IUGG Yearbook 2020 Annuaire UGGI 2020

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IUGG Yearbook 2020 Annuaire UGGI 2020 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY AND GEOPHYSICS UNION GEODESIQUE ET GEOPHYSIQUE INTERNATIONALE Yearbook 2020 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY AND GEOPHYSICS UNION GEODESIQUE ET GEOPHYSIQUE INTERNATIONALE IUGG Yearbook 2020 Annuaire UGGI 2020 v.01-2020 No ISSN: 1038-3846 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIÈRES TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................ 3 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY AND GEOPHYSICS ........................................................................... 4 Background ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 Objectives and Activities of IUGG ......................................................................................................................... 5 Structure ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 Finances ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Member Adhering Bodies of IUGG .....................................................................................................................11 Regional Distribution of Members .....................................................................................................................13 Affiliate Members of IUGG .................................................................................................................................13 IUGG General Assemblies ...................................................................................................................................13 Current Officers of IUGG ....................................................................................................................................14 Secretariat of IUGG .............................................................................................................................................14 IUGG Liaison Officers and Representatives ........................................................................................................15 Accredited Delegates to the Council of IUGG ....................................................................................................16 Past Officers of IUGG Bureau .............................................................................................................................17 Past Officers of IUGG Finance Committee .........................................................................................................18 Union Commissions ............................................................................................................................................19 Inter-Unions Commission ...................................................................................................................................21 IUGG Committees ...............................................................................................................................................21 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS ............................................................................................................. 22 Scientific Assemblies of the International Associations .....................................................................................22 International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS) ..................................................................................24 International Association of Geodesy (IAG) – TO BE UPDATED .........................................................................25 International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) .................................................................28 International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) – TO BE UPDATED ...................................................31 International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS) – TO BE UPDATED ..................34 International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) .......................................................36 International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior (IASPEI) .......................................38 International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI) – TO BE UPDATED ...42 NATIONAL COMMITTEES, ADHERING ORGANIZATIONS, NATIONAL CORRESPONDENTS OF THE ASSOCIATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 45 ADDRESSES ............................................................................................................................................ 70 LIST OF ACRONYMS .............................................................................................................................. 152 IUGG Background 4 INTERNATIONAL UNION OF GEODESY AND GEOPHYSICS UNION GÉODÉSIQUE ET GÉOPHYSIQUE INTERNATIONALE HISTORIQUE BACKGROUND L'Union Géodésique et Géophysique Internationale (UGGI) The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) est un organisme international non gouvernemental à but is an international, non-governmental, non-profit non lucratif fondé à Bruxelles le 28 juillet 1919. L'UGGI se organization established in Brussels on 28 July 1919. IUGG consacre à l'étude scientifique de la Terre et à l'utilisation is dedicated to the scientific study of the Earth and the au profit de la société des connaissances acquises grâce à application of knowledge gained by such studies to benefit cette étude. L'UGGI est l'une des trois Unions scientifiques society. IUGG was one of the first three Scientific Unions ayant participé en 1931 à l'Assemblée constitutive du established during the Constitutive Assembly of the Conseil international des recherches, devenu ensuite le International Research Council, the predecessor of the Conseil international des unions scientifiques (CIUS) en International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) created in 1996, devenu enfin Conseil international pour la science 1931, known as the International Council for Science since (CIS) en 2018. Le CIS est un forum planétaire des 1996, and as the International Science Council (ISC) since scientifiques, qui leur permet d'échanger des idées et des 2018. ISC provides a global forum for scientists to exchange informations, promeut la science en tant que bien public ideas and information, advances science as a global public universel, et exprime l’expression universelle de la science. good, and presents a global voice of science. IUGG brings L'UGGI fournit son savoir-faire concernant les sciences de to ISC expertise on Earth studies from researchers in its la Terre effectuées par les chercheurs dans ses Associations International Associations and Inter-Association internationales et Commissions inter-associations. Commissions. Les neuf premiers pays membres de l'UGGI étaient The first nine member countries of IUGG were Australia, l'Australie, la Belgique, le Canada, la France, l'Italie, le Belgium, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Portugal, the United Japon, le Portugal, le Royaume-Uni et les États-Unis. En Kingdom, and the United States. By 2020, IUGG has 73 2020, l'UGGI compte 73 organismes adhérents ayant une Member Countries in which independent activity in activité géodésique ou géophysique indépendante. geodesy and geophysics has been developed. Au début, l'Union chapeautait six sections : Géodésie, The original Union encompassed six Sections: Geodesy, Séismologie, Météorologie, Magnétisme et électricité Seismology, Meteorology, Magnetism and Terrestrial terrestre, Océanographie physique et Volcanologie. Une Electricity, Physical Oceanography, and Volcanology. A septième section, «Hydrologie Scientifique», fut créée en seventh section "Scientific Hydrology" was created in 1922. 1922. Le terme «Section» fut remplacé par celui The term "Section" was replaced by "Association" at the 5th d’«Association» lors de la cinquième Assemblée générale General Assembly held in Lisbon in 1933. The eighth tenue à Lisbonne, en 1933. Une huitième Association sur Association of Cryospheric Sciences was added at the 2007 les Sciences Cryosphèriques fut créée lors de l’Assemblée General Assembly held in Perugia, Italy. Générale de 2007 à Pérugia, Italie. The official languages of IUGG are English and French. Les langues officielles de l'UGGI sont l'anglais et le français. IUGG Objectives and Activities 5 OBJECTIFS ET ACTIVITÉS DE L'UGGI OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES OF IUGG L'UGGI est une organisation purement scientifique, qui a été IUGG is a purely scientific organisation established to fondée afin de promouvoir et de coordonner les études sur les promote and co-ordinate studies of physical, chemical, and propriétés physiques, chimiques et mathématiques de la Terre mathematical properties of the Earth and its environment et sur son environnement spatial. Ces études concernent la in space. These studies include the shape of the Earth; the forme de la Terre; la nature de ses champs gravitationnel et nature of its gravitational and magnetic fields; the magnétique; la dynamique de la Terre en tant qu’entité et de dynamics of the Earth as a whole and of its component celle de ses composants; la structure interne, la composition et parts; the Earth's internal structure,
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