
WEST AND CENTRAL Flooding Situation As of 30 August 2021

SITUATION OVERVIEW Since beginning of the year, flooding has affected 669,000 people in West and , particularly in the Democratic of , Gambia, , , , , the Republic of Congo, the , and . Heavy rainfalls, floods, and windstorms killed 192 people, injured 300, displaced 70,350, and destroyed 77,000 houses.

In the Democratic , floods have affected Agadez more than 291,000 people since the start of the year. One person died and two are missing after flash floods ripped Ennedi Ouest through the city of Bukavu, the capital of the South Kivu Province on 19 August. Flooding has also affected areas of the NIGER Borkou neighboring North Kivu Province. Tahoua CABO VERDE Zinder CHAD In Gambia, since the beginning of the rainy season, windstorms 1 Maradi and flash floods have killed 12 people and affected 109,000. GAMBIA Dosso Food stock losses have been significant, while erratic rainfalls affect farming, requiring increased food security-related Borno preparedness. Support is also needed for the rehabilitation of GUINEA Bauchi major critical infrastructures such as schools and hospitals. Upper West In Niger, so far in 2021, flooding has affected over 158,000 NIGERIA Tandjile people in 413 villages across 77 communes in all eight TOGO CÔTE GHANA Haute-Kotto regions: Agadez, Diffa, Dosso, Maradi, Niamey, Tahoua, Tillabéri D'IVOIRE OuhamCENTRAL and Zinder. Over 60 people have died and cholera outbreaks AFRICAN REP. are being recorded in several regions. 2 Ombella M'Poko In Nigeria, flooding has affected western, northern and eastern areas, causing damage to hundreds of homes and farms and 3 killing dozens. Flooding has affected 32,000 people so far in Likouala A t l a n t i c O c e a n EQUATORIAL 2021 in Nigeria. GUINEA REP. OF CONGO Nord Kivu 1 KEY FIGURES (per reporting period) DEMOCRATIC


PEOPLE AFFECTED PER COUNTRY Kongo-Central People Affected 266K 692K Tanganyika FROM 1 - 30 AUG. OVERALL IN 2021

LEGEND People Displaced 22K 70K DRC* 3K 291K Gambia1 27K 109K Flooding Occurence People Affected Niger 158K 158K 300K People Killed 134 192 Chad 34K 54K Before 200K Nigeria 21K 32K 1 August 100K Togo - 11K People Injured 9 300 Rep. of Congo - 8K New / additional Inset CAR* 21K 26K from 1 - 30 August (Zoom-in Area) Ghana 2K 2K Houses Destroyed/Damaged2 25K 77K

1 This includes the impact of windstorms in 2 Includes 2,013 damaged shelters in Nigeria *DRC: Democratic Republic of the Congo Page 1 / 2 N. B : This document contains evolving data which will be continuously updated. WEST AND CENTRAL AFRICA Flooding Situation: Zoom-in As of 30 August 2021

BURKINA FASO INSET 1: Gambia INSET 2: Ghana INSET 3: Chad & Central African Republic

MAURITANIA 1. AdrarPeople affected (in thousands) 2. Kanifing Dakhlet-Nouadhibou GUINEA 3. Birkama 5 10 15 20 Borkou 4. NIGER InchiriCABO VERDE Upper West 5. Mansa Konko MALI 6. SENEGALMAURITANIA 7. Tagant 8. SENEGAL Hodh Ech Chargi CHAD Trarza BENIN Brakna GAMBIA NIGERIA

Assaba6 Hodh El Gharbi BURKINA FASO Saint Louis !^ GAMBIA TOGO N’djamena Gorgol GUINEA BISSAU SIERRA LEONE Banjul 7 !^ Louga 4 GUINEA 2 Guidimakha 1 Matam5 8 Thies CÔTE GHANA Mandoul SENEGAL D'IVOIRE 3 Côte BENIN Kaffrine d'Ivoire NIGERIA Kayes GAMBIAFatick SIERRAKoulikoro LEONE Segou TOGO GHANA Côte Sedhiou Kolda d'Ivoire Nana- Haut-Kotto Kedougou Boucle du Mouhoun Ouham Gribizi LIBERIA LIBERIA !^Lome CENTRAL Labe AFRICAN REP. Mbomou GUINEA BISSAU Bafata Boke !^ CAMEROON Ombella M'Poko Sikasso GUINEA Tombali Kankan !^ CAMEROON GUINEAFaranah BISSAU Kindia Tchologo Folon DEMOCRATIC REP. OF CONGO Poro North Western Northen Eastern Bafing ANDSAO PRINCIPE TOME

In August, windstorms and flashfloods hit the Damaging floods struck Ghana’s Upper West Region In August, heavy rainfall and floods affected eight REPUBLIC GABON OF CONGO Gambia, killing one person and affecting about after recent heavy rainfall, causing the destructionEQUATORIAL GUINEA of régions of the Central African Republic. In total,

27,000 people. Critical facilities such as schools 155 houses and displacing 336 people. The Nation- 20,777 people were affected,REP. DEMOCRATIC1,403 OF CONGO houses were and hospitals have been damaged, and food stocks al Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) totally destroyed, and 317 other houses were

destroyed, requiring urgent support. Irregular rainfall said flooding particularlyGUINEA affected Nadowli-Kaleo ANDSAO PRINCIPE TOMEpartially destroyed. is also having a devastating impact on farmers in District, Jirapa District, and the Lawra municipality in In Chad, heavy rainfalls also caused flooding in the Gambia.* the Upper West Region. In August, nearly 2,000 August, affecting 33,508 people and displacing people were directly affected but many more are 20,001 people in Mandoul and Borkou regions. The suffering as a result of damage to crops and roads floods caused critical damage with 4,100 houses in the . totally destroyed and 2,730 ha of crops ravaged. * The figures for The Gambia are cumulative, so the randomisation method was used to get, by month, the number of people affected, displaced, dead, households affected and houses destroyed Gabon The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the . Sources: Multiple reports collected by OCHA from the Media, Situation reports and other. Source of data available upon request Feedback: [email protected] www.unocha.org www.reliefweb.int Page 2 / 2 N. B : This document contains evolving data which will be continuously updated.