Remarks to a Gathering for Peace in Armagh, Northern Ireland September 3, 1998
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Sept. 3 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 Remarks to a Gathering for Peace in Armagh, Northern Ireland September 3, 1998 Thank you. Thank you for the wonderful wel- people, were from County Fermanagh. Most be- come. I am very, very proud to be the first lieve that those people were my forebears, and American President to visit Armagh. Thank you I have a painted watercolor of an 18th century for making Hillary and me feel so welcome to- farmhouse on our wall at the White House to night. prove it. The truth is, I can't be sure, so I'll I thank Mayor Turner; my good friend Prime save all the genealogists a lot of trouble by say- Minister Blair, who will speak in a moment. ing, wherever I am tonight, it is good to be I thank First Minister Trimble and First Deputy home in Northern Ireland. Minister Seamus Mallon for their remarks and I am especially proud to be here with my their leadership, the role-modeling they are wife at this important time. Yesterday she spoke doing by working together for a peace for all to the Vital Voices conference, hundreds of the people of Northern Ireland. I think we women from Northern Ireland, working across should give them both a big hand for that. [Ap- all the lines that divide you, for a better future. plause] I thank them. Tonight we are proud to be in a place that There are other members of the Assembly is a spiritual home to Irish people of both reli- here tonight who represent surrounding areas, gious traditions and to millions of Irish-Ameri- Paul Berry, Danny Kennedy, Pat McNamee, cans as well. Conor Murphy, John Fee. We thank them for Armagh is a city on a hill in every sense. their service in Northern Ireland's new Assem- Your faith and tolerance are making a new era bly, the hope for its peaceful future. of peace possible. For yourselves and all the I also would like to say a special word of world, in every act of genuine reconciliation, appreciation to the remarkable young woman you renew confidence that decency can triumph who introduced me, Sharon Haughey. I'll never over hatred. You have inspired the rest of us forget the letter she wrote me in 1995. A 14- to aim a little higher. I thank you, and America year-old girl, in the midst of all this violence, thanks you for the precious gift you give us said ``Both sides have been hurt. Both sides all, a gift of hope redeemed and faith restored. will have to forgive.'' It was so simple, so pro- Indeed, I am tempted in this city of saints found, that I quoted it when I came here 3 and cathedrals to call the peace of 1998 a mir- years ago. Well, she's grown up to be quite acle. After all, it was delivered through the agen- an impressive young 17-year-old, and I was very cy of that good American angel, Senator George honored to have her here tonight as the symbol Mitchell, who is here. It was delivered on Good of what Northern Ireland can become if you Friday. put away war and take up peace forever. Thank Nonetheless, I think you would all agree that, you, Sharon. at least in the normal sense in which we use I'd like to thank the wonderful choir who the word, the peace of Good Friday was not sang for us a few moments ago. I would like a miracle. You did it yourselves. It rose from to thank the members of our delegation, the the public's passionate demand to take a dif- Secretaries of Education and Commerce, and ferent course. It came about from the hard work 12 Members of the United States Congress from of leaders like those who are on this stage, from both parties, for coming here. David Trimble and Seamus Mallon, from the You know, many United States Presidents' an- leaders of the other parties, from Tony Blair cestors actually came to America from Northern and the Irish Prime Minister, as well. It came Ireland. Andrew Jackson's father was from from honest debate. And again, it came loud Cerrick Fergis in County Antrim. Woodrow Wil- and clear from an overwhelming vote of the son's grandfather left Dergalt in County Tyrone. people for peace. It is you who have told your My ancestors were so humble, everyone knows leaders that you long for peace as never before. they came from somewhere in Northern Ireland, You gave them the confidence to move forward, and no one is quite sure where. [Laughter] Most to give up the past, and speak the language believe the 18th century Cassadys, my mother's of the future. 1526 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 / Sept. 3 Armagh has stood for these better aspirations high time somebody told these people that we throughout its long history. If there is a recur- are through with hate, through with war, ring theme to this seat of learning and religion, through with destruction. It will not work any- it is the largeness of the human spirit. Here, more.'' a Briton, Saint Patrick, devoted himself to the Think of what it will be like when everyone cause of Ireland and left a legacy of faith and forever can simply walk freely through Armagh compassion. Here, the Book of Armagh pre- with no anxiety about what street you walk down served his gentle message and the power of or with whom you talk. Think how beautiful the gospels. this city can be without any barbed wire and Today, the two cathedrals that dominate the never a thought of a burned church. Peace landscape stand for the idea that communion brings peace of mind and prosperity and new is better than destructive competition. Two friends eager to see this historic and compelling proud traditions can exist side by side, bringing land for the first time. People once were afraid people closer to God and closer to each other. to come to Armagh and Northern Ireland. Now I salute the leadership of Dr. Sean Brady and they will be hard pressed to stay away. Dr. Robin Eames, the Archbishops of the We wanted to come here in person to thank Catholic and the Church of Ireland dioceses, you, to thank you for the peace, to thank you respectively. For years they have walked to- for strengthening the hand of everyone, every- gether when it counted. I salute the Pres- one anywhere who is working to make the world byterians and the Methodists who have worked a little better. hard for peace, indeed, the men and women of all denominations. When I go now to other troubled places, I Here, there have been difficulties, as else- point to you as proof that peace is not an idle where, but the historic streets of this old town daydream, for your peace is real, and it reso- remind us of a fundamental fact about your nates around the world. It echoes in the ears community: Armagh literally encircles its many of people hungry for the end of strife in their traditions in a single community. That is what own country. Now, when I meet Palestinians Northern Ireland must do if you want the future and Israelis, I can say, ``Don't tell me it's impos- of peace and prosperity that belongs to the chil- sible. Look at Northern Ireland.'' When I meet dren in this crowd tonight. Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo, I can say, As you look ahead, to be sure, in this peace ``Don't tell me it's impossible. Look at Northern process, there will be false steps and disappoint- Ireland.'' When I hear what the Indians and ments. The question is not if the peace will Pakistanis say about each other over their reli- be challenged; you know it will. The question gious differences, I say, ``Don't tell me you can't is, how will you respond when it is challenged? work this out. Look at Northern Ireland.'' Cen- You don't have to look too far. The bomb that turies were put to bed, and a new day has tore at the heart of Omagh was a blatant attack dawned. Thank you for that gift to the world. on all of Northern Ireland's people who support And never underestimate the impact you can peace. have on the world. The great English poet and The Prime Minister and Mrs. Blair and Hil- clergyman, John Donne, wrote those famous lary and I just came from Omagh. We met lines: ``No man is an island. We are all a piece with the families whose innocents were slaugh- of the continent, a part of the main.'' Tonight tered. We met with those who were terribly we might even say, in this interconnected world, wounded. We saw children scarred, some of not even an island, not even a very unique is- them for life, because of the madness that, if land, not even Ireland is fully an island. someone could just set off a big enough bomb On this island, Northern Ireland obviously is and kill enough Protestants and Catholics, kill connected in ways to the Republic, as well as enough men, women, and children, including to England, Scotland, and Wales, and in ways, two pregnant women, kill enough people from the Republic of Ireland is connected to them Northern Ireland, Ireland, and foreign countries, also. All of you on this island increasingly are that maybe everybody would walk away from connected to Europe and to the rest of the peace.