M TUMDAY, JULY tf, X»4t. llw W d B lI w e Akiitga M If If** War to* Mento at Smm, l#4t Fraak SohleMar, Fester H. WU- Gr and Knight Hama aad Joha F. Haniay. ■Itotnarm tsMgbS and Tbandwt Battrscner Deetora TrtplW Mew Tack BUILOKRS o r 9,694 J® an tlE u m tttg day la HM tSe iy>oatTowii Charlas J. MeOgrtky, ckslrman AMESITR DRIVEWAY Dr. Robert it. Kaaaagr and Dr. Selects Aides a f Um ooromittoe anaagtag te B e e n e a lC to M M Iw M aneheeier^A CUy of Vmage Charm tha trip to New Tack to see the Oorard Miner wlU raapond to H m mldwaak ptayar aarvlea AsplisNsai A # amargancy calla tomorrow, it la Tenkeae aad the Red Sox play to covenant CongragaUanal chur^ October, announoed that ticket M U A B U I - RBABONAMJB - WfMUl (EIGHTEEN PAGE!) PRICE POUR CENT! „ 0t ^lalw n tH i .ntvMincad by tha Manebaatar Spruce atraat, win ba omltta* ^ Local K. of C Head An­ UVARANTnni ~ PRBR EVniaATBR ____ o( Hit. Oitbtrlii* Rutt**». Medical Aaaodation. lea so far have bean eaoourag- morrow evening on account o t tha nounces Metnbcfs of lag. Tha event to open to tjrtmM IfaatMy FajaMSM It Dastood M b M purtpnwrt UMnbew • » annual eummar Btbla ConfarwM at members of tho eouneU t/k wall iS t o S a to ir*t wrappT t to at tha campgrounda la Crontwali. w»* Bsoth toftm Thnnday. His Committees aa K. of C. mombors aad a Mpply Mra. Arnold Thompaon. a x ^ - of tickoto has boon plaood la tha DEMAIO BROS. Fair^Q ueen Ura aacratary of tha local lUd Oary SatllffA aon o f Mr. and of members ef tho British Needs News Tidbits f>nak J. MMrflria AinriM^. Croaa Chwtar, haa ratumad from Mra. A. Hyatt SuUUfa o f CUatoa Oompletioa of atoqdlng eommlt- •INCB tnO TBLKPBOMI 7tn Appeals to Congress tJ. S. l«»rtoe»rpe Itoe^ ^ mlttoo. htr vEC*tloii« on# w##k of which atraat. U at Lake Poootopaug, teas for the year haa baen aaada Jeoaph McCooa axhiUtad for ap­ Letter to t^relate Colkd From OP) Wlras ■Mat tomorrow #TaBlii* at tha was ipcnt at the National R#a Eaat Hampton, with hla grandpar* by Grand Knight John B. Hay- Hit AU Other Atm y and Nary CSub at ■ p- m Croaa convention In Atlantic City, proval tho trophy which tho eoun- ante for a waA. ford be announced at tha meeting dl win praoont to tha Softball TwU and tha remainder at Nantaakrt Franck Pramtor Manry Quatillto Beach, Maaa., where membera Of o f Campbell oounoU. Knlghto e f light toague for eompotlUon. Pro- fiiia f o f FoUca Schaodal wUl ba ’The committee on pariah avanga* aentatlon to tho laagua wtil ho By Mrs. Roosevelt Aided Nations thraatona to raaign ovar waga pol­ tha pctadpal apaalw the family hereabouta, OtUw^ Oolumbus. leat evening at tha K. To Reserve Decision 11am will have a maating tomor­ Ont„ and Detroit, Mich., occupied made after tha naoaasary engrav­ icy light In cablnat . ’Thraa las M tba Rotary Oub which ^ row evening at 7:80 at Emanuel of C. home. Hie Uet feUowa: ing. ™ aaid at <:80 tonight at tl(a a cottage for two weeka. Lutheran church. House ■ Jemee P. Tleryy. Unexpected Request for Jiundrad Ora Sghtara gain control Oountry Oub. Chlaf Bchandal will riialrman; Jeremiah J. Sweeney, Accusation Of btorn which burns 000 aeros of ■aaak on "Tha Prablam of Hand- Unne Lodge, No. 72. KnlghU of Ruth and Ida, twin daughtera of Michael Botilme, Elmer Graham, $624,000,000 More second growth timber la Tahoe Ung Padaatrlana and Vahlclaa.” Pythlaa. wlU hold lU meeting t^ Mr. and Mra. Herman Johnaon o f Joaeph TardUf, Gerard . Chapde- National faroat la Nevada On Foreign Arms Bill A NEW HOME? Brttaln’a new tet-anglnad DaHavU- morrow night at 8 o’clock in Kenalngton atraet; and Carol John- lalae, WUUam Kalvla. Francis American Aid Like Oifldran of 8 t John’o Vacation Orange hall. aon, daughter of Mr. and Mra. OUl. Norman Beaaatto, Paul Kar- She Holds No land Comet iM far Srat time to­ Church achool will maat tomorrow HALE'S Text of Letter Bombshell; Secret Note day at HatSald, England . Iran Carl T. Johnaon of Holl atraet. are kut Anthony Bonner, Joseph M^ If you art phuuilng to build or buy a asw hoais. ear *Biaa Against R om an and Friday morning at 9 o’clock, R«v. Cheater F. Auitln will be apendlng a week at Webater lake Cooe. Rejrmond Hebert Joseph Headquarters government raetricta activltlaa of Requests Judgment Be and Saturday at 10 a. m. ®®y* In charge of the mid-week prayer Webater, Maaa. linger, Charles 8. Tarpinlaa. BMMtgafe departmaat eaa assist you la ehoesliis tbs typs Mailed Cardinal P uto, July 87.—<a)—Brltoln'a noa-Maalam raUgtons gronps . imp Pickpocket Swallows and glrla of all agea are eligible Eari R. Ma CathoUe CJinrdi' But Ruoala claims to ba drat nation to Sawyer Views aervlce tomorrow evening at 7!oo Herbert Oarvey. CSiarles NutA of flaaBdag b«at salted to your etrcusMtaaesa. _ critical dbUar ahortago haa ax- Watch When He’s Caaght Suspended by Solons to attend. at the Church of the Naaarene. The Men’a d u b la la charge of Jamas Rohan. Andrew GUdla and * FOR Win *Gontinne to adopt anaQatiuitina In chUd birth. Naw Tork, July 87— — Tha j mto on eoonomlo ertoto lor Ruasla atoo claims to ba Srat coun­ tha family picnic for North Math- Bari R- Modaan of 88 Cam Samuel ’Turcotta. Kobe, Japan, July 27.—(P)— Until All Evidence In; Stand for Things taxt of tho tetter of Mn. Franklin I ^ MarahaU plan oountrlaa. try to proteca cement . Two Not Accepted Mlia Betty Sadd and Mlaa Elaine odiat folka thU evening from 0 bridge street, who win return for Welfare—Foster H. WUUama, 'That ticking noise the doctor Says Points Against o’clock on at LeFleur’a, Columbia D. RooaavaK to Francto Cardinal riergymen offer to marry Actraa# Minor are apendlng the hla Junior year at Upaala CoUaga. chairman; Rav. Robert OarroU, Open Thureday Evenings 6 ^ 0 to8 p»m, Which 1 Think Right’ The unexpected Britiab requeot Angela Laaabury and Hollywood heard in Tuklo Abe's stomach Lake. Dr. William Oonlon, John 0*0oo- Program Are Sound Camp Alderagate, North Scltuate, East Orange, N. J-, In Saptambar, Spellman followa: for 8834,000,000 more American D^gner Peter Shaw after Rav. New England Governors was genuine—It was a gold R. L will occupy the pulpit of Emanuel nor. Dr. John Prignano, John »• Hyde Park, N. T. rid than Itad bean tentatively al­ G. F J. AnsaU, Church of Eng­ watch with a chain 13 Inches i i . ’Tierney and Dr. Joseph Berry. Hyde Psric, N. Y ., July 27. July as, 1948. long attached. In Theory But Talk­ Lutheran church through August lotted to her, broke Uke a bomb- land, refuaea to perform ceremony Disagree With Be­ Red Men’s Tribe Sick—John B. Stewart chair­ THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. —(ff^ M r s . Franklin D. Tour Eminence; berauM actreee baa been married Police aald Abe swallowed for yonr during tha absanea on vacation of ahell among the other oountrlea. ed in Misapprehen- asaaaiasaoan man; David Donovan, L«ko D. MANOIESTKR. CONN. Roossvslt, denying any “bias Tour letter of July 2Iat aur- before . Preeldent Truman fa- lief Economy ‘Sound’ It when they arrested him for an aay talevltlon aet. the pastor, Rav. Carl E. Olaon. Phillips. Joseph U Plcant end T)Ua waa oapeclaUy triM alnce vori "amall, well-trained, active Sion of True Facts Installs Officers Member Federal Deposit Ins. (^rp. sgaimt ths Roman Catholic prtoad ma ccnalderably. picking the pocket of a fellow Lawnat prteaa In Conn. Buy Neto and Used * It win ba recalled that ha preached Frank Taylor. the otken had become rerigned to military force" . Communlata Boston, July 27 — (P) — ’Three traveler on a train. at Emanual, his home church, last CathoOe Aetivlty church,” said today she would 1 hava naver advocated tha Bar- send 400,000 to 600,000 troope Into traaa a M evial an expeH. « " a atoah In avaUabto funda New England govarnora dtoagrae a Miantonomob ’Trlba, lORM, had rummer. Catholic Activity—J o a o p h "continue to stand for the dan bU nor any othar apecifto Leadara of tha Damocratio par­ renewed Sghting In Central Oilna Now the police want to Wsahington, July 27.— Homes o f ■ Schauster, chairman; David Don­ . , Donald Frarier, 80-year-old with Secretary of Commerce know if they need a search —Secretary of State Ache- thair new offlcera Inatallad laat Tha past throe Sunday momlnga thhige in our government bUl on aducation now boforo tha ty In tha United Statoa Congreaa e f Okleaga’a 194S BaOroad Phlr. A B I C E ^ C r a d io a n d night by Deputy Great Sachem ha waa In charge of aarvicas at ovan. Leo McCaffrey. WlUerd agreed yeatarday to an appropri­ father, who left two amall children Oiarlea Bawyer'a belief tliat the warrant to enter Abe’a stom­ son appealed to a balking V L I r r 9 ’nxEvisioN • Outstanding Values J wMm I think are right.” She Congraaa. I believe, however. In A IT— af the Cypreee Gardena ach and recover the loot. Fred Burke and hla atafl from 2Uon Luthenn diuroh, Portland; McGrath and WlUlem T. Shea. ation of about 16 per cent below overnight on a deaertad laland, region’s economy to “fundamen­ (Dongress today to suspend Glee Club—Cherlee J.
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