Vol. 7, No. 10 October 1997 INSIDE • New Honorary Fellows, p. 15 • Call for Award Nominations, p. 16, 22, 24, 26 GSA TODAY • 1998 Section Meetings A Publication of the Geological Society of America Southeastern, p. 27 Cordilleran, p. 29

Postglacial Ponds and Alluvial Fans: Recorders of Holocene Landscape History Paul Bierman,* Andrea Lini, Paul Zehfuss, Amy Church, Department of , University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405 P. Thompson Davis, Department of Natural Sciences, Bentley College, Waltham, MA 02154 John Southon, Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550 Lyn Baldwin, Field Naturalist Program, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405

ABSTRACT northern Vermont as an example, alluvial fan sediments reveal that we demonstrate that the sedimentary the highest rates of hillslope erosion Little is known about rates and record preserved in humid-region occurred as a consequence of European patterns of Holocene hillslope erosion ponds and alluvial fans can be dated, settlement. The geologic record of colo- in areas once covered by Pleistocene ice deciphered isotopically and stratigraph- nial deforestation is clear, revealing sheets and now heavily populated. Yet, ically, and used to understand the his- significant human impact and suggest- understanding past landscape behavior tory of hillslope erosion. Our data sug- ing that past landscape response is a is prerequisite to predicting and mitigat- gest that erosion rates were higher in meaningful basis for guiding future ing future impacts of human-induced the early and late Holocene than in the land management practices. disturbance and climate change. Using mid-Holocene, perhaps the result of changing climate and the frequency INTRODUCTION *E-mail address: [email protected]. of severe storms. In Vermont, dated Geologists have studied mountainous landscapes in western New for over 150 years (Hitchcock, 1833). Major Figure 1. Fish-eye view (A) landscape features are controlled by Appa- and interpretive log (B) for a lachian structure and lithology; there is a backhoe trench cut into the toe of a fine-grained Ver- post plowing deposition mont alluvial fan and ori- Holocene Landscape continued on p. 2 ented perpendicular to fan axis (trench ALD-3, fan ALD- cumulative plow horizon B). The exposure shows a dark brown soil buried by sand and silt eroded from post-settlement fan deposit adjacent hillslopes during and after European settle- ment and land clearance. soil A horizon Worm burrows filled with material of contrasting color soil B horizon are evident in and near the soil horizon. A: The red- dened B horizon in the distal A fan deposits (unit VI) is capped by well-developed, dark brown paleo–A horizon (unit V). The chaotic light tan zone (unit IV) above the pale- osol represents first deposits after hillslope clearance but before the fan surface was plowed. Overlying darker zone (unit III) is a well-mixed, cumulative plow horizon, the thickness (35 cm) of which B demonstrates that the fan remained active during the early agricultural period when plows were capable of disturbing only the uppermost 10 to 15 cm of soil. Light-colored zones (units I, II) capping Figure 2. Shaded relief map of Vermont. RP = the section remain stratified, indicating that the fan has Ritterbush Pond, SP = Sterling Pond, WRD = been active since 1960, when the field was last plowed. Winooski delta in Lake Champlain, AF = The stick is 1 m long. B: The trench log shows river gravels Aldrich, Moultroup, and Audubon alluvial fans, (units VIII, IX) underlying fine-grain overbank (unit VII) and MP = Montpelier. Dotted line indicates the main post- and prehistoric alluvial fan deposits (units I to VI) stem of the Winooski River. Inset map courtesy of along with radiocarbon ages on single pieces of charcoal. R. Sterner. IN THIS ISSUE GSA TODAY October Vol. 7, No. 10 1997 Postglacial Ponds and Alluvial Fans: Call for Nominations— Recorders of Holocene Landscape Frye Environmental Geology Award ...... 16 GSA TODAY (ISSN 1052-5173) is published History ...... 1 Penrose, Day, Honorary Fellows ...... 22 monthly by The Geological Society of America, Inc., Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal) ... 24 with offices at 3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado. Memorial Preprints ...... 3 Distinguished Service, National Awards ... 26 Mailing address: P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301- 9140, U.S.A. Periodicals postage paid at Boulder, Col- In Memoriam ...... 3 Conferees Tackle Ethics Questions ...... 18 orado, and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Celebrate Memory of Larry Sloss ...... 3 Divisions and Sections Award Grants .... 20 Send address changes to GSA Today, Membership Ser- vices, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140. GSA on the Web ...... 7 Section Meetings—Southeastern ...... 27 Cordilleran ...... 29 Copyright © 1997, The Geological Society of America, Washington Report ...... 9 Calendar ...... 32 Inc. (GSA). All rights reserved. Copyright not claimed on New Congressional Science Fellow ...... 11 content prepared wholly by U.S. Government employees Division News ...... 32 within the scope of their employment. Permission is About People ...... 11 granted to individuals to photocopy freely all items other GSAF Update ...... 33 than the science articles to further science and educa- Dibblee Award ...... 11 Bulletin and Geology Contents ...... 34 tion. Individual scientists are hereby granted permission, GSA Annual Meetings: New Initiatives . . 12 without royalties or further requests, to make unlimited 1998 Section Meetings ...... 35 photocopies of the science articles for use in classrooms 1997 Honorary Fellows Named ...... 15 GSA Annual Meetings ...... 36 to further education and science, and to make up to five Letters ...... 16 Classifieds ...... 38 copies for distribution to associates in the furtherance of science; permission is granted to make more than five photocopies for other noncommercial, nonprofit pur- poses furthering science and education upon payment of the appropriate fee ($0.25 per page) directly to the Holocene Landscape continued from p. 1 During the past 200 years, humans Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, have changed the New England landscape. Danvers, Massachusetts 01923, phone (508) 750-8400 (when paying, reference GSA Today, ISSN 1052-5173). relatively thin cover of Pleistocene and Settlers cleared trees from over 80% of Written permission is required from GSA for all other Holocene sediment. Although geomor- northwestern Vermont prior to the Civil forms of capture, reproduction, and/or distribution of phologists have mapped the distribution War, using deforested hillslopes for farm- any item in this publication by any means. GSA provides this and other forums for the presentation of diverse of glacial sediments and determined the ing and grazing livestock. Forests below opinions and positions by scientists worldwide, regard- pattern and timing of glacier retreat (e.g., 600 m elevation were almost completely less of their race, citizenship, gender, religion, or political Flint, 1971; Koteff and Pessl, 1981), little is removed by the early 1800s (Meeks, 1986). viewpoint. Opinions presented in this publication do not reflect official positions of the Society. known about the rate and distribution of In response to deforestation, hillslopes surface processes affecting New England eroded and aggraded (Figs. 1, 2, 3, SUBSCRIPTIONS for 1997 calendar year: Society hillslopes during the Holocene. and 4). In Vermont, the transitory expan- Members: GSA Today is provided as part of member- Hillslope erosion in New England sion of the Winooski River delta into Lake ship dues. Contact Membership Services at (800) 472-1988 or (303) 447-2020 for membership informa- was probably most rapid immediately after Champlain during the mid-1800s testifies tion. Nonmembers & Institutions: Free with paid deglaciation when vegetation was sparse to the amount of sediment rapidly mobi- subscription to both GSA Bulletin and Geology, other- (Waitt and Davis, 1988). As forests spread lized from uplands as a result of colonial wise $50 for U.S., Canada, and Mexico; $60 elsewhere. 14 Contact Subscription Services. Single copies may be over the region 11,000–12,000 C yr B.P. deforestation (Figs. 2 and 3). Following the requested from Publication Sales. Also available on an (Davis and Jacobson, 1985), erosion rates opening of the American mid-continent annual CD-ROM, (with GSA Bulletin, Geology, GSA Data declined, as indicated by decreasing late to settlement (1850s and 1860s), 200,000 Repository, and an Electronic Retrospective Index to jour- nal articles from 1972). Members order from Member- Pleistocene and early Holocene sedi- people emigrated from Vermont, aban- ship Services; others contact subscriptions coordinator. mentation rates in the Champlain Basin doning marginal farmland (Severson, Claims: For nonreceipt or for damaged copies, mem- (Freeman-Lynde et al., 1980). Until the 1991). Since then, forests have again bers contact Membership Services; all others contact Subscription Services. Claims are honored for one year; late 1700s, much of New England cloaked Vermont hillslopes, and rivers please allow sufficient delivery time for overseas copies, remained forested, although some forests have incised their floodplains (Brakenridge up to six months. may have been open woodlands with et al., 1988), similar to landscape response understory vegetation kept in check by STAFF: Prepared from contributions from the GSA staff and membership. Native American fires (Pyne, 1982). Holocene Landscape continued on p. 3 Executive Director: Donald M. Davidson, Jr. Science Editors: Suzanne M. Kay, Department of Geo- logical Sciences, , Ithaca, NY 14853; Molly F. Miller, Department of Geology, Box 117-B, Figure 3. Historic landscape Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235 response in Chittenden Forum Editor: Bruce F. Molnia County, northwestern Ver- U.S. Geological Survey, MS 917, National Center, Reston, VA 20192 mont. Open circles represent Managing Editor: Faith Rogers the percentage of land area in Production & Marketing Manager: James R. Clark the county occupied by culti- Production Editor and Coordinator: Joan E. Manly vated land, pastures, over- Graphics Production: Joan E. Manly, Leatha L. Flowers grown fields, orchards, and farm woodlots. Clearance ADVERTISING: Classifieds and display: contact before 1830 was for farming; Ann Crawford (303) 447-2020; fax 303-447-1133; later clearance was for lumber [email protected] (U.S. Bureau of the Census, in Issues of this publication are available as electronic Severson, 1991). The arrows Acrobat files for free download from GSA’s Web Site. mark major expansion and They can be viewed and printed on various personal contraction of the Winooski computer operating systems: MSDOS, MSWindows, River delta in Lake Champlain Macintosh, and Unix, using the appropriate Acrobat as deduced from historic maps reader. The readers are widely available, free, including (Severson, 1991). Winooski from GSA at: http://www.geosociety.org/pubs/index.htm. River’s 2900 km2 watershed This publication is included on GSA’s annual CD-ROM, represents 13% of the GSA Journals on Compact Disc. Call GSA Publication drainage area for Lake Cham- Sales for details. plain. Triangles indicate the maximum age of trees growing in landslide scars on a tributary of the Printed in U.S.A., using pure soy inks and recyclable Winooski River, indicating when slides stabilized. The period of increased meander migration and flood- paper. plain aggradation in the lower Winooski River flood plain is shown schematically (Thomas, 1985).

2 GSA TODAY, October 1997 Memorial Preprints

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At GSA in Salt Lake City In Memoriam Help Celebrate the Memory of Laurence L. Sloss Thomas Henry Clark Canada Sunday, October 19, 2–5 p.m., Room 251AB, Salt Lake City Convention Center April 28, 1996 Sponsored by the GSA Division Robert M. Dreyer San Francisco, Distinguished stratigrapher, former GSA president, Penrose Medalist, and geological statesman L. L. Sloss died just a few days after the 1996 GSA Annual Meeting. Join Larry’s many friends, students, and admirers in cele- John E. Nafe brating a remarkable career. R. H. Dott, Jr. (University of Wisconsin) will moderate the session, which will Canada feature memories shared by close Sloss associates, such as Edward C. Dapples and Peter Vail, followed by com- April 7, 1996 ments from the audience. All are welcome, particularly students, who should profit especially from learning Vincent D. Perry about an exceptional person whose contributions, most notably the concept of sequence stratigraphy, form an , New York important part of their professional legacy. August 1997

Holocene Landscape continued from p. 2 standard protocols. In order to make our samples at 450 °C for 2 h; samples for LOI data comparable to existing literature, we were taken contiguously every 2 cm. noted in the mid-Atlantic States (Costa, report all ages in 14C years corrected for 1975). 13C/12C, but not calibrated for changing ALLUVIAL FANS initial 14C abundance. The stable carbon The fans we investigated are very METHODS composition of the total organic small (<2500 m2), subtle landforms found carbon (TOC) fraction of acid-treated In order to infer the Holocene history on flat, permeable river terraces below sediment was determined at the Univer- of hillslope behavior, we excavated shovel higher terraces or hillslopes covered by till sity of Vermont by combusting the sam- and backhoe trenches (1 to 4.5 m deep, or glacial lake sediments. All but one of ples in sealed quartz tubes, analysis on 5 to 14 m long) in 23 alluvial fans in the fans are grass-covered and show little a VG SIRA II mass spectrometer, and northwestern Vermont and collected recent activity. In northern New England, comparison to standards (values reported continuous sediment cores from two such small fans have not been well stud- relative to VPDB). Replicate analyses ponds. Organic material including char- ied, although elsewhere workers have reproduce to better than 0.1‰. Loss on coal, wood, and gyttja (lake mud rich in investigated humid-region fans (e.g., ignition (LOI) was measured as a proxy for organic carbon) was dated at Livermore organic carbon content by burning dried Laboratory; 14C was used according to Holocene Landscape continued on p. 4

TABLE 1. RADIOCARBON AND AGGRADATION DATA FOR ALLUVIAL FANS, HUNTINGTON RIVER VALLEY, VERMONT Trench Fan* Sediment deposited Time of deposition† Laboratory Context Time Period in time interval (m) (14C yr B.P.) number of sample ALD-2 ALD-A 4 <100 GX-21329 Basal age Historic ALD-3 ALD-B 1 <230 ± 60, CAMS-26105 Above buried soil 310 ± 60 and 26106 ALD-5 ALD-C 0.9 <100 CAMS-26108 Above buried soil MUL-4 MUL 0.6 <100 CAMS-16584 Above buried soil AUD-1 AUD 0.4 <125 CAMS-20900 Above buried soil ALD-4 ALD-B 1.3 1850 ± 80 to CAMS-30358 Basal interval Late Holocene 1900 ± 50 and 30359 ALD-5 ALD-C 2.1 840 ± 60 to CAMS-22994 Basal interval 2500 ± 60 and 22995 MUL-1 and 4X MUL Basal age between 7360 ± 95 GX-20058 Basal interval, Early Holocene and 7835 ± 105 and 20276 underlying terrace AUD-1 AUD Basal age between 8060 ± 60 CAMS-20901 Basal interval, and 8530 ± 100 and 20963 underlying terrace *UTM locations for the sampled fans: MUL (659680E, 4913800N), AUD (659730E, 4912150N), ALD (660740E, 4914110N). †Dates bound sedimentary units.

GSA TODAY, October 1997 3 Figure 4. These photographs of the Vermont State House, Montpelier, Vermont, demonstrate the dramatic deforestation of hillslopes behind the building by the late 19th century (left—May, 1874, photo VHS-96, courtesy of the Vermont Historical Society) and subsequent reforestation (right—April, 1995).

Holocene Landscape continued from p. 3 cene (between 8530 and 8060 14C yr B.P., case, charcoal dates just above the buried and between 7835 and 7360 14C yr B.P.), soil and the presence of cumulative plow Kochel, 1990; Mills, 1982; Church and two in the late Holocene (2500 and horizons indicate that the overlying sedi- Ryder, 1972; Wells and Harvey, 1987; 1900 14C yr B.P.), and one fan aggraded ment postdates European settlement and Patton, 1988). over 4 m during historic time (<100 is likely related to land clearance and agri- The 23 fans examined so far in 14C yr B.P.). cultural practices (Table 1 and Fig. 1). Vermont are finer grained, better sorted, On one fan, we have sufficient radio- Changes in atmospheric 14C over the and much more intricately stratified than carbon and stratigraphic data to estimate past several hundred years preclude more those in the southern Appalachians, the sediment accumulation rates over much of precise radiocarbon dating of this young result of differing parent material and the Holocene. Rapid early Holocene aggra- sediment. different sediment transport mechanisms. dation was followed in the mid-Holocene Grain size analyses, sedimentary struc- by relative quiescence and soil formation POND SEDIMENTS tures, observations of an active fan, and (Fig. 5). In this and all other fans we In order to reconstruct the history comparison to the data of Wells and Har- trenched, there is a distinct soil profile of pond sedimentation, we recovered and vey (1987) suggest that stream flows, not near the fan surface buried by 0.5 to 4 m analyzed cores from the depocenters of debris flows, transported most of the sedi- of poorly sorted sediment (Fig. 1). In each ment to the fans we studied. None of the fans are confined on their sides, and all are fed only by ephemeral streams. To a first approximation, the fans and their A drainage basins can be considered closed systems. Sediment, once it leaves the steep hillslopes (>30°) and is deposited on the low-gradient fans (<7°), does not appear to be removed by subsequent flows, although small amounts may be reworked by shal- low (<20 cm deep) fan-head trenching and redeposited at the toe of the fan. The closed-system assumption allows us to infer rates of hillslope erosion from rates of fan deposition (Fig. 5). B Unlike fans in arid regions, fan depo- sition in northern Vermont can be dated directly because the fans preserve abun- dant wood and charcoal within a distinct Figure 5. Moultroup (MUL) alluvial-fan sediment stratigraphy of silt, sand, gravel, and cob- accumulation rates. A: Topographic map of the bles (Figs. 1 and 6). Most beds are poorly Moultroup fan (shaded) showing total station sorted, although there are occasional thin survey points, location of trenches (T-1 to T-5), (~10 cm) beds of well-sorted, clast-sup- and line of cross section (A to A’). B: Vertically ported gravel, as well as black laminae that exaggerated cross section A to A’ of fan (shaded) may represent decomposed leaf mats or showing location of radiocarbon-dated wood (italic) and charcoal (not italic). Circles indicate concentrations of finely disseminated sample locations. C: Estimated aggradation rates charcoal (>15% organic carbon). We have in 14C years (assuming fan was right-circular radiocarbon dated 14 samples of wood cone) demonstrate the response of the fan and charcoal from five alluvial fans in during the historic period (180 yr, order to determine the timing of aggrada- based on settlement history). tion (Table 1). These data show that two fans began to aggrade in the early Holo- C

4 GSA TODAY, October 1997 two Vermont ponds. Sterling Pond (0.03 km2; 917 m above sea level [asl]; 9 m max- imum depth) has a small (0.3 km2), low- Figure 6. Trench 4 relief (40 m) drainage basin and is pre- of the Moultroup dominantly spring fed. Ritterbush Pond fan contains a vari- 2 ety of grain sizes, (0.07 km ; 317 m asl; 14 m max. depth) from silt to cobbles, 2 has a larger (2.2 km ), higher relief (>200 reflecting different m) drainage basin and is fed by several sediment sources, streams; the coring site at Ritterbush is till and glacial la- located >75 m from the nearest stream. custrine sediments. Both ponds are located in drainage basins The prehistoric soil horizon and overly- underlain by schist; however, till at both ing postsettlement sites contains disseminated carbonate. alluvium are just The cores contain organic and inor- above the large ganic sediment in varying proportions. cobble beyond The inorganic material is derived from the tape. the eroding drainage basins. The organic material is a mixture resulting from pri- mary productivity in the ponds and terres- trial plant debris from the surrounding watersheds. Stable carbon isotope analysis carbon). The sand and silt layers have soil carbon from the basin by the flows of present-day terrestrial and aquatic sharp basal contacts and diffuse or sharp that deposited the inorganic sediments. plants (macrophytes and algae), collected tops. The thicker inorganic layers are Dating gyttja introduces additional from Sterling and Ritterbush Ponds and graded, suggesting that they are turbidite systematic uncertainty. In cores from both their watersheds, indicates that these two deposits. At the bottom of the core (495 to Sterling and Ritterbush Ponds, we dated sources of sedimentary organic matter 479 cm), the isotopic and LOI data clearly both a terrestrial macrofossil and the have distinctive isotopic signatures. Terres- show when aquatic primary productivity enclosing gyttja. In Ritterbush core RT-2, trial plants yield δ13C values ranging from first became the dominant carbon source only several millimeters below interval II, –25‰ to –30‰, whereas aquatic plants in the pond as LOI rises above 1% and a maple seed pod (426 cm; 8470 ± 60 14C yield values between –29‰ and –34‰. there is a remarkable negative shift yr B.P.) was 430 14C yr younger than the Thus, we can use stable carbon isotope (more than –10‰) in the δ13C values. average of three replicates of the surround- analyses to determine whether organic Fourteen radiocarbon ages of pond ing gyttja (426 cm; 8900 ± 40 14C yr B.P.). material in our cores has a predominantly sediments, including three replicates, In the Sterling Pond core ST-1, a twig (260 terrestrial or aquatic source. The difference allow us to estimate the onset of the five cm, 3900 ± 60 14C yr B.P.) was 280 14C yr in δ13C between terrestrial and aquatic intervals during which detrital sediment younger than the surrounding gyttja plants reflects differing δ13C in their car- influx increased. At three levels in the (4180 ± 50 14C yr B.P.). These age discrep- bon sources, atmosphere and inorganic cores, we have sampled directly below ancies could result from the uptake of carbon dissolved in the lake water, and above what we interpret as the first “old” carbon by the aquatic plants (from respectively. discrete clastic sedimentation event within dissolution of carbonate-bearing till) or The two ponds have contrasting sedi- an interval of increased terrestrially from sinking of younger terrestrial macro- mentation histories reflecting differences derived sediment (426 and 416 cm; 348 through older, soft, pond-bottom in the hydrology of their watersheds. The and 339 cm; 154 and 142 cm). In each sediments. If the macrofossils are sinking, Holocene part of the Sterling Pond core is case, sediment above the inorganic hori- then the event that began interval II must relatively homogeneous gyttja with little zon yields greater 14C ages than sediment have eroded about 22 cm of gyttja (430 change in LOI and δ13C. The small, gently below the horizon (offsets are 240, 110, 14C yr, assuming a sedimentation rate sloping, high-elevation watershed appears and 230 14C yr, respectively). This system- of 0.5 mm/yr) that was once above the unable to generate sufficient episodic atic age inversion is consistent with ero- maple seed pod. In either case, the 14C runoff to transport significant amounts sion and resuspension of older gyttja from of terrestrial sediment to the pond. In the basin margin or incorporation of older Holocene Landscape continued on p. 6 contrast, cores from Ritterbush Pond show significant stratification and distinct, cor- related changes in LOI and δ13C that we TABLE 2. AGE AND DEPTH DATA FOR INTERVALS OF INCREASED interpret as episodic inputs of terrestrial TERRESTRIAL DEPOSITION, RITTERBUSH POND, VERMONT sediment derived from the large, steeply Interval Initiation depth Initiation age Best initiation age Time period sloping watershed that surrounds the no. core RT-2 (cm) (14C yr B.P.) estimate* (14C yr B.P.) pond (Fig. 7). † †† In the Ritterbush Pond cores, we rec- V 120 2570 >1950 Late Holocene ognize five major intervals of terrestrial IV 154 <2940§ 2510 sedimentation based on low LOI and less III 348 <6430§ 6000 Early Holocene δ13 depleted C values (I, 470 to 448 cm; II, II 426 <8470# 8470 Early Holocene 426 to 400 cm; III, 348 to 339 cm; IV, I 470 <11,940** <11,510 Late Glacial 154 to 142 cm; V, 120 to 96 cm; Table 2, Fig. 7). The intervals are characterized by *Subtracts 430 14C yr offset for gyttja samples based on offset between gyttja and terrestrial macro- numerous millimeter- to centimeter-thick fossil measured at 426 cm. layers of gray silt and sand alternating †Gyttja age just above last laminae in interval V. with brown gyttja. Silt and sand layers are §Gyttja age just below first laminae in interval. coincident with a drop in LOI and less #Age of maple schizocarp at 426 cm directly below laminae initiating interval II. negative δ13C values (–26‰ to –28‰— **Gyttja age at 479 cm 9 cm below beginning of interval I. ††Subtracts additional 190 14C yr based on the observation that the age of sediment just above terrestrial carbon) in comparison to the 14 adjacent gyttja (–30‰ to –35‰—aquatic interpreted events averages 193 ± 72 C yr (n = 3) greater than sediment just below.

GSA TODAY, October 1997 5 Figure 7. Loss on ignition (LOI) and total organic car- bon (TOC) δ13C for Ritter- bush Pond. The results are a combination of two overlap- ping sequences of Livingston cores with a total length of 575 cm. Roman numerals indicate inorganic deposition intervals. Radiocarbon ages with 1σ counting uncertain- ties are shown, except for the gyttja at 426 cm, which is an average, ±1σ, of three mea- surements. Samples used for dating were acid- and base- washed repeatedly prior to combustion. OM = organic matter.

Holocene Landscape continued from p. 5 The similarity between fan and pond change; an increase in spruce pollen records suggests that different hillslopes suggests that eastern North America was ages of gyttja below inorganic sediment respond to the same large-scale forcing, significantly cooler and moister, an infer- layers overestimate the age of the terres- probably climate (Fig. 8). In the early ence strongly supported by rising lake lev- trial input events by several hundred 14Cyr. Holocene (>6000 14C yr B.P.), sediment els. High rates of deposition on two fans We have used the measured gyttja—macro- eroded off hillsides onto alluvial fans and (ALD-C and ALD-B, 2500 to 1850 14C yr fossil age offset (430 14C yr for Ritterbush into ponds. High rates of deposition on B.P.) are coincident with the period when Pond) as an arbitrary correction for the two fans (MUL and AUD, <8530 to 7360 inorganic deposition in Ritterbush Pond interval initiation ages shown in Table 2 14C yr B.P.) are coincident with the time again increased (2510 to 1940 14C yr B.P.; and Figure 8. during which clastic sedimentation inter- clastic intervals IV and V). vals II and III occurred at Ritterbush Pond Our data are consistent with gross DISCUSSION (8470 and 6000 14C yr B.P.). Pollen data, climatic controls on hillslope activity. lake level histories, and global circulation However, climate does not move sediment Alluvial fan trenches and pond models suggest that in general, climate and erode hillslopes, water does, and sediment cores show that New England’s was warmer, drier, and stormier than water comes from distinct and episodic Holocene history is every bit as dynamic today, although a short-lived cool, dry, hydrologic events. There are numerous and interesting as the preceding and well- and dusty episode (ca. 7500 14C yr B.P.) historical accounts in New England and studied deglaciation. Pond sediments has been identified by Alley et al. (1997) elsewhere of both high-intensity and long- are a continuous, integrated record of a in a variety of records (Fig. 8), and Dywer duration storm events triggering hillslope drainage basin; small alluvial fans directly et al. (1996) reported a highstand in erosion (Flaccus, 1958; Bogucki, 1977; record discreet events from single hill- Owasco Lake (western New York) at 6900 Ratte and Rhodes, 1977; Dethier et al., slopes. Although these two geologic 14C yr B.P. 1992). We believe that the record of such archives are strikingly different, the initial The landscape was more stable during events is preserved as inorganic layers in conclusions we draw from both records the middle Holocene (6000 to 2500 14C yr the pond sediments and as discrete beds are remarkably similar. Hillslopes were B.P.), when pollen, lake level histories, and in the alluvial fans. Hurricanes and other more active during the early and late climate models suggest that northeastern moisture-laden storms of tropical and/or Holocene than during the middle Holo- North America was slowly cooling and Atlantic origin do influence interior New cene. This case study not only suggests becoming moister. Ritterbush Pond cores England (Coch, 1994). These storms cause that it will be worthwhile to examine sim- contain less terrestrially derived sediment landslides and gullying as ground-water ilar archives elsewhere, but also illustrates (340 to 155 cm, 6000 to 2510 14C yr B.P.), tables rise, soil pore pressures increase, the challenges facing those trying to inter- and soil profiles developed on what and saturated overland flow runs over the pret these complex and integrative records appear to have been relatively stable allu- landscape. If the paleoclimatic proxy data of surface processes in terms of climate vial fan surfaces. About 2500 14C yr ago, change and process-response models. environmental conditions began to Holocene Landscape continued on p. 7

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Holocene Landscape continued from p. 6 ble of clearing vegetation from hillslopes Hillslopes are sensitive, diverse, and and making small drainage basins more dynamic systems that respond measurably are correctly interpreted, early Holocene sensitive to hydrologic events. to climate and land-use change. For exam- hillslope erosion may have been driven Our geologic data have implications ple, fluvial terraces underlain by glacial by episodic large storms in a drier climate for land management practices and rein- lake sediments appear to be more sensitive than today. Late Holocene erosion and force the conclusion that humans are to clear-cutting than are till-mantled aggradation were also event driven, but significant geomorphic agents (Hooke, upland basins; yet, our data show that greater ambient levels of soil saturation 1994). In Vermont, extensive colonial both terrace and upland hillslopes erode may have allowed smaller storms to trig- land clearance and agriculture dramati- in response to long-term climate change ger similar landscape responses. It appears cally increased sediment yield from some and short-term hydrologic events. As that the middle Holocene was less stormy. hillslopes. The fans that we have investi- development clears slopes in New England Vegetation affects hillslope stability. gated aggraded more quickly during the and around the world, further work is For example, European settlement, clear- past 200 yr than at any time during the needed to identify which parts of the cutting, and agricultural practices removed past 8000 14C yr (Fig. 5). Transitory expan- landscape are most sensitive to deforesta- the heavy forest cover and triggered mas- sion of the Winooski River delta into Lake tion and whether the temporal records of sive aggradation on valley-bottom alluvial Champlain, rapid meander migration, and episodic hillslope activity we infer from fans. Presumably, landsliding and gullying the volume of historic alluvium in the northern Vermont fans and ponds are increased as soils were compacted, tree Winooski River flood plain testify to the regionally coherent and represent the roots rotted, and the effective cohesion massive amount of sediment removed record of a potentially significant natural that those roots provided was lost. Was the from the uplands, transported, and hazard. New England landscape cleared of trees at deposited by this river during the early any other time during the Holocene? and mid-1800s (Fig. 3; Severson, 1991; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Pollen data are definitive. New England Thomas, 1985). The retreat of the Supported by grants to Bierman and was generally tree-covered from shortly Winooski River delta, the incision of this Lini from the University of Vermont and after deglaciation until European settle- and other rivers into historic alluvium, Lintilhac Foundation, by faculty grant to ment. The pathogen-induced hemlock and tree-core data gathered from fossil Davis from Bentley, by the Vermont Geo- decline at 4800 14C yr B.P. may have landslide scars suggest that hillslopes logical Society, a GSA Mackin grant, Sigma cleared some slopes, and pollen spectra can stabilized and sediment supply to the Xi, and Burlington Gem and Mineral Club be interpreted to indicate increased fire fre- river decreased quickly as reforestation awards to Church, and by Mellon fellow- quency during the drier early Holocene began to occur in the 1880s (Fig. 3). ship and Hawley award to Zehfuss. L. Lin (Jacobson et al., 1987), an observation sup- Curiously, the steep, rocky, uncultivated, and S. Brown described Ritterbush cores. ported by charcoal abundance data from and till-covered slopes around Ritterbush J. Shane identified the macrofossil. We several New England ponds (e.g., Anderson Pond barely responded to European defor- thank G. Ashley, B. Atwater, R. Braken- et al., 1986; Davis, 1985). However, we lack estation, yet repeatedly and distinctly ridge, D. Clark, E. CoBabe, D. Dethier, a record of small-scale forest disturbance responded to events, presumably hydro- from blowdown, fire, and disease, all capa- logic, through the Holocene. Holocene Landscape continued on p. 8

GSA TODAY, October 1997 7 Figure 8. A compilation of selected climate-change records for eastern North America and New England. Horizontal lines indicate the best age estimates (including gyttja age-offset) for initiation of deposition of the alluvial fan and Ritterbush Pond inorganic sediment. Lake levels are a summary of Webb et al.’s (1993) compilation. The red line is a temporal histogram of lakes having lowstands. The blue line is an inverse histogram of lakes having highstands. Webb et al.’s (1993) pollen-inferred values for precipitation and July temperatures are averages derived from pollen response surfaces incorporating numerous sites in eastern North America. Horizontal lines indicate the cooling event of Alley et al. (1997). The Delcourt and Delcourt (1984) compilation is based on foraminifera from North Atlantic cores and pollen from lakes in northeastern North America. Jackson and Whitehead (1991) and Spear et al. (1994) reported data from the Adirondack Mountains of New York and the White Mountains of New Hampshire, mountain ranges immediately west and east of Vermont’s Green Mountains, respectively. The Kutzbach (1987) record is a result of global climate modeling. Charcoal abundance is from Upper South Branch Pond (USBP), Maine (Anderson et al., 1986) and from Mirror Lake (ML), New Hampshire (Davis, 1985).

Holocene Landscape continued from p. 7 Delcourt, P. A., and Delcourt, H. R., 1984, Late Qua- ica and adjacent oceans during the last deglaciation: ternary paleoclimates and biotic responses in eastern Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America, North America and the western North Atlantic Ocean: Decade of North American Geology, v. K-3, p. 425–446. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, T. Jordan, S. Kite, M. Miller, M. Retelle, Meeks, H. A., 1986, Vermont’s land and resources: v. 48, p. 263–284. D. Rodbell, R. Thorson, and T. Webb for Shelburne, Vermont, New England Press, 332 p. Dethier, D. P., Longstreth, B., Maxwell, K., McMillin, S., helpful reviews of this manuscript. We are Mills, H. H., 1982, Long-term episodic deposition on Scott, J., Small, E., and Weng, K., 1992, Rainfall-induced mountain foot slopes in the Blue Ridge Province of indebted to Henry Moultroup for property mass movements on Mt. Greylock, Massachusetts dur- North Carolina: Evidence from relative-age dating: access and skillful backhoe operation. ing 1990: Northeastern Geology, v. 14, p. 218–224. Southeastern Geology, v. 23, p. 123–128. Dwyer, T. R., Mullins, H. T., and Good, S. C., 1996, Patton, P., 1988, Geomorphic response of streams to Paleoclimatic implications of Holocene lake-level REFERENCES CITED floods in the glaciated terrain of southern New Eng- fluctuations, Owasco Lake, New York: Geology, v. 24, land, in Baker, V. R., et al., eds., Flood : Alley, R., Mayewski, P. A., Sowers, T., Stuiver, M., p. 519–522. Taylor, K. C., and Clark, P. U., 1997, Holocene climatic New York, Wiley, p. 261–277. Flaccus, E., 1958, White Mountain landslides: instability: A prominent, widespread event 8200 yr ago: Pyne, S. J., 1982, Fire in America: Princeton, New Jersey, Appalachia, v. 24, p. 175–191. Geology, v. 25, p. 483–486. Press, 654 p. Flint, R. F., 1971, Glacial and Quaternary geology: Anderson, R. S., Davis, R. B., Miller, N. G., and Struck- Ratte, C. A., and Rhodes, D., 1977, Hurricane-induced New York, Wiley, 892 p. enrath, R., 1986, History of late- and post-glacial vegeta- landslides on Dorset Mountain, Vermont: Geological tion and disturbance around Upper South Branch Pond, Freeman-Lynde, R. P., Hutchinson, D. R., Folger, D. W., Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 9, p. 311. northern Maine: Canadian Journal of Botany, v. 64, Wiley, B. H., and Hewitt, J., 1980, The origin and Severson, J. P., 1991, Patterns and causes of 19th and p. 1977–1986. distribution of subbottom sediment in southern Lake 20th century shoreline changes of the Winooski Delta Champlain: Quaternary Research, v. 14, p. 224–239. Bogucki, D. J., 1977, Debris slide hazards in the Adiron- [M.S. thesis]: Burlington, University of Vermont Field dack province of New York State: Environmental Geol- Hitchcock, E., 1833, Report on the geology, mineralogy, Naturalist Program. ogy, v. 12, p. 317–328. botany, and zoology of Massachusetts: Amherst, Mas- Spear, R., Davis, M. B., and Shane, L. C., 1994, Late sachusetts, J. S. and C. Adams. Brakenridge, G. R., Thomas, P. A., Conkey, L. E., and Quaternary history of low- and mid-elevation vegeta- Schiferle, J. C., 1988, Fluvial sedimentation in response Hooke, R. L., 1994, On the efficacy of humans as geo- tion in the White Mountains of New Hampshire: to postglacial uplift and environmental change, Mis- morphic agents: GSA Today, v. 4, p. 217–225. Ecological Monographs, v. 64, p. 85–109. sisquoi River, Vermont: Quaternary Research, v. 30, p. 190–203. Jackson, S. T., and Whitehead, D. R., 1991, Holocene Thomas, P. A., 1985, Archeological and geomorphologi- vegetation patterns in the Adirondack Mountains: cal evaluation; M5000 (3) northern connector material Church, M., and Ryder, J. M., 1972, Paraglacial sedi- Ecology, v. 72, no. 2, p. 641–653. supply/disposal area, Howe Farm flood plain: Burling- mentation: A consideration of fluvial processes condi- ton, University of Vermont, Department of Anthropol- Jacobson, G. L., Webb, T., and Grimm, E. C., 1987, tioned by glaciation: Geological Society of America ogy, no. 54, 41 p. Bulletin, v. 83, p. 3059–3072. Patterns and rates of vegetation change during the deglaciation of eastern North America, in Ruddiman, Waitt, R. B., and Davis, P. T., 1988, No evidence for Coch, N. K., 1994, Geologic effects of hurricanes, in W. F., and Wright, H. E., eds., North America and post-icesheet cirque glaciation in New England: Morisawa, M., ed., Geomorphology and natural adjacent oceans during the last deglaciation: Boulder, American Journal of Science, v. 288, p. 495–533. hazards: Amsterdam, Elsevier, p. 37–64. Colorado, Geological Society of America, Decade of Webb, T., Bartlein, P. J., Harrison, S. P., and Anderson, North American Geology, v. K-3, p. 277–288. Costa, J. E., 1975, Effects of agriculture on erosion and K. J., 1993, Vegetation, lake levels, and climate in east- sedimentation in the Piedmont province, Maryland: Kochel, R. C., 1990, Humid fans of the Appalachian ern North America for the past 18,000 years, in Wright, Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 86, Mountains, in Rachocki, A. H., and Church, M., eds., H. E., et al., eds., Global climates since the last glacial p. 1281–1286. Alluvial fans: A field approach: New York, John Wiley maximum: Minneapolis, University of Minnesota, Davis, M. B., 1985, History of vegetation in the Mirror & Sons, p. 109–129. p. 415–467. Lake watershed, in Likens, G. E., ed., Mirror Lake and its Koteff, C., and Pessl, F., 1981, Systematic ice retreat in Wells, S., and Harvey, A. M., 1987, Sedimentologic and environment: New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 53–64. New England: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper geomorphic variations in storm-generated alluvial fans, Davis, R. B., and Jacobson, G. L., 1985, Late glacial and 1179, 20 p. Howgill Fells, northwest England: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 98, p. 182–198. early Holocene landscapes in northern New England Kutzbach, J. E., 1987, Model simulations of the climatic and adjacent areas of Canada: Quaternary Research, patterns during the deglaciation of North America, in Manuscript received April 10, 1997; revision received v. 23, p. 341–368. Ruddiman, W. F., and Wright, H. E., eds., North Amer- August 8, 1997; accepted August 15, 1997 ■

8 GSA TODAY, October 1997 WASHINGTON REPORT Post Doctoral Fellowship in Economic Geology

Bruce F. Molnia Mineral Exploration Washington Report provides the GSA membership with a window on the activities Research Centre of the federal agencies, Congress and the legislative process, and international interactions Laurentian University that could impact the geoscience community. These reports present summaries of agency and interagency programs, track legislation, and present insights into Washington, D.C., The Mineral Exploration Research Centre geopolitics as they pertain to the geosciences. at Laurentian University invites applications for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the area of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits. The suc- cessful applicant will have a strong back- Environmental Diplomacy— ground in the geochemistry and petrology of Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulphide deposits and should The Environment and U.S. Foreign Policy have a working knowledge of computer mod- eling in such systems. The appointment will The U.S. State Department’s first annual report on the environment and be sponsored by Inco Ltd. for a two-year term foreign policy represents a new way of looking at the world. (subject to an annual review) and will com- mence immediately. “We have moved beyond Cold War definitions of the ’ The research project will be focused on strategic interests. Our foreign policy must now address a broad range establishing the nature and origin of metal fractionations within and between contact and of threats—including damage to the world’s environment—that tran- footwall ore bodies in the Sudbury Igneous scend countries and continents and require international cooperation Complex. The PDF will compile existing mine assay data, undertake detailed sampling to solve.” in well characterized areas, supervise high pre- — Vice-President Al Gore cision base metal, semi-metal, and PGE analy- ses, and model the data to 1) establish vectors towards mineralization, and 2) determine the Recently, the State Department head a government-wide effort to meet relative roles of magmatic fractionation, mag- released a first-of-its-kind report, Environ- the world’s environmental challenges. matic-hydrothermal mobilization, and meta- mental Diplomacy—The Environment Christopher is quoted as saying, “The morphic-hydrothermal remobilization in metal and US. Foreign Policy, a nontechnical United States is providing the leadership fractionation. summary of U.S. policy and objectives to promote global peace and prosperity. As one of the world's largest nickel mining related to international environmental We must also lead in safeguarding the centres and home to Inco Ltd., Falconbridge diplomacy. The focus of the report is con- global environment upon which that Ltd., Laurentian University, and the Ontario tending with environmental problems prosperity and peace ultimately depend.” Geological Survey/Ontario Geoscience Labo- such as global climate change, ozone Albright states that the global environ- ratories (located in the LU campus), Sudbury depletion, ocean and air pollution, and ment can be protected most effectively provides an ideal environment for research on resource degradation. The report details if nations act together. For these reasons, magmatic sulphide deposits. The appointee the Clinton Administration’s priorities for this effort must be a central concern of will work in a large group of scientists study- working globally, regionally, and bilater- American foreign policy. ing the geology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and ally to combat serious and growing inter- Secretary Albright states that the petrology of magmatic and hydrothermal ore national environmental threats. It repre- United States is building on three basic deposits, including MERC/Department of sents a turning point in U.S. foreign premises. First, that damage to the global Earth Sciences faculty, several other PDFs and policy. Revisions to this report will be environment, whether it is overfishing graduate students, mining company geologists, released annually on Earth Day. Their of the oceans, the build-up of greenhouse OGS staff geologists, and OGL staff scientists. purpose will be to update global environ- gases in the atmosphere, the release of MERC researchers have access to excellent mental challenges and policy develop- chemical pollutants, or the destruction of computing and geochemical analytical equip- ments and to set U.S. priorities for the tropical forests, threatens the health of the ment, including EPMA, XRFS, ICP-OES, coming year. American people and the future of our ICP-MS, and TIMS. As Vice-President Gore points out in economy. his introduction to the report, these issues, Second, environmental problems Laurentian University is committed to “compounded by an expanding world are often at the heart of the political and employment equity and encourages applica- population—respect no border and economic challenges around the world. In tions from all qualified applicants including threaten the health, prosperity, and jobs Russia and central Europe, environmental women, aboriginal peoples, members of visible of all Americans. All the missiles and disasters left over from the Soviet era minorities, and persons with disabilities. In artillery in our arsenal will not be able to shorten lives and impede reform. In accordance with Canadian immigration require- protect our people from rising sea levels, central Africa, rapid population growth ments, this advertisement is directed first to poisoned air, or foods laced with pesti- combined with the competition for scarce Canadian citizens and permanent residents. cides. Our efforts to promote democracy, resources fuels conflict and misery. Please send curriculum vitae and the names free trade, and stability in the world will Albright states that the United States and e-mail addresses of three referees to: would not be doing its job as peacemaker fall short unless people have a livable Dr. C.M. Lesher, Director and democracy builder if it were not also a environment.” Mineral Exploration Research Centre good steward of the global environment. An introductory letter from Secretary Laurentian University Third, Albright believes, as she says of State Madeleine Albright ties the origin Sudbury, Ontario P3E 2C6 Canada President Kennedy did, that “problems of environmental diplomacy to a 1996 Tel: (705) 675-1151, x2276 announcement by then-Secretary of State Fax: (705) 673-4898 Warren Christopher in which he stated Washington Report E-mail: [email protected] that the State Department would spear- continued on p. 10

GSA TODAY, October 1997 9 Washington Report The report then presents two exam- • The Central American–Caribbean hub, continued from p. 9 ples of what are described as “Environ- located in San Jose, Costa Rica, will mental Diplomacy at Work.” These are focus on the loss of forests and biologi- created by man can be solved by man.” “Protecting the Earth’s Ozone Layer” and cal diversity and on the management Environmental problems are not the result “Taking Action to Protect Tigers and Rhi- of coral reefs and coastlines. of natural forces or the hidden hand of nos.” Each is accompanied by a paragraph • The Central Asian hub, located in chaos; they are caused by human beings. describing U.S. successes in dealing with Tashkent, Uzbekistan, will work to She states that these problems can be these issues. encourage cooperation on water-related solved if America works in partnership The “Regional Challenges” section of problems in the Aral Sea basin. with governments, nongovernmental the report states that “The environmental • The Eastern Africa hub, located in Addis organizations, and businesses that share fates of nations are inextricably and inti- Ababa, Ethiopia, will focus on desertifi- our commitment to a cleaner and health- mately linked within a region.” The ability cation, deforestation, biodiversity loss, ier world. A common theme throughout of countries to tackle these types of prob- and water use. the report is that rapid population growth lems has significant implications for their • The South Asia hub, located in Kath- exacerbates these problems and has conse- internal political and economic stability, mandu, Nepal, will promote regional quences that transcend national borders. for the political and economic stability of cooperation on alternative energy, clean “At the end of World War II, the earth’s their region, and by extension, for U.S. air, water sharing, and environmental population stood at two billion; now it is foreign policy. Today, for more and more disaster preparedness. nearing six billion. It took hundreds of U.S. diplomats working in our embassies • The Middle East hub located in Amman, thousands of years to reach the two billion and consulates around the world, imple- Jordan, will work on water resources, mark; only 50 years to triple it. This gar- menting American foreign policy means desertification, and coral reefs in the gantuan rise in population has crowded working on environmental issues. The Gulf of Aqaba as part of the Middle East the cities, overtaken green spaces and cre- State Department now operates on the peace process. ated unprecedented demand for energy, premise that countries sharing common • The Southeast Asian hub, located in food, and shelter.” resources share a common future and that Bangkok, Thailand, will create initia- Albright continues that to meet this neighboring nations are downstream and tives to promote the sustainable man- challenge, the State Department will upwind, not just north and south or east agement of forest and marine resources. change the way it does business. Building and west, of each other. Threats to a Additionally, the State Department is on the appointment of an Under Secretary shared forest, a common river, or a seam- using or expanding its bilateral relation- for Global Affairs, embassies and bureaus less coastline are forcing countries to ships with Brazil, India, Japan, China, are developing regional environmental expand their existing bilateral relation- Russia, Ukraine, the European Union, policies that advance larger national inter- ships to include environmental issues, and Mexico, South Africa, and Egypt to focus ests. To help coordinate these policies, to create new regional frameworks to con- on environmental issues. These bilateral the State Department is opening regional front and combat shared environmental frameworks will result in the development environmental hubs at U.S. embassies in challenges. of joint initiatives with allies on global, Costa Rica, Uzbekistan, Ethiopia, Nepal, Consequently, the State Department regional, and bilateral problems. Jordan, and Thailand. Additionally, envi- is integrating such regional and bilateral In closing, Eileen B. Claussen, Assis- ronmental cooperation is now an impor- environmental issues into its diplomacy tant Secretary of State for Oceans and tant part of U.S. relationships with coun- for three purposes: (1) to help stabilize a International Environmental and Scien- tries like Japan, India, Brazil, and China. region where pollution or the scarcity of tific Affairs (OES), states that environ- Albright states that on a global basis, resources contributes to political tensions; mental diplomacy is not an entirely new the United States is pursuing five environ- (2) to enable the nations of one region to concept. She notes that OES, which dates mental priorities (described as “Challenges work cooperatively to develop initiatives from October 1973, has been instrumental for the Planet”:(1) climate change, (2) to attack regional environmental prob- in such diverse areas as conserving the toxic chemicals, (3) species extinction, (4) lems; and (3) to strengthen our relation- unique resources of the Arctic and Antarc- deforestation, and (5) marine degradation. ship with allies by working together on tic, fighting to uphold the international Several paragraphs containing factoids internal environmental problems. moratorium on commercial whaling, and or statements, several illustrations, and a The report describes how the State providing a forum for our scientists to quote are presented for each environmen- Department is integrating environmental collaborate with colleagues overseas in tal priority. For example the “Oceans” issues into its diplomacy in two new ways: areas including health, agriculture, and section begins with a quote from Isaac by establishing regional environmental basic sciences. Through these and other Asimov—“Life originated in the sea, and hubs in key embassies to work on trans- achievements, OES has made an impor- about eighty percent of it is still there” boundary solutions to regional environ- tant contribution to improving the quality and a statement, “The oceans, ravaged by mental problems, and by raising the pro- of life for Americans and people around pollution and overfishing, are in trouble.” file of environmental issues in many of the world. An “Oceans” factoid paragraph states, our bilateral relationships. The focus of Claussen concludes that the State “The United States, with one of the regional and bilateral environmental Department “produced this report out- longest coastlines in the world and as a diplomacy will be on five key environ- lining our priorities and actions to build major maritime power and seafood con- mental challenges that affect most, if not greater understanding of, and broader sumer, has vested economic and environ- all, areas of the world: water resources, air participation in, our efforts to tackle the mental interests in protecting the oceans. quality, energy resources, land use, and growing number of increasingly complex In addition to providing a major food urban and industrial growth. international environmental challenges. source, the oceans are maritime highways As before, paragraphs containing We are committed to working with you, for efficient commerce and national secu- factoids or statements, several illustra- hearing from you, and moving forward rity. They also serve as a source for oil, for tions, and a quote are presented for each together.” medicine, and for recreation. The health environmental priority. The Environmental Diplomacy report and economic well-being of the world’s Last, the report describes the focus for can be viewed at the OES Web site— coastal populations and communities are each of the new regional environmental http://www.state.gov/www/global/oes/ intimately linked to the quality of the hubs: earth.html. ■ marine environment.”

10 GSA TODAY, October 1997 GSA Congressional Science Fellow Named for 1997–1998

research as well as professional practice in engineering geology. Verardo is a regis- tered professional geologist and a member of the Geological Society of America, the Association of Engineering Geologists, and the American Geophysical Union.

The Fellowship The Congressional Science Fellowship gives a geoscientist first-hand experience with the legislative process and the oppor- tunity to view science policy issues from tive activities. They offer their special the lawmaker’s perspective. At the same knowledge, skills, and competence for the David J. time, the Fellow assists in the analysis of opportunity to acquire experience and the Verardo public policy issues by providing scientific chance to contribute to the formulation of and technical expertise. public policy. David J. Verardo has been chosen as Funded by GSA and a grant from the To prepare for their assignments, Fel- the twelfth GSA Congressional Science U.S. Geological Survey, the fellowship lows attend a two-week orientation con- Fellow. He will work as a special legislative demonstrates the value of science-govern- ducted by the American Association for assistant on the staff of a committee or ment interaction and enhances involve- the Advancement of Science. Fellowship member of the U.S. Congress from ment of the earth science community in requirements include exceptional compe- September 1997 through August 1998. the public policy arena. The program tence in some area of the earth sciences, Verardo plans to use his broad geo- places highly qualified, accomplished sci- cognizance of a broad range of issues out- science experience to promote sustainable entists, engineers, and other professionals side the Fellow’s particular area, and a and accountable federal investment in sci- with the offices of individual members of strong interest in working on a range of entific and technological research and pru- Congress and committees for a one-year public policy programs. The Fellow reports dent stewardship of America’s natural assignment. Fellows perform in much the periodically to the GSA membership and resources and environment. In his applica- same way as regular staff members; they to the U.S. Geological Survey during the tion for the fellowship, he stated, “Geo- have the opportunity to be involved in one-year period. ■ logic data are essential for sensible public varied legislative, oversight, and investiga- policy formulation. Without their consid- eration, the nation’s enviable record of public safety and economic vitality is at risk. The unique panorama of geologic time permits us to observe the full range of natural processes on Earth and aids in Dibblee Award Honors Parke Snavely developing a fundamental comprehension of the natural world. A perspective limited Dorothy L. Stout, Cypress College, Cypress, California only to that of human influence impairs our understanding of natural variation.” Verardo received his Ph.D. in earth “A Day in the Field With Tom Dibblee,” on May 17 at the site of the historical and environmental science in 1992 from St. Francis Dam, marked the presentation of the Dibblee Medal to U.S. Geological the City University of New York and his Survey scientist Parke D. Snavely, Jr., the fourth recipient. The Dibblee Medal honors B.A. in geology from Long Island Univer- the extraordinary geologic mapping achievements of Tom Dibblee, and underlines the sity. He is actively engaged in climate importance of geologic field mapping as a means of providing solutions to complex geological problems. The crowd attending the event heard Ray Wells, of the USGS, laud Snavely’s 53 years with the Survey and his mapping and analyses of much of the Cenozoic Coast Ranges and sedimentary basins of western Oregon and Washington. That work has About People “led to a better understanding of the energy resource and hazard potential of sedimen- tary basins and accreted terranes in the tectonically active Cascadia forearc,” Wells said. In response, Snavely, in conveying the importance of field mapping (Snavely was suffer- GSA Fellow Paul R. Krutak, ing from Lyme disease, so his son, Parke D. Snavely III, read the response), stated that Hays, Kansas, has been designated “the tectonic or stratigraphic history of an area cannot be properly interpreted in the the 1997 President’s Distinguished absence of the understanding established through field mapping,” adding that geologic Scholar at Fort Hays State mapping is “a form of exploration in which one feels the excitement of discovering geo- University. logic relationships that might never have been observed before.” Member Lisa Pratt, Indiana Tom Dibblee, in his 85th year, continues to map, and this day was marked by the University at Bloomington, is the release of five more Dibblee geologic maps, of Warm Springs Mountain, Whitaker Peak, recipient of the 1997 Outstanding Green Valley, Sleepy Valley, and Ritter Ridge. Dibblee’s maps have been used by thou- Educator Award from the Associa- sands of geologists, and have been described as indispensable to the earth sciences tion for Women Geoscientists and for the benefit of humankind. For more information on the Dibblee Foundation: Foundation. http://dibblee.geol.ucsb.edu.

GSA TODAY, October 1997 11 GSA ANNUAL MEETING PROGRAM: New Initiatives as GSA Enters the Next Millennium

Sharon Mosher, GSA Annual Program Committee Chair, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, [email protected]

New initiatives and a new technical funding to support these sessions. Individ- merge the current Theme Sessions and program structure for the GSA Annual ual GSA members, GSA Divisions, and Symposia, combining the most successful Meeting are being implemented as GSA Associated Societies are encouraged to elements of each. The new format allows a prepares to enter the next millennium. organize Keynote Sessions. The session mix of invited and volunteered papers for The GSA Annual Program Committee has schedule will be flexible, including vari- more dynamic sessions. A flexible sched- developed a master plan for the future to able talk lengths, types and lengths of ule similar to that for Keynote Sessions increase the vitality and impact of the discussion periods, and other creative will be allowed. Individuals may con- Annual Meeting Program and to better program formats, such as informal (no tribute papers to any Topical Session, and meet the programming needs of GSA abstract) poster sessions during oral ses- organizers may invite specific papers to membership. The key components of the sions, and will be determined by the orga- ensure a successful and excellent session. new program structure are Keynote, Topi- nizer. One or more keynote talks at the Individual GSA members, GSA Divisions, cal, General, Late-Breaking Research, and beginning of the session by well-regarded, and Associated Societies may propose and Hot Topic Sessions, as outlined below. effective speakers who give an overview organize topical sessions. Four invited Keynote Sessions—Four to eight of the topic for fellow scientists not in the speakers are automatically allowed, but an half-day, nonconcurrent (one per half day; specialty field is encouraged. Keynote Ses- organizer may request more invitations minimum of one per day) sessions with all sion proposals will be reviewed by a panel with a justification for the larger number. invited speakers. These sessions expand of rotating Joint Technical Program Com- Two JTPC representatives will review the and replace the single Keynote Sympo- mittee representatives, that provides broad proposals; the Technical Program Chair sium currently offered at the Annual Meet- discipline coverage, and the Annual Pro- and the Annual Program Committee will ing. These sessions will be selected on a gram Committee will make the final deci- make the final decision. Topical Sessions competitive basis, the primary criterion sion. Four Keynote Sessions will be offered will be offered at the 1999 Annual Meet- being excellence. The sessions should be at the 1998 GSA Annual Meeting in ing in Denver in place of the Theme Ses- on the leading edge in a scientific disci- Toronto and up to eight at future meet- sions and Symposia. pline or area of public policy, address ings. Proposals are due January 2, 1998. Late-Breaking Research Sessions— broad fundamental problems, be interdis- Topical Sessions—Half-day sessions Sessions highlighting exciting new data or ciplinary, or focus on global problems. on a specific topic with a mix of volun- GSA Council has approved, in principle, teered and invited speakers. These sessions New Initiatives continued on p. 13

12 GSA TODAY, October 1997 New Initiatives continued from p. 12 breakthroughs over the summer. A mini- mum of one oral and one poster session will be available so that exciting new results generated over the summer, after the abstract deadline, can be presented at the GSA Annual Meeting. This opportu- nity is available starting with the 1997 Annual Meeting; see the July, August, and September issues of GSA Today for details. General Sessions—Oral and poster general sessions with all volunteered papers. These sessions, which represent the majority of the program, remain the same. Poster sessions will be expanded as much as possible to allow more papers to be presented. Poster sessions will not be scheduled concurrently with oral sessions in the same discipline, to allow for well- attended, dynamic sessions. The Hot Topics at lunch and IEE- and SAGE- sponsored programs will con- tinue to be part of the Annual Meeting along with field trips, short courses, and informal programming on Sunday.

MEETING DAYS The Annual Meeting days will be changed to Sunday through Wednesday as soon as the shift can be made perma- nently. Because of the long lead-time on convention center and hotel contracts, this change will not go into effect until after 2000. Membership surveys over the past few years have indicated that most members would prefer this timing to Seattle rotation. You will be asked these plines and to arrange for room proximity decrease the cost of attending the meeting questions on exit surveys at upcoming for sessions with similar content. It also and the number of workdays missed. Annual Meetings. allowed for better coordination between One goal of the new programming groups and more efficient exchange of SITE—AN UNRESOLVED QUESTION initiatives is to offer a GSA Annual Meet- abstracts. Now that the system is devel- Where should the GSA Annual Meet- ing program that appeals to all geoscien- oped, better coordinated meetings are ing be held? Surveys indicate members tists regardless of the location. The Tech- possible. In the future, this change will prefer a diversity of meeting sites, but nical Program Chair (who organizes the allow an abstract deadline closer to the attendance is low at all but a few sites. meeting program) will not need to be meeting date and will decrease the costs GSA cannot afford to continue sponsoring from the local community when the of the meeting and abstract volume. meetings in locations where it does not at meeting no longer focuses on the regional Thanks go to Mark Duvall and Art Smoot, least break even financially, and low atten- geology of the meeting site. Field trips who were responsible for writing the inno- dance seriously affects the vitality of the would still be offered at the Annual Meet- vative software allowing scheduling of the meeting. Meetings are increasingly expen- ing, but more would be shifted to the entire program on line. They, along with sive, but members, through attendance Section meetings or to independent Sue Beggs and John Bartley, Technical and survey responses, enjoy attending GSA-sponsored field conferences. Program Chair for Salt Lake, should be meetings at some of the more expensive commended for achieving an outstanding locations (i.e., Boston). If we repeat sites ROLE OF THE WEB result in a very short time. on a set rotation as we have for Denver, Abstracts: This year 62% of abstracts No-hassle submission of proposals: Pro- we can negotiate less expensive rates. were submitted on the Web. No more posals for Keynote or Topical Sessions (and An excellent discussion of this problem need for overnight delivery services! As currently Symposia and Theme Sessions) is given in the article “Annual Meeting more abstracts are submitted this way, the can be submitted on the Web. Electronic Costs—A Perspective” by Donald David- abstract deadline will move closer to the submission allows review of proposals son and Sue Beggs in the May 1997 issue meeting, and costs of the abstract volume by representatives with wider discipline of GSA Today. production will decrease. coverage without an earlier submission GSA needs sites that are attractive Virtual Joint Technical Program Com- deadline. to members on a repeated basis (such as mittee (JTPC): This year the Annual Meet- Information: The Web allows you every three years). Consider where you ing program was built on the Web rather access to the Annual Meeting program, would be willing to go to a GSA Annual than at a JTPC meeting in Boulder. abstracts, and general information before Meeting every three years, or if a set rota- This change to a “virtual JTPC meeting” hard copies are available. tion is not adopted, in which cities you allowed scheduling of sessions to be more will not attend an Annual Meeting. Results carefully monitored to minimize conflicts from recent surveys indicate that many between similar sessions in different disci- members favor a Denver, Boston, and New Initiatives continued on p. 14

GSA TODAY, October 1997 13 New Initiatives continued from n 13 changes that should increase discussion to working with you toward a more stimu- and networking, bring in new fields and lating and dynamic Annual Meeting pro- IMPORTANCE OF GSA DIVISIONS areas, encourage interdisciplinary science, gram as GSA enters the next millennium. AND ASSOCIATED SOCIETIES minimize scheduling conflicts, and Please send your comments to: GSA Divisions and Associated Soci- increase the number of people who can [email protected] or sbeggs@ eties play an extremely important role in present papers at the GSA Annual Meet- geosociety.org. ■ organizing the Annual Meeting. With the ing. We have also incorporated a broader new program initiatives, they will play an representation of disciplines in the deci- even larger role in the decision-making sion-making process to ensure a diverse, process and in long-range planning of the representative program. New initiatives overall technical program. Active partici- will allow new and important scientific pation by GSA membership in the GSA discoveries in a timely manner and the Visit Divisions and the Associated Societies is abstract deadline for all abstracts to be the best way to influence programming moved closer to the meeting. With these and to work toward a more dynamic program changes, the GSA Annual Meet- Annual Meeting. We have instituted ing should be an increasingly dynamic changes in the JTPC representative struc- and stimulating meeting for all GSA and ture, however, to give better representa- Associated Society members and should Us tion to at-large members of discipline appeal to a wider audience. groups not represented by a GSA Division The Annual Program Committee or Associated Society. (, Chair; John Bartley, http:// G. Randy Keller, Orrin Pilkey, Jonathan @ GOALS Price, Denis Shaw; and ex officio members www. The new initiatives and program Terry Pavlis, John Humphreys, Sue Beggs, structure encourage excellence in pro- and Don Davidson) would like your com- geosociety.org gramming and provide an opportunity for ments and suggestions on the new initia- flexible scheduling and creative program- tives and on other ways to improve the ming. The new structure fosters all-invited GSA Annual Meeting program. Each indi- sessions, gives special topic session orga- vidual and group has different needs, and Shop the nizers the ability to ensure a successful, the details of what we have proposed GSA Bookstore! excellent program, and allows all members affect everyone differently. We ask for to contribute papers to sessions with your help in making the impact of these invited speakers. We have implemented changes positive for all. We look forward

14 GSA TODAY, October 1997 1997 Honorary Fellows Named

The four eminent geoscientists named as GSA Honorary Fellows for 1997 are John Allen, Daniel Bernoulli, Umberto Cordani, and Dan McKenzie.

John R. L. Allen Umberto G. Cordani John R. L. Allen is known especially Cordani has focused on applying for his pioneering work in sediment isotope to the Brazilian transport processes. His studies and pub- shield. At the beginning of his career, lications have addressed theory, experi- Cordani worked on K-Ar dating of vol- ment, and field observations, and he is canic rocks. Later, his research focused considered especially adept at applying on characterizing the major age mathematical approaches to sedimentary provinces of South America through Rb- processes. Sr geochronology. Among his accom- Allen was born in Birmingham, Eng- plishments is development of ways of land, in 1932. He earned his doctorate at applying the Rb-Sr method to the study the University of Sheffield, and then of shales and related rocks. He has pub- taught at the University of Reading. His lished more than 150 papers on early studies of ancient stream deposits geochronology and tectonics in South John Allen Umberto Cordani in the Old Red Sandstone expanded into America, the Caribbean, and oceanic multifaceted studies of ripples, dunes, islands. high-velocity plane bedding, turbidity currents, salt marshes, and Born in Italy in 1938, Cordani became a Brazilian national in geoarchaeology. 1960 after he graduated from the University of São Paulo. He Allen’s many publications include several that are considered went on to earn his doctorate from the University of California at classic studies and are still cited and used. His books on the origin Berkeley. His many contributions to the international geological and interpretation of sedimentary structures are the standard in community include a term as president of the International the field. He has trained many students, and his research has Union of Geological Sciences. A guiding force in geoscience in influenced virtually every field of geology and engineering Brazil, he has served as director of publication for the Brazilian involving the examination of sediments and sedimentary rocks. Geological Society and as the chief editor of several journals. He He is currently Research Professor for Sedimentology at Reading. has been a visiting professor at several universities around the world, and he is well known for his participation in a range of activities in the international scientific community. Umberto Cordani serves currently as director of the Institute of Advanced Daniel Bernoulli Studies of the University of São Paulo. Bernoulli’s work as a stratigrapher and sedimentologist has had an impor- tant impact on the understanding of mountain belt evolution, particularly Dan P. McKenzie the stratigraphy of the Alpine fold belt. In the 1960s, Dan McKenzie began Bernoulli was one of the leaders in estab- the work on plate motions that would lishing the links between tectonics and contribute to the formulation of the sedimentation in rifted continental mar- theory. He was one of the gins. pioneers in the use of plate tectonics to Born in , , in 1936, explain the major features of Earth, Bernoulli completed his doctorate at including the eastern Pacific, the Indian the . After a brief stint Ocean, the south Atlantic, and the as a geologist for Shell Royal Dutch, he northeast Atlantic. McKenzie assisted in Daniel Bernoulli taught at Basel for nearly 20 years before creating a subdiscipline of mantle becoming the director of the Geological dynamics, and he was co-author of a Institute at the ETH in Zurich. paper in which observations of convec- Bernoulli has published numerous articles explaining use of tion beneath the oceanic lithosphere Dan McKenzie the sedimentary record to interpret complex tectonic histories. were first described. He has worked with colleagues in Europe and the United States. Born in 1942 in Cheltenham, Eng- His studies of Deep Sea Drilling Project cores led to the recogni- land, McKenzie earned his Ph.D. at Cambridge University. He tion that many facies in the Alps can be compared with the sedi- held positions at several institutions in the United States while ments of the early Atlantic. advancing to professor of earth sciences at Cambridge. Bernoulli has been termed a “consummate field geologist” The McKenzie model of the evolution of extensional basins whose work has broad application to deciphering the global has influenced significantly the study of the thermal history of ancient record. sedimentary basins. McKenzie is recognized for his numerical model of continental deformation and for his work on deforma- tion in active tectonic systems.

GSA TODAY, October 1997 15 1998 John C. Frye LETTERS Environmental ike many of us, I teach a large (up to Protests from the user communities Geology Award 200), introductory, geology lecture- both inside and outside of the govern- In cooperation with the Association L course to nonmajors. So I was inter- ment, including an eloquent letter from of American State Geologists (AASG), ested and educated to read, in the August Ed Roy, President of AGI to USGS Director GSA makes an annual award for the best issue of GSA Today [v. 7, no. 8, p. 14], how Gordon Eaton, had led the USGS to put paper on environmental geology pub- Jonathan Levy, of Miami University, the plan on hold. According to Chief lished either by GSA or by one of the brings a small-class atmosphere and some Geologist Patrick Leahy, the Policy Coun- state geological surveys. The award is a small-class benefits to his own big courses. cil of USGS had decided that “the impact $1000 cash prize from the endowment Here’s an additional device I find effective, of reductions [should] be kept to a mini- income of the GSA Foundation’s John C. to supplement the ones mentioned by mal level this year” (letter to E-an Zen, Frye Memorial Fund. Levy. May 22, 1997; italics added). For the long The 1998 award will be presented At each lecture, about 12 students term, no commitment was made, but the at the autumn AASG meeting to be held (picked alphabetically) sit in the front row issue is being debated by a newly formed during the GSA Annual Meeting in and serve as our “Panel of Experts.” They Library Board. Toronto, Canada. sign in when seated, so I know their Recently, a report by the Committee names and positions. The Panel’s job is for Appropriations of the U.S. House of Criteria for Nomination to answer questions that arise from me Representatives stated that “the Commit- Nominations can be made by any- or from the class. This sounds terrifying tee is concerned with the viability of the one, on the basis of the following criteria: at first, but all quickly learn I am not out USGS library, which serves many users and (1) paper must be selected from to skewer anyone. In fact I explain right purposes, and expects the USGS to main- GSA or state geological survey publica- away that wrong answers by Panelists can tain in fiscal years 1997 and 1998 funding tions, (2) paper must be selected from be quite helpful, because they are likely for the library, (including acquisitions) at those published during the preceding to represent similar mistaken ideas or no less than the library’s fiscal year 1996 three full calendar years, (3) nomination approaches in the minds of half the class. level” (p. 47). must include a paragraph stating the per- Whether or not an answer is wrong, I While it is nice to see such strong tinence of the paper, (4) nominations often ask other Panelists if they agree with support from the House Appropriations must be sent to Executive Director, the first one. Or I compare a Panelist’s Committee, the reality of the Survey’s GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO answer with a vote by the whole class. budget reduction cannot be ignored, and 80301. Deadline: March 30, 1998. With a wireless microphone available, the Survey library likely still faces a rough Basis for Selection the Panel becomes doubly useful. This time ahead. The library, however, is more Each nominated paper will be allows me to stroll along the front row, than just a research and reference library judged on the uniqueness or significance conferring even more individually with for a government science agency. Its book, as a model of its type of work and report Panelists, and perhaps commenting on journal, and map collections are arguably and its overall worthiness for the award. diagrams they are drawing. Once again, the best in the world, and they are heavily In addition, nominated papers must I am talking through one or two students used by earth scientists and by planners establish an environmental problem or (e.g., two students with conflicting dia- and decision makers who deal with earth- need, provide substantive information grams), to the whole class. Sometimes I related issues. Its resources are relied upon on the basic geology or geologic process hand my laser pointer to a Panelist and by university libraries, which are undergo- pertinent to the problem, relate the geol- have him or her identify features I ask for ing their own drastic budget reductions, ogy to the problem or need, suggest in a picture on the projection screen. I ask and by the highly successful GeoRef sys- solutions or provide appropriate land use for a bed. They point to a joint. And we all tem of AGI to disseminate earth science recommendations based on the geology, lurch toward understanding. information quickly through the elec- tronic medium to users the world over. present the information in a manner that Win Means The USGS library is a national trea- is understandable and directly usable University at Albany, SUNY sure, and all of us, whether affiliated with by geologists, and address the environ- Albany, NY 12222 mental need or resolve the problem. the USGS or not, have a stake in its It is preferred that the paper be directly strength, health, and continuity. We invite friends of the USGS library applicable by informed laypersons USGS Library (e.g., planners, engineers). to get together during the 1997 GSA n early April this year, the American Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City and 1997 Award Recipient Named Geological Institute (AGI) issued a share ideas to help Director Eaton and The 1997 award, to be presented at I “fact sheet” detailing a proposed cut of Chief Geologist Leahy deal with the long- the GSA Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City funding for the library of the U.S. Geologi- term issues of the USGS library. For this to Michael J. Chrzastowski, Myrna Killey, cal Survey (USGS) for book acquisition purpose, we have reserved the Cotton- Robert A. Bauer, Paul B. DuMontelle, and for journal subscription. This informa- wood Room in the Marriott Hotel,on Anne L. Erdmann, Beverly Herzog, John tion received much publicity through an Tuesday, October 2l, between 5:00 and M. Masters and Lisa R. Smith is for their article and an editorial in Nature (v. 386, 7:00 pm. We invite you to join us. Come! report “The Great Flood of 1993,” Illinois no. 6626, April 17, 1997, p. 631 and 637). John M. Aaron State Geological Survey Special Report 2. According to these sources, the book bud- Reston, Virginia The report is concise and covers a variety get would be reduced from about $150K to of aspects about the relationships $78K, and the journal subscription budget William T. Holser between geologic factors and the flood. would be reduced from about $815K to University of Oregon, Eugene It is also easy to read and written in $422K. The journal subscription reduction E-an Zen terms a nongeologist can understand as would translate into 2,240 canceled sub- University of Maryland, College Park well as being nicely illustrated and attrac- scriptions, this on top of the 1,667 cancel- tively presented. lations already effected in recent years. Letters continued on p. 17

16 GSA TODAY, October 1997 Letters continued from p. 16 sion. So clearly the argument that vance.” The three of us, all long-time field Congress cannot understand the value geologists, here suggest that, of the many The Value to the Country of geologic mapping does not necessarily geoscience activities, few are more benefi- of Geologic Mapping apply. This breakthrough greatly encour- cial to the average U.S. citizen than the aged field geologists, who do most geo- production and use of geologic maps. lthough making and using geologic logic mapping. Nonetheless, mapping Two of us (Rowley and Dixon) now maps is the traditional method by must be argued each year against doubters manage the Las Vegas Urban Corridor/ which most geologists approach A outside, as well as within, the USGS. Nevada Test Site Project of the NCGMP. regional geologic investigations, explain- The hoped-for renewal of the National The project is a $2.5 million/year effort ing geologic mapping to the layman has Geologic Mapping Act, currently before that uses geologic mapping to address never been easy. In the last 100 years, as Congress, is one more hurdle in this environmental geology issues, especially most funding for geological research— ongoing effort. ground-water problems such as contamina- as for all other sciences—has been taken Few people in the United States tion by underground nuclear tests and over by national and state governments, are not affected each minute of each day finding new water resources for the bur- defending this geologic mapping base to by what geoscientists discover, from the geoning population in the arid Southwest. the nonscientist has become critical for many metal and other rock products that In addition to these activities, we spend the survival of an essential element of geo- we use to petroleum that supplies energy about a third of our time engaged in public logic research. For example, the National needs and fibers for our clothes and busi- relations, explaining and demonstrating Science Foundation no longer funds geo- ness and household goods. Sufficient the usefulness of our project and the logic mapping proposals in research quantities of clean water are a requirement NCGMP. We try to educate the layman and grants. Furthermore, as long-standing of life, and geologic knowledge helps pro- potential customers to whom we are pro- members of the USGS, we are fully aware tect the public from natural geologic and moting geologic mapping, but we also find that our managers formerly camouflaged hydrologic hazards and helps mitigate it necessary to repeatedly defend the pro- much of our mapping activities under environmental hazards. Thus the geo- gram to USGS managers and to congress- more understandable work elements such sciences are among the most practical of men who seem to regard it as an easy tar- as studies of mineral deposits or earth- the sciences, but like all the others have get for budget cuts. Just recently, it was quakes, or of the regional geologic frame- been under increasing criticism for not suggested that the NCGMP be abolished work, purportedly to make it more palat- saying so to the layman taxpayer. Because and geologic mapping be privatized. Yet able to the Congress. About a decade ago, of this criticism, most geologists now our experience shows that a “critical mass” however, geologic mapping was success- attempt more presentations in the popular of field geologists and their supporting fully sold as a budget line item on its own media and concentrate even more on the paleontologists, isotopic daters, etc. are merits, as the predecessor to the current practical aspects of their work. The USGS National Cooperative Geologic Mapping has joined this surge toward “societal rele- Letters continued on p. 18 Program (NCGMP) in the Geologic Divi-

GSA TODAY, October 1997 17 Conferees Tackle Ethics Questions

Heidi A. Horten, South Pass Resources, Scottsdale, AZ 85259

The July 1997 GSA Presidential ethical problems existing throughout 2. Writing of articles and reports for Conference “Ethics in the Geosciences” the geoscience profession. Awareness immediate publication. Identified prod- explored the complex issue of ethics and insights do not come naturally but ucts include a report to the National Sci- and its practice (or nonpractice) by geol- though reading and reflection on ethical ence Foundation, case studies provided ogists. The conference was an eclectic issues, discussion with peers, and prac- by conference participants and com- gathering of 69 geoscientists and non- tice (including mentoring of the young piled and published by AAPG, articles geoscientists representing the profes- on the nature of ethical behavior). In by individual attendees on issues raised sional divisions of academia, industry, other words, geoscientists must become at the conference, and summary articles government (USGS, National Research alert to, and active in, the subject of published in the various geoscience soci- Council, state geologists, state regula- ethics in order for the practice of geol- ety newsletters and publications. tory agencies), and two members of the ogy to be truly ethical. Pride in being a 3. Other short-term actions by indi- clergy. The nongeoscientists included geoscientist generates the moral courage vidual participants include development philosophers, a federal judge, attorneys, to foster, uphold, and protect the credi- of materials on ethical issues for use in an urban-regional planner, and repre- bility and reputation of the profession. the college classroom; establishment of sentatives of scientific institutions. GSA Having reached this understanding a Web site for posting of case histories and the GSA Foundation, American and the realization that there was so and commentaries; letters of recommen- Association of Petroleum Geologists much to explore, comprehend, and act dation to USGS leadership to urge con- (AAPG) and the AAPG Division of Pro- upon, the attendees wanted to provide tinual, formal discussions and inclusion fessional Affairs, and American Institute the most appropriate launch pad for fur- of ethics in the USGS handbook; regular of Professional Geologists (AIPG) and ther efforts in the promotion of ethical discussions on ethics in society newslet- the AIPG Foundation sponsored the behavior among geologists. The decision ters; presentations on ethical issues at conference, which was held in Oregon. was to define the core values for the societal annual and sectional meetings; During five days of presentations profession—to verbalize those particular lunch seminars at places of employ- and discussions, the conference partici- goals and ideals that most geologists ment; presentation of conference pants touched on a broad range of per- hold dear (but that are distinct from the material at the Sigma Gamma Epsilon ceived and experienced problems: from requirements and duties of the profes- September 1997 meeting; and ethical issues in academic research and sion). The values were compiled during presentation of conference results to teaching, certification, and registrations, the final hours of the conference. In the European Federation of Geologists. to conflicting ethical systems and the addition, the group decided on the fol- An extensive review of the confer- issues of teaching and fostering ethical lowing immediate courses of action: ence discussions, findings, and results behavior. The crux of these issues for 1. Identification of a sponsoring and a list of core values will be pub- geoscientists: there is more to our organization, possibly the American lished in the November 1997 issue of profession than scientific knowledge Geological Institute, through which Geotimes. If you have questions or want and skills. Individual integrity is not guidelines for ethical behavior—based more information, contact Dave enough; to be truly ethical, one must on the core values—would be developed Stephenson, principal convener, at have personal integrity as well as an and presented to the total geoscience (602) 948-7171 or [email protected]. ongoing awareness and insight into the community.

Letters continued from p. 17 most are 1:24,000-scale digital geologic understand the regional geologic frame- quadrangle maps and geophysical maps. work of the area. This scale of mapping needed if we are to define the framework This fact certainly helps validate the soci- allows the early recognition of current and of an area. Abolishing geologic mapping as etal usefulness of these maps, which are future geologic hazards and provides geo- a specifically funded national program used to identify the subsurface structural logic information to the public and to would relegate field geologists to a sub- framework of ground-water flow paths, land planners. sidiary, noncontributory role peripheral to and in conjunction with stratigraphic Other lessons concern the benefits of other programs. Currently only State geo- studies and in cooperation with colleagues cooperation and the importance of publi- logical surveys and the USGS supply per- of the Water Resources Division of the cations. Geologic mapping is most useful sonnel dedicated to the profession of mak- USGS and of outside agencies, allows the when tied closely to ongoing studies by ing geologic quadrangle maps at various development of ground-water flow mod- the Water Resources Division, State geo- scales. Such field geologists are a pool of els, identification of flow paths, and find- logical surveys, universities, local munici- desperately needed talent that should be ing places to drill for water resources or palities, and nearby national and state treasured and enhanced, not discarded. monitoring wells. Mapping of Quaternary parks, because these groups know the local Well over half of the funding for the deposits also is valuable because it identi- problems and provide expertise on their Las Vegas Urban Corridor/Nevada Test Site fies gravel resources, and seismic and flood solution. Working cooperatively with out- Project comes from cooperators outside hazards, and provides climate-change and side funding agencies is especially impor- the USGS, and for this and other reasons other geologic contexts to human habita- tant in urban areas because it involves us the project teaches several lessons about tion in an area. Another popular project directly in the most critical local issues, doing geology in the real world. The first emphasis, using both cooperator and and only by funding us directly will an lesson is that the products that outside USGS funds, consists of digital geologic cooperators and other customers want the mapping at mostly 1:100,000 scale to Letters continued on p. 19

18 GSA TODAY, October 1997 Letters continued from p. 18 profession maintain strongly that our best field geologist enlists and guides other spe- thinking is done in the field, where geo- cialists, including geophysicists, hydrolo- outside agency fully use our work; we pro- logic contacts and structures are best con- gists, petrologists, and others. Historically, vide essential framework data that they sidered with respect to each other. All an outstanding field geologist has always directly apply to solving problems. This major scientific and economic discoveries been among the world’s wisest and best collaboration requires us to do practical in upper crustal rocks depend upon geo- geologists. Analysis of geologic hazards, products on time. High productivity in logic field relations, and only when these mineral resources, GIS databases, and publications also is a requirement for relations are accurately (and imaginatively) changes in Earth’s surface rely on informa- maintaining outside funding. All work, determined can these discoveries be made. tion derived from the regional geologic whether or not funded by outside cooper- Adequate geologic interpretations and framework. But importantly, the field geol- ators, is of publication-quality science ideas are related to map scale, and thus ogist’s knowledge and skill are required because we are too busy to accept trivial mapping the same area at different scales bases for interpreting this framework, and chores, and outside cooperators demand and by new generations of geologists often other specialists depend not only on his or objective science of the highest quality. leads to new concepts and different results, her maps but on his or her interpretations. Experience shows that geologic map- a fact that few laymen can understand. In other words, geologic mapping by a ping is the catalyst for good geologic sci- Can valuable geologic maps be made by skilled scientist whose laboratory is in the ence and provides the primary database of inexperienced geologists? That question field is the basis for broad interdisciplinary the geologic profession. Mapping is not a was answered by the late USGS geologist studies of the crust. Because mapping bears peripheral part of geology, but instead it is Jack Harrison, who differentiated inexperi- on almost all disciplines and geologic its foundation. Mapping provides the basis enced “field mappers” at one end of a problems, its strength—like geology in for the entire geologic framework of an spectrum from grizzled or talented “field general—is that it is multipurpose in its area or a continent, and thus it opens up geologists” at the opposite end. The former intent and multipurpose in its value. With- the applications of all other fields to can make geologic maps that may be out geologic mapping, geology could not understand this framework. Mapping is the minimally useful, but the latter bring an continue to evolve to meet the country’s basis for stratigraphy and, because one can- understanding of geologic processes, the ever-changing needs. not understand the structure without the recognition of questions to ask, and cre- Peter D. Rowley stratigraphy (and vice versa), it is the basis ative insights that result in new ideas and Gary L. Dixon for structural geology. Detractors have solutions to old problems, both scientific U.S. Geological Survey minimized geologic mapping by suggest- and societal. The contrast between routine Las Vegas, NV 89119 ing that it deals only with spatial relation- (mapper quality) and scientific (field-geolo- ships of rocks, and they thus imply that it gist quality) geologic mapping is dramatic Thomas A. Steven is a routine task that can be done by and revealing: only the scientific-quality U.S. Geological Survey (retired) unthinking and unimaginative persons. work provides adequate bases for multi- Denver, CO 80227 ■ Yet those of us who practice this art as our disciplinary follow-up investigations. The

GSA TODAY, October 1997 19 GSA Divisions and Sections Award Grants for 1997

June Forstrom, GSA Grants Administrator

DIVISION RESEARCH GRANTS Waste Landfills: Landfill Dynamics and Hoover Mackin Grant to Joel L. Pederson, Groundwater Contamination.” University of New Mexico, for “Variable Nine of the 12 GSA divisions offer Hillslope Processes and Sediment Delivery grants for outstanding student research Geophysics Division to Tectonically Quiescent Basins: A Late within the fields of the respective divi- The Geophysics Division presented Miocene to Quaternary Record of Buried, sions. Recipients of these grants for 1997 the Allan V. Cox Student Research Award Relict, and Modern Hillslopes and Their are listed below. The three divisions that this year for an outstanding student Deposits.” Two Arthur D. Howard Research do not currently offer any awards to stu- research proposal submitted to the GSA Grants were awarded this year. Recipients dents are Geoscience Education, History Research Grants Program to Monika are Jason P. Briner, Utah State University, of Geology, and International. Cogoini, University of Oklahoma, for for “Pleistocene Glacial Chronology of the her project, “Testing for a Connection Southwestern Ahklun Mountains, Alaska,” Archaeological Geology Division Between Magnetic Susceptibility Varia- and Daniel John Koning, University of The Archaeological Geology Division tions and Paleoclimatic Changes in New Mexico, for “Fault Segmentation awarded two grants this year. A student Upper Paleozoic Strata.” and Tectonic Geomorphology of the travel grant was awarded to Elizabeth Alamogordo Fault, New Mexico.” Miksa, University of Arizona, for her Hydrogeology Division paper “Pinal Schist as a Temper Source for Awards for outstanding student Sedimentary Geology Division Hohokam Plainware Pottery,” which will research from the Hydrogeology Division The Sedimentary Geology Division be presented in the division’s technical were presented this year to four students: presented its 1997 award for an outstand- session at the GSA Annual Meeting in Jenney M. Hall, University of Kansas, for ing student research proposal to Steven L. Salt Lake City. “Nitrate Transport at the Geohydrologic Goodbred, Jr., College of William and This year the division made the first Experimental and Monitoring Site Mary, for his project “Late Holocene presentation of the Claude C. Albritton, (GEMS), Douglas County, Kansas”; Eung- Development of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Jr., Memorial Student Research Award to Seok Lee, Indiana University, for “Hydro- Delta: The Role of Floodplain and Delta Jason A. Rech, University of Arizona, for chemical and Isotopic Study at Major Plain Sequestration of River Sediments.” his paper “The Reconstruction of Pleis- Karst Springs in South-Central Indiana, tocene/Holocene Environments in the U.S.A.”; Anthony J. Rossman, Miami Structural Geology and Northern Gobi Desert, Mongolia.” The University, for “Determining the Signifi- Tectonics Division Claude C. Albritton, Jr. Memorial Fund cance of the Autochthonous (Indigenous) The Structural Geology and Tectonics was established at the GSA Foundation in Microbial Community in the Transport of Division presented its twelfth annual 1991 with contributions from the family Allochthonous (Invasive) Bacteria”; and awards for outstanding student research and friends of Claude Albritton. The divi- Georgios P. Tsoflias, University of Texas, this year to Jeffrey C. Evans, Utah State sion continues to seek contributions to the Austin, for “Use of Ground-Penetrating University, for “Structural and Tectonic fund in memory of Claude Albritton to Radar for the Characterization of Fractures Evolution of the Syn-rift Salt Lake Forma- provide scholarships for graduate students in Geologic Formations and Their Contri- tion (Miocene), Northeastern Basin and in the earth sciences and archaeology. bution to Fluid Flow.” Range,” and Paul Kapp, University of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, for “Structural Evolu- Coal Geology Division Planetary Geology Division tion of the Fenghuo Shan, Northern Tibet, The Coal Geology Division presented The Planetary Geology Division pre- and Its Implications for the Formation of the annual Antoinette Lierman Medlin sents the Stephen E. Dwornik Best Student the Tibetan Plateau.” Research Award to Raphael Wuest, Univer- Paper Awards annually to students who sity of British Columbia, for his proposal are U.S. citizens and are pursuing “Onset of Organic-Rich Sediment Accumu- advanced degrees in planetary sciences. SECTION RESEARCH GRANTS lation and Peat Evolution in a Modern The awards are presented each year for Intermontane Freshwater Mire in the Four of the six GSA regional sections papers given in March at the Lunar and Tropical Environment of Tasik Bera, West award grants for research to students Planetary Science Conference. Recipients Malaysia: Implication for Coal Forma- attending colleges and universities within of the 1997 awards are Dante Lauretta of tion.” The Medlin Field Award was pre- each section’s respective geographical Washington University, for the best oral sented to Sarah Vessey, University of boundaries; the Cordilleran and Rocky presentation, for his paper “The Origin of British Columbia, for her proposal “Rela- Mountain Sections do not currently offer Ni-bearing Sulfides in CI Carbonaceous tionships Between Coal Quality, Sedimen- student research grants. Grants awarded Chondrites,” and Jannette Akridge of the tology, and Stratigraphy within the Juras- in 1997 by the sections are listed below. University of Arkansas, for the best poster sic-Cretaceous Mist Mountain Formation presentation, for “Fusion Crust and the at Line Creek, Southeastern British North-Central Section Measurement of Surface Ages of Antarctic Columbia, Canada.” The North-Central Section awards Ordinary Chondrites.” Recipients of the grants for undergraduate research projects awards are presented with a citation and a Engineering Geology Division to students who attend a college or uni- $500 cash prize in an awards ceremony The student research grant awarded versity within the North-Central Section held at NASA Headquarters in Washing- by the Engineering Geology Division for geographic area. Research proposals are ton, D.C., early in the summer. an outstanding research proposal in 1997 submitted and evaluated competitively. was presented to Karen L. Boven, Univer- Recipients for 1997 are: Thomas P. Becker, Quaternary Geology and sity of Michigan, for her project “Stable Case Western Reserve University; Jacob Geomorphology Division Isotope Systematics of the Municipal Benner, Cornell College; Beth Fisher, Uni- The Quaternary Geology and versity of Wisconsin–Eau Claire; Carrie Geomorphology Division awarded the J.

20 GSA TODAY, October 1997 Lee, Miami University; Matthew Schrenk, Tertiary Wasatch Formation, Piceance Carolina University, for “Holocene Evolu- University of Wisconsin–Madison; Creek Basin, Western Colorado”; Sunil tion of Pamlico Sound and Pea Island, Nathaniel S. Wanner, Ohio University; Mehta, University of Kentucky, for “Inves- North Carolina: Valley Infill Sequences and Jennifer R. Wingate, Wright State tigation of the Source of Regional Saliniza- in Response to Glacio-Eustatic Sea-Level University. tion of the Ogallala Aquifer, Southern Fluctuations”; and Alan Spraggins, Univer- High Plains, Texas”; Kelly Kathleen Rose, sity of Tennessee, for “Investigation of South-Central Section Virginia Polytechnic Institute, for “Defor- Deformation Intensity in the Appalachian The South-Central Section awarded mation Mechanisms and Resultant Strains Plateau to Detect Southern Alleghanian grants to two undergraduate students: in Folded Quartz Sandstones, A Field Blind Thrusting and Structural Continuity Candice Carrell, Baylor University, for and Laboratory Based Study, Southern Through an Orocline.” ■ “Water Quality of Three North Jamaican Appalachians”; Greg L. Rudolph, East Rivers and their Impact on Coral Reef Health,” and Craig Whitted, also of Baylor University, for “Riit Reinforcement and Stream Embankment Stability in Cohesive Materials: A Case Study of a 12,000 Foot Reach of Mill Creek.” 1998 The section also awarded research grants this year to four graduate students: Danielle L. Carpenter, University of Texas, Research Austin, for “Geologic History of the Chi- querio Formation, Southern Peru: Implica- Grants tions for –Early Paleozoic and Environment”; Shubab D. Program Khan, University of Texas, Dallas, for “Geochemistry and Tectonic Setting of Chalt and Shamran Volcanics, Northern for Students Pakistan”; Staci Loewy, University of Texas, Austin, for “Tectonic Evolution of a Terrane, Arequipa-Antofalla Massif: A Test of the ‘SWEAT’ Hypothesis”; he primary role of the Research Grants Program is to provide partial and Emmet McGuire, Fort Hayes State support for research in earth science by graduate students at universi- University, for “Structure of the San Rafael T ties in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and . GSA Swell (Southern) Emery County, Utah.” strongly encourages women, minorities, and persons with disabilities to partici- pate fully in this grants program. Eligibility is not restricted to GSA members. Northeastern Section New application forms are available each fall in the geology departments of The Northeastern Section awarded colleges and universities offering graduate degrees in earth sciences. Forms are grants to nine undergraduate students: mailed to GSA Campus Representatives, department secretaries, and chairper- Riley Brown, University of Maine–Orono; sons in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. They are also available upon Norman S. Buchanan, Castleton State Col- request from the Research Grants Administrator, Geological Society of America, lege; Jason Douglass Godbout, University of New Brunswick; Jason Alan James, Aca- P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, Colorado 80301. Please use only the current 1998 appli- dia University; Sarah E. Kopczynski, Colby cation and appraisal forms. College; Barnas G. Monteith, Tufts Univer- sity; Michael Munzing, Salem State Col- Confidential evaluations from two faculty members are required from candi- lege; Goeffrey Pignotta, University of dates for the M.S. or Ph.D. degree and must accompany applications submit- Ottawa; and Laura Place, University of ted. PLEASE USE THE “APPRAISAL OF APPLICANT” FORMS, WHICH ACCOM- Pittsburgh, Johnstown. PANY THE 1998 APPLICATION FORMS. Application forms will not be accepted by facsimile or E-mail. Southeastern Section GSA’s Southeastern Section awarded The Geological Society of America awarded over $300,000 in grants in 1997. research grants to seven graduate students The grants went to 188 students doing research for advanced degrees. The and one undergraduate student this year. average amount awarded was $1616. The largest grant was $2500, but there is Lynda Bolton, an undergraduate student no predetermined maximum amount. Funding for this program is provided by at the University of South Carolina— a number of sources, including GSA’s Penrose and Pardee endowments, the Aiken, received a grant for her project “Mesoscopic Brittle Structures, Worcester National Science Foundation, industry, individual GSA members through the Basin (England) Border Fault.” The seven GEOSTAR and Research Grants funds, and numerous dedicated research funds graduate student awardees are: Andrey that have been endowed at the GSA Foundation by members and families. Bekker, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, for “A Combined Sedimentological and Geo- The Committee on Research Grants will meet in March to evaluate applications chemical Analysis of the Nash Fork Forma- and award grants. In April, all applicants for grants will be informed of the com- tion, Medicine Bow Mountains, WY: Evi- mittee's actions by the Executive Director of the Geological Society of America. dence for a Rise of Oxygen in the Paleoproterozoic Atmosphere”; Rebekah J. ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON THE 1998 FORMS Chace, University of Alabama, for “Garnet AND POSTMARKED BY FEBRUARY 1, 1998 Sm-Nd Thermochronologic Studies in the North Cascades, Washington State”; Please note the new, earlier deadline date which begins in 1998. Robert Alan Drake, Auburn University, for “Analysis of Natural Fractures in the Early

GSA TODAY, October 1997 21 Call for Nominations GSA Penrose Medal, Day Medal, and Honorary Fellows

Penrose Medal Honorary Fellows The Penrose Medal was established Geologists who have distinguished themselves in geological in 1927 by R. A. F. Penrose, Jr., investigations or in notable service to the Society may be elected to be awarded in recognition as Honorary Fellows. In practice, nearly all candidates are of eminent research in pure non–North Americans who live and work outside of North Amer- geology, for outstanding ica. The most noteworthy exceptions were astronauts. Most Hon- original contributions or orary Fellows have been elected after many years of outstanding achievements that mark a and internationally recognized contributions to the science. The major advance in the sci- program was established by the GSA Council in 1909, and since ence of geology. The award then, except during a few war years, one or more Honorary Fel- is made only at the discre- lows have been elected annually. The Council of the Society en- tion of the Council. Nomi- courages the membership to submit names of qualified candidates nees are selected by the Council for this honor. In preparing a nomination, it is imperative that and may or may not be members of the Society. Penrose’s sole the original research and scientific advances of the candidate objective in making the gift was to encourage original work in be stressed. All supporting data, especially degrees received, publi- purely scientific geology, which is interpreted as applying to cations, positions, etc., should also be verified by the nominator. all scientific disciplines represented by the Society. Scientific achievements should be considered rather than contributions How to Nominate in teaching, administration, or service. Mid-career scientists who To ensure thorough consideration by the respective commit- have already made exceptional contributions should be given full tees, please submit for each candidate a brief biographical sketch, consideration for the award. such as used in American Men and Women of Science and Who’s Who in America, a summary of the candidate’s scientific contributions to geology that qualify the individual for the award, and a Day Medal selected bibliography of no more than 20 titles. The Day Medal was established in A nomination for any one of these three awards must be sup- 1948 by Arthur L. Day to be ported by signed letters from each of five (5) GSA Fellows or Members awarded annually, or less in addition to the person making the nomination. The letters may frequently, at the discretion be attached to the nomination form or may be sent to the Executive of the Council, for out- Director separately. For Honorary Fellow nominations, please verify standing distinction in degrees received, publications, positions held, etc. The names of contributing to geologic unsuccessful candidates proposed to the Council by the respective knowledge through the committees will remain for consideration by those committees for application of physics and three years. For those still under consideration, it is recommended chemistry to the solution that an updated letter of renomination be sent to the Executive of geologic problems. Day’s Director. intent was to recognize out- The nomination form (p. 23) is also available on the GSA standing achievement and inspire further effort, rather than Web site at http://www.geosociety.org, in the Administraion reward a distinguished career. Scientific achievements should be Section. The deadline for receipt of nominations at the office of considered rather than contributions in teaching, administration, the Executive Director is February 2, 1998. ■ and service.

About the Honorary Fellow Program

On page 23 you will find a form to be used in nominat- Honorary Fellows have been elected after many years of out- ing candidates for Honorary Fellowship in the Geological standing and internationally recognized contributions to the Society of America. Each year this honor is bestowed on science. At present there are 62 living geologists who have non–North Americans who live and work outside of North received this honor. America and have distinguished themselves in geological The Council of the Society encourages the membership investigations or in notable service to the Society. Under to submit names of qualified candidates for this honor. In exceptional circumstances, North Americans have been preparing a nomination, it is imperative that the original re- named Honorary Fellows. This amendment to the bylaws search and scientific advances of the candidate be stressed. was made in 1969 when the Apollo II astronauts who first All supporting data, especially degrees received, publications, walked on the were elected. positions, etc., should also be verified by the nominator. Use The program was established by the GSA Council in the form on page 23 for nominating a candidate for Hon- 1909, and since then, except during a few war years, one or orary Fellowship. more Honorary Fellows have been elected annually. Most

22 GSA TODAY, October 1997 THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Nomination for Penrose Medal, Day Medal, or Honorary Fellowship (please circle one)

NAME OF CANDIDATE: ______ADDRESS: ______Telephone: ______


BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Suggested sources: American Men and Women of Science, Who’s Who in America GSA Service Record (obtainable from headquarters) Other


SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY No more than 20 titles.

LETTERS OF SUPPORT Nominations for any one of these three awards MUST BE SUPPORTED by signed letters from five (5) GSA Fellows or Members in addition to the person making the nomination. The letters may be attached to this nomination form or may be sent to the Executive Director separately. Supporting letters must discuss the original research and scientific advances of the candidates. Please also verify all other supporting data.

Name of person making the nomination: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______

Date: ______Signature: ______

Letters of support will be submitted by:

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

RETURN TO: GSA Executive Director, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, Phone: (303) 447-2020

DEADLINE: Completed nominations must be received by February 2, 1998. To be considered, nomination materials must meet the above criteria. Reprints or articles will not be accepted.

GSA TODAY, October 1997 23 Call for Nominations • biographical information, • a summary of the candidate’s scientific contributions to geology (200 words or Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal) less), • a selected bibliography (no more than 10 titles), The Young Scientist Award was estab- and a cash prize of $15,000 was endowed • supporting letters from five scientists lished in 1988 to be awarded to a young by Dr. and Mrs. Fred A. Donath. in addition to the person making the scientist (35 or younger during the year For the year 1998, only those candidates nomination. in which the award is to be presented) for born on or after January 1, 1963, are eligible The nomination form (p. 25) is also outstanding achievement in contributing for consideration. In choosing candidates available at our Web site at http://www. to geologic knowledge through original for the Young Scientist Award, scientific geosociety.org, in the Administration research that marks a major advance in achievement and age will be the sole Section. Nominations for the 1998 Young the earth sciences. The award, consisting criteria. Nominations for the 1998 award Scientist Award must be received at GSA of a called the Donath Medal, must include: headquarters by February 2, 1998. ■

GSA Medalists and Honorary Fellows

Richard A. F. Penrose, Jr., Medalists

1927 Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin 1941 Norman Levi Bowen 1956 Arthur Holmes 1971 Marshall Kay 1986 Laurence L. Sloss 1928 Jakob Johannes Sederholm 1942 Charles Kenneth Leith 1957 Bruno Sander 1972 Wilmot H. Bradley 1987 Marland P. Billings 1929 No award given 1943 No award given 1958 1973 M. King Hubbert 1988 Robert S. Dietz 1930 Francois Alfred 1944 1959 Adolf Knopf 1974 William Maurice Ewing 1989 Warren Bell Hamilton Antoine Lacroix 1945 Felix Andries Vening-Meinesz 1960 Walter Herman Bucher 1975 Francis J. Pettijohn 1990 Norman D. Newell 1931 1946 T. Wayland Vaughan 1961 Philip Henry Kuenen 1976 Preston Cloud 1991 William R. Dickinson 1932 Edward Oscar Ulrich 1947 Arthur Louis Day 1962 Alfred Sherwood Romer 1977 Robert P. Sharp 1992 John Frederick Dewey 1933 1948 Hans Cloos 1963 William Walden Rubey 1978 Robert M. Garrels 1993 Alfred G. Fischer 1934 1949 Wendell P. Woodring 1964 Donnel Foster Hewett 1979 J Harlen Bretz 1994 Luna B. Leopold 1935 Reginald Aldworth Daly 1950 Morley Evans Wilson 1965 Philip Burke King 1980 Hollis D. Hedberg 1995 John C. Crowell 1936 Arthur Philemon Coleman 1951 Pentti Eskola 1966 Harry H. Hess 1981 1996 John Robert Lawrence Allen 1937 No award given 1952 George Gaylord Simpson 1967 Herbert Harold Read 1982 Aaron C. Waters 1997 John D. Bredehoeft 1938 Andrew Cowper Lawson 1953 Esper S. Larsen, Jr. 1968 J. Tuzo Wilson 1983 G. Arthur Cooper 1939 1954 Arthur Francis Buddington 1969 Francis Birch 1984 Donald E. White 1940 Nelson Horatio Darton 1955 Maurice Gignoux 1970 Ralph Alger Bagnold 1985 Rudolf Trümpy

Arthur L. Day Medalists

1948 George W. Morey 1958 John Verhoogen 1968 Frederick J. Vine 1978 Samuel Epstein 1988 Claude J. Allègre 1949 William Maurice Ewing 1959 Sir Edward C. Bullard 1969 Harold C. Urey 1979 Walter M. Elsasser 1989 Dan McKenzie 1950 Francis Birch 1960 Konrad B. Krauskopf 1970 Gerald J. Wasserburg 1980 Henry G. Thode 1990 William S. Fyfe 1951 Martin J. Buerger 1961 Willard F. Libby 1971 Hans P. Eugster 1981 Donald L. Turcotte 1991 Ian Carmichael 1952 Sterling Hendricks 1962 Hatten Schuyler Yoder 1972 Frank Press 1982 Eugene M. Shoemaker 1992 Susan Werner Kieffer 1953 John F. Schairer 1963 Keith Edward Bullen 1973 David T. Griggs 1983 Harmon Craig 1993 Hugh P. Taylor, Jr. 1954 Marion King Hubbert 1964 James Burleigh Thompson, Jr. 1974 A. E. Ringwood 1984 Wallace S. Broecker 1994 David Walker 1955 Earl Ingerson 1965 Walter H. Munk 1975 Allan Cox 1985 Freeman Gilbert 1995 Thomas J. Ahrens 1956 Alfred O. C. Nier 1966 Robert M. Garrels 1976 Hans Ramberg 1986 E-an Zen 1996 Robert A. Berner 1957 Hugo Benioff 1967 O. Frank Tuttle 1977 Akiho Miyashiro 1987 Don L. Anderson 1997 Edward Irving

Young Scientist Award (Donath Medalists)

1989 Mark Cloos 1991 Brian Philip Wernicke 1993 Michael Gurnis 1995 Ward Earl Sanford 1997 Edouard G. Bard 1990 Leigh Handy Royden 1992 John Peter Grotzinger 1994 An Yin 1996 Paul R. Bierman

Honorary Fellows

Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin Umberto G. Cordani Valdar Jaanusson Desmond A. Pretorius Ali Mehmet Celal S¸ engör John R. L. Allen Bruno d’Argenio Emilie Jäger B. P. Radhakrishna Boris Sergeevich Sokolov Neil Armstrong Gabriel Dengo Ihsan Ketin Hans Ramberg Richard L. Stanton Jean A. Aubouin Kingsley C. Dunham Teiichi Kobayashi Victor A. Ramos Rashid A. Khan Tahirkheli Daniel Bernoulli Stanislaw Dzulynski Hans Laubscher John G. Ramsay Paul Tapponnier Krzysztof Ludwik Birkenmajer François Ellenberger Alfred Rittmann Bernard P. Tissot Alfonso Bosellini Hans Füchtbauer Dan P. McKenzie Alexander B. Ronov Livio Trevisan George Malcolm Brown William S. Fyfe Michael W. McElhinny Rupert W. R. Rutland Rudolf Trümpy S. Warren Carey Augusto Gansser German K. Müller Kristján Sæmundsson Guangzhi Tu Maria Bianca Cita David Headley Green Mervyn Silas Paterson Rushdi Said Harry B. Whittington Michael Collins Francisco Hervé Leo Y. Picard Hitoshi Sakai Alwyn Williams William Compston Dorothy Hill Wallace S. Pitcher Mircea Sandulescu Yang Zun-yi Douglas Saxon Coombs Ferenc Horvath Jean Piveteau Harrison Hagan Schmitt P. G. Cooray Kenneth J. Hsü Isabella Premoli-Silva Eugen Seibold

24 GSA TODAY, October 1997 THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Nomination for 1998 Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal)

NAME OF CANDIDATE:______Date of birth:______For the year 1998, only those candidates born on or after January 1, 1963, are eligible for consideration.

ADDRESS: ______


BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION Provide in a format similar to that found in American Men and Women of Science, Who’s Who in America.


SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY No more than 10 titles.

LETTERS OF SUPPORT Nominations for the Donath Medal MUST BE SUPPORTED by signed letters from five (5) scientists in addition to the person mak- ing the nomination. The letters may be attached to this nomination form or may be sent to the Executive Director separately.

Name of person making the nomination: ______

Address: ______

Date: ______Signature: ______

Letters of support will be submitted by:

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______

4. ______

5. ______

RETURN TO: GSA Executive Director P.O. Box 9140 Boulder, CO 80301 Phone: (303) 447-2020

DEADLINE: Completed nominations must be received by February 2, 1998. To be considered, nomination materials must meet the above criteria. Reprints or articles will not be accepted.

GSA TODAY, October 1997 25 Call For Nominations — Call for Nominations National Awards for 2000 for 1998 GSA Distinguished (Deadline: April 30, 1998) Service Award Nominations for the national awards described below are being solicited for 2000. Each year GSA members have been invited to The GSA Distinguished Service Award was established by Coun- participate by recommending possible candidates. cil in 1988 to recognize individuals for their exceptional service Those who wish to make nominations are urged to do so by to the Society. GSA Members, Fellows, Associates, or, in excep- sending background information and vitae, and specifying the award tional circumstances, GSA employees may be nominated for for which the candidate is being submitted by April 30, 1998, to the consideration. Any GSA member or employee may make a GSA External Awards Committee, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO nomination for the award. Awardees will be selected by the 80301, (303) 447-2020, fax 303-447-1133. The nomination process Executive Committee, and all selections must be ratified by the is coordinated by AGI on behalf of its member societies, and a roster Council. Awards may be made annually, or less frequently, at of candidates will be finalized by the AGI Member Society Council the discretion of Council. This award will be presented during at its spring 1999 meeting for nomination to the respective offices the Annual Meeting of the Society. Letters of nomination and sponsoring the national awards. any supporting information should be addressed to Executive Director, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301. WILLIAM T. PECORA AWARD The Pecora Award, sponsored jointly by NASA and the Depart- Deadline for nominations for 1998 is March 2, 1998. ment of the Interior, is presented annually in recognition of outstand- Recipients to date: ing contributions of individuals or groups toward the understanding of Earth by means of remote sensing. 1988...... Campbell Craddock, Robert D. Hatcher, Jr. The award recognizes contributions of those in the scientific and Eldridge M. Moores, William A. Thomas technical community as well as those involved in the practical appli- 1990...... William B. Heroy, Jr. cation of remote sensing. Consideration will be given to sustained or 1991...... Dorothy M. Palmer single contributions of major importance to the art or science of the 1992...... A. R. (Pete) Palmer understanding of Earth through observations made from space. 1993...... Michel T. Halbouty NATIONAL MEDAL OF SCIENCE 1994...... F. Michael Wahl The medal is awarded by the President to individuals “deserving 1995...... John E. Costa, Henry T. Mullins, of special recognition by reason of their outstanding contributions to Arthur G. Sylvester knowledge in the physical, biological, mathematical, engineering, or 1996...... David M. Fountain, Royann (Gardner) Cygan social and behavioral sciences.” Louis C. Pakiser, Jr., Anthony Reso There are now many younger American scientists and engineers 1997 ...... Robert L. Fuchs, Richard A. Hoppin who may be reaching a point where their contributions are worthy of Faith E. Rogers, Bennie W. Troxel recognition. The committee is giving increasing attention to these individuals as well as to those outstanding women and minority scientists who deserve recognition.

VANNEVAR BUSH AWARD The Vannevar Bush Award is presented from time to time to a person who, through public service activities in science and technol- Can Help Direct ogy, has made an outstanding contribution toward the welfare of GSA’s Future mankind and the nation. YOU The award is given to a senior statesman of science and technol- The GSA Committee ogy and complements the NSF’s Alan T. Waterman Award, which is on Nominations given to a promising young scientist. The two awards are designed requests your help in to encourage individuals to seek the highest levels of achievement compiling a list of in science, engineering, and service to humanity. The nomination should be accompanied by a complete biogra- GSA members qualified phy and a brief citation summarizing the nominee’s scientific or tech- for service as officers nological contributions to our national welfare in promotion of the and councilors of the progress of science. Society. The committee requests that each nomina- ALAN T. WATERMAN AWARD tion be accompanied by basic The Waterman Award is presented annually by the NSF and data and a description of the National Science Board to an outstanding young researcher in any qualifications of the individual field of science or engineering supported by NSF. for the position recommended Candidates must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and (vice president, treasurer, must be 35 years of age or younger, OR not more than five years beyond receipt of the Ph.D. degree by December 31 of the year councilor). in which nominated. Nominations for 1999 officers and councilors Candidates should have completed sufficient scientific or must be received at GSA headquarters no later than engineering research to have demonstrated, through personal FEBRUARY 18, 1998. accomplishments, outstanding capability, and exceptional promise Please send nominations and back-up material for significant future achievement. to Administrative Department, Geological Society of Amer- Remember: Background information and vitae of nominated ica, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301. candidates should be sent by April 30, 1998, to the GSA External Awards Committee, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301. ■

26 GSA TODAY, October 1997 Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers sity, P.O. Box 6300, Morgantown, WV 26506-6300, (304) 293-5603, rbehling@ wvu.edu; John Callahan, Dept. of Geol- SOUTHEASTERN SECTION, GSA ogy, Appalachian State University, Boone, 47th Annual Meeting NC 28608, (704) 262-3049, callahanje@ conrad.appstate.edu; Thomas Repine, Charleston, West Virginia WVGES, (304) 594-2331, repine@geosrv. March 30–31, 1998 wvnet.edu. 5. Upper (- ) Extinction Event in the Catskill Delta of Virginia and West he 1998 meeting of the Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America Virginia. Sponsored by the Paleontological in Charleston, West Virginia, will be hosted by the West Virginia Geological and Society. Thomas J. Rossbach, Municipal Economic Survey. T Engineering Services, P.O. Box 97, Garner, NC 27529, (919) 772-5393; Jack C. Hall, CALL FOR PAPERS FIELD TRIPS University of North Carolina, Wilming- ton, NC 28403-3297, (910) 962-3488, Papers are invited for presentation in Contact the field trip leaders listed [email protected]. oral technical sessions, symposia, theme below for details about specific field trips. sessions, and poster sessions. Although For general questions concerning field SYMPOSIA papers dealing with all aspects of the trips, or to propose an additional field southeastern or Appalachian regions of trip, contact B. Mitchel Blake, field trip In addition to the general discipline the United States are especially encour- coordinator, (304) 594-2331, blake@ sessions, 10 symposia are planned for the aged, papers dealing with other regions are geosrv.wvnet.edu. The postal address meeting. Anyone interested in these also welcome. Abstracts not accepted for for all West Virginia Geological and Eco- should contact the conveners for infor- symposia (invited) or theme (volunteered) nomic Survey (WVGES) field trip leaders mation. If you have suggestions for addi- sessions will be considered for regular is: West Virginia Geological and Economic tional symposia, contact Peter Lessing, technical sessions. Survey, P.O. Box 879, Morgantown, WV, West Virginia Geological and Economic 26507-0879. Survey, P.O. Box 879, Morgantown, WV REGISTRATION 26507-0879, (304) 594-2331, lessing@ Field Trips (Tentative) geosrv.wvnet.edu. The postal address Preregistration deadline: 1. The - for all West Virginia Geological and February 27, 1998 Boundary in Southern West Virginia Economic Survey (WVGES) conveners is: Please preregister to qualify for lower Revisited: A Eustatic Unconformity? West Virginia Geological and Economic registration fees and to assist the local Jack B. Beuthin, Dept. of Geology, Univer- Survey, P.O. Box 879, Morgantown, WV committee in planning. On-site registra- sity of Pittsburgh—Johnstown, Johnstown, 26507-0879. tion, at a higher fee, will also be available. PA 15904, (814) 269-2945, beuthin+@ 1. Historical Investigations of A reduced registration fee during the pre- pitt.edu; Donald Neal, Dept. of Geology, Appalachian Geology. Sponsored by registration period will be offered to stu- East Carolina University, Greenville, NC History of Geology Division. Peter Lessing, dents and to precollege teachers. Preregis- 27858-4353, (919) 328-4392, glneal@ WVGES, (304) 594-2331, lessing@geosrv. tration by mail will be handled by the GSA ecuvm.cis.ecu.edu. wvnet.edu; Gregory Good, Dept. of His- Registration Coordinator, P.O. Box 9140, 2. Extensional Structures Along the tory, West Virginia University, P.O. Box Boulder, CO 80301-9140. Preregistration Allegheny Front in Virginia and 6303, Morgantown, WV 26506-6303, forms will be in the January 1998 issue West Virginia Near the Giles County (304) 293-2421, ext. 5247, ggood@ of GSA Today. Seismic Zone. John M. Dennison, Dept. wvu.edu. of Geology, University of North Carolina 2. Ichnology and Taphonomy. ABSTRACTS at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599- Andrew K. Rindsberg, Geological Survey 3315, (919) 966-4516, fax 919-966-4519. of Alabama, P.O. Box O, Tuscaloosa, AL Abstract deadline: 3. Coal Geology, Paleobotany, and 35486-9780, (205) 349-2852, arindsberg@ November 21, 1997 Regional Stratigraphy of the Middle ogb.gsa.tuscaloosa.al.us; Anthony J. Mar- Abstracts for all sessions must be sub- Part of the Kanawha Formation, tin, Geosciences Program, Emory Univer- mitted camera-ready on official 1998 GSA Southern West Virginia. Sponsored by sity, Atlanta, GA 30322, (404) 727-6491, abstract forms, available from the the Coal Division. B. Mitchel Blake, WVGES, [email protected]; Ronald R. Abstracts Coordinator, Geological Society (304) 594-2331, [email protected]; McDowell, WVGES, (304) 594-2331, of America, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO Cortland F. Eble, Kentucky Geological Sur- [email protected]. 80301, (303) 447-2020, ext. 161, ncarl- vey, 228 Mining and Mineral Resources 3. Applied Topics in Coal Geology. [email protected]. An original and five Bldg., University of Kentucky, Lexington, James Hower, University of Kentucky, copies of all abstracts (volunteered and KY, 40506-0107, (606) 257-5500, eble@ Center for Applied Energy Research, 2540 invited) should be sent to Peter Lessing, kgs.mm.uky.edu; William C. Grady, Research Park Dr., Lexington, KY 40511- West Virginia Geological and Economic WVGES, (304) 594-2331, grady@wvugeo. 8410, (606) 257-0261, [email protected]. Survey, P.O. Box 879, Morgantown, WV wvnet.edu; Ronald L. Martino, Dept. of uky.edu; Cortland F. Eble, Kentucky Geo- 26507-0879. We encourage participants in Geology, Marshall University, Huntington, logical Survey, 228 Mining and Mineral symposia and theme sessions to send an WV 25755, (304) 696-2717, martinor@ Resources Bldg., University of Kentucky, extra copy to the convener of the session. marshall.edu. Lexington, KY 40506-0107, (606) 257-5500, Abstracts will be reviewed for information 4. Teays Valley Paleohistory and [email protected]. content, format, and originality. GSA rules Pennsylvanian Fossil Collecting. 4. Structure and Tectonics of the prohibit individuals from presenting more Sponsored by NAGT, WVGES, WVU Dept. of Central and Southern Appalachians: than one volunteered abstract. Abstracts Geology and Geography, GSA, and the Paleon- Recent Milestones. Mark Evans, Geol- submitted for symposia are not affected by tological Society. Bob Behling, Dept. of Geol- this limitation. ogy and Geography, West Virginia Univer- Southeastern continued on p. 28

GSA TODAY, October 1997 27 Southeastern continued from p. 27 3. Statemap Geological Mapping ROY SHLEMON MENTORS IN Poster Session. David Matchen, West APPLIED GEOLOGY PROGRAM: ogy and Planetary Science, 321 Old Engi- Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, Workshop for Students, neering Hall, University of Pittsburgh, (304) 594-2331, [email protected]. OR Pittsburgh, PA 15260, (412) 624-8779, edu. What Your Professor Did Not Tell [email protected]. 4. Undergraduate Research Poster You About the Real World 5. GIS Applications to Coal Geology. Session. Sponsored by the Council for The Roy Shlemon Mentors in Applied Craig Neidig, Office of GIS Coordinator, Undergraduate Education. William Ranson, Geology Program, sponsored by the GSA 1615 Washington St., E., Suite 106, Dept. of Geology, Furman University, Institute for Environmental Education, is a Charleston, WV 25311, (304) 558-4218, Greenville, SC 29613-0440, (803) 294-2052, program developed to present workshops [email protected]; Nick Fedorko, ranson_bill/[email protected]. for upper-level undergraduate and gradu- WVGES, (304) 594-2331, fedorko@ 5. Geoscience Programs for K–12 ate students. This workshop is designed to geosrv.wvnet.edu. Educators. Thomas Repine, West Vir- make students more aware of what will be 6. Activities for Enhancing the ginia Geological and Economic Survey, expected of them when they enter the Quantitative Skills of Earth Science (304) 594-2331, [email protected]. work place. The workshop will consist of Students. Glenn Stracher, Dept. of 6. Sequence Stratigraphic Applica- two parts: (1) short presentations by repre- Science and Mathematics, East Georgia tions to the Appalachians. Sponsored sentatives of major segments of the geo- College, 131 College Circle, Swainsboro, by Southeastern Section of SEPM. Steven logical industry, and (2) a brief question- Georgia, 30401, (912) 237-7831, stracher@ Holland, Dept. of Geology, University of and-answer period, in which industry mail.ega.peachnet.edu; Michael Hohn, Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-2501, (706) representatives will be available for ques- WVGES, (304) 594-2331, hohn@geosrv. 542-0424, [email protected]. tioning individually or in small groups. wvnet.edu. Undergraduate and graduate students 7. Hydrologic and Hydrochemical POSTER SESSIONS are especially encouraged to attend. For Impacts of Surface Mining. Joe Four half-day poster sessions are more information, contact Douglas G. Donovan, Dept. of Geology and Geogra- planned for the meeting. Please indicate Patchen, West Virginia Geological and phy, West Virginia University, P.O. Box your preference for a poster session on the Economic Survey, P.O. Box 879, Morgan- 6300, Morgantown, WV 26506-6300, GSA abstract form. town, WV 26507-0879, (304) 594-2331, (304) 293-5603, [email protected]. [email protected]. 8. Hydrologic and Hydrochemical STUDENT RESEARCH PROGRAMS Impacts of Underground Mining. PHOTO CONTEST Henry Rauch, Dept. of Geology and Geog- Sigma Gamma Epsilon will sponsor raphy, West Virginia University, P.O. Box an oral theme session (theme session 1, For the photographic contest being 6300, Morgantown, WV 26506-6300, above) devoted to student research. The planned for this meeting, the subject mat- (304) 293-5603, [email protected]. session is designed to showcase student ter must be geological but is not restricted 9. Hydrogeology and Hydrogeo- scholarship without restriction on subject to the southeastern United States. Both chemistry of Natural Waters. Henry matter, classification, or membership in color and black-and-white prints will be Rauch, Dept. of Geology and Geography, Sigma Gamma Epsilon. Interested students considered. For additional information, West Virginia University, P.O. Box 6300, should contact Donald Neal, Dept. of contact Peter Lessing (see Symposia for Morgantown, WV 26506-6300, (304) Geology, East Carolina University, address). 293-5603, [email protected]; Joe Donovan, Greenville, NC 27858-4353, (919) Dept. of Geology and Geography, West 328-6360, [email protected]. EXHIBITS Virginia University, P.O. Box 6300, The Council for Undergraduate Exhibit facilities for business, educa- Morgantown, WV 26506-6300, (304) Research will sponsor a student poster tional, and governmental institutions will 293-5603, [email protected]. session (theme session 4, above), to show- be conveniently located in the Embassy 10. Watershed Restoration and case senior theses and other undergradu- Suites Hotel, adjacent to the technical ses- Management. Paul F. Ziemkiewicz, 203 ate research projects. First authors must sions. Booth space is limited, so plan to NRCCE, West Virginia University, P.O. Box be undergraduate students and responsible reserve early. Exhibits will be open all day 6064, Morgantown, WV 26506-6064, for the bulk of the research, preparation Monday and Tuesday morning. For space (304) 293-7292, [email protected]. of posters, and presentation of results. reservation or further information, contact For more information, contact Bill Ran- Ken Ashton, West Virginia Geological and THEME SESSIONS son, Dept. Of Geology, Furman University, Economic Survey, P.O. Box 879, Morgan- Greenville, SC 29613-0440, (803) 294-2052, Seven planned theme sessions (all town, WV 26507-0879, (304) 594-2331, ranson_bill/[email protected]. papers volunteered) are listed below. If you [email protected]. are interested in convening an additional K–12 WORKSHOP AND FIELD TRIP theme session, contact Peter Lessing, West STUDENT TRAVEL GRANTS Virginia Geological and Economic Survey, Two half-day theme sessions (theme Limited funds for travel expenses of P.O. Box 879, Morgantown, WV 26507- sessions 2 and 5) are planned for K–12 students presenting papers at the meeting 0879, (304) 594-2331, lessing@geosrv. and college-level introductory geoscience are available from the GSA Southeastern wvnet.edu. teachers. Session 2 will deal with a variety Section. Students must be members of 1. Undergraduate Research. Sponsored of educational issues. Contact John Calla- GSA to apply. For information, contact by Sigma Gamma Epsilon. Donald Neal, han, Dept. of Geology, Appalachian State Harold Stowell, Dept. of Geology, Univer- Dept. of Geology, East Carolina University, University, Boone, NC 28608, (704) sity of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35486, Greenville, NC 27858-4353, (919) 262-3049, [email protected]. (205) 348-5098, [email protected]. 328-6360, [email protected]. Session 5 will explore the role of nontradi- Also, all information and necessary forms 2. NAGT-GSA K–16 Geoscience Edu- tional geoscience education programs. may be found on the World Wide Web at: cation. John Callahan, Dept. of Geology, Contact Thomas Repine, West Virginia http://www.geo.ua.edu/segsa/segsa.html. Appalachian State University, Boone, Geological and Economic Survey, P.O. Box NC 28608, (704) 262-3049, callahanje@ 879, Morgantown, WV 26507-0879, (304) conrad.appstate.edu. 594-2331, [email protected]. Southeastern continued on p. 29

28 GSA TODAY, October 1997 Preliminary Announcement and Call for Papers Visit the CORDILLERAN SECTION, GSA 94th Annual Meeting GSA Long Beach, California April 7–9, 1998

he Department of Geological Sciences at California State University—Long Beach will host the 1998 meeting of the Cordilleran Section of the Geological Society of Bookstore T America. The meeting will be during spring break on the CSULB campus. at all the REGISTRATION Although papers dealing with all aspects of the Cordilleran region are espe- Preregistration deadline: cially encouraged, papers dealing with March 6, 1998 1998 other regions are also welcome. Abstracts Forms for registration and housing not accepted for symposia (invited) or will accompany the Final Announcement theme (volunteered) sessions will be con- GSA Meetings in the January 1998 issue of GSA Today. sidered for regular technical sessions. GSA and CSULB are committed to making Technical sessions will allow 12 min- every event at the 1998 Cordilleran utes for presentation and 3 minutes for Section meeting accessible to all people discussion. Symposia may allow the same interested in attending. All event areas 12 minutes for presentation, or longer at at CSULB are wheelchair-accessible. the option of the conveners. Five four- Equipment for the hearing impaired is hour poster sessions are planned. available. If you have such special require- Abstracts deadline: ments, there is a space to indicate this on December 12, 1997 the registration form, or you can contact Stan Finney, General Chair, scfinney@ Abstracts for all sessions must be sub- csulb.edu. If possible, please let us know mitted camera-ready on official 1998 GSA by March 1, 1998. abstract forms. An original and five copies Abstracts with Programs for the are required of each abstract, and are to be meeting may be purchased with your sent directly to James Sample, Technical GSA membership, or on-site in the regis- Program Chair, Dept. of Geological Sci- tration area. ences, California State University—Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, HOUSING CA 90840, (562)985-4589, csample@ csulb.edu. Participants in symposia and Large blocks of rooms have been Southeastern continued from p. 28 theme sessions are requested to send an reserved at five hotels— Guesthouse Hotel extra copy to the convener of the session. (meeting headquarters), Long Beach Mar- Travel grant requests must be postmarked Abstracts will be reviewed for information riott, Holiday Inn—Long Beach Airport, no later than March 3, 1998. content, format, and originality. GSA rules Best Western Golden Sails Hotel, Sea Port prohibit individuals from presenting more Marina Hotel, at distances of one to three ACCOMMODATIONS than one volunteered abstract. Abstracts miles from the campus. Housing registra- submitted for symposia are not affected Blocks of rooms have been reserved tion will be handled by the individual by this limitation. for attendees at: Embassy Suites ($112 per hotels, which the participants must con- night for a two-room suite for up to four tact directly. Reduced conference rates are TECHNICAL PROGRAM people); Elk River Town Center Inn ($49 available only to those identifying them- and $59, single or double); and Holiday selves as participants in the Cordilleran In addition to the general discipline Inn Civic Center ($75, single or double). Section GSA meeting. Housing reservation sessions, 11 symposia and theme sessions, Rates do not include 9 percent sales tax. information and deadlines will be 12 field trips, and 3 workshops are already included in the final announcement in planned for the meeting. If you have sug- WELCOME PARTY AND GUEST the January 1998 issue of GSA Today. gestions for additional symposia, contact ACTIVITIES Technical Program Chair James Sample CALL FOR PAPERS (address just above). The welcome party Sunday evening will be in the Embassy Suites exhibit area. Papers are invited for presentation in SYMPOSIA All party attendees must be registered; on- oral technical sessions, symposia, theme site registration will be available in the sessions, and poster sessions. Technical 1. Active Tectonics and Seismic Embassy Suites lobby prior to the party. sessions and poster sessions might include Hazards of Metropolitan Southern Trips are planned to Tamarack (The any of those listed on the GSA abstract California. James Dolan, Dept. of Earth Best of West Virginia) Arts and Crafts Cen- form. Symposia and likely theme sessions Sciences, University of Southern Califor- ter on Monday, and to the state capitol, are listed below. Potential contributors are nia, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740, (213) cultural center, and museum on Tuesday. encouraged to contact the organizers of 740-8599, [email protected]. The Charleston Town Center Mall, with the specific symposium or theme for shopping and restaurants, is located across information. the street from the Embassy Suites. ■ Cordilleran continued on p. 30

GSA TODAY, October 1997 29 Cordilleran continued from p. 29 FIELD TRIPS Sequence Stratigraphy, Eastern Mojave Desert, California. 3 days. Preregistration forms, costs, and 2. Quaternary Mapping and Hazards John Cooper, CSU—Fullerton, john_cooper@ updated information on field trips will be Mapping of the LA Basin (poster qmail.fullerton.edu, (714) 996-1573; Chris printed in the final announcement for the session). John Foster, Dept. of Geological Fedo, George Washington University. meeting in the January 1998 issue of GSA Sciences, California State University, 11. Extension, Segmentation, and Today. For details before then, contact the Fullerton, CA 92834-9480, (714) 278-7096, Evolution of the Gulf of California field trip leaders listed below. General [email protected]. Extensional Province and San An- questions should be addressed to Field- 3. Southern California A real dreas Fault System, Baja California, Trip Chair Rick Behl, Department of Geo- Mapping Project (SCAMP) (poster Mexico. 3 days. Gary Axen, UC Los Ange- logical Sciences, California State Univer- session). (U.S. Geological Survey and les, [email protected], (310) 825-6928; sity—Long Beach, (562) 985-5850, California Division of Mines and Geology) Arturo Martin-Barajas and John Fletcher, [email protected]. Note: CSU is California Douglas M. Morton, USGS, Dept. of Earth CICESE. State University, SDSU is San Diego State Sciences, University of California, River- 12. Geology and Marine Geophysics University, UC is University of California. side, CA 92521, (909) 267-6397, of Catalina Island and the Califor- 1. Giant Oil Fields of the Los Angeles [email protected]; Michael P. nia Continental Borderland. 3 days. Basin: New Life from Old Fields. Kennedy. Dan Francis, CSU—Long Beach, (562) 1 day. Donald Clarke, City of Long Beach, 4. Neoproterozoic- Stratig- 985-4929. (562) 570-3915. raphy, Southern Nevada–Eastern 2. THUMS Oil Islands and Oil Tour California: A Tribute to John H. WORKSHOPS of Historical Long Beach. 1⁄ day. (Jack) Stewart. Chris Fedo, Dept. of 2 Donald Clarke, City of Long Beach, (562) 1. Roy Shlemon Mentors in Applied Geology, George Washington University, 570-3915; George Otott, Jr., THUMS Long Geology Program: Workshop for Washington, DC 20052, (202)994-6964, Beach Co., (562) 624-3400. Students. The Roy Shlemon Mentors [email protected]; John D. Cooper. 3. The St. Francis Dam Disaster. program, sponsored by the GSA Institute 5. Current Issues in : 1 day. Jack Green, CSU—Long Beach, for Environmental Education, supports Anoxia, Developmental Biology and (562) 985-4198. workshops in applied geology for upper- Quantitative Issues Involving the 4. Late Cretaceous Denudation level undergraduate and graduate stu- Fossil Record. (Paleontological Society) History of the Peninsular Ranges dents. This one-day workshop, April 6, David K. Jacobs, Dept. of Biology, Univer- as Recorded in Upper Cretaceous will address practical aspects of engineer- sity of California, Los Angeles 90095-1606, Sedimentary Rocks, Northern Santa ing geology. There is no charge to students (310) 206-3987, [email protected]. Ana Mountains. 1 day. Patrick L. for this workshop, but space is limited. 6. Late Cretaceous Denudation of the Abbott, SDSU, [email protected], Students wishing to attend should write Peninsular Ranges Batholith. Marty (619)582-2015; David Kimbrough, SDSU; a short note expressing their interest in Grove, Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, Marty Grove, UC Los Angeles. the workshop by March 1, 1998, to Jack University of California, Los Angeles, CA 5. San Antonio Canyon: Cultural Green, Dept. of Geological Sciences, 90095-1567, (310) 825-7975, marty@ Geography, Geology, Geomorphol- California State University—Long Beach, argon.ess.ucla.edu; David Kimbrough. ogy, and Environmental Geology of Long Beach, CA 90840. Twenty applicants 7. Mineral Resource Issues in the an Alpine Valley in southern Cali- will be selected and notified by March 15, West. Russ Miller (213)620-5025 and fornia. 1 day. Larry Herber, Cal Poly, 1998. Dinah Shumway, (909) 275-0434, Califor- Pomona, [email protected], 2. Four Easy Pieces: A Workshop nia Division of Mines and Geology, 107 S. (909) 869-3454. in Geophysical Instrumentation. Broadway, Room 1065, Los Angeles, CA 6. Igneous and Tectonic Response of Elizabeth Ambos, (562) 985-4931, 90012, fax 213-620-3691. the Eastern San Gabriel Mountains [email protected]; and Roswitha to Neogene Extension and Rotation Grannell, CSU—Long Beach. THEME SESSIONS of the Transverse Ranges. 1 day. Jon 3. Analysis of Aquifer Test Data. Isam 1. Active Folding and Buried Reverse Nourse, Cal Poly, Pomona, JANourse@ Amin, (562) 985-2250, [email protected], Faults. Edward Keller, Dept. of Geological aol.com, (909) 869-3460;Peter Weigand, CSU—Long Beach. Sciences, University of California, Santa CSU Northridge; Garrett Hazelton, UCLA. Barbara, CA 93106,(805) 893-4207, 7. Active Tectonics and Earthquake STUDENT SUPPORT [email protected]. Hazards, Santa Barbara Fold Belt: The GSA Cordilleran Section has 2. Undergraduate Research Poster Anticlinal Uplift and Reverse Fault- funds available for partial support of GSA Session. (Geology Division, Council on ing of Wave-Cut Platforms. 11⁄ days. 2 Student Associates of the Section who are Undergraduate Research), Susan DeBari, Edward Keller, UC Santa Barbara, keller@ presenting papers at the meeting. Apply Geology Dept., San Jose State University, magic.geol.ucsb.edu, (805) 893-4207. to Cordilleran Section Secretary Bruce A. San Jose, CA 95192-0102, (408) 924-5027, 8. The Independence Dike Swarm Blackerby, Dept. of Geology, California fax 408-924-5053, [email protected]. and Mafic Rocks of the Sierra State University, Fresno, CA 93740, 3. Partnerships for Earth Science Nevada Batholith. 21⁄ days. Allen 2 (209)278-2955, [email protected]. Education for Future (Pre-Service) Glazner, Univ. North Carolina, afg@ Applications should include certification Teachers. Elizabeth L. Ambos, Dept. of unc.edu, (919) 962-0689; John Bartley, that the student is presenting a paper Geological Sciences, California State Uni- Univ. Utah; Drew Coleman, Boston and is a GSA Student Associate of the versity, Long Beach, CA 90840-3902, (562) University. Cordilleran Section. All letters must be 985-4931, fax 562-985-8638, bambos@ 9. Deformation in the Metamorphic received by January 15, 1998. csulb.edu, Edward Ng, and Fred Shair. Aureole of the Eureka Valley–Joshua The local committee has funds avail- 4. Shallow Subsurface Investigations Flat–Beer Creek Composite Pluton, able for partial support of students who Using Geophysical Methods. White-Inyo Mountains, California. will assist with the audio-visual equipment Elizabeth L. Ambos, Dept. of Geological 21⁄ days. Sven Morgan, Virginia Tech, 2 at the meetings. Apply to General Chair Sciences, California State University, Long [email protected], (540) 231-5765. Stan Finney, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Beach, CA 90840-3902, (562) 985-4931, 10. Anatomy of a Craton Margin: fax 562-985-8638,[email protected]. Neoproterozoic to Basal Cambrian Cordilleran continued on p. 31

30 GSA TODAY, October 1997 Cordilleran continued from p. 30 for oral and poster presentations, with a Alf Museum, 1175 W. Baseline Road, single best paper award of $250 and two Claremont, CA 91711, (909) 482-5238, CSU—Long Beach, Long Beach, CA 90840, honorable mention awards of $100 in [email protected], or General Chair Stan (562) 985-8637, [email protected]. each category. The principal author and Finney, CSULB, (562) 985-8637, scfinney@ Applications should state the student’s presenter must be a graduate or under- csulb.edu. interest in attending the meeting. All let- graduate student and must be a Student ters must be received by January 15, 1998. Associate of the Cordilleran Section of DETAILED INFORMATION GSA. Abstracts of papers submitted for Further information about meeting STUDENT RESEARCH PROGRAMS consideration for these awards should be functions, housing, and activities will be so indicated on the abstract form. The Council on Undergraduate in the Final Announcement in January Volunteers are needed to judge pre- Research will sponsor a student poster ses- 1998 GSA Today, and in the Abstracts with sentations for student paper awards. Help sion to showcase results of undergraduate Programs for the Cordilleran Section meet- ensure the successful inauguration of this research. Abstracts are invited from any ing. Some symposia, workshops, and other important program. To volunteer, contact discipline in the geological sciences, but activities are still in the planning stages, Gary Girty, Student Paper Awards Chair, the presentation must be the result of the and further suggestions are welcomed. Dept. of Geological Sciences, San Diego student’s own participation in an under- Direct general questions and suggestions State University, San Diego, CA 92182, graduate research project. The undergradu- to the local chair, Stan Finney. Additional (610) 594-2552, [email protected]. ate must be the sole or leading author on important information, updated regularly, the abstract. There will be a “best poster” will be posted on the home page of the EXHIBITS award given during the meeting to the Department of Geological Sciences at most outstanding undergraduate presen- Exhibits will be located along with CSULB at http://seis.natsci.csulb.edu. ■ tation. For more information, contact poster sessions and primary food conces- Susan DeBari, Geology Dept., San Jose sions on the concourse and court levels State University, San Jose, CA 95192, of the CSULB Pyramid events center. This (408) 924-5027, [email protected]. focal point of the meeting facilities will attract a large audience and provide excel- STUDENT PAPER AWARDS lent opportunities for exhibitors, both commercial and nonprofit. Applications For the first time, the Cordilleran for exhibit space are available from Section will give awards for the best stu- Exhibits Chair Barbara Grubb, Raymond dent papers. There will be separate awards

GSA TODAY, October 1997 31 CALENDAR

1998 Meetings Only new or changed information is published in GSA Today. A complete listing can be found in the Calendar section on the March Internet: http://www.geosociety.org. March 9–11, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. Information: Meetings Dept., SME, P.O. Box 625002, Littleton, CO 80162-5002, (800) 763-3132, (303) 973-9550, 1998 Penrose Conferences fax 303-979-3461, [email protected], http://www.smenet.org. May March 19–21, GSA Northeastern Section Meeting, Holiday Inn by the May 14–18, Linking Spatial and Temporal Scales in Paleoecology Bay, Portland, Maine. Submit Abstracts to: Marc C. Loiselle, Maine Geological and Ecology, Solomons, Maryland. Information: Andrew S. Cohen, Dept. Survey, 22 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0022, (207) 287-2801, of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, (520) 621-4691, [email protected]. Abstracts deadline: November 14, 1997. fax 520-621-2672, [email protected]. March 19–20, GSA North-Central Section Meeting, Ohio State University, June Columbus, Ohio. Submit abstracts to: David H. Elliot, Dept. of Geological June 4–12, Evolution of Ocean Island Volcanoes, Galápagos Islands, Sciences, Ohio State University, 125 South Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210, Ecuador. Information: Dennis Geist, Dept. of Geology, University of Idaho, (614) 292-5076, [email protected]. Abstracts deadline: Moscow, ID 83844, (208) 885-6491, fax 208-885-5724, [email protected]. November 14, 1997. July March 23–24, GSA South-Central Section Meeting, OU Continuing Edu- July 4–11, Processes of Crustal Differentiation: Crust-Mantle Interac- cation Center, Norman, Oklahoma. Submit abstracts to: Judson Ahern, School tions, Melting, and Granite Migration through the Crust, Verbania, of Geology & Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, 100 E. Boyd St., Suite 810, Italy. Information: Tracy Rushmer, Dept. of Geology, University of Vermont, Norman, OK 73019-0628, (405) 325-3253, [email protected]. Abstracts dead- Burlington, VT 05405, (802) 656-8136, fax 802-656-0045, trushmer@ line: December 1, 1997. zoo.uvm.edu. March 30–31, GSA Southeastern Section Meeting, Embassy Suites, Charleston, West Virginia. Submit abstracts to: Peter Lessing, WV Geological 1997 Meetings & Economic Survey, P.O. Box 879, Morgantown, WV 26507-0879, (304) November 594-2321, [email protected]. Abstracts deadline: November 21, 1997. November 4–7, Western States Seismic Policy Council 19th Annual April Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Information: Steven Ganz, April 5–7, Perspectives in Amino Acid and Protein Geochemistry, Western States Seismic Policy Council, 121 Second St., 4th Floor, San Fran- Washington, D.C. Information: Glenn A. Goodfriend, Geophysical Laboratory, cisco, CA 94105, (415) 974-6435, fax 415-974-1747 Carnegie Institution of Washington, 5251 Broad Branch Rd., NW, Washington, December DC 20015-1305, (202) 686-2410, ext. 4432, fax 202-686-2419, goodfriend@ December 9–10, Field Installation of Geosynthetics, 11th Geo- gl.ciw.edu. synthetic Institute–Geosynthetic Research Institute Conference, April 7–9, GSA Cordilleran Section Meeting, California State University, , Pennsylvania. Information: GSI/GRI, 130 Wood Rd., Springfield, Long Beach, California. Submit abstracts to: James C. Sample, Dept. of Geo- PA 19064, (215) 895-2343, fax 215-895-1437. logical Sciences, California State University, Long Beach, CA 90840, (562) 985-4589, [email protected]. Abstracts deadline: December 12, 1997. May May 20–21, Response of the Earth’s Lithosphere to Extension, Royal Society [] Discussion Meeting, London. Information: R. B. Whitmarsh, [email protected]. May 25–26, GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. Submit abstracts to: Wendell Duffield, U.S. Geological Survey, 2255 Gemini Road, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, (520) 556-7000, GSA Division News [email protected]. Abstracts deadline: December 12, 1997. Divisions will be recognizing the following individuals at the June 1997 GSA Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City for their service to June 8–12, GCIP Mississippi Hydrometeorology Conference, Predicting Climate Variability and Its Implications for Water Resource Manage- the Division and/or contributions to the geological sciences. ment, St. Louis, Missouri. Information: Adrienne Calhoun, GCIP Project Office, NOAA, Office of Global Programs, 1100 Wayne Ave., Suite 1210, Coal Geology Division Silver Spring, MD 20910, fax 301-427-2222, [email protected]. Edward C. Beaumont, Distinguished Service Award James C. Hower, Distinguished Service Award Send notices of meetings of general interest, in format above, to Editor, GSA Today, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301, E-mail: [email protected]. Engineering Geology Division Jeffrey R. Keaton, Distinguished Practice Award Jerome V. DeGraff, Meritorious Service Award GSA Headquarters Services Hydrogeology Division Stanley N. Davis, Distinguished Service Award Leonard A. Wood, Distinguished Service Award In addition to the regular exhibit Jeffrey S. Hanor, 1998 Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer BOOKSTORE hours, the Services area will MEMBERSHIP be open again on Thursday, Quaternary Geology & Geomorphology Division FOUNDATION from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Stanley A. Schumm, Distinguished Career Award SAGE & PEP For a listing of other award recipients to be honored at the Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, see page 17 of the July 1997 issue of GSA Today. Visit Us! SALT LAKE CITY

32 GSA TODAY, October 1997 ✴ GSAF UPDATE ✴ ✴ ✴ Donna Russell and Julie Wetterholt, GSA Foundation ✴ ✴ ✴ COME SEE US at the 1997 GSA Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City! We invite you to visit with the Foundation trustees and staff at the Foundation booth, located in the Headquarters Services area of the Convention Center, in Salt Lake City during the 1997 GSA Annual Meeting. We will have a special appreciation gift for all Century Plus Roster donors (gifts of $150 or more), and a prize drawing will be held on Wednesday, October 22 for those who have made gifts to the Foundation in 1997. We will have plenty of information on GSA’s programs, activities, Foundation funds, and how you may make a charitable gift to support geological research and education. See you there!

THIS MONTH’S BUMPER STICKER Good company and good discourse are the very sinews of virtue. —Izaak Walton

Donors to the Foundation, July 1997

Arthur D. Howard Minority Fund SAGE Paul D. Fullagar* Preston E. Hotz Fund R. Heather Macdonald R. Heather Macdonald Peter G. George James P. Minard David A. Phoenix Rhea L. Graham Claire A. Richardson Research Fund Second Century Kurt Servos Eileen A. Herrstrom Hans G. Ave Lallemant Fund Unrestricted—GSA Duane M. Moore J. Hoover Mackin Billy P. Glass Gordon P. and Virginia Arten J. Avakian Eldridge M. Moores* Award G. Eaton* Robert A. Berner Reuben J. Ross, Jr.* H. Richard Blank, Jr. Robert S. Fousek Donna & James Russell Women in Science Brian J. & H. Catherine R. Heather Macdonald Skinner* *Century Plus Roster Unrestricted— GSA Foundation (gifts of $150 or more) Foundation 3300 Penrose Place Norma Del Giudice P.O. Box 9140 H. Stanton Hill Boulder, CO 80301 in memory of (303) 447-2020 Richard B. Saul [email protected]

Enclosed is my contribution in the amount of $______. Please add my name to the Century Plus Roster (gifts of $150 or Digging Up the Past more). Most memorable early Please credit my gift to the ______Fund. geologic experience: PLEASE PRINT Making a geologic reconnaissance in December 1962 near the Name ______Darwin Glacier at 80° south in Antarctica and realizing Address ______that I was the first human to walk there. City/State/ZIP ______—Charles C. Rich Phone ______

GSA TODAY, October 1997 33 VOLUME 25 October BULLETIN and NO. 10 P. 865Ð960 GEOLOGY Contents OCTOBER 1997 867 Imaging the crustal magma sources beneath Mauna Loa and Kilauea volcanoes, Hawaii The Geological Society of America Paul G. Okubo, Harley M. Benz, Bernard A. Chouet 871 Gastropod carbonate δ18O and δ13C values record strong seasonal pro- ductivity and stratification shifts during the late in England Louise Purton, Martin Brasier Volume 109, Number 10, October 1997 875 In situ observations of Old Faithful Geyser Roderick A. Hutchinson, James A. Westphal, Susan W. Kieffer CONTENTS 879 Vertical and lateral collapses on Tenerife (Canary Islands) and other 1231Ð1248 Disrupted coal and carbonate facies within two Pennsylvanian volcanic ocean islands cyclothems, southern Illinois basin, United States Joan Martí, Marcel Hurliman, Giray J. Ablay, Agust Gudmundsson Carol B. de Wet, Stephen O. Moshier, James C. Hower, Andrew P. 883 Neogene shortening contribution to crustal thickening in the back arc de Wet, Sean T. Brennan, Charles T. Helfrich, and Anne L. Raymond of the Central Andes Patrice Baby, Philippe Rochat, Georges Mascle, Gérard Hérail 1249Ð1265 Time-transgressive and extension-related basaltic volcanism in southwest Utah and vicinity 887 Relations between jointing and faulting based on fracture-spacing Stephen T. Nelson and David G. Tingey ratios and fault-slip profiles: A new method to estimate strain in layered rocks Michael R. Gross, Dov Bahat, Alexander Becker 1266Ð1278 Tectonic controls on facies transitions in an oblique collision: The western Solomon Sea, Papua New Guinea 891 Earlier (late Pliocene) first appearance of the Caribbean reef-building Joseph Galewsky and Eli A. Silver coral Acropora palmata: Stratigraphic and evolutionary implications Donald F. McNeill, Ann F. Budd, Pamela F. Borne 1279Ð1293 Syn-Acadian emplacement model for the South Mountain batholith, 895 The modern foreland basin system adjacent to the Central Andes Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia: Magnetic fabric and structural analyses Brian K. Horton, Peter G. DeCelles Keith Benn, Richard J. Horne, Daniel J. Kontak, Geoffrey S. Pignotta, and Neil G. Evans 899 New insights into the origin of two contrasting Himalayan granite belts 1294Ð1305 Roberts Mountains allochthon and the western margin of the T. Mark Harrison, Oscar M. Lovera, Marty Grove Cordilleran miogeocline in the Northern Ritter Range pendant, 903 Retrograde community structure in the late Eocene of Antarctica eastern Sierrra Nevada, California Richard B. Aronson, Daniel B. Blake, Tatsuo Oji David C. Greene, Richard A. Schweickert, and Calvin H. Stevens 907 Do cooling paths derived from mica Rb-Sr data reflect true Timberline fluctuations and late Quaternary paleoclimates in the cooling paths? 1306Ð1320 Gawen R. T. Jenkin Southern , Colorado Patricia L. Fall 911 Late Middle environmental change and extinction: Har- binger of the Late Ordovician or continuation of Cambrian patterns? 1321Ð1332 Tectonic history of the metamorphic basement rocks of the Sierra Mark E. Patzkowsky, Leta M. Slupik, Michael A. Arthur, Richard D. Pancost, del Carmen, Coahuila, Mexico Katherine H. Freeman Danielle L. Carpenter 915 Comagmatic granophyric granite in the Fish Canyon Tuff, Colorado: Implications for magma-chamber processes during a large ash-flow 1333Ð1348 Toroda Creek half graben, northeast Washington: Late-stage eruption sedimentary infilling of a synextensional basin Peter Lipman, Michael Dungan, Olivier Bachmann James D. Suydam and David R. Gaylord 919 New perspectives on graptolite distributions and their use as indicators of platform margin dynamics 1361Ð1371 Responses of evaporite mineralogy to inflow water sources and Stanley C. Finney, William B. N. Berry climate during the past 100 k.y. in Death Valley, California Jianren Li, Tim K. Lowenstein, and Ian R. Blackburn 923 Mechanical controls on the spatial density of opening-mode fracture networks 1349Ð1360 Interrelationship of sedimentary and volcanic deposits associated with Carl E. Renshaw Tertiary extension in Sonora, Mexico 927 New evidence for coesite in eclogite and gneisses: Defining an ultra- Fred W. McDowell, Jaime Roldán-Quintana, and high-pressure province in the Western Gneiss region of Ricardo Amaya-Martínez Alice Wain 1372Ð1388 Paleomagnetism of Paleozoic strata of the Alexander terrane, 931 Nondestructive imaging of fragile sea-floor vent deposit samples southeastern Alaska Margaret Kingston Tivey, Sandipa Singh Robert F. Butler, George E. Gehrels, and David R. Bazard 935 Controls on extrusion at mid-ocean ridges W. Roger Buck, Suzanne M. Carbotte, Carolyn Mutter 939 Detrital zircon age patterns and provenance in late Paleozoic–early Mesozoic New Zealand terranes and development of the paleo-Pacific MOVING? Write in your new address and mail this Gondwana margin coupon along with your subscription mailing label (use label from this R. J. Wysoczanski, G. M. Gibson, T. R. Ireland newsletter) to: GSA, Membership Services, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140. Or you may call with your change of address 943 Large 18O and 13C depletions in greenschist facies carbonate rocks, information— (303) 447-2020 or 1-800-472-1988 or E-mail us at western Arizona [email protected]. Antonio Guerrera, Jr., Simon M. Peacock, L. Paul Knauth (Report address changes at least six weeks in advance. If possible, give us your change of address by the tenth of the month.) 947 Temporal and spatial distribution of whitings on Great Bahama Bank and a new lime mud budget PLEASE PRINT L. L. Robbins, Y. Tao, C. A. Evans Name ______951 Continental runoff and early Cenozoic bottom-water sources Karen L. Bice, Eric J. Barron, William H. Peterson Address ______955 Opinion: The need for mass balance and feedback in the geochemical City ______carbon cycle Robert A. Berner, Ken Caldeira State/ZIP/Country ______Forum Phone (business hours) ______957 Winter and summer temperatures of the early middle Eocene of France from Turritella δ18O profiles I do not wish to have this number in the Membership Directory. Comment: Robert T. Klein, Henry C. Fricke Comment: Louise M. A. Purton, Martin D. Brasier Change my voting section to: ______Reply: Fredrick P. Andreasson, Birger Schmitz


NORTHEASTERN SECTION, March 19–21, Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, Maine. Submit abstracts to: Marc C. Loiselle, Maine Geological Survey, 22 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0022, (207) 287-2801, [email protected]. Abstracts Deadline: November 14, 1997. NORTH-CENTRAL SECTION, March 19–20, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Submit abstracts to: David H. Elliot, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Ohio State University, 125 South Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210, (614) 292-5076, delliot@mag- nus.acx.ohio-state.edu. Abstracts Deadline: November 14, 1997. SOUTH-CENTRAL SECTION, March 23–24, OU Continuing Education Center, Norman, Oklahoma. Submit abstracts to: Judson Ahern, School of Geology & Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, 100 E. Boyd St., Suite 810, Norman, OK 73019-0628, (405) 325-3253, [email protected]. Abstracts Deadline: December 1, 1997. SOUTHEASTERN SECTION, March 30–31, Embassy Suites, Charleston, West Virginia. Submit abstracts to: Peter Lessing, WV Geological & Economic Survey, P.O. Box 879, Morgantown, WV 26507-0879, (304) 594-2321, [email protected]. Abstracts Deadline: November 21, 1997. CORDILLERAN SECTION, April 7–9, California State University, Long Beach, California. Submit abstracts to: James C. Sample, Dept. of Geological Sciences, California State University, Long Beach, CA 90840, (562) 985-4589, [email protected]. Abstracts Deadline: December 12, 1997. ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION, May 25–26, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. Submit abstracts to: Wendell Duffield, U.S. Geological Survey, 2255 Gemini Road, Flagstaff, AZ 86001, (520) 556-7000, [email protected]. Abstracts Deadline: December 12, 1997.

GSA TODAY, October 1997 35 TORONTO MINI-CALENDAR 1997 November 1—Theme Proposal Information in November GSA Today. Electronic Theme/Symposia Proposal Form Available on the GSA Web Site December 1—Continuing Education Proposals Due to GSA 1998 January 2—Theme and Symposia Proposals Due to Technical Program Chair April 1—Call for Papers Published and Distributed May 1—Electronic Abstract Submittal Form Available on GSA Web Site June 1—Registration and Lodging Information printed in June GSA Today TORONTOTORONTO July 13—Abstracts Deadline September 13—Preregistration and 1998 Annual Meeting Housing Deadline

October 26–29 • Metro Toronto Convention Centre • Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel

General Chairs: Jeffrey J. Fawcett, University of Toronto, Call for Field Trip Proposals: Peter von Bitter, Royal Ontario Museum We are interested in proposals for single-day and multi-day field trips beginning or ending in Toronto, and dealing with all aspects Technical Program Chairs: of the geosciences. Please contact the Field Trip Chairs listed below. Denis M. Shaw, Dept. of Geology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4M1, Canada, Pierre Robin, Dept. of Geology, University of Toronto, Erindale [email protected] Campus, Mississauga, Ontario L5L 1C6, Canada, Andrew Miall, Dept. of Geology, University of Toronto, 22 Russell [email protected] St., Toronto, Ontario M5S 3B1, Canada, Henry Halls, Dept. of Geology, University of Toronto, Erindale [email protected] Campus, Mississauga, Ontario L5L 1C6, Canada, Due date for symposia and theme proposals: January 2, 1998 [email protected]


The GSA Committee on Continuing Education invites Proposals must be received by December 1, 1997. those interested in proposing a GSA-sponsored or cosponsored Selection of courses for 1998 will be made by February 1, course or workshop to contact GSA headquarters for proposal 1998. For those planning ahead, we will also consider courses guidelines. Continuing Education courses may be conducted for 1999 at that time. in conjunction with all GSA annual or section meetings. We For proposal guidelines or information, contact: are particularly interested in receiving proposals for the 1998 Edna Collis, Continuing Education Coordinator, GSA headquar- Toronto Annual Meeting or the 1999 Denver Annual Meeting. ters, 1-800-472-1988, ext. 134, E-mail: [email protected].

Future Annual Meetings Contact us for information on any GSA meeting. We’ll be glad to respond to your requests. 1999—Denver, Colorado...... October 25–28 2000—Reno, Nevada...... November 13–16 E-Mail: [email protected] 2001—Boston Massachusetts ...... November 5–8 WWW: http://www.geosociety.org 2002—Denver, Colorado...... October 28–31 1-800-472-1988 or (303) 447-2020, ext. 133 or 113

36 GSA TODAY, October 1997 GSA offers you more journal choices INCLUDING APPLIED SCIENCES


Environmental & Engineering Geoscience* A joint, quarterly publication of the Association of Engineering GSA Bulletin Geologists (AEG) and the An authoritative science journal Geology Geological Society of covering active research areas Hydrogeology Journal* Undoubtedly the most America (GSA). Includes in the earth sciences. Publishes Quarterly journal of the popular and widely read refereed articles on applied 8–12 refereed research articles International Association of general geological journal in topics in the environmental each month. The Bulletin’s 100+ Hydrogeologists (IAH), print, each month bringing and hydrological year record of regularly available to GSA members you 20 or more refereed geosciences, and special publishing important research at the IAH-member price. articles that are concise (4 features like the Geology of developments reflects the Features peer-reviewed pages), current, and thought Cities series; technical notes evolution of the modern papers in theoretical and provoking, covering a wide on current topics; a geological sciences. Articles applied hydrogeology. range of geological subjects, comment and reply forum; span terrestrial to marine and Published in English, with including new investigations. memorials to geologists of modern to ancient environ- abstracts also in French and The Geology Forum provides note; book reviews; and ments, integrating chemical, Spanish. Describes world- an arena for stimulating biographies on well-known physical, and biological wide progress in the science reader comments and geologists in the applied information to unravel Earth’s and provides an affordable responses on the articles. fields. Features new theory, processes, history, and future. and widely accessible forum About 1150 pages annually. applications, and case The Discussion and Reply for scientists, researchers, Profusely illustrated, includes histories illustrating the section provides for lively engineers, and color and occasional large dynamics of the fast- debate on current topics. About practitioners. Papers inserts. The full-color covers growing, environmental and 1700 pages annually. integrate subsurface are exceptional geological applied disciplines. Co- Illustrations are profuse and hydrology and geology with studies in themselves. edited by AEG and GSA. include full-color covers and supporting disciplines. occasional large-format inserts. *Members of IAH receive Hydrogeology Journal as part of their IAH dues and should not order from GSA. Members of AEG receive Environmental & Engineering Geo- science as part of their AEG dues and should not order from GSA.

GSA Today GSA’s monthly news magazine. Features late-breaking, hot-topic science articles, a forum for discussion of current topics, legislative updates, news about the Society and the earth-science community, job opportunities, meeting announcements, and more! Abstracts with Programs Published in conjunction with GSA’s regular scientific meetings. Contains abstracts of all papers to be presented at the related meeting plus programs for that meeting. Essential guides GSA for meeting attendees; a valuable summary of current science. JOURNALS ON GSA Journals on the World Wide Web Each month the PUBLICATIONS section contains the tables of contents and abstracts of each article pub- COMPACT DISC lished in GSA Bulletin and Geology. Complete issues Each edition includes full content of GSA of GSA Today are posted for downloading and viewing. Bulletin, Geology and GSA Today, plus a Access the GSA home page using the Universal Retrospective Index from 1972 forward. Resource Locator: http://www.geosociety.org Does not include AEG or IAH journals. Abstracts from Environmental and Engineering Geoscience For demo disc, contact PHOTO BY are listed at: GSA Marketing Dept. MARK KOESTEL 1-800-472-1988 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING

Published on the 1st of the month of issue. Ads (or can- Applicants should send a letter of application, a state- Bryn Mawr College is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative cellations) must reach the GSA Advertising office one ment of research and teaching interests, curriculum vitae, Action Employer. The College particularly wishes to month prior. Contact Advertising Department (303) transcripts, and the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, encourage applications from individuals interested in join- 447-2020, 1-800-472-1988, fax 303-447-1133, or and phone and fax numbers of at least three references ing a multicultural and international academic community. E-mail:[email protected]. Please include com- to: Search Committee Chair, Applied Geophysics Position, Minority candidates and women are especially encour- plete address, phone number, and E-mail address with all Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, 253 aged to apply. correspondence. Science I, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-3212. Per line Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in geosciences at the time FACULTY POSITIONS Per Line for each of appointment. To ensure consideration, applications GROUND-WATER HYDROGEOLOGY for addt'l month should be received by December 1, 1997. Information AND VOLCANOLOGY Classification 1st month (same ad) about the Geological Sciences group can be found on the STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO World Wide Web at: http://www.geology.iastate.edu. The Department of Geology invites applications for two Situations Wanted $1.75 $1.40 Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirma- tenure-track faculty positions in hydrogeology and vol- Positions Open $6.50 $5.50 tive Action Employer and encourages applications from canology at the Assistant Professor level starting Septem- Consultants $6.50 $5.50 women, minorities, and other protected groups. ber 1998. The successful candidates will demonstrate a Services & Supplies $6.50 $5.50 potential for research which will complement our existing Opportunities for Students GEOLOGIST programs in environemntal geology and volcanology. first 25 lines $0.00 $2.35 Assistant Professor, tenure-track position in the Depart- Teaching duties for the hydrogeology position will involve additional lines $1.35 $2.35 ment of Geology, San Jose State University; appointment hydrogeology courses at the undergraduate and graduate Code number: $2.75 extra to begin Fall Semester 1998. The Department is seeking a levels. Teaching duties for the volcanology position could Agencies and organizations may submit purchase order or field-oriented geologist with demonstrated ability, interest, be in the area of undergraduate geophysics, petrology or payment with copy. Individuals must send prepayment and experience in either Earth materials (petrology, miner- structural geology, with resarch that focuses on active vol- with copy. To estimate cost, count 54 characters per line, logy, mineral deposits) and/or environmental geochem- canoes. The salary and the initial University contribution to including all punctuation and blank spaces. Actual cost istry. It is anticipated that the selected individual will partic- the candidates' research equipment will be very attractive. may differ if you use capitals, centered copy, or special ipate in the teaching of geology summer camp on a Successful candidates must have the Ph.D. degree as of characters. rotating schedule. Interest in working with KÐ12 earth sci- the date of appointment. Apply with a statement of teach- ence education would be desirable. Preference will be ing and research goals and a curriculum vitae, including To answer coded ads, use this address: Code # ----, given to those individuals with interests and abilities in two published research, grant support and names of at least GSA Advertising Dept., P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO or more of these areas. The successful candidate will be three references to: Dr. John C. Fountain, Chair, Search 80301-9140. All coded mail will be forwarded within expected to teach courses in his/her own area of exper- Committee, Department of Geology, State University of 24 hours of arrival at GSA Today office. tise, general education science courses for the non-sci- New York at Buffalo, 876 Natural Sciences Complex, Buf- ence major, supervise masters thesis research, and con- falo, NY 14260-3050. We will begin evaluating applicants duct her/his own research. Ph.D. degree in an appropriate on December 20, 1997. geological science is required by time of appointment. The State University of New York is an Equal Opportu- Positions Open Applicants should submit a resume copy of all gradu- nity/Affirmative Action Employer and encourages applica- ate transcripts, names, addresses, and phone numbers of tions from women and minorities. ALBION COLLEGE invites applications for an anticipated three references, and a statement of professional goals to: tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in Dr. John W. Williams, Chair of Search Committee, Depart- VISITING POSITION IN QUATERNARY SOILS Surficial Processes/Environmental Geology. Candidates ment of Geology, San Jose State University, San Jose, UNIVERSITY OF IOWA should hold a Ph.D. degree and have a strong commit- CA 95192-0102, (408) 924-5050; fax 408-924-5053; e- The Department of Geology, University of Iowa, seeks a ment to teaching and supervising student research at a mail [email protected]. Web site: http://geo- Visiting Professor, who is an outstanding teacher and liberal arts college. Duties will include teaching courses sun1.sjsu.edu. All materials must be received by 14 researcher in the area of Quaternary studies, with focus such as Geomorphology, Glacial Geology, Environmental November, 1997 on soils and associated surficial materials. The appoint- Geology, Groundwater Geology and Physical Geology. San Jose State University is an equal opportunity/affir- ment will begin in August 1998 and extend for 2 years, Additionally, all college faculty are encouraged to develop mative action employer and is committed to increasing the with the possibility of starting January 1998 for 2.5 years. freshman seminars and honors courses. Candidates diversity of its faculty. Teaching responsibilities will involve at least four courses should have a willingness to participate in, and possibly per year. These will include two upper-level undergradu- direct, Albion's Environmental Sciences and Environmen- STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY/TECTONICS ate/graduate courses: Modern and Ancient Soils, and tal Studies Concentrations. Expertise with Geographic UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN—MADISON Glacial and Pleistocene Geology, and one of our general Information Systems or other appropriate computer appli- The Department of Geology and Geophsyics invites appli- education courses (Earth History and Resources). Other cations is desirable, as is work experience in an environ- cations for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant courses would depend on the candidate's expertise and mental field. A commitment to field work in research and Professor level. The deadline for applications is November departmental needs, and may include a portion of Remote in courses is desirable, and there is an opportunity to par- 7, 1997, and the position will be available for the Fall 1998 Sensing. The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. ticipate in Albion College's nationally recognized summer semester. Applications are encouraged from a broad range and be active in research that will complement ongoing field camp program in the Rocky Mountains. of specialties in the areas of tectonics and structural geol- Quaternary research and surficial-process programs in the Albion's geology department has 4 FTE positions, one ogy. The successful applicant will be expected to develop Department. Women and minorities are encouraged to shared, giving us five faculty. We have well-equipped an active, externally-funded research program, including apply. Applicants should send a complete resume (includ- facilities, including a GIS laboratory, ICP and XRF spec- supervising M.S. and Ph.D. students. Demonstrated ability ing a bibliography and statement of teaching and research trometers, modern GPS equipment, a trailer-mounted to teach undergraduate structural geology and field meth- interests) and have three letters of recommendation sent power auger and well-equipped instructional labs. We ods is required. A Ph.D. is required. Applications, including to: Dr. Richard G. Baker, Search Committee Chair, have access to SEMs, HPLC/MS, atomic absorption and a statement of research and teaching interests, curriculum Department of Geology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, other equipment on campus. Albion College is a selective vitae, contact information for at least three references, and Iowa 52242-1379 (phone: 319-335-1827; fax: 319-335- liberal arts college located in south-central Michigan with a copies of up to five publications, should be sent to: Prof. 1821; e-mail [email protected]). Final evalu- student population of 1,600. Clark Johnson, Tectonics/Structure Search Chair, Dept. of ation of the applicants will begin on December 1, 1997 To apply, send a letter of application with a statement Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin-Madi- and continue until the position is filled. The University of of teaching and research interests and philosophy, a vita, son, 1215 W. Dayton St., Madison, WI 53706. Additional Iowa is an affirmative action-equal opportunity employer. and names of three references to Dr. William S. Bartels, information on the department may be found at Chair, Department of Geological Sciences, Albion Col- . The U.W. Madison is an STRUCTURAL GEOLOGIST lege, Albion, MI 49224; e-mail: [email protected]. EO/AAE and encourages women and minorities to apply. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA More information on the College and Department of Geo- Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information The Department of Geology invites applications for a logical Sciences may be obtained at www.albion.edu. regarding the applicants must be released upon request. tenure-track position in structural geology. Field-oriented Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality. individuals with a wide range of intersts in structural geol- IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY ogy and tectonics are especially encouraged to apply. The APPLIED GEOPHYSICS BRYN MAWR COLLEGE appointment will begin in August 1998 at the Assistant The Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, The Department of Geology at Bryn Mawr College invites Professor level. We seek an outstanding researcher and invites applications for a tenure-track position in applied applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of teacher who will best accommodate the diverse missions geophysics at the Assistant Professor level beginning in Assistant Professor, beginning September 1998. Ph.D. of the department. Teaching responsibilities for an aca- mid-August 1998. The position is to complement existing required. The candidate should have a specialization in demic year will include a one-semester course in struc- programs inenvironmental geology, hydrogeology, struc- structural geology or tectonics with expertise in an area tural geology at the junior-senior level and two additional tural geology/tectonics, economic geology, stratigraphy/ such as neotectonics, remote sensing, geomorphology, or classes/seminars at the undergraduate or graduate level. sedimentation, petrology, and geochemistry. Preference marine geology and should complement our existing The successful candidate should have a Ph.D. and be will be given to individuals with a strong background in the strengths in paleontology, petrology/mineralogy and sedi- active in research that will complement other research application of one or more of the following fields: seismic mentary geology; is expected to contribute to our Environ- programs in the department. Women and minorities are methods, electromagnetics, electrical methods, ground- mental Sciences Concentration and add depth to our joint especially encouraged to apply. Applicants should send a penetrating radar, gravity, and 3-D subsurface imaging. graduate program with the University of Pennsylvania. complete resume (including a bibliography and statement The successful candidate will be expected to develop a Application deadline is December 9, 1997. Send names of teaching and research interests) and have at least three vigorous research program, supervise graduate students, and addresses of three professional references, statement letters of recommendation sent to: Dr. C. T. Foster, attract external funding, and to participate actively in our of teaching and research interests, and a vita to Maria Search Committee Chair, Department of Geology, Univer- graduate (M.S. and Ph.D.) and undergraduate teaching Luisa Crawford, Department of Geology, Bryn Mawr Col- sity of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1379 (phone: 319- programs. lege, 101 N. Merion Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010-2899. 335-1818; fax: 319-335-1821). Final evaluation of the

38 GSA TODAY, October 1997 applicants will begin on December 1, 1997 and continue sales of microscopes to other scientists. Send resume to: Road, NW Washington, DC 20007- 2176 (202) 944-6261 until the position is filled. The University of Iowa is an affir- InGen Corporation, 235 Montgomery Street, Suite 300, fax: 202-944-6244 http://www. chateaubriand.amb-wash.fr mative action-equal opportunity employer. San Francisco, CA 94104. E-mail: [email protected]

DEPARTMENT CHAIR IN GEOLOGY Post-Doctoral Research Associate Positions. The COLBY COLLEGE seeks a dynamic individual to join the Services & Supplies Basin Research Group in the Department of Geology at Department of Geology with an appointment as either the University of Alabama invites applications for two (2) Associate or Full Professor and Chair of the Department ALBORAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING. Have you seen our Post-Doctoral Research Associate positions to begin Jan- beginning September 1, 1998. posters on "Societal Benefits of Geoscience?" Thumbnails uary 1, 1998. The term of appoint is for 2 years. The suc- Applicants for this position should be established sci- and order forms are printed in GSA Today (May '97, p. cessful candidates must have a Ph.D. and familiarity with entists with a reputation for excellence in both teaching 36/37) and AAPG Explorer (April '97, p. 58). Order Now! geographic information systems and standard 3-D model- and research. Areas of expertise are open, but should ing software. The first position requires demonstrated complement the strengths of the two existing and continu- ALBORAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING. Are you teaching skills in sedimentary basin modeling, with an emphasis on ing department members in mineralogy/petrology and geologic map interpretation? Try "Sructural Geology and geologic and paleohydraulic processes. The second posi- economic geology and in Quaternary geology and paleoe- Map Interpretation" by R. Weijermars, 1997, 320 line tion requires demonstrated skills in carbonate sedimentol- cology. The department plans to launch a search for the drawings, 83 photos, 129 exerc./sol., 378 pages (8.5 x ogy and petrography, with an emphasis on depositional fourth tenure-track slot in autumn, 1998, under the leader- 11", flexicover). Excellent reviews. Strongly recom- environments and diagenesis. The candidates will be part ship of the new chair. mended. At $24.95 you cannot afford to miss this suc- of an interdisciplinary team working on basin analysis and Colby College is a highly selective, nationally ranked cessful textbook/lab book. Order forms are printed in GSA cargbonate petroleum systems research. private, residential, undergraduate, liberal arts institution Today (April '97, p. 11) and AAPG Explorer (May '97, p. Applicants should send a letter of interest, curriculum with an enrollment of approximately 1700 full-time stu- 28). You can also contact us by fax (Netherlands): 31 20 vitae and the names of three references to: Chair, Search dents, of whom some 40 are declared majors within the 3640 145, or phone: 31 20 3640 331. Order Now! Committee, Department of Geology, University of Department of Geology. The College is located within the Alabama, Box 870338, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35487- Maine Slate Belt of the northern Appalachians; Paleozoic LEATHER FIELD CASES. Free brochure, SHERER 0338. Review of applications will begin November 1, sediments, metasediments and intrusives dominate the CUST SADDLES, INC., P.O. Box 385, Dept. GN, Frank- 1997, but applications will be accepted until the position is geologic record of the state, with a surficial blanket of late town, CO 80116. filled. Quaternary glacigenic and postglacial sediments. The University of Alabama is an equal opportunity, All faculty are expected to maintain active research affirmative action employer which encourages applications programs and the successful candidate must be able to Opportunities for Students from underrepresented groups. direct research appropriate for undergraduates; the France Offers Chateaubriand Fellowships in Science department currently requires all majors to undertake and and Technology. If you are working toward your Ph.D. in Graduate Studies in Structural & Economic Geology. complete independent research as part of their course of science or engineering, or if you have completed it in the . The Structural & Economic Geology study. last three years, you may qualify for a fellowship from the Program in the Dept. of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Har- To apply, please send letter of intent and complete CV, French government to conduct research in France. Some vard University, invites applications for graduate study including the names of at least three persons whom the of the fellowships are cosponsored by French companies. (Ph.D. candidates). Research efforts will emphasize the search committee may contact as references on teaching The research would be performed in a French university 3D characterization of complex geologic structures for and research; candidates will be contacted prior to writing or in a public or private laboratory. Candidates must be hydrocarbon exploration/ production and earthquake haz- to referees. Address applications to: Chair of Search accepted by a French laboratory in order to be eligible for ards assessment. Students will have opportunities to work Committee, Dept. of Geology; Colby College; 5800 this fellowship program. with modern industry seismic reflection surveys, logs, and Mayflower Hill; Waterville, Maine 04901-8858. The Com- You may use existing contacts between your labora- other geologic, remote sensing, and earthquake data. mittee will begin evaluating applicants on 17 November, tory and a French research institution. If you do not have Research Assistantships are available through industry 1997, and continue until the position has been filled. such contacts, you may register on the Web (http://www. and other sources and students will have opportunities for Colby College is an AA/EO employer and especially chateaubriand.amb-wash.fr). In this case, your file will be collaboration with industry scientists including summer encourages applications from women and minorities. For submitted to directors of various laboratories in France internships. For further information on research opportuni- more information on the College and Department, please who will be able to contact you directly. ties, contact Prof. John H. Shaw ([email protected]. visit our Web site at http://www.colby.edu/geology/. Fellowships are available for a 6 to 12 month period, edu). To receive an application packet contact the Har- with a monthly stipend of $1800 for a doctoral fellow and vard University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, SURFICIAL PROCESSES / INFORMATION $2200 for a postdoctoral fellow. Health insurance and a Byerly Hall, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA, or SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT round-trip ticket are also provided. Only completed applica- send e-mail to [email protected]. Include your BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY tions received before December 1, 1997, will be accepted. name and address, and that you are interested in informa- The Department of Geology seeks to fill a tenure-track Applicants must be U.S. citizens and registered in a univer- tion on the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences. position in surficial processes and information systems sity in the United States or in a U.S. national laboratory. For Completed application for admission should be submitted management starting in August, 1998. Areas of specializa- further information: Embassy of France Office for Science before the end of December. Harvard University is an tion are open, but coastal geomorphology, glacial geomor- and Technology Chateaubriand Fellowship 4101 Reservoir equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. phology, and pedology fit well with existing department strengths. Teaching assignments might include introduc- tory classes, geomorphology, and a graduate-level class in the candidate's speciality. In addition, participation in the summer geology field camp course would be desirable. Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation The successful candidate would also be expected to main- (Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685) tain an active research program, supervise M.S. thesis GSA Today (Publication No. 1052-5173) is published monthly by The Geological Society of America, Inc. (GSA), with head- projects, and contribute to the department's program in quarters and offices at 3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado 80301 U.S.A.; and mailing address of Post Office Box 9140, environmental geology (GIS, remote sensing, hydrogeol- Boulder, Colorado 80301-9140 U.S.A. The Publisher is Donald M. Davidson, Jr.; the Editor is Faith E. Rogers; their office and ogy, and engineering geology) and to an emerging pro- mailing addresses are the same as above. The annual subscription prices are: for Members and Associate-Student Members of gram in information systems management. Department GSA, $7; for non-members $45. The publication is wholly owned by The Geological Society of America, Inc., a not-for-profit, facilities include: remote sensing/GIS laboratory (Sun & Sil- charitable corporation. No known stockholder holds 1 percent or more of the total stock. CEDE & Company, 55 Water Street, icon Graphics workstations), geochemistry laboratory New York, NY 10041, holds all outstanding bonds; there are no known mortgagees or holders of other securities. The purpose, (AAS, SEM, XRD), sedimentology/ hydrology laboratory, function, and nonprofit status of The Geological Society of America, Inc. have not changed during the preceding twelve months. mineral kinetics laboratory, geophysical equipment (mag- The average number of copies of each issue during the preceding twelve months and the actual number of copies published netometer, gravity meter, resistivity, shallow seismic, nearest to the filing date (October 1997 issue) were: GPS), optical petrology laboratory, sample preparation Item No. Avg. No. Actual No. Copies facilities, sediment core facility, and field vehicles. from PS CopiesEach of Single Issue A Ph.D. is required. Applications (including a complete Form Issue in past Published Nearest resume, statement of teaching and research interests, and 3526 Extent and Nature of Circulation 12 Months to Filing Date three original letters of recommendation) should be sent a. Total No. Copies (Net press run) 16,800 17,100 to: Chair, Surficial Processes Search Committee, Dept. of b. Paid and/or Requested Circulation (1) Sales through dealers and Geology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, carriers, street vendors, and counter sales (not mailed) 0 0 Ohio 43403. Applications must be received no later than (2) Paid or Requested Mail Subscriptions, January 1, 1998. BGSU is an AA/EEOC employer. (Including advertisers proof copies and exchange copies) 14,916 14,957 Applications from under-represented or protected c. Total Paid and/or Requested Circulation (Sum of b (1) and b (2) 14,916 14,957 d. Free Distribution by Mail (Samples, complimentary, and other free) 1,131 1,125 groups are urged to apply. e. Free Distribution Outside the Mail (Carriers or other means) 0 0 f. Total Free Distribution (Sum of d and e) 1,131 1,125 PART-TIME MICROSCOPE SALES / SCIENTISTS g. Total Distribution (Sum of c and f) 16,047 16,082 Manufacturer of a new, high-resolution optical 3D micro- h. Copies Not Distributed (1) Office use, leftovers, spoiled 753 1,018 scope seeks microscopists with discretionary time inter- (2) Returned from news agents 0 0 ested in supplementing income through equipment sales i. Total (Sum of g, h (1), and h (2)) 16,800 17,100 and application development. Ideal candidate will continue Percent Paid and/or Requested Circulation (c/g x 100) 93% 94% to perform research in a discipline benefiting from 3D This information taken from PS Form 3526, signed September 23, 1997 by the Publisher, Donald M. Davidson, Jr., and filed analysis. Compensation based on ability to develop and with the United States Postal Service in Boulder, Colorado. publish new applications for technology and to assist in

GSA TODAY, October 1997 39 Geological Society of America

Annual Meeting and Exposition

Salt Lake City, Utah October 20–23 COMMEMORATIVE CALENDAR celebrating Geology’s 25th anniversary Program Schedule Each month displays one of the geologically interesting, and beautiful, covers from Geology. Various Setpember GSA Today GSA deadlines and meeting dates are listed, but there is still plenty of space for you to keep track of and on the Web your own activities. ORDER TODAY! OR purchase one at the GSA Bookstore during the 1997 GSA Annual Meeting Call today for last-minute in Salt Lake City. Hurry! Quantities are limited. information.information. There is still time! Your purchase helps support the GSA Student Research Grants Program! ◆ Technical Program CLN098, 9" x 12", $7.00 net NO ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS APPLY ◆◆Continuing Education Prepayment is required. Price includes shipping & handling. Courses ◆◆Field Trips 1-800-472-1988 • FAX 303-447-1133 • 303-447-2020 • [email protected] ◆◆Exhibits GSA Publication Sales, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301 USA ◆◆Registration A GREAT ◆◆Lodging and Travel GIFT!

For information: GSA Meetings Dept. P.O. Box 9140 Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 447-2020 1998 (800) 472-1988 January [email protected] Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday http://www.geosociety.org 45 6 7

11 12 13 14

18 19 20 21 photo by O. S. Savoskul and Y. D. Muraviev

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