - 1llet L1ng 11 1 m, wmslup MCrvtee m It ""I" !Itt I hv :\'ornm:l·•:l s!'" 11r "If1 1\1' ( om- f,IIIJily c.dlerl on Mt nn If pl,11 lop11 Ml .tnns llHI dOI'oLIOih 'l'11c ,r111 11 '110 P 111 P 1•' lllt•ct- week :Mtss Be1mce Hunt 1etmnecl' Elmet L 1llonrl• r' lil" :nrl Clntl, l 0 ~lrh1n 1•'11dny 7 p m Sunrluy lil:t"S, !I/'"" .tt th" ltnmP 1 M1· .tncl lilts home ,lith them oflet n week's lllo.tlll n •'Piing- ol l1n lr<' nl the " Ill l•'i.ink f<'c'I[Pls, Tulllt' lfmr\, \IS!L on the fmm. /Wnmnn' IJ•uHII\ f'<.,llP Ill Lw J\lis Louella C:tflmd \\ p ... ornr~ 15 \Beitel Hec,.tiLhngH< hnol 11 11 J~cgcncJ.ltJOn .~ m, W,JJtm ol Jvf1·Drll.!OJt dncl .tnclM1s. 1111H~!Old nncl M1s.Johntv.m Le- spent Siiiid.tv ''" liJell c<.llc~ a 'IIJiul Jlnlmc m Ho,ntc' l.lllll'S, flH'[(I( WOJSllip ChiiS(illl li•lillHlli\' rl!HI se!JlJ(JIJ]lV d.ty G\Cntng lh II da1 r on'd i'"' 1hly hr• allowe1! 'l'I\He, !I :111 n m lihl 10·:10" Ill / W<'LC ~11csts .Jt the Jneoh SL1ohyl of: tl1r• Wm ld, mrl Slm l.hr!dg1• M.•lhorl1~t Chn1 ch, lwme Sunday. Phone Holt 41791 lllrll the Ill'\\ I I ( ,1- Two I Sndo1 SnrlPJ hr1 g ll1111JsleJ. 'l'hts i am' 'lnts h Ll1c• Easy Would You Like n,,t 1nr1 wr11lrl crnmctiiDart School THE IDEAL GLOSS ENAMEL ycu must h.cvr tl11• Rules lot '11111 clw~ J\Tor ntn? WfJl Hhlp, ·, l~Ji}ll' •,'l1 ~ ul t.hosp QO ill 1 Jn St l!llon. 'The Ch11s- 71h & 8ih Gl:tl!et·s HIE BEAUTIFUL PLASTIC ENAMEL FINISH ,. lo1 \' 1ll u, 1 n c 'llr1 r me 1hry Christian S(ience? It1 1n ''ll>lnrle' C ill Ill h RPIIOol, t h.tl I rep [ ll I I"• r•omJl'.tll•h•ll nt" 11 ~0 1 111 • 1•;,, ell I< !Silo! su:Jel- Mmlcnc Wa1 fle spent F!!dlly ~ ~~~r,,t~~~'J li>L<'!HII 111 Jnll'l nledt.llt• Ynm11 \•'<'!- evcmng- wilh D1ane !<'elton Gwen o[ f,urJ. and 121 lhl• l,11lll or .Jr'­ 'l'lwn ) 1111 '11'1' r o!(H.tll\' 11\\llt•ll (()__ no Iilt; l~~;.. \~j ...)I'\: ...... I vlr:c :~. \ I et ";} 9r: I 'll ' J!t V< tttJOll 1 I I.!, in al1PIIrl a 1tl'l' pnhli<• lt•r•lur1• towohl[l, :; 011 In ~ ·m· p m , Si!n- Oalt 11 11 Ill luke .til VIS!tecl Mt and M1·s Loven 1 e Mntl11•r· 'nuu r·h, 111<' Fh·st neJ How~ at !Powlm vllle. JIIHI th.tt t" '"'""' t'w lend of I I R B@Uerina l'hu11•h ol C lu·isf, S<·l~nlisf, In N bl R 'l'WO ]Jll'tlJday ann1versm lOS the \\'01ltl. !,;"mLtnlll~ to think llnston, '\(·'"'· I 0 e ~.oa d wet e obset vee! Monda~' Robert 1 If so, right now ts the time to change yom at- H :tbont, is11't 11 '! (N1•x1: A Nonsll I ny 1: Bo11·L·u IHudson was nnw and RusseJI ~ tJtuclc P1 otect this, your most valuable asset. § 1111 I our Nr•r I 1 ) Bowen 12. g F01 all else,-cvcrythmg you may have ot do i: Oishes M1 IIHI M1s Chn1les Ln!Son and Repott cards .ne bemg passer! ('''<'.\ This JS No 3 of o ~cues, telling brJdly of B health. llnr•g!ll!tl\' ellll

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Octohe1• 18, 1051 Pnge' 6 CHOOSE YOUR J=AVORiTE ·CHEESES FROM 60 VALUE-PRICED VARIETIES a~ AEJ'~'~ ~MG Tom~to Soup . ' A11cient Ilistory Hen I•

On11 l'<'IW Agu dnatroyed hy 111'0 on Cluuc.lo Howca 2 ••n• 23c Inghum lnxpnycJ's will hnvo to fat·m, Huuth or the Housel school dig up $1 ,H02,0:14,0o nn J'eal cH(u.(e in f,eH)io, Ict"lclrty nlghl. Paul Me· nncl paJ'Honnl propet·Ly lu moot the Cr·eei'Y live~ on the far•m. ~~ ti .... lD5l county levy. llO Yt•l~rK Agu-11101 Ketchup· Four·tccn Mnrwn men have llftcl The bOIIl'd or surrei'VIHOI'S toolc 1\ Heinz ')ctober Cheese festiv I pellt.lonH filed tu qnulll'y lhom OH day off Thtu•stJuy to visit the coun­ Now Poek cnndlr.JntcH l'ot· l.ho nino charter ty Curm, They had dinner· there. COinmlHHlonol' poHIH. 'rho person who )JOl'I'OWed the ,~ .• ~. 25c Drwlrl Jl, OVCI'holt, HOI! 001\HCr· lee cream fJ•eo?.er hoionging- to the bot, vnllonlst foJ' the Inghum distrlet, 1 . d lche$ and sn~:clcs to cheeses Lrulloa' Library fJ.Saocia.tion Is r•c• From cheeses for rna cmg s;n .w A&P's big October Cheese huR llccn mndc district .conser·vu­ qucsted Lo retum same lo Justice tionlst fur· eight eoun ll'ns, r.aw­ I~er·guson al once, for serving with sal~ds anft pl~uy We've 60 ta~ty, thrifty rcni!C 'Pripp, now in Onicluml Ingham county will got huck a Festival offers you uy a e~ a~kngcs jars ond frcsh-eut 1 county, is being tr·nnsl'encd to his poJ•llon of the money expended on Trrlt Tonight! varieties to choose from ' ' ' ~" !ct see ~hat a help A&P's llonJ·01. signed lo the joh of driving huses MHson which the Ingham County con 29c CUST0!\1ER HELATIONS DF.PT, SLICED so the wages of t•egulat· clt'JVC!'S News carrier!. I would like to con­ A&P Food Stores could be sav~d,. g'J'alu!nle all those w110 made do- A group ul dissenters from the nnlions and wot·lccd with the blood 420 lexington Ave. Citizens party have launched a bani' to make this possible. Lima. Beans New York l7,N. Y. new party in MHson. It is callocl .llmve been in the CHmp LoJuene the Peoples. A l"ull Uclwt, hcaclccl 1 Navnl hospital for the last tht•ec Libby'; Grile• 'by Jason E. TayloJ' for mayor, has 1 weeJ s r1nd have come to know 1 8.oz. been put up. . 'many men whose lives have been I con Mr. and Mrs, L. !_'!· Wl.Hte e~- ~ ·· Chili Cori Carne Light Meot Grai·ed d<;ughl~r C~rolyn ~o Alfred Forehe lllHI Jeg-H agHin because of blood lb. ol Yps!lnnl! on OctoiJct 10, . donations, I am sure they would This is no ordi~ary bacon. It's No. 1 laney bacon Eaton Rapids, paced by Fmz~ct· !mow it wa.s well worth the effort. Van Cmn~~us luna 49c choice Jean and sweet-flavored. lt'9 carefully and Higg·ins, drubbed Mason 26-0 The way my friends ami neigh- No, 2 / ~l.ic.ed just' the way you lilce it, too, and thriftily in football. . . bors came th;·ough has made me con 32c 46 A Gi1·1 ResN'Ve .o;·ga~Jzallon t;~.s very Jll'oJtcl ancl conficlcnt thal the Grapefruit' Juice ~~~ 24c priced so that you can enjov i> ,..,ften. been set up 111 lugh school. V~t,t United States will rdways be a Benner will be the. leader Wlth land of fr·eeclom and peace and ~~r.;,;:.. ?.lm~j;~fols Velva Mmly a~ assrstanl. our way of life shall never parish S ~'~<~ ,;,!;;; i !.l;~i/.ha!l;!i 3 pigs. 20c Beef .Roast Best Blado Cuts-Choico Bool lb. 7Sc Rocks-P•nRo.dy lb. The ham, 1111lk house, an ice from this earth, Dried Beef frying Chkkens F~ncr SSe Gov't Groded-Choico house and the granary were all PFC. D~NLEL G. GARVER ·2 9·o•. 25c Broodcost-Siiced Jiffy Pie Crust Mb pkgl. ' Steaks Round, Sirloin or Swin lb. 98c U. S. Marines Cooked Picnics s.n.tt, L•• ~-R.ndy to e., lb. 46c ·· 2ib'ol.91•-,. ·35 C· J Tend or, Mooty, Pl•t• Ribs lb. Jlonwwarll Bound . Nabisco S~!tines ~=~ 29c. Boiling Beef 38c Hoodless ond Drossad lb. ACCORDION Ed. Note-This letter was sent !o Northern Pike 35c Mrs. Stanley Bowen by her son, Capt;uu Byron Stevens, ll ls Jlrln ted here by Ann P~~e Tomato Soup c•n• Pork Sausage Hy-Grodo, !·lb. <;,?llo Roll lb. permis~>ion. 2 21c 43c Holland Heri'ing ~•nuine-Milkm t·~~· $1.98 LESSONS Dear Mother: Broadcast Redi·Meat (Mixod, 9·lb, keQ $1.891 Today iR the most wonderful Our 5-wcck l1·inl course ctwhles you For T•liv Snockl Royal Gelatin Desserts 3pk 9s. 2Sc to determine your t;denl at very lit­ day I've had in Korea. The colonel tle cost lo you. Private lessons arc called me up and told me that I 12·01. $1.50 cnch by ou1· c<~pnblc staH of am going· home and that I will instructors, The accordion is fur­ . can 47c. Whitehouse Milk 2 ~:~. 27c ui~hcd free for· 5 weeks, nhcr which leave on the lOth of Octoller, JUSt it can he l'cntcd for $1.00 per wee),. five more days. That means I'll Michi9an-M c:lntosh F.ljcc bn.nd rchcnrsal wi.!cldy for our have to spend between five nne! 10 dexo Shortening 3 :~~ 89c !iti.&dcnb:i. 1 dayH at the port of embarlnrl, rrowoll lonl< ,. 111 .0 or Cli'<•uli t'l'nwn, llw oppoi'lunlty, though, when a Grid Menu :;mn~il Incllun l'nlrl~ In "Indian Tot·· lhal Wr•triu,v nlgltl h,v nipping til<' Mn~on llnil,\' 'l'oo Lalt• linetho Mnmmgonl llne fni'WHI'cl stand wallon the ttldcrl put•l nnd of Little Egypt Will. Dance at the ·Fox 11tory," hi~ nnw Cnllnnhltl pll!hn·o Bullring-" 7-fl hi!fnn•" MnHIItl honJe- ln cxplnrlo l'rll' nl:lellerl hy whiHlle-toollng on lhe lnghum 0CIIIIJ1,1' l,r•nJriUl at the li'ox TII\II'Hiluy unci I<'r•Jday, 110 Mn'"" oll~ntplt•ri l~r·ldtl,l' NIJrhJ, Dp,ftl,y lnlci'Wnllving rtn Jnli'l­ coming- ' ' 1\'d of :J,fJOO nnothcl' l.tHi dilt•IJ l'nll,v ngnlnHl piti'l of tho olllclaiH brought tile With gun-scol'ehlng Autry nction, FowloJ'VIIlo ul DunHvlllo, ( nfl- !fllillg' Ill ill cl01· myHiei'Y, n lur lmlont "lnrlinn 'rcr·r·ltcw,y" IH ono of lhn MHHilii'H fnllill'o lo llitJII tl11• ex- llnw1•ll hilt thu I'IIHC WflH Joo long llmll nil tho wny bauk to lhc Ma· crnonn gnme) 11'11 point f11llow111g- IIH tnuehdllwn nnrl llw MnHon dr•ive HJllltlelecl nul HOil 32-yrml line where the Bull· love xi OI'Y nnrl lhe hOflllli<'H of moHt. sn tlsfylng Auti,V 11rlyontu1'o lilalnn RnpiriH r•t H11Hiclt Rome, "li'ug-lllve r~flliy," which Will In lh<' tli'.~l lleilml evenlunlly r•o,sl llH llw llrurl wlliHllll-il'llf.flll' eonlr.HL Tl In 1t J'utllu sc or l!lf.f nltt mpl 111 thc nine tli'Hl clowns lo lhr·oc for the . Cnpllul Clrt•11lt l'fl11Chtll's nnd lwnwstcnrlcrs on lire. Will he II lftl' e1·y lrnlll II I'<'Ht fell' lfiHl MIICii nf rlnwns 'l'l1c clnd{ rnn HlghlnrHicrs. 'J'hc Bulldogs pushed of hc1· own lllfli{lng· when Hhe rH Mason nl Holt un•J hie In f'm g-et the man HIHJ boniCJ·, nnrl Sergeant Autry, U, S, Colll'ir Lou Lni'I'H BullrlogH, 'l'iJe nul hefore fillY nl' lhcm l'onneelPd, Jho HlghlundcrH cVCI'YWhcre cx- Enlnn Rnpirls nt HnHlelt 1cnlly loves, A., lo HhHigrwrl liw lnsl1 ol Jlllltlng Hoil. illllllblci'S IJIIVe r•nJIJe lip With [ '! t II l ill Jll • u til" "Ortl line lliiiiJ iJPI' llli[.[IJI y goorJ team "IIHflll I 1l'eW 11 I H 1 IHH IV I U CC 111 !'O,S " , , Howell nt CIHII'loltc 'l'lic f'nHI-mnvlng I lim nprns wllh an end to lho 11nlt11~ 1111<1, nl lhll JCxtr•pl t111 . n' il•ldown lwo Wt'l'iJtl[.[e) flH Hll,t• 1 mg hPlp ol' the Uitilcd Slr1tes CtLV· er'nl>rlll IIJL'V <'ll111plclt•lv nlllt''t.1,,0 ri pnlnl IJLIIed. Jnlsn ran hnrd nnrl often ..Jlm Rog· 11ttcn1plH to I'P.CJOilHtlll<'l hl'l' lnvr• :ilr·y, llsell'. llw Chrl'fs 'ri'CIIII Ok1•nioH 27-U, lloit 1 llowl'll Sr•HI t'lllll'ely 111111 hns snn1c fnst- to I lin Hnwell ~fJ. On 11 Hp1nnc1 he lancter gtmrd, brolte up play aflrr due Snl111 rln,v nl lhr. li'nx TIJCftli'l'. llll'l', Bnllbi!J',l Brown HH lh<• pa­ ~lcpptng- ha1i1H In gJVP It lilt• nee- ptckcrl np II .varrJH and a Iii'Ht play deep in the Mn.~on I>Rcl1fleld The IngiJHm County leuguc will Richfmi Gifll'HOil M,li'Afllnt I•'ielrl liCnl mntlwr, M'liHo McCliii'C- fiS IJHHHI,Y Jllllll'h. llng-1J!' P.!rl. ColumhJ,m Iy st. Onge and Shertzer, The Jhe SCHI111CI' fiH(lCcl~ of i1Jo Hllri Hlm·y Jll't'lliiHE' f01 llw III'W film Which f'PaluJ c;; NanL'V Guild nnrl Cllillll'~ rlny. · iH iHIIil .tlllllilll .1!111 Verf'lanil, a sec•oJHifii',Y lhc I'Cillflllllllg' 20 y,udH Howell backfield WIIH liS big nncl Michigan Stale .college. abn oome of ils most !Je:tultful Dralw. "l,iltlc l~g,vpt" was diicclcrl by l"l'erll'lici< de Crmlova and J!IU­ Agam flnlll'l y Wnitrr C.ill~lt big- rugg••d lnl'illl', 11nrl hns Jll'l'· for· the tnJtehdown. Ma~Hiwll Bor·- fasl ns any Mason has rt111 into 'l'hc sla tr• for t110 Wednesday Wl10n n ,\'Ollllii couple Jose~ lhc11· iluccil i>y Jac\: Gm,H mitll'd few touchdown~ by oppo- rten lw•iwdwhul pllli'CLI lo be lhe thts yea!', The Highlanders will be night conlcHtH pits Hull ngalnHt lmby m r ltilti!Jil'lh they lum, in "Pill''"' ~~~ htuslt•t-y Mayor Colton, llte11· gnef, lu Ill! urloption with twrrl-ilillen Mnxirw St•nron IIH ncnls wrnmng romt. plenty of l11JUblc for the re:>l of Fowlcrvrlle at Holt, Dan~vlllc and ~n­ ciely and fll'e ~wen " lilllr• gnl, Anrl what Jl.li~' F'le1111ng';; wrltll'· MIHH C'ollwrl 1s ""''" Ill th<• 111 11• hiH Hfllellstw M't'l'l'illllf, HaymoiHI llowPII \\'ill l'lllr•J llitn Cluu·lottc Howell lnHl a golrtcn sco1rng- op- the Circuit. Haslett at Haslett, Williamston LIH• The .vnt111g hw.lmnrl, 111 helping n live lwolr·h,\•-Jwolehy clid to ,\'<'H·Iol ntlllnnrl Ann Biylh JlOilra,vo W.tllltllll .Jgo~in is <'XI';•IIcnl'm his il~ tlte ,g.cntP ~·I' ttrc wel'k Frtci!~Y porlun1ty 111 the Jh11d JlCI'ItHI. St./ Mason-Ends, Jun Blauvelt, and Stocll'iclgc at Williamston lo1 rt~y'•, flllrlirnl'n .slroulcl h.t(1pen In lhe young g-u·t COIHif'lllllPii l'l tiro• COilll'tly mll' no liH• CJVil'·llliiHicLI nrghl. nw HiifllliiiHiers muHt Win [ Onge rcttllned a 1\fasnn punt lo Ralph Elli~on; tackles, Jim Heath- nnd Lciille and Ol1cmos at Leslie. eo-woJ·iwt· In hiH office, hccomcH implicated lhmugh n I ag-ic chnin cvc1,vrme. "Lillie J•:g,\'(1t" lms gallowH for tlr" ~IIJIJ!osr•rl lllJII'cicl pnl nl' 1111' m,Jynr, WHlhlll'll flllll i CVCl'Ylhtng l'1nm rhyli1m anti r·o- of he1· lll''CI·rio-wcll lll'other, Cullr.lt, vrtPIHIIH nf' li11• C'omcliy man, Bill Wasper; guards, Dick The encounter between Holt and 111 of of circumsln nces lhc theft 1 Laxton, Lyle Newman, Dnle Bur­ Fowlerville will go a. long way to· fill nnllqJJc clinmoncl J•ing. l?i·nnll· m.tnr'P. to dolls anrl d1amn. 1'1w ~tlt-fJPil~P fli!ll :; ldt'g"P sup- JJr.lcl, c·nnllfll he ~lllpas~·wd fm· IJm .. gess, Lyle Smdor; ccntet·, Don Ly­ wnr·d decidrng the Ingham County cally, he allempls tn lrnce ·tJw MISs li'loJmng, co-otllllt•riwlln porltng t'IIHtrs headc•cl hy Robc•rl rng, rh•livcr,v ol lnws nnri pnnto­ on, lllteks, Phil Pf\rlsian, Bob league title, pmvirling Fowlcr·villc who1 en hou ts of tho. pm·Hon who m­ Mfll'k Slenns fiH lhe !Ggypltnn Dougla;;, AllllL' CldWf'Oirl, Pilrllil llllllll•, anrl liJC cill'l'l'lmn by I~J'ani> Thomas, Bob Jeweh, Jim Roggow, gels by Dansville Fmlay lllght. volvcct him nnd fmds that ,o;lte hm; clnnce1 who HC•l hoxollicc tl't'OI'do Ft1end nntl Glo~tl,vH CnopPI', McDonald gives IIH'Ill ever·.\' Hrl· BQ.!J Scof10ld, Jon Davis, Norm Os­ committed suJcirlc, fll the Sll'eeb of Cnti'O r.xhlbtl "'l'hiiiHieJ on lhe llill" wns 111- vanlag•• Hnrl Rllppoi'l Prier Heullr trom. 'l'he police link htm to both lire rlill'rng lhe Ciueagn Cnlumbran E:x- 1cetecl by Doug-In~ Sui< anrl pto- pmrlnccrl "F,cther TalwH the Air" theft and the dealli of the young po~tlmn ot' IBO:J and ,J)~o sol pulrc.1 duced by NliciJPI Ki.ttkP. IDI' Jl.lonngJnnt, lront 11 Sl'l'Cen pilt,Y Howell-Ends, Carmen Kypke, on hrr heels for WhHL mor·nl1stH llouhiP I•'Palm·p il\' D. D. BeatJl'iwmp, cr·e:tlor of woman. As a re:;ult, the baby is ~lat•b , D1ck Lawson, Pete Baldwin; tack­ Aggies Defeated lermed an rndecenl pcrfo11nance, r:; Gene A tilly, n rnjllio Lnlhnm l•'tmuly ot'IIC,'i, clone tnlwn flom them hy lhe o~cloplion a~ serg~ml les, Lowell Hornung, Bob Brown, pos1trvely nrv1shmg :md 11 tre- the Unitt•d Slate;; Caval!y, orlgindtly fn1 a nnlJOIHJI mng:1zinc. ,Jim Young; guards, Tim Saslta, soc1cly 'l'l1e uphill fight to r•lcr11· menrlous Hlll'Jli'IHO rn hc1 lllJtlni;JoJ'­ Jack Wylie, Dan Chapel; center, On Last Play lhc husbnncl's nnmc ft ncl lo reg-am foimHncc as a 'ai-IntcJ natiOnal's bl' snve the lrfe of an mnoeent ' Cha1lotte has fallen on evil technJcolot' film "Ltttle E;;ypl." vic lim. [ clays. 'rile Or·rolcs now stand little Oesterle plowed across, The Ag­ chance' of getlmg even a share of gies failed lo connect wr th the ex· tho Capital Circuit' crown which tm pomt and Wtlhamston closed they have monopolized fot· the last out the fil'st half wilh a 7-6 lead. FOR ALL THE FAMILY TO ENJOY Ifive yenta. The two teams battled It out in Fowlerville Leads County League an even third period then Dans­ ~~' A,.;/~lir~~" ! Against Hastings Charlotte's Ville mo\'cd to the front when Jim AN ;-n,.___:.,..,. ROOM 1gi'Duncl game was ineffecttvc. The Hedglen scored. This time the Ag­ After Scuttling Blackhawks 32-6 ... Orioles made only one scoring gics made the extra point good. I threat ancl failed on that. Joe Williamston would not stay down Fowlcr·villc tool{ a firmer· gr·ip one btg 11psct, 11 6-0 victm·.v over Pinch raced 80 yards before being though ami pulled the game out or on ils lead in the Ingham County the powerful Holt Lcum, and Coach ·puller! down on the three-yard line. the fire. league gricl race with a dc•c1sive Jack I<'lnn wtlt have lhcnt up for Four straight plays failed to get 32-6 victory over the once-power­ this contest. the ball OVCI', It was the fit·st Wrlliamston full LeFlte Blaciaek up lhe vil'loi'Y maxcrt 'an 80-yard daah around the Glatliatora a seaHnn 1ccont of trarl : Friday night Eaton Rapids will regular· army nnd then made his ton Rapids. The game will be AU~JS;". tfohn Dt•r·eii·Donm~ Ut•Pd hi "SA'flJUDAY,'S talte another breather from Cap!- home in California, He mat•r·ied played on the Lalcet· field. Evening 7 to 9 Etl1el IJlll'r~'mnr·t~ In "lUND J.ADY." tal Circuit competition. The Grey· about five years ago. Haslett Is a highscoring team Chlnu bisque ligurlne~ Ill'<~ r~>tl chlml-not ]Jiustcr Ol' J•lustlc. hounds will play Haslett, the ,pl'lde · capitalizing on break-away runs ~THESE BIG HITS COMING SOON- Just Right i'WI·LI'rJ~ art glnzes 11rmlur•e thtl Hllll'll.l rctmlts aH old Chinese of the Ingham Count:v league on ST. ,JOHNS 8Tit,L ROLI.S by Herb Hagenbuch plus a strong ligm·int>s. Glazing irrst r•twtion~ nrc awaiia bit). l'nul Donglns-,Jntwl I.t•igh ill "ANGELS IN 'J'IIE Oll'rFIJ~J.D;" the Lal; rHs itt'l')JH pi<'IJI,Y nl' lniJIJyj'~(:l lm;11eclialely upon adoption of the charter, the council plugnrrl lrgi.,IIJlill'e when douH "yes" vote the legi~lai.JII'« tlw lfi~8 :ll':lllllfl lllf' Hl.a It: t::1pil nl l.n :;ot.• haB ordered a re;w::l·ssment of property. Yes, that's a lo­ .I flr~L wrnl. t.o Lnnsin)l'. hnH tJr,rn ltrHilnnt nhont. gPI.tin~: t.hnL il. du:':J not. t:"l. hlli'l. when cal mcnsut·c, :lilcl Mason people can oust the co{mcil if Gnvor·nor· F'l'rrl \V. G1·rrn wns l·hn lmllrllng unrlrw r:nnlmd. 'T'hiH JI<'W LIJX:•s nre lnlil.et·n Hlnt.e~. ever forget .. a way from the people. eangltl 11p with till' rvel'-efl'fiWing B11l U1rn~ is no n1w !o SJW!II< tip r.lcmnnrls •ehnpnthi" eili­ for the n~t•nl.ltll\' ill. '.I'IH'li! ani Wt'll Nt·xt weelt I will UJH!erlil!tc t.o lei! of whnL I mny IJc able Lo lcnt·n. In tlH: pamphlet "Property 'fax Administration in zenn. }Jlll•[p() f':lllCPI' :'ifWiet it•~;; 1JH'l'f~ H l'C C:nvt:J•noJ· GJ•crn pt·oposccl :t $~0.­ nil .'-1111'1:-i ol' pnllo ...lmi fllh(•t·nnlo:-;i,-; That yom· best and most dependable Recurity is Michigan," hy Clnude Tharp, research associate at the W('r.ir. One is from Cn.pt.n in Byron IIOli,OOIJ !10nd i.c;suu In p1·nvidc llw dl'il•,.;; and lh~:1·" nre mrtny ollwl' that which you make yourself , , . thmugh thrift. ltnivcrsity, brgt:r assessment districts are recommended, fnml~ l'mm whiel1 llliH and ol!WJ' iJIH nf llHIIl]\inrl 'ita!. .HOll1l' g'I'OIIjl St.Pven~. 11 locnl· boy who n111<1" replacing the present usc of townships as the base, building nePtis mig·Jtl. he mel. 'J'Iw cpPfll lortoh to both communities nt not ··;,fraicl '" nntagonizc taxpayers." sl ill Witnling. wllidt \\'ill vi>'i 1. Indi:IJJa, . $~2.77 pel' month. That coVn mu·siug movet1 to Fri Linu­ Dart National Bank Time Certificates and ;.;hipy~lr(h; which were dismantled. ly(ll'l' f.t•Roy Ll't' ju~l. lnfornwtl nH·. 'J'hiH is OtiC of lhc biggest IVCCI is Cre111'1. lllHI81'SllllHIWlty many. Anrl the ones who adopted it and carried it out :Lholll l.lw conllict between special Lhey railed Lo ''ret.lil the pinL which are still !Jeha\'lor "XIIl'l'is to par. arc nnw dairning. neally, it'H too into community bails is a good idea, It is putting sales hart that Uw ~xp~1·ts 1lidn't sprali 'rhere nJ'e two goorl lellcl's from tnx and intangible tax money to good use. up lwf'orP llw t':ut ol' lmildlng :;oldien; in Lite lct.ler.s column this TIMI•PROVED Farm people shouldn't have to go to town to get hnU>H'S without dining I'Ooms ·"·1. . in. But maybe. tlw ex]wrts dilln't together, They should have in their own communities lmow it thPn. Pt•rhaps, lllw thr• · POWERQ~ halls where they can meet and get better acquainted and nst.. of us, t.ltey ll'arn only h,v Plo:­ c::;:.,. enjoy themselves. }H1J'iCJH!t'. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Here in Ingham county the town boards are demon­ The official figure on No Hunt­ strating that township government can still be respon­ ing signs· ~old by the Ingham sive and responsible. Sharing with the county the cost of COlmly News· was 5,023. Til at'~ some •1,000 more Lhrrn normal. All building roads, maintaining and improving cemeteries, day. Sa tmda.y there was a line of improving school buildings as was done in Alaiedon, and property owners n t lhc conn ter the improvements made to town halls are evidence that buying· lho signs. the townships generally liSe their revenues well. vVc were in the midst of n rush when Bill Myers oJ lhe Lapeer Cotmty Press dropped in. He had HOill hi!< signs at 1 Oc each rmd had The G~it Dollar Shrinks cleared enougl1 to tal, SUBSCRIPTION RATES ·1llaplaJ' ad•ortlalnw rat11 on Ill>' Roll anrl Jolly Tar. (Payable In Advonco) plication, Bualneaa looala and road• Insurance Agency Vnll'e•ill·lleatl Hncinc. optional OIJ De 1-ttxe models at c.>lm r.a./, 01>9 year in Ingham and ln1r notlcea on ftrat and local pagea, , Scrap cut . heavily into the MJoinlng eountl! n[' LnnHing, MI'H, W, ,1, St!H· >~ionH nl' I•Juol LnnHIIIIJ', nnrl Mt• nnd Mr.~ .. fii!III'H Clicllrt

Appl)' lillH' unri pho,,;Jhnlc filii'· Jng Hl.it·k llf'l'iodH l111.~ fnll In lwlp tHIHl' lilt' 1'11;,11 llf lfniug [IJJH jnh II t o!hPI' hll:i,V 1-iPH"lOri~, HciVil:iC HOil st'll'llliolo oil Mil'hignn Slnlo col- 1uge,

rPherr l:i nnly ll!lt:! eablc belv\o'CCil I lie I lniled StalL'!i and A;; ln.

INGHAM COUNTY NEWS OctobCI· 18, 1951 Page 3


Woman's Club Has· October Meeting The Williamstun Woman's club meL with Mi'S. Hazel Adams [01' lls Or.lohcl' meeting. The guest spcnl1er or the arternoon was M1 s. It cures ~carry·itis' 0. Ryrllinrl of Lansing. This famous top quallty has one of Mrs . .Joe C:lllil'i<, pi cs1clent. PI'C· the lowest ash contents known ... sided O\'CI' I he business mcel ing anrl shnwecl a IIPW publicatlnn, "In- Jess than a bushel per ton. It adds ~ide Michigan " If convenience to the exclusive coal-ad­ Following lhe business illl'Pling, vantage of the mosG in heating com­ M1·s . .fohn Slephens inl('()dur·crJ llw fort. There's more firing ease in the .I guest speaker, Mrs. RytlliiHI, wl10 heating hours per ton , .. for Great g-ave" lalk on her l11p to Norway, I-Ieart burns on long after weaker illusll'atul by pwtur"s in calM She discussed l'llsloms and 1 rli­ coals would have burned away. glon, ancl ll'ns drcHSed 111 her na­ tive No1'weg1an clothing. Following the 'Jpc(ni'C, the host­ ess set·vcd 1 cl'rcshmcnls, assisted by her committee.

lv I Etter stop to think

Your First Car can be· a Buick ! NO OTJ!'i(.V~ ,. PROVIDES~·;.;,,,, / HIS being a land where it is DYNAFLOW DRIVE~' ' Its price tag says so. Its low cost of FIREBAL r -saves slram on (< '" Tevery man's right to dream of high-compression, valve:in-head • ENGINE-hign· operation says so too. -geJs more miles (. camprr.n,rm, vo!v -.-: lJ,.~ ,' Fireball Engine. U ram every toni o( file/ getting ahead-and the pursuit of P SH·BAR FOREFRONT . happiness is guaranteed by the Con. We know that it looks like a lot of unsurpassed protection - combtno$ srnor! styl ~ ond Try out its ride. and handlin•r-and stitution-it happens that a great motiey. That's what makes it such WHITE·GLOW INSTRUMENTS you'll discover it has the "bi',r.car TORQUE- TU -greater clarity al nrghf many people aspjre tO' own a Buick. a buy. · BE DRIVE-seals 11 1 . You Don't tmprovcs driving controf Jc c IOSSIS, sleadtes ride, "., feel" that you'd expectfrom a B~ick. B . We know that it has a long Jist of 4-WHEEL COIL SP Tell It 'To The ut too o~ten they start .w1th a features found in costlier cars and Try it out for size- for room- for servtctng costs RINGING- cushions ride, savos ·DUAL VENTILATION-a . ~s~cr car first-fro!n a feclmg that that it rides and handles like' cars comfort- for all tl1e thin os that rignl or left of Iron~ camp lulsrdc atr fed separately to I :1 I b or ment Judge ... u.ICks arc somcthmg you have to'· that sell for a great deal more. you vc creamed someCiay of having SELF·ENERGIZING BR build up to gradually, as your take· .' pedal-pressure ~ve tunes ~bK Ef- hydraulic- multiply in a car-and you'll thank your stars Or raKe drum home pay improves. But that Simply means that- at its DREAMLINE STYLING that you found out the facts of life g/camrng SWeepspco -tapered, cor-length (onder! He Tells You! price- you're gettin<> a very bi•> in time. rs on most modo!!:. ~ So- if you ha~e· any su~h notion - ' ~ \ ~ Plus: Self·lockmg lug a }' money s worth, ' two·way ignition lock StopOn parking brake· J:rtuirmzl'llt, m rl'sRorlrS, trun wul nwdcla nrartu!Jjfct to c!~t~.110tl tv1'1/umt ~are~ ·~dd If tlw ,iudgo• Ioiii you 'that ~·m1 we'd like to set you strairlht ri•'ht mounling, Body by Fisher y I e nms, Hi-Poised ongin~ b ' b 110/tcf!, :1-Srrwdard. on }{OJtiJMAS'l"MN, OJilirmril al t...rtra co9t on otfwr ll'lll'l' to pa,y a il!lll,OOO ,iud~:·· I1ere ' an d now. St~l'lr,q. mt•ul, would ~·om h:• ahll' tn do AU of which adds up to one C(.onclu. Wit en better automob '/ '•• are built it~ MO>I't• limn lil\gt•nls

McCowan & ' McCowan Hilton & Richards . t ; Corner Park & Maple Mason;. Michigan

( .•

I ( 1 'I Suggest Methods Cut Your Own Wood To Control Lice Wmm Yourself Twice .Americans ·Beef, 'Where' s the II<' who l'IIIH htH own woorl II'OIItiS IJiii\Htrtf I.Wil'l', ~l'horc Is plenty nC !Jcol' on lho I 'Stacking BB shot, water run up hill or shaming Cilt'lil.t•l' !•'till~ tlXI.L•Ilfi~ lhnl. 'ltonf, A In I I~ gn\nJJ !n 111fll'lll!t. mnkin·~ In Cattle Herds nl'rlel'ing l'nney slr!itltii nt. fnncy hillll\! ol'ft~t', Ht' ofl'1q'H gond 'nnrJ II Jnl IH !JUill~ t!flllll\, ~o Wily comm11nds to the ocean wnve:; nmk with the gravity-defying Pn•-wlnlnl' Ll'ul'ill\unl. r , tllt• pt•lcns, Cni'es, )Jolcls, night cllllls, 11 111 lll:tjll<' wcrorl fill' 11'<'1', All 11 lllflll , ~honld l.ltot·n ·he shm·tn!f ol' llw LfiiWCI' Coun­ l'ftllnmcl lng· .~:l.fiO n111! ttp I'm· 11 filet mig­ noon, Rice tm.JIIlci tllt' q:leHtlnn rrl' who Is gelling Lholl' Hllili'U ol' heel', ton, cx~rcme right wasn't looki,n~ cn•l' lltnl goeH In Sonw pmdtwe llwh· own, slnllghlrl' llllllltel. il and pitt It ftWII,Y In Lhc fr•cezm·s. adjustment they were able to cause the whole pumkin family to l!111e for tr•·ntm~nt Wllllld h•• tt.' I 1 , ilttc il.': [W~~IIJIL• ill lh<: SUII:Wil, U111. Hottsewlves finrt IPHH beef on Ol.hr•t'H btty bo!CI' ill. Whr>(csnlu . f ]) , C ? cascac e c own 111 an av;tlanchc. It ;;hnttld not be ""''tVPd '" In 1,, the iJIItch!!l' COI!nlul'H, 'J'Iw 111'11\tlll pric<•s ami IIHtJ llwit' Ct•eezcrH, to WI lfit Ab. . out A- CC t.onenm1 0 aJfV 0\VS, S lllnl colrl wealill'l' 11'111 ,lll'l'l't'l\1 II,"' Arenac Bean Crop forces clr1im llw;• nrc unnblt! to sn I'll mont',\'. f'eo;Jle ,wltn:dle:;s 'l'tws­ 'l'hn ~iclmess ls ~omehow rclnlccl to l~l'ill\ gl'll\\'t'l'h ill J\ l'l'J1Jl(' {'otlllly Some pet'HOllH who wnnt heef Q: I~ acelonemi:L O!u•IIY coniiiHeol l'ent \VI'ILtil!t• pnwri<'l' In 1!1!1 g::l- cifiYS. Mni·IH•Ii; in wnllt• t'tlies nt·r· faulty intulw m• utllizntlot1 of car· f:11·e il!l t•nlillllllt•d :J!t pt")l' t•tlnL lo~~ nrc, ni' r·ntii'He, rlntng' wilhonl tl.. ll'ilh othet• diseUHf~" R' b 1 1 · · · ·JnnH nf wntrt·, Ol' eigltt lt•I'C'I l:tblt•- oui of heel' enlit'ely, bohyclrntc foncls, . · 1ce oasts t 1at 1e 1s an expert at ralsmg squash and sponnHI'III to ,. g:lllnn nl • t,•r. un I l1b1 ,\'t'rll''s 1 t'11p. 'l'ht• lo:-;:-; wtJl Lnt•ge!y, t 1\ese nt•e people who 011 11 11 · Yh llw fact:; Hllow Lhnl there t' '"'·''r '1'111 1'1' \\'!'1'1<:; IIL;Il lilt' t'Oli!lly':; ill'e enting l1HJJ'e IJ1nn H f10lll1cf of liJl with nrlvnnces in living cnsls, A: U~uully tllll best proL'I' porlt and chlclwn, wltlch um most prone nc<'lotwmia or, "kc· ·.- 1;;::,'', Votct•inal'ian~ nc or squas, e1g1 vane tes are on ctsp ay 1erc a tilt• !tot 1\'t• IIIIL'I' ()fl an WOillf:l\ 1 t'lltn[Jiflin iht\,t they l'Hn't tosls/' ns 11: 1s sotnctimes enllcrl. ' ' th ff' tl · k R' 1 1 LinrlnllP 1\111,\' llt• IIStOrl l'ot' 11 :11111 Ot'lll!tt•l' I anti ~ ll'hi<'ll W:JH cheaper. ,' 11 1tnlly eo tcc 'llS wee, 1ce 1as repeat customers w1o come all tt·rrtlment nnl,l' l'nt· rlnil',l' ttl'I'DI'd IJI•t•f fot• IIH•it· l'amillt!H, Q: Jlnw dol'~ 1he tlisl'llRu uoot•: s run'n sln~·Je t n\lrJWt d llv IIJP t'n in llli'N~ \\.'nt•l,~; nnd LIWJ't! i.'-i llll!lll 1011 of' 11 hiiY<'l'f-i' {' 1 t t 'rrencl:; citJveloping c!nl'ing Uw A: 'l'he COli'~ ;;go of( feed rai11Cr clwm!cuL ·jiiJ()IlJ'Ill Lo II g'illlOil WH- ~elvr:s. 'l'here is 5 What II N I nr l~t''lllS ill ~;[,lt'{{H Slll'\'l\'t•fi fill' cleaJ' HWay fiOJile of the nl,VHlery. l'altrJnPci, became lho i':tVOI'itc mcnl ,.,."''" cuutions can a . ext year 1e plans to rai~e the big white Indian squash. ter. Jr nHII'l' lre:tltrti'llts ill'" 11 llt•:Jt :tilt I I', lin, nl'l'tl\ tling to till' [l,OI' lll1C thing, Jllnl1Y ilUIIHC· 'tlticlc loss in or mnny fnmilles llwt nevor cnulri one talio to nvolcl thl• trouhle? • ltnrlnnt• sltnttlrl nol. ll1• IIH<'tl 1111 :til J\ 1 t•n:tt' t 'tJillll v lndt•nPJHient, Al:;o WiVt'H u!JviOIIHiy III'U tnJiting· one weight; I'LH!tcal While resting up after being run over by a blue I-I ubhanl 11 rrorc! il ilefot'(', '!'hey stili' luwo A: 'l'nllc ovel' fccclln"' schedules . nnlmHI pt·ncitll'in>\· milt; I'll!' hltltHII1 ;: l:ii,L;t• jll'lt'f'll,l:t;..:t• (IC llltl t'l'Op \\'!1:-i Wit,)' nncl nc·tlng Hnnll!rt·, wlwn mOJH'Y nncl :t!!lp]P in ln1·gr~ tlllmhrt·s lll'C' i}i l)emg sin t1gh lt:J·p(J now a~ lll: moot of c!cnth l11s~0s can be avolcl· gcncrnl questions cannot be hnn: mn~-c with any Hollywood production. mny l!t' 11.,,.,1 to tOO ~::IJ.,tts of 1\'ii·: · PHting in J'rfoitillll'itnts nnd often cxpcJ·Lo hnd pt cdidotl. Many St:Vl'l'•ll lln•t•ds ed. Ifowt,\'er, r~covc•ry is o[[cn , ter'ror lwl\f nninHII:; nntl tilT :-;\1Jd\. p:odn "ot·viee. breeding- pl!l'po.seH and berniiSc of "The fourth annual series or graphic record of the family farm policy meeting helc1 last uncertainLy 11bout r·onti'O!s. State Farm Insurance Co's. event.~ in 1951 allt·acted mot·c limn month. When the farmers demanded to see the record, they Corn Crop Th:tt me>ms that tl1e s':tughter of cntlle and palves this ycm· is to H,OUO," n•Jwt·ted Ball1mL ''Tn fou:· were told that it was private prop_erty and could not be seen by I be only 27 million head-· two mil­ yc:m; we hnve l'cncilerl nenrly 80,- local farmers. The boys from the country,have brought suit I Auto-Life-Fire !IOJl Jess tl1i111 in lfl50. It Hlso noo people in 21 clil'ferent eountieH to show cause why the minutes should not be made public. with a in lower Michign n :tlHI five in tiH· meArt.s llwl the nvel'ng'e A111et·icf1n, BERNARD E. WILSON, Agent who ate 6:l pnundH of beef !11sl UJli)CI' Peninsula. Intet•e;;t in o:n· Many faJ·mers think that the 1·epo1·ts will be ptogrmn of good (;~t·ming witn .vea1·, i:-; g~Lling !lR OJ' 58 po11ncl;; in l0!il. :,:oort gt·as~cH and legumes hns con- dumped when they reach Washington anyway. Or 17-1 W. 1\IAI'Ul PHONE 2-6141 tinucct to inct·e~tse. !i'ot· that l'ea- else they will be wa1·ped so as to appe.a1· to favm· the Some gT.l<]('s anrl c11ls ui' hcer Min~e~polis-Mol~ne son WL' have nslwcl our >talc gtass Brannan plan. But at any rate, the fm·mers' views on may become n lilt!<~ mot·c plenti- days committee Lo >ll'l'ange another th~ USDA have been called to the attention of the ful, a lillie ehcape1·, in the wN;IcH seJ'iLlR or events fnr .hrn0 of 1952." It 1 jUHL ahe:tcl. But q1e beef hacked general public and they will be the ones who will lllP on t·angcs and J'ectth- woolecl feedet· lnmhs will increa.~c mcnts rm· t11e events. Demonstra- 1 ing· nntl go into convulsions. Death gains, according to Gmydon Lion plots ~rc now lleing ~el llp ill Boost~ I Blanlt, exten:;ion animal husbandry order to show the values of ferti- Fat Gal' n ' ttsually follows in one to five Consistent care of your farm mnchinery will add Francis Platt ::peclali~t at Michig·~m State col- lizer atul recommcnclerl manog·e· clays." ' many years of extra use. · Jegc.011 Blnnl{ explninecl tflat lamb;; m.ent practice~ .. USDA cou.ncil,; Tht·mtn·h n cnm:mrisnn of offi- 'In any m·cas whct·c nnlht·ax is Minneapolis-Moline Sales an In· g IpS over that or t.lwir dnmH h~· 6li cilocolalc ice crcall1. et ,ee pouncls of butlorfn t Rnrl 2,110 ______can locale worn ]nu·ts before they reach the clnn­ S.'tl'<' .rn.llt'SPII' tllluhiP 11'111'!< hy putting ~·our· c•ot·n l>'at·mc•t•s-lns(I!'C'I IIIII' 11<'11' !'o.nstrn!!l.ion. p~lmtls of mill<, accoi'C!ing to tltJ Between 1810 ancl 19~9 resiclcn- clll·t•<'tl~· 111tn IIlii' il x llltl I'CII'n "rih. \\'"hal'<' a dt•icr "Antibiotics are most effective H 1 t · F · · · t' gcr point. We supply pal'ls nwrlt• in the same fac· 0 01 1 1 01 11,',.' "f ,~·.~·t'~.·-llr·,l· youl' t'tli'IJ. W:• 1'1111 harullp up to 7,Utlll Yon will scr• ntu· d1·i<•r and bi'll l'om·o·.ror· in when used during the creep feed- s~n~~~ti~~ ~ 1 ~ ~~~;~~i; 1\~ 1 ; ~'n six ~.~"g\ \J,:~~I~i.~'cle~.o~~~~~~~i~og·n ~ollop~:~l~ tory and to lhc same specificalions as Ihe original. 1 ·' 1 , •ot•lt' 0 n in,n· llel'iocl and the lime immccli- P'I1.1'S of clnlln·J1lC1" "J1Cl cl"ll\S 11'1lt.cl1 1 • • • atcly aftet· weaning," Dr. J. A. ;;how' : thRt' ~tho claughters·' " " of thu· Allprcixinwtely evet'y 33 months. Phone or slop in for prompt service. Hocfet·, resenrch nnimol husbandry lnlll nveragecl •170 pounrls or !Jut­ Eifert Rd. Ei)ecialisl at 11ichigan Stale col- terfnt nne! 12,780 pouncls 111' milk . SHELDON FEED CO. Holt Enjoy the NATIONA~ lege, said last week. ns ngRins~ •104 po1mds of lllltterf:Jt FARM AND HOME "The suclIll!!l'd l'tlllL'> fi·mn Lhc biggc1· pigs when New oulbrenks of anthmx lwve Of S~•·vice to r\ PI~ 1!ung on m~· lnt·m •.m tht• \\'ag011 \\'hel'l fr<'ding ·systPm a•ul-lll'"'ll••ss to using· antibiotics to mfll{c hog:; onl llurcrl up in the midwest and ~ar, protlts Ul'<' 1\0\1' commg· my way. 1 16 YEARS or the scrubs. Dr. Hoefer nnswerccl chances are this clangat·ous disease q11.estions t'l'Cquenlly put to Mich­ may spread in othet· livestock This Community OSCAR TJLJmY igan State college swine Sl1Ccinl­ HJ'cas this fall. \'t·riiHinl:\'ille, .1\Uchigan ists about the new nutritional de· The Ame\'ican Foundntion fm velopments. Animal Health repol'tcclthroe out­ Wilen aslwcl nbout reset·vnllons breaks of tho "snddcn death Jcill­ concerning· lhe use of antibiotics, et·" in Illinois, where cattle nne! CaH Us for Appraisal oLYour Dr. Hoefer snicl that while they a1·e swine were its prineipnl victims. [ tl·uly wonclcrfnl in what they will "The possibility of ontbt·ealcs 1 clo they sh011lcl not be l'eg·m·rlecl as clsewhct·c this Call has been "cure-nllli~ for Ol'erything that is heightened by heavy rains nnd Stock. Top Price Guaranteed for wmng in swine pl·ocluolion. Anti­ Jloods during lhc spt•ing nncl sum­ biotics are no substitute fot· good mel'," founr!atinn officials said swine 'manag·ement. There is need Germs which cause the disease al'e Ask For OUI· 7-POINT FEEDING CHART For' Pullets and He~s for more fundamental research ancl often spread to lowland pastures Top Quality Livestock thel'c i3 little basis for their uses and overflow grounds undct· llood FOR SALE BY: in nil swine rations, during· gesta­ conditions. tion fot· example. "Since anthrax spores can live in Long Bean & Grain Co. Haslett Feed & Grain Co. the gl'ound fot• years, livestock ALLOW l'O'rA'l'OI•:S TO DHY may pick them up when grazing Eaton Rapids on in fectcd soil. Once the spore Haslett When you dlg potatolls, rton't Sale Every Monday at 2:30 p. m. gels into the body it multiplies J fm;gct to let them dry before pielc­ fnst nnrl en te~'s the blood stt·eam. We solicit and appreciate youa· ing them up. That's a suggestion pa.h·ona'~e Producers Elevator Co. The result is an acute blood poi- 1 Snow Feed Co. given by Michigan Stn te college soning and usually death," the re­ Williamston Holt farm Cl'ops speciali~ts. Handle po­ port said. -,------Dan Linehan ta~oes carefully in· cmtjng ancl l'C· "Besides cattle and swine, the move dirt to prevent stnining·. disease .can also attaclc sheep, Store the s;Juds at about 40 de­ mules, horses, dogs, cats and even Ownea· and Auctioneer grees, allowing the storage mom human beings. to·cool thoroughly after the Cl'O[J is "First warning of the acute Phone Chaa·lotte-Office 143 Rcsadcnce 946 ln. A relative humidity of '90 to form of anthrax is when anhnals ' 95 per cent ls recommended. die •suddenly. In slower ltilling \

non I nl' I ilo Olil'PftRn Wllil{ill ~n11lrl lw Iii Lito filii I' luun I!IIIH ···llltlllH, WHAT TO DO AND WHERE TO DO IT lnlnH, plr•nifJH nnrl HnHtnn lliii.IH, Williamston FFA INCiHAI\tl COUNTY NEWS, Hog·H ylnlrllng· Hi>olll. •lfi lo ~8 pm• 'Whitedog District t!cnl. nl' lho wr•lghl. In lunn n11lH l\l1·w, 1\1, V. llut.llll' Octobe1• 18, 1 fJ!il Pnge 5: \\'llllld hr. !!IIIHHI'd IIH r•ltrllr•o Nn, 2, Plants Wheat J?arm 'l'ilnHo l.llfll. 111'1! l'lll',Y l'nt., yielding Calentlar S11ndny g·twHI~ l'ol' rlii1Jint• ol' Mr·. 11n<1 Mt'H, J,, '1', Htnll.lt !llld ICHH llwn •lfl pel' ""11 L 111' l.hoil' Mrmhoi'H of' l.ho Wllllnm~tnn 1 Oololwl' 20 A.nn11nl 11111 Hlww nnrl Anlr nr SnniiJet·n Mlt!illgnn f·lel'll· l'nmlly wur·n Mt·H, iillil.lthnt h Smith Wclg-hl. In the lonn CIIIH, WOIIIrl !Jp l•'l~A. chnploJ• hnvo ptlt ao nrn•o,9 In· fot rl iJI'!!erlrll'.9 llHHnr'illllnn, Mll'ilig-nn Sinl.c r.ollr•go, · 1-!lxl,l' fil'l' ''""'· nl' Mlt!ltll;·nn l!flt'll 1\'11~ lllHfiii'P on Oc•lfllu••· 1(), r•lnHHOcl fiH flilnlce Nn. n ' I o wlwut for· fl enll project. 'l'Jw 1111<1 Ml', nnd Ml'H, .lohu MI'Connoll Dairy Cattle Ocl.oilel' 22·26· -·Nn tlrmn I rln IJ•y Hliow, Dol.I'OJI., nn'ot'll den lei'S nnrl mnnufnctlll'fli'H nnnnnl eonven­ Frldny evening- nl tile Lnwr·nn1w ngTicullrn•ni clnss, Rmlll1 houll', ' lltf'ul. wnulrl he oiiiHHerl nH f!lliiH. tlon nnrl llllit·ttlon unnl'or•enr·r•, Mleilig'IJn Stnlu l!nllng·r', 'l'lll•sllll.l', Ot•lnlli•J' 2:1, uf 1 :lltl 'l'l11• llflnti'H Ci<'fo(H•t· I I!Hiill111(it Chnpter membCI'H plowed n.nd Mr•s. Kyle C11'1•ng will !'11t n!. hPJ' iHHltn Wednuo, Milk slr111rl nl llfi ll'''' Octobrw ;)I- Dllt.'l 0!'1011 Fltl'lll i;lll'Cilll tl'nclol' li

. 1 nrn·lilUI'Il, hemntselnlfJVC'rllasl f•'l'irlny anrl Knlhy, Val· NovemiJet· 7-0· Dnil')' {mllntfnrl.lll'et·,, r•onfct•t;ncl',' Ml1'11q!HII nl' Hlll'l'ild"rl orflngc l'inrl. Hr.,wn mlllc '''"''· 0111'<'1' Sll(ll'l'lfll' gmlu Other Farm Animals 1 I(JJJ CIW/1( J'~ihip or l'nJ•ntlnnd 111 lhis of dnn1nge Jrnm Wi 1 L hm·v~·~t"lng pJ·Jo nnd VcJ·non Bl'own n ·C mov­ eolloge. tlw IIH·r·inglle li~lllly UllriPI' 1.110 lllld fi'I'JIIi~l'l' fi<•ill (lli'lll'i.\' 111'1\'), r·rollnlry. Allout Sr. P"l' r:cnl of llw wcnlher·, The 10-,YPIII' llVf'J'nge fur ing- tn Mnson Snltrrrlny 1 Novcmhct 0 MicltigHn Slwr·!ltor·n llrecrlcrs sHIP, l,ivc•:-;1.111'1< l'a- broilt•r. .lohu lll'l'l't' l'lii'U ]>lnull•r, ,Jolm Hemoved Free 1111iiron's 1.1 !Jillion ar•rcs of ful'lll !hiH if''nci•• Is 28 p~r· I'P;lll, Chcnt-~ 'l'lw Citizenship eliJb held it~ vilion, Michig11n HI HLP eol/('g'P, / · ·--~------lll'l'l'l' :o\n, ·I 111111\'l'r, Sjtll"• dmg, NoventheJ• 10- \V Ih•1l ;,:-oml ,Jfltll· c·ln1 "" har. 11 FOit . JIPI'/''''111, inelnding l11dinn ltHHis. 2 nrll'lhr•r·u, ns Hg-nin:;J. the avet·ng-1! for· J.he l!allowcoJl pnr'ly. Cllir!ago. 111'Liclu in 11 gallun. ol wnL~I' lo i'iutall :lllllllllll nl' I!Jisr!I'IIatll'CIIIS: J\llottl. one folll'lh of the fnt·m nf ,Ill pel' f!Cill. Spt'lllliing, hlenr:h· Lnny Ho!Jiit~el pt·esenlccl the Nn\rr~mlJPJ' 2f>-2D-- Nntinn:1i •I~H c!ull congTNiS, Clliengo. . wlliell LWiJ nr lh1·oe H:monflll~ nf (( 'ntJH' <'llrly. J .Ia <'It l'c•nnlng·t nn, J'IWMI"I' Slo:I:\'ICVr, lowncl's in ll1r r·ou111.r·y have fr·nm ing nnd t·eiHII•rl I.Yill'H or rlnmage uehool wil.h n fiHh )Jowl nml two Novrmbor 27~28 ]l,nt·m But·t·Htt Ser·vict::-; Tllt'ei.ltJg, Miehignn Stale IVlllPgrll' hn\rt' IH!L'Il :1d;led, 1\'fichi- 011 iiPr, Gl;•nn L. t\I'C'IH·r, ,\ne· f711 111'1'1'-' _t n ·1 ;Jf! rH·t·cs .. One , fl fl h I r:n11sr.rl I he ll'rllr hie. golrl fisiJ. collegc, g'n1' 1 ll•w; .. llwn .W r el'Ps. I J\1111'1'ir•a11 l'nl'llls nt·,, :.I ill willwul. .lnyt•e Dnne1111, MntTa\' Dnncrtn, Ot till' _Iolii( llll'lll 11?1'1'11/-:e, '11 l'il'f'lJ•ir•ily. Mil'ilig1111 has tile l1iglt· SIHlton Mtilel', Billy ]~flllH'H, .Jurly (11'1' eenl. ~~ ~>Will'd by llllltl'trlnnls csl JlCI'C<'nlngr• or Pl<'r·tr·ifirrl fnnn:; r.;nwns, 1\'ulan Hall, Mnc Clancy; will>-"' hnlrltngs r11·e LOOO act·cs or: wilh !17.n pel' l'r•nl. Ill'. II. ll, T11- nanny !english Phillip Hnll, KaWt'/ IH!l•'l', ~;, lll-1' ''"Ill 111 lwlclmgs nl Ju•y, l\IRC l11>l'l.ir·llllnmlist, lwH Bl'nwi1, Sllir~en Fry, VnleJ•i'c 2,"00 net'"-'. nn.rl Ill!· 'l'hn;c pet· ern I. ilecn appnintctl tu the nnlinnul u1own ~ 1 Anneltn Sylvc~ter. C!Yem ()j Jflp n:lf~Oll ·" ,tlll'lll('l'!-{ 0\\'ll 41 g'fll'dt'll Hfld ]lld)lt; food 1111 ' Valley i~r]l I"''' 1'<'111 nl IIH• lnt·nt lnnd IJCirl by r•omntil.lec l'nr l0ii2. The HOIIIII '1'111' ·Wr.,l Columbin Fnn'n Bu· Company individuals. has gained 111 IJevl' '"'llle numiJer·.~ I'CHll wtll meet at llw home of Mr·. 1 fliJrHII 11 prr <'en I, whi!1' lite •.vest awl Mt·s. Coe !~mens li'l'Jclay night, :1•rnl r·onlil'mnllrrn and· lypc has gnincd only two pet· l'l'lll. ... Oeloilol' 19. Everyone is to tal~·.: Having sold my farm I will sell at pubiic auction at the place one mile not·th of Bunket· Hill store to Catholic IJfll'l' 111'1'11 '''>IIHid••t·l'ri ha:,ie in the A HriliHh Hlllslein-Fricsinn eow is 1 lltr.ir own glnsseH nnrl fr•[e(( 1 o~~nllllil'llllllinn anrl on 't'dctl 111 pass on I hat usines; trip ancl retm·ned home Anvil Allis-Chalmers 6-ft. h·acim· mower, Log Chains Auction Lat·gc grease gun IMonday night. 25-ton screw jack neat·ly new I will H<'li at Jlllhlil\ mwtinn at· M1·. and Mrs. Mat·vin Janson en· 22 eight-foot cedtw posts Qi.iantity of lumbe;· terlainecl 1''1·ir!ay evening- nfter tile McCormick-Deering 2-bottom 14- t hi' pi:H'I' l;nm,·rr "" .tlw Fnwhr·~' 8 10-foot cedat· posts Qu C'ahle 11nd H!!lting·, stayed tr·om Wednesday through Master Mix Egglac Pellets ~(Jar!< l'l_)tg,;, Solcln Ir·.nn Heat­ Sunday with Shamn ancl Lany \ ·----- er, Points, Gaslwb, \\'asherS Mille1· while Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Oyster Shell lind Bolts,• ti Oil Hal'l'l'ls ami Miller wem on a lJ•ip tliroug-h New l'urnps and Ofhi'J' York State. , Grit .t;quljtrn r nt ; )\list!!: !Ia neous: Mt•. and· Mrs. John Eames, J1·., SHEEP Quantity Water Log Chains, J4a1·gp enter'tained 12 hunters ft·om Bat· Hay-Gr·ain · Cnffl't' Gr·imll'r', Corn Slu•lll'r tlc Cre.ek Monday. 4 Head of good young ewes and •Cut11ng· Hox, Small Cm·u Mt·. and Mrs, W. A. Hall and of 30-ton of mixed hay 1 3 Ewe lambs Cr·ih, 2 Halihif: llntclll's, ·1 x 6 Mrs. Bes~ie Darling at·e visiting I W.:hhe1· lamb Household 63 bales of second cutting INCIU~ASl•J ,IWH l'WflDP·CT!ON 10 I'Jm CI~N'r: fio01! mana~,,... F,:,hing- ~hant.y, c•nmpleh·, lloll Mrs. Hall's slste1·, Mt·s. Etta Howi~ Buck lamb clove•· nwnt. (H':If•ti<'l's pins good hir·•b plus ntw pmmd of' ft'l'cl ll\'1'1' illllll' Hog F••nc~l', 'l'mih'r Hit<:h, In- in Chippewa. Falls, Wisconsin. cuhator, Can\'as, C!ti•(JNlll'r Goods 11 act·es of good stnndi_ng corn I'I'IJIIiro•mr•nlH ]Wr 1011 hi1·ds <'IJUals 10 I'X(I'a <'ggs. • • They plan to be gone two weeks. I 1.r o o I s; Fm·nit m·p: IA!at lwr Fl'ank Mil<'an and 1111'. nne! Mrs, J\ocletw, 2 l•,h·Psldt~ Cha h·s, I""'i­ Bet'l Smith of Durand anrl Robert lwa ry •r:1hl1\ Hurd Coal Bast) Goodall of Owosso were Sunday Burnl'r, Porch S'l'ing·, li·(liecl' clmner guests or Mt·. and Mt·s. For·· Feed Egglac Once A Day Brcal,fnst. Sd Coll'man Cook­ est Smith. :;1o\'e, Colenltt·ll rJ\thlt~ Lan1JI, Mt·. -and Mrs. Forest Smith rc· TERMS: CASH Day of sale befot·e removal Victrola, 'l'nhlo' I!arllo, Holl Con- lnmed Thmsclay from a IO·day ·HrnJJ mush in fJ'IIItt: nf hit·!ls all 1111• tim" 1111 ! fl't•!l EGGLAO 1 ~ gol~um, .4 26" x 28" '\'indows, trip through Ve1mont. Massachu­ l'ELLWI'i'; just once 11 duy-t lwn notice tlw itwr·••nse in (ll'nlluc· 2 28" x 31" \VIndows, :~ 2Ru x linn. setts, New Hampshir~, New...Yot·k 32" \\'irulows, :utd Lawrt Clmh·. nne! Connecticut. Mrs. Smith's Responsible ln·other and sister-in-law, Dr. and Not for Accidents Day of. Sale ln rast> of had. wcat.ili'J', su.lc MrS. C. V. Lundberg of Norwalk, will h

M1;s, Flot·ence Allen, Owner IIEitD ·ENDS RECOR-D Mason Elevator. Co. With an avel'age of 494 pound.s 2:11i W. Colmnhln n. "D. Wall