M TUMDAY, JULY tf, X»4t. llw W d B lI w e Akiitga M If If** War to* Mento at Smm, l#4t Fraak SohleMar, Fester H. WU- Gr and Knight Hama aad Joha F. Haniay. ■Itotnarm tsMgbS and Tbandwt Battrscner Deetora TrtplW Mew Tack BUILOKRS o r 9,694 J® an tlE u m tttg day la HM tSe iy>oatTowii Charlas J. MeOgrtky, ckslrman AMESITR DRIVEWAY Dr. Robert it. Kaaaagr and Dr. Selects Aides a f Um ooromittoe anaagtag te B e e n e a lC to M M Iw M aneheeier^A CUy of Vmage Charm tha trip to New Tack to see the Oorard Miner wlU raapond to H m mldwaak ptayar aarvlea AsplisNsai A # amargancy calla tomorrow, it la Tenkeae aad the Red Sox play to covenant CongragaUanal chur^ October, announoed that ticket M U A B U I - RBABONAMJB - WfMUl (EIGHTEEN PAGE!) PRICE POUR CENT! „ 0t ^lalw n tH i .ntvMincad by tha Manebaatar Spruce atraat, win ba omltta* ^ Local K. of C Head An­ UVARANTnni ~ PRBR EVniaATBR ____ o( Hit. Oitbtrlii* Rutt**». Medical Aaaodation. lea so far have bean eaoourag- morrow evening on account o t tha nounces Metnbcfs of lag. Tha event to open to tjrtmM IfaatMy FajaMSM It Dastood M b M purtpnwrt UMnbew • » annual eummar Btbla ConfarwM at members of tho eouneU t/k wall iS t o S a to ir*t wrappT t to at tha campgrounda la Crontwali. w»* Bsoth toftm Thnnday. His Committees aa K. of C. mombors aad a Mpply Mra. Arnold Thompaon. a x ^ - of tickoto has boon plaood la tha DEMAIO BROS. Fair^Q ueen Ura aacratary of tha local lUd Oary SatllffA aon o f Mr. and of members ef tho British Needs News Tidbits f>nak J. MMrflria AinriM^. Croaa Chwtar, haa ratumad from Mra. A. Hyatt SuUUfa o f CUatoa Oompletioa of atoqdlng eommlt- •INCB tnO TBLKPBOMI 7tn Appeals to Congress tJ. S. l«»rtoe»rpe Itoe^ ^ mlttoo. htr vEC*tloii« on# w##k of which atraat. U at Lake Poootopaug, teas for the year haa baen aaada Jeoaph McCooa axhiUtad for ap­ Letter to t^relate Colkd From OP) Wlras ■Mat tomorrow #TaBlii* at tha ipcnt at the National R#a Eaat Hampton, with hla grandpar* by Grand Knight John B. Hay- Hit AU Other Atm y and Nary CSub at ■ p- m Croaa convention In Atlantic City, proval tho trophy which tho eoun- ante for a waA. ford be announced at tha meeting dl win praoont to tha Softball TwU and tha remainder at Nantaakrt Franck Pramtor Manry Quatillto Beach, Maaa., where membera Of o f Campbell oounoU. Knlghto e f light toague for eompotlUon. Pro- fiiia f o f FoUca Schaodal wUl ba ’The committee on pariah avanga* aentatlon to tho laagua wtil ho By Mrs. Roosevelt Aided Nations thraatona to raaign ovar waga pol­ tha pctadpal apaalw the family hereabouta, OtUw^ Oolumbus. leat evening at tha K. To Reserve Decision 11am will have a maating tomor­ Ont„ and Detroit, Mich., occupied made after tha naoaasary engrav­ icy light In cablnat . . . ’Thraa las M tba Rotary Oub which ^ row evening at 7:80 at Emanuel of C. home. Hie Uet feUowa: ing. ™ aaid at <:80 tonight at tl(a a cottage for two weeka. Lutheran church. House ■ Jemee P. Tleryy. Unexpected Request for Jiundrad Ora Sghtara gain control Oountry Oub. Chlaf Bchandal will riialrman; Jeremiah J. Sweeney, Accusation Of btorn which burns 000 aeros of ■aaak on "Tha Prablam of Hand- Unne Lodge, No. 72. KnlghU of Ruth and Ida, twin daughtera of Michael Botilme, Elmer Graham, $624,000,000 More second growth timber la Tahoe Ung Padaatrlana and Vahlclaa.” Pythlaa. wlU hold lU meeting t^ Mr. and Mra. Herman Johnaon o f Joaeph TardUf, Gerard . Chapde- National faroat la Nevada On Foreign Arms Bill A NEW HOME? Brttaln’a new tet-anglnad DaHavU- morrow night at 8 o’clock in Kenalngton atraet; and Carol John- lalae, WUUam Kalvla. Francis American Aid Like Oifldran of 8 t John’o Vacation Orange hall. aon, daughter of Mr. and Mra. OUl. Norman Beaaatto, Paul Kar- She Holds No land Comet iM far Srat time to­ Church achool will maat tomorrow HALE'S Text of Letter Bombshell; Secret Note day at HatSald, England . . . Iran Carl T. Johnaon of Holl atraet. are kut Anthony Bonner, Joseph M^ If you art phuuilng to build or buy a asw hoais. ear *Biaa Against R om an and Friday morning at 9 o’clock, R«v. Cheater F. Auitln will be apendlng a week at Webater lake Cooe. Rejrmond Hebert Joseph Headquarters government raetricta activltlaa of Requests Judgment Be and Saturday at 10 a. m. ®®y* In charge of the mid-week prayer Webater, Maaa. linger, Charles 8. Tarpinlaa. BMMtgafe departmaat eaa assist you la ehoesliis tbs typs Mailed Cardinal P uto, July 87.—n tha Barden blU becriiae dle foreign problems . . . F. B. I. Heading Probe I with tha home ?au daMra. ■ •rophet, John Buck; Bret aannap, A- Modean end the lets Robert Grath. eUctom . . . unworthy of aa day the Britiah requeat “could that unemployment In their aUtca Acheson told a news confer­ Other Applian^ Amortaan mothor.” you aligned youraelf with thoee, Agent Frederick ’TlUman aaye he Seek ream JARVIS ^ • ViUlam Schlcldga; aacond aannap. Modeen, and a graduate of Man­ Blood Donors—John E. Lyons, break the MarshaU plan wide Views Politics Is critical tvlth one out of every ence that points raised on Walter Kanehl; guard of tha wig­ chairman; John F. ’Tleriiey and "tf SOOM of Botag Unworthy* who from my point of view, ad­ found ao hidden messages In Tokyo eight workers Jobless. AUTO GLASS Shall Itod aad Ba Happy, n chester High school, served with vocated an unwtoe attitude which open." Rose’s wartime broadcasts to Al­ Brings Attack the program by several membera wam, Frank Diana; warriors, Paul the U. S. Army In Iceland for U John J. LaBeUe. The J W. HA M COR* *1 BMura you," wrote Mr*. may toad to dUflcultieo in thto An American economlat com­ lied troops under croas-exaihlna- Gov. Frederick G. Payna of of 0>ngresa are aound In theory Jonat, Walter KeUy, John Ma­ months. , ______PubUdty—Luke D. PhlUlpp, >UMWim Cam» SCREENS Itoooovolt, "that I havo no oonoo mented that the other European Behind Decree Maine said the economic situation MIRRORS country, and have, aa a raault, tha . _ It tion In San Francisco trial . . - but that they talked In a misap­ Jarvis Realty * guire and Herbert Johnaon; bravaa, chairmen; Joseph P. Dyer end o f bring an *unwarthy American axact thlnga which you and I would natioM Win navw atod for Tha 18th Annual Model Plane Fly­ In hla state waa "little different" prehension of the facts. Frank Lombard, Walter Ouataf- from that In MaasachuaetU and Baldwin Target in Sen- Mrs. Ruth Oolocdo of T654 Main John F. Tierney. mother.’ The Snal Judgment, my deplore, namaly, tha Increaaa In b it-1 (tha Britiah requeat). ing meet gets under way at Kan­ Evidently referring to the sug­ C om pany a ton. Buck McCann and Ban ZiUn- BuUetln—Frank Taylor, chair­ Investigate Soar Cardinal Spellman, of tha ’The British requeat was trana- OonnectlcuL Partner atraat Hartford, who charged that tarnaaa among the Roman Catholic Red Press Quickly Re­ sas <^ty . . . Two daya after re­ Sawyer loid befor# r#tumln|^ to ate Because gestion of Senator Vandanberg SM Cantor Straat a aki. man; Cherlee J. McCarthy. Jo­ worthlneoo of all human belngo groupa, and tha Protaatant and mlttod Saturday la a aecret note moving hla own appendix at Tellu- ‘ Committee chairman ware articles valued at 839 were t^en seph OermolA William Marsh, Washington after conferences with (R., Mich.), that only an Interim btoaebaatot. Ooaa. , from her apartment Saturday NEW to In the haada o f God." othar religtoua groupe. to the brganlxaUon for Ihiropean acts to Interpretation ride, Colo.. Dr. George C. Brider- Involved in Inquiry plan should be adopted now. Ache- ’Tat 411X, 7178 ar * named aa follows: property, Elroy Franda Carlson, Anthony Tha controvaray itcmnned from Economic Cooperation (OEEC). eton goee back to work ’’feeling public officials and biurineaa and Phelps; Inatructor of new mem- night . D'Avanao, Frank McGulnneas, I read only what waa In the Of Excommunication labor leaders here that "there are son said It la a go^ idea to )iave Batarpriaa S8M ■ Krauaeltls has a police record HUDSON RUSCO Mra. Roosavairsftocaavalfa opporitloaopporitlon to red-Fed papert about your addreaa and I ’Thto to the organlaation which fine’’ . . - Seven white man are Washington, July 27 — (F)— A an interim program. ban, Clave EUlngton; pubUc rela- Anthony Bonner, Elmer Graham, aral aid to parochtol achoola. Car- summoned Into Chicago court to- serious spoU. but It Is not any uaauaaaaaaaa for Intooclcetlon end breaking end DeUvaradM ■ » M l , B ta ^ In my column very carefully apllta up the MarshaU pten funda worse Uian I expected to find." bitter argument over the Malmedy But he di^ared Uiat la cxactlF tiona, Walter Kelly; alck, Irving [Gordon Tailor, Andrew OUdle, dhtri Spallman said Mra Rooae- ConUmts o f the note leaked out July 37—<;r» — The Communist day on dtoorderly conduct ehargeo Mllla; antartatnmant, Stanley Ol­ entering offenses here. ALL METAL SELF STORING that 1 had not read the Barden The commerce eecreUry arid, maaeacre Invastigatioa stirred up what the administration haa pro­ vrit allsnad hararif with backara biU or any other bill carefully, be­ to the press yasterday. press reacted quickly today to the near Negro famUy'a house In whlU howevar, ha would make a ’’pre­ posed. aavar; sick banaSt, Sol Vendrlllo; of theBardan blU In her June 38 nelghboritood . . • eenatorlal tempera yasterday. delinquent, Joseph Butler; pub­ onlyJ’a is i” column and two others. The cause I do not wish to have It said ’The Britiah said revtoed calcula­ Interpretation by the Vatican liminary" report Immediately on Te Present E\4deaoe Tomorrow COMBINATION SCREENS that I am In favor of any particu­ tions showed the sUrllng area Communist newspaper In New England’s unemployment Senator McCarthy (R-Wla) stood licity, William Savlno. Sopar-Slx with 181 h.p. hlgh- Barden blU arould permit Federal newspaper, L’Osaervatore Romano, Prague charge* P®P* *’*“• The evidence of which Acbeeon PRESCRIPTIONS campraaalon enstoa, 184 tack aid only to public schools. Mra. lar hill. would hava a dollar daSclt of 81.* problem to President Truman and on an aasartlon today that It waa spoke wlU be presented to Cim- U lM Oaatar S t rbai Thlnga BeSeved Important 647,000.800 for tha year atarting of the recent excommunlcatlcei da- and Preeldent ’Trnmnn are tryuig John R. Stealman. prealdential wkaelbMa (Laeal taxw to be AND STORM SASH Rooaavrit mentionsd Cardinal to "save capitalism from destruc­ "wrong" for Senator Baldwin (R- gress beginning with ms appear­ Fuamtura Tape CALLED FOR POLIO EXPENSE POLICY Bprilman’a opporitlon to tha Bar- July 1. It Unplled that Britain cree of the Roman CathoUc church. old#. - added), If I may, I would Ilka to state would need that much doUar rid tion by Siting BoclalUt pro- Sawyer, who U making a 10- Conn) to head an Armed Servicee ance before the House Forel^ Af­ Local Man Held a Only dan bUl In bar oriunui. again vary simply for you tha fairs committee tomorrow. AND CAN YOU AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT IT? Your Neighbor Has Them On His Home Now tifl^^ V toltora‘'ara I’m poJ^rta I »«■ »» I pr^STSlJStomSd gresa” . . . ’The House Appraprta- survey of the nation’s bual- sub-committee looking Into a case No fmawdiato Baply SlS^oJtraviTmy.* to'T e^elrS undergo a drop In Uvlng .t o a d -^ u p lr a d by poUticri ttona com______mittee meets to throw neta conditions aa a forerunner of involving Baldwin's law partner, DlacuMlng that appearance, toe DELIVERED On Theft Charge a Cash or time paymaato They Provide Year Round Rainproof Ventilatfcje In New Tork, a secretary to the 83,500^000 Into governroenfa fight Federal aid to hard-hit areas, de­ Dwglht Fanton. secretary refused to answer di­ a WHk or wtibout trada-ta mottves. Air OaudItWwMd Pays Pollo-lncurred expenses up to $5,000 for each cardinal said thara was no Imme- days in thto_ country^ there wera j Britain received L’Oasarvatora yesterday printed a^nst grasshoppers . • .New clined to aay what Federal a ct^ . Strikes Out "Crimtnany* rectly s reporter's Inquiry os to aOoed allowsaaa ter yaur dlato reply. In hla latter of toat rather few Roman dathoUc set- 11,289,000,000. When the requesto move ataita In congreaa to reacua If any, )»e favored for New Eng- McCarthy told tha Senate yaa- whether the United States govern­ Albert R. Krausaltia. 38, of 190 case. No waiting period. ear Uemanta. ’Tha majority o f tho an adltorlri Inta^ratatlon of the ^ a r ^ o o n Q i PINE Union aUaot. who was arrested Friday Uia cardinal arid *T a l^ originally arara aubmittad for 1949- decree of July IS. eaylng It auto­ federal aid to aducation frorn ^ terday tha action of Baldwin In ra- ment lias information "that too COST— $10.00 For 2 Years For Entire Family IMMBOIATB DEUVEHT nst again pubUcly acknewladga people coming hare ware Protes­ 60 BrlUln astlmatod aha would Televls- '^^(^vernor Dever told him tl»e sit­ fusing to quit tha Inquiry chalr- Russians are actively preparing here tost Sunday night by Officer ON SOME MODELS The Barfleft-Brainard Co. tants aad not vary tolerant, but matically excommunlcatad thoss Ugtous controversy PHARMACY Welter Pyka and Hartford poUce, $5.00 For 2 Years For Individuals y o u " need 11,114,000,000. She pointed profeastng "antl-OirlaUan and lem salesman Bcudder Ray toys uation waa------’’moat critical” and , manship was “criminally wrong.' for war.” iwHScr isTM« ’ r v a « »KfWKA4» HARTFORD. CONN., Or Mrs. Kooaavalt wrote tho cardi­ they ballavad that In aatabllshlng out that thto was a 10 per cent cut aaked for 886,000,000 In Federal old when Senator Tobey (R-NH Acheson said tliat was w)iat lia »♦>* 'W OM SM 'S 664 Cmtsr StrMt wea presented In Hertford poItM McCLURE AUTO a democratic form of govarament materialtotlc” concapta of Comnni- ta aan televlalan to Oklahoma City court Monday. The local men waa For Further Information Call nal: from the previous year. alam while serving aa a atotB oatetoto for te a houaaa . . • New for Massachusetts. | said this was against toe rulee, called one of thoss loaded num­ iM O s r p TeL S-9814 878 Mala St. Oornar Straat "I Rave aa Intention of attack­ it araa aasantlri that there ba free Dever said toera are now 29S,W 1 jgeCartoy agreed to strike the bers. ehurged with breaking and enter­ ’M . 8-0448 aducatioB./or as large a number Brttsta’a Share Bcdneed warning to Utoa* vriw (SVPOM Td»k omekas-ay from Cincinnati, ing and theft. Hla ease was con­ ALICE CLAMPET M. A. CLOUGH ing you penw ally. iw of attack­ T)va Amattesa Eoosunnlc 0»- Communism' m 'adthout ambracing Its Ohio to New Tork arlth bank of­ unemployed in Msesacjusetta He crlmlnsUy.' If he replied yea, the reporters ing tha Roman CatSbUe churcu, V pMpto as pnlbls, so thara was oparatiou administration. In a gan- j doctrinas. predicted another 92.000 Jobless by In reply, Baldwin accused Mc­ f __1A N Sw aa: ^ tinued until August 10 end he wee hut 1 ahall, o f eouraa, oontinua to a movement to create free public ficial figured In crooked numbers would make a lot out of ttmt, ha - S i * « o v i held in 88000 bond. W “ ■ com.. m > .> su era! acallag down of all rsqumta Saym Pope Has Taken Lead racket . ■ Prealdont EUpdlo Sept. 30. Carthy of siding with the Nazi SS said, and if he replied no, they aund ior tha things In our govera- achoola for all children who wtohad reduced Britain’s share to 8928.- pro-Communlat newspaper "In only four states Is toe situa­ troopers who murdered shout 160 PoUee said tho eomplalnaat waa PHONE 4898 maat drhleh I think ara r l^ t . to attend them. Nothing was said Qulrlno of the Phlllpplnea will visit would make a lot out of toat; oo Read Herald Adve. 000,OOa Thto amount was baaed jj President ’Tnimsn August 8 . . . tion woree when computed on the Americans captured in the Battle hla decision was to make no com­ -SpaclaBriag la Hra "Tbay may toad me to be In op- riiout private achoola. Aa wa have on an American appropriation of with United Statee ratio of Insured unemployment, developed in thto country we have ’The trial of draft-dodging finan­ of toe Bulge In December, 1944 ment at all in direct response. Pratoctioa” poriUoti to you aad to other groupa 84,846,000,000^ ______^ | policy, had taken the lead In the the governor asld. McCarthy said Baldwin "will re­ He did say that all too Infor­ arlthln our oountry, but I shaU al- done more and mora for our public Congress has trimmed the cier Sergo Bnblnsteln and a busi­ ideological war agalnat Commu­ ness aaaoclate on stock manipula­ Textile centers are hardeet ml, gret doing a very shameful thing" mation the department haa on tho srays act, aa fa r aa I am abto, aehools. ’They ara open to all chil­ amount atUl further and proapecU followed by durable goods. There In continuing to head an Inquiry Hum rari conviction and from hon- dren and it baa been decided that nism. tion charges to postponed until Russian situation will be placed ■J,. F y r - F y t e r are for an appropriation o f leas After a long phase In wliich the ara nearly five times sj many Job- involved Fanton, Army officer at the disposal of Oongreas. But oat beUaf." than 84.000,000.000. Sept. 28 . . . less in the textile cltlea of New (tiro) (Fisktor) (Contianed on Pago Twelve) policy of. the church was In the In charge of a team that collected ha declar^ emphatically toat it ;r In har reply today Mra. Roose­ If BriUtato newly prai^M dr^^^^ ^ y,, ,u.8.) Department ef Bedford and Lawrence as there evidence on which 73 Germans were velt declared, “I have never ad­ S oIm and Serviea were s year ago. convicted, elx of whom now face (Continued on Page Twnive) vocated the Barden btH nor any Governor Bowles said In a mes­ sentences The Manchester Diy Cleaners other speclSo blU on oducation over the Ideological inlUatlva, Just I UlAeaRa CAN NOU GET giro Extiagalabara • Reohargas Vacation Specials Pact Ratified I about 40 per cant of American like hla predecaaaora did In past Appeal Made sage to toe Commerce secretary McCartoy charged that Bald­ tciM N T im ic a a t o A i i u B«itn, now before the Oongreoa. I be- that unless the wages slump In Heva. hoirever. In Federal rid to * * 1 nthar Euro- I tlmss whenever they lost their po- win’# eubcommlttee baa sought to THAT Acwacva SJcnSv? • 1948 Olds "68'’. 4-Dr. Se­ It atoo J" y, litical confidence In this or »h»t Connecticut U checked it "must whitewash tha Army of charges dan. Fully equipped, educstion.” For Nurses eventually have a very serious and brutal methods and trickery JOHN W. KEEGAN Subetituto for Senate BUI After Fights S^“ doVtoli to help BrlUln. Btoce | amperor, ancient or modern. paralyalng effect on purchasing is Ardmora Road 11825. were used to wring confessions The Barden bUl to a aubetitute confusion had re- power and retail aales not only from the accused Germans. riMaa 7438 for a maaaura already p s ^ d by , . Flashes! • 1947 Old “ 76”, 4-Dr. Se­ waa j suited from the Vatican decree New York Official Is­ regionally but nationally." Baldwin Dealae CSiarge the Senate which would allow the French National Assem- American appropriation, Bowles said Otat unchecked un- Baldwin angrily denied this. He (Late BaSettaa of Iks (ff) IFInt dan, $1595. considered unlDtely t they and indicated It thought Ooserva- ((■tes to use the Federal fiuMto for tore’s restatement was aimed at sues Plea; Needed to added that he doesn’t withdraw • 1946 Olds “ 76” , 4-Dr. Se­ bljr Approves Treaty (CeuttaneS am Page Two) from anything under attack but (Oonttnoed en Png* Two) such Catholic commentatora who Deal With Polio Cases dan. 2 to choose from, ' By'^398 to 187 Vote )iad minimized the scope of the would leave it up to aenatora To Dtscuoi Anns AM 11425 each. Vatican order. Tl»e newspaper whether he should continue to heed Waohlagton. Jnly 88—(F)—The GET YOUR REPAIR WORK DONE AT then charged that tke Oaserva- New York. July 27 — i/P)—An the investigating group. United States mllltaiy Msk ooaa- o 1946 Chev. 4-Dr. Sedan. Paris, July 27—OP)—The French Polar Air Base tore Interpretation showed clear­ emergency appeal for special Anti-Poll Tax He said he had no ^rsonal in' mand will fly to Europe Frldky Moves to Bar [National Assembly approved rati- ly that the decree "was born on a nurses to deal with a rising num­ terest In toe inquiry. to diaeuw tha anna aid pragrana $1200. Iflcation of the North Atlantic ber of Infantile paralysis cases was Senator Hunt (D.,Wyo, an bvves- with the mOMaty chiefs a t the OLANDER’S MACHINE SHOP pact today by a 898 to 187 vota. political basis and )taa strictly po­ Issued today by Hospital Com- litics! alms." Bill Favored tigaUng committee member, said Atjantle pact natleua.' Enforcing Ban I The Assembly voted for the Plan Revealed miasloner Marctu D. Kogel. he resented McCarthy’s stata- military eatahWahment, i All types of machine work and welding. We carry The Communist party newspa­ Dr. Kogel acted as 19 new polio MANCHESTER charter after an all-night aeaslon per, L’Unlta, said the Osservatore menU. He said they were untime­ this today, said toe ( s large supply of ALLEN BOLTS AND SET SCREWS, marked by fist fights between cases were reported in an officially l y and unfair, adding tost It wss tha Army, Navy and Air Vana a Interpretation "proved the confu­ described "mild epidemic" in New House Sends Measure STRIPPER BOLTS, DOWEL PINS, ETC. P olish G overnm ent Ac- oommunisu and rightists. Cautious Reference to sion reigning In the clerical field a case of hitting below the belt. "w ill dlscnaa matter* ad OMtunl MOTOR SALES _ s * The pact now will go to the York city. The Health department To Senate; Ignores Ar­ Senator McMahon (D., Conn. latereeA Inelndlng the prep said To Celebrate This Event We Are Giving C e p tS council of tlie Republic—the up- Hitherto Secret Pro- since the publication" (of the de­ put toe number of cases since Open Evenings Proposal to IvC-I cree). military organisation mider tha STEEL . . . STEEL . . . STEEL Jon. 1 at 247. guments of Opponents (Oouttoued on Pago Two) North Atlaatle poet, wito Um mili­ gotiate With Qinrch | _la a-rnantarf tn rive posal Comes to light No PoUUeal Motives The hoapital commissioner said Drill Bar Struc- 512 West Center SL —which Is expected to give Osservatore took pains yester­ tary chiefs of Enropeaa slgnntofy epeedy approval. he did not want to frighten the Washington, July 27—(SV-An aatloas of the pact aad WlB no- Tempera at Bolling Potait Washington, July 27—(F)—The day to say that the decree had no puUlc or overemphasize the serl- quaint themselvea with onnant Rod Stock ' tural Waraaw. Poland, July 27.—(P) political motives. It said "It is anti-poll tax biU waa laid today on —TIm Poltoh government moved The vote was preceded by Air Force to Ulklng about for­ ousneas of the outbreak, but he conditions In Europe.** superfluous te absolve of any po­ toe Senate’s doorsteps, with Indi­ Continued Hot • a e ALL DIFFERENT SHAPES AND SIZES today to prevent enforcement stormy debate which brought ward air bases deep In the Arctic addM: A 20% DISCOUNT here of the vatican'B excommunl- tempera to the boiling point At litical scope a document in which "Wa do need oursea badly to cations toat It would )>e abandoned Urge Transport AM Bipml at which Iwmbers could refuel on Open Dally cation decree against Commu­ one stage .the legtolators became religloiu motives are repeatedly taka care of toe Increasing num­ Boston, July 87—(d)—Jlhe oen- 8 A. M. to T r . M. and clearly Indicated.” there. Weather Seen nists. At th# same time It an­ eo uproarious It was necessary to strikes across the polar cap. ber of polio cases and I appeal to A 273 to 116 House vote sent it tgoversy over nse o f pubHo fnada 68 MILL STREET TeL S -iilS nounced acceptance of a church recess. A cautious official reference to In Its interpretation L’Daserva every nurse who can give full time lor parochial schools brake In Moa- this hitherto eecret plM for tore said Catholics who support or part time to help us out in this over. Ignoring arguments by , . . . „ , _ propoaal to negotiate a church- Proponents of the pact con­ southern opponents that it and C ool A ir in tiu dson BaV sachusatta today when O Fretos Btate agreement. tended that It to a defensive slU- streUffilng the reach of bombert Communism without adopting Its emergsney." tant clergyroen and lender* a*B*d ON ALL CLEANING and PRESSING Nurses caring for the polio vic­ other clvU lights bUls are likely to I „ __ . ___ t D ‘ f t i Tbe government forbade Oith- once intended to protect m«ntber opera^_ from ^r fle^ ^ !!?JIS? w bolster toe Ku KIux Klan. R egion for repeal of a stoto lanr WSkSt oUe prleats to excommunicato any I nations from aggression; United- States came to light today. nicated but it warned them that tims wJU gst 836 a month more permlto publlo psymont for pSt*- aid to Communism la considered It was the fifth time In Isoa than Pole belonging to the Communist *1110 Communists cliarged it Is a In a report on plana and money than toe pay for general duty ten years that ths House has gone South to H elp East chlal school transportstien, Tfe* party, denouncing aa an "act of pact of aggression aimed against needs for the new heavy bomtor grave sin. It did place within nurses. Dr. Kogel said. Issue—similar to that wMeh aeon- toe scope of toe excommunication through the formality of passing During The Week July 25 through July 30 aggression" agalnat Poland the Russia and that In signing it, base at Lime*tonc, Me., the Air Dr. Harry S. Mustard. O ty such a bill. Four tirfies prevloualy sloaed controveralal letter* be- thoee Socialists who collaborated health eommiasloner, said Brook­ By The Associated Press . __ ^rchbiohop Spen______Vatican’s decree threatening ex- France would be led into war. Force says: , . ^ the Senate has refuaed to consider "A typical polar operation might to further toe alms of toe Com­ lyn has the largest number of There’s a batch of cool air in Mrs. Eleaaor Booaevslt—dsrvelapsd communication. Most of the criticism, apart the bills in ths face of threatened the far-off Hudson bay region but with the SUng at ah Inltinttvo era always at your call; the latest equipme,Mt speeds First News About Deeroo from Rod sniping, came because involvq aircraft taking off from munist party—toe left wing So- polio esMS. 131. Twenty-eight RED MEN’S This week we are celebrating 10 years in business, daliita. cases were reported In Manhattan, fllibustsrs. It isn’t moving In to bre^ a hot- UoB for repeal with Attorney Gen­ The Ctoinmuntot government’s | no express provision was niM* United States air bases, the eta^ FlUbusier Tlireat Raised Again superior cleaning service and our trained and ex­ Ing or topping off of these aircraft To Clarify Decree 25 In toe Bronx; 69 In Queens and humid spell over the central and eral Franda B. HeOy. A Bipnb 10 years of continued service, under the same man­ statsmsnt was ttis first nswt glv- for the United States to supply The filibuster threat was raised eastern parts of toe country. Ucaa spokeeman proinpUy toMlqd Beyond tho Rdrlsea perienced staff insure satisfaction. The Same- sn to Polish dtiaens by thslr military^ aid to European ooim-1 at forward bases In northern Can­ A Vatican Informant said today four In Richmond. again aa the House passed toe bill agement, to the people of Manchester. We wish ada, Greenland, or even the pdlar L’Oeservatore’a editorial was in­ In toe 1916 epidemic cases Federal Weather bureau fore­ the petition "n ehnmefnl, nnAmer- newspapers aad radio abrat the tries Immediately. late yesterday. Icnn undertaking.** ’Ikoea who wUl no ‘ Day-Service is increasingly popular— a service that ice cap." tended only to clarify the decree w sn reported in July. In 1931 casters In Chicago said there isn’t to thank them for Aeir patronage and the steady Vatican decraa. Some speakers complained there I Tha bill has about aa much much relief In sight today or to­ • • • loogdr wnlk tha earth were no provtolona to assure Uiat I May Be Basis tor Claim there were 620 cases reported In provides swift cleaning and pressing with no lessen­ At the same time the govern­ July. chance of passage in toe Senate as morrow for the hot belt from the Win First-Bound Vtotory with UB, go beyond tha increase of business we have enjoyed during these ment announced It hod agreed to Germany would not be rearmed Thto project may explain how (Conttoned ea Page Two) a blrd-slse anowball has In Hades,” tha U. a. A. F. can make good Its Rockies to toe Atlantic coast. It Washington, July 87'—(I horlaon to avarinatiag ing of quality. a proposal by tho Roman Catholic and again become a military | said Repreaantative Wheeler (18. looks Uke another day of readings porters of n move to fere* th* Xo*- years. - Ten years ago we startled out in a modest claim that the huge B-86 bomber Qa.), who opposed It. A filibuster, rest .Mark thair paae- hierarchy la Poland "to start no-1 menace to France, In toe 80s and 90s with high nonile Oooperstioa adadnlatitnllan gotiatioaa between the govern­ Following the vota Deputy Rene j, can strike virtually aU "algi^ant tf nothing else, will stop it, he add­ to spend S1AMA8SA0S tar onr- BINGO tng with the beauty way with the intention of doing just a little better To phow their appreciatipn to the people of Man- Capltant—one of Gen. Charles de military targeta on the eai^from humidity. ment and the episcopate aiming (^ r U Leftist Mass Meetings ed. w AmoHcnn farm fiudneto In Gaulle’s foUowsra—.proposod an I baaea In tlie western h em lsi^ra. Along tos west coast and tot and aaranlty o f our worig than duty demanded—-today we have expand­ cheater for their ever increasing patronage, Edwin at a oetUement of mutual rola- Southemera tried to fUllabuator Pacific northwest temperaturss I Eniupsnn recevsry progrM funeral aarvlea. tloaa.'” amendment to delay ratification I The distance from Im *m w iw n It off toe House floor but House won n Srat-ranad vtotory In Hm Rainbow Ballroom — Bolton ed our facilities and our plant considerably but our until France had obtained from the United Statoa Itself to potan- are eool. Some parts of the warm, D'Agostino and Elena Tricarico, proprietors, ure » U m announcement came from Off Limits for Airmen debate limitations blocked them humid area may get temporary M*to today. The Initial tool sn t)|o Ministry of Public Adminis­ tha U. 8. praetoe details on what tlal targeto In th# after two days.-In toe Senate de­ I holly dliipntod im iaiHisaf at intentiop is the same-quality work at all times. giving a 20% discount on'all cleaning and pressing , arms and other material would be the Eurasian cont^ent wuld be relief from tounderabowera, fore­ naterM oCleBan (D « A rk.) < tration and waa regarded by the bate can go on and on. casters said. Raih fell In parts of govenunent os a victory In the furntohed under the pact, and d^ beyond London, July 27—(F)—U. 8. ’Air- tending masa meetinga, the Air Should toe Senate reverse prece­ parltonMotory q Now we have three new trucks with courteous driv« during the lyeek July 25th jthrough July 30th. SnffiJt betvreen church and state. tali?rf what part Francs wlU Hwwer. toe nw - tA- Farcs snokesman said. dent and pass tha bill, opbonenU the great plains, the upper Missis­ tten aad gave n S 4 to S8 r a i n 8 O'clock Tonight 1 sippi vallsy states and ovar toe J The aovernment had Inatotod h»ve In toe defenoe organlsatlone gaotad In toe report Indies^ toat day to steer clear at Leftist mass The Burtonwood Beacon, pub- said, one Immedlata effect will be to fanokara at . » hlararehv stoD Its aet up In the framework of toe | the mlaolons would operate Uke for toe soutoern poll tax otatea to upper Great Lakes regton. The V that toe churoh Merarcby stop Its I oMstings wMls in uniform. Uahad by toe personnel of toe big haaviast fall, dva Inches, waa "antl-stata" aotivlUea 'before dla- p a ct ' I tola: A Tlitrd Air division spoksaman maintenance base, printed this order split liallota for future elec­ Justified In Worrying A B-86, whose home field tions. portad at Rochester, Minn. ZJS by the Free Transportation ^j-^^CoMPOimMe, euSalag toe problem a t relations. Umaatona ar some o ^ r airdrome I said tola la "P**t at our gener^ quotation today from the warning The mercury yesterday ranged For The Best In Dry Cleaning Service— Call U m church had countered with de- Foreign Mlntoter Robert Bchu- circulated by Tliird Air Division Under this procedure, candidates w TUNClALSnmCE man sold he ooncedad toat Ckplt- in tlM ^ lto d SUtea, would load pqUey o< keeping out o f toe pubUc for Federal office qrould be listed from 68 at Seattle to 96 at Wash­ «nsi)dB for full freedom In Its ao- un with bomba—and a eompara* | eye." headquarters: ington, D. C. and it hit as high BUSSES WILL LEAVE FROM ttvitisa. ant was fuUy Justified in worrying "Numerous Incidents hsvs besn on one ballot and candidates for Irate FMktr HUlB Pi Churoh AppareoUy a))out auch mattera but that toe tively hght load ot | _^bout_ \*S!llon^ ® state and local offloss on another; os 107 at ssveral placss In tha far Tsasaa. itow M y raportod wbsrs spsalMra at open' soutowosL ORANGEHALL Now the eburchurch aptapparenUy ^ U ^ a t o ^ '^ mambara at f t f B-89 air msstlngs have dlrsctsd attacks A voter who has paid hja poll acceded to the Supertortreoo groupo In at .U. a. A. F. personnel who have tax would got both ballots, whllo mands. Tha (diurto’a full propoaals toe voter who liasn’t paid would Troaswry Balanes ONE A T 7 P. M. AND ONE AT 7:30 P. M. a Ekpevt dW odton Greenland or elsewhere In toe far lands north o f Uondon. Others baen In tha audience. at m for ntgottaUans wort not dlscloaed. France could not aak tha UnitSB nqan toe Ug Burtonwood Mainten­ .."Bo as to preclude personal em­ get only the Federal Imllot WM.TER iL L c a n e The Manchester Dry Cleaners Ilia govarnment called toe Vati­ Statoa for dotaUs about ajrma un- north. There the bomber would State______naetfona Net Affectai Waabtagton, July 87——Tha wtih ance baas which keeps tha Berlin barrassment and inasmuch as such •dAHCN8ifka,eaau tu /toe American (Jongraaa votes "top ofT' Its fuel tanka (fill them Th* hlU appUea only to wCfitoy Ipooltlon of -tbs Treasury July 88: t e l e p h o n e 7 2 5 4 can dacraa "a liruta) violation a t to capacity.) 'rtat would carry air lift cargo planes In Miape. Ineldaitto may prova detrimental U Gilf^ES ^ DOOR PRIZES 93 WELLS STREET the rOUglous faalbma of heUavera" on toe arms for Europe program to toe welfare of this command, it and general aiectlona for pr4to-| Net budxot reeolpta 8ST,BS4,- toe intercQBtlnantal bomlier to toe Na OerihsM IncMeal dent, vice prealdont and meml)*r*j 116.47; bqoget ea^giytutoa^ l^ ,- tost could nolther w enforced nor now before It. Officially, tbare. have been no Js Buggsated that U. S. A. F. par- pfepsgatod In Poland liecauae It However, Sebuman said, toe target an^ book to V>* of OoH|r(«w< “ It doesn't affect {897.880.60; cash WI k a I8*4di.- J base or to friendly y torrltocy be- Inoldenta of a sertaus natura in- aonnel refrain from congregating [ la such plaots wblla in unUorm.* strlctty'atsM aad {iTAfilASfi. ^ •>,^Xo6MatH4aan«9 Twol ‘ lOosttaiMfi aa Ptoto yaSA OBiuay. torrttoor. \___ __ votvtog Amaricaq personnal atp r MAKCHESTCK IVENTNC HERALD. MANCHEfTER. COWJ- WEDMSDAT, JULT 27, 1949

'TBMltail.. PAGE ntada aimilar atataaMBts aaahing Sawyer Viewt j MANCHESTER EVENING HB5BALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1949 to miaimlaa.'tlia affOet af tha da- NetvporVs Flower Show Urges Backing British Needs Not Accepted Tha Vatleaa aawnpapar wiahad Spending Cut I county win opan oa Tuesday. Au- two weeks ta AuguM and the M ta amphaalBa, aald tha informant, circle two weeks !a September. Hit AU Other To Be July 28 to 31 H SO. Mrs. Myrtia Hnglart, of that CaUioUea who ftoaly and (OonOana^ Yaga Om ) Rockville lumMa. foruMriy a t Rockrilla Stryker of Tolland wUl eonduct knowingly aupport Communiam in ■M i OW lW O S I will again direct the hCtlvlUas. the 10 o’elocfc nerViees In Angust. many oaaaa do ao bacauaa they Famous names of Nawrport s.^ .flower bed display’s are from the employment in New England and Connecticut Qiamber o f with the early aervlee being omit­ Aided Nations estates of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel have baan mialad. Thaaa Oathollca, summer colony will again high* other "sharply affected” areaa may Outdoor movies will be shown at ted during the ahaenee of the rec­ t o t s *n t e e n s , Inc. it waa atraaaad, are not aaoonunu* Hin^^las Julia Bcrwlnd, Mr. and , Commerce AcU on apread to regiona which produea School Board tha Uglon Field on. Weot street tor. The servlcca on both the first (OMttaMg frwa r M * <*••> nkatad from tha chureh but can light the list of entries in tha Mrs. Michael Van Bueren, Mr. the gooda "we are tncreaaingly un­ Power Tmnsmbsion this evening at 8:80 p. na. There Sunday in August and tte first ha denied tha aacramanta—hap- Newport. R. I., Flower Show aad Mrs. Forsythe Wicks, Mr. fashkm eestre for young Manchester able to buy." will be no ndmiaaion charge, but n Sunday in September wll! be n would b« wuunc to maka any aw ^ tlam, confirmation, holy commun­ and Mrs. Walter Bruce Howe, IKK^C KAINO AND which will ba held hare at the The Connecticut governor re­ Hartford. July 17—(Y)— Tha Ftaat Omm A w tn Receives Bids! collection will be taken. Communion aervlea. ■ Irr 9 mxviaioM BScrUlc^ ion, pananoa, axtrame unction Newport Oaaido for tha first time Mrs. Harold Brown. Mrs. Hamil­ ported 10fl,000 Jobleea in hia atata. 95$ Main SU, Facing Oak Tha erUia arlaaa bacauaa all da> CUnnefticut Chamber of Com­ "BMsr of WMotMag AnaeuM s Onmndtteeo tlaat ritaa) holy Ordara and matri­ in nine years, July 3t-Sl. ton McKay Twombly, Mr. and' etaiona of tlia OECC muat ba unau- ^ e figure, he aald, doaa not in­ The Rockville Rotary a u b has Bmptoyneant Olrscter M aa mony. Ekoommunication would Among tha 71 classes in tha al­ Mrs. Richard Van Nest Gambrill, i merce today asked tha Connecticut Imoua. If Britain ahould hold out clude 24,000 who have exhauatad ImprovementB Are to Be announoad tha following oommlt- abut CathoUea off from the aoeiaty ways elaborate ahow are divi­ and Eustis Payne. • i eongreselonal delapatton to sup­ for a W (s a r ahara In tha face of unemploynisnt benefits and 70,000 taaa for tha coming yanr: Aima Rocky mn, July Di­ of the faithful. sions for potted plants and shrubs Among trophies to be present-' Madb on Bnilding in tha fiaatly raducad numbar of dot* who are oa abort tUns. port the elimination of Federal aX' land Objacta oommlttoa. Rev. J. C. rector John O. Oonfrey of the The Informant aald Oaaarva- ed to winners of tha classes are a Connecticut State Employment MID-SUMMER lara, aha might wrack all hope of as wall aa cut flowers and t t U v y . Although unemployment In a pendlturaa which would duplicata ^own of Vernon MUler, William Horowttx, Judge tora’a aim waa to draw a dUtinc- Tha displays will range In else loving cup, which haa been donat­ service died test night at the Vet­ real cooperation. few N ew England cltlee ia "aeri- Hmmaa F. Rady; Club servtoa tion between Cathollca who fa%'or from arrangements of one vase to ed by Mrs. Harold Brown, and existing elaotrts transmission ta erans' Home end hospital hare AtJTO GLASS ous," Sawyer aaid, he would name Rockville, July 27— (Special)— chairman, Leithar A. W Mta; Vocn- Communiam without adopting ita axhibiU of cut flowers occupying another trophy by the Newport but two— Lawrence, Maaa., and oUlUaa. where be bad undergone a long MffiRORS baaie doetrinaa and thoaa who aid County Chamber of COmmerea. H ia Board a t Education at tbs Itloonl aarvlea. N at N . Bchwedal; on area of 49 square feat, and the Providence, R. I. Wayne R. Dickerson, the cham­ TWtrn of Vernon ia receiving Mde CD nun unity service chnirmnn Ber­ tUneaa. Confrey, 99 yeart old. Views Politics and aupport tha ‘‘aatl-Chriatlan Bartlett tree experts have offersd practiced taw in N ew Haven end 13 large planted beds In the horse Dever asked the secretary for ber’s exacutlvs vies presldant, ssnt o& acvaral ImprovemenU being nard J. Ackermna; latemntlonel and matariatiatlc” doctrine. a special award for the bast East Haven for 15 years before shoe of tha Casino. Prises win ba the $39,000,000 fOr hlghwa>a, re­ aaoh Oonncetleut ssnator and rap- mssta during the aummer moatha. setvloe, Ro». Adolpk Johnaon; Behind Decree The informant aald Cathollca judged on quality, arrangemant, group of palms. location of Boatoo'a market dla- raasntatlva a talagram sUtlng: he became associated with the SALE SMMrlatendent of Schools Arthur Oovemor’s Day, when Governor mambenMp, John N . Keeney; who knowingly and freely publlah, and variety. The Newport Horti­ trict and improvement of Logan "W a urge you to aupport Senate' XL^hatterton will reeelve tha Mda Employment service In 1088. Hia John O. Pastors and other state Program, Abnar Brooks: Failow- write, read or diatributa books, cultural Society U sponsoring tha airport. He also recommended vsraloa of Intarlor appropriations mrtil July 29th with tha foBowlng home waa in Norwich. Hla widow, (CoattBiwd froai Faga Oaal officials . have been invited to at­ ahlp, H. C. Dowdlng: Rotary In­ INFANTS' • BOYS' I nearapapara, pariodieala or leaflets affair under tha dirMtlon of its creation of a valley authority to bill and thereby aave taxpayers work being planned: excavating at son, a daughter and a brother formation, Baaeual Pearl; PubUo in support of Communist doctrine tend the Flower Show will be ob­ and not to Indlcata any aoftanlng president. Hugo Key. I develop New Ekigland rivera as a tens of millions of dollars la this the Maple street schoolgrouiids, Information. Jud^ Thomas F. survive. are among those who are held served on Friday, July .29. Instant eSae and, at the same time, of the V a t i c a n attitude toward Nine of the entries In the la%1ah ' source of cheap hydro-electric masonry work at two achoolb and Rady; M afiaina. Jack Lsvln; At- guilty of an *'iUiolt act.” Tha GIRLS' * SUB-TEEN Communlat aupportara. I power. halt the 'oraoplng socialism' that Csoriat baa.. "MOMTABA lOKB” p a ln t ^ work at two acbool buOd- tandanoa, ra u l O a n w r; C2ub Bui sacraments are withdrawn from ia now threatening the private en- Tha adltoriai. ha aatd, waa bidden reading for Catholics, in­ this the church Is primarily con­ I U aaU "Fair Share af Ordera” Plas "BMCBAFTBB TAUBT* Inga letln, Bev. Adolph Johnaon: Bar this group. The same la true of tarpriea aystam. Yfii, aimed at rebutting contanttona of clude works inspired by material­ cerned with eliminating a vast May Siga Up geant-at-Anns, Raymond MonUe; members of Communlat labor I Governor Payne told Sawyer SUMMER APPAREL Communlat laadara that a pataon istic principles and id M , tha in­ “twilight rone” peopled by Catho­ "Whan the Interior department County Club Agent E. Henrv Bmployar - Employaa Reletiona. unions and other Catholics who that If Maine manufacturers « • Mssqaltoasl Re laeeelel ril fokfi oeuld ba at once a Communlat and formant added. lics who try to walk a tightrope 'could receive "their fair share of appropriations pUI came to tha CeeSreUeA br BBT Aettel Sfiiiwi ■often and aaslsUnt county club Harry Liehman; Buyer-Seller Re­ I I I H OMtVf A t rh*Hi* a Roman Catholic. Communla: hold Communlat party cards with­ between Catholicism and Commun­ ^ n a t e from the House, the Senate Ifent Mlaa-Shirley Walk have an- A parish priest or confessor may I government orders It would . . . I M I (J I W lations, Simon B. Cbhan; Competi­ rhh to a phannaey r»r-' •• tmp* out being active, militant Com­ nouaced that a total of $M 4H Boaa Palmiro TOgllattl bad ad­ restore the access to the sacra- ism. 9Iany of these voted Com­ help ua over thla ^rio d , partleu-' wralon deleted certain House to r Reletlons. H arry Flamm; DRASTICALLY REDUCED! tat9 r » w 'Mf* r r «a u «g munists. Items having to do with steam HART FORD MMb members bava bean anreUed SPECIALIZING vanced Bueh a view in Rome, and menU of those Catholics In this! munist in the last national elao- larly In textile and other Unea." Trade Aasoctetlona, Fred Raus- V r ««■ «§ Such puMleatlefia, which are for- I power plants and electric tranb- for the new club year with 11 of rraneh Communlat Uadara have u o u p who prove themselves will- • tlons. I ; Pa}-ne aaid he planned to send ehenbach; Youth, William A. mission lines which would dupli­ the 1$ towns Of Tolland county be­ In Pnterlptlentl Ing to mend their ways. ! a written report to Sawyer after Schaeffer; Crippled Children, E r­ cate facilities of privataly owned ing reprenented. Under the new 'J Z -r”, TT>e Informant indicated that by I he makes a complete survey of nest Peterson: Traffic Safety, Expelled From Labor Party utlUtlea already In exlatence. 'Hm rules members must renew eneb Herbert PaganI, Schools. Samuel ' the situation. yanr in order to koap their mem­ 1/2 O FF . . . fOR BK? Senate Appropriations commlttea GamMs; Rural - Urban. Harry Secretary Sawyer mentioned t also directed that the interior de­ bership active. Membership cards Liabman; Unitad Nations, John H. London, July 27 — (P)— Leater ! these five principal auggaationa partment negotiate contracts with are baing sent to tha 4H leaders Teomana;, International Forums j Personal Niilice* | Hutchlnaon, a member of Parlia­ i for Federal action he planned to in the vartoua towns for dletrlbu- privately owned utiliUas In accord­ Dr. Harold Stone. William Horo- I study: tton to membare who have not nl- ment, waa expelled from the Labor ance with an already exlatlng con­ wlta Is the new president of the raady renewed and for new mem- Card of Thanks party today. He offended patty I 1. Decentralixatlon of the gov- tract .between the Southwsstara Rockville Rotary for the coming Jufit Arrived, Reg- 1-19, Sixe 6-8 Above: modem design P»l- I woulc like to thank all of my emment'a buying methods ao Power administration and the Tex­ b tn . dxo wood with rich walnut. leadership by his attacks on the year. friend! and nelfhbor! who mere ao to channel relief where it la moat as Power and Light company, and The memberahip to data by Left: 18th Century design kind to me durlnf m> recent lllne!!, British foreign polic>’, and by as­ Men's CM> needed. thereby eliminate duplication of towns Is aa follows: Coventry, 61i Seersneker Boxer Short*...... in striped African mahog­ ♦ipedally all thete who donated sailing the Atlantic pact while on Andover, IS; Bolton, 3$; ElUngton, The Men’s Club of St. Bernard’s blood. , 2. A change in the Federal ap­ certain generating and transmis­ church will meet thU evening at any. Helm«r A. Johnaoa a tour in the United States. IS: Hebron. 21; Mnnsflald, 43; proach to the depreciation sion facillUss." iteste Thais.! "looo RIgM* eight a'elock in the church hell. Reg. 3.98, 4.98 Sun Dre*«e», charges. "There ia a deterrent to Bomere, 33; BUfford, 49; TolUnd, Has "■sahaSmaAavS" . $0; Wimngton. 28; Vernon. 78. Vacation Plana MANCHESTEP \ the purchasing of new equipment Dickerson p ^ t o d out that, un- f* a y » OF Mi Girls damp te Open Rev. H. B. Olmatead of S t becauae of present rules on de­ dar these provialona, the privataty w m Pinafores, Cotton Dresses, 7-14 The Girt# camp at Camp Wood- John's Episcopal church will TLere’i e I dedthm. No preciation." ownad utiUtiaa in affect agree to stock, the T camp for Tolland divide his vacation taking the firat mMMf how tiaiple e p*» t h e n e w Block to Buying make It unneceasary for tha Fed­ ■cripdoa may seam, it is aa Reg. 5.98 (1 0 to 14) Summer 3. Repeal of wartime exciaa eral government to make expendi­ RED ROAD tures amounting to tans of mil­ importaat eiep la attalaJag taxes, which, he said, still serve eiiwim MAIK ST OPPOSITE HIGH s SCHOOL PROVEN MERCURY as a block to buying. lions of Fedaral tax dollars from or retaiaiag health. Form SUB-TEEN DRESSES...... tha Federal treasury to which Con­ RICHMAN As kabh of briagiog nwy 4. A bigger public works pro­ necticut taxpoyora, contribute. gram. He Indicated this already Hie Interior department appro- pretcripdoa to tkU pkar- Reg. 1.98 DENIM SHORTS, o 0 1 1 O IN waa going weU on a local and ENTERTAINS July-End priaUons MU. aa passed by tha nmer where you ate ateared atate. as weU as Federal level. Senate muat now go to conference 1 1 ^ MANCHESTER 9. A change In ECA buying AT THE rpteUlistd service, pare PEDAL PUSHERS, 7 to 14 . . . for agreement between the House potent drags, and fair priceai Only $73.50 monthly. Your present car may equal or policy to give New Ekigland small and Senate version of the MU. PIANO business a blggar ahara of export e x c ^ the required down payment. NIGHTLY Would You Rather Drive A Reg. 1.98, Girl*’ Skirt*, Peasant orders. Takya AwaMa Treyleal Storm NORTH END IMMEDIATE DELD'ERY Sawyer told newsmen that he NEW 1949 PONTIAC? •MnoNWi$$ planned to leave Monday for vla- Tokyo. July 27— U t)— A tropical PHARMACY Bloofies, 3-6x, 7 to 1 4 ...... ita to unemployment areas in the disturbance with winds up to 39 nudweeu knots today waa expected to hit REASONABLY EARLY DELIVERIES 1 Depet Square Tet e549 near here tomorrow afternoon. FRtaC DEUVEET Reg. 4.98, 5.98 COTTON Clearance! MSI Earlier the disturbance bed been WITH OR WI THOUT TRADES Opan Sundays AD Day deecribed ee a typhoon hut Ita CHUBBY DRESSES 7V2 to 14Va TWJir. Pact Ratified ! force waa dying down. ™ V E Y « .rELCPHONC SI3S MANCNCflTCR. FOR BALCH PONTIAC, Inc Summer Apparel Drastically Reduced After Fights OPEN EVENINGS Reg. to 3.98. . Siie 1 to 16 , I 1 N I f : : ■ r^| : ■ A FINE LUNCH 155 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER 6 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Coatlaned from Page One TERRY R O B E S ...... EASTWOOD OR TfiE CBa Alwajrfi Do Better At BnMTn Fom arlr ^ government waa ready to accept a mandate from the Leglalature un­ TLLrKHiaCOLdBSHOWt A DEuaous";. Reg. 2.98 Boy*’ to Sixe 12, Girl*’ 1 der which it would aolemnly de­ ——*CelSMMy Jeae* SWIMSUITS ...... 15.00-16.98 clare at the moment of ratification lU B f ■ftywftrd aaS Raaa' FMtor DINNER CREPE PAJAMAS, 6 to 16 . .., that the pact would not work I T. DeCsri* aCR.: "LCST FOB OOU>" SWLM SU IT S...... 12.98 wlthoijt arms and an efficient Eu­ ropean defense setup. Reg. 2.25 Windsor Crepe Appeased by this, the aeaembly voted down Capitent'e amendment H.4LTERS ...... 1-98 348 to 66. CmLS’ GOWNS, 8-16 ...... called Aet of Servitude B L U E DENIM SLACKS ...... 4.98 One of the last apeakera waa Reg. to 4.98 Girl*’ Virgin Wool Jacquas Ducloa, Assembly spokes- iDANCE I man for the Oommuniata. Ha Cardigan Sweater*, 7 to 14 . . . MATERNITY SHORTS...... 3.98 ' called the treaty an act e i servi- : tude and aggresaion which violates NEW HEBRON SCHOOL the United Nations charter and la COTTON BRITNCH C O A T S ...... 3.98 I aimed against the U. S. S. R. Reg. 2.98 Slightly soiled, 3 to 6x Ducloe said the aUiance was a BARNSTORMERS ORCHESTRA NON-RUN NYLON SUPS . . Special Purchase : product of Capitalism wMeh la Cardigan Sweater*, all wool . . ■ I preparing a war to aave American BENEFIT TIGERS BASEBALL CLUB fM i economy. "A pact of war, a pact of reae- DAY-O-WEEK PANTIES ...... 89c I tlon. such is the Atlantic pact," ADMISSION «0c I Duclos declared. Savings from 25% to • CmLS’ AND SUB-TEEN • SHANTUNG DRESSES...... 8.98 We Are Pleased To Announce IMoves to Bar COTTON DRESSES ...... 10.98 Thai We Now Have The INTERMEDIATE COATS Enforcing Ban STREET DRESSES...... 17.98 REDUCED to Cost and Below (Centtaued (rem Page One) k ] J I I I MISSES’ DRESSES...... 16.98 VAN HEUSEN contravened national law and or­ SIxea der. S iz M 7 to 14 SUNBACK BOLERO...... Special Purcha»e Lin» Of Shirts and It charged the Holy See's order S to 6x constituted a facslmlla of the 10 to 14 j 7 to 14 Pajamas For Men North Atlantic pact and "other Reg. to EVENING GOWNS ...... 29.98 I acta of political aggression." Reg. to 22.98 The statemant said Communists GIANT eOKlUA IKOMES EVERY 19.98 and "other democratic partlas” EVENING GOWNS ...... 25.00 I form tha backbone of the new Po- MGHT-OUI mi ... Ei- ' land and that diacrimlnatton into frfliaiMi fury VAN HEUSEN WHITE AND . against Communist members is an EVENING GOWNS ...... 35.00 , "attack against the peoplea’ a U U ." . . . wrscfcs dvb, Ibmm SUMMER DRESS I In the face of this "act of ag- SAVINGS FOR INFANTS w V, FANCY SHIRTS , gresslon," tha government con- coffld Hem orMifid likt I eluded. It expects "the whole of |g a new vlfra the enlightened clergy to adopt a kitttm — dtflti HM- IN OUR STOCK Reg. to 1.69 “ Durene Knit” O Q / u fafiMondbla KroeMar craoffon.. . patriotic attitude." CHILDREN’’S $2 .95 - $3.65 - $3.95 cbiii# mill rfliww BASQUE SIHRTS, 1 to 4 ...... v Heading Probe khk from bleibii SEERSUCKER GOWNS, P. J.’a, 2*14 . . .2.98 buildisfl Reg. $5.98 to $19.98 Reg. to 1.98 INFANTS’ Brings Attack ki Ana dW aUo Tapotlrim VAN HEUSEN PAJAMAS 6 SUMMER BONNETS ...... POLO SHIRTS, 1*4...... 1.98 ■0.0 0 ^ OenMaaad fram Page One $0-88 Reg. 1.69, Sixes 1 to 6 tm iMck pie Melralr Friuxe S IS 9 5 0 SHORTS ...... 1.79 ; ceiled the attack on hla GOP col­ $3 .9 5 - $ 4 .5 0 md M* f ion C C ■- i.ipcf • • • league extremely regretuMe but SEERSUCKER OVERALLS . SUN SUITS 2 -6 x ...... 2.98 be aaid McCarthy’s chargee Uncurieut targe pattern moder wouldn’t hurt Baldwin "in the ■eedds $17990 PAJAMAS FOR TALL MEN $4.50 aUghtast." SSM$ ’ Reg. 59c, 26x34 RECEIVING SUN SUITS 3 *6 x ...... 1.98 Banator Langer (R., N. D.) aid­ MIGHTY \ / F CSRfVF$! kffl ^ OiVLY AT KEITH’S in Manchetimr ed with McOaiihy, contending that BLANKETS, 3 for for n aenntor to conduct an Uves- i M t t B l DENIM -LONGIES 2-6x ...... 1.59*1.79 11 tlgatien in wldch hia law partner JOEYOUNG' iWMiflh ani VAX HEUSEN la involved makes the pubUc "aus- Ike SmashiRg Sole Yte Reed Rbeet ■ 1 Cellophane Wrapped , QUILTED PADS picioua." Every summer dress in our GAB SHORTS, FLY F R O N T ...... 2.50 MeCartby also tangled with Neckband Shirts - $3.65 IIHR) MOORI . BIN lOHNSON I X Reg 79e ...... 17 x 24 ki LIFE aiMl Ike SAfURDRY EVENING fO n i > Senator Kefauver (D., Tenn.), entire stock has been slashed Rfig. 49e ...... 15 17 Whit# Only Ik V ’ .'■•V • • M Ml M 10 MOST n m e . . . many as much as 60%. SEERSUCKER SH IRTS...... 1.98 anothar mamber of the lavastlgat- 3 for 1.00 2 for 1.00 Only the close cooperation of dealers all over Am ing eommlttee. 'The Wleconeln V imttisrai You've still Wo hot‘months ' seutor said a former taw FaTtaar 'ahead to enjoy these cool country with die famous Kroehler Ml^. Co. could' SHORTS...... 2.98 of Kefauver was involved la the charmers. Grab ’em up at eXf- Dog. Pkg. BraDSEYE DIAPERS . . . 2.44 ever have made this tale possible! Now that M c C a rty identlflad thia citing savings! Oloaed Weda. nt. Noon SWIM T R U N K S ...... 1.98 f o 6tw»ar Fo r All tho fam ily ______aa Ralph______Shumaeker, ‘a mem'nbqs Open Than, to 8 P. M. here, you have to tet the glorious styles and colort ' of the^nterrof etlon teem at tM — Reg. 4.50—MODERN AGE Other dnya 1 time of the" alleged bru^alltlee and 4 BIG DAYS CSoMfi at SiSO later aaslstaflt Judge advocau Ui STAR-HNC and fabrics to appreciate die magnificeiK valuetl . tye trials.’* Borofoot Sondolt Kefauver replied that I t yliara ' ALL SAL18 FINAL CEHOliSEsSON ago Shumaeker was employad for • TODAY Red or Browii rnmmmmmmmmmggigmemmm | ^SSSSBBSSBSSSSSSlr yW s by a Uw ftm in which Ka- OF MANCHESTER ilVE aiw ORcisN s t a m p s fauver waa a member. He said he • PLUii ‘TH* WHkJOHN HAlX.R ’ 8H to 12 ' B, C, D Width never waa gchumaeltr'e law part­ I ' \ ner. X-RAY FITTED


haa broader popular Reports New Peak th*n any govammeBt In Egypi» « v n o — i«w modem hlatory. **.*im. MANCHESTER EVEITINO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY « , 1*4® All threa major poUtlcal parU^ :S ? r S : Today*$ Radio fv n n r — isBfl For Employment —Saadlat, Wafdlat and U b « l - M i f O U B buffet Conatltutlonal —a cca p ^ Kaanay and Mrs. Bmaat Oo« wars angaganant wUrUBV— n a v IMfl $00 tawnapaopla rtioarad ag. but W «A Y — tie Datrolt. July 27-

-Wlth more i the nation’! firat coalition oltiaa paid to tha D. S. Tiaaanry Jean Whitehouse the hoetaaaaa. at^n*. WUNB — u i t Oayflght time for flagrant vlolatlona, ba aald. no ona laada a motion to ayry w Tha guest ef henor eras seated Mlag Whliabeusa arlll baeoma tha than 400.000 amployaa on Ito pay-, feu, two Doctori Join tba eaa of tba maatlng. Tbamod- at a four foot high arlshlng-wall, bride of flaymour Pratt next flat* arator than adjourned tta Maalon. Guest at Shower gW M FA rolls, Oanaral Motofa today re-1 y ,, cabinet. Two Na- •24-826 MAIN STREET TEL. 5161, MANCHESTER Ha Aetlan Takan at Maattag d«:oratad in pink and green and nrday, at tba fleutb MathodUt 4t Tha propoaal arhleh lad t o . tha churcb. ,Tp -I. portad a naw paacatlma employ- \ tionallsU, and five Independenu lUddletown Staff eompleta even to tha sloped roof. . . Add W tm c—Newa: Beat the Clock 8:00—Nawa; Requaat Matlnae. comprise the remainder of the Haw Milford. July 3T-<^ A meaUng waa that «> A surprise mlscallanaoua ahowar Tha well was made from a full R e fre s h . w n c —Backataga Wife. •toraa ba permitted within two .,e%.s; ilports; Weather, " ’ piatident C. E. Wilson aald the coahUon admlnlrtratlon. a special town maatlng wWCh w waa given In honor ef Mias Joan ■iaad barrel and tha glfU ware Po^ldn from floarars eartas In WTHT—Kay Kyaar. King Farouk accepted the raalg- Middtotown, July IT— TH* miles of an axlatlng atora. and bad color from white through aD tha i 6;UO 840 dub. average employment for the aMond called to consldar limiting the Whitehouaa, of Keeney street, last piled Inside. itta—’ 7:00-CryaUl Ballroom. natlon of tha Saadlat cabinet of OaMMUmt l u u boiVttal ^o i»y number of Uquor ouUeta In New EtlriiN) controversy, colors ef the spectrum to almost quarter of this year I# 403,743, gponsoro of tha paUOon wWeb re­ night, at tha Kaanay cottage at Rafraahmants ware plnwhaal Zest To The Hour WTIC—Stella Dallaa. T:50—Rural Hour. comparad with 875.079 for tha Premier Ibrahim Abdel m m u w MI tlM aypotataiant to Ita Milford adjourned without taking Andover Liska. Mrs. Clinton sandwiches, coffee, and a special WIOfB—Nawa; Saoraboard Va- 0:00—Data for Danelng. on Monday, H# than aMtad Ex- any acUon whataoevar. Tha rwet- sulted in the maeUng d e e ll^ to gacond quarter of 1048. OM’a hlgh- MteC Dr. Itoiy N. HoH Naw say why no action waa aought. rlaUaa. g:50-Anythi^ e- aat pre-war employment for any Promlar Huaaaln Slrry Paato to FINAL ••vaa and Dr. ianuai T. D. Ing lasted three mlnuUs. About WTHT--Jni Oa the Air 8 P. Of. to form a naw govammant, Inatrort- WDRC—Naw England Note provloua quarter waa In 4m m of Oaa maclaco. 11 P. 3L ond quartoY when Ing him to include both IV Ball, tba apBouneeioant aaM. book. Same Aa WTHT. . « amployaa ware on the payroll, part and Wafdtate. the major oppoalUon FRICE.CUTS OF 2 0 % -4 0 % baa baan appotatad m aaaUtant W’THT—Bandatand; Nawa. w n c —FM Oa the Air 5:35 A. M. of them engaged In defenee pro­ party since 1044. w n c —Laranso Jonta. to 1 A. M. pM aiaa on Jm bOapfUTa prr- duction. .... IN WARDS GREAT ■ u aat ataS. WOCXl—News; 1290 Club. Same Aa W nC. Averaga employment for the Dr. Andaraon wUl aarr# a year'a WHAT—Cheater, the Curioua first aU months of thia year, Wil- CLEARANCE EVENT taaldancy In paycblatry. Camel. aon aald, waa 400,002, compared Itchy Pimples *eductkm WNHO—TV 4s4»— with 351,005 for the same period w n c —Toung Wldder Brown. P. M. in 1048. Kill Romance “ SANITONE” WHAT—Tiny Tot Tunaa. 5:05—Teletunea. Plraifes Rent 6:56—Program Resume. Many ihattered romances may be traced directly to acratchlng of ** WDRC—Winner Taka AU. 5 :00—8mall Fry d ob. APPAREL SAVINGS SHOES CUT-PRICED Control Law 5:10—To Be Announced. Coalition Group ■kin blemUhea. Why tolarata Itch­ WHAT—Story Quean. 7:05-Judy SpMntore. ing of pimples, ecsema. angry red DRY CLEANING WKNB—Nawa; Tleguaat MaU- 7:15—Mary Kay and Johnny. ! blotche* and other IrriUtlona when 5.98 WOMEN’S SMART DRESS SHOES N a w ^ k . J , July 7l— acama ef- w n c —When a Girt Marrtea. ,_Kina Farouk awore in ■ 9:80—Sporta FUm. eoallUOT cabinet laat night which I tired cracked feet. 2.98 WOMEN’S SUMMER PLAY SHOES facttra AprO 1, Houainy BxpediUr WCCC—Junior Dlac Joekaya. 0:85—Boxing. Tlgba C. Wooda aaid laat night, REG. 1.98 T-SHIRTS AND CARDIGAN a . q Clearing the shelves of all aummar style#...... fta axarafa booat waa 16.40 per WDRC—The Old Record Shop. SWEATERS or 18 par cant, ha told a f r a n k r a in b o w ^ WHAT—Meet the Band. Both light and dark eolora...... maatlng aponaorad by tha New WCCC—Melodic Moods, Jamay Tananta’ Coun^. w n c —PorUa Pacae Ufa. BELIEVE IT OR NOT! 8.98 MEN’S SANDAIJ8 Ha aald tha act “ virtually aa* We BnaHy decided on “SANITONE’’ DRY CLEANING becaoM we found l il t 4.00 RAYON AND COTTON DRESSES 0 7 9 Cool! Reduced now; at the height of the saasau .. auraa landlorda a profit," while at WCCC—Newa; Big Brothar tha aann ttma protactlng tananta it’s the beat on the market. Odorleae, gets all the dirt, grease and oil, and A good aaaortment bargain priced ...... BIU. SUMMER SPECIAL ON AMESITE DRIVES againat unraaaonable ranta or Ilia* WTHT—Adventurea with John­ gal avlctlona. without any danger to the most delicate fabric. Call 2-0030 or bring in your ny Uijack. WERE 2.59 MEN’S SPORT SHIRTS I 98 Many avlctlona hava baan pre- cleaning and save 10% on Cash & Carry. BULLDOZING AND CONCRETE WORK 6.75 MEVS GABARDINE OXFORDS vantad, and In 32,000 caaaa land­ WONS — Champloii — Wonder Solid color long ...... Discontinued atylea! Buy a pair today and aava ...« lorda have baan made to raatora Horae. AMESITE dlaeontlnuad aervlcea or cut rents, w n c —Juat Plain BIU. FORMERLY 5.50 MEN’S SL.ACKS > 4 7 7 -W ood aald. Eng ut rigM new—wa'II damonstrata oU lha big ' “SANITONE” DRY CLEANING is heUer »•«»-WDRC—Curt Maaaey and Mar­ No Money Down SUimnier weight Sizes 29 to 4 2 ...... Ha daclarad that since April 1 bonus fauturas you gat in a Nodi Alrflyta. 3.49 GIRL’S SMOOTH FABRIC SKIPS aattlananU In overcharge caaes tha Tilton. ASPHALT You owe it to yourself to knew lha diffaranca As Little Tour vaaatlon play ahoe! Hurry, aeleetiona Umltad amounting to $1,500,000 hava been WHAT—SporU. REG. 1.98 BOYS’ SPORT SHIRTS 6 9 obtained. The figure Includes pen- ef Amerko's only cor with wheei-endesed streem- WONS—Curley Bradley, I llning . . . wider, lengar, roomier Intarion. . . w n c —Pront Page Farrell As $5 Per Month TARVIA Cowboy patterns. Bizas 10 to 1 8 ...... Twin Bads... Waolhar Cya CondWonad Air... l:BS~ Adaertiaamant— Power Rolled snd 2.98 CHILD’S BAREFOOT SANDALS UnItUad Body-ond-Froma. . . 4-whaal eoil spring WCOC-SporU. or 90 Days Gtoh 98c BOYS’ KNIT SHIRTS T Q c . Man bitaa dog at Red'a Hide­ Bvealag .Machine Spread Closeout, airy sandals In several styles...... away.. .Yaatanlay afternoon at ride . . . ooa-plaea, curved windshield on oil striped, short sleeves. Sizes 10 to 16 ...... • Rad'a idda-away. which la located moddia WDRC—News, at S3 McKee atraat. next to the Just noma lha AMlyta series you wont demon- WCCC-HIU at Six. We Have The Proper Equipmenl and Know Hop R E G . 1.39 BOYS’ SHORT SLEEVE 117 Dougherty lot, a man bit a dog. strotad—lha naw Nosh “600’' or naw Nosh WONS—Nea-e. DON’T DELAY • CALL TODAY iTaa, air, a man bit a dog and said •omm UNom autmoirt or na coca.c o u coarAMr n WTHT—Ball Scoree; Muelc at SPORT SHIRT ■ 'that he never tasted anything Ambassador. £L£M£/tS^ LAUHDEREKi MANCHESTER COCA-COLA BOTTLINQ COMPANY OP CONN., EAVT HAKflFOKO Six. 'more dalecUble. Of course, wa‘re For on Ajr#yf« Trial, Jvtt Dial— HARRISON STREET WHAT—Nea-e. REG. 1.98 ROLL-O.NS | 3 7 HOMEMAKERS! LOOK refarrtng to Red’s own delicious PHONE 2-0030 e 1M». 1W C w C * CemwT w n c —Newa. ' THOMAS D. < hot dogs on a toasted roll with Telephone 407* WKNB—Newt; SporU. Weath­ Panty or girdle t3T>e. Small and medium only .... • ur oim favorite dreaalng. It PLACE YOUR FREE a baan rumored, too, that ol er. REG. 69c GOW’N MATERIAI. K d:lA— 2-9219 ESTIMATES REG. 1.00 ROLL-ONS 7 7 ^ Popaya’s pal, J. Wellington Wimpy, WDRC-Jack Smith, SporU Permanent fliniah...... Td. 4 9 ’ has been seen there gouging hlm- ORDER NOW Panty or girdle type. Small and medium only .... * " aalf on hamburgers. Drop In and Special. BOLAND MOTORS, Inc. WONS—SporU. aaa Rad; thara’ a always sitting WHAT—Supper Serenade room there and who knows, you 869 CENTER ST.’ Menchester, Conn. 59c PRINTED DIMITY' may gat a chance to meet the fa­ w n c —Strictly SporU; Weath­ mous Mr. Wimpy theta. Rad s er. FURNITURE SAVINGS Several designs...... Td. Hlda-nway featurea the best In S:S5— good things to aat and there’s plan- WTHT—SporUpage. W o< parking spa^ too. WDRO—Record Album. REG. 64.95 5-PC. BLUE DINETTE SET g:iO— 39c PRINTED PERCALE WONS—Hia Answer Man. 4 l«$ leg chrome Duran plaalic chairs ...... " WKNB—S40 aub. WTHT—S a r a a a Gammell; S24-828 MAIN ST. TEL. 5161, MANCHESTER 139.95 S-PC. W ALNIT" BEDROOM Weather. SUITE REG. 98c COVERED SAUCE PANS WCCC—Newa; Concert Hour, 119“ 67- PARIS CURTAIN SHOP w n c —WrightvnUa FoUu. Bad. dresser and cheat ...... Red and white enamelware...... •:4$— WDRC—Naaa. 194.95 3-PC. LIMED OAK BEDROO.M WHAT—Alrlane Melodies. PRE'FOURTH WONS—Bvanlng Star. SUITE 164“ REG. 21.95 SOLID OAK COFFEE T.VBLE I O 5 0 Shop In Comfort WTHT—HaU of Fame, Bed. vanity and cheat ...... l-arge square deiign w n c —Tbree Star Extra. Regal Maa’a Bbop la eomplataly air-condlUoaed on both aae tone on tone ...... l; 169.00 GENERATOR PLANT t:45— WAEP* WVIltSjDES Ragulor Voluas To $2,98 — TWt W ««k Only WHAT—Newe; Sporta. REG. 32.95 CRIB S50 watt. Have electiicity al the cottage . O’ 9:55— FuU size, blonde flniah ...... WONS—Nawa. Truly a first quolity tiral Not e AIRCOOLS 9 :99— * $ -1 .7 7 ' WDRC—Lawisohn SUdium Con­ only is tha Rivariida mode of REG. 29.95 PARKERETTE L.\M N •SANFORIZED WASH SLACKS e BROADCLOTHS cert. first quolity motarlols, il'i first SWEEPER WHAT—Moonlight Matinee. APPLIANCES REDUCED • FANCIES WONS—Hartford Chiefs Base­ quality in traad depth ond ■ The perfect latvn cleaner ...... • r iv e r c o o l SL\CKS ball Gama. width and crou-»action ond Vat Dyed and Sanforized. Colon: Tan, Blue, WTHT—Helnle and hla Orch. tizal Compare it only with REG. 67.95 UPRIGHT CLEANER w n c —Hanry Morgan Show. REG. 1.29 AMBER FOG LIGHT Green, M ain, White, Gray. ■ 9 :IS— firit-lina, origiool-aquipmant. Floor sample, guaranteed perfect order 5 2 ” WTHT—Lawranca Walk Shew, Sealed unit ...... VALUES TO quality tirail FAMOUS CHATEAU w n c —Mr. District Attorney. 224.95 F.M.-A.M, RADIO PHONO 10:09— Period mahogany cabinet. See it! ...... 179“ $ 4 .9 8 WTHT—’nme for Muelc. BIG SHORT SLEEVE RAYON REG. 4.19 FOG LIGHTS w n c —Big Story. lOiSb— ORIG. 89.95 KEROSENE RANGE PREMIUM QUALITYI Chrome finish ...... SIZES 29-42 WONS—Newa. 3 top buvneix. oven ...... 5 7 ” SPORT SHIRTS $2.47 WDRC—Capitol doakroom. REGm,ARI,Y I 3.!H) WTHT—String Knaemble. r iv e r s id e d e l u x e 5.95 CATCHERS I.felJ GUARDS SHEETS w n c —Curtain ’Hme. 151.95 ELECTRICTRONER Only two pair ...... 10:45— Demonstrator, quaianteed perfect ...... 131” REGULARLY 2.89 , WONS—Concert Notebook. (not pictured) Oaluxo ii batter WHAT—’nme. Place, Show, then firiMina, originol-aquip- 264.95 9.5 CU. FT. DELUXE Strong 128 Hircodt — Sixes 81 x 99 - U :0 S - ment quality tirail Why? It’i REG. 2.59 CAMP JUG Newa on all at|iUons. TRAIL- 2 2 4 ” R I V E R - d ELL'XE* REFRIGERATORS ...... pcamlum quolity throughout! SIZB Ideal for picnics ...... 100> WOOL BEDFORD CORDS .9.97 11:15— BLAZER SIDE* - ! 1 72 x 99 — 63 x 99 — N«w Low Price <• Solid ahedea, with peobata. WDRC—World Tonight. Yet you pay no more lor pre­ Colorat Bhm, Malxa, White. W’THT—Joe Haael. 4.7$,8.00-1$ ...... $ t . 0 5 $ 1 0 . 9 8 • ■ a a a a REG. 424.50 10 CJC. FT. DELUXE YtHAT-Moonlight Matinee. mium quality at Wordi—you CANNON BLUE. GREEN • GRAY • B R O W N ...... REG. $12.95 Navy, Browa. Small, Medlom 5 * mS aaaaooaa 1 0 . 4 8 1 1 . 0 8 ...... ••••aaaaaaa TAN WONS—Bop Show, MODEL DEEP FREEZE 3 9 9 ” 6.29 PORTABLE ICE BOX 45 and Sa aad Larga Stiaa. pay /eis—much iaM^during S . 7 5 1 0 A 8 $ 1 1 . 8 8 ■ Pjnxow CASES - 2 ^ImOO ' w n c —Newa. g a O ^ I S ae*aaaaaaaa' Small size ...... i*...... • a a a a a • • s 11:15— this lolal ...... 1 8 . 8 0 I 4 . S 8 229.95 DEEP FREEZE 5 CU. FT. WON',‘t—Dance Oiclietlra I S .0 .S I 4 . 8 . S 6.tS8.S0-lt ...... l l . D . l Kitchen alze ...... 199” THIS WEEK ONLY AT WTH’r—Weather Roundup; 1 B . 7 S 1 1 7 . 4 5 Dance Orchcatra. 1 a ® 0 * W ...... l \ ...... WTIC—Dance Orchestra. 189.95 F.M.-A.M. RADIO PHONO FREE ALTERATIONS rn m u m w MogulaMeN L«rgt alze Tvro apaad chah|«r. aiqhogany cablnat 169“ WFHAi'--10S>3 MO. •laAaapa Meat IWaial Tea lafra w m oO -m 06.1 ilC 15S.1 MO. ASK ABOUT \^’ARDS CONVENIENT MONTHLY' PAYMENT PLAN TWQ TAILORS w n c —FM dSJ MCt OSS M C T I t K MOUNTED FRK . . . $1.50 WEEKLY BUYS FOUR ON TERMS MEN'S SHOPS _ WDRC—FM Oa (be Air 1 F. M. to 907 MAIN S H tB E t WELDON BLDG. 11;SS P. N. I NO WAITING “ FORMAL WEAR FOR HIRE’* Same AS WDRC. ' ■ f p - j - ;2747 r A O t MANCHESTER E V E ^ G HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY. JULY 27. 194g •'.'•■mV'I'M"? U A N C H B an a EVBN IK O h e r a l d . itliilCHEgTEIt. c o n n . WEDNESDAY. JULY 27. W » of Ambaassder LswU Douglas, Tbs qparatlon was to rsmova a and maasures far In axoaaa of tbs who underwent an eye operation cataia^ whiob fonaad after be tral oommUMoti to permit a Hquor Oppose Expansion enagged tbs eye with a hook while the Oommon Pleas eourt la Hart­ fadtral rtqairemenU sre being London, July 87— (gH-Yba U. S. Monday, Is aatlafastory. ‘TIm am­ Jr;„ deputy aacreUry of the atate. ure, contending It was tojurtoua to permittee to move the location Of FENDER A N D Boys at Y Camp D eposits G row fishing AprU 4. their area and that tha MHmpoU- ford' county. taken. Announcement of tha embassy aald today tbs condlUon bassador is St Middlesex hoapltal. IQdward / . Loi^ie, hto legal a M : Allowing any town to p ^ for. ^ outUt by 780 feet regardlesa of choice of the execuUve vice presi­ tan commlsaioB did not need tha INSURE %HceFoU ' Of Naval Bases Douglas J. Bennet. hU oxpcuUve for and tasna bonda for local sonlng town B O D Y W ORK Have Busy Week dent and cashier of the tnsUtu- Conspiracy Statute aecretary, and John M. BaUey, water, anyway. ■ewer systems. Bllmlnatlng aU paymenU by For New Bank tion may be made within two McKin n e y bro th e r s Manila. July 87—(PH-PhlMpptoa Democratic atata chairman. OttMT Maaaarea BIgart Inc^aslng ths penalty for paUenta ta sUto tubercular boepl- Solimcnc and FlntfL tes. G ang W a r weeks, It waa said. Among ether meaaurea the gov­ With many specUl and tradl- negotiatora today wera reported to Heghaek BtS SIgaad throwing Injurious substanewi into to. MS Main 8L TM. 6060 0X4 Canter Stresi ernor signed yeeterday wera MIU tidal waters of the state. Allowing Individual towns to ttonal activltlea, the boyar camp at S«e $1,000,000 Before Hiirt la Fan from Horae have oppoaed an American pro­ Change Draws Veto Among tha maaaurea ha Mgnrt Waa tha ao-callad Hogback MU making theae PermitUng drinking at the bar withdraw from operating regional laOat of More Hum camp Woodstock,. County Y camp, posal to expand two strategic Giving Hartford pollcen»an c ^ - The Local InsUlution wMch creatad a controversy ss In­ on Sundaya. BCbool dUtiieta. la drawing to the cloee of its 1649 Madison. July 87—iP:—Robert Naval basea. It towards their pensions for WorW UOO'WOd Hoodlum*’ Hudson, about 14, of St. Louis, A member of the Filipino ayoup father, was an ouUpokan opponent tense as that mjrrmmdlng the con­ The majority o f’ tha MIU signed Several bUU IncorporaUng vari­ a t!— The final week began with Opens for Bujines* spiracy measure, although It waa war n servlcs. by the governor were ao-caUed ous town roads throughout the Mo., suffered bead Injurlea In a eald their poaltlon bad bean trans­ Bowles Rejocto Bill Be­ of the MU when he appeared aa a Raising the pay and Arrested In Hertford tha big aquacade and carnival fall from a horse at a riding stable mitted to American negotiators. witness beifora the Legislature confined to Litchfield and Hart­ ■pedal acta affecting only Individ­ state Into the state’s, trunkline cause of Strong Feel­ of Connecticut NaUonal ual persona, corporations or munic­ highway system. GET YOUR REPAIR WORK DONE AT staged by the eampera, which IndlcsUons that the aew First hare. The youngster waa rushed Talks on the Naval bases have Judiciary oommltUa, which gave ford counties. men up to a par with raised Fed­ ,‘ MMtfcrd. July * » • National Bank of Manchsstsr may In a State police ambulance to New been under way for months. It a favorable report. The MU enables the Matropoll- ipalities throughout the stat# and DIrecUng the highway commU- drew large crowd# of. parent# and Scheduled for expansion wars ing -on Question of eral Army pay ecalee. others aetttog up or revising pen­ signer to build a new bridge In •M lag f«tid b*tw«w Hart- friends. Yesterday tha day for Haven hoapltal where his name fitate Senatdr Samuel Malkan tan commission, which supplies open fbr buelnees with well over the Sangley Point Naval Air sU- wetei- to Hertford and several eur- Broadening the bensflte o* sion' eyetems for various groups of New Milford. tort and Watharaflald taaa-t»ara hthee and oookouta, and to the waa on the danger list. The boy Law Enforcement (D.. New Haven), who Introduced state workmen’s compensaUon OLANDER’S MACHINE SHOP $1 ,000,000 In depoalU wars seen had been spending a vacation here Uon at Cavite In Manila bay and rtnindlng towns, to Milld a dam town and ffity amplojras. . Requiring that physicians re­ evaatog came the anaually-ataged 'lamm the MU and who has aupportad proflTOto to extend total dlsaMllty hrnfcin T hr V>^ ^ today by ths bank’s OrgtnlaaOon with his uncls and sunt, M r./n d the Naval Repair and Maintenance auch legbriaUon for several years, on the weft branch of the Farm­ Aiming BUM Vetoed port caaee of epUepey to the Mo­ abertly batora a aAadulad “f ^ t show put on by tba eouamUora be.^- to Subic bay about 60 mllss Hertford. July 87—(P H -^ n - payments from 10 to 18 comnattse. Georgs C. Lsawer. Mrs. H. R. Wilson of 74 Orovs ■ought to aea ths govsmor y e a ^ - ington rlvar at the Hogback In Among MIU he vetoed, to addi­ tor VchicUe department. lattia fiaMT to Ooodwln parl*; and staff for tha campers. This north of Manila. aecUcut's conspiracy law, which raise dependency sllowancas from Requiring appIleanU for motor committse msmber and also atsBH avonus. day afternoon, prior to the veto, Hartland, creating a ra«rvMr tion to the conspiracy act amend­ Hartford paUca aald todw that evening there will be the roast pr^dM for panalUea up to W which would flood a conalderabla 13.80 to $8 a week, and Increase vehicle driving licensee to report s t r i p p e r b o l t s , d o w e l p i n s , e t c , chicken barbeque to which parents ytara In prison for conspiring to but waa unabla to do ao. ment. were measures with Uiata Mora than wO ‘VUd h ^ lu iM bar of the law firm of Leeener and part of the town of Colebrook. Mirial aUowances from $860 to the amount of Insurance they car­ thla dty had to are Invited, and over which Bob commit even a minor offense, ro- The govsmor acted on mveral provlelona: Rottner, counsel for the commit­ 1 Moat Litchfield county represen­ $450. ry. fcartoothalrw Shaw, popular camp chef will mains unamended. score Mila yeaUrday while i n ­ EMbUahlng a criminal term for Allowing the SUte Uqnor Oui- STEEL . . . STEEL . . . STEEL prealde. Then Thuriday afternoon tee. said this morning that "diM Governor Bowlea, as one of his ferring with WlUlam 8. Gordon, tatives strongly opposed the meas­ artUi boya from Watharaflald ahan w n Bar s im e - ttalr cnilaara awoopad down on the camp-i baseball team wUl to the unusual power of Manches­ BUY NOW Isst sets befors depsrtlng’ on a thorn. Iha youtha wara to toma travel to Camp Kaemoaahbee for ter Herald advertising” he could three weakg vacation crulae, last R od stock taral to autonwbUaa and on foot a return match, and in the evening anfiounce depoelt sssursnees M ve night vetoed a controversial bin risen from about $760,000 on Mca- —AT— In tha anauta* chaaa, po“ c« will come the campers' tradltlonsl h a r m a c which would hava lightened the ALL DIFFERENT Sh JvPES AND SIZES turad aaaoral boya and ahorUy af t­ closing banquet i day to shove $060,000 today. penalty. erward arraatad aavaral mora. In Leeener said that this rseponae The bill, popuUrly termed a Open Dady Friday wlU ba tha day for good­ to the bank ! full page sUtement 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. HTuTboya from 14 to M y-rt byes and in the evening there wUl measure to ‘4nake tha punlahmant eld wara roundad up by Hartford In The Herald July 28 waa “re­ M e n ’ s S h o p fit the crime.” provided that tha dS MILL STREET TaL 8-44ia be the cuitomary cloelng camp markable.” He etreeeed that the pelica. SALE PRICES maximum penalty for conspiracy I fire ceremony, under the direction committee hopes that hundreds of ' HaM >a $1,600 Bond# of boys’ camp director. Francli could not be greater than the maxi­ In poUoa court hara thla mori>- more local reaidenta will file- eill- mum penalty for the offenee the RuBscll. matea of their deposiU In the new Inx. Jodca Victor DaNaiao con- Saturday morning after break- accueed (xmapired to commit. The governor eald tn the veto tlnurt tSdr caaaa until Thuiaday. feat parent# will call for their bank. An wara Charfad with b r a ^ of Deposit Goal In Sight maasage ha aent to tha secretary eons end cempera and counsellors "This Is done without obliga­ Only 3 More Day$ to take advantage of our Here’s the prettiest collec­ of tha aUU that to the past same m^-pesce and all were held in will return home. A large group ll.OOO^bonda aach. tion. and to etriit confidence,” Tie tion of drcaaca you’ve ever state's attomsys. whom he did not Watharaflald pollca. wamrt to of local boya have been to attend­ aald. Noting that the Initial open­ Uid eyes on. And beat of all name, "very esverely abused tha ndvaaea of tha Impandlng battla ing day deposit goal Is In sight ARROW -th ey ’re made to take busy opportunity to prosecute for con Schultz A camping period for girls will tn tha park, managed to break up now, Lsssner said that tha com^ wear and tear. Come in to­ apiraey Inetesd of for specific of eaaeral gathering band# of youtha follow the boys’ camp, with Mra mlttee will continue to welcome fenacB.” Myrtle Englert, vice-principal of tbara before they had time to o^ the InUreet of the townepeople, morrow and pick the dreaaes Nevertheless, he said, he was re­ the Nathan Hale School In Man- Stripe SHIRT SALE nnlaa Into one band. They made for "we wish to have aa broad co­ yon want for Sister, for school jecting the Mil because he felt RRE * So arraata, almply ordering the cheater, returning for her third operation In thla bank as Is pos- “very strongly on the question of aeaaon aa directress. Camp offi­ and everyday wear. boya to "break up and go home. i alble.” preserving the highest possible de­ ' / m y . . . Local police aald the number of cials aald today there were atlll i Whila the original capital stock gree of law enforcement to our 'Cfcessy'JACIU boya muaterad for the fight in tome vacandaa to the girls’ camp, of ^00,000 has been over-sub­ $X*95 and state. Hartford waa by far the largeat which will be operated from Tues­ scribed Leeener said that the com­ Will Avoid Abueee la Future an record for auch a purpoae. day. August 2. to Saturday. mittee also will welcome addition­ Regularly $3.65 and $4.50 "I have been aeeured by high Tlioae arraatad ware; Loorard August 20. with application to be al Bubscribers, and will cara for Pretty cotton prints, plaids court offlciala." said the governor, POUSHMG cumi niEE made to the Hartford County "that they will use their good tchallar, to. 2S4 Blue HllU avenue . their orders by dlmlnlehlng the Good Selection— Combined Stocks Of Our Stores and stripes. Many with ruffled wtfN Bvnrr can o r PERFECT FITTING Robert Bradley. 18. T8 Jeffrw n YMCA at lU Gillett street. Hart­ proposed holdings of soma of the skirt, all with pretty, pretty offices to see that the abufiea of ford headquarters. the past which brought about pas- NUINSON’SCARm Btreat; Arthur BoWman. 18. 421 larger itockholdera trimming. SHOCKS Woodland atreet: Albert Bargeroiv "We want to have thla bank aage of thla act will not occur INIXCHAMOf SEAT COVERS It, t$4 Albany avenue; Frank Olrl Survivea BiMge Pluaga owned by a widespread group, Starting neit Monday,' August 1st, these ahirts again.” Meade Alcorn, former state’s at­ TOO* root Doia.l WASHABLE. 0VXA81E. EMT FAIXIC Cappaaot 17. 460 Franklin avanua; Lesaner aald, “rathar than to hava will go back to regular price. FOR ALL FORDS ^ AU IN* woax TSSSaTTykaa. 17. 88 <^rtw New York, July 27— A 20- control centered In a few hanjja." FOR LITTLE torney for Hartford county, on C m ke U n elli e Sr Aeyeee le 3 Oak Tarrace; Charlaa Mauri. 16. year-old girl plunged from the Elxtreme care In the selection office to which he succeeded hts in u a r uxx n ew - n QO SAVn TtlOA aACX. CAITT- M h Hm . c o l o b rAST. WAtKAStX, BUY NOW FOR FALL AND SAVE! K rT tim WHW oTMia _ WATXa BZrmANT. Tm ea I 64 Barbour atradt: Joaaph Can- Brooklyn bridge, landed In the of the operating head of the new CXACT limACEMtint lAom fAll—lAiaia body tone, 16, 88% Morgan atreat, and bank la being taken, it was ssld. Aim wHtnA — •4I W n O N T m BCAB SCAT Blast river about 100 feet below A N D BIGGER EAsrorroose- four JavmOlaa. sad was sUva today—oas of a few FoMoa aald **bad Mood bagan to ar riaalae — Us to survive the leap. HEHT, oan MurnHS CHROME BACK-UP ■th> Oe — boil” boteraan tha two banda from Tbs girl, Grace Caksuras, of GIRLS .KNEE ACTION 7Y GOOD M v a M Watharaflald In a body, Laboratory will be rECnYIAlANCED. but did not poaaaaa aufflclant 14W- CUTTINO VELOCIPEDES! aumbara to carry out plana of Ita tXNOTN — 001 mambara. Police aald the Invaders cloaed from FtEir WITH II m m nwitTER : AND TTK non rronr were met by boya from Wathara- 22 CAL FT. COIOi RPPIOVgp AT oazAT sAvatan fiald and put to rout. Aug. 1 to Aug. 8 tA 8 fL - Ona boy. It waa aald, waa thrown andaBT****’ W N G H ^ R I F U nonmiBa la a pond in Ooodwln park, then TBICTCU- puUad out and "thoroughly baat- DANDY TABOCr XITU THAT A rUASOAC TO HAXDtt— an up” by tha defending band. &iWALNUT ITOCX—SOU ACHIOH— Warned by theae Incldenta and ‘accobate sw im — Maria Antolnetta atarted thla enchanting by a grapevine rumor that the COME IN AND HZ IT> hairstyle and the women of her eoari Hartford m u p would return tn were quick to follow salt, lor it enhanced PRESCRIPTIONS WITH lA u BEAanwa-. force on thalr next attempt to In­ adjuiaddu— "! T - the appearance of tha older ladlea aad vade Watharaflald, both Hartford CALLED FOR MAND wmannee.. eompUnieated the beauty of the young. and Watharaflald police wara alert It la a atjAe forever timeleaa, forever tof^jpeepared for laat nlght’a out- AND HOlflER SET flattering. TWO UATBXa HOL 13A5 Watherafleld Police Chief Thom- DELIVERED REM — BUT AND 1.00 aa J. Sullivan and other offleera to Air OuedltliiMd 44.50 two crulaera began early to circle AND MANy OTHERS i& the town and eapeclatly Jordan MID-SUMMER PINE lane. All boye eeen, alngly or to groupa, were ordered to go home PHARMACY ou r marvelously soft and not to gather to bands. They GALLON BIKE *TIREMR-Bn.' met with no opposition from the 664 Centar Straet PEDAL PADS IMSIDE SUN VISOR DTENSIONI boya TeL 2-9814 JUG TIRE ootmum ^ TWICE THE raOTBCnON HELENE CURTIS ■xm uqoms raOM SUN OIAIIEI . in Hartford, Capt. Joseph Poirot HOT oiicoio dispatched four cart to the Oood­ CURTAIN SALE roa HODM SPARK PUI6S wln park section. The officers In- ■ t-Uf FIT BARONESS COLD WAVE cludrt Bgt. Joseph Capoblenco, Final Reductions in Quality. Curtains at a CYUMtmtl-NinNLT Detective Howard Koot, and Offi­ T U B iS ununffiED cers John Brettoa, Francis J. Claf- Price You Cannot Afford to Pass Up! MORIARTY roa AU fey, Daniel J. Donovan and Jack CAXB-^ 79c a m Ooldstato. Laadera Crulae Strreta BROTHERS $ 7 .5 0 Maanwhile, leaders of the local BMYBUnU i n u u CMIIH group were cruising the streets, C O A L IS BICYCLE FENDERS SU E! RADIO TUBES Including shampoo, three test particularly Sheldon street, and a s a - 4 0 c A, n a DaASTICAUT around the North End, to a ‘re­ WARMER R C I aSDDCID- curl."* and set. cruiting" drive. At about 9 p. m., This time of year your tange doors open onto ■ wonderful world of sssir 5 5 c ne«B !■*• Clear • w. n . arsY asLow , aome 80 cara "loaded to the r o o f UehMt OeenlBe. uiT raicta— fun, wide and fresh again— wat/hie ^ OHROME ■obt'a Min. el ovia asa mnonm cabmed m ‘ with boya, haaded toward Goodwin for you and your Buick! Crnied Tempera- BTOCK—in Ut TttT YOPA OU> park. At the aame time, many PLATED tare WhUe Yea Tuaif NOW, axnjics thx other youths appeared there on CAMPKEROSENESTOVE Dfira — WOBN OUT TUBU AT OBEAT Great highways where you breeze along—-shtded narrow roada ^ t waaanas-yoaoBMM tAVINOa — loot. FRONT Make an appointment with one of our ^ When they entered the park, the leading you back to the hills, or to a piece of water you want to T0r-4DXAL B O K ONalasfir MaSe Hartford crulaers and officers Parmanant Finish roa CAMM — S o V 9 la aelt Al 33.M TUBES nSTED FREE!’ sta ff including Mlsa Dorothy, Mi.is Florence, Mlaa ■ee again—you'll take them equally in your ttridc if your Buick't ■in VKLim tow MAR 1*^ awaited them. As tha police RUFFLED ORGANDIES Pauline and Misa Emily and Mr. Paul, feature in top-flight shape. closed In, the "aroup” cara and boya stylist by appointment only. afoot acattared In all dlractions. SALE! BRISTOLEOIF CLUBS Tha drat arrests were made by Ruined moms w oods Sergeant Capobianco and Police­ How about lotting u s put it in that §hapo for you? PLAIN and FIGURED MARQUISETTES CO LD man QokUteto, who captured SAVE PIXIE PERMANENT Bcballar, Bradley, Bowman, Ber­ geron and three I6-year-old juve-1 Gel one of our conacientious motor tuna-ups, and one of our Dotted, Multicolored ROBBER nlles. thoroughgoing Lubricare treatmenta. W e ’ll put the bounce back in RUFFLED ^‘MARQUISETTES 4-15715 TraHtparaat apecially . 4 0 priced Sergeant Root and Detective De­ your motor—while we’re taking the bounce out of your ride. $7 laney chased another car to Main Boxaa and Pleasant atreeta, where they RUFFLED OR PLAIN MADRAS CORDOVAN SALE! GOLF BAGS ■acnoN a tacnoN | W e do this well because we’re Buiok men. We know your Buick, cold or machine method arrested Cappaso, Tyeka, Mauri ^L 2-49® ^,*..3.98 and one 14-year-old Juvenile. w e’ve studied oorreci factory melboda for each operation, we 42 Inch Wide ""69c’ Later, Root arretted young Can­ know the factory specificationa your car waa built to. W e use TIRES Tiooa rttHwa 1 la truly yours> tona at hla home after having ob- TAILORED RAYONS w M o e o v E i t u v n wnro — wHh that coma hMhM tatoad tba license number of the genuine Buick parta— even special Buick toolal ear uaed by the boy and owned AT NEW UNED glamour. . . now poaD RED. BLUE, GREEN COTTAGE SETS CAFESEIN 2 - 4 9 blewUhournawBoau- by bUi father. - Y e t you don’t pay a penny more for all these extras. Stop in tbii SET or • . la tba oaptured cars and on the Many of theae have been selling thia week LOW PRICES! ttakxa. . . tha alactrtoal week, won’t you? ;pMM*e p*mem , pollee atld they at 62.97 and 13.98. to TO 10% MOIB u o M O c a ir a R nianJoure aid you'vf. Maud a great quantity of empty MOn AT LESS THAN baltlea. avMenOy Intended as wea- THE C08T o r TKI haard 80 much of laA4?* pana. aavaral baseball bats and one AVniAOX TOUL GOLFBAUS DropkiaoooL aaaelMta. MEMiuM quAurr Dblaeoe af 71c . I Skull la BIkr Fall ' BATON f»8 D f 44C ■> TUI mOMEST BaBi. Tty Thaaal WUUnaatic, July 87—1 .^5 of akull and pqaslbla / PAGE tflNB llANCmSTER SreNINO HEBALD. U A N C H W IB , CONN- WEDNESDAY, JULY f t , 1M» MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, llM9 ■Ight reports of hto resignation as In the MlUtary Qcrvemmef ' In- for trad# noads. Bggplaat to still Dw.Jm kept Ito nenono and rotalnod Ita ohiaf of elvU affalra for the U4L formatton dlvtolon said yesterday ----- to wtar from Um a U rt In light Mppiy. ^ . Borlln, July 87- he hod quit. quint rahtea, in which recreation ward H. UtohflaM, Military government. InformaaU . ilanrliratn: And tt to avgMd acmlBst Um At* Drought Hits Ths g e n ^ raoTOBMnt of anily Untie ttatoa ptoto that tt would wao a ptoaoaat walk foUowod by poUtoM to undar way. Meat af tea and crumpeta. Wo worn al* this acrcagq to toeatad la tha I nratiis irralli maraly oameat axtotlnc divtolona Tomato Crop aouthern part of the atata. Tho of tlM world, tho dlvUloaa which waya doinf to go there, aoiM day, first tote bUght of tho „ a S « S M S ? « a when Amariea’a gadgeted frenay u tM lI ■MMt aomo day bo oitrod. It to reported in that aiw became compleUly unbearable, Yields Down Due to Early poUto ylalda a n n S S T v a M O M M orgvod that a fodoratlon oo ro* light except on Irrlgatod or ini' ■titotad would uoroty bo moro and take a UtUe holiday bath In Dryness; Peek Supply WATKINS BROTHERS usuaUy moist soils. 'Tho toU crop Genuine leather top ' sEEL k ' l* ^ ^ of tho oamo powor poliUco alii- tranquillity. But the dtoeaao hae has been cut by tha drougl|( but flown ahead of ua. By Middle of August *«MWn4 ■rMtac aaoo alroady oatabltohod by the most of tho acTMga to raoororlag quite weU following ttw arrival of **S222e Oona., m | North Atlantto Pact. HarUord, July 27 — (« — Tha (or your new kneehole lull lUtMr. recent rains. About 15 to M par But auch argumenta cannot Train HiU Cyclist state Department of Farma and cent of the crop to Irrlgatod. atjMCKiynoN *a' hide the fact'that, hero again, it Itarktos today toauad tha foUoW' The culUvated and wild blue­ OM Twr br tojjl ...... la tha federal principle which to ing waekly crop report: berry harvest to unuraaUy hMvy. desk 59®* ■u aMatiw br Man ...... At Grade Crossing The crop benefited from aaoep- OM br luii o» n e a t no being advanced, and that, al' SubsUntlally Increased market­ • o e o o o o o tlonatly favorable pollinating Sia«le C#or_^_-. •• though tha method of its advance­ ings ot tomatoes reached whole­ WMkto. by OMTijr ...... WllllmanUc, July 27 — (Pi — sale markets the morning of the weather in the spring and did not Mfea daltwraA One Tanr ...... ment may not be one with which euffer materially from tha el Idea iwoiffn ...... llbOO Joeeph A. Sampson, 24, of Wllll­ 25tb following aavsral days of many believers in world gomm- manUc, waa Injured seriously last good ripenlM weather In produc­ drought. Uoa a Chippendala kneehole de«k in your living ^ m . atudy waiara or ment will agree, the introduction night when hto bicycle collided with ing areas. The crop la abmt two Tree frulU have been atolng or bedroom! Loads of practical workspace and drawers, in­ m AflaoctATBD p e l * s New Haven Rsllroad train at weeks ataesd of normal. The condi­ well, particularly with the arriv­ n o Aaeoeleted Pmee la nacloilvely of this resoluUon i* one more step al of substantial rainfall during cluding a double-depth file drawer. The three top panela natlUed to the nee of reynbneatloo «< la the general direction the world the Milk street grsde crossing here. tion of the crop 1s good although S i £!?e atapatabao credited to It or Patrolman Ralph Burchnall said yields are down a little due to the the past week. Red raspberries of leather have gold tooling; braiw bale handles; mahogany not otharwlaa credited In thie papnr must eventually take. that witnesses reported that the drought. The peak supply period are nearly through for the season. end alee the leael newn pubiitM bn^ The support this resolution The first Mikado poaebaa have plywoc^. Formerly $79.00. ^ an rtabte el repobllo^on of npnclel rear wheel of Sampaon's bicycle to expected to start by tha middle I* ANNKS.RSARY aieaetehee heteta ere eleo meerred. draws will be signifleant, in its was struck by the right front of August. Truckers are Incraas- started arriving in a amall way. way, as to the support given to wheel of the locomoUve. The trsUn. ing shipments to northern out-of- Full aarrtea client of Ni B. a. No. ISd bound from Hartford to state markets. to. lae. the previous World Federalist Boston, was delayad for a short Recent Rains Beiaedclal Pnbllahaen *earewnUtl»«»: ThI resoluUon. time by the accident Fairly heavy movamant of good JOilon ■ethawn apeetol Arnngr - Nt* Sampson waa tsdeen to tha WIUI* quality sweet corn to under way. Xotk. CManae, Detroit uid Boeton. Senator Raymond K Baldwin to one of the sponsors of the At- manUc hospital with a fractured Recent rains have been very bene- M w aan AUDIT ■URBAU o r pelvis and a possible fracture of flclal. Peak volume should reach CntCDLATIOltA lanUe Union resoluUon. aa Repre- the light arm. market centers early In August. sentaUves A. A. Rlblcoff, Chase The ■amid Prlntin* ComP«r. Slicing cucumbsrs are atop in • mums tto ftsAoclsl responsibility (or Going Woodhouse, and John Davis heavy supply with prices s t a low typogmableal errore eppaarlnf »» ed- Lodge were sponsors of the World Farm Directors point. A few pickles are arriving. eerttomante and otbar reeLlor inettar. Snap bean volume la up aub- to The Henebastar Branlnr Harold. Federalist resoluUon. Solid Amer­ stanUally with the crop reepood' Wedneaday, July 27 ican lawmakers, in other words, Oppose Brannan Ing well to recent rains. Lima and i are no longer chary of giving shell beans remain scarce items. The One Lesaon, One Hope their name and support to pro Old MysUc. iMly 27—. rigation. Exclusively Chairs covered to' algnora eg aneh a,reootutloa Indi* North Atlantic Pact aa aa "invl- Potential YtoUto Hurt atari doing aoraething about It NOW. Start saving consiatentiy each week eatoa tha oatont to whleh the tattoa to war.” Ha admits he Oapetaed Junk Boosts Death Toll Peppers are stlU In moderate 9x12 TWIST RUGS world gomnunoBt idea the only Shanghai, July 27—i laclaa of tha North Atlantic have American mlUtary leaderahlp, for I T i set for themselves In the afore- all these are Intent upon riding sold treaty; and America's new power poliUcs tops “Whereas these federal union hosse as hard and fast aa they Brass Floor Lamps prlnctplaa have suooaeded Im- can make It go. pcdsatvely In advancing auch alma Cherry Drop-leaf 8-lite Junior (left), 8-llte la the United States, Canada, Louied-Leased Values'.’ bridge, or hang-down bridge. [Tables 24-^* Bwltaerland, and wherever other Polished brags; tole-red or "I once used to suppose,’’ writes ftoa paoplea have appUed them; dining table green _paper parchment Four correlated Ubles in this f r ^ TM and a small town British rector, ehadea. Formeriy $16JW. ^ fourth, not shown, is an end table with shell "Whereas the United States, to- "that the country would save the city. But country Ufa la becom­ Haro a n the Ug. dsap drop leaves similar in design the lamp table at top gatbar with the other signatories everyone has baan looking for in a Choose a complete ensemble for your living ing aa much perverted as any­ . ii , 2 7 5 to tho treaty, has promlted to Colonial Ublel -84 x 42 ’ cloeed. room . . . or a single table ! ^ bring about a better undentand- where else, a thing corrupted 42 X 72" open! Mahogany on fruit- genuine mahogany with gold-tooIOQ m tn il with false values.” M Miei (UM ew wood, or charry. Formerly $116.60. to Ing of these federal principles and Su a«bs No ■iel» tops. Formerly $29.96. . — has, aa their most extensive prac­ Instead of the good old country Du Poirt House Paint titioner and graatest beneficiary, Ufa, writes the British rector, hie t a unique moral obligation to make pariah now has "the screaming this contribution to peace; and fellowship of the motor coach "Whereas the United State« trip, the b^r-blown fellowship of C hons ffseff/ and the other six democracies the jug and botUe, the oily fel­ which eponeored the treaty have, lowship of ths fish and chip sa­ Houaaa paintad with Du Pont (hvor whan you xpadHf Dn PoHk loon, and the near naked truth by their eucceea In drafting It and etoreNwa No. 40 Outoido White an daixling If tha aurfiaoa t o ban wood «r ' extending it to others, eeUbUehed feUowship of those who go down white at tha atait, but man imi- badly woathand paint, maha o » ^ piece! a precedent for united action to­ to the sea on the Sabbath In portant, tbay ilp y white. Du Pont tain a prfana coat of tm> Dn Pont ward the attainment of these sUpa." "40,” owing to Ha uniqna combi­ Houao Paint Primnr b appUad. It aims, and the creation of a tree It is not the supposed loss ot nation of pigmanta and oils, actu­ aaauna maximum adhaakm and pai^ 1 2 9 0 0 and lasting union; Now , there­ sopia particular “country" virtue ally daana itaalf. . . ahads dM u d focmanoa of tho dniah ooat. fore, be it which appalls ua. The assign' duat with avary haavy n in . Nor- naaQy, thia '’Salf-dauilng" a ti^ “Resolved by the Senate (the ment of particular piety and $ 4.95 fltoL hi aun wA •« an swCar-ene in a fcw montha on moot aurtMaa. Houae of Representatives concur­ common aenae to the country ■sk s, wHtk U A* MMuMae Howavar, aanaaiva aoot or heavy 1.95 ring), That the President to re- always been a fiction, quite con' dhada, or ataiaa from matal auifboaa DULUXTrimandTrallii Solid Maple for your bedroonr qfueatod to invite the democradea trary to the facta of country Ufe. -andi aa coppar aenenliif, may in- Which qxMiaorad tha North Atlan- The dleUluslonment cornea not taifktu with or-daiay tha prooaaa, nnlshtt Rciiit Poding 'tic Treaty to nania delagates, ropr from the supposed decline of the •Walf-daaniaf** Du Pont Houaa Mgi giMiMfg ikgUf isaanting thair principal pollUcai country village, but from the fact And Up gpsHdg yege gfMp ygggaaewMi Give your bedroom the friendly, Paint la alao avaSahla in light tfada. quaint charm of solid M p le .. parttos, to meet this year with that this daoUne, village or elty. $ .95 It aapuna you long-laatiiig pratoo- aaeeVeljWUXt^^ delagatoa of ths Unltod Stotos I taUng place la Britain. It rep- G with a satiny-smooth ha^ tion agafatot mat, n t and dacay. ae^^h^gE Famous Ostermoor honey coloring. Watkins in a Federal Oonventlon to an- Nsmta, we think, tha lamentable ^ iito* Beonomy ia yonra, too. Sknoo^ .lye In ggvM esUmtf IncM Nif • gggr the anooth runmng, center-guided pisro how far their psoptoa, andibewa that ths Amarteaa way of W ITH PUMP b jrw SirS M a/iriai aaay appUcatibn,■ axoallant “ » apnad, HIgg nn^l Hg^l iImI VEElel eM Os kae WeW Sm paMk G drawers with clean, ths pseptos of such othar demos-1 Ufa la begtaalng to oMiquer, oven 1 ^ ncunf. . . aU a ^ posala I erfsaed Bi1;m leisure time by ■ ' , ( 0^ You know Bengal’s reputation for ifast, efficient, wo- tection pads (not sisal); pre-built quiltM bor- 'Uf the United World PMardtoto, | tdUy gadgetlng every bouse, Wu ders; fin er blue striped ticking. Box Springs to btSevf that world tederatlon 1 toss one of tbs oonoepta which ;on nomical cooking and baking. Bengal pioneered the diiai-oven range and has lead the field ever emce! match, $88.76. be warMwtds in aoope. w ttbihas always been of romfort to ua 562-5^1 MAIN. ST. "'tAj . r~ are not proved I Britain, la our fancy, wax al- At THfl CENTER Cooks, bakes, roastg with either oil or gas. Gas for a thslr ftsalwayx going to bo one p la n wtaldi cool kjtrfien 111 Summer; oil for warmth In Winter. ■wiiiifi I : ...... Formerly $304.95 (Discontinued model). ‘ . .L I /

.< V - 1UNCHB8TEB EVENINO HEBALD. UANCaTOSTES. CX>HM, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27. 1W9 Police Make Now PUy*ng at the Stole Mra. Lmtfa Raglor, Mdd Mie ta- Solons Reject ad Dotson later In the day. Suicide Attempt fused permission to pwlsh him Fast Arrest IgeatHlea Maa aa Aaaailaat LEARN TO DRIVE for breaklag Into aa automobile Loidil Delegation Manchester Folks Report Gilman Fight Lieutenant Clarka said Mise, Dual Ceatrol Safety Car Blots Out Sight In Akron. cook IdenUflfd Dotson as her as- ^ Private Inetruct ^ e To Attend Parley Ni ithir i sfcwttlwf --- S. Doteon AdmiU AtUck- satlant when the man was brought, Tel. 4 t « Or t-M»09 Seeing Very Large Meteor to hep bedside In the Norwalk i MANCMERTKa Toungstown, O., July 2T.— — ■ M m Hearinf Adted by Sad- ing 83 Year Old Wo* d r iv in g a c a d e m y ______tn m DOworth-Oor- Thirteen-year-old Fred Hegler hospital where aha was Uken to . The flash lit las il Hist Mbr man In Hotel Room I recover from her experience. ■M-iQiMgr m il wtoo wUI th* Reports that a meteor flashed . she had ever been may recover from his suicide at­ PMRms lak Provee Squabble — — I Dotson hlmeelf admitted the el- mOi MiBUAl convention of the across the skies In town last night up the aklea tempt. but he will be blind. AoMtlean Legion Auxllimi7 in I Very tew persons saw the me- Physicians at Youngstown hos­ Hm Tiu bm t Out of Juxiediction New Canaan, July 27 — tack upon Miaa Cook, the officer reached The Herald thla morning pital reported the bullet wound In We have it! The soly U Remucl Dotson, 20-year- i aald, but dented that he had tak- Itaw lUTM. which ! teor, and only throe other people y F lI f fitted iMKs lew ttt Um H«t«* from Gall Roberts of 42 Spruce ; In over twenty that were ap- his temple had blotted out the • Washington, July 27—Iff) —The tlMM through F r i ^ and street. Misd RoberU aald that pr(. •r‘',nd thla morning, aald they sight In both eyes. His oenditlon «MM sadw the tersMet M ^ Mourn Foot Otflos oommittss. after old New Canaan Negro, articles stolen from Mre. - “ “ “— MTa cuaed by Stats police today of' ...... In tha te* aM tba praaldant, Mra. WU- her mother and a vUlUng friend aaw It. Is serious. Wen*! Q«t a hsari-igi >“4 afloptafl » hanfls Loundshury were found GARAGES toUtUa: aa^Ury. Mn. Doug­ witnessed the meteor from the The boy shot himself with a ▼lul ii having rapad an 98-yaar-old white man's possession. I that oft policy oa the contmvany sur- The prisoner was booked on' las HiBkos: Junior paat prcaldent, back porch about 10:16, and that Complete Rotindiip of Oaag pistol Monday while held In the ti^oman, a gueat In tha. Hampton Ifia. CmUe Lavaaoua U d aecond It lasted fully one minute. Juvenile detention home. raundlng the Foot Oftica flspart- Ina here. ^ charges of rape and burglary and C Sr^iaatd«»t.lJ?a. m m cl. FlU- "The meteor was very largo and , After leaving two suicide notes, Btant'a orflar eloalng Uia third claaa gUU Police Ueut. Victor BUILT •m M . Thay wlU go to New Hav- Bred some of the moat beauUful I Rome, July Police ^ the youth ran away from home Poet Office in Gilman, Conn„ Clarke said the victim of the m - •a thla eranlng, taking with them colors ” she said. It traveled i nounced today they had completed Jays* Ce.. . rn ^ Jx rs DISnWISHER aault was Mies Helen Cook, M. Sunday and was picked up by po­ erat ISS jrSMS.. nB»W4|iMead aacUon of tha town of Boarah. tha eolora to maaa at tha conven* southeast to northwest very slow- I s roundup of a counterfeit gang lice, they still are trying to learn nUen tkst iwh. "It ta entlmly an admlnlstratlva who reported to poUce that she AUCTION tlon and for uae in tba parade. ly. When first seen, the coloro believed to have printed a half MasMAa>iPAir««Wl was awakened In her room at the j TO ORDER billion lire ($820,0001 In false where he got the pistol and how matur,' Chairman Murray (D- Friday, July 29—10 A. M. Department Preaidant Mra. Brlc were blue and white, btit as it he smuggled It Into the detention Tann.) told Inn early yesUrday morning by a ■ AMESITE DRIVES Ahibarg baa honored Mra. Little gradually descended. It faded to a notes. The announcement said nine prowlar. Tha man raped •»«••• “ • I Lcffion HalL 275 Majn 81. persons wert arraated during the home. eeebr le teed eed eeleed. Be*s that dries electrically. eloawl haaring yesUrday “Onf WETHERHFIELD. CONN. CONCRETE WORK AntnawMc Yerk-Mnaf h»M«i en*M . _ . ^ with appointment aa eourteay bright yellow and then a dull red. m J _ — mmm Rmm commlttae hearing was Infon^ lieutenant quoted her as dialrman of the convention. Before It hit the earth It disin­ past week, making a total of 17 In one of his messages, Hogler 4 Varuom cleaners. Alas cos- BULLDOZING V—Haiic# kwtt# i*-* said he was going to kill himself wbel fse'ie M at. Neipslal was and at the request of Representa­ and then fled after taking » hmaBi Y«Ht*kW amt ^ your homo. Coi m toimf to9 m m o Tha annual auxiliary banquet tegrated Into two pair, the tall now In custody. Most of the coun­ tive Sadlak IR-Conn.) to deUr^ sum of m o i^ from J •ignmente of glass, china, opera Terms Arranged splitting also. Moments later five terfeit money has been recovered, because his mother did not let ntST wMi iWt haeatfaalltalarsl glaseee, ellverplate„*terllng wl- hnefine wrvny end tna how Kriia it coall to win be held tomorrow evening at him go to church. His mother. mine whether the committee had Prewler flats With BlUfold the Sevan Gablea Chop Houae. shooting stars, all white, followed authorities said. Juriadiction In the metter. It doee Esriier, Mre. Rhea Loundshury. ver. fornlture, clocks, ralirore, entemetic Yorli-Moet. New Haven, and the paat P>^a*" the same path of the meteor.” a guest In the Homewood Inn. next Uaes*. clothrw, etc. Hundred* of Miss Roberts was awed by the AOeliy not.** Item*. Bring good*. Bring danta parley will take place Fri­ gelling Offlciala of the Poet Office de- ds«d n t n iTMir Uvary routs, aald William A. Junkis SMim (tMlricaSy. M«l. cIm « was namad acting Oilman poat- his bUl In the agenda for a special ANNE ATfD tnm Nstyvkrt'i Cak»4* •••• $ 2 6 9 ® 5 mastar, at her recommendation, session of the General Assembly CENTER dM* lb* dMtMsMy. Pin* InnlallnHfln after Nathan Oilman, father of FOR OUR 6th ANNIVERSARY SALE which may be held next Septem­ 3 I.T** Tap Martin, raached the reUrement age ber. He said the governor "seemed CAMPBELL'S last Jan. 29. Ha had been poet- sympathetic.” *”rb« Special Shop for Ruga poauRon Haw sbRFKi lead h-Aad Tern Caetral and Carpets’* Hatyahil Dhhwashsrt sravM* roaster about SO years. YOUR HOME DESERVES Beauty Salon BOYS' SUITS ftmammnt Isy warh lartat* my* at Uoft *8 Koar • Charles GUman, a son of Nath-1 DIAMOND MIRCHANU wbare ead wkae yae aaed h leaeH day, Mfofuord ypvr loaiBy't an. wanted the Job, Mrs. Wood- BuUets of Po c Regularly Sizes 1-8 Sale All Typo—All Size* kaoHKa ffnd cotHy broakcf* BRl-MAR PAINT 88 843 MAIN 8T. Oidf fraa*-afaekis^leliwaiheti house said, aad be aad hla father POR 3 OINIRATION6 ALL BRAND NEW MERCHANDISE fl«a yaa Ab taavaalaat faatara. «nd ^oHct tba boovty and told Junkie that tba office could Slay Fugitive All Grades ioftwtit •! yaur Kandta not be oontlaued at Its locaUoa In “The paiat lhal’a made In BUY NOW FOR SCHOOL Wa11-to-vrall InataHatlona * tmm. m. •. pav. the Oilman mills unless one of the CLOSED Look At Our Windows family was postmaster. She quot­ New England expressly for Oceamine. Fla., July 37.—

what tbe administration pr bastraBy by and large, Uiretigheut covaa, tangbt aecondhig to tbe though bo, and ha alone, haa tha Asks Congress waa aa iaterlm mcaaura, A( Letter to Prelate the country, I think there la atm No New Polio politics enter Into the poaltlon at taneta o f tbalr ria|iergve cburobea. went on. a feeing that the public schooTta power under the ehartar to p ^ t o Save IbanM dtraea Agreanaeata all. dameta, dlaclpUna and taka YOUR BENDIX DEALER News Tidbits the school which is open to aU 111# Pollea forM haa bem built Aa I grow older It aeema to me Delay Decision By Mrs. Roosevelt C hief Schenael any aoUon ha may aaa fit, ba navar Thersfora, Aebaaon said, be CnlM Froai (/P) Wirts chlldrsn, and which la supported up from 37 patralmen In IW6 to Important that there bo no great hopee that members of the Honae by alt the'paopla of the country Cases in Town t.teef It upon himaalf to daelda FOR MANCHESTER Barn and Hay atreaa laid on our dlvlalona, but it at tbe preaent time and thla On Foreign Aid and Sanata win withhold ooBclu- Denies Accusation and that anythUig that is dene for wbat ahould be dona with aa offen­ BENSON’ Qub Speaker number will be greatly Incraaeed that we atreaa aa much aa poaalble der but hoida a eonfaranoa with siona until they hear all the evi- the publlo adioola ehouM be done In the veryiry near I______future, ’nw main our agreementa. Bsprassntatlvs Tabor (R., Medical Officer AdvisM two offloara and thraa aargaaata In N. T .) argoo Osng was to "havo frees Page One) for them alone.” bvslnaaa thoroughfare now boaM Tou atate: "And the Supreme Oanlianad IVm b Page One He was then asked for comment « the dapiartmant Thla kaapa tba leielt «f Aid by 100 the courage to vote our oenvlc- 34 hour protacUon and It la tha Announces court of the United Statea haa de­ another criticism raoantly All Precautions to Be Tells RoUrhuifi e< In» ttona" and trim appropriations... parochial and private schools If ChlaTa daalra to fumlah all bual- man aware of thalr dutlaa, know­ Nflii^ibon, Vobuiteen clared that health and transporU- will not contain any huab-huah or voiced by Senator Vandenberg, to tlon aervlcea and the distribution AFL President Green aaka Ooa- thw so desired. • Continued ppovemenl Made In the naaa diatricU with tha aama. ing that they not only hava to frightening stuff. the effect that the anna mrogram pinaa thalr chief but aU tha other And Farm Leader* of non-rellgloua textbooka to pu- Acheson said he has seen stor­ waa worked out without bi-parti­ gress to act speedily on bill calling 1m cardinal's attack OB Mr*. nuag Syatom Imptevad plla attending parochial achoola do for billion dollars in Federal loans Roasevelt brought her support Obituary Department Raeordt ara now kapt of com- offieara aa well. ies to the effect that tbe State de­ san consultation—In other words No addltloofil case* of polio ■ ’iha prta« for t^ evanlnf July n — v n — rir*- not violate our conatltutlon." None to cooperatives for construction from such persons a* former New )lalnta and arraaU and tbaie haa NEW LOW PRICES partment baa some secret Informa­ he and other Republican leaders Karl KaUar aad w oo' of ua will presume to decide quea- of moderately priced homes... York state Qov. Herbert H. Leh­ wer* reported here today, and Man a complato ravamptag of tha donated ky teehnlqu* and community tion or great secret report which were not consulted as to what the ■ PoUea Chief Herman O. Schendel tiona which win come up before Secretary of State Acheson says man, Bernard‘Baruch and the Rt. sukpect Instaaoee of the disease anUra filing...—a aystam______ae thatthing! by a vlWtor. Jaasa MeKay. It plans to use In support of tbe program should provide. took aa the lubject o f hla talk at ON hal* MT* a fianau'p dairy ban the Supreme court of the United Americans remaining In China Rev. Charlee K. Gilbert, F*f»test- were noted. The strictest precau­ can ba checked Immadlatsly. Bsnot arms proposal Acheson replied that be and De­ Fuoenil* tka notary CHib laat nlghL "Infor­ ■nd pcadoup bay today—adiieb by States, but all of ua must think se­ fense Secretary Johnson appeared face danger of beihg treated aa ant Episcopal bishop of New York. tions possible should bs continued vatlona hate taken place In tha riously about anything which Is No Secret lafonnatioa ■txaii(a oolncidenca la “ Farm before the Sm ate Oommittee on hostages by Oommunlsta.. .CIO Meanwhile, a new move started mation, Intereatlng Problema. Ob- Station Houaa lUalf, with tha pa- done, not only In relation to the He declared that la not the case MkdwW OigSe, Sr. from now on to avoid any further Police Court ■tnieturaa day" durinf Farm Safe- Foreign Relations prior to the sub­ Steel Workers decide-te file non- In Cbngrcas today to rescue Fed- jeetlvaa and Progrees of tha Loeal irolmtn furnishing ths labor and specific thing, but In relaUon to at aU; rather he said administra­ Communist affidavits under Taft- end aid to education from tbe re­ Funeral services for Michele sudden spread o f It, medical effl- cutUng tha coat from an aatlmatod what may follow after H and what tion officials have collected all tbe mission of the North Atlantic PoUea Force." ^ A t BOOB aftar a aU hour battle, treaty and wont rather fully Into Hartley law. i . British anthortty ligious controversy now surround-' OlgUo, Sr., o f Route M A, Bolton, dais have advised. $3,000 to $400. In a vary brief qoMten o f. Town BENDIX we think will be good for the coun­ pertinent Information bearing on Chief Schendel atated that Man- diTTiTi in the center o( tbe bay what the administration fanned on Infantile paralysis says diei lag IL Representative Morton (R., were held this morning from the Manchester's polio toll now Tha Chlaf want on to aay that Oourt tkla morning, thraa eaaoa try. the question of assistance to other ebaatar facad a conatant problam BOW on the Donald L. Iforae farm to do about following up the Is just aa ably treated ^ In Britain Ky.) said he is drafting a bill John B. Burke Funeral Home, *7 stands at 16 with aa additional ha would pit hla man agalnat any war* brought bafora Judge Wariay Anyone who knows history, par­ free nations and all this infroma- based on the principle of st>.te of appiehandlng and dlacouraglng in tba State and In hla opinion AHTOMA'nC WASHERS were ballered under control and treaty with the armsI^SB. , " East Center street, at S:15 and at possible case. Oryk, and all ware eontlnad. ticularly the history of Europe, tion will be presented to Congress. needs. apaadara through town. Tha traf thara haa bean a great Improva- contained In that apot. Rearm ing a view he express- St. James' chilrch at ,fi o'clock. Upon the recommendation of A reeklase driving charge lodged will. I think, recognize that the A reporter then asked Acbeaon It would omit restrictions on ffc__Hfhta Mfl on Main atraat and at mant In thalr morala, attitude and Tbe entire bam and tbree- ed a week ago, Acheson said that P*'***®* plant in Frankford, Del. The celebrant was Rev. Oeorge Dr. Robert Keeney, Jr„ the seked- agalnat Her ba n Urwaldar, 16, o f[ Tka one waohor yea hava baon aaaHteg to domination of education or of gov­ “la It not a fact that tbe depart­ parochlcal school assistance which othar atraUflc pelnU hava cut appearance. Ha had made It a fourttaa of tbe 100 tona of hay— he atm hopes for the full amount said largest In world, and em- Hughes. Rev. Robert OarroU was iiled baseball trip to Boston for 7 Walkar otroaL. oonttnuofi ernment by any one particular re­ ment haa information pertaining have been denounced by Roman down padaatrlan fatalltlaa alto- point to inatat that they ba eour- •ani M oow FBICED TO SUIT YOUB BUD- o f an eatlmated f 10,000 replace­ Sf jMsaooo^ooo'fOT’ sJ^I^'IiriAU! deacon, and Rev.^ John Hannon | jjg Manchester boys on August 4 for one week. , ligious faith, Is never a happy ar­ to Russia's armed forces which la ^.^jj Saturday because Catholic churchmen. gethar, avan though tha motortata taoua and diplomatic tn thalr deal- MATHER'S OET! Aay Beedix model you choooa U coni* ment value—were believed aaved session of Ck>ngrcss and he thinks was sub-deacon. Miss Jane NaC' , poetponed. Oontinuad from day t«,day waa rangement for the people. not at this time public property Its owners want te rettrow Mrs. Roosevelt said In her let­ oenaldar tham a nulaance. inga with tha pubUe. aa a reeult of help by 100 nelfh- Spiritual leadership should re­ kowski was organist and sololat. The Softball Twilight League _ charge o f raeklaaa driving plataty aototnatlo. Weahaa, Rlnaaa end Damp or has never been disclosed?" ths administration can make out ter: . Tha audianca waa Informad that Other ImpravaanaaU bora, voluntaera and atate and main spiritual leadership and the tbe very good case for that Senators of both parties agree Burial was In SL James’ ceme­ announced today that Us sched­ against Herbert Bnickla of 4011 5 Modek to dioose From Drlaa with Juat ona aetthig of th* dial. The Acheson said he certainly hopes "I believe that there should be tha Pollea Chlaf In thla town haa Several innovatlona hava bean county farm leadera. temporal power should not become course amount. to try to work out new oampro- tery where Father Hannon con­ uled doubleheader Friday night Adams atraaL Tha accuead waa In- length o f avaahing tim* ran h* varied oa jat Robertson Park has also been volvad in an automoblla accldant | Piiees include normnl inatnllfi- it Is. He added, laughing, that cated In his owm religion. In public i any other ehlaf o f tha State, and ment and one that la greaUy ap- wlah. tar from underneath through Support Given Smith Questioned as to the effect of a consultation of Secretary of Agri­ The bearers were Peter and | postponed. last Sunday night and la In tk*. this government also has Informa­ schools It should be taught that aa ha haa juat one auparlor, tha pticatad by people tn tbalr Uma of tion and hone demonstmtion, plus bole in tbe fioor of the mow, neigh­ tion about British. French and cut of the kind some members of culture Brannan.. .Senate heading Paul Maneggia, Bruno Albasl, h o s t e l being treated for Injurlaa. I have no bias against the Ro­ the spiritual side of life Is most Dane ’ Manager o f the town, no aorrow la having a poUoa aacoft bors rushed up with three bay other national armed forces which Congress are talking about Ache- into major battle over whether Louis Anniello. R'ltbert DiPIstro | Aa Indecent aosautt eharga 1 year FREE •ervlcfi. man Catholic church and 1 have foreign aid program should be re­ Important. I ride with a funeral, aald tha chlaf. anlnst Laon Oagnoa, 40, was eon- baling machines of their owm and supported Governor Smith as gov­ has never been made public. son said he think* It would be un­ and Leonard N. Glgllo, a nephew. quired to purchase two billion dol­ “ I should be happy If some Thla doea away with tha confualon Unuad until Friday m e m l ^ Ha | wxirked through the day baling the ernor and worked for him as a Another reporter asked: fortunate, but that he should not Plane as a Gift Legal NotlcM agreement could be reached on | apparent whan outalda motortata was released under $1600 bond. bay aa It wraa tossed out from two candidate for the offlee of presi­ “Do we have information now discuss the matter now because lars worth of surplus American Model 8-110— Formerly $249.95 passages from the Bible and some | AT A COURT or PROBATE held would break into a funeral pro- BtdiM of the bam by fork from the dent of the United States. 1 have that the Russians are actively that would be misinterpreted as farm products.. .William George Broderick, who lived only 13 days prayer that could be used. The : On 16th Birthday at Mancbaatar. within anc (or th* ceaalon. Another addition la a smoke-filled mow. supported for public office many preparing for war?” an effort to put pressure on Ck>n- A bout Tow n CMatiict of MMichtitor, on th* 16th Friasro F«Mral NEW LOW PRICE $199.95 I with his wife back In 1916, is fin­ real religious teaching of any ' full Uma mechanic who kaapa tha 9aieheat Bahrage Technique other Roman Catholic candidates. Decllee* Direct Answer gress. o( July. A. D. 1141. ____ -f. ally able to afford a divorce in child muM be done by his own ; Miss Alice J. Sargent, daughter PrOMnt JOHN J. WALLBTT. patrol earn In repair, aarvlcaa Baling hay la the quickest and You speak of the Mlndszenty Acheson's appearance before the Naugatuck, July 37 — ( ^ — A BfiBcmcnt Model r -r . ! London. church end In his own home.” | Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sloan, Sr„ I of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Sai • Jedg*. ____ traffic llghta. palnta white Unaa Pontifical Itaqulam maos win bo cleanest salvage technique at a case. I spoke out very clearly House Foreign Affairs committee who have been visiting their chil­ “«(Ut* of NEWTON CIARK FEE- fire, said Extension A ^ cu ltu re Mrs. Roosevelt said that "if you | gent of 9 Middlafield street whose and doea varioua joba. bald tomorrow la fit Hadwlg'sl against any unfair type o f trial tomorrow will be in support of Hospital Notes dren and other relatives In towm NBT. late of ManchMtar. In Mid Dll Bn^neer Oeorge W. Crowther who President Truman’s call for what carefuUly studied my record, I sixteenth birthday occurred yester­ In discuaalng tha traffic and church. Union City, for tha Bsv. I and anything anywhere In any for the past week, have returned trict. dMMatd. Model B-215— Formerly $289.95 waa called early to the blase by he described as “urgently needed” think you would not find it one of I day, received a two-ssat airplane On motion of Am IIa K. Hampton of parking problema on Main atraaL John 8. WanaL aaalatant pastor country wfilch might seem like at­ Lemon Convention to their home in (Jlaremont, Cali­ weapons (or Atlantic pact signers. Pattenta Today ...... 15* anti-Catholic or antl-any-religlous j from her parents as a birthday aald ManelMit.r. idmlnlitritrix. <3hlef Schendel informad hla Ila- who waa fatally wounded at Ool-| Tolland County Agent John Elli­ tack on an Individual because of fornia. They made their head­ NEW LOW PRICE $239.95 o tt The discussion of the arms pro­ Admitted yesterday: John group. gift, and on the same day received ORDERED; Thkt lU month* from tenera that the parking metara ehaatar Monday n igh t Father his religious beliefs. I can not, quarters with their daughter and tho 16th day of July. A. D.. 1141. b* The 39-COW herd wraa safe In gram began when Acheson was Mazeke, Buckland; Mrs. Pauline Provides Sitters “I have no bias against the Ro- 1 her pilot's license, the minimum racenUy purchaaad are now being Wanat died from wounds inflict­ however, say that In European son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roland aad ttw awn* ar* limited and allowed With Antomatie Sofip Injector pasture where it Is kept in sum­ countries the control by the Ro­ asked for his reaction to the Van­ Smith, 18 Laurel street; Mrs. man Catholic church and have sup- license age. Installed and ahould ba In opera- ed by tba i^ d a n t a l dlBCharga of Brawn, of 352 Center street. tor th* ertdilora within which to bring mer. man Catholic church of'great areas denberg suggestion for sharp re­ Stasia Wlerzchowskl, 35 North ____ Alice, who is believed to be the la th*lr elalrei aralnM Mid •atate. and Uon very soon. Thaaa ahould a shotgun tn tha hands,of one of 1 New Haven, July 27—tiP)—Baby-' Governor Smith as govern- I A strange scene wraa provided by of land haa always led to happiness duction In the proposal on the School street; Franz Wittmann , sitting------service will — -be provide ' or and worked for him as a candi- i I state’s youngest pilot, recaivtd her tha aald adminlatratrix la dlraetld to eliminate much of the parking dif­ the stmtha of his pariah at hlal ground that it is an Interim ar­ Mr. and Mrs. Howard ood-j training from Charles Descomb, gira public notice to the cracltora to ficulties and provide a source of Model B-210— Formerly $269.95 the combined efforts of fire fight- for the people of those countries. Rockrille; Joseph Audette, 42 through a special committee dur- date for the office of president of bring In thalr elalma within aald tima camp la Celchaoter.'—The Moot . Rev. era and salvage workers. Tank 1 have never visited hospitals rangement. Lancaster road; Mrs. C?atl>;rtnc i the State convention of the the United States. I have sup­ bury, of Meriden, (Tbnn.. became I veteran flying Instructor st Brain- revenue to the town. Henry J. O’Brian, Blahop of Hart­ allowad by publlahlng a copy of thla Bolds Oeefafeeoee NEW LOW PRICE $229.95 trucks rushed back and forth with and asked or thought about the Acheson said any view of Van­ Harvey. 101 Middle Turnpike. American Legion here this week- ported for public office many oth­ the parenta of a daughter at ,rd Field. She proposee to make ardar In aomt nawipapar having a ford. will calabrata tho mass. water from a neighbor’s farm. denberg will receive most respect­ Meriden hospital, yesterday. This! aviation her career, and her am­ Wreulatlon In aald probata diatrict, The Chief brought hla talk to a .V . religion of any boy in any bed. I west end. er Roman Catholic candidates.” Kitchen Model Hose strung across meadows to a have never in a military cemetery ful consideration from the Stbte Admitted today: . Howard Tracing briefly the development is the couple's second child, their • bition is to some day fly around within tan day* fVom th* daU of thla close by remarking that tba over­ Edward Grandjean of Wood- ardar, and return make to thla court all spirit o f hla men bad improved pond half a mile away brought had any different feeling about department. But, he went on, the Briggs, 77 Laurel street; Miss bridge is chairman of the commit- i ?? public schMls in this country, eldest Is a boy, three. Mrs. Wood- i the world. She feels certain she ar th* notlc* giren. greaUji. probably due- to the fact more wrater by pumpe operated by tbe graves of the boys who lay position of the military assistance Sarah Oishing, 20 Hartford road. tee which, convention olflclals! Ro°*«veIt said- bury is the former Miss Shirley will complete the necesesry 30 JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. the Ellington and Somers volun­ ther*. All of our boys of every bill is unique in American history Discharged yesterday: Arthur “ It Is fallacious, I think, to say Frazier, daughter of William R. odd hours for s pri\’ste license that the department la not run on Gyromfitic Model 6-SlO because It was so fully known said today. Will “provide tried and AT A COURT o r PROBATE held the basla o f paraonal feeling but teer fire departments, race, creed and color fought for Fuller, 359 Oakland street; Mrs true baby alters for mothers and that because children going to pub­ Frazier of 34 Westwood streeL before she la 17. Stas cannot have Mr. Morse bad no baling ma­ about and so many people had s commercial license until she is at ICanchMler. within and (or tha on the basis of what’s right. Al- No bolt-down model—No vibration the country and they deserve our Anita Mellor, South Coventry; fathers who want to Join in con­ lic schools are granted free text XNatrict of Maneheater on ;he 16th chine. One machine wras rushed help and gratitude. formed views on it in advance of Miss Msdlyn Heller, Bolton. book.s In some states, free trans­ Mr. and Mrs. Rusaell S. Pottsr- 18. f x the evidence. vention activities. day of July. A. D. 1»4<) UNDIX Btuixa to the scene by Godfrey and John It is not my wish to deny chil­ Discharged today: Mrs. Sslome portation. or free school lunches, ton, of 174 North Elm strseL have A student the past two years st PraMnt JOHN J WALLSTT, Formerly $329.95 He went on to say that It Is a “Old timers never faced this atoMi a-ttt Bahler, and two by Albert Lanz. dren anywhere equal rights or that these same things must be Issued invitations for an informal Daycroft school, Stamford. ohe Jedg*. perfectly sound Idea to have an in­ Clemens, S3 Woodland street; problem,” .the convention offlclsla Vacatioii Specialfi Strangely enough Mr. Morse benefits. It Is. however, the decis­ given to children going to private celebration of their sllvar wedding, will transfer to Manchester High Eauta of HERBERT A. 8ILLENCE. **Savod my NOW PRICED AT ONLY $249.95 (AaMMJM, 1**a terim measure at this time before Lela Rogers, 37 Main street; Mrs. said. "But World War H pro­ lata of Maneheater In M id diatrldl. Life ^sher only a few hours before had read ion of parents when they select a schools. school In September. Her father iatoe* OrMaaiy the strategic pisuis of the United Louise Muschko and daughter, 66 duced both men and women veter­ which will taka place Sunday aft­ dwssssd. A CsAsHf hr GASHEARTBURfT • 1948 Oldi -eS”, 4-Dr. Se­ newspaper stories published this private or denominational school, ans. who are members of Legion "Different states, of course, have ernoon from four to seven o’clock Is a foreman at the Pratt and week In the state ^vlng Instruc­ States and the western European Spruce street. Cpon 8ppllc*tlon of Th« M*nchett«r whether It be Episcopal, Wesley­ posts. Without baby sitters either done different things as they came at ths Red Bam, Andover Lake. Whitney Aircraft plant, and her Trust Compftny. praying th«t an In* dan.* Folly eqoipped, tions by Extension Engineer Crow- powers are completely worked Birth today: A son to Mr. and Model G-815— Formerly $849.95 an, Jewish or Roman Catholic. would have to remain away from under majority pressure from citi­ The actual date of their twenty- mother is well knowm as a regis- atrumant purporting to ba tha lait $1825. ther on how a fight a haybam out. But the call for a cut is based Mrs. Melvin Derrick, SO 8t. John win and' Uatamant of aald daceiMd Liberal Trade-In ADownnee For Your fire. Denies Any Prejudloe on a misapprehension because street ths convention." zens who had certain desires, but fifth anniversary is July 30. Ured nurse. SgT ar rwwa Situi aa a. Iw aMtlroaaa* SaaS 6 Gyromfitic WMth Soap Injector ba admitted to probate aa per appli­ • 1947 Old “ Te’*. 4-Dr. Se­ “I read his story and followed I can assure you that I have no cation on fill. It la IQI4IIIS Add hrflfiBtiMi 2S4 Old Washer instructions," Mr. Morse said, add­ prejudice. I understand the beliefs ORDERED; That tbe foregoing ap- dan, $1595. No bolt-down— No 'vlbfmtlon ing, "1 deeply appreciate the help pllaattoa be hadrd and datarmlned at of the Roman Catholic church very tka Probata offlet In Kanehaatar tn • 1946 Old* “ 76". 4-Dr. Se­ NOW ONLY $269.95 KKV DOWN— UP TO 24 MONTHS everyone h u given." well. I happen to be a Protestant Mid Diatrict. on tha Ind day of Aug- dan. 2 to ehooae from, Anew Mow Overheated and I prefer my own church, but oat A. D. 1141. at 10 o'clock (d. a t.) TO PAY Yesterday morning, Mr. Morse that does not make me feel that HALE'S SELF SERVE la tha foranoon, aad that notlca ba $1425 esch. smelled trouble In the bam. A any one has any less right to be­ gtraa to all paraena Intareatad In Mid The Original In New England aetata of th* pandancy of Mid appll- • 1946 Chev. 4-Dr. Sedan. thermometer Inserted In the hay lieve aa his own convictions guide JOE GIRAND CALLING ALL aatlon and tha tlnw and place of showed 175 degrees, and he knew him. baariag thereon, by publlahlng a copy $1200. FURNITURE and be had an overheated mow. He I have no intention of attacking ag thla order In aomt nawapaper hav- et A alerted the fire department and you personally, nor of attacking and HEALTH MARKET lag a dreulatlon la nalc.' diatrict. at APPLIANCES watched the bam untU 3 a. m the Roman Catholic church, but I kNSt flys iays before tha day of Mid when his son took over. As Mr. THE KIDDIES FROM ARTHUR^S Saari„Jnr. to eppear If■■ tkay" eM eauM MANCHESTER TE'EUPT F R ff shall, of course, continue to stand 718 MAIN ST. TEL. 8585 Morse returned at 6 a. m.. flames Mid thn* and pIlc* end b* heard BENSON’S for the things in our government rJstlra tharato. and msk* return to 533 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER broke through the floor of the mow THURSDAY SPECIALS f t . N O R TH END Ai.d which I think are right. They may this court, snd by mailing In a r*zla- MOTOR SALES Into ths cattle stalls. The alerted lead me to be In opposition to you Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales twad latter on or b«fort July »T. 1*46. PHARMACY firemen arrived in a few minutes. and to other groups within our a anpy of thla order addraaaad to Open Evenings With assistance of Engineer Mary T. Slllanoa. 165 Benton 8t„ Man- DEPENDABLE SERVICE country, but I shall always act, as FREE PUPPIES DRAWING TOMORROW elMatar. Conn.; tulatW Ewena S3 .512 W e s t C e n te r S t. Crowrther, planks were laid across far as I am able, from real con­ « Depot 8q. Trt. fi546 the top of the hay which was not CfMtwood Ro^. Waat Hartford. viction and from honest belief. CRISCO 3 L b . C an n t v Wide DaMvery reached by the fire, to provide a lOHN J. WALLETT. Judfa. safety platform for Close salvag­ If you carefully studied my rec­ ing the crop In case the center ord, I think you would not find it THURSDAY - JULY 2 8 A T 9 P ; M . collapsed In the fire area. one of antl-Catholic or antl-any- Spray Nozsles Used rellgious group. IVORY SNOW or Spray nozzles were used by fire­ I assiTr* you that I have no men to reduce the weight of water sense of being an “imworthy in efforts to keep the barn floor American mother." The final IVORY FLAKES YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO GET YOUR FREE TICKET from collapsing. Judgment, Cardinal Spell­ Engineer Crowther said the man, o f the worthiness of all hu­ L g . P k g . 28c F o r 55c cause of the fire was spontaneous man beings is In tbe hands of GET IT IN THE BALLOT BOX BY 9 P. M. combustion. He. declared the en­ God. tire volunteer crew "did an excel­ With deepest respect. I am lent Job In controlling the fire and Very Sincerely Tours DUZ OXYDOL TIDE saving the hay." (Signed) Roosevelt Joe Girand — The Famous Radio Announcer and the Kiddies' Best Hay this-year Is precious be­ (Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt) cause the drought has reduced the L g . P k g . 28c F o r 55c TRAINING coming winter food supply. Friend, Will Be Here in Person To Pick the Lucky Winners. RAYON Building Permits , IVORY SOAP PANT5 Text of Letter For'Rolling Park DORK PANTIE5 WINNERS MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN Mailed Cardinal 2 m. yow 1*14 to 1 .4 .. 1 . 0 0 1 Only—8 6 " solM . W«B 2 . W ...... peak effMencg, with lees wear/ 9 8 c Y D . yda f thtir ARTHUR Oeontor afliad " X HmmM Uka to petot out to you DIMBDIATE DEUVERY Manchester's Most Beautiful Store 33 ■ X talkad abeat .parbdilal ON SOME MODELS PilAH OMVI CARVUUV..* that to my ml ‘ Tka Ufa You Sava /Hoy Ba YawtOioal I orgaalmd by MeCLURE AUTO lit JM C H A LC CORK CORe ST. JAMES and M AIN STS. aafi a|fi SKcMBpely a tn Mala SL Comer Stieat OPP. WATKINS tUa aAoOl. Children Tri. t-9M I m a m c h i s t i i I C o n n * aehoola ara, of Is SO STAN DA R D O I L COMPANY GRANT C f ^ m v- : PAGE FiriElW • t • MANCH18TBR fVXNINC 9«ItALD. MANCHESTER. CONH« WEDNESDAY. JULY Tt, IM t MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27. 1949 Date Special McDermott Called Best Young Pitcher in American Loop Bargains BLRCKUON AMSIUCA’S riNBST AUTOMATIC WASHER Aiithorlaid Dtaltr Listed by T h e In q u ir e r vv*At_Tk»______I—} ______—I ^ T o n ig h t \ TuFiisBuckWhltcSoxT u r n s B a c k W h ite S o x Elks and BA’s Disagree HERALD ANGLE The For Fourth Mound Win •ViUose <»|amSTOP I On Final Tourney Date Z A R L W .T O B t etleklng to the bakiiig dMk Juat rounda Add goHle oad otilati to > PHONE 2-4480 846 MAIN STREET •tthwhil* •umiMr metal la celery and caraway ae«la. A on^ Sea Shell Doily dressing; cover Jar and Maks bard. Cards IncreM* Nationall pound lobater ahould boll from la place a couple a t aUeea of bacon rtT r FRANCIS DjbfNY’S in the bottom of the greaned dlah Allow to stand In refrii erator to League Lead With Win ••you a n d r* BATH POWDBIU- CommiBuioner M itchell PostpoB* Friday NIght’a ^ehsels of Chicago and to 14 mlnutea. before the ground meat laaf. blend flavors. OarUe ahould ho dla- ! M i MTan-eunce boa—for only ^orded but onion rtnga may he Softball Doabkhaader Two playoff bortha in tha T ^ J ^ n Pesky. Over Phib; Dodger* SajB Teiuns Matt Play Over In the Natkm League, I M a t QUINN’S PHARMACY, An attractive SPECIAL OF­ Take advantaga of tha LEND­ used on a ealad. Shake thoroughly Ught BaasbaU League havo By The Associated Press tkla m y Plaaaant fracrance can FER BY COTY U displayed at each time before neia(. Makee clinched and the two romaln^g thirteen playera a n hitting better Lose; Pirates Triumph ING LIBRARY.at the DEWBY- Thorfday; Elks Qafan Frlday alght'a achadutod than JOO, seven ef the stars be­ Mb Mitrbt-* in toUat waUr by tha the alr-cofidltlonad PINE PHAR­ RICHMAN COMPANY, 767 Mala about 8% eupa. STORES - RESTAURANTS aoftbaU doulMibMheadsr at Rob- ■pou are expected be seaW Batting—WillUma and DIMaff- Mim fanona eoamatlcian. MACY. 6«4 Center StreaL A ing outfielders, five others InfUld- Street, fOr Ught rclaxatlen or to T hey Win N ot A ppear ertaon Park has baon post­ before the week anda. Tha M end­ srs snd Bid Gordon an Inflsldsr- By Joe Reickler gio, Boston, A43. ■n ■ ••Tw-lt" else of bath aalta la given catch up on the booka that art be­ **A thing of beauty la a Jay 6or- strictly franh eggs deUTtred Mondayn and Frtdajrs poned league pubUdat Mel ing champton British Amsrtcans AeeorUted Preee Sport# Writer Runs—Wllllam.a. Boston $1; WBDDINO ATTENDANTS’ tT M — In. matching...... fragrance — outfleldcr. ing dlacuaaed. Rental la $.08 a day, ever”—and that’e Juat as true of direct froai faraa producer. Our egge mtiafy the moot A champion win be


. One Brttlabor aaama to know A Texan hoard that a faatocy what ha aranto, for tbe advartlaer waa tatereotad ta koylnt liuaBOff* BV PUNTAINB POS In a London nawapapar: | aktaa. He wired Vh* company that IIANCHEOTBR EVENINO HEEALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY H , 1941 TUOJUitRVtUJI POLRR Sense and Nonsense "Reqiiirad: a furnished bous* or | he conld supply any quontlty ag to flat, large enough to stop wife 1000,000 on demand. HAMK'.YoUR SMEARIN* MOLA*»e* OM THE END Woman -Doe* your husband Ther* Is Little Danger Of Labor fqom going horn* to mothen email . Needing the akina badly, the 16 Halp Waat •1 WniwEt Bmx4 19 B6 i f s r M s Tt kick about the meal*? TVouble Whore Th* Employer t ’n- enough to stop mother from com-. factory promptly wired back to AatoMkOM far Salt 4 OffOTsi II • ^ Neighbor (smiling) No. what deretanda Th* Worria# Of Hi* ■ home to wife." send ta tpe whole 100,000. About WE SPBtaALtBS la roodng aad WOMAN FOR L90RT H0U8B- WHO WANTS FURNITURE LAROE Attracdlvaly futalahad he kick* about la having to get Employ**- And Vic* Vera*. tea days laUr a single dried frog SAWS rUad, haya mada. BMwara WORK and ear* of three yaar-oM CHBAFT roorn'Canvaulantly toeatad at 19 WE OFFER akin cam* tbrougb tbe matt with a DtCORMIER MOTOR SALES •harpanad. emtboarda and air aldli«. Hlgbaai quality matartala. them. Young Woman (stepping into wortunaSahlp guaraalaad. A. A. child. 9-4 days a waafc. No 1 Juat racalvad a cancallatlnn Johnaon Tarrae*. Om minute In Wapping an axoellant t room When a noted film atar got mar­ drug *tprei Ar# you e doctor? I rather pathetic letter: "Oento: Tm Qaiafied SAYS: ‘*Hen’s a Une-up of cooled anginaa rapalrad. Capitol week-ends or beMdaya. Phono 9 ROOMS OF BRAND from Mala atra at FhoM 7949. ried not long ago and th# tlao# *r- sorry about .thla but bera's all tha Cqulpmaat, U Main *traat Dtoa. lae.. 9M Autama atraat Bingl* In a aettlng of beautiful Now they ar* saying that two Youln (behind white counter) rtal HARD TO BEAT car T at 4860. 2-lSlA NSW FURNITURB 1 con live ■* cheaply ** on* large rlved for him to klo* th# brld*. he No, I'm Just the flxstcien. j frog skin* there were. The neisa waa aold oa J u m Hat aad It was LAROE CHEERFUL ROOM tor maples oa main road from Spring- put all hi* hlatrlonte ability into, ■ sur* fooled me." Adm&gy»ts UNOLEUM — Aaphhlt tllo, wall ACnO N I Wo guaraats* you 900 abigl* paraon or ooople. Kltohan : family used to. Exchange. ▼ ahitt.’’ placed la our warahoua* pmidbtg Sold to Wapping. Lnrte h< hara o It making It last on and on until i T* .4 ninher oovaring. Dona by raUabla. wall- for sailing 100 boaaa 11 fbr 91 daUvaiy. A fbw daya ago th* jmmg f a ^ U a a avallabl*. T*L S366. a jroungater’a voice rang out in CLAWIFIED ADVT. tralnad man. AH Joba gnarantaad. Baatiaf—PhmMM 17 and garage. Diner W alter, thl* eoup I* cold. Since wb*t gor* up must need* "Eleven" and "twelve" were orl- 1948 PONTIAC CONV. CLUB Xmas cards. Also 00 aad 98 for 91 couple who purchaaad i t eaneaOad the church: gtnelly written "oneteea" aad DEPT. HOURS t AH tha ftxtaiga. Laa* than i.600 HaU Linolaum Ob., SS Oak atraat with nasM oa. Napkins aad ata- PUBA8ANT double or stagl* room,, Bring me some thet's hot. come down, NASSETTA PLUM BmO OO.— th* order. Thaa* 1 rcoma laehid* two minutes from Poet Offle*. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA "Mother, 1* he spreading the I hereby charge thee, eoctal clown: "twoieen" •tM A. M. to 4t4S P. M. actual mUaa. PhoM S-40t>. aaonlagB 6166. Sura money saver esttmataa fro*. tlohery. Cost aothlag ta try. *^*oUngbouaa** Btectite Ra- Walter- What do you want me Phoa* 6069. REALTOR do? Burn my thumb? pollen on her-now?" ' Be gfaviou* as you climb today. Contrnetora, private buUdara to' Samplas on approvaL Jawol. 401 frigarator, a nationally known City Man So you ar* under- 1946 BUICK 4-DR. SEDAN MATTIUCSSBt Ha-mad* and Mar- vltsd. T*L OlastonInbury 9-914A W. Somarsat stre e t O apt 16. 876 Main Straat For you'll be coming b*r k this' Ulaad. Uka a<^. W* aaU for aad OomMnatlcn Range, In am tlon to ATTRACnVELT funUahad raom, A rthur 8o youf make* way. Vmey Wilder t»klng to keep bee*? Supar. ItaAo, haatar. Prtead way Phlla.. Pa. a Baautlfnl Bedroom Suit*, a Oor- Ught houseksaptng facUlUas. Oan- Phone 8440 Or 0988 Farmer Yea. I don't want to bakm mailMt aahi*. dalhrar aaywhars. Fraak Falk, 42 PLUMBINO and boating, special­ you independent? ] gaoog Uvtng Room Suita and a trally located, for girls or'coupl*. EaUhHelwd 1991 Albert Abeolutely. I get here ' If* too bad they've abollshe.1 mis* anything, and I'vt been atong South Mala atra at CMebaatar, ising In ropalrs, ramodallng, cop­ Dlnatta Sat If you don't Bead all 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB Ooaa. Phoa per water piptv. asw censtruo- Mra. Jerome, 14 Arch street Home Listlngb Wanted U r THAT MOSTACHB TO KEEP PUE» AWAT PAOM YOOR H f M anytime I a-»nt before eight, end '. the poorhouae; w* found it uaeful every other way there la l/wr-FM d apMlA AMmn Balp WaRto6-.Mal8 86 tha Itama rn a*n yon what you leave j'lat when I please after five. in threatening our family when COUPE Uon. ostimataa glvaa. tim s pay­ Boad, aad ru aaU It toI )yon OB eaay VERY ATTRACnVK WeU Fur- ■m m oC BMta. lUwart. O a n t iq u e s Rafintehad. Repairing WANTED—Baker at PIm P aatry MOVE RIGHT Of — Four-Room expanses were too high. There la something that Is muck Haatar. Now paint and motor ments arranged. Edwutf John­ monthly paymanta. nlahad Room In new home. Never nvore scarce, aometh.ng finer far, m j . dona cm any furniture. TWmann, son. Phono 6979 or 7988. Shop, 660 Oaatar stre e t Pkooa Single, oacoad Soor unfinished, hot Even Th# Poorest Of T?s Won't Just oaaihaulad. 169 South Mala atra at Phone ranted before. Continuous hot \ Old Timer I* your married life something rarer than ablUty. It Is tOBT—OoM Itm ttte a tle a Braea- 1-9496. IF 1NTBRB8TED, FHONE arator, oil boat, nice porch, mlat water boat oU humor, knotty Buy Expenenre Ready Made. 8649. STEAM, Rot water aad hot air HARTFORD 6-0988 pine racraatlon room, bar, n n g % one grand sweet song? the ability to renogmza ablUty. M with aanM on tt FhoM 7076. 1940 LaSALLE 4-DR. SEDAN WANTED—Intelligent young man. aolghborhood. One mlnuta from F.lbert Hubbard. Radio, haatar. A top Sight huy haatlag. Vaa (Maip Bros. Phoa* ABE FOR MR. AIMERT Amaalts driveway, large lot Mb Teacher Give me * aentence Newlywed — Well, atace our Rflward- p e t e r W. PANTALXJK atoetrical high achool graduate. Ckmd ap­ bus. Phon* 9-4449. baby* been born Ifa mora like an In a beautiful ear. coatraetor, malataaaae* aad wir­ 6244. yoara old. 611.800. George U artlh th* word "eclipee " In it. pearance, and co-oporatlva. Mo- A-L-B-E-R-T-S Orasiadlo, 109 Hoary st root c> Junior When my brother see* e opera, fun of grand marchee, with ! CnurRge shows in a womaa's ing for light aad poarar. 40 Foa- ROOM For rant for working eon- eyes; pluck in her nioaly arched 1941 CHEVROLET CLUB EFFICIENT Plumbing aad heat a u r e ’a Supar Senrlca Station. 978 49 ALLTN 8T. HARTFORD pi* or working girl. Kitchen privt- PhoiM 0976. funny Joke In the paper eclipse it loud rail# for th# author every tar a tra at Phosm 9909. Ing. Pluniod drains machine Main atraat Apply Wodnaaday. night. i brows Wall Hlre-t Journal. COUPE 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. lagaa. 190 Sprue* atraat EAST CENTER STREET—A Real out. FURNACIBS daaaad and repaired. cleaned. Carl J. Nygroa. Phon* BENGAL RANOB—White, 4 and FR08FECT HILL Kbool, for Radio haatar. An unbeatable buy 6497. 4, oil aad gas; Uka now, Phon* LARGE ROOM, suiUbi* for on* Buyl 6-Room Oaorglan HoUm . LANH LKUNAKO vouac ehlldnn, roopana Uonday. In a popular car. If your farnac* leaked gas last WANTED—Rout* Salaamaa. Good 6487, 28 ft. living room, Siaplaco, built- Almost A RUuik! wintar now la the Um* to have It propoalUon for on* with aalaa or two. Good location. CaU 9- MlClUfV FIMN ■apt la, 1M9. Monday* through 9919. in bookcases; 9 heatad sun- *w *>. a f«t OSn AND THEY'VE THEY’RE THE niday, B:00*n;4S. L*la Tybur. SPECIALS reset by man who know warm Mortiif—Trffctog— ability. New Syatam Laundry. BREAKFAST s m , stavaa, mls- porchea; tile hath, lavatory; over- iUdSdqilM W-WAS IT A Harriaon atraat. TAICN I-RAY MOST AMAZING dlraator. 067. One new 6 cyL Wlllir* Station air boating. Special anmmar price S toraR * t o eellansodb used fumlturs. Rail TWO LAROE ROOMS for Ught slsa lighted cloaeta; oU ataam NEAKTAnACK? 920. Tour fum aca la completely road salvag*. 1S7 MMdl* Toni heat; 9-car garage and Ameatta PICTURED OF Htfi PICTURES I'VE Wagon. One and one only for Im­ SALES MANAGER—Man abl* to houaakeaptng and kitchen privl- EVER EXAMINEP,' ■JBWUia Maehlnw axparUy m- mediate delivery. dlamantlad. Joints ar* thoroughly MANCHESTER Package DaUvery. ptk* East Monday through Fri­ lagaa. Alan a large room for driveway. Formerly Model honM. HEAP-TO SEE patod or adJusUd. Raaaonabli cleaned and rapackad with Local Ught trucking and package train and aupervla* crew to sell day 6-8, Saturday t-8. H A S «IVEN MB AN IDBA ! . aU bra^a combination artndows. gentleman. Call 8890. Full price 914,000.00. Buburbaa IF THERE'S A OPT ?J THERE'S HAROLY rata*. Worh guarantaad. Call 1937 CHEVROLET 2-DR. •paclal long lasUng. high tempar- delivery. Refrigerators, waaheri Realty Cb., RaaltorA 49 F gi'hiBa ANY BRAM ! U71, or aramufa atur* cem ent Sections ar* arlra- and atova moving a specialty. Highest commission and avsr- BBNDIX'