Friday, February 14, 2020
TE NUPEPA O TE TAIRAWHITI FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2020 HOME-DELIVERED $1.70, RETAIL $2.00 PAGE 2 PAGE 6 CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK PAGES 14 CHURCH FIRE SIR BOB DROPS • SPIKE IN DEATHS AS COUNTING METHODS REFINED • FIRST DEATH REPORTED IN JAPAN CAUSE IDENTIFIED DEFAMATION CASE • VIETNAMESE VILLAGE OF 10,000 IN LOCKDOWN Making Shiloh’s little heart whole Shiloh McMillan, pictured here with mum Charlotte, has open-heart surgery at the end of the month in Auckland. It is going to make her heart whole again. Shiloh, 10 months old, was born with two holes in her heart, and one side of her heart bigger than the other. Valentine’s Day today is also known as Little Heart Day, for the 12 babies born every week in New Zealand with a heart defect. Her parents Charlotte and Neil McMillan will be based in Auckland at Ronald McDonald House for a month as their daughter recovers in Starship Hospital. A Givealittle page has been created to help this Gisborne family. STORY PAGE 2 Picture by Rebecca Grunwell KiwiRail ‘Bureaucratic inertia’ focus on rest of holding up rail plans network by Wynsley Wrigley focus currently on resilience through should proceed, then KiwiRail will be answer this question. the central North Island, along with directed to do a business plan, utilising “The charges discussed suggested rail KIWIRAIL is not yet working on a mitigating the impacts from weather the significant work already completed by would compete well with the only current business case for the restoration of the events on parts of our South Island BERL,” said Mr Thorpe.
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