BEATS PRESlDtNT’S RIDE I’atch, and also by Mr. Arlie Latham, COUNCILMEN a native Irishman from Bingen on the WILL RIDE IN PARADE Ohio Doctor Rode Horseback 120 Miles LATHAM, COMEDIAN, Blrtne. While Mr. Tebeau Is at bat In 13 3-4 Hours. the band will ‘The play Watch on the Mrs. Taft and Mrs. Sherman to Par- Piqua, O., March 2. — Dr. G. C. Rhine,’ and while Mr. Latham Is at ticipate In Inaugural Pageant. GUILTY OF GRAFT Throckmorton, sixty-five years old, bat It will ‘The That Humorist Signed to Giants play Harp Once Washington, March 2.—For the first beat the military ride of President Through Tara’s Halls.’ time in the history of the country the Roosevelt of 96 miles, military gait, Has Varied Baseball Career. After the game was over Chris Ton wives of the president and Tice presi- riding three horses in relays from Sid- der Ahe, the owner of the St. Louis dent will on March. 4 participate in Solons Con- ney through Piqua to Troy, 20 miles club, took Latham to task. Three Pittsburg HIS CAPERS ON THE "Lathams,” the inaugural parade. Mrs. Taft and and return, three times, 120 miles in DIAMOND said he, "vat you meant dis afdemoon Colored Collector of Customs at Mrs. Sherman will join their respec- all, in 13 hours and 45 minutes. On with some more of victed ot your foolishness. tive husbands when they leave the Conspiracy. is return to Sidney on the last trip Dere vasn’t band und How He Handled the Scribes—Arlie's any present, vy capitol after the inaugural ceremoniea he doctor a brass did Charleston Down. was welcomed by you try to disappoind a crowd like Steps and will Trick on Tebeau—Is to proceed with them to the band. Expected und also dot, you should know chust White House. This of Call Tocsers on change program The result was telegraphed to Presi- Keep the Alert, Be- as veil as I dot dere isn’t no Dutch- was decided upon at the urgent re- JURY WAS OUT 53 HOURS dent Roosevelt. sides Performing Funny Stunts. man on Kerry Batch at home.” quest of the committee on arrange- He started as an amateur in a small HE WON’T EMBARRASS TAFT In signing Arlle Latham to amuse ments. city near Boston about 1879 and the crowds and coach the base - joined $700 FOUND ON DOORMAT the Buffalo Their to ners club, then in the National They Reported Inability Johnny McGraw of the H.D.Taft Starts For New York league, on July 4, 1880. Arlie started No Washington Today and When Sent Back to Lost After Giants has adopted an inno- Appointment Made by President Agree, Jury Money Returned Neighbors off with a Watertown, Conn., March 2.—Hor- vation in baseball sparkle by winning his first Were With It. which will appeal Roosevelt Was More ace D. Room a Charged Stealing game and under Vigorously Op- Taft, brother of President Agreed Upon Compromise to fandom throughout the National most spectacular cir- Wilkes-Barre, Pa., March 2.—Seven Elect Taft, and Mrs. Taft left here With Recommendation of cumstances. And from that time on posed Than That of Dr. Crum, Be- Verdict, hundred which Mrs. league circuit and probably prevent for dollars in bills, until the came today Washington to attend the Merkle day when his arm went cause He Is a He Prank last was and others from running to Negro—Says Was Mercy. Zebras lost week, •mk on him he inauguration exercises. Mr. and Mrs. the clubhouse before “touch was nothing If not found on the doormat at her front they sec- Treated With Kindness and Cour- Taft are accompanied by Charlie Taft, Pittsburg, March 2.—After the jury ond.” spectacular. door. It had evidently been placed son of the In 1881-2 Latham was with the Ath- tesy. youngest president elect, had been out for nearly fifty-three Fans of the eighties and nineties there a few minutes before It was letics of who attends Taft school here. hours a verdict of was returned Philadelphia. In 1883 Arlie guilty found. well remember Latham as Cincinnati's S. March 2.—With drifted to the St. Louis Charleston, C., against President of Common Council and humorist. Both in Browns, under Mrs. Helen Wolf and her brother-in- Von der the resignation of Dr. William D. William Brand and Councllmen John the Ahe and Comiskey, and then GIFT FOR MR. were arrested on playing position and in the coach- Crum as collector of customs at this ROOSEVELT law, Joseph Mackin, It was that he broke out as a F. Klein and C. charg- er’s box Latham wore a star and Joseph Wasson, the red necktie, to take a Saturday, charged with finding as an all round port, effect March 4, situa- ed with conspiracy. Former Bank with his shirt collar player. Cabinet Presents the President With money and not returning it. They de- standing up, in tion which threatened to cause Presi- President W. W. Ramsey, who was in- addition to the other of his Bronze of a nied this, but were held under J1500 parts uni- dent Elect Taft considerable embar- Figure Cougar. dicted jointly with them, was acquit- form Washington, March 2.—A ball. and spiked shoes. His flow of WHITE WANTS NELSON’S TITLE rassment is avoided. No appointment magnifi- ted the orders of the court and cent bronze in the form of a upon humor in coaching and “kidding” made by President Roosevelt has given crouching the request of the district attorney. to Clever cougar was given to the brought enjoyment spectators 4 of English Pugilist Seeking Bout rise to more discussion as that of Dr. president by The jury, which had been out since With his "Tennis Cabinet,” the the Cincinnati club’s games, and the Lightweight Champion. Crum, whose appointment was vigor- presentation its in- address being made L. Stlm- Saturday morning, reported ROBBED MOTHER FOR Reds kept Latham a long while after Another one of Johnny Bull’s crack ously opposed because of the fact that by Henry ability to agree and asked that he son. The bronze is by Alexander P. Monday deteriorated as a player because of pugilists is now In this country. He Is he is a negro. it be but Robert S. Proctor, the noted animal discharged, Judge his drawing power as a comedian and Jabez White, former lightweight cham- A long and hard fight against his sculptor. Frazer refused and sent the men back The president was greatly pleased with TRIP TO SEASHORE humorist. pion of England. White had heard of confirmation was made by Senator to the room. A ap- the gift. jury compromise Latham is original, and aside from the easy money that had been picked Tillman and others when he was first was with a ver- parently agreed upon, being well versed on the game, which up by Owen Moran, Jem Driscoll and named in 1903, and within the last dict of and a recommendation guilty makes him valuable as a coach, he Freddie Welsh and one or two others, few weeks, following his reappoint- of mercy. has the of one so he Three faculty keeping every thought he would be In on the ment, Senator Tillman conducted a THOUSANDS Tie tnree convicted men were cnarg- Boys Tried to Sell $2000 RUSHING cheered up even when things are cleanup. successful filibuster against his con- ed with to secure the having conspired breaking the other way. He is there Jabez blushlngly admits that he is firmation. passage of an ordinance for the paving Diamond Sunburst For $50. with the sallies and to make a performs gym- vaudeville tour, but Insists Dr. Crum says that no pressure has INTO WASHINGTON of certain streets with wooden block nnstic stunts on the that his chief field the equal of object in coming here is been brought to bear upon him now to the of certain sums of upon payment any seen in a circus. to arrange a bout with Nel- cause him to that he does Atlantic March 2.—Detectives Battling resign, but money by a detective, posing as a City, son. Most of his gibing was spontaneous. If Jabez knew what we know he so in part because he wishes to save wood block and his assist- on being informed of an attempt by contractor, Some of it became stereotyped toward wouldn’t do anything of the sort. Mr. for whom he entertains three to sell a diamond sunburst Taft, great ants. Klein and Ramsey had already boys the latter of his La- This is White’s second visit Streams Pours Into part career, but to this respect, from any possible embarrass- Steady Cap- been convicted of bribery in individual valued at $2000 for $50, arrested West- tham attributed that to the strictness country. Some years ago he fought ment as to his reappointment, and cases. An appeal will be taken by more Neehan, Charles Benz and John of the umpires. “Some of those old Jimmy Britt in California. Britt chiefly because he feels that he has ital For the convicted men. O’Donnell, New York boys, each under Inauguration. Puritans hired by Nick Young would knocked out White just ten seconds been especially identified with Presi- seventeen years of age, and found fine me for winking if they could see before the end of the twentieth round, dent Roosevelt’s administration, and $5000 worth of jewelry stolen from March 2.—The national ns far as third base,” said Latham last of the fight. It was so near the he to retire with his chief. In Washington, Mrs. John wishes “LUCKY” BALDWIN IS DEAD T. Neehan, mother of the finish capital is the Mecca toward which one afternoon in dejection. that there was some question at his letter to President Roosevelt, after Neehan boy, and wife of a New York the inaugural hosts are making their One day when he was playing with thanking the president for appointing Man Who Struck It Rich In Mining broker. The boys admitted having pilgrimage. The advance guard of the St. Louis the team was in a western him six years ago and for renominat- and Made Fabulous Sums on Turf. looted Mrs. Neehan's jewelry box to throngs which quadriennially visit city, and Bob Ferguson was umpiring. ing him for a second term, and wish- Los Angeles, Cal., March 2.—Elias secure funds for a short trip to the Washington to witness the induction Bob was one of the disciplinarians of ing him “godspeed and a long life.” Jackson Baldwin, known the country shore. The parents of the boys were into office of a new the American association, but, like president is on in over as “Lucky” Baldwin, died at his notified and are here trying to have earnest. It is estimated that most of the old ball players, he had a 60,000 home at Arcadia, on Baldwin's ranch, the charges quashed so that they can persons are now here. sense of humor, which was tickled by WON'T PROBE STEEL MERGER after an illness of several weeks. take their sons back to New From of erring Latham's sallies. every point the compass Baldwin acquired his nickname of York. train and steamboat Arlie got a little noisy, and Fergu- Committee Will Report Disagreement every entering “Lucky” years ago when he struck it Washington today was burdened with son lm? ?ined that his dignity was suf- on Investigation Resolution. rich in the gold mines of California humanity, several military, civic and SHOWED fering from the chatter that was go- Washington, March 2.—The senate and Nevada. His fortune at one time JUDGE HISAPPENDIX other organizations being represented. ing on at third base. The committee on judiciary voted to report was estimated at but much The arrival of each $20,000,000, a on the resolution military organiza- Merchant to Court In Novel stopped the game and, stepping on the disagreement pro- of it was wanted on unprofitable ven- Brought tion at the Union station was signal- plate, shouted, loud enough for the viding ior an investigation of the ab- tures, and he was reported to be poor Defense of His Chauffeur. ized with a blare of trumpets, tooting crowd to hear, “Mr. Latham, if you sorption of the Tennessee Coal & Iron In 1897. New York, March 2.—To strengthen of fifes, beating of drums and the make another outbreak In the game company by the United States Steel No man identified with horse breed- his contention that his physical condi- crash of cymbals. I’ll out of It.” That was a tion would forbid his in an put you corporation. ing and the racing of thoroughbreds speeding This city has put on the holiday pretty serious threat for those days. Any view submitted to the senate was more widely known than he. Even automobile, Walter P. Graff, a silk garb and the streets are swarming At that moment a fish wagon, on the subject will be considered ‘in- the of his merchant, laid on the bench in front with visitors. weight eighty-one years not the sanc- of manned by a peddler and a noisy tin dividual,’’ reports having did not diminish his interest in turf Magistrate Herrmann, in the Har- Extraordinary precautions are being horn, passed by on the street outside tion of the committee. matters. lem court, a small vial containing his taken by the authorities to protect in- the ground, and the peddler blew a This is generally regarded as a com- Mr. Baldwin was born on a farm six appendix. “Five weeks ago,” he said, auguration visitors from blast that would have been envied as a number of senators had pickpockets “I was on for 1 by promise, miles outside of Hamilton, 111., and operated appendicitis. and thieves. At every of arrival the of an ocean drafted a the point was told it sire-.) steamer. report declaring merger there he the taste for fast would be a miracle If I and other an of keen- acquired to be in violation of the Sherman anti- places array and Without a moment’s hesitation La- horses that made him a familiar figure pulled through, my doctor said it eyed detectives have been on tham off bowed trust law and President placed was one of the hardest he took his cap, grace- rebuking at many a track. operations guard to keep a sharp watchout for the fully to the umpire and retorted: Roosevelt for his part in the transac- ever tackled. I have been very weak unwelcome visitor. “Thank Mr. tion, while others declared that it was ever since, and it would be fatal for you, Ferguson; thank not the function of the committee, un- ITALIAN MURDERS WOMAN me to ride in speedy automobiles." you very kindly. The old folks at der the resolution to All this Mr. Graff said in defense of home are just calling me for dinner.” adopted, pass OYSTER BAY’S WELCOME these Shot Her For Striking Him on the his chauffeur, arrested while driving The St. Louis club was playing in upon questions. Cincinnati. At that the In to Be at Head With Coal Bucket. his employer and Mrs. Graff up Broad- time Cincin- Everybody Village Depot to See Roosevelt Come Home. Altoona, Pa., March 2.—A murder way. The magistrate, nevertheless, nati baseball critics were waging a TELEGRAPH CO. LOSES — took place in a house in the Ninth held the chauffeur in $300 bail for fierce war upon the bunt. They would Oyster Bay, L. I., March 2. Al- ward, occupied by Etta Reed and Della trial. have none of it. The morning news- though no plans have been made for It Must For to Yocum, the victim being Mrs. Michael papers insisted that it was a “baby Pay Penalty Failing a formal reception to President Roose- Deliver a Telegram. Briney, a visitor. play” and that it should be legislated velt when he returns here on Thurs- Washington, March 2.—In the su- Aioeri uonaio, an naiian laoorer, PEANUTS CAUSE MYSTERY out of the game. day next, he is sure to have a rousing preme court the Western Union Tele- while acting in a threatening manner There were not very many players welcome. As he will not reach here graph company lost its appeal from toward Etta Reed, was struck on the Woman Wondering Whether She who were skillful in making the hunt, until 11.30 o'clock at night it has been the judgment of the Virginia courts head with a coal bucket wielded by Threw Diamonds Into Stove. but Latham always was. In fact, decided not to have any speechmak- upholding the validity of the law of Mrs. Briney. Mrs. Briney then ran Mount Holly, N. J., March 2.—There through his efforts In that direction, ing, hut it is probable that almost that state providing a of $100 upstairs and the other women started is -some doubt now in the mind of the St. Louis club every now and then penalty everybody in the village will be at the for failure to deliver a telegram. The to dress the Italian’s wounded head. Mrs. Thomas Denness, of Mill street, had been able to pull out of a tight station to greet him. company alleged that as it was neces- While they were thufc engaged Donato as to whether her three diamond game with a narrow margin of vic- sary in transmitting the telegram from broke away and, running upstairs, he rings, valued at $400, were stolen by tory, and it is possible that the suc- Graham to East both within TO PROTECT JEWS a sneak or cess of Latham in and Radford, caught the Briney woman in the room thief were thrown into the using the bunt JAltEZ WHO WANTS TO SIGHT BAT- WHITE, the state, to send It to Bluefleld, W. of Joseph Harris, where she sought stove. the nonsuccess of players of other TLING NELSON. and D. C., the law in Goldfogle Would Insure Americans’ Mrs. clubs in to use 't had some- Va., Washington, safety, and opened fire from a revolver Denness has a cut glass dish trying whether or not the time the count .was this case was an interference with in- Safety In Russia. on both. Mrs. Briney was shot in the on the sideboard, in which she often thing to do with the Cincinnati oppo- all over when the bell rang. The ref- terstate The the Washington, March 2.—Mr. Goldfo- back her sition. commerce. claim, and through the heart and fell placed rings. In this dish were eree decided that It was a knockout. court was not filed in and gle’s joint resolution looking to pro- dead. Harris received two bulelts in some which she threw St. Louis needed a run the worst said, time, peanut shells, Jabez White has been in the ring for tection for Jewish citizens of the into the there was no certainty that the federal the left thigh. stove. Shortly after the rings kind of way to beat the Reds. La- is that many years. It hardly likely was involved. The United States while in Russia, was Donato then ran from were tham bunted the ball to Question judgment the house missing. successfully he his since his battle with of improved against the was therefore af- passed by the house representa- and escaped. the infield and advanced a runner as company Britt But no doubt he is still a game firmed. tives. It requests the president to ne- well as safe himself at first. In U. S. Deficit This Year $110,000,000. being and cdever little man. Whatever hap- gotiate with Russia for equal consid- those days the bunt was not Presence of Mind Saved 600 Scholars. Washington, March 2.—The deficit played pens to him in his next battles, we eration of holders of American pass- —' for with the intelligence and the skill New York, March 2. A fire that in the United States treasury was in- hope he will have a fair chance. SHOWED WIFE HIS NERVE ports while in that country regardless creased that it is now, and Latham had sim- threatened the safety of more than 600 during February by $6,567,537, of race or religion. children in the school Tot- and the ply caught Cincinnati napping. public at deficit for tlio current fiscal Danny Shay Signs With Cubs. Cut Cff His Finger to Prove He Can tenville, S. I., was with year at the close of the month After he reached first base Latham extinguished stood If Frank Chance is in earnest about Endure Pain. Falls 100 Feet; Saved by Hay. little the cool headed work at There is struck an attitude, turned toward the damage by $86,361,980. every srospect quitting the Chicago Nationals for the Mount Carmel, Pa., March 2.—To Trenton, N. March his J., 2.—Although of a teacher and her class of twenty- that there will be a large deficit dur- press box and, with right hand his life of an orange grower actions demonstrate to his wife that man can he dropped 100 feet from a church year-old girl pupils. The fire started ing the final and it is not un- over his heart and his left arm wav- quarter, do not agree with his announced in- endure without flinching as much suf- steeple, Walter Billings, a steeplejack, from an explosion of gas in a leaking that the disbursements of the ing his cap gracefully toward the likely tentions. Hearing that Johnny Evers fering as woman, Joseph Raltus, of still lives. Physicians say he may re- range in the school annex, and the government for the whole fiscal year scorers, shouted, “Gentlemen, the pen might possibly take a year's vacation, Exchange, a suburb, cut off the little cover, although he will never he able pupils of the main building marched will exceed the current by at may be mightier than the sword, but receipts the Cubs’ leader has signed a man ca- linger of his right hand. to ascend another steeple. What prob- out in good order. The fire damage least the baby play is mightier than the $110,000,000. pable of understudying the renowned Mis. Rakus cited instances of wom- ably saved his life was that he landed was pen!” slight. The new second sacker of the an's fortitude. Joe declared the St. Trojan. they in a quantity of hay in the rear of the Bill For Monument. One day Louiswas in a Garfield Cubs is Danny Shay, a California lad amounted to very little. Seizing the church of SS. Peter and Paul. Billings Cleveland. It was during thv time Receding Flood Reveals Body. Washington, March 2. —A $50,000 who did sensational work for the St. axe. he went to the back and that Oliver Tebeau third yard, became dizzy at the great height and March 2.—Reced- monument in of President played bt^e Wilkes-Barre, Pa., memory Louis Cardinals in 1004 and some with one cut off his little on the for the home team. Tebeau is a na- slip- swipe finger lost his grip flimsy scaffolding ing waters of the river James A. in a bill Susquehanna Garfield is proposed shod labors for John McGraw of the at the first joint. Re-entering the that was him. tive St. Louisan and very popular in supporting have revealed the body of Timothy introduced by Representative Langley, York Nationals in 1907. thus house, he waved the bloody finger In his own with the fra- Dy Shea, a prosperous farmer of Franklin of city baseball Kentucky. The measure provides signing and taking an active in- the air as proof of his nerve. Back ternity. He was also popular in Cleve- wie-iy Gas Company Paying $12,000,000 Forks, and his two horses, missing that the memorial shall be erected on terest in the < Uiji Chance gives an in- New York, March 2.—Disbursement since last week. land, as he had been the first success- After trading horses or near the Middle Creek battlefield, in timation that lie to he Nev. ful litniyelf expects 5100,000 Fire at Reno, of the $12,000,000 in rebates, due to In Binghamton and homeward General Gar- third baseman that the Cleveland in the starting Floyd county, Kentucky, game again when the season Rtno, \ v„ March 2.—Fire club had found after much weary destroy- gas consumers in and the with a considerable sum of money in field having commanded the Union opens. v ed the Arcade hotel and the Palace Bronx, under the 80 cent gas law, in his all trace of in chasing. pocket, Shea was lost forces that engagement. hotel ami the house owned Latham had a warm in his gambling accordance with the decision of the at a point near the river. His money spot by James May. The damage Is $100,- United States supreme court, was be- and watch heart for Tebeau, and he was also are missing. Smokeless Powder Plant Blows Up. 000. Tlie Palace gambling house has anxious to make himself popular with COMING SECRT EVENTS. gun by the Consolidated Gas company Dayton, O., March 2.—With a thun- of the to whom he | gojene many spectacular through the nine disbursing offices es Cleveland “fans,” — Gearhart Commits Suicide. derous report that shook every ma- 4.— -•> plays. One night i«ru.;r». was a a t.ablished throughout the city. Pittsburg, March 2.—William Gear- terial an ex- going largely stranger except a run of hard luck May put $1000‘- thing for miles around, Annapolis wants to play Chicago of a fire who by reputation. bill on No. 4 on the roulette wheel Rubber'c,o hart, captain company, plosion rent the smokeless powder team next After both teams had finished their university football year. lieu of cash he murderously assaulted Mrs. Anna Bax- department of the King Powder works and won $35,000. In New Haven. Cmfli\f Z??. and as the bell for On May 22 the Syracuse varsity the a with a razor and then at the practice just rang received an interest in Palace, having been closed since Jan. 30, ter, widow, Kings Mills. Walter Thompson, the the game to begin Latham, who was eight oared crew will again row L. Candee Rubber> seriously cut himself, committed sui- only man in or about the building at which he later bought outright. plant of the naifway between third base and the middies at Annapolis. back cide by jumping from the third floor the time, was killed. nany resumed operations, calling home turned toward the stands Calvin Demarest will George H. of the Pittsburg hospital. plate, play Died From Effects of a Fall. to their benches about 1500 employes and uplifted both hands to command Sutton, the handless billlardist, a 500 2.—Ex-Congress- Ban on Bucket Shops In Kansas. Easton. Md„ March silence. “Hear ye, hear ye!” ho point match at 18.2 style at the Mil- died at his U. 8. Confirmed. The Weather. Topeka, Kan., March 2.—The senate man Isaac Ambrose Barber Cuban Minister to bawled. “Ladies and gentlemen, this waukee Athletic club on Feb. 27. effects of a fall 2.—The senate con- Forecast for this section: Showers passed the bill already passed by the home Ijere from the Havana, March afternoon third base will be played Yale will row the University of on He was fifty- the nomination of Carlos Gan today; tomorrow, fair; moderate house prohibiting bucket shops In he sustained Sunday. firmed by Mr. Oliver a native Dutch- on the river one to the south, shifting to west, winds. Kansas. Tebeau, Pennsylvania Schuylkill seven years old and served term da Vele* to be Cuban minister man of St. Louis from the Kerry on April ia from 1896 until 1898. { 16 congress, United States.