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Case 2:20-cv-11147 Document 1 Filed 12/09/20 Page 1 of 38 Page ID #:1 1 GIBSON, DUNN & CRUTCHER LLP LAUREN M. BLAS, SBN 296823 ORIN SNYDER (pro hac vice forthcoming) LBlas@gibsondunn.com 2 OSnyder@gibsondunn.com COURTNEY M. JOHNSON, SBN 324331 MYLAN L. DENERSTEIN (pro hac vice CJohnson2@gibsondunn.com 3 forthcoming) LENORE H. ACKERMAN, SBN 324995 MDenerstein@gibsondunn.com LAckerman@gibsondunn.com 4 KATHERINE MARQUART, SBN 248043 MACKENZIE A. MCCULLOUGH, KMarquart@gibsondunn.com SBN 324343 5 KARIN PORTLOCK (pro hac vice MMcCullough@gibsondunn.com forthcoming) 333 South Grand Avenue, Suite 4600 6 KPortlock@gibsondunn.com Los Angeles, CA 90071-3197 LEE R. CRAIN (pro hac vice forthcoming) Tel.: 213.229.7000 7 LCrain@gibsondunn.com Fax: 213.229.7520 CASSARAH M. CHU (pro hac vice 8 forthcoming) MATTHEW S. KAHN, SBN 261679 CMChu@gibsondunn.com MKahn@gibsondunn.com 9 200 Park Avenue LAUREN D. DANSEY, SBN 311886 New York, NY 10166-0193 LDansey@gibsondunn.com 10 Tel.: 212.351.4000 555 Mission Street, Suite 3000 Fax: 212.351.4035 San Francisco, CA 94105-0921 11 Tel.: 415.393.8200 GRETA WILLIAMS, SBN 267695 Fax: 415.393.8306 12 GBWilliams@gibsondunn.com 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. 13 Washington, DC 20036-5306 Tel.: 202.955.8500 14 Fax: 202.467.0539 15 Attorneys for Plaintiff Deon Jones 16 17 18 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 19 CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 20 DEON JONES, an individual, 21 CASE NO. 2:20-cv-11147 Plaintiff, 22 v. COMPLAINT FOR INJUNCTIVE 23 RELIEF AND DAMAGES CITY OF LOS ANGELES, a municipal 24 entity, CHIEF MICHEL MOORE, in DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL his official capacity as Chief of the Los 25 Angeles Police Department, LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPARTMENT, a 26 municipal entity, DOE 1, and DOES 2- 10 inclusive, 27 Defendants.
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